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tv   World Business Today  CNN  February 4, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PST

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king, okay, so i have to say the patriots. >> john, i know your allegiance. giants or patriots? >> neither. >> now, as an adopted son of new york, i had just two words myself to say about sunday's showdown, go giants. that's all for us. "ac 360" starts now. >> good evening. it's 10:00 on the east coast, and we begin with breaking news out of syria. a bloody day, at least 200 people killed in just the past few hours. 200 people dead in the past few hours. that's according to opposition activists. in a moment, you'll hear from one of them, a brave witness talking about the shelling and bloodshed happening right now. take a look at this we found on youtube.
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>> shelling and shooting. the fire breaks out again. at least 200 people kills there today, according to activists in the city, including women and children. i spoke to a witness, we're calling him danny. he's only giving his first name for obvious reasons. but he's at great risk. what's been happening? what's the latest? >> well, what's been happening, right? >> yes. >> they have been bombarding an area in homs for three hours. mortar bombs and tank shells. there's a part of the syrian army defected. they went down to welcome the syrian army, so they bombarded it with water bombs and tank shells. and in the first half hour, we have 40 people dead.
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now we've got about 200 dead all around homs. there are people under the destruction. we can't move them. all of the buildings have been on top of build bodies, human beings. kids dead, women dead, men dead. we can't get medication. they're shooting at the avenue, they're shooting. we can't get medication in there, we can't help them. no one is doing anything about it. they're sitting and discussing while we're sitting here getting killed. >> there could be as many as 200 dead in the last hour or two. >> yes, 200 dead in the last three hours. in the first half hour, 40 dead. in the first half hour. and we got the video up on youtube. they've been bombarding with mortar bombs and tank shells. we can't get medication in there
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and food in there, and can't get them in. they're shooting at us. i wanted to go in there to help them. they were shooting at me. >> how random is this mortar fire. are you saying they're indiscriminately firing mortars into neighborhoods? >> in the cities, in the cities, in the narrow civilian streets, on rooftops. i went on a rooftop to get civilians. the street is right next to me. like 400 meters, right over there. i picked up four civilians and brought them in a house. a mortar bomb came on the rooftop of a civilian house. >> we hear in the background, is that coming from the mosque. what are they saying in the mosque? they're asking help from god, from people. they're asking for blood, o-negative, a-positive.
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we have so many casualties. over 500 casualties. they might not live. we don't know if they're going to live or no. we need blood. no one is helping us. the u.n. isn't doing anything about it. there's a discussion, and people are sitting here and dying. >> you're taking a great risk by showing your face. >> i'm not afraid of this regime. if they want to kill me, let them. thank you, i'm not brave. you should see what people are doing here. people are trying to move bodies out of the streets and putting their lives at risk. people are getting killed just to move a body from the streets. just to move the bodies so they can bury them, and they're getting killed for moving the bodies. that's bravery. >> where do you -- where do you take the wounded? you can't take them to government hospitals. we have heard for months those have been taken over by the military and there are secret police in the hospitals. where do you take the wounded?
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>> we take the wounded, as i said, we smuggle the wounded, we smuggle the dead bodies into the area i'm in now which is protected by the free army. but the free army doesn't have heavy artilery. they have rockets. that's all that they have. they can't fight a whole big syrian army, can't they. we smuggle them. we have three filled hospitals here. we get the injure people here and try to do the best. we haven't got enough doctors. the doctor gets about 20 patients in one hour. he needs to be buried, he's going to die, they don't know what to do. these aren't animals dying here. these are human beings. being bombed, being bombed by mortar bombs, by tank shells. and no one is doing anything about it. we're going to sit here and get killed. there's one message i would like to get out, that we're not going to stop.
