tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 9, 2012 8:00am-10:00am PST
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history. let's take a quick look at what they put out to counter the debut of the move owe saturday. >> we planned events for 6,000, 000 people and we've had 50,000, 60,000 people and she gets that reception everywhere she goes. >> so there you have it. that is just a little clip of the 2:30 video that her political action committee put out where they tried to say that in fact, sarah palin was a jolt to john mccain and really helped his campaign out. i have to tell you, at the time that is, in fact, true. she really was a burst of energy to the mccain campaign that was lagging. in addition to that, carol, and i've seen this in just the last few minutes and her political action committee had sent out an e-mail to all of us saying people should watch the undefeated which is a movie about her. >> thanks, mark preston. we appreciate it, as always. time to go two floors down and check in with kyra phillips. it's 11:00 on the east coast and 8:00 on the west. let's get straight to the news.
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let's get straight to the news. we have a busy hour ahead. -- captions by vitac -- the government says another 227,000 jobs were added to the u.s. economy in february and the unemployment rate held steady at 8.3%. that's largely due to almost half a million discouraged job seekers returning to the search. is the third straight month of job growth, above 200,000. chief business correspondent ali velshi is taking notice, of course. he's in austin, texas, at the music -- oh, boy. he's at the music, movie, festival, technology, all that stuff, south by southwest, kind of threw me off with the cowboy hat, but i should have expected that because he's in austin. do you have your rope and boots on and your wranglers also? could you please give me a full shot? >> kyra, i want you to think back to g-8, and i don't remember when it was when i was in the south of france. and i put on a -- i had blue
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speedos on tv for you so don't ask me what i'm wearing below here. it's not viewer friendly. >> ooh! get to the numbers, would you, ali? i really don't know where to go from here. giddy up! >> it's going to make me grow hair on my head to listen to all these people complaining about the jobs numbers. we have 227,000 jobs created in february which, by the way, is less than we had the month before in january, but that's because they revised those numbers even higher. so the bottom line is that at this pace, we are doing very, very well. what i hear is people saying you need 300,000 jobs a month to make up for population growth and bring the unemployment rate down to 5% below where it was before the recession. i'd also like to look like brad pitt, but that's not going happen. we need growth in the 200,000 range. it's happening. forget about the unemployment rate. don't talk about the 8.3% because what happens, as the jobs come back and people get
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discouraged and come back into the workforce and that's not what we should be measuring right now. what you should be measuring is the number of jobs that are being created. here's another thing, the number of government jobs and we don't see big losses in government jobs because we're not shedding a whole lot of them and all of the jobs that have been created have been in the private sector and this is a good, robust jobs report that shows a recovering economy. end of story. >> i'll tell you, austin's doing pretty well. is that a stetson there? >> yes. ? austin is doing well. there are a lot of start-ups around here and south by southwest, while some think of it as a music festival and film thing, there's this interactive part which is where we're at, which is four square started and where twitter became popular and i don't know if you saw me on tv earlier, but yesterday when i pulled up with the cnn election express, somebody came up to me and said hey, dude, i've got a swivel in my pocket. want to see it?
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i was, like, what does that mean? he showed me this thing. i can't demo it just yet, but it's a little device. you stick your iphone in it and wear this around your neck and put the video on and you walk around and it follows you as you walk around. this is just one of -- it's got to be about 1,000 examples that people are offering to pitch you on or show you as if they were dealing drugs. >> ali velshi, always keeping his head on a swivel. i'll stay away from the drugs. talk to you later. and the richmond suburb of prince george. 12:30 eastern and that's 90 minutes from now and then he's headed to houston for a pair of campaign fund raisers. it's republican caucus eve in one of the most republican states around, kansas. ron paul wants a big share of the gop candidates at stake and would love to rack up his first
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win. he'll be in wichita and topeka. after a rally last hour in mobile, alabama and alabama and mississippi hold primaries next tuesday and both are eager for the campaign survival plan. for him, the southern contest are an away game. he was out this morning at a farmers market in jackson. >> you see that sign out there, more jobs, less debt, smaller government and that's what we want and that is not what we got. with this president we have fewer jobs and we have more debt and we have bigger government. that's what's wrong with this president. that's why we have to get him out of office. >> and we can't forget hawaii, president obama's home state holds caucuses four days from today. pope benedict announcing moves in the u.s. to legalize same-sex marriage and the pope's comments came to address on the regular visit to the vatican. >> the pope called for the marriage to be defended with the misrepresentation of the true
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nature. maryland became the eighth state to legalize same-sex marriage. a federal judge is ordering new york city to pay $100 million to would-be new york firefighters who failed a discriminatory hiring test. the federal government argued and the court now apparently agrees the test exists mainly to keep minorities out of the new york fire department. the city denies it, but fdny has long been almost entirely white. under the latest ruling almost 300 black and latino applicants have to be hired. the u.n.'s humanitarian chief says she's horrified of what she saw in syria. valerie amos just wrapped up a two-day visit to that region including a war-torn home where hardly a soul can be found now. today she's asking the syrian government for unhindered access to the wounded, something they've denied so far. 62 more civilians have been reported killed in fighting today. the opposition says government forces are storming villages, killing soldiers who have defected and given the dangerous
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situation there it's hard to imagine why anyone would want to put themselves on the front line, but cnn arwa damon did just that. she was in homes reporting on the atrocities first hand. >> reporter: this has been completely trashed and the activists were telling us that the bombardment, they keep hearing it over and over again, the sounds of artillery falling and it's nothing compared to what they've been through before. but this was once an ordinary home and an ordinary family lives here and we don't know what their story was. there's just bits and pieces of their lives left behind including this children's toy. >> what happened -- >> this weekend learn what it's like to be trapped in terror for "72 hours under fire." well, straight ahead. he must be stopped. the documentary of a ugandan warlord goes viral. the hunt for joseph coney, why
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who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. [ male announcer ] dosing and application sites between these products differ. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or, signs in a woman which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are, or may become pregnant or are breast feeding should not use androgel. serious side effects
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include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. talk to your doctor today about androgel 1.62% so you can use less gel. log on now to and you could pay as little as ten dollars a month for androgel 1.62%. what are you waiting for? this is big news. for 26 years kony has been
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kidnapping children into his rebel group, the lra. turning the girls into sex slaves and the boys into child soldiers. he makes them mutilate people's faces and he forces them to kill their own parents. >> that was just 30 seconds of a 30-minute documentary detailing the horror unleashed by the ugandan warlord joseph kony. coney 2012 has gone voiral. more than 50 million views on youtube, but its producers do have critics. the non-profit group invisible children is accused of being fast and loose with facts and financial, but what is happening on the ground in david mackenzie is our man in africa and joins us from nairobi. what are africans saying about this documentary? >> reporter: well, kyra, africans are pretty much split down the middle.
