tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 7, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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all right. we're expecting more drama, an important development about to happen. let's go to paul vercammen over at gop headquarters in colorado. we're anxiously awaiting the final results in colorado. what are you hearing? >> well, you can look to my left right here, and see the party chair of the gop here in colorado and he says he has 99% of the precincts in. and he's now talking on the phone, obviously to election officials. and he's going to grab the firmfir numbers. this is ryan call, the gop chairman here in colorado. let's see what he has to say. >> sorry, hold on a second.
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>> can you characterize for us, i believe you have 99% of the -- >> we have 98% of the precincts reporting tonight. rick santorum has won colorado's republican poll with about 40% of the vote. we're getting the final numbers in just now. rick santorum has exceeded expectations and wins colorado's caucus called vote tonight. >> any major population centers out? >> it's about 98% of the results in. there's a handful to be reported around arapahoe and half a dozen or so up in larimer county. these won't change the outcome of tonight's results. we'll have a press conference here in a couple of moments with the actual numbers. mitt romney had about 37% of the vote. rick santorum over 40% and ron paul reporting 11% and newt gingrich around 14%. we'll have the number finals in
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a few moments. we appreciate everybody's attention. we appreciate everybody who has been a part of this important process. >> and can you tell me what this meant in terms of turnout and how this might have been a factor this the case? >> we saw a lot of enthusiasm among the colorado republicans to participate in the process. it has been very exciting tonight and i'll tell you, rick santorum surprised a lot of folks in terms of his turnout, his willingness to come to colorado and compete for the votes and the enthusiasm that we saw across the state is pretty exciting. >> exclusively on cnn, you heard it here first. santorum made a push right at the end. we know el paso county was not in colorado springs, a lot of the evangelical christians there. do you know what the percentage of victory was for santorum down in el paso county? >> his margin of victory was about 1,300 votes in excess of mitt romney.
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the numbers we saw are preliminary. these are a bit preliminary, and we're cross checking those, but the margin of victory was substantial both in weld county up north and in el paso county for rick santorum. >> going throughout the rest of the state, santorum doing very well on the edges, et cetera. can you tell us, you know, where he was strong and where romney was strong. >> it appeared that rick santorum is the strongest in the counties he went to visit. larimer county, down in el paso county. mitt romney appeared to be stronger in the suburban counties like denver and arapahoe county. >> appreciate that, ryan call. rick santorum having won colorado. ryan call saying with 98, 99% of the vote. back to you, wolf. >> thank you very much, thank the chairman in colorado. our viewers here on cnn heard it here first. first in the world, they got the results from the charge of the republican party. rick santorum the winner in colorado, a clean sweep for rick
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santorum on this important day. he wins in missouri. he wins in minnesota and now, you heard it first on cnn he wins in colorado. a huge, huge disappointment for mitt romney. john king is here. they were really expecting that mitt romney would win in colorado. and colorado springs, el paso county, right over there that probably made a huge difference. this was as you have been saying all night, this was a conservative area. evangelical area. and it goes overwhelming for rick santorum. >> and the chairman said that he had a 1,300 vote in el paso county. this is the evangelical vote in colorado. the darker the area the higher the percentage of evangelicals. you see a higher percentage down here. but this is a much smaller county. this is the hot bed in terms of the population centers in the state and senator santorum carrying it tonight. we don't have those officially on the map yesterday.
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but he also said up here in weld county, santorum carried this county as well. larimer county had disappeared. senator santorum winning up there as well. so if you look at the map like this, the rest is going to fill in. senator santorum has won and i think this is the map everyone is going to be talking about tomorrow. i'm going to clear the telestrator so you don't see that yellow dot there. after eight contests, there will be a bit of an asterisk because missouri is nonbinding. but who would have imagined that santorum has four, romney has three, gingrich has one. i don't think there was much political conversation that santorum would have won more states after eight contests. >> i want to go back to paul vercammen. the chairman said 98% of the precincts are now in. give us the percentages of what rick santorum the winner in colorado got, and mitt romney the second place finisher got.
