tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 26, 2012 8:00am-10:00am PDT
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how will you handle yourself when you're here in the city? it's just going to be very interesting to hear what this young man has to say when he faces the new york press and press from all around the country. >> it will be. i can't wait until it begins. i'll be watching, jason carol. thank you so much. jason carol reporting live from the jets' training facility. a lot going on today, again. >> that's right. busy hour. thank you so much. i'm kyra phillips, 11:00 on the east coast, 8:00 out west. we've got a very busy hour ahead. let's get straight to the news. we begin with trayvon martin, the florida teen whose death is igniting rallies, marches, fo m forums and now a bounty for the man who shot and killed him. but first, just a glimpse at the events taking place today. the one-month anniversary of his death. two important town hall meetings in florida. one organized by communicativis communicativis communicativis communicativists, the second by commissioners. now disturbing developments involving george zimmerman who shot tray vonn. members of the new black
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panthers have offered a $10,000 bounty for his capture. politically, economically, the next three days will affect the course of life in america for decades. six hours of arguments on four distinct issues arising from the 2-year-old health care reform law are well under way at the highest court in the land. today's issue could make the rest moot. the gateway question asks whether the individual mandate for everyone to buy insurance or pay a penalty amounts to a tax. if it does, it can't be challenged, because a law from 1867 bars challenges to taxes until they're paid. the health insurance mandate doesn't take effect until 2014. so justices could settle this issue and punt on the others. today's session wraps in 30 minutes, and cnn's kate bolduan and jeff toobin will join me live as soon as it does. rick santorum plans to be out in front of the supreme
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court building at noon weighing in on the health care debate. the republican presidential candidate has said the health care law is issue number one for his campaign. and has hammered opponent mitt romney as the inspiration for the federal government's controversial law. we'll have much more on the politics of health care just a little bit later in the show. and president obama is not at the supreme court today. far from it, actually. while his number-one domestic policy triumph is being picked apart, he's at a nuclear security summit in seoul, south korea. today he warned north core that provocations in pursuit of nuclear weapons only undermine the country's security. undeterred, yang moved to a long range rocket to the launch pad for next month. the wife of a u.s. soldier accused of murdering afghan civilians says he would not do that. carolyn bales spoke with nbc about her husband, robert bales and the 17 deaths he is charged with causing. mrs. bales told matt lauer the whole scenario is unbelievable.
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and though she has spoken with robert since the march 11th rampage, she has not heard his side of it. >> you have spoken to him twice on the phone. did you say, sweetheart, did you do this? >> no. no. >> i mean, as a spouse, wouldn't you want to ask that question, quickly. honey, why are they saying these things about you? >> not a monitored phone call. we couldn't discuss those details. he seemed a bit confused. as to where he was and why he was there. >> will there come a time when you get to see bob, or you will look him straight in the eye and ask him? >> probably. >> now over the weekend, the u.s. government paid compensation to families of the afghan victims. afghan officials say the u.s. paid $50,000 for each of those killed. $10,000 for each person wounded. pope benedict is saying fair well to mexico this hour and heading to cuba. live pictures. it's his first trip to either country as pope and so far, he's made an impression.
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hundreds of thousands of people turned out for his open-air mass yesterday in the heartland of mexican catholicism. in cuba, he'll meet with president raoul crass tree and maybe former president. statements started this morning in a land mark case against the catholic church in philadelphia. william lin has been accused of hiding abusive prefiests by movg them from parish to parish. he was responsible for hiding -- lin has pleaded not guilty, including endangering the welfare of a child. possible widespread cheating in america's schools. but it's not the kids being implicated here. a new investigation from the "atlanta journal constitution" newspaper found irregular layerties in test scores in 200 school districts across the country. the jumping-off point was a cheating scandal in atlanta in
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2009 where teachers and administrators were blamed for changing the scores of standardized tests. some of the districts implicated in the new article are houston, detroit and st. louis. we all know that texting ask driving is dangerous. but who are the worst offenders? well, a new study says teenage girls are twice as bad as teenaged boys. and texting, or talking on the cell phone while driving is the number-one distraction for young drivers. aaa says electronic distractions far outweigh eating in the car or combing your hair. even adjusting the volume on the car radio. coming up, one month ago today, when 17-year-old trayvon martin was gunned down. that tragedy has turned into a national movement. next, we take you to florida, where two town halls are about to happen. the first of which will be hosted by this guy. cnn contributor roland martin. and he's joining me live, next. and james cameron is known for reaching new heights in filmmaking. now he has gone to new depths of
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discovery. cameron rode his veridical torpedo submarine to the bottom of the mare anna trench, the deepest point on the earth's surface, nearly seven miles under water. seven miles, straight down to the ocean floor. it's the farthest solo dive anyone has ever made. so for pushing the limits of discovery and imagination, james cameron, you are today's rock star. ♪ slow ride take it easy ♪ ♪ slow ride take it easy ♪ ♪
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thousands of others are converging in florida for a number of events and meetings today. in less than an hour, the first of two important town hall meetings to discuss the death of trayvon martin. trayvon's parents are expected to be there. and by now, you know trayvon's face and the details of his death. what happened to trayvon has exploded into a national movement for justice, and it sparked debate over florida's stand your ground law. when i say national movement, this is what i'm talking about. today alone, nearly 20 events all across the country for trayvon. not just in florida, but from pennsylvania to california, iowa, michigan, atlanta, as you can see the list goes on. and today is especially poign t poignant, because it was exactly a month ago today that trayvon was shot death by neighborhood watchman george zimmerman who claims it was self defense. our own roland martin is moderating the event today. there are two events in the community today.
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you're moderating this first one, organized by a bar association and trayvon's family. the second town hall organized by the sanford city commission. let's talk about why did the family feel they needed to hold their own town hall? >> reporter: because what they want to do is, they don't want this to simply be a moment -- certainly lead to a movement. they want to be able to provide information, the latest information in this particular case. but also, to get people to understand that this story goes beyond just trayvon martin. to your point, so many folks across this country have been galvanized by this story. i've been getting stories from other people, shootings in other cities, as well, and they would like to have investigated. and so that's really what their aim is to be able to provide, as much factual information as possible. >> let's talk about some of the new developments, row land, that we just found out about this morning. first of all, a few members of
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the new black panther party now offering this $10,000 bounty for george zimmerman's capture. can you tell me about that, and also i'm reading there have now been death threats against the sanford police chief. are you going to be addressing both of these issues at your town hall? >> reporter: well, of course. i mean, i talked to the new black panthers yesterday. i've covered them actually since their founding when the former national spokesman for the nation of islam was involved with them. and first of all, they are doing this without the permission of the family. they say they don't need it. they say they simply are tired of these kind of events happening and folks not brought to justice. but i also talked yesterday with attorney ben krump. and what he said is, the family does not authorize this. they do not want it to happen. they made it perfectly clear, if george zimmerman is arrested, it will be done through law enforcement officials and no one else. they made it clear, they don't want anybody walking around, argue anybody, because that
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playing right into the hands of this whole sort of vigilanteism that they don't want to see take place. and so i'll be talking later also with the new black panthers to get their thoughts on it, because, again, they say people criticized them for their involvement, and it's wrong. but the families made it clear. we don't want any of that sort of stuff to happen. >> what about these death threats against the sanford police chief? >> have not had an opportunity to talk with city officials with regarding those particular death threats. but certainly we'll be -- i'll be seeing the city manager, mr. bo bonapart here, and the mayer and we'll definitely try to get more information on that. all right. we'll be talking to you throughout the afternoon. roland, thank you so much. still ahead today, psychotic behavior, pair knowa, a few side effects of a pill the military gives some of our troops overseas. now word of an emergency review at the pentagon. coming up next, the investigative reporter who broke
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the story on the drug, larium. all right, let's decide what to do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say.
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the lead story on the "huffington post" home page caught our attention this morning, and this is why. it reports nine days after staff sergeant robert bales' alleged shooting rampage in afghanistan, a top-level pentagon health official ordered an emergency review of the military use of the drug lariam. it's a drug previously implicateded in military suicides and murders. so here's the question we're all asking this morning. did sergeant bales take lariam when he was in-country. and was an emergency review of this drug ordered because of that shooting spree?
