tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN January 16, 2012 4:00pm-4:36pm PST
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yet? have you? >> no. sc you. he always goes off script.momen the actual is own movie. >> i've seen ed it. for tonig the escalating. volved in its nuclear ound in italy issing and the bottom line one controversial g can raise and spend unlimited we're going toddle east of pacs. to think so. need to know thetruth, i think th that governor conservative asgn has said thatr out of the controversial supreme 2010. the super pacs to gns, but they're alwe from the candidate. they havethey? what we found is that eclose. for exmp
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super romney's general counsel igingc secretary and bill former depute if you listen to the you'd think they want >> campaign finance law has ons of americans are rid of voices shouldn't be drownedu in e super pacs, candidates would be in contl dr better system an more honorabl >> burton, who runsu.s.a. and charlie major pry okay, question >> sure. >> friends with think he's doing a eam personal for so, when regular supposed to behow do you answer the of personally and professionally, that there's as support e this race and that we know them from before. but toaigns in this country, tt >> do you have figure
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out what they want or what? >> absolutely not. it would be sort of strange if the people running pacs with respect strong supporters, so there's nothing strange about that, but there are clear legal rules about what we can and can't do in terms of coordinating on message, timing and communication and we fully abide by those rules. you guys got to admit from the regular person's perspective, i get that you want to support, you're both supporters of the guyings you're fighting for. how does the president not influence you, bill, when your coming up with ads and plans for your pack? >> we do our own polls. we have our own strategy meetings, our own group of people we go to to make streenlgics decisions for where we're going to advertise and why we're going to run those. it's not that hard to follow the rules. we strongly support president obama. that's why we got involved in
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putting this pac together and we're going to continue to follow the rules. >> so both, the president and governor romney, they've said that they don't like super pacs. you saw governor romney saying that with joe scarborou super secret money. nolaw, so you got to? >> i think that the curnt of se. i would argu based on fine law that pushes money to ots candidates would rather control. ey t accountability, but restriction eron what can be given toat pushes moneymes are helpful to e campaigns. we certainly hope we'rempaign. le,you, bill burton, pac for th ct that who on the doing it. on we didn'st the decision was the right one,let the private equit get in there and raise by and his supporters did there be -- sit. >> well, bill likes to word and ka rper pac. >>roads. >>did, but to my neutral.
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our super pac to bill's is above ar fully disclo. >> everyrestore our future is fully on, donations from the disclose and we found out who was behind it, a form capital, so maybe you've been maybe you ohthis race on behalf of doesn't support donations that one where there was a mix that waso light is because it was disclosed. you and theobama do not disclos your in contrast to atdisclose who's giving. alart of the you could voluntarily do that. there's nothing stopping youtha is this. >> we' g same rules that karl rove is we sut up ispac, a five3. unaffiliated whenthal. >> and so people super pa donor if you have
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others to dog my lead o be dis when it comes to we're going to not give karl rove, the private advantages. saying we're going to step sit here, mittom proxies. right? >> correct. full on different. >>store our future discloses and you seed money from from a disclosed donor. we'rnones and let folks innow, allows them to p >> i understand it's probablyin take cheap but of in up. the money going towaly you shou has pledged million through cr -- >> we don't have aep certainly governor romney dsupport from other screen to make it seem lik thin until they are, we're going to you. i apprectew what you think abou
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retiesquality of life and then t the -- bs, we'ven governor and scott. an african-american leader dist. he beathurmond's son and it'ste don't hold. >> oh, the is it? become shorthand for the entire true. in fact, in2008, you see john mccain w tngelical support, but was able to majority of people do live area. mike huckabee did well. mitt romney came inhere's a will the of room for in south carolina. >> all right. nikki hailey.a da? one of the most rising her poll numbers right approva. er endorsement to have and mitt romney r fast. in fact, they. >> and this that we'll see how we go this weekend. means everything, no. under su
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monitoring this is an effort tb schools are giving high-tech watches to help them count loose weight. school officials the data, but it's unclear information goes from there. devices in. joining me no good to have you h us. >> very nice. >> it's p kid would like to have this. this, especially in so, what do you think about t sk it's not a bad idea. we want to a way to monit about the privacy right for instance tkid is after school, ? these devis kated now and i'm w that they're going to get become a nanny percentage of ch word, nanny state. these kids into place? they were badnnies. let me have my onsible -- >> these ksid it to them. why. it's information. teachers can use the in the information and the kids s i'm for that some of the information
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cos that maybe shouldn't have f those sources out kid who and again, the parent or the exercising, do and is eati he insurance company is that the kid is diabetes, stroke, heart tallyit other information. these kids aremimi has little at >> where do i didn't say that! >> to this. i was talking t dr. michael te thkids. you know teachers because we're looking activity.chers,heart rate is an >> these things used to get. arguing here. what we' flowing in the effectiveness of forget this other stuff. we don't interve. new jersey and n york foro healthy. >>t you think. we'll the nexthree iranianassa. ran says it has proof the cia did americans buybe back. it's all you.
