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tv   Early Start  CNN  February 7, 2012 2:00am-4:00am PST

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good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start," i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. we're bringing you the news from "a" to "z." it's 5:00 a.m. in the east. let's get started. >> it's been a terrible, terrible night in syria. in the town of homs, this is pretty much what everyone heard
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repeatedly, shelling, tank fire, nearly 100 civilians have reportedly been killed and now a russian official is in damascus to meet with the regime. we are going to figure out exactly how that will play out in the effort to end the carnage there. we have new information about final moments for josh powell and his two little boys. what the coroner says he did to his two little boys before he set the house on fire. >> and on the political front, a lot of delegates, up for grabs. 70, in fact, in the states that are actually offering them up. three states at play tonight. is rick santorum sitting a lot prettier than he has been in states past? we'll let you know. the dark side of camelot. this is an explosive new memoir. it claims that john f. kennedy had an affair with a teenage intern. he was in his 40s, she was 19.
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first up, we want to get to the situation in syria growing so desperate by the hour. take a look at the video and hear the sounds. it's remarkable. these are scenes that have been playing out over and over by the day, by the night. government troops slaughtering civilians. because it's so difficult to report from that community and from that area we can't independently confirm this. but we can tell you this, the united states has yanked the embassy staff back and shut down our embassy in that country. the brits have pulled their ambassador out as well. though not permanently but they have made that move. the anti-government activists are getting on any set of airwaves they can, begging for an end to this blood bath. have a listen. >> the entire world should be ashamed of what's happening here. everybody is just silent and looking at us being slaughtered every moment. for no reason, just asking for
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our freedom. >> this is too much were for god sake. this is too much. >> wow, that is difficult to listen to. arwa damon is live in beirut, lebanon. arwa, russian's foreign minister just arrived a short time ago to visit syrian president al assad in damascus. what's the very latest you can tell us? >> reporter: we don't know the exact details, although the foreign minister is said to be carrying some sort of a message to president bashar al assad. and if you look at the images emerging from state television, they show massive clouds celebrating the arrival of the russian foreign minister. these images could not be in greater contrast to the other images we have been seeing activists uploading to youtube, just showing the sheer devastation and horror people are going through in parts of the country, especially in that flash point city of homs where the syrian government appears to
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have launched what activists are describing as a full-out assault on them. and no one has been spared the violence. these images that we've been looking at of intensifying attacks are showing adults being killed, children as well. parents begging for help in utter anguish over the fact that they either have not been able to save their children from harm or they are having to sit by and watch them continue to suffer. as you were mentioning there, a lot of disgust and a lot of anger at the international community, especially russia and china. but at the international community as a whole, for its failure to unite on syria. because as long as global nations remain divided, many say they remain emboldened. >> how effective will this visit be? because russia is the one who voted against, you know, potentially stopping this bloodshed there. >> reporter: look, russia holds a lot of cards.
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russia can put pressure on the assad regime should it choose to do so. they have been pushing to are a political dialogue for reforms to be implemented, reforms that the government promised to be implemented immediately. the issue right now is that the situation is escalated to such a degree that the opposition is not going to sit down at a negotiating table that is going to include president bashar al assad, nor do they have faith in reforms that this current government, as it exists, is actually going to implement. so no matter what, the russians accomplish on the ground, it is highly unlikely it is going to be sufficient to bring about a true and genuine end to the bloodshed. that is the dilemma that syria is facing right now. the situation inside the country is so fiercely polarized and it is polarizing on the global scale as well. bringing these various sides together, at this point, many people are telling you it's not going to take place. that window for dialogue, it
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closed a long time ago. >> it is just horrific to watch all of these images. arwa damon, live from beirut for us. thank you. we have new and very disturbing developments this morning in washington state. police saying that they have new evidence that backs up their theory of a murder/suicide that played out in a house fire that killed josh powell and his two young sons. we showed you the pictures and now we have more details. this one is difficult to even talk about but the county medical examiners have now said that those two young boys had, quote, chop injuries on their head and neck and they recovered a hatchet from the scene as well. not only that but they found 5 gallon cans of gasoline near the bodies and the pierce county sheriff's spokesman told cnn's john king their father, josh powell, sent out several good-bye e-mails before this happened. >> these e-mails weren't sent out days in advance.
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it appears they were sent out minutes before it happened. it was very calculated and very planned. he had gone and given books and toys to local charity and dropped them off at a store. he was making arrangements to leave this place. he had some knowledge of what he was going to do. >> of course, the back story on this, susan powell, two years ago, disappearing. her husband claiming he was out camping the night before in winter weather with two toddlers. he's long been the suspect in her disappearance. so this death essentially ends an entire family. we should tell you as well that her parents, the coxs family lawyer says their son, one of their sons drew a picture of his mother in the trunk of the family vehicle. >> they said those little boys were finally talk. there's a candle light vigils for the boys, 5-year-old braden, 7-year-old charlie, held outside the powell home.
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we're talking to the sister-in-law of josh powell. denise cox is the sister of susan cox powell. she believes josh powell killed her sister. what is next for that family. >> an absolutely brutal story. i will be interested to speak to them. there may even be civil litigation issues here as well. we'll explore that in the next hour. let's move on to the business news this morning. there was new overnight news. bp, the oil giant, remember the big spill, made a big announcement of profit, $7.7 billion in the fourth quarter last year. it signals a pretty nice bounce back from the gulf spill. that is probably pretty shocking to a lot of people to hear that. >> that's $85 million in profits. >> is that an entire profit number? >> they were raking in $85 million a day, a total turnaround in the gulf for them and a real -- look, these big oil companies are cash machines because we're addicted to oil,
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right? the world is addicted to oil. they make a lot of money. >> they've been spending money, too, in the cleanup. i see the commercials every day on our network, other networks, saying we're committed to enclooing the gulf. i think people may feel differently about that. >> they're spending a lot of money for their investors eighth shareholders. they raised their dividend. if you are one of those buy and hold bp holders, they're paying you to hold their stock, too. that was something that got investors excited. today we're watching bernanke, the fed chief. he will be speaking today. last week he was talking about how he'll keep interest rates low. we'll find out today after the jobs report if he's upbeat about the direction of the u.s. economy. i'll be honest with you, 2011 was a year that burned a lot of economists and even people like ben bernanke who were hoping for the seeds of recovery to take root. we kept -- it was false starts a lot last year. we'll see if ben bernanke is more confident today about the direction of the u.s. economy this year.
