tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 27, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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both of you taking the time. >> thanks for having us. >> thanks for coming "out front" for us this week. for those of you what are watching on tv, the old way, thanks again. good evening, everyone. we begin tonight keeping them honest with the biggest state so far florida challenging president obama, new polling on that race, new evidence that whatever happens in florida is probably just the beginning of a long, hot winter for newt gingrich and mitt romney. the two traded accusations during the cnn debate last night and we're keeping them honest on a lot of things they said. and the polling data out from quinnipiac shows governor romney out in front, 38 to 29 over speaker gingrich. 32% of those voters said they might change their mind by
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tuesday. that's why floridians are about to get a fresh bombardment. sounds like a horror movie or a trailer from a horror movie. it's a tram trailer for another of those superpack -- what's almost certain is that it's designed to damage governor romney both now and further down the road. despite romney's momentum in florida, the gallup's national polling says the fight could rage on. gingrich has a hefty lead over romney. that eight-point gap is the widest it's been since polling began earlier this month. for now they give the gingrich camp reason to continue, whatever happens in florida, whatever happened last night.
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what's happening now in florida is the gingrich-romney brawl. it erupted in last night's debate. >> we discovered to our surprise, that governor romney owns shares in fannie mae and freddie mac. maybe governor romney in the spirit of openness how much minute he has made on households that have been foreclosed. >> the investments that we made, have been in mutual funds and bonds. i don't own stock in either fannie mae or freddie mac have you checked your own investments? you also have mutual funds that invest in fannie mae and freddie mac. >> speaker gingrich, you'll remember was a paid contractor for freddie mac to the tune of
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about $1.7 million for his group. he answered directly to freddie's chief lobbyist and former lawmakers say that gingrich did in fact lobby them. governor romney says that his shares were in a mutual fund which he has no control over. right there on page 7, it shows holdings by the w. mitt romney ira, which is not a blind trust of $100,000 to a quarter million dollars in bonds from fhlmc, that's freddie mac. and there's a similar investment in fnma, that's fannie mae. last night romney spoke of his blind trust saying it's almost a virtue saying it allowed him to avoid any conflicts of interest. >> the blind trust is an age old
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ruse if you will, which is to say, you can always tell a blind trust what it can and cannot do. you give a blind trust rules. >> getting back to today, speaker gingrich also has some consistency problems. turning to last night, he was trying to avoid any debate that didn't allow audience members to cheer or boo or applause. >> i wish i would have protested when brian williams took them out of it. because the immediate where is terrified that the audience is going to side with the candidate against the media. and we're going to serve notice on future debates, we're not going to allow that to happen. that's wrong, the media doesn't control free speech people ought to be able to applaud if they want to. >> gingrich's campaign is complaining about the audience. the romney campaign definitely packed the room. keep in mind, there's simply no
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evidence of that. first both governor romney and speaker gingrich got plenty of cheers. here's a romney moment. >> it's simply the kind of over the top rhetoric that has characterized american politics for too long. i'm glad you were called out for it and i think it's recognized that having differences of opinion on issues does not justify labeling people with highly charges epithets. >> now here's a gingrich moment. >> i want to control the border, i want english to be the official language of government. >> as for packing the audience, here's how it worked. each campaign got 25 seats. the university got 100. the other roughly 1,000 seats were allocated by florida's republican party which is not aligned with any one candidate. it distributed tickets to registered republican voters who
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are not known to be supporters of any candidate. digging deep now, let's go to john king. >> 25 delegates in iowa, the biggs prize is florida, it votes on tuesday, 50 delegates at stake there. if you look at the polling, the latest polling shows governor romney with 18 points over speaker gingrich. where we go next is nevada, 28 delegates at stake when nevada inform holds it caucuses on february 4. the asterisk here because missouri has a primary on this day, the delegates will actually be awarded a bit later in the process. then maine, ron paul was inin maine today. 21 delegates at stake. two big primaries in the month, arizona and michigan. this gets you through the end of february. if the race is then going on, wow, march is a huge month. 17 states, plus some u.s.