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many of them share the passion that millions of viewers on youtube and other outlets have said about this filmmaker's look at joseph kony, the resistance army and how he kidnapped 30,000 children. that's just an extraordinary number over 20 years and put them in his army, an army with no particular point of view or nationalistic aim and were ordered around northern uganda and then into other countries in central africa, but then there is the other side of this debate which is rioters think ordinary africans are a couple of things. one is that they feel it's too late and one ugandan military spokesman said great message, 15 years too late. joseph kony was at his height in the late 90s and early 2000s, kyra and since then he's been pushed out of the country into more and more remote areas and he's stuck in the central african republic where u gandance are hunning for him and they're advised by u.s. special forces. in some ways that i say great
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message, good that people know about it, but why didn't this come earlier? >> why has it been so hard to capture him? >> it's been so hard because he is both very elusive, has no particular aim. so he's not really pushing in and taking territory like a traditional militia would try to do in a civil war. he's caused havoc wherever he's gone with his compatriots and with the child soldiers and sex slaves he's moved into more and more remote areas. now they say they're between five and ten militiamen each in the separate sections of the bush and what the u.s. can bring to the table is intelligence and technology. they believe that could provide the edge and that's why these filmmakers say that they want people to support the u.s. in trying to capture him. >> our david mackenzie in nairobi. thanks so much. >> our next guest is a machine gun carrying man of god. you heard me right. ex-con sam childers is no stranger to crime.
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he's gone from guarding drug dealers in the u.s. to guarding the kids of sudan, saving them from the horrors unleashed by kony's army. sam grew up in pennsylvania, but he's made africa his success home and for months he slept under a mosquito net with a bible in one hand and an ak-47 in the other. sounds like a hollywood movie issue doesn't it? gerard butler blade the machine gun preacher bringing sam's story to the masses. sam joins me live from pittsburgh. what's your reaction to the kony film? some of the criticism it's getting? >> i would have to say i think these guy have done a very good job on the message. they've always done very well on the awareness. i believe it's years too late, and i know for a fact that the ugandan government, as well as south sudan government would say joseph kony is not a threat to them right now. he's not a threat. he's in the congo area, but i
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believe there's more of a picture. if we're going to concentrate on him and if anybody would love to see him brought down it's me. i would love to see him brought to justice. i would do it myself if i being, but i believe we have to focus on the big picture. right now there is a genocide going on in darfur. joseph kony never caused a genocide. there -- there was 500 and some people killed last week in the mountains and there's fighting in nabie and fighting in blue nile. joseph kony did not cause this. the man who caused this is the president of northern sudan brash irand brash iris the same one that supported joseph kony in his acts in the past and he hassa also said that he supported joseph kony. joseph kony has made claims that he had support from the president of northern sudan, so let's take all of the eyes that are concentrating on kony and let's make it president
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brashir/kony. >> you know, sam, do you know what's interesting -- >> i think they both need to be brought to justice. >> here's what's interesting. a lot of this criticism about this documentary centers around that it's simplifying a very complex problem and you are making that clear right now. so it's raising a lot of money. people that don't even understand the issue are saying, hey, check it out. link on to this. watch this, and then they're just giving money. what do you want to see on a deeper level, what do you want to see happen because you're living this. you're going to be on a plane within 48 hours headed back to africa. >> right. i believe that people will give money, research your organization. make sure you're giving money that's being used on the grounds. they're suffering people in uganda, and there are people that need to be worked there as well as south sudan, so watch where you're giving the money. give to somebody who is actually
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working with the children there. don't get me wrong. invisible children have done a very good job with the story getting it out there. over 50-some million people have looked at it right now. my big concern is let's look at the true problem and the true problem is the president of northern sudan brashir. there is a genocide going on. let's take it serious. i mean, let's take this serious. hundreds of thousands of people have died, and there's going to be more than that right now in south sudan. oui got a serious problem going on. >> sam -- >> south sudan has lost -- yes, go ahead. >> before i let you go. why are you so passionate about this? >> you know, these people are my people now. i love south sudan. i love uganda. i've been there for almost 15 years now. i don't plan on leaving there. i actually worked in ethiopia, uganda and northern sudan. i'm not raising money for myself. i raise money to help the people
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there. so let's focus on rebuilding uganda if we're going do anything. and listen, joseph kony is not a threat to the people of uganda or south sudan. he needs to be brought to justice, but let's be for real. there's thousands of other people that needs to be brought to justice, but let's go to the problem and the root of the problem i'll say it over and over and over is president brash brashirof northern sudan. >> sam childer, stay in touch with us while you're in africa, will you? >> i thank you. >> we'll check in with you. now another documentary, but a totally different subject. we're ramping up to march madness, folks. so what better way to do that than to relive one of the biggest moments in ncaa history? aye the remarkable grant hill joining me live next. when you have diabetes...
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five work the abcs of the game putting two championships in the record books and that was just 13 seconds of the hour-long documentary duke '91-'92 back-to-back highlighting two historic seasons in the ncaa. when is it a better time to pump it than two weeks before march madness gets under way. trutv is airing the documentary and see it at 8:00 p.m. this sunday and of course, one of the stars the remarkable player and humanitarian grant hill. he joins me now from phoenix, arizona. grant, good to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> so what are basketball fanatics going to love and appreciate about this documentary? >> wow! you know, it is a story about our team and sort of what we went through during those two years in 1991-1992, but i like to say it's a human interest film. we really get into a lot of the relationships and a lot of the adversity and a lot of the
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dynamics that were at play during those two seasons and so obviously it's a basketball story, but we really get into the brotherhood, the fraternity, and the dysfunction. anything that sort of went on during those years. ? now, as we all know, college just rocked for you, and then came the pistons. you were their number one pick, but then in 2000, you got this ankle injury, but now you are closing in on 17,000 points. i guess all of us first of all, want to know who is your ankle doctor? >> my ankle doctor is dr. nunly at duke university. i had to give him a little plug. >> oh, i see, it all goes back to duke. >> duke film, duke doctors. no, i'm thankful to be still playing and obviously i've had some adversity, but you know, i'm enjoying it. i'll be 40 this year and still going out and having fun, living
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the dream, playing basketball on cnn talking with you, so i'm having a blast. >> you are a lucky pan. let me ask you something. i'm dying to ask you about jeremy lin. you've dealt with expectations and the highs and the lows and you've come out on top and jeremy lin is doing great. what do you say to him? >> wow! first of all, what he's been doing has been extremely impressive and certainly everyone's been captivated by his play and how he's handled himself with grace. i think for him just to continue to work hard, it doesn't seem like he takes himself too serious. he's very grounded and he's a very intelligent guy and went to harvard and played for tommy who went to duke and coached at duke. so it always comes back to duke. i would just, you know, enjoy it. have fun, keep perspective. he's in the media capital of the world in new york.
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he's got a good head on his shoulders and regardless of what happens going forward he'll continue to do well, and i think hopefully stay grounded. >> i'm going to take advantage of you for a second if you don't mind. i don't know if we can bring up we're gearing up for march madness, and i unfortunately, have to do a bracket. i was not that good, so i'm just curious if you could tell me what your final four would be and give me a little bit of an advantage, please. >> it's hard because we don't have the being braets yet so we don't know the seatings. first you have to look at duke. i know that i got blown out by north carolina, and you have coach k. so you have to put him in. >> duke's in. check. >> i would have to say, syracuse has had a great season. i really am impressed. >> good journalism school, by the way. >> good journalism school.
