tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN March 23, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> will ferrell is a [ bleep ] fool. that one i can tell is a compliment. >> the choice is yours. reach out and touch someone or reach out and tweet someone. either way, the stars are more within reach than ever on "the ridiculist." that's it for us. erin burnett's "outfront" starts now. we have breaking news, a vigil beginning in florida, demanding justin for trayvon martin. a bombshell from jon corzine as his last day as lehman brothers. he gave direct instructions to transfer client funds to cover an overdraft in another account. it was three months ago when corzine told members of congress this.
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>> i never directed anyone at mf global to misuse customer funds. i never intended to. as far as i'm concerned, i never gave instructions that anybody could misconstrue. >> well, how damming is the e-mail we have? we have a criminal defense lawyer. he's with us tonight. looks like $200 million in a segregated customer account, that got put into another account. treasurer of mf global, says, this was per jc -- jon corzine's direct instructions. >> well, we don't know if they were client moneys that corzine knew they were, because the account also contained funds which could have been transferred out properly. and apparently corzine and the fund never represented that they
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were client funds. >> so do you think there's room to dance around here? >> it looks bad at first blush, but it's not open and shut. >> and they continue to investigate this. >> that's the bigger problem if he lied previously to congress, he's in a whole heap of trouble, more than anything he would have done in terms of the underlying conduct. >> what is your take on where this eventually goes? there's been a lot of talk, biggest bankruptcy since lehman brothers, no financial executive or anyone linked to the financial crisis has gone to jail. including countryside's ceo. charges dropped. >> he could be scapegoated but i think he'll wiggle it out of it. >> is this good news for him? >> if this is the smoking gun, the smoke is hazy. >> thank you very much, mark, appreciate it.
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this investigate -- the investigation continues. the other breaking news story, literally at this moment, supporters are gathering for a candlelight in sanford, florida, for trayvon martin. the vigil is beginning as we speak. martin's family and supporters continuing to demand the arrest of neighborhood watchman george zimmerman. zimmerman claims he shot the teen in self-defense. now, the teen's death has sparked rallies across the country and for the first time today, president obama weighed in. >> well, my message is to the parents of trayvon martin. if i had a son he'd look like trayvon. and, you know, i think they are right to expect that all of us as americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and that we're going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. >> we're also learning tonight
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that 28-year-old george zimmerman has hired a defense attorney. craig sonner is his name and he says zimmerman in an undisclosed location for his safety, he's under a lot of stress but that he's cooperating with the police. now let's go to john zarrella who is in sanford for the latest. so tell us what's happening there. obviously, as dusk descends. >> it is now getting started. people are still gathering here outside the chapel where this candlelight vigil is just getting started. and the idea tonight is to put a cap on a week of activities in this community. and to honor the memory of trayvon martin. with the lighting of candles here during this one-hour ceremony. you know, last night, a very large crowd, 7,000 to 10,000 people. there have been marches and demonstrations all across the country.
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dozens of high schools, walkouts during the past two days here in florida by students showing support. another rally planned on monday in atlanta. and of course another big event here on monday at the city council meeting. march planned to that city council meeting by people here in the community and then they expect their voices will be heard monday at that meeting. but, you know, this has been a very long week here. and you get the sense, erin, that people here are emotionally drained. if not in many respects physically drained. erin? >> thank you very much, john. obviously hard to hear there as it ramps up. we'll keep you posted on how many people come and how that vigil in sanford, florida, is tonight. you heard president obama weigh into the case. that was just this morning. now, later today the republican candidates followed suit. >> it's chilling to hear what happened, and of course, you know, the fact that law enforcement didn't immediately
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go after and prosecute this case is another chilling example of, you know, obviously horrible decisions made by people in this process. >> i have faith that the american system of justice will in fact work and that this is why you have a balance between the police and the district attorney. the district attorney has the ability to step in and say, wait a second, let's look at this again. they're clearly doing that. the police chief himself has been suspended. and i think that americans can recognize while this is a tragedy, and it is a tragedy, we'll relentlessly seek justice. >> mitt romney did not comment obviously on camera, but he did release a written statement saying, quote, what happened to trayvon martin is a tragedy. there needs to be a thorough investigation that reassures the public that justice is carried out with impartially and integrity. our political panel is here, john avlon, and jamal simmons. did the president go far enough, did he go too far or did he get it right?
