tv Your Money CNN February 12, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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one, who does not strive in some way to emulate whitney houston. her range, the soprano, the going into the alto, the emotion in her voice, the strength of her voice, the purity of her voice, just so much strength and so much ease at the same time. it's just magical. >> magical and she was very glamorous throughout. i mean perhaps her modeling career, you know, helped prepare her for, that perhaps because she came from the musical pedigree in which she did but she seemed to have a certain glamour about her that really did kind of strike you as kind of old hollywood. >> very old hollywood. the thing about whitney houston to me it was charisma, it was confidence, it was her just knowing that she was where she was supposed to be, doing what she was supposed to be doing, and doing it well and doing it better than anyone else. she walked that walk. she talked that talk. and she sang that song. >> danyell smith, editor of
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"billboard" magazine, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> we're continuing to follow developments in the death of pop super star whitney houston. tonight an all-star tribute will be paid to the singer at the grammys. houston's body was found yesterday in the beverly hilton hotel just hours before she was to attend a pregrammy party. she was 48 years old. poised to make a comeback after battling drugs for years. houston's body is in the los angeles county morgue waiting for an autopsy that is expected to be conducted some time today. the beverly hills police say they will release information on their vebts investigation as early as tomorrow. we have a team of correspondents following this developing story. casey wian is covering the police investigation and
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entertainment reporter kareen wynter is covering the reaction from the music industry and the mood at the grammys today and tonight and deb feyerick in new jersey getting reaction in whitney's hometown. careen, to you first, there's been a lot of discussion about a real change to the grammy awards tonight. the tone, the tenor will be a lot more subdued. >> a lot of presenters, a lot of nominees, anyone really, fred, hitting that stage, this night will not be about them. they're going to be focusing on the great whitney houston, probably making some off the cuff, you know, just remarks about her life and reflecting on that. i wanted to let you know that we received -- actually it's a statement sent to "people" magazine working to confirm that by bobby brown who has apparently broken his silence. he was once married to whitney houston. i'm quoting he's saying that i'm deeply saddened at the passing of my ex-wife whitney houston at this time we ask for her privacy, especially for my
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daughter bobbi kristina. i appreciate ul of the condolences that have been directed towards my family and i at this most difficult time. we're hearing from the houston family. they're equally broken up over this devastating news. we got that in. we've confirmed this. their quote is we are devastated by the loss of our beloved whitney. this is an unimaginable tragedy and we will miss her terribly. we appreciate the outpouring of love and support from her fans and her friends. and some of whitney's closest friends, for example, jennifer hudson who really looked up to whitney and her entire life, she shared with our piers morgan recently how when she was 11 she would sit back and imagine that she was having duets with whitney houston and singing so many of her famous songs. "i will always love you." she's going to be performing a special tribute on stage tonight. we've been informed that chaka khan will be performing, although she was asked to perform by the recording academy although she doesn't know
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specifically what her role will be. it will be an emotional night, a lot of people taking that stage will reflect on whitney houston. whitney houston, she had no plans to attend the grammys. the only aten -- the only event she planned on attending was the clive davis party. she wasn't going to perform but she wanted to be with her good friends in the music business. little did she know tonight would be all about her, albeit in a tragic way, fred. >> clive davis, the man who quote/unquote discovered her was the first to sign her to the arista records, so a close relationship, very sad loss, deeply felt by so many who loved whitney houston. thanks so much. the investigation continues as to what caused the death of whitney houston. casey wian is on that case. what more are investigators saying, if anything? >> not much right now, fed reka. we know the beverly hills police
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department told us this morning that all of its investigators were gone from the beverly hilton hotel room. they did not say whether that meant that their investigation on that site was complete or if it meant that they may return at another time. we also know from the los angeles county coroner that whitney houston's body is at the los angeles morgue and an autopsy could be performed today, could be performed tomorrow. they're not saying when they might release the results of that autopsy. it depends on what they find. they're saying once that autopsy is performed we could have some preliminary results tomorrow, but perhaps depending on what is found it could take several weeks. we are also can pass along information that is being reported by the celebrity news website tmz and they are reporting, according to the family members of whitney houston and according to sources who were on the scene, that pill bottles were found in whitney houston's hotel room, that she
