tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 28, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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biggest singers and stars. that and more right here, right now on cnn. thank you for joining us. if you joined us tonight at the top of the hour, you're about to get an exclusive. there is a major political boost for newt gingrich. a surprise announcement by his former live at, herman cain. >> i hearby officially and enthusiastically enforce newt gingrich for president of the united states! >> that was just last hour in palm beach, florida. the scene of tuesday's republican primary and a new poll shows that newt gingrich could use the help right now, because mitt romney leads gingrich 38% to 29% in a new
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poll. ron paul and rick santorum lag far behind. i want to go now to a cnn exclusive. you're looking at what happened to romney. but let's go to herman cain joining us on the phone. mr. cain, you are endorsing newt gingrich. tell us why you made that choice. >> i'm endorsing newt gingrich tonight for several reasons, but the two biggest reasons is, number one, he and i talked about him being open to 9-9-9, which you know i happen to believe is a critical solution that we need to embrace. and as a result of that, he has asked me to co-chair his economic growth and jobs advisory council. the second reason i'm endorsing him is when you look at replacing the tax code, energy independence, regulatory reform, sound money, all of the things that i've talked about, he and i are 100% in lock step in terms of what we need to do.
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so when you find a candidate that basically is running on the ideas and the ideologies that i was running on, along with him embracing 9-9-9, then it was a no-brainer and i thought that the timing was right. >> listen, i have to ask you this, i red the polls just before we got to you and newt gingrich is behind, is trailing romney now by some eight points and in some polls even further. it has been said that endorsements don't make that much of a difference, but do you think this will help newt gingrich? >> in some instances, endorsements may not make a difference. but i don't endorse based on where somebody stands in the polls. i make my endorsements based on my beliefs and this individual, i happen to believe embraces most of the ideas and ideologies that i represented. so don't care about where he stands in the polls. and whether my endorsement helps
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or not, that's not the point. it's to let my supporters know he's the closest to what i represented when i was still a candidate. >> newt gingrich has been deflecting poor reviews. people said he hasn't done well in the last two debates and there have been reports that he's tired. what do you make of his performance and for people saying he was tired during the last couple of debates? >> i think in the last debate he may have been a little exhausted. i've been on the campaign trail, so i know what that is like. so he might not have been on his a-game. one debate isn't enough to turn people off. and in the previous debate before that, he was on his a plus game. so you can't really draw a conclusion based upon one debate performance, because there are a lot of factors that go into how a person would come across, given the pressure and tense situation that you're in. so i don't think a lot of people
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will focus on that, but focus on where he stands on the critical crises that we face relative to replacing the tax code, energy and regulatory reform, as well as stopping the increase in the national debt. >> i have to ask you this, as well. mr. gingrich has gotten criticism about blaming the media in debates and blaming the media when he's out in public. and you know about strategy because you've done this. you had your bouts with the media where you said it was the media's fault for bringing up certain things. do you think that mr. gingrich should change that strategy by not blaming the media? do you think that's a factor? >> i think that mr. gingrich, pushing back on some of the media spin, has been a plus, and i applaud that. because the american people, they don't care about all that. the american people are waking up that the dirty gutter politics of how things work in
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some campaigns. so i applaud the way he has been addressing the accusations by the media. i really do. and here's the other thing that a lot of people don't understand or appreciate. most of the american people feel exactly the same way. so i don't have a problem with the way he's addressing the media and some of the things that they want to make the center of attention and the american people are saying we want to know how we're going to solve problems. >> you got out a little while ago, suspending your campaign. but as we have been looking at this particular gop race, one moment you're up, one moment you're down. every single candidate. do you ever think at times like may believe i should have stuck it out longer? >> i don't have any regrets. i got out of the race because i put family first and i don't have any regrets of that. that's just the way it goes. i expect some things in this campaign, but there were some
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things that i didn't expect. i didn't expect dirty gutter politics to come into play. but i was not going to continue to put my family through those contanlt spin and respin of false accusations, so i got out and i have no regrets so now i've decided to have an impact another way in terms of supporting a candidate still in the race, as well as promoting my ideas at for people to be part of the movement i'm creating. >> and you got the plug in, so very good job. you mentioned your family, and i'm glad you mentioned your family because last we saw you and your family, your wife spoke out, we saw your children. how is your family doing now that you're out of the race, things better, is the pressure off? >> things have been great with my family for a long, long, long time. it's only the perception of people in the media who think things have not been great.
