tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN February 3, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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sunday, i'm going to park myself at the new york public library for four hours to read everything i can find about sports. nothing else going on right then, is there? all right. that's it for us. thanks for watching. see you at 10:00 for another edition of "360." we are following the situation in syria closely. "piers morgan" starts now. ron paul is not going to be your next president. [ cheers ] >> why are millions of young people hanging on every word from the 76-year-old texas congressman. >> i think the war on drugs is a failure. i think the patriot act undermines our liberty. i remember voting on a declared declaration of war. >> why is the gop afraid of him? >> allowing the people to make decisions and not get the government involved. >> tonight, ron paul, one on one. >> i will challenge any of these
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gentlemen up here to a 25-mile bike ride in the heat of texas. >> he's already changing the face of the republican party. >> if you have an irate minority you do well in the caucus state. >> ron paul answers my questions and yours from twirt tonight. piers morgan interview starts now. good evening. tonight the piers morgan interview comes from las vegas on the eve of the nevada caucuses. i'm talking to ron paul, running fourth but his influence to young people is greater than that. his supporters are making him a force to be recognized. tonight his formula for keeping america great. right now, ron paul. welcome. >> thank you. nice to be with you. >> this will sound like name dropping but last time i dined in this restaurant was with sylvester stallone and the parallel to me is clear. you are the rocky balboa of the
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campaign. how do you feel about that? >> i have no idea how to respond to that. i hope that's very positive. it sounds like it could be. >> americans love an underdog. you remain an underdog despite the continual extraordinary support with young people. people perceive you as the underdog. do you believe like rocky ball boa you could surprise everyone and win the race? do you genuinely believe you could become the nominee? >> yeah. obviously so. i think the record of the campaign, you know, the republican campaign the last almost 12 months now shows you that a lot of candidates are coming and going. you know, they peek out and they're gone. we did have nine. we're down to four now. one thing characteristic of the campaign is its steady growth. i saw a clip the other day on the internet that says once you become a ron paul supporter you
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remain a ron paul supporter. >> once you have a ron paul principle, your supporters say, you stick to the principle. that's a plus. you look at mitt romney. everybody knows he changes his mind on issues. i suppose it can be a stick to beat you with in the sense that if you never change your mind about anything, is that healthy? >> time and history changes your views. i have changed and modified my views on what i think about the death penalty. it's not overly rigid. but i see it as a refinement and growth in developing a philosophy that is a defense of liberty. the concept of liberty has been around for bits and pieces for thousands of years. we have had a grand experiment here. i'm motivated by the fact that i would hate to see it lost. i would like to refine it, pick up the pieces where we left off a while ago and improve upon
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what we had in the past. >> you are the oldest candidate. you have been even when there were nine candidates and yet the one many say has the most energy and you have the biggest youth following. what do you put it down to? where do you get all the energy? >> well, i don't know exactly where does health come from? mental health is important. >> do you have a regime on the campaign? >> yes, and it gets interrupted sometimes in the campaign. i can't quite do it. but historically for 30, 40 years as long as i can remember i have had a strict regime which involve as lot of exercise and also eating habits are very important. >> what do you do exercisewise when you have time? >> when i have time i would get up in the morning and i want to get outside. i'm -- outside gives me relaxation. i don't want to ride an exercycle inside. i ride a bike and i walk.
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in the morning i like to walk between three and four miles. takes me an hour or so to do that and it clears my head, loosens me up. good health habits, i think, can prevent usage of a lot of medications. so i strive for that. i think my parents may have had a little bit to do with good health. >> what about diet? what do you do for eating and drinking? do you have a strict regime? >> i'm not fanatic. but i do watch the white things. white sugars and -- although i do eat meat. i think fish is better. it's not overly radical. you know. i think fresh vegetables are good. most of it's probably more common sense than anything i learned in medical school. >> you look good. is this part of the reason you think the youth are energized by you. they look at you as a role model and they like that you are a guy who sticks to his principles. >> i think that is it.
