tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 2, 2012 8:00am-10:00am PST
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"and you can see who is on top, mitt romney. won the state's caucus. large mormon population in the state which helps him as well. 20 points ahead of gingrich. santorum and paul further down. this poll was conducted before romney's big victory on tuesday night. >> paul steinhauser, see you soon. >> reporter: thanks. >> all right. suzanne, you and i -- >> got to do a better job of wining and dining his sources. >> there you go. come on, use that company credit card. >> i know, we know how this works. >> a lot of it is luck, i guess, and timing. >> luck and timing. >> nice to see you. >> great to see you. >> live from studio 7 i'm suzanne malveaux. i'm going to get you up to speed for this thursday, february 2nd. new death toll in egypt. authorities now say 79 people were killed in yesterday's soccer riot. back-to-back funerals are now under way. the nation is officially in mourning. many people are outraged at police who say they simply stood by while fans stormed the field, attacking each other with rocks and chairs. military leaders are
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investigating whether or not the riot was caused by sports rivalry or political tensions. >> new scenes of the violence raging in syria. this video posted online is said to show rebel fighters who have captured a tank. the u.n. security council is again talking about how to end the bloodshed. arab and western nations want president bashar assad out, but russia and china will not accept any suggestion of economic sanctions or military intervention. u.s. troops will stop fighting in afghanistan, start training and advising. the defense second says that is going to start next year. some republican lawmakers and presidential candidates not happy saying leon panetta should not alert enemy when combat will end. we're live at the pentagon in just a minute. and donald trump now endorsing mitt romney for president. that is according to sources with knowledge of this
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endorsement. now trump promised a major announcement today. he's not elaborating just quite yet. he plans to make this announcement in vegas just two days ahead of the nevada caucuses. more ahead on the story from the political team. nevada, the place to be for the republican presidential candidates. newt gingrich campaigning in las vegas as he's trying to rebound from that loss in florida. mitt romney has stops in vague why is and reno coming off of his big florida win. you may recall. and rick santorum meeting with reports in fallon, nevada, and ron paul campaigning in reno. the gun-running sting operation known as operation fast and furious, a program that allowed guns purchased illegally in the united states to cross into mexico, so authorities could simply track them. some of the guns though were lost. two turned up at the site where a border patrol agent was
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killed. attorney general eric holder is testifying before a house committee, and holder says he is taking steps to make sure that the programs like this botched operation never happen again. >> that's why when i learned early last year about the allegations raised by atf agents involved with fast and furious i took action. in addition to requesting an inspector general investigate last february, i ordered that such a direct -- i ordered that a directive be sent prohibiting the use of such tactics. there have also been important personnel changes in the department. >> no facebook stock for you just quite yet but soon. the company took the first big step towards going public yesterday, filing its initial public offering. so it will be a couple months before facebook shares start trading on the open market, and financial experts, they are putting the value of the company somewhere between $75 billion and $100 billion. most of the united states enjoying an unusually mild winter this year.
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that's how i like it, but the ground hogs, they are splitting hairs over what's ahead. punxsutawney phil saw his shadow this morning in pennsylvania, so that means, of course, six more weeks of winter. in georgia, cloudy skies get general beauregard lee from seeing his shadow. his prediction, an early spring. u.s. troops are going to stop their active combat part of the mission in after. that is happening next year. that is what defense secretary leon panetta told reporters on a flight to europe just a few hours ago. no more combat. a shift to training, helping afghan forces to get ready to take the lead in their own country. so let's talk some numbers real quick. today, there are almost 90,000 american troops deployed in afghanistan. the withdrawal plan is to cut that by 68,000 by the end of this year. at the same time the afghan security force is getting bigger. it should be more than 350,000 troops strong this year.
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want to go straight to the pentagon. barbara starr, she is there, and barbara, explain to us what this means on the ground. the time line that panta is describing. is it any different than what we've heard before, this initial plan that he laid out? >> reporter: well, you know, yes and no. like so many things. a lot of military politics, a lot of nato politics involved in all of this. fundamentally there is no change because nato had long ago decided with the afghan government all foreign troops would be out of afghanistan by the end of 2014 and, of course, that means you have to start early in shifting towards this training of more afghan forces so they can look after their own security just like happened in iraq. so fundamentally this is what people had anticipated. but it's the timing of what panetta said. no one expected him to get into this level of detail right now. this is something that had been thought would be announced later in the year, so already we're seeing the pentagon step back a
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little bit and say there's nothing new here. this is going to be a phased transition. nobody is talking about a cold stop to combat, but the reality is this transition is going to happen. they are going to eventually stop so many combat operations. you will see the tipping point shifting from the majority of operations being combat to majority of operations being training just like we saw in iraq. suzanne? >> barbara starr, thank you. i want to talk to someone who once commanded all the nato forces. retired army general wesley clark. general clark, good to have you here. >> thank you, suzanne? >> we've heard from the defense secretary and he's getting slammed by some critics saying he's revealing a time line to the enemy. is that the way you see it? >> no, i don't see it that way. i see it as a smart statement. as barbara says, it makes sense in the context of his meeting with the europeans to lay this out publicly. it helps our european allies deal with their own concerns
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about how long they will be there. it's well known we're coming out, and suzanne, the fundamental point is we went into afghanistan to get osama bin laden. we got osama bin laden. now it's a matter of getting out smoothly. we're transitioning, we're training, and simply putting out this time line for the training and the transition is nothing more than common sense. everybody knew this was going to happen, and -- and there's nothing given away here to the enemy. >> i want to play a bit of sound here. this is from mitt romney who went after the president as well as the secretary. let's listen real quick. >> why in the world do you go to the people that you're fighting with and tell them the day you're pulling out your troops? it makes absolutely no sense. his naivety is putting in jeopardy the mission of the united states of america and our commitments to freedom. >> i'm assuming you don't agree with that statement, but is there anything like say come november and say president obama
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doesn't win re-election, could romney or could the republicans reverse course here? >> well, i think they could certainly talk about doing it, but you'd have to go back and talk to the military commanders. they would ask you, okay, what's the mission? what are we trying to do there? we don't have enough troops to occupy the country. we don't want to occupy the country indefinitely. we're never going to be able to totally eliminate everyone who ever contemplated violence against a neighbor in afghanistan. what we are trying to do is train afghan security and military forces for their own responsibilities to take care of their own country. we know this is a tough neighborhood. there's a lot of diplomacy going on behind the scenes that you don't see and that secretary peytonia didn't talk about, but pakistan, iran, china, lots of countries have an interest in what's going on in afghanistan. they all have to be worked with. so what a future president might do is always open to speculation, but two-thirds of
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the american people can see the handwriting on the wall here. we understand what this is about. we've accomplished our mission. it's time to transition and move on. >> and one of the things that i noted when i was in afghanistan, and speaking with the president hamid karzai, there is agreement that's on the table, right, with afghanistan and with nato about when u.s. troops are allowed to stay and when they are coming home. is that something that a new president or even president obama would have to renegotiate if he decided we're going to pull out earlier or even stay longer for that matter? >> not necessaryly. i think it's very clear what the 2014 date is. i think the question would be if we stay longer, what are the conditions what -- what's the status of forces agreement for u.s. troops? you recall in iraq we had the same issue. the question was would we have immunity for u.s. troops when they were conducting operations, and the iraqis said, no, you're in our country, you should be under our court and legal system, so we said we can't do that. i think that same issue is going to come up after 2014.