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>> i think he walked the right line. he was speaking as a parent, reminding everyone of the commonality that all parents should feel when a child -- a teenager is murdered and i thin he hit the right tone. >> and you were tweeting that the gop candidates were followers. because the president came out first. >> not just because the president came out first. i have been tweeting and facebooking about this all week, that romney and santorum on the republican side hadn't come out and said anything. three days ago, sam youngman from the hill asked mitt romney on the rope line for a statement on this and mitt romney walked away and wouldn't say anything. today he didn't say anything on camera. he put it out on a statement. and the governor of florida asked for a task force today. i'm just wondering whether or not the republicans decided to sit back and let the republican governor of florida lead on this before they said something. i think if they want to be
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leaders they should have said something earlier than today. >> ryan? >> my sense is there's a remarkable consensus. you have the republican governor of florida, we may need to revisit the laws surrounding this incident. and you have the co-author of the stand your ground saying the so thing. you have the major republican candidates saying this is a profound tragedy. you have the senate majority leader saying the same thing and you have a huge outpouring of sympathy and deep concern and so i've got to say saying that, well, you know, this person came first, that person came first that doesn't seen, you know, to be the key message here. the key message seems to be that everyone is deeply troubled. the other thing i want to say is this. there are a lot of people in this country who don't feel as if the criminal justice system is truly legitimate. that it actually gives them equal justice and they feel left out and disenfranchised so init was very valuable not only for the president, but for the candidates do say we believe this system going to work.
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we hope it works. >> it was bipartisan. go ahead. >> on that point, five days ago, the justice department initiated the investigation into this. the republicans running for president would have had to have made a decision about whether to get the doj or fbi involved in this. >> this happened in late february. and it's bubbled up in a way that was very unpredictable, that was driven by social media and it's not the same kind of thing -- >> but mitt romney could have stepped up a stand tried to make a mark and said, i would have called for a department of justice investigation for that. >> it's fundamentally different from the job of a presidential candidate. it's absolutely twu that the -- true that the attorney general should pay attention to incidents like this. but the truth is to hold every candidate in every race accountable i don't know if that makes a lot of sense. >> john? >> one of the remarkable things
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about the case is it's crested. here's a murder that occurred last month and this has grown in public awareness and outrage and we can maybe depolarize the conversation. i think it's incumbent upon republican candidates in particular to try to add to that. they did that today. some eloquently. some less. >> let me make this a little more personal. when the president said if he had a son, it would look like trayvon. obviously it was a comment about race, jamal. you said it reminded you of something that the president and his wife said in an interview on "60 minutes" in 2007. >> the reality is as a black man, barack can get shot going to the gas station. you can't -- you can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen. we just weren't raised that way. >> jamal? >> well, i think -- i brought that up because, you know, some
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people were criticizing the president for waiting so long before he said something. but there's something in the first family, they know the violence that occurs in communities. they know the pressure of being followed and all those things that happen to black males. when the president came out today and he said that trayvon -- he looks -- if i had a son, he would look like trayvon. it struck such a chord in me this is a real issue and we as a country have to deal with how we face up to this and especially at this moment where we have moved past race on so many issues that people are willing to try to find a way to work together. we still have this lingering problem that exists in the country. >> all right. thank you very much, all three of you. we appreciate it. a jury has decided the fate of a millionaire charged with a deadly dui. it's official. robert bales has been charged with the murder of 17 afghan soldiers. will he face death? we'll break it down with a military lawyer.