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do you have those percentages, paul? >> i do. they were just handed -- they were just handed to me. this is unofficial, but let's try to give the gap to you. we have santorum with 40.2% and then we have romney with 34.9%. 35%. and then of course you've got newt down here with 12.8% and ron paul with 11.7%. to repeat, santorum, 40.2% and romney, 34.9%. unofficial. 98% of the precincts reporting here from the gop headquarters. >> that's a pretty significant and impressive difference, john king. 40% to 34%, 35%. five points in a close contest. not like iowa where eight or ten votes made the difference. this is a nice win for rick santorum in colorado. and it's an important one. >> it's an important win because he'll get the delegates. it will be largely split between santorum and romney.
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35% for governor romney and to go back in time, i'm going to blank the telestrator, but remember it's 40%. this is our -- this is 83%. that's a 40. if you go back in time, governor romney cared are the -- carried the state with 60% last time. when he was campaigning against john mccain, john mccain was essentially the nominee at that time. governor romney was making the case you needed a conservative alternative to john mccain, he was too moderate to win the general election. what piece happening in 2012? tonight, rick santorum traveling to all of the states saying you need a conservative alternative to mitt romney. mitt romney is too moderate to win the general election. on this night, general santorum can claim a smashing success. he had already won iowa to begin the process. he had been shut out as the race went to new hampshire, south carolina, florida and nevada. but tonight, he adds minnesota. again, a state romney carried four years ago. he adds missouri. no delegates in missouri, that will be decided in march those
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delegates. he stuns governor romney in colorado, one of the places where governor romney was expected to be strongest. >> everyone thought he'd win in colorado. not necessarily, he did not win. you heard the party chairman. the republican party chairman in colorado made the announcement right here on cnn. 40% for santorum. unofficial numbers in colorado. 34.9% for mitt romney. that's a decisive win for rick santorum in colorado, especially coming on the heels of more impressive wins in missouri and it's a lot to digest. >> did any of you see this coming? a clean sweep. >> i had tweeted five days ago that missouri was the state that santorum would win. i don't know anybody who thought he'd have 3-3. >> and certainly not colorado.
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>> i'll say flat out i didn't see it coming. i think what's the significance of it, the romney bandwagon went in the ditch. i don't know -- that's not to say he can't get it out. not to say he can't win. but it went in a ditch. don't you think? >> oh, yeah. >> you're making her happy. >> well, it's certainly -- we'll let you laugh. interrupted the kind of march and inevitability and anything -- >> if you're in the romney campaign, what do you do to assess? >> arizona -- >> he'll probably do. look, mitt romney has a problem. i'm not laughing because i'm a democrat. we know this is going to be a tough fight. but the republicans have some problems and the biggest problem is enthusiasm gap. mitt romney has not sold his bona fides, what ever, with the republicans. they're on a shopping spree. i'm shocked that the republicans rejected him in all three states. that's shocking to me.
