tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 28, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PDT
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>> bishop, final word this morning. >> my end point is mental health, spiritual health is very important to you. getting control of your life and not allowing other people to control your space or mood or attitude. let it go. move forward. >> let it go, will cain. blow out your candle. and that's it for today's show. see everybody back here tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. it's time to hand it over to "cnn newsroom" with carol costello. good morning. >> that's a good looking cake, soledad. >> it's very little. i'm going to have a third of it. >> save me some. thank you, soledad. good morning to all of you. i'm carol costello. stories we're watching right now in the "newsroom." the pilot who lost control not of the plane but of himself. >> take it down! >> if you had to pick people you really need to hold it together, an airline pilot during a flight would be at the top of the list right up there with a surgeon.
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the newt machine gets lean. gingrich cuts a third of his staff and turns back his schedule. he's still in it to win it. nationwide outrage over a florida teenager's killing may not have been so fever pitched if local police had charged the shooter the night it happened. they wanted to do just that. why didn't they? the rocky mountain wildfire that won't let up. more lives, homes and property lost. hundreds of firefighters from across the country are coming in to help get that fire under control. and from basketball legend to baseball owner, the l.a. dodgers might be calling magic johnson the boss. we begin this morning with much more information on about the captain who had a mid flight meltdown. we have more information on who the pilot is and the jetblue passengers who pounced on him when he unleashed this terrifying rant.
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>> a federal law enforcement official identified the jetblue pilot as clayton. he's flown with jetblue for just under a dozen years. it also shows osbon graduated with a bachelor's degree in physics. his neighbors in savannah, georgia, say they're shocked. >> wow. this is -- i just don't know what to think. obviously, you know, something has clicked or something. he's a straight headed guy. very level headed. very professional. so i know he loves his job. we've talked about it a little bit. i am as shocked as anybody would be about this news.
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>> we have reached out to the pilot's wife but she's not talking right now. but we are hearing from the ceo of jetblue. lizzie o'leary is our regulation correspondent. lizzie, what is the ceo saying? >> he's been talking about this certainly in response to a lot of questions from the flying public and from others sort of trying to understand what was going on here. the airline yesterday saying this was a medical situation. they had a medical issue with the pilot. many folks have been writing in on jetblue's website saying this seems like something perhaps a little bit more than that. we of course know that law enforcement is looking into this including the fbi. i want to play for you the jetblue ceo's response to questions like the one you see there. >> really what happened at altitude and the call into faa is we had a medical situation. that's how we responded. clearly especially in today's media is realtime so we know
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that it also became a security situation. as we know less than 24 hours later, it started medical but clearly more than that. >> we know from several of the passengers on board that people seem to cooperate in trying to subdue the pilot. they were directed by members of of a flight crew to do that and you have half a dozen passengers pitch in and help. >> when we first heard about this incident, they said this pilot had a panic attack. the pilot was screaming out things like there's a bomb on the plane and al qaeda is here. that's more than a panic attack. it begs the question, are pilots screened for their mental health? >> they are. i think it's very important to point out that pilots particularly commercial airline pilots are one of the most highly trained self-selected groups of people. now, in terms of how all of this works, every year pilots up to the age of 40 are screened both physically and mentally and then after the age of 40 it's every
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six months. this gentleman would have been every six months. i want to point out there's been changing rules that we've seen in terms of talking about mental health. for example, the faa allowed pilots to fly on four different types of anti-depressants but you have to have an incident free year prior to getting back behind the controls of a plane. there are a lot of questions about whether pilots are fully fourth coming with all of the details of their mental health and whether they are in some ways significant mway s stigmatized not to reveal all of the issues. we don't know all of the specifics. i want to reiterate to viewers that by in large all airline pilots certainly on commercial aviation front are a very highly trained and very sort of self-selected group of physically and generally mentally fit people. >> point taken. i'm sure you'll remain on this
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case. lizzie o'leary reporting live from washington. they say it's the co-pilot who may have saved the lives of the 141 people on board. >> the co-pilot of the flight, he really is the hero here. he had the sense to recognize that something was going horribly wrong and persuaded the captain out of the cockpit. that allowed this to play out the way it did and thankfully we're here to talk about it. step two everyone's impulses kicked in when the situation continued to escalate. i think myself and the four other guys that jumped on him kind of all felt at the same time that enough is enough and we need to do something. we can't allow him to try to gain access back into the cockpit. >> let's talk about the co-pilot and what exactly happened inside that cockpit. miles o'brien is an aviation expert and pilot.