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my family, my wife and i, we're doing just great. and that's the way i want to keep it. >> i meant is the pressure off because there's not so much scrutiny anymore. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. everything that you say and do is under the microscope when you're running for president. absolutely the pressure is off, but that doesn't mean i'm not still focused on getting some of these solutions pass in congress and the ultimate mission is to defeat barack obama. >> herman cain, thank you very much for joining us tonight here on cnn. the news is that herman cain is endorsing newt gingrich. news tonight involving republican hopeful rick santorum. he spent the day off the campaign trail at home in pennsylvania and just minutes ago, his campaign announced he was canceling events sunday
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morning in florida because his 3-year-old daughter, bela, has been hospitalized. she suffers from a genetic disorder and he speaks about her often on the campaign trail. we wish her and mr. santorum's family well. a programming reminder for you, keep it here on cnn for the florida primary on tuesday night. special coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. eastern. in oakland, california, we haven't seen this kind of ruckus in weeks. tear gas and smoke, protesters on the ground. they're a little dark, but police have been corralling hundreds of occupiers at a ynca building. this standoff has been going on for hours. calling this move-in day. they planned to take over a vacant building but police declared it unlawful and moved
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to detain them, arresting at least 19 people. police claim the protesters hit them with bottles, rocks and even burning flares. officers threw smoke grenades to scatter the crowd. three officers are reportedly hurt so far. i want to bring in tim ryan at the scene now. tim, describe what is happening on the streets right now. >> reporter: don, the arrest total now is at 40 plus, and likely to go higher. these protesters have been moving around the streets of oakland after days ago promising to take over a vacant building. the building they attempted to take over hours ago was the vacant convention center, probably the largest vacant building in all of oakland. they met a line of cops. they were not able to get inside. they regrouped and an hour or two ago, they set out again. police attempted to corral them.
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there were bricks thrown at officers and there were a couple of loud blasts. what they did was rushed into a ymca. not a vacant building at all. many people were inside working out and this crowd just bum rushed them. they were not violent but were very provocative. police have arrested 20 or so inside the ymca. >> we're talking about improvised explosive devices. have you observed any of that? >> reporter: yeah, i've seen the tear gas on the side of the police and i've seen smoke bombs tossed at police. i've seen rocks tossed at police. so the violence is coming from both sides. one guy was really pummelled by an oakland police officer with a baton. i didn't see what it was that allegedly provoked that attack. there are going to be a lot of people waking up tomorrow with
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sore eyes, a lot of tear gas and some blows traded down here on the streets. >> how has this response been different than the one in october? it was very violent back in october. is this one different? >> reporter: the main difference right now, and the arrest totals, maybe similar. with y but i haven't seen the vandalism that was just so profound months ago. just dozens upon dozens of buildings with their windows broken. i don't think that's the case here tonight. i've seen some graffiti, but if oakland can survive this with just a few dozen arrests and some graffiti, i think the city is going to call this quite a successful night for the city of oakland. again, a lot of times it's a little later at night when this crowd gets out of hand and starts breaking things. >> tim ryan, thank you so much.
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we appreciate you joining us this evening. coming up on cnn, the medical mystery that's gotten a lot of people talking and attracted the famous environmental activist erin brockovich. our wendy walsh is with us to talk about this story. what exactly is going on with these 15 students? we're back in a moment live here on cnn. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves.
