tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 2, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PST
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newt gingrich defying the pope on the death penalty and the iraq war but it's all over birth control. i would remind antibirth control catholics when he said god be fruitful and multiply, there were only two people. mission accomplished. >> always amazing when you get to create your own show. shout out to don cornelius. he brought so many people together with one simple show. >> music to leave our show. i would agree with that. we've been tweeting all this morning about don cornelius. it's a good way to end. that is a saddened to his story. >> he made a lot of white guys happier. >> yes, he did. >> god bless. >> that is it for this morning's story. we've got to go. kyra phillips, she has a look at "cnn newsroom." i'll be back here tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. >> soledad, i want to know what don cornelius did for the ex-nun. that's how i want to tie it together? >> white chocolate. you know you watched "soul train." >> yes, i did, matter of fact. i like the straight hair,
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soledad. you look gorgeous. >> you like the hair. you satisfy. it's all about the hair at the end of the day. >> see you guys. it could be the end of the fen year war. leon panetta says there is a new goal, end come bad and switch the role of u.s. and nato troops from fighting and training. presidential candidates already weighing in. mitt romney's trashing the plan. the chairman of the house armed services committee calls it premature. we're going to talk about that? just a second. first barbara starr is at the pentagon. barbara, we've got about 89,000 boots on the ground in afghanistan. let's talk about what this would mean for them. >> you know, kyra, good morning. this will mean they goin get some clear signals about when they will be coming home. that's important to so many military families. but let's go back to what you just said. you put it exactly right. it is a goal now that leon
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panetta is talking about to transition from combat to training the afghans by the end of next year. you're going to hear a lot more about this later today because we are just getting word that panetta now in brussels for a nato meeting is going to come out and offer some clarification, if you will. he's beginning to get concerned about all these meet yeah reports and some of the political statements perhaps out there that this is a hard end to combat, if you will, next year. he is going to say that's not what he's saying, that what he's saying, this will be a transition. but whatever way anybody decides to spin this piece of information, the bottom line, the reality check, combat is winding up in afghanistan. it will begin to wind up in 2013. under nato commitment all foreign troops will be out of afghanistan by 2014 unless the afghan government asks them to stay, kyra. >> so let me ask you about this,
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barbara, the chairman of the house armed services committee saying that his committee has not seen a single assessment by our commanders that indicates they have any confidence in a swift transition. you're at the pentagon. what are you hearing? i'm sure there's debate about time line, safety? >> reporter: exactly right. all the debate now is about this time line and about how fast you can do it and what panetta has laid out here and will nato agree. look, the other nato countries, they want to get out of afghanistan, that's very clear. they don't have the money, the finances. their militaries can't support an unendeding commitment in afghanistan. everybody agrees they can't sustain this much longer. every source we speak with tells us that. this is a question of when not if. the members of congress well know that. it's a question of risk. but it's all happening in this political season, isn't it? so you're going to see the republicans weighing in and
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bashing the plan, i suspect, no matter what it is, and speaking about it in terms of a hard end to combat and how that is so risky. that's not what the pentagon's really saying. they're going to go into this phased approach and it is the timing that remains to be seen. >> all right. barbara starr at the pentagon for us. barbara, thanks so much. tonight at 6:00 former defense secretary robert gates will share his thouts on the announcement that u.s. forces will end their stay in afghanistan next year. as we mentioned mitt romney is blasting the shift in strategy. it's misguided, naive. paul steinhauser is following that out of washington. paul, is romney more concerned about troops pulling out of afghanistan or just announcing this time line? >> reporter: he definitely has problems, the front-runner in the race for the republican nomination, with the time line. romney last night in nevada campaigning out there. he said panetta's words jeopardize the u.s. mission, commitment to afghanistan.
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here's a little bit more of what mitt romney said. >> you go to the people that you're fighting with and tell them the day you're pulling out your troops? it makes absolutely no sense. his na af ta is putting in jeopardy the mission of the united states of america and our commitments to freedom. >> reporter: kyra, our most recent polling indicates that most americans don't support the war in afghanistan. when you break it down by party, there's definitely a partisan divide. republicans, a majority of them, 54% according to the most recent poll, they support the war in afghanistan. democrats and independents do not. this is an issue in the battle for the nomination and also in the battle for the white house. it's trumped by the economy but it is an issue. >> all right, paul. donald trump promising a, quote, major announcement this afternoon. what can you tell us? >> reporter: every time we seem to be done with donald trump,'s back. all four of the candidates are
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in nevada. donald trump will be there six hours from now. one of our affiliates out there says that trump will be endorsing newt gingrich. we've reached out to the trump camp. we've reached out to the gingrich camp. neither of them are denying this. stay tuned. we'll try to confirm an endorsement. remember, they last met back in december at trump tower in new york. kyra, one more thing. a brand new poll in nevada in the battle for the nomination out there. look at this. this is from the las vegas review journal. mitt romney is high atop, 20 points ahead of newt gingrich. rick santorum at 11%. ron paul at 9 percent percent. romney won there four years ago in the kraucaucuses. this was before his big victory tuesday night. >> paul, thanks. cnn saturday it's nevada's turn to weigh in on the republican nominee. coverage begins at 6:00 eastern with a special edition of the situation room with wolf blitzer. we have live coverage of the
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caucus results. facebook finally files to go public. that means we're getting our first peek into the inner financial workings of the website with more than 845 million friends. a bit of a foreshadowing from the social network. >> a million isn't cool? you know what's cool? >> billion dollars. >> that shut everybody up. >> that's right. facebook produced a cool billion dollars in profit last year and it's filing for an initial public offering worth five times that much. christine romans. some of these numbers are just staggering. so let's kind of walk through this ipo. of course, everybody wanting to know, should i get in or not? >> well, and can you get in, right? it has all the smart money been made by the early investors. let's look underneath the hood of facebook. now we can see how this company makes money and how much it's been making. it's been profitable since 2009.
