tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 2, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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>> you may argue that donald trump's 15 minutes are up when it comes to paul kktics. you may argue it's nothing more than one billionaire endorsing another near billionaire. but i can tell you when donald trump talks, people listen. may the best man win. that's all for us tonight. tomorrow, ron paul answers your twitter questions and mine in a no holds barred interview from neva nevada. "ac 360" starts right now. >> thanks. good evening. 10:00 on the east coast. we begin with breaking news on the growing likelihood that the exact quote, growing likelihood that israel is going to hit iran's nuclear program and hit it soon, possibly within months. a top source telling cnn that leon panetta has come to just that conclusion, there's a likelihood of an israeli strike. this surfaced in a column by the
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washington column. the news is breaking on a day that israel's defense minister warned that iran is building weapons under ground. in other words, a window of opportunity may be closing, and israeli forces could take action before it does. also today, senior israeli officials tell the nooi"new yor times" that the iranian guard are working on missiles that could reach the continental u.s. from iran. and also testimony that iran could answer growing pressure on it by attacks on american soil. this is playing out between u.s. war ships and gun boats in the strait of hormuz. it's also playing out on the diplomatic front with sanctions. the question, will israel give sanctions tyke to bite, and what will we do if they decide to act. there have also been a number of iranian nuclear scientists who have been assassinated in tay
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hahn by unknown assailants. first, the latest from chris lawrence at the pentagon. what other details are your sources telling about this apparent growing likelihood of a strike on iran. >> they're saying a number of intelligence factors came together that led secretary pennetta to conclude that israel could strike in say april, may, or even june. he also says that basically the thinking is that israel has concluded that iran has already made the jump and is thought to be pursuing the bomb. he also caveated all this by saying israel does have a history of making very provocative statements like this in order to sort of push the west, push the u.s. into taking tougher action against iran. >> how would a military strike actually work, and how effective could it be to stop them from making a bomb? >> i talked to a couple sources on this tonight.
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they say basically, it would involve the israeli fighter jets going through saudi arabia, trying to thread that needle between syria and turkey's air space, or just crossing over iraq to deliver their pay load. but some of the sources i spoke with were skeptical because they said when it has worked, it's been done in a very concentrated area. that's not like iran's program. their facilities are spread out over a very wide area. there are also probably given the time line that iran has been working on this, a lot of facilities that neither the u.s. or israel knows about, and the biggest part of the problem could be that although you could knock out the facilities, you don't take their know how. in other words, iran has the knowledge of how to enrich uranium. you don't take that away. >> which is probably one of the ideas, if in fact israel or the u.s. or some other country is involved in the assassination of the scientists, is part of that
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idea. thanks. thanks to barbara starr for her reporting off the camera on this. let's dig deeper with fran townsend. fran, we should point out, along with more than 100 members of congress and other security officials, has advocated the u.s. take the iran opposition group, mek, off the list of terror groups, as the european union has already done. also joining us, former cia offense, bob bair, and david grange. what do you make of the report that pennetta tipping the israeli's hand like this. why would this be leaked? >> it's odd, anderson. this is one of the series. we talked last night. leon panetta has been out there talking about the drawing down of troops in afghanistan. his views of pakistan's counterterrorism relationship with us. all of this seemingly off message. he's in a position to know. he's met with the israelis. we know there's robust
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intelligence exchanged. most of which there's agreement on. there seems to be some conflict between the american and israeli view about the ability of iran and the intingz of iran to deliver a payload, the missile part. >> he was saying that he thinks the actual development of a bomb could be a year or so off, but the development of a missile that could actually deliver it could be another year. >> that's right. that's right, so when he describes that window, you understand why now he's talking about this three or four months, may, june, or july. the interesting thing, anderson, is if he understands that from the israelis, why would he signal that? he would make it much more difficult for the israelis if that's what they intend to ta. it could be a brush back, a signal to the israelis about how strongly we don't want them to do that. >> a brush-back pitch. that's leaking something -- >> it's making a public
