tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 10, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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>> easier built for me. >> it is a tight fit. >> pretty much like this about ten hours. >> you're not worried about cramps or anything? >> not yet. >> cameron expects time will pass as he captures 3d images and hopefully sea life from the trench's floor as he has already done on previous tests. >> i can actually slurp up little crittering on suck on to one and pick it up and drop him boo a biobox. >> reporter: if something grows wrong there's a fail safe system. a series of weights released with a flip of a switch bringing little comfort to cameron's mother who worries. >> i called my family and kids, there's nothing i like more but i also have to do this. i also have to go look. it's like jimmy stewart says in "how the west was won." sometiming you just got to go see the critter. >> reporter: the challenger frontier awaits. jason carroll onboard the mermaid sar fire in the sea.
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all right. this is a "cnn newsroom." i'm fredricka whitfield. 4:00 on the east coast. 1:00 o'west. right not news. american airlines apologize are for a scary incident aboard a flight. it unfolded, as the plane was taxiing down the runway yesterday a flight attendant grabbed the loud speaker and went into a tirade saying the plane was going to crash. a passenger caught it all on tape. other passengers and a crew member were able to restrain the attendant. american airlines says both the attendant and another crew member restrined her were taken to the hospital. the airline says it's continuing to investigate. coming up in a few minutes, i'll talk to someone who knows the job well. a flight attendant turned author. breaking news to report in the world of politics and the race to the white house now. cnn projects rick santorum has won the kansas caucuses. he will take at least 20 of the state's 40 delegates. both mitt romney and newt gingrich skipped kansas.
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gingrich is in alabama where he is drawing attention to romney's grits comment from earlier in the week. >> well one of my competitors, i have had grits before. and now that may explain as much as everything, why everything in alabama and mississippi ought to vote for me. >> and this is from just a few hours ago. ron paul addressing a caucus crowd in overland park, kansas. we'll have more on those kansas results in a moment. and kofi annan says his conversation today with the president of syria was candid and comprehensive, and he met with bashar al assad in damascus and asked him face-to-face to stop the killing in his country of syria. they plan to talk again tomorrow. opposition activists say more than 60 people were killed today in fighting across syria. and some tragic news to
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report. a world-class competitive skier was killed today during a race in switzerland. there is video of the race but we won't shoppe you the horrible accident involving canada's nick zorzaj k. slammed into the ski safety netting at a high speed during a jump, died shortly afterward. just 29 years old. the accident happened during the world cup ski cross. that entire event has since been cancelled. and this is new video coming to us from west liberty, kentucky capturing the moment of imt pact of last weekend's deadly tornado. images taken from several surveillance images in the area capturing a tornado as it rips through the town. the tornado packed winds of 140 miles an hour. at least 21 people were killed in kentucky alone. nothing appears criminal in nature in whitney houston's death. that's what a source close to the investigation is telling us.
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we're also hearing houston's toxicology report should be complete on our around march 23rd. singer/rapper ray j who dated houston on and off was asked about her death yesterday. >> what i will say, though, that is the most important thing to me of all is that god is talking to me. god is talking to me right now, and now's the time for me to listen. so my ears are open. >> houston died the day before last month the grammy awards. all right. now to the kansas caucus results, and the race to the white house. straight to cnn political director mark preston who's following developments from washington. okay. so santorum, clearly, must be celebrating what appears to be a victory in the state of kansas. getting a good number of those delegates. >> he is. in fact, his campaign just
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released information for a victory rally tonight in missouri right across the border. rick santorum has a good afternoon, as you said, fred, wins the kansas caucuses. a quick look at the numbers now. to show you how much he won by. a terrific showing by rick santorum. 53% of the vote out at the kansas caucuses. still waiting for some to come in, but cnn projected it earlier last hour based upon the vote that had come in. rick santorum wins kansas caucuses with that he wins at least 25 delegates. we're now estimating, not to be outdone, though, fred, earlier today mitt romney won the northern mariana caucuses arnds guam caucuses and walks away with 18 delegates in his pocket. the quick delegate update now. a quick look at that. the new fresh delegate update that we keep talking about in the race to 1144. we see from that, mitt romney still in the lead, 447 delegates, but rick santorum is
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now up to 195 delegates. fred, the race goes on and on and on. next stop, mississippi, alabama tuesday. >> okay. alabama and mississippi are definitely, i guess, on the bull's eye for newt gingrich who's hoping to do well in the south. in fact he decided to forfeit his visit to kansas to spend more time in mississippi and alabama. is that because some polls show that he just might be doing better than earlier anticipated in those southern states? >> well, you know, fred, he just realized he was not going to do well in kansas and at some point made scheduled stops in kansas and decided to change his plans. he has predicated his campaign is based on winning the south. that's why he spent all of his time down in alabama and mississippi the past few days. >> mark preston from washington. thanks for that update. of course, join us every sunday afternoon, 4:00 eastern time when we dedicate an entire hour to the president's contenders in this 2012 election. join me tomorrow, 4:00 eastern.