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>> that's right. >> there you go. give me two more. >> i like michigan state and i like tom izzo. i know they've been up and down this year, but he always seems to turn it on during the tournaments so i would throw michigan state in there and i think kentucky. they might be the most talented team in college basketball. so duke, syracuse, michigan state, kentucky. >> got it, all right. i'm sorry, guys. the entire control room is so upset, but they still think you're a great guy. >> ohio state beat duke pretty bad so i won't put them in the final four. >> you should hear what i'm getting right now. duke, michigan state, kentucky. thank you so much. you're a true gentleman and the documentary is great once again on trutv at 8:00. appreciate it so much, grant. >> thanks for having me. appreciate it. >> you bet. you bet. all right, this is just a glimpse of the destruction in
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west lenniberty, kentucky. it's where this group of people have become a team and we'll show you how they're bringing hope back in through the work of a cnn hero. we'll have that right after the break. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
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>> last week's deadly tornados were devastating, but amid all that debris a cnn hero is hard at work. cnn's rob marciano caught up with ted in west liberty kentucky. >> reporter: as the fierce storms tore through the midwest and southwest taking 40 lives, emergency recovery teams scrambled to respond to devastated communities across ten states. among the relief workers heading into the destruction zone was cnn hero ted angolia and his
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first response team of america. let's go get this debris cleared enough to get this in here. >> we got here just a few hours after the tornado struck this community. we've cleared the roads. we've provided the light towers. we powered up the grocery store. we powered up the gas station and provide the essentials that this community needs. since 2007 his team has criss-crossed the country providing recovery assistance to thousands of people at 40 disaster sites for free. this week, they've worked tirelessly for days, restoring services and clearing tons of debris. >> see if you can grab the claw and actually cut the roof right in half. it's very hard for traditional equipment without the claws to actually grab this debris and that's why you need specialty equipment like this. >> what do we do? f >> we remove it from the
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community. they're being looking for anything they can salvage. >> why do you do this? >> when i watch the super cells go over the communities i want to be there to help. >> you do get stuff. thanks. >> you can nominate a cnn hero, just go to to name nate someone that you think is making a difference in the community. gop presidential hopeful mitt romney whips out a southern accent. >> i'm learning to say y'all, and i like grits and the strange things are happening to me. >> will y'all and grits help him win the south? plus newt gingrich comes out swinging after super tuesday when he isn't slamming mitt, he's slamming santorum. it's all fair game next.
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the states hold their primaries on tuesday. so can gingrich and santorum reign in romney's momentum? if they're going to do it, the deep south is certainly the place. joining me now, fair game today two of our faves, will cane, and democratic strategist maria cardona. romney has the momentum, but he still has moments like this. >> i'm learning to say "y'all," and i like grits and strange things are happening to me. >> all right. i like grits is trending hot on twitter. what do you think, maria. romney the southerner, are you buying it? >> oh, my god, no, kyra. i was cringing at that sound bite right now, and that's exactly what's wrong with romney. he tries way too hard to relate and what he gets is exactly the opposite. he gives off this impression which is now cementing in voters' minds that this is not someone that they can relate to especially in the southern states.
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look, he should just stick with the economy. he says that's what he knows, so he should talk about his economic plan and the problem there is his economic plan blows a $5 trillion hole in the deficit and it will give middle-class families $167 million in tax breaks and millionaires $186 million in tax break. so maybe all he does have to offer is grits. >> oh, was this an awkward romney moment or is he relating to the people? >> let's back out and put this thing in reverse for a moment from the substance that maria -- and i want to talk about the actual panderinging. it's authentic pandering. >> this is actually an authentic moment for romney. first, he's not the only one to venture into the world of pandering. it's a part of the political world. rick santorum wore a bolo tie on the night he won colorado. he wore boots when he does interviews from texas.
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rom no is in a full clip saying i'm not a southerner, but i'm venturing in in strange ways and i'm learning how to say y'all. that's authentic, he's saying i'm not one of you, but i'm learning. >> guys, does he really eat grits? do you really, really think he eats grits? >> that's the problem? it doesn't come off as credible. maybe what they need is a sound bite and then some footage of him actually eating grits and maybe some biscuits with gravy. >> are you kidding me? >> now i'm getting hungry. >> mitt romney did receive mississippi governor's phil bryant's endorsement, but he still needs to win over the southern people. he's making these little comments. what should his strategy be, will? >> look, he'll have an uphill slog in the south. it's just a fact. he's probably in line for a bad week here when it comes to not only the south, but kansas. he's got mississippi, alabama and louisiana. he's not positioned well in
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those places. he has to continue or start to be very authentic in his message, and i think it must be an economic message and the economic message needs to be boiled down to principles and principles is what people at their core care about. he needs to have free market economics and liberty which the conservative economic message lends itself to. that's what can sell anywhere, not just the south. >> let me ask you about santorum's message. he's denied that he said straight out that gingrich should leave the race. i want you to take a listen to what he said in huntsville, alabama, and get your pon this. >> if you go out and deliver a conservative victory for us on tuesday, this race will become a two-person race and when it becomes the two-person race for the republican nomination, the conservative will win that nomination. >> a two-man race after tuesday, maria? >> well, i think it all depends
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on how newt gingrich does and newt gingrich will start putting some points on the board, but the problem is newt, i don't think is going get out and i don't think anybody can tell newt to get out and the more they tell him to get out the more he'll stay in, and that, i think is ultimately what will help romney because while i agree with will, the south is going to be very, very difficult for him. he doesn't have the message to relate to voters who make under $50,000. he has lost them repeatedly in every single contest, and i think that's going to continue, but as long as both newt gingrich and rick santorum remain in this race, that is what's going to help mitt romney. maria, will, thanks so much, guys. ? he's still hung up on grits. >> coming up right after the break we're talking about a lawsuit against the military claiming widespread rape and misconduct. >> the process of reporting an assault and a rape is immediately spun upon how do we make the victim the accused and what would be the sub trifuj,
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who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. [ male announcer ] dosing and application sites between these products differ. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or, signs in a woman which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are, or may become pregnant or are breast feeding should not use androgel. serious side effects
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include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. talk to your doctor today about androgel 1.62% so you can use less gel. log on now to and you could pay as little as ten dollars a month for androgel 1.62%. what are you waiting for? this is big news. this week that not only got your attention, but you demanded that we follow up which is exactly what we're doing this morning. we're talking about the scathing details in this federal lawsuit. allegations of countless military women getting raped, assaulted and harassed.
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the same day the lawsuit was filed we heard directly from two of the eight service women involved in the lawsuit. their allegations are powerful and heart wrenching. >> after a year of pretty shocking harassment it culminated in a gang assault led by a senior officer in my command and his civilian friend. he felt that since i humiliated him in front of his junior marines by not obeying his order that he wanted to humiliate me. >> i was ordered to attend a mandatory command sponsor, colonel-endorsed pub crawl. i tried to fight them off. there was a physical altercation and i was knocked unconscious and that's when the rape occurred. >> and a day later an important development. congresswoman jackie spear who is with us now was on the house floor for the 16th time, ring the military and pushing her bill that would change how rape and assault cases are
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investigated. congresswoman, thank you so much for being back with me. >> thank you. >> we'll talk more about your bill in just a second. you know these women. you know their stories and it's all too common. what is it you are hearing over and over again? >> the most important thing i hear over and over again is that they are victimized a second time. not only are they raped or sexually assaulted. they then are humiliated. they are forced out of the military. they are treated like they have some kind of behavioral problem and it is swept under the rug. >> now your bill, this is what i think is so remarkable about your bill, and i'm going to quote it directly. it would take a rape investigation, an assault investigation out of the hands of an impartial or in the hands, rather, of an impartial independent group. now that does include military and civilians, but it would be outside of the victim's chain of command, correct? >> yes.