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numb holidays could be customers pas bought one gun. only 1% still out >> italy's cruise, we actually slammed into the side of the boat. ♪ and i get to help science teachers. learning to love science. ♪ there is a platform from every industry- a platform built for now. and for what's next. intelligent network. store, it's really not about you. d you can can lie on one of those." your body needs. the sleep number bed. sleep number setting and allow the bed to contoural shap.
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work and find the outfront 5 and first, super pacs. they can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money on campaigns, but not take direction from the candidate. supposed to be independent, but are they? turns out super pacs are run by the candidate's former staffers. two came out front tonight. bill burton was one and charlie spies. both say they're following the rules, but say they will continue their super pac work even though each candidate has criticized the groups. number two, wikipedia will shut down for 24 hours on wednesday in protest of sopa. an online privacy act, a story a lot of people are passionate about. wikipedia is going to join redit and several other sites in protest of the antipiracy
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legislation being considered. the cofounder says the site averages 25 million visitors a day. number three, zappos has been hacked, compromising 24 million accounts. zappos is owned by amazon. it sent an e-mail the customers this afternoon telling them their passwords were compromised. the company insists the passwords were encoded, but we talked to an online security expert who says there's no question about this one. if you use a password or logon anywhere else, change them immediately. four, fewer americans describe the current economic conditions as poor, but the number calling it somewhat poor has gone up to 42%. looks like an improvement at least in category. the same poll found americans' view of congress has reached a low for a cnn poll. just 11% of people approve how congress is handling its job. this comes out after the fierce
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fights of payroll tax extension and raising the debt ceiling. number five. it's been 164 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating, which happened after a fight in congress over the debt ceiling. what are we doing to get it back? tonight, the showdown between the u.s. and iran may be reaching a boiling point. crucial for our country's military and this election. the war of words is escalating on many fronts. iran says it has proof the cia is directly involved in the murder of a nuclear scientist and rounded up several suspects. then there's iran's threat to cut off the strait of hormuz. 40% of the world's traded oil passes through it. you saw the video last week of the iranian speedboats approaching u.s. naval ships. today, tehran said it received a rhetter from the u.s. u.s. has two fleets in the region and warned that closing
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the strait would be a red line that should not be crossed. many say this time is different and could lead to conflict. william cohen knows how dangerous iran can be. good to see you. so, it does appear, we've been talking about this a lot over the last few month, but this has escalated. is that a fair interpretation? >> i think it has escalated and we have to be careful that the rhetoric doesn't turn to action. we need to avoid a conflict if possible. the iranian are now starting to feel the bite of the sanctions. you had the e.u. on the verge of declaring tougher u sanctions and boycotting oil from iran, so this is really starting to hurt the iranian economy and as a result of that, the tensions within iran are starting to ratchet up and therefore, they start to make declaration they're going to shut down the straits of hormuz, which would
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if they're successful, cut off the supply of 20 to 30% of the world's oil supply. so i think after the rhetoric ought to be cooled a bit and they ought to understand that the united states and other countries are going to intensify these sanctions until iran understands it has an option. the option is to give up its nuclear weapons program and then be welcomed back into the international community. but absent that, i think sanctions are going to be intensified. >> if iran has reached a point of no return, the the more isolated they become, the less they have to lose by using their weapons, but killing a lot of people. >> they've pointed themselves into a corner. some of the academics have said they have pointed themselves into a corner at which they have no option. they have pointed themselves into a corner by violates international rules as such and so, they have an opportunity to step back from their nuclear
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weapons program to allow the progress of a nuclear program that will be for civil purposes only, which they have declared to be their goal. so there's an option available to them other than what they're doing now, but they refuse to take that. more recently, they talked about opening up to discussion, so we'll see whether they have a real interest in revolving this peaceably. >> what would cause military conflict? what could iran do that would make the u.s. fight back? >> well, the one thing they have declared they would do would be to try to shut down the persian gulf or straits of hormuz. number one, they could disrupt traffic for a few days or longer, but i'm confident they could not shut it down, but that would be red line that would be crossed and i think they would have difficulty from that point forward. i think the response of the united states would be vigorous.