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was actually found in the bath it tub and that cpr efforts were initially begun on her by her bodyguard. those efforts, we know, were continued by the los angeles fire department which was also on scene. obviously those efforts failed. so that is the latest on the investigation. the people that we've reached out to who are there at the scene, have either not responded to our calls or are not willing to talk at this point. >> thanks so much. investigations of this caliber are certainly unlike most conducted in other jurisdictions. our law enforcement analyst mike brooks will be along to give us an idea of what might be taking place there in the beverly hills area. we're also going to go to the hometown of newark, new jersey. that is where whitney houston grew up in large part. it's also where she made her debut as a soloist in the junior choir at her church there. our deborah feyerick is at that church where people are
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remembering the whitney houston as a little girl and the whitney houstoned with quite the legacy. >> absolutely. and parishioners were coming in and out of church all day, there were multiple services starting at 6:30 this morning. many of them had fond memories. we know right now that her mother cissy houston appears to be at home in edgewater, new jersey, meeting with reverend jesse jackson. he is a friend of the family. he actually spoke with her last night and then spoke to her again this morning. and he was kind enough when he came out of services today to tell us exactly what he said to her and the impact that this loss is having. >> i spoke with cissy last night and this morning, i'm going to meet with her at her home now. obviously they're having to process this. this was not some long debilitating sickness.
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this was sudden. and so when this happens, there's no rationale explanation. you have to cling to your faith and holden to the morning comes. >> and members of the houston's extended family also in church today, honoring her legacy. we are told that the pastor gave a very powerful, uplifting sermon about how fragile life is and how you never know when something like this is going to happen. and many of the people motivated by that sermon because whitney houston was such a major presence here. there are a couple people who have stopped by, putting ball n balloons, some cards out, just little mementos to say we love you, we remember you, and we're sad that you had to leave. one of the big questions, fredricka, that everyone is asking is why. everyone knew about her very rocky marriage to bobby brown but she seemed to have gotten over it. she was finding that spark
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again. the spark she said she always got when she was here in the junior choir singing for god in her words. it seemed she was heading back on the right path. the question why now, why not get that second chance that she was sort of looking for, and you can see this video of her as a young girl. she said this is where she learned to sing. this is where she says, quote, i learned everything i ever needed to know right here in the junior choir. she learned how to sing when the tempo changes in the middle, she learned how to do a four-part harmony and how to sing ac ka pella. it's where she mastered this integrity and extraordinary voice and a lot of people now missing her and, of course, her mom, members of the family, they are grieving a very, very deep loss. fredricka? >> a lot of her fans thought they were seeing the parallels, you know, of her real life compared to her role in "the preacher's wife" where it did talk about that, kind of unveiled, you know, the power of
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the singing in the church. and kind of the properties that came with that. deborah feyerick, from newark, new jersey. we'll check back with you. we're following other developments overseas now. a protest in greece has turned deadly and this as the parliament debates austerity measures. buildings in athens are on fire. emergency crews have not been able to reach some of those buildings because the protesters have been blocking the streets. matthew chance is joining us live from athens. is there any end in a peaceful way? >> yeah, well i mean it looks like actually over the course of the past few minutes, the crowds and they numbered in the thousands on the center square here in athens, right outside parliament behind me, seemed to have dissipated somewhat. the police are still here in force. we're not seeing any of the running street battles that we've been witnessing over the course of the past five or six
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hours or so since these protests began. you can see there there have been running street battles for hours on end between the police and protesters in the streets of central athens. people furious in this city about what the government is currently debating in the parliament building right behind me, plans to impose yet more austere itty measures on this country in an attempt to sort out its debt problems. the country, though, the people in the country, very angry that this is being debated even further. they've endured two years of a harsh recession. they've seen their jobs get lost, their wages slashed and the public services slashed and there's really no appetite whatsoever amongst greeks for any more austerity cuts. the government is kind of being forced to make these cuts in order to receive the bailout funds it needs from the european union and imf so it doesn't go bankrupt next month which would be obviously very dire indeed. that parliamentary vote is
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expected to take place in the next few hours. >> matthew chance, thanks so much. we'll check back with you on the developments in greece and we're going to bring you up to date on the investigation taking place in the los angeles area involving the death of super star whitney houston. more after this. does any mother ever feel like their kids are adults?