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the syrian people are not going to stop if they kill millions. we will remember that no one did anything about it. >> why have they launched this bombardment now? >> so a part of the syrian army was on a barricade. a part of that barricade defected. i think it was about 50 to 60 soldiers. i don't know what they had with them. they defected and ran away to a place, an area in homs. the civilians went down to welcome to free syrian army, to thank them for their bravery because this is the syrian army. when they found out about that, they started randomly bombing with tank shells, with mortar bombs like they're animals. they're stabbing kids, stabbing women. raping women, and no one is doing anything about this. this isn't a game here. this is a reality. this is actually going on. all these footage you have been
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seeing on youtube of women rapes, children hurt, this is not a game. this is going on, and there's much more than this that we don't know about yet. this government is hiding so much more. we don't know half of what's going on yet. >> danny, stay safe. thank you for talking to us. >> as we sit here safe tonight in our homes and wherever you're watching this, this is happening in syria, in the city of homs right now. let us know what you think on facebook, google plus, twitter, i'll be tweeting tonight. up next, a mother's plea for justice. justice for her daughter killed in a car crash involving a serial drunk driver who was pardoned by former mississippi governor haley barbour, pardoned after he sat in jail after his fourth arrest. >> also, a new woman has come forward saying she's suffering from the same strange ticks that resemble tourette's syndrome as a group of girls in high school
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keeping them honest, a mom's plea for justice, justice for
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her daughter who is no longer alive to receive the justice. charity smith was just 18 years old. she was working as a waitress, saving up money for college. talented artist with a lot of big dreams. charity died when her car hit a truck on a gravel road. you can see by the wreckage how bad the crash was. whose fault it was is being investigated. the truck wasn't damaged much that was hit. the man who was behind the wheel wasn't seriously hurt, but he was drunk. his name is harry bosworth, a former irs investigator. he was arrested for driving under the influence after that crash. it wasn't the first time he was caught drunk driving. in fact, it wasn't his second or third time. it was his fourth drunk driving arrest. what makes this harry bosworth case so stunning is he was part pardoned by haley barbour. he was sitting in jail after his fourth arrest when the governor signed his pardon. this is the dash cam video of his third arrest. this was the one he was pardoned for. felony dui he pled guilty
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2010. here is the officer who arrested him the third time. >> there was an open bottle of wine in the front seat, an open bottle of champagne in the front seat. he had a large cup that was full of red wine. >> blood alcohol level was twice the limit. he had three in one year. the first two were misdemeanors, for his third arrest, he was sentenced to a year of house arrest and four years in an alcohol abuse program. a year after his third arrest, he applied for the pardon. some of his high profile friends wrote letters to governor barbour on his behalf. one federal prosecutor said harry no longer drinks alcohol. the parole board recommended he get the pardon. seven days later, he slammed into charity smith's car as she pulled into a highway. it's still under investigation. we have repeatedly asked governor barbour to come on the program and explain how he could give a pardon to a guy sitting
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in jail after his fourth dui arrest, after an 18-year-old girl was dead. so far, he has declined our invitation. they said they didn't know about the fourth accident. they haven't explained why the parole board or his office didn't do a last minute check on his record. here is what barbour said about his pardons in general. >> the power of pardon in the state is to give people a second chance who have been rehabilitated and redeem themselves. >> repented, rehabilitated, redeemed. >> harry had three dui arrests on his record, one a felony. he was supposed to be in an alcohol abuse program. he swore he wasn't drinking anymore. his connected friends also said that. he was drunk when his truck
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slammed into charity's car. rehabilitated, obviously not. we would love you to come on the show and answer some questions, but at the very least, we think you owe charity's family some answers. charity's mom, linda smith, joins me now. >> linda, first of all, how are you holding up during all of this? >> as best as i can. >> i know you feel like your daughter has been forgotten in all this. what do you want people to know about her? >> first of all, i know everybody reads the name on a piece of paper. she's not just a name. you know, charity was a person. a beautiful person. smart, intelligent person, who had her whole life ahead of her. and she loved life. she loved her art. she loved to write. she would be in college right now. >> that was her dream, to go to college.
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>> getting her degree, yes. she should be there now. you know. working on her degree. and loving life. >> when you first heard that harry bostick was pardoned, what went through your mind? >> i was just so sad. i didn't understand it. >> had anyone from the governor's office called you? >> no. no. no one. >> their office said that he wasn't aware of the fourth dui charge which was the charge that was involved and related to your daughter's death when he pardoned bostick. do you believe them? >> i have to. i mean, surely, he wouldn't have done that.
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i mean, i'm sure he wouldn't have done that. i mean, if somebody already had three, and you know there's another one, i mean, how could you? how could you do that? >> so he was sitting in jail on that fourth dui charge when he was pardoned. at this point -- >> yes. >> what can be done now in your eyes to bring some justice to this? >> take his pardon back. he should have never been pardoned. >> when you think of him right now, free with his slate wiped clean, his record wiped clean, what do you think? >> i have to believe that justice will be served.
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i have to. >> have you ever said anything -- seen this man, said anything to him? >> no. no. i have never talked with him. >> is there anything you would want him to know? >> not right now. maybe at a later time. >> and to the governor, what would you want the governor to know, governor barbour. >> if i could talk to the governor? >> yeah. >> i think he should be more thorough than what he did. somebody didn't do right. and i know i'm not the only person who is feeling this. there's other mothers and fathers that are struggling with the same thing.