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it will have to be discussed, and it's a question really of does the united states, is it in our interest to stay there? >> right. >> we've got interests around the world. we have accomplished mission substantially because we got rid of al qaeda and osama. >> general clark, thank you for your time. tonight at 6:00, former defense secretary robert gates is sharing his thoughts with john king on the announcement u.s. forces will end their combat role in afghanistan next year. that is "john king usa" cnn tonight, 6:00 eastern. all right. here's your chance to talk back. one of the big stories of the day. president, he is a christian, so why are his rivals accusing him of waging a war on religion? kara costello is joining us from washington, it's no surprise, religion, the president's religion, his faith. it was a big deal in the campaign 2008. people are bringing it up again this go-round. >> reporter: oh, of course. actually there was a national
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prayer breakfast this morning, suzanne, and president obama addressed the national prayer breakfast audience telling the crowd he believes. >> i've fallen on my knees with great regularity since that moment asking god for guidance, not just in my personal life and my christian walk but in the life this nation and in the values that hold us together and keep us strong. i know that he will guide us. he always has, and he always will. >> reporter: but some religious leaders across the country are accusing the president of waging a war on religion. why? because the obama administration will continue to require employers to include birth control in their health care plans. that includes employers like catholic hospitals and catholic universities. the catholic church is angry over this policy because the church opposes contraception for religious reasons. >> our catholic institutions that serve this nation well are
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being told you who find these things offensive, you should pay for them. in fact, you must pay for them. >> reporter: republicans take mr. obama's decision one step farther. >> the obama administration is engaged in a war against religion. their decision last week that they would impose on every catholic institution, every jewish institution, every protestant institution the obama care standard of what you have to buy as insurance is a direct violation of freedom of religion and an example of the increasingly dictatorial attitude of this administration, and cardinal dolan has said this is a direct assault on freedom of religion in america and a complete violation of our first amendment rights. >> reporter: the obama administration in essence says it's not waging a war against religion. the point here is that not everyone that works at catholic
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university or catholic hospital is catholic to. deny them insurance coverage because of someone else's religious beliefs would amount to discrimination. so the talk back question today. is the obama administration waging war on religion? i'll read your responses later this hour. >> thank you, carol. here's a rundown of some of the stories we're covering. first, dozens of soccer fans are killed in a stadium riot in egypt. it was sports rivalry or something more sinister? and how did a 15-year-old texas girl end up deported to colombia? well, she's back now, and cnn is talking to her about what happened. then it's not a bird. it's not a plane. is it really flying people? ♪ come fly with me ♪ let's fly is, let's fly away neutrogena® healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that?
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. mitt romney's campaign gets a boost from donald trump. that's right. sources tell cnn that trump len doris romney at an announcement today. our political director mark preston is in d.c. so mark, is this a surprise? did we suspect that he would endorse romney? >> reporter: well, you know, in the last 12-14 hours there's been speculation that donald trump would back former house speaker newt gingrich, and that's where things were going. however, as you said, we've learned this morning that that endorsement in just a couple of hours will be paid public, and it's going to go to mitt romney instead. i don't think we should be too surprised by that for a couple of reasons. one, mitt romney and donald trump are both businessmen. they have had wild success in the private sector, and donald trump has really been a big proponent of that, and in the last couple of weeks we've seen
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mitt romney really turn a leaf when it comes to the debates and the ability to go on the attack, and donald trump has been very vocal in saying that, you know, the candidate from the republican party that needs to take on president obama really needs to take on president obama, so i don't think we should be too surprised by that. >> did romney go after his endorsement? did they meet at some point? >> reporter: they did. all the republican candidates, suzanne, did the pilgrimage to new york and went up and held a private meeting with donald trump. what was interesting about mitt romney's meetings is afterwards mitt romney did a duck and fake of the reporters who were waiting to talk to mitt romney after that meeting last year. we're surprised to learn that he went out a side door and a lot of people thought that that was a slight on donald trump, that mitt romney would come out and say nice things about him. apparently it didn't matter and donald trump is going to back him. >> yeah. do we think it will make much of a difference for the campaign? is it really going to be a
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boost? >> reporter: here's the thing. let's put it in these terms. donald trump is a carnival barker, the best person at getting attention for himself. that's what's happening today. he also has his reality show that will be coming online in a month or so, but here's where it matters. it matters to people who are not paying attention to the presidential race, to people who are not as tuned in as you are, as i am and people who might like at donald trump, suzanne, and say he's a successful businessman, maybe there's something to it so, yeah, of course it matters. no doubt. >> mark, good to see you. tune in to cnn saturday as nevada joins the race to decide the republican nomination. coverage beginning at 6:00 p.m. eastern with a special edition of "the situation room" with wolf blitzer, followed by cnn's complete live coverage of the caucus results at 7:00 with wolf andb, erin burnett, anderson cooper, candy crowley, john king and more. soccer match turns into a bloodbath in egypt. the nation is now turning to prayer and protests. want to talk to our correspondent in cairo about what was behind all the violence
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the ferry carrying more than 350 people was on its way from the island of new britain to a mainland city. so far rescuers have pulled 38 people to safety. no word yet on what cause that had ship to go down. egypt is reeling now from one of the worst sporting disasters in the world. 79 people killed in a soccer riot. protesters are voicing outrage over the handling of -- of that riot by police. nationwide there is a mourning period that's under way. our ben wedeman is live in cairo. ben, i remember what it was like to be at the world cup what i was living in cairo. the whole country is obsessed with soccer, but this we have not seen. was this about soccer rivals, or was there something a lot more sinister going on? >> well, certainly it's hard to sort out exactly what happened there. speaking to supporters of the
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cairo team that was there. they say the fans were outnumbered by 10-1, that there was a good deal of hostility, some skirmishes during the game. they say that when the game ended with 3-1 port zaid, that the port fans poured on to the field and started to attack the players and then the fans, and they accuse the security forces of simply standing aside, unlocking the gate that -- that separated the two sides and just letting those port fans go after their rivals from the ali team. now, some egyptians are saying that this is part of some dark sinister plot hatched by mubarak, hosni mubarak and his close associates who are still behind bars in -- just outside of cairo. others are pointing the finger at israel and the united states. others saying that these are elements who have been paid off
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simply to cause chaos and disorder in the country, but certainly it has electrified a country that's already in a state of almost constant political agitation, reigniting demands for the supreme council of the armed forces to step down, hand over power to a civilian government. >> ben, how did so many people die? i mean, were they trampled? were they beating each other? i mean, how did that happen? well, it's a combination. according to eyewitnesses, they are worried that the fans did go after one another with clubs, rocks, sticks, bottles, flares, fireworks, some even saying firearms as well. we're also hearing reports that some of the fans were thrown from the bleachers. others were crushed, suffocated in a stampede. it's clearly, clearly was an utterly chaotic situation.