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>> how do you think that will make an impact on the growing number of rapes in the ranks. >> well, it's the most important way that we're going to solve this problem. there are 19,000 sexual assaults or rapes that occur in the military. those are 2010 figures from the department of defense. only 13% report, and of those 13%, only 8% of them are taken to prosecution and a much smaller number actually convicted. by taking it out of the chain of command where there is a gross conflict of interest, the unit commander, maybe they're the friend of the perpetrator or the unit commander may be the one who sees this as a black mark. boy taking it out of the chain of command and giving experts in both investigation and prosecution to review the case, we will then have the kind of arm's length approach to dealing with these situations that will allow the victims to get their day in court. >> congresswoman, that reminds me of a part that stood out to
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me when i interviewed arianna and elle this week. take a listen at what they told me about the case. >> it was corroborated that i was routinely called a slut and a whore and that i welcomed the harassment because i wore makeup any wore shorts. >> the process of reporting a rape is immediately spun around to how to make the victim the accused and how will they be dismissed from the marine corps. >> here's what the marine corps said about the charges, the charges were thoroughly investigated and were unsubstantiated. instead, both of them were accused of misconduct. how do you see the military's response here? >> it is a classic response. it is blame the victim. in the case of arianna, she was actually wired and her assailant actually agreed that he had raped her, and yet in the end
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his prosecution led to him being charged with adultery and with using improper language. i mean, never was he charged with the crime that he committed. so the problem in the military as i see it are three thing, the three cs. it is not assessing the act as a crime, it is not changing the culture under which it exists so they continue to blame the victim and it is not changing the chain of command which is really the core of the problem. >> you just hit something. the culture. it's disgusting when you read about these allegations and what has been tolerated for so many years in a variety of these cases. >> what do you do about the culture. i understand your bill and what you're trying to do about these cases that do come forward, but what about the culture? >> well, the culture has to change any d it has to change fm the top down and that the secretary of defense, leon panetta and the generals under him have got to take this
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seriously, and i must tell you that congress and the dod have been messing around with this issue for almost a quarter of a century and we hold hearings and beat our chests and then don't do anything, and i am not willing to allow that to happen anymore. these victims both men and women deserve justice and they deserve to be protected in a system right now that does not protect them at all. >> you've been on the floor fighting this for 16 times. my guess is you'll be on the floor many more times. congresswoman jackie spear. thank you so much. >> thank you. 90 years, that's how long it took this man to share his secret with his family. what that secret was next. >> but first a noftal jack flashback to the 1970s and '80s to "the love boat," what if the show was 30-plus years old? we're talking about know an
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the old saying about old dogs, new tricks means nothing to a 98-year-old man from connecticut. a few years ago he admitted to his family that he couldn't read or write. that's not where the story ends. dr. sanjay gupta takes a look at his amazing journey on today's "human factor." >> reporter: for 90 mostly sea-faring years, jim henry harbored a secret. he couldn't read or write. >> i was so ashamed of myself that i never told anyone. >> reporter: growing up with a strict portuguese father, he was put to work as a young child. his father didn't care about
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school so he seldom went to school. >> i didn't learn a thing, i didn't know nothing, absolutely nothing. >> reporter: yet his teachers kept promoting him to the next grade. he eventually dropped out of school, kept working, got married and used his street smarts to get by. his wife knew he couldn't read a word. friends and families had a suspicion but never asked. it wasn't until his wife got ill that he finally admittedly opened up and said he was illitera illiterate. >> he went through the entire dictionary from back to front reading. >> reporter: as the human brain ages it becomes more difficult to learn a new skill, especially at the age of 90. but henry thought time might be running out. he hired a tutor to help him. two years later he succeeded but henry decided to take it a step further. he had all these stories stuck inside his head with no way to pass them along. now armed with the written word
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he put them in a book called "in a fisherman's language." it's a reflection of his life. he published at the age of 96. it's become very popular, especially among people with learning disabilities. >> i always thought that he would draw on something of his life. i never realized that this would happen, that this book would be so popular. >> reporter: today henry shakes his head when someone calls him an author. it's hard for him to process the last few years. he says it's been a journey like no other. >> here i am. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. >> a new movie about that alaskan favorite daughter, yeah, we're talking about sarah palin. is she happy about it? find out right after the break. so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy.
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i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. [ kareem ] i was fascinated by balsa wood airplanes since i was a kid. [ mike ] i always wondered how did an airplane get in the air. at ge aviation, we build jet engines. we lift people up off the ground to 35 thousand feet. these engines are built by hand with very precise assembly techniques. [ mike ] it's gonna fly people around the world. safely and better than it's ever done before. it would be a real treat to hear this monster fire up. [ jaronda ] i think a lot of people, when they look at a jet engine, they see a big hunk of metal. but when i look at it, i see seth, mark, tom, and people like that who work on engines every day. [ tom ] i would love to see this thing fly. [ kareem ] it's a dream, honestly. there it is. oh, wow. that's so cool! yeah, that was awesome! [ cheering ]
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helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪ the hbo movie "game change" premieres tomorrow on hbo. julianne moore stars as sarah palin. it's continuing to create a lot of buzz. politico director mark preston. what is the palin camp saying about this? >> they're not very happy and in fact they try to get out in front of it. last week they put out their own video about 2 minutes, 30 seconds, on her website, what they called the hbo documentary
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as a game change we cannot believe in, because they say it is not correct. you know, it's also interesting to note that her political action committee is promoting another palin documentary that is going to air on sunday night on the reelz network. it's interesting. they're trying to push back as hard as they can right now because there's so much political buzz about this, especially if she's left the door open about getting back into politics and getting back into politics in a very big way. >> do we have time to look at a little bit of sound? i was told we might. >> yes. let's take a listen. >> 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 people. she gets that reception everywhere she goes. >> not just her but what other -- is there any reaction from friends, family, she has such a support network as well. >> she has a huge support network. she does on the internet specifically.
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if you go to her facebook page, you can see lots of comments who talk about how srp was a game changer for john mccain. as we remember back in august of 2008 when she was named at john mccain's vice presidential running mate it changed the game. kyra? >> mark preston, have a fabulous weekend. we'll see you back here on monday. continue the conversation with me on twitter at kyracnn or facebook. that does it for us. cnn newsroom continues now with suzanne malveaux. live from the cnn headquarters in atlanta, it is 12 noon here. 9:00 a.m. on the west. i want to get you up to speed. new numbers out today point to more solid progress in the jobs market. the labor department says employers added 227,000 jobs in february. that's better than most economists expected.