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cnn has reached out to the pentagon. we are waiting for confirmation. and until then, we've got the author of the "huffington post" article, investigative reporter, mark benjamin. so mark, you don't make a link between bales' alleged shooting spree and taking this drug. but it is definitely implied in the article. so tell me about this task order that you've got from a military source. >> reporter: that's right. the importance of the task order is that it says to all doctors and, you know, people that are prescribing medications in the military, we have a problem, and the problem is that they are giving this drug to soldiers who should not be getting it. this is a drug that crosses what's called the blood brain barrier and it goes deep inside the brain and can cause very serious problems, including psychotic reactions. that's what it says on the drug's label. what it says is that even people who have traumatic brain injuries and should not be given the drug are being given the drug on the battlefield. that's the importance of the review. >> so mark, what was your
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sourcing for this task order, and why did you feel comfortable going with this story? >> i felt comfortable going with the story, because it shows that there is a problem out there on the battlefield. my sourcing is a military source, who, frankly, is very concerned about the dangers of this drug and doesn't think that people in afghanistan carrying machine guns should be taking this drug. having said that, the real importance of it is that the army is now saying that there is a problem out on the battlefie d battlefield. and somebody like bales should not be taking this drug. and i do not know whether bales took the drug. my my sources indicate we are giving it to soldiers on the battlefield, these outposts that are out basically in the bush. and that's where bales was. wel well. >> well, you do mention a number of cases of past suicides, homicides, and involved troops taking the drug lariam. tell us about a couple cases. >> typically what you'll have -- i mostly looked at very elite soldiers, special forces soldiers, who typically do not commit suicide or commit suicide
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in very low percentage rates. and what i found is a series of cases where soldiers would take the drug and they would have a cluster of symptoms. they would have mental problems, psychotic reactions, but they would also have rashes, problems with their vision, they would dizziness, intestnal problems. all that would happen at once. it looked like basically they were being poisoned. and in several cases, they acted out, killing themselves and/or others. >> we also know for sure, and this has been documented, that bales has a tbi, traumatic brain injury. what we don't know is that he took this drug, lariam, for malaria, obviously. but you did discover in your report a link between tbi and this drug, right? >> that's right. the army says people who have a traumatic brain injury, who have a problem in their brain, should not take this drug. and carol, while i've been sitting in this chair, i got a note from the office of the secretary of defense who said, well, this review started before
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the massacre and so it's unrelated. i'm not sure that's really the point. the point is that this is a document where the army is saying, whoa, guys, there's a problem. people out there in the bush who have traumatic brain injuries, like bales, are taking this drug, and it could cause a problem. >> i'm only assuming you're going to do a follow-up, if you're already getting e-mails there from dod. will you be doing that soon? are you getting a lot of response to your investigation? >> absolutely. and there's apparently groups on facebook, you know, veterans against lariam. there's quite a few service members who believe they've been harmed by this drug. and, again, i think the side effects are pretty well documented. what the military is not saying is whether or not this guy took the drug. it is malaria season in afghanistan. if anybody was taking the pills, it would be now in the spring. and we need to know. >> mark benjamin, we'll look to your follow-up. appreciate your time today. >> thanks for having me. >> you bet. president obama's health care reform in the spotlight today. the supreme court spotlight. the justice is hearing arguments right now in one of the most
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influential groups in the country supports the government mandate of health care. up next, the president of the group tells me why. one golden crown. come on frank how long have we known each other? go to e-trade. they got killer tools man. they'll help you nail a retirement plan that's fierce. two golden crowns. you realize the odds of winning are the same as being mauled by a polar bear and a regular bear in the same day? frank! oh wow, you didn't win? i wanna show you something... it's my shocked face. [ gasps ] ♪ [ male announcer ] get a retirement plan that works at e-trade. there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home.
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those issues, and many others. but when this landmark legislation was moving through congress, one opinion stood out. that of the american medical association. naturally, the ama is watching this week's arguments closely. we're pleased to welcome the incoming president of the nation's largest and most powerful doctors' organization, dr. jeremy lazzarus. thank for being with me. the ama support was vital in passing the affordable care act. tell me what you like specifically about it. when we talked, you pointed out you liked increasing health coverage, insurance exchanges and subsidies, no denies of care or coverage, and requiring coverage for all. the so-called individual mandate. let's go ahead and focus on the requiring coverage for all. tell me why you're on board with that. >> thanks, kyra and thanks for allowing us to give our opinion about this. of we felt that the status quo was unacceptable, with having 50
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million americans uninsured. americans who live sicker and die younger because they don't have health insurance coverage. so this bill gives coverage to 30 million americans. and you know, as i listen to the debate and have been listening to the news stations over the last couple days, i think what gets lost is the impact that this act has on the lives of actual, everyday people. take, for example, the case of a child who has a diagnosis of leukemia. and now because of that act is going to be able to have health insurance coverage, which she might not have had before that. in addition to that is not going to have a lifetime coverage on the amount of treatment that she can receive. and also, as a result of the act, is going to be able to stay on her parents' insurance policy until the age of 26. so this is a real-time issue that effects thousands and thousands and thousands of patients and the physicians that treat them every day. that's the reason why we
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supported it and continue to support it. >> let me ask you too, dr. lazzarus, critics are saying this is great, because there are so many free loaders out there, free loaders getting medical care on taxpayers' dime. do you agree that that is a big part of the problem? >> we have a policy which goes back to 2006 long before the act was debated that says that individuals should have responsibility to purchase health insurance coverage, or to get assistance if they can't afford to cover it. and that's because, you know, you never know when you're going to need to get health care coverage, when you're going to be sick or when you're going to be in an accident. so to have that coverage up front, it means you're going to get treated early on, so that the illness that you might have doesn't get worse. and also, then, the cost of paying for the uninsured is then not transferred on to the rest of us who have insurance. and we know that that cost is
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about $1,000 a year for the average family of four. so we think there are a lot of good reasons for everyone to have health insurance coverage. >> all right. you also point out things you don't like. from my notes here, no caps on malpractice awards, the quote, independent payment advisory board. restrictions on doctor-owned hospitals and also the medicare payment formula. that one is a long-standing complaint, right? >> that is a long-standing complaint. let me point out that from our point of view at the ama, the law is not a perfect law. it's a good step. it's not the last step in getting health system reform in this country. there are some provisions in the law that we would like to fix and some provisions that weren't in there. one is the independent payment advisory board, which provides for a board that has limited accountability, and that could cause dramatic cuts in payments to physicians and then limit access to care for patients. we talked about the medicare payment problem.
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that's been a problem before the affordable care act passed, it's a perennial problem, and, again, something we're trying to get fixed going forward into this year. >> dr. jeremy lazarus, appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> rick santorum wants you to know something about mitt romney. >> he is the worst republican in the country. to put up against barack obama. >> so why is the underdog now turning attack dog? that's coming up next in "fair game." first, our political junky question. who is the only former president to sit on the supreme court? tweet me your answer at kyra.cnn. i'll give a shoutout to the right answer. [worker:] we could do both. is that possible? [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas.
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court. william howard taft was appointed as chief justice in 1921. eight years after leaving office. he's actually responsible for getting the supreme court their own building. congrats to shelby from lexingt lexington, kentucky for tweeting me the right answer. the supreme court has heard around 90 minutes of arguments this morning on health care. it's the challenge, the now two-year-old health care reform law. beyond the nuts and bolts, there's the politics of this thing. and that's fair game. joining me now, chris metsler, associate dean of georgetown university. and democratic strategist keith boykin. all right. guys, rick santorum is going to the steps of the supreme court in just about 30 minutes. barack obama is in south korea. let's talk about the opposite ends here, okay? what does that say to you, chris? >> well, i mean, that's the power of the presidency. you can be in south korea, when one of the most important issues is being discussed before the
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court. so, you know, that's fine. but as it relates to santorum, the problem here for santorum is, you know, he needs to get out and -- front and center of this issue. and he realizes that this is the way to do it. so no surprise that he's out trying to save his failing bid for the presidency. >> keith? >> well, to me it says that rick santorum is playing politics about health care while the president is busy being president. i mean, on the one hand, neither one of these guys is going to be arguing this case. so rick santorum showing up at the court building doesn't actually do anything to decide one side or the other. and president obama doesn't need to be there at all. the irony, i went to law school with president obama and with paul clement who were both there at the same time. paul clement is the guy arguing the case against health care reform. and i think this is going to be a really difficult case for the court to decide. but i think ultimate lyrics it's going to come out in obama's favor, in the country's favor.