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territories, 755 delegates total at play in the month of march. so we're going to end january in florida, arizona in michigan and then february. and if the races on, a very very consequential march. >> david david, gingrich's performance last night has played to the narrative, when he's good, he's very, very good, and when he's not, he's not. >> it was one of the great mysteries last night, anderson and cnn pollsters have been doing some polling and one of the things he did yesterday was he held three events and romney held one and rested and prepared for the debate. from all aechss, newt gingrich walked in unprepared thinking he would wing it. and romney's team did a little better preparing him. there's a number of people telling him to cool it.
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don't be so hot. all of that played into the newt gingrich in south carolina who lost both debates and has contributed to an overwhelming sense now that it's romney's to lose on tuesday in florida and it's a hugely consequential primary. >> i heard gloria gingrich on the campaign trail saying that he was sort of quieter last night because he was so stunned at the misinformation, the incorrect things that romney was saying he kind of wanted to fact check it and he was kind of looking down at his feet at times. >> i think that's a pretty goods explanation and spin from newt gingrich. i have covered newt gingrich for a really long time. i coffvered him when he was speaker of the house. one thing about gingrich is he's much more comfortable as a back bencher when he's throwing the bombs, than when he has to take a leadership position. he went into this debate essentially with a lot of
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momentum from south carolina, he's very good at this, he wanted the audience, he wanted to play to the audience and he was getting the kind of advice, which is okay, now you're at the front-runner, you have to start amealing to a wider swathe, because if you're going to be the nominee, you're going to have to take it the entire way. i think he didn't have much of a strategy and i think he was uncomfortable for the first time. he seemed really uncomfortable to me. and also don't forget, hmitt romney was flummoxed most of the time. >> when romney stood up to him, to kind of turn things on the elite media, as he has done in ever debate. and governor romney also stepped in and i thought that was also kind of interesting and sort of flummoxed him. but can he turn it around, david? >> i don't think he can turn it
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around in the next few days. romney has three to one for beginning rip. >> for him to show up tired and then to come last night and to be flat, you know, and rather than having a strategy as gloria points out, sort of come inivel style. it's one of the great mysteries of life. mitt romney by contrast, a good organization change changed his debate codes this week an clearly benefits from it. >> if gingrich doesn't win florida, is there a space on the calendar in the weeks ahead for him to come back into the game. >> it's very difficult, it will be very difficult. first of all it's going to be more difficult to raise them all. >> this is a guy that has come back from the dead multiple times. >> i know, exactly. but, you know, the states that
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are coming up that john king pointed out like nevada, michigan are very positive towards mitt romney. he'll be heading into supertuesday with the deficit. and it does get harder to raise money when you're not succeeding on the campaign trail. and i think that it would be difficult for him. there is the superpac as i said. but i do think what gingrich has to do is convince tea party voters that he is the conservative who can represent them. and i think santorum, even though he's not going to win in florida still stands in his way as he saw in the debate the other night and he also has to convince people that he's the anti-establishment candidate and that gets more and more difficult when people realize that he cement the last few decades in washington a. >> david, gloria, thank you very much. let us know what you think on facebook. up next, the hunt for a killer
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who earned his release by getting to know mississippi's former governor haley barbour. the governor is speaking out to try to justify pardoning this guy. he's on the loose, no one knows where he is and authorityings would like to. later we get a rare up close look inside the battle for syria. opposition forces getting remarkably close to damascus. this thing is spiraling out of control very quickly. >> we have got a follow-up of the italian cruise ship disaster you will not believe. remember the cruise line offered a discount on their next cruise. and here's what they're offering for a settlement. [ male announcer ] the inspiring story
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of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. this was the gulf's best tourism season in years.. all because so many people came to louisiana... they came to see us in florida... make that alabama... make that mississippi. the best part of the gulf is wherever you choose... and now is a great time to discover it.
