tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 10, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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i like yoplait. it is yoplait. but you said it was greek. mmhmm. so is it greek or is it yoplait? exactly. okay... [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. it took five people to restrain an out of control flight attendant who told everyone onboard the plane it was going to go down. one of the men who restrained her talks to us live on this broadcast. incredible new video. the twister that ripped apart an entire community in kentucky. you'll see it here.
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and new images inside the japan desolation zone on the one-year anniversary of one of the most natural and nuclear disasters ever. i'm don lemon. you're in the "cnn newsroom." thank you for joining us. in the meantime, we start with this -- a push for peace in syria. looks like it is going nowhere. the former u.n. chief kofi annan moat with bashar al assad. he rue feuses talks until the violence is over insisting his forces are fighting armed terrorists. the two sides are expected to meet again tomorrow and annan pushes the group to give aid to hard-hit town, the bloodshed goes on with at least 63 people killed just today. >> looking at tanks prowling the streets in the north. activist reports heavy shelling in the city. he tells cnn security forces are
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searching house-to-house for members ever the opposition. anyone caught faces an ugly fate. like this man. in daraa, clearly wounded. he's loaded into a military truck. can't confirm the authenticity or fate of this man. the person who posted it, evident to the government conducting mass arrests. each town hopes to avoid the fate ever homs. in the city, citizens take part in suicide, suicide running driving supplies across open spaces. dodging sniper fire. sometimes make it other times, drivers aren't so lucky. security crushes resistant but the violence isn't over. a quick programming reminder. arwa damon and her team were inside the syrian stiff homs. one of the movie dast dangerouss in syria right now. join us sunday night for an eye-opening firsthand account, a
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cnn special called "72 hours under fire" tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. and promising revenge after a series of israeli air strikes that kill at least 15 palestinians in gaza. >> israel says the strikes were in response to a barrage of rocket attacks out of gaza. those rockets wounded four people in southern israel. israel released video of a strike it call add weapon manufacturing plant. a spokesman for the palestinian authority said the "escalation will only raise tensions between the two sides." blame or an explosion on al qaeda linked to militants. three people killed in the blast says the red cross in kenya's capital of nigh robey. at least 40 people lurt. witnesses heard several explosions possibly grenades at a bus station. no claim of responsibility yet.
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here in the united states we're going to talk politics. cnn is projecting rick santorum has won today's kansas caucuses. our cnn political direct sir there, mark preston standing bier in washington. and at a polling snags kansas. we start with mr. mark preston. mark, this was expected since both mitt romney and newt gingrich pretty much seconcede e state to santorum. how big is this? >> huge in the sense that it's more wind at the back of rick santorum heading into a very critical two-state primary night. not only going to see alabama and mississippi hold their primaries, but hawaii. also holding their contest on that night. so a win is a win is a win, and for rick santorum, 25 delegates, at least 25 delegates right now, not a bad thing to pick up on a saturday afternoon, don. >> so that 25 delegates. give us a delegate breakdown. >> a quick look at the board pap new estimate now. you need 1,444 delegates to win
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the republican presidential nomination answers the new delegate estimate shows that mitt romney is in the lead, of course, with 447. rick santorum with these at least 25 delegates in hand a up to 195. newt gingrich at 118. ron paul at 67. let me give you information that's just come in, don. this morning, mitt romney won 18 delegates. he sent his son over to guam in the northern mariana islands to serve as a surrogate. those two territories participate in the nominating process. mitt romney won those. my colleague right behind me ashley is listening in live from a rick santorum event in missouri. rick santorum just said she sending his daughter elizabeth over to hawaii. there are 17 delegates at stake on tuesday night in hawaii. so now this just goes to show, every delegate counts, don. >> but there are more delegates that will be picked up inriana guam. right? >> reporter: 18 that mitt romney won clean. won them this morning. he put them in his pocket.