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>> well, you mentioned santorum. he put out this e-mail, blasting mitt romney on health care. take a look at the -- at the logo here. we're going to bring it up. there you go. let's talk santorum strategy here. he says obama and romney are two peas in a pod. is that a good way to go, chris? >> no, look. here's the problem with santorum. the fat lady is singing and he's covering his ears. because he knows his campaign is over at this point. he can't do it from the standpoint of math. there's no way it's going to happen. so as a result of that, he is trying to attack both the president and romney. you know what, sit down somewhere and let's move on with the gop presidential campaign, and let's have the two candidates. mitt romney is going to be the nominee. the fat lady is singing, santorum, whether you like it or not. get over it. >> keith? the fat lady singing? >> it seems that way, except that rick santorum just won in
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louisiana. he has won a string of victories over the course of the past month. mitt romney has still not closed the deal. so, yes, he should stay in the race as long as he wants to stay in the race, because mitt romney is not very popular in the party. the reality is, this stuff that rick santorum is saying will come back to haunt the party. because everything he is saying is stuff the democrats can use in commercials to go against romney, who is, by the way, the godfather of obama care. so you know, the obama campaign is now starting to endorse that language, obamacare, because there is no way they're going to be able to get that out of people's minds and i think that's going to help them in the long run when people start to realize the benefits of it. >> so if you've got rick santorum saying that health care is the number-one issue on the november ballot and then mitt romney is saying, hey, i'm going to repeal the law as soon as i get to the white house, could the court actually just steal the thunder here and make this a nonissue come election day? is chris?
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>> no, i think, actually, the court is going to frame the debate. whatever the issue -- whatever the court decides, it's either going to be, one, whether or not this is about big government, this is about interference in the free market system, or two, whether it's going to be extended and expanded government. so then that's going to be put before the american people. and they're going to decide. is it going to be romney who essentially says that what we've got is we need less intrusion, or obama, who says more? it's going to frame the debate. it's not going to decide it from a political standpoint. >> keith? >> i don't -- i don't think that's what the court is deciding at all. the court is deciding a constitutional issue, whether the congress has the power to create a law that has ex commerce, in this case, the health care law. and it clearly does. walter dillinger has a great piece in the "washington post" that goes on about health care and he argues from a legal point why the court is likely to uphold the law. i think ultimately, when the court realizes by invalidating
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this it law they will take away health care from 32 million people, add $140 about to the deficit, prevent people from being covered who have preexisting conditions, make it harder for people to get simple beneficiary explanations from their health care plans and all of good things this law does, including providing coverage for people to age 26 under their parents' plans. when the court starts to realize that, the idea of overturning this law would be a dramatic, judicial excess, just what the republicans say they do not like. >> oh. so the court now will be playing politics. you know, look. the court is going to decide the legal issue. i don't think that's the question. the question is how is it going to play politically? and i think politically, the argument is going to be framed from the standpoint of more or less government. so, yeah, the court is going to make a legal decision. that then is going to turn into a political decision. whether the court likes it or not. except one quick thing, chris. this is the same law that mitt romney passed in massachusetts. the republicans have no standing if they nominated themselves.
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they would argue against -- it's very true. it's the same people -- mitt romney even said himself in 2009 when they were -- when they were about to do this. he wrote an op-ed in "usa today," when he said i endorse this plan and go ahead, if you do these things, we'll be able to support. you said if you get rid of the government option, the public option, if you have tax benefits, and is if you slow down the process, the president did all three of those things and we implemented a law that basically follows the same pattern as romneycare. so the republicans have no leg to stand on in the fall campaign. >> we've got to leave it there, guys. i would have liked to have seen keith and president obama in class with associate dean chris metsler has the professor. now, that would have been an interesting -- that would be a fun fair game. guys, thanks so much for your time today. >> take care. >> all right. >>. his is a scandal fit for a juicy tabloid. in fact, his tabloids are a big part of the scandal. we're talking about rupert murdoch and the crisis in his
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that nobody really wanted to look at the story. i think that was one of the most interesting aspects of the story. so all the things that normally kick in, in society, the democratic ways of accountability and transparency, this wasn't an oil company or any kind of a corporation that didn't kick in. this was a company that a lot of people were frightened of, i would say still are frightened. >> the sordid, complicated details unfold like a dramatic mystery over several years. and we're getting a better understanding of that in a pbs "front line" documentary called murdoch scandal. correspondent lowell bergman has followed the scan dain this do you mean re. joins us live from new york. lowell, we've already received dozens of journalists and top executives arrested. a number of police officers, and criminal investigations, civil lawsuits. tell me what i'm going to see in this documentary that i don't
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know. >> you're going to see an attempt to pull a lot of these disparate elements together and take it back in history, mr. murdoch's history, and also the fact, i think one of the more startling facts we have run into, in 2003, his then editor of "the sun" and the editor of "news of the world," two of the tabloids, admitted they were paying off the police and nobody did anything about it. >> you also talk about murdoch's influence on so many powerful people. i mean, as high as the prime minister, even going all the way back to the iron lady, margaret thatcher. let's take a look at another clip. >> for 30 years, rupert murdoch had been visiting number 10 to be thanked for his support by british prime ministers. >> a sound defense policy of the -- >> it began in the late '7 ohs
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when the iron lady was given a helping hand when britain's largest daily threw its support behind her. >> how did all of this play into the scandal, lowell? >> well, the surprising fact about all of this, similar to let's say the white house getting together with a section of the fbi, and the largest media organization in the country to in a sense either consciously or just because they're all friends and look the other way, cover up what was ongoing criminal conspiracy, it appears to me. in other words, this extraordinary thing happened the other day in the public inquiry in britain. the commander at scotland yard in charge of this investigation says there was a culture of corruption inside britain's largest newspaper. murdoch's largest newspaper in the u.k. >> you know, one of the most colorful characters in parliament, without a doubt, is tom watson. also a key player in your documentary. let's take a look at another clip.
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>> every friend and adviser i spoke to in 2009-'10 said you're not going to get to the truth of this. there are too many people at the top with a vested interest in the story not to come out. at the time, it was very -- presuming the phone hacking scandal in the u.k. >> why were so many people afraid to mess with murdoch? >> look, at this -- at this point in history, james murdoch has apologized to tom watson, news news international, the section of news corporation he was in charge of, had him under surveillance while they were appearing before a parliamentary inquiry. why were they afraid? because of the power and willingness of the company to have its employees do things which i think in this country would create a huge uproar, as well. >> we reached out to news corp., of course, and they told us no comment. what has murdoch and his company's response been to you?
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>> i've been in this business for 40 years. i haven't seen a major multinational corporation, and in particular a media company, completely shut down. no one will talk. period. the only communication that we had -- one was off the record, i thought, with geraldo rivera that he blogged about and the other was a personal letter and reply to a letter i sent to rupert murdoch in which he said, basically, i can't talk at this time. but otherwise, it's all been intermediate areas, press representatives, public relations companies. no one is talking. >> actually, lowell, that's pretty nice. i can't talk at this time. >> well, he was the only one with a personal reply like that. but i've got to say, for a -- i know they're your competitor, but for an organization known for big talkers who will talk about just about anything, even when they don't know anything about it, it's really amazing that they won't talk about this. >> lowell bergman, i'm glad you talked with us. sure appreciate your time and your work. thank you, lowell. >> thank you.
