tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 13, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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16 civilians, mostly women and children, died this weekend when an american soldier allegedly went on a shooting rampage. well, now the taliban are vowing revenge, threatening to behead any americans they can get their hands on. president obama offered his condolences to the afghan people earlier this morning. >> the united states takes this as seriously as if it was our own citizens and our own children who were murdered. we're heartbroken over the loss of innocent life. [ explosion ] in syria, explosions are terrorizing the besieged city of homs. opposition activists are calling this a day of mourning. they say more than 9,000 people have been killed in government attacks over the past year alone. the u.n. puts the death toll lower at 8,000 plus. hundreds of people had to be rescued from flash flooding in southern louisiana. rescuers used boats, dump
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trucks, to pluck people from their homes and their cars. a bus filled with middle school students got stuck in four feet of water. more than 20 inches of rain came down in some areas. >> it's more than we bargained for. we even had some local citizens that volunteered with their boats and came help do some rescues. >> there's still a flood warning for lafayette parish today. and the republican presidential candidates fighting for southern support. voting underway in the alabama and mississippi primaries. shannon travis at a polling place in ocean springs, mississippi. shannon, good to see you. this is going to be an exciting day. obviously, folks, everybody's got something at stake here. you're in a pretty conservative place. what are they hoping for? >> reporter: yeah. i mean, this is one of the most conservative parts of conservative mississippi, right here in ocean springs. i'm right outside of the ocean springs civic center, where it's
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been a steady stream of voters coming in and out here. but in terms of what the candidates have to prove, obviously, they want to win the delegates, remember? delegate math. they've got to 1144. 84 between the two states, alabama and mississippi today. 110 of the four contests, total, for today. but in terms of something to prove the question you asked, you're absolutely right, mitt romney, he wants to basically prove, suzanne, that he can win in the south. win very conservative voters over. newt gingrich wants to prove that he can win other than georgia, you know, that was the only state that he won on super tuesday. he won the south carolina primary as well. rick santorum wants to prove that his particular brand of conservatism plays well down here. and ron paul, don't forget about him, suzanne. he hasn't won a contest yet. you've got the caucus in hawaii, so he hopes that he can at least pick up one today. so heading into this, all of them have something that they're eyeing in addition to those delegates. >> and shannon, i understand
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you've got some voters that you're talking to there as well? >> reporter: yeah. obviously, you can't come here to a polling place and not talk to real people. i'm joined here by martin and jane reeves. you've been married how many years? >> since -- >> 38 years. >> reporter: 38 years, suzanne. and you just came out and voted. we notice your "i voted," and tell us who you voted for. >> i voted for mitt romney. >> reporter: and you, sir? >> mitt romney. >> reporter: why did you vote for mitt romney? >> i just feel like he's the one who totally has a chance to beat the current president and also i think he's very well rounded. i think he's not one side or the other real strong. >> how about you? >> i pretty much feel the same way. i think he's pretty broad mooinded, he's going to be a president for everybody in our country. and i think he's very astute and very, you know, well defined in his ideas of what he wants to do and accomplish and i think he's going to do that. >> reporter: we were talking just a moment ago that you were saying, you've had the criticisms about he doesn't have
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southern conservatism. what was your reaction to that again? >> i feel like people in the south are going to vote as i did for the person. i'm conservative to a point, but i'm moderate in some ways too. but i just feel like he's the candidate that i think is the best one of the three -- of the four -- that we have running. i think he's just the better choice. i really do. i believe in him. >> reporter: we appreciate you stopping and talking. suzanne, two votes for mitt romney. we'll stick around and see if we have some other supporters for some of the other candidates. suzanne? >> all right. we'll see how it turns out. and congratulate them for 38 years together! that's awesome. that's a great accomplishment there. >> congratulations, she says. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> be sure to watch as wolf blitzer goes one on one with mitt romney, live in "the situation room." that is happening later today, the 5:00 hour, eastern time. tune in as well for the results from the alabama and mississippi primaries. our coverage beginning at 7:00 eastern with erin burnett followed by complete live coverage of the results at 8:00.
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join wolf blitzer, anderson cooper, and the cnn team. the taliban are calling american forces sick-minded savages. anger is burning after american soldiers is accused of gunning down afghan women and children. and a new harvard study says you might want to rethink the bacon for breakfast or even for lunch. could cause premature death. and to you, it's just a tablet, right? but it took some rare minerals to make it. and that is causing some big problems between the u.s. and china. we'll explain what it means for you. o of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy.
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[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. president obama is taking the massacre of 16 afghan civilians very seriously. the tragedy could jeopardize u.s./afghan relations, put u.s. troops in danger. here's what he said about the massacre this morning. >> i'd like to say a few words about the situation in afghanistan. over the weekend, as many as you know, there was a tragic incident in which a number of afghan civilians were killed. what i've said to president karzai, when i spoke to him, is that the united states takes this as seriously as if it was our own is citizens and our own children who were murdered.
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we're heartbroken over the loss of innocent life. the killing of innocent civilians is outrageous and it's unacceptable. it's not who we are as a country, and it does not represent our military. and for that reason, i've directed the pentagon to make sure that we spare no effort in conducting a full investigation. i can assure the american people and the afghan people that we will follow the facts wherever they lead us. and we will make sure that anybody who was involved is held fully accountable with the full force of the law. yesterday, i met with general allen and ambassador crocker, who were here in washington. and i have extraordinary confidence in them and in the many americans who are serving in afghanistan and who have made extraordinary sacrifices to be there. today, i'll be meeting with
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prime minister cameron, who's part of our broad coalition, serving in afghanistan. and we'll have an opportunity to consult about the way forward, as we prepare for the nato summit in chicago later this spring. so make no mistake. we have a strategy that will allow us to responsibly wind down this war. we're steadily transitioning to the afghans who are moving into the lead. and that's going to allow us to bring our troops home. already, we're scheduled to remove 23,000 troops by the end of this summer, followed by -- following the 10,000 that we withdrew last year. and meanwhile, we will can continue the work of devastating al qaeda's leadership and denying them a safe haven. there's no question that we face a difficult challenge in afghanistan. but i am confident that we can continue the work of meeting our objectives, protecting our country, and responsibly bringing this war to a close.