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welcome, miles. >> carol, good to see you. >> nice to see you too. let's talk about what that co-pilot did. when he noticed something was wrong, what did he do and what was he supposed to do? >> imagine looking to the left seat and you see this erratic behavior. maybe buttons being pushed. maybe dials being turned that were completely inappropriate. maybe air traffic controls commands ignored. we don't know exactly what was happening. as a co-pilot, if i were in that situation, i think the thing i would do would be to as firmly and politely as possible remind captain what clearances were and what rules of flying were and then think about a way to neutralize that situation. my hunch on this one, carol, this is a long flight. almost transcontinental to las vegas. i suspect this co-pilot did a lot of good talking until such time as the captain, nature took over and the captain had to take a biomedical break.
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that's probably what happened here. that would be my strategy if i were in that seat. >> so when the pilot finally left the cockpit to go to the bathroom, the co-pilot locked the door, which was pretty smart actually. is there a list of things you should do in these kinds of situations like that? >> well, there are operating manuals that every airline have approved by the faa that go through some of these scenarios. what happens in a crew member for whatever reason becomes incapacitated. frequently in simulateors they drill situations where they are about to take off and one crew member plays as if he's having a heart attack. what is that sole crew member to do? this is not too unlike that. whether a heart attack or a mental breakdown, what does that crew person do? in this case he played it perfectly. the pilots or first officer has more time in the type of aircraft than the captain him or
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herself. in this case that first officer could have easily -- not easily but he would have landed that plane fine on his own. as it happens in almost every flight, there is another pilot flying, an employee flying as a passenger in the back. in this case he came into to assist. wasn't mandatory to get the plane on the ground but always good to use resources on board. >> miles o'brien, thanks so much for enlightening us because it makes us feel a little better at least. thank you. coming your way at 10:00 a.m. eastern, we'll talk with a passenger. her name is majsara straw. she was in the bathroom when the pilot started banging on the door. she thought she was going to die. we'll talk to her at 10:00 a.m. eastern. safe to say newt gingrich's presidential campaign is gasp for air unless you are newt. gingrich is laying off a third of his staff. still, gingrich insists he's in
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it all of the way to the convention. here's what he told bill o'reilly on fox news. >> i have no incentive to get out because i have a set of ideas that include $2.50 gasoline, et cetera. i have every incentive to stay in. >> you don't have any money. are you going to spend your own money? >> if necessary. that's not the point. we are raising some money. >> paul steinhauser is in washington for us. you know, what gingrich needs is a debate. he needs one bad. >> those debates did wonders for him. newt gingrich was left for dead last summer when he had a previous shake-up in the campaign. he did great in the debates. surged in the polls. front runner briefly at the end of last year. that went away. he does have financial difficulties. no doubt about it. he spent more money than he raised in february. beginning of this month, he had more money than he owed than he had in the bank. that's never a good thing. you play that sound from gingrich and he said similar
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things this morning on a radio interview here in washington d.c. he says, listen, my strategy is if romney doesn't get to 1,144 delegates to clinch the nomination, i'm going to take this all of the way to the convention. that's what he says, carol. he says this plan to downsize an already modest campaign will only help him do that. let's be honest. what do republicans think? this is our brand new cnn/orc poll. 60% say it's time gingrich drop out. similar numbers for ron paul. lower for rick santorum. here's the other notion, what happens if gingrich gets out? it helps romney more than santorum. carol? >> so you have been around politics for a long time. you talked to a lot of politicians, what's in his head? most republican voters want him to get out of the race. they think he's hurting the republican party if he takes this all of the way to the convention. what's in his head telling him i got to stay in this race? >> i wish i could get in his head. obviously i can't. he still thinks -- he says he's the best person to debate barack
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obama one-on-one come the general election. he thinks if romney doesn't clinch the come natinomination d of the primaries, if he's around, anything could happen in tampa. it's a long way to go. >> paul steinhauser, thanks. a surprising turn this morning in the trayvon martin case. according to the miami herald and the initial police report, charges of homicide and manslaughter were considered against the shooter, george zimmerman, on the night he shot martin. it was the state's attorney's office that prohibited the police from making an arrest. martin savidge is in sanford. this case just gets curiouser and curiouser. >> i should point out, this is not really new information. it's just new information that's being framed in a different way. we have known ever since the tragic shooting of trayvon martin back in february 26th when we got the initial police report, that there had been a
