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tv   John King USA  CNN  March 22, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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back. ♪ . >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. tim tebow, only, only the best in new york. good luck, tim tebow with the new new york jets. that's it for me. thanks for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." the news continues next on cnn. thanks for joining us. i'm candy crowley, john king is off. tonight, the local and national fur roar over a teenager's shooting death convinces a florida police chief to step aside. the man who fired the fatal shot has not been charged. also, the bloody end of a siege leaves unanswered questions about why a self-proclaimed jihadist was allowed to roam free. mitt romney goes after rick santorum, we may as well stay with president obama rather than take a risk of a romney candacecy. but, first, breaking news.
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we are just getting the details of what caused whitney houston's death. as you know, she was found last month in the bathtub of her hotel room in beverly hills. let's go to kareen wynter who joins us live from los angeles. what can you tell us? >> hi, candy. what i can tell you, the final cause of death has been determined to be drowning from heart disease as well as cocaine. that's right. there was cocaine in whitney houston's system at the time she was found submerged in a bathtub at the beverly hilton hotel back in february the day before the grammy's. the toxicology report also showed while cocaine and other met tab beau lights were found in her system and contributed to her death, what's interesting, marijuana, xanax, the drug fl flexeril and benadryl, they were also found but we are told those
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weren't contributing factors. there was no trauma or foul play suspected. it us anticipated we could get a more detailed report regarding those toxicology findings in the next couple weeks. i just spoke with one of the investigators just a few minutes ago. there is a lot of talk about why alcohol isn't listed here. there were so many reports from sources that with he were abe w confirm with as well as hotel workers who saw whitney houston drinking heavily the days leading up to her death and even the day that she died. we are wondering why that wasn't here. an investigator said, while that detailed report will have all the drug and alcohol levels listed, they are telling us that the level of alcohol use was minimal here. that it was not -- the level was solo it was not a contributing factor. the actual cause, drowning due to heart disease as well as cocaine use. >> bobby christina, whitney houston's daughter, her only child, was a legal point of contact here in terms of the next of kin that would be
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notified before the media, beverly hills police. she was notified regarding her mom's death. they wouldn't provide her reaction at all to that. bobbi kristina notified through a family member. candy? >> let me make sure i have this straight. the official cause of death is she drown in the bathtub, is that correct? >> yes and that the drowning was a result of her cocaine use. there was cocaine found in her system and according to this toxicology report, at the time she died, she had heart disease. the first thing that i asked the investigator was, this wasn't a drug overdose, right? it is not she died due to the drug overdose? she died as a result of drowning from cocaine and she had heart issues. it is a bit confusing. they are busy inside dealing with the media. we are hoping to have some of those questions answered because, again, it doesn't seem as clear-cut as the toxicology
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report lists. >> i know you want to go get some more answers. thank you very much. i want to bring in don lemon on the phone with us. what have you got? >> i have spoken to the coroner twice to get the information about the cause of death and, two, to clear up information about alcohol, whether or not alcohol was found in whitney houston's system. here is what ed winter, the assistant chief coroner in l.a. county says. he said that according to him, candy, all of it was contributory. the final cause of death was drowning due to the effects of arteri arteri arterial crlerotic heart disease. and cocaine use. it was all three of the factors that contributed to her death. there was enough cotan in her system for it to be contributory and metabolite. she had a history or because, in part, because of her abuse
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issues with cocaine, the drugs or whatever it was, that gave her a bad heart. what he said to me. i said, well, what order did it happen? he said she probably had a heart attack from taking the cocaine, candy, and she went under water, all of them. i said what about the levels of substances found in her system? >> he said, we have the levels of substances found but we haven't had a chance to transcribe them and write them up. we wanted to get this report out as soon as possible, because everyone has been calling in every single day about whitney houston's toxicology reports. what he said was -- while i talked to him, he said someone is calling me from the bbc, from germy. don, i have to go. i kept him on as long as possible. he said they wanted to get the report out as soon as possible. they are going to release the total report in two weeks. candy, they are going to have the investigation report, the tox report and all of the doctor's findings. that will be released to the public. >> i said one of my producers
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spoke to one of your assistant coroners and said, no alcohol was found in her system. he said, let me clear that up. this is according to him. i'm not a doctor. as soon as you die, your body starts to produce alcohol. the level of alcohol found in her system at the time of the toxicology report when that was done was not a contributing factor. that's not to say some degree of alcohol wasn't found in her system. the level found wasn't enough to contribute to her death. >> all right, don lemon with new reporting out of the l.a. coroner's office. thank you so much. >> we will later go to our dr. sanjay gupta to look more closely at this report that again whitney houston died of drowning in the hotel bathtub contributing to that cocaine and heart disease. now, to central florida where people are gathering for a rally demanding justice for a teenager whose death touched off a national debate over racism and justice.