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statement so the israelis know clearly, we're not saying privately to them, we don't want them to do a bombing mission in iran. we're saying, we're committing this publicly and we're making it much more difficult for them to do -- >> how have i never heard that phrase. i like it. what would a strike on iran mean to the united states? >> i think it would be a significant blow back. the iranians could count on them hitting us in iraq, the emembas, probably in bahrain, and in the borders of the country. >> you think they would strike back at the united states? >> absolutely. this attempted attack on the saudi ambassador in washington at a cafe was real. there was somebody in iran that was sponsoring this, whether it was the supreme leader, someone else, it doesn't matter. you have a regime that is determined to fight back, and one way to do it is with sleeper
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cells, and that would include airliners everywhere. a regime like this on the defensive takes actions which i think are irrational, but they will do it. >> grange, what is your thought given they have plans to attack iran. how complex of an operation is this? >> there's no doubt that israel has a plan, just like no doubt that we have a plan. and keep in mind that there's two different perspectives. i agree with what was stated so far, one, there's disinformation possibly being put out, either to dissuede iran or to try to keep tabs on israel. and i do believe that whatever happens will be tremendous blowback, either through hezbollah and the kuds force and other groups that iran has, but there are plans in combat and more, windows of opportunity. israel is looking at a window of
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opportunity, if that is the fact, as would be prudent to do so. and their perspective on the threat is different than the u.s. perspective because of where they're located. and they're an ally of ours. what is going to involve the u.s. in some extent whether we like it or not if it happens. it's the same thing if you took iraq. it's an alli now, see the united states is in some type of obligation to support allies in some way. so it does put us in a predicament, and i'm sure it's a concern to the department of defense and the nation. >> fran, do you agree with bob that an israeli attack on iran would be iranian attacks on u.s. interests? >> i believe they will try that. the question is, if they have the sleeper cells and the capability here inside the united states, they'll use it. we have seen them use proxies around the world, in buenos aires, this is what they do. it's a militarily capable organization, hezbollah.
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they're financially supported and armed by iran. it's a cape nlt they have for just this sort of circumstance where they can strike back at a state power. >> the question for a lot of people is, is it a good idea or not? many israelis believe iran to be an exteistential threat. >> they're looking at iran is headed toward some chaos, some group that is more radical than the one in power now could take over. they're looking at possibilities, and the ruth is they could be hit with missiles right now. and they're looking at this entirely differently. we're getting out of two wars, but they're saying you have left us in the lurch. we have a dangerous iran. we can't predict it. even getting the knowledge is enough to scare the israelis. they have a completely different mentality from ours. >> general grange, how effective can an attack be. they hit a nuclear site 30 years ago, but the iranian sites are
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different than the iraqi site. >> absolutely. that was a single target. you have multiple target in the defense systems. the timing between them launching retaliatory strikes, as you hit targets, it's very difficult. i'm not sure israel has all of the capability to do it themselves wholesticly. they can do segregated targeting. i don't know the answer, but this is just my assessment. they could hurt iran badly. i like to just make one other comment if you don't mind. that is about the missiles that iran has. when we went into iraq, desert storm, to hunt scuds that were falling into israel, you had to understand the mentality of the israelis because of that -- those actions. it didn't have to destroy a lot.
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it was the psychological impact. if they believed that iran has the ranges, and they do. missiles and that, to be fired in israel, you have to look at the israeli perspective on preempting that to happen. they're very concerned about this. if you're in israel, which you have been, anderson, you understand they have no strategic depth, and they feel they're up against a wall. so this is a likely occurrence if the intelligence or other threat shows they may, iran may take action, i think they may strike. >> if they can't hit as wide a number of targets if they would like, is that something the u.s. then gets involved with as well in terms of striking iran? >> here is the other thing we haven't talked about. if you want to choke up, if you want to retaliate against the united states because you have been hit by israel, the vulnerability is to our allies in the region.