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>> all right. big jobs report last week. but there are concerns about greece. i was trying to understand grease and somebody said to me, they're that big. why do they have so much of an effect? why are we constantly talking about them? >> they do. one big reason, greece has europe in a tizzy right now. >> are you allowed to say greece is the word? >> i was doing a lot of terrible greece puns. my new year's resolution is no more greece puns, no more p.i.g.s. puns, which is poland, ireland, greece and spain. we don't know what the affect would be if greece had a disorderly default, if it was kicked out of the eu. it could be dangerous to the banking system. it's interconnected. europe is america's number one trading zone. trading partner. if greece were to really bring down europe or cause a recession in europe, that would be felt here. this is why this little tiny
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country is so important to the rest of us. what they're really talking about now in greece, i think there's optimism that greece will get its act together. there are 15,000 public sector job cuts that they promise by the end of the year. they have to sell all these austerity measures to the people. >> who are striking today. >> greece has to show that it's not just doing the right now, that it's completely remaking its economy. where it is transparent, people pay taxes, you don't retire at 50 with all of these benefits. they have to remake their entire economy to grow or we'll be in the same position again. it's important to everybody. >> okay, christine, thank you. i don't know what it's like in your neck of the woods to quote al roker, it is so warm, zoraida wears sleeveless and i don't know what month it is. it's been a heat wave, right, rob? >> don't kiss winter bye-bye
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just yet, ladies. >> okay. >> here it is on the map. pretty quiet. mild, a little bit breezy across the northeast. cold front, this one is fairly weak. there's another one coming down thursday, friday that we'll have to watch. showers across parts of florida. decent storm system heading into the west coast. from san francisco to san diego, a little bit of light rain, they need mountain snow as well. it's going to be windy along the coast, also a gust of 55 miles an hour in spots. we have wind advisories and wind watches that have been posted. traveling san francisco, los angeles to san diego, those are spots that will see delays because of the weather. light snow moving through chicago. midsection, i forgot to mention that. miami and orlando, also some light showers. 37 chicago. that's cooler than it has been. you'll continue that cooling trend as we go through the next couple days. 48 in new york city. why not wear short sleeves? and across the panhandle of florida, temperatures in the 70s.
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cool picture floating around twitter. this shot taken on sunday by the gentleman that runs the panhandle helicopter company. he took this shot in the morning. fog rolling in and buildings kind of lifting like mountains would lift. >> yes. spectacular picture, rob. >> condensing those clouds. some would call these helm holtzholtz waves but not quite. >> they look like waves. >> where is this again? >> panama city. >> panama city. those are some of the most beautiful beaches. you can't even see them. >> the crystal white sands. >> in the mornings people don't always watch every moment because they're off doing their routines. if you didn't see that, you've got to go tivo back. those pictures are remarkable. thank you. >> i'll tweet it out if you missed it. >> that would be terrific. thank you. >> i'll follow you. i think i do, actually. still ahead on "early start," questionable money moves. and it is perfectly legal.
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we're talking about congressional earmarks. there is a big outrage over a new report, dozens of members of congress are funding projects right next to their own homes. there is a list of their names and the projects. >> i bet rick santorum will want to hear this one at some point. he's had to answer to that a lot on the campaign trail. also, we have a big ruling we're expecting in california. the whole gay marriage story in california is complicate the. proposition 8 is what it's all about. today we may finally get a ruling on whether you can or can't marry a same-sex spouse. and a tell-all book from a grandmother who says she was a mistress of jfk in the white house. she was 19. he was in his 40s. you are watching "early start." with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor.
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i went off about "hotel california" and the eagles. >> happy tuesday just for you. >> we'll talk prop 8 later. good morning, san francisco, nice tower cam shot for you. 52 degrees, rain, clouds and 57 later on. >> better than here. >> 17 minutes past the hour. time to check the stories that are making news this morning. nearly 100 more civilians killed overnight by syrian forces in homs. the foreign minister of russia just arrived in damascus. the last hour to urge president al assad to end the violence there. officials in washington state say josh powell attacked his children with a hatchet before they died of carbon monoxide poisoning. police telling cnn powell used 10 gallons of gasoline to set his home on fire. the u.s. army grieving the loss of 49-year-old brigadier
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general terrence hillner. he died of natural causes over the weekend. 70 delegates and pretty critical momentum. that's what's at stake today as republican candidates compete in caucuses in colorado and minnesota and this weird nonbinding primary in missouri. also, the new york giants will be honored today with a good old-fashioned ticker tape parade in manhattan's canyon of heroes. expected to happen later this morning. this of course, unless you were under a rock, is because they captured their second super bowl victory in four years over the patriots. randy travis is apologized for being arrest ed yesterday. he was caught in front of a church with an open bottle of wine. headlines this morning, papers from washington, d.c. and
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los angeles. i have the "washington post" here. don't you want to look at my headline? this is much better than looking at that. this say huge investigation that's going on, folks. 33 lawmakers spent 300 million in taxpayer money on local projects. examples that we have? >> i've heard this story a million times before. >> now it's detailed out. so the specific projects with the name, alabama senator 100 million to renovate an area right near his office. georgia congressman, 6.3 million to replenish a beach near his vacation home. listen to this. the chambers of commerce have different standards here. in the senate, members must certify that neither they nor their immediate family members have a financial interest in the earmarks. in the house, only lawmakers and their spouses are covered, not children or parents. i'll put this on facebook for you. i was looking through the different states, including illinois, to show how egregious.