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17-year-old trayvon martin was walking to the home of his father's fiancee last month in sanford, florida, near orlando. when a neighborhood watch volunteer named george zimmerman shot him. zimmerman said he felt threatened and fired in self-defense. police questioned him but haven't arrested him. this afternoon, the sanford city police chief left his job amid outrage over his department's handling of the investigation. martin's parents spoke out about an hour ago after meeting with u.s. justice department officials. >> the death of a child. we want an arrest. we want a conviction and we want him sentenced for the murder of our son. >> cnn's zjohn zarrella is in sanford. what do we know? >> not a whole lot at the meeting today. what we are being told by a family spokesman, the meeting was primarily introductory, getting to know you, the family members, the mother and father
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and with the department of justice representatives. the singular word used during the meeting by the department of justice was patience. please be patient with us. as you know, it is going to take a lot of time for the department of justice to dig in and sift through all of what transpired on the night of february 26th, and all the evidence that they are continuing to try and gather. candy? >> but, nonetheless, we do know the feds are at least looking at some aspects of this case. we also saw the sheriff's decision to temporarily step aside. have you been able to gather any community reaction to that? >> reporter: everything we have heard so far here at this rally and in other parts of the city is that it is not enough. clearly, the city manager's job is to go out and find an interim
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chief. for the people here, that's all to the side of what the real issue is. they want the arrest of george zimmerman period. nothing short of an arrest is going to satisfy them. the stepping down of the police chief does not satisfy what they believe is justice. to them, what they believe is justice, candy, will be the arrest of george zimmerman. candy? >> thanks, john. now, to presidential politics. president obama is in the always important swing state of ohio after making a big announcement earlier today in cushing, oklahoma. >> right now, a company called trans canada has applied to build a new pipeline to speed more oil from cushing to state-of-the-art refineries in the gulf coast. today, i am directing my administration to cut through the red tape, breakthrough the bureaucratic hurdles and make this project a priority.
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>> here in washington, house speaker, john boehner and his fellow republicans were quick to point out the president is speeding up only the southern half of the pipeline but not the part from oklahoma to canada, leaving what they call an energy gap. cnn white house correspondent, brianna keilar, is with the president in columbus, ohio. republicans say the president can't legitimately claim credit for this, can he? >> reporter: no, candy, he really can't. in the company today, transcanada saying on the federal level, all they have are minor details to work out with the army core of engineers. it us not something that requires presidential intervention. the president is trying to make a rhetorical point, that he is on board with oil and gas as a form of energy development. i think another very important aspect to this, though, is perhaps he signaling that he might flip-flop on that much more controversial northern segment that stretches up into canada?