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a flight attendant disrupting a taxiing flight had to be restrained, and then passengers pulled out their camera phones. coming up a woman on that flight describes what happened. ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza. ♪ experience love that lasts. ♪ we want to protect the house. right. but... home security systems can be really expensive. to save money, we actually just adopted a rescue panther.
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but that doesn't mean they won't try. bring all your finances together with the help of the one person who can. a certified financial planner professional. cfp. let's make a plan. american air lirns, airlines is apologizing. a plane taxiing down the runway a flight attendant grabbed the loud speaker and went into a tirade saying the plane would crash. a passenger caught it all on tape.
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[ screaming ] >> i think it's crowded and -- >> so other passengers and a crew member were able to restrain the attendant. a woman on that flight described what it was like. >> in the beginning it was just, it seemed like it was an accident and she was mabel disgruntled with her job. i remember thinking she's not happy and another stewardess saying sthaut shut that off. don't talk like that on the p.a. she started talking about turning the plane around. the plane's not going anywhere unless everybody sits down. everybody was sitting. we were very confused what was going on and realized she was having some kind of issue within herself. >> so american airlines says both the attendant and another crew member who restrained that
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flight attendant were taken to the hospital. the airlines is continuing to investigate. all right. joining us to talk more about this, someone who knows the job quite well. flight attendant rene foss, also the uther of "around the world in a bad mood." confessions of a flight attendant. from a flight attendant the perspective. give me an idea. what kind of frustrations and is this kind incident is an anomaly or underscoring other frustrations or encounters that flight attendants have? >> well, clearly, i think just not having been present and not knowing the individual flight attendant, i think that it's pretty safe to say that she has some sort of problem. she's suffering. unhappy about something. and i'm glad to hear that she's getting some medical attention, and that hopefully she can get
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through whatever this is that's bothering her. but the main thing i think that you're trying to address is the idea of the passengers were scared, and now the safety part of it. and i think that people should rest assured that the airline industry is probably, probably one of the safest ways to go, as opposed to just taking a taxi to the airport is probably more dangerous. >> passengers onboard kind of jumped into action telling you what about kind evof the climat how passenger, particularly post-9/11, how passengers are very intuitive, are paying attention to surroundings and willing to jump in. even if they don't fully understand all that's taking place. do you feel like that climate is pretty prevalent on just about any flight, domestically or -- >> i do. i think passengers as well as crew members realize that, you
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know, this particular incident took place on the ground, but in the air, and on an airplane, the research is there. like if you're at 39,000 feet, you can't call 911. i mean, so people do need to recognize that we all need to kind of work together to handle a situation, or respond to a situation like that. >> and there was a statement -- >> that's a good thing. >> yes. and there was a statement that's been released by american airlines, i want to share that with everyone. saying this, in part -- "flight 2332 had left the gate at dfw bound for chicago when an incident occurred involving some of the cabin crew. the plane returned to the gate met by public safety officers. two flight attendants taken to local hospitals for treatment. we continue to investigate the details answers circumstances and will have no further comment at this time." we did hear reportedly from some
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of those onboard they thought he overheard detail about medication being involved, or the flight attendant perhaps not having access to the medication. so we don't have any confirmation of that, but that was reported earlier. so what's your view, rene, on how the airline thus far has been able to handle this? how do the passengers in your view handle this? >> from what i can, from my perspective, i think it's been handles as well as it can be handled. it's an unfortunate situation. clearly, the girl, the flight attendant, is suffering, and i think the airline is doing the best they can do. i think the passengers responded, you know, appropriately from what i can gather. i wasn't there to actually see this. and -- you know, it's like i said. when you think about how many planes take off and land every day in the world, or just even in america, in our own country,
