tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 15, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PST
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player or if it reminds me of a crush. >> that is it. i love it. we're going to head over now to "cnn newsroom." fredricka whitfield is in this morning. we wrap it up here. i'll see everybody back here at 7:00 tomorrow monk for "starting 7:00 tomorrow monk for "starting point" -- captions by vitac -- topping our news this morning, iran is calling it a major achievement in its nuclear program. scientists have loaded nuclear fuel rods into the core of a research reactor. these are the first fuel rods that iran made itself. president mahmoud ahmadinejad was there for the event. iran is claiming it has mastered the nuclear fuel cycle. pentagon correspondent barbara starr joining us right now. barbara, what are you hearing about this? >> well, fredricka, good morning to you. i think we have some live pictures also coming in to cnn right now of mahmoud ahmadinejad speaking in tehran earlier today before these live pictures he was touring this facility where, indeed, iran announced that it
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had made its own nuclear fuel rods domestically for the first time. it was loading these into what it said was a reactor for medical purposes, not for nuclear weapons. but this is going to be watched very closely here in washington and in israel, of course, because the question is whether this development, this announcement of them being able to make their own nuclear fuel rods is actually the real deal. can they do it? do these fuel rods work? how good is the quality? is this another step potentially on iran's road to potentially making nuclear weapons? that's the key question for intelligence agencies right now. what does this all mean? iran's had a lot of problems with its nuclear efforts. are they really successful at this? have they made the decision to go forward. c.i.a. director david petraeus says one of the things he's watching very carefully is whether they're going to make that move to go for highly enriched uranium.
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that would be a significant step on the road to nuclear weapons. the u.s. doesn't believe iran's made that step just yet. >> is there a feeling that if that step may have been made, that there was some cooperation or real help from another nation? >> reporter: well, that's an intelligence dilemma, again. they have had problems in iran with the quality control on their nuclear effort. some people say it's due to a computer virus inserted perhaps by western intelligence agencies or their own lack of precision engineering. so if they are successful this time, if what they've unveiled today in these nuclear rods really works and works well, are they getting help from the outside? have they overcome some of the technical and engineering problems that they had? if they did, who is helping them? what country out there, whether it's sponsored openly by another country or maybe they're buying
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the expertise on the black market or bringing scientists in undercover from abroad. the question is, is it successful and how have they done it? >> all right. barbara starr from the pentagon. thanks so much. >> reporter: sure. well, it is a huge source of pride for iran, but should it be a source of worry for the west? we'll talk more about this story at 9:30 eastern time with security expert from m.i.t. now we turn to syria. a nation teetering on the brink of civil war. this morning embattled president bashar al-assad announced syrians can vote later this month on a new constitution, but at this point that gesture is unlikely to tamp down the uprising. this video posted on youtube claims to show civilians forced into service as human shields. rebels say government troops positioned themselves near tanks and artillery positions so the opposition forces won't fire on them.
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cnn cannot verify the claims because syria bans most international reporting, but our arwa dam man and her team has slipped into the city of homs. this morning the city is covered by a thick cloud of smoke that you see from an overnight explosion. >> reporter: that smoke you're seeing rising is from an oil pipeline that is believed to have been hit. what we heard was three explosions at around 6:30 in the morning. shortly thereafter that thick plume of black smoeblg began covering the skyline here. this is not the first time that we have seen these types of images emerging from the besieged city of homs. that pipeline has been hit on at least two other occasions. the syrian military has really intensified its defense here, especially in another neighborhood. activists have told us they believe the syrian government is on the campaign to flatten every single neighborhood where there
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has been some sort of opposition, some sort of effort to try to stand up to this government. >> as early as today the united nations is expected to vote on condemning the government crackdown. it would become the u.n.'s strongest statement yet on the violence. now reaction from around the world. max foster joining us in london with more information on this. >> lots of analysts are looking at what's going on in syria and talking about a tipping point, a turning point about what's going on there. certainly a lot of newspapers trying to question what's going to happen next. the globe and mail in canada, headline is bashar al-assad listening. talks about the sheer number and weight of various diplomatic initiatives now in play indicating that politics rather than fighting on the ground will determine the outcome of what is a low intensity civil war, at least at this point. the china daily is saying that beijing's middle east policy is justified. given the facts, it says, it's not surprising that the u.s. and
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its western allies find fault with china's policy. china faces criticism because it refuses to be a pawn in the wheeling and dealing of the west. china, of course, not getting involved in any u.n. resolutions at this point much to the anger of western countries. the daily telegraph of the u.k. an economic blockade can defeat assad. some might be concerned that ordinary syrians would suffer hardship as a result of a total economic embargo. that cannot be denied but would be preferable to all the bloodshed that would be part of a protracted civil war. there's a will really, fredri a fredricka, to do something where they can't work out what to do and what indications it means for foreign policies of countries like america and the u.k. >> max foster. keep us posted on any developments there. here in the u.s. funeral preparations are underway for whitney houston as family
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members and friends of the late singer struggle to come to grips with her sudden death. cnn's susan candiotti is outside the newark, new jersey, church where the funeral will be, new hope baptist church. the church, susan, where she first sang in that junior choir and now a return home on this good-bye. >> reporter: that's right. that's why it's not surprising that we see so many momentos left behind here, balloons, flowers, candles, personal messages left to whitney houston. this is a church, after all, where the area here first came to know her and certainly in this particular community because we've all seen that home video by now of her singing in this choir before this church and the congregation when she was just a little girl. so she is beloved, especially in this congregation. and that's why her family says they wanted to have the funeral here. and, of course, officiating at the service is pastor joe
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carter. in addition, the eulogy will be delivered by marvin wymans. he's a famous singer gospel singer. we were talking with a historian at the apollo theater and he remembers when whitney attended a concert with them in the past years. and even reverend carter here at the church says that he remembers -- he's only about five years older than whitney houston, and he remembers being in awe of her when he first met her. >> i was trying not to be star struck, but it was an amazing moment. i actually met her in church on an easter sunday morning singing in the sanctuary. i'll never forget it. >> reporter: you know that there are 1500 seats in this church, and, fredricka, every one of them is expected to be filled. >> susan, anything more about
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whether there will be a camera there? whether there will be some large jumbo tron screens outside because clearly such an outpouring of the community wants to be there and is likely to be there whether this is a service that remains private or not. >> reporter: that's right. as we all know of course by now, it is going to be a private service, invitation only. we don't have any definitive word yet on whether there will be that big screen set up outside here so that all the fans who come won't be disappointed and can at least hear and/or see a bit about what's going on in the church. so we're still waiting for official word on that. certainly we do know some of the people who will be invited. for example, reverend jesse jackson tells us that he will definitely be here. singer chaka khan will be here and so many others. we're waiting for that guest list now. >> susan candiotti, thanks so much there in newark, new jersey. now let's turn to some
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presidential politics and the fight for the republican nomination. today a new poll and new punches being traded. cnn political editor paul steinhauser in washington. paul, it looks like the ad wars are beginning to ramp up again. tell us all about it. >> reporter: you got t. they're back, fred. remember last month in south carolina and florida, we saw an explosion of campaign commercials? many of them attack ads. they kind of disappeared. we didn't see them in nevada which romney won. we didn't see them in the february 7th contests that santorum swept. this is from restore our future, the pro-romney independent super pac. they're going after santorum. take a listen. >> rick santorum actually vote? santorum voted to raise the debt limit five times and for billions in waistful projects, including the bridge to nowhere. in a single session santorum -- >> reporter: part of the romney and the super pacs attempts to poor trap santorum as a washington insider and big spender. this ad's running in michigan, arizona which have contests on
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the 28th and in ohio. wait. the santorum campaign up with a brand new ad in michigan that goes after romney for going negative. take a listen. >> i'm rick santorum and i approve this message. >> meet romney's negative attack machine is back on full throttle. this time romney's firing his mud at rick santorum. romney and his super pac have set a -- >> reporter: the santorum campaign having a little bit of fun here, fred. the ad wars are back. we have a lot of big stakes voting in the next two to three weeks. you'll see an explosion of ads. >> oh, my goodness. meantime, paul, there's also a new poll from the battleground state of ohio. what's it saying? >> you need more proof of that santorum surge since his big wins last week. check this out, this is in ohio as you mentioned, one of the sup err tuesday states. look who's on top now. rick santorum seven points ahead of mitt romney. there's newt gingrich and congressman ron paul at 9%. another example of how santorum has surged in the polls. he's also going after president obama. take a listen to what he said last night campaigning in idaho.