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i think sometimes they will translate to he sticks to his principles about health habits. i think it's the principles of liberty that are so inviting to young people. their minds are more open. i don't think their minds have been cluttered. i don't think they have been forced to accept the status quo. we live in an era where the failure of government programs is so blatant. although i have been doing this for a long time and we have had a lot of interest in the last five to ten years it came to life once the financial crisis which many of us who have been involved in austrian economics have come and people are uneasy about the future whether here or in europe and we are all interconnected now with global trade and global banking. i think that has energized the people because i have been talking and warning about things. >> does it help also that you were a child of the great depression? you know, you grew up to the
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depression. you came out the other end and saw what it took, i think, to do that. i was fascinated to read the sheer volume of jobs you did when you were a youngen man. you worked with your father on the dairy, but you did countless jobs and worked hard. do you see that hard work ethic now in america? if the answer is no, is that one of the fundamental problems that the work ethic has evolved over the years? >> i think that's a big issue. people ask me how my parents may have had influence on politics. they were conservative republicans, but they were more republican than anything else. i think where they contributed a lot to my thinks was a work ethic. depression and world war ii. in fact, the depression didn't end until after world war ii. i remember world war ii better than the depression and things got worse because there was rationing and no new cars and all. the work ethic was very important. i think that had a large impact
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on me. at the same time i worked it into a philosophy. but i think -- and i talk about it at my speeches, especially on the college campuses of not depending on the government. they are not there. they're bankrupt, they tried to give everybody a free house. you have to assume responsibility for yourself. >> how far do you take it? although i agree with you to a certain degree i take issue on something like health care where you have provocative views here. your belief is if you can't afford the insurance for medicare or whatever it may be then you have to fend for yourself or get your community to bail you out. is that basically how you feel? >> yeah, but it's more compassionate than the way it sounds. really because if you see the extent of total socialism it's not compassionate. people end up with no care at all. what happened at the end of the soviet system, there was free
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care but they were bankrupt because the empire failed. today, nobody -- we have had -- i was in medicine when we had no government. i don't remember the problems as badly as i remember the problems now. >> what about as we have in britain the basic right to health care for every citizen. what's wrong with that as a principle, an ambition to aspire to? >> i think the basic principle is wrong in that you don't have a right to somebody else's life or money. you have a right to your life and your liberty. you have a right to keep what you earn but you don't have a right to take food from somebody else. you say, i'm not going to take it, the government will take the food. you don't have a right to somebody else's house. oh, yes, but the government will take the house for me. we who believe in the freedom philosophy believe you can't use the government for violence and force. >> what if you continue have the ability to get your own health
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care. you have no means to do that. what do the people that mitt romney was dismissive of -- and we'll come to that -- what do the most vulnerable parts of society do under your presidency? what would they do to get health care? >> you have to understand the difference between interventionist and socialist economies. if you want to produce the best medical care and the best prosperity, the largest middle class, you have to do it through freedom. if you do it through redistribution of wealth you reduce the availability. >> i want to come back and talk more about the economy and also about how you keep america great through tough times like this and what you think of today's jobless figures. whichever way you look at it, good news for barack obama. hello, how can i deliver world-class service for you today ? we gave people right off the street a script and had them read it. no, sorry, i can't help you with that. i'm not authorized to access that transaction.