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they are in the delegate count right now. so he has won those clean. so now we're moving ahead. of course what we saw today in kansas. 15 more delegates to apportion as we see results come in and figure where they're going to end up. of course, we go into tuesday night, in mississippi and alabama, spending so much time looking at right now and then, of course, hawaii, which rick santorum is now going to be fighting very lard from those 17 delegates at stake. >> all about the delegates and goes on until it's done in november. thank you, mark preston. bring in political shannon travis live at the santorum caucus site. shannon what sense from the voters today? what's on their minds? >> reporter: you know, you really have to be here on the ground to get a sense of how rick santorum pulled out this victory. obviously a lot of the republicans a close republican caucus here, don. a lot of them want president obama ousted nap was one of their major concerns. they also expressed concerns about government spending and over taxation. get this, don. i spoke way few people who even
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coming into this caucus today were undecided about who to caucus for. one woman told me you know, shannon? i'm torn between rick santorum and mitt romney. rick santorum she felt doesn't have as much experience as she would like in terms ever handling the economy but speaks with passion. she said about mitt romney that he has the experience, the business experience that she believes will help right the economy, but that she believes that she doesn't quite know who he is. so a lot of undecided voters. there was emblematic of a lot of people i spoke with. also earlier today, ron paul was the only candidate here actively campaigning on caucus day. and i had a chance to catch up with him and talk to him about, again, his strategy of amassing delegates. take a listen, don. >> well, it's everybody's race to win. i'm sure even though romney the not here he's hoping always for the best. i think we dual that. but i nerve are think it's do or die for anything. everybody's still in the race. there's no declared winner.
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so i think we're all going to keep doing what we're doing, as maximizing our chances to get more delegates and we feel good about that. >> reporter: so, there again, don, even though dr. paul has yet to win any contests of this political cycle. you heard it there. he feels good about picking up the delegates so far as he has. >> this is a really conservative areaance lots of evangelicals. social issue, rick santorum's strength, drive voters there? >> reporter: yeah, it did. that was another thing that you heard, another strain of thinking that you heard from some of the conservatives voters at the caucus site we at today. keep in mind that rick santorum has been riding that wave, the wave of social conservatism, through a lot of these contests. here in kansas. that helped propel him to victory in oklahoma. arguably in tennessee and other places. north dakota he won recently as well. yeah. that's definitely on the minds of some of the voters that i've spoken with today. again, a lot of people felt like
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he speaks with conviction and passion. >> shannon travis. appreciate it, sir. >> thank. >> thanks, shannon and to mark preston as well. you have to hear this story pap new report finds hiv rates among some african-american women in the u.s. are almost as high at in parts of africa. we're going to explain that after the break. and the month of march, the month we're in right now is very popular time to dump your spouse. who knew? you're going to find out why. back in two minutes. ight balanc from front to back... and back to front. ♪ giving you exceptional control from left to right... and right to left. ♪ the cadillac cts. ♪ we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. in here,
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i mean, phil, does this look risky to you? nancy? fred? no. well it is. in a high-risk area, there's a 1-in-4 chance homes like us will flood. i'm glad i got flood insurance. fred, you should look into it. i'm a risk-taker. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. visit to learn your risk. the story you'll be hearing a lot about. it's sure to surprise you. a new national study found hiv in black women in certain parts of the u.s. almost as high as what researchers snee in parts f
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africa. the study funded by the national institutes of health. these cities, new york, newark, baltimore, washington and atlanta. at-risk for hiv, five times overallisn't the united states. black women suffer the most when it comes to hiv infections. unbelievable. study focused on areas known for a higher occurrence of the hiv virus. researchersfold followed more than 2,000 women and join us tomorrow here on cnn 7:00 eastern time. we're going in dep-depth on thi study of hiv rates among black women. and putting a huge strain on your marriage pap frort a seattle radio station, lawyers say the month of march is the most common month to get a divorce. joining me to talk more about
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this, this is really march madness. right? why? what's up? >> people have gone through the holiday, through thanksgiving, christmas, valentine's. nothing worse than feeling miserable during valentine's day. that's it. spring cleaning. out with the old. in with the new. sounds harsh, but it's true. >> looking at the study, something called normal marital hatred. that's strong words in a strong phrase. what does that mean? >> that means there's a point within nine months to four years where every couple looks over and says, i don't want to be with you anymore. a normal phase. people think that's a reason to get divorced. that's just not true. >> according to the cdc, half of marriages now end in divorce. so give me the factors that lead to divorce. >> well, one. a lot of people -- >>al hatred. >> that's every couple. people have a fantasy idea, especially women of romance and marriage. the ready is, you have to tend top it, work at it. people look up and say, we're
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not -- don't have the chemistry we used to. in reality, the first nine months to four years is really almost like a cocaine high. of chemicals in which you're drawn. >> endorphin high. >> it's the -- the symbiotic i love you, you love me. when it wears off people don't know how to work to make the marriage stay together. >> that's not realistic. normal marital hatred. nothing normal about hatred. >> true. >> that means people go into marriages for all the wrong reasons believing it's going to be, oh, i love you so much. that's not the real issue when it comes to marriage. probably why so many people get divorced thnchts e think because they're not getting along yushgs not meeting my needs. not realizing you're responsible. >> no one's meeting your needs but you. >> there it s. i've preemped. experts believe as the economy gets better divorce rate will rise. right? can you do anything to prevent that?