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>> the president's words may not be enough to smooth over the situation with the afghan people. sara sidner is in kabul, afghanistan. >> reporter: suzanne, we're hearing from local leaders in the village where this massacre occurred on sunday, allegedly by a u.s. army staff sergeant that left 16 people dead, that there was a rocket grenade attack, as well as some small arms fire, going off during a funeral of one of the villagers who was killed in the attack on sunday. there were several high-level afghan officials there, including the brother of hamid karzai, all those officials, however, are okay. but four people, four afghan soldiers, have been injured. now, we did see protests today in jalalabad, which is quite far from the district of afghanistan. jalalabad in eastern afghanistan. 400 to 500 people took to the streets. they were chanting, down with america, down with obama. but officials there say while
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they managed to close the important route between jalalabad and kabul, eventually that was opened and there was no violence there or any damage left by the protesters. what we can tell you now, though, is that we got an e-mail from the taliban. the taliban making some very strong statements, basically saying that they must take revenge and that that will mean beheading any american, anywhere, in afghanistan. sara sidner, cnn, kabul. donald trump, he's not running for president, but he has a few things to say about how president obama is running the country. he recently tweeted that he thinks afghanistan is a disaster. hln's showbiz reporter a.j. hammer talked to trump about the comment. check it out. >> you just recently tweeted that you think afghanistan is a disaster. what would you like to see happen there? >> well, it's a total and complete disaster. and i'd like to see money spent on this country. i'd like to see us take our money and build schools here and build highways here and build
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transit here, and reduce the debt of the country, which is now almost $16 trillion instead of building a school in afghanistan, and then it gets blown up the following week, and then we build it again, and we build highways to the school, and they get blown up, and we build them again. and honestly, we don't know what we're doing. we have a leader that has no clue. >> you can watch more of a.j.'s interview with trump on "showbiz tonight" on our sister network, hln. hear what he had to say about his sons being criticized for big game hunting in africa. checking out our stories our affiliates are covering across the country. a delta the airline's boeing 737 ran off the runway there, atlanta's hartsfield-jackson airport this morning. no passengers, fortunately, were on board. but mechanics were testing the engines when something happened to the plane's braking system. nobody was injured p. all right, do you remember this deadly pipeline explosion. this was in san bruno, california, this was a couple of
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years ago. it killed eight people, destroyed dozens of homes. well, the city now is getting $70 million in settlement from the pacific gas and electric company. that is outside of separate lawsuits from victims' families. investigators say a faulty pipe and inadequate oversight led to this blast. and little league baseball teams in need of money, well, they are offered an unlikely donation. $1,200 from a los angeles strip club. yeah, that's right. the "los angeles times" reports the league is not accepting the money. money would have helped keep about 300 kids on the field for another season. and a teenager holding a bag of skittles, shot and killed by a neighborhood watch captain in florida. this community is outraged. hear the full story. we also want to hear from you as well. , nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! but proven technologies allow natural gas producers
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>> a florida family is desperate for answers and justice. their son, 17-year-old treyvon martin was shot and killed more than two weeks ago. he was walking towards his father's home in a gated community. he was carrying a bag of ittles a an iced tea. the neighborhood watch captain, george zimmerman, says h shot the teen in self-defense. but the martin fami, they would like to see him arre and charged.
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gayleascal brown of our afliate wesh has the story. >> if i see that white man, can i detain and stop that white man, get in an argument, and shoot that white man to death? >> what do you think? >> i'm sayi not! i would be in jail right now. >> reporter: residents have be outraged by the death of treyvon martin. he was walking to his mom's home in sanford when the neighborhood watch captain called the non-emergency line and reported the teen as suspicious. the two got into a confrontation, and before the police arrived, the teen was dead. shot 70 feet from his mom's home. >> i think it's been 15 days since treyvon martin was killed and i think that the family deserves answers. so it's not fair to keep everything secret. we're asking for the 911 tapes and the non-emergency record tapes. >> in this case, mr. zimmerman has made the statement of self-defense.
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until we can establish probable cause to dispute that, we don't have the grounds to arrest him. >> reporter: do you think this was a racial issue? >> um, i d know if the whole thing was a racial issue. it may have been a "zimmerman wants to be a heo" issue. it beces racial, becae zimmerman thought that black males with hoodies with criminals. >> reporter: george zimmerman told police that he shot the teenager in self-defense. the police chief says on at least 911 call, you can hear the confrontation and the fatal gunshot. >> this is a tragedy. i he it for the family, for the martin famil and for the city of sanford. >> this brings us to today's "talk back" question. what do you think should happen? should the neighborhood wat captairemain free? send us your thohtso or on twitter @suzannemalveaux. rare earth elents, they're in our cell phones, computers, airplanes, and the u.s. now going after china for them. i've discovered gold.
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the healthcare law giveowers us pl tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teacng seniors across the coury... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the pne. we're cracking down on medicare aud. let's ke medicare stronger for all of us.
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here's a rundown of some of the stories we're working on. next, while president obama is going after china for rare minerals. and put down that burger. you' got toothat. listen to this. harvard researchers say a daily serving of red meat can shorten your life. and then in about 1 minutes, lacks like a jmp back to another tim schools banning computers? hmm. and did you knowhe tv that you're watching me on right now is full of elements called rare earth. that's right. these things, they run all these high-tech devices that we really couldn't live without. so we're talking about your computer, t cell phone, even guided missiles. president obama is going after china for hding them back fro . here's what he said earlier. >> we're bringing a new trade case against china. and we're being joined by japan and some of our european allies. this casenvolves something called rare eah materials. now, if china would simply let the maet work on its own, we'd have no objections. but their policies curntly are
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prevting that from happening. and they go against t very rules that cna agreed to follow. >> chad myers, he's joining us. chad, before we talk about what they are, tell us what they do. >> they will power your battery, they will, they're the part that makes the power. they will turn red, green, and blue, which are the colors of your tv set. they will make a tiny magnet, which in real magnets would be this size, they can be almost down to the size of a quarter for the me amount of power, thereforemaking verymall motors for aerpacer for spacecft or for satellites that go up. they are elements, they are plentiful in therld. they are all over the place. but a long time go, china really reduced the cost of them and a lot of mines just basically went out of business. they couldn't compete. now china makes 97% of those minerals. they don't want to give them away them anymore. they want to make things with
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them andhen sell the things. color tvs, smartphones, wind turbines, all of these things rely on these elements. there are 15 here, the 21 and 39 here in the mide are the biggest ones that we need. and you need them to mak anything, rely, that's now high-tech. and here's the deal. china says we're just not going to give them away and let you make the things. we're going to make the things and then sell them for higher value than just giving away the elements. that's the issue here. lightbulbs, power engigeneratin units, the batteries that go into hybrid cars. japan a about six months ago said they found a kinds of this stuff in the seabed floor. so they're going to suck it out of the seabed floor and create it and make it, but can't do it without creating a lot of pollution on the sead floor. we have a couple of mines in
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canada, in australia. now china has the market. theyav97% of everything that's made out there. >> and chad, all this technology that we depend n, does it just run on these rare elements, these rare earths that we're talking about? >> not the crystal, not the glass, but the battery that's in there, think about how long that batter lasts in your iphone now or your ipad. my kid works on his ipad like eight hours before he has to charge it. that's the per these elements create. without them, batteries will get bigger, more bulky, and more expensive. you haveneerson who has all of this stuff, they can set the price. they are going to start opening up mines across the world. because now there's a choke point for this stuff, but it's going to take a long time. and there's another thi going on here, when you mine this f, a lot ofime uranium and other things that come through this are mined out and then dumped into a slurry. well, that can be radioactive. that can be a problem. and that's one of china's calls here. it says, wait a minute, we need
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to figure out that we're not polluting the ground here with all of this uraniumnd all this radiation out there. we're going to slow this down, we're gointo do it right. we're just not going to sell you very much of it. >> chad, thank you. thanks for explaining it. >> you got it. me for a red meat show. yeah, we're talking about are you a steak lover? hold on. we want to tell you something that might change your mind. your and machined alumin, to make it more beautiful, and more durable. you'd e ge-to-edge gorilla glass for stuing display in a more compact form. and you'd choose an intel® core i7™ processor for maximum processing power. everything that you could ever want in a laptop. introducing the dell xps 13 ultrabook™ everything. and more. ♪
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we're going in depth now about a story about making a business profitable again. a trucking company in chicago that was on the edge of bankruptcy is now making money. ted rowlands asked the owner, how did he do it? >> reporter: joe tovos company, dnt trucking, outside of chicago, is bu again. >> we've really tightened u our ship and it turned things around. >> reporter: in late 2007 and into 2008, the business, which was started by joe's father, was