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man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. crime and punishment tonight, there's a killer on the loose, his whereabouts unknown. he didn't escape from prison, he was pardoned by the governor and his record wiped clean. the victims families were
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outraged. much of the country was basically puzzled as to how this could have happened. especially when it came out that all four killers earned their pardon because they worked at the governor's mansion. >> for decades, our government's mansion has been served primarily from the state penal system. almost all murderers because the experts say people who committed one crime of passion in their life, after they serve 20 years are the least likely to ever commit another crime. that's why they have always been the people who served. i will mention that all these men have rehabilitated and they redeemed themselves and they deserve a second chance. and that's what christians believe, my wife and i are christians. >> some say the governor simply doesn't know what he's talking about, this idea that if you
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committed a crime of passion, you killed your wife, it's not necessarily the only time. >> reporter: joseph osmond's wanted calendar is going off. the old road convenience store where ozmond murdered the clerk a year ago. mary mcafee cannot think about the man who killed her brother going free. >> he's a cold-blooded murder. in my opinion, he's a cold blooded murder for what he's done. and if he thinks he may have to go back to prison, what has he got to hughes? >> only osmond's family seem to
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know what he's doing now. but on a december night in 1992, he and his friends planned to rob the convenience store to get some christmas store. this is joseph osmond's confession, he admits coming in this store with a friend. when his friend walked in, he immediately shot ricky montgomery. and he saw ricky montgomery crawling on the floor and he shot him again. he did all of this so his take in this crime could be between $50 and $60. >> my son was begging for help. we can't imagine how that feels. >> reporter: he was begging ozmond? >> and then to shoot him in the head, to know that he was all alone. that's the worst thing that you know can't help someone you
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love. >> he pled guilty right up on the second floor there. >> reporter: ozmond was -- they spared him from the death penalty in exchange for his system. >> ozmond already proved he can't live in our society by our rules and he committed the ultimate act by taking someone's life, so, no, he should never get out. >> reporter: the last time mississippi authorities saw joseph ozmond, he walked off the grounds of the governor's mansion, his mother picked him up and drove off. they believe he's hiding on these country roads. >> he's avoiding service. his mother knows it, all of their relatives know. we have been there knocking on doors. >> are they cooperating? >> reporter: according to the attorney general they have been able to make contact with
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several of the relatives and they haven't been able to get anywhere with that part of the search. and obviously people around here in northwest mississippi have their eyes out for him. they have heard so much about this case over the last three weeks. we got a lead on what we believe was a relative of joseph osment, and we knocked on the door and nobody came to the door. when somebody says look, this person's got a piece of paper staying he's a pardoned prisoner, he could travel all over the world. the situation is getting worse, the death toll surging. what a cnn crew found when it traveled just a short distance today. carnival cruise line makes a settlement offer to the people who survived the ship's
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look at. members of the same family were killed. all but three of them were children. you can see six of the bodies in body bags. the violence in syria has become so wide spread and hard to track, the united nations has stopped counting the dead. it's last official death toll more than 5,000. our cnn crew drove to central damascus. it wasn't manned by the syrian military, it was manned by the free syrian army. >> reporter: follow us, the armed and masked men say. they are members of the free syrian army. a group of us journalists had banded together to see how far we could get. we had heard of a funeral in the neighborhood. few expected the syrian army to
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also control this much territory around it. we're hardly a 15-minute drive from the heart of damascus, and you can see the scene here. no one's stopped us on our way and this group seems to be part of the free syrian army. the activist in our car points out the syrian fighting positions. at the main square amid calls for the regime and basha's execution, the three syrian army fighters are hailed as heroes. we are getting stopped by people who want to show us the various bullet holes in the ceiling. this man says up there a rocket hit and they have managed to repair that for now. but everybody's coming, really wanting to get the story out, wanting their perspective to be seen and heard and for people to understand what it is they're going through, because they say all they're asking for is freedom. all of a sudden, chaos.