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listing -- let me read it. the offense description that is listed on the initial police report is "manslaughter/unnecessary killing to prevent an unlawful act." that is what is on the original police document. we have known about this. here's what's different. and this is what the police chief going back to chief bill lee has said. he could not charge him with manslaughter under the florida law as it stands now. i'm going to have to read notes. this is complicated. you need to know it exactly. he said that according to authorities because zimmerman said it was self-defense, chief bill lee said that he really didn't have probable cause. this comes down to nitty-gritty. under florida statute 7.6032, you have to have probable cause. if it's self-defense, you cannot charge him with manslaughter. you can only investigate and that is what the state is doing. investigating. >> you're talking about the
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stand your ground law just to make it clear. >> reporter: exactly. and that is the statute that everybody has been talking about here. once george zimmerman said, look, i was fighting to save my own life, he changes everything as far as ability of the law enforcement in sanford to go after him on a manslaughter charge. they couldn't do it. that's what chief lee said. that's what the department maintains now. >> you're also seeing the difficulty of the special prosecutor in this case. she's not immediately moving to charge him with a crime. >> reporter: no. you see, she got the case last thursday when the governor said that it's now in your hands. so she has her own set of investigators that sort of essentially have to start all over again. even though it's been over a month since the shooting and nearly a month at that time, they have to start and begin exactly talking to witnesses. going over the crime scene. talking to zimmerman. they haven't talked to zimmerman yet. that will probably be the last
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thing they do. they want to get everything, their dauucks in a row before ty talk to him. it's taken a long time. it's a complicated process. they're trying to get it right. many people are extremely frustrated at how long it does take. carol? >> that's an understatement. martin savidge reporting live from sanford, florida. the anger surrounding george zimmerman continues to grow and some are paying for that anger even though they have nothing whatsoever to do with the shooting. case in point. an elderly couple was forced to leave their home thanks to this retweet from film director spike lee. that tweet listed the couple's address as george zimmerman's and then read feel free to reach out and touch him meaning zimmerman. zimmerman doesn't live at that address and never did. that didn't stop the cafeteria lunch lady and her elderly husband from receiving hate mail and unwelcome visits from
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reporters. their son said i'm scared. there are people not mentally right and will take this information and run with it. william zimmerman, the son, says his parents are living in a hotel. prosecutors say it is tougher to investigate. listen to voices on opposite sides of the legal mine field. one calling for patience. the other demanding justice. >> trayvon was hunted down like a rabid dog. he was shot in the street. he was racially profiled. mr. zimmerman should be arrested immediately for his own safety. >> the political outcry makes our job harder. any time there's a misunderstanding of the process based on what we are required to do under florida law, it makes our job more difficult. >> justice about an hour from now congresswoman fredricka wilson will join us to tell us
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about yesterday's hearings that she did attend with the parents of the slain teenager. still to come, a massive and fast moving wildfire scorching thousands of acres near denver putting people there on ever more high alert. >> there's always one more thing you can go back for. i would load the car and look at the plume of smoke. bigger, bigger. you have to draw a line and say, you know what? it's time to get out. >> rob has the latest fire forecast after a break. plus, new rules for your teenager when they take their s.a.t. or a.c.t. exams. find out why they are going to have to submit their picture now. and march madness over megamillions. no one won last night. $476 million now at stake. you're watching "cnn newsroom." . ♪ ...that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding
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a search is under way for a woman missing in an area near denver devastated by the out of control and fast moving wildfire. the fire killed an elderly couple and scorched 4,500 acres so far. meteorologist rob marciano is here. we've been waiting for the winds to die down. they are calmer today. >> they were able to get aircraft up there yesterday. they had an extra hundred firefighters that came in. zero containment. there will be a press conference in the next hour and that will give us more information to see what kind of progress they made overnight last night. let's talk about where this is and give you percespective as t how close to denver. the ready ard area is where the is. blue area is the area that's been evacuated.