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>> if you put your house in your children's name, you can earmark all you want and it's legal? >> in some places. >> it might be legal but it didn't campaign well. let's get to the "l.a. times." you probably heard about the elementary school where two teachers have been arrested, one for lewd acts and another one for horrifying photos, bondage photos involving 6, 7-year-old kids. now comes a sweeping move. there's a detailed article about all of the staff, the entire staff of this elementary school getting wiped out. they're gone. they're not going to work at this school again. doesn't mean they're being fired, though. they're being adjusted, moved around. >> the article said they may come back. they have to launch a full investigation and decide who actually comes back. some people have permanently been removed and others are in a temporary location. >> i am fascinated by what kind of investigation they're going
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to do on these teachers. these complaints from kids go back to 1991. if there were two that are unrelated at the same elementary school, you know, is there a possibility of more? >> it's a horrific story for parents in particular when you trust. you drop your kids off -- >> you don't want to think there's anything more than just the coincidence with the two teachers. you've got to be safe. all right. it's the opening salvo in the supreme court battle over immigration, pitting the state of arizona against the obama administration. the lawyers for governor jan brewer file an opening brief with the high court. brewer is appealing the federal court ruling that is blocking key elements of the state's incredibly controversial immigration law. it's giving police broad new powers to crack down on illegal immigrants. >> so the supreme court is going to hear these arguments, not till april. in the meantime we have senior cnn legal analyst jeff toobin to break it on down. you're the man we like to say wrote the book. you literally wrote the book
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called "the nine" on the supreme court. let's talk about the decision they have to make, the nine. what's at stake here, constitutional rights of immigrants or the right of a governor to govern as she sees fit? >> there's actually a third interest at stake in this case, which is the right of the federal government as opposed to the state, to conduct its on foreign policy. the main argument here by the obama administration is not so much that the immigrants' rights are being violated, it's that arizona by passing this law, is interfering with the federal government's right to run foreign policy, immigration policy and in the language of the law, that this law is preempted by federal law. that's the heart of the issue in front of the supreme court. >> jeff, as you mention that, i'm just looking at jan brewer's statement that she released in part. the federal government
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compensates our state for a fraction of the costs that arizona incurs due to illegal immigration. and the bill, which is called sb-1070 is arizona's way of saying enough. i get it. i get what she's saying. but we have this little itty-bitty thing called the constitution. what's stronger here? that right or, you know, your protections under the constitution if you're here? >> well, to tell you the truth, this is a tough case, because states do have some involvement with immigration. states often arrest people and check their immigration status. what makes this case unusual, what makes this law controversial, is that it makes it a requirement of law enforcement in arizona to, you know, this law is nicknamed the show me your papers law. >> yes. >> it gives local police officers a lot of discretion, which basically says if you might suspect that someone is an
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illegal immigrant, you have to check for their papers. well, that sort of vague, broad discretion to police officers is what a lot of people are worried about with this law. >> okay. >> that it's some sort of hunting license to go after dark skinned people. that's really -- >> i'm glad you mentioned that. i am an immigrant. under this law i could be stopped and asked to show my passport. i'm now a citizen of this country. but i suspect i might not be asked. let's move on to prop 8. people get confused when they hear about legal challenges, gay marriages, prop 8. can you give me what this decision will be about? >> what the 9th circuit is going to decide is whether same-sex marriage will be illegal -- will be legal or illegal in california. >> what is it now? what can you do -- if you're gay and want to get married, is it
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legal? >> unlawful. there is no same-sex marriage. >> prop 8 is in effect right now, right? >> there was a brief period when it was legal, then proposition 8 was passed by the voters in the 2008 election. and at that point the legal challenges began. the status quo is that it is illegal in california but based on the argument, based on the way the judge's reacted last year when the case was argued, i think a lot of people, including me, suspect they will overturn proposition 8 and reinstate same-sex marriage in california. >> that's the prevailing wisdom, right? that this is going to happen. >> i would say that's the prevailing wisdom which may or may not be correct. >> does this mean anything to any other states? everybody likes to talk about precedent. this is a california story, not necessarily a u.s. story or is it? >> well, as a technical legal matter, it has no influence on other states. this is only a case about
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proposition 8 which only applies in california. however, this case applies the united states constitution and certainly other cases and other legal challenges which are working their way through the courts now will read this opinion and, if it says same-sex marriage must be legal in california, it may well have an impact on other states. >> listen, my friend. you'll get the wakeup call tomorrow morning, too. you'll know we want to talk about the decision. >> okay, no problem. >> nice to talk to you. >> so pleasant, no problem. >> at 5:27 eastern time like he's been up all night. still to come on "early start," 70 delegates in three states up for grabs today. can santorum steal the show. i don't know if you heard about this new memoir but it's getting traction in the headlines. a white house intern who is now a grandmother, talking about her
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affair with jfk. who else to weigh in on this? larry flynt, coming up live, next. h 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. o0 are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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it is 30 minutes past the hour. time to check stories that are making news this morning. ban ki-moon says he strongly condemns the mounting death toll in syria. meantime, russian foreign minister is in syria now. air france is expected to ground half its overseas flight s due to striking pilots and air attendants. -- would require all employers, including religious institutions to pay for birth control. officials in washington
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state say that josh powell attacked his two young sons with a hatchet before setting the house on fire. those boys deaths have been ruled as carbon monoxide poisoning swell the hatchet injuries. drug enforcement agencies ra raiding two pharmacies in florida. the entire staff is being replaced at a los angeles elementary school where two teachers were arrested for lewd acts and pornography involving students. let's talk politics. 70 delegates up for grabs in three states today. even more critical for the four republican candidates is who emerges with the momentum tonight. >> it's a big one. >> there's lots of buzz about rick santorum. evangelicals can help him in colorado. and gingrich is not on the missouri ballot.
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santorum sensing an opportunity is stepping up his attacks on romney. >> this is the narrative that you're going to see. any time someone challenges governor romney, governor romney goes out and simply attacks and tries to destroy. i don't think it's going to work this time. >> will it? so live from washington, republican strategist matt keelan. david drucker, political reporter for roll call and democratic strategist penny lee joining us this morning. matt, we begin with you. even gingrich saying that santorum is going to do well. let's listen and we'll talk about it. >> okay. >> santorum will have a good day tomorrow. i think he will have earned it. he targeted it differently than i did. >> but matt, here's my question. could the santorum surge really threaten the candidates? >> i think it's going to hurt newt quite a bit. it's going to take away from the contrast that he wants to be
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directly talking about mitt romney. santorum will get momentum out of this. it will help his fund-raising and a lot more people are going to start looking at santorum saying is he the more electable candidate than newt? santorum fits an opponent to barack obama a heck of a lot better than newt gingrich does. >> i want to switch gears here with penny. romney attacked obama yesterday as well about part of his medical plan requiring mandatory contraceptive coverage. let's listen to this and then we'll talk about it. >> the creator gave every human being his or her rights. i'm just as stressed as i watch our president trying to infringe upon those rights. >> all right. so the archdiocese across the country distributed letters at mass two sundays ago. i got mine. and the catholic league saying
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they're ready to challenge obama on this rule. is this going to be a major issue in the election, penny? >> it's amazing to watch mitt romney. he says he was distressed. this is the exact same law that was put into place under him in his romney care in massachusetts. what this is, this is not forcing anybody to buy. this is not forcing anybody to use contraceptives this is simply saying that those shurns must provide it for women. as contraceptives and other preventive medicine has continued to go up, they are simply saying insurance companies have to provide access and make it more affordable so women can take those necessary precautions to have a better and healthier life. so doctors that have objectives based on religion don't have to prescribe it but it's amazing to see the hypocrisy, this is why conservatives have problems with mitt romney, he tonights to flip-flop. this is the exact same policy that was in place in
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massachusetts. >> romney himself vetoed an exemption for religious hospitals for morning after pill. this is what you're talking about. a spokeswoman told us he vetoed it because the legislation should not exist. and he also vetoed mandatory contraceptive coverage. a little bit different there. >> again, it goes back to saying we need to increase the access for it. so under massachusetts right now, insurance companies do provide for a greater access. and that is exactly what this law is trying to do as well, simply saying you can't be denied, a woman can't be denied the availability of contraceptives or other preventive health care. that is a necessary thing for the livelihoods of women. many of them have been kind of cut out because the costs were getting so high. things such as, it helps with ovarian cancer and migraines and helps with many other things, although many see it as birth control. it is not. it is many other things. >> david, i don't want to leave you out. we're running out of time here.