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>> don't you see how they see you? how they look down their nose at the average americans? these elite snobs. >> reporter: there you go. santorum is trying to portray the president and his administration as know it alls and elitists. i think the white house will take issue with that one. we've been seeing that message the last couple of days from santorum. >> paul steinhauser, thanks so much from the political desk in washington. we'll have our next political update in an hour. reminder, for all the latest political news you know where to go, people can't seem to get enough of whitney houston's music and movies right now, and her death could mean about a billion dollars in revenue. we'll talk to an entertainment lawyer all about that. a rare sight for tucson, arizona. snow. we're checking stories right cross-country after this.
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checking stories cross-country now. penn state says it has paid out nearly $3.2 million in fees linked to the jerry sandusky child sex abuse case. penn state's website says the university will not use alumni donations, student tuition, or taxpayer dollars to cover the costs. the university is counting on
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insurance to pay. the feds have cited a michigan nuclear power plant for three safety violations. the nrc says worst of the violations happened last september. half of the control room indicators were lost because of an electrical room fault. they will be keeping a closer eye on the plant. a rare snowfall for parts of tucson, arizona. the valentine's day snow came down hard for a short time but then, poof, it was gone. >> whitney houston has the number one song on itunes right now, and she has seven of the top ten albums on amazon. her death has given interest in her music in a very huge way. james walker is an entertainment attorney and author of "the business of urban music." good to see you. >> good to see you. >> you talk about whitney houston and her rise to fame
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extensively in your book. >> yes, i do. >> this has happened after michael jackson, it's happened after a number of great stars. they die, posthumosly they're able to enjoy giant proceeds from sales. do you see that records will be broken in the case of whitney houston already. >> i definitely think so. first i want to say my prayers go out to their family. i've met them through my own clients. my prayers go out to them first and foremost. to answer your question i think sony is going to see about a billion dollars. i wrote an article for rap rehab that deals with the urban music industry. i focused on the fact that when you look at her movies, "the body guard" did over 4 million. "preacher's wife," her movies have done over 1/2 billion dollars. what's going to happen here is sony is holding up right now and they're figuring out, we're going to put out the "sparkle" movie out later this year.
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we are pea going to time it so we put all the producers, cast members out on the floor marketing the movie. simultaneously we'll release the sound track and we'll release certain best of, greatest hits, love songs by whitney, dance songs by whitney. you can release 20 or 30 different records. >> the expectations were pretty high with "sparkle." now with her passing it's going to be a lot of people's last view of her work and so clearly it will appeal to an awful lot more people than they ever expected. >> clearly, fredricka, if you look at "the body guard" the movie did $440 billion at the box office. sparkle is not an average movie, i went out in the final week, that was the last time i saw whitney. >> what did you observe? >> i observed that we were all obviously tired. every night you're working until 3:00 in the morning. i was a casual observer learning the film game. what i observed is she nailed
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the part. what i observed is she was trying to come back. the closing night of the movie she did a prayer, the closing night of the set she did a prayer about 2:00, 3:00 a.m. every eye was tearing up. we all knew her journey. this will be her first movie in 15 years. you can bet sony will see about a billion dollar between the 3 to 400 billion between the movie, dvd z, merchandising. she's a superstar artist so her estate will see a royalty rate in the $1, $1.50, $2 range. >> her estate is going to enjoy the benefits of this posthumos earnings just like the songwriters, the movie makers. apparently she was already in talks -- terry mcmillan wanted to talk to her about or had been trying to convince her to do yet another waiting to exhale type of movie. she was going to be on board with that. >> yeah. the movie did well the first one
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did well over i believe 80 million, about 81 million. part two would have clearly been a comeback for her and what's telling is that you look at all of these people who are buying her music. when she toured she struggled as a touring artist, believe it or not. so it's interesting now to see the response, the outpouring of love because on the tour circuit she struggled at times domestically. over seas she was big. "the body guard," sales overseas were huge. i wish we could have told her how much she was loved in her lifetime. >> so sad. james walker, thanks so much. good to see you. >> thank you. >> the book is "the business of urban music." thanks so much. this saturday night cnn will be looking at whitney houston's rise to fame, her fall from stardom, and the investigation into her untimely death. cnn prends "death of a diva," saturday night 8:00 eastern time. the ceo at apple responding to concerns over working
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conditions at chinese plants. that story and a market preview right after this. that is helping business rethink how to do business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn. ♪ in here, machines have a voice... ♪ [ male announcer ] in here, medical history follows you... even when you're away from home. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities, creating and integrating solutions, helping business, and the rethink possible.