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still no official cause of death for whitney houston. it will be a delegate process made that much more difficult because of the victim, super star whitney houston. joining me right now here in atlanta, mike brooks, a law enforcement analyst for hln and "in session." give me an idea here, l.a. county, beverly hills. >> right. >> they're used to investigations involving big names. bigger than life names. >> sure. >> but what makes it very complicated is, not only is it a delegate investigation in and of itself it's the cause of death, but because it involves a big name, because it involves a
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place where there were an awful lot of people. >> right. >> was there anything that struck you as unusual in the beginning stages of this investigation thus far? >> no. the only thing that struck me as unusual is how quickly they said, they pronounced her from the time that the units got there which says to me as a former investigator, that there were signs that there was no way they were going to revive her and they were probably talking to the doctors at -- back at the emergency room saying, look, we've done this, we've done that, we've tried this resuscitation process, and nothing is working. which says to me she may have been dead for a while. >> what's interesting also, we also understand, unconfirmed sources saying bobbi kristina, the daughter of whitney houston. >> right. >> tried to get to the hotel, tried to get to the room where the body of whitney houston was. we understand she was turned away and getting new information this being confirmed by cnn, that bobbi kristina has now been taken to the hospital herself. we don't know the details of
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that but apparently she has been rushed to the hospital now, barely, barely 24 hours after her mother was declared dead. sources are telling us that the fire department, is that right? the producer. the fire department making sure that she got to that hospital safely. not sure which hospital or what the circumstances are. but this investigation just of the mother's death, and now it looks like there may be further complicated by this extension. >> well, i'm sure the amount of suffering that she's been going through over the last 24 hours hearing that her mother had died, but there's a lot of questions that remain and this is the cause and manner. investigators, a lot of things -- a lot of people are asking, why was the body there at the hotel room for such a long time? once they -- >> almost nine hours. >> almost nine hours. there's into hurry. as an investigator there's no hurry to take the body if they pronounced her there, then they were going -- they'll go ahead
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and conduct a thorough death investigation because that's what it is because we can't say it's a homicide investigation, suicide, we don't know the manner of death and the cause. one of the other things they're going to look at, fred, the last 24 hours of her life, the last hours of her life trying to put together a timeline, how will they do that? they're going to take a look at video surveillance around that hotel. they're going to take a look -- >> whether in the hallway of where her room was, elevator, lobby. >> pool area, lobby area, bar area, to find out who she was with, who did she talk to? what was her frame, state of mind and what else was found there in the room? who was the last person to come in and out of her room and they will tell that because the cards you have, every time you go in and out of the room with one of the electronic card there's a record of that. >> it's conceivable a number of people had rooms -- keys to her room because she likely had an entourage of people who were dressing her, makeup, hair, since she was going to be going to a pregrammy event later on
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that sneenc that. >> some other things to investigate, reports a record executive who was staying in the room above her and she around 3:30 heard two large bangs. now was this out of whitney houston's room? there's all kinds of speculation of what it could have been and now we're finding out that it mostly likely was she was found in the tub, there might have been some prescription medication, other things there in the room, and this is why you might not get an official cause of death for quite some time because as they do the autopsy, whether it's done today or tomorrow, they're going to send out -- they're going to do tests, toxicology tests. those take time. if you recall back in 2009 when michael jackson died, it took the l.a. coroner almost three months to make an official cause of death. >> reminding us of that it wasn't immediate but i did not recall it took that long, three months. >> there's no rush. they want to make sure they get it right. a lot of people, though, fred
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have questions they want to know, because she was such an icon. but it's going to take some time and we might not -- we might hear a preliminary autopsy, but one of the other things that the beverly hills police were saying, there was no obvious sign of criminal intent that they could see in the room. >> quick to say that, just hours, just hours after confirming her death. so very interesting. and this being further complicated again by new reports that we're able to confirm that bobbi kristina, the 18, 19-year-old daughter of whitney houston, has now been rushed to a hospital. we don't have the circumstances of what may be taking place at that hospital, but, of course, when we get more information we'll pass it along. thanks so much, mike brooks, appreciate that. >> sure, fredricka. we'll have much more on this investigation. much more as we try to learn more information about bobbi kristina, the daughter of whitney houston, who is now reportedly been taken to the hospital, all that right after this. [ kyle ] my bad.