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i guess, be realistic about marriage? what marriage is? >> one of the things that holds marriages together, being aible to make each other's dreams come true. build them around ambitions and dreams coming true, not money. you'll be able to stay together a long time. >> real deal. sorry about preemping, but, hey. >> it's all good. people need to know if you're unhappy it's not a reason to get divorced. work it out. change yourself and you'll be fine. >> interesting study. appreciate your expertise. one year after the mag in a toot earthquake in japan, more than 3,100 people still missing. every time i see the video still can't believe it one year later. inside the devastate the fukushima daiichi plant. furse this. first this. homeowners over pay an average of $471 for mortgage. this is "smart is the new rich" looking at things homeowners can
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do now to unlock the money they may have in their homes. >> reporter: here are four ways for homeowners to unlock the money in their house. if mortgage rates are at least two percentage points less than the rate you're paying, you need to refinance. even if you've done it recently. the 15 year is a popular refinancing tool. those rates, 3.36%. next, appeal your property taxes. most people who do get money back. on average, around $1,300 a year. that's according to do your homework. calm the assessor's office first to make sure you understand the formula for determining your home's value. the assessment listed on tax bills is often only a fraction ever the real value that determines your tax. and do sweat the small stuff. they add up. using a programmable thermostat will save you $180 a year. this say cording to energy star and don't overpay for your technology. bundle your internet, phone, your cable. shop around. can you save up to $60 a month
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switching to a bubdal plan. assess your needs and don't pay for too much. paying for multiple boxes? considered internet services? several more hours of waiting for the preverb yabl cable guy could save awe bundle. i'm christine romans with this week's "smart is the new rich." in america, we believe in a future that is better than today. since 1894, ameriprise financial has been working hard for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout. helping generations achieve dreams. buy homes. put their kids through college. retire how they want to. ameriprise. the strength of america's largest financial planning company. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you, one-to-one. together, for your future. ♪
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it hardly seems that long but tomorrow mark as one-year anniversary of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake in japan that triggered a massive tsunami that engulfed entire communities and killed nearly 16,000 people. one year later more than 3,100 people are still missing. japan's earthquake became a triple disaster when it caused the worst nuclear meltdown since the chernobyl disaster. and a rare look inside the devastated fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant. take a look. >> reporter: inside a nuclear disaster. these are the nameless men tanked with cleaning up the crippled fukushima nuclear plant. nearly one year ago, this was the site of a triple meltdown pap force so powerful, radiation still leaks today. a 12-mile radius around the
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plant remains a nuclear wasteland, yet these workers operate around the clock trying to contain the radiation and nuclear fuel amid the melted steel of the blown reactor buildings. this author wanted to know more about these men who risk their lives for so little in return. so he disguised himself as a fellow contract laborer. he's looking into a small video camera. >> this is a lens. >> reporter: disguised as a wristwatch for six weeks he captured daily life as a day hire. came within feet of the crippled reactors. you can see the gaping holes that led from a nuclear leak exploding through the waums. teed 6,000 gal, of emergency water is still being sprayed every hour into the reactor buildings so the melted nuclear fuel doesn't overheat and spiral out of control again. suzuki document wlad he saw and the workers he met in a recently published book. >> what is the primary message of your book?