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on the verge of bankruptcy. >> it was probably the hardest time in my life, working 16, 20 hours a day to do anything you could to keep it going. >> reporter: keeping it going, joe said, wasn't easy. business was dropping because of e recession, while expenses like tolls, licenses, and labor were going up. and as time went on things got even worse. at one point, joe said he was having a difficult time even paying his employees. >> we hit the point where we just about lost it. when on thursday, when your bank account doesn't have enough money to make friday payroll, you're there. >> reporter: to stay afloat, joe figured out he had to cut, so even tugh he was running out of money, he hired an outside accounting firm to help him measure every expense. >> when you're talking about 120 trucks doing $20 million a year in business, you know, you're only looking for little bits of money. >> reporter: joe took a pay cut and then asked his employs and his vendors to do the same. it took about a year, but joe says he remembers the relief he felt when he finally had an
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expense report that actually showed a profit. >> it didn't mean that i really made money, because i had lost so much the last two years,ut i was heading the right directn. >> reporter: joe says his company now runs 93 trucks, down from 120. he's cautiously optimistic about the future and says the lesson he's learned is to be prepared to change and manage every dime. >> if it's yourbusiness, chances are you have a lot invested in it, emotionally, financially. look after it. tend it. don't take your eye off the ball. >> reporter: ted rownds, cnn, chicago. all right, now on to something you need to know, fore you take a bite of that burger. if you even have one you're increasing your risk of an early death by as much as 20%. that startling finding, it is the headline from a new study by harvard researchers. elizabeth cohen explains. >> before i tell you what the results are, let's take a look at what they mean by a serving
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of meat. this is a serving of red meat. that's right, that's a little piece of steak. it's just 3 ounces. that counted as one serving. and a serving of processed meat was the equivalent of 2 slices of bacon. so let's see how e folks did. so the study subjectsho ate just one serving of meat a day, just one 3-ounce serving, had a 13% increased risk of dying during the course of the study. now, folks who had just one serving of the processed meat had a 20% increased risk of dying. so what's in red meat that might possibly make it not particularly healthy? well, doctors tell us it's the saturated fat. that that's the number one culprit. one 8-ounce steak has all the saturated fat that you're supposed to have in an entire day. so you're getting i in one steak. and that's all the saturated fat that you're supposed to have that day. >> the study's lead auth says you don't have to stop eating red meat all together, but anytime you can replace it with chicken, fish, beans, you could
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be increasing your life span. a school surrounded by technology takes a low-tech approach to learning. they are kicking it old school. no computers, no gadgets. we've got details in our tech tuesday report. [ woman ] dear cat, your hair mixes with pollen andust. i get congested. t n bu, with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. zyrtec-d® lets me breath freer, so i can love the air. [ male announcer ] zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. here's a chance to create jobs in america. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country.
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this is just what our economy needs right now. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. phot . we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us.
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you'd expect a school in silicon valley to have all the latest high-tech tools and gadgets, but in our tech tuesday report, we visit a place where learning is old school, literally. tech-savvy parents, they preserprefer it that way. >> reporter: as a senior executive at ebay, mike is at the forefront of computing, leading a force that requires the very latest technological tools. >> i would say it's fundamental not just to the business, but my personal life and success. >> reporter: yet he would prefer that his children lead technology-free lives. learning to be creative and use their imaginations without anything that requires a grossy screen and electricity. not just in their free time, but at school as well. >> if i go bck to my education
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as a computer scientist, we didn't have computers in the classroom. we had algorithms and we had logic and we had textbooks. and we were working through that and really trying to understand the science behind the computer. >> reporter: so matthew and his wife, elaine, looked for a school that shared that philosophy. >> our homes are so filled with technology that they're going to be exposed. it's -- they're sponges. they soak it up. but in the classroom, you need to be learning the basics. you want them interacting with their eers, learning how to g along with each other. >> reporter: that belief set let them to the waldorf school of the peninsula, a school with old-fashioned chalkboards and a curriculum centered around physical activity and hands-on tasks. >> all the way over. >> reporter: third graders using balls to help coordinate both sides of the brain. high schools drawing on a chalkboard as the way of interpreting a book. the school has zero technology, nada. no computers, no internet.
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matthew's doctor used to attend where every child had a laptop. >> i think i prefer it much better without them, because it's a distraction. i didn't really feel connected to the other students as much as i do in waldorf. >> reporter: at a time where some schools are now embedding social media into their teachinglike this school -- >> make sure you have a pound in front of the wwi. >> reporter: the waldorf school looks like it's from another era. though most of the children have parents working in high-tech. >> it's amazing when parents go on tour and they come on our campus, a lot of people feel like it's just a really natural way to raise children. >> reporter: lucy werts is the school's development director and helped establish a waldorf high school here in 2007. her husband is a prominent silicon valley executive. >> sometimes people feel like
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life is going way too fast and they want their children to have a more natural, slow-paced developmental childhood. so i think that's what we provide at the waldorf schools. >> reporter: 160 waldorf schools are spread across the country. students don't take standardized tests, so its success in comparison to other schools is difficult to measure. but its leaders boast that 94% of its graduates go on to college. >> dan simon is joining us live from los altos, california. dan, it's a really fascinating idea, the fact that all these folks are surrounded by technology, but they've got this low-tech approach to learning. i noticed, there weren't a lot of students in those classes. is this a very expensive school to attend? >> reporter: well, tuition definitely isn't cheep. here in the bay area, tuition is $1,8 $18,000 for kindergarten through eighth grade, and high school it's even more, about $24,000. at a time when many are
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clamoring to bring technology into the classroom, whether it's laptops or tablets, this school says, it's no-go, they're fine with using chalk and a chalkboard. >> what do the kids think about it? do they enjoy that? do they realize how unique this experience is for them? >> reporter: you know, most of them, you know, can't really compare it to anything else, because they start here, you know, at a young age. they say, though, that when they talk to their friends, that they have technology in their schools and, you know, they're just fine with their own approach. we should point out, though, that as they get older, some of them start using facebook and twitter, so they are exposed to technology to some degree. but when it comes to here at school, they really prefer a no-technology approach, suzanne. >> dan, it's fascinating. i love that story. and it brings back the good old days, using everything that's totally old school. i want to talk more about the school's low-tech approach to learning. lucy valentyn wurtz, he's the
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outreach director. you actually saw her in dan's piece. and in our report, you talked about a more slow-paced approach to learning. so is it the main reason that you don't rely on technology? give us a sense of what it is behind the philosophy here. >> well, good morning. and i'm sorry we couldn't have better weather for you here in california. and thank you for visiting our school. i think it's important to realize that this recent phenomenon of increasing technology in schools is, in fact, that very recent. and waldorf education has been providing a basic curriculum for over 90 years. and the curriculum focuses on all parts of the child, not just the head, but what we say, the heart -- >> and do you think that these computers -- i'm sorry. go ahead. >> that we teach to bring out these capacities in children,
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lout their education. so that they're able to be very academically prepared for life. they're engaged in the arts and they're very enthusiasm about learning and have a lot of practical skills when they come out. and we've never used technology in the classroom to do that. and we don't actually see the need now. >> do you think that computers and high-tech gadgets, all these kinds of things that so many kids have these days, do you think it actually impedes creativity in young kids? >> well, if you look at the statistics, the recent kaiser study found that the average 8 to 18-year-old spends 7 1/2 hours in front of a computer or a social media device a day and it's really over almost ten hours when you look at multi-tasking. yes, i think that definitely impedes creativity. because when you look at that amount of time, you have to ask, what are the children not doing? what are the young people not doing that would be developing physical skills, artistic skills, and academic skills. so, yes, there's a place and time for social media and
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technology. and here in the silicon valley, we really embrace that. but not in the classroom. >> what is the place and the time to introduce it? with because i understand that computers are introduced at some point. is that right? >> well, we don't teach with them in the classrooms. in the high school, the teachers do use them when the computer is better than the teacher. for example, we do use graphing calculators to help children, you know, the students figure out patterns between data more quickly or something in geometry that will demonstrate, have them see the connection between theorems more quickly. but there's a difference between technology in the classroom and technology in their life. so definitely, there is some purpose in the high school, but not before that. >> lucy, finally, how did the students do after high school? >> well, waldorf students do extremely well.