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and how few incidents there really are, this is still a safe way to go and it's sort of the same where a person is unhappy in the workplace. it does not, it's not unique to airlines. you hear about work issues at the post office, anywhere where somebody is disgruntled, unhappy or disturbed in some way and reacts. >> all right. still unclear exactly. >> in an airport or an an airplane, everyone pass throughs a metal detector. >> we're still not clear exactly -- sorry i cut you off. still unclear what's at the root of what really happened there. again, american airlines saying they are launching that investigation and still in the midst of it. rene foss, thank you. author and a former flight attendant. thanks for your time and perspective. millions of people are going on job interviews. what you do after the interview could actually get you hired. five things you need to know, next in our "reclaim your
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career" segment. back then, he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement planning for our military, veterans and their families. now more than ever, it's important to get financial advice from people who share your military values. call now for our free guide and tips on planning for your retirement this tax season. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ the passat is one of nine volkswagen models
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springfield, missouri. surely thinking about his reported victory from kansas where they caucused today and according to some confirmation from cnn sources telling us that he won the kansas caucuses. maybe not taking home all 40 delegates, but in proportional states may be taking home at least 20 delegates from kansas. live pictures out of springfield, missouri. we'll keep you posted. every week we focus on ways to get a jump-start in the workforce's in our "reclaim your career" segment, closing a deal on a new job might be in how your follow-up is conducted after the interview. deborah shakily joins me now. editor at large of the always good to see you. >> thank you. >> congrats. now at seven months. looking great. feeling great. >> thank you so much. i'll feeling good. >> fantastic. sometimes people feel like, let me send a little, a note. >>. >> yes it's acceptable to send and e-mail now? but you have to do something?
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>> yes. >> you need to follow-up. >> the most important thing you need to do within 24 hours send that thank you note. make sure it's personalized. talk about why you loved the company, why you're the great candidate for the job, and, again, speed is key. if you can't get that handwritten note off quickly, make sure to send an e mail. >> goodness. sometimes not just thanks the person you directly met with, but others along the way. the receptionist, why? >> receptionist, assistant. you never know what role they play in the hiring process. oftentimes narrowed to a few candidates and the boss might say what did you think of candidate so and so? there opinion could make the difference. be on their good side. >> goodness. then go over the notes. what did you talk about? review that interview. why? >> doing a postmortem in your head about what you thought of, what the company thought of you, what you thought of the company. >> before you -- >> either/or. doing because you want to think about what could i do to improve? what impression did i make and
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also the interview process is kind of a courtship. is it the right fit for you, for them and think about, was this company a good organizational fit for me? what did i bring to the table and what did they bring to me if they offer it to you you know what to say and it's a good fit or not. >> it's not a good idea, you say, to give an idea. came across an article, pertinent to the industry and business, and to sthar? >> absolutely. think about doing this seven, ten days after the first initial thank you note. follow up ji an e-mail or phone call an show that you're in the know about the industry. might be an article. might be referencing something particularly you mention in your conversation. keep the conversation going, and the lines ever communication. >> when does that boredline, when it is past? alert. >> they might tell you. the thing is follow-up, but don't be a stalker, right? you want to, in this day and age it takes a little chutzpah to get past that front door.
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>> true. >> and the only way you'll stand out is if you follow-up on a consistent basis. might be an e-mail, might about call. maybe once a month. maybe every couple of weeks. again, do it until they maybe tell you to stop, or until you break through and, a, find out if they're hired someone for the job or, b, it's not going to be you this time ask for an informational follow-up to keep icmmunencompany. >> wisdom used to be, get your foot in the doori icyou have a chance. now it's in the follow-up? >> it is. absolutely. if you do get that interview, you're miles ahead of many other hundreds of candidates often times. you need to maximize the fact that you got the face time and cultivate that relationship. >> very good. thanks so much. >> thank you. all right. smampt is the new rich. coming up, how can make money just doing your homework. and mitt romney whips out a southern accent.