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>> translator: stop lying, he says. >> reporter: what is this lie that you're talking about? >> translator: there's no way you won't be nuclear activated if you work at the plant. tepco tells cnn it has nothinging to say about suzuki's book. the company maintains worker safety is a high priority, and protection from radiation exposure has improved since the early days of the disaster. but they do not dispute the scientific fact. this job puts workers at risk and it is that fact, suzuki said, that explains why the men he met atf f are average people. not nuclear engineers. we know little else about those cleaning unthe nuclear plants. many we try to interview say they're worried they'll lose their jobs if they talk. is a zook hey heard it again and again. a fear if the workers tell the public what it's like to work inside the plant they'll be fired. cnn was part of a recent media tour of the fukushima nuclear
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plant where tepco hand selected workers to interview. a contracted toshiba worker for the plant. >> a grown man. 33 years old. wipe do you continue to work here? >> translator: this accident happened at my plant. it's my mission to keep working here. >> reporter: that sort of hero narrative is what tepco what's the world to hear. not the real story. >> why are people working there? >> translator: for the money, he says. they're not worried about the health risks decades down the line. today's bread. tomorrow's meal. rents for next month. that's what they're worried about. for cnn, tokyo. a quick programming note for you. be sure to watch a cnn special report on last year's disaster in japan. look at that individual joe. incredible to see a year later. coming untonight midnight eastern on cnn and cnn international. simulcast. live from fukushima for the anniversary. you really don't want to miss that. it's going to be very
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take a look at this new video from kentucky. home surveillance images from last week's violent ef-3 tornado that ripped through morgan county. you can see the storm approaching. a motorist tries to beat the storm, then as it hit. you can see debris and roofs ripped from houses there. look at that. unbelievable. inside the store that captured video described it sounding not like a train but 100 trains all at once. look at that. bonnie schneider, meteorologist, 21 people dead from this. amazing video. 95 mile swath that cut through. >> incredible. the debris, we talk about preparations watch out for debris flying. to literally see it come off the roof of a house and pummeling anyone in its path is incredible. the amount of debris is catching my eye. usually we see pun one or two
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pieces falling. this is incredible. the magnitude and force of this storm. >> look at this a little more. we don't often get a chance to see this, bonnie, and i don't know if this helps anything when it comes to, you know, forecasting these things. just showing the damage, but maybe in terms ever structures, you know, thousand create structures that can withstand or do a better job -- look at that tree. goodness. >> completely uprooted. that happens in the force of a tornado like this. video helps. obviously, unsafe to be there. the fact there was a camera mounted gives the surveillance eye, absolutely helps forecasters in the future. >> this is why you tell us, meteorologist. see the roof? why you say, you've got to get in a safe place, because think debris just goes flying. everything is a projectile. every single thing. >> outside and inside the house, too. what you have to keep in mind. obviously, standing out here, we're seeing debris. imagine what's going on inside the homes.
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flying debris. >> wow. bonnie, moving on to talk about at least some better news now when it comes to texans during a drought. right? >> that's right. always good to get rain. hopefully not severe weather. today it's more of a rainmaker event. doing into tomorrow, the rick for severe weather in terms of thunderstorms. right now, steady rain. a swath of it working its way across the dallas area heading into oklahoma city. if you're headed in that direction, where you'll see heavy downpours. our forecast for precipitation, computer models show we're looking at at least two inches in the dallas area, in north texas. all beneficial as well. we need it, keep in mind, i mentioned that risk for severe storms tomorrow. not so much today. through here, into texas. northern louisiana including shreveport. incidentally, an area we saw severe weather just over the past couple of days. it's going to come right in the same pattern once again. elsewhere across the country, it looks pretty good. we're finally getting high pressure in the east. temperatures warm up as a result. pretty mild out there and all of a sudden much colder.