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saudi arabia has 60% of the region's oil reserves, which is right against the persian gulf. they can for sure hit there. if they want to hit us, take out saudi's oil supply or the qataris with natural gas. there are things they can do not close to home that would have a huge economic and policy impact in the united states. i think you have to understand the israelis, i agree with general grange, a different perspective, they look to us for musicieunitions and support, bu there's no way that the u.s. doesn't get pulled into it. >> bob, fran townsend, general grange as well. google plus, add us to your circle, twitter, follows wrurb do you think it's right for israel, prudent for them to do this. let us know what you think. up next, raw politics.
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the prediction president obama made about the consequence of not fixing the economy in the first term. it's been improving, but it's a possibility that the jobless number will be terrible around election day. we'll talk about that. later, another shocking development in a mississippi pardon case. a man got pardoned even though he's a repeat drunk driver. authorities say he killed an 18-year-old girl. how did he get pardoned. we're investigating. [♪...] >> announcer: with nothing but his computer, an identity thief
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[ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. for politics now, a reality check for the white house or anyone who thinks that just because republicans are attackicing each other now, president obama will have an easy time in november. new projections. three years ago, president obama talked to matt lauer about exactly that. >> i'm at the start of my administration. one nice thing about the situation i find myself in is that i will be held accountable. i've got four years. >> you're going to know quickly about how people feel. >> exactly. and a year from now, people are going a see we're starting to make progress, but there's still going to be some pain out there. if i don't have this done in three years, then there's going
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to be a one term proposition. >> tonight, new cause for concern. the nonpartisan budget office now estimating that the nation's jobless rate that stands at 8.5% will rise to 8.9% in the fall. they have been adding jobs at a steady but slow rate. the point is not being lost for president obama's likely opponent. >> three years ago, a newly elected president obama faced the american people and he said, look, if i can't turn this economy around in three years, i'll be looking at a one term proposition, and we're here to collect. in addition to the new projections as far as polling data, president obama is trailing governor romney in key swing states. politico pus ts it today in a piece call ed "why obama should be worried." >> how much trouble do you think the president is in right now? >> the president is going to
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have a serious challenge this fall because of two important factors. number one, the economy is not where they want it to be, and not where they need it to be for him to be re-elected. and secondly, it looks like they're going to face mitt romney who a republican and any democrat privately will tell you is going to be the hardest to beat because he's got a less controversial background than some of the other republicans that are running right now. those two things almost insure this fall is going to be very, very competitive. >> the predictions about employment are right and the cbo starts to slide, isn't that a tough hurdle for any sitting president to clear? >> certainly it is, but they're talking about what might happen if we don't take drastic action, action the president has been trying, but the american people
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know this is a recession that the president inherited. it took them eight years to tear down the peace and prosperity that bill clinton built up, and we're not going to get out of it in two years. since his programs have been put in place, we have now seen positive growth in jobs. so we are beginning to move in the right direction. is it enough? no it's not enough, but in the end, it's going to be between whether or not they trust president barack obama, the middle class trusts him to look out for their interests or they trust mitt romney, more so than about the unemployment number. >> candy, do you think the president can continue to use that argument that this is an issue he inherited? >> no, and i don't think he probably will. i think you heard from cornell where they're going on this. they understand that they cannot sell the economy being in a good place. so they have to sell number one trajectory and that is, we're
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moving in the right direction. they want to talk about where it's moving, where it's been and where it is now. if i were to look at something i thought would be an indicator as to how much trouble he's going to be in, i would look at the consumer confidence index. that to me and to those inside the white house, i had a talk with somebody, a senior in the white house, who said we have to get people to feel as those -- if they don't have a job, to feel the hope of a job is there. and the other thing is the comparison, the administration, the re-elect committee doesn't want to talk about the economy and what it looks like. they want to talk about what the other guy might do with the economy. jonathan, do you agree with that? >> absolutely. this is sort of an age old question. the challenger wants to say this is going to be a referendum on the incumbent and the incumbent
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is going to say, oh, no, a choice. it depends on the election, but this time around, you're going to have republican challenger running, trying to portray it as a referendum on the incumbent, and president obama saying don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative, which is an old kevin white saying, the late mayor of boston. that's going to be the message you hear. the white house, things are getting better, a, which is the trajectory, that candy mentioned, but b, look at my opponent, look at his flaws, look at his background. he doesn't appreciate what the middle class is going through because of both his business background and also because of his personal wealth. that's going to be the tough, aggressive, sharp, not so hope and changing message from president obama this fall.