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>> you'll be able to see the documentary tomorrow night in a special edition of "frontline," 7:00 p.m. eastern on all pbs stations. in case you haven't heard, a man named tim tebow is joining the new york jets. and in just about 15 minutes from now, he'll be officially introduced in a big-time news conference. so why all the spotlight for a back-up qb? you know why. that's next. do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies
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and two women discovered in a home friday. police say apparently died from blunt trauma. in florida, thousands of people converging for two important town hall meetings to talk about trayvon martin. his death is igniting rallies, marches, forums all across the country. take a look. just a glimpse of the events taking place today. the one-month anniversary of trayvon's death. the events are playing out following the disturbing developments involving george zimmerman. members of the black panther party have offered a $10,000 bunty for his capture. moving to oklahoma city, where a stunning video has triggered a police investigation. >> no! no! >> officials reviewing the conduct of an officer involved here, handcuffing a man and apparently dragging him face-down out of the city's airport last month. police say the man was trying to get through security to talk with republican presidential candidate newt gingrich. the man was charged with disorderly conduct and released
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after spending the night in jail. gas prices got you down? well, here's some good news. a new report says we may be able to get over the fear of $4 a gallon gas. that's according to the latest lunld berg survey. the price of crude oil is lates lundberg survey. the price of crude oil is leveling off. that's likely we're near the peak for gas prices. the average price is $3.93, 36 cents higher than it was at this time last year. over now to new jersey and this hot question. is new york ready for the mile haima sigh ya? moments from now the official announcement from the jets that tim tebow is joining the team. tebowmania has hit. one question on the minds of many though, what will the jets do with tebow since they already have starting quarterback? that aside tebow appears to be well on his way to becoming the next broadway joe. speaking of football, did you hear about mitt romney's
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field goal comments? yeah, he got a little snarky after santorum's fresh win that weekend. we'll tell you what he said coming up next. yeah! if you're looking for a place to get together, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. yeah! yeah! noooo. yeah! finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation.
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let's take a quick look at the republican presidential scoreboard. mitt romney leading the way with 568 delegates. rick santorum second, 261. 1144 are needed to secure the nomination. rick santorum came out of the weekend with another win under his belt. he easily won louisiana primary on saturday adding to his southern state winning streak, but was it as big of a win as it sounds? let's take it over to our political reporter joining me from washington. santorum got 49% of the vote in
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louisiana. did that translate into a big delegate advantage? five delegates. he won ten out of the louisiana primary to romney's five. only 20 delegates were at stake. louisiana is a complicated formula for awarding delegates. the santorum tried to bill this win as another seismic change in the republican race but the romney campaign was really lowering expectations. romney only appeared in the state two times ahead of the primary. you know, most people this weekend were probably watching requesting the hunger games or basketball. so this didn't get the attention the santorum campaign probably wanted. not a huge win and delegatewise, no the a huge win for him on saturday. >> what is mitt romney's campaign saying? >> they responded to this claim, this is kind of a funny quote from ryan williams, one of the romney spokespeople, about the santorum claim this was a huge win. this is what they said, quote, rick santorum is like a football
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team celebrating a field goal when they are losing by seven touchdowns with less than a minute left in the game. that's from ryan williams. and, look, he's right in one respect. the santorum campaign is trailing significantly in delegates. the romney campaign has more than twice as many delegates according to cnn's delegate count as santorum. and santorum to win this thing has to win almost 75% of the remaining delegates, kyra. that's a real momentous challenge for him. of course, the santorum campaign will say, that hey, romney has to do that, too, and he hasn't done that yet. >> why wasn't santorum even in louisiana to celebrate the win? >> right. well, they're looking ahead to the april 3rd contests. d.c., maryland, and wisconsin. the biggest contest for that day for santorum is definitely wisconsin. he's not even on the ballot here in washington and another sign that his campaign organization isn't exactly in tiptop shape but wisconsin has the most delegates at stake. it would be kind of a big
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symbolic win. the romney campaign wants to win there and put santorum to bed. remember, wisconsin really broke heavily republican in 2010. there's a strong tea party movement, a lot of working class voters, rural voters, the kind of voters that rick santorum has appealed to. the romney campaign is pretty comfortable right now. he's doing a lot of fund-raising this week. he was down in la jolla all weekend, not campaigning. they're not taking wisconsin for granted, but they know that if they do win there and beat rick santorum, it's another sign that he's in the lead and you're going to probably see some more top republicans coming out and saying, hey, it's time to get behind mitt romney for the nomination, kyra. >> peter, thanks so much. >> thanks. all right. legally, politically, economically, medically, what's happening on the supreme court health care arguments is going to impact all of us for the course of life, for decades. kate bolduan, jeff toobin at the supreme court for us hearing the arguments. give us the latest, kate.
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>> reporter: so jeff and i were talking, it really did seem that the justices were ready to move on to tomorrow is what we really heard in oral arguments today. that's because tomorrow is the real centerpiece of this case, right, jeff? we're talking about the individual mandate, but today they were talking about a bit of a dry issue. >> today it was really a procedural issue. the issue was, is this issue something that should be decided now or should the court wait until the law is fully in effect in 2014 and 2015? and it was quite clear that -- i mean, really all nine justices said, look, let's get this done, let's decide this case. and that's really what today was all about, so, you know, tomorrow is really the nerd super bowl. tomorrow is the day when everybody is going to be paying attention to whether this law is constitutional or not. today is kind of like an appetizer. >> today was an appetizer. i think justice ginsburg summed it up. she said the challenge is not
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against the penalty would that ensue if people did not get insurance by 2014. there's a penalty americans would have to pay, and that's kind of one of the issues they were talking about. and the justice said the challenge is not against the penalty. the challenge is against the individual mandate and that summed up the fact that in large part while they did have some insightful questions about where the line is and is this a jurisdictional issue, the gateway issue, it did seem there was a relative amount of agreement on the bench that they were ready to move on to the real big questions. we saw them wading into it. >> reporter: i assure you that the phrase jurisdictional issue is as exciting in the courtroom as it is to you right now. >> reporter: exactly. >> i'm still stuck on nerd football. >> reporter: okay. those of us who couldn't make the team, this is what we have to content ourselves with. >> reporter: speak for yourself. >> i don't ever think i have seen the supreme court issue as exciting as right now with jeff
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toobin and kate bolduan there on the steps. i got to get ready to toss it off to the next show, but has santorum showed up for his rally there on the steps yet? >> reporter: we haven't seen him, but we literally just walked out of the court and came to the camera. >> reporter: it's a really big crowd here, too. rick santorum, if he's here, we don't know. >> got you. okay. guys, thanks so much. you can continue the conversation with me on twitter at kyracnn. cnn "newsroom" continues with our ashleigh banfield. live from new york where it's 12:00 noon, 9:00 a.m. on the west coast, i'm ashleigh banfield. want to get you up to speed for this monday, march 26th. the supreme court wrapping up day one of a case that affects the future of your medical care and possibly the presidential
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election to boot. the justices heard more than 90 minutes of debate on the health care reform law championed by president obama. it's the first of three days of arguments and rallies for and against the law are adding to the drama that surrounds this case. we'll take you live to the supreme court for a report and some analysis on the high court's actions today. that's happening just minutes from now. also today marks the one month since trayvon martin was gunned down in sanford, florida. public outcrying is growing foe arrest of george zimmerman. trayvon martin's parents are taking part in a town hall meeting and they will follow it up with a news conference of their own. her husband is charged with 17 counts of first-degree murder after a killing spree in afghanistan, but the wife of u.s. army sergeant robert bales says, while she feels for the
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victims and her families, she just doesn't believe her husband could do the things he's accused of. >> i just don't think he was involved. >> so you think this is all mistaken identity? do you think this is -- is he being made a fall guy for someone else? >> i don't know. >> 17 people were killed. >> rith. i don't know enough information. this is not him. it's not him. president obama is in south korea right now for a global summit on how to secure the world's nuclear material and deal with the threat of nuclear terrorism. just as the session got under way though, north korea moved a long-range rocket to its launchpad for a test fire scheduled for next month. well, never has the arrival of a prospective backup qb received quite so much attention. today the new york jets are holding a news conference to
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interdeuce tim introduce tim tebow. he's the hugely popular former denver broncos quarterback. they traded tebow after signing four-time nfl most valuable player peyton manning. and it has all the markings of a landmark case. the u.s. supreme court deciding the fate of the sweeping health care reform law. one of the signature accomplishments of president obama's administration in its first term. the justices heard the first round of what's a very lengthy debate. they're going to hear a total of six hours, and that's unusual, folks. six hours over three days, and a ruling is not expected soon. probably sometime around june. the central issue in this case, whether what's called the individual mandate that takes effect in 2014 is constitutional. it requires almost all americans to buy health insurance or pay a penalty for not doing so. congressional correspondent kate bolduan and senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin were both in court for today's arguments.