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and they want the same thing. how did it happen? >> how do you get through each day? >> it's not easy. look, my daughter, i know she was 18, but she always told me she loved me every morning when she was leaving, and i did her the same. this was every day. i miss my child. and i'll never have her again. i have bad days. i don't have good days.
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>> you just have bad days? >> yes. i miss my child. i love my child. and i want her back. >> i'm so sorry for your loss. and for now you having to go through this. is there anything else you want people to know? >> you know, i know we all make mistakes. there's nobody perfect, but when haley barbour said everybody deserves a second chance, my baby didn't get a second chance.
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you know, she's not here. >> linda, i wish you strength. i wish you strength and peace in the days ahead. >> thank you. >> it's such a heart breaking story. ed lavendera has been doing a lot of digging on this for us. he joins me now from mississippi. how did this happen? was there no mechanism in place to make sure that the justice system and the parole board were in contact with one another? >> it doesn't appear that there was. and the way all of this unfolded, unfolded, anderson s back in last summer, harry bostick began the process of applying for the pardon. he gathered the letters and applied to the parole board. that wrapped up in september. they voted 3-2 to recommend him for a pardon. all of the paperwork was mailed over to governor haley barbour's
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office, and that appears to be the end of it from what we can tell. then it was a week later that this terrible accident happened and charity smith was killed. between the months of october, november, and december, into early january when harry bostick was finally pardoned, there was never any mechanism in place that went back and double checked that everything was still okay, and harry bostick was sitting there in jail, and according to the governor's office and the parole board, they had no idea he was there, and he was pardoned. he was literally walked out of the jail, spoke to the sheriff and he said no idea the pardon was coming down the pipe, and he had to let him walk out of jail. >> is it possible he could be found culpable in the crash that killed her daughter, and if so, could he be arrested for that? >> it is possible. essentially, what will happen is those first two misdemeanor dui charges you spoke about earlier,
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those haven't gone away. it's the third one. so the fourth charge that we're still waiting on what a grand jury will do and what the formal charges will be, if that does happen, the fourth one will become the third one and he'll have to go through the legal process on that. obviously, the it changes what the potential sentence could be. he hasn't been indicted yet. he's presumed innocent, but all of that is still making its way through the legal process. >> ed, i appreciate you continuing to stay on. thank you very much. still ahead, a medical mystery deepens. started when a dozen teenage girls developed strange ticks that look like tourette's syndrome. now it's not just teenagers. the latest on what a small town in new york is facing. >> also, lance armstrong getting good news into the investigation of whether he used performance enhancing drugs. the latest ahead.
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[oinking] [hissing] [ding] announcer: cook foods to the right temperature using a food thermometer. 3,000 americans will die from food poisoning this year.
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check your steps at
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more with anderson in just a moment, but first, a news and business bulletin. a better than expected jobs report. 243,000 jobs were added last month. dropping the unemployment rate to 8.3%. the lowest level in three years. the justice department clearing lance armstrong of using performance enhancing drugs. prosecutors say they're closing their criminal probe without filing charges against the seven-time tour de france winner. they offered no explanation for that decision. >> the susan g. komen foundation
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apologizing for cutting funds to planned parenthood. they're back tracking and restoring the money. word came after a lot of angry protests. >> and rescuers in cape cod are racing to save the lives of beached dolphins. of the 100 that washed up, 80 have died. there's no word on what triggered the mass beaching, but weather, pollution, and social structure are part. >> imagine this, they picked up a diamond in the rough that turned out to be a rare, near perfect gem after a trip to a jewel cutter, it's worth more than $21,000. back to you. >> and new developments in the medical mystery in upstate new york. a 36-year-old woman coming forward with the same tourette like symptoms of the high school students. but are investigators closer to finding out what is going on. >> and a teacher in california accused of taking bondage photos of students in the class room.
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why did it take over a year for police to arrest him and why is he still collecting his teacher' pension. stuffy): yee both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. tylenol: and i relieve nasal congestion. nyquil (stuffy): overachiever. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't.