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getting back up to normal. the nice weather. highs in new york, 60 degrees in atlanta. 67. something else, i want to mention important for tomorrow, i don't want you to be late. oversleep. >> da, da, da, daylight saving time and no s on saving. just saving. >> not something you'll do if you're in -- excuse me, alaska or hawaii doesn't do this. important to note. 2:00 a.m. sunday, spring forward. if you have an early start monday morning, especially good to double check you've done this. you don't want to be late, i mentioned. >> i want my hour back and i want it now. >> to get more daylight during evening hours. >> appreciate it. thank you, bonnie. we're right at the half hour now. take a look at your top stories -- we start with at least 63 people killed in syria today as a diplomatic push to end the violence hate roadblock. some of the fiercest fighting was in an area where residents
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are terrified their town faces the same fate. ruthlessly rushing opposition proteste protesters. kofi annan is appealing for an end to the violence in syria. they dismissed calls for dialogue. syria's president dismissed calls for dialogue. mississippi the attorney general not giving up after losing his legal battle over the controversial state's pardons. upheld pardons including four convicted killers granted by former governor haley barbour as he was leaving office. meantime, west central minnesota, a middle school student is suing her school district over facebook. the 12-year-old says she was pressured to divulge her password and punished for statements she made on social media network. the lawsuit claims the sixth
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grader's first and fourth amendment rights were violated, backed by the american civil liberties union. a canadian skier died after crashing during a competition. 29-year-old nick zuicic. finishing the eighth round and slammed into the safety threating. organizers cancelled the entire event including tomorrow's world cup final. this just in. washington state authorities arrest add suspects who they say shot and stabbed a deputy and attack add judge inside of a courthouse. new information in. they've made an arrest there. investigators say the man, stephen kravitz, stabbed a female deputy, threw her to the ground and then grabbed her gun and shot her. allegedly then he stabbed a judge who rushed to the deputy's aid. authorities say the arrest, well, took place without incident after the suspects's mother called police after seeing immediate reports about the incident.
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both the deputy and judge were treated and released from the hospital. they've just made an arrest in that case. imagine flying on a plane and hearing the flight attendant yell, we're going to crash. what happened on an american airline jet. can you imagine that? that report is next. gra360 inv. e-trade 360 is the world's first investing homepage that shows you where all your investments are and what they're doing with free streaming quotes, news, analysis and even your trade ticket. everything exactly the way you want it, all on one page. transform your investing with the all-new e-trade 360 investing dashboard.
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[ male announcer ] we didn't have to make safety features like active head restraints, brake assist, and an enhanced accident-response system standard in every chrysler 200. no one would know if we didn't. but we would have. and for us, the things you do when no one is looking are the things that define you. ♪
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do you fly a lot? it's not going to be your favorite story. 23 you have some fear of flying, not a good story as well, but you should watch. because flight attendants are supposed to be a source of calm. right? yesterday one triggered chaos onboard an american airlines plane about to take off from dallas. listen to what passengers heard from this flight attendant. [ screaming ] >> okay. that was the flight attend attendant. the cream screams were not the of it. a rant over the p.a. mentioning crashing several times and talked about problems with the union. this happened friday on a flight, flight 2332 to chicago. look at this. >> she said, i give up. she said it's not my fault that
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the plane crashes. and several times she referred to turning the plane around, and if the plane crashes, it's not her fault. she mentioned opening the doors and at that time we taxiing towards the runway. obviously, they were afraid we were going to take off. >> all right. so i want you to notice the man in blue with a cap on. see that? connor ford. he was one of the handful of people, fellow passengers and crew who restrained the flight attendant before officers had to cart her away. connor joins me live. hi, connor. how you doing? >> hi, don. how are you? >> i'm great. you're in chicago. my former city there. the weather looks beautiful. you're safe. we're glad. let's go through this. let's play through this. play this through. you first hear the flight attendant over the p.a. and think it's a joke. right? >> yes. >> yeah. so what specifically made you
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realize that something was definitely wrong and that this wasn't a joke? >> you heard her escalate the conversation, and she started saying the plane was going to crash. the pilot's not listening. i had two boys sitting across the aisle from me who started screaming saying they wanted off the plane. the plane was going crash bp so the second time when she said crash is when you know, i noticed the pushing in the galley with the flight attendant and a pilot and a passenger in first class and saw them shove her back from the cockpit and so that's when i got out of my seat and went to go help. >> okay. so you're on the plane. you guys, you were taxiing already. right? >> yes, sir. >> okay. so you're taxiing over -- you're sitting in coach. like 23-something. right? >> yeah. 23f. >> all right. you're in the back. and she's in first class. and there's an argument over the loud speaker.