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now to a medical mystery that's gotten a lot of people talking and now environmentalist erin brockovich is getting involved. in leroy, new york, at least 15 high school students are suffering from a strange illness that causes them to have uncontrollable twitching and verbal outbursts. >> there was a very serious train derailment that caused one ton of cyanide to spill and 45,000 gallons of tce. >> that is trichloroethylene. >> is that the same thing --
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>> can it cause these sorts of neurological problems? >> i have read that tce can be associated with neurological disorders. >> so brockovich believes the ground water could be contaminat contaminated. but could there be another story here? i'm joined by dr. wendy walsh. >> i was in school for a little while after it started, but i ended up leaving the last week of october because i didn't feel like i could handle school anymore. >> it's hard not being able to do what you love, even going to school. i loved going to school, but it's -- it's hard -- i think it's even harder knowing that i don't know what's going on. like i would be able to answer people if they ask me what's happening. >> wendy, we've been talking
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about this a little bit, mass hysteria, there are cases of it. could this be a case of mass hysteria? >> it certainly looks like it. this is very common in adolescent girls. i mean, mass hysteria of a conversion disorder. the body converts its anxiety into real physical symptoms. they're not faking. >> what do we know about cases like this? it's real physical symptoms? >> throughout history, we have seen many instances of this happening, predominantly in girls. they start to adopt the same symptoms unconsciously. in 1962 in tanzania, some schoolgirls had a laughing epidemic. in 1983, in palestine, there was the west bank fainting epidemic. of course, the country thought it was chemical warfare.
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but it lasted a few monthis and faded away. in portugal, the girls watched a character get a strange virus and they all started to get the same virus. >> is that how society contributes to this, by buying into certain things, i've got to wear the jeans, this is on television, is that how it is? >> society has a piece, but the piece is repressing and putting stress on young girls. if it were for me, i would go to that school and find out what's changed in their testing procedures. what kinds of stresses are these girls are under. are they being sexualized, are they supposed to be thin and beautiful and is there a lot of pressure? that's what i would like for is the source of the anxiety. >> you said it's adolescent girls? >> tends to be most often. >> but not unheard of in boys? >> no. one of the most common kinds of converse disorder in men is fears that their genitalia are
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shrinking. it tends to be in societies where there is less scientific knowledge, and it spreads like a big fear that their penis is going to disappear. >> all right. dr. wendy, thank you very much. moving on to other news, the syrian government is showing it will stop at nothing to keep its grip on power. but activists aren't backing down either. red lobster's four course seafood feast is back. get soup, salad, cheddar bay biscuits, dessert and choose one of 7 entrees. four courses for only $15. offer ends soon. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster manager and i sea food differently. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care.
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appropriate for children. so if you have children in the room, please get them out. and i also want you to imagine this. living in syria, defying the crackdown on pro-democracy protests, then being shot and escaping to safety in cairo. and then smuggling yourself back across the border, returning to the mayhem. our next guest did just that, and we will only use the name danny. here are those troubling images now we're going to show you. children brutally murdered allegedly by thugs supporting the syrian government. it's just another tragedy in the city of homs. and the person i told you about, danny, joins us now from there. danny, i want to start with your story. tell us why you returned to homs. >> well, it's quite easy, isn't it? i left here because i got shot. i tried to get the news out from
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outside of syria, and we started this revolution. we're going to finish it. i'm not going to run away from it. >> what can you tell us about that family, that poor family in the video we just showed, killed in that neighborhood? >> right. that's something we see every day. they try to put fear in people's heart. they're thugs. they go into a house, they kill a whole family, so the whole neighborhood doesn't ask for freedom or the whole neighborhood doesn't talk about this regime. if you say you want freedom or talk about this regime, you're a traitor. you get kid. you get shot. they have been stabbed to death. people can't get the bodies out of the houses. they've been breaking from wall to wall to get the people out.
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they can't take them out into the streets. it's bombardment on that neighborhood and this neighborhood it's being bombarded from 6:00 a.m. until like two hours ago. >> some say that president assad can keep his grip on power for another year. what do you think will be the tipping point here? >> this president, he won't stop. he's going to keep killing the people, but the people will never stop. he kills someone, he kills a member of a family, the whole family is going to come out. he kills friend. all his friends will start coming out. there's 40% of the population going out right now. how are they going to stop? he's done so many crimes in this city, and no one is going to stop. no one is going to live -- he's
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raped women. he's sent security to rape women, kidnap women and children. we got three bodies today tortured to death. >> danny, we have seen in these protests, unfortunately, people we have spoken to not survive and we end up doing stories on them not surviving. they've come on like you are now. do you think that you're going to survive the fighting, survive fighting the regime? >> i hope i do. i'm just one of the people. nothing else. i'm just one of these people who is asking for freedom. i hope i live to see the end of it, but if i don't, i've lost more than 30 of my friends now. so if i don't survive it, it's just my luck. but i'm not going to stop fighting for it. we started this revolution and we will end this revolution. the crimes that he's done, believe me, we as civilians, we
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don't know what he's done yet. his crimes, we haven't seen anything yet. half of his crimes are hidden yet. we don't know half of what he's done or what his security forces have done. >> danny, thank you and we hope you do survive. thank you so much for joining us. best of luck. >> i hope too. thank you very much. coming up next on cnn, we take you inside the devastated neighborhood surrounding japan's fukushima power plant. it's a cnn exclusive.