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exercise that are factors. it also can be contributed to the air we breathe. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joining me now. i don't know why i never thought of this. i think air pollution, i associate that with your lungs, the damage of that organ, but certainly not your heart. >> i think a lot of people do that. they think the air you breathe can give you asthma, lung cancer, but you don't think of the heart. this study as well as many others show that people who are exposed to lots of pollution are more likely to have a heart attack and what this study adds that's so interesting is that you don't have to live there day in and day out necessarily. there is some suggestion of a week of exposure to pollution. what they found is that they tracked the pollution rates and when they were bad for a week, heart attack rates went up. >> oh, my goodness. so what does the pollution do to your heart? what's happening? >> it does several bad things unfortunately. it causes inflammation all over your body which can damage your
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blood vessels. the second thing pollution can do is it can make your blood thicker and more likely to clot. it can make your heart rate go up. it acts on several different levels. what you're breathing in can act on several different levels. >> sometimes in some cities you see people wear masks. >> yeah. >> you're thinking about usually they're doing that because of their asthma, etc., allergies. is that something that would help you out in this case? >> masks might protect you to some degree, but here's what you want to think about. if you have an option when you're looking for a place to live, try not to live next to that intersection with lots of traffic because you're breathing in all those fumes. try not to live right on the interstate if you can help it. try to live as far away from those sources of pollution as possible. there is some good news here. while pollution is bad and you want to stay away from it, other things are even worse for you. so before you get too, too worried think is my weight where it should be? that's way more of a risk factor than pollution. is my blood pressure nice and
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low? control what you can control in your life. >> what's my diet like? >> exactly. if you live in a city where it's bad everywhere, unfortunately you don't have many options. >> now we know to make that association. >> make that link. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. >> thanks. and then there's this pr headache for apple. there have been allegations of extremely long working hours, underage employees, and unsafe conditions at one of its biggest chinese suppliers, fox con. alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange. alison, what does apple say about all of this? >> apple is coming out defending its reputation. the ceo spoke at a tech conference yesterday. he said apple will not stand for any abuses at suppliers factories in china or anywhere else. cook says a top priority is stopping suppliers from employing kids. in fact, he's calling that a firing offense. he did concede that there are
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instances of long working hours which is a violation of apple's work rules. now this whole uproar, it actually goes back to 2010 when several fox con workers committed suicide. since then allegations of unsafe conditions have gotten louder and louder. fox con and other manufacturers are being investigated this week by an independent labor group that was brought in by apple. >> alison, has this in any way affected the bottom line for apple? >> that's what's interesting. it hadn't. apple's actually posted record ipad, iphone, mac sales. overall its shares are doing well. its shares are over $500. that's how they're trading these days. as for the overall market it's looking to be opening higher on word from china saying it will keep buying european bonds doing its bit to help the debt situation in europe. >> thanks so much at the new york stock exchange. iran is celebrating what it calls a huge step in its nuclear
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program. homemade nuclear fuel rods located -- loaded, rather, into a reactor. should it be a source of worry for the west? a security expert from m.i.t. joining us next. and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! until the end of the quarter to think about your money... ♪ that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight,
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tdd# 1-800-345-2550 call 1-877-809-2203. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck today. a look at our top stories right now. in syria, thick black blooms of smoke are seen rising in the city of homs. government planes blew up an oil pipeline. the government blames terrorist groups. and state run media says president bashar al-assad plans a february 26th referendum on a new constitution, but at this point it doesn't seem likely to tamp down the up rising. and a fire at a prison in hondouras has killed nearly 300 people according to the local fire department. some 35 prisoners were taken to a hospital. the blaze is now under control. this is a third fat tall prison fire in recent years in
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hondouras. back here in the u.s. makers of the cancer drug avastin are warning people that counter fit versions have been found. tests of the fake drug showed it did not contain the active ingredient. it isn't clear how much of the fake version was distributed in the u.s. all right. iran is calling it a major achievement in its nuclear program. scientists have loaded nuclear fuel rods into the core of a research reactor. these are the first fuel rods that iran made itself. president mahmoud ahmadinejad was there for the event. iran claiming this is for medical purposes, not a weapon. cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr told us earlier that washington is trying to figure out if iran really has mastered the nuclear cycle and if the rods actually work. jim walsh is with the security studies program at m.i.t. he's joining us right now. so what is the real worry here, jim, about iran's potential?
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>> well, i don't think the issue is so much this tehran research reactor, fredricka. it's a medical reactor. it will produce medical isotopes that's largely unrelated to anything that would have a military dimension. the reason why it's relevant is to fabricate those fuel rods you have to enrich uranium, not 3 to 5% which you would do for a power plant, but to a higher level, to 20%. the u.s. and world community doesn't want iran in the enrichment game enriching it up to 20%. that gets you down to bomb grade material. it's about enrichment. the big picture is that this is all sort of tactics and posturing in anticipation of a meeting between the international community and iran which will take place i assume in a month or so. >> iran says this is homemade. do you buy that? >> yeah. i think they probably are fabricated by iran. the question is, you know, will they work? will the reactor have a problem?
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do you want to live downwind from that reactor if the fuel rods are impure or poorly fabricated? they're going to turn it on and shut it off immediately afterwards. it remains to be determined whether they can actually fabricate fuel rods to run this reactor. i think a lot of people in the west are skeptical about that, but it brings to mind the core issue is we don't want them to enrich to 20% in order to make these fuel rods. president mahmoud ahmadinejad and the government back in september said they would stop enrichment at 20% if they could buy the 20% enriched fuel. i think we should look at that. we want to cap that enrichment at a lower level. that's where we should be headed. >> you said buy that fuel. so that then you presume that there's another country that might be involved or cooperating. what would you suspect that country be? >> it would probably be russia or france. back a couple of years ago we
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almost had a deal on this tehran research reactor. a deal was struck and then when it got back to iran it fell apart because of iran's domestic politics which as you know is often bitter and conflicted. in that original deal they were going to enrich it, france was going to fabricate the fuel plates. argentina could do it if it wanted to get involved. there are countries that could in theory do this. that's the direction we want to go to. we want them to cap it at 3 to 5%. we ought to take them up on that. >> jim walsh, thanks so much at m.i.t. there in cambridge. appreciate that. this morning some good news for you and your wallet. timely, right? lawmakers have struck a tentative deal on extending the payroll tax cuts that are due to expire at the end of the month. that means working americans won't suddenly see more money siphoned from their take-home
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pay. christine romans is here to explain. christine, you've been crunching the numbers. how significant is this? >> it's significant for both parties because they tonight have something to fight over about who raised taxes on working americans. it means something for 160 million people who get a paycheck. in that paycheck there are social security taxes. you've gotten a break on the taxes that you pay for your social security. that's coming out to about $1,000 a year or $40 per paycheck. that's calculated, fredricka, on people who make $50,000 a year. people are going to continue to see that little extra in their paycheck. there will not be a little tax increase for people this year. >> what else is is in the deal? >> they're packaging unemployment benefits and the doc fix. this is medicare reimbursement. it looked like doctors could be in trouble for a while because congress couldn't get its act together on extending that. unemployment benefits also. what they're fighting about is how long to continue to extend these unemployment benefits. in something like 20 some states
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you can get unemployment benefits for 99 weeks. i think those days are over. also on the unemployment benefits, fred, they're going to have to find a way to pay for those. that's how they're wrangling about, how you're going to pay for it. republicans want that, right? they want to make sure any kind of goodies we're giving, tax breaks, spending we're doing, we're offsetting that somewhere else so that we don't add to very, very big deficits and big national debt. >> thanks so much. good to see you. singer bobby brown is reportedly distraught after hearing that he may not be wanted at his ex-wife's funeral. details next in "showbiz tonight" headlines. so this looks like a pretty interesting space. what goes on in here? >> well, this is our lab, and really what happens here is we have interns that take things that we think might be in the magazine and they try to recreate them. they take the author's recipe in
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this saturday. "showbiz tonight" host a.j. hammer is live in new york with more details on this. a.j.? >> fred, the reports that he's not wanted at at funeral certainly understandable when you think about his history with whitney. how many people over the years constantly pointed the finger at him for her erratic behavior when they were married. they are reports at this point. when we put the question directly to bobby brown's representative here's what he would tell us. any report or statement that does not oshlg nate from my office about bobby brown or his representatives is not authorized by bobby brown. we are not focused on reports, stories or false reports for that matter. of course it doesn't really answer the question. bobby and whitney's daughter bobbi kristina has been with her father since she got out of the hospital over the weekend. that could be seen, perhaps, as an indication that he would be at the funeral to support her, but theirs has been a tough relationship as well, fred. whitney herself told oprah once in an interview that bobbi kris
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encouraged her mom to leave her father. complicated dynamic. >> yeah. now let's talk about another rising star. maybe she's already risen actually. that would be adele after sweeping so many grammy awards this past weekend, and then she's saying she wants to take a break? >> well, it's a little complicated in itself. the story took off after adele gave an interview to britain's "vogue" magazine. in the interview adele said she wanted to go away for five years, settle down and start a family. people really read into that and said she was disappearing immediately and that's what she wanted to do. i am here to assure you this morning that is not the case. she wrote a really sweet message on hur blog all about the grammys being the best night of her life, how excited she was. she says, i have a few days off now and then it's the bring the awards. then i'm straight into the studio. five years, more like five days. so that clears that up. fred, for my money, i'm just
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happy to hear that she's going back into the studio. we want more music from adele. >> of course we do. i've been whistling her song "rolling in the deep" all morning long. you don't want to hear my voice. the best i could do would be to whistle it. we want to hear her version all the time. thanks so much, a.j. >> yeah. herman cain on "dancing with the stars." could it be? producers have reportedly asked him to be on the show. a.j. will be back with us next hour with cain's response. a sports star who comes through in the clutch and praises god. we're not talking about tim tebow. nba fans are crazy about new york knicks rookie jeremy lin. the lin-sanity continues. we'll look at it. that versus tebowmania next. e.
