tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 21, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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mitt romney, 380,000, ron paul, 260,000. you think would all the young followers and young devotees he'd be up there but newt is number one. i joined a year ago, not even a year ago. my first tweet was on june 23rd. i said this is my first tweet. e-mail us with resumes. a lot of you did. we do have the best team. and thanks for following. "anderson cooper" starts now. >> thanks very much. good evening, everyone. we begin with breaking news. a major new development in the killing of treyvon mart anyone a gated community in florida. it's unfolding to night as people here in new york put on hoodies like the one treyvon was wearing and marched through the streets of manhattan. they want to know why a teenager armed with nothing deadlier than skittles, iced tea and a sweatshirt is dead. treyvon's parents are at the
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rally tonight. >> treyvon was your typical teenager. treyvon did the typical teenager things. treyvon was not -- and i repeat -- was not a bad person. >> we know that. >> george zimmerman took treyvon's life for nothing. >> nothing! >> george zimmerman took treyvon's life profiling him. my son did not deserve to die. >> we're going to -- i interviewed the parents earlier. we'll play that later. a florida legislator who co-sponsored the law and defends it and doubts george zimmerman's claim he fired in self-defense. also, something that may factor into a civil rights allegation, allegation that's george zimmerman uttered a racial slur while on the phone with 911. we enhanced the audio. you can decide for yourself though. we'll play for you uncensored in a moment. first, the breaking news which happened just moments ago in sanford, florida, where david
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mattingly joins us live. sanford city commissioner passed a no confidence motion in the local police chief. what does that mean? does it mean anything? >> reporter: anderson, this was a no confidence vote. they voted 3-2 in no confidence in the city's police chief bill lee. this is really a nonbindsing vote. it demonstrates to the police chief that he no longer has the support of the city commission here. and what it is saying is that they're now going to be looking into more details. they're not going to make a decision right away. it doesn't mean that chief is fired. but they are going to be looking into deeply in his handling of this killing of treyvon martin. and the chief has only been in office less than a year now. he does not have the support right now of the current mayor of the city, jeff triplette. i watched the mayor earlier today as he was sitting side by side with leaders of the naacp
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as people who live here were coming forward telling stories about how for years that they have had problems with the police force here. he said at that time that there's going to be a lot of work to do to correct some of these problems and tonight might have been the first step that he was talking about. anderson? >> let me ask you about the investigation. because are the local police there and they've been criticized by the family of treyvon martin, obviously the attorney for that family, but are the local police there still investigating this or because the fbi and justice department are investigating, because there's going to be a grand jury, have they taken over the investigation? do we know? >> reporter: the investigation itself is relatively over in terms of what the police are doing. but it's still open in case something else comes up or someone else comes forward to give them more information. they are still leaving it open in that respect. but they have turned everything over that they have for the state's attorney. that state's attorney is looking at it and they're calling a grand jury in april to look over the evidence they have to decide
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if they're going to come out with any charges with anyone involved in this case. >> all right, david mattingly, appreciate the update. pressure is building on the local police there for days. the questions center on how full dli police in sanford, florida, investigate george zimmerman and his claim of self-defense in accordance with florida's deadly force law or did they just take his word on it? his family says the cops are covering up, the family -- >> they're actually trying to sweep our son's death under the rug. treyvon was a person. you know, he wasn't just a statistic. he was loved by his family. he was loved by his friends. >> they, the family, the protesters tonight, the naacp and others believe the police took george zimmerman's claim at face value and left it at that. now recall that sanford police chief said before florida and the justice department launched their own investigations, we don't have anything to dispute his claim of self-defense. why wasn't zimmerman tested for
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drugs or alcohol where the dead teenager was tested. what if anything did police know about george zimmerman's long record of phoning nuisances or suspicious people or his arrest with scuffle with an undercover police officer? he endered a pretrial program allowing him to keep his record clean and that might have been missed. so what about zimmerman's call to 911? now critics say his own words should have been evidence enough to form probable cause that he was pursuing treyvon martin and not acting in self-defense. >> are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay, we don't need you to do that. >> okay. >> the final question centers on another phone call, one that was taking place literally at the same time between treyvon and his girlfriend. what if anything did police know about that? did they even check treyvon's phone records or contact his girlfriend? the martin family attorney says they haven't spoke within her and abc is reporting that she gave crumb p a sworn affidavit.