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rumor that the security forces are coming causes mass panic. everyone here knows firsthand what a that means. it was a false alarm but we heard the government forces had the city surrounded. is there anything up ahead? these men ask us at a check point. they point us in another direction. that way is also blocked. we could hear gunshots in the distance. a small group of activists takes us down back routes. the government may control the heart of damascus but it's losing more by the day. >> are you shocked to see check points run by the syrian army. these are defectors from asaad's forces so close to damascus. >> reporter: we were quite surprised that it was literally
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less than a minute after we came off the main highway that we came across the checkpoint. the free army seems to be growing and gaining more and more territory. they are not perhaps in full control of these particular areas, but then again, neither, it seems, is the government. when we were in the city with the governor a few days ago, there was only one neighborhood that they felt was safe enough for us to get out of the car and start filming it. >> how strong is the syrian army. because a few months ago it was just a random group of defectors here and there. and where do they get their numbers from? >> reporter: they are made up mostly of defectors but the group we came across today, they had civilians amongst them as
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well that decided to pick up and join the free syrian army's ranks. everyone here had military experience because everyone has to go through a few years of obligatory military duty. sometimes they're able to take weapons with them. sometimes they're able to buy weapons off of other soldiers. and they say when clashes take place, the syrian forces leave weapons behind and then you have the guns being smuggled into the country. >> some say that a jeanie has been let out of the bottle, explain that. >> reporter: the great concern is that neither side really has full control over the situation. the government is trying to maintain this firm stance, but we keep seeing chunks of territory spiraling out of control. the street which is the engine
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behind this entire movement operates independently of the organizations that are outside of the country, like the syrian national council. add to that, even the street level activists do not really operate as one cohesive factor. you have these undertones of sectarian violence. when you look at this entire picture, it most certainly seems as if the country is on a collision course toward some sort of sectarian or civil war. >> dangerous and difficult days ahead, no doubt. ahead on the program tonight, outrage over all the animals left behind in the wake of japan's nuclear disaster. they have been fending for themselves in this no man's land. it was evacuated almost a year
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ago. our correspondent goes in to see how the animals are doing. anderson, some of the passengers that were in the cruise ship that crashed off the coast have filed lawsuits against the cruise line. costa cruise is offering $45,000. a federal judge sentenced colton -- barefoot bandit. harris moore is already serving more than seven years on charges in washington state. the sentences will run concurrently. a routes group is trying to get the industrial canal -- and the 17th street levee broke in the storm's aftermath. and, anderson, it is time to get your cocoa fix on.
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it is national chocolate cake day. we thought that every day chocolate cake day, but apparently we stand corrected. >> every day should be chocolate cake day. time now for the shot. on my daytime talk show, we did something called the anderson's mystery guest. i have to guest who's behind the screen by listening to the voice. today i was so excited, this was the first time we did it. i was almost floored, i mean that literally, i almost fell down when i -- >> i have an article of clothing in the smithsonian institute. >> oh, my god, is it fonzi? oh, wow.
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this is so exciting. i'm so excited. oh, my god. >> you sit here. >> yes. >> wow. okay. you had no idea -- henry winkler, i am such a fan of henry winkler's. this is a man who has accomplished so much in his career. first of all as a child, i was obsessed. >> i had fonzi sheets, i went for halloween as fonzi. i was obsessed with fonzi, to meet him was very kpigt.
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do the fonz thing. the hey. >> what? >> everybody knows that he did that. >> do the move, you know the move. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. you almost fell, okay? >> i love to watch her try to do the fonz. give me a little bit more fonzi. what is that? hey. >> really? >> hello, mate, cheerio, i am the fonz. is that how it went. >> i give up officially. i give up. >> that's how it went, i think. >> you don't know how to do it, that's what this is really about. >> you can't challenge me on my fonz knowledge. i know everything about the fonz.