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that's the thought of some of the oil industry and fear of some environmentalists. he made that decision in january before this early spike in gas prices. he made that decision. it was heralded by environmentalists. as gas prices rose, it became a very big political liability. that is backed up about i this gallup poll we are seeing that shows a majority of americans think the project going through into canada should move forward. >> brianna keilar in columbus, ohio, let's move forward. mitt romney was in washington raising money among top republicans and spoke with tea party favorite, jim demint and house budget committee chairman, paul ryan. as for romney's opponents, they still is haven't put down their toys. >> we can stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the etch-a-sketch candidate for the future. >> team romney hit back this afternoon with a news release quoting the former massachusetts governor as saying, i was
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disappointed to hear that rick santorum would rather have barack obama as president than a republican. still ahead, we will speak with the head of the naacp, benjamin jealous, one of the first to call for the resignation of the sanford, florida police chief because of the trayvon martin shooting. a self-proclaimed terrorist tries to shoot his way out of a standoff with french police. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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major developments regarding the shooting of the florida teenager trayvon martin. the chief of police said he will step aside for now. >> my involvement in this matter is overshadowing the process. i have come to the decision i must temporarily remove myself from the position as police chief for the city of sanford. >> naacp president was among the first to call for the police chief to be fired. he joins moo he now from sanford, florida. ben, let me ask you first. i don't imagine you are satisfied with a temporary stepping aside by the police
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chief? >> we see actually great hope in this. we think that this is the first step of a two-step dance. at first, he will step aside temporarily. once this investigation is done, you will see him step down. it is the only thing that really makes sense. you have seen the city council here call for him to step down. that came after weeks, really, of our volunteers here on the ground and clergy in this community. our fellow civil rights groups all pushing behind the scenes for the vote you saw last night. >> let me ask you. what do you think is the main problem here as you see it? we will see more information come out, we hope, and know what it is we are talking about. right now, as you are looking at it, is this a race problem? is this a police enforcement problem? is this a problem with the laws in florida? what do you this i nk is the ma
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problem? >> this is a complex problem. at its heart, you have two real problems in the city of sanford we have heard about again and again as we have listened to people in this community. one is racial profiling. people being suspected and engaged by the cops, searched, even locked up and sometimes thrown on the ground and beaten up because of their color, because of what this he look like, rather than what they do. the second is black men's lives not being treated with the same level of seriousness, if you will, not the same level of importance as the rest of the community. >> i want to go to something that the city -- the sanford city manager said, an african-american, norton bonaparte, in the frequently asked questions in the sanford florida website. the question was, why was zimmerman, the man who allegedly shot this young boy, no the arrested the night of the
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shooting? this is what the city manager said. the sanford police department has conducted a complete and fair investigation of this incident. that seems to run at odds with everything we are hearing. >> i think the reality here is that this chief has not served acidity manager well. this chief has not served the city well. this chief has to go. answers like that really don't make any sense. the reality is that this chief had probable cause to lock up a man who shot a boy in cold blood, because he shot a boy in cold blood. he failed to do that. weeks went by. this chief ab doe kated his power to the state's attorney when he could have locked up zimmerman at any point up to that point. >> let me ask you a final question, a sort of 50,000 foot question if you will. most people and perhaps yourself included, did not know of these problems that you are talking about that seem to be endem mick in sanford, florida, that you
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believe. how many sanfords are there out there or do you consider this sort of an odd city out if you will? >> the reality is that sanford is sanford usa. this is a florida issue but very much a national issue. george bush was campaigning about while driving while black. some want to address racial profiling after the september, 220 2011 attacks. we have focus on what people do and not on what they look like. >> lots more work to do. ben jealous, naacp president, thanks so much for your time today. >> thank you so much. in a few minutes, we will
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have more about the man who has had nothing to say in public since the shooting. george zimmerman, his one-time neighbors say they are shocked. [ male announcer ] introducing the dell xps 13 ultrabook™, powered by a second gen intel® core™ i5 or i7 processor. everything. and more. ♪ do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out
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welcome back. kate bolduan with the latest news. >> divers have recovered five more bodies from the capsized cruise ship off the italian coast. that raises the death toll and
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recovery to 30 bodies. the cruise ship struck a reef and wrecked back in january. they used a robot to search inaccessible parts of the ship. u.s. military officials tell cnn they suspect a newly leaked video of a helicopter crash shows an incident that happened early last month. two helicopters were watching over a patrol when one of them crashed. both pilots survived and nobody on the ground was hurt. an investigation is considering all possibilities, including pilot error and mechanical problems. the u.s. economy is picking up steam. the labor department reports a four-year low in the number of people filing first-time claims for unemployment benefits. on the down side, though, that still means 348,000 people filed for benefits last the week because they lost their jobs. on the other side of the spectrum, if you have about $24
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handy, you can buy the sprawling mansion where michael jackson died. he was only leasing it. the owners put it up for sale. the home has a movie theater, art studio, swimming pool and an acre of gated grounds. in '08, it was on sale for a high of $38 million. i guess we can call that one a steal. >> we can go in it together along with several hundred of our friends. >> they will be lining up. in just a minute, more on what caused singer whitney houston's death. ve money, i've found a new way to get my profile out there. check me out. everybody says i've got a friendly disposition and they love my spinach dip. five foot ten... still doing a little exploring. but... my sign is sagittarius, i'm into spanish cheese, my hairline is receding but i'm getting a weave.