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department of education, gone. interior, energy, hud, commerce, gone. later, buyreaucrats. >> that was a campaign ad for ron paul. interesting this. i follow what you say about how you get out of tough times and it's probably completely opposite to how barack obama is doing it. yet today we saw jobless figures which are the best since he became president. do you give him credit for that? do you think he's doing a good job reducing jobless figures? how would you summarize your feelings? >> i wouldn't give him too much credit. everybody should be pleased there are more jobs now than a month ago but they are puny compared to what we should be doing. they are not that glamorous because during last month 1.2 million people dropped out of the work force. if you get 200,000 new jobs and 1.2 dropped out you still lost a million jobs. take that into consideration and you can't turn these people into
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nonpeople. you can't fudge the figures. that's what politicians do. >> i understand. >> let me try to finish that. if you do that actually the unemployment rate is 11%, not 8.5. it went up if you count those people. >> if all the republicans keep dumping on what are apparently good figures then the positivity america needs to get itself out of recession gets stymied a bit. i will read you a quote -- >> can i answer that? >> let me read you the quote from a republican representative. he said today is an indication of another failure of the president's policies. 36 months in a row with 8% plus unemployment which is a ludicrous way of spinning it. how can you say this is a president getting things wrong when the official figures are positive. isn't it better? the more credible position to say, i am encouraged by this but
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he should have gone further? >> to me, it's more important to admit the truth. we may have to compare figures but let's assume i'm speaking the truth and the 200,000 jobs was a net benefit. what i'm saying is we quit counting people, disavowed them. if i'm speaking the truth the most important thing is the truth. not the politics. you will probably have a hard time -- you probably haven't heard me in a speech. i talk about the president mainly about attacks on civil liberties and not doing enough about the wars. i'm not in the same people that said, well, the president didn't do enough, it's the president's fault. because it isn't. he hasn't done anything to come in my direction of going back to a market economy or looking at the balancing the budget. republicans or democrats don't want to cut anything. >> what about mitt romney's comment that he's not concerned about the poor? play this. then i will get your reaction. >> i'm in this race because i
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care about americans. i'm not concerned about the very poor. we have a safety net there. if it needs repair i will fix it. >> it was a misstatement. i misspoke. i've said something similar to that but acceptable for a long time. you know, when you do how many thousand of interviews, now and then you get it wrong. i misspoke. >> he says now it was a misstatement but he didn't say that immediately. it sounded awful, that, didn't it? for somebody aiming to be president to talk about the poor in that way. >> yeah. >> seemed callous at best. >> i don't have probably any agreements with mitt on policy. foreign policy, monetary policy, spending policy, bailout policy. but i think this is a big issue because of opposition, the media. i think i end up defending him more than he defended himself. i don't believe for a minute if mitt romney was sitting here,
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everything in his heart. he says, you know what, the truth is i really don't care about poor people. i don't believe that. >> what he did say is they wouldn't be a priority. i found it extraordinary. if i was president, which i will never be because i'm british, the poor would be my priority. >> okay. >> would they be yours? >> if that's your number one priority, if you listen to what i have been talking about and under scoring free market economics you would say the most important thing you can do is give them a sound kurn circumstances limited government, free markets, contract rights. don't bail out anybody. no privileged classes. that's when the poor get the benefits. that's when the jobs would come. this fallacy of saying we have -- see, i'm concerned about the poor more than anybody or as much as anybody. i don't think robbing one group and giving more money to the poor and saying, well, you can have your house, just pay the bills but he can't do it.