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we shall check back with you a little bit later up. coming up we have a story about dr. sanjay gupta and it's part of a longer report that he's done. and it's really extraordinary, if you played a contact sport when you were in school or your child is playing a contact sport. you need to see this story about how football injuries are players. i got a concussion when i was in college sports. also ahead, after japan's nuclear disaster, thousands of animals were left behind in the contamination zone, the evacuation zone. our correspondent ventured into the zone to see what's happened to them nearly one year later. we'll be right back. . you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things?
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when the giants and the patriots take the field in this year's super bowl. the odds are high that some would suffer a concussion. but the nfl is now facing 25 lawsuits filed by former nfl players and their families. all say the nfl downplayed the dangerousness of concussions and about the risks. some of these football players are dying with brain damage. but it's not just pro football that's risky. there's 3.5 million sports related concussions a year in
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the united states. the average football player gets 50 to 60 blows to the head in each game. dr. sanjay gupta found something incredible. >> the ironic thing is that nathan didn't start football until he was in seventh grade because he didn't want to get hurt. >> reporter: it was october 28, 2010. the last game of his senior year, the best game of his career. he ran for two touchdown, 165 yards in just the first two quarters. and then two minutes before halftime, he walked off the field. schem screamed that his head hurt and he collapsed. nathan died early the next morning. nathan died of second impact sin zroem.
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he had a concussion. >> i was here in shock. >> i couldn't look at this book for a long time. >> reporter: the styles would find meaning in nathan's tragic death because of this woman. >> i think the last time you were here we had maybe five brains, now we're up to, we're in the 90s. >> reporter: dr. ann mckee runs the world's largest brain bank. i first met her several years ago when she began finding evidence in the brains of deceased nfl players of unnatural protein deposits. those are the same kind of proteins found in alzheimer's. these symptoms are usually found in people in their 80s. is this definitely caused by blows to the head?
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>> it's never been seen in any reported case except for the case of blows to the head. >> reporter: that's exactly what the styles wanted to know when they phone natudonated nathan's. we saw telltale signs of the protein. does this surprise you? >> reporter: yes, it does, and it can start very early. >> hi, ann mckee, how do you do? >> reporter: nothing ann mckee will tell them can bring nathan back. but the styles hope that this rare gift will teach us more about brain concussions than we have ever known before. >> we have all the confidence in the world that there's something to be learned from it.
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>> i think it want it to be my life's mission to make sure that this doesn't happen to other kids. >> reporter: mckee knows how much more vulnerable these young kids may be. when the developing brain is hit during football, no matter how hard, the brain is rocked. it's like an egg inside its shell. fluids violently sloshing afternoon the brain to try to soften the blow. >> sounds like you're saying they're more at risk than adults? >> oh, absolutely. >> that kind of brain damage for that young of an athlete is shocking. >> the way things stand now, the only way this can be diagnosed is after someone has died. what this lab is doing, it's brand-new science. they have looked at about 100 brains and they saw these types
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of changes in 57 of them. so more than half of them had these changes. again, alzheimer's like changes in very young boys. to the young boy whose parents saw in that piece, he was one of them. >> it's so great for his parents to want to try to help others and allow science to kind of learn from their loss, from their son. you say that helmets may be giving players, especially high school players a false sense of security. >> you have to understand what happens during a concussion. so a helmet can provide a pretty good protection to the school. you see what happens during a concussion. the brain is moving fast and all of a sudden it stops and as a result, the brain sort of rocks back and forth within the skull. so the helmet can't stop that
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movement of the brain within the skull. and that's a misconception that needs to be corrected. because people say we need to get better helmets. that alone wound do anything. >> do these parents blame the league for not doing enough to protect them. >> reporter: the best i can piece this together, basically they're saying, look, the nfl knew some time ago, even several years ago, tens of years ago that there was a problem in terms of football causing these concussions and those concussions having long-term effects. so it's really become a question of who knew what and when did they know it. it's hard to prove. as i mentioned some of the science with specific regard to the brain is emerging right now. the players say, look, since the 1920s, we have known these long-term impacts to a person's brain. that seems to be the sort of crux of the lawsuit.