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they are here with us live outside in the crowd, probably a little breathless because i think you just got out of the scotus arguments, as we like to call them. jeff, let me start with you. we sort of knew going in what was at stake today and it was all about whether we should be there at all. did we get anything we didn't know? >> reporter: we got a lot we didn't know. today the issue was really procedural. is this case premature? should the law be evaluated only after it goes fully into effect in 2014 and the justices pretty much unanimously gave the signal that they were going to say no. now is the time to evaluate the constitutionality of the law. now is when we're going to get a decision on whether this law is unconstitutional. the procedural arguments were largely swept away today. tomorrow is the big day. that's when we'll hear the arguments on the substance of whether this law is can goal or not. >> well, i always like to hear that, that we actually feel like we know where things are going
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early on in a case. however, to what you just said, jeff, did you get any questions today or any attitude in the questions today that might give us some indication of where we're headed, specifically with regard to the individual mandate? >> reporter: not really. a couple of the justices expressed some skepticism for one of the justifications that the obama administration has used, which is that this law is constitutional because it's a tax. justice gi insburg and justice breyer seem skeptical. they are more likely to embrace the theory that the commerce clause justify this is law. on the bigger question, we really didn't get much signal at all. this was mostly a procedural day. >> for the parlor games, did justice clarence thomas ask any questions? >> reporter: are you kidding? don't you think we would have mentioned that already? it's been more than six years since he asked a question.
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no, he didn't say anything. >> i thought he were going to break some news. kate bolduan -- >> no, we wouldn't break that long. >> we'd have a breaking news banner. there's a reason we have two of you standing there, and there's a reason there's a din of activity around you. it's because this thing is huge. not only for all of us, but for the politics of it. break it down for the folks out there who don't get why this is such a big deal. >> reporter: this is a big deal not only because of the amount of time that the justices are spending on this case, that's rare in and of itself, but this is a big deal because this is, first of all, a law that impacts every american, and so a ruling will in this case, the opinion here, will impact every american and the politics of this cannot be denied. the fact this this case is being taken up smack dab in the middle of an election year. the fact that the opinion will come down smack dab months before a general election cannot be denied. the justices are aware of the stakes. they're giving a lot of time here at the supreme court to hear this case. and so both sides have a lot at
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stake here. this is the signature domestic -- this is the signature piece of legislation -- the signature priority for president obama in the first term of his presidency. he has a lot at stake here. republicans in congress, they have a lot at stake here. and republicans on the campaign trail have a lot at stake because they have made this a signature part of their stump speeches, part of their campaign, that they will repeal what they call obama care. so there's a lot at stake here politically, and that's why we have huge crowds here and that's why people already started lining up to get the very few seats that will go to the public. they were out here friday afternoon when i was here previewing the case, ashleigh, so there's a lot at stake. not only in how -- what the outcome is but on the political ramifications of what the outcome is here. >> and, you know, we knew there would be a lot of media there, but i just got the stats and it was 110 seats for the general public and 117 seats for the media credentialed to be covering this case. i want you to touch on something i asked jeff, and that was did
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we get any questions that let us get a window into the minds of the justices, but you i want to ask specifically about the obama nominees. we have had two supreme court justices put to the bench during obama's first term. i want to know if elena kagan or sonia sotomayor indicated anything of note? >> reporter: i think the two of them were two of probably the more aggressive questioners on the bench today. the four liberal leaning justices were all very aggressive in their questioning on this jurisdictional issue, not specifically the key issue of the individual mandate, but they were very aggressive in their questioning today for both parties i'll say. they did not tip their hand. no one was really tipping their hand on where things are going, where their line of questioning is going to be tomorrow on the central issue. they did wade into it ever so slightly, which more indicated to us that were watching that they were ready to move on and get the arguments going on the major issue, but we really
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didn't get an indication of where they're going to be tomorrow and that's why we're going to show up bright and early tomorrow morning. >> reporter: that's why we'll be here tomorrow. >> well, far be it from me to interrupt all your pun. kate bolduan and jeffrey toobin, thanks so much. i want to scoot away from you and let you continue doing your work and i want to get you into new jersey and do a complete flip because i want you to hear about tim tebow. he's speaking now live at the team's training facility in new jersey. it's official, he's a jet. let's listen. >> obviously the media circus happened and i found out a few minutes later that there's a snag in the contract and i wasn't a jet, and so then it was like five hours of kind of waiting. coach fox was keeping me updated on what was happening, and then later on in the day they said we have a few teams that are interested, similar deals. so he was she gracious to ask me, you know, what i thought, and so i talked to him very honestly about it, and i told him i would love to be a jet. i told him also the jaguars are
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my hometown. whatever was best for them. he said the same for me and ultimately they had my contract -- they had all the power, but he listened to me and what i had to say and it was very gracious of them bus they didn't have to do that, and they could have just done whatever. but he listened to me and talked to me and i told him i would love to be a jet. i love the coaches. i had an opportunity to be with coach senior bowl. i had an opportunity to get to know coach ryan several times and that was exciting for me. i also told him i would lob to be a jaguar. that was my hometown and wha whatever was best for them. i'm excited to be a jet and i'm excited to be here. >> tim, how are you doing? >> good. >> everyone talks about how much of a competitor you are and the swrets ha jets have said they're bringing you in to back up mark sanchez. do you hope to be the starter? >> i think for everybody that puts on a uniform you want to go out there and you want to play.
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that's why you play the game of football and i'm excited to be a jet to go out there and to help this team any way that i can, and whatever my role is, however i can expand that role is, i'm going to try to do that and every day in practice i'm going to go out there and compete and try to get better as a quarterback and try to figure out any ways possible to help this team anyway that i can. >> how are you? welcome to new york. >> thank you. >> by all accounts people say you're a very high character and we've heard all about that sort of thing. >> it's not true. >> what is it like for you to hear speculation about how you could potentially, not maybe you personally, but your coming to new york and, you know, maybe tension between you and mark and the starting quarterback job, that it could stir up an already struggling locker room maybe. what is it like to hear about that sort of thing? >> well, i really don't pay too much attention to it, but i think the exciting thing is that
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me and mark have a great relationship. we have had a good relationship for the last three years i think. we've been friends. we've texted back and forth. we've talked already, and, you know, we're going to have a great relationship and a great working relationship, and i think we'll have a lot of fun together. >> hey, tim, just wondering, have you spoken with coach ryan about what your role with the team is going to be in terms of number of carries. he said yesterday it could be up to 20 times we will see the wildcat package. >> well, i have had time to talk with coach ryan, and i think a lot of it has to do with how well it works, how it does in practice. you know, obviously you're not going to just put something out there if it's not executing and not running well. so i think it really matters how well we do and how well, you know, i can pick everything up and go out there and how well we're doing. my goal is to go out there and try to execute as well as i possibly can and improve every
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day and feel comfortable with my role and try to expand my role by going out there and competing and playing well. so i think it's just exciting that he's had faith in me and he believes in me as a football player and as a person to bring me and make me a jet, and i'm excited about the opportunity. >> hey, tim. welcome. >> thank you. >> there was a report the other day that mark was a little confused by the jets going after you and making the trade. >> so while he fields another question on his relationship with his other quarterback, mark sanchez, who he says me and mark have a great relationship, i want to show you the new york post which has tiger woods on it today features on page four tim tebow out on the town, and then if that's not enough, you go to page six, which is the gossip column and tim goes for full coverage. i mean, this guy not even in town officially. he's already making cover of the "new york post" on the weekend and he's throughout "the post"
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today. we have a run down of what we have coming up on the program now. next up, it's a side of rick santorum you just don't see every day. the candidate losing his cool on the campaign trail. and then her husband is accused of going on a killing spree like no other. we are going to hear from carolyn bales in her own words. and later on jack and jill went up the hill. jack fell but couldn't get coverage because of a pre-existing condition. i am not kidding. we are going to break down the complexities of the health care debate into a language that even a child could understand. it's all coming up. is all we humans get. we spend them on treadmills. we spend them in traffic. and if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. twenty-five thousand mornings. make sure some of them are pure michigan.