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obama's super pac decision, president blesses fund-raising for priorities usa action. could the president be flip-flopping on super pacs backfire or is it simply a necessary evil. >> i don't think anybody is really going to care. they're more concerned about jobs, the economy and thing like that. i think it could hurt him in a small sense, because he's campaigned, you know, in 2008 that he was going to do things differently. he's been on the record saying money and politicsen is any good. the truth is you're not going to win a presidential election unless you harness the resources at your disposal. this was ultimately a smart thing to do. i don't think it's the kind ofyish that will penetrate with voters and super seed all of other issues that are out there. he might be vulnerable on those issues. we know what they are. i think this is small ball and inside the beltway talk that in the rest of the country,en is going to matter. although it does give
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republicans a chance to hammer the president on not governing the way he campaigned. >> matt, david, penny, thanks for joining us this morning. we'll see you again in the next hour. >> thanks. still ahead, a former white house intern with explosive claims about what went on between her and jfk. you won't believe some of the details. guess who is going to talk to us about it? >> jaws were open this morning when we mentioned it. >> larry flynt is live. he's going to weigh in on this and he's got incredible historical perspective on it, too. you're watching "early start." i wouldn't do that. get married?
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president kennedy. >> she's describing her first encounter which by the way happened four days into her internship where she was with the president in the white house swimming pool. here's what she says. the president slid into the pool and floated up to me. it's mimi, isn't it? yes, sir, i said. mimi beardsley. you're in the press office this summer? yes, sir, i am, she replied. joning us now from los angeles to talk about some of the other revelations. what we just read is this much of what's in this book, author of "one nation under sex," how the private lives of presidents, first ladies and their lovers changed the course of american history. there's so much more that you have done. you have a copy of the book, too. larry, let me get right to this. why has it taken so long for us to get this story? let's just say they are allegations but why has it taken so long and are you surprised?
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>> no, i'm not surprised. you know, the history books tend to be conservative. they want to know about politics, not sexual affairs. the stories coming down through history ignore a lot of this, from the founding fathers right on down. we found the two most promiscuous presidents were jfk and warren harding. >> warren harding? really? what's the story on warren harding? >> he had affairs with three women while in the white house. he also fathered a baby with a woman that was not his wife. that's all well documented in history. but kennedy was more careless because here he was, the most famous and recognizable man in the world. he wanted to date, including
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this young lady that wrote the book, he normally dated women like marilynmarilyn and other f ones. you would have thought that a little thoughtfulness or careless -- or being more careful would have taken place. >> it seems if you read alfred's story, it seems he was extraordinarily careless. let me play for you a piece of an interview that she gave to nbc, just regarding how tough it was to sort of fight off this massive presence that was coming on to her. here's mimi alford. >> i think i was under the aura. i had just a little bit of second thoughts. not enough to keep me from going back. >> is it the man or is it the
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office when it comes to all of these affairs that have been rumored throughout the ages in the white house? >> it's the office. that reminds me of a story a very close friend of mine told me, you should be gerald ford's communication director in the white house. he would prepare him for his speeches. he and the president were in the oval office by themselves. he said, mr. president, what has surprised you the most about this job? this is just a couple weeks after he had replaced nixon. he said what surprises me most is that every woman that comes through that door wants to sleep with me. and that was sort of reminiscent of kissinger when he said, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. >> famous quote. >> i think women actually become victims. >> listen, i can't let you go, i have to get this question in to you. we're running on to our next
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segment, i have to ask you this question. you have said over and over again, you are looking for people to come to you with sexual exploits and information, hypocrisy information about the 2012 candidates. and co-author of your book intimated you may have something coming up. >> we have investigations going on all the time. we are running a full-page ad in the "washington post" where we're seeking additional information. it's not as powerful as it used to be. we were the ones who exposed a senator. he got re-elected, of course. we've done our part over the last 30 years. >> i believe the senator you're referring to is senator vitter. it's good to talk to you. >> i want -- >> go ahead, quickly. >> i wanted to say, i have no problem with raging hormones.
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i think a president who can fight two wars and balance a budget at the same time should be allowed to sleep with whoever he wants to. >> i had a feeling you'd end the interview like that. >> oh, my goodness. >> i knew you'd get embarrassed by that. it's larry flynt, what do you expect? >> how come children still have access to all of the junk food? you're watching "early start."
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5:50 on the east coast. more than a third of all kids in the united states are overweight or obese. this is a growing concern, still, our kids seem to have access to junk food in their schools. not sure why that is. >> senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. the rates have tripled since 1980. why is this still happening, elizabeth? >> the rates of obesity are higher than ever. and still, this new study that
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just came out shows that nearly half of kids in elementary schools have access to junk food. things like chips, and cakes and soda. you have to ask, why in the world are we still doing that? we've done many stories 0en this at cnn. basically there's several forces at work. one of them that schools can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars through these vending machine contracts. that's a lot of money to schools that are financially strapped. and that's one of the reasons why they're still there. there are a lot of forces trying to change that. the usda is hoping to get new rules later this year. >> how do we solve this problem, though? unless we remove junk food from the schools, how do we get this epidemic to change? >> exactly. that's the thing. if your kid has that much access to that many calories with be there's a chance they'll say no to that healthy lunch being severined and instead get stuff out of the vending machines. really, it's up to parents to influence schools and get them to get those vending machines out thereof or at least get
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healthy foods in those vending machines. some school districts have been successful at that, they are restricting what's in those vending machines. really parents have to put pressure for that to happen because there's a financial incentive to sell junk. >> at my school the vending machines all of a sudden weren't working. perhaps there's a solution. >> you jam it up. >> thank you very much. still ahead on "early start," the rap stress, m.i.a. what were you doing on national tv? she's speaking out about that middle finger salute during the super bowl halftime show. >> they're calling it a salute. >> it's a strange euphemism. she'll tell you why she's upset about that. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories.
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i love that song. did you see the movie "slumdog millionaire"? every time i hear the song by m.i.a. i think about "slumdog millionaire." now i might think about the middle finger she did at the super bowl. >> she's upset about it. >> she on further review says she regrets what she did. she tells cnn she, quote, messed up, feels terrible for putting madonna in that position.
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she was amped up and in performance mode, nervous, not thinking that the adrenaline took over. the source says it was never men the to be a gesture or statement. but guess what, it became that. >> i think i'm more confused now. i thought there was a story behind the story. she was gee keked up, amped up. >> she is a rapper. it's a different culture where that's okay, maybe not in front of 100 million plus young kids and families. >> it's almost 6:00. your top stories coming up next, including a los angeles elementary school getting rid of their entire staff after two teachers are accused of child sex abuse. we're talking to a sex crimes expert in the next hour. >> and some disturbing revelations, authorities saying that josh powell long planned the murder/suicide involving his two young boys. we're going to talk to the sister of his missing wife about what kinds of things led up to this horrifying incident on
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sunday in which those three are dead and an entire family is now gone. [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check.