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i'm candy crowley. in this half hour of john king usa, new details about the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed a florida teenager. george zimmerman's one-time neighbors say he was quiet, respectful and never gave any indication he might be a racist. attempts to capture a self-proclaimed jihadist in a bloody shootout. plus, what you might call president obama's don't blame high gas prices on me tour. we will see if he is getting any tracks. first, this hour as breaking news. the los angeles coroner says whitney houston's death was an accidental drowning. the record also says her cocaine use and heart disease were
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factors in her death. her family issued a statement saying, we are saddened to learn of the toxicology results, although we are glad to now have closure. we are also watching a developing story in central florida. people are gathering for a rally demanding justice for 17-year-old trayvon martin, who was shot to death last month by a neighborhood watch volunteer named george zimmerman. police in sanford, florida, questioned zimmerman. to the outrage of many, never arrested him. cnn's attempts to reach him and get his side of the story have been unsuccessful. he said nothing in public and isn't answering the phone. cnn's brian todd went to his old neighborhood near washington and spoke to the people that remember zimmerman well. >> george hall looks at the local newspaper and still can't believe it. his former across the street neighbor, george zimmerman, is a front page headline. >> this thing about george just floors me. i'm shocked. i didn't realize it was him at
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first. i would have never guessed it. >> reporter: on this street in manassas, virginia, george and kay hall lived across in him for two decades until they moved after george graduated from high school. george hall described zimmerman and his older brother as friendly, dependable neighbors, part of a tightly knit family that had their maternal grandmother living with them. >> reporter: what was his demeanor like? >> he was always polite. both of them were always polite, always thoughtful. >> reporter: helping with groceries and helping them retrieve their dog. according to the halls and state officials, his parents worked in local government, his father as a magistrate, his mother, gladys, as a clerk for the prince william county court. the pastor of all saints catholic church says he was an altar boy mere. he graduated from osborn in 2001. we were told no member of the faculty could talk to us about
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him. in the year book, it does sea he was in the future business leaders of america in his junior and senior years. and in a section -- in talking to george hall, we have learned that mr. hall has some feelings about the case in florida. he has said if there is no case to be made against george zimmerman, he hopes that florida authorities will help zimmer through all of this somehow. he says, if there is a case to be made, he hopes that florida authorities will put zimmerman in jail for his own protection. candy? >> i know you have picked up a couple of things about zimmerman's inner reactions with another family in the neighborhood. >> reporter: we spoke toen aafrican-american woman. she lives down the street here. she did not want her name out there. she did not want to be filmed obviously. she did tell us that her young son had corresponded with george zimmerman via facebook. she was not sure if that
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occurred before or since the trayvon martin shooting. she did say her young son possibly about zimmerman's age had corresponded with him through the years via facebook and had done so fairly recently. he has had interaction with people from various walks of life in this neighborhood, candy. >> thanks so much, brian todd. we are now learning more chilling details about the suspected al qaeda jihadist killed during a 32-hour standoff with french police. turns out the suspect was on the u.s. no-fly list after attending an al qaeda training camp. the 23-year-old french national was a suspected serial killer wanted for gunning down seven people, including a rabbi and three jewish children. dan rivers retraces the hours of terror and the showdown that unraufu unraveled in toulouse, france. >> reporter: after 32 hours, they went in. 11:30 a.m., the silence was shattered by dozens of shots as
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police finally stormed the apartment where mohammed merah was hiding. >> the gun shots, many of them, very intense. a specialist said he had never seen such a violent reaction. they tried to protect themselves. in the end, mohammed merah jumped out of the window and was found dead on the ground. >> reporter: mass officers were the elite police unit returned to barracks. they were congratulated. two weren't here for the hand shake. those officers were injured in the cross-fire as merah fought to the death with his considerable arsenal of weapons inside this apartment block. >> translator: he was wearing a bullet-proof vest, elements of molotov cocktail and bottles were found on his balcony.