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we have ian lee, one of our correspondents is in port zasay. there were shoes discarded from people running to get to safety, and we understand that the hospitals are utterly overwhelmed by the number of wounded that ended up in their wards. >> we're going to talk to ian in the next hour. thank you so much. obviously very disturbing bloody pictures there. a lot of lives lost in a country that is now in mourning today because of the senseless violence. thank you, ben. thousands of people are going to lose their jobs under a new plan from american airlines. we're going to have reaction from the unions and what the job cuts mean to you, the passenger. ♪
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a rundown of some of the stories we're running on next. american airlines slashing hundreds of jobs. and then disturbinging allegations about how a 15-year-old girl from texas ended up being deported to colombia. she's talking to cnn, and later are these people flying over new york? we don't really know. and american airlines says it plans to cut 13,000 jobs. the move comes after american filed for bankruptcy protection in november. the unions not happy. >> the term sheet they put down today is not where we're going to wind up. absolutely outrageous. it brought up issues and made proposals that were never discussed in our four years of bargaining. it was so far-reaching that even i who was expecting a very, very outrageous proposal was completely shocked. >> it's a very difficult day for all of our employees.
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no question about it. from the senior management to every -- to the newest employee of the company. >> lizzie o'leary is cnn's aviation correspondent. lizzie, welcome to the network. great to see you. give us a sense. what is american hoping to accomplish by cutting so deeply? >> well, because they have filed for bankruptcy protection, that sort of gives them the legal muscle to try to push those cuts through against their unions. you heard the flight attendants talk about it. they didn't want to see cuts these big, and when you look at sort of who is being cut here, these are kind of across-the-board cuts so you're talking about some 13,000 jobs overall. about 400 pilots, some 2,300 flight attendants, 4,600 mechanics, and you are going to see certainly some questions about the maintenance division. a lot of these though are about reducing costs, right? remember, this is expensive. these are union jobs with union health care plans. that's what the airline is trying to do is cut those costs
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down to one of the most expensive things, sad to say, are jobs. that's why we start to see jobs target people. then they target things as well. >> lizzie, tell us about this big flight that's playing out over here about who is going to have to pay for the pensions. >> that's the other coast component. the other thing that's very expensive all the retirement plans that american essentially said they would pay a long time ago, so you had people contributing to their own pension plan. well, now american is saying, gee, we're going into bankruptcy. you may not be able to pay those. we don't want to pay those. that sets up a fight between the federal government and the great big airline. the government has already said if you don't contribute, american, we're going to come get your stuff. they essentially put the airline on notice that they would try to essentially foreclose on planes, buildings, a bunch of other things that american owns to make them make good on those retirement obligations. >> right. >> that's a fight that will play out as we see the job cuts go forward. >> go get their stuff, as you said. what does it mean for travelers?
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>> right now it means american would like you to fly. have a lot of cheap fares. further down the road it means you could see different kinds of planes flying and certainly some roots that get eliminated when airlines go into bankruptcy and american is the last big one to do it. they consolidate. this is in their mind about being leanermeaner. for consumeters might mean you have a little choice for a little while in the airline figures out what you're going to do next. >> appreciate it. imagine a family of five trying to make it on $15,000 a year. well, this is one of those stories about one of those families, and what is even tougher is the father used to make six figures until his to be was exported to india. poppy harlow has their story. the family has asked that their faces be concealed. >> i had a 401(k), savings plan, money here and there. we were doing fine. >> reporter: and how dramatic was the decline? >> it was almost instantaneous.