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thinking after that shot, but, i mean, i couldn't talk more about how much of a team win, a defensive gutsy effort this was tonight. we just had everybody come in. we had great energy off the bench. i'm very thankful to god that we got this one tonight because it could have gone either way. >> wow. that is a championship. he says it's not because of him but because of the team effort. a sports star who makes a big play in crunch time and then he praises god. remind you of anyone? contributor steve has the answer who this reminds us of. his latest piece is linsanity versus tebowmania. all right, steven. how similar are tim tebow and jeremy lin? >> there's a lot of similarities. obviously you have the great underdog story, although the underdoggedness of it is a little bit different in this case. it's a lot farther from harvard to the nba than it is from
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university of florida to the nfl with tebow. in each case you have a guy who's really resurrecting his team, bringing them out of obscurity and a lot of losses into, in the case of lin, six straight games. then of course you have the overlay of the evangelical sense of christianity. is this a miracle? who's doing this? is it god? is it tebow? is it jeremy lin? >> talk to me more about the differences. i get the parallels of florida and harvard but what else did you discover? >> you know, i think there's a little bit of difference in style as well. lin has a little bit more of a kind of stereo typical asian-american kind of quiet that we intend to associate with chinese americans. tebow has this more brash sunbelt style of born again christianity. lin sort of points up to the sky in a subtle way where tebow will get down on one knee and do his
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tebowing as they call it. one thing i find really interesting about this is it's an indication of the direction that christianity is going, both in america and in the world. we often associate born again christians with white preachers like jerry falwell or pat robertson or in the case of tebow, you know, white nfl player, but christianity is goi into the global south it is heading south into asia and east into asia and south into africa and so we have sort of an image here of christianity -- the future of crist yant, both in the world and the united states. >> all right. and i think when you look at the tape over and over again, i think a lot of people can appreciate that kind of serenity, the sense of calment that jeremy lin seems to have, even under pressure with those few tenths of a second left in the last play from last night. thanks so much and of course, you at home, you can read all of steven's piece on lynn sanity versus tebow mania on the cnn
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here is what we are following later in the cnn newsroom. at 12 eastern, chinese vice president xi jinping will deliver a major address at the u.s. chamber of commerce in washington. xi is expected to be the next chinese president. at 1:40, president obama talks about jobs and the economy at the masterlock factory in milwaukee. the white house says he will stress the importance of companies keeping jobs in the u.s. at 3:00 eastern time, the first lady joins defense secretary leon panetta at the pentagon.
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they will unveil a new report highlighting ways states can simplify job licensing requirements for military spouses. and we are following lots of developments in the next hour of the cnn newsroom. let's check in first with susan candiotti. >> hi, frederica. good morning. i'm outside whitney houston's new hope baptist church in newark, new jersey, where the family is finalizing plans for saturday's private funeral. who are some of the people that will be attending? we will give you those details coming up live in the next hour. i'm barbara starr at the pentagon. fred, iran is talking today about new developments in its nuclear program. should we be worried? i will have developments at the top of the next hour. and i'm paul steinhauser at the cnn political desk. do you need more evidence that rick santorum is surging in the polls? i will have them coming up next hour. >> thanks so much, everyone. we will also talk to the man who says he knew whitney houston was a star before anyone else did.
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make. >> it is nifrnlt doubters at this point? >> what in the world? >> incredible moment as it was, can anyone be surprised anymore? everyone is calling the jeremy lin phenomenon linsanity, got more insane last night. in toronto, down 3 in the rapt doors, a minute left, makes that shot to tie it at 87. lin set the record for the most five career starts. the harvard grad no one wanted a month ago gets the win. even the toronto crowd was going nuts. ever since the knicks said, hey, maybe we should play this guy, they are 6-0. check out today's tabloid puns, i mean headlines. there they are. thrilling. lin and a prayer. after a game, lin tried to credit teammate bus they were the ones showing him some love. >> oh, my goodness. >> we had landry, tyson, shrimp, everybody with deflections, rebounds and we just clamp it had down fourth quarter. we couldn't get a stop. >> the big smooch. >> i love it. >> he has been that good. do nhl history, some made
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laps night as well. at the joe in detroit, henrik zetterberg got the red wings going, this first quarter goal, tried to pass the puck, came back to him, thank you very much, wings beat dallas 3-1. giving fans something to cheer about, 21st straight home win at joe louis arena, a record for the single-season win. madison square gardens went to the dogs while the knicks were on the roads. here is your winner. >> the pekingese. >> the crowd goes nuts for 11-pound malachi. the big dogs best in show. malachi was runner up last year. he has won best in show at 115 other events. fourth time westminster's 136-year hist tray pekingese chosen top dog. >> that is a beautiful dog. so tiny. >> when you ask it to sit with all that hair, needs some manscaping.
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>> you saw it laying down and you saw a little snout and a whole lot of hair flowing but very cute. congratulations. jeff fishle, thanks so much. good to see you. iran is calling it a major achieve n its nuclear program. scientists have load nuclear fuel rods into the core of a research reactor. these are the first fuel rods that iran has made. president mahmoud ahmadinejad was there for the event. iran is now claiming it has mastered the nuclear fuel cycle. pentagon correspondent barbara starr joining us now. so barbara, what more are you hearing about this? >> you know, it does sound a bit unsettling, doesn't it? the iranians saying they have mastered the fuel cycle, the nuclear fuel cycle. mahmoud ahmadinejad out and about, getting a tour of the facility where this is going on. they are talking about three things in iran, their ability to manufacture their own domestic nuclear fuel rods, their ability
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to have their own advanced centrifuges and yellow cake production, two other key elements in the nuclear fuelcycle. of course, the concern for the u.s. and his real is whether this will all lead to the next step and that would be to use all of this technology to make nuclear weapons. the iranians, the u.s. believes are not there yet. the israelis are a lot more worried that iran is well down that road. so, if -- how should we think about today's announcement? is it significant? is this the red line that everyone has been talking about? by all account, not yet. iran's had a lot of engineering and technical problems in their program. the u.s. is gonna want to see some real evidence that what they have unveiled today really works, that this is the real deal. and it is not just for show. doesn't mean that they are not seriously worried about all of it but they are going to be looking much more close late this, trying to determine if it really takes iran down that road to nuclear weapons, frederica.
