tv CNN Presents CNN March 4, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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planes? 81 different ones and they are fining them now. guess where. underground. they buried them. humans of planes have been found and they haven't found the fuselage, but they are hoping when it falls out. >> happy birthday, something. >> see you back here next weekend. thanks for watching. good night. you are looking at a military test that has never been broadcast before, until now. >> it was top secret. >> deadly beat. what can be more dangerous than trafficking drugs in mexico? reporting on it. >> did the cartel s have the
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ability to silence the press? >> saint makers. what does it take to be a saint? ask this baptist that used to be lying? his unlikely in a path to sainthood. fascinating characters. stories with impact. this is cnn presents with tonight's host, randi kay and sanjay gupta. >> good evening. we begin with this unbelievable story of how u.s. soldiers were used as human guinea pigs. during the cold war they embarked on the program to test chemical and biological weapons. >> the researchers used animals but believe it or not, also humans and volunteer who is had no idea what they were signing up for. >> nearly a half a century later, the guinea pigs are emerging from the shadows and stories about what the mill pear did and how they are being
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treated now. . >> i joined at 18 years of age. it was the height of the vietnam war era and i really felt a sense of duty to my country to go and serve. >> i went straight to ft. brag. it was the thing to do. that was my obligation and my duty as an american. >> i was drafted and sent to ft. sill, a place in the 85th missile detachment. we were supposed to be security guards for the nuclear warheads that were going on with the missiles. >> three american soldiers. tim josephs and frank rachelle. call to arms nearly a half century ago from different backgrounds. about to share an experience that would change each of their lives. at edgewood arsenal military base in maryland. >> a couple of them gave a presentation. >> they presented it as not
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everyone will be chosen. >> it will be a guaranteed three-day pass. >> three-day passes are the rule. >> no duties or kitchen police. >> they ask you about your criminal background and if you drank and about your parents and brothers and sisters. silly questions like did you like your mother better than your father? >> they took the keft and got chosen and got a couple days off at home. reported to edgewood for two months. >> were you excited? >> i was glad to go. >> they would get all the weekends off and the idea is they would test no army and field jackets and clothing and weapons. things of that nature. no mention of any drugs or chemicals. >> in the beginning, that's what we were told. it would be doing a test of equipment and not drugs. >> edgewood arsenal was testing
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drugs. beginning in 1955. >> this is edgewood arsenal. the united states army's chemical commodity center. >> this was the cold war and the united states wanted defenses against a possible soviet chemical attack. >> psycho chemical attack may come in the form of an explosion. invisible smoke. >> they were developing the weapons of its own. >> here's a group of soldiers responding quickly to the routine drill commands. after receiving lsd, they are confusion and undisciplined. >> edgewood arsenal is where much of the research took place. using men like tim josephs. >> for did not look like a military base. more like a hospital. >> describe it. what was it that you saw? >> everyone was in lab coats. some military doctors and some were civilian doctors.
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you were well aware that you were a private and they were a captakapcaptain and up. i expressed concern from the beginning. they took me aside and said you volunteered for this and if you don't do it, there is most likely prison and a dishonorable discharge. >> you were intimidated? >> yes. >> coerced? >> yes. >> forced? >> forced. >> you didn't sign up for this? >> not at all. . >> i reported it september 3rd. that started my ordeal. i trusted my government and the army. we were assures that we would not be harmed in any way. >> they said don't worry. was that the right message? >> not at all. >> you trusted them? >> sure. >> how about now? >> don't trust them very much at
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this point. >> there is good reason for that. they were testing substances from lsd to nerve gas. on human subjects. >> pirates received a high dose of the agent. in 15 minutes he won't be able to focus his eyes properly. >> never before broadcast films of what went on behind closed doors. in the army's top secret testing program. edgewood arson. the health problems these veterans say followed them from edgewood and haunt them to this day. cake donettes rolling hot dogs bag of ice anti-freeze wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback right now, get 5% cashback at gas stations. it pays to discover. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full.