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it's a good intention but that doesn't solve the problems. >> when you have warren buffett, one of the richest, most successful men in history begging to be taxed more. publically saying, tax me. give the money to those who don't have it. what is wrong with that? >> let him pay. >> what's wrong with a tax system which just taxes people like him more? >> it destroys the economy. >> he says it doesn't. >> let him pay. he can send more money to the treasury. >> there is little evidence raising taxation for the very rich ever destroys an economy. it doesn't. >> well, that i disagree with. because government, what are they going to do with the money? are they going to subsidize the housing industry again and have it blow -- are they going to start another war? that's why they need the money. >> the problem with the housing wasn't that poor people got housing. it was greedy bankers and
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financial institutions brought in the subprime mortgage scams which preyed on people who didn't understand the system. that's what happened. >> where would the speculation come from without easy credit? where did the money come from? if it had come from savings they wouldn't have done it. >> i believe in personal responsibility and the middle classes people are rushing to support over maxed credit cards, spent money they didn't have and they are trying to ab solve themselves from personal responsibility. i come back to this. when mitt romney said what he said about i'm not concerned with the poor, i really felt offended for everybody in america. you've got to have a president. >> i think -- >> you don't have a president who prioritizes the poor. >> if i had been confronted with that, the answer would have been different than your answer. you would want more government and more spending. i would have said, that's my deep concern. if you are a true humanitarian if you care about poor people and care about not shrinking the
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middle class like is going on now, we are getting more poor and shrinking of the middle class you cannot do it without looking at that time monetary policy. if you don't do anything else, exclude everything else but breech yat the currency the middle class is wiped out. if you're on the receiving end, the banks, corporations, military industrial complex they have tremendous benefit. the wealth is automatically transferred from the middle class. the poor get poorer and the wealthier get wealthier. when the bailouts come they benefit more and the bad debt which should have been liquidated is dumped on the people. >> the flip side to the bailout argument is when you look at the car industry, barack obama did bail out the car industry and now they are doing well. bailouts can work. indisputab indisputably. >> you're making an assumption it wouldn't have worked with honest bailouts. >> you don't know. it's chicken and the egg. >> it isn't. if you add an honest bailout the people who owned those bonds would have been protected. he turned ownership over to the unions.
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that's not fair. he used force to transfer -- he was wrong to break the contract. governments are there to enforce contracts not change the contracts to benefit their constituency. >> even if it works? >> especially. if a criminal robs a bank and it works you don't justify robbing the bank. >> let's come back and talk about foreign policy, specifically the threat of war with iran. you name it. i've tried it. but nothing helped me beat my back pain. then i tried salonpas. it's powerful relief that works at the site of pain and lasts up to 12 hours. salonpas. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car, and how much the people in your life count on you.
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right now my special guest ron paul. let me ask you this. you have lived through many american military conflicts in your lifetime. since the early part of last century. how many of them do you believe were justified? >> well, justified plus legal -- >> people assume you are a pacifi pacifist. i don't get the feeling you are. >> i'm not a pacifist. >> you believe in military action where it is legitimate. >> right. >> how many of the major conflicts have been legitimate? >> from a constitutional viewpoint i don't want to fight wars that aren't declared. since world war ii nothing has been justified because we didn't go through the proper process. >> do you support the conflict in afghanistan? >> i did, but that's to go after
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only those responsible for 9/11. not going intonation building, going into iraq. >> it was war, wasn't it? >> it was going after criminals. >> was it constitutional? >> yes, to a degree because it was limited. but what i introduced was a resolution to clarify this. don't turn it into an excuse to go into countries and occupy them and go into nation building. look into mark and reprisal when you are attacked at pearl harbor, declare war, that's legitimate. we had a declaration of war in world war i but it was a constitutional war but a very foolish venture. >> what's the difference between being attacked in pearl harbor or being attacked at the world trade center? >> a country didn't attack. a bunch of thugs attacked, not a country. there is a difference.