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>> iran has talked big before but the pentagon shus us this far is not at all alarmed? >> you know, i wouldn't say not at all alarmed or that the intelligence services or the israelis are not at all alarmed. these are judgment calls they have to make and they have to be right and it's very tough. what the red line for the united states has been, according to secretary of defense leon panetta is that iran is not allowed to have a nuclear weapon. that's the red line. they can't do t and so they are looking at each announcement by iran, each step in trying to determine is this the step that takes them to nuclear weapons? what we are seeing out of iran today will be analyzed by the intelligence community. they will try to determine what it really means but right now, everyone we are talking to says, look, we have seen this kind of thing before. we need to figure out if this is real or they are still suffering from some of the engineering problems they have h but you know, you don't want to wait until iran is already past that red line and have a nuclear
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weapon. so this is one of the most critical decisions. the u.s. intelligence determine has to determine and advise president obama on it. >> barbara starr, thanks so much from the pentagon. >> sure. iran's tough words and accusations that it has carried out bomb attacks across the world are fanning new concerns in the international community. max foster joining us now from london with some of the reaction thus far. max? >> yeah, frederica, we have been talking about the embassy attacks in recent days here on cnn. the independent in the uk talks about these attacks can serve as a catalyst for war, very strong word version frightening word what everyone is afraid of. is if all is true, this is a dangerous moment. the latest bombings have undoubtedly strengthened the hands of the hawks in tel aviv, bringing israel into this the national post in canada, what israel can do about iran. israel can slow down the threat by skirmishing around the edges, noodling around the fringes to
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gain time while searching for a political solution can be helpful although it can also aggravate some situations. and in turkey today, three different approaches toward iran, an israeli military strike would be a reckless act with catastrophic consequences for the entire region and probably not succeed in what it sets ought to achieve. so the paper's really jumping the gun at this point, but trying to work out where things go from here, frederica. >> all right, max foster, thanks so much from london. now we return to syria, a nation teetering on the brink of civil war. this morning, at least 20 people reportedly killed in today's fighting and the violence is spreading. this video posted on youtube claims to show civilians forced into service as human shields. rebels say government troops
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positioned them near tanks and artillery positions so that the opposition forces won't fire on them. this morning, smoke hangs over the city of homs under siege from government shelling. an oil pipeline that explode there overnight? what you are seeing. cnn's nick peyton walsh is in beirut following the latest developments. what can you tell us about how this -- how some kind of calm could be brought? >> very hard to see how any kind of calm can be brought. let's look at this pipeline really, becausing life to get more unbearable for the residents of that district of homs. of course, a local resident we spoke to, omar, said a military plane was dropping new missions on the pipeline but caused a
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thick blanket of smoke to billow out across the town, a focus of the onslaught in the past 10, 11 days now, making life very difficult, reports of of people choking on that smoke, frederica. >> all right. and soer think morning, president bashar al assad announced a referendum on a draft constitution, what more can you tell us about that and whether that in any way brings any hope. >> well, this is basically a long-awaited reforms to syria's incredibly draconian constitution. what this doesville remove the ba'ath party as being the basic only one allowed to form a government, dominant figure in the political landscape and open up a more pluralistic society, letting other parties exist, provide they had like to inspire the government. notal much of a concession in terms of opening this up to be a general democracy. going to be voted on in 11 days' time. all streets will happened have
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seen him get upwards of 90% approval. not a general democrat mow crattic exercise 16781 days from now, is highly likely that syria will still be shelling opposition strongholds across the country, so, the idea of the opposition in the country getting a say in that vote, pretty far fetched as well. what does it say to us? well, it says he may feel he has to offer some kind of concession, perhaps a sign of weakness or it might just be a pr stunt trying to play for a little bit more time, frederica. >> nick peyton walsh, thanks so much from beirut.aton walsh, th much from beirut. here in the u.s. you can the investigation into whitney houston's death is reportedly taking a new turn. cnn's don lemon is following developments and joins us live from los angeles. what can you tell us, don? >> it is very fitting that this is happening because it sort of goes with what we reported yesterday, what i reported yesterday. first i'm going to tell you what
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the l.a. times is reporting, fred, then i will tell you what i reported yesterday. the l.a. times is saying that they are expecting, again, this is -- they are citing an anonymous source here, they are expecting doctors and pharmacies, whomever who prescribed prescription drugs, prescription drugs found in whitney houston's hotel room, expecting them to be subpoenaed and said it is going to happen some time in the coming week. again, that is according to the l.a. times. but it fits reporting i did yesterday, i spoke to the coroner and the coroner said they are looking into that, exactly what was found in whitney's -- whitney houston's hotel room, which prescription drugs and how much -- how many prescription drugs, although they downplayed the number of drugs found there they said they are finding her medical records and they are wanting to speak with her doctors, trying to figure out who her doctors are. so it makes sense because if they get the prescription drugs in the room and they take the bottles and they look at the date as to when the prescription drugs were prescribed, when the drugs were prescribed if it says
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you should take two a day with a meal and they were prescribed last week and they count the number of drugs that were in the bottle and if the person hot drugs were prescribed for, fred, it makes sense, right, whether or not the correct amount of drugs were in the bottle. so, that's what they are saying. the investigation is shifting into that phase. not to saying? nefarious was going on, there is something wrong, that is just where they are going to next it could turn out that someone was prescribing drawings for her and should not have been or prescribing too many. right now, that is just where the next phase of this investigation is going, that's according to the l.a. times. >> don lemon, thanks so much, joining us from los angeles. right now to the funeral plans for whitney houston. the service will be held at her childhood church in newark, new jersey, where she once wowed the congregation with that powerhouse of a voice. cnn's susan candiotti is live outside new hope baptist church. susan what more have you learned
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about the planned service? >> frederica, we fully expect every one of the 1500 or so seats inside her childhood church will be packed. as we know, this will be invitation only and we know some of the guests will include famous singer chaka khan, the reverend jesse jackson, the singer brandi and many of her other family members and friends, of course, are expected to be here. in the childhood church where, by now, seen that video time and again whitney houston singing as a little girl in front of the church, her voice captivating everyone even then. we also know that marvin wine nans, who is a grammy-winning singer himself and also a minister, will be eulogizing her. now, we can tell that you if you want to hear more about that be sure to watch anderson cooper tonight at 8:00 eastern time because he will interview marvin wine nans exclusively. of course, the winans family goes way back with the houston family as well. and of course, pastor joe carter
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will be officiating the services here and he, himself, met whitney houston after he became pastor because she kept connected to the church and he said even back then, even he was star struck but very impressed with her because she stayed connected to the church. frederica. >> is there any response or will there there, you know, in the short term to the public's real hunger to be a part of this service or in some way see it as it's happening? >> well, certainly that's tough one because reverend carter says, as does the funeral director, the family realizes how beloved whitney houston is, certainly and they said that they have -- they care about her so very much but still, they think it's fitting that this particular service be private in the family church where she grew up. here's what the funeral director shared with us. >> they have shared her for 30-some years with the city,
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with the state, with the world. this is their time now for their farewell. >> and of course there might be an opportunity for the church to set up a television screen a big one outside the church so fans will be able to see or at least hear what is going on inside the funeral saturday. >> susan candiotti outside new hope baptist church in new york. coming up, we will focus on houston's life and how she went from an unknown to a superstar. the guy in the middle right there well, you can thank him for bringing her voice out into the world and to the record producers attention, jerry griffin will be with us next. and extending the payroll tax cut, a deal is near, a question looms, what does it mean to me? christine romans breaks down some of the numbers. [ male announcer ] technology accelerates at a relentless pace.