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nationwide uproar over the killing of trayvon martin. the unarmed 17-year-old teenager who was gunned down by george zimmerman in florida, a man who was not charged in that killing. a cnn/orc poll just out show this is, 73% of americans say that police should arrest george zimmerman. 11% say no, he shouldn't be arrested, and 16% just aren't sure. our martin savidge is in sanford, florida. today marks exactly one month since trayvon died. martin, where is this investigation going today? >> reporter: well, it stands very clearly in the hands of angela corey. she's the special prosecutor that was named by the governor of florida last week, and she was speaking out to cnn/hln just a short while ago talking about where the investigation stands. let me point out what her choices are. number one, she could charge george zimmerman or she could clear him or she could send the
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results of her investigation over to a grand jury. those are the options. this is what she said about what the final outcome of the investigation will be a short time ago. >> justifiable use of deadly force has been asserted in this case and will continue to be asserted, which will make our job more difficult. however, we do believe that when we're done with our investigation, the family will know all of the facts and details as will the public, but they must be patient, and we ask for their indulgence. >> reporter: she is referring to, of course, florida stand your ground law, which is the case here that the attorney is at least making in defense of george zimmerman. in other words, that he felt that his life was jeopardized. at that point we'll have to see how this investigation goes. a lot of people don't necessarily buy that argument and that's the reason that you have so many people in an uproar because they believe, quite frankly, george zimmerman, as that poll seems to reflect, ought to be under arrest. >> that's a good point, and i think that's a lot of the reason why you have seen some of the
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jostling people at the helm of the investigation, the police chief, that state attorney being switched out as well, and there's that pressure right across that country. there are people holding rallies all the way from pennsylvania to california, iowa, michigan, atlanta, and that list goes on and on, but they are no -- they are not bigger anywhere but in florida. there's a lot planned for where you are. give us a rundown, martin. >> reporter: well, right. tonight is a community meeting. this is actually a meeting of the city commissioners. it's been planned for some time but given the tragic events they have decided to forgo their usual schedule and they've dedicated the whole evening to allow public comment. there will be a protest actually, a march, that begins at 4:00 at a church. it will wind through the streets of sanford and end up at the civic center. there's room for about 500 people inside. they anticipate the crowd will be much larger, so that's why at a park nearby, which is where we are, they are setting up and preparing for perhaps thousands of people with two large-screen television sets and audio that will be coming.
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they want to make sure nobody misses out on the opportunity to hear what is going on inside. the trayvon martin family is issuing a statement asking for calm. they ask people respect each other's opinions. there is some kesh perhaps that emotions could pour over the top. >> and our own roland martin is hosting a town hall meeting almost at the same time as we're expecting this press conference. i just want you to touch really briefly on something we have been seeing in some of the pictures we're showing alongside of your report. and that is that people are showing up, black, white, hispanic, old, young, wearing hoodies, whether it's in church or in protest outside. tell me the significance of the message and what they're trying to accomplish. >> well, i mean, this has become one of the tremendous symbols in the protest that has taken place, the hoodie, of course, is the article of clothing that trayvon martin was wearing. it is an article of clothing this some people said added to suspicion. others say a person in this country has a right to wear
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whatever they wish. it's a sign of solidarity by those who are in support of trayvon martin and his family and hence your seeing it nationwide. it makes a very powerful visual statement without even any words. >> as well as the can of iced tea and the package of skittles we're seeing a lot of people clutching as well. martin savidge live for us in sanford. thank you for that. it was one of the most fiercely debated pieces of legislation in recent memory. so when the two-year anniversary of the president's health care reform law passed on friday without much recognition from the white house, many republicans took it as a sign of weakness, and now they're pouncing. dan lothian reports. >> reporter: it took a bruising battle to get to this signing. president obama barely got the affordable care act, his signature accomplishment, across the finish line. but at a high cost. >> kill the bill! >> i think barack obama is
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anti-american. >> reporter: the tea party found its voice and set out to dismantle what had been a cornerstone of the president's 2008 campaign. >> it's not a mandate on government to provide health insurance. it's a mandate on individuals to purchase it. >> reporter: once in office the president pushed hard to sell the plan to the country. >> we need health care reform because it's central to our economic future. >> reporter: and to congress. >> the time for bickering is over. the time for games has passed. >> reporter: but the time for bickering had only just begun. and in one dramatic moment, some argue reached a new low. >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie! >> joe wilson shouted the feelings of many americans, some of whom joined the tea party in protesting what they dubbed obama care as intrusive and illegal. now the supreme court is hearing arguments on several parts of
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the new law, including the individual mandate that requires all americans to purchase insurance. >> health care touches every single american, every single family. >> reporter: william gallston served in the clinton white house and is now at the brookings institution. >> if the court decides to strike down even a piece of the law, we will see a replay of a political debate that we haven't seen for three-quarters of a century. this is a game for extremely high stakes, not only for the president, not only for the 2012 election, but also for the institution of the supreme court itself. >> reporter: the obama administration's justice department plans to vigorously defend the new law in court against a coalition of 26 states that the president told american public media's marketplace was motivated by politics. >> because, frankly, these lawsuits that were filed were basically uniformly filed by republicans who wanted to score political points. >> i'm calling in support of
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president obama's campaign. >> reporter: meanwhile, the president's re-election campaign and the dnc are defending health care reform in battleground states like ohio through mailings, online, and with phone banks. >> i'm helping them to understand a little bit more about the good things that the legislation is. >> reporter: but as the president visited ohio last week, the rnc launched its own attack on health care with tv and web ads. >> higher costs for taxpayers. another broken promise by obama. >> and dan lothian joins us live from outside of the white house. dan, i have been wondering if the obama administration is quietly waiting to see what these results are, but at the same time crafting what could end up being an option to get that public option back on the docket. if this all fails at the supreme court level, we might see that health care exchange, we might see that public option come back or if they're just not going to go that far until they know what
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happens. >> reporter: if they are going that far, they're doing so privately. every time you ask about any kind of strategy that they might be putting together in case they do lose, they always say, look, we're not looking back, we're not looking at what the court is doing and not trying to get ahead of the court, but instead are focusing on what they believe are the benefits of this law. pointing out that young people, those up to 26 years old, will be covered by their parents' insurance. the senior citizens and they believe that over the long term that health care costs will come down. that is what they're pushing instead of talking at least publicly about any kind of strategy that they're working on right now. >> and i just wonder if they're at least strategizing on how to put this into the fall campaign regardless of what happens. dan lothian, thanks very much. go ahead, go ahead. >> reporter: i was just going to say, republicans are saying that this is a political liability because the president last week, as you recall, did not celebrate the two-year anniversary, but the white house is saying, look, this is not a political
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liability. there are others in the white house and also the campaign who have been out there talking about the benefits of health care reform, and so the president is not running away from this. instead, they are celebrating the benefits. >> and they have had some successes at the lower court level, too. one failure but three successes, so i see what you mean. all right, dan. thanks very much. >> okay. folks, get ready to check out rick santorum's latest campaign stop. it is the supreme court. no big surprise here. let's listen. >> it's a very, very important day for america. this is -- as i have said in this campaign, there's no more important issue, the most fundamental issues of the day, which is our economic security and stability, job growth, the size and scale of government, government deficits and spending, and, of course, the imposition of government rule over people's lives, both their
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economic decisions and, of course, their decisions about even their own personal faith. this bill has far-reaching consequences for the economic health of this country and for basic liberty in our society, and that's why this decision and the debate that is going on right now is fundamental, and there's one candidate in this race who can actually make the contrast that is necessary between the republican position, the conservative position, and one that is overwhelmingly supported by the american public and one that barack obama believes in, and that's rick santorum. and there's one candidate who is uniquely disqualified to make the case. it's the reason i'm here and he's not. the reason that i talk about obama care and its impact on the economy and on fundamental freedoms and mitt romney doesn't. it's because he can't because he