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more disturbing video we're going to show you. there was hardly any time to spare when residents near japan's fukushima nuclear power plant were forced to evacuate. people scrambled to believe, le the animals they left behind are still there. >> we are heading into the exclusion zone. this is the 20 kilometer raid yes around the fukushima power plant and the government said the radiation is too high for people to live in, some 70,000 people have evacuated out of the area. we wanted to see for ourselves. what strikes you first is what you can't see, the people, gone almost an entire year. time has stood still.
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except for the animals. something that you see all over this area is there's livestock. these are apmalls that have been abandoned for almost a year now. a scene repeated across the exclusion zone. cows, ostriches, domesticated cats and dogs, now running wild, who managed to stay alive in desperate conditions. the remains of those who haven't litter the region. animal rights groups found this female puppy dead from apparent disease. poor dog, says the volunteer. the group came into the exclusion zone last month with the government's permission to rescue strays. then, a sound from the back of the house. another dog is alive. a puppy.
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and moments later, they find the mother. rescuers cage the traum mized dog and carry out the dead puppy. the dogs, two surviving puppies and the mother, are now in the shelter. can you believe that almost a year after this disaster, there's still stray animals all over this area? it's shameful, he says. we kept asking the government to rescue these animals from the beginning of the disaster. he adds that there must have been a way to rescue the people and the animals at the same time. japan's environmental agency tells cnn it wants to rescue as many livestock and animals as it can, but has chosen to take a prudent attitude because of the risk to humans in the contaminated area. this shelter is home to 350 cats and dogs, all from the exclusion zone. the survivors. but now the next challenge.
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ukc has tracked down almost all the owners, who can't care for them, since the residents remain homeless themselves. >> great story. very brave of you to go inside. what will happen to the rest of those animals? >> well, to put it frankly, don, they're either going to die or rescued. and since we're talking about an area that's cordoned off where people can't go in to feed the livestock or pull their dogs or cats out, the chances of rescue dim every day. that's what we hear from the animal rescue groups. they are still sneaking in and trying to feed the cattle left behind, picking up stray dogs and cats. but the prospects go dim every single passing day. >> i know that you spoke to one of the last -- i think you called him the last man standing
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there, and so my question is, is there a time frame for when other people will begin to return to their home? >> well, that guy is someone who has decided to stay in the exclusion zone, despite the fact that it's extremely dangerous. that area has to be decontaminated, all the soil has to be moved aside that has radiation in it. there's no specific time frame that the government has told any resident that they're going to be able to return to that land and live there safely. we heard some estimates, maybe five years with some of the lower contaminated areas. but in the higher contaminated communities to the north and northwest, we're talking closer to 40 years, if ever. >> and the thing is, it's probably going to be -- some of it is going to be a wasteland forever. when i spoke to some of your producers here, they said that this area may look this way for the next 100 years or even longer.
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>> you have it absolutely right. it is completely possible that no people will ever be able to live there. and put yourself in these resident's shoes. if you have a child, do you really want to move back there? are you really going to believe a government estimate that a certain amount of topsoil has to be removed, so now you can drink the water from there and let your child play in the sandbox? that's the question. and that's going to be a huge public debate. >> great reporting, we appreciate you joining us tonight from tokyo. coming up on cnn, look at these. these rocks that you're looking at right now, ten times more valuable than gold. they're some of the rarest on earth because they didn't come from earth. your saturday night mystery, next.