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during the cold war, the military launched a top secret program to see what dangerous chemicals could do to the body and the mind. they say they faced health problems long after the drug wore off and the government has not lived up to the promise to take care of them. some of the films you are about to see have never been broadcast before. >> these are the men of baker company. a special volunteer troop detachment at edgewood arsenal, maryland. 18-year-old tim josephs, the tests started almost as soon as he arrived at edgewood. home to a top secret testing program using human subjects. >> sometimes it was an injection and other times it was a pill. >> did they tell you what it was? >> the drugs or chemicals was agent one or agent two.
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once i was involved with it, i was out of it all day. that afternoon i woke up with parkinson's symptoms immediately. >> so you had tremor? >> and aching in thes and arms and a numbness. >> in this plan as a compound. >> he was exposed to cs, tear gas. three times at edgewood. >> that looks familiar from the first test i was in. >> this army film shows volunteers in the gas chamber at edgewood exposed. >> the effects were apparent almost at once. >> your eyes water and nose runs and skin burns. you start throwing up. it's a real mess. >> in another test, he received an injection before being taken to a room with padded walls like this one. >> i'm sitting on the bed looking at the wall and all of a sudden it starts fluttering like
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a flag. >> careful control of these tests is the dose of only two parts per million. >> frank tested a similar drug in aerosol form. >> i was inhaling and inhaling and exhaled. >> a low dose of agent was get into the mixing bowl. >> this film shows a soldier named carpenter undergoing the same test. >> within an hour his hands will feel cold and his face hot. border line hallucinations will come later in the experiment. >> like the soldier in the film, frank experienced hallucinations. >> people were calling my name and there were animals coming out of the walls. it appeared that all of my freckles were bugs on my skin. i took a razor and i tried to cut some of them out. >> what was this business in the
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corner? >> some 7,000 military volunteers or more were part of chemical tests at edgewood from 1955 to 1975. the military tested 250 chemical and biological agents including lethal nerve agents like vx. drug like bz, tear gas, barbituates, tranquilizer, narcotics and hallucinagens. this army film shows soldiers performing drills under the influence of lsd. >> five minutes later the depression enters. >> volunteers were ordered not to ever tell anyone what happened. >> you were told up front, you tonight talk about it. we couldn't even talk to our
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doctors. >> it was hammered into this that we were never supposed to talk about this. top secret. >> these days he is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease and kwacancer of the blood. >> i have breathing problems and nightmares and that i still remember and think about the test. >> tim josephs has parkinson's disease that forced him to retire early. >> the whole thing stinks. americans if they knew about it would not tolerate it. this behavior towards our veterans. they would not allow it to happen. >> the attorney is suing the department of defense and the department of veteran affairs on behalf of edgewood veterans. >> what are do you hope to get for them? >> nothing for themselves on this case. other than perhaps medical care. they are not going to get any money. they want proper notices of the
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substances they receive and the doses and the health effects and many of them have never been notified. they don't want it swept under the rode and had everyone die. that's why they are doing it. >> we wanted to talk about the lawsuit with the va and defense department. they declined to be interviewed on camera citing litigation. they gave us a statement instead. the department of defense said it made it a priority to identify all service members exposed to chemical and biological substances and the va offered free medical evaluations to thousands of veterans. >> on the fighting front, ground action has been quiet today. >> palmer said most veterans have never been contacted by the va. >> they don't want to know. >> the va denied almost all edgewood related health claims. >> we have not fulfilled the
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duty. they have a duty to find and recognize every person and they got a duty to give them medical treatment. >> they are hoping we die off. they apply and get turned on and it goes on for years and years. they want to use young men as guinea pigs and throw them away. . >> that was so disturbing. what is happening with the lawsuit? >> it's moving, but pretty slowly. they are emphasizing that the veterans are not asking for money specifically, but there a lot of delays. one of the hardest things is trying to find documents. it's likely to go to trial next year. it can take five more years after that. >> it is called one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. after we see the next report, you will understand why.