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they're the better way to enjoy your fiber. checking our stories across the country now. penn state says it has paid out nearly $3.2 million in fees linked to the jerry sandusky child sex abuse case. penn state's website says the university will not use alumni donations, student tuition or taxpayer dollars to cover the cost. the university is counting on insurance to pay. the feds have cited a michigan nuclear power plant for three safety violations. the nrc says the worst of the violations happened last september. half of the control room indicators were lost because of an electrical fault. inspectors will now be keeping a closer eye on the plant. and a rare snowfall for parts of tucson, arizona. the valentine's day snow came down pretty hard for a short time and then it was all gone.
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it is hard to believe it but there was a time when whitney houston was an unknown singer performing at little club. jerry griffith heard her sing in one of those places years ago. he knew he was listening to a great voice with great potential, he just had to convince his boss at arista records, clive davis to actually sign her and then, of course, the rest is history. jerry griffith joins us now from new york. so everyone has been thinking all this time, jerry, that it was clive davis who heard her voice and anointed her a star in the make bug instead, you heard her. where did you hear her and describe what you heard at the time. >> well, the first time i heard her was at the bottom line here in new york and i thought she was, you know, an amazing young vocalist but she wasn't ready for the big time. so it is interesting that about a year later, a year and a half later, i heard that someone else was signing her, some other
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label, so i rushed down to her manager's office and we set up a situation where i could go see her perform again. >> and then what did you hear at that time? had you noticed that her voice had matured, that that year and a half made all the difference in the world? >> amazing. it was an amazing transformation. i mean, you know, she was more powerful, she was more spiritual, she, just you know, she just had the guts to just stand up there and open up and just let it all go. an amazing transformation. >> when we look at the old picture, clive davis is on one side, whitney houston in the mild and another photograph, we see deion warwick. when you heard whitney houston, did you know, you know, about the singing pedigree from -- >> oh, yeah. >> when she had come? you knew about the sissy houston connection? >> i knew the family, i knew cissy and dionne and people that worked in their organization, it was quite easy to say i want to do this i want to bring this to clive. >> what was it conversation with clive davis, you said you have
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really got to give this young lady another shot, you know, electra records is about to sign her but we want her on our label. how convincing, how much arm-twisting did you have to do? >> it wasn't -- i really didn't have to do very much, except i had to convince him i wanted to do a showcase with her, specifically for him. we set it up, a week later, we went in to see her perform and she was even better as a solo performer than she was with the ensemble. >> and there are certain songs that really resonate with you as that solo performer. you said some of your best memories involve some songs that she sang in the studio. "you give good love" somewhere is one of those, they did it in one take. take me there, if you could, what you remember hearing and how she handled that song. >> that song was played to me on a piano. the writer of the song, and the producer, they performed me on -- just with a piano, i fell in love with it and we --
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brought it to clive and we agreed to do t but she actually -- she actually did that song, the song that you hear on the record, in one take. it's amazing. >> and what did that say to you about her as an artist that she could do that? >> god, that -- that she was above the rest. she was way, way, way above the rest. you know, it wasn't -- it was -- the emotion was there the feeling was there and it was just part of her and that's why she is the icon that she is today because everybody feels that and hears that when she sings. >> she feels the music and that she would feel the music as teenager when you heard her really is very extraordinary to show that kind of maturity in those songs. >> i'm sorry. i was just gonna say we would have never known when she sang the national anthem how far she had come as a performer. >> gerry griffith, thanks so much. you know, our condolences go out to you and all those who knew her well and certainly mourning
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the passing of whitney houston. >> thank you so much. >> cnn prevents death of a diva, an in-depth look at the life of whitney houston, saturday night, 8:00 eastern time. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. monarch of marketing analysis. with the ability to improve roi through seo all by cob. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above,
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all right. this morning, some good news for you and your wallet. lawmakers have struck a tentative deal on extending the payroll tax cuts that are due to expire at the end of the month. that means working americans won't suddenly see their paychecks shrink next month. oh, my goodness, i can hear the roars, the applause already. christine romans back with us. so how significant is this? because people hear that and they do get excited. >> this payroll tax cut, something many people haven't even noticed in their paycheck, they would feel it certainly feel it if this were reversed. what it is, you pay 6.2% tax on the first $1150,000 that you make, right? so you have had a break on that for the past year or so and congress is looking like it is going to extend that. this is for 160 million people, comes out to about $1,000 a year or $40 a paycheck, frederica, for people who make $50,000 or
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more a year. not everyone is happy about it i will tell you why. there are some republicans and democrats who worry about giving people a tax cut out of a social security tax. they don't want that touched them don't want to mess around with what people are paying or giving into the social security tax. and a lot of argument about that if you want a tax cut, fine, a tax cut's fine but just don't mess around with social security on it. there are some people in both parties concerned about that, but by and large, you don't want to raise taxes on people, working people in an election year. that's what this was all b. >> what other perks might there be in the deal? >> a couple other things, extending unemployment benefits, we know that is going to run out -- extended benefits will run out for 1.3 million people some time this year. it looks like a deal works for that. that would have to be paid for though. that is a big difference between finding some solution on that one. that's going to have to be paid for. enhancing this doc fix, doctor, if i reimbursements for doctor what is they are fired, medicare procedures for the like and medicare customers and could have ran. both of those things will have to be paid for, still fighting among republicans and democrats,
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or negotiating. >> talks. >> for how they will pay for those. >> christine romans, thanks so much. >> you're welcome. let's talk politics now. mitt romney and rick santorum both seem to be struggling with their likability factor. the political panel, i will ask them if they can turn things around, next. [ wind sounds ] [ horn honks ] [ dog barks ] [ dog whimpers ] [ wind whistling ] [ dog whimpers ] ♪[music plays]
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checking stories right now. in syria, thick black smoke is seen rising over the city of homs. opposition groups say government blew up an oil pipeline. the governments terrorist groups. and president bashar al assad plans a february 26th rehn rum done to a new constitution but at this point, doesn't seem likely to tamp down the uprising. a fire at a prison in honduras has killed nearly 300 people, according to local fire department. some 35 prisoners were taken to a hospital. the blaze is now under control.