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94% of them -- that graduate from high school go on to colleges and universities, and 88% of them finish college. i think one thing that is really interesting, people, if they know anything about waldorf and the incredible arts that our students do, they may think it's an art school, but actually, i believe it's 42% go into math or some kinds of sciences. and that's three times the national average. so you can find waldorf students really in all profession and all walks of life when they graduate. >> all right. sounds like you're doing something right over there. lucy valentine wurtz, thank you very much. good to see you, and of course, all the best to your students there as well. a teenager holding a bag of skittles shot and killed by a neighborhood watch captain in florida. he says it was in self-defense, which brings us to today's "talk back" question. what do you think should happen? should the neighborhood watch captain remain free? melanie says, "are you serious? because the shooter said he shot
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in self-defense he cannot be arrested? this is a shame and i'm appalled that something like this can be justified in the united states of america." more of your responses up ahead. . i'll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. is this where we're at now? we just eat whatever tastes good? like these sweet honey clusters... actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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>> reporter: dave tuttle has a passion for pie. >> let's face it. pie is wonderful stuff. makes people feel great. >> reporter: a passion that was born of necessity in 2009 after this former film and tv producer couldn't find work in an industry that was shedding jobs. >> for about a year, i really made it full-time to try to find a job, to get back into the business, because that's what i had been doing for 20 years. >> so you were living on your savings, living on your 401k. >> and it had came to the point where i had depleted all of our funds. >> reporter: then, an idea. >> we were sitting at a dinner party one night and i had brought one of my pies, and we were sitting around with my friends, and they were like, dave, you should start to sell these pias. and my wife was, like, yes, you need to do something. and i said, i'll try it. i'll bake an average of 16 to 18 hours straight. i use only what's in season here in the hudson valley. i'll do everything by hand.
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i'll peel my apples, i mix all my crusts, roll them out by hand. the name of my company is tuttle's homemade. >> reporter: his unique cost-saving measure, bartering for kitchen space at local restaurants. >> so you save the space for fo also advertising for you. you're selling those pies. >> yeah. >> brilliant. >> reporter: he sells and hand-delivers up to 200 pies per month, mostly locally. but now tuttle is ready to take the next step. >> i can definitely see tuttle's homemade up there. a sign out here that says fresh-baked pies. i wouldn't have to do a lot of work. >> it would take money, though. >> it all takes money. >> reporter: a year of living off his savings didn't help his credit score. but lending is still tight. tuttle says he could help the economy grow if given a chance to grow his business and start hiring. >> our government needs to take advantage of that.
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there is a huge, huge amount of people doing this. >> reporter: while he hopes his business will continue to heat up, tuttle says the experience has given him a new recipe for life. >> before it was about making that paycheck. now it's more about family, it's about being connected back to my community, what i was doing before wasn't as great, but it wasn't as real as what i'm doing right now. >> there's nothing as real as a homemade apple pie. >> exactly. exactly. a family is calling for justice after a neighborhood watch captain shoots and kills an unarmed teenager. 17-year-old trevon martin was shot to death last month walking to his dad's house. the shooter, george zimmerman, claims he acted in self-defense. zimmerman has not been charged. answer the talk back question, what do you think should happen?
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if i had done that to a white man, as a black man, i would be in jail. what was the guy doing with a gun in the first place? another one, trevon should have better sense than to argue with a guy with a gun. jeff says, neighborhood watch is supposed to alert police, not be the police. looks like i'm going to have another reason to watch court tv. may god bless the 17-year-old and his family. wally writes, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. keep the conversation going on line at for young men in iraq, the wrong fashion sense could get you killed. >> there is a very strong wave of killing people who are such called emos or gays, people that look different than the usual iraqi people.
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>> take a look at a disturbing new trend on the streets of baghdad. i habe a cohd. i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! my son and i never missed opening day. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better, and that means... game on! symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day.
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we pay for you to stay somewhere else while it's being repaired. home protector plus, from liberty mutual insurance. because you never know what lies around the corner. to get a free quote, call... visit a local office, or go to today. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? we're looking at amazing live pictures here out of ato, ohio. this is a historic church that's burned to the ground. we are told there is a daycare ns inside of this church, but we are told no one -- no one -- was
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injured as a result of this fire, that it did not spread to the neighborhood, the neighboring buildings that are around this historic church. but this is pretty extraordinary when you just see the extent of damage there and you see the hoses as they continue to try to at least -- it looks like most of the fire is out there, just bill l billowing smoke there, just a shell. amazing nobody injured and nobody inside. a deadly culture clash on the streets of iraq. brian reports on emo killing. emo is a western stryle of dressing evolved from bands back in the '60s. i warn you what you're about to see is graphic. >> reporter: on the streets of baghdad, this is a different and dangerous look. a western style with longer hair, tighter clothes. it's called emo, and if you're a young man in iraq who wants to look like this, it could get you
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killed. >> there is a very strong wave of killing people who are such called emos or gays, people who look different than the usual iraqi people, you know, tight jeans, long hair, maybe a goatee. >> reporter: we spoke to a human rights activist who didn't want us to use his name or show his face. he says he's not gay or emo, but has long hair, listens to heavy metal music. he says he shaved his goatee out of fear. >> reporter: what's it like for people like yourself just to walk around? >> basically, when i was come to go the cnn bureau here in baghdad, there was two checkpoints who told me to cut my hair or they will kill me. not then, but they were advising me so people won't kill me with a block of cement. >> reporter: a senior iraqi tenement official not authorized to talk to the media tells cnn at least 14 young men perceived
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to be gay or dressed in emo style have been killed in baghdad in recent weeks. human rights activists put the number much higher and they put up graphic evidence. they perceive to be victims because of their appearance. it's not clear who is killing them, but activists have given them copies of warning letters and lists like this one distributed in neighborhoods in baghdad. there are also serious questions about whether the iraqi government is able or willing to protect these men. last month, iraq's interior ministry released a statement saying it was following the emo phenomenon or devil worshipping. also saying we have the privilege of eliminating it as soon as possible. also saying the police would be escorting them in baghdad. it warns vigilantes from attacking and said those dressed in emo styles will be protected.