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beyond that southwestern suburbs of denver are not threatened at the moment. we do have winds that will be an issue today. mostly to the north of the fire zone and especially across parts of wyoming could see 30 to 40-mile-an-hour wind gust. down across the fire zone itself, likely less than that. gusting to about 25. the relative humidity levels will be very, very low between 5% and 12%. we don't get rainfall. this is one computer model we use with high resolution view. look at potential for wind gusts across that area. blues are about 15 to 20 miles an hour. any time you see a spot of green pop up there, that means it could gust as much as 30 miles an hour. if that happens today, that's going to be an issue going forward as far as what they're going to have to handle. tomorrow will be stronger. today i think winds will cooperate and hopefully get more in the way of air support. only two choppers. one tanker and one single engine plane in there to help with this
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thing. they need more in the way of resources. this may have caught them by surprise. >> let's hope the winds cooperate at least. thank you, rob. will and kate plus harry? the royals have a new roommate. if you think sounds like "three's company," your right. and the ugly side of the mania over "the hunger games."ul our boy to college without it.d if there was one thing i could say to hank, it'd be "thank you." you're welcome. hey, hank. [ male announcer ] life insurance you can use while you're still living. you are one lucky lady. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] learn more from your state farm agent today.
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td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans? >> kate and will plus harry? that's right. britain's prince harry has moved in with his brother william and his new wife, kate at kensington palace. that sounds a lot like "three's company." let's head live to london and
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check in with max foster. that's kind of nice. >> they are very, very close all three of them. prince harry, he's had a fantastic tour. we talked about that in recent weeks. he toured the caribbean. he came of age. when he came back a senior royal source told me that he wanted to move out of his dad's place and move over to kensington palace where his brother and sister-in-law are. he's living in a small apartment. it used to be servant's quarters. not as grand as where duke and duchess are staying. when they move into a larger apartment, he'll move into the cottage. this is part of a much bigger plan. william and harry see themselves as a partnership. he's not the spare harry. and going ahead when william takes a throne, we'll see a jewel kingship if you like. they'll do things together. this is going to be a slimmed down monarchy. they are preparing for that
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saying to the world, we're together. we're a partnership. and this is an element of that. >> that's amazing to me. you don't hear those kinds of stories often. the brothers get along. they're willing to share power. they live in the same place. their parents must have done great job. >> well, they are very, very close. i think what they went through with diana of course and walking behind that coffin harry was just 13 years old. it would have brought them together. they both accept that they have complementary skills. harry is more lively. william is more serious. kate is part of that mix. palace has told me that it's really telling when harry referred to kate as his sister. that relationship really is that close. and the three of them moving ahead will be seen as a threesome and on the jubilee
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you'll see them traveling together. who knows what will happen when harry gets a girlfriend but hopefully she'll fit in. >> that makes me happy. i feel happier. i do. natural gas is like gold these days. the industry is doing so well it could create 200,000 new jobs. we'll get more details for you after a break. >> announcer: with nothing but his computer, an identity thief is able to use your information to open a bank account in order to make your money his money. [whoosh, clang] you need lifelock, the only identity theft protection company that now monitors bank accounts for takeover fraud. lifelock: relentlessly protecting your identity. call 1-800-lifelock or go to today.
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♪ ♪ you hear the bell ringing at the new york stock exchange. here's a good headline for you this wednesday morning. the natural gas industry is expected to create thousands of new jobs. alison kosik has more details on that. hi, alison. >> hi, carol. let's talk about those jobs. between workers at factories and related suppliers, the american chemistry council says 200,000 jobs could be added because of this boom in natural gas production. chemical companies are building plants to take advantage of an
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abundance of natural gas supplies and it's pretty darn cheap. what you hear happen are proposals to build new plants in the u.s. in the next five years. proposals are for 30 new plants to be built. companies use ethane to build a variety of products. you see natural gas producers jumping on the bandwagon because of all of the demand for it. royal dutch shell is opening a new facility in pennsylvania. dow chemical is opening plants on the gulf coast. just like with anything in life, carol, there's a tradeoff. you're getting these jobs but also some of these ways of extracting natural gas are controversial like fracking. you have to take good with the bad. carol? >> wall street has been having a tough time lately. what's the problem? >> reporter: still having a tough time. a flat open. the dow has fallen four of the past six sessions but because of big gains that we had on monday,
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the dips really haven't made a huge impact. what's going on is u.s. economic news coming out hasn't been the best. housing reports have shown continued weakness in sector. durable goods orders came out this morning from february. this he went up but not as much as expected. markets are holding up pretty well so far this year. look at the dow up 8%. nasdaq up almost 20%. not such a huge surprise. you see a bit of a pause. everybody taking a breather. >> all right. alison kosik like at the new york stock exchange. final day of arguments begins in the historic health care debate. a critical moment for president obama's signature legislation. today there are two separate sessions at the supreme court. the key questions, can parts of the president's affordable care plan remain law if the individual mandate is ruled unconstitutional? also who will pay for expanding medicare in the states? the health care law helped give rise to the tea party. remember those contentious town hall meetings nearly three years ago now?