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the unemployment rate did not budge. it is stuck at 8.3%. republicans, they were quick to criticize president obama over the jobs report. they say it shows too many americans are still out of work. good news for the white house, however. so how are the republican candidates spending the new jobs numbers? mitt romney says it's just not enough. >> this president, how many months ago was it, 37 months ago, told us that if he could borrow $787 billion, almost $1 trillion, he would keep unemployment below 8%. it has not been below 8% since. >> this is the city of homs in syria. this is where the person who posted the video says the protesters are battling the syrian army in the streets now. opposition groups say that more than 60 people were killed today
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in fighting all over the country. the woman who heads up the u.n. humanitarian issue, she was in homs this week. she's asking the syrian government to let the aide workers go in and help people who are caught in the fighting. eight militants are dead in pakistan today. pakistani intelligence officials are telling cnn they suspect a u.s. drone strike. four missiles blasted the militant's hideout along the border with afghanistan. the u.s. military is not commenting yet. >> so those four murders, pardoned by former mississippi governor haley barbour is going to remain free. that's right. the state supreme court has upheld the controversial pardons granted to those guys and more than 200 other convicts. a victim who was shot by one of those killers says he feels threatened. >> i think once somebody tries to kill you and you don't succeed, he's a threat, he or
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she is always a threat. i've been advised if i see david in any of my immediate area or whatever, that it would -- i should probably take that as a threat. >> whitney houston's family is now speaking out. in an interview with oprah winfrey, houston's sister-in-law, patricia houston, talked about the late singer's struggles. >> did you think that drugs would end up taking her? did you think that? >> the writing was on the wall. i would be kidding myself to say otherwise. >> it was a shame. whitney houston found dead last month in a beverly hills hotel. the cause of her death has yet to be determined. jobs, it's one of the biggest issues the country and the presidential campaign, all of us are thinking about it. we want to go behind the numbers of the jobs report today. the labor department says that employers added 227,000 jobs last month. but unemployment rate still at 8.3%. i want to bring in christine
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romans to break down the numbers. you've got a pretty cool new tool that lays out the whole thing. >> i know. >> walk us through it, christine. >> it's exciting. you just laid out the headlines. let's go inside the jobs numbers and find out where the jobs are. anybody can get this on take a look yourself at the different sectors, the different areas and charts and graphs that show what the labor market looks like for you where you live. 233,000 private sector jobs were created. suzanne, that's important. two years of private sector job growth. that means companies and businesses are adding jobs. it's not the government propping up the economy anymore through stimulus and census hiring and all that. in the government by the way, 6,000 jobs were lost in the public sector. we are expecting more public sector job loss quite frankly as budgets are cut in states and as the federal budget will eventually begin to slim down. but that's better than last year. 22,000 jobs on average last year were lost in the public sector.
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i want to look at where the job creation was, health care jobs, 61,000, suzanne. leisure and hospitality, 44,000. transportation and warehousing, i mean, i could go on and on. go to so you can see this yourself. 31,000 in manufacturing. mining saw more jobs and all kinds of jobs in mining are hiring. construction, though, job loss there. quickly i want to bring you up here to professional and business services. 82,000 jobs created there. that was the biggest jobs gain in the economy. because you are a political junky, my friend, i'm going to show you this. all right? are you ready? >> yes. >> this is through the last six months of the bush administration, then the beginning of the obama administration, every one of these red bars are jobs lost. every one of the people inside of those jobs -- of those bars is a jobs lost and a family that is going to be thinking about the economy on the campaign trail. this is slow, i a setback here,
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slow improvement. we have three months in a row, suzanne, 200,000 plus jobs creation. >> i love that chart because it takes the politics out of it. it just gives you the raw numbers and you can see what happened in the bush administration and the obama administration. it does look like there is slow and steady progress. we'll see how everybody spins it during the primaries of the caucuses. that is the real deal there. >> you can go to so nobody can spin you, people. go and see all the numbers yourself. do whatever you want with it and see the numbers. >> thanks, christine. have a great weekend. want to check on how the markets are reacting to the jobs report. alison kosik is joining us from the new york stock exchange. first of all, give us a quick update, what do the markets look like, what's driving the stocks today. >> you know what, suzanne, you'd expect a bigger bounce with such a strong jobs number. the dow is up 40 points. i talked with one analyst that says there's this feeling that market wanted a better number than 227,000. the economic data that's been coming in showing that the economy is getting stronger, you
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look at manufacturing, it's revving up. retail sales are better. even there's improvement in gdp. what ill that jobs number came in in line with expect stations, the thinking at least for the market is that job creation should be a little stronger, too. to match the signs of the overall improvement in the economy. and then this analyst told me, you look behind the curtain of this jobs report. he says you know what, there's nothing spectacular in it. he says about half of the 227,000 jobs that were created are in industries like food and support services but the problem here is that those are low-wage jobs and those workers aren't going to go out and buy a house or buy big ticket items. they won't necessarily move the economy forward any faster. although wall street sees this jobs report as a solid report, no doubt about that, you know, this analyst tells me at this point it's not a turning point and wall street really want toed see more momentum at this point. you know what, there's no pleasing wall street. suzanne? >> okay. no pleasing wall street. thank you, have a great weekend.
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here's a rundown of some of the stories we're covering first. president obama is talking jobs. he's doing that at the bottom of the hour. we're going to bring you his comments live. and then buying black. an african-american couple buys from only black businesses to are a whole year. yeah, hard time finding toys and even toilet paper. and a manhunt the for ugandan warlord intensifying as millions logon to youtube to view a documentary that points the finger at one man for many atrocities. we'll have a live report from nairo nairobi, kenya. in here, data k. because the network finds it and tailors it across all the right points, automating all the right actions... [ beeping ] bring all the right results. it's the at&t network -- doing more with data to help business do more for customers. ♪
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all right. you may have not heard of the name joseph kony before. but in the last 48 hours he's become a household name. he's a ugandan warlord blamed for torturing, killing and brainwashing children and families in central africa. his name is suddenly everywhere because mostly of a 30-minute documentary posted on youtube. more than 65 million people have clicked on to this doc. why has joseph kony's story electrified the world online and now in a way we've never seen before go viral. cnn's brian todd, he's got the story. >> reporter: he's a warlord who experts say is responsible for the kidnapping of up to 70,000 people. many of them children. operating first in uganda, now in three other african countries. he and his militants have killed and disfigured tens of thousands of villagers, forced young boys to become child soldiers.
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forced girls into sexual slavery. joseph kony and his so-called lords resistance army have been doing this for a quarter century, trying to overthrow the ugandan government. he's on the run from forces and their american advisers. >> stop the rebel group l.r.a. >> reporter: that's thanks to a new video called kony 2012, a half hour long, it's begun viral. tens of millions of views on youtube in just a few days. the fillmakers used anonymous and others to blast it out over the internet. they sent tweets to celebrities like george clooney, rihanna, to american lawmakers. the film highlights kony's atrocities with be partly through the eyes of a former child soldier who according to the video saw his brother murdered. >> i saw my brother once again. i don't -- >> reporter: the video's
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produced by a nonprofit activist group called invisible children. filmmaker jason russell's goal, to gather momentum for kony to be captured and brought to justice at the international criminal court. >> he's been getting away with murder. what he does, he brainwashes them, makes them kill their parents, slaughter people, cut off people's faces. >> reporter: but some say this popular crusade is misleading. critics say the film manipulates the facts, ignoring the ugandan military's human rights abuses, ignoring the fact that his forces have been reduced in numbers in recent months. the response. >> the decrease is a good thing. it's a result of this effort. >> reporter: richard downey applauds the group's pefrt to call attention with kony. but -- >> i take issue with their approach, very much focused on the white westerners ability to parachute in and solve a problem that africans are unable to deal with themselves.