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this is the third fatal prison fire in recent years in honduras. back here in the u.s., makers of the cancer drug avastin warning people that counterfeits have been found. tests of the fake drug show it did not contain the active ingredient. avastin's maker says the fake drug is not safe or effective and should not be used. the man expected to become china's next leader, xi jinping is xenlg scheduled to meet with u.s. congressional leaders today. later, he will head to muss cad dine, iowa, a town he visited decades ago when he was just a provincial official. here is cnn's ted rowlands. >> reporter: frederica, people here in iowa are absolutely thrilled that the next leader of iowa is coming to visit, especially the folks living in the very small town of muscatine. >> you look at the logistics and the cost of him putting in and coming to this little town
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that's 35 miles removed from an airplane that will accommodate him and his entourage, there's some motivation, just for a little time, spend an hour, hour and a half in a room with, as he says, his old friends. that's significant. >> reporter: musscality teen will be the first stop for vice president xi, he will spend about an hour and a half in one of the homes that he had dinner in back in 1985. 17 of the people that he met 26 years ago will be there to meet with the expected new leader of china. fred? political buzz, your rapid-fire look at the best political topics of the day. three questions, 30 seconds on the clock, playing today pete dominick, comedian and political talk show host on sirius xm radio. patricia murphy, he hadder to of step jane politics and contributor to daily beast and
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boris epstein, a republican strategist and former aide to both john mccain and sarah palin. good to see all of you. >> good sigh. a new cnn poll says the likability rating among republicans for romney is falling but rising for santorum. neither are doing well among all americans, however. what does that say about republican's chances come november? pete, you first? >> well, fred, i think the word "like ability" should be thrown out t sounds like a word that a beer company came up w i mean, we shouldn't really care about this everyone said i want to have a drink with george bush. nobody liked him. george bush didn't care. president obama cares too much. yes, people like rick santorum and mitt romney have a problem. women problem for rick santorum. he has also got a problem with gay people and anybody who like gay people, got a problem with anybody who got an a on a science test there has never been any momentum for any republican candidate outside of mitt -- outside of rick perry. we know what happens to him and of course, all the excitement
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has been about, in this candidate this race has been for a 76-year-old, ron paul. >> boris? >> the problem here is not with likability, pete's right on that the problem is for barack obama, his approval to disapproval is still underwater. 45 approval, 47 disapproval. let's not forget about that also not forget, in 2008, more people wanted hillary clinton, percentage of popular vote than barack obama among the democrats. so these numbers coming out right now are not as important as they might seem mitt romney is going tonight no, ma'am nirk the one representing the republicans in the election, right now is the time for him to circle the wagons and say, listen, i'm the one that represents you. >> patricia? >> i think the numbers are problems for republican bus if the republicans have anything to blame for it, it is probably mitt romney. he is conducting a scorched earth policy against the rest of his opponents. that drives his own numbers up, his negative numbers up and he has said, his aides have said that they are planning an assault on rick santorum that will make the assault on newt gingrich look like a love tap.
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so, if there is any elder in the republican party who wants to prevent a murder/suicide and keep their chances alive for november, they need mir-to-run a cleaner campaign. >> love is in the air, the president taking his wife out for a fancy valentine's day dinner and warned other guys not to skimp, as a public service message. was this the right message to send in such tough economic times? boris? >> it is not a bad message to send. we guys should be nice to all our girlfriend, wives, significant others on valentine's day it is the president being himself for a minute, which is a good thing. what is not a good things, he is doing it while he is trying to combat class warfare on the other side, trying to wage class warfare. the president is saying if you guys have the money, spend it, those who have the money should be taxed more and more and more. he should be himself more, not cloak himself in class warfare politics, democrats have historically waged in. >> pete? >> that was unbelievable what boris just did -- he took the
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valentine's day question, turned it into the class war. i applaud that could i never do that. >> thank you. >> i think president obama clearly has been bought and paid for by the floral industry, the chocolate industry. this is clear. i think we know what's going on here. this is ridiculous. everybody, including boris and all his critics, think's great husband, a great father, not like he is going to appoint a valentine's czar that is going to mandate men buy their wives and girlfriends thing also. he's great husband. >> a good idea. >> i don't think anybody has any problem r. >> patricia? >> as the women on the panel this is a no-lose for the president, a no-lose for men in america. take the issue to heart, take the public service announcement, you cannot go wrong. newt gingrich had a nice valentine's day with his wife so, listen, nonpartisan, you can't go wrong. i didn't see how politics comes into it. just keep going. >> come on, percentage all relative. the ladies like a little love. >> i wonder if he shopped at tiffany's. >> whatever it takes. okay. so your birz batter, 20 seconds
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each, reports say there's about 2 million dead people still registered to vote in america. another 51 million are eligible but not even registered to vote. how do we get the live ones to actually register? pete, you first. >> i think this goes back to the first thing we were talking about, this whole like ability factor, which, again, i don't like, but the idea you have to have candidates that inspire people that want to make young people want to register to vote for the first time, like president obama did or not, did he that. not seeing that that much in this election, not worried about dead people voting. that's not my concern but people are disenchanted with the political process and we need them to get involved and care. >> boris? >> it is vital for republicans to get new people to register to vote, people who weren't registered last time but would support him in the middle of the country, in the midwest to go out and register to vote. as far as those who are dead, maybe they are still vote neg texas, maybe they are not. who knows, but best to get those
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unregister and and off the vote ledgers. >> patricia? >> the easiest question, the best way for people to get registered, go to citizen jane, we have a map, click on your state, register to vote it is so easy, do not wait to get inspired, do not wait for more information, click on citizen jane very easy, absolutely essential, especially for young women to get into the process. >> fred, i was just gonna say i was going to say go to citizen jane i was just gonna say that patricia said it first. >> say it in harmony. >> thank you h. >> patricia murphy, pete dominick, boris epstein, thanks so much. >> happy debated valentine's day. >> oh, thanks, happy debated valentine's to you too. "dancing with the stars" reportedly wants former presidential candidate herman cain to be on the show. his response next in showbiz headlines. and speaking of stars, we are seeing one break out of the nba. jeremy lin has done it again.