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that over time, having high cholesterol, plus diabetes or high blood pressure or family history of early heart disease, can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup. and they'd see that it's more important to get their cholesterol where their doctor wants. and why for these patients, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough, i prescribe crestor. adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol by up to 52%. and is also proven to slow plaque buildup. >> announcer: crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. >> is your cholesterol where your doctor wants? ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. >> announcer: if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help.
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reporters feel they can't do their jobs because reporting on the trafficking can get them killed and most go uninvestigated and unpunished. the criminal justice system has failed to successfully prosecute more than 90% of the crimes against the press. we travel to sinaloa, one of mexico's most dangerous states. in some cities in mexico, there no crime reporters left. since 2000, more than 60 journalists have been killed here. much of what is really happening on the streets is never reported. >> sinaloa is of mexico's most violent states. bloody street battles between forces have left a trail of bullet casings and bodies. this is the birth place and base
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of the powerful cartel and home to some of the mexico's top drug lords. it's a dangerous place. especially for journalists. froer-year-old javier cardenas covers drug trafficking in a city where bodies turn up almost every day. the native is an author and cofounder of rio doce, a small newspaper launched in 2003. javier has managed to report on the trade and stay alive. >> translator: you experience a lot of fear. you have to look in the mirror to see if someone follows you. there is no safe place, not even your home. >> when you read an article about the trafficking, are you afraid that somebody will retaliate against you? >> translator: i'm always scared how dangerous it is to work for the traffickers.
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it's better to say it myself because i want to continue to write. silence is a form of death. i'm not dead, i'm alive. >> in life he walks a fine line. javier and his colleagues received threats and morning in september of 2009, two grenades were hurled into his office, causing damage, but no injuries. just days before the attack, the paper had published a series on narco trafficking. i asked him who was responsibility? >> translator: we don't know. it could be the government, the military, the police, the narcs. since in this country no one investigates, the only thing we know is the kind of weapon they use. >> the message was clear. >> they wanted us to be scared. we are scared. we are more scared than before. we know this job has to be done. >> javier took me on a story on
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the disappearance of an 18-year-old boy named jorge. more than 5300 people have disappeared in mexico. the boy's mother told javier days after jorge vanished in 2010, she was asked to identify the body of a boy his age. >> translator: the body was in bad condition. i couldn't recognize the body. >> she asked for a dna test and never got the results. >>. >> translator: people know they can continue to kill and there won't be punishment. that's the case of jorge. there no results on the investigation because they haven't even come here to investigate. >> life is cheap. the cemetery is full of the graves of young men and elaborate mosoleums built by the narco traffickers. the growing strength of the
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cartel s has tipped the balance of power. many areas of completely lawless. >> this is an area outside that dangerous area. we will go out on patrol with the state police who have taken over this area because it's too dangerous for the local police to operate. last year 50 police officers were killed here. with more military training, the state police hoped to deploy more unis like this one. in many areas across the state, they remain outgunned by the cartel s. as the patrol wraps up, we head back in before dark. that's the reality of downtown. military police on one side of the street and funeral procession on the other. >> javier told me in this war, no one is safe. in the past years, three journalists have been killed in
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the area. what happens here when a journalist is killed? transnothing. that's the saddest part. nothing happens. nothing happens with the injustices and the corruption and the impunity. no organization said hey, this is enough. >> what kills journalists in mexico is impunity. >> veteran journalist mike o'connor covered conflicts around the world. he is investigating the worst cases. you can kill a journalist and be guaranteed. >> the first call for reporters under threat. >> for the most part they feel they can't do the job and don't do their job because to practice journalism in mexico among the journalists i talked to will get you killed. >> for javier it's a daily struggle.