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a guilty verdict today in the dui case of a florida millionaire and polo tycoon. john goodman made headlines for legally adopting his girlfriend to apparently avoid losing his fortune in the case of killing a man in a drunk driving incident. he was charged with vehicular homicide after a 2010 drunken crash driving his bentley through a stop sign. criminal defense attorney paul callan joins me. guilty verdict in this case. he had tried to say, i hit the guy. i was so distraught, i went and got drunk, and -- tried to
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change the cause and effect. obviously, that did not work. are you surprised by this verdict? >> not at all. i mean, what i'm surprised by was the defense. the claim was he ran a stop sign. he had double the legal limit. he then, this kid was in the car and he floated to the bottom of the canal. maybe he could have been saved if somebody called 911. so he fled the scene, and then started drinking, a famous and good lawyer, ray black, said he was in so much pain he started drinking. guess what? he had a bottle of vicodin in the glove compartment of the bentley. if he was in such pain, why not take the vicodin? instead he went drinking. prosecutor said he was drinking all night and the jury believed the prosecutor. >> facing 30 years in prison. do you think he'll get that? >> i don't think he'll get 30 years but i think he's going to get a tough, high sentence, because -- >> what is tough and high? >> i would say, not 30 years but could be 15. could be 20. >> okay. >> it's going to be a
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substantial sentence, because he took the stand and he testified, and i think the judge is going to think he perjured himself under oath. the jury didn't believe this testimony. and i think there's an element of disrespect almost given to the victim of this by somebody saying that, by telling such a story that the jury so utterly rejected. >> refuted. >> yes. >> then the adopting the girlfriend. a criminal case. a verdict, a civil case, where a lot of money could be at stake. he was a wealthy man. the reason he adopted the girlfriend to put the money in her name. will that protect the assets in a case like this? >> it's complicated. number one a rumor that the case is secretly settled. a sealed settlement. maybe -- this makes no difference whatsoever. but the claim is that this is money that was in a trust that would have been protected from attachment anyway. when he transferred it to his girlfriend, he wasn't really protecting the money. it was totally protected in when the names of his natural children. so i don't -- that's the press on this.
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>> the motivation for adopting the girlfriend may have been different? at least money was tasteful -- understandable. why else adopt your girlfriend? >> oh, the money's involved. what he's doing is she has the ability to control as much as possibility $100 million through the girlfriend. it doesn't mean that the people who were suing can now not get the money, but it does mean he has control over it. he has a motive to adopt a girlfriend. >> tragic story. a student who was killed. paul will stay with us. we have another case. we have another fascinating and strange case. an american woman living in israel. she had in vitro fertilization and it affected her children's citizenship. we're not kidding. told by the u.s. consul in israel if she wanted her babies to have u.s. passports she must prove they have dna from an american. we spoke to her about the story. >> that's baby maya. >> reporter: when she gave birth to her beautiful twins, she couldn't have been happier.
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months of fertility treatments paid off. but when this woman of chicago living in israel went to the u.s. consulate to get them passports, she was shocked. >> a guy took all my paperwork, asked all the questions and all of a sudden he said, one minute. and i knew that that meant something. i just had a gut -- >> reporter: what followed was a line of questions she says was offensive and humiliating. >> he brings out this woman and she said over the loud speaker, are those your children. i'm like, i don't understand. of course they're my children. you have their birth certificates, and she said, well, where did the sperm come from? whose eggs are they? and i just -- like, my world stopped. >> reporter: answer, of course, was not what the u.s. authorities needed to hear. the in vitro fertility treatment, like many other women's, involved egg and sperm donation.
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she's the legal mom. passports were denied. as the law stands, there has to be a biological link between parents and children for them to qualify for a passport. citizenship, in other words, follows the dna. problem is, the law hasn't kept up with advances in reproductive technology. and that means children like maya and sierra with an american mother have been cut out. but now the family's case is drawing media attention amid growing calls for u.s. law to be changed. it could affect many other families, too. >> what makes a parent? is it the biological link or everything else that goes around it? the law needs to change to keep up with the life and fortunately, unfortunately, this is life today. >> reporter: and as is pointed out, children adopted by americans from abroad already get u.s. citizenship. so why not hers?
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matthew chance, cnn, tel aviv. paul callen joins me again. all right. this story in a sense sounds bizarre. this woman has these children. they were in her stomach. she gave birth to them. they are her children. why is this happening? >> it does sound bizarre on the face of it. if you look at the immigration laws of the united states, they're very, very complicated. most people think it's in the u.s. constitution. right? if you're the son of an american citizen, daughter of an american citizen, you're an american citizen. they think the constitution says that. in fact, the constitution only talks about the fact that you have to be an american citizen to become president. of course, we had the whole birther controversy with president obama. in fact, congress enacts these statutes and they're very complicated, and they haven't kept up with in vitro fertilization. so now you have foreign sperm for an egg implanted in american citizen living in israel, and you know what they're saying? it's not american dna.