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one young man who says he's not gay but wears tight jeans and shirts says he's not taking any chances. >> i can't do like the emo thing in clothes. i can't do that anymore. i'm afraid i might be killed. >> reporter: contacted by cnn, a state department spokesman says it is monitoring this closely, has expressed concern to the iraqi government. and we strongly condemn the recent violence and killings in iraq by groups that appear to be targeting individuals based on their sexual orientation, gender identity or personal expression. the spokesman also points out that in recent days, iraqi parliamentarians and religious leaders have denounced these attacks. brian todd, cnn, washington. cnn newsroom continues right now with ashleigh banfield who is in for brooke baldwin. >> i am sitting in for brooke
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today. let's go over the top stories making news. rapid fire. let's go. a soldier accused of murdering civilians in afghanistan is not talking to authorities and he may be facing the ultimate punishment, too. execution if he's found guilty of the crime. that's according to our defense secretary, leon panetta. but earlier today, the president promised a thorough investigation when he made his first public comments about the mass killings. >> the united takes this states as seriously as if it was our own citizens and our own children who were murdered. >> we've got more new information coming on the suspect in just a few moments. in the meantime, president obama is also talking trade rights today and trying to level the playing field with china. big sticking point? asian restrictions on rare earth elements. they're using green product and high-tech products, too. >> we want our companies building those products right here in america.
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but to do that, american manufacturers need to have access to rare earth materials which china supplies. now, if china would simply let the market work on its own, we would have no objections, but their policies currently are forbidding that from happening, and they go against the very rules that china agreed to follow. >> the european union and japan has asked the trade union to intervene on this one. are interest rates going up? even if the interest rates stay at zero, they'll be keeping a close eye on the fed report as to any clue as to their strategy for the next few months. that is the scene. explosions, heavy shelling continuing in homes in syria despite opposition activists declaring today as a day of mourning across the city. they were asking for businesses and schools to close and for the
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streets to be blocked. in the meantime, 36 people killed by security forces. the united nations general assembly says 80,000 people have been killed in this conflict and many of them are women and children. take a look at your screen. delta airlines, a jet veering off the runway. it had problems braking, skidding off the runway in atlanta. ready for this one? brakes on a plane. i said it. luckily no passengers on board, no injuries, but the plane does have pretty significant damage they are attending to. also, airline passengers stranded as direct air canceled flights out of the blue. about 50 people stuck last flight at a local airport in florida and the passengers are ticked. >> people are very upset because they weren't giving us any information and they still haven't. we can't get through to the lines and there's nobody here today to help us. >> they don't answer the phone,
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and i think i've talked to one person in probably a dozen phone calls. >> did that person tell you anything? >> no. >> well, cnn has just received a statement right from direct air. direct from direct air, you might say. they're saying all flights are suspended until mid-may. they're calling it operational matters and that passengers with reservations should contact their credit card companies to get refunds if they so choose. okay. so, lose your smartphone? kiss it and your privacy goodbye. according to a new study, there is an 89% chance that whoever finds your phone is going to snoop through your private info. we're talking e-mail, photos, facebook, even your bank account. and what's worse, the study says there's only a 50% chance that the finder is going to return it to you. so good lesson? lock your smartphone, friends. happening now, the prosecution in a suburban atlanta murder trial is giving
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its closing arguments. here's the story. the defendant is henni newman. he is charged with killing a man in his son's parking lot of the daycare. it's been suggested the victim's widow has a connection to this murder. >> andrea sneiderman has said two things. number one, i didn't have an affair. number two, i didn't manipulate anybody. you don't leave your common sense at home when you're trying to understand this. >> the prosecution says that newman is faking his mental illness symptoms. it's called malingering. the case is expected to be
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handed off to the jury sometime later today. the former editor of rupert murdoch's british tabloid "news of the world" has been arrested. again. it's the second time in connection with a phone hacking investigation. the former editor rebecca brooks was among six people arrested on suspicion of conspiracy. her husband charlie brooks also arrested, according to reports from the wall street journal and sky news. "news of the world" was suspected of a large phone hacking last year. the newspaper was shut down in july. we're getting new information about the american soldier who was accused of storming into homes and murdering innocent families, kids involved in afghanistan. the army sergeant refusing to talk. protests are breaking out as well. we're going to take you to kabul and to the pentagon, coming up next. the key is to have a good strategy. the same goes for my retirement. with the plan my financial advisor and i put together, a quick check and i know my retirement is on course.
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takes the pain out of arthritis. the army sergeant held in afghanistan for a brutal mass murder is refusing to talk to the interrogators. he is unnamed as of now, but he is a sergeant and he has been moved to kandahar. it's about 15 miles, give or take, from the scene of the killings in the district called panjwai. the killers invoking his right against self-preservation. he could get the death penalty, and we'll talk about that. hundreds of afghans burning a u.s. soldier in effigy. the protest was fairly peaceful. there is concern, however, and near the scene of sunday's
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killings was attacked by several assassins on motorbikes. want to take you to washington to start this story where the president spoke just a short time ago. once again, he's assuring afghanistan that justice in this case will be served, and he called sunday's attacks outrageous. >> it's not who we are as a country, and it does not represent our military. for that reason, i've directed the pentagon to make sure that we spare no effort in conducting a full investigation. i can assure the american people and the afghan people that we will follow the facts wherever they lead us. and we will make sure that anybody who was involved is held fully accountable with the full force of the law. >> let's get you right to the pentagon where our correspondent
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chris lawrence is standing by. it sounds like the president is doing everything he can to try to tamp down any kind of violence like we saw in the koran burnings, chris. >> exactly. we've heard a steady stream of apologies in the last couple months from the video, to the urinating on corpses to the koran, to this matter. this was a strong statement from the president. at one point president obama called president karzai and said the united states is going to take this as seriously as if the victims were our own citizens and our own children who were murdered. the use of the word murdered is very important, especially coming with the fact that defense secretary leon panetta said that the death penalty is a possibility in this case. now, the united states hasn't executed a service member since 1961, but there are service members on death row for crimes they've committed. the interesting thing about this is usually the process takes so
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long that it could be a future president that has to deal with this situation. the president himself must personally approve of the death penalty for that to be applied to a service member, but again, it takes so long, this might not come before a president's desk until well after 2016. >> and that's not unusual in the civil system, either, at least in our criminal system, either, but listen, when you're talking death penalty, you've got to have ago gravataggravaters, you have evidence. do we have any details about what transpired that might actually help this case or hurt it? >> reporter: we know the army criminal investigation division is heading up this investigation now. they're talking not only to this soldier's team members, people on his squad in his unit, but to a lot of those afghan villagers as well, those villagers who
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were witnesses to this attack. a witness was telling us that one of the indications that something had gone wrong was when the afghan villagers started bringing their wounded to the combat outpost. when the soldier walked off the base, the afghan guards noticed, so they called their american counterparts. so as all of this is going on, the u.s. officials on that base is realizing something has gone wrong, a soldier has gone missing. they did a head count, but by the time they actually scrambled a search team and started to get assets out there to try to find him, this soldier apparently walked back to the base on his own and that's where he turned himself in. >> chris, this is mighty early to be asking this question, but it is going to come out at some point. is there any talk from the pentagon about where they want this trial? clearly, if he's under the court of military justice, he has to be tried somewhere. u.s., one of the bases?
