tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 11, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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tasked with keeping denzel washington in custody. meanwhile, people are breaking down the doors of the safe house and they're on the run. ryan reynolds doesn't know who he can trust. the movie takes a lot of twists and turns. action sequences are top notch. the clip is from one of the most exciting car chase scenes i've seen in four, five years. a decent grade. i give it a "c" because the story at times you don't really catch what's going on. it gets too confusing. overall, if you're a fan of these guys, it's worth seeing. >> all right. a "c" and "d" from those a-plus actors. you win some, you lose some. >> exactly. >> thanks so much. check out all of matt's grades and reviews going to rotten toma tomatoes,.com. -- captions by vitac --
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this is a big day for republicans running for president. one of the most conservative groups in the country is about to announce results of its straw poll. dana bash will join us live in a moment. in maine, republican voters are finishing their caucuses. mitt romney and ron paul are campaigning in the state trying to break their string of losses. overseas now. the besieged syrian town of homs endures a seventh straight day of bombardment there. opposition activists say hundreds of people have been killed there in the past week. the death toll across syria today climbed to at least 30. the u.s. conference of catholic bishops issued a statement on president obama's compromise over contraception
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funding. it says the plan raises serious moral concerns. the government's new health policy originally wanted hospitals and schools with religious ties to offer full coverage for contraceptives. after days of opposition from the catholic church, the white house dropped that requirement leaving insurers to pick up the tab. today we reached a decision on how to move forward. under the rule, women will still have access to free preventive care that includes contraceptive services, no matter where they work. that core principle remains. >> there will be a one-year transition period for religious organizations after the policy formally takes effect august 1st. the cia website is back online after hackers brought it down. the group anonymous is taking responsibility for the attack. they hit websites run by the state of alabama and mexican mining industry. both the cia and alabama government officials say they
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are working to find those responsible for the cyber attacks. in atlanta, a rally today near the site of a vicious beating. three men could be seen shouting anti-gay slurs, punching and kicking 20-year-old brandon white. they could be seen on surveillance video that week. that was circulated online. one of the three suspects has been arrested. 18-year-old christopher cain is charged with aggravated assault and robbery. an american war ship is named after former congresswoman gabrielle giffords. the navy very rarely names a ship after a living person. giffords resigned from congress last month and is recovering from a gun shot wound. the navy secretary says the name gabrielle giffords is synonymous with courage. the conservative group known as cpac is going to announce the results of its new straw poll today. the conservative political
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action committee annual conference is one of the most important events on the conservative calendar. the candidates appeared pushing their conservative credentials. >> this is the most important election in your lifetime. it's an election about what kind of country you're going to leave to the next generation. are we going to be a country that believes as our founders did, that our rights don't come from the government. they come from a much higher authority. >> this election is about a battle for the soul of america. it's going to come down a choice whether we want our nation to be of and by washington or a nation of and by a free people. and we conservatives believe in freedom and free people and free enterprises. >> all of you've seen the washington establishment and wall street establishment pile on top of me. all of you've seen them say things profoundly false. there is a good reason they're doing it.
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this campaign is a mortal threat to their grip on the establishment because we intend to change washington, not accommodate it. let's bring in cnn's dana bash who joins us live from the cpac conference in washington now. what's taking place? >> reporter: what's taking place very shortly is the grand finale of this nearly three-day conference. that will be sarah palin. she will speak. she is the closing speaker. we'll hear her in about 15 minutes. our own peter hammond caught up with her as she was coming into the building. she said she believes mitt romney has to do a better job explaining his conservative record. she said she is very concerned that because he hasn't done that, if he is the nominee, it will push down voter turnout, and that's obviously the last thing republicans want. she said she was concerned mitt romney just yesterday when he spoke here said he was severely
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conservative. that raised a lot of eyebrows here. it's not typically the language a genuinely conservative person uses, many people said. she also said she is not concerned if there is a brokered convention in tampa this summer. she thinks that's good for the party. going against the grain to what many other people believe. this has been an interesting conference. it seems to mirror what we are seeing in public opinion polls and throughout the country with these contests as they've been going on. certainly, they're looking for conservative nominee. they are looking for somebody they can get excited about. anecdotally walking through the crowds here, a lot of people say they maybe will go for one candidate or another, but not a lot of excitement about any one in particular. >> dana bash, thanks from washington. you'll be keeping us posted on the straw poll results as they come in, as well. now to maine for the republican caucus.