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>> i think mitt romney has to be feeling now and his staff the way and the way that george bush felt after losing to john mccain, this is a gut punch. here's what's going to happen with santorum, the money is about to surge, the reporters traveling with him are about to surge. and everybody needs to fasten their seat belt. the last piece, newt gingrich is gasping for air. >> the thing -- how little anybody has talked about newt gingrich tonight. >> well, he needs to stay in for mitt romney because mitt romney is going to look at newt gingrich and say, please save me. that's a funny turn of events but he needs to keep that vote divided. one other thing at rick santorum, i was looking back at the polling we have seen in the states. not only is he popular with the evangelicals, which are a big community and the tea party, big community in colorado. but also, his likability is above the other candidates. people warmed up to rick
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santorum. they didn't know who he was, they liked his straight talk. they liked how he sort of said, okay, you guys fight amongst yourselves. i'm the adult in the room. and so you can't underestimate the fact that voters were looking for somebody they liked. >> the gap on that, it's really stunning. looking at the polls, it was 70% favorability. >> right. >> we call them the q rating for santorum. and romney tied at 55%. >> and santorum gets a couple of polls showing him running close to obama now, that's another game change event for rick santorum. >> you have to give a lot of credit to rick santorum. i think all of us would do that. donna was right, going into colorado made a big difference. we heard in the republican chairman, where he went he did well. donna nailed it on that. >> he spent nine days in the
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state. >> you're organizing experience made a difference on that. but how do you explain the fact that mitt romney lost four years ago to john mccain and tonight, he did worse than he did four years ago? >> yeah. >> and all three states. >> you mean he beat john mccain. >> he got 60% in colorado last time, less than 40% this time. he won minnesota last time, and this time he was beaten in two different states. >> right. placing -- in third place that he won before. it's stunning. >> does it force him to play to the conservatives? >> he's trying. he's trying. >> but last time he was the conservative alternative. now he's perceived as the moderate. >> well, rick santorum is hammering that message home about gingrich and romney. >> you all come on our shows and
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talk about 40% of the electorate in the fall is independent. >> right. >> and the more you play the conservative, how much do you -- >> we don't know. we don't know. >> and i'm sorry, go ahead. >> if you're romney tonight, what you're going to say these are caucus states and the fact of the matter is our candidate will do in the primary, have a higher turnout. smaller the number of people in the caucus state. the more ideological can beat us. i think that's what he'll say as he looks to michigan and arizona. >> and to the point, the reason that romney -- he still has to be considered the favorite to win, he's divide -- his divide and conquer strategy still works. as long as gingrich is still in the race, he can divide and conquer. >> i mean, have you heard corks popping in the white house tonight? because there has got to be a lot of joy there tonight. >> to continue on a theme this is cause for loling over there.
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this is like a reality show for them. they couldn't have designed it better. the scenario they like is a long, drawn out, protracted, expensive, contentious primary fight which is usually what the democrats have. with the organized republicans sitting and watching in amusement. this year, republicans are acting like democrats. so this is perfect for the obama campaign. the question now is how does mitt romney respond? and if he, "a" goes on the attack with more negative ads, and "b" if he moves to the right special on social issues to try to attract some of the rick santorum's base of support, that would make the obama team even happier because then they feel that he would then lock himself into certain positions that they could run -- use against him in the general election. clearly, underlying all of this is the assumption that the obama team assumes mitt romney will
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still be the nominee in the end and they just are looking at different scenarios and ways that he harms himself even further before he gets to be the nominee, anderson. >> it's a big night in american politics. we'll take a quick break. our coverage continues. yeah, we're continuing. we'll be right back.
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all right. take a look at this. take a look, mitt romney with 106. newt gingrich 37. rick santorum 22. ron paul 19. this is still very early in the process. you need 1,144 delegates to become the republican presidential nominee. to get that nomination, in tampa at the republican convention at the end of august. but right now, these are the estimates that we have for you right now. 106 for romney, 37 for gingrich, 22 for rick santorum and 19 for ron paul but more importantly, the political momentum. three huge wins for rick santorum tonight. a major day. anderson who would have thought a clean sweep for rick santorum? i didn't think that was going to happen. >> i think we needed a sound effect for the graphic change. it didn't have the punch that we had hoped. >> did it change? >> it changed a little bit. in the few minutes that we have left, some final thoughts on
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tonight. >> it was supposed to change, for governor romney. he was hoping to pick up the bulk of the delegates in colorado and hoped to win minnesota. they wanted to get a decent chunk there. instead, look, they have thes - they have the organization and the money. in terms of the psychology of the republican race it changed tonight. it changed for governor romney and for speaker gingrich and the only guy it changed in a good way was for rick santorum. >> watch the money bomb. watch and see what happens tomorrow. this is going -- when you look at the money and look at rick santorum who was really lagging on the super pac, this could be a big moment for him. >> yeah. the white house can look at this as a circus and i think and cheer and think that this really gives them even more -- greater prospects for winning in the fall. but it's an opportunity for republicans to hit a reset