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>> reporter: that's right, and we've seen this go a number of different ways. there are certainly trials where they take place in country, crimes that were committed in iraq, the trials were held on a military base there. trials in afghanistan. what we are sure of is that despite a lot of the afghan calls for sort of a public trial in afghanistan, for afghan officials to have a voice in this trial, the u.s. has been adamant from officials we've spoken to that this will be handled internally by the u.s. military, which means this soldier will have, you know, all the rights that any service member has, that it will not be handed over, so to speak, or allowed to be influenced by afghan law. >> and what about representation at this point? this is, again, really early in the game to be asking these questions given the fact he's probably so holed up in kandahar that no one has access to him. but does he have a lawyer at this point, and do we know anything about the possibility of an insanity defense?
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>> reporter: well, the insanity defense is a possibility. there are a number of troops who have attempted to use that, use ptsd as part of their defense. but again, usually it is a judge who can decide if there is a basis going forward for that -- for the jury, so to speak, in layman's terms to consider that as a relevant defense. but yes, he would have the ability to use that as a defense if possible. >> i guarantee you, my friend, that that head injury that he suffered would play front and center if that is going to be a defense of his. but good reporting. thanks. thanks very much, chris. chris lawrence live at pentagon for us. i promised we would get you the very latest from the pentagon. sara sidner is reporting live from that action. sara? >> reporter: we are seeing some fallout from the massacre that happened in two villages in
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panjwai district. there there was a funeral going on with high-level officials at that funeral, and there were two blasts from a grenade and some arms fire. they believe one of the officials were included, as well as one of his brothers. all of the officials are okay, however we hear someone was wounded in an attack there. we are also seeing protests in jalalabad, which is far from this protest in southern kandahar. there were 4 to 500 people who took to the streets in jalalabad, many of them university students screaming slogans such as down with the u.s. and down with obama. however, there was no damage left behind by those protestors. they did manage to close the main kabul road for some time
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today. we also heard a chilling statement from the taliban. i received an e-mail this morning from taliban sources and it said it must seek revenge for these killings by a u.s. soldier, and it said they will behead any american who is on afghan soil. ashleigh? >> sara sidner reporting from afghanistan. i want to give you some pictures. that is the british prime minister, folks, and he's arriving here, david cameron with his wife samantha, for a visit and a little ncaa action as well. if it's march, there's a little bit of madmadness, and they'll having some fun a as well. as you can see, the big british in the background. welcome, prime minister. it is march. still no favorite presidential hopeful, but tonight mitt romney could have a breakthrough in the most unlikely of places, and
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that is where our wolf blitzer shines. he's standing by. we're going to ask him a couple questions about races in the south. we'll find out how close romney is to making a change, making a difference. hey, wolf, look forward to talking to you in just a few minutes. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in new credit to small businesses across the country last year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. is this where we're at now? we just eat whatever tastes good? like these sweet honey clusters... actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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decision day for voters in alabama and mississippi, who will come out on top is anyone's guess. wolf blitzer is following the polls from atlanta. here's the thing, wolf. i've been surprised i haven't seen newt gingrich higher in the polls and rick santorum has been lower than i expected in those two southern states. >> i know, a lot of people are surprised by these last two poll
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numbers, but the only one that really matters is one we'll see later tonight. but you know what, it's possible, and i tweeted this earlier in the day, it's certainly possible, based on everything i'm hearing, ashle h ashleigh, romney could surprise us and win in mississippi and maybe in alabama precisely because santorum and gingrich, they are pretty much evenly, almost evenly, a little bit more or less in each state, dividing up that social conservative vote, giving an opening to mitt romney. if mitt romney were to win, and certainly if he were to win two, that would really propel him and it would do some serious damage to the other two candidates, especially newt gingrich who is countinging inon at least one tonight in alabama. he is counting on that win to keep his campaign going. >> if he does pull that off, and it's a big if at this point because it is fairly close. those numbers are within the margin of error. if mitt romney can pull off one
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or even two wins in those states, will he, in fact, be the a ardent conservatives' choice moving forward? >> the answer is no. this will continue next tuesday, a week from today, in the illinois primary. let's say if newt gingrich were to lose one of these two states today, and if he were to drop out, even though he says he's not dropping out, he's going all the way to the republican convention in tampa. but all the candidates say that until they do end up dropping out. let's say if gingrich did drop out, santorum certainly would not drop out and he would do everything he could to do really well in illinois next tuesday. then it would continue. they have a few races in early april, maryland, wisconsin, the district of columbia. there is a little lull in april, but then some of the big states pop up, including new york and california. so this is going to continue. let's say even if gingrich were to drop out, it would effectively be a two-man race between santorum and romney.
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ron paul is going to stay in because he's got other agenda issues out there. he wants to make sure his issues are discussed and debated, so he's going to stay in, but it would effectively be a two-man race, almost the way the hillary clinton-barack obama situation unfolded four years ago when in the end all the delegates dropped out including john edwards and chris christie and jim biden. >> i remember that. it was incredibly long. >> it went to mid-june. >> if romney wins one or two of these southern states and he's got that mojo, the momentum of getting some southern states under his belt, and if newt then has to pull out of this race, then is that why you're saying it's all a bit of a wash? because if newt pulls out and santorum gets all his voters
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likely, right? >> i don't think he would get all his voters. i think he would get a significant chunk of the newt gingrich voters. he wouldn't get them all. romney would get some and ron paul would maybe get a few others. they would divide them up, and it's unclear how that gingrich support would be divided up. i think it would be different ways in different states in different parts of the country. gingrich has always done better in the deep south than he has in the midwest, for example. we'll see what happens. it would be divided up. i think in the end, though, and if you speak to the mitt romney folks, they're pretty upbeat right now. they think they have it, although they acknowledge it's going to take a lot more work. >> do you have your decision day disco shoes on? >> not only are we going to go until all night, but i'm filling in for piers morgan at midnight tonight. we'll do a live piers morgan tonight until midnight or 1:00 a.m. we're waiting for hawaii, too. don't forget hawaii and american samoa, they've got caucuses today as well. so there will be delegates
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distributed and given out in hawaii and american samoa. >> i didn't forget. do you know why i didn't forget? >> why. >> because i pitched the assignment to go do the coverage. i was nixed. >> do you want to go with me? >> let's go. you are so good at your job, and in a couple rooms mitt romney will be joining wolf in the situation room. don't miss that, 5:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. and now watch this. >> it's just unbelievable to us that you can disregard the police and go confront this kid with a .9-millimetre gun and then try and claim self-defense. >> what's that all about? this. a neighborhood watchman shoots an unarmed teenager, and so far, no arrest, no release of the 911 calls. outrage and impatience is only
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the sanford, florida police department is expected today to hand over the investigation into the death of a teenager to the state attorney's office there. very few details are emerging in the killing of a 17-year-old named treyvon martin. he was shot and killed two weeks ago after an apparent confrontation with a neighborhood watch captain. local police have been under immense pressure from the community to make an arrest. our affiliate wesh has more on the story. >> when i see that white man, can i stop and detain that white man, get in an argument and shoot that white man to death? >> what do you think? >> i would say no, absolutely not. i would be in jail right now. >> reporter: residents have been outraged over the killing of 17-year-old treyvon martin.