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>> it's sad to live in a city where the principal feeling is terror. terror to go out and terror of dieing in a shooting. this is what you feel and is palpable every day. >> next we mead a journalists who was attacked and two murdered. she refews to give up. >> we are not going to let the bad guys win.
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> tijuana, mexico near the border has been near the gun battles across the city. >> the tourists who went to party are gone leaving them to battle over the drug trade route into the united states. >> one brave journalist who dares to report on the drug tar teles. >> the northern border has been a deadly beat for the press. here in tijuana income to the border, one newspaper has continued to report on the drug trade and on government corruption despite threats, attacks and the murders of two of its editors. >> we learned how to live and
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how to work in this difficult situation. >> this is the secretary of security. >> she knows the dangers firsthand. >> it's all narco trafficking. >> the 43-year-old investigative journalists is the director of the newspaper in this border town. >> do the cartel s have the ability to silence the press? >> of course. because they have impunity. they assassinate journalists. >> a passion to write her job here as a young reporter 22 years ago, every week adelea and her team publish on organized crime and government corruption. their working comes at a high price. the two founders of zefa were attacked. felix miranda was murdered and another barely survived an assassination attempt. in 22004, another painful loss,
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editor franko was gunned down after publishing the names and photos of members of tijuana's felix drug cartel . >> that's our job. we have to write and investigate and what happened in our community and our state and nation. unfortunately what is happening in this moment was the drug traskters have grown and they have a lot of power. >> identifying drug traffickers and bad cops has put adelea's life at risk. >> i never talk about my family for security reasons. >> i always look at the mirror to see if someone is following me. but that's it. >> huh threats made against you? >> yes. >> in 2010, u.s. and mexican intelligence pick up on a threat
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against adelea and the other editors. the cartel had given an order to kill them. >> i think, what am i going to do? i called the army and the general and he said you know, it's true. >> the mek can army assigned a team of seven body guards to protect and 24 hours a day for months. >> they took care of us. >> one of the very few that reports on drug traffickers, many newspapers here have stopped reporting on the violence that has taken hold. >> the reporter to a recently discovered drug tunnel under a warehouse near the u.s. border. when we arrived, the door lock is broken. inside, nothing but an open
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elevator shaft. luis and i head down to climb inside the tunnel. >> the platforms is what they used to roll the drugs to the u.s. side. they cutoff the power supply for the elevator and the electrical and ventilation system down there. we are going to have no light and no fresh air. it's about 500 meters. >> the authorities said it has been sealed on the u.s. side, but not the mexican side. >> we think we have come to the halfway point in the tunnel which is the border. looks like it's delineated by the tiles that change from red to blue. my mexican counterpart is in the united states.
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>> left unsealed, the tunnel could be brought back online. luis told me he will continue to find out who owns the building, but his boss knows that investigating the who can get you killed. >> you send him out into the field, are you worried about him and do you think about the safety of your staff? >> of course, of course. it is so easy to kill somebody in mexico that anyone can do it. >> and get away with it. in the murders of adelea's predecessors, only two were jailed for killing felix. the others remain unsolved. >> that is the message. you can kill a journalist and no one is going to detain you. >> the journalists and the murderers are being caught and prosecuted. almost none have been solved. >> cnn asked to speak with a
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representative on camera to learn what is being done to protect journalists, but requests were denied. for journalists like adelea and javier, silence is not an option. >> we decided that we are not going to let the bad guys win. >> translator: i don't want the day to come where my children will say you were a journalist and this was happening and you stayed quiet. no one will be able to tell me you stayed quiet. >> he joins us now. you keep doing stories like this. what compels you to report from one of the most violent states in mexico? >> on a personal level, i feel solidarity with the journalists and i covered the drug war and frankly i couldn't do it if not for the help of these local journalives. they have become my friends.