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a very good morning to you. it is a very early start. i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. we're bringing you the news from a to z. 6:00 a.m. in the east. it is slaughter in syria. nearly 100 more civilians were killed. russia's foreign minister arrived in damascus. disturbing news out of washington. final moments for josh powell and his two young sons. what police say he did to those
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children right before the murder/suicide. we're going to speak to the missing wife's sister live here on the program. and california school shut down because of the sex abuse scandal. two teachers arrested. entire staff has now been reassigned. just how bad was all of it? are there more details? we're going to weigh in with an expert. >> and also, big night for the gop race. three states, 70 delegates. it's going to be important and a lot of the buzz right now going to rick santorum. we'll explain why that is. for the first another night of slaughter in syria. heavy shelling in homs. government troops killing nearly 100 more civilians. the u.s. embassy shut down, ordered the staff to leave the country. syrian activists are growing more desperate by the hour. listen to this. >> the entire world should be
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ashamed of what's happening here. everybody is just silent, looking at us being slaughtered every moment. for no reason, just for asking for our freedom. >> this is too much. for god's sake, this is too much. >> so hard to hear the terror in his voice. right now russia's foreign minister is in damascus meeting with syrian president bashar al-assad. he is calling on syria to end violence and adopt democratic reforms. this, of course, after russia veto'd the united nation's effort to stop the violence there. russian foreign minister is stressing he is not prepared to ask a president of a foreign country to step down. >> if the russian foreign minister cannot convince al-assad to pull back his troops and end this incredible violence the united states could be facing some really uncomfortable
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options with syria. >> likely up to and including possible military response. we've done it before. the united states embassy has already shut down in that country. our jill daugherty is live at the state department to hash this out. jill, that activist that was just played out a moment ago saying the entire world should be ashamed. the terror in his voice. it's really hard to hear this over and over again and see that no one is taking action. reminded in libya, didn't seem as bad but everybody took action in libya. why is that a problem? why isn't anybody taking action in this country? >> very different country. libya was simple compared to syria. syria has impact on the entire region. right now it seems obvious, why not go to military action? but president obama, number one, has already ruled that out. at least for now. and many people analyzing say it is far too complex. at least at this point. then you can also look at the united nations, but they've tried that. so that essentially is off the
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map. so what is the united states doing right now? they're going outside of the united nations. they're talking to other countries. and they're trying to pull them together in a very concerted effort to put more and more pressure. not only on assad but on the people around him. and it kind of reminds you of libya. what they're saying is push those people. tell them the end is near. assad has limited time. get them to abandon him. and then there also, and secretary clinton pointed this out. what they're going to do is expose the countries that are providing funding and arms to the syrian government. that, of course, includes russia. now, one of the big problems is, the arming the rebels, arming the people who are on their streets. it's already happening. some country's are doing it. also geth arms from inside people who defected from the military. the u.s. is not going that far but certainly other countries are. and it's really aggressively now
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for a civil war which looks as if it's under way. >> so the big news today, jill, is that he's there, meeting with al-assad. everybody talking about whether he can broker anything. wasn't that option at the u.n. and, if not, does anybody really believe that lavrov and the russians, and i ask you this specifically because i know you spent a decade plus reporting a out of russia. does anybody believe that russia has that in mind or is russia truly at peace or something else? >> what they say, they are kind of red lined, you just heard it. they're not going to ask a leader to step down on principle, they don't think that should happen. what does what mean? if assad continues and he's made so many promises it's likely the russians could get something, reform, a promise to reform, something like that. but realistically is it going to change the situation? i think you would have to say it's doubtful. that said, let them try. they want to show they're doing something right now because
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they're under extreme pressure from the world community that is really agassed at what happened at the united niations. >> such huge trade deals between these two countries, includes trades and more. quick country about the arab league. lots of meetings are coming up in the next week. one of them including the arab league on sunday. convening in cairo. i often think those nations have a lot of clout, a whole lot more clout than we do necessarily, in diplomacy anyway. does anybody think that that might be something that gets good traction at the arab league meeting this week? >> that's one of the real hopes because that is a game changer. the arab league, the countries in the region that could put pressure should clamp down. especially on those sanctions. that's not thing they will be doing. if the sanctions are skirted by countries in the region or around the world, they don't work. if you can get the arab league
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which is already on board, that can make a big difference. >> jill dougherty, things so much. appreciate it. every morning we like to get you an "early start" to your day by alerting you to news that's happening later on today. these stories are building and developing. and they will be big news tonight. voters in colorado, minnesota, missouri, heading to the polls today to vote or their picks for the republican presidential candidates. mitt romney is favored to win, but, hold up there, a lot of analysts say keep your eyes on rick santorum. he could pull off on upset. president obama's re-election campaign is changing its position and its opposition to super pacs. president obama had been among the most vocal critics you side these political spending groups. in an about face the campaign will begin using administration and campaign aides to fund raise for priorities usa action. that is a super pac backing the president. and a ruling is expected today on california's proposition 8 which bans same-sex marriage in that state. does that proposition violate
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federal constitution, equal rights under the law? no matter what verdict, police are expecting big crowds, loud protests, and more legal appeals no matter what. seven minutes past the hour. up next, an entire staff for an elementary school was removed. is this the right action? a second crimes expert is going to join us to talk about this. also, authorities are saying some new findings reveal josh powell long planned the violent murder/suicide involving his sons. we're going to talk to the sister of powell's still missing wife, missing two years now. what does it mean for that investigation? an air france cancels flights as workers go on strike? did you have a trip planned? coming up, what travelers need to know. and rob b marciano in the weather center for us. good morning to you. >> hi, zoraida. hi, ashleigh. northeast looks quiet. snow in the midwest. western storm that wraps up your
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weather. there is some colder air moving in from canada and the northeast. san francisco, san diego, you will take the rain you need it. it's going to be wind as well. if you're flying out west, that's where the problem spots are going to be as far as airports are concerned. san diego, los angeles, san francisco, a little bit of light snow moving through the mid section. chicago late in the day, high temperature is 37. 48, still balmy in new york city. "early start" is coming right back.