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>> reporter: unwilling to show their faces on camera but wanting to share their story this, new jersey family went from living on $130,000 a year to just about 15,000 now. >> yeah. we went completely off of the charts. our decision is do we go out for a date, or do we pay the electric bill? >> we don't have our home phone anymore. it's definitely cooler in the house. >> quicker showers. it's amazing that this is dinner. >> reporter: this father watched as his six-figure telecom job of 20 years went to indin a. >> it's like i remember the first time they told us about the situation. >> reporter: then the unemployment ran out. >> the first thing we talked about food and how we would be eating more macaroni cheese. >> reporter: and the savings went. >> trying to make everything last a little longer. >> reporter: do you wake up in the morning and wonder if today is going to be the day that you're going to get evicted? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: unable to sell their house, they stopped paying the mortgage. >> where i came out of was, you
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know, a white collar world, and the white collar world for two years or two and a half years, i banged my head against it, doesn't want me back. >> after a while when you keach getting all the nos, you feel like -- you feel like what can you do? what good am i. >> reporter: now, mom works part-time in a bakery for $9 an hour and dad sells shoes. >> we have teenage salaries, both of us. we have teenage salaries running a home and a family. >> reporter: united way calls it alice, asset limited, income constrained and employed. in other words, the working poor. >> the people we know. they are the guy that works across the street and behind the meat counter. they are the mechanic that, on your car, person that takes care of your kids. more and more middle class families are falling into that category of i can't make it. >> reporter: more and more families fall between the poverty line and just getting by, and united way says it costs
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roughly $60,000 for a family of four here, in morris county new jersey, just to make it. >> only one box feeds like two or three people. >> reporter: wednesday evening at the food pantry, they have been coming for two years. >> it's never occurred to them that this could possibly happen to them. if i put a sticker on the forehead of every client that comes here that works within a ten-mile radius, you would be walking around, and you would say all these people with big purple stickers on their forehead. >> reporter: they are certainly not alone, but they are also not without hope. >> yeah, the upside is that our family is stronger, you know. we're stronger. you have to as a result of it. >> reporter: if you could give your parent anything right now, what would you give them? >> vacation. >> i was going to say a vacation somewhere, just together to leave and just do something without having to worry about anything that's going on. >> reporter: in morris county new jersey, poppy harlow, cnn money. >> why did this teenager run
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away from texas and end up deported to another country? we've got more on this bizarre story. we're going to hear what she says happened. 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! [ zipper, heavy breathing ] ♪ [ male announcer ] linens and duvet washed fresh for every guest. real value. from your friends at hampton. ♪
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all right. so that looked like super heros flying over new york. that happened this week. there was actually a stunt to promote a movie. how were the advertisers able to pull off this flyover? check it out. >> reporter: in a city full of oddball sights, what's three more? prepare to launch flying people. look. up in the sky. >> it's a bird. >> it's a plane. >> reporter: it's a lightweight foam, fake person. >> this thick is basically a glorified toy. >> reporter: twice in the last few days flying people have flown over manhattan. >> the hands and feet move, and they act as flaps. >> reporter: propelled by small
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motors, remote-controlled, spectators weren't remotely aware of what they could be if it stald around the brooklyn bridge and even the statue of liberty. now you would think in security-crazed new york city the police might try to shoot down super heros buzzing the statue of liberty but the organizers had a permit. the stunt was dreamed up by a viral marketing agency called think moto co-founded by james persolay. >> we see ourselves as the special opes of advertising. >> reporter: and what they were advertising was a new movie. >> "chronicle". >> reporter: in which three teens have super human powers. >> watch this. >> reporter: and they can fly. >> we can't screw around with this. it's too dangerous. >> reporter: which explains why the characters andy, matt and steve were airborne over manhattan. >> the hardest movement was the back flip. >> reporter: flying people came from a one-man outfit in oregon
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called rc for remote-controlled super hero. greg tanyas considers his creations to be flying sculptures. the kits sell for 340 bucks, but by the time the viral marketers assembled and souped them up, each one cost a few thousand. the pilots practice for three days at an airport on long island before attempting the four-minute flights over new york. unlike superman, who lands on his feet, these guys land on their bellies. the goal was to create buzz with these ethereal, lightweight, delicate objects. >> this is like flying three potato chips in the air. >> reporter: it reminded us more of people disappearing in the rapture. jeanne moos, cnn. >> faster than a speeding bullet. >> reporter: new york. >> that's pretty convincing.
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fireball crosses the skies over texas and oklahoma. we're going to tell you what had people wondering if they were seeing a ufo. [ wind sounds ] [ horn honks ] [ dog barks ] [ dog whimpers ] [ wind whistling ] [ dog whimpers ] nyquil tylenol: we are?ylenol. you know we're kinda like twins. nyquil (stuffy): yeah, we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. tylenol: and i relieve nasal congestion. nyquil (stuffy): overachiever. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't.
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[ gargling ] oo-ay-ow. savings. savings. savings? progressive was the first to offer online quoting. you can do better. first to show comparison rates. ding! the "name your price" tool. oh! gosh, don't mind if i do. who was the first to offer pet injury coverage? we were. and when did you know you wanted to sell insurance? i said i wouldn't cry. um... whee! it's flo time. now, that's progressive. call or click today. time for stories making news across the country. two new jersey police officers are being hailed as heros today
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after they pulled a man from a burning car. it was all caught on video. check it out. the man said he was listening to johnny cash and had no idea that the car was on fire. he was treated for smoke inhalation. fireball streaked across the skies over texas and oklahoma last night, but it was not a ufo. the faa says it was possibly a meteor. and in massachusetts, rescuers are trying to save nine dolphins that washed ashore after the -- off the coast of cape cod. stranded dolphins have become a problem in the area in recent weeks. many of the mammals have died. newt gingrich is questioning the president's faith because of a new policy dealing with birth control. so we asked you what you think about it? is the obama administration waging a war on religion. we'll have your responses in "talk back," but first time for travel insider. cnn producers, reporters, often have a chance to get the inside scoop on the great places to go.
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our entertainment reporter kareen wynter shows us like where she likes to satisfy her sweet tooth in her hometown. >> reporter: hey, everybody, welcome to my neck of the woods, sherman oakes, california, and everyone who knows me knows i have the biggest sweet tooth ever, and when i get the killer cravings, i just have to make a run here to blizz frozen yogurt for some of my favorite treats. let's dig in. here there seems to be a celebrity tie-in to limp everything and here it's no different. it's own by the renowned plastic surgeon and husband to beverly hills housewife adrienne maloof. it's known for its great frozen yogurt and other treats are on the menu, i'm going to give you a little taste. all right. i'm no expert in the kitchen, but today i'll show you just how well i like my crepes with a little help from tom.
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and then we use the spatula. all right. we got half of it. >> perfect. >> reporter: voila. now we go in for the kill. some of my favorite toppings. chocolate, and, of course, raspberry sauce. we're ready. let's g.and this is my favorite part, time to dive in. delicious. kareen wynter, cnn, sherman oakes, california. i'd race down that hill without a helmet.