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mitt romneyer toed maine this morning shaking hands and talking face-to-face. this is the first time romney visited a caucus site on a voting day. tonight maine will announce its winner. both romney and ron paul are in maine today hoping to break their losing streaks. mary snow joining us live from portland, maine. with romney and paul on the ground in maine, many are calling this a two-man race there. is that the case? >> reporter: it really is, fredericka. rick santorum and newt gingrich are not actively competing here. 21 delegates are at stake in maine. it's getting a lot of attention because ron paul has a chance of winning his first contest. he's the only republican candidate in the cycle who hasn't yet won a contest. also for mitt romney, this comes on the heels of three losses earlier this week. if he does not win tonight, this would be a fourth.
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this is not a headline he wants to have. after this caucus, there is a 17-day lull until the next contest. that is the situation ahead of these results tonight. >> what about ron paul? how confident is he feeling? even though the pressure is on he's got to win at least one contest? >> this morning he said he feels he has a good chance. he has campaigned here more than mitt romney. he appeals to people with libertarian streaks, to younger voters. also he has a better ground game. he is more organized in the state. governor romney comes from neighboring massachusetts. he has ties to state law makers here. a sign mitt romney is not taking anything for granted, he added two stops this morning is very particular caucus sites. those were not on his schedule as of yesterday. also his campaign is dialling back expectations about tonight,
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noting that ron paul has spent more time and resources. >> mary snow, thank you from portland, maine. cnn will have live coverage of the maine caucuses beginning at 5:30 eastern time tonight with a special edition of "the situation room" and wolf blitzer. stay with us as we bring you the outcome. join us every sunday afternoon 4:00 eastern time when we dedicate an entire hour to the presidential contenders in this 2012 election. tomorrow we'll talk to jackie curbman, the daughter of newt gingrich. we'll ask her strategy for staying in the campaign and how he is focusing on super tuesday. dozens more died today across syria. we'll talk about what world leaders are doing to stop the violent crackdown or try to stop it. oh will you grab us some yoplait?
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momentarily there will be a straw poll results from the conservative group cpac. it's the annual conference there in washington, d.c. they are still at the microphones there one of the headlining events later this hour, former alaska governor sarah palin is the keynote speaker. we'll continue to pop in and out of the conference there to update you on all that's taking place from the straw poll results to the outcome of those findings. at least 30 more people died today in towns across syria. saudi arabia has now drafted a resolution condemning the syrian government for what it calls
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human rights violations. i'm going to talk to cnn rima assadi. >> reporter: they are hoping for an international community to make a strong statement and decision and help the syrian people. they're suggesting another resolution is not yet on the table of the u.n. security council. it's being discussed among arab countries. as you know, saudi arabia heads the arab league. they're trying to suggest new things to help the people on ground and stop violence and give medical aid to all the people injured and probably return the army to its places and to stop the clashes happening on the ground. >> the king is talking about these human rights violations
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taking place in syria. what is the relationship between saudi arabia and syria, as to whether syria would respond to saudi arabian king? >> reporter: well, the relationship has gone through many ups and downs over the past years. since 2005, the assassination of the former prime minister, the lebanese former prime minister, the relationship between saudi arabia and syria has immensely deteriorated. it's because there were accusations that the syrian regime actually assassinated hariri. since unrest started in syria, things deteriorated. the reason is that saudi arabia is a sunni country, dominantly sunni. so is syria, but it's ruled by an otherwise minority. >> rima, thank you so much.