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40 delegates. close between mitt romney and newt gingrich as well. romney has a slight lead. ron wall was in last. pictures out of springfield, missouri. rick santorum is there at a rally. the gop race for president seems never-ending these days. right? well, here's a quick look at the delegate count as it stands today. mitt romney is in the lead with 447 delegates. ron paul is in last with 67 delegates. only he isn't letting that stand in his way. >> well, it's everybody's race to win. i'm sure even though romney's not here he's hoping, always, for the best. i think we all do that. but i never think it's do or die for anything. everybody's still in the race. there's no declared winner. so i think we're all going to keep doing what we're doing, as maximizing our chances to get more delegates and feel good about that the gop presidential candidates are focusing on the south, and this wyche mitt romney whipped out of a southern
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acce accent. >> i'm learning to say "y'all" and -- i like grits, and things are strange the things that are happening to me. >> well, today newt gingrich jumped on the grits bandwagon. >> unlike one of my competitors, i have had grits before. and that may explain as much as anything, why everybody in alabama and mississippi ought to vote for me. >> so the candidates are gearing up for this tuesday's alabama and mississippi primaries. 90 delegates are up for grabs in those two southern states. and for the latest political news, you know exactly where to go. all right. a lot of us are trying to save money. any way we can. there are things we can do to cut costs on the homefront in particular start starting with a cheaper mortgage. this week the "smart in the new rich" with christine romans.
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>> here are four ways for homeowners to unlock the money in their house. if mortgage rates are at least 2 percentage points less than the rate you're paying you need to refinance. even if you've done it recently. the 15 year is a popular refinancing tool at those lates. 3.3 3.36%. next, appeal your property taxes. most people who do get money back. on average, around 1,300 dollar as year. according to do your homework. call the assessor's office first to make sure you understand the formula for determining your home's value. the assessment on tax bills a often only a fraction. and do sweat the small stuff. it adds up. promable thermostat saves you money a year and don't overpay for your technology. bundle internet, phone, cable, shop around. you can save up to $60 a month if you stwoich a bundle plan. got to make sure you assess your
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needs and don't pay for too much. are you paying for multiple boxes? considered internet phone service? an hour of comparison shopping and several more hours of waiting are to the proverbial cable guy could salve you a bundle. i'm christine romans with this week's "smart is the new rich." >> thanks, christine. the obama campaign is coming out with a hollywood-style documentary. tom hanks is the nair wrnarrato. what does this jost out of the box strategy, next. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning.
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including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. top stories making headlines. cnn projects rick santorum as the winner in the kansas republican caucuses. he will take at least 25 of the state 40 delegates. mitt romney with a slight lead over gingrich in second and ron paul coming in last. american airlines is apologizing for a scary incident aboard one of its flights. how it all unfolded. as a plane was taxiing down the runway yesterday, a flight attendant grabbed the loud speaker and went into a tirade. she said that the plane was going to crash. the passenger caught it all on
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tape, and other passengers and a crew member were able to restrain the attendant. earlier i spoke with another flight attendant who is also an author who said bottom line, this was a random incident. >> i think that people should rest assured that the airline industry is probably -- one of the safest places to go, safest ways to go as opposed to just taking a taxi to the airport. that's probably more dangerous. >> american air lyse says both the attendant and another crew member who restrained her were take ton the hop. the airline is continuing to investigate. overseas now. people in northern syria tell cnn that army tanks and artillery are targeting the town. shells are landing every few minutes and that syrian troops are going house to house arresting opposition activists. more than 60 people are reported dead in fighting today across syria. a dangerous situation there. it's hard to imagine what anyone would want to put themselves on
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the front lines. but cnn reporter arwa damon did just that. last month she was in homs reporting on the atrocities firsthand. >> reporter: obviously been completely trashed, and the activists were telling us that the bombardment, you keep hearing it over and over again, the sounds of artillery is nothing compared to what they've been through before. this was once an ordinary home, an ordinary family lived here and we don't know what their story was. there's just bits and pieces of their lives left behind, including this children's toy. >> what happened to that family? what exactly was it that made them flee? are they alive? there's so much still that we don't know and so much that still needs to be told. >> so learn what it's like to be trapped in terror for 72 hours under fire. a special cnn presents tomorrow night, 8:00 eastern time right here on cnn.