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85% of its revenue comes from advertising. it wants to trade under the fb ticker symbol. we don't know which exchange it would be looking at. the ceo stake is worth about $16 billion. already will's a lot of talk this morning, has been a few days, whether this is the next google, which went public and made a lot of money for investors who got in, even in the days after the initial public offering, or is this a sign of a tech bubble because facebook has a lot to prove. take a look at where facebook stands right now with some of the other big technology titans and how much money they were making last year. microsoft made $23 billion last year. microsoft is a big, mature company. $23 billion. has been public. ibm, 16 billion. again, a more diversified humongous company. it's earning 16 billion. google 10 billion. it went public in 2004. facebook, its income about $1 billion. this company has to grow like
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crazy. it's got to show the world and mostly its investors that it can get more revenue per pair of eye balls and that it has other ways to make money besides facebook credits and its advertising. this company, there's a lot of hoopla about this, kyra. it still has an awful lot to prove. >> clearly ceo mike zuckerberg is going to get even richer off this ipo. we were joking yesterday. his facebook status will change to filthy rich. so a lot of people, christine, saying, okay, how do i get in on this and should i? >> that's a really good question because for the most part we like to caution people, especially these much anticipated tech ipos. it's going to be months before it is trading. there will be a monday morning when the opening bell will ring at 9:30. that's when you can start trading. the big institutional investors are getting in on an ipo price. it could trade up up up. you get in on a much higher
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price. many investors sell the shares because they're trying to profit. be careful. we like to say you can't get in on the ipo probably because, frankly, all of the investment banks who are involved in it, all of their big investors, big customers, the pension funds, the mutual funds, the endowments, they'll all get the first pick at it. morgan stanley is a big winner. it's the lead investment bank on this. zuckerberg, a very big -- he's one of the most wealthy people in the world now because of this. anybody -- you know what i liked? remember in austin there were dellionaires? people who worked for dell before it went public. drivers and secretaries who took stock instead of paychecks. they became rich and retired. i hope there are cool people at facebook that will be deserving. the people who work there. >> we'll follow t. thanks so much, christine. we want to get you straight now to the white house. the president of the united states getting ready to speak at the 60th u.s. national prayer
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breakfast. let's listen in. >> good morning, everybody. it is good to be with so many friends united in prayer. i begin by giving all praise and honor to god for bringing us together here today. i want to thank our co-chairs, mark and jeff, to my dear friend, the guy who always has my back, vice president biden. all the members of congress. joe deserves a hand. [ applause ] all the members of congress, my cab by net who are here today. all the distinguished guests who have traveled a long way to be part of this. i'm not going to be as funny as eric, but i'm grateful that he shared his message with us. michelle and i feel truly blessed to be here. this is my third year coming to this prayer breakfast as
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president. as jeff mentioned, before that i came as senator. i have to say it's easier coming as president. i don't have to get here quite as early. but it's always been an opportunity that i've cherished. it's a chance to step back for a moment, for us to come together as brothers and sisters and seek god's face together. at a time when it's easy to lose ourselves in the rush and clamor of our own lives or get caught up in the noise and ranker that too often passes as politics today. these moments of prayer slow us down. them humble us. they remind us that no matter how much responsibility we have, how fancy our titles, how much power we think we hold, we are
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imperfect vessels. we can all benefit from turning to our creator, listening to him. avoiding phony religiousity, listening to him. this is especially important right now when we're facing some big challenges as a nation. our economy is making progress as we recover from the worst crisis in three generations, but far too many families are still struggling to find work, make the mortgage, pay for college or in some cases even buy food. our men and wimp omen in unifor have made us safer and secure. we are eternally grateful to them. war, suffering, hardships still remain in too many corners of the globe, and a lot of those
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men and women who we celebrate on veterans day, memorial day come back and find that when it comes to finding a job or getting the kind of care that they need, we're not always there the way we need to be. it's absolutely true that meeting these challenges requires sound decision making, requires smart policies. we know that part of living in a pluralistic society means that our personal religious beliefs alone can't dictate our response to every challenge we face, but in my moments of prayer i'm reminded that faith and values play an enormous role in motivating us to solve some of our most urgent problems. in keeping us going when we suffer setbacks and opening our minds and our hearts to the needs of others.
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we can't leave our values at the door. if we leave our values at the door, we abandon much of the moral glue that has held our nation together for centuries and allowed us to become somewhat more perfect a union. frederick douglas, abraham lincoln, jane adams, martin luther king jr., dorothy day, the majority of great reformers in american history did their work not just because it was sound policy or they had done good analysis or understood how to exercise good politics but because their faith and their values dictated it and called for bold action. sometimes in the face of indifference, sometimes in the face of resistance.
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this is no different today for millions of americans and it's certainly not for me. i wake up each morning and i say a brief prayer. i spend a little time in scripture and devotion. from time to time friends of mine, some who are here today, friends like joel hunter, t.d.jacques will come by the oval office, they'll call on the phone, send me an e-mail and we'll pray together. they'll pray for me and my family and for our country. but i don't stop there. i'd be remiss if i stopped there. if my values were limited to personal moments of prayer or private conversations with pastors or friends, so instead i must try, imperfectly, but i
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must try to make sure those values motivate me as one leader of this great nation. so when i talk about our financial institutions playing by the same rules as folks on main street, when i talk about making sure insurance companies aren't discriminating against those who are already sick, or making sure that unscrupulous lenders aren't taking advantage of the most vulnerable among us, i do so because i genuinely believe it'll make the economy stronger for everybody, but i also do it because i know that far too many neighbors in our country have been hurt and treated unfairly over the last few years. i believe in god's command to love thy neighbor as well as
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one's self. i know that's found in every major religion and every set of beliefs from hinduisms, islam, judaism, to the writings of plato. when i talk about shared responsibility, it's because i genuinely believe that in a time when many folks are struggling, at a time when we have enormous deficits it's hard for me to ask seniors on a fixed income or young people with student loans or middle class families who can barely pay the bills to shoulder the burden alone. i think to myself, if i'm willing to give something up as somebody who's been extraordinarily blessed, give up some of the tax breaks that i enjoy, i actually think that's going to make economic sense, but for me as a christian, it also coincides with jesus's
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teaching that for unto whom much is given, much shall be required. it mirrors the islamic belief that those that have been blessed have an obligation to use those blessings to help others or the jewish doctrine of moderation and consideration for others. when i talk about giving every american a fair shot at opportunity, it's because i believe that when a young person can afford a college education or someone who's been unemployed suddenly has a chance to retrain for a job and re-gain that sense of dignity and pride in contributing to the community as well as supporting their families, that helps us all prosper. that means maybe that research lab on the cusp of a life saving discovery, the company looking for skilled workers is going to do a little bit better and we'll all do better as a consequence. it makes a lot of sense. part of that is my belief that i
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am my brother's keeper and i am my sister's keeper. as a country we rise and fall together. i'm not an island. i'm not alone in my success. i succeed because others succeed with me. when i decide to stand up for foreign aid or prevent atrocities in places like uganda, take on issues like human trafficking, it's not just about strengthening alliances or promoting democratic values or projecting american leadership around the world, although it does all those things and it will make us safer and more secure. it's also about the biblical call to care for the least of these, for the poor, for those of the margins of our society. to answer the responsibility we're given in proverbs to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. for the rights of all who are
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destitute. brothers, it may reflect the jewish believe that the highest form of charity is to do our part to help others stand on their own. treating others as you want to be treated, requiring much from those who have been given so much, living by the principle that we are our brother's keeper caring for the poor and those in need. these values are old. they can be found in many denominations, in many faiths, among manyiersnd among many non-believers and they're values that have always made this country great when we live up to them. when we don't just give lip service to them. we don't just talk about them one day a year. they're the ones that have defined my own faith journey. today with as many challenges as
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we face, these are the values i believe we're going to have to return to in the hopes that god will buttress our efforts. now we can earnestly seek to see these values lived out in our politics and our policies and we can earnestly disagree on the best way to achieve these values. in the words of c.s. lewis, christianity is not and does not profess to have a detailed political program. it is meant for all men at all times. the particular program which suited one place or time would not suit another. our goals should not be to declare our policies as biblical, it is god who is infallible, not us. michelle reminds me of this often. so instead it is our hope that
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people of goodwill can pursue their values and common ground and the common good as best they know ho know how, with respect for each other. i have to say that sometimes we talk about respect, but we don't act with respect towards each other during the course of these debates. but each and every day for many in this room the biblical injunctions are not just words, they are also deeds. every single day in different ways so many of you are living out your faith in service to others. just last month it was inspiring to see thousands of young christians filling the georgia dome at the passion conference to worship the god who set the cactus free and worked to end
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modern slavery. since we have expanded and strengthened the white house faith-based initiative, we partnered with catholic charities to help americans who are struggling with poverty, worked with organizations like world vision and american jewish world service and islamic relief to bring hope to those suffering around the world. colleges across the country have answered our interfaith campus challenge. students are joined together across religious lines in service to others from promoting responsible fatherhood to strengthening adoption, from helping people find jobs to serving our veterans, we're linking arms with faith-based groups all across the country. i think we all understand that these values cannot truly find voice in our politics and our policies unless they find a place in our hearts. the bible teaches us to be doers
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of the word and not merely hearers. we're required to have a living, breathing, active faith in our own lives. each of us is called on to give something of ourselves for the betterment of others and to live the truth of our faith, not just with words but with deeds. so even as we join the great debates of our age, how we best put people back to work, how we ensure opportunity for every child, the role of government in protecting this extraordinary planet that god has made for us, how we lessen the occasions of war, even as we debate these great issues we must be reminded of the difference that we can make each day in our small interactions, in our personal lives as a loving husband or a supportive parent or a good
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neighbor or a helpful colleague. in each of these rolls we help bring his kingdom to earth, and as important as government policy may be in shaping our world, we are reminded that it's the cumulative acts of kindness and courage and charity and love. it's the respect we show each other and the generosity that we share with each other that in our everyday lives will somehow sustain us during these challenging times. john tells us that if anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of god be in him? dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. mark read a letter from bill yy
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graham and it took me back to one of the great honors of my life, which was visiting him at his mountain top retreat in north carolina when i was on vacation with my family at a hotel not far away. i can still remember wipnding u a path, up the mountain to him house. 91 years old at the time facing various health challenges. he welcomed me as he would welcome a family member or a close friend. this man, who had prayed great prayers that inspired a nation, this man who seemed larger than life greeted me and was as kind and as gentle as could be. and we had a wonderful conversation.