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let's talk more about the situation in syria and beyond. i want to talk to michelle dunne, director of the atlantic council center for the middle east and served on the white house national security staff. good to see you. >> thank you. >> from what you understand there with what saudi arabia is attempting with its resolution that would go before the u.n. security council as early as monday, is there much pull here? that skrab might have with this resolution? >> i think what we are talking about actually is a general assembly resolution after the failure of a security council resolution last week. when russia and china vetoed it. a general assembly resolution probably can be passed that. would be passed by majority and no one can veto it what that would do is express the opposition of the international community to what's happening in syria. nobody thinks that would cause the syrian regime to stop using
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force. the idea here, i think, is to show the isolation of the assad regime and to persuade people within the regime to remove basara al-assad from power. >> it would be trying to get people from around him to remove him, which is what happened in tunisia and egypt nonviolently. and also happened in libya, though much more violently. remove assad from power is probably the only, the easiest exit from the current situation in syria. otherwise it will just go on and on, and the violence could go on for a very long time. >> china and russia vetoed that resolution during the security council vote. what's the feel iing before the general assembly what might
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unfold? whether china and russia would maintain their strong hold? >> in the general assembly, china and russia can vote against the resolution. countries are free to vote for, against, abstain, do what they like. most likely a resolution would pass. it's just that it wouldn't have any kind of teeth. a security council resolution could lead to things like the imposition of greater sanctions. obligation of countries to observe sanctions. it could even pave the way for some kind of more extensive humanitarian or even military assistance to the syrian rebels. a general assembly resolution isn't going to do those things. it's just going to be an expression how the international community feels about the situation in syria. >> real quick before i let you go, how about egypt? one year after the fall of mubarak. is this the egypt that protestors, demonstrators, many of whom lost their lives, is this the egypt they were hoping
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for one year later? >> egypt is in a transition, but a very difficult one. right now the military has been in power in egypt for a year since mubarak was removed. there is a lot of pressure on them to relinquish power to civilian authorities. they started to do that. they allowed parliamentary elections. even so they really made so many bad decisions in terms of the economy and security that it's a very high pressure situation in egypt right now. i think a lot of egyptians feel very disappointed. i have to say this often happens with transitions from authority to democracy. >> cnn presents a special program tonight focusing on the center of the sir yn uprising called "homs, city under siege."
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tonight 10:30 eastern time here on cn nchb. it's the only constant in the work place, change. how to embrace it and remain resilient. dr. sanjay gupta profiles innovators from all walks of life. the program is called "the next list." this week he talks to dale doherty who believes we are all born to be makers of things instead of just consumers. >> one of the things that happens in making is that we are gaining some control over the world we live in. this world is awfully complex. it's hard sometimes to figure out what are the building blocks. how do you get going? you can have impact today. you can do things today and encourage yourself to participate to build things and make things. >> tune in to watch "the next list" or set your dvr 2:00 p.m. eastern sunday.
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tune in tomorrow afternoon when we dive into valentine's day chocolates. "travel and leisure" magazines and "southern living" talk about the best chocolate shop in the country. this is an rc robotic claw. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪
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since then, as i think you know, the media has transformed into a 24/7 multiplatform monster with a taste for destruction. major polls reveal that 70% of us say the press is out of touch with average americans. only 44% trust the media to accurately and fairly report the news. over 2/3 of us are weary of political bias. only congress gets worse favorability numbers than the press. conservatives like you continue to seek out and protect traditional america. they also seek a narrative that articulates genuine american values, clearly and without apology. "the washington times" is a patriots' destination to provide evidence that america is strong, resilient and intact, and that
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we will prevail as the true shining city on the hill. a 21st century beacon for the world. [ applause ] every day through our insightful content, "the times" provides argument, but also answers. with a credibility in a sense of what works which was the true motto of the reagan administration. in this epic battle to define america in 2012, the accuracy of the news and information that you consume about politics, policy, culture and especially national security is absolutely critical. please know the "washington times" is your reliable resource wherever you live and however you get your news. in fact, our greatest audience strength is in regions in the country, around the country where there are highest concentrations of conservatives. our audiences have expanded to tens of millions due to our
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flagship daily newspaper, our digital channels of, times24/ and america morning news. and our national weekly edition. i'm here to announce this pivotal election year, that "the washington times" is committed to becoming the official newspaper of 2012. "the washington times" an american conservative union long shared a profound concern to move this country in the right direction. that's why we are proud to once again sponsor the "washington times" cpac straw poll and a new national poll in the most important presidential election in modern history. many would say we heard the very finest speeches ever yesterday from three presidential hopefuls. i'm sure you're as excited as i am to learn the results of the