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president barack obama is the main character in a new campaign documentary that starts with election day 2008. take a quick look. >> our time of standing pat, with protecting nair einterests and putting off unpleasant decisions that time has surely passed. >> this is just the trailer that hit the web this week. the actual film is more like an infomercial. it's a 17-minute look at the president's term. it is directed by an oscar winner, davis guggenheim. the same filmmaker behind candidate obama four years ago. our political director mark preston from washington is here to talk more about this. so, you know, mark, this is san interesting approach. 17 minutes to really document the first three years in office. why did the white house take
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this approach? >> because they're trying to define the president before his opponents can define the president, and, of course, we were only able to see two minutes of the trailer. they're actually releasing the 17 minutes on the 15th of march and gold to hold house parties across the country basically politically organizing parties to try to get ready for november, but everything in the film, of course, is very positive. it talks about the challenges president obama faced and the decisions that he took and the successes he achieved. so this was, we're so used to these 30-second and 60-second commercials we see on tv. well, this is a 17-minute commercial, fredricka. >> done full blessings ever the white house, narrating, tom hanks. i mentioned the director already. and i also understand that this documentary is really less about president obama, the man, and more about the america that this president, or this white house, is wanting to showcase?
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>> yeah. because, i think, they don't need to build the narrative any more about who barack obama is, where he came from, what his family life is. it's basically about the challenges we face right now in the united states. the economy. the job loss. the fact that people are still getting foreclosed in great amounts on their homes as well as dealing with the wars, and dealing with osama bin laden. what they're trying to do in the 17-minute film, documentary, web video, whatever you want to call it, what actions did president obama take to turn things around. they take a positive view on it. in fact, listen to what piers morgan, an interview he had with david guggenheim the other night and what guggenheim had to say about it. >> i think there are negatives in the sense that the challenges when you're trying to pass health care and in a really toxic environment. negatives in terms of the opposition, the political climate in washington.
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time and time gn you hear that from people who work closely with him. he ran loping to change the political climate in washington and it hasn'ted happened. he's wanted to compromise, bring team together and make tough decisions. i say that in the movie and hasn't had another side working with him. >> well, so clearly, mr. guggenheim, of course, he's nothing as -- nothing negative over the past two years or seen shortcomings of the president. mitt romney, i have to tell you, wrch the folks running four the republican presidential nomination took after the president on the campaign trail yesterday and said, well, you know, mr. president, why don't you talk to the people who are losing their jobs, the soldiers coming home right now who can't find a job. in fact, this has become quite a political topic on the campaign trail now. >> i'm sure the white house expected that. all right. mark preston. >> of course. >> thanks so much. appreciate that. the fight, faced by many american troops doesn't end on the battlefield. many returned home way bigger
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as troops return home from war more are in need of mental health treatment. getting doeg nigsed with post-traumatic stress disorder did take time. many forced to wait months before seeing a specialist. one vet wasn't able to get help until he was on the edge. >> another army achievement medal. >> jessica raines is proud of her husband's service. paul raines spent time invest getting suicide bomb attacks. >> you see a lot. one of the bombings in the market that killed women and children. i mean -- it changes your whole perspective on life. >> reporter: when he returned to civilian life in maryland he had a hard time coping. he learned later that he had post-traumatic stress disorder. >> i tranq like a fish when we
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got back. really, just trying to suppress and kill the pain of what i saw over there. so it took a little while for knee get around to the idea, okay. i need help. >> reporter: the raines' contacted a veterans affairs medical center last may i. didn't have any choice. it was time to make a change. his moods were all over the place. his eating habits were -- were up and down. we weren't even sleeping in the same bed, because whoa have flashbacks or nightmares. >> reporter: paul got an appointment with the primary care physician but says the doctor didn't perform a full evaluation and instead gave him medications to combat anxiety and depression. the veterans health investigation mental health handbook says all new patients should receive treatment within 14 days. 95% of cases meet the requirements. the department's own survey found 37% of vets have to wait longer than 14 days for an appointment. once referred to a specialist,
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52% wait more than two weeks to be seen. that was the case for paul. the pills he was prescribed in may made matters worse and he didn't receive therapy. by july, he was suicidal. >> they admitted me into the psychiatric ward over at the v.a. clinic for a period of almost a week. i didn't meet the ptsd specialist until the end of august. >> after he was hospitalized. >> even though they all knew i had ptsd it was the end of august before i could actually meet with an actually ptsd psychologist. >> reporter: lawmakers are putting pressure to improve. >> when a veteran has the courage to stand up and ask for help, the v.a. must be there with not only timely access to care but also the right type of care. >> reporter: the v.a. is reviewing mental health services at all fasts. for the raines' some things are improving. paul's psychologist is great but meet just once, sometimes twice a month.