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i i will ma'magine there weren' people that knew 9/11 was coming. maybe there were 50 or 40. it was a band of thugs with a grievance trying to get our attention. >> have you modified your opinion of the motivation? you get flak and support suggesting that the main motivation was revenge from what was going on in iraq. i'm sure a lot of it was. you also said you didn't believe it was an anti-west sentiment, an anti-riches, anti-capitalism. i'm not sure that's true, is it? certainly if you were to interview the 9/11 attackers, i'm pretty damn sure they would say we are against western values. we are against capitalism and so on. wouldn't they? >> there is no evidence to that. if you read pape you will hear experts on the subject and that's not their conclusion. if you look at the 9/11 commission, d.o.d. studies, cia,
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even at what paul wolfowitz has said, the great neocon, they have come to the conclusion our presence in the middle east was the most significant reason they wanted to kill us. >> assume you become president ron paul. if iran was to strike at israel whatled you do? >> i would look to the rules. the rules if our national security is threatened you explain it to the people and go to congress and say, is our national security threatened to such a degree that we declare war against a particular country? >> if you believe iran had enough enriched uranium to genuinely launch a nuclear attack against israel would that knowledge alone mean you would countenance military action? >> one thing we should set aside is the cia and the masaad. even israel said the leader of the masaad said if they have a
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weapon it's not a threat to them. >> you wouldn't -- preemptive strike. >> no. why should we? that's aggression. we are not supposed to commit akbraegs gregs. that's left for the dictators. we now don't do aggression but what we do is preemptive war. that's equivalent to it and i think it's dangerous. >> they have said, ahmadinejad made it clear he believes in wiping out israel if he had the chance. if you were president in the second world war and you were giving word the japanese were planning pearl harbor you would have preemptively struck, wouldn't you? >> let me start with the quote by ahmadinejad. that's a misquote but 99% of the people in media would misquote it and everybody in washington believes it. the proper interpretation is the regime in charge of jerusalem should be removed from the pages of time.
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he didn't say israel should be wiped from the face of the earth. look at the kimpbs of that. removing a regime. >> you're not defending ahmadinejad, are you? >> i'm trying to defend honesty and openness and willingness -- willing to stop a war. >> just to see. >> please let me finish the sentence. just like john kennedy was able to talk to kruschev. if we can talk to him with 30,000 missiles why can't we talk to a country without a nuclear weapon and not on the verge of it either according to the record. >> a lot of americans may like you personally or whatever. but they think you are weak on this because of the preemptive issue. i come back to the question. if you had nopro knowledge as president of pearl harbor would you have attacked? >> imminent attack if the planes are coming, yes. >> intelligence it may happen. >> an imminent attack is different when the planes are
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coming versus fiction. we shouldn't have such short memories. everything they are saying about iran we said about iraq and they were lies. how many men died? 8,500 americans died. 44,000 in tripoli. >> coming back to you on iraq -- >> it's the same principle. >> i opposed the war in iraq vigorously and loudly. >> you should oppose us going into iran then. >> i think iran is different. >> why? >> because i think they would if they could consider attacking israel. if you're in america you can't let it happen. the israelis -- >> why shouldn't they depend on the british? why doesn't the british take care of them? they have influence there. let the british kid gos over there and die. why is sit assumed that we are the policemen of the world, that it's our moral obligation. besides, we're broke. >> aren't there times you have to be the policeman of the world? >> no.
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>> really? >> we should provide for our national security. we do not have the authority. we do not have the money. we don't have the moral authority to do this because it leads to trouble. >> let's take a break and talk social issues. i want to talk about gay marriage, abortion. see what you really think. how can you get back pain relief that lasts up to 16 hours? with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles for up to 16 hours of relief. that's 8 hours while you wear it, plus an additional 8 hours of relief after you take it off. can your patch, wrap, cream or rub say that? so if you've got pain... get up to 16 hours of pain relief with thermacare. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy.