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it would inflict great damage upon iran's ability to sell oil in the future for some time, so i think it would be a very serious move for them to take. hopefully, it's just boasting at the point, but if they were to take that action, i think the international response would be one that's quite vigorous that would be critical to iran and have long-term consequences requester its future. >> thank you very much. we're going to talk about the republican candidates view on iran tomorrow. so is ron paul surging or slipping further from the pack? a new poll shows the texas congressman in a statistical tie with president obama if they were to face off today. now, this is pretty amazing. it comes after paul finished second in new hampshire last week, but he is currently running third in south carolina. he has fall p to fourth in florida and despite that challenge, paul is on the trail today pushing his member. >> we need to look into the morality and constitutionality
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of our monetary system, which means we have a full audit of the fed and a new monetary system. >> appealing to a wide range of voter, paul has picked up considerable interest from young voters. we saw it in new hampshire. just wonderinging, why the love affair, the young with the oldest candidate. lisa carr is a chapter leader for the youth for ron paul. paul is a student activist and tripp davis is at the university of central florida. good to have you with us. really appreciate it. and you're going to, you know, make this clear for a lot of people watching who are older than you, that may not understand the passion. paul, why ron paul? what is it about him that makes you make calls, read his book and like him so much? >> because of his honesty, integrity and respect for the constitution the way the founders intended it and the only candidate with a plan to restore america and balance the
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budget. i believe personal liberty and sound money have made us the most prosperous and free society in the world. >> lisa, what about you? what makes you spend as you said, hours and hours researching every candidate before you settled on ron paul and now spend time canvassing on his behalf? >> absolutely. as a college student, i know firsthand that the economy is our biggest issue and ron paul's the only candidate with a clear plan to restore america's prosperity and that's why i'm supporting him with all that i have. >> tripp? >> ron paul is a only constitutional candidate. not just about running for office and getting elected. you can tell he's honest, when he speaks, he's talking to them. he's not just trying to find the next sound bite. after new hampshire, he was actually thanking his supporters and i really appreciated that. >> let me just ask you the
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question that people have, that are skeptical of ron paul. they say get your passion for some of the things that you're saying, but cutting a there will dollars in one year, cutting all foreign policy entanglements is insanity. how do you respond? >> i think that a lot of that talk about cutting off foreign policy ties is really correct and that's not ron paul. that's not what he's advocating right now and cutting the federal government's budget by a tral dollars is what we need. we need to stop spending money. that's not going to get us out of debt. we need to face this crisis head on and deal with what we can right now. >> paul, are there some parts about ron paul that you say, i don't really like that? >> i think we need to restore accountability because this affects people. the federal reserve has been bailing out big banks and ron paul allowed us to -- he was able to unit democrats and
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republicans, gadhafi and other countries, and this is hurting the american people the most. >> trip, let me ask you though, this is a crucial question for this election. if not ron paul, do you not vote -- what happens to passionate people like you if you're not running. >> what do you do? >> if ron paul doesn't get the nomination, i'm probably going to write his name in. i've worked a long time on his campaign. my vote doesn't belong to the republicans or democrats. it belongs to me and i'm choosing to vote for ron paul. >> would you vote if he's a third party candidate, even if that means barack obama doesn't win -- >> no, and ron paul said countless amounts of times he will not run third party. it's important to remember he ran as a congressman 12 times with the republican party and he's running as a republican for president, so i think his best shot is the republican party and he's the only one that can win.