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tonight, a 360 follow up. we have been reporting on this medical mystery. more than a dozen high schoolers have developed strange ticks
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that resemble tourette's syndrome. twitching, flailing, all but one of the teens are girls. they have ruled out any environmental cause. they have conducted air quality and mold tests, released those results. some have been diagnosed with convergeant disorder, a reaction to stress, but many of the girls and their parents aren't satisfied with the answers. erin brockovich is now involved. she believes maybe a chemical spill in the '70s near the school may be linked to the ticks. the epa is also on the case. now a new development. a 36-year-old woman who lives in the same town seems to have developed the same ticks. a teenager said she hung out where the chemical spill hand happened. she worries what it would mean if the toxins were to blame? >> i have to have faith in my doctors. lg of the lab work and cat scans and mris i have done have come back within range within the normal range limits.
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so if it ends up being environmental, then does that mean that i don't have hope of getting better? these are thoughts that go through my head. >> so dr. drew pinsky has been following the story closely. he joins me. i don't understand this. are you surprised by this new person, this new information that a woman in her 30s has now apparently come down with similar symptoms? >> not necessarily. this could still be convergent, and many of the folks having the reaction, we're finding there's a common thread of significant trauma in their background. this woman suffered severe trauma. what we're trying to do is connect the relationship among
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the womens to understand how this might have spread. convergeant disorder can sometimes have medical issues that are contributing to it, precipitating to it, making it more likely to occur. the fact it's convergent doesn't rule out the environmental influences. those are pursued aggressively. in the meantime, the diagnosis gives the doctors in that vicinity something to work on, and most of them are getting better. >> explain that because i find it fascinating, it's also called mass hysteria. one person starts this, and others join in? >> right, the salem witch trials, something that people are familiar with, one of the most dramatic examples of this, but there are examples of this all over the world. we chronicled this on my program. it's not -- it's rare, but it's certainly not unheard of. and convergeant itself, a single person developing single manifestations because of a psychological or psychiatric state isn't uncommon.
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brain and body are connecting, and when it blows a fuse, when stress is excessive, it comes out through physical symptoms and ticks and seizuring and blindness or paralysis. these are not at all uncommon manifestations. >> why would one person get and it and then other people get it? it opens up the idea in other people's minds? >> yeah, i don't think anybody, anderson, could really answer that question, why this place at this time, what was it about that that made it possible for spread the way it did. as an internist, i ran a department of medicine at a psychiatric hospital for a long time. when somebody came in with a symptom that was psychiatric, was to make sure there wasn't a medical issue, and that's what is being pursued in the town. as we were following the story, we found this spill, and now that's become maybe a parallel story, but it may have a
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causational link. >> with this illness, what does getting better mean? how long could the girls and woman have symptoms for? >> getting better, there's various different types of treatments. i can tell you that half of the girls are maintaining treatment with a group, a neurology group in their vicinity near their home town, and that half seems to be getting better with supportive care, with psychooeducation, with family education. whatever that particular patient needs, it also will get better with placebo and time itself. so if it's convergent, and that woman you heard, older, older, in her 30s, she was concerned it would be a toxic influence. a toxic hit is a far more grave issue than a convergent disorder. >> thanks. >> up next, days of mourning giving way to a new explosion of violence in egypt.
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while the government is blamed. >> also, a california teacher accused of taking hundreds of lewd photographs of students over the years. images so disturbing we can't show them to you on tv. he's facing charges. taxpayers are still paying his $4,000 a month pension. we're keeping them honest. [ engine sputtering ]
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[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. we have another keeping them honest report. you think your kids are safe at school, but that may have been
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far from true for more than a dozen students at a california school. mark bernedt. he's behind bars accused of lewd acts upon a child. he's accused of taking at least 400 photographs, bondage photographs of students in his third grade class room. at least 400 taken over a five-year period from 2005-2010. they show what some would call in-class sex scenes. we don't really want to go into the details of what went on in some of the pictures. so for 23 students between the ages of 7 and 10, have been identified in the photos. there are at least ten others they're still trying to identify. this investigation began in october of 2010 when a photo technician at a cvs told police he found disturbing pictures of children blindfolded.
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he was removed from the elementary elementary school, then he tried to fight his firing and resigned so he could keep the pension. and because he wasn't fired, he was able to do that. he gets to keep his nearly $4,000 a month pension and his health benefits. the l.a. sheriff's department said allegations were made against him also nearly 20 years ago. but get this, prosecutors decided not to press charges back then because they determined there wasn't enough evident to prove that a crime occurred. decades later, there are charges. serious charges, and investigators say he took serious advantage of the students. >> the children felt this was a game. they didn't realize they were wiig victimized. they thought they were just being blindfolded and gagged as a game. >> went beyond blindfolding and gags.