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before i left reverend graham started praying for me as he had prayed for so many presidents before me. when he finished praying i felt the urge to pray for him. i didn't really know what to say. what do you pray for when it comes to the man who's prayed for so many? but like that verse in romans, the holy spirit interceded when i didn't know quite what to say. so i prayed, briefly, but i prayed from the heart. i don't have the intellectual capacity or the lung capacity of some of my great preacher friends here to pray for a long time, but i prayed. and we ended with an embrace and a warm good-bye. i thought about that moment all the way down the mountain, and i've thought about it in the many days since because i thought about my own spiritual
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journey. growing up in a household that wasn't particularly religious. going through my own period of doubt and confusion. finding christ when i wasn't even looking for him so many years ago. possessing so many shortcomings that have been overcome by the simple grace of god. and the fact that i would ever be on top of a mountain saying a prayer for billy graham, a man whose faith had changed the world and had sustained him through triumphs, tragedies, movements, milestones, that simple fact humbled me to my core. i have fallen on my knees with great regularity since that moment asking god for guidance, not just in my personal life and in my christian walk, but in the life of this nation and in the values that hold us together and
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keep us strong. i know that he will guide us. he always has, and he always will. and i pray his richest blessings on each of you in the days ahead. thank you very much. [ applause ] president of the united states speaking there at the washington hilton. the 60th u.s. national prayer breakfast. a lot of influenceal gop voters in attendance in that crowd. we'll talk a little bit more about his speech, the content of his speech with our mark preston coming up in about 30 minutes. american airlines wants to layoff 13,000 workers. that could mean thousands of maintenance workers and hundreds of pilots out of work. so what does that mean for you next time you fly american? they're talking about it. that's one of our aviation analysts will be here straight ahead. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip.
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13,000 jobs are on the line at american airlines. it's trying to reshape itself while in bankruptcy. it wants to slash deep. looking to cut 4600 maintenance operation workers, 4,000 groundworkers, 2300 flight attendants, 400 pilots. the unions plan to fight this. let's bring in miles o'brien. pilot, aviation analyst, huge troublemaker at times. miles, when you take a look at this list, what concerns you the most when you hear about this? >> reporter: i think you did the graphic just right. you put maintenance right at the top of the list. american airlines was the last airline that used american workers predominantly to do the maintenance on its aircraft in tulsa, oklahoma, primarily. over the years they've resisted a trend towards offshore maintenance, sending airplanes to places like china, singapore, costa rica and doing the work there for pennies on the dollar. in some cases as i discovered in my front line documentary last year, flying cheaper, bringing
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those workers to places like alabama, putting them in company housing, paying them a fraction of what a union worker in america would make to work on air pliens. kyra, boeing airplane manuals are written in english. you have workers in these places who are trying to fix airplanes who can't read a manual. it's a real problem and a real concern. american was the last to do it in tulsa with union workers who have the -- all the licensing required to work on an airplane. i guess it's no coincidence, they're also the last airline to use bankruptcy protection to keep going. here we are headed toward offshore maintenance at american. >> interesting. so when you hear american airlines come out with this statement, and i've got it, the quote here, we will end this journey with many fewer people. but we will also preserve tens of thousands of jobs that would have been lost if we had not embarked on this path. >> well, yeah. it's kind of a do or die situation. the competitive landscape is
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such that they were forced into this situation. all their competitors are using this offshore maintenance capability. it's cheaper to do it that way. it's difficult to say definitively is it less safe? but intuitively having somebody had's more qualified, able to read and write english working on your airplanes is probably a better idea, don't you think? >> well, you being the pilot, i mean, you speak from tight experience. what about the on board crew, pilots, flight attendants? will cutting those jobs impact safety? what's your take on that? >> of course the faa mandates you have to have two pilots in the front and you have to have a certain number of flight attendants that is proportional to the number of seats in the airplane. that won't change. let's do a little bit of thinking here what could happen. either they've got to cut the number of flights or, this is more likely, they will change the work rules. now american, like the big legacy carriers, tends to give better work rules to its employees than the faa minimums.
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watch for the company to push those unions, flight attendants and pilots, to work closer to those minimums. what that means is more tired people flying that airplane. >> i'll tell you what, any day i'd rather fly with you. miles, thanks so much. appreciate it. all right. coming up, mitt romney says that he wasn't concerned about the poor because they have a safety net. insensitive or just blown out of proportion? we'll debate it. people say i'm forgetful. ( car honking ) maybe that's why we go to so many memorable places. the subaru outback. love the road you're on. that is better than today. since 1894, ameriprise financial has been working hard for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout.
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checking top stories now. 79 people are killed during a soccer riot in cairo. it's not clear if the violence was ignited by political or sporting differences, but we all know what happened in egypt with the fall of its regime. protesters are back in tahrir square today. the u.n. security council expected to resume talks on a draft resolution calling for syria's president to step down. russia warns that that could lead to a civil war in syria. opposition activists report 70 people now killed in syria yesterday. attorney general eric holder appearing at a capitol hill hearing on operation "fast and furious." the botched gun probe allowed hundreds of high powered weapons to get into the hands of mexican drug cartels. okay. it's will cain and roland martin time. we have two topics they are going to love, mitt romney on the poor and donald trump on the
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presidential race. >> bring it. >> excuse me, roland? >> bring it. >> all right, will. yeah, exactly. will shakes his head. >> there you go. >> all right, guys. let's go ahead and start with romney's comment yesterday on cnn that he's, quote, not concerned about the very poor. everyone's been talking about that this morning, including you two. there's probably already a bumper sticker out there somewhere. soledad o'brien did challenge romney when he said that. of course, john stewart weighed in a little later. take a listen. >> you just said i'm not concerned about the very poor because they have a safety net, and i think there are lots of very poor americans who are struggling who would say that sounds odd. can you explain that? >> tv news person just heard what candidate said and then stopped him and made him explain himself. like a flower blooming in the
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desert. quick. someone dig that up and get her away from cnn before one of the giant holographic monitors falls and crushes it. >> you had to finish the sentence, soledad. i said i'm not concerned about the very poor that have a safety net but if it has holes in it, i will repair them. >> right. but it's still a [ bleep ] net. >> all right, guys. so was his explanation good enough for you? were his words unfairly taken out of context, blown out of proportion? roland? >> no. his words were not taken out of context. i mean, obviously he's right. you listen to the whole comment, but what concerns me is when you say i'm concerned about americans and then you act as if the poor and even the rich are not americans. also, his math is totally jacked up. he said the 90, 95%. 15.3% of americans are deemed to be in poverty. that's folks who make about $22,000 a year for a family of four. so, mitt, you might want to get your calculate who are out. it's a much larger group who are poor who are impoverished. that's poverty level.