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>> and they helped us with that over the last couple months. >> the president would be in trouble in some swing states that he easily won the last time around, right? >> if you look at cnn's own polling go into january of '04. kerry had a plus five or six advantage over bush. these elections aren't held today. the president hasn't really sort of officially launched his campaign. we haven't spent millions and m andmales of dollars contrasting it. the republicans are out there every day attacking the president and spending millions and millions of dollars in battleground states taking forth their message. we haven't begun to order of unfold our campaign, the dynamics of this, whether it be newt or whether it be romney, we haven't pulled out that contrast to start the campaign. you know, battleground polls right now are historically really bad predictors of what is going to happen because we haven't begun to really campaign.
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>> thanks. still ahead, new outrage over pardons granted by haley barbo barbour. a teenage girl dies in a car crash. the driver who slammed into her was pardoned even though it marked his fourth drunk driving arrest. how could he have gotten a pardon? we're investigating. >> drew griffin has uncovered more cheating among doctors trying to pass their crucial board examines. >> if you went to any high school student right now and said to them, if you memorize the exam, and you in effect re-created an exam, was it cheating or not? the answer would be it's cheating. ♪
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keeping them honest tonight, new questions we would like to ask former mississippi governor haley barbour, but he's not talking to us. we tried to reach him, and his staff won't say where he is. we want to ask for charges stemming from favoritism. he gave pardons to people on his way out of office. we've been covering this story since it started, and a lot of focus has been on these four men, four convicted murderers who committed crimes of passion. he suggested that the murders committed, quote, crimes of passion, and that they're less likely to reoffend. we have shown you that he's wrong on both counts, we can't find experts that actually. this man shot his ex while her
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daughter was in her arms and also shot her friend. >> if you take that back on the timeline, three or four days before he came, he told a girlfriend he was involved with in georgia that he was coming to do this very thing. if you look alt his statement, hiown words at the time that he wrote his confession out, he pretty much point blank said, it's premeditated. a crime of passion for me is if you come home -- a spouse comes home early from lunch or a business trip and unexpected, and you walk in and catch them in bed with smbld and you beat them to death with a lamp on the side of the bed. our definitions aren't in the same dictionary. >> he had been unconditionally pardoned and he would be released sunday. it was a complete shock. >> i get a phone call from the lady at the corrections department, and she said he had been unconditionally pardoned
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and he would be released sunday. i get this letter, and not even 24 hours later, i get a phone call saying the worst possible thing has happened. i didn't get to say anything, i didn't get to plead my case about anything. my rights have been violated. >> randy walker now says he fears for his life. he's not the only victim who feels violated. the governor granted about 200 pa part ndz. here is ed lavendera. >> there's a man the reason in the red shirt looks familiar. this was the second time the oxford, mississippi, police officer had arrested bostick for driving drunk. >> there was an open bottle of wine with him in the seat with him, an open bottle of champagne in the seat with him. he had a large cup that was full of red wine. >> reporter: police found he was driving above the legal limit of alcohol. this was his third drunk driving arrest in a year. bostick pled guilty, was sentenced to a year of house
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arrest and four years in an alcohol abuse program. >> right before i put the cuffs on him, he said, don't do this to me. my comment to that usually is you did it to yourself. >> a year after that arrest, he applied for a pardon from governor haley barbour. he had high profile friends write letters asking the governor pardon bostick. they wrote that it fell into a destructive course after the death of his teenage son in a house fire and a divorce from his wife. the prosecutor wrote that he no longer drinks alcohol and can be a positive influence in many lives and another wrote he had turned his life around. the mississippi board recommended that he get a pardon. governor barbour agreed. >> the power of pardon in the state is to give people a second chance who have repented, been rehabilitated and redeemed themselves. >> this is quite the artist,
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this is the gift she gave you. >> and this is how she signed it >> signed it with her handprint. >> but don't tell linda smith that he's been rehabilitated. seven days before he was recommended, smith's 17-year-old daughter was killed on his highway in a violent car crash. the driver of the car was harry bostick. >> she should still be here with me. she should still be here with me. this should not have happened. >> the sun had just set on on october night and charity was driving down this gravel road. she had come to this neighborhood to pick up her sister and take her to dinner. they were excited, hadn't seen each other in quite some time. mississippi authorities say in the meantime, harry bostick was driving this way, back toward oxford, driving under the influence again. charity pulled out into the highway to make a left-hand turn. bostick slammed right into the side of her. charity was killed, her sister surviv survived.