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i think ron paul's views are totally outside the main stream of virtually every decent american. >> newt gingrich calling ron paul totally outside the main stream. this is a man who wants a moon colony. mr. mainstream. let's talk social issues. people often say you are a conservative liberal. there aren't many of those around, ron paul. let me ask you about your view of gay marriage. i have read differing twists on this. what's your honest opinion about gay marriage? >> i am totally neutral on the cause of liberty when people want to be married and call it a marriage, it's none of my business. i can set my standards and others can decide whether they want to follow me or not. i would never use force. >> you don't believe in abortion under any circumstances, something driven by your time as a doctor. i read that you once delivered a
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two and a half pound baby that, as you said, you had to put into a bucket. >> not me. i wasn't a participant. i was a casual observer as a student. >> you witnessed this? >> walk in a room and it happened. it was five minutes, it was over. i walked out and said, wow, what did i see? >> it clearly scarred you. >> it was the lack of respect for life. >> here's the dilemma. one i put to rick santorum. i was surprised by his answer. although i sort of understood from his belief point of view he would come up with it. but it's a dilemma i will put to you. you have two daughters. you have many granddaughters. if one of them was raped, and i accept it's a very unlikely thing to happen. if they were, would you honestly look at them in the eye and say they had to have that child if they were impregnated? >> no. if it's an honest rape, that individual should go immediately to the emergency room. i would give them a shot of estrogen or --
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>> you would allow them to abort the baby? >> it is absolutely in limbo. an hour after intercourse or a day afterwards, there is no legal or medical problem. if you talk about somebody coming in and they say, well, i was raped and i'm 7 months pregnant and i don't want to have anything to do with it, that's a different story. somebody arriving in an emergency room saying i have been raped and there is no chemical, no medical and no legal evidence of a pregnancy -- >> life doesn't begin at conception? >> life does begin at conception. >> then you would be taking a life. >> well, you don't know if you're taking a life either because this is an area that -- but to decide everything about abortion, respect for life on this one very, very theoretical condition where there may have been a life or not a life. >> here's the thing. although it is a hypothetical it
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does happen. people do get raped and impregnated and sometimes they are so ashamed that weeks go by before they may discover they are pregnant. they have to face the dilemma and they are going to have a president with a very strong view about this. >> this is like the proposal that the people who like abortion, endorse abortion because it's the woman's right to her body. does that mean one minute before birth you can kill the baby? i saw it on a tv program where some women were opposed to what i was saying. i said, this nine-pound baby is in the woman, she has the right. you would abort this baby because the woman had unfortunate circumstances so the doctor gets paid a fee to kill a nine-pound baby? oh, that's not what we're talking about. that is whatter this talking about. they are talking about a human life. so a person immediately after rape, yes, it's a tough one. i won't satisfy everybody there.
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but to tell you the truth, what i saw happening in the 1960s and the change in the law and the change in attitude, people were doing illegal abortions, to me it is a moral problem. it was to change the morality of the '60s, the lack of respect for life leads to the lack of respect for liberty and the things i believe in. it was a change in morality that had the supreme court change the law. so i don't believe the change in the law is the magic cure. i do believe very sincerely if we don't have an understanding of life and have a lot of respect for life i can't defend people on their personal liberties. i can't be as toll lant as i am on how they use liberties. i think it's really a moral issue rather than a legal solution to all these problems. as a physician, as a gynecologist, i have had to face these difficult problems. i understand them. even before roe versus wade,
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many of the problems that existed where there is no perfect answer, they were taken care of but it was done -- they respected the fact that they were dealing with a life. >> finally on this point do you accept there is a slight contradiction between a candidate who is pro liberty, pro personal choice, pro personal responsibility in almost every other area but on the specific area says no, you don't have choice. >> i don't see the inconsistency. i see a nine-pound baby still within the mother as deserving protection, too, who deserves protection. that fetus has rights. if i do harm to him, i get sued. if you have a car accident and kill a fetus, there are legal right there is. but to say it's only the mother, it's very unique. if you carry your argument all the way a through, we have a right to our home. shouldn't we have the privacy of our homes? do we have a right to kill a baby one minute after birth? no. as a matter of fact, this is what happens.
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we can kill the baby before it's born and a doctor is paid. one minute after birth if the woman who was unfortunate enough to have the baby throws the baby away she gets arrested for homicide. to me, the one minute before birth and one minute after birth isn't a lot different. >> you understand that to a lot of people with serious religious conviction it is. they say life begins at conception. >> life does begin at conception. >> it's a moral maze. let's have a break. let's talk about your family. you have an incredible family. how many grandchildren? >> 18. >> how many great grandchildren? >> five. >> amazing. let's come back to talk about your family and your wife. vacations are always wasn'ta good ideaa ♪ priceline negoti - - no time. out quickly. you're miles from your destination. you'll need a hotel tonight we don't have time to bid you don't have to bid. at priceline you can choose from thousands of hotels on sale every day.