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if you've got a family of four, you make 30 grand, i think you're still broke. >> let me ask you guys this, do poor people even care what romney thinks? are they going to go punish him at the polls for this? >> probably not. i mean, i think lower income voters traditionally skew towards democrats. look, you asked roland is it going to be taken out of context? the answer is yes. it will be played strictly in that shortened clip. i'm not very concerned about poor people. then it will be spun. yes, it's a bad political gaffe because of that. the truth is substantively, this is a man who his life is reflecting his care for poor people. the problem is he's conceded the debate, the debate that obama wants to have. you can divide americans and you should adopt policies that help various classes, such as the middle class. i want to help the middle class, expand the net and services to the middle class. this is a problem for -- >> >> fact check. fact check. we have to have a fact check
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here. he's saying poor people skew towards democrat. of the ten poor states, mississippi, red state. alaba alabama, red state. louisiana, red state. south carolina, red state. you look at the bottom, ten poorest states in america, seven to eight of those states are red states. so, will, that's not true. there are some poor folks who vote for republican. >> take that into account. could that impact the way these voters -- will it impact how many low income folks head to the polls and, i mean, looking at it that way, pushing it forward, to taking away was he being insensitive or not. bottom line, are low income people going to lack at what he said, care about it, and go to the polls and we'll see a difference? >> yes, probably they will. in response to roland's fact check. he told me how many states were red and how they index poor. that doesn't say anything about how they vote inside the state. >> they vote for republicans. >> if low income people inside
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these states are already voting democrat, it's not going to hurt him that much. you can't make statements like this, kyra, and expect that it won't hurt. the answer to your question despite our differences on facts is, yes, it will hurt. >> i don't differ on the fact. broke states, the bottom ten states most of them are red states. >> as if they vote monolithic. as if everybody in that state votes the same. >> they're guaranteed red states? does obama have a chance of winning mississippi, alabama. >> because a state is called red. >> president obama has no shot at winning those. >> stay tuned. we will see how this pans out. >> did you get the third and fourth question? >> i have to apologize. i know roland would have been excited to talk about donald trump. >> actually, not. he's terrible. he's politically ridiculous. political fraud. we should not waste any moment discussing donald trump. >> i think you got your answer. >> political fraud. okay. we'll see what he has to say.
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bye, guys. don't miss cnn coverage of nevada caucuses beginning saturday 6:00 p.m. eastern. we'll bring you complete live coverage of the caucus results. tracy morgan's family feud. the comedian's mother says that her famous son is refusing to give her money and she could lose her home. that story coming up next in showbiz. ♪ he was a 21st century global nomad ♪
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tracy morgan's mother says she desperately needs money but her son won't give it to her. the comedian says he has a different take. "showbiz tonight" host a.j. hammer joins us. what's the deal? >> tracy morgan, kyra, finds himself in the middle of a family mess. his mother is alicia warden. she spoke with "showbiz tonight." she says if she doesn't get help from tracy in the form of $25,000 to pay off the mortgage, her home will go into foreclosure. she said tracy had offered to pay her mortgage after she was laid off but he never followed through on his word. now tracy previously had stayed mum on the story. he did speak to "showbiz tonight." i am saddened that these untrue stories about me have people questioning my commitment to my family for reasons that are between us, i have not seen my mother in 11 years and outside of a random call here and there have had little to no contact with my sister. we all have personal family issues that we have to deal with in life, but i choose to deal with mine in private and not through the media.
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so the story's not really clear-cut, but a lot of people are asking right now, regardless of any prior family history, should tracy, who forbes says is worth somewhere around 18 million bucks just help his mother out. kyra, i'm surprised by how heated this debate gets. we were discussing at our morning meeting today. people are back and forth. everybody has an opinion. we'll be debating it on "showbiz tonight" later on today. >> okay. we'll try and get to the essence of what's really going on, a.j. now everybody's wondering who is going to replace regis as kelley rip pa's tv husband. do you have any scoop on this? >> rumors have been plying around every day about who's going to get that gig. the current favorite is one of my favorites, howie mandel. he would be a great choice for this job. his name has been out there before. despite what you may see on line, i'm here to tell you i do not think a decision for this
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job is imminent. the ratings for the show have been solid with the rotating guest hosts coming through. i do think they will name regis's replacement. we did speak at people over at "live with kelley." they're not commenting. i should point out, kyra, i spoke with the great neil patrick harris. his name has been out there. he told me a lot but he told me it's not happening for him, at least in the next two years, because he's committed to his cbs sitcom "how i met your mother." i personally think this is a very smart move. give a little distance from the time regis left the show so whoever comes in is not immediately being compared. let the show sort of re-establish itself first and then make an announcement. who knows. it could be in the fall but they are not saying right now. >> you and kelly could make a hot tv couple. >> i keep telling art moore. are you paying attention? come on, man. >> do a little hln "showbiz tonight" and do your thing with kelly and, hey, everybody wins. >> but -- but, however, you know, i would have to join you from their set so we'd have to
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work out that accommodation. >> we'd all do it together. all right, a.j. stay tuned. >> what the heck. >> thanks. >> well, a.j. is going to be back next hour. we'll be talking about the investigation into amy winehouse's death. we're getting word now it could be reopened. a.j. will tell us why in the next hour of cnn "newsroom." coming up in sports, we remember a boxing legend. jeff fishel joins us next.
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health for her now. a new study says nearly half of breast cancer patients who had lumpectomies and unnecessary followup operations for stray cancer cells. more troubling is that 114% of the women when had cancer cells had second operations for unknown reasons. the findings show clear need for guidelines on breast cancer surgeries. following lots of development next hour in cnn "newsroom." let's check in first with our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. >> reporter: leon panetta at the pentagon sending off his own firestorm of controversy talking about when the u.s. will end combat in afghanistan. more about that. >> reporter: mark preston in washington. big endorsement news in the 2012 presidential election, and we just saw the president, president obama, talking about his faith. i'll have more at the top of the hour. >> reporter: around in the gop race, we've heard a lot about the middle class and what's happening to the middle class including for mitt romney just
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yesterday making headlines. we'll take a look at exactly what happens. what does it look like when the bottom truly falls out of the middle class? that's coming up. >> all right. guys. thanks so much. also happening right now on capitol hill, attorney general eric holder testifying at a hearing on operation fast and furious. you remember that's the botched gun probe that allowed hundreds of high-powered weapons to get into the hands of mexican drug cartels. it also killed one of our federal agents. we'll take you there live in just a few minutes. [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at
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>> it is time to lift up a boxing legend, right, jeff fischel? >> no doubt angelo dundee was the most famous boxing trainer of all time. dundee died among family in his tampa home last night. he was 90 years old. dundee's career as a trainer spanned six decades. he coached hundreds of boxers but will forever be linked to the man who proclaim himself the greatest of all time, muhammad ali. the two met in a hotel in louisville in 1959 when ali was then cassius clay and asked for a minute of dundee's time. this last the most of a career and a friendship for life. dundee helped ali win three championships and he also trained sugar ray leonard and george foreman to world titles.
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dundee's son says he was training right up to his death training a young boxer. nba highlights last night. incredible once again from blake griffin. his clippers taking on the jazz. this is the opening tip. i've never seen this before. right off the tip, the alley-oop to blake griffin. i admit it. i have a man crush. i'm a sports fan. this guy does it night after night. does it again a couple minutes later. 31 points for blake griffin. and watch the chase down block lebron style. for the first time since 2003 the clippers beat the jazz in utah. time to celebrate. drinks for everybody. oh, wait, utah, maybe not. more nba hoops. mavericks hosting the thunder. russell westbrook dunks for oklahoma city. the ball rolls to mavs coach rick carlisle. he's disgusted and kicks it. lands in the seat and hits a boy on the head. carlisle actually walked over to apologize and then walked right off the court, ejected for a second technical. the thunder beat dallas, 95-86. there are a lot of super bowl week events leading up to the big game.