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there are two different flight attendants. several flight attendants. who's in control here? i'm going to say this, i'm going say that. that's what first perked up your ears. correct? >> yes. >> okay. >> yes it was. >> then you see fighting up front. you see another passenger in first and then you go, what made you go up front? what triggered you to act? >> i saw that they needed help, and that nobody was really in control. there was no pilot that came over. so you know, somebody had to take control. there was scared people around me. i saw that going to the front of the plane, that it was completely open. so, you know, i knew i could help. so i just got out of my seat, ran to the front, helped the other passengers and flight attendants helped the lady having a very bad day. >> what did you do to help restrain her? >> i came around. they shoved her. i caught her in my arms. placed my arm around her upper chefrt and subdued one of her
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arms and then put her in an open seat right on the right of me and just held her down. >> okay. hold on. can we rerack the tape running down and run it? she's screaming the entire time. i want our view is to hear. we're going to be quiet, connor, and then i just want to hear. [ inaudible ]. >> replace the crew -- >> yeah. [ inaudible ]. >> get off the plane! get off the plane! >> i think -- >> seems like she stop, screams. stops and then is screaming more. did she say anything as you guys were trying toho hoold her down?
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>> she did. we tried to talk with her, to calm her down. it really wasn't working. she was talking about terrorists. how she hopes the plane blows up. you know, the screams sound really bad, but at that point we did have her controlled. i was really just hoping we could get back and give her some medical attention. you know, she did say she was with the airlines for over 20 years. >> hmm. >> so you know, obviously did something well for 20 years to keep her job. you know, but definitely the screams did scare a lot of people. >> what do you make of it? what's the takeaway for viewers and for passengers, especially after 9/11, people are very afraid to fly. i'm one ever them. i haof them. i have to admit that. >> the takeaway is, thanks to people taking the footage so we can learn from what happened. having the footage is valuable to us to learn from what
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happened. all the individuals that calmed 911. the response from the tarmac and then just, not just my -- all the passengers did help and we rallied around one another, and you know were able to take a bad situation and keep it, you know pretty minimal. up know, once we pulled the plane over. >> connor ford. appreciate it. the flight attendant went to the hospital for evaluation. not facing criminal charges. glad you and everyone is okay from that plane. >> thanks, pal. and next up, a florida community in disbelief. >> my son left for florida in a body bag while george zimmerman went home to go to sleep in his own bed. >> an unarmed teenager shot and killed by someone whose job it is to keep the neighborhood safe. talking law and justice with attorney holly hughes coming up. first, among releech
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organizations scrambling to, first response team of america. this week cnn's rob marciano caught up with him bringing his expertise, help and hope to one devastated community. >> get away from us, lord. take it away. >> reporter: as severe storms tore through the midwest last weekend taking 40 lives, emergency recovery teams scrambled to return to devastated communities across ten states. >> push this forward. >> reporter: among relief workers heading into the destruction zone, cnn hero tad and his first response team of america. >> let's get the debris cleared fluff to get the claw in here. we got here a few hours after the tornado struck this unit. we've cleared the road. provided the light towers. we powered up the grocery store. powered up the gas station, proied essentials that this community needs.
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>> reporter: since 2007, his team crisscrossed the country providing recovery assistance to thousands of people at 40 disaster sites for free. this week they've worked tirelessly for days restoring services and clearing tons of debris. >> see if you can grab the claw actually cut the roof right in half. >> it's very hard for traditional equipment without the claw to actually grab this debris. that's why you need specialty equipment like this. >> what do you do with it? >> remove it from the community, but time sf the essence. a lot of people want to get back in here looking for anything they can salvage. >> reporter: why do you do this? choose this road? >> when i'm watching the super cells go right over these small communities, i want to be there to help. >> reporter: you do good stuff. thanks. >> thank you. what is that? it's you!