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now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor. numbers don't lie. my cholesterol's stayed down. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. it's backed by over 19 years of research. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. [ man ] still love that wind in my face! talk to your doctor. don't kid yourself about the risk of heart attack and stroke. if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card. terms and conditions apply. learn more at
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presidential election, but leave it to the cnn comedians to leave it to the funniest. stephen colbert summed up mitt romney's win in florida like this. >> mitt didn't just beaute newt gingrich he stomped him by a devastating 14% margin, 14%. that's higher than mitt's mitt' rate. yeah. romney kicked newt to the curb like a plant manager whose job he just moved to another country. you've been sounding off on the talk back question. is the obama administration waging a war on religion? carol costello has your responses. carol, religion obviously touches everybody. it's very political, very potent here. not surprising this is coming up during the campaign. >> oh, yeah. and, of course, this all has to do with the obama's
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administration decision to make the decision to have so the talk back question today, i talk too much without taking a breath. maria says yes because our country was founded on freedom of religion. jay says, no. and jackie says, no. if all of it is hospitals staff and all of its teachers were of the same faith, it would be different. the catholic organization is doing is forcing their religion on others. this from kathy. perhaps not intentionally but it is a direct result of its policies. from lonnie, waging war on religion yet attending and addressing the national prayer
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breakfast? >> all right. keep it going and going and going because you know what today is, carol? >> oh, yes, groundhog day. >> it's groundhog day. i want you to check out the movie clip where bill murray keeps repeating the day over and over again. >> rita, if you only had one day to live, what would you do with it? >> i don't know. what are you dying now? >> no. the whole world is about to explore. what do you do? >> carol, what do you do? you got us thinking. what day in your life would you want to repeat and do over and over and over again? >> well, that's so easy for me. the day i got married. >> ah. >> yeah, i'd marry my husband again and again and again. >> that's so sweet. >> what about you? >> personal and professional, i'll do a personal one. the day when i was a kid was in the junior miss pageant and my talent was -- i did a karate
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routine and i broke three different boards, a front kick, side kick, and elbow smash and the audience went wild. i love that moment. >> did you win? >> no, i didn't win but they loved my talent. i was just a little shrimp. i was a little kid. i had never broke all three of those boards in rehearsals. i'd do that day over. >> okay. professional? >> it takes too long. okay. i met the queen. i went to buckingham palace and i met tony blair and i was like, wow, is this really happening? >> all right. that whole marriage thing is very sweet though. >> he's a great guy, my husband.
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>> i know. i know. that's very nice. we'll work on that. >> you're not going to corrupt my husband, suzanne. you've been trying but you're not going to do it. >> all right, carol. enjoy this day. groundhog day over and over again. >> all right, then. >> texas teenager deported to colombia even though she's never been there before. she's back home and now she's talking about it. @ on my journe, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me...
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disturbing new detail sdpls so this is your room? >> it is. >> is it like you remember it? >> yes are. >> reporter: more than a year ago, jakadrien turner ran away from home. we're trying to unravel how this story of how she was deported to colombia. we sat down with jakadrien's mother. >> where did this name come from? >> it was a name she made up. >> her family says she was lured into prostitution and she was arrested and the family suspects mall employees knew her as tika and gave police the name. but jakadrien's family insists the teenager never tried to fool law enforcement agents. they say she repeatedly tried to
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tell them that she was jakadrien turner. >> they didn't believe her. >> ray jackson is jakadrien's attorney. >> reporter: how many officers did she try to tell? >> at least three. >> reporter: immigration officers? >> immigration officers. >> reporter: how many of the houston police officers? >> she never told the houston police officer that she wasn't a u.s. citizen so that never came up. >> reporter: by this time, the teenage run away was frightened, embarrassed, and confused. when a judge asked where do you want to be deported to, she was told puerto rico. when the judge said colombia, she thought it was columbia, ohio. >> they told her where her mother was, where she was born, and what point she came to the united states. >> reporter: the turner's family accusations, they say, are absolutely false. they have found no evidence that jakadrien tried to give officers her real name or to claim that she was a u.s. citizen.
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i.c.e. also says that her name matched a name scheduled to be deported and there are jailhouse recordings telling officers she is tika cortez from colombia. >> i.c.e. agents say that she was the one from the beginning who said that she was from colombia. are you saying that that's not the case at all? >> that's not the case. because here you have a 15-year-old girl in a system that she's not familiar with and as i said before, she did what she was told to do. >> reporter: it took less than two months for jakadrien to get deported. >> you taught yourself spanish? >> yes. [ speaking in spanish ] >> reporter: jakadrien turner is
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now three months pregnant and the fight over how she will be deported will continue. cnn's ed levandera. egypt is in mourning. 79 people were killed in the soccer riot. witnesses say police stood by while fans attacked each other. police are investigating whether it was caused by sports rivalry or political tension. new scenes of the violence occurring in syria. rebell fighters captured a tank in the city of homs. again, they are talking about how to end the bloodshed.
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russia and china will not accept any suggestion of economic sanctions or military intervention. u.s. troops will stop fighting in afghanistan and start training and advising. the defense secretary says that starts next year. republican lawmakers and presidential candidates are not happy saying leon panetta should not alert the enemy when the fighting will stop. i spoke to general wesley clark moments ago. >> it makes sense for the europeans to lay this out publicly. >> we went into afghanistan to get osama bin laden. we got osama bin laden. no facebook stock quite yet but the company took the first
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step towards going public. it's going to be a couple months before facebook shares start trading on the open market. they are putting the value of this company somewhere between 75 and $100 billion. well, there is a bright look at the job hour rise skblon. fewer people filed for unemployment benefits last week than the week before. 12,000 fewer to be exact. the labor department released those figures today. the official jobs report comes out tomorrow morning and economists say that they have surveyed the u.s. economy and added 130,000 jobs in january. so most of the united states is enjoying an unusually mild winter. that's what i like. the groundhog is splitting hairs over what is going to happen next. well, punxsutawny saw his shade
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doe so that means six more weeks of winter. all right. he flirted with the possibility of running for president himself but sources say donald trump is going to endorse mitt romney in the approximately shpresidentia. joe johns has the latest. first of all, was this is a surprise announcement? >> reporter: you know, i mean, anything's possible. i just heard your report on groundhog day. >> yeah. >> reporter: one thing about donald trump, donald trump does a great day of promoting donald trump, especially when it comes to politics. it's kind of like groundhog day. i think the other thing that is
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really true here, an endorsement by donald trump isn't necessarily that big a deal. pugh put out a poll just last month that said an endorsement by trump is a net negative. 64% of respondents said, it wouldn't make any difference if trump endorsed a candidate. 20% say that they would actually be less likely to vote for the candidate if trump endorsed. so does it matter? probably not so much if you believe the polls. but if you talk to donald trump, he has his own views of the endorsement. we have a sound bite. >> i'll probably endorse somebody. if somebody gets in there that i don't really like in terms of the candidate, then we'll have to see what happens. >> reporter: we are waiting to
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hear from him. mark preston is being told that he's going to endorse romney. that's where we stand. >> all right. groundhog day with donald trump. thank you, joe. i want to dip into an event. newt gingrich in las vegas at a rally at a place called extreme manufacturing. it's a company there. let's listen in. >> failing so badly. now, let me go back and then say, one of the places in the last 24 hours where i really profoundly disagree with governor romney is the idea of an automatic minimum wage. if we go back to the carter years, we would have massive unemployment and totally unable to compete in the world market. the fact is, today we have 25% teenage unemployment and 43% unemployment teenage in the african-american community.