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this is probably the most inspiring. a group of wounded warriors taking on ex-nfl players in a game of flag football. the vets with the wounded warrior amputee softball team. they tour the country raising awareness of the sacrifices and resilience of military members. really cool. actually had the ex-nfl quarterback jeff george teaming up with the wounded warriors and a wounded warrior quarterback throwing to guys from the nfl, jack youngload, bill romeno nro. the quarterback was a quarterback in football and suffered a horrible injury from a land mine. really inspiring night for those guys. >> talking about the wounded warriors playing sledge horky a and the incredible things we complain about and see these guys exceling in sports. top of the hour, and we're talking presidential politics and a possible endorsement
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coming from donald trump. mark, what are you hearing? >> reporter: well, you know, just in the last 12 hours there's been a lot of talk that donald trump would endorse newt gingrich today in just a couple of hours in las vegas. however, cnn has learned the endorsement is going to be going to mitt romney. a big endorsement for mitt romney, two days before the nevada caucuses. not a big surprise. they do have a lot in common. both businessman, both done very well in the private sector, and in the last couple of weeks we've seen mitt romney turn a leaf. he's become very, very aggressive in these debates and on the campaign trail, and as our viewers will recall donald trump said that he wanted to endorse a fighter, so in just a couple of hours donald trump will be in las vegas. his endorsement will go to mitt romney. >> mitt romney fighting a little bit, trying to, i guess, carry out some serious damage control, and it all came from these comments that he said about the poor. take a listen. >> to myself, if i'm willing to
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give something -- >> sorry about that, mark. we actually went to the president of the united states at the prayer breakfast. quite a different scenario than what i actually wanted to ask you about. looks like we've got mitt romney cued up now. let's take a look. >> i'm in this race because i care about americans. i'm not concerned about the very poor. we have a safety net there. >> thanks, guys. >> all right, guys. instead of locking down this big lead in nevada, you know, he's defending a poor choice of words, so taking that into account and now you're getting the word that donald trump is going to come out and endorse him. he's also in a state where there are a lot of mormons that are backing him. what is the overall impact here as we head into the nevada caucus? >> well, it's been a roller coaster ride for mitt romney, some very high highs and, of course, some lows, and that's what we saw yesterday when he made that comment about the poor. we should put it in context though. it's not as if mitt romney was saying i don't care about the poor, but words are very
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powerful, and they can be taken out of context, and quite frankly perception is reality, so when he says something like that, somebody who has done very well, is a millionaire many times over, to come out and say something along those lines, it is very, very hurtful to him. now what he was saying in those comments is that in fact the fact have a safety net, and he is very, very concerned about the middle class and, of course, we've heard a lot about the middle class on the campaign trail from republicans and democrats. however, he has said something that i'm sure he wishes he has taken back. however, heading into saturday, he will have this big endorsement today from donald trump, but heading into saturday he's expected to win the nevada caucuses. as you said, there are a high percentage of mormons who vote in the republican nevada caucuses, and that's going to be a big boon for him. if he were to win the nevada caucuses on saturday as we expect. that's two wins in a row and we've yet to see that in this context. >> we've seen the president pop up just a second ago.
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last hour we were watching or listening to his speech at the 60th u.s. national prayer breakfast there at the washington hilton. we were paying attention to this for a number of reasons. one being, you know, there's tremendous amount of influential gop voters that attend that breakfast. he really didn't say anything controversial. i know a lot of people were looking to see what he was going to say about health care in particular. >> yeah, you know in, fact, if we can roll that tape, if we have a second, there was an interesting moment that came out of that talk at the prayer breakfast. let's just take a quick listen. >> and i think to myself if i'm willing to give something up as somebody who has been extraordinarily blessed, give up some of the tax breaks that i enjoy, i actually think that's going to make economic sense, but for me as a christian, also coincides with jesus' teaching
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that from to whom much is given, much shall be required. it mirrors the islamic belief, that those who have been blessed have an obligation to use those blessings to help others, or the jewish doctrine of moderation and consideration for others. >> and there you have president obama just moments ago talking to the prayer breakfast. the takeaway from that sound bite, two things that really stood out. one, he emphasized that he is still a christian. there is still doubt out there amongst americans, amongst some americans that he is not christian and he emphasize that had in that speech. he also married faith and public policy together, and he said that people need to take care of each other, two important things as we head into the november election. >> mark, thanks so much. saturday it's nevada's turn to weigh in on the presidential primary and cnn will have live coverage of the caucus results so join us for all that live
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coverage on cnn, and it could be the beginning of the end of our ten-year war in afghanistan. defense secretary leon panetta says there's a new goal, end combat next year and switch the role of u.s. and nato troops from fighting to training. as expected, presidential candidates already weighing in. here's mitt romney. >> why in the world do you go to the people that you're fighting with and tell them the day you're pulling out your troops? it makes absolutely no sense. his naivety is putting in jeopardy the mission of the united states of america and our commitments to freedom. >> all right. that's not all. the chairman of the house armed services committee calls the shift premature. barbara starr is at the pentagon. barbara, let's start with the 89,000 american troops there on the ground in afghanistan. let's talk about the impact on them. >> reporter: well, you know, this is a good piece of news for them. they can see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel about when they are going to be coming home, but also, let's have a reality check here. nato had already decided and the
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u.s. is part of nato, that troops, foreign troops would be out of afghanistan by 2014. nobody is saying that they are pulling the troops out all that early. this will be a phased situation where you will begin to see the shift next year towards ending combat. that's what panetta is talking about, that towards the end of next year you'll see more training of afghan forces, less combat and you'll reach that tipping point and sometime before that 2014 when everybody leaves you will see the end of combat. is there a hard date on the calendar? not yet. but that's not to say that romney doesn't have a point that a lot of other people are raising which is even talking about this is giving the taliban some sense of just how long they have to wait for the u.s. to go home, and will they simply sit back and wait out the u.s.? that's one of the key questions. >> okay. barbara starr, we'll follow
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t.appreciate it so much, and tonight at 6:00 former defense secretary robert gates will share his thoughts with john king on the announcement the u.s. forces will end their combat role in afghanistan next year. cnn "tonight," 6:00 eastern. 13,000 jobs are on the lines at american airlines right now, and it's trying to reshape itself while in bankruptcy. cnn's new aviation and regulation correspondent is joining us now from washington. welcome aboard, and let's go ahead and take a look at the jobs on the chopping block. put together the numbers here. 4,600 maintenance operation workers, 4,000 ground workers, 2,300 flight attendants and 400 pilots. what does this mean for travelers like you and me and everybody else? >> reporter: well, it certainly means that immediately there's some nervousness about flying american. there probably shouldn't be. this is a long-term process. remember, american is going through what the other big airlines have already gone through. they have the leverage of being in bankrupts toe say, okay, unions. remember, these are union jobs.
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you must now be forced to negotiate with us because we have the idea of a bankruptcy court behind us. so what it means for travelers is eventually could you see some routes be reduced. you could see some planes basically gotten rid of. that's something that american has always said they wanted. the maintenance things, that's something you zoomed in on. american has done inhouse maintenance, the only airline still doing that. they are going to stop doing that some ways. that means we may see fewer union workers doing maintenance, seeing fewer workers do maintenance or you see workers moved around to states that have looser union rules. that's something the airline would like to see because it's cheaper. >> there's a big fight over who may end up having to pay american airlines the pensions as well. >> reporter: yes, we're not just talking about the jobs they are cutting now but for people for years who were contributing to their pensions and expecting that would pay out. american wants to get rid of those in bankruptcy.