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>> i know i'm heading in the right direction. the question is, will the v.a. actually be there to stand by me and help me through the process? >> reporter: athena jones, cnn, frederick, maryland. and one-third of couples under the age of 35 face infertility issues. coming up, why this has more people turning to medicine. [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza. ♪ experience love that lasts. ♪ imagine if you could always see life [music] in the best light. every time of day. outdoors, or in.
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we all know by now it's harder for women over 35 to get pregnant. one-third of kibble couples wh woman is under 35 have trouble concei conceiving. dr. sanjay gupta has more on what doctors can do to help families conceive in today's "health for her." >> reporter: michelle and mike herring have the family they always wanted but it wasn't easy. at 30 she had to use hormone therapy to get pregnant. the result, their son levi who's now 7 years old.
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two years later had a hard time conceiving a second child and tried in vitro fertilization. >> by the third time i knew it was -- it was stressful. >> reporter: after rourchlds unsuccessful treatments she learned she had premature ovarian failure, couldn't produce viable eggs and chose to use a donor and mae was born. >> an emotionally taxing journey. i now that knew that one day i would look back and forget the struggle, and -- and i did. i mean, it's hard for me to think about it now, but, you know, i mean, we have a wonderful family and i can't imagine it being any other way. >> reporter: the decision to use sperm or egg donation is personal one. embryologists say it's often the best solution since donor egg
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and sperm and offer higher success rates. >> coming from women who are somewhere around 21 to 28, 29 or so. >> reporter: so a 40-year-old woman says, i'm not making eggs. good quality eggs anymore. i'll take a donor egg. >> correct. >> reporter: from a 25-year-old. has that woman's 25-year-old genetic material, combined with sperm from -- >> from her husband. correct. >> reporter: that person's partner. is this something that happens a lot? >> oh, yes. absolutely. here in the united states about 10 to 15% of all iivfs are. >> reporter: the doctor says more and more families are choosing this route to have a family. >> they have a baby picture they can choose from and also know most of their background history, or what their genetic makeup is. interests, maybe their
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education. >> reporter: they get to choose their eggs. >> yes. >> reporter: how much does that process cost? >> $16,000500 and that includes everything f. everything. >> reporter: if a woman in mid-40s, gets pregnant, is it assumed she had an egg donor? >> not a lot with their own eggs. >> reporter: michelle and mike plan to share conception stories with both their children. >> it needs to be okay, and not be looks at as some weird thing to use alternate methods. you know, non-traditional ways to have a family. >> if we're describing, in ten years ever fully -- it's like describes, you know, a visit to the doctor, that it's become so prevalent that the stigma's gone. that will help, too. it's nothing we've worried about. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. each week cnn's dr. sanjay
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gupta profiles inio vaters from all walks of life and endeavor. the program is called "the next list." tomorrow he talks with a grouper collectors at sinlab collecting extraordinary art, work and videos. here's a preview. >> we sdrided to build a 100 foot long made out of 515 individually computer controlled full color l.e.d.s and connected all that to a music source. we had a deejay come and the light sequences were pre-programmed to play along with the tempo of the music. and it was beautiful. >> all right. that's tomorrow. 2:00 eastern time. >> i said, fred, isn't that -- oh. i guess it's -- yeah's. it's cool. >> it's art. where's do you naught? it's so big it has to be in a giant arena. >> how are you? >> good. >> we called each other.