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bostick was sent to a jail in oxford for vielolating his previous dui sentence. harry bostick's attorney never returned our repeated calls. while he waited in jail, haley barbour pardoned him. he was free. how did that happen? the governor's office and parole board never did a last-minute check of his record. both say they had no idea that he had been arrested a fourth time for drunk driving. a baffling stroke of luck for harry bostick, and linda smith worries her daughter has been forgotten in all of this. >> you feel that they didn't know what happened to charity, didn't know what happened to her? >> yes. surely they didn't know about her. why would they do it if they
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knew about her. she was a person, not just a name on a piece of paper. she was a person. >> charity smith was saving money to go to college, dreaming of getting a business degree. a young girl with big dreams and an artist's heart. >> this is the one that stands out to me. mourned by a mother with a broken heart. >> ed, has anyone from barbour's office explained how they would grant a pardon to somebody who was in jail for killing somebody else? they just didn't know that? >> in a statement we got from the governor spokesperson late today, they said the governor was unaware of what had been going on. >> did the governor say he's shaury? has anyone at the office said they were sorry? has anyone called up the grieving mother who can't speak because she's so heart broken, has anyone apologized to her?
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>> no, she's not gotting any calls like that, any information, as you heard her say, and she feels like her daughter's been forgotten in all of this. >> i want to understand this. he had fancy friends or influential friends saying he should be pardoned. as he's awaiting the pardon and gets that from the governor, he kills her daughter, kills this woman's daughter in another drunk driving incident? >> right, and just to be clear, the circumstances as to who's at fault in that accident is still under investigation. but at the end of the day, it won't really matter, because it sounds like authorities are convinced that he was driving under the influence, so all of that kind of stands, he was sitting in jail, awaiting what was going to happen with that charge when all of this came down. and that's where we're at now. >> it's unbelievable, just incredible. ed lavendera. we keep reaching out to haley barbour to explain this. there's a lot of questions he
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needs explaining and needs answers to, and he won't appear on the show. if anyone else gets them on the show, we should ask them about the poor dead girl and the grieving mother, and maybe if he would apologize to her. ed, thanks. still ahead, we told you about doctors training to become raidologists, cheating to pass k35 exams, turns out they're not the only ones. >> and 900 people injured in new violence in egypt. we'll get the latest. that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 'cause these guys aren't just hitting "print." they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams.