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three empty magazines of automatic pistols of 143 caliber and ammunition for various calibers. we found next to his body a colt 45 with two bullets remaining. we estimate in reality he fired some 30 bullets at police who were moving through his apartment. >> reporter: the killing spree linked to merah has gripped the world for the last week. this video, the only image who have emerged so far, shows him showing off to friends in a bmw. he had been convicted of motoring offenses two weeks before his targeted killing campaign began. it has now emerged that he was on a no-fly list according to one u.s. intelligence source because of his time spent in an al qaeda training camp. it will be a better source to the french authorities they didn't manage to take him alive. it was clear he was determined to die with a gun in his hand. the french president, nicolas
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sarkozy, fighting for re-election in a month, confirmed it was over. >> translator: the person who carried out in toulouse, has been killed and can no longer do any harm. for the victims, families, soldiers, their thoughts are all in my mind and i would like to express the condolences of the national assembly. >> reporter: but there will be difficult questions about how merah managed to get so many weapons in a country where gun control is tight. a group linked to al qaeda claimed his killings prompting many to wonder if he really was a lone wolf or if he had accomplices. do dan river, cnn, toulouse. coming up, why president obama's keystone speech ignited a gop firestorm. ♪ you make me happy when skies are gray ♪ [ female announcer ] you know exactly what it takes to make them feel better. ♪ you make me happy
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>> in oklahoma, president obama took on republican critics of his energy policy speaking at what potentially will be the junction point of a canada to texas oil pipeline. the president pointed out oil production has increased during his administration. he aus couped his opponents of misleading the public about rising gas prices. >> even if we opened up every inch of the country and i put an oil rig on the south lawn, if we had one right next to the
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washington monument, even if we drilled every limb bit of this great country of ours, we would still have to buy the rest of our needs from some place else if we keep on using the same amount of energy, the same amount of oil. >> joining us to talk about politics at the pump, rick tyler, barbara comcstock and marie wa cardona. >> something news gingrich had to saed. >> the president announced he was going to open up half of the keystone pipeline. this is a pipeline to nowhere. obama has now going to add to santorum's bridge to nowhere with a pipeline to know where.
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>> it seems to me this is a lot of politics to play on both sides. what we are seeing is in the latest gallop poll, the majority of people, including the majority of republicans and independents and most democrats think the pipeline ought to be built. >> build it. what is the hold-up? the president is holding it up. it would create jobs and lower the supply oil and increase our national security. why doesn't he do it? >> he came and gave his blessing to half of it. he didn't have to do. it was going to get built without him. he doesn't have to give his permission to that half. why did he do it? >> let's be clear. he knows this is a critical issue for the american people and gas prices are something they want to hear from this president about what he is doing. let's also be clear he was never against keystone based on the merits of it. he was against the way it was being pushed down the american's throats for purely political reasons when the debate was about either the tax cut or the debt deal. so it was also about making sure
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that all of those -- >> if they would have sent him a pipeline deal, he would have signed that? >> i don't think so. the other thing that needed to get done was the timing of the impact studies. let's not forget, this is a president who wants to make sure that the environment is not destroyed as we do this. now that trans canada has filed another root, that is something that's being looked at. >> barbara, i will give you a shot at that. >> the country supports the energy strategy and the keystone pipeline and drilling in places like virginia where i am from, where the president has held up us moving forward even though our democratic senators, warner and web and most of our delegation on a bipartisan basis supports it. he has had a policy of stopping production. the things he is talking about r the things that came into place before he came. >> let me say while he with are on the subject of politics and
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hypocrisy, there seems to be a lot going around on the subject of gas prices. i want to play you something that president obama, then candidate obama, had to say when there were high gas prices during the bush administration and he was talking about the oil expertise of bush and cheney. >> even with all the experience they talk about, nothing has happened. this country didn't raise fuel efficiency standards for over 40 years. what do we have for all that experience, gas approaching $4 a gallon. you can fight all you want inside washington. unless you change the way it works, you won't be able to make the changes america needs. >> we know secretary chew wanted european prices and he gave himself an "a" on prices. they have doubled them already. we are looking at possibly $5 this summer while secretary chew says he has done an a plus,
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bang-up job. the american people don't agree. >> barbara talked about how the american people want the above approach. that's what president obama has been talking about since the campaign. what he focused on during his campaign is that we also can't continue to give oil and gas companies the 30 years of subsidies without giving the chance for other alternative fuels. americans want an all of the above approach. >> you have the one candidate out there that says i have a way to bring gas prices down to $2.50. whether you believe him or not, he is pushing that hard. >> obviously, the president is responding to him. the president said the same thing, if we drill now, it still won't be enough. it goes on and on and on. yet, the president was the one who vetoed while he was a senator finding out what the inventory is. he keeps claiming we only have 2% of the world's gas and oil reserves. that seems to be untrue.