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purple. >> got the purple thing going on pap day of serenity. right? >> yes. it is. >> a giving color. >> a color's royalty. >> okay. >> i'm going great. you have been covering this story. i have been covering this storyish about the flight attendant who sort of lost it yesterday during takeoff. saying the plane was going to crash, over the loud speaker. can you imagine? now, imagine if you were on that flight, one of the other flight attendants what would you have done? what would you do? >> tough one to call. >> yeah, yeah. >> depends where you were sitting and a lot of things i. would get up and doing something. at five eastern we'll talk to one of the passengers who jumped into action. took five people to subdue her. one flight attendant actually injured. the guy who helped was a former army soldier couldn't just sit and watch. several other attendants it's stepped up. the plane's going down. she mentioned 9/11, i think they said.
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>> tough one to call. it's always difficult to know what you could do, and if you were in a certain predicament. something that happened in an iran stant. no planning. so instincts. what would your instincts have do you? >> i know i would have done something. gotten up and at least screamed or something. also getting a lot of attention you've been talking about, the network, a lot of people as well, this week about a new documentary startinging a man accused of kidnapping african children and forcing them to kill. at 7:00 eastern tonight, one of his child soldiers. he managed to escape. an unbelievable story to share, and there's also around this documentary, there's controversy about the awareness of as. some people say joseph kony hasn't been here for years and years and it's actually hoorming the people. >> interesting conversation coming from that. thanks, don. >> all right. next, a water spout forms. a tornado in hawaii, and drops,
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can you believe that, don? hawaii. you're in hawaii there to enjoy the sun and sail and then there's hail. we're going to explain. >> hail. not hell. >> hail. [ male announcer ] the draw of the past is a powerful thing. \ s 5 :- - 00 p .m. \ safety technology,eading-ee like available blind spot monitor... [ tires screech ] ...night view... and heads-up display. [ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. on december 21st, polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space, which would render retirement planning unnecessary.
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but say the sun rises on december 22nd and you still need to retire, td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans? have more fiber than other leading brands. they're the better way to enjoy your fiber. take a look outside in places. a lot of sunshine. bonnie schneider, our resident sunshine meteorologist. how's it looking? >> not sunshining in places that normally see tropical paradise. talking about hawaii. >> right. hail.
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>> incredible. got to see the video of hail in hawaii. it's unusually -- to say the two together. we did see a lot of rain and a lot of thunderstorm activity in hawaii. take a look at these pictures. these are some large harreilsto. forms when the updraft is blowing ice particles up and down, like a popcorn popper. at some point the ice becomes heavy and falls. it caused damage. rainfall totals over the past week in hawaii, incredible. talking about more than a foot of rain in many locations. now, we do have rain right now in texas. it's not as bad as we just saw. just to let you know, rain steady and heavy throughout the day today and into the evening in dallas and san antonio and even into houston. a lot of it work towards oklahoma city and something to keep a watch on not just for today but for tomorrow. look at sunday's forecast. severe storms are possible for the dallas area. shreveport, louisiana and into arkansas. this is incidentally the same area that got severe weather
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earlier this week. we're seeing a similar setup. keep in mind if you're traveling or driving, plan accordingly for severe weather. tomorrow's storms could produce strong hail. watching that. >> never-ending. turning out to be a crazy prelude to spring. isn't it? >> yes. >> bonnie, you might be into this. ncaa action. getting ready for a little march madness. huh? whew. okay. sunday selection, tomorrow. i'm actually going to fill out a bracket. i know. very scary. i know it. >> oh, lord. >> don! it's you and me. don, we'll be competing on those brackets. test your bracket skills against mine and you, too, bonnie. it's going to be easy. you all will total lly slaughte me. that's where the action is. >> i'm going to cheencht all right. much more in the "newsroom" straight ahead. i'm fredricka whitfield. thanks, bye. done. >> bye, fred. [ male announcer ] if you believe the mayan calendar,
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