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tonight, another troubling case at the exact same school. another teacher was arrested today at the same school. this man, 49-year-old martin bernard springer is accused of fondling two seven-year-old girls in a class room. they happened at the same school. >> joining me now is john, superintendent of the los angeles unified school district. the question on everybody's mund is how could this have happened on school premises in a class room? >> that's exactly why we're investigating it, and that's why we're working with the police to try to understand that. and how that could have happened over a period of time. >> if school officials, if you view the charges as brave enough to warrant being fired right away, should parent have been alerted what was going on at the school for more than a year? >> we followed the direction of the police, like i assume you do also in that when the police tell you to act and do a certain thing, we follow that. the police were very clear that
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we were not to be involved in the investigation. and we followed everything to the letter of the law that they directed us to do. >> what is amazing to me, though, is this guy still gets a pension. that this guy still gets lifetime health benefits, nearly $4,000 a month, as part of his pension, and that's a pension, i think, that california taxpayers, even the alleged victim's families are paying for. >> i think it's outrageous. part of a law that absolutely should be changed in california currently, there are other very high-profile cases, two that raise questions that you raise, and i happen to agree with you. >> even while this guy had been fired, he was able to challenge the firing and resign, which allowed him to keep his pension. i have read studies about how hard it is in california to fire bad teachers. not just teachers who have done something -- committed a crime like this, but terrible teachers out there.
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that for you, do you want to see that changed? is that one of the things you would like to see changed? >> absolutely. i mean, there are two other parts of the law which make no sense to me whatsoever. in a case like this, not all cases, but in a case like this where someone is clearly being investigated for either being involved in drugs and narcotics or any kind of criminal act involving a youth, that investigation should take place when they're not being paid. the second part is that when a person in california, the superintendent and the board recommend that the person be terminated, they're not the last say in the process. there's a whole process involving an administrative law judge and a panel of teachers who make the decision. >> teachers were deciding and the administrative law judge, deciding whether or not the teacher gets fired? >> that's correct. >> obviously, that's just a system that is not tenable. there are so many cases.
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i remember reading of a case of a teacher who told a student who attempted suicide, you couldn't even do that right, making fun of him, and he got to keep his job. >> we have thousands of phenomenal teachers. but in cases like this, i agree with you. that law has got to be changed. >> several of this person's former students reported him in the early 1990s for inappropriate conduct in the class room. one said he tried to grope her while two others say he appeared to be fondling himself in class. one said she was told at the time, quote, it's not good to make stories up. she said it was our imagination, it was never talked about again. were those earlier allegations not taken seriously by your district? >> apparently so. i mean, i have not spoken to that person. clearly, you know, as only recently as a year on this job, we have looking into every administrator who ran the school
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over a period of time, everybody in charge of the school, anybody who gave advice to the school to try to understand what could possibly have happened. >> police have now just arrested another teacher in the same school as this teacher who was taking the photographs. >> that's correct. we were there this morning. we were the individuals who information came forward to us yesterday. we turned it over to the police, and he was arrested today, and i charge he'll be successfully prosecuted. >> he was accused of molesting two girls around 7 years old. is this connected to the other guy taking the pictures. >> it was a separate set of students and a separate type of incident. whether they're connected or not, i do not know. >> at this point, how do you reassure parents that their kids are safe? >> by doing the very things that we do. when we find, and in this administration, finds an
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individual who crosses the line, who at all breaks the sacred crust with a student in their care, we're going to fire them. >> we appreciate you being on. we'll follow this. thank you. >> let's get a different perspective on this troubling case. we're joined from los angeles. does it sound to you like this 1994 allegation against the teacher berndt were handled properly? >> not at all. i'm really concerned about the fact that the allegations that were made by the students earlier in the 1990-1991 school year were not a part of the 1994 investigation. you have students complaining about the teacher as early as 1990-9091. saying he's fondling himself, involved in inappropriate activity before the students, yet no one takes him seriously, and that's not a part, as we know, of the
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investigation. >> they said there wasn't enough evidence back then to justify charges being brought, and if you can't bring charges, you can't fire the guy, can't get rid of him. >> i got a real problem with that, anderson. the school district is not held to a criminal standard, so the school district doesn't have to have criminal charges before it can say, you know, we have some concerns about you being in the classroom. we don't think you're fit. that you're going to be appropriate. and ultimately, the school district has a responsibility to keep children safe. hands down, unequivocally, that is their responsibility. this is a case where the system failed the kids. >> isn't that one of the things, we just talked to the superintendent who said i would like to be able to fire teachers more easily, but they have to go through a review panel of fellow teachers and school districts spend millions of dollars a year trying to get rid of a few bad teachers and often they're unable to do that. >> there's something wrong with
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the system that says, you know, we can't do anything but warehouse teachers. we take them out of the classroom and put them in a district office and go through months and months of hearings and investigations before we can do anything. here are the kids, the most vulnerable in our society, professionals who are supposedly vetted and supposed to be there to protect and teach. and it's not acceptable to say my hands are tied. it's not acceptable. >> it's also incredible to me that this teacher will continue to get his pension, and you know, the superintendent said his hands are tied. there's nothing he can do to keep it from cashing in. health benefits the rest of his life and his pension, $4,000 a month. >> you talk about creative lawyering. i would like to see some really incredibly creative lawyer make the argument that this guy should not receive those benefits because he should have been taking compensation for engaging in moral turpitude.