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so it's not an american citizen. well what is american dna? we all come from someplace else. right? >> yes. i'm curious what are the rules for adoption? because adopted children are adopted without american sperm or egg, they come to the united states and they become citizens. right? >> they become citizens, but only citizens after a lengthy period of time. they come over as non-citizens, and if they remain in the country for an extensive period of time, and their parents remain in the united states, they apply to become naturalized american citizens, and they become naturalized american citizen, and this israeli mother, israeli-american mother, dual citizenship, could bring this child to the united states and probably go through that procedure and get naturalized. >> but will the rule change now for in vitro fertilization? >> i think it will. it hasn't kept up with technology. we've got all the new procedures. single mothers giving birth under these conditions and it's time for congress to step up to the plate and get with the modern technology. so i think we'll is see changes here.
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>> let's hope we do. doesn't make sense otherwise in this case. paul callen, thank you. two years ago today the controversial health care bill known to critics as obama care became the law of the land. on monday. is facing its toughest challenge. before the supreme court a challenge the president embraced. at the heart of the matter is whether it is constitutional to force every person in this country to buy insurance or face penalties if they don't. and health care is a hot ticket. as hot as the new ipad or seeing "hunger games." i'm slightly exaggerating, because tickets to watch the oral arguments are in such demand there are a few people waiting in line. i know that's not an ipad line. all right. but it's really rare to have people waiting to go to a supreme court case. the legislation is complicated. there is a lot of rhetoric from both parties about what it does and doesn't do. so we actually wanted to get to the bottom line. some facts to this rather emotional debate. who does the bill help and who does it hurt? lizzy o'leary put a storybook spin on those questions.
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>> reporter: meet jack and jill. they're married with two kids and together make $49,000 a year. about the middle american income. but like 15 million people with similar incomes, they don't have health insurance. not good if you're worried about falling down a hill. under the new law, jack and jill are winners. they can buy private insurance from what's calmed an exchange starting in two years. the idea is that lots of people buying at the same time would get a better price. and the plans have to meet minimum standards set by the government. jack and jill would also get a subsidy to help them buy their plan. mary only makes $13,000 selling little lambs. she's also a winner. she can get insurance under an expansion of medicaid. 17 million americans like her willing eligible for that. and about 51,000 kids with pre-existing conditions, like hansel and gretel are also winners and can't be denied
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coverage and all kids can stay on their parents insurance until they're 26. where's the money come from? that brings us to the losers. including the roughly 19% of americans who have high-cost gold-plated health care plans. like prince charming here. starting in 2018, that fancy plan he gets from his job at the castle would be taxed at 40%. he will also see his payroll taxes go up like the 3 million other americans who make more than $200,000 a year. losing end, companies like fairy godmother employees employing more than 50 people making glass slippers. so it has to offer insurance or pay a fine. 94% of similar sized companies already do. so only a small number would pay more under the new law. we end this story with a toss-up. insurance companies would both win and lose. they'll have to pay the government more than $8 billion a year, but they get up to $40
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-- 40 million new custer thes like jack and jill, who by law must get insurance or pay a penalty. lizzy o'leary, cnn. a very creative take and answered a lot of questions. next on "outfront," we go to france and outside the bullet riddled apartment who killed people. and a u.s. soldier officially accused of killing 17 afghan civilians. we'll talk about the punishment. t in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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we start the second half of our show with stories we care about where we focus on our own reporting and do the "outfront" five. first, president obama ready to get on a plane flying around the world to meet with other world leaders for a nuclear security summit in south korea. the president arrives in seoul on sunday. it's a long flight. a big-time change. one of the main topics -- what to do about north korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons. north korea announced last night that halted nuclear facilities. secretary of state hillary clinton was also very cautious. number two, france's prime minister said today police had no grounds to arrest a gunman before his killing spree which left seven dead. mohammed merah had been under surveillance and on the no-fly list. france 2 television got video