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save yourself... some money it's what he would have wanted. when bp made a commitment to the gulf, we knew it would take time, but we were determined to see it through. today, while our work continues, i want to update you on the progress: bp has set aside 20 billion dollars to fund economic and environmental recovery. we're paying for all spill- related clean-up costs. and we've established a 500 million dollar fund so independent scientists can study the gulf's wildlife and environment for ten years. thousands of environmental samples from across the gulf have been analyzed by independent labs under the direction of the us coast guard. i'm glad to report all beaches and waters are open for everyone to enjoy. and the economy is showing progress with many areas on the gulf coast having their best tourism seasons in years.
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i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. we're committed to the gulf for everyone who loves it, and everyone who calls it home. hohow w arare e yoyou? wewe'r're e gogoining g toto h e inintetervrvieiew.w. jojohnhn, , whwhatat's's i it t lilikeke d e fufusisionon h hybybri? yoyou u cacan n rereadad e evet isis o opeperaratitingng b by ya bubuttttonon.. itit's's l likike e drdrivivin. whwhatat w wououldld b be e thtg fofor r yoyou u toto g gi? ththe e mimileles s peper r gag. whwhenen y youou'r're e ususeder cacar r upup o oncnce e a, ththenen s sududdedenlnly y one weweekeks,s, bebelilieveve e meme i it'tg didiffffererenencece g go.
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yoyou u cacan n adadjujustst i r yoyou u wawantnt s so o yoyoue toto w wororryry a aboboutg ththe e wrwronong g mamat. huhurrrry y ththisis w weeee ulultitimamatete s sleleepep n. ononlyly a at t onone e ofo0 slsleeeep p nunumbmberer s. we have been on a pretty extensive tour and my wife's been with me. she didn't make it this morning because this was her day i said she could sleep in and i provided her breakfast this morning because it's our 55th wedding anniversary day. [ cheers and applause ] >> ron paul on how he and carol celebrated their 55th anniversary this week. congratulations. >> thank you. >> what's the secret to a long lasting marriage, do you think? >> i think a lot is respect and acceptance of both of our shortcomings. i just think that if you have
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respect for other people and reject the whole idea that you force people either intimidate or -- you know, i don't like it in politics or in interpersonal relationships, you do it my way or else. people get into trouble when they try to force their way on others and certainly in a good marriage you shouldn't use intimidation and force to try to get along. there must be a better way. >> what would carol say your shortcomings are? >> she'd probably be pretty generous, you know. >> what do you think they are? if you were being self-critical? >> well, i can get upset. most people don't realize i do get upset. unfortunately she gets on the receiving end. you know, if i get tired in the campaign, complain about the campaign i usually don't go to the campaign manager. i complain to her. but i think that's been part of it. if she has a problem, if she's not feeling well or something she's allowed to come to me.