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still no cause of death for 48-year-old whitney houston but cnn confirming that whitney's daughter, 18-year-old bobbi kristina brown, has been taken to cedears-sinai hospital. this taking place about an hour ago. it was a medical transport by the fire department. not by the police department. that's the information we're getting right now. we will try to investigate what may be taking place with bobbi kristina and why she was taken to cedears-sinai hospital there in the los angeles area. meantime the world far beyond hollywood is mourning the loss of whitney houston's enormous talents. since word of her sudden death spread around the globe reaction has been nonstop. nadia bilchik is here with more on that. >> she touched so many. >> so many people. i remember being in south africa in 1994, now that was the year that nelson mandela became president and in november of that year, whitney houston, the
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first major artist to visit south africa, post apartheid came and did a concert for the new south africa. i remember, fred, all the proceeds went to south african charities. she developed an extraordinary rapport with nelson mandela. the beautiful pictures. he called her my daughter. and that picture was actually taken in 2001, but they had the most wonderful relationship and i spoke to nelson mandela's grandchildren this morning and they were actually having a lunch and it was very interesting because there they were playing the music of whitney houston. >> oh. >> and david manway, who is mandela's grandson-in-law said we are berevved. whitney was an extext of our family and our hearts go out to bobbi kristina. >> they loved something about her image as well. her poise. >> they transcended everything, race, color, age. she was so extraordinary. in fact, even in dubai, there
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are fountains synchronized to the music of whitney houston. >> this in tribute to her post-death. >> but just a celebration of this incredible talent. in china, today, front page news, talking about u.s. singer who dies, at the bbc telegraph, speaks about terrible trajectory of modern fame, the guardian in south africa, whitney houston, brilliant and tragic, life and even the australian, majestic diva, ravaged by drugs, died at 48. so, from dubai to durbin, from am ter dam to ann arbor, whitney houston, we will always love you. >> we certainly will. thanks so much for bringing the messages from around the world to us about whitney houston. >> just resonated and doesn't music resonate and hearing it today, i can see when i look at your face it evokes so much emotion, feeling. >> her voice had such incredible range and looking at her, she
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was always interesting to watch as well because she really was a performer and she was so glamorous and she was a chameleon, wasn't she? she had a lot of different looks. really incredible span of a career. thanks so much. fans across the world, indeed, are sharing memories of whitney houston in so many different ways and doing it by way of i-reports and one of them caught the singer's ex-husband, bobby brown, actually breaking down at a concert. this just taking place last night in mississippi. we'll share that video with you next. >> definitely left a legacy, definitely left her presence felt on people. she left a lot. ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one.
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>> reporter: hers was a voice instantly recognized by millions worldwide. legendary recording artist whitney houston sold more than 170 million albums with hits including "saving all my love for you" and "the greatest love of all." ♪ and i will always >> reporter: perhaps her crowning achievement was her 1992 cover of dolly parton's ""i will always love you" from her film "the bodyguard" with kevin cost mer. whitney houston was born into a music family in newark, new jersey n 1963. her incredible talent was discovered at an early age and she was signed by arista records in 1983. her first two albums brought seven consecutive number one hits, surpassing a record set by the beatles and begys. ♪ i want to dance with
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somebody ♪ >> reporter: she went on to become musics most awarded female artist of all time according to the guinness book of world records, won six grammys, 23 american music awards and was named female artist of the decade at the soul train music awards in 2000. her career stalled as she struggled with drugs and alcohol and her stormy relationship with singer bobby brown became tabloid fodder. she filed for divorce in 2006. in 2009, a comeback. houston released her first studio album in seven years. it debuted at number one on the billboard charts. >> it humbled me and it kind of like said, okay, i think i want to do this just one more time. >> reporter: but her tour was reportedly plagued with vocal difficulties. her reps blamed an upper respiratory infection. in 2011 her publicist said houston was seeking help for her addiction.