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button. i think the country is going to give rick santorum a fresh look now and give going to give mitt romney a fresh look to see if he's got the stuff to put it back together. i think he's still the favorite. but each has a chance now to make an argument in a way that they can improve their chances for being a strong candidate in the fall. >> i think romney has to think about why his supporters are not more enthusiasm about his candidacy. you can make the case that when newt gingrich won in south carolina, he maybes that point all the time, low voter enthusiasm could have cost him colorado tonight. when he wins like in in, turnout is down. so he has to figure out a way to get the voters enthusiasm about president romney. particularly republicans. >> this was a thumping. in the romney campaign, they need to go back and figure out how can they get republicans to really feel comfortable with his
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message, feel comfortable with his of course his conservatism. and they need to stop focusing on trying to beat president obama and start focusing on trying to, you know, get conservatives to really buy who he is and what he's trying to do. >> but the fact they haven't been able to do that by now -- >> it's still early. less than 6% of the 2,286 delegates -- >> given how long he's been running for. even referring to last time. >> you can't buy love. you have to earn it. and he should just dismiss all of these consultants, do a little newt, go rogue. and then go out and touch people. introduce himself. tell voters what he is for. >> you know, in politics like in physics for every action there's an equal opposite reaction. the great news for rick santorum will be followed up by the vetting. the media is going to start to look at his reports. what he's done. he's going to hit a rough ride
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now from the media. >> a very important answer. john, what was the color of that rick santorum on all of the maps? >> you're saying the ties -- >> what color was rornl rick santorum wearing? >> purple. >> it's bizarre we wore the exact same thing. >> and rick santorum was purple on the maps. >> what's the power ball number? >> worth $200 million. >> the label says return to cnn cloakroom. >> we have to take a quick break. "piers morgan tonight" starts after the break. thanks for watching. my name is marjorie reyes. i'm a chief warrant officer. i love the fact that quicken loans provides va loans. quicken loans understood all the details and guided me through every step of the process. i know wherever the military sends me, i can depend on quicken loans. [♪...]
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when this primary season is over, we're going to stand united as a party behind our nominee to defeat barack obama and to restore the values that have made america the greatest nation in the history of the earth. >> so not a very good night for mitt romney. what does he have to do to regain his momentum? that's the question for my all-star panel tonight. amy homes, host of real news. andrew breitbart, michael reagan, and of course the son of ronald reagan. and carol roth, author of "the entrepreneur equation."
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so we maintain our record. let me start with you, amy. wow, what a night. >> definitely a night. i mean, they said it was a beauty contest. well i think that mitt romney just got a bit of a black eye. but i think it started last week when he stepped on his own victory with that gaffe on cnn about not caring about the poor people. you can say it was a gaffe or tanen out of context, but it stopped the momentum. i heard michele bachmann tonight say at least in minnesota what may also have been part of rick santorum big win there was president obama's decision about the catholic hospitals and universities and institution, et cetera, vis-a-vis obamacare, that this was a vote for the strong social conservative in the gop primary to go up against that decision. >> yeah. andrew breitbart, you can tell by rick santorum's speech tonight that he sees a real gap now opening up for him as what he calls the real conservative
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with real conservative values. and it's hard to argue given tonight's performance that he may not have a real shot now, isn't it? >> you know, i heard ben smith in the previous segment talking about mitt romney being the fete accomple. we have seen teams lose that which was a given. i'm looking at c pac, the big conservative conference at the end of the week which starts on thursday and goes through saturday. you have people like sarah palin showing up, newt gingrich speaking there. you've got i believe rick santorum's going to be there and even mitt romney is going to be there. i think you'll going to see speeches and a coing a youlation of thought that's going to change the dynamic that you see here. until mitt romney reaches out to
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conservatives, which he's chosen not to do, this thing is not over. >> yeah, michael reagan, i mean, this is obviously a pretty bad night for mitt romney. not a great night for newt gingrich. i mean, all the talk tomorrow is going to be about rick santorum. no sign of newt gingrich anywhere in these three states. he said it's about super tuesday and texas, but it might be all over for him. >> i tweeted is giuliani running the newt gingrich campaign? the southern strategy, which did not work. it is not a good night at all for newt gingrich. he didn't show up. he's got the new strategy about taking the reagan southern states here and by walking away from it he left it open for rick santorum to say, one-on-one i can beat mitt romney and this is first time anyone has gotten over 50% of the vote in this whole primary season at the
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half's huge for rick santorum. he does it because he has passion. he has a great story that he tells and that story brings you in to him. he's able to deliver. >> i mean, having interviewed him at length, ten days ago or whatever -- >> it was a great interview. >> it was fascinating because he draws you in on a personal level. not to say the others don't. but i felt with santorum that -- i said this before on the show, that whether you agree with him or not on policy as a human being he's impressive. he has empathy. he's got a directness about him. he's got principles. that works with voters. >> you have to have passion. people want a story. you know, i have said this for so long. my father spoke to us in parables. we have too many politicians talking to us the sound bites. newt speaks to us in sound bites. rick santorum is telling a story and so is ron paul.