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this is totally unacceptable. young people don't learn the work habits, who don't learn that they can get ahead, who doesn't budget the money that they earn are literally trapped out of the american dream. now, we have an obligation to every american to say, we believe you have an opportunity, whether it's american, the american dream, an asian-american community, african-american community, latino community, any community, we want every american to have their creator endowed rights to pursue happiness. now, let me go back to a second to energy. there is a practical reason to unleash american energy capabilities. the price of gasoline today is the highest it's been. this president has doubled the cost of gasoline since he has
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become president. now, if you're a new york times editorial writer and you ride the subway, you think that's terrific. because why should all those ignorant people out of america driving pickup trucks be allowed to buy gasoline when they can ride the subway like you. but you understand that really expensive gasoline, not only does it cost you more but costs more for everything delivered to your grocery store because they come from truck and they are using gas and diesel. so this president has managed to simultaneously -- >> newt gingrich in lag vegas making the joining the race to decide the republican nominee.
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6:00 p.m. with a special edition of "the situation room" with wolf blitzer followed by complete coverage at 7:00 with wolf, anderson cooper, erin burnett, john king, and more. >> all right. here's a chance to talk back. the president is a christian. so why are his rivals accusing him of waging war on religion? carol costello joining us from washington. carol, do we think this is political? people get riled up about this. or is this real? >> partly political and part very real depending on where you're coming from. president obama addressed the national prayer breakfast this morning telling the crowd he believes. >> i've fallen on my knees with great regularity since that moment asking god for guidance not just only in my personal life but in the life of this nation and in the values that hold us together and keep us strong. i know that he will guide us.
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he always has and he always will. >> but many religious leaders across the country are accusing the president of waging war on religion. why? because the obama administration will continue to require employers to include birth control in their health care plan. that includes employers like catholic hospitals and catholic universities. catholic church is angry about this because the church opposes contraception for religious reasons. >> our catholic institutions that serve this nation well are being told you will find these things offensive. you will pay for them nc. in fact, you must pay for them. >> republicans take the decision one step farther. >> the obama administration is engaged in a war against religion. >> i think this mandate violates our constitution. i think it violates the rights
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of these religious organizations and i would hope that the administration would back up and take another look at this. >> to deny them insurance coverage because of someone else's religious belief would amount to discrimination. so the talk back question is, is the obama administration waging war on religion? that's i'll read your responses this hour. >> thank you, carol. here's a rundown of some of the stories we're covering over the next hour. first, dozens are killed in a soccer riot in egypt. was it sports rivalry or political? and admit it, you can't wait
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to watch the crazy super bowl ads. but does it actually make you want to buy anything? we'll check that out. and then sugar, sugar, more sugar. we all know it's not good for us. one group is asking for it to be regulated like alcohol. how's it going? good afternoon. don't feed that meter. this meter's on me. with all the hundreds i've saved at progressive, this meter's on me. thank you. de nada. with all the hundreds i've saved on car insurance this year, this meter's on me.
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we also want the people of ontario and the government of on pair oh ontario know that we are doing our job and it's a serious problem. >> it's an awful story. egypt is reeling from one of the most disastrous riots in the world. a nationwide mourning people is under way. ian, you saw the aftermath. tell us what happened. >> reporter: well, what happened was that at the end of the game last night, suzanne, protesters broke into the police cordoned and moved towards the other side of the stand where the opposing fans were and they had knifes with them, weapons with them, and they attacked the other
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fans. the fans were essentially -- the other fans were essentially trapped in the stadium. they couldn't flee because the gate that opened out to the outside was shut. it was padlocked shut. that's why we are seeing such a large death toll. i went into the stadium earlier today and i saw blood all over the seats. i saw shoes, people running out of their shoes. the doors were ripped from the building as the surge broke free and that's where a lot of people said that a lot of the fans were trying to escape. thrp being crushed and suffocated at that point. >> and what were the police doing at that point, ian? >> reporter: that's the one thing that a lot of people are asking. where were the police in all of this? and if you look at the video. it looks like the police were just standing by idly and
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talking to people that were there. police let the fans go through the other side. they didn't stop them and right now they are asking for someone to be accountable for the he had head of security but there is still a lot of questions, people here in the city say that this wasn't their true fans. they think there's a conspiracy going on and they are wondering who was behind this conspiracy. >> ian, thank you very much. appreciate your report. so when you hear the word "hacker" you might think about credit card, e-mail accounts. now cyber accounts could be this country's number one security threat. >> we will suffer a catastrophic cyber attack. the clock is ticking and winding
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down. >> suzanne kelly is joining us from washington. suzanne, that sounds pretty alarming when you hear something like that. what is the worst case scenario when it comes to cyber attacks? >> it's going to be something that attacks infrastructure. for example, air traffic control and nuclear facility, something can cause an almost instantaneously loss of life. but you shouldn't discount the economic impact either. when you look at companies investing in hundreds and millions of dollars in research and development and trade secrets are being stolen and used to run those companies out of business, there is a downside to all of it. >> the group anonymous taking credit for bringing down the fbi, the justice department's website. that is pretty incredible. is this widespread, this type of threat?
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>> hugely widespread. we also saw one of the leading internet security company. we saw the department of defense hacked. an intelligence officer account hacked. lawmakers and the administration have yet to really solid dly ge their hands around it and there was a classified meeting between obama's top people on this. 12 different agencies represented. his senior people and senators who are sort of doing a little bit of finger pointing. he says we need to -- a terrorist on a laptop can do something. >> it's a great question. and if you think about cyber, one of the biggest challenges in terms of getting your head around what it really means, when you go home tonight and you go to bed, do you look your front door?
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do you lock your windows? do you have an alarm system? how easy are you making it for somebody to get in? it wouldn't be that difficult to do but if you were hacking into the department of defense, it would be a lot tougher to do. but people are still doing it which is why the issue should be getting more attention. >> wow. yeah. that's a great way to put it. you make it understandable when you say, do you lock your door? do you have it for your accounts and what is on the internet? suzanne, thank you. appreciate that. this sunday, companies shelling out millions to advertise. but is it worth it? we'll take a look. [ kyle ] my bad.