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in a bigger sense, there is an extraordinary danger of silencing the press and you are seeing over and over that the mexican media advocated covering the drug war and we don't know what the consequences are because we can't get truth on what's happening. >> did you feel like you were in danger? >> in moex coe. that's a violent place. 50,000 people have been killed since the beginning of the war on drugs. whatever concerns i had are nothing compared to what these guys face every day as they are going out and trying to do the same job we do from a studio. >> what was your impression of them? >> they are heroes. they are absolute heroes. they are in so much danger every day. their families are in danger yet they keep going out and trying to cover the drug war. both of them in fact have been recognized for their courage and bravery and even won the committee to protect journalists.
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people are aware of what they are doing, but it doesn't make it less dangerous. >> thanks. you hear so middle about body counts and it's important to hear the stories. thanks so much. >> it's the highest honor in the catholic church. achieving it takes power, influence, and lots of money. we examine what it takes to become a saint.
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> pope benedict recently announced plans to canonize new saints in october. that got us thinking, what does it take to be a saint. today it is illegal and scientific and expensive investigation that could last hundreds of years. drew griffin examines of business of making saints. >> the sisters of providence and terre haute, indiana don't need anyone to them their founding mother is a saint. she arrived in france from 1840 with nothing. total her followers pray, sing, and honor her legacy in a magnificent church she built. out of the wilderness came
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schools. eight of them and an army of religious women who to this daycare for the sick and the souls of all they can find. sister marie kevin is one of the loving followers. >> like many followers before her, she has been trying to officially make mother theodore gary a real catholic saint. >> she was a great builder of communities and of buildings and schools. you can tell by her letter she was a devout woman of god. >> she was. >> but sister, a saint? >> yeah. >> as you about to find out, having followers who think you are a saint and performing miracles. there is the bureaucracy and the money. hundreds of thousands of dollars needed.
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and official church-approved representatives in rome to push your cause. they have been trying to do this the last century. we appointed nine different people from 19009 and 1994. >> in the making of saints, number ten is where the real business takes place. no saint becomes one until his or her cause passes out of those doors. scrutinizing every document to determine if they were holy and another mysterious council and scientists and doctors asked for something extraordinary.
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>> we ask for a sign of god. >> father peter scrutinized hundreds of cases and. >> some extraordinary fact in the medical field had the cure nobody expected and against all the expectations, this person is cured. >> and to become a saint, you need not one, but two. mother theodore's notes and letters would be the basis for determining if she truly led a holy life, but what about the miracles. the first came in 1908, a nun suffering for a huge tumor prayed at the grave not for herself, but for a friend and awoke the next morning cured. >> that sister who was healed was 48 years old when she was healed. she died when she was 86.
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>> the story of the miraculous healing was kept a secret. they thought they did have a saint in heaven. donations flowed in for the cause and the wars came and went and the money came and went and the sisters began to lose hope. >> there were some people who did not want to proceed with the cause because they thought it was too dramatic and demanding of time and efforts. most of the sisters were very interested in the desire. >> with the case stalled and they needed their own miracle. they found that system here. they specialized, the press dubbed him the saint maker.
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>> she doctor andrea a.m. broesy connected to the causes of nearly 400 saints. when we met him outside st. peter's square, we told him he was juggling the causes of 30 to 40 more. they all saints? >> they are not saints yet. >> though his small walk up office doesn't show it, insiders say he has become wealthy in the expensive pursuit of making saints. >> so saint maker is accurate? >> yes. broadly speaking, it is. >> he said the cost is flexible depending on the wealth of the clients. american causes can be the most expensive, starting at $40,000, cases can last for years and costs can add up to as much as
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$1 million. despite the cost, they had a very good case. the saint maker knows a saint when he sees one. >> i must say she was an extremely brave woman. she was a great example of a truly modern woman. >> he determined the only thing holding back st. hood was another miracle. >> we know the second one, yes. >> this is going to give guys nightmares. i tell you.