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the performer was set to appear in the upcoming film "sparkle" her first movie role since "the preacher's wife" in 1996. her sudden death shocked fans and musicians across the world. >> i am absolutely devastated by this news. i'm so sad for her. she was, i mean, undoubtedly, one of the greatest super stars of all time. one of the greatest voices, you know, in our lifetime we're likely ever to hear. >> and here's what we know about whitney houston's death. cnn has confirmed an autopsy will likely happen today. police say there are no obvious signs of foul play. the 48-year-old singer was found dead yesterday afternoon inside her room at the beverly hilton hotel. tmz quoting informed sources
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says that she was found unconscious in the bathtub, her bodyguard attempted cpr and pills were found at the scene in the room. houston was preparing to attend a pregrammy party hosted by her long-time mentor clive davis. let's start with the investigation now into the death of whitney houston. casey wian is in los angeles. what more do we know about the investigation and then what more are we learning about houston's 19-year-old or 18-year-old daughter bobbi kristina, being rushed to a hospital? >> well, that's right, fredricka. disturbing news, beverly hills police department's watch commander confirnls firms to me that, in fact, bobbi kristina brown, the 18-year-old daughter of whitney houston and singer bobby brown, was actually rushed to the hospital in the last hour and a half to cedars-sinai hospital here in los angeles. now the hospital will neither confirm nor deny that has happened and will not give us
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any information about bobbi kristina brown's condition. what the police department did tell me, though, is that this was a medical transport issue. they would not say where she was transported from, whether it was from the beverly hilton hotel, where whitney houston died yesterday or from some other location. i asked if the fact he was stressing this was a medical transport meant this was not a life-threatening situation and the watch commander telling me that's the case, not a life-threatening situation. but would not give me more information. in terms of the investigation into whitney houston's death, the beverly hills police department is continuing that investigation. its officers are no longer on-site at the hotel but they could be going back, the police department will not talk about what it has actually uncovered in the course of the investigation, which at this point is less than 24 hours old. also you mentioned that an autopsy could take place we're hearing either today or tomorrow. we don't know when we'll get those results but it could happen as early as tomorrow.
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some preliminary results depending on what the coroner's find, those results could take several weeks. that's what we know at this point. >> casey wian, thanks so much there in los angeles. all right. whitney houston's marriage to singer bobby brown has been described in many ways rocky is one word that comes to mind for a lot of people who have been reporting on it. he reacted to his ex-wife's death at a concert performance last night. we'll reveal what he said. brad needs car insurance, but, uh, brad doesn't want to spend too much. who's brad? this is brad. ahh! well, progressive has lots of discounts for a guy like brad. brad's intrigued. paid in full, safe driver, multi-car, going paperless -- all can help brad save a bunch. sign brad up.