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buenos dias, miami. scattered storms. it's going to be 81 degrees later. >> could use a little visit to miami. >> i could always use a visit to miami. >> except august, not so much. >> i still like it. >> we have some changes that we want to tell you about that had
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m. very different story. sex abuse scandal, trying to make major action. all of the employees at marry month elementary are going to be reassi reassigned. all of them gone. students are going to be interviewed, xquestioned about what went on there. >> former teach accused of lewd acts on 23 children. blindfolding kids and things i've got to tell you we cannot even talk about at this hour of the morning because your kids may be in front of the television. another teacher, martin springer, also charged with fondling two girls. stacey honowitz, i don't know if i'm pronouncing your name right, apologize for that, former prosecutor worked in sex crimes, child abuse unit for almost 26 years. thank you for joining us this morning. we really appreciate it. i want to talk a little bit, if you could just fill us in a little bit about how these sex abuse scandals actually happen for folks who don't have perspective on this. >> first of all, i do supervise the sex crimes unit still to this day.
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and i want to tell you that these scandals are not so unusual. what happens is children aren't educated and people don't want to discuss this topic and so all of these scandals and all of these abuses go on for so long because no one wants to come forward. in this case i think the this school made the right decision because it's really the only way the school could survive by reassigning all of the staff and to interview now all of the these kids to see just how long all of these abuses had been going on. >> let's talk about some of the things that this guy did. he blindfolded his victims. he did things we said we cannot describe. he took 400 photos. it was actually -- that's how they found out about this because some of the pictures that the person was looking at, she decided this is not good, let me contact the authorities. my question is, how did something like this go undetthed for so long? >> well, you know, ashleigh, in sexual abuse cases, lots of times it goes undetected for a very long time. from my understanding the classroom was extremely isolated
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from the rest of the school and these kids never said anything. and if you don't disclose, if you don't come forward, except there was a complaint years before which was investigated and the district attorney decided not to go forward because there wasn't enough evidence. after that there should have been an ongoing situation. people should have been waping this classroom and they weren't. if you don't educate and teach kids that they have to tell, then it goes undetected for a very long time. that's why i've written two books about this. "p "my privates are private." people won't don't to discuss it. you don't want to discuss it early in the morning, these issues need to come to the forefront. school cases like this, coaches, anybody can be the victim of sexual abuse. >> the two case, one was in 1990. apparently so activity under the teacher's desk. dismissed. 1994, involved touching a girl. d.a. declined to prosecute in
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that instance. i've got to tell you there's a lot of conversation about the fact that 98% of the school is hispanic. a lot of the parents' english is not their first language. this was really a cover-up. i heard a mom yesterday saying in spanish, she said if this would have happened in beverly hills, then somebody would have addressed this much sooner. is it really a matter of the children understand that this is a problem and the parents not speaking up or the fact that 98% of the community is latino? >> well, if you can have a combination of reasons for why the disclosures were never made or if, in fact, it was a cover-up, certainly in pedophilia, they're master manipulators so they find the most vulnerable victims. in this case if english wasn't the first language, if they knew these kids wouldn't tell, they were perfect victims. i wouldn't say there was a cover-up because of the socioeconomic background. i do think, though, that investigation needed to go deeper in this case. and we'll never know the reasons why. and now, when you start interviewing these children,
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maybe we will get some answers. maybe they did try to speak up and nobody did want to listen. i just don't know if it was because of the community that they lived in. you'll find in very high socioeconomic communities that disclosures are sometimes not made. you know, sexual abuse really know nos boundaries. it's rich, it's poor. it is a matter of educating. it is a matter of teaching. and it's a matter of teachers being able to talk to students and parents being able to talk to teachers. >> i want to ask you one more thing because of the breadth of your experience. there was some reports that this teacher, even after those pictures surfaced, was left in the classroom so that the police could continue their investigation. isn't that victimizing the children further? >> yeah. i mean, i didn't hear that but if that is the case certainly you are subjecting them to more abu abuse. now, there are several ways to conduct an investigation. putting the pedophile back in with the victim is really not the way in which most offices or
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police departments would handle it. so you know what, ashleigh, there is going to be a federal investigation. it's a shame that it takes so long to get to this point but now we're going to see why it went on for so long, why people didn't come forward and if, in fact, there was some type of cover-up. i know in a lot of these cases it does happen, it does go on. people are just too afraid to speak up. >> we know at this stage of the game there is just allegations. pronounce your name for me? >> konowitz. >> thank you so much for joining us. 18 minutes past 6:00. top stories. no end in sight in the slaughter in syria this morning, even as foreign minister of russia arrives in damascus. surging the president to end the violence and implement democratic reforms there. in the meantime, authorities in washington state say that josh powell planted ten gallons of gasoline to set his home on
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fire on sunday, killing himself and two young sons. u.s. army is mourning the death of 49-year-old brigadier general in kabul. he apparently died of natural causes. this does make him the highest ranking officer to lose his life in afghanistan. the senate passing a long-term funding bill for the federal aviation administration. president obama is expected to sign the measure that gives $16 million a year to the faa for airport operations, construction, and modernization. 70 delegates in critical up for grabs today as the republican candidates compete in caucuses in colorado and minnesota and in non-binding primary in missouri. and the super bowl champion, new york giants, will be honored with a ticker tape parade event scheduled a little later this morning. a lot of people in this country are what they call under water on their mortgages, you owe more than your house is worth at this point.
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we're expecting some big foreclosure settlement news coming up this week. >> and how much money could you be getting? we're going to weigh in on that. christine romans will. >> she's the smartest on this stuff, right? >> yes, she is. break it all down for you. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint
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want to get you video just in to cnn. you're looking at pictures of the greece. this is athens, capital city. they are planning to have a strike today. numerous are gathering in the streeks to strike athens all of this over the financial crisis the country finds itself in. a lot of these people are union,
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workers, pro testing their government. and its new plan austerity measures. longer work weeks, longer before you can retire. all of that to get that financial mess. look at this. you can see that protesters are clashing with riot squads. this is coming in to us from reuters. and it's just fascinating to see this was supposed to be a day of strike. there was some thought there would be violence. but at this point it's looking like sort of a standoff about to happen or about to erupt. >> fighting what the government is going to do with the rest of europe. to survive longer term but would have to take a lot of pain up front. they don't like that. they feel like their government has made promises for a long time. the government has made them promises and they expect their government to keep those promises. >> watching the international news who says your country is about to cause world calamity. you've got to get your financial
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house in order or you will all go bankrupt. if you all go bankrupt you won't get any of that what these austerity measures are planning. >> i'm paying all of this money out every month, sometimes in draft. just trying to survive they don't like it. austerity means their country is going to shrink. they're going the get hit again. when we talk about austerity around the world, deficits around the world, national debt around the world and slow growth situation, these are the kind of pictures. >> you have a plan that you had and then everything has to change. it affects your life and your livelihood. >> and the politics of this, too. you've got the internal politics of greece and the internal politics of europe and europe's dealing with greece. >> and united states. treasury department, we have people who have been there also giving our two cents for how we think europe should go. it's difficult. >> i don't know if this matters but i have friends who live in
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greece. they say so for people actually pay taxes. >> our best, right? >> yes. >> interesting, a mortgage settlement appears to be -- i've been ming you about this for several weeks now but it looks as though the attorneys general are going to sign on with the government to end in five or six big mortgage servicers and lenders, a million people could have a write-down of their principal but up to $20,000. that what t. housing and urban development. it would be the biggest, broadest relief yet. $20,000 on average for underwater m underwater mortgages written down in principle. a million qualified homeowners, zoraida was asking me, what does it mean to be qualified? we don't know quite yet what the qualifications will be. we do know all the housing rescues to date have been not
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satisfactory for all the people who thought they were qualified. but this is a very, very big step forward. i hadn't seen one this big and i hadn't seen one that would actually write down your principle. here's the problem. not all the states are signing on including the biggest states like new york, florida, for example, which has a big problem. nevada, and one of the reasons is the states are concerned about their own probes and their own investigations into the banks. and they don't want to actually give immunity to banks quite yet. >> we'll continue watching this. a lot of people are going to be interested in that, christine. >> sounds like a bailout, though, which every homeowner has been asking for. ahead on "early start," romney building momentum but, hey, so is santorum. and we have new developments in the josh power murder/suicide. what he did to his sons before setting the house on fire. we're going to talk to the missing wife's sister. she is joining us live. you are watching "early start." i am loving this greek yogurt.