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it is time now for "saturday night mysteries." what was that show in the '90s, the ufo show? >> "x files." >> i'm going to hand the reigns over to jacqui jeras and he's going to take us to some of the coolest mysteries out there. you can't get to mars but mars will come to you. >> or pieces of it. this is like a mystery solved basically that we're dealing with. this dates back to july, and
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there were fireballs in the sky. these were basically meteorites and they were found in the desert in morocco. and months after that, a new chemical test to determine that yes, indeed, these are from the red planet. >> worth more than gold. >> the price of these is astoni astonishing, because they're so rare. this is only the fifth time that they've been found anywhere on the planet earth and they're fresh samples, meaning they're not so contaminated. you can buy them off the web, the highest price i've seen, $28,000 an ounce. >> okay. all right. you can buy them. okay, okay. if i see someone walking around with them.
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a discovery that dates back thousands of years. what is that? >> this is very cool. what is your sign, do you pay attention? >> pices, march 1. the sum of the zodiac. >> that's one of the three symbols that they were able to find. this has been going on and they've been trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, more than a dozen years. and they have discovered what they think is the oldest astrologer's board with zodiac signs, dating back 2,000 years. that's the cave where they found it in croatia. and the back story is almost as story as the discovery itself. so imagine, they already found this site archaeologists, they're digging and it's like indiana jones. one of the girlfriends of these guys happened to find a passage that was 30 feet date on the backside was this huge cavern
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filled with tiny pieces of ivory. and it took them years to put it together to discover that it was an astrologer's board. >> all right. maybe it produces -- what was that song, what's your sign, girl? >> i don't know. >> it's saturday. for our third mystery, coming up next, we go deep down to the bottom of the baltic sea. listen to how one of the guys who found this mystery describes it. >> my first reaction was to tell the guys, hey, we have a ufo here on the bottom. >> hmmm, can you guess what that thing right there might be? jacqui has that underwater mystery, next. ♪
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[ slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums mathis team of guinea pigs to ty boanso to save some y, d inea pig: row...row. they genatectry, wch le me rf t. guinea pig: row...row.took one, 8 months to get the guin: ..row.ow...row. they genatectry, wch le me rf t. lile cbby one to yell row! guineaig: ro's kof strange. guinig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: t an easierayof strange. save. get online. go to get a quote. e u 15% or more on car insurance. [doors open] ♪[guitar music] [wolf howls]
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now back to "saturday night mysteries" and jacqui jeras. under the ocean, where exactly? >> off the coast of sweden, very deep down into the ocean. there it is. this is so interesting to me, because nobody really knows what it is. we haven't seen it with the naked eye. but take a look at that picture right there. see it? see that round thing? that's what is at the bottom of the ocean. could it be a ufo? they're saying potentially this is a ufo.
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it also could may beliebe be a geographic feature. it's about the size of a jumbo jet. >> that round thing right there? >> the size of a jumbo jet. >> it could be like a flying saucer because it's round. >> exactly. so the shape is so unusual. >> i thought you were talking about the flippers. >> nobody has been down there, because it's 260 feet down and they use side sonar, so it's defection by sending out waves of sound. so it can be somewhat unreliable. >> isn't there a submersible that can go down there? >> there is, but they're going to wait until the spring. but this is going to be one we have to follow. >> okay. thank you, jacqui. the producer is going, "move
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on." now listen to this. [ dogs barking ] it is the annual super bowl ads that are back. but what are these dogs selling? that's next. ♪[music plays] ♪[music plays] purina one beyond. food for your cat or dog. [ male announcer ] red lobster's four course seafood feast is back. get soup, salad, cheddar bay biscuits, dessert and choose one of 7 entrees. four courses for only $15. offer ends soon. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster manager and i sea food differently. [ smack! ] [ smack! smack! smack! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you?
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fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums mathis team of guinea pigs to ty boanso to save some y, d inea pig: row...row. they genatectry, wch le me rf t. guinea pig: row...row.took one, 8 months to get the guin: ..row.ow...row. they genatectry, wch le me rf t. lile cbby one to yell row! guineaig: ro's kof strange. guinig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: t an easierayof strange. save. get online. go to get a quote. e u 15% or more on car insurance.