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from inside his apartment. you see it with the bullet holes. this video came right after the 32-hour standoff ended with police shooting and killing merah. "outfront" spoke with his attorney who told us police wouldn't let him be a part of the negotiations. he thinks the outcome would have been different if he could have talked to merah, maybe he wouldn't be dead, and they could get information from him. three, a temporary blackout of malien state tv sparking rumors of continued clashes, but the leaders of the coup in the african country are still in power and the president unaccounted for. the united states is threatening to suspend aid to mali it fears is becoming a refuge for al qaeda extremists. the african union suspended them as well. the leader of the coup says he took action because the government wasn't taking on rebels. a source who spends considerable time in mali was there last month and told me he thinks most malians are not interested in extremists, he was upset when
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moammar gadhafi was executed. moammar gadhafi was investing in the country and his death added to dissatisfaction. four, the groupies and of "the hunger games" books are in high heaven. the movie opens tonight. experts say it will have the biggest march opening ever and could be the biggest movie of the year. lionsgate which made the film said "hunger games" brought in $20 million alone in midnight sales. analysts say it could bring in $125 million in its first weekend. fewer than 20 movies in history actually opened at more than $100 million in a weekend. "hunger games" is what the box office needs. u.s. theaters have seen a 4% drop in sales over the past year. and it's been 232 since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? housing continues to be a problem. today sales of new homes came in. they fell in february by 1.6%. a little bit of a silver lining, though, for the market overall and those selling, prices up 8%. the army staff sergeant
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accused of killing afghan civilians in a shooting rampage officially charged this afternoon. now there were 17 counts of premeditate the murder. 28-year-old robert bales also faces six counts of assault and attempted murder, defense officials say more charges could be coming his way. if convicted on even one of the 17 murder charges, bales will be sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole. the maximum he could face, the death penalty. ted rowlands is outside ft. leavenworth, where bales is being held. he has been covering the story from the beginning. let me ask you, ted, first if you could clear up. last night trying to make sense of 17 charges when reports of 16 civilians murders. turns out there was another tern killed. right? >> reporter: yes. it's interesting, erin. the afghan government still has their casualty list at 16 but the united states government and charging documents released today say they have evidence that robert bales killed 17 innocent afghani citizens.
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that's what he's charged with. >> i know he spoke with his wife for only the second time. do you know what they talked about? >> reporter: we don't. we do know that the army allowed that conversation to take place during a blackout period. they made a special exception to allow bales to talk with his wife. it was a phone conversation. she didn't come here to leavenworth. they did talk we understand for a period of time and the army allowed them to have that conversation, even though technically he was in a blackout period for another few days. >> ted, i wanted to ask you about these mitigating factors. i know you've spoken to sergeant bales' attorney. this morning he tried to talk about the quote/unquote mitigating factors on "cbs this morning." here he is. >> you know, that's a disney movie compared to what these guys are going through. you know, just seeing people blown apart next to you, picking up body parts, putting them in
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bags. >> ted, any way they do not go for the death penalty because of things like that? >> reporter: well, absolutely. there's a chance that they will not pursue the death penalty down the road. coming up next, you're going to have the article 32. but before that or during that procedure, during that ongoing article 32 investigation, they could have a panel to evaluate sergeant bales mentally. a psych panel and look to see if there are mitigating factors the lawyer claims are present that would change the charges against him, or at least possibly the penalties, but this is a long, drawn out process, and we haven't heard that that has taken place as of yet or that there are any plans to have that take place. >> ted rowlands, live from fort leavenworth tonight. now sergeant bales, this issue of the death penalty and whether that is what prosecutors will go for. obviously being accused of premeditated murder a lawyer is fighting back. listen to -- we just played with
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the lawyer, charlie rose, trying to talk about the body bags and things he had seen, and his client, how painful the situation may have been. joining us, jeffrey king, defense military lawyer. jeffrey, when you heard what sergeant bales' attorney said just this morning, do you think that he has a real case for mitigating factors here or not? >> absolutely. without question. the mental status of staff sergeant bales will be the overriding factor in this case. the first thing that will happen, the reporter mentioned, a 706 board. actually both sides most likely ask the commander to convene this board and have a medical board, medical personnel evaluate staff sergeant bales for really two things. the first would be his mental responsibility at the time of the incident and secondly, if he's even mentally competent to stand trial. >> and isn't there, though, going to be -- supposedly it's a legal proceeding, but immense