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30 minutes past the hour. time to check the stories making news this morning. we are monitoring a developing situation in athens, greece. these are live pictures you're looking at from athens. greece's two major labor unions are on a one-day strike today against austerity measures and reforms demanded by international leaders in exchange for new bailout package from creditors. and also developing this morning. russia's foreign minister arriving in syria this morning. he is expected to press the syrian president al-assad to end the regime's brutal crack down on the opposition. and implement democratic reforms. air france expected to cancel nearly half the overseas flights today because of a strike. the they're protesting a law they say will curtail their right to strike. the republican race for the
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nomination plays out in three states today. 70 delegates up for grabs so it's a big day. evangelicals could be key at the colorado caucuses. conservatives throughout all three, influential tonight. but could the opportunity for santorum to surge be afoot? live from washington, republican strategist matt ewen and david trucker, political reporter for "roll call" and tamilee. matt, i want to start with you. i couldn't believe my ears for a moment but i heard a kinder, gentler newt gingrich on the campaign trail saying nice things about one of his opponents, about rick santorum. let's listen and talk about it on the other side. >> santorum is going to have a pretty good day tomorrow. he will have earned it. he targeted it differently than i did. >> wow. that's awfully nice, especially if you're santorum hear that. he thinks there's something else afoot here. is he trying to siphon some
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votes away from mitt romney? >> i think he's really trying to soften expectations for himself because i don't think he's going to do well today. he wants to to look more into the primary schedule and to big states like ohio. so he's trying to tell people, look, don't be surprised when rick santorum does really well tonight. i'm still the guy that can betemit romney. >> speaking of romney, he lashed out at obama. this is kind of the favorite thing to do now. sounding presidential. almost like he's already in the general election. talking about the u.s. department of health and human services policy where religious institution, schools, hospitals, everybody has to provide birth control for employees. goes against what so many of them believe. here's what he had to say. >> the creator gave every human being his or her rights. i'm just distressed as i watch -- as i watch our president try and infringe upon those rights. >> david trucker, i always listen for this specifics of the
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stump as the stump moves from state to state. and the three states that we're talking about tonight all have a heavy social conservative element to their demographicses. is that why he was really playing up this message? >> well, it could be, but i actually think there's a broader strategy behind that and that is that nationwide republicans, conservatives, especially social conservatives are very concerned about this policy. and i say it probably goes i don't social conservatives and just conservatives generally who don't like the idea of government, in their view, telling religious institutions how they need to function. and i think it's very smart for mitt romney to speak about this issue because it's something his party cares about and he wants the nomination right now. to ignore it would be a mistake. >> newt on the trail keeps calling him a pro-abortion massachusetts liberal so this is probably a good way to battle that off. let me move on to one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. clint eastwood. i don't think any of you are going to disagree.
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he is a deloved american figure. and that super bowl halftime ad starting to get a lot of political buzz. a lot. shortly after this ad ran, a lot of conservatives were coming out and claiming this looked like it was a cozying up to the democratic administration suggesting we may be down at halftime but we're just getting started. we're going to win the game. clint eastwood put up a statement, actually -- he didn't put out a statement. he said this in reaction to these criticisms. he said i'm certainly not politically affiliated about mr. obama. it was meant to be a message about the job growth in america. i thought the spirit was okay. i am not supporting any politician at this time if obama or any other politician quants to run with the spirit of it, go for it. >> here's the question. i saw it through a different prism. i thought it was a democratic hit on the republicans. i thought this was something
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whereby they were suggesting we're the only one's oh excuse me, the republicans are suggesting they're the only ones that can get this going. am i the only one who thought this way or did the dems think it was a republican strategy? >> i did, too. >> all right. >> this is a beautiful ad and this was an a drks that kind of restored america's faith in what we do well, and that is manufacturing and bringing workers back. and the republicans want to have it both ways. they want to on one hand say the economy in the tank has been horrible and whenever we see any type of positive, they like, you can't take credit for it whatsoever. so this was a beautiful ad. >> hold on, i think i very inartfully asked the question. in the way i saw it it wasn't positive. it was actually like, wow, this looks like it might be a republican suggestion that the democrats have just destroyed the this country up until halftime. that's the way i saw it. which voice among you was the one who said you agreed, too, who was it? >> me, matt. >> penny, matt and i both
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thought that. is that so crazy? >> no. what you saw was we were -- economy that we're struckling, that we're starting to bring it back. of so it wasn't a slam saying we drug it into the ditch until this time. no, what we're seeing is the investments and policies put into place are actually working and they're bringing back and they're restoring detroit, they're restoring the auto economy, and there are more things on its horizon. so it wasn't a slam to say we drove it into the ditch and it's been horrible. no. we're at halftime and it's moving in the right direction. >> well, matt, david, and penny, i'm glad you were here to talk it through. no matter what, he's still a rock star. that's all i'm saying. thanks, guys. appreciate it. >> thank you. 37 minutes past the hour. here ahead on "early start," authorities say disturbing new evidence proves josh powell long planned that murder/suicide. the sister of powell's missing wife is going to talk us to live. you're watching "early start."
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welcome back. it is 40 minutes past the hour. new developments in that tragic murder/suicide in washington state. investigators say they found two five-gallon gas cans in josh powell's house, including one right near the bodies. powell is a suspect in his wife's susan 2 240u 2009 misappearance. >> also, he took the lives of those two young boys during a mandated visit. the coroner's report is saying this morning that those children were attacked in the head and the neck with a hatchet before that fire. it is devastating news for anyone who has been following this story for two years now of missing susan powell. powell's family has been in a bitter custody battle with josh powe powell. both of those boys were with their grandparents on sunday morning before they were sent over to their dad's and murdered.