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[ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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super bowl sunday. >> that is right. we're going to be talking about our favorite commercials. felicia taylor is at the new york stock exchange. felicia, i don't know. i watch these commercials. i love them but i'm not going to go out and buy a new car, for instance. i'm just going to enjoy a commercial. does it work? >> suzanne, you're not alone. that's exactly the point. these days advertising on tv just simply isn't enough. it's also about the internet and we spoke to one marketing expert said advertising during super bowl is a popularity contest and does very little to sell a product. for example, you're not going to go out and buy a car. one ad from has a guy with two heads talking to a dealer about buying a car.
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it's plain weird. >> it looks totally weird, felicia. i don't understand that. it looks totally goofy. what about these other advertisers, coca-cola, doritos, i assume they will all be out there. >> yeah. i mean, you need a really strong message that resonates long after the super bowl ends. you need to make sure that the product is what people actually remember. so obviously, coca-cola, budweiser, they have very deep pockets and large ad budgets. steven says that's fine but the primary purpose of the ad isn't to boost sales. listen. >> well rounded company like anheuser-busch, budweiser is a very well-managed business. they don't rely -- i've studied
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this. you do not return the investment. >> frankly, the real winner from all of this is the nfl and network airing the game. the super bol continues to be r to have prices 3.5 to $4 million for 30 seconds. >> wow. >> the ad that comes to mind for me, it's amazing. you know the baby that talks and is gesturing, that's some sort of an investment company but can you remember which one? e-trade? >> i can't. >> i think it's e-trade. >> there you go. >> see, i can remember it. i work in business news. >> i guess i'm paying attention to the commercials. i don't pay attention to the game that much. just to the commercials. felicia, thanks.
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the super bowl commercials, the game doesn't interest you, there's always the half time star. and this year it's the material girl, madonna. she admits to anderson cooper that she's a little nervous. >> are you nervous about doing the super bowl? >> oh, my god. i'm so nervous. you have no idea. i am. >> you are? >> yes. yeah. i mean, first of all, it's the super bowl. it's kind of like -- here i am, i'm going to come into like halfway between like the church, the church experience and i'm going to have to deliver a sermon that's going to be -- has to be very impactful, right? i have to put on the greatest show on earth in the greatest show on earth. i have eight minutes to put it up, seven minutes to put it on and 12 minutes for the greatest show on earth. that's a lot of pressure.
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>> do you have any hint of what you're going to be doing? >> i'll be singing. >> all right. she takes it pretty seriously there. you can hear the full interview today on "anderson". he's not going to be playing in the super bowl but tim tebow went from the bench warmer to the most popular athlete in the country at record pace. tomorrow, at the noon hour, he's going to join us from indianapolis. that is tomorrow in the cnn "newsroom." the most negative campaign ads ever. we'll talk with a psychologist about negative ads and why they work.
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here's a rundown of some of the stories we're working on. almost every campaign ad before the florida primary was negative. we're talking about almost every one of them. talking about whether voters are turned off by all of this negativity. and then caught on camera, watching real life heroes pull a man from a burning car. and later, you know that sweets rot your teeth but should sugar be regulated like tobacco? some argue that sugar can just be as harmful. people in florida, this is
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what they saw. >> when mitt romney invented governor-run health care, obama the obamacare. >> the president is copying that idea. i'm glad to hear that. >> my views are progressive. >> ever notice somebody makes a lot of mistakes? >> i've made mistakes sometimes and -- >> so far newt gingrich has admitted his mistakes or haven't we had enough mistakes. >> a total of more than 11,500 campaign ads aired in florida between january 23rd and january
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29th. that is amazing. that's according to the campaign media analysis group. more than 10,600 were negative. 92% of the ads were negative. jeff gardere is joining us. i'm assuming you have 92% of these ads that are negative because they work. do they not? >> i believe that they absolutely do work and that's why newt gingrich had a real problem in iowa and in florida because it was about the negative ads chopping him down in order for governor romney to actually get that leg up and even governor romney said that they had to throw it out there in order to level the laying field and to respond to the negative as that were they are
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not listening to them and don't care about them therks don't work. why do people say that? >> a lot of people are turned off by the negative ads and are still getting through to their minds. so consciously they may not be aware that they are being blanketed by that information and it's starting to permeate into their subconscious. as long as it's casting doubt in their mind about a candidate, even if they don't like the negative ads towards that candidate, then you have success that the negative ad is actually working. >> people are inherently good. so mean and bad things are more interesting to them and people are paying attention to that. is that how negative ads actually work? >> i believe that is exactly how they work. think about it. we are much more attracted in the news at times to some of the bad things that happen in life. and by the way, when was the last time you remembered a
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compliment versus the insult? you're going to remember that insult much more. we have to take a look at the fact that negative ads are very entertaining and if they pick up on the net and go viral, then, again, you have a very, very successful negative ad out there. >> what is the most entertaining negative aspect? i mean, are people drawn by people's fallacious details of their personal lives? is there anything that people feel is particularly repugnant? >> what we are finding is the ones that stick around the realm of voting records and political position. however, when those negative ads are attacking a candidate's family members or they go into their personal lives, this is where in fact we find that people are much more turned off by negative ads, they are not
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effective at that point and become much more personal and people really don't like that and got bless them that they don't. >> glod bless them that they don't. thank you so much for the perspective. facebook now with a monster ipo now we wait and see what the company is really worth. we're going to take a look at how they've actually performed. that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement.
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[♪...] >> i wish my patients could see what i see. that over time, having high cholesterol, plus diabetes or high blood pressure or family history of early heart disease, can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup. and they'd see that it's more important to get their cholesterol where their doctor wants. and why for these patients, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough, i prescribe crestor. adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol by up to 52%. and is also proven to slow plaque buildup.
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>> announcer: crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. >> is your cholesterol where your doctor wants? ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. >> announcer: if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help.