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2012 times/cpac poll. of course, we have one more speaker coming up. she is a remarkable, courageous and significant force. he's a remarkable, courageous and significant force who has reshaped the american mindset. i think you know who i mean. i will finish now by saying thank you for your time, and on behalf of all of us at "the washington times," thank you for your tremendous work to improve our country. may god bless you all and god bless america. [ applause ] >> we thought he was going to reveal the thoughts of the straw poll. we understand our dana bash may have an early look at those numbers. let's go to you. "washington times" got an extra plug in there for their publication. we thought they would also reveal the poll results. what do you know about these straw poll results? >> reporter: we have the headline. the headline is that mitt romney
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is the winner here. mitt romney won this straw poll at cpac with 38% of the vote. rick santorum came if second with 31%. newt gingrich trailing pretty far behind, third place with 15% and ron paul 12%. mitt romney is the big winner at this conservative conference, the biggest conservative conference of the year. very, very important win for mitt romney as he is struggling to make it clear to conservatives he is one of them. he spoke at the podium behind me yesterday, used the word conservative, i believe, about 25 times. i'm sorry, i'm listening behind me. i think they are about to officially announce what i just said. he used the word conservative about 25 times trying to make that case. obviously, it worked. interesting that this particular group of people, probably about 10,000 people came here. i'm not sure how many people
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voted. that they actually went for romney. anecdotally walking through the crowd, i told you earlier not a lot of excitement in general, but the passion here absolutely is about trying to find a way to beat barack obama. people i talked to who said they were going for romney said the number one reason isn't because of him, because of his agenda, credentials or platform, but because he is the best to beat barack obama. that sold the day here. >> clearly a potential shot in the arm for mitt romney there after his defeat of three primary and caucus states in a row. however, there is always maine we know they are caucusing today. we hope to hear the results. mitt romney spending a lot of time in maine today. first time that he's actually been in a caucus state on the day of that voting. perhaps he's feeling a little boost of confidence now after that cpac vote straw poll.
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>> reporter: absolutely. mitt romney does have an organization. anecdotally, his campaign worked it hard here. the santorum campaign, i was talking to a senior advisor to rick santorum who is walking around, not so much. they are trying to get their volunteers out and supporters out. mitt romney wanted to win here beings needed a win and got a win here. doesn't matter in terms of the grand scheme of things, but a symbolic win, a moral win with the kind of voters he needs to do well with. >> dana bash, thank you for bringing that to us. more on the main caucusing later on. it has been 30 years since actress debbie allen played her most famous character lydia on "fame." she is still dancing, music, composing on stage and television. i talked to her about the
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importance of the arts. >> it's so important that young people have some kind of art training, dance, music, painting, film, something. it will give them a sense of discipline. it will give them a sense of responsibility. >> straight ahead, the iconic entertainer tells us what wakes her up at night and her three keys to greatness. face-to-face with debbie allen.
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today is caucusing day in maine. let's check in with shannon travis in portland, maine. has the news trickled to mitt romney's camp? what are they saying? >> reporter: he's on his way to california, if he isn't there it's unclear if he has this news. he went 0-3 on tuesday in those three contests, missouri, colorado and minnesota. will he go 2-2 today? he just got that cpac win. he is hoping for a win in these maine caucuses. we are here at the portland regency in portland, maine, where right behind me in about two hours the chairman of the republican party is going to step up to that podium and announce the results, whether mitt romney, newt gingrich or rick santorum or ron paul won. we know mitt romney and ron paul are the only two actively competing in maine for these caucuses. the other two wasn't part of the delegate count. we'll be right here.
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i've already been priming the pump. we'll bring you whatever we get. >> we'll look for that. thanks so much shannon travis in portland, maine. we'll bring the results later n on. our special "situation room" coverage with wolf blitzer. award-winning director, actress to dancer, debbie allen has done it all and continues to do it all. what does she attribute to her greatness and success? first, it's the afternoon. you had breakfast, lunch, where is your energy level? you experience a midday slump, you're not alone. many people find themselves craving an afternoon pick-me-up. in this week's "health for her" elizabeth cohen has tips to boost your energy in a healthy
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way. >> reporter: during your workday, do you feel like your energy is zapped in the middle of the afternoon? registered dietrician ellie krieger has nutritious snacks. >> people reach for sugary foods to try to boost their energy. that gives you a short-term boost, but ultimately will lead to you crash. >> reporter: instead reach for a snack with protein. she suggests a handful of almonds. >> rich in protein, rich in nutrients and healthy fat. it will give you sustained energy. >> reporter: or greek style yogurt with a piece of foot. >> protein as well as carbohydrate. it will give you an immediate energy boost. >> reporter: she has one key message. >> the most important thing to deep your energy up throughout the day is eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day. >> reporter: quick tips for all day energy. i'm elizabeth cohen.