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>> they didn't want to go see their dad when it came time. and -- but daddy is waiting for you. i encouraged them and tried to talking them into going. but they clearly did not want to go. >> that was susan powell's mom, judy cox, and her dad, chuck cox, talking about that day. that was a court-mandated visit. a supervised visit that those little boys had to have with their dad. we all know now what happened just moments after they ended up at that house. live with us from seattle, susan powell's sister, denise cox. denise, thank you very much for copping to speak with us today. i know you just saw if boys on saturday. and now comes this flood of just awful details. is your family -- are you all okay? >> no. trying to be. opening up to the public and basically trying to get it out
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there on spreading the word on how wonderful the boys were and how tragic it is and trying to drum up some more attention so we can get a search going to find -- to find my sister susan. >> this horrible death of these two boys at the hands of their father highlights, again, that there is yet another tragic layer and that is that susan is still missing and that that investigation never did end up basically targeting josh and ending up in an arrest. but you and your parents felt like that an arrest actually might have been eminent? >> yes. we -- i was told from my family that they were working on the case without a body to go after him for murder and it was within a few weeks, it was going to take -- the arrest was going to
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take place. we were all excited that something was going to happen and we might be able to kind of billionly j bully josh or make a deal or something for him to tell us where susan is. unfortunately that won't happen. >> your mom and dad's lawyer said that those little boys had made a mention to your mom and dad about mommy being in the mine, meaning susan, being in the mine. were there other indications from these little boys, aged 5 and 7, that maybe they remembered something from when they were 2 and 4 years old? >> well, at the beginning when they came to my parents' home they wouldn't talk to anyone, didn't want to hug anyone. they were telling every one of us we were all bad. as time went on, they opened -- started opening up and myself, the boys, would talk to me about their mother because they enjoyed hearing stories about
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her. and they were able to talk about it openly with me. my parents, however, they started opening up to them about their mom and the crystals and about how mommy was hurt. >> did one of the children draw a picture of your sister susan in the trunk of a car? >> from what i've heard, yes. >> i'm sorry. i couldn't hear your answer. what was that? i beg your pardon. >> from what i heard, yes. i have yet to see the picture. i plan to be at my parents' home later on today to touch base with them. i gave them a day of privacy, to let them do some more grieving. i was there all day on sunday and wanted to give them another
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day because there's outstanding support from everyone. and i wanted to let them deal with this tragedy how they wanted to. >> denise, i have another question for you. this was a court-ordered visit with josh. and we all know how you and your family feel about josh and about his father, as well. this has been a very ugly two years since susan went missing and since his behaviso incredibly bizarre. do you and your family plan to take any action to the state for ordering the children to go to josh's house on sunday? >> i'm actually not sure. i haven't actually talked to my parents about that. we -- we feel -- well, i feel the state did the best with what they could, but they just didn't have the right information to change the visitations.
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i don't think they understood how serious and how mental josh was. >> i understand. denise, please pass on our condolences to your parents and know that there are a lot of people across the country who are thinking about you and praying for you all. thanks for being with us, denise. all right. it's 46 minutes past the hour. here's soledad o'brien joining us with a look at what is ahead on "starting point". >> such a brutal story, isn't it? >> heartbreaking. >> breaks your heart when you see those little boys' picture. poor family members having to talk about it today. this morning on "starting point" we're going to talk about an explosive new investigation. it comes to us from "the washington post" and it's a list of lawmakers who could have personally benefited from the earmarks that they were championing for. the texas congressman joe barton is on that list he's going to join us this morning to talk about that. also, the fight between the catholic church and white house.
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the president's health care law makes it mandatory to provide contraception. catholic church essaying that's going too far against their belief. we're going to debate that this morning. joining us for two hours on the panel to talk about this and much more. russell simmons is in the house. that's straight ahead. [ beep ] [ mom ] scooter?
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the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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good morning, louisville, kentucky. 32 degrees as you're waking up. it will be sunny, a little bit warmer later on. expecting temperatures to be about 51 in louisville, kentucky, this morning.
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foreign minister of damascus is there. failure of a u.n. peace proposal. russia veto'd that plan. greece's two major labor unions are striking right now against austerity measures in exchange for a new bailout package from creditors. the right wing extreme whois admitted to killing 77 people in norway last summer told the court monday that he deserves a medal of honor for the massacre. a judge ordered andrews brevik to custody until his trial begins in april. washington police uncovered two five-gallon cans of gasoline in josh powell's home confirming their theory that powell planned the fire that killed him and his two young sons. the. the entire staff of a los angeles elementary school where
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two teachers were arrested for lewd acts and pornography involving students there, they're all going to be replaced. the whole lot of them, the staff, teachers, custodians. apparently, they will all be questioned, trained, and transferred to all different facilities. apologizing on cnn. after he was arrested yesterday morning foito intoxication in texas. celebrating the super bowl. i'm not sure a f. that was a superfluid comment that was necessary but that's what happened with mr. travis. >> he told the police officer he had gotten into an argument with his girlfriend. still ahead on "early start" from super bowl mvp to the king of madison avenue, eli manning is going to cash in. we're going to tell you about how much. you are watching "early start." i wouldn't do that. pay the check?
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[ male announcer ] engine light on?
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come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. good morning, new york. it is 39 degrees. a little bit later it will be sunny and 50. it is a big dma new york. >> look at that shot. >> it's lovely. >> i love the statue of liberty. >> you know why else it's lovely? not too far from there there's going to be a big ticker tape parade, new york giants. lots of celebration. >> the city is alive. look at this. these are the images. the ticker tape was already starting to fall in indianapolis but the canyon of heros will be wild and alive with new yorkers who come out to celebrate their champs for the second time. >> starts at 11:00 today. i was watching the pictures yesterday. everybody who met them at the airport and the kids and parents. fantastic.
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congratulations. >> everybody who wonders what ticker tape, they don't throw tape. the stock tickers from way back when, they used to rip the stock tickers and throw those down to welcome back the heroes. today we call it ticker tape but it's confetti. >> big clean-up. do you know what? do you know who walked in the studio a little while ago? >> who? >> russell simmons. i'm not kidding. soledad o'brien. >> there he is right there. >> what have you got going on over there? >> as always, an excellent panel. fantastic. >> i did not even notice that. >> i was just asking him if he was going to go to the ticker tape parade because he lives downtown. that's kind of -- he gave me a look like, yeah, no, you got to repeat what he said to me, which was like. meanwhile, i would give my arm to go to the ticker tape parade with my kids. my kids are so into it. anyway. >> so we're going to talk a little bit about eli manning. what do you think? his performance. >> absolutely. i say yes to that. >> are
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