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she says this about her final conversation with treyvon. i quote, "he said this man was watching him so he put his hoody on, said he lost the man. i asked treyvon to run and he said he was going to walk fast. i told him to run but he said he was not going to run. she said the man caught up to t travonn. he said what you are following me for? the man said what are you doing here? i hear somebody pushing and somebody pushed trayvon because the head set fell. that seemed to cast doubt on george zimmerman's claim of self-defense. that is one of the many questions these marchers tonight have that trayvon martin's team has had and have had for weeks. you saw a moment ago trayvon's parents are here in new york tonight. i spoke with them on my day time syndicated program "anderson" which the ind view is going terd
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two neighbors who were at the scene when trayvon was shot. >> the eyewitnesses say that some of them believe it was your son calling out for help. nodirectly doing it or could say 100% for sure. you heard the 911 call where you hear somebody calling out help. do you believe that is your son's voice? >> yes, i do. i believe that is trayvon martin. that is my baby's voice. every mother knows their child. and that's his voice. >> and the fact that -- if that's true and he called out for help, what does that tell you? >> he was afraid for his life. he saw his death coming. he saw his death coming. the screams got more frantic and at that second that we heard the shot, screams just completely stopped.
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he saw his death. he was pleading for his life. >> so you're saying fit was zimmerman screaming for help that, might have continued after the shot. but the fact that after the shot there was no more screaming for help. >> no more screaming what so wh. >> whether you both went outside, you saw george zimmerman where and where was trayvon mart snin. >> she was out the door first. when i came out the door, i saw him basically straddling him. he had, you know, feet on either side of his body. and his hands at the time i didn't know was on his back. >> trayvon was face down? >> trayvon was face down. once he got off the body, we could see that his face was down in the grass. so at the time that he was holding his back, i didn't know if he was trying to help him, hold the wound or -- someone
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asked him several times, three times, what's going on? is everything okay? and each time he looked back but he didn't say anything until the third time he just said call the police. >> we'll have that complete interview tomorrow. last week george zimmerman's father told the "orlando sentinel" that the familiar sli receiving death threats. his son pursued him live. a long time friend is defending the george zimmerman that he says he knows. i spoke to him late yesterday. so mr. taffy, you know george zimmerman. what is he like? >> george zimmerman is a very congenial, admirable person. he was very, very kind to everyone in our community. and i really appreciated and so did the rest of our residence in our neighborhood that he stepped up and took over the position as
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neighborhood watch captain to insure the safety of all the residence in our community. >> you say he actually stopped a potential burglary at your house a couple weeks before the shooting? >> that's correct. >> and were you surprised that he was carrying a gun? were you aware he carried a gun? >> i was extremely shocked to the fact that he was carrying a gun, yes. >> what shocked you? how did it shock you? >> the lethal weapon. it wasn't george. as i said, he was a very congenial man. the use of a lethal weapon, a deadly lethal weapon as a .9 millimeter he use the was shocking. it didn't fit the person. >> had there been burglaries in
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your neighborhood? what is the neighborhood like? >> i have lived at twin lakes since 2006. july, 2006. in the last 15 months, anderson, we have experienced eight burglaries, one which was perpetrated during the daylight hours. most, the majority of the perpetrators are young black males. >> and i mean when you reflect on what's happened and what we know about and obviously a lot isn't known, what do you think? >> this is a perfect storm. you had a neighborhood that was experiencing extremely high tension, anxiety and with the burglaries, everybody was at -- pardon my phrase, we were at
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death con five. >> do you believe race played a factor? >> absolutely not. >> why do you feel so strongly about that? >> george is not a racist. he was just performing his duties as watch captain, whether it be african-american, latino, asian or white. he would have done the same thing. he would approach that person and just ask them what is your business here? and if he just answered him in an appropriate manner, you know, i'm just here visiting, my mother's house is around the corner and be up front and truthful, there wouldn't have been any problem. >> i appreciate your perspective. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, anderson. >> we're trying to get as many different perspectives of people in that community to you
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tonight. let us know what you think. we're on facebook, google plus, follow me on twitterment i'. i'll be tweeting tonight. did george zimmerman use a racial slur when he called 911? we're going to play you the tape uncensored. you can decide for yourself. he says something under his breath. a lot of people believe it is a racial slur. we're going to play it for you. can you determine. the reason we're doing that is because if it was a racial slur, that might allow the federal government to bring charges based on what was in george zimmerman's head based on him saying a racial slur. so it has a very important legal role and could really influence what role the federal government has moving forward in this. so that's why we're going to play it for you. we're going to look at what role florida's stand your ground law played in the shooting death of a young husband and father, another case that raised a lot of questions. we'll be right back. and economic growth.