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>> carol, it's a fascinating race to observe from the outside. but what is the reality? romney obviously has all the money. he has the infrastructure. he has this image of the front-runner. and yet, right now, you know, if i was a betting man i'd say this is going to run for a long time. and i wouldn't rule out somebody like rick santorum. not after tonight. >> no. we just came off of a super bowl that started with a safety, so 2012 is wide open for anything to happen. i think that the learning this reminded me about a bunch of guys who are trying to woo a woman. you have gingrich and mitt romney who are duking it out and having this macho contest and they're forgetting about the woman. then you've got this guy over here in the sweater vest who says, i'm going to pay attention to you, i might buy you flowers and chocolate. you know what, he's building that connection that michael was talking about.
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that's what the american people. the american people want an emotional connection. mitt romney is not giving that to them. and this is again a time he needs to evolve and needs to learn. it is his race to lose, but he needs to pivot. >> yeah. i mean, why is mitt romney not able to seal this deal? why is he unable it appears to show the kind of passion that maybe rick santorum is filling that void now? >> well, you know, i think it's interesting that mitt romney tonight, he was explicit he's the guy in the race who's running as an outsider. he never held a job in washington up there in elected office, up on capitol hill, a side sweep to rick santorum. but at the same time, he hadn't been in the conservative trenches already. he said, wait a minute, one of the reasons i became a conservative was all the welfare debates in the 1990's that we had the better approach to profr
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poverty. civic institutions, those intermediating institutions are important. mitt romney didn't know that. that wasn't a natural go to place. on the other hand, it's a weakness he hasn't been marinating in those conservative ideas that have been propelling the conservative movement inside washington. >> yeah. andrew breitbart, we have super tuesday looming. it seems to me it's becoming ever more crucial when you have so many states so many delegates at stake. really right now this kind of unstoppable romney momentum has stopped in the tracks. somebody described it -- i think it was david gurgen described it he's limping into super tuesday with two flat tires. >> i would say that mitt romney is having a bad tuesday night. i would also say that we pundits who are so great at pontifica
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pontificating is quite the loser because every single tuesday we come here having proved we were wrong the week before. >> speak for yourself, andrew. >> well, i was wrong. i'll admit it. >> i think we called the conservatives winning. over. >> and hold your thought, andrew. let's have a break and come back. i want you to regroup. a group of pundits. let's start again after the break. we're america's natural gas and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses...