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take control of your portfolio today. trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up $600 when you open an account. people are responding in so many different ways upon the passing of whitney houston. her former husband bobby brown released this written statement saying, i am deeply saddened at the passing of my ex-wife. at this time, we ask for privacy especially for my daughter bobbi kristina. i appreciate all of the condolences that have been directed toward my family and i at this most difficult time. and again, confirmation, we have information that bobbi kristina, the 18-year-old daughter of bobby brown and whitney houston, has been rushed to cedars-sinai hospital, taken by way of the fire department. we don't know what her condition is or why she was taken to the hospital, just that she was
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rushed there. again, that statement coming from bobby brown, the ex-husband of whitney houston upon the death of the pop star. josh levs has also been reaching out to a number of people. i-reporters have sent in messages, there has even been video. especially that including one from an i-reporter who says he was at a bobby brown concert last night, right? >> exactly. it's interesting to get that statement right now, though, sometimes our i-reporters are in places where news is made and last night, it just so happened there was a new edition concert, bobby brown was there. bobby brown reacted at the time. there are many people who learned about the death of whitney houston in that concert and one is joining us via skype. hi there, can you hear me? >> hello. how are you doing? >> listen, thank you so much for joining us. i want to hear what it with you like at that concert but let's take a look at what you sent us from the concert and what bobby
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brown said. we love you. >> that was bobby brown, her ex-husband in that concert last night. we think it's possible when he referred to his own mother but meant her mother. you were there when this happened and i want to talk to you, what was it like to be in a room full of people at this concert see him break down and learn the news about whitney houston. >> it was a very surreal moment. the environment was a bittersweet. people were being very supportive of bobby. a lot of people were crying,
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going on, and people were really concerned about his daughter. they just thought about people clapped and screamed and hollered and reminisced of all of the songs that whitney brought and all of the hearts and houses and hearts she touched. it was a very emotional time. >> i know you learned about whitney houston's death while you were at the concert and many other people did too. was it very emotional? were people in shock? what was the feeling like in that room? >> well, when we got the information, my wife and i, we were there celebrating because the new edition concert was the first concert we had been to 23 years ago. when i told her that whitney had passed she was like, oh, wow. could not believe it. she said, i can't hardly hold back the tears. and people were all over pulling out phones. found iphones, telephones all over the center, and people were just crying and people was just beginning to pray, asking, you
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know, god for strength for the family. >> obviously thinking of the daughter right now, given the news we've been reporting. you know, obviously even despite the divorce, clearly a lot of love in this couple and clearly bobby had a great deal of love for whitney. when people saw him break down when he was crying, what does a crowd do to make a man feel okay in a devastating moment like that when he's standing -- very few people ever have that experience, suffering such a loss of someone you love while standing in front of a crowd of thousands whom you're supposed to entertain. what did the crowd do there to try to help him and be there for him in that moment? >> actually, when he first came out, the crowd began -- well, we began to scream bobby. everybody began to scream bobby, bobby, bobby and everybody began to scream, holler and clap and what was so amazing when he walked out on the stage he looked toward heaven and looked up and said, i love you whitney. the crowd screamed and hollered and as he broke down, members of new edition went back to hug him
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and everybody began to clap for him and he went back stage and stayed for a while and the crowd began again to holler, bobby, bobby. >> well, listen. i am sorry we have to go. more news. thank you for joining us. i encourage everyone to check out your i-report. i'm tweeting it out so everyone will be able it to see it. thank you for taking the time to talk to us today about your experience at the convert. this is her official website lots of posts there. >> and then there is a statement that has come from whitney houston's family earlier we shared with you the statement coming from bobby brown, her ex-husband. from the family we are devastated by the loss of our beloved whitney. this is an unimaginable tragedy and we will miss her terribly. we appreciate the outpouring of love and support from her fans and friends. the recording industry is distraught over the death of whitney houston. we'll tell you how they plan to pay tribute to her at the grammys tonight. stay with us.