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] not everything powerful has to guzzle fuel. the 2012 e-class bluetec from mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. tonight the question of florida's deadly force law which takes away a duty for someone in jeopardy to retreat if possible and replaces it with a legal permission to stand your ground and use deadly force. nationwide 21 states now have stand your ground laws. since passing the law, violent crime in florida has dropped but to be fair, it's also fallen nationwide. more significantly, justifiable homicides as in the kind that george zimmerman is claiming and
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the martin family is disputing, those spiked in florida. they doubled since the stand your ground law passes. randi kaye has a story of a life cut short and a case under way. >> reporter: when david james, an iraq war veteran escaped combat in the middle east unscathed, his wife breathed a sigh of relief. >> i would worry about him. but i thought he would be safe here. >> reporter: she was wrong. and now wants to know why trevor duely, a 71-year-old retired bus driver shot her husband in broad daylight right in front of their 8-year-old daughter. duely says it was self-defense. his wife calls it murder. >> what person brings a gun to a park when there's children? i mean, he killed my husband.
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he could have just talked to him. >> reporter: whether or not trevor duely fired in self-defense is at the heart of this case. also central to the story is duely's defense, florida's stand your ground law. ch allows a person to stand their ground and use deadly force if they fear someone could seriously harm them. here's what witnesses say happened on that september sunday in 2010. 41-year-old david james was playing basketball with his daughter here when witnesses say duely who lived right across the street started yelling at a teenager who was skate boarding to get off the court. that's when witnesses say james intervened. james yelled back to duely asking him to show where any signs say no skate boarding. duely then crossed the street to the park to confront james. a tennis player at the park, mike at witt, testified things turned ugly when duely reached
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for his waist band. the two men struggled on the ground before james was shot once through the heart. on the 911 call, witt is heard trying to help. >> sir, can you hear me? si, can you hear me? sir, can you hear me? he's shot in the chest. >> he's not breathing? >> he's not breathing. >> mr. duely, what do you want to say about what happened? >> no comment. >> reporter: duely tells a different story that krikcontras the witnesses. he said when he took the gun out of his right front pocket james saw it and knocked him to the ground. at a hearing to get the charges dismissed, duely testified, "he was choking me to death." >> you agree i do not want to go to prison for killing david james. i do think i should? yes or no? >> reporter: duely's lawyer said that his client turned to walk away towards home and james was at gresorment he said duely did pull a gun but didn't use it until he felt his life was threatened. he says the charges against his client should be dropped given
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the stand your ground law. his wife says her husband of 13 years had never been aggressive. he was a gentle family man. she believes he was trying to protect himself and their daughter danielle after he saw duely pull a gun. >> he loved danielle so much. that breaks my heart that trevor duely took my daughter's best friend away from her. she'll never have her daddy. >> reporter: danielle's testimony about how and why the situation turned violent is key in a case that hinges on self-defense. danielle now 10 recalled how her father asked duely where the signs were that said no skate boarding on the court. >> my dad got on top of him so he could keep him down so he could get the answer. >> where were your dad's hands?
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>> on his arms. >> on the man's arms? >> yeah. >> reporter: the little girl then recalled her father's last moments. >> i think the guy pulled out the gun then. >> did you hear anything? >> yeah. >> what did you hear? >> like when it shot. >> you heard a gunshot? >> yeah. >> did your dad say anything then? >> yeah. >> what did he say? >> call the ambulance. i've been shot. >> reporter: when his wife got there, her husband was already dead. and her daughter was crying, asking why isn't anyone helping my daddy? randi kaye, cnn, florida. >> so the stand your ground law may be at the heart of this case moving forward. let's take a look at the controversial law. i talked with florida state legislator dennis bachl baxly a jeffrey toobin. representative baxly, i know you don't want to get ahead of the grand jury.