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running into a fight with the federal government that says if you try to do that, american, we'll do the federal equivalent of repo sesing your home. they went out and said, all right. we've got our eyes on 76 pieces of americans' property. that means planes, building, even some in latin america that if american doesn't make good on those obligations, the u.s. government will essentially foreclose on their stuff. >> lizzie, we'll follow how this will make an impact on all of us and, of course, the other airlines as well. thank you so much. well, politics or just passionate soccer fans? we're talking about that deadly riot at a soccer game in egypt. at least 79 people were killed in the deadliest violence since the government was toppled one year ago. cnn national correspondent ben wedeman in cairo joining us by phone. ben, you've been there on the streets. what's going on? >> reporter: there are thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, who have come out on to the streets into tahrir square and around and in front of the
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headquarters of the football team that was from cairo that was involved in this violence yesterday, and is the case, what started as a football incident quickly becomes a political demonstrations. these tens of thousands of people are demanding that the military, the supreme council of the armed forces, the military body that took over from hosni mubarak a year ago step down and hand over power to civilians. what, you know, they are blaming the military for failing to provide proper security, not just at the port side football match but also in the country in general. we've seen a job decline in law and order over the last year, and many of the people in the streets believe or say or claim that the military is intentionally allowing the country slowly into anarchy
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simply to justify the conditioning -- >> and you can hear from ben wedeman the thousands of people still on the streets. we are going to monitor what's happening there through ben as he calls in, and seas the same concern in syria where opposite activists there say 70 people were killed yesterday and state-run media is reporting five military officers and a soldier there were killed in battles that they are calling or are among armed terrorist groups this. video reportedly shows the free syria army taking over a small neighborhood and raising the rebel flag. you can see shelling in residential areas from the city and in other areas you can see protesters here singing anti-government songs, dancing and mocking president assad. now, it's important to note that cnn can't confirm the authenticity of these videos or reports because access to the
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country is limited. you know, we've been following the arab spring, what had happened in egypt, seeing what happened to the fallout of the soccer game and now we're monitoring what's happening in syria trying to get the truth out of there through people that are sending in video like this. as you know, the u.n. still debating on how to draft this resolution calling for president assayed's ouster. we're following everything in the middle east for you this morning. guns bought illegally ending up in the hands of the mexican drug cartels, the crux of the government operation sting called fast and furious this. hour the attorney general has answers.
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checking stories across the country now. a severe stomach bug identified as a nora virus is spreading across north carolina. at least 135 people have gotten sick in one outbreak alone. officials though say they still don't know the source of this illness. then in new jersey, a dramatic rescue is all caught on camera. take a look at this. two police officers pulling a man out of a burning car. they say that he fell asleep with the car still running, his foot on the gas, and that caused the car to overheat and catch fire. the man was treated for smoke slayings inhalation and released from the hospital. here's something you don't see. a possible meteor across the sky. it was all caught on police did d.a.s.h. cam.
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the attorney general is getting grilled about the gun sting operation called fast and furious. it was set up to watch the flow of weapons to and from the mexican border and let guns from the u.s. get into the hands of drug cartels. hundreds of weapons were actually lost and two were found near a border patrol agent. two were found near a border patrol agent that was killed in the process. congress is demanding documents from the justice department right now and things are getting pretty ugly. take a listen. >> you're saying the separation of powers prohibits you from doing that. that's baloney. that is just baloney. and i've worked with you since years, i wouldn't say with you, i've worked for six years when you were the deputy attorney general, so why don't you give us those documents. the conclusion that i come to is there's some things in there that's being hidden that you don't want us to see. i don't know if it involves you or some other atf agents or other members of the justice
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department, but this committee is the oversight committee, and we have every right under the constitution to check on what you're doing. we're supposed to oversee the executive branch, and you are part of that branch. so for you to deny this committee anything like that is just dead wrong, and i don't think you're going to find any way that you can do it, and would i urge the chairman to move a contempt citation against you if you don't give them to us. >> wow, a contempt citation. brian todd, you're following this. what do you think of the outcome will be here? >> reporter: i think they are building up to a contempt citation, kiran. it seems almost nothing that eric holder or the justice department will do at this point will satisfy republicans on that period. you saw that excerpt just now. they are slamming eric holder. they have been doing it now for about an hour. he has been kind of fending them off as best as he can, but essentially this has been brewing not only for the last few days in letters exchanged by the committee and holder's office but really over the past year, but in the last few days building up to this, the
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chairman of that oversight and government reform committee darrell issa has threatened to hold eric holder in contempt, accusing them of obstructing the investigation and deceiving the public. justice has countered by saying issa does not really understand the significance of the documents that they have already given him and that they cannot comply with his deadline to give them even more documents by february 9th, so we are building to a confrontation here. here's a little excerpt from darrell issa's opening statement and eric holder's. >> today is groundhog day again. this committee has lost its patience to wait longer. we will not wait until next groundhog day to get answers for the american people. >> i'm determined to ensure that our shared concerns about these flawed law enforcement operations lead to more than just worn out washington gotcha games and cynical finger-pointing. the department of justice stands ready to work with you, not only to correct the mistakes of the
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past but also to strengthen our law enforcement capacity in the future. >> so what happens after today, brian? >> reporter: well, i think if you had to handicap this, i think that darrell issa will probably move for a contempt of congress citation against eric holder. legally and politically what that means for mr. holder is not clear right now. he is under significant pressure by republicans in congress to resign over this matter. he's distinguish no indication that he's going to do that and no one terminated for actions in this situation at the justice department, so, again, this showdown has been kind of building incrementally, but it's really smouldering right now, and it could come to a head in the next weeks and months ahead as darrell issa continues his pursuit of eric holder in this case. >> brian, thanks so much. keep us posted on what happens today. >> sure. >> coming up, a breathtaking reversal of fortune. all it took was bad timing and a terrible economy for a middle class family to lose everything. >> 401(k) savings plan, money
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here and there. we were doing fine. >> we have teenage salaries, both of us. we have teenage salaries running a home and a family. >> well, they are the new face of the working poor. you'll hear their story straight ahead. ifcar insurance,g" savin it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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millions of american families the bad economy has delivered blow after blow. jobs disappear, savings drying up and homes losing value, and now there's a new class of working poor. families who once enjoyed six-figure incomes now to lose their homes. poppy harlow of cnn money has one such story. >> had 401(k)s, savings plan, money here and there.
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we were doing fine. >> reporter: and how dramatic was the decline? >> it was almost instantaneous. >> reporter: unwilling to show their faces on camera but wanting to share their story this new jersey family went on living on $130 a year to just about 15,000 now. >> yeah, we went completely off the charts. you know, our decision is do we go out for a date or do we pay the electric bill? >> we don't have our home phone anymore. it's definitely cooler in the house. >> quicker showers. amazing that this is dinner, something wrong with that. >> macaroni and cheese. >> reporter: this father watched as his six-figure telecom job of 20 years went to india. >> i remember the first time they told us about the situation. >> reporter: then the unemployment ran out. >> like the first thing they talked about is food how we were going to eat more macaroni and cheese. >> and the savings went. >> trying to make everything last a little bit long sneer do you wake up in the morning and wonder if today is going to be the day that you're going to get
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evicted? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: unable to sell their house, they stopped paying the mortgage. >> where i came out of was, you know, a white collar world, and the white collar world for two years or two and a half years that i banged my head against it doesn't want me back. >> after a while when you keep getting all the news, you feel like -- you feel like what can you do? what good am i? >> reporter: now, mom works part-time in a bakery for $9 an hour. dad sells shoes. >> we have teenage salaries, both of us. we have teenage salaries running a home and a family. >> reporter: united way calls it alice, asset limited income constrained and employed. in other words, the working poor. >> the people we know. the guy that works across the street and behind the meat counter, they are the mechanic that works on your car, the folks that take care of your kid. middle class families are more and more falling into this category of i can't make it. >> reporter: here in morris county new jersey about a quarter of the population falls
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somewhere between the poverty line and just getting by, and united way says it costs roughly $60,000 for a family of four here just to make it. >> only one box really feeds like maybe two, three people. >> reporter: wednesday evening at the food pantry, they have been coming for two years. >> it's never occurred to them that this could possibly happen to them. if i put a sticker on the forehead of every client that comes here that works within a ten-mile radius you would be walking around and seeing people with purple stickers on their forehead. >> reporter: they are certainly not alone, but they are also not without hope. >> yeah. the upside is that our family is stronger, you know, we're stronger. you have to as a result of it. >> poppy harlow, i'll tell you what. i noticed right away they didn't want to show their faces. this has got to be so hard for them on so many levels, and their kids, too. i mean, they must have told you
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they have a -- a desire or a wish for their parents. >> reporter: yeah, they do. i've got to tell you how unbelievably impressed i was with these children. if only all teenagers could act like these kids, have it together, understand what their folks are going through. two out of three of them are working and paying their own way, and they said to me if we could give our folks one thing, kiran, it would be a vacation. i guess they have always wanted to go to a vacation. want one last family vacation together. it sort of breaks your heart and gives you hope that they get back on their feet. here's the deal. the long-term implications, if and when they do get back on their feet, no savings, no money for college. they real very to start from scratch and start over. a lot of families like this are deeply in debt. if they get back on their feet they are starting with ground zero. >> with humbled and incredible kids like that i bet they do. what a testament to other kids that just don't realize how lucky they are. thank you so much.