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by portraying westerners as the only people that can crack this problem it's naive and condescending as well. >> reporter: they're not naive, never claimed a desire to save africa, they say they just want western youth to do more than just watch. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> i want to bring in barbara starr from pentagon. american troops are in central africa to help hunt down joseph kony. to you, david, this half hour documentary is the hottest thing on the web. you're talking about 65 million clicks and counting. this is a problem that's not new. people have been dying in the hands of kony for more than a decade. how are the people there in africa responding to this? >> i think it's split down the middle, suzanne. there are some who really applaud this effort to get joseph kony, this notorious warlord out there into the public space for the youth around the world to take notice of what he's done and what he's
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doing. on the flip side, people say, well, it's a bit little too late. one official told me from uganda, you know, great message, 15 years too late. this should have been dealt with a long time ago. and in effect, joseph kony is a spend force hiding out in the forests of central africa. suzanne? >> david, let's talk about this a little bit. some people bring up the fact that there's been relative peace there for the last six years or so, this lords resistance army has not been attacking and kony has not really been around much. is it possible that this might, this call to go get him, go after him, might embolden him, make him afraid or make him panic and start going after children, going after families again? >> well, that's one naanalysis. i don't think it's quite direct. northern uganda has been peaceful since at least 2006, suzanne. i've been to those areas. when i was there, it was winding
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down. now it's completely peaceful. people have left the refugee camps caused by the l.r.a. they've continued to create havoc. in the last year, year and a half, there's been a push by ugandan special forces with be now pushed also by the u.s. forces there as advisers to stop him. i don't think that this campaign will embolden him or make him want to kind of make spectacular successes because of his new fame as it were. i think what is more likely, is that he's going to continue hiding in the bush, in the deep jungle, in the eastern parts of the central african republic trying to avoid being captured. the one tricky aspect is that this is a simple message put forward by this group but this is a complicated issue. >> right. >> it's not up to the youth of the world to capture him. it's up to special forces and their teams to get him. what they can do, it's up for debate. >> let's bring in barbara to talk about that.
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as we know, the president sent about 100 military advisers to uganda back in october to help the local forces hunt down ko in. y. are they making any progress? >> well, they are on the ground now in a number of locations, suzanne, some very remote areas. uganda as david pointed out, the central african republic, south sudan, about 100 troops working as trainers and advisers but the areas are quite unsettled. they're combat equipped but their mission is to help the african military forces go after kony. this is a result of congressional laws being passed, action in washington to try and pressure some progress to get this man who is responsible for some of the worst atrocities on the african continent. i would just very quickly point out, though, there is a broader u.s. military strategy at work in africa. they worry that these kinds of groups are very destabilizing. from somalia across north africa
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all the way into nigeria, in the west. there are al qaeda groups, al qaeda affiliates and some of these thugs and terrorist groups like joseph kony, it leads to destabilization, it leads to terrorists being able to move into these areas and take advantage. that's kind of the broader mission that the u.s. military is on. train and advise the african militaries and make them really able, with equipment and technology, to go after some of these guys. suzanne? >> all right. barbara starr at the pentagon. thank you. thank you as well, david. stay with cnn. next hour we talk to a young woman, a teenager who has been involved with the group invisible children since she was just 14 years old. young people and social media, they're propelling the hunt for joseph kony and putting it into the spotlight. she's passionate, plugged in and she's going to join us shortly after 1:00. buying black and only black. see how a chicago family's one-year pledge inspired a movement.
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businesses for the entire year. what started off as an experiment became an important lesson in the choices we make as consumers. maggie anderson is co-founder of empowerment experiment and author of "our black year." one family's quest to buy black in america's racially divided economy. also joining us, economist danny boston. i want to start off with you, maggie. it's interesting. you read your story and you had a rough year, i would say, trying to find anything from toilet paper to, you know, security system. what kind of obstacles did you face? >> well, actually when we conducted this experiment, we did this thinking that it would be a lot easier than it turned out to be. we just wanted to put a little bit more of our money into underserved black communities. we thought that it was just a matter of awareness. we assumed that just like in
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every other community there would be black-owned grocery stores, department stores, hardware stores, drugstores, places where we can buy stuff for our kids. ha we found was that was not the case and in many black communities, those stores do exist but they're not owned by the local black entrepreneurs. what results is that the hard-earned wealth of those consumers and communities exits the community. that leads to the high unemployment and a lot of the social crises that my people suffer from disproportionately. it was a tough experiment but what we learned was that if we can find those few quality businesses that we do have and support them, we can really create some economic power in our community and start to turn the job numbers we're talking about around. >> give me a few examples here. you had to travel pretty far just to find groceries. >> yes. >> you talk about how sometimes your husband was kind of hungry waiting for the food. what did you actually go
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through? >> we learned a lot about this phenomena, about the food and retail deserts. fortunately there was one black-own grocery store in all of illinois. it was about 20 miles from our home. we supported that grocery store, this perfect place. it had fresh produce, appreciate meats, fresh fish, great groceries. that store closed down in the middle of our experiment. so after that, we had no option. if we were to abide by the experiment for fresh food for groceries. so we had to basically live out of gas stations, convenience stores. so my children were eating cheerios for dinner and baloney and fake fruit punch. we couldn't find toys. we got books from african-american authors. we couldn't find milk. it was pretty bad. >> that's kind of hard to
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believe when you think about that. this has become an empowerment experiment. >> right. >> take on your critics if you will, some who say buying just black, that's a form of racism. how do you respond to that? >> well, this is how we put it. first of all what we're doing, what we're advocating is not that americans go out there and completely exclusively support black businesses. the truth is, that $1 trillion is what we represent in buying power in this country. and less than 3% of that makes its way back into the black community. that's why we have high unemployment. that's why our schools are underfunded and that's why our kids don't have local role models to look up to like we used to have. the other fact is that black businesses are the greatest private employer of black people. so i do this because i need those businesses, because those businesses are going to counter unemployment in my community. what we're advocating is no different than buying american.