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>> i think it's so important especially for young people, because when you're in school, you want to be in sports. i remember getting a concussion in college and not thinking anything of it. i just think it's important to get that information out there. you can see sanjay's report, "big hits broken dreams". thousands of people were evacuated from china after the nuclear accident, how are the animals that were left behind doing now? and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans.
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the animals left behind in the wake of japan's nuclear disaster. you remember a year ago tens of thousands of people were evacuated in a 12-mile radius. now the only signs of life in the area are the abandoned animals. they're still there. the radiation is still high. a warning, some of the pictures you're going to see are disturbing. >> reporter: what strikes you first is what you can't see, people, gone almost an entire year, time has stood still, except for the animals. something that you see all over this area is there's livestock. these are animals that have been abandoned for almost a year now. a scene repeated across the exclusion zone throughout these small farming towns, cows,
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ostriches, domesticated cats and now wild dogs. animal rights group united kennel club japan found this female puppy about six weeks old dead from apparent disease. poor dog says a volunteer. the group came into the exclusion zone last month with the government's permission to rescue strayed. then a sound from the back of the house. another dog is alive. a puppy. and moments later, they found the mother. rescuers cage the traumatized dogs and carry out the dead puppy. the dogs, two surviving puppies and the mom are being taken care
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of in this shelter. there's still stray animals all over this area. it's shameful says this man, we kept asking the government to rescue these animals since the beginning of the disaster. japan's environmental agency tells cnn it wants to rescue as many life stock and animals as it can. this shelter is now home to 350 cats and dogs, all from the exclusion zone, the survivors. but now the next challenge. ukc has tracked down almost all the owners who can't care for them, since the residents of the worst nuclear disaster in 25 years remain homeless themselves. >> so sad to see those animals. anderson, the 911 call
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seeking help for actress demi moore has been released. she was rushed to a hospital monday night in los angeles. >> i need an ambulance here as soon as possible. >> is she awake. >> yes, well, semiconscious, barely. >> is she breathing? >> she's breathing, yes. >> did she overdose on -- >> she's convulsing. >> moore is being treated for exhaustion but has not commented on whether there's drugs involved. komisarjevsky was sentenced to death after he -- making a 100 foot jump, as you see there, he lost his grip, fell to the ground, amazingly, he was not hurt. he went on to win a gold medal on his next try.
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one golden crown. come on frank how long have we known each other? go to e-trade. they got killer tools man. they'll help you nail a retirement plan that's fierce. two golden crowns. you realize the odds of winning are the same as being mauled by a polar bear and a regular bear in the same day? frank! oh wow, you didn't win? i wanna show you something... it's my shocked face. [ gasps ] ♪ [ male announcer ] get a retirement plan that works at e-trade.
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fortune" dprrunk. >> we had a different show then, you won fake money with which you could buy cheesy charges. and the housewives would say i would like the lamp. >> i beg to differ, that part where they choose the prizes, that was tv gold. >> for $584 i would like the handbag and scarf package. okay, for $245 i would like the ladies shoe. >> all right, still $147. >> for $86 i would like the appliances. >> so the '80s were part of -- he and vanna white would knock down a couple of cocktails. >> because we had all those prizes, we had tremendous's
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breaks between shows. they would bring in cars and boats and go zeeb bows and stuff. we would go down and have two or three or six and then do the last shows and have trouble recognizing the alphabet. >> omg, pat and vanna always seemed like had it together. it's. >> it's time to produce. boy, lucky this is my last show. here's vanna white, ladies and gentlemen. >> there's no way vanna could twirl like that and turn all the letters if she wasd on tequila.
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