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back with my all-star panel. andrew breitbart rightfully pointing out if i was to replay most of your predictions over the last few weeks we'd all look stupid. andrew, why has it been such a roller coaster race, do you think? >> i think a huge issue here is that the momentum in the conservative movement started with the tea party and mitt romney has never really had -- broken bread with the tea party. and they're waiting for him to call them and say, hey, maybe we shouldn't get together and have a conversation. i think that with santorum he just doesn't have the money. people don't know him that well. the mainstream media would like him to be the candidate against barack obama because in those blue states, in that new york and l.a. media market they sure
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have them targeted as a certain type. but i think that as michael reagan was talking about earlier, there's something likable about him and the american people as you saw tonight don't necessarily listen to what the mainstream media tells them to do. >> yeah, i mean, he is likable. one of the reasons i think is that he has the amazing family. this extraordinarily powerful story. and goes with him. which i spoke to him about it at length. there's something inspiring about him. >> he tells the story about the grandfather. >> all of it. i think that speech he made in iowa when he really did move people. and he went to every place in iowa to guarantee -- that kind of hard graft and real old fashioned american story is what's drawing people in, isn't i? >> absolutely right. he's got the story. he's got the passion that really we have been looking for. what the electorate has been looking for. i mean, one of the problems that
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mitt romney that andrew was talking about is reaching out the conservatives. in the last two or three weeks who's endorsed in fact mitt romney? bob dole, john mccain. how did they do when they ran for president of the united states? and the tea party exists because of people like john mccain. and so a tea party when they see john mccain on your team, start to back off. and so all of a sudden he starts to lose traction because even though he's making inroads in the tea party, the second they sea sgr see john mccain show up, they leave. and george bush didn't have the doors open and they don't want to go through that again. >> if you're newt gingrich or mitt romney now, what do you do, given there's not much going on before super tuesday. we have maine and arizona, but really it's all gearing up to the hugely important day where there could be casualties. i mean, people may well be pulling out afterwards and you would have thought before that
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that might be rick santorum but you won't be thinking that now. >> certainly not. if you're newt gingrich the first thing to do is you go to edellson and beg for more money. he has no momentum here and if he runs out of money even though he's sort of the t.j. maxx of candidates, he does the maxx with the minimum, he needs money in order to compete. i think that's his strategy. mitt romney on the other hand needs to get out of his bubble. you're talking about rick santorum's family. we know very little about mitt romney's family. they seem like they're really nice and that they have a fantastic family unit, but he's shield them. he hasn't leveraged them an asset. so he needs to talk with his p.r. team, he needs to do more interviews and bring his family in. we need to get to know him better. if we don't this could be a very different race. >> i also think bringing -- bring in amy homes here.
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i interviewed mitt romney twice earlier in the year. he's gone awol, he doesn't do many interviews with cnn. won't come on this show at the moment, for reasons that baffle me. whereas the others will put themselv themselves forward and i think they benefit from doing more personal interviews. you get to warm to them. mitt romney seems fixed on the strategy of i'll just do sound bite interviews and i'm going to keep being robotic. >> well, you know, i have -- i don't have an inside track on his campaign strategy but i would imagine they're trying to control the message and they have plenty of money to be running the campaign ads. you know, strategically to try to project that message. whereas his opponents, rick santorum and newt gingrich, they need that earned media. they need to sit with you in order to get the attention to keep moving forward. but in mitt romney's defense, he gave a touching story about his own father's boot straps to riches story.
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>> i suspect we'll see a lot more of that. my money would be on mitt romney would be on this show for an extended period of time. i hope he's watching. don't get too down about the terrible prediction, andrew, because mine have been worse than anybody's. that's the beauty of being a pundit. you can change your mind. thank you for your time. when we come back, will santorum's big night mean more donors will show him the money? ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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santorum, is the republican race being reshaped? we'll talk with that to kathy pryor, ladies, welcome. >> hi. >> let me start you lynn. a pretty dramatic night i would think for the republican party. because the apparently run away romney train has firmly hit the buffers, hasn't it? >> i don't know if you can say it's hit the buffers. i think we should be pleased for rick santorum. he's such a nice, earnest man. it is his time in the sunlight. there are so many non-mitt candidates, sort of seems like this is probably his turn. as well-spoken as his campaign manager with you a moment ago, mitt romney is going to limp and maybe even get a little steam up to the nomination. john mccain lost 13 primaries