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>> we have to let danny jump in here. >> okay. >> she brings up a number of important points here. first of all, talk about the state of black businesses here during this time and economic recovery. are they disproportionately going out of business and suffering and what can be done? >> not disproportionately. we do a national sure vie of those businesses. up until the recession, black-owned businesses outgrew the businesses of every other group but they've been challenged as a result of the recession. in terms of the cutbacks in employment, they've had to cut back about 25% of their work force. but that's happened really across the board. >> explain to us, too, how the african-american community is buying and spending its money. i understand that 6 cents on every dollar goes to black-owned businesses. that's very small. >> right. that's small. that's what our surveys showed based on the national survey. we found 6 cents out of every
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dollar that blacks spend goes to black-owned businesses. that's from consumers. you also have to keep in mine there's other purchasing that take place among black businesses from black-owned businesses. many of the problems that maggie encountered are problems that are associated with how the residential pattern, the location pattern of the businesses. the businesses have followed the communities out to the suburbs. in many central cities you find the deserts. even though the businesses are growing very rapidly you have to look at the location pattern of those businesses to explain some of the problems that maggie encountered. >> danny, thank you. we'll hang on to you for a little bit longer. the president will be talking about the new jobs numbers. appreciate your time. republicans were quick to attack the white house over the jobs report for february. they say it is more proof that president obama's policies are not working. we'll hear from the presidents about those numbers, live, just minutes away. so, by combining your auto and renters insurance,
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this is big news. here's a rundown, some of the stories we're covering next. 200,000 people got a new job last month but is it enough to turn the tide? she looks like sarah palin, sounds like sarah palin but is the new movie "game change" accurate? and later, what is shaping up to be an ugly battle in the bible belt. president obama will give his take on the new jobs report. the president is visiting a manufacturing plan in the prince george, virginia, to talk about the jobs, to talk about the economy, this plant makes parts for some of the world's most sophisticated aircraft. you're seeing a live picture there. we'll bring you the president's remarks as soon as they begin. everybody is standing and applauding. we'll dip in soon. we're also taking another look
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at the jobs report for february. 227,000 jobs were added. but the unemployment rate did not move. still at 8.3%. we wait for president obama. want to bring perspective from one of our favorites, of course, economist danny boston who is back with me now. i want to continue our conversation very quickly, though, however, we saw the family, they were buying black from black-owned businesses for a year or so. you brought up something very important in the break that if you were to go ahead and spend a little bit more on black-owned businesses, the unemployment in the black community would be dramatically affect. >> that's right. blacks are spending about 6 cents out of every dollar with black-owned businesses. if that were to increase to 12 cents out of every dollar, that would actually lower the existing unemployment rate which was published today from 4.1% to 10.9%. that's almost 3 percentage points difference. that's very, very significant. it's because, like businesses employ about two-thirds of all
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of their workers are african-americans. >> why is it when we take a look at the jobs numbers, they do look like it shows a steady increase here, that we are still seeing the unemployment rate among blacks and hispanics go up? >> yes. and that's for very important reason. what's happening is that there's a large number of people coming back into the labor market. almost 500,000. they're coming back into the labor market because they're more optimistic about finding a job. as they come back in, they're originally classify as unemployed. that drives the unemployment rate typically it drives it up. this time it remained the same. and so that's why you see that, particularly among african-americans and hispanics. >> the 227,000 jobs created, how significant is that? are we starting to see a trend here? >> yes. i think you can say that this is a solid, normal recovery now that we're in. and if you look at the figure from last month, it was revised upward almost 50,000 to 283,000.
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and this month 227,000 but there was also the bad weather that adversely affected construction. and so had that not happened, that number would have been even higher. we really are on a track for a very, very solid economic recovery. >> are we seeing it play out differently in different industries? >> it is playing out differently. up until this last report, what we were seeing is that it was significant increase in manufacturing as well as construction. now, we've always had the usual cast of characters, health services and other kinds of things. but when we start seeing jobs and manufacturing construction, it's important, because two-thirds of workers who lost their jobs and have not been re-employed are in those industries. so the turnaround there really makes a difference. and that's where we're seeing the turnaround take place. not as much this last month because the weather pattern but generally over the last three months that's where we've seen it. >> what does the president need to say to american voters to convince them that this is -- they are going in the right
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direction here? a lot of people, and his critics are saying, look, this isn't happening fast enough. >> you have to keep in mind where we came from and where we are. i think that the story that he needs to convey is exactly that. that the economy has made a significant improvement from the time that he took office, that we've created several million jobs and that process is happening. now, if you're unemployed, that doesn't settle so well. but nonetheless, the trend is in a very positive direction. and even though the unemployment rate remains constant at 8.3%, that's not the important story. the important story is that we created 227,000 jobs and that's added on to the ones that we created over the last several months. so we're on track to get the unemployment rate down significantly by election time. >> all right. danny, stick with me. we'll keep our eye, once again, waiting to hear president obama's take on the jobs report and the economy. the president is visiting a manufacturing plan the in prince
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george, virginia. it makes parts for sophisticated aircraft. we'll bring you the president's remarks as soon as they happen live. tina fey, eat your heart out. check this out. some people are calling actress julianne moore the best sarah palin impersonator of all time. so what's the real sarah palin think about all this attention she's getting? it's in our cnn political ticker. w you ♪ [ young man ] whoo-hoo! ♪ so soon you'll take me there he is! the party's arrived. ♪ [ both hiss ] [ screaming, explosions ] oh, he-- [ crickets chirping ] [ owl hooting ] [ gasps ] ♪ fate ♪ up against your will ♪ through the thick and thin
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it is a documentary or a sitcom? the movie "game change" has folks arguing about what really happened behind the scenes of the 2008 election. >> you can actually see russia from land here in alaska. >> oh, my god, what have we done? >> it wasn't my fault. i wasn't properly prepped. >> wow. spent a whole lot of time on the campaign trail that year.
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brought back some memories. julianne moore, the actress playing sarah palin did her home work. she's getting rave reviews for her imitation but moore says the film isn't just about sarah palin. >> it's about our political system and the way we choose our candidates. we seem to be attracted again and again to a personal charisma and physical attractiveness and a movie star quality. and i personally don think that those are traits that our leaders need to have. yet again and again, we sit up and pay attention when somebody comes along who's like that. so it really is an examination of that process. cnn political director mark preston joining us from washington. wow, mark, there are a lot of things that ring true in that movie. you know, i know i used to talk to the palin folks about the split in the campaign, there was all of the excitement initially
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when they recruited her and then there was just a lot of turmoil. do you recognize some of that? >> there was. i mean, look, in trying to compare it to where we are now in this presidential race, gosh, it is -- >> drama. >> unthinkable what we saw. i tell you what, though -- is the president speaking right now? is he walking up. >> no. he's not speaking yet. we'll hold on until he does. we'll keep talking. do we know how palin is actually responding to all of this? we saw her in the super tuesday and she kind of threw a monkey wrench in everything when she said she was still open to possibly a white house run. >> she was. that caught us all by surprise on tuesday night when she had that interview on cnn when she was at her caucus in alaska. her political action committee put out a video where they basically described this film as a history that never happened. in fact, let's take a quick look at the video they put out pushing back. >> we planned events for 5,000,
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6,000, 7,000 people and we'd had 20,000, 40,000, 60,000 people. she gets that kind of reception everywhere she goes. >> that's on the sarah pac website. they're using sound. the voices you're hearing are from some of her top advisers during the presidential campaign that have come out and have been critical of sarah palin. there's also clips of bill clinton saying nice things about her. you're right, at the very top suzanne when you said it was a moment until the campaign that changed john mccain's campaign, that's exactly right. it gave excitement to the campaign and i remember this as i'm sure you do as well, at one point john mccain was not nearly drawing as many people to his events as sarah palin was. that's when they decided to put sarah palin and john mccain together at the same event because how could you have the presidential nominee being -- not being able to get the same amount of crowds as sarah palin. >> she really became the rock star of his campaign. let's talk quickly about the candidates here. they're swinging through the
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deep south. could be an ugly battle on tuesday, especially when we're talking about mississippi and alabama. mitt romney has already called the contest away games. it's not just because it's a new englander. southern republicans for the most part, highly religious, conservative, romney is known more as the business guy than the bible reader. what do we think? what are thinks chances looking like. >> he's lowering expectations. that's why he called it an away game. he did that on a birmingham radio station yesterday. let me give you an example of where the candidates are. mitt romney holding events in mississippi and alabama as is rick santorum down south. rick santorum is also going to be in kansas as is ron paul because tomorrow is going to be the kansas caucuses. newt gingrich focusing all his time on the south because he knows he needs to win down there for his strategy. get this little nugget. just to show you how this is a fight for delegates, the romney campaign decided to send one of their sons to guam. if you can imagine that, to
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guam. there are nine delegates on the table and he's going to be out there tomorrow rallying support for his father. 1,144 delegates needed to win the bomb nation and they're fighting for every single one of them. >> oh, wow. that's telling. the fact that they're sending him to guam. every delegate counts. thanks, mark. for the latest political news, go to once again, we're waiting to hear from president obama, his take on the jobs report, the economy. he's visiting a manufacturing plan the in prince george, virginia. and we're going to bring you the president's remarks as soon as they happen after the break.