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i totally understand the reasoning behind that. from what you know about the killing of trayvon martin, do you believe that the man who fired the gun, george zimmerman, should be protected by the stand your ground law, a law that you are one of the co-sponsors of? >> well, the castle doctrine, this bill also referred to the stand your ground has always has been about protecting people from violent attack. there is nothing in this statute that provides for a person to pursue and confront other people. i think any individual is on very thin ice when they get outside the realm of that protection. >> jeff, you wrote a column today, essentially saying that the folks behind this law have a lot to answer for. >> absolutely. representative baxly, let me ask you. wouldn't florida be a safer place under the old law which said if you're carrying a gun in your pocket and you are in a public street and you get involved in a confrontation, you have a duty to step back and let
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the police handle it instead of firing your gun yourself. wouldn't florida be safer with the duty to retreat? >> well, in fact, florida's not unique. this very statute went to 26 more states after it left here. so we're really in line with about half the country or more, more than half the country. and, in fact, the difficulty with the duty to retreat is it's really a monday morning quarterback armchair situation where you're saying a person could have done something different. when you're in that moment and you're under attack, you have to make a decision. do you want to be the victim or do you want them to be the victim that's the perpetrator of this action against you? so i'm going to stand on the side of law abiding citizens and say you have the right to defend yourself from harm. >> were you surprised to hear somebody in a neighborhood watch was carrying a weapon, was carrying a gun? >> i was. because from what i've heard
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about the crime watch programs, typically that is not part of the scenario because of what could happen. so there is a lot of questions to be answered in that regard. and there may be more legislation in that regard. but i would really hate to dilute the protection that we provide law abiding citizens to act in the interest of their families and themselves. >> so you don't believe that stand your ground needs to be rewritten in any way? >> no, i don't. i think there may be other legislation. i would hate to diminish the fact that we truly developed a policy that allows people to prevent bad things from happening to them and their families. and it's been successful. >> jeff toobin, what ways raises questions? >> it essentially gives private citizens the license to say, hey, i feel threatened so i'm going to fire my gun. i think that is why we have a trained police force. that is not why -- that is not a safe situation, whether it's -- >> well, here's the flaw with
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your analysis. you know, one of my five children is a deputy sheriff. he says, dad, you need to be prepared. you need to carry a fire arm in your vehicle. usually whether we get there, it's all over. we can't be everywhere that these things happen. and people are looking for -- we have a very high -- >> with all due respect to your son, sblt it true that most florida law enforcement oppose this law? >> no, not at all. i can tell you, i've had a lot of feedback from law enforcement officers telling me that -- >> i know you've had feedback afterwards, but before the legislature, florida law enforcement opposed changing the duty to retreat because they think they're trained to use weapons and it's not a good idea to give private citizens a license to shoot when they feel threatened. >> that's not the opinion on the street where this happens. they understand -- >> i know it's the opinion on one street in orlando these days. >> you can be the victim of
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violence and you have to be prepared to take care of yourself and your family. you need to empower law abiding citizens to be able to do that. that doesn't mean we don't have great empathy. i'll tell you right now, you know, i've spent 40 years in funeral service taking care of families and friends who have gone through just such tragedies. and my heart goes out to them. at the same time, we want to make sure we continue to protect other families who are the subject of an invasion and attack. and they should be empowered to stop bad things from happening. they have. they did. and for that reason i think the statute has been a success. >> representative baxly, i appreciate your time. thank you. jeff toobin, thank you. >> thank you. i appreciate your call. >> still ahead tonight, did george zimmerman use a racial slur moments before killing trayvon martin on that 911 tape? we tried to clean up the background noise as much as possible. we're going to play it for you
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ahead without beeping out anything so can you decide for yourself. this is really crucial moving forward to whether or not the federal government gets involved in what they might charge george zimmerman with if they choose to. [ male announcer ] we asked real people if they'd help us with an experiment for febreze fabric refresher, they agreed. [ experimenter 1 ] relax, take some nice deep breaths. [ experimenter 2 ] at do you smell? lilac. clean. there's something that's really fresh. a little bit beach-y. like children's blankets. smells like home. [ experimenter 1 ] okay take your blindfolds off. ♪ hello? [ male announcer ] if febreze fabric refresher can freshen this couch, what can it do for yours? febreze fabric refresher -- breathe happy.