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>> absolutely. >> well, our sources are telling us that mitt romney is going to get an endorsement from donald trump. our political panel is straight ahead. [ male announcer ] what if we told you that cadillac borrowed technology from ferrari to develop its suspension system? or what if we told you that ferrari borrowed technology from cadillac to develop its suspension system? magnetic ride control -- pioneered by cadillac, perfected in the 556-horsepower cts-v. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs.
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your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪
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three questions and 30 seconds on the clock. playing today republican strategist robert zimmerman around first questions, sources telling our mark preston donald trump will endorse mitt romney. will this help or hurt the gop front-runner, robert? >> totally irrelevant. this is the political answer to groundhog day. every time donald trump has a tv series to hawk or a book to promote he makes another artificial political announcement, and the reality is as long as the republican party
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is going to let themselves be denied by characters like trump who couldn't get through a senate confirmation hearing or pass a citizenship test with his lack of knowledge they will continue to dumb down the conversation and hurt their own credibility? >> will? >> but he's a genius at this. first he says gingrich and now romney, how do you avoid talking about it sntd man is a publicity and marketing genius. twitter is the place to go along with cnn for this, and the wonderful loins, wonderful lines like is david axelrod behind this endorsement for romney and wouldn't it be you a sam if mitt romney said thank you, but no thank you, donald, i won't be accepting your endorsement. >> that could be interesting. patricia? >> if i were advising mitt romney, do not get on a stage with donald trump, billionaire, weird guy developer the day you said you don't care much about poor people. can i not think of a worse
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series of events and donald trump cares only about donald trump. whatever he needs to do he's going to do. he doesn't care if it hurts mitt romney or what it does to newt gingrich. if i were mitt romney i would run, go volunteer at a soup kitchen, skip donald trump. >> weird guy developer. i'm going to have to write that one down. >> kyra? >> yes, aren't. >> maybe it's not that donald trump is such a genius or that we're suckered into discussing us. maybe more of a reflection on us than trump. >> the white house has set a time line for withdrawal of troops from afghanistan. is this military strategy or election year strategy? >> substantively i don't have to have a lot of complaints. why are we in afghanistan, what's the goal? how long you going to stay in the answer you keep coming back with i don't know but it can't be forever, but politically, why announce in so publicly? why tell the taliban or all of our enemies in that region we're going to be leaving in "x"
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amounts of day, tell the afghans behind the scenes this is when we leave. i don't need to know the reason for public announcement other than for political gain. >> robert? >> this whole issue is being driven by the need to keep the nato coalition together and it was prompted by sarkozy's comments about withdrawing from afghanistan. the reality is there's no question the taliban knew we'd be phasing out our efforts. accelerating only puts more pressure on the afghans to step up. >> patricia in. >> this doesn't reflect politics as much as it reality. the french said they are leaving afghanistan is leaving sooner than they wished, the coalition is fraying. we cannot be there forever and this wasn't done all that publicly. secretary panetta reported it to the press plane, thought that was an unusual way to announce this, and to the point why are we telling our enemies when we're leaving?
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we have such an enormous footprint in afghanistan, when we start to withdraw it will take many, many months so i think to have an orderly transition -- transition to support and combat is the right thing to do. >> the president's google plus hangout, texas woman sends her husband's resume to the white house and the president says he's trying to get her husband a job. here's his reaction. >> i couldn't believe that the president actually wanted to look at my resume. >> all right. so here's the buzzer beater question. if you went to the president for a job, why would your dream job be? patricia? >> oh, i want to be b owes dog walker, that's all i really want to do. my second would be social white house secretary because i could go to their parties. >> will? >> i don't need the president's help. i've got my dream job and well on my way to where i want to be. i'm just happy. no thank you, mr. president. >> such a kissup, oh, my gosh, whatever. robert? >> look, first of all, i think patricia would be an amazing
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social secretary at the white house. >> thank you. >> and as the democratic national committee member i'll move the movement forward. i've always been inspired by the united nations, with all of its problems and frustrations that institution brings, i find it incredibly important organization. i would like to play a role there. >> oh, look how serious he gets. patricia, i'll be your tate to all the parties. >> and i'll help robert with that job he wants. >> and will can hang out at cnn and be mr. pro i love my job. >> did you have the food in the green room? >> exactly. >> we'll tell him all about the party the next day. thanks, guys. >> thanks, kyra. >> saturday is nevada's turn with the republican presidential candidates. coverage will be begin at 6:00 even with a special edition of wolf blitzer and followed by complete caucus results at 7:00 with the whole entire gang. all right. the investigation in amy wine house's death may be reopened. we're going to tell you why next in showbiz headlines. vy.
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tracy morgan's mother says she desperately needs money but her son won't give it to her. the comedian, well, has a difficult take on this family feud. "showbiz tonight" host a.j. hammer joining us with more now from new york. what's the deal? >> it's a messy family situation. tracy's sister spoke with "showbiz tonight" tonight exclusively and said if their mom doesn't get help from tracy in the form of $25,000 her home
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will go into foreclosure and she will be out on the streets. she says that tracy is not willing to help his family out. that's something that he takes exception to. let me read to you what tracy morgan is telling "showbiz tonight." he says i am saddened that these untrue stories about me have people questioning my commitment to my family. for reasons that are between us i've not seen my mother in 11 years, and outside of a random call here and there have had little to no contact with my sister. we all have personal family issues that we have to deal with in life, but i choose to deal with mine in private and not through the media. so kyra, the debate going on today is should tracy, with his reported net worth of around 18 million bucks, help out his mom regardless of their history? some say, yeah, after all, she is his mom. others say, you know what? we don't know the whole story here, and obviously it's not always that simple. >> also not simple. looks like the investigation into amy wine house's death. >> yeah. this just came out of left field. the reports out today that suggest the investigation into amy winehouse's death may
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actually be reopened. the coroner who oversaw the autopsy of winehouse resigned after questions arose about her qualifications. new in october coroner, suzanne greenaway ruled amy died from accidental alcohol poisoning and ruled death by misadventure. at the moment there hasn't been a decision made about how to handle this but amy's parents have been made aware and they said in the statement they are taking advice on the implications of all this and will decide whether any further discussions with the authorities are needed. amy's father mitch is also tweeting don't worry about the coroner nonsense. we are all okay. so surprising news this morning to hear that after we thought the story was put to bed and amy winehouse was resting in peace, maybe things aren't that simple there. >> usually never is, a.j. thanks. >> well, you want information. everything breaking in the entertainment world, a.j.'s got it. every night "showbiz tonight" 11:00 eastern right there on hln. every dog has his day.