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our affiliates are covering these stories across the country. a sheriff's deputy is praising three homeless men for helping him fight off an attacker. it was all caught on surveillance video. the man attacked the deputy as he tried to arrest him for allegedly taking a customer's bag at a fast food joint. the love kitchen is run by the owner of little caesar's restaurant. it set up shop in henryville, indiana, a town that was hit hard by last week's tornadoes. it plans to serve 25,000 pizza solutions over the next several days. good for them. finally, remember the solar storm bombarded earth this week? it didn't actually disrupt flights or the gps systems but it did make a pretty cool
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northern lights brighter. check it out. that's pretty neat. storm chaser caught dramatic video of the northern lights over st. cloud, minnesota. we are still waiting for the president. he's going to be speaking about the new jobs numbers. 227,000 new jobs created last month. and he's also going to be talking about the state of the economy in general. that out of virginia. we expect that he'll be speaking momentarily. going to bring that to you right after the break. look at our route map... and what do you see? clean lines connecting city to city. the map shows you where we go... but not how we get there. because in this business... there are no straight lines. only the twists and turns of an unpredictable industry. the passengers change... the gates change.
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government regulations change... oil peaks and plummets. and let's not even get started on the weather. the fact is: no two flights are ever the same. no matter how many times we've accomplished them in the past. the eighty-thousand employees at delta... must predict the unpredictable. anticipate the unexpected. and never let the rules... overrule common sense. this is how we tame the unwieldiness of air travel. pull it taut... and wrap it around the globe... until it's not just lines you see... it's the world. [ cheers and applause ] [ playing out of tune ] [ playing in tune ] [ male announcer ] at mcdonald's®, we support the community by giving to programs that bring out the best in our youth... ...because we believe when you feed the competitive spirit...
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still waiting for president obama to speak about the new job numbers. want to bring in ali velshi from austin, texas. we assume the president is quite pleased about this. how significant is it that you've got month-to-month, back-to-back now jobs being created? is it a trended? >> it's very, very significant. even conservatives who i spoke to this morning were not able to find a flaw in this thing. this is 17 months in a row of job growth in the united states. this month came in higher than expectations, 227,000 jobs created in february. almost -- in fact, more than that number created in the private sector, virtually no jobs created in the private sector but no job losses there either. the bottom line, this is how we want growth, strong growth. it was less than january but some of that was seasonal. wouldn't worry about that too much.
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some critics are saying that the 8.3% rate is stubbornly high and won't go down. there are reasons to are that. they're measured two different ways. the thing that is important is how many jobs are being created. the only criticism is we have a long way to go. we'd like to see double the number of jobs created but that is not likely to happen, suzanne. bottom line is, this was much better than this administration could hope for and it is a good strong jobs report which says this economy is continuing to grow. >> ali, is it an uneven recovery? do you have some sectors rebounding and doing really well and others not so much? >> well, yes. there have been some sectors that were never hit by this recession, largely health care. that was one of the areas always growing. but we have seen over the last few months recovery in things like manufacturing. so it's even. here's the problem, suzanne. there's always this first problem. we never recover as many jobs as we lose. because people get more productive. through technology or through the fact that your boss says
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you're going to do more work than you used to do because we fired your colleague. number one, we generally get more productive and number two, we are just not seeing the same types of jobs. so companies are gun shy. they hire part-time, they hire lower-paying jobs. you never see the quality of jobs. that's why i'm here by southwest, some of the best jobs we're seeing are in technology. everybody around here is trying to hire software developers. if you're a petroleum engineer or accountant you do well in this economy. a lot of these are service jobs, not as many hours or not as high wages. >> it looks like you have a lot 6 people there at the cnn grill. looks like the place to be. we'll get back to you after the president's remarks. every glimmer of hope, i'm sure, counts as a win for the white house. how will the republican candidates spin these new numbers? we have a breakdown for you. >> time now for the help desk. joining me this hour, the president of consumer education with
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lynette is founder of thank you for being here. your question comes from osbourne in new york. i have a 30-year fixed mortgage. is it worth refinancing to get a seven-year a.r.m. with a lower interest rate? he's talking about moving to an adjustable rate. >> right. the idea here is that you really won't know if it's quote, unquote worth it to refinance until you do a break even analysis. maybe it costs $3,000 to get the deal done. then you have to divide that by the number of months that you're going to still be living in the house. >> right. >> and figure out whether or not it's going to make sense for you to do it. sometimes people do these deals and frankly it doesn't make sense. he's saying a seven-year a.r.m. if he plans to live in the house that long, it could make sense. rates are well 4% for high
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credit scores. he has to do the math. we don't know how much the refi will cost to get done. >> john, your question is from pam in north dakota. we were recently contacted by a debt collector about a cell phone bill. if it's a legitimate bill we want to pay it. none of the people we reached out to have been willing to answer our questions. >> fact that the original creditor won't talk to them means they have sold the debt to the collection agency or the debt buyer. the consumer will not be able to pay the original myrrh chan the. they'll have to deal with the collection agency. saving the credit, that bell ru. the fact that it's with a collection agency meanssoffer a. usually about 20% of wy you owe have the same skin in the game that the original creditor did, because they bought it for pennies on the dollar. offer a settlement, get it to a zero balance as soon as
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possible. >> get it in writing as well. always. >> absolutely. folks, if you have a question you want answer, send us an e-mail anytime at the cnn help desk at this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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want to go to president obama. he's in virginia and he is talking about the new jobs numbers. 227,000 new jobs created last month. he's also going to talk about the general state of the economy. let's listen in. >> folks were working harder and longer for less. it was getting tougher to afford health care or to siene your kids to college. the economy was already shedding jobs. and in less than a decade, nearly one in three manufacturing jobs had vanished. then the bottom fell out of the economy. and things got that much tougher.
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