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outsourcing and higher job demands, more employers are looking for workers who embrace change rather than fight it. every week we focus on ways to get a jump-start in the work place. valerie burton author of "successful women think differently." it's more important than ever to be a resilient employee. why? >> just keynote speaking and things around the country. companies are high on this topic of resilience. so many are dealing with change. even established companies that never changed in 80 or 90 years are having to change whether it's because of the economy or because of technology or the demands of customers. employees have to be tuned into that. it can be your career advantage if you're able to be resilient. if not, you're going to be at a big disadvantage when it comes to promotions. it means over and over again, you're able to bounce back. things don't always go the way you want them to be. when there is change, you're
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able to be flexible. you're able to adapt, able to learn new things. you're willing to learn. i think that is a key message. people don't want to learn anything new. they are resistant to change. >> here are guide points. get a reality check. embrace change. >> get in the reality check is about the fact, maybe the company was that way for 20 years, but it's not any more. you've got to get onboard with reality and make sure you're not hanging on to the past but embracing what is now. >> being a bridge builder, meaning you are helping to execute that change. helping to get others onboard, too? >> exactly. those who aren't tuned into their fear instead are saying, you know what can i be the person that inspires people to get onboard? even if i don't agree with all the changes, would the company say i'm helping? is it going easier because i'm here or more difficult? if it's more difficult, you may see your career derail. when there is down sizing, they
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are looking for the people who are making it easier. >> you can't dig in your heels and isolate yourself and say i'm going to do it the way i've been doing it a long time. >> that is dangerous. even if you're in a job where you don't have to manage people, you may be in i.t. and think, i don't like people, make sure you still are building those relationships with your co-workers. you're making your contributions known in a team sense to your boss and other people. those connections and relationships help you move ahead. >> bouncing back, is that up to you? >> bouncing back is about how you think. when you're dealing with change, instead of i don't want to deal with this change, i don't know if i can survive, say to yourself, i don't like the change, but i can adapt. i choose to embrace the change and learn what i need to learn to go forward. it's hard. it can be hard for people. people feel scared, uncertain, but you've got to take control by making a decision if there is
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change, i'm going to make the decision to adapt. >> fear is big. maybe people are afraid of adapting or making a change. if they don't do it well, that will be worse than doing what they've been doing a long time well. >> that's right. they want to stick with what they know. you've got to be willing to try new things and make that company more successful in the face of change. >> thanks so much. always keeping it real for us. you probably remember "fame?" >> i loved "fame." >> we all were dancing during the show. in large part because of this woman, composer, choreographer, producer and current stay in tv's "grey's anatomy," debbie allen represents so much in the competitive entertainment industry, resilience and
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versatility, just to name a few. she tells me face-to-face what she believes are three keys to her greatness in a career that spans nearly four decades. >> three keys. one key is absolutely discipline and dedication to the craft. discipline. that means no matter what is happening, you perform. you rise to the challenge. you stay focused. if you have a headache, you go to class. ♪ if your leg is hurting, you do the show. find a way through it. dies palestine. creativity. wakes me up at night. it motivates me during the day. i get ideas and think of things.
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i think it's somehow connected to my feeling about the world and people, and ideas how can i take my gift and express it in a way that it might touch someone? the support of my family has allowed me greatness, if that's what we call it, success, accomplishme accomplishment. na i have a family that embraces me. understands who i am. allows me to do what i do. holds my hand when i need it. shakes a finger at me when i need it. that it's love of my family. >> if you missed any of these face to face installments with producer, actress, she does it all, debbie allen. go to, my blog or facebook page to see them. maybe this vacation wasn't a good idea vacations are always a good idea ♪ priceline negoti - - no time. out quickly.