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tonight, a 360 follow-up. we told you about doctors who train to be radiologists, but cheat to pass the exams that have guaranteed they mastered this critical area of expertise. they're not the only ones cheating to become board certified. the board of dermatologist has a problem as well. >> they're called recalls, years of written exam questions and answers compiled and shares among radiology residents. gary becker is on the board of radiology. >> i would tell you it's cheating, a violation of the policy. >> in the wake of our story, the chorus in the medical community is growing, plain and simple, recalls should not be used. the american board of medical specialties which oversees 24 boards, including radiology, is
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condemning the practice in a statement on its website. it should be made abundantly clear that recalling and sharing test questions from exams violated exam security, professional ethics and patient trust. but our investigation has now uncovered another form of cheating among residents. cnn has confirmed the american board of dermatology is concerned about the use of what the board calls airplane notes. exam questions remembered then written down by residents on their flights home after the exam. to be shared later with other residents. residents say it's an open secret that's been going on for years. one resident in an anonymous e-mail to the board that wrote immediately after the test, a feverish and collective effort it made by examinees from many programs to reproduce on paper as many questions as they can
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verbatim. these are also professionally bound at kinkoes at times, and they have issues warnings that cheating violation our professionalism and ethical standards. dr. antoinette hood tells cnn, we really try to do something to prevent it from happening. it's not just radiology and dermatology cracking down. the american board of internal medicine suspended 139 doctors in 2010 for sharing or solic soliciting confidential copy writed questions that were part of the exam used to certify doctors. as we discovered, it's a problem that has also been going on in radiology for years. >> we're doing the best we can to protect the integrity of the exams because that's the best way to be sure that the piece of paper on the wall means what it's intended to mean. >> about half of the questions on the annual radiology exam have been recycled from a large pool of old test questions. for the first time in more than
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ten years, the group is revamping its exam. beginning next year. but apparently, many raidologists feel using the recalls isn't cheating at all. in hundreds of posting online in response to the story, they say it's outrageous to be labeled as cheaters, especially since the written exams are only part of what's required to be certified. the american college of radiology, which does not an midster the exams, also chimed in saying in a statement, the most troubling aspect of this report is the implication that all raidologists who pass these examinations of cheaters. the allegation of cheating smears the entire specialty with a broad and unjustified brush. the group says raidologists must undergo years of rigorous training besides taking that written exam. this doctor, president elect, said just because the recalls have been around a long time, does not make it okay for
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raidologist to cheat to pass a test. >> i think if you went to any high school student right now and said to them, if you memorize the exam and you in effect re-created an exam, was that cheating or was it not? the answer would be it was cheating. >> what has the american board of radiology does in the wake of the story? >> they have dohad the redo of e test under way. they're going to have a more secure test from now on. but they have also taken a lot of heat from doctors. they had to issue an apology on their website about this story. let me read you what it says. it says the abr regrets anyone's impression of raidologists may have been diminished by this report and express eed concern r any distress caused by cnn's report and nay said raidologists are well trained and qualified. >> the bigger question, is this happening in other medical
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fields requiring board certification, including the use of airplane notes in dermatology? >> it's flat out cheating. at least that's what she told us on the phone, but they're nervous after the story. the dermatology board's executive director kancanceled interview, has stopped answering our phone calls and e-mails, and there are a lot of conversations centered around the value of the board certification exams which appear to be exercises in memorizing these cheat sheets. >> they're saying in response, these folks have lots of years of training. if that's true, why do they those need the cheat sheets to pass the exams. it doesn't make sense. drew griffin tonight. coming up, a year after the egypt resolution, deadly violence in the streets. we have a live update from ben wedeman. when bp made a commitment to the gulf,
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in egypt the revolution is on the ropes drowning in blood. a year ago egyptians electrified the world when they rose up and brought down a dictator. there was a lot of hope for the future. a year later, here is what the future has become. take a look at egypt now. tear gas, fires, protests in the streets of cairo, nearly 900 people injured in the new violence. 900 people. this is the soccer riot that touched off the latest round of protests. 79 people died. while many witnesses say police simply looked on and did nothing to stop it.