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maybe part of a good marriage is being a sounding board for the other person. >> what do you believe about discipline with children? were you a spanker when you were young? >> no, not really. i wasn't spanked, you know, when i was growing up. our kids didn't get spanked. there would be a time, you know, you might have to give them a little tap or something to remind them. >> do you believe parents should have the right to give their kids a little tap? >> oh, yeah, as long as they're not practicing severe child abuse. boy, i'll tell you, i would work real hard to promote an understanding that you don't achieve a lot by using force and intimidation, just like in politics. i reject the use of force telling other countries what to do and what to do with your personal behavior and all. raising kids would be the same way. i can remember growing up, we had certain real strong beliefs and i thought, i wonder what my parents talked to me about
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behavior, drinking or anything. they never did. it was sort of through osmosis that you know what the standards are. fortunately we have had five wonderful children and i think there must have been osmosis there. i certainly wasn't a lecturer on exactly what they had to do. >> what were the most important values your parents instilled in you? things your parents instilled in you, hardwork, what else? >> they had a lot of respect for religious values. we did go to church routinely. i was raised in a lutheran church, and confirmation was a major event. when we were old enough to decide to be confirmed, that became bigger than a birthday party or something else. that was pretty important. >> one is about to happen, one happens. one sums up the best of america. one is the state of the situation where you have a young kid, a brilliant idea, and it
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turns into a hundred million idea and he creates a thosant millionaires. is that a good think? when you look at that, do you see negatives or think that's what the american dream at its purest is about? >> it is, and you picked a good example because he provided a service. and he didn't make money as much as he knew something that heimented people might like. he became wealthy because he gave a service. the consumer voted him to have this. there are many in society today, i'm on the side of occupy wall street when they complain about the 1%, but i separate the two. if you made your money because you provided a service and the people bought it and didn't get subsidies from the government or benefits from an inflationary system or bailouts, that is entirely different. >> giants or patriots? giants or patriots, super bowl?
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>> super bowl, haven't paid much attention to it. i have been paying attention to nevada and a few other primaries. >> now, let's talk about it briefly at the end. you're trailing in the polls at the moment. how important is it that you perform well in nevada? >> it's very important. i don't think it's the end of anything. i think we are going to do well. each primary, we have done much, much better than we did four years ago. that's one thing to compare it to. we're down to four candidates right now, and we have a good organization in nevada. >> would you ever drop out of this race, or are you here until the bitter end? >> if someone gets inaugerated next january? >> nothing will stop you before then? >> i'm not thinking in those terms because i'm thinking in campaigning where the next stop is, where i go this evening and i where seep tonight and how i'm going to encourage all of the workers to get the vote out. >> hypothetically f you got to a
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point where you did want to drop out, could you imagine endorsing another candidate? would you do that, or are you opposed to doing that on principle? >> it would be a challenge, but i think people change their minds. some of them change their minds more than others. so if they change them favorably and can convince them, i would be open to that. >> best of luck for the rest of the campaign. you have provided an energy, drive, and i can tell you one thing, people get more reaction on twitter and facebook from this interview than any interview i have done with any candidate. >> wonderful, thank you very much. >> when we come back, a sympathizer only in america. ♪ [ male announcer ] a simple gesture can spark romance anytime. and when it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready
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do you think you had a chance of win sng. >> we have helped so many people, almost 113,000 people got free medical care and medicine. >> what does it feel like to start with one person and grow the organization? >> if you have a good idea and you do it with love, a lot of people want to help you. >> it was a personal loss that got you involved in this. >> my sister died, she was pregnant. this was 21 years ago. >> what was her name? >> christine. she really helps me. >> you carry her with you still. >> yeah, and i think i carry her baby, too. >> what kind of an impact do you think this will have?
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>> the clinic we have in the tsunami zone is safe, but the clinic in brk ali is falling apart. it's too small for patient care. we have been saving money for years and we did get a piece of land in our village, so we're ready to build, and now we have money to begin. >> you have $250,000 plus $50,000, so $300,000. >> that goes a long way in indonesia. >> what keeps you going, even in the dark days when you don't have money and you don't have support? >> some days i don't have money, but i always have support. just when you think, how are we going to pay the electric will it's a miracle every day, like birth. >> i'm happy for you and the work you're going to do and the lives you're going to save, thank you. >> thank you.
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now it's time for only in america. there are many imponderables about super bowl xlvi, why there are numerals, what is with that funny shaped football, anyway, and why americans eat so many chicken wings in the country. but the one question i'm really certain of is this, when was the last time the halftime entertainer had bigger arms than any of the players? the other big question, of course, giants or patriots? oddsmaker here in las vegas say the patriots are three-point favorites, but i put the question to some of my recent guests. >> super bowl pick. >> new york. >> giants or patriots,
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