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1:48 pm more on the straw poll results. romney winning 38% of the vote, rick santorum second, newt gingrich third and ron paul in fourth. the u.s. conference of catholic bishops is denounce iing barack obama's compromise. the group says the proposal raises serious moral concerns. president barack obama will propose a budget on monday that forecasts a $91 billion deficit in 2013. the budget includes plans to invest in rebuilding infrastructure while hiking taxes on the rich. >> for the latest political news, you know where to go. hard to believe valentine's day just three days away. so consider this. are you cheating on your spouse
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financially? if so, it's time to come clean. christine romans and ali velshi show how to have the money talk with your significant other. >> when it comes to money, my friend ali velshi and i speak two different languages. that's okay. thankfully, we are not married to each other. we just work together and wrote a book called "how to speak money." couples in debt, one of the topics we talked about in that book. it's a big strain on relationships. i want to look at this data. wives who had no debt were 12% more likely to be very happy in marriage than wives between $10,000 and $20,000 debt. husbands are happy no matter what. one thing we talked about and wrote about in our book, a lot of couples aren't honest to each other when it comes to debt. is it ever okay to hide spending or hide debt? >> is anybody listening to my
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answer? >> your wife is watching the program. >> it's no when you said men don't care. there are two issues. one is do you care about your habits on spending? a lot of guys don't care. then are you completely honest about what your debt situation is? you can't just know about your partner's debt. you have to know about how they answer that question. >> next question in honor of valentine's day. is it okay for one person to handle the finances in the relationship? >> yes. absolutely. let the better person do it. believe it or not in my family, my wife is better at this stuff. she takes the lead on it. it gets done better. there is an issue about responsibility about money. the other partner should have involvement in it so they know about it. i think it's totally okay for the smarter, better one, more organized one to handle it. >> how to have the money talk? >> you are telling me you would dump me if i asked you how much debt you would have. >> you wouldn't get a second
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date. why not get to the third or fourth date then say, this is working out really well. something i've got to he'll 2 you. >> for "smart is the new rich," i'm christine romans. judge. >> get used to the name jeremy lynn. americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪
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what a game for the new york knicks. get used to the name jeremy lin. he came out of virtually nowhere scoring 38 points last night against the lakers. he is the city's new hero. cnn's richard roth has more on this amazing athlete. >> reporter: jeremy lin says he is a low-key guy. he looks unassuming at practice with the new york knicks. when the lights go on in the world's most famous arena, madison square garden -- >> jeremy lin does it again.
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>> reporter: jeremy lin, a rare asian american in the nba, is an overnight star. and the talk of the big town. >> what we are seeing in new york is something i have never seen. we haven't seen for generations really, a guy who can excite the garden like this out of nowhere. >> is this overwhelming for you? >> yeah. >> reporter: fans agreed on how to describe the lin phenomenon. >> lin-sanity. >> i've seen it on the west coast. >> there is this fever in new york called lin-sanity. he's an electrifying player. >> reporter: lin was a star at harvard university. he wasn't drafted and was later cut by two nba teams before the nose diving knicks picked him up. >> we liked him and it worked out. you have to have luck and we had
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lots of luck. >> reporter: first souvenir stores weren't prepared. >> things are changing so much. everyone wants to talk to me and my family. we are very low-key people and private people. sometimes it's tough. >> he's the man. >> reporter: lin's parents immigrated from taiwan. chinese media offer nonstop coverage here when games are shown back to asia. >> it's huge back in taiwan. people are crazy about him. even my grandma asked about him. my grandma is 90 years old. she is like, you're covering jeremy lin, good for you >> reporter: a marketing bonanza. >> more reason to go now. you have chinese american playing. >> i'm a home body. i try to stay inside.
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>> reporter: his next goal is to get off the couch, sleeping at his brother's apartment while trying to revive the knicks. richard roth, cnn, new york. don lemon can't wait to see a knicks game with jeremy lin. >> woo-hoo! >> much more straight ahead. he can play ball. owerful thing. but we couldn't simply repeat history. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... [ tires screech ] ...night view... and heads-up display. [ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. on december 21st, polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space, which would render retirement planning unnecessary.
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