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supported government-run health care as governor of massachusetts. he supported a limitation on the insurance products that are available, that you couldn't keep your insurance. he supported a mandate that required hospitals to be able -- catholic hospitals to have -- provide morning after pills, $50 abortions, free abortions for lower income. all of the issues that are central on freedom and taxes and, you know, governor romney financed the romney care bill through medicaid, through your taxes. not in massachusetts, but all across this country. medicaid dollars were used to pay for romney care, and, of course, we've seen now that romney care is $2 billion over budget where they've had to increase taxes in order to pay for it. this was a disaster in massachusetts, and then he had the audacity to go out in 2009 and argue that barack obama
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follow his lead. unfortunately for the country, obama did. president obama did follow mitt romney's lead and adopted, as david plouffe said yesterday, the blueprint for obama care which was romney care. this is the most important issue in this election. it's one that encapsulates all the issues that are at stake in this very critical election in our country's history, and there's only one candidate who has the chance of winning the republican nomination who can make this the central issue that will be a winning issue for us to win the presidency back, and that's rick santorum and, unfortunately, the worst person to make that case is mitt romney, and that's why, as i said, here we're today and he's not. [ inaudible question ]
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[ inaudible question ] >> i don't regret it at all. i said it here today. he's the worst candidate to go against barack obama on the most important issue of the day. that's what i said yesterday. it's what i have said in every single speech i have been giving throughout the course of this campaign. [ inaudible ]. >> i don't regret taking on a "new york times" reporter who was out of line. you know, if you're a conservative and you haven't taken on a "new york times" reporter, you're not worth your salt as far as i'm concerned. so we're going to stand up and fight, you know, the twisting of remarks that we've seen in this campaign, all by the way in part authored by the romney campaign, which is feeding these kinds of lies to the reporters, and our
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feeling is we're going to go out and speak the truth and we're going to talk about how this issue is critical for our country and our country's future and that i'm the person who is best able to go up on capitol hill and get this accomplished. i'm someone who has a record of taking on tough entitlement programs and actually getting rid of them. i did it with welfare reform. we can do it. we can do it either through -- with a process of reconciliation, which, you know, if we run this campaign, which i will, on obama care and we make this the central issue in the campaign and we're successful, there's no doubt that obama care will be repealed in one form or another. and that's not going to be the case with governor romney because he can't make it the argument because if he makes it the argument, the obama machine will turn it right back on him and, therefore, there won't be the mandate. he may say he wants to repeal obama care, but he won't have the mandate through the course of this campaign to be able to
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win the argument not just here in congress but across the country. i'll be making the argument throughout the course of the campaign. if we're successful it will be very clear where the american public will be. that won't be the case with governor rom anybody because as you see, he's not here, he's not making the argument in his race. all he says is i will repeal obama care and in the same breath he defends obama care at the state level. it just doesn't wash, and it won't wash in the general election and that's why if you really want obama care repealed, if you really want obama care repealed, there's only one person who can make that happen, and that is someone who makes obama care the central issue in this race and that's what i do. anybody else? i'm having trouble hearing questions but i would just say if -- whether i believe it's constitutional, look, i don't think -- obviously i don't
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believe that obama care is constitutional, and i didn't advocate for a federal mandate at the federal level. i've always been for free market health care, not for government-run health care. >> what do you say to republicans who are concerned that the longer you say in the race the longer -- [ inaudible ]. >> well, of course, governor romney's supporters are going to want everybody out of the way. you know, it would be nice if governor romney and everybody else got out of my way, but that's not how primaries work. i heard governor sununu say today that all of the significant people have said that rick santorum should get out of the race. well, i guess we'll have to leave it to the insignificant voters of america in the remaining primaries to step forward and challenge the significant people who are speaking here in washington, d.c. the significant people in my mind are the people in louisiana on saturday who significantly
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gave us a big win, and we believe as we go forward there will be a lot of significant voters out there who want to have their voices heard from the folks here in washington, and the romney campaign who don't believe they should be heard throughout the course of this primary. >> one more. >> one more. >> what do you say to these protesters who are saying health care is a right. is it a right? >> i believe basic rights are guaranteed under the declaration of independence and were recognized under the declaration of independence. rights come from our creator. they are protected by the constitution of this country. >> let me just wrap up for a moment as we move onto another news event. let me wrap up the significance of what's happening on the screen. this is an opportunity for rick santorum to show up at the supreme court where the arguments are being held over the affordable care act which he calls and many republicans and critics call obama care. but he's taken the opportunity to go straight at mitt romney,
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and you heard him say he is the worst person to make that case. the worst person to make that case is mitt romney. we're going to talk a little bit later on in this program about those words and how when a "new york times" reporter asked him about what he said at a rally saying that mitt romney is the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama, how he turned on that "new york times" reporter and said, don't twist my words. that's bull -- you know how that word ends. we're going to talk about that in a moment with our political panel. first, i want to get you back down to florida because in florida in sanford, florida, roland martin is holding a town hall meeting right now, and at the podium currently is the reverend al sharpton. let's listen in to what he has to say. >> it's not about him saying what he thought. it's about what he needs. and we cannot allow the law to put us in that position.
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so he's their son, but it's our fight, and we need to finance our fight. so i want -- to raise your offering for this family. [ applause ] they've got some big bills. nobody plans for their son to go to the store and get killed. there's no budget for that, which is why we're fighting, we're marching today, rallied last week, they're rallying all over the country. we're coming here and we're going to occupy this town. [ cheers and applause ] i told pastor, we come good
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friday, we're going to stay here. we'll stay down by city hall. [ cheers and applause ] but i want us to raise some money real quick, and i want all these cameras to see how we finance our own movement. the people standing with trayvon's family, how many of you are all willing to help me? get me some buckets right here. give me some plates. i'm going to call reverend jackson last because he got plenty of money. all right. some of y'all can give more than
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others, so if you weren't on the program and want your name called, stand up with a substantial offering and i'll call your name. anybody -- somebody may want to give $500. come on down here, i'll call your name. who has $100. come down here. i know you did. come on. i need about 200 people to give $100. give me some more hundreds. hundreds, hundreds, hundreds. come on, that's right. walk on down. what's your name? >> west palm beach. >> west palm beach. 100, come on. put it in the bucket. what's your name?
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john. john, 100. checks are made payable to sabri sabrina, s-y-b-r-i-n-a m-u-l-t-o m-u-l-t-o-n. t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d. that's one thousand. come on, come on, raise those hundreds. give me your name. >> howard university school undergrad. >> howard university student alum, $200. boston, massachusetts, $100. come on, come on. i need some more money. fell liee -- felicia robinson,
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$100. come on. >> so you are watching the reverend al sharpton at the macedonia baptist church in eatonville, florida, where he alongside of another dignitaries and roland martin who have been putting this town hall meeting together have been hosting a number of the public, but as well putting together a panel to answer questions. members of the family of trayvon martin were expected to be there as well as the family's attorney. you can see the reverend al calling people up to donate money to the family's fund. i think he was asking for $500 at first. just heard a woman coming up and giving $200. there you go. people coming up one by one to donate money to help this family and their efforts as they see it to seek justice against george zimmerman in this case and continue the pressure on the city and the state officials who
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are investigating this case and the killing of trayvon martin. we have a lot more to go. all the politics, all broken down with a little bit of humor to boot and an explanation even a child can understand of what this whole health care debate is all about. it's all coming up. yeah! if you're looking for a place to get together, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. yeah! yeah! noooo. yeah! finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to with diabetes to finish the indy 500. i live in the fast lane. i need on-the-go insulin delivery. that's why i use novolog® flexpen®. flexpen® is prefilled with my fast-acting insulin. i dial my exact dose.