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why not find out how much oil there is? >> in the shale and other places, it's being discovered. he doesn't want to exploit this oil. he doesn't talk about drilling. i left my car in the sun all day, it didn't start. i still put gas in it. he talks about the high price of gas. >> he gives 5 million to solyndra and companies that have failed us. >> when governor romney was governor of massachusetts, he actually was for fuel efficiency standards and actually for not taking away a gas price tax because he understood also. >> we have like 15 seconds. we are going to take a break and come back. 15 seconds. despite all of this talk about it, nothing big will happen on any kind of energy policy this year, yes? >> no, nothing new is going to
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happen. >> not with this president. we need a new president. >> probably not. they don't have the control for a long-term. >> we will be right back with all three of you. we want to tell our viewers. a senior u.s. official tells cnn that army staff sergeant robert bales, accused in this month's shooting rampage in afghanistan will be charged tomorrow with 17 counts of murder and six accounts of assault and attempted murder. the official could not explain why the murder count is now 17 when 16 have previously been reported killed in this incident. erin brunette is coming up at the top of the hour. you have more on these charges against sergeant bales. >> we have the breaking news and we are going to try to understand exactly why sergeant bales will be charged with 17 counts when he killed 16 afghan civilians. is it possible that one of the people was pregnant? we are going to try to find out and talk about the next steps and what the punishment might be. in melon park, florida, the
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trayvon martin rally is starting. hundreds and hundreds of people there. we will go there live as that story continues to captivate the nation. a lot of breaking news. top of the hour. we will be there with erin brunette out front. up next, more with our panel. we always hear about jobs leaving america. here's a chance to create jobs in america. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now.
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stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. we are back with rick tyler, a pro-gingrich supporter and senior adviser to one of the super pacs for gingrich, barbara comstack and maria cardona, a
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democratic strategist. i want to play -- mitt romney was in town today, he went up on the hill. one of the people he met with is jim demint, who is a big tea party guy. demint did not come out and give his blessing to the romney candidacy, but i want you to hear what he said. >> in some point these candidates have to determine for themselves is there a chance to win or could they do more by getting out. and i can't tell them when that is and i can't tell them who they are, but the sooner we can come around to a nominee, i think the better we are as a party. >> so the sooner we can come around a nominee, i think the better we are as a party. do you agree? >> no. jim demint and recruited these great candidates for senate who are tea party candidates, most notably marco rubio. but in my opinion if we get mitt romney we have not advanced the party at all.
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the worst thing for the party was to return it to the moderates. the tea party got us all the advantages back in 2010. now we're going back to the moderate middle and we're going to lose. >> i'm going to let you defend mitt romney in a minute but i want you to hear something that rick santorum had to say with mitt romney in mind today. >> if we're going to be a little bit different, we might as stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the etch-a-sketch candidate for the future. >> basically he says, listen, if mitt romney is going to be the nominee, we might as well stay with president obama. >> i think that was unfortunate. but the fact is you saw jeb bush yesterday, you saw jim demint today talk about -- he talked about the leadership skills of mitt romney. he talked about how impressed he was with mitt romney. and that was as close as it can get to an endorsement. then you also have leaders like governor mcdonald in virginia who led the comeback in 2009, governor romney was there helping us when i was elected, when governor mcdonnell was elect
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elected, so he's bringing together all aspects of the party and has a strong mainstream conservative message that's about jobs. he's been talking about jobs and the economy and he's the one person of all the candidates who can take it to barack obama on reviving the private sector because he's lived in it an that's been his experience in creating jobs and having a successful record as a leader. >> maria, i'm going to take a guess, you would love for newt gingrich to stay in this race. >> i completely agree with everything that rick said. look, i think what's going on with the republican party completely underscores why a lot of republican voters are just not that enthusiastic about any of their candidates. look, if president obama was so vulnerable, why didn't the a team come out? a lot of republican strategists said the reason why there's not a lot of enthusiasm on the republican side is not even their b team but their c team is out there. mitt romney might be the front runner but he's a weak front runner in an even weaker still field of candidates.