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punxsutawney phil sees his shadow. much of the country seeing wintry weather. rob marciano with the truth. sw, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on top of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you.
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let's go cross country. the university of nebraska is going to war with bedbugs. in just the last few weeks they have infested 27 rooms and several lungs. the university is now using chemicals to kill them. and a civic owner beats honda in small claims court in l.a. the judge ruled that the automaker actually misled heather peters on its fuel economy claim. honda plans to appeal.
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heather gets 9,800 bucks. and punxsutawney phil saw his shadow. you know what that means, six more weeks of winter. is that true, rob marciano? do we need to believe him? >> reporter: if you believe a rodent, i've got something else to sell. >> you i believe you. >> there you go. there's other rodents out there. we'll go over that here in just a little bit. punxsutawney has not shown much skill recently. i listen closely to the top-hatters, and they said it's not necessarily whether we see the shadow, it's if the rodent sees the shadow, and he talks to the main guy there. anyway, they are having fun there. had a lot of clouds in philadelphia. beauregard lee in georgia, he didn't see his shadow, early spring and staten island, they have their own guy. he didn't see his shadow either. all right. in europe they are arguing against that. definitely wintertime there. across eastern europe we're seeing a deadly cold in some cases. across the ukraine, 31 people died because of the cold.
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over 700 injured and in hospital because of cold there. poland, through turkey. some snow there, and the cold persists all through germany and even italy as well so this is a nasty, nasty cold snap for those folks, and it looks to continue. a little bit closer to home. cold air out to the west as well, and a storm is developing across the four concerns and colorado. we're starting to see it now as far as the radar is concerned here. lighter snow is in the money taps, but as time goes by here in the next 24 to 48 hours, we've got a storm that's going to dump at least 12 inches if not more across the high plains. blizzard warnings now that have been posted for eastern colorado and parts of kansas and western parts of nebraska, and the impact for this will be later tonight and through the day tomorrow. there's a slow moving system. in the only will we have persistent winds that george bush over 40 to 50 miles per hour, but because it's a snow mover the snow will pile up. certainly in denver, a foot of snow there and points off to the east. some of these brighter colors
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here, 12 to 20 inches of snow expected here. so i-70 and i-80 will be two interstates that will likely in spots, kyra, be shut down with this winter storm. i know it was record setting temperatures across the northeast, temperatures in the 60s. certainly felt like spring was a-coming, not much winter there, but obviously mother nature not done yet, at least for the plains. >> beating the patriots should be nothing compared to beating cancer. a giants linebacker wants his on-field play, not his off-field battle, to be the story. we're heading to the super bowl next. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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the players in sunday's super bowl want the focus on the field, but their off-the-field stories can be as compelling as the game. our mark mckay is in indianapolis with a couple of those stories. hey, mark. >> reporter: hey, kyra. there were so many players on both teams that came here and touched down in the super bowl city wearing big smiles on their faces earlier this week. one of the brightest smiles was on the face of new york giants rookie linebacker mark herzlich. he tweeted upon arriving here in indianapolis that two years ago doctors told him he might never walk again, yet there he was walking off the plane to play in the super bowl. herzlich was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer that could have cost him his leg and most possibly his life as well. he went through a risky treatment procedure that included painful chemotherapy,
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just to work his way back on to the football field. on sunday herzlich could see playing time in the biggest game of any football player's career. >> i don't want to be a feel-good story. i want to be, you know, i want to be a guy that's feared on the field. i want to see someone say, wow, that was a big hit. that guy crushed that guy. oh, he's the one who had cancer, right? there are such things of dreams coming true and miracles, and i believe that this is one of them. >> reporter: they may not want to be a feel-good story here at the super bowl but herzlich has become an inspiration for cancer survivors all across this country. >> and also, i guess, there's a patriots player that has a long-term health concern as well? >> reporter: yup, nfl nose guards. if you look at them, they are imposing gentlemen, kyra. they are huge. new england patriot nose guard vince wilfork is huge, and therein lies the potential problem. you see, wilfork's dad spent
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years battling diabetes. he eventually passed away of the disease while vince was in college. weighing in at 325 pounds, wilfork is hoping not to put himself at risk with the disease, and he has a plan to try and tackle diabetes. >> you know, after i'm done playing football i'm going to lose as much weight as i possibly can because one thing i want to do is be around for my kids' kids. i want to be able to see my grandkids, and that was something that my mother and father never seen. >> reporter: wilfork's foundation has raised some $350,000 towards diabetes research, and this season, kyra, fans were urged to pledge money for every tackle that the nose guard took down, every player he took down on the field. he had 52 tackles in the regular season against -- 4 against the new york giants, the team his team will play this sunday here at the super bowl. >> we'll be watching. thanks, mark.
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jui madonna is going to be the halftime entertainment as the super bowl. doesn't matter that she's a pig bob superstar who has done hundreds of concerts. she tells our acoop their this show is different. >> are you nervous about doing the super bowl? >> oh, my god. i'm so they are vows. have you no idea. i am. >> really? >> yes. yeah. i mean, first of all, it's the super bowl. i mean, the super bowl is kind of like the holy of holies in america, right? >> right. >> so like here i am. i'm going to come into like the halfway between like the -- the church, the church experience, and i'm going to have to deliver a sermon that's going to be -- have to be very impactful, right? i have to put on the greatest show on earth in the middle of the greatest show on earth. i have eight minutes to set it up and seven minutes to take it down and 12 minutes to put on the greatest show on earth, okay, that's a lot of pressure, okay? crazy. >> madonna is nervous? amazing. you can watch all of the interview, by the way, on
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anderson cooper's daytime talk show "anderson." just check your local listings. all right. let's fast forward to some stories that we'll have for you here in the cnn's ". a hearing is set to take place in a month and judy chu holds a muss conference addressing hazing in the military pushing for justice for victims and at 3:30 donald trump will make, quote, a major announcement. our sources telling us that mark preston that trump will endorse mitt romney for president. health for her now. nearly half of breast cancer patients who had lumpectomies had unnecessary followup operations for stray cancer cells. this is more troubling. 14% of those women who still had cancer stills did not have a second operation for unknown reasons. well, researchers say the
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findings show the need for clear guidelines now on breast cancer surgeries. coming up in the next hour, it's been a decade of war. now the white house says it's ready to bring the troops home, a year earlier than promised, but will pulling the plug on american support the region into a tailspin? that and more when cnn "newsroom" continues. i'm robert shapiro. over a million people have discovered how easy it is to use legalzoom for important legal documents. at legalzoom we'll help you incorporate your business, file a patent, make a will and more. you can complete our online questions in minutes. then we'll prepare your legal documents
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paul steinhauser, your man mark preston telling us his sources say that donald trump is going to endorse mitt romney. >> reporter: he beat me to it. he beat me to it. alost us were making calls this morning. i was talking to my sources. he was talking to his. dana bash, a bunch of us, and some things, he beat us. good for him.
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good stuff. look at this. kyra, let's talk about this. do endorsements really matter? what do americans think of donald trump? our most recent cnn poll indicated 3 out of 10 had a positive view. republicans only. even among republicans, donald trump, republicans are split on him, kyra. a pew poll came out last month that indicated a trump endorsement, would it help or make a sinches? 6 out of 10 said it wouldn't make a danch difference and we've seen endorsements haven't really mattered a whole heck of a lot this cycle. >> guess sources like mark better than you, paul. suzanne is agreeing with me. you want to weigh in? >> just saying, paul, bet you guys are all talking to the same people. >> well, maybe. i'm not going there though. i'm not going to touch that one >> you break plenty of stories anyway. let's talk about how the race is looking in nevada. all getting ready for saturday night. >> reporter: two days away. a brand new pal out from "the
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