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said moments before he shot trayvon martin. did he use a racist slur? there is a debate raging over two debate that's zimmerman may have used. some hear an ugly insult and explitive. others hear nothing of the sort. according to abc news, the sanford police department admitted that investigators missed a possible racist remark in the call. when cnn asked sanford police department about the department this is what sergeant david morgue anstern told us. "i said we didn't hear it. however, i'm not sure what was said. so i never said we missed a racist remark. i'm not sure what was said. i heard something but, again, not clear as to what was said. i did not hear it until it was pointed out to me." before we tell what you the alleged slur is, we're going to let you listen for yourself with fresh ears and make up your own mind what you hear. for that, we enlisted the help of one of cnn's top audio engineers. we warn to some of you the language you're going to hear is offensive. but we're going to play it for you without bleeping anything because it's evidence and if we
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bleep it, you'll have a harder time hearing what some believe is a racial slur. here is gary tuck. >> this is room 31 at cnn senter in atlanta. this is one of the most sophisticated audio edit suites. here is our audio design specialist. he's one of the best audio experts in the business. rick, if can you, i have not listened to this portion of 911 tape at all. i want to hear it raw. let's listen. >> which entrance is he headed for? >> the back entrance. >> you may not have heard the moment in question. because it was so quick. how long does that portion last that everyone is talking about? >> a second 18 frames. >> so 1.6 seconds. let's listen to it ten times in a row if we can. what we're listening for is the racial slur coons. it follows the f word. some people say they hear it,
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others say they don't. it certainly a lot clearer when we listen to it that way. >> can we make it clearer? >> i already did a little boosting and at 4.6 kilohertz that, is boosting the high end of the voice. >> what rick has done is lowered the base. >> so why is it that you want to get rid of the low end of the audio, the bassst audio? >> to minimize the noise. >> so that takes away the noise. and allows us to hear the voice more clearly? >> that's correct. >> i'll boost it up a little bit more there. and we give it a shot here. >> that does sound a little clearer to me. it sounds like this allegation could be accurate. i wouldn't swear to it in court. that's what it sounded like to
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me. >> very difficult to really pinpoint what he is saying. >> rick, can we play just that second word where we think the second word is and hear? [ mumbling ] >> it certainly sounds like that word to me but you can't be sure. that sounds even more like the word than using it with the f word before that. >> that's correct. >> only george zimmerman knows if he used the slur. but he's not talking. so the phone call like so much of this case remains a mystery. ga gary tuchman, atlanta. >> let us know what you think on twitter. let's talk about why this is so important, whether or not he used that slur. senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin is joining us on the phone. legally, why does this matter? >> it's extremely, extremely significant because the federal government is not allowed to
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prosecute just your ordinary every day murder. two people fighting on the street is not a federal crime. however, if one person shoots another based on racial hostility, that does become a federal crime. and if very shortly before the murder zimmerman used this racial epithet to refer to the person he ultimately shot, that very much puts it within the fbi and the justice department. >> the 911 tape, they used the word a-holes and say they always get away. we don't know what we mean by they in reference to trayvon martin. the other thing i want to ask you about which we're getting a lot of response to on twitter, we had a person that used to be on a neighborhood watch and knew george zimmerman and defended him and said had trayvon martin
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answered george zimmerman's question about what are you doing here, none of this would have happened. a lot of response on twitter is why should anybody have to ask -- answer a question if some guy, you know, has no real authority to ask that question? is there any responsibility that somebody has to answer a question from some neighborhood watch guy? >> well, in the united states of america, you don't even have to answer a police officer under the fifth amendment. you have the right to remain silent. but you certainly don't have any obligation to answer some guy who is calling himself a neighborhood watch officer and most importantly if you refuse to answer or even if you answer inappropriately, we don't have the death penalty for failing to answer. so the idea that trayvon's inappropriate answer is somehow justification for george zimm zimmerman to shoot him dead on
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the street is completely preposterous. >> jeff toobin, appreciate you calling in. thank you very much. again, let us know what you think on twitter. we're having this conversation real time. it should have been a good day for mitt romney. but then one of his senior advisors started talking about etch sketches. how much did the remarks do? [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people