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he wasn't teaching. he was doing everything but teaching. you gain those fraudulently, you're not entitled to them. there may be creative lawyering that makes it possible for the guy not to receive the benefits. >> the school, the school district, could they be liable from the parents of some of these kids, that this teacher was able to stay in the class room and abuse kids for years? >> absolutely, anderson. i think we're going to see some lawsuits. we're going to see parents filing lawsuits saying that there was negligent supervision. this guy had a history, that there wasn't proper investigation of complaints made by the students of the 1990-1991 school year and the school knew, was put on notice, that his conduct was reprehensible and he was a danger to the kids. i think we'll see lots of lawsuits filed. >> such an unthinkable case, but
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it's not unthinkable. the fact that they arrested another person in the same school. whether it's directly related is stunning. >> wake-up call, anderson, a true wake-up call for districts all over the country to take note of this. they need the adults, they need protect. we have to do better. >> i appreciate you being on. >> thank you. always my pleasure, anderson. >> wake-up call indeed. let's get to some of the other stories. susan hendricks back. >> anderson, we start in egypt. the health ministry said two people were killed and more than 1400 were injured in clashes between police and protesters. reports of lax security in a soccer riot had led to new protests on the streets there. >> the united nations has claimed end to famine conditions. still, more than 2 million people need emergency humanitarian assistance, down from 4 million. to colorado, blizzard conditions have shut down 70
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miles of interstate and canceled hundreds of flights at denver international airport. they could get up to two feet of snow before it tapers off tomorrow morning. >> daredevils in florida, performing on a trapeze attached to a helicopter. no safety net and the only thing holding him up is his own strength and maybe his hair after seeing that. >> have a good weekend. coming up, not familiar with one measly piece of baseball jargon, and all hell breaks loose around here. the gold standard in anti-aging. clinically proven to give 10 years back to the look of skin. nothing's better than gold. [ female announcer ] roc® retinol correxion deep wrinkle night cream.
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time now for the ridiculist. tonight, we're adding my knowledge or sports or lack there of. i took a lot of heat. i was haven't a conversation with fran townsend. she used a baseball analogy. >> the issue that may in fact be that it's a brushback pitch. a signal about just how strongly we don't want them to do it. >> a brush-back pitch. that's leaking something -- >> yeah it's not leaking something. >> we're saying we're committing this publicly and making it much more difficult for them to do -- >> how have i never heard that phrase. a big deal, i didn't know what a
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brush-back pitch was. i thought it was a fancy political term she was using. how was i supposed to know she was getting sporty on me. it's not like i'm the star pitcher on the cnn baseball team. i'm still not sure on what a brush-back pitch is, but we're not going to send some of her best producers out to the baseball field in central park to find out, oh, we did. >> the idea to throw toward the batter's head without hitting the batter's head. the purpose, intimidation. >> to be honest, i wasn't paying attention until they started playing music. i have always been informed that it's also called chin music, which is just weird. so now i know what a brush-back
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pitch is. i will never make that mistake again. it was a baseball analogy. basketball is more my area of expertise. >> honestly, i know nothing about basketball. all i know about is politics. >> okay, really pathetic. ooh. that was not even close. $5 million for an authentic bracket, is that enough. where don't know what an authentic brack lt is. i don't know what the hoop is, the ball is, but i'll let it go because i don't know anything about sports. >> that's one of my favorite interviews. anyway, i'm happy to report i have learned a few things about sports since that last clip. and by that, i mean i have watched hard knocks on hbo, which is really good, and i saw money ball, which i also thought was good. as a journalist, though, and someone tired of getting made


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