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[♪...] >> i wish my patients could see what i see. that over time, having high cholesterol, plus diabetes or high blood pressure or family history of early heart disease, can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup. and they'd see that it's more important to get their cholesterol where their doctor wants. and why for these patients, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough, i prescribe crestor. adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol by up to 52%. and is also proven to slow plaque buildup. >> announcer: crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. >> is your cholesterol
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where your doctor wants? ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. >> announcer: if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. if you're one of them folks who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... well, shoot, that's like checking on your burgers after they're burnt! [ male announcer ] treat your frequent heartburn by blocking the acid with prilosec otc. and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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>> for nearly 100 years, a small group of nuns in indiana campaigned for the founding mother to be named a saint, but to no avail. it wasn't until a nun came up with the clever idea of bringing together an unlikely alliance. a baptist engineer and a catholic lawyer with a highly unusual specialty that the
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heavens finally started to part. we continue an investigation on the business of making saints. >> you turn the camera off for this. this is going to give guys nightmares. >> phil didn't pray for a miracle to help his golf game. >> there you go. same result, but it looked nice. >> the fact he can play golf is itself a miracle. >> just give me strength and help me get through this. >> daddy o. look at you. >> i want a copy of that. >> cord worked as an engineer. ten years ago he was legally blind in his right eye and needed a cornea transplant. it wasn't even a roman catholic. he was raised a baptist. one day he was so distraught he paused in the church, sat down and asked mother theodore not
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for a cure, just for strength to live with whatever lay ahead. that included the possibility his eye would be lost. >> the next morning i got up and i thought gee, my eye feels better. >> not just better, the swelling was down. way down. though cloudy, he could see. he rushed to his optometrist. >> he said you know, it is better. he was going to wait and postpone the surgery. he said it's better, you don't need surgery. >> this doesn't get better? >> it never gets better. that's the point. >> i miracle? >> i will have to say my understanding is less than complete. i believe it. i feel it. but i'm an engineer. i don't know the causation. i don't know the mechanics of how that happened or how it could happen. all the doctors say don't worry.
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it can't happen. that's why it's a miracle. >> when sister marie kevin learned about his eye, she took the case directly to the doctor in rome. >> translator: i must say what struck me was the speed of the healing. the recovery was just one night. >> for snowballed from there. the next thing we knew we were at indianapolis at a trial doing and collecting evidence for submission to rome. that's kind of cool. all translated into italian and a red leather book. somewhere deep in the bowels of the vatican, there is a book with my name on it. my only claim to fame. >> in fact, the church did determine the healing of his eye was a miracle. it was the second miracle attributed to mother theodore. the sisters of providence were
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hopeful, but the bills were adding up and the pressure was on. it was 2005, the sisters knew they were in an era of st.-making. john paul ii himself was a saint maker. he made the process easier, cutting down the number of miracles needed from three just two. allowing lay people, not just priests to pe tigds causes. >> back in terre haute, indian a it was coming together 100 years of work and a pope who could pave the way for sainthood. then on april 2nd, 2005, pope john paul ii died. >> did you think oh, no?
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oh, no. we might have to start over. you didn't have that? >> no. god will provide. that's what providence is. god will provide. >> two months after john paul died on june 5th 2005, the doctor returned to the congregation for what would be a pivotal meeting. nearly hundreds of years of work. humans of dollars spent and it came down to one vote. he was in the hall way and even the st. maker admits he was nervous. >> you talk these nuns into spending the money and pushing the cause of theodore and if it went badly, i would throw myself into the river. do you remember that moment? >> translator: yes, i remember. the sister was so worried about expenses. they didn't want to waste money on case that may not succeed.
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i didn't want to give them a negative result. the phone call would not be negative. it was the doctor inviting the sisters of providence to rome to st. peter's square to witness the canonization. >> when you looked up and saw her, it was something else. >> a wonderful feeling to know that she was our forerunner. our model. our motive. she was a gift of god to us and to the world. >> and now a saint. >> to this day, phil mcchord said he doesn't need classes ce
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