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political pressure to go for the death penalty when 17 innocent people were killed? >> absolutely. and that goes to why this is actually going to be such a long, drawn out process. >> uh-huh. >> there is no defense attorney in his right mind will let this thing go to trial anytime soon, because the whole world is so fired up and wrapped around these issues. so it will take a long time to bring this thing to trial and for that very reason. >> how long will it take? we've talked about, that it could take years. could take a decade theoretically for the appeals process to go through, but given the politics here, given that this is a war zone and the united states role in afghanistan may depend in part on how this is handled. isn't there going to be pressure to move this quickly? finish the investigation and get the trial done, not stall? >> i think there will be pressure to get answers and move things along from outside
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parties, but it's going to take a very long time to actually bring this to trial, and there's so many factors that play into that. for instance, as the attorney was saying earlier, with the fact that they don't seem to have any forensic evidence. i mean, we're talking about a crime scene in a combat zone. everything is exponentially more difficult not to mention more dangerous when you're trying to preserve a crime scene in a combat zone. all that has to be evaluated, gather that evidence first before we can get it underway. for the trial, i imagine at a minimum, about two years out until even arraignment, possibly. >> wow. sort of hard to believe. jeffrey king, thank you. appreciate it, military defense lawyer. israelis and iranians are worried about the prospect of war but went online. israelis and iranians, and did something pretty special. [ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that
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we have breaking news. word just in to cnn the brevard county sheriff office arrested a man who sent a threatening e-mail to sanford police chief bill lee with the subject line, coming after you. bill lee stepped aside yesterday amid the fury over the handling of the shooting death of trayvon martin. in other news, george zimmerman has hired a defense attorney, craig sonner. craig, thank you for coming "outfront." can you tell me, why did you decide to take on this case?
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>> well, at this point, there seems like the case is spiraled into being an issue over race, and upon talking with my client, i don't believe that that's the case at all. i've talked with him and with people who know him, and he's not known for being a racist, and whatever transpired that night, i think the issue is, was it an issue of self-defense or what actually occurred that night, rather than an issue of race. >> what has george zimmerman told you about what happened that night? >> i have not discussed that, and that would be attorney/client privilege that i couldn't reveal at this point anyway. he has been cooperative upon my advice with police, law enforcement in their investigation of what happened that night. what evidence they have and so on, i haven't seen all of it and don't know the details of it. there's an ongoing investigation
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and i'm not going to make any comment on those issues at this point. the thing we want to come out with now is that issue is not over race. >> and why not? what did he tell you about race? have you had a conversation with him about whether he just made an assumption because it was an african-american teenager he felt more threatened, because of trayvon's race? >> no. i asked him -- as i said, was race an issue in this? and he told me, no. i talked with -- it was a mentor to some african-american children. a single mother had a 13-year-old -- 14-year-old boy, 13-year-old girl, and george mentored the boy, and his wife mentored the girl. what that entailed was a program where they every other week they'd take them somewhere for two or three hours. maybe to the mall. maybe to lunch. maybe to the science center.
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or maybe just go play basketball somewhere, and that's something that george did with these children. and i spoke to their mother, and their mother trusted him. i said, do you believe that george is a racist, and she said, no. and he also participated in fund-raisers for their church, which is primarily african-american. >> uh-huh. >> and the people i've talked to so far and as well as george, i don't see any indication that it had to do with anything with race. >> is george zimmerman concerned for his safety? >> i'm concerned for his safety, and i believe he is, too. there have been numerous threats. i've come out with these press releases -- i've come out with these interviews just since 5:00 today. i've already gotten threatening phone calls myself. so i think that he should be fearful of any retribution. i mean, there's, within -- as lawyers say, within the four corners of the document, there's a poster out there on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet that says, "wanted dead or alive" with his picture on it.