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>> lisa, what do you think about what some might say about what is the ironny of the fact here you are at age 20, passionate about the oldest guy running -- if he won. >> well, what i think is that his message of liberty and personal liberty and prosperity is one that's pretty young. our nation was founded on it. it's a message that's been around for over 200 years, but reaches out to the younger swren ration. there's a lot of college students, in order to secure our futures, we need to look seriously at this crisis we're in and ron paul's the only candidate that's prepared to do that right now. >> lisa, paul, trip, thanks very much to all three of you. we appreciate you taking the time to explain how you feel and just people are really happy to hear people so passionate about a candidate. thanks. >> no problem. thank you. all right, now let's check in with anderson. what's coming up?
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>> we're starting with a story, i know you've been covering the desperate efforts from italy. 29 people still unaccounted for right now. we're going to have a live report from the scene of the disaster. we'll also speak with a rescue diver about what they are up against. also ahead, one opponent lobbed a money bomb. another tried scare tactics. nothing seems to be working. mitt romney is the clear front-runner in south carolina. could the gop presidential race be over in less than a week? we're going to talk to our panel about that tonight. those stories and tonight ridiculous at top of the hour. >> and the cruise ship, was human error behind the death of six people? and hundreds of contractors being detained in iraq. many of them, americans working at the american embassy. we'll be back.
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that information was not clearl. >> aneri count's fuel prices, butvestrike and uos >> it estimates that ch the ner dollars and that'sot the e. he threatened union str shiver investorwiens next time they fae tonight, an american couple still missing in these ship offe they have four children and 151 with crew concordia. as you know,aground off e friday. authorities say human and the s perhaps to literally the doomedp was one passengers scrambled fo >>ee hours. >> the young. >> we wer lifeboat early enough. >> more than they were helng conti and it's a the cabin and his th us.
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29 peoplhave been reporting. six cthis? >> ll all, is obviously accountable. he'she. he has the he should be the last one of thh the ship. responsible, but they didn't have any with. with. they should have known t deviating from hisesponsibility cruises in. and they're safest vacations yo and crui g how common is this, inexperienc nrocedures, et er italian the freeport. no onecruise shift with a 30eetf water sailing and running agrou. that had no pressif you look at classic ca hadcrew. in the past two carnival has had very serious of press but not as rare as the cruise>> 14 ui huge industry, i if you're goingknow? how can you find ou the captain? in this schettinocharge
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up? >> there's ic for that type of international cruise go and read stories, sexual as fires, that's ato. there's ada, ironically s kleint going to tell they want you to come aboardtim. >> right. >> if you lk to three years, th grounds, collisions and carniva cruise line, splendor a year ago, had atastrm international waters off the as our u.s. coast guard and nay, a carrier outhship back to a u.s.. do happen on somewhat ofbasis. >> amazing. aware. thanks very erin. we've aomic troubles in eur. tosturbing one. ummm, yeah. my minutes. i cderstand get free unlimited calling how the sintlimited messaging d bile phone on any network.
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>>s from aminer believes the country's actually led to moreer laws led mo older men who live ial communities because they s for compy sign of aone of the reas first place is b few and far it was once said it ireland wit "uss bars closed their door once known as having a pub oer, only country and sharply with 13% of lives as th. in that, ireland things arwopron
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up by ber when you consider a coupleea lowest and more abandoning children inth to support them. thing andma europe's leaders are not nicolay world wore and the could trigger pro- nd isolation and what happened in the 1930s andt. everybody thinks you c world war ii again thought that in was a very current world war ii is a lg s it? nobody is in this countries can feels thought about today, there's a austerity, real at the punch bowl way more tragedy and we're get out of it t
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