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he was walking to his home when the neighborhood watch captain called the 911 line about someone suspicious. the two apparently got into a confrontation and before they got there, the teen was dead, shot. >> i think the family deserves answers, so it's not fair to keep everything secret. we're asking for the 911 tapes and the non-emergency record tapes. >> in this case, mr. zimmerman has made the statement of self-defense. until we can establish probable cause to dispute that, we don't have the grounds to arrest him. >> do you think this was a racial issue? >> i don't know if the whole thing was a racial issue. it may have been a zimmerman wants to be a hero issue. it becomes racial because zimmerman thought that black males with hoodies are criminals. >> reporter: george zimmerman told police he shot the teenager
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in self-defense. in at least one 911 call, you can hear the argument and the gunshot. >> i feel for the martin family and for the city of sanford. >> and the city of sanford manager says he has extended his condolences personally to the martin family. cnn has reached out to the neighborhood watch captain, george zimmerman, but we have yet to have a response. up next, the united states says the death penalty is possible in the case of that soldier accused of killing people in afghanistan, but there is a catch. the president has to weigh in on this one. senior analyst jeffrey toobin is going to break this down, next. . super for the energy it gives to get us going. super for the oats that are so good for our hearts. ♪ super for how it makes us... super.
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did it on a trip to kerjistan. he said capital punishment is indeed possible. speaking now to legal analyst jeffrey toobin. it never gets as serious as this, but it is hard to do an investigation in theatre when it is dangerous to be in theatre. what do you think they need to do now? >> they have to interview people, they have to get shell casings, they have to get photographs, they have to sort of see what order took place. >> all of this while the taliban is calling for beheadinbeheadin. >> absolutely. it's incredibly dangerous. there are the military police who will be doing the investigation. it's an incredibly difficult situation at every level. >> so it is difficult to secure a death penalty conviction in the best of times, anyway. it is the toughest standard.
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does this make it even more difficult, and does that mean it is going to be one of the more difficult convictions? >> i don't know if convictions. given the facts we know now, and of course everything is still developing, this does not look like a who done it. >> a why done it. >> right, a why done it which leads to mental issues, insanity defenses, diminished capacity, issues about intent rather than issues about what happened. those cases, you never know how a jury is going to react. the fact that this is a military case means that it will be a jury of officers. it's not a cross-section of the public, it will be military officers. they are known to be less sympathetic to sort of softer defenses, but, again, this is likely to be years from now and you never know how they're going to react. >> i always get the statistic wrong but i'm in the ballpark. an insanity defense prevails less than 1% of the time.
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>> it's very verks l, very low. >> the minute i heard he had a head injury, it tweaked something for me. that's critical in an insanity defense. >> what they focus on is what's called mitigation, which is the study of the defendant as a human being, his history. >> as a piece of science. >> as a piece of science, and as someone who has had lots of experiences that may have led to this moment. head injuries are a very big part of it. if you can argue to a jury that there was an organic cause for this terrible event rather than a specific intelligent decision to conduct this massacre, you have a much better chance of avoiding the death penalty. now, remember, you can avoid the death penalty without an insanity defense. you can get life in prison, which is -- i mean, it's certainly better, but it's not great. >> this guy is not walking out any time soon, without question. it also led me to wonder if the head injury, which as i understand came during one of the tours of duty, i'm not sure
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which, but there had been a succession of tours. the head injury coupled with the trauma and the stress of being am theatre in iraq and afghanistan, being away from your family at this age, in his mid-40s, could that also heavily play a part? >> it can, but here's where it gets interesting with a military jury. these jurors, they've been there themselves. they've probably had repeat tours. they know that there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have had repeat tours without killing people. >> yeah. >> so the idea of blaming the military somehow is definitely a double-edged sword here. that's why you have to -- if you are the defense attorney here, get very specific in terms of what happened to him that might explain what made him snap. >> i see how this could definitely go both ways, meaning the military jury of his peers have also been able to witness all the people, all those fellow soldiers who have had extraordinary ptsd,
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extraordinary troubles reintegrating when they come back to the united states, so they might be more sympathetic to the fact that that is a case of insanity. >> they might be more sympathetic, but they might be saying, look, all these people managed to not conduct a massacre. you never know how that will work out. the important thing for both sides to do in advance of a trial is accumulate as many facts as possible. as you pointed out, doing that in afghanistan, surrounded by the taliban, is going to be incredibly difficult in and of itself. >> the uniform code of military justice, oftentimes it's said that it is as strict as the civilian code of justice here in the united states. what about the speed? is anybody going to be looking for resolution on this any time soon? >> no. particularly when you have issues of mental competency. that slows things down so much. i mean, look at jared laufner,
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the horrible shooting in tucson. that case is nowhere near a trial because mental issues, they take so long to have people analyzed -- >> you said a competency. we don't know if he's competent enough to get tie level of insanity, right? >> it all takes time. those sorts of investigations could be done in the united states, his mental state, so that can proceed. he doesn't have to stay in afghanistan. you don't have to bring psychiatrists to afghanistan, you can do that in the united states, but it can certainly take a long time. >> i knew you would know the answers. always good to see you. a former newspaper is being accused of bribing the police, hacking into celebrity voicemails. and today the red head who worked for rupert murdoch has been arrested for the second time. and she is not the only one. we are live in london next with all the details. stick around. o come.
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new arrests today in the ongoing british tabloid phone hacking investigation. rebecca brooks, the former editor of rupert murdoch's newspaper "news of the world" was arrested for a second time, and she is not the only one who was hauled in. matthew chance is following all the details from scotland yard in london. matthew, who else, what else and why today? >> reporter: well, it's six people altogether, including rebecca brooks, the former chief
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executive of news international, former editor of "news of the world" and the sun newspaper as well, both, of course, owned by rupert murdoch. her husband has also been arrested. news international confirmed the head of security is amongst those that have been arrested, three other people as well in various locations. as part of this operation which is the british police investigation into the hacking scandal, seizing newspapers from newspaper international in particular, hacking into telephone calls, the answering machine messages of prominent celebrities, politicians, victims of crime and things like that. it's pretty significant, ashleigh, because rebecca brooks is the senior-most figure who has been arrested as part of this ongoing investigation. she was the, as i say, chief executive of news international. the other people who have been arrested in the past, and there's been some 44 of them now, they were mainly journalists at news of the world, managers and things like
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that, but rebecca brooks has always denied any knowledge of phone hacking, represents this kind of more culprit figure and there are a lot of questions, of course, over what she actually knew. we understand at the moment she's still in police custody in oxfo oxfordshire. >> there is another high-profile person somewhat mired in this controversy. al -- andrew colson was the editor at "news of the world" and he went on to become the prime minister's aide. here's the prime minister afrk arriving on the red carpet at andrews base, and this all breaking at almost the same hour. >> i think domestically in the united kingdom, this will be quite embarrassing for him.