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whitney houston's ex-husband, bobby brown is reportedly upset after hearing he may not be wanted at the singer's funeral saturday. "showbiz tonight" host a.j. hammer is live in new york with details. >> fred, of course, we wanted to know what was going on here, we put the question directly to bobby brown's representative. here is the only thing woe tell us. he said any report or statement that does not originate from my office about bobby brown or his representatives is not authorized by bobby brown. we are not focused on reports, stories or false reports, for that matter. of course, doesn't really answer the question as to whether or not whitney's family is trying
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to block brown from the funeral and how brown may feel about that. we do know that bobby and whitney's daughter, bobbi kristina, has been with her father since she got out of the hospital over the weekend, but the reports that bobby brown wouldn't be invited to the funeral are certainly understandable, given brown's tumultuous history with whitney, how so many people have been pointing the finger at him and done it really for years, for her erratic behavior, the time they were married, saw it play out on the rate show. they are just points, fred and we know that bobbi kristina's relationship with her dad has not always been easy, obviously, lot at play here, everybody, at a minimum is hoping everything is being done to look after whitney's daughter now. we know she shared a very, very close and special bond, not just mother/daughter but truly friends, something whitney often talked b >> so sad. meantime, talk about the next san of "dancing with the stars." apparently an invite being extended to herman cain and he is saying what? >> well, i am here to tell you
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he is saying no. >> come on. >> in just a few weeks. yeah, there is your story right there here is the thing. dance become the stars reportedly wanted the herman cain train and reportedly, he has turned them down. this is what his rep told the atlantic journal constitution. they said cain can't dance to an 8-count, he can only dance to a 9 count. i guess 9-9-9 is a way of life for herman cain, not just tax plan. >> hilarious. >> also reports, i should mention, that the show did reach out to michele bachmann to appear on the show, we have seen this before, like to have some political contestants in the mix. saw bristol palin during her appearance and a lot of buzz for that they also had former congressman tom delay on the show. i thought that would be interesting. >> very much. could have been very interesting to say the very least. we know he can sing. one would presume that, yes, he probably has rhythm and can dance, too. maybe he is shy after all. doubt that aj, thanks so much. perhaps you want information
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on everything breaking in the entertainment world. aj has it this evening on "showbiz tonight," 11:00 eastern on hln. jeremy lin isn't just the toast of madison square garden right now. he is turning into the toast of the globe. coming up, we will show you how fans in china are going a little bit lin sane as well. our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪
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checking stories cross country now, let start in indiana where a measles outbreak is spreading. three more cases have been confirmed, bringing the total to 13. two new cases are school children, school-aged kids, that is. patients are being told to quarantine themselves and immunization clinics are being set up in affected schools. in fort lauderdale, police are looking for this man and they say he grabbed a $6500 rolex from an airport security bin after the woman in front of him left it behind. and the mob is back in vegas, with fireworks and fanfare. the mob museum opened in downtown las vegas tuesday. it has more than 600 mafia and law enforcement artifacts, making it the largest collection of its kind under one roof. all right, everyone is calling the jeremy lin phenomenon lin sanity. it just got more linsane last night in toronto.
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knicks down three to the raptors with a minute left, lin scores and gets the foul, ties it at 87. tied, time running out, right there the harvard grad no one wanted just a month ago gets the winning basket with just .5 to go. here is what lin said after the game. >> i'm thankful that their coach and my teammates trusted me with the ball at the end of the game and, you know, i like having at the end of the game but, you know, i'm just very thankful. >> wow. that is a team player. the knicks are 6-0 since putting lin in the starting lineup. lin is such a hit that toronto fans were actually cheering for him as well last night. so the called lin san sit going global. cnn's eunice eun says he is a big hit in china. >> reporter: with his
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unbelievable performance on the court, jeremy lin has become an american sensation and the linsanity over the new york knicks guard is starting to spread, halfway around the world, to china. taiwanese-american, 23-year-old from california is winning over fans here in a country where there are as many basketball buffs as there are americans in the world. >> china has a very, i think, wide and inclusive sense of national identity and it embraces even a chinese-american born of taiwanese parents in palo alto who is a devout christian. >> reporter: lin shu hou garn nerd a million followers on china's version of twitter. his jerseys selling fast on a popular e-commerce site. and the harvard graduate's tongue-in-cheek video on how to get into the ivy league school has been viewed half a million times on the chinese internet, poking fun at asian stereotypes.
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>> step one, get glasses. >> reporter: while capturing the imagination of a nation obsessed with education and success. he proves that asians can succeed in basketball, says this fan. but lin's success here isn't a slamdunk. lin didn't grow up in china answered didn't rise through the ranks of the nation's sports system, like his mentor, yow ming. >> you was promoted the day one, the national icon who represented the nation, standing tall in the world, to show that china itself could stand tall. on the other hand, i think that jeremy lin will eventually grow on chinese. >> reporter: gives players like me a lot of confidence, this fan says, he is not too tall, just like us. when yao retired from the houston rockets last year, the nba feared the game here could lose momentum. now, they are hogan the 6'3''player hot media have called a super nova can one day fill yao's shoes.
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this might just be a burst of talent, he says, but i hope he keeps playing like this for a long time. >> lin puts it up. bang. jeremy lin from downtown. >> reporter: a feeling that is mutual among the linsane back in the u.s. cnn, bay shipping. and the political ad wars are back. mitt romney takes aim at rick santorum and santorum fires back. we take a look in our political ticker ten minutes from now.
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functional sit not exactly at the top of the list, but it is for some designers who are actually making a living designing uniforms. that's right, for companies like fedex, mcdonald's, even hotels. our alina cho explains. >> reporter: what does this have to do with fashion? i'd be surprised. designers aren't just creating clothes for the cat walk, they are also designing uniforms. >> there was a time i walked around, had a hamburger at mcdonald's, thank you, they wore my uniforms my package was delivered by fedex press, thank you very much. and everybody i touched seem to have a stan herman uniform on. >> reporter: stan herman is a multiaward-winning fashion designer who branched out into the world of the designer uniform. >> twa, that cute? you would look good in it now, wouldn't you? >> that's great. >> reporter: herman has been designing uniforms more than 40
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years, companies like mcdonald's, jetblue and for decades, fedex. so popular, his uniforms arguably cover more bodies than any other designer on the planet. >> i was a hot designer on 7th avenue and somebody approached me and said would you like to do uniforms, i said what is that? they say, it is clothes and i discover i had loved doing it because it was like branding, branding corporation. >> when a hostess greets you on the airplane, she will be dressed like this. >> reporter: braniff airlines had a designer in the '60s and '70s, air france in the '70s, today, sephora has designer uniforms. the inspiration, employees. >> how do you want to feel? we want to feel good and that is such a universal emotion, whether it is this or that like that is how i want to feel and i got it. >> reporter: this is being shown
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on the runway and this at the graham mercy park hotel in new york, cocktail uniforms designed in spill-proof silk. >> for me, it's not a uniform at all. it is really one dress, more like a cocktail dress really. >> reporter: but how do you design a uniform that suits, well, everyone? >> almost like a reality competition. let me see how i can take these constraints and make them look fantastic. >> most important thing is likeability. when you put on your dress in the morning if i don't like it by the end of the day, i'm a grumpy guy. corporation walks around in a uniform they don't like, they become a dprufrny corporation. >> reporter: alina cho, cnn, new york. >> for more on alina's inside look at the fashion industry, you can watch fashion backstage pass, airs saturday, february 25th, 2:30 eastern time. ♪
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cismity was just around the corpsary little while ago in the gop white house race. our political editor paul steinhauser joins us now. so what happened? the attack ads are back. >> they are back, fred, no doubt about t we didn't see many attack ads or commercials the all in nevada, the three states last week that voted, but yeah,
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back and back with a vengeance. check this out, from the pro-romney independent super pac, really taking on rick santorum. take a listen. >> how did rick santorum actually vote? santorum voted to raise the debt limit five times and for billions in wasteful projects, including the bridge to nowhere. >> that's part of the theme there from the romney campaign and from the independent super pac, portraying santorum as a washington insider. this ad now playing in michigan and arizona which vote on the 28th and ohio, super tuesday state. santorum campaign kind of fighting back with a fun ad that makes fun of romney for going negative. here is their ad which is playing in michigan. >> i'm rick santorum and i approve this message. >> mitt romney's negative attack machine is back, on full throttle. this time, romney's firing his mud at rick santorum. >> this is kind of a response that we never saw from gingrich, when he was being hammered by romney and the pro-romney super pac a month or two ago. fred, one more month
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