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>> back in 2008 when this was going on, you had the same thing on the democrats side. i think it's making our candidate stronger. i think romney has continued to bring people -- >> there's not a loft loft of evidence that they're making it stronger. the independent support for all of them continues to go down. let me ask you, rick, do you see as a super pac you get money from people who support mitt romney and put ads up for him. how long do you think those folks will still put money into ads for newt gingrich? >> well, look, we've got a small donor base. newt has a very large donor base, about 200,000. we've had some very large donors and we're grateful to those. >> hard for them to see reason to keep doing it? >> twell, it will be challengin. newt says we're going to be in it until the end so we'll support him to the end. >> i have to thank all of you,
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rick, barbara, maria, thanks for being here. here's the latest news you need to know right now. >> hi, candy. thank you. heavy shelling in the syrian city a day after a u.n. security council statement calling for an end to the violence. activists say at least 83 people were killed around the country today. among the dead were soldiers who refused to shoot at civilians, according to opposition groups. the u.n. says more than 8,000 people have been killed in the year-long revolt. back here in the u.s., members of congress may soon be banned explicitly from insider trading. congress passed the stop trading on congressional knowledge or stock act as it's known. the insider trading bill is now headed for the president's desk but the version that was approved is seen by critics as a weaker, watered-down version. the president has promised to sign the measure into law quickly. the former rutgers student convicted last week of a hate crime for spying on his roommate is breaking his silence. in an exclusive interview,
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dharun ravi says he didn't act out of hate. his roommate, tyler clementi, jumped off a bridge after learning ravi had spied on him with a date over a webcam. ravi says he got, quote, caught up in what i thought was funny. and he says, quote, he's very sorry about tyler. ravi faces ten years in prison for his convictions. and attention parents, nearly a million child safety locks imported from china are being recalled because children as young as nine months old can unlock them. that's not supposed to happen. the push and snap cabinet safety locks were sold by bed, bath and beyond and between 2004 and this past february, so check those. and do you hate missing calls when your phone is on silent? don't we all? what if your tattoo let you know your phone is ringing? that's the idea behind a new patent filed by nokia. the tattoo uses magnetic ink that vibrates when you get a
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phone call or text message. for those seeking something a little less permanent, the company will offer bandage that say stick onto the skin as well. candy, i know you're about to head to the tattoo parlor. can you believe that? >> i don't think i actually get that. >> i read up on it and they will actually -- it's embedded in your skin and the ink reacts with the electromagnetic waves or something or other when a phone vibrates and it will vibrate your skin. >> so you could -- i mean essentially you can just sew the phone to your ear. >> also probably a patent pending. >> so -- and then the other alternative that they'll do? >> just put -- it's some sort of a bandage. put it on your skin and it will probably do the same thing probably without the wow factor, but it's -- i don't know, there you have it. >> okay. >> i know. >> i'm not sure i ever actually want in fact to have -- >> your phone ringing under your skin. >> my phone ringing under my
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skin. it already gets under my skin. i think that is sufficient. >> there you go. >> kate, thank you very much. and now a fashionable moment you may have missed. the summer olympics and paralympics will be held in london this year and great britain secured a top designer to dress their athletes. the uniforms have been kept under wraps together today. teen great britain debuted their u.k. flag-inspired new look created by adidas and stella mccartney, daughter of paul mccartney. and if you have a little british envy, please rest assured. some members of team usa will be dressed by designer ralph lau n lauren. kate? >> yep. >> okay. so -- >> what do you think? >> i'm not sure. ralph lauren actually has a lot of flags, right, on his stuff anyway? >> and i believe -- and i think -- i could be wrong, but i believe that he did did the uniforms for the u.s. team in


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