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my advice to him, to my client, take that seriously. there are people who really mean you harm. >> what kind of threats have you received, craig? what about george -- any specifics? >> i don't -- i don't have the specifics of george's. i guess, but there were so many as i understand that they got unlisted numbers at this time. mine was saying that i was a racist and i forget what other profanity they used and hung up on me. so -- >> do you have police protection, craig? >> there's a lot -- not at this time. >> do you feel that you need it? >> no. >> one key question a lot of people have here that all of us have had trouble understanding is how someone who has a gun ends up killing someone who does not have a gun. trayvon martin did not have a gun. an arizona iced tea and skittles is what he had. how are you going to prove that it is justifiable homicide to kill someone that did not have a
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gun? regardless of the race issue? >> well, that's a good question. and it's going to come down to what the evidence shows. and i don't know what all the evidence is or what transpired that night. that's what the trial is going to be about. and that's hopefully what the trial will stay about and not about being angry over a racial issue. and that's, i think that's the point i'm trying to make this evening, is that, you know, let the police, let the investigators do their job. let's see what the evidence shows. my client claims it was self-defense. and, of course, i'm -- inclined to believe him and hope we can prove that it was self-defense, and prove that in a court of law, and force the government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt it was self-defense and where it should be -- >> specifically stand your ground statute? >> in my opinion, in my legal opinion, that's not really applicable to this case.
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the -- statute on stand your ground is primarily when you're in your house. this is self-defense. that's been around forever. you have a right to defend yourself. so the next issue is going to come up is, was he justified in using the amount of force he did? and that will be the question when we go to trial. if it goes to trial. >> and finally -- a final question for you, craig. do you have a message for trayvon martin's family? >> we're -- i'm very sorry for their loss. the loss of a child is just, it's got to be -- it's devastating. it's just a terrible thing that happened, that someone lost their life in this way. >> all right. craig sonner, thank you very much for taking the time to join us. george zimmerman's attorney hired late this afternoon. we'll obviously continue to see how that transpires, but important to hear he will not use the stand your ground defense. he thinks self-defense is the appropriate way to go.
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an usual -- israeli artist is pushing for peace with iran. it's next. and a bagel man's big idea. t for febreze fabric refresher, they agreed. [ experimenter 1 ] relax, take some nice deep breaths. [ experimenter 2 ] at do you smell? lilac. clean. there's something that's really fresh. a little bit beach-y. like children's blankets. smells like home. [ experimenter 1 ] okay take your blindfolds off. ♪ hello? [ male announcer ] if febreze fabric refresher can freshen this couch, what can it do for yours? febreze fabric refresher -- breathe happy. febreze fabric refresher -- fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers.
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so take a look at this. an israeli graphic designer named ronny edry posted this picture of himself and his daughter on facebook last weekend. it got a lot of likes. so he started a whole page called israel loves iran. a page which now has over 29,000 likes and has inspired israelis to upload their own messages of peace. it was amazing to go through them today. he told the national, a newspaper from abu dhabi that israelis think we want to bomb them and want to show them that they're mothers and fathers that want the best for their children. that brings me tonight's number, 7,256. that's how many likes the page iran loves israel has gotten. that's right. a group of iranians started a page to send the love back to iranian israel. despite heavy government
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censorship in iran, they posted anti-war messages on this page. we went on today and saw messages like why must people suffer because of their government? and, yes, of course, some people made fun of the campaign and created parodies. but for the most part, people have embraced the campaign's original anti-war message. and that's good because governments can get in the way of and act against the wishes of those they represent. and social media, because or perhaps because of the anonymity often lends itself to relentless negativity in bringing people down but not this time. for a great, great opportunity, social media is being used to build people up and inspire our leaders to work towards peace. and that is something we celebrate tonight. something else we celebrate tonight is a little bit more in the mundane but it is something that, frankly, changed the world of bagels forever. that's next. with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells
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america's favorite breakfast foods began with, get this, a slice of pizza and a charismatic and quirky man named murray lender. >> i haven't gone soft. i just hate bagels that get hard the day after you buy them. >> almost 70 years ago, he was enjoying a slice of pizza when struck with an idea. what if he could teach the nonjewish world to love bagels as much as he loved pizza? but there was a problem, how to keep them fresh. at the time, bagels had to be consumed day of and couldn't be transported. so young murray did something no self-respecting bagel maker at the time would have ever considered -- he stuck the bagels in the freezer. lender's became first bakery in the world to freeze bagels and is now the best-selling bagel brand in america, a staple on grocery lists. >> i do. i buy them a lot. >> murray lender passed away on wednesday at the age of 81. but his seemingly small idea
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