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♪ it's not right but it's okay i'm gonna make it anyway ♪ ♪ pack your bags up and leave >> it's hard to talk about whitney without hearing from her as well. little bit more of whitney houston's own grammy history. she won the 1999 grammy for best female r&b vocal performance for "it's not right but it's okay." ♪ i'd rather be alone than unhappy ♪
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♪ i look to you 2009's "i look to you" was whitney houston's comeback album. it was her first studio album after seven tumultuous years that included divorce and rehab. ♪ i look to you music industry insiders are grieving the loss of singer whitney houston. cnn's hilary rosen was chairman and ceo of the recording industry association of america. she's joining me right now from washington. hillary, how -- >> hi, fred. >> good to see you. you know, how do you suppose the industry will be looking to whitney houston's legacy? >> well, you know, what an amazing coincidence that this would happen during grammy week. of course when the entire music community comes together to
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celebrate the best of music in a series of kind of week-long events culminating into tonight's grammy awards. you know, in some respects i feel like this, you know, it's too -- it's way too early for her to leave us, but, you know, the fact that she's doing it around a night where there are so many public tributes available, is wonderful because i think for the last few years, there's been too much negativity around whitney and what she's -- and her life and so the ability to sort of sit back today and listen all that great music and listen to jennifer hudson and chaka khan and others tonight, pay tribute to her is going to be really magical and so well deserved. >> magical sounds like the right word. so, you know, while it is very heartbreaking, you know, that's kind of the understatement, you know, that i'm making that how heartbreaking it is the loss of whitney houston, but at the same time, you know, do you feel like
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it feels that much more painful for people because they were hoping this comeback was really one in which to believe in, that she -- her career was potentially going to make the kind of return that suffered such an absence in recent years? >> you know, i just don't know. i mean, life is fragile and addiction is a very terrible thing and even if drugs were not involved, clearly she's been weakened over the years by her own admitted use of drugs, so i think, you know, hopefully we'll know more in coming days about what actually caused this, but really, i think that careers in the music business are fragile as well and when you combine the two things, it's a very troubling marriage, celebrity and addiction. it's very hard to stay on top. it's very hard in a very fickle world to constantly put out new creative works that are going to
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appeal to people. you know, one of the reasons why so many people are lauding whitney houston now is because she accomplished things that other people just other people hadn't done. i will always love you was the number one song in every single country around the world when it was released. i mean, so talk about music as a universal language. you don't get more of a powerful statement than that. and, you know, the fact that she meant so much across the globe as you've been talking about today with mandela, you know, when nelson mandela came to washington for bill clinton -- bill clinton had a state dinner for him, whitney houston was the artist he requested come and perform for him. you know, now it seems poignant that she sang the greatest love of all, which is actually my favorite whitney song, which is that anthem to self-love, something we would have wanted whitney to have more of for herself over the years.
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development, is it the key to economic growth? cnn's ali velshi breaks it down in this week's fortune brainstorm. >> if you still believe that bringing manufacturing jobs back to the u.s. is key to our economic recovery, you're probably watching this program on a black and white tv. most bets today are on american innovation, or something else. navek radwa is vice president of academics and innovation at singularity university. welcome to the show. you say small prize oriented competitions are the key to economic growth rather than large government funded labs. explain what you meant. >> well, look at the way we have been reacting to the economic downturn and lack of innovation. we talk about big bailouts, we talk about big investments. look at what happened with
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silendra. >> he's right on the money here. you know, our friends at the kauffman foundation proved that all new job growth over time comes from startups. startups are a small group of passionate individuals who are committed to making their dreams happen. and most importantly they're willing to take risks. they're willing to try something which is a crazy idea and i'm fond of saying the day before something is a breakthrough, it is a crazy idea. >> thank you for the great conversation. i'm ali velshi with this week's fortune brain form. i love that my daughter's part fish.
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♪ >> so after the duet, price told mtv the reports of houston being, quote, anything but okay were erroneous. joining us on the phone now is christopher farley who followed houston's career as a music critic for "time" magazine, now with "the wall street journal." you followed her for a long time. and people have always written about the range of her voice. how she was able to be alto, soprano, all in one felled swoop. did she kind of become that talent who was that measuring stick in the music industry when they were looking for the latest
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talent, who could possibly replace her or be like her? >> she really was mount rushmore, the mount rushmore of singers, somebody people looked up to, wished they could some day be like, but never expected to be on mount rushmore alongside her. christina aguilera saw her work, wanted to be like her, emulated her in certain ways, just like christina aguilera emulated etta james. hip-hop was just coming into dominance, people thought that r&b couldn't cross over and compete with rock 'n' roll and other stuff that was going on, but she showed that, yes, people were interested in the human voice and tell stories in that way and succeeded on her own terms. >> she was multitalented. it wasn't just the singing. she started out as a model for "17" magazine and you saw
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