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use of profanity in a dust-up with a reporter. the back and forth and the comment that set it all off is where we begin our political round table today. let's bring in democratic strategist kiki mclean and republican strategist lenny mcallister and then also our own jim acosta who is chasing down santorum as he weaves his way and out of campaign stops. let's get to those profane comments in just a second though. let's start though with the remark that led to the exchange. here is rick santorum at a campaign stop in wisconsin and he's talking about health care and mitt romney. have a listen. >> why would we put someone up who is uniquely -- pick any other republican in the country, he is the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. why would wisconsin want to vote for someone like that? >> ouch.
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at first we thought, whoa, that sounded pretty strident but we heard him minutes ago on the steps of the supreme court saying he is the worst person to make that case, the worst person to make that case is mitt romney. lenny, i'm going to let you weigh in on this. is this because it's exciting and because it's timely or is rick santorum sounding desperate? >> rick santorum is not sounding desperate and it's not timely, but rick santorum has a tendency to go over the top. this is not the first time that senator santorum has said something that has a good point to it but is articulated in and messaged in all the wrong way. let's go back to the jfk speech. he believes in not separating church and state when it comes to a leader's perspective on the world, but by saying that the jfk speech made him want to throw up was going overboard. some of the comments that he said about african-americans wanting to close the disparities when it comes to employment, great point, not when you say you want to give black people jobs with other people's money. this is not the first time he's done this and he's been doing it
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throughout the campaign. the problem is when you're the front-runner it exponentially gets worse when you continue to do these things. it's another example of santorum not having the discipline and messaging that his supporters would like for him to have. this is one of the things that contrasts him with mitt romney, who although he's had his own gaffes, hasn't quite been this far off the rails with some of the messages that he's put out there. >> so just so it's fresh in our minds, what he said in that sound bite that i just played was pick any other republican in the country, he is the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. and after that rally a "new york times" reporter asked rick santorum about that remark, actually verbatim, and that is when rick santorum got mad. listen to the exchange captured by cbs. >> you think he's the worst republican -- >> to run against barack obama on the issue of health care because he tagged the blueprint. i have been saying it in every speech. quit distorting my words.
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if i see it, it's bull [ bleep ]. come on, man. what are you doing? >> oops. there's cameras rolling. come on, man, what are you doing? those were his words. we've got it on two tapes clear as day and we've got it on the supreme court steps as well. kiki mclean, that's what happens when there are cameras everywhere. is this going to be troublesome for rick santorum? don't we all kind of make these mistakes? >> some people make mistakes opinion it's partly about how you handle it. i notice lenny didn't point out to the con sense that when rick santorum talked about aspiring to college makes you a snob. i mean he's had some real statements that demonstrate his inability to be consistent. the other thing that was interesting to me for your viewers to know, jeff, the reporter you referred to, is not considered among the press corps as being somebody who is difficult tor twists words. the fact he could get that kind of reaction very quickly isn't a great day on the campaign, and
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more importantly now we're talking about that and we're not talking about the other things that rick santorum had to say. you've got an issue where the two front-runner candidates for the republican nomination, both mitt romney and rick santorum, are known to say things that are out of the mainstream or outrageous or in their biggest, largest moment. every human being has a tough day. these guys are tired. there's no doubt about it. but there's enough of a pattern here it gives you some insight into their thinking. >> they're tired and they're scrappy. that's for sure. and i know probably isn't one among us who could cast that stone first. let me get to jim acosta standing in the location where we just saw rick santorum repeat those words, that the worst person to put up against barack obama is mitt romney. he is not backing down from this, jim acosta, and it sounds like he's not backing down from what he said to "the new york times" either. he's looking at that as an advantage, that you take out a "new york times" reporter. >> reporter: that's right, ashleigh. unlike those previous gaffes
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your guests just mentioned, rick santorum is now fund-raising off of those comments that he made to "the new york times." it goes to show you the santorum campaign isn't shrinking from what happened out on the campaign trail yesterday. they're quite proud of it. and getting back to this argument against mitt romney. this is something that santorum has been saying throughout the combine. that because mitt romney brought about health care reform in massachusetts that included an individual mandate, that mandate that is people buy health insurance as a -- basically as a requirement for being in that state and the fact that that was brought into the president's health care law and applied on a national basis, you know, rick santorum feels that he is the guy to go after president obama on that issue and that mitt romney is not. >> i get it. like i have been on campaign before and it is no fun, and you don't get to watch tv and you certainly don't get to watch all the news as it cycles around you, but i am curious to find out if rick santorum or his campaign has been watching the
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coverage today because jeff got it right, and rick santorum said to him, if i see that in print, you're distorting my words, that's bull -- you know what. does he know he's actually made a mistake here? >> reporter: well, you know, having been in some of those kinds of situations with rick santorum and with the other candidates, you know, it's probably not something you should hold your breath for, ashleigh, to expect the candidate to admit that he was wrong in this situation. i don't want to play referee between rick and jeff here, but jeff asked the question, you know, do you think mitt romney is the worst republican, and rick santorum tried to put that question into context, although in a very heated fashion by saying, wait a minute, go back and look at the statements i have said in the past. i feel that mitt romney is uniquely disqualified to run against president obama on this issue, so i think that santorum was trying to get his point across there, but, you know, goes without saying perhaps not
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the best way to go about doing it. >> doesn't 34567 tmatch the swe vest, does it? >> not the richie cunningham image there, right. >> that's a good one. thanks to my entire panel. excellent work all of you. it's 50 minutes past the hour. switching gears completely, the wife of the afghanistan massacre suspect is speaking out. she says that her husband, sergeant robert bales, loves children and is like a big kid himself. she says a lot more, too. you're going to hear it in just a moment. what's this? [ male announcer ] quaker oatmeal squares
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the wife of u.s. arm sergeant robert bales is speaking out. he's accused of massacring afghan civilians, but his wife karilyn says she doesn't believe her husband could have done what he's charged with doing, and she spoke this morning on nbc's "today" show. >> it hurts my heart. you know, just very, very saddened. >> this is the guy you describe as your best friend. >> right. >> and he's being charged with first-degree murder. in other words, premeditated, that he planned this. >> it's very unbelievable. i just -- all i can think of is what happened? what led up to it? we don't have -- i feel like i don't have all the information.
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>> and karilyn also said her husband loves children and that he himself is a big kid. in this political season, the health care law is often cast as the big bad wolf, so we're going to break it down in a language everyone can understand. so gather up the kids, moms and dads, you'll hear about winners and losers on both sides. k abou. ♪ ...that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers...
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require you to buy health insurance or make you pay a fine, and the issues about individual mandates and constitutionality can be pretty darn complex. so who are the potential winners, who are the potential losers? we put it in terms that even your kids can understand. >> reporter: meet jack and jill. they're married with two kids and together make $49,000 a year. about the middle american income. but like 15 million people with similar incomes, they don't have health insurance. not good if you're worried about falling down a hill. under the new law jack and jill are winners. they can buy private insurance from what's called an exchange starting in two years. the idea is that lots of people buying at the same time would get a better price, and the plans have to meet minimum standards set by the government. jack and jill would also get a subsidy to help them buy their plan. mary only makes $13,000 selling little lambs.
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she's also a winner. she can get insurance under an expansion of medicaid. 17 million americans like her will be eligible for that. and about 51,000 kids with pre-existing conditions like hansel and gretel are also winners. all kids can stay on their parents' insurance until they're 26. where does the money come from? that brings us to the losers, including the roughly 19% of americans who have high cost gold plated health care plans. like prince charming here. starting in 2018 that fancy plan he gets from his job at the castle would be taxed at 40%. he will also see his payroll taxes go up like the 3 million other americans who make more than $200,000 a year. also on the losing end, companies like fairy godmother industries. it employs more than 50 people making glass slippers. so it has to offer insurance or pay a fine.
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