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as well. marketing expert jamie turner joins me now. $3. 5 million, is it really worth it for 30 seconds? >> that is a lot of money, but if you score big, you're a hero. if you've got a commercial that makes people cry or laugh, gets that emotion going, then the $3.5 million is worth it. if you do a commercial where it's kind of in the middle and it's just a regular commercial, it's not worth the money. >> people want to see the ads. what's your favorite? >> there's a ton of stuff. william shatner has been killed off as a spokesperson. but my feeling is, you can -- >> i've seen his commercial. you know what i'm going to miss? ♪ price line negotiator >> he goes off the edge of a cliff and dies in these presuper bowl commercials and they're going to introduce the new
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spokesperson. and coca cola is doing a fabulous campaign. >> and incorporating social media? >> they're reintroducing the polar bears, who will react to tv commercials that are going on, on the air. when a pepsi commercial comes on, they're going to fall asleep. they're out there using social media as a way to engage people and keep people engaged with what's going online as well as on the tv. >> i always wonder what the top commercials of all time. one of my favorite was a wendy's commercial where she's like, oh, swim wear. what's the top commercial? >> there's some great ones. there's an old budweiser commercial after 9/11, one of the first to come out after 9/11 during the super bowl and they did a touching campaign. there are other ones that are awesome, too. but that's the key. if you're going to run in the super bowl, you have to be super emotional.
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you have to make people laugh or cry. >> the clydesdales and ♪ i like to teach the world to sing ♪ what is this about the dogs we saw? >> volkswagen last year had one of the most memorable commercials and it was the darth vader commercial. let's take a look. [ dogs barking ] >> it's "star wars." how do you top that? >> i don't know. that's the thing. they are going to try to top that one. and you know, there's another campaign that's going to come out, the most talked about commercial the day after the super bowl is going for from it's an odd commercial that people will either love or hate.
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>> thank you. >> great to see you. i want you to listen to this now. ♪ >> christina aguilera sings "at last" at etta james' funeral today. highlights after the break. but first -- but first, we want to talk about cnn heroes. fans of the nbc show, keep going, "the office," know this actor as dwight. but unlike his character, he's committed to helping others. in 2007, he saw a story about one of our cnn heroes, an everyday person changing the world and decided to lend a hand. five years later, he's still involved and inspired. take a look. >> i was literally sitting in my trailer at the office and i was looking at the cnn website and
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had the cnn heroes. i think it was in the first year, and i saw this story on this guy aaron jackson, a young kid from florida, grew up in a golf course. department have much direction. and he went traveling and saw poverty in the third world and decided to just devote his life to making the world a better place. >> today, we've dewormed an estimated 100 people. >> it's been great to be able to help out aaron jackson by doing some fund-raisers. i've gotten to introduce him to people and help raise money and help his organization really get moving. he's an amazing guy. give him the cash and just let him do what he does best. i went out when they distributed the de-worming medication in haiti. you're distributing food, aid
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all around the country. so many kids can be eating their fill, but because they're filled with worms, they're unable to digest that food. >> you de-worm kid, and they're out within 24 to 48 hours. once you rid them of worms, they come back to life. it's an immediate impact. since the hero segment in 2007, we've raised enough money to de-worm every child in haiti. >> anyone can be a hero. it just takes a little work. >> there's one thing i could take away from cnn heroes is that these stories are incred my inspiring. >> they inspire me to step up my game and try and do more to help the world.
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not financially. so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] just one dose of tide original liquid helps remove food stains better than an entire 40 load bottle of the leading liquid bargain brand. that's my tide. what's yours? ♪[music plays]
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republican dinner in palm beach. and minutes later i asked herman cain if he thinks his public support will help gingrich at the ballot box. cain says a big reason he's backing newt gingrich is because "he's not afraid of bold ideas." he joined us live at the top of the hour, herman cain did. etta james died last week from leukemia. she was 73. today in a los angeles suburb, the reverend al sharpton presided over the funeral services. >> we come to celebrate the life of a woman who used her time to change the times in which she lived. may we hear from the roots. ♪ >> it does not matter who sang
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"at last" before or after etta. it does not matter where it was sung. "at last" was branded by etta and we will always remember her. ♪ >> music moves on. other great and gifted lady singers in our era will carry on in their own way. but there can never be another etta james. ♪ >> i just want to say right now, momma, i love you. lord, have mercy. [ applause ]
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