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facebook has rocked wall street with its ipo even after it was after the "closing bell" before you and i can actually buy shares of the world's biggest network. i want to bring in felicia taylor. can we assume that facebook, shares of facebook are going to come out of the gate strong and are we ready? should we buy? >> well, there's a two-fold answer to that, suzanne. i would bet, if you can assume things like that, then, yeah, there's so much hype around f e facebook, investors get in at the open and wait for the stocks to rise in price and sell it and then the higher price shares are left to the average investor and for most of us that would get in
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after the investors, there is not that much potential because the stock is already run up. should people buy facebook at this point? i would say it would be wise to wait mostly because the price will come back down again after it has had a few days to settle in. so beware of that. linkeden may have had the biggest hype. shares doubled on the day that it opened but are down 20%. groupon and zynga. it can be up 16% and that's because of all the hype surrounding facebook because it gets some of its revenue from
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facebook. groupon is up and pandora is up 2%. >> all right. thank you, felicia. we'll be keeping an eye on it. a man is sitting in his car listening to johnny cash when all of a sudden police are pulling him out of a roaring fire. we're going to see that. and a cook and scientist, why this guy made our cnn's "next list." >> really someone who explores the world of science. we're wondering what this food can be. we use a lot of different tools. centrifuges, we're working with semic semiconductors. you know, the real thrill with the food experiments that we do
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time for a check of the stories making news across the country. two new jersey police officers are being called heroes after they pulled a man from a burning car all caught on video. the man was listening to johnny cash, had no idea that the car was on fire. he was treated for smoke inhalation. a fireball screeched across skies of oklahoma and texas last night. it was not a ufo but probably a
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meteor. rescuers are trying to save nine dolphins and this is my mom, like one of my mom's favorite holidays. why, i'm not exactly sure. and are they normally right, wrong, do they get it right? >> it's now over the past 26 years predicted sun or more winter 100 times. so it's exactly right, spring is
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on its way. chuck wood, another groundhog named chuck, he's in illinois. statin island came out of the burrow. and early spring, too. >> sometimes they get it right. groundhog day, check out the movie bill murray, groundhog day, check it out. >> rita, if you only had one day to live, what would you do? >> no. i mean the whole world is about to explode. what do do you? >> they invited him to come on but he's not available. is there any day ever that you would want to relive? >> probably the birth of my son but then i'd have so many sons.
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>> and your wife, would she actually want to relive that over and over again? >> no. i did fly with the blue angels. that was pretty cool. >> how about you? >> my 30th birthday, i was traveling with hillary clinton, i was exhausted, on the plane and fell asleep. i told the photographer i hadn't celebrated my birthday and i woke up and the first lady was there with a cake and candles and sang happy birthday to me. i thought that was pretty cool. i'll take that day over and over again. >> have a good day. >> you, too. newt gingrich questioning the president's faith because of a new policy dealing with birth control. we're asking you what you think about it, is the obama administration waging a war on religion. we have your response in the talk back up next.
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the president is waging a war on religion. why? because the obama administration will continue to require employers to include birth control in their health care plan? that's our talk back question. hi, carol. >> is the obama administration waging a war on religion? alex says, waging a war on religion? none of his policies have tried to attack religion. they have, however, worked to open up the definition of religion to include faith other than christianity. patricia says, yes, president obama and his administration
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have waged a marriage and health care war calling it a quality that they attempt to force to violate their doctrine. and god is love, not hate. and all the religious leaders are promoting hatred for our president and ethnic groups. do as i say, not as i do. from carlos, of course not. it's ridiculous that the republicans would make up such a lie. it's campaign season and the gop will make up any lie just to win the presidency. keep the conversation going. there's been a passionate response this afternoon, suzanne. >> super bowl, i know you're a big football fan. tim tebow is going to be with us tomorrow in the newsroom. >> get out. >> i'm not kidding. if you've had a chance to ask him anything, what would you ask
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him? maybe we'll ask him tomorrow. how do you come up with tebowing. >> what does that mean, really? what is he asking god for. that's what i want to know. >> okay. i'm going to talk back question in. we're going to try to get to everything because he's had this amazing year. who does he think is going to win the super bowl, what does he do when he's not playing football. tim tebow. >> and most importantly, he's really cute. >> that's good, too. >> just a bonus. >> he's going to be here tomorrow. that's at noon in the cnn "newsroom." we'll throw that question his way. most of us try to stay healthy and limit sugar we eat. one journal is arguing that the government should help us do that. we're going to tell you why some say that sugar is toxic. all energy development comes with some risk,
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but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. [ thunder crashes ] the first and most important step
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security forces. yet again a battlefield between these protesters who initially came out to protect against the killing of more than 70 soccer fans and quickly transformed into yet another demonstration against the supreme council of the armed forces. and hosni mubarak and rushing to those streets around the interior ministry. no word yet, however, of casualties or fatalities. suzanne? >> ben, do we know what the police are doing? you reported earlier they stood by when that rioting took place yesterday. what is occurring between the police and protesters? >> reporter: they have made it clear last night that they would be holding demonstrations in
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cairo and their goal is to get to the interior ministry. they blamed the interior ministry for not providing adequate security in the portside stadium and many believe -- the protesters say the ministry of the interior, the police stood aside and allowed this violence to take place. keeping in mind, of koirs, that there's a long history of bad blood of the fans of the cairo scene that was involved in this violence and the police forces, the fans, the hardcore fans have played a leading role in the clashes between the police and anti-demonstrators in cairo. >> we're looking at live pictures there out of cairo, egypt, protests erupting now
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turning violent after an incredibly violent day there. 79 people killed in soccer riots that erupted just yesterday. ben wedeman is going to keep a close eye on what is happening. this is a medical story. you can't buy tok back co-until you're 18 and could there be a law that says you can't buy sugar until you're a certain age? some say there should be a law that says that. elizabeth cohen is joining us to talk about some of the new regulations. >> this is actually researchers at the university of california, san francisco, who say, you know what, maybe we ought to tax this stuff. there's processed sugar in a lot of stuff and maybe we ought to tax it or make it that you have to be 17 to buy soda because it has a lot of sugar in it. they call it toxic and the sugar industry doesn't like this at all. they say that there's no one food that accounts for the
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obesity and singling out one food is confusing and adds to the problem. >> why do they say that added sugar is so bad? >> the problem with added sugar can lead to something called the metabolic syndrome where your body doesn't handle sugar well which can lead to diabetes and heart disease? >> what amount of added sugar is okay? >> not very much. pick up that glass of lemonade. that's from a fast food restaurant. that's your added sugar for the day. >> that is it? >> that is it. or if you eat that donut there, that's your added sugar for the day and that muffin would be more than your added sugar. >> what are some of the foods that are high in -- >> a granola bar -- that's a lot of sugar. that's about a third of the day's sugar in there. this is about a quarter of the day's sugar. you wouldn't think a chicken
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