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out of 23 after he won florida. so you kind of have to bet it's still going to be romney's, but santorum does change the dialogue and let it go a little bit longer which is fun in an election year. >> yeah, the interesting thing i think here is i guess how the money men respond to this. because they need to work out where to put their cash. and if rick santorum is showing real legs here, then the money men may think hang on a second, we might need to get behind the guy. >> they have to hustle seriously because i was locking at numbers and the -- looking at numbers and the romney campaign had many millions raised and rick had 2.2. i think the biggest conversation coming out is he is at the
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forefront a vp candidate and might be a real match for romney. this is not in the bag for romney. there's a very, very long way to go. a lot of slipups could occur, but rick santorum has to find a lot of deep pockets that haven't emerged yet and has successes in places like arizona, other states that were already putt g putting, you know, pretty seriously into the romney column for that picture to change. >> i mean, lynn, it's interesting, because rupert murdoch pretty much endorsed santorum in iowa. if more people decide he had a real chance, if he does well at super tuesday and gets more momentum and gets more money, why couldn't he be a serious threat to mitt romney? >> well, i think he could be a
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serious threat. i mean, it was a very bad poll number for mitt romney where 52% of the people who say the more they learn about mitt romney the less they like him and 38% of the people who left florida who went to the trouble of voting said they wish they had another alternative. so i think that santorum does have an opening here. his working class background, his sincerity and intelligence. his ability to run against washington is a little flawed. he has the votes on earmarks. he did vote to raise the debt ceiling. and focusing so much on the tea party and the conservative might play to the base for the nomination, or maybe like katherine says for the number two spot. but it's not going to play so well against barack obama. i would say the second happiest person in america after rick
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santorum is barack obama. >> yeah, probably even happier. the turnout looks like it was pretty low again. we're seeing a trend of this now. i mean, katherine, if the turnout continues to be low you have to be assume one of two things. one, the republican vote is not exercised enough against barack obama to come out and vote for their guys in big numbers. and second, they're not enamored with any of the candidates in the way they should be in the run-up to the election. >> i think it's the latter. because there's still talk of a brokered convention that someone might come out of the wood work. i think the likelihood is very slim. we can all remember the heated races or even the disaffected voters in one camp or the other. then when the general election comes along, particularly with if -- you know, the vehemence that republicans seem to have toward obama i think that will change. i think that i'll rally as
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difficult as that might seem, they'll rally behind the candidate. but right now what that's demonstrating as much as we're watching the campaigns, the voters are not fired up about the candidates, they're still looking for someone else. i'm going to see how the press deals with rick santorum. he didn't get it in iowa. we didn't learn for three weeks that he had actually won iowa and whether the careers as a lobbyist, the washington insider activities will taint the social conservatism that seems to be driving his campaign at this point. >> let's take a little break. i want to ask a really big question about mitt romney. is he just not sexy enough? is that the problem?
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back now with lynn forrester roth child and katherine crier. one of the problems with mitt romney people say he's dull and not sexy enough as a candidate. that's why people aren't getting overexcited by him. >> i'm more comfortable with the would you want to have a beer with him question. and how would you answer that one? >> i don't want to have a beer with him, frankly. he's not a person who is right there on the empathy scale. you don't feel like he's someone you really would want to spend the evening with, even though there's every reason to believe
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he's intelligent and competent and would be a very good president. but he definitely is lacking that touchy feely thing that he needs. i think he needs to sharpen up his message. he should read mitch daniel's response to president obama's state of the union address. it was this beautiful optimistic statement of we as republicans are the ones who will take care of people on the way up the ladder or who zoom in the way up the ladder. we don't have have's or have not's, but about to have's. i think rick santorum can do that a little bit better than mitt romney. i think that's the really important thing. we've got to have somebody strong and we've got to have somebody optimistic. >> and catherine, let me bring catherine in. having interviewed rick santorum a few times now, i find myself not agreeing with much of what he says necessarily.
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in fact, quite the contrary on several issues, but i do admire the fact he stuck to his guns even when things haven't been going well for him. he doesn't flip-flop. one of mitt romney's problems, you look at his track record, he doesn't hesitate to flip-flop if he thinks it will suit him. that may be a problem in terms of authenticity. >> and particularly on the social issues that are rick santorum's forte. but rick santorum, what you're saying about him is what lynn was saying. even when you disagree with him, he has an empathy. you believe him when he says i care about the poor in this country. i want to do something about those individuals whether how he get there is the way a particular voter might choose to go. so he brings that sincerity, that warmth, a connection that mitt romney doesn't -- i don't see it. i don't know that he has it. i don't think it can be trained between now and the general election. so
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