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up an important endorsement. >> i think he hit a reset button for the fall campaign. everything changes. it's almost like an etch a sketch. you can kind of shake it up and restart all over again. >> now everything changed like an etch a sketch. romney's rivals long accused him of changing stripes to win votes. they jumped on the remarks. here is newt gingrich campaigning in louisiana. >> you have to stand for something positive and you have to stand -- pardon me, let me borrow this for a second. you have to stand for something that lasts longer than this. >> rick santorum also showed in louisiana with an etch in sketch in hand. >> you're not looking for someone who is the etch a sketch candidate. you're looking for someone who writes what at the believe in in stone and stays true to what they say. >> as for the aide, he seemed to back pedal saying i was talking about the race as we move from the primary to the general
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election, the campaign changes. it's a different race with different candidates and a focus on different issues. his boss seemed to say something very different. >> the issues i'm running on will be exactly the same. i'm running against a conservative republican. i'll be running as a conservative republican nominee, at that point hopefully, nominee as president. the policies and positions are the same. >> joining me now, republican strategist and adviser of the romney campaign and alice stewart. so my producer currently has 68 e-mails in her inbox with etch a ste sketch in the subject line. does this feed into an existing narrative and cyst six about governor romney that he'll change his positioned to get elected? >> i think on a day like this in the campaign, anderson, you have to ask yourself what matters to voters? i don't think something like this matters to voters. we're in a news psych wrl gafi
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where gaffes like this get attention. but the person that filled up their cared 4dz gas, the person worried about losing a job or can't find a job, they're unconcerned with this type of discussion and debate that we have in -- about the internal dynamics of what staffers say on campaigns. i think that was born out by the fact that the governor has spent his entire campaign, particularly in place like illinois, that was so important, focused on the economy, focused on the big issues, folk uked about the issue that he is going to use to beat barack obama in a general election. i think going forward, that's exactly what the campaign does, focussed on the economy. focuses on the governor's issue and his vision. >> alice, obviously your campaign is having fun with this. they showed up at a romney campaign with free etch sketches. the fact is -- i mean your boss suffered a pretty big loss last night in illinois. you'd much rather spend the day talking about etch sketches than delegate counts. is it fair to be harping on
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this? >> it is, anderson. and with all due respect to kevin, this does matter to voters. because there has been the perception for quite some time as what will mitt romney do as things progress? he talks a good conservative game. look at his record. he's been very liberal on manufacture the key issues that voters are concerned with. being a romneycare which was prototype for obama care. he was pro abortion. he was for cap and trade. he was for many issues that don't tow the conservative line. and what basically we heard from the romney cam tp this morning confirmed the speculation that if he wins the nomination in the primary, he's going to abandon his conservative principles and create a candidate that he'll need for the general. this is what the voters will see if he gets the nomination, a blank slate. we're going to go back to the middle. >> your kanld dacandidate has a with anybody who is not a ve conservative voter or rural voter.
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your candidate is having real problems in the suburbs among women, among essential voters. why should anyone believe he has a path to a nomination? >> evidently, mitt romney has a problem with. that. >> he has more delegates and more popular votes. >> certainly. he's also outspending us 21-1? chicago. >> yes. >> but he's not energizing the base. he's not energizing conservatives around him. what we do need, we need a man-to-man debate. we need the two of them to go at it face-to-face on the issues. and when it comes to core values, a conservative values, they need to be etched in stone. they don't need to be on an etch and sketch. rick santorum is true to his convictions and has been in the past. >> kevin, is it fair for the campaigns to continue harping on the huge financial advantage and huge money difference that governor romney has? >> well, you know, i think all those type of issues are fair. again, does it matter to voters?
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no. i think the answer to that clearly is no. i mean look, on campaigns, you need resources. you need organization. you need a message. we happen to have all three. and the other campaigns are quite deficient in all three. so that's how you win campaigns. i think governor romney is winning on the strength of his message. what happens is a lot of the resources that we use, we use to get out the message what he would do on the big issues, the economy, how he would turn that around, what he would do to drive down deficits and create jobs. that's why he's winning. >> kevin and alice, appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> the latest on the day-long standoff in france where the suspect and seven murders, seven murders including four in a jewish school monday is holed up. we learned a lot about his background. what the world wants to know and share is here.