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this whole hacking snts ju inin about the media, it's about the relationships, the inappropriate relationships between the british empire and the police and politicians as well. the front page of one of the popular evening papers here in london saying, as cameron flies out to see obama, two of his friends are seized on suspicion of conspiracy. there is this whole implication that these are elite figures connected to the police behind me but connected to politicians as well. so i think questions being raised about david cameron's choice of press spokesmen in andrew colson. homeless people walking about offering up wi-fi. it's all happening at the south by southwest tech festival, and critics are not happy about it. they're calling this tasteless, and one of them is saying it's horrifying. i'm about to talk to one of the
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itself on its internet activity, getting people involved in a number of ways, but there's one product really standing out. it's labeled not only innovative but somewhat insensitive. a band of homeless people wearing smespecial devices that provide a 4g signal, and they're approaching anybody offering them a clear connection for a suggested fee. $2 for 15 minutes. >> i'm with a company here -- it's a hot spot for the homeless. this is something they just did. you guys having problems with your wi-fi. i swallowed my pride. at first i was kind of embarrassed about it, but being homeless has changed me to a different outlook about people. >> depending on how it goes, the u.s. post is reporting that homeless hot spots could be headed here to new york. just wanted to show you the cover of the new york post, just in case you were curious. if the homeless people involved are on board, why are some people walking away with a bad
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taste in their mouth about all of this? to talk about it, i've got emma cookson, chairwoman at the marketing agency that created homeless hot spots. i'm glad you came to talk to me about this. my first inclination, emma, when i saw this, was, oh, my god, how could you exploit homeless people like this, but there is a lot more to it. tell me, why is it not exploitation? >> i suppose the first thing i would say is it's not exploitation in the eyes of the people taking part who have been, all of them, the homeless guys -- it was mostly guys, one woman -- all of them has been heartwarmingly positive, enthusiastic and into it. we did share with them, in the midst of all the comments and the negative feedback as well as positive feedback, you know, if you feel uncomfortable about this, stop doing it. >> who started this whole thing in the first place? >>ly article came from a group of people inside the agency. i work for a communications agency, and inside the agency there are a lot of people who are just very interested and
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passionate about the homeless issue generally. we are a communication agency, so a lot of us are always looking out for new ways that maybe we can create awareness or create support, so honestly, it wasn't like a person, it was a group of people. >> and did anybody at the time of the genesis of this say, yeah, i can sense some blowback on this one? >> nothing like the scale of attention that has subsequently come our way, no. we knew, but obviously it's different and it's unusual, so we certainly thought, oh, yeah, some people will comment, some people will notice, but we didn't think it would be quite such a deluge that it's been. >> it's huge. as i was reading some of the tweets from the people at south by southwest, let me read a couple for our audience because they probably had the same reaction i did right off the mark. celine said, as if the homeless aren't demeaned enough, now they're being used as human hot spots at south by southwest.
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and by annie, anyone that finds using homeless people as hot spots at south by southwest demd dehumanizing offensive? and this tweet twoojust says it horrifying. why is it not horrifying? is there some great benefit? what do the homeless people get out of this? >> there have been quite a lot of tweets and forms of support. >> some we couldn't put on the air, right? >> there's been some that were a lot more positive than you read on the air. but anyway, i suppose explaining where it comes from explains what's in it for people. we've been long admirers of the street people selling newspapers.
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we're in a digital age now. because the great thing about that model that we really, really admire and lots of people admire is not that it's just a source of revenue for the people selling the papers, but it's personal contacts, personal talk. so with this program, the idea was they're selling connectivity as opposed to a piece of content or a newspaper, and we did the whole program through the shelter in austin. the thing they talk about most that they've most been proud of is the fact that they're based in austin, and when the conferences come around each year, usually the conference goers just pass them by. they don't stop to talk to them. because of this program, people are having loads and loads of conversations about their background, about their situation. they're getting money, they're making cash -- >> they get money from people who pay. >> every single dollar that
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comes in from this program is going direct to the person using the wi-fi device, 100%. absolutely no financial benefit to anyone else. >> so in essence, they're working? >> they're working. one guy referred to it as his temporary little business. it's if anyone would want to make a donation, we would be grateful. it's a free service. you don't have to pay, and certainly no cash exchanges hands. we gave guaranteed minimums to these guys. >> it is intriguing no matter how you slice it, but i think you're not done with the conversation yet. there is a lot of conversation out there. emma cookson, thanks for coming in. >> thank you. ahead, it's no secret that many americans aren't saving money. but i've got a new report for you, and it is really
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disturbing. it is bad, folks, especially when it comes to your retirement. we're going to have a little peek-see into america's bank accounts and find out where your friends, relatives, neighbors and you stand. it ain't pretty. until mom explained with puffs ultra soft & strong, you only need one. two times stronger than the leading value brand, they win this test. puffs ultra soft & strong, they always impress. weso to save money, services can get kind of expensive. i've found a new way to get my profile out there. check me out. everybody says i've got a friendly disposition and they love my spinach dip. five foot ten... still doing a little exploring. but... my sign is sagittarius, i'm into spanish cheese, my hairline is receding but i'm getting a weave. getting a weave. there's an easier way to save. who wants some ronald tonight!? who wants some ronald tonight!? geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more. with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain.
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♪ >> that's a sweet sound, folks. long-time drummer of the doobie brothers has died. mike hossack died at the age of 65 of cancer. he continued playing with the band even though he was fighting for his life. we are thankful -- wow -- for that. listen to that music. ♪ won't you keep on shining on me ♪ and our economy is slowly recovering, but the effects of the recession still linger on and on. and according to a new study, most of us in america, we are not financially ready for retirement, so how much have people saved? the study says 60% of workers have less than $25,000 in savings. let's bring in alison kosik, the new york stock exchange.
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hey! what? holy cow. that is crazy, alison? >> it's pretty scary. it really should be a wake-up call to everybody who is working out there, because think about it. $25,000? last time i checked, it doesn't last long. what if you plan to retire in your 60s and you live well into your 80s and 90s? it's just not enough money, so it's no surprise people are worried about retirement. look how worried they are. only 14% of workers say they're very confident about what they've got socked away for retirement, that they're going to have enough money to live on in retirement. 23% say they're not confident at all. everybody else in the middle, they're saying, we're just not unsure, and that's understandable because everyone is worried about having a job, keeping a job, paying off their debts, paying for medical care. there are a lot of unknowns and it seems not enough people are socking away the money. ashleigh? >> what are the older folks doing about it? the younger ones might be able to kick into gear
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