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or take steps to prevent it in the first place. some protesters believe authorities actually encouraged the violence. tonight there are new demands on egypt's military run government. to make reforms, improve security. ben wedeman joins us with more. what's the latest on what you're seeing and hearing, ben? >> reporter: we're seeing that they are dead from these clashes, two dead in suez and we're getting unconfirmed reports of two dead in cairo. we have seen hundreds of these demonstrators, many of them fans of the football team from cairo that was involved in that violence in port said, trying to get to the interior ministry, many accusing the interior ministry and its security forces of either doing nothing to prevent the violence or some are even saying they encouraged it and facilitated the fans from port said to attack the fans
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from cairo, and those clashes are ongoing as we speak. and it's almost 4:00 in the morning here, anderson. >> explain what the soccer stadium was about and why would police encourage one team's fans to attack the fans from cairo? what do they have against those people? >> it's a little bit of insight baseball or football, you could say, anderson. the fans who went from cairo to port said are the fans of a club of cairo, the goliath of egyptian soccer. and traditionally, these fans, a small group of them known as the ultras have fought the police for years, in football clashes, or rather soccer clashes but increasingly since the revolution, they have become politicized and they have led some of the demonstrators in
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their clashes with the police in november and december, and so there's a lot of bad blood between the fans of this club, the club, and the police, and many of the fans are now telling us that they believe that the violence that was unleashed upon them in port said was the revenge of the egyptian police for all of the trouble they have caused to the police over the years. so it starts, it seems to have a political veneer to what is otherwise a soccer rivalry. >> ben, stay safe. appreciate the reporting. thank you. >> isha is back. >> the heat is on attorney general eric holder again over the so-called fast and furious gun running operation. they allowed weapons to fall into the hands of criminals. brian terry was killed in 2010.
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the house committee hearing, congresswoman ann marie burkle, who called for him to resign, pressured him to take responsibility, and he seemed to take offense. >> how many more border patrol agencies would have had to die as part of operation fast and furious for you to have taken responsibility? >> is that the way in which you want to be seen? you want to be known? i should be held accountable for certainly my role in whatever i did or didn't do in connection with the supervision of fast and furious. but i'm attorney general of the united states and i should also be held accountable and perhaps even given some credit, imagine that, given some credit for some things that the justice department has done under my leadership. >> the senate has passed a bill on insider trader. they make it clear it's illegal for lawmakers to use information they learn on the job to buy or
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sell stock. and the graffiti artists who painted murals on the walls is about to get very rich. the "new york times" reports seven years ago, he decided to be paid in shares instead of cash. those shares are expected to be worth more than $200 million when facebook starts trades publicly. tomorrow on starting point, what's at stake in friday's job's reports, and a preview of some of the hottest super bowl ads. >> coming up, a ground hog day scandal. the ridiculist is next. ♪ [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow, ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums
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now time for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding duelling groundhogs. that's right, ground hog day, big event in pennsylvania where crowds gather in the pretty sunrise to wait the appearance of the world's most famous groundhog. there's dancing, revelry, maybe a little bit of drinking, we're not sure. it's a day that draws rodent enthusiasts from near and far. >> what brings you up to punxsutawney this time of year? >> we got to rock 'n roll with phil. >> how would you like that assignment? the spectators don't actually get to roll with punxsutawney phil. the guys with the top hats get the real action every year, they get to yank the ground hog hout of the stump with a lot of pomp and circumstance.
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>> phil proclaim as i look at the crowd on gobblers knob, many shadows do i see. six more weeks of winter it must be. >> gobblers knob. the groundhog has spoken. but wait. he's not the only groundhog in town, and others disagree with his forecast. in wisconsin, jimmy the groundhog predicted an early spring, doesn't have quite the same ring to it, as did general beauregard lee. staten island chuck didn't see his shadow either. staten island chuck, really? don't even get me started on connecticut chuckles. he said winter is cancelled entirely. not since how much wood could a woodchuck chuck has there been so much confusion. so with all of these contradictory predictions, what are we supposed to believe.
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i would be inclined to go with punxsutawney phil, but i'd ask an expert. >> if you believe a rodent, i have something else to tell you. i listened to closely to the top hatters, and it's not necessarily whether we see the shadow, it's if the rodent sees the shadow. >> gobblers knob. this is actually another time honored tradition where meteorologists imitate bill murray in "ground hog day." >> once again, the eyes of the nation have turned here to this tiny village in western pennsylvania, blah, blah, blah. this is pitiful. 1,000 people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat. this is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather. >> meteorologists of america take heart. maybe nobody puts on top hats or drinks predawn whisky every
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