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apartment a short time ago. france's interior minister's office says the explosions were a way to try to pressure the 23-year-old suspect to surrender. france 2 aired this video saying this is the suspect, mohammed merah. dan rivers is live in france with the latest on the standoff. dan, there have been explosions. what's going on now? >> reporter: yeah, a couple more just in the last minute or so, anderson. at the end of this street, we're being told consistently by the interior ministry that the opposition has not started yet. but we certainly heard what sounded like gun shots and then what sounded like a grenade in the last minute or so. so we will keep an eye on what is going on here. but we're now almost 21, 22 hours into this siege. and this suspected terrorist is hold up, inside, refusing to come out or dialogue with
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negotiators. >> have -- we just got new video of the suspect. how much do we know about this guy? >> reporter: well, mohammed merah was known to french intelligence, the 23-year-old who is thought to have been trar in any event training camps in afghanistan, traveled to pakistan. it's thought that he may have also been arrested and detained in afghanistan. some reports suggesting he was deported back to france by the u.s. certainly we're being told that he was under surveillance for some time here in france. and there will be really probing questions when all this is over about how and why french intelligence apparently let him slip through their fingers. just two weeks ago, anderson, he was before a court here in france. he seemed to disappear from the net. they didn't know where he was. and then suddenly we have these
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killings, seven people over the last week or so including three children shot at point blank range. >> it's unbelievable. dan rivers, appreciate it. still ahead, ridiculous. let's check in with the 360 news bulletin. >> united nations security council called on the assad government today to end the bloodshed in syria. but it's falling on deaf ears. syria's forces shelled neighborhoods in the embattled city. 79 people were killed across syria today. a 306 follow, 19-year-old darrell deadman was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a black man last year. james craig anderson was set upon by a group of young white men, beaten and then run over by a truck driven by deadman. starbucks and green mountain coffee will sell single serving coffee packs sold by starbucks in the newest coffee machine which is called the view.
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investors lot of deal and pushed the shares of green mountain up 12%. take a look at this. talk about taking the plunge. a young canadian woman who is confined to a wheelchair took a dive on a bungee cord as you see there while strapped into her chair. she won a contest sponsored by a group that helps people take part in sports. >> do you think getting a jury duty summons is a pain? at least you're not getting one in third grade. ♪ oh! [ baby crying ] ♪ what started as a whisper ♪ every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. ♪ slowly turned to a scream ♪ there's an insurance company that does that, too.
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tonight, someone really messed up this time. in massachusetts, a 9-year-old has called for jury duty. that's right, 9 years old. his name is jacob. he's in the third grade. he likes to ride his bike and summoned to appear in the local district court on april 18th for jury selection. >> i got jury duty. i said what's jury duty? summon for jury service. if you're picked, then you go up to the judge and you say if their guilty or not guilty. if i was 18 or over, i'd have to go. >> jacob's grandmother says his birth year was incorrect listed as 1982 instead of 2002. not only has he been summoned for jury duty, he is also turning 30 this year which is a lot to handle when you're 9 years old. jacob's dad is taking it all in stride. >> i think he'd do well. i think he's impartial. he'd be able to be objective, you know, as long is there is no
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jury tampering, someone offered him an x box game, he would do as they asked. >> the jury commissioner is not sure what went wrong. >> it could have been a data entry error at the town. it could have been on the census form that parents fill out. >> or it could just be that they really, really want to get this kid on a jury. because this actually isn't the first time he's been summoned. that's right, it happened once before when jacob was 2 years old. now, look, i don't want to be hyperbolic. another no sure that the massachusetts jury summoning is airtight. a few years ago, this cat also got called for jury duty. he is a feline juror tonight on "claw and order." the ideas of cats being jurors is absurd. do not expect them to take diligent notes. but 9-year-old boys, why not? with all apologies to william golding, it may be interesting to see a justice system made up
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entirely of third grade boys. this court is in recess would take on an entirely different meaning. trials can be so darn serious, might be stress reliever for everyone with the entire jury box erupts in giggles every time the judge says civic duty. you don't have to go at the great lengths that some adults have to to get out of it. the finest example being liz lemon on "30 rock." >> i don't think it's fair for me to be on a jury because i can read thoughts. >> all right. that may seem extreme. check this out, a few years ago a man in montana filed an affidavit requesting to be excused from jury duty that said, in part, apparently you morons didn't understand me the first time. i would rather count the wrinkles on my dog's [ beep ] than sit on a jury. wow. quite a visual. the point is the next time you get a jury summons, remembern
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