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police say the watch captain had called 911 to report seeing a suspicious person. now a month has passed and there have been no arrested and no answers from local police. we want to talk now to law and justice attorney holly hughes is here. what has the teen's family done to get answers? i have to say, people are outraged, people are tweeting -- are you going to do the story, when are you going to do the story? what's the family done? >> what they've done is gone to the police department. they've said, let us at least listen to the 911 call. find out what the genesis of this entire thing was. this is a young man walking to the local store to buy his little brother some skittles. okay? this is not a young man who's out there flashing gang signs and colors. he doesn't have a weapon on him. so the family has repeatedly said, let us listen to the 911 tapes, find out what was so suspicious about our young son walking to the store? they want to see the police
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reports and no one will help them or disclose rch the watch captain's name is george zimmerman. according to affiliate, 911 dispatchers told george zimmerman not to interfere. he did it anyway. could he face charges? >> i don't understand why he's not facing them already? >> really. >> he's an unarmed young man. how in the world did you shoot him? that is not equal force. not self-defense. because you can't -- somebody punches you, you can't take out and uzi and cut him in half. equal force to be self-defense. talking about an unarmed young man, i'm surprised we haven't seen charges yet, but now that we are bringing light to the story, you and i are talking about it here on cnn, the world is going to be talking ak it, hopefully we will see something done, because he was advised, continue to interfere with this young man. let us take care of it. the next thing we know, this child is dead on the sidewalk. >> we'll be watching and
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continue to report on the story. you better believe. thank you. another interesting story now, holly, out of florida. a couple has sued the florida lottery after a winning scratch off was found invalid because of a misprint. the couple thought they'd won $500,000. what are the chances they get money here? >> you know what? the litry nee lottery needs to corporation out there were to produce a defective product like that and give you something that doesn't turn out -- now you think you got a winning lottery ticket, kind of like you buy a blender you think you're going to make margheritas. what if the blender doesn't function, sorry, we messed up. give me a new blender or pay for this one. you're selling a commodity, $1 in a dream. these people thought they got the dream, so legally speaking i think they've got a pretty strong case because they're not at fault, it's the doctrine of
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clean hands. they didn't do anything wrong. it's not like they participated in trying to make a misprint. >> if they sue they spend that much in legal fees to get the money. >> if the lottery commission is found to be at fault then they can ask for their attorneys' fees as well. absolutely. >> seems like there should be a compromi compromise, just give us half. >> something, what a letdown, don, half a million to zero, because whoops, we made a mistake. really. >> i didn't read this but my producer said i think the chances of this happening is like 1 in 18 billion, something like that. >> incredibly high number, i read the same statistic. it only happens once in a while but you were on notice that it happened so guess what? you should have corrected the problem. this is a problem with their printing machine. >> bottom, 18 out of 12.3 billion tickets. >> cnn is on top of it, don, we have the stats, baby, that's right. >> show everybody this, i'm
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digging that. i wear chucks and she did them in honor. >> don's got some fabulous brown and black ones so i bought these in honor of don lemon. >> love having you. >> thank you. a 91-year-old hides a disability from his family for years, his inspiring story of overcoming his painful secret, after the break. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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for 90 most sea faring years jim henry couldn't read or write. >> i was so ashamed of myself that i never told anyone. >> growing up with the strict portuguese father, henry was put to work as a young child. his father didn't care about school so henry seldom went to class. >> i didn't learn a thing, didn't know nothing. >> his teachers promoted him still to the next grade. henry eventually dropped out of school, kept working, got married and used his street smarts to get by. his wife knew he couldn't read a word. friends and family had their suspicions but never asked. it wasn't until his wife became ill he openly admitted i was
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illiterate. >> i says i got to do something. i says i can't go on all of my life this way. >> reporter: with the help of family and friends henry began to teach himself. >> he went through the entire dictionary back to front reading. >> reporter: studies show as the human brain ages it becomes more difficult to learn a new skill especially at the age of 90, so henry hired a tutor to help him and two years later he succeeded, but henry decided to take it a step further. he had all these stories stuck inside his head with no way to pass them along. so now armed with the written word, he put them in a book called "in a fisherman's language. "it's a reflection of his life. he published it at the age of 96. it's become very popular especially among people with learning disabilities. >> i always thought that he would draw on something of his life. i never realized that this would happen, that this book would be so popular. >> reporter: today henry shakes his head when someone calls him
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an author. it's hard for him to process the last few years but says it's been a journey like no other. >> i don't know how i survived, but here i am. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. >> thank you, dr. gupta. the death toll in syria soars to 63, an update when we come back. so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only listerine® that gets teeth two shades whiter and makes tooth enamel two times stronger. get dual-action listerine® whitening rinse. building whiter, stronger teeth.
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terrorist armed gangs are threatening the country. michael manson has arremads arrested for a family disturbance, facing a charge of cruelty to a child after an apparent fight with his teenaged son. madsen is being held on $100,000 bail and you probably nomad is enfrom "kill bill" and "s "reservoir dogs." rick santorum is projected to be the winner of the kansas caucuses. romney and gingrich ceded the contest, focusing on alabama and mississippi holding primaries on tuesday. a live report on kansas minutes from now in "the situation room" so stand by. new orleans saints quarterback drew brees says he knew nothing about a so-called bounty program run by the team's former defensive coordinator gregg williams
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