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this is the moment they have been waiting for. protesters have been in front of the court making their displeasure known. congresswoman michele bachmann vowed to repeal the law if she were elected president. she addressed protesters yesterday. >> we have to let the american people know we have not waved the white flag on surrender on socialized medicine. >> let's bring in amy kramer. she's chairman of the tea party express. she's been expressing her opinions of the law. welcome. >> thanks for having me, carol. good to be here. >> a lot of people said yesterday it was not a good day for the obama administration in arguments before the u.s. supreme court. what went through your mind? >> look, i mean, i don't think we should even be here at all. the american people didn't want this legislation from the beginning. they still don't want it. the recent poll show that. they shoved it through anyhow. at the end of the day it's unconstitutional. i believe it's unconstitutional
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and i hope that the supreme court finds that it is unconstitutional. >> of course the most contentious issue is that individual mandate. requirement that all americans must buy some form of insurance. a lot of people say if that part of the law goes down, so does the rest of it. is that okay with you? should the whole law go away or just parts of it? >> i want the whole thing ripped out by the roots. i want it done with -- we don't need to overhaul our health care system. we need to overhaul our insurance system. you don't need to burn down the house to remodel the living room. there are free market solutions that could be put in place like purchase of insurance across state lines and getting rid of pre-existing condition clause and other things that can be put in place instead of government taking over our entire health care system. >> here's the thing, amy. if the individual mandate goes down, the pre-existing condition part of the law that requires insurance companies to pay for people with pre-existing or give
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insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, it would go away because there's no way that insurance companies would agree to pick up the cost for that. so do republicans or the tea party have any plan in place to replace obama care with something more palatable? >> i believe i'm almost positive that tom price came out with a plan last year. tom price is a doctor from georgia. he's actually my congressman. there have been a number of plans that have been offered. you know, they're not interested. it was shoving this obama care down our throats. the american people don't want it. >> i'm asking you if republicans and tea party leaders get their wish and this law goes away, there's still 50 million people in the country who are uninsured. what do you do about that and what republican leader or tea party leader has a plan to take care of those problems in this country? >> that's what i just said. there are free market solutions that will work. tom price has put together a plan and offered it, i believe, last year. >> that's a state lawmaker.
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i'm talking on a federal level. somebody with real -- >> he's a congressman. he's a congressman. >> okay. >> he's on the federal level. he's a doctor. he understands this. so there are -- there have been plans that have been offered but nobody is looking at that now. what everyone is looking at is constitutionality of this law. why is it the federal government can come in and make you buy a product and at what point if they declare that this is constitutional, at what point do they -- does it stop where they don't have to make you buy something or where they can't force you to buy something. that's the real issue here. i don't want some bean counter sitting in a panel in washington, d.c. to determine what is the best thing for me when that decision should be made between my doctor and myself. washington needs to get out of the way. washington is a problem. they're not the answer. >> let me just ask you this last question. i apologize for making that
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mistake, amy. >> that's okay. >> if the u.s. supreme court rules that the law is constitutional, will that be okay with you? >> i mean, if they rule that it's constitutional, that's what they decide. we are working very hard to take back the u.s. senate and we want to make president obama a one-term president and we'll repeal obama care because it's going to drive this country over a cliff. we cannot afford this. it takes over one-sixth of our economy. >> what you're saying is the u.s. supreme court decision if it rules the law is constitutional won't matter and you'll continue your fight? >> absolutely we will. we want to repeal obama care. we want to rip it out by the roots. we want to put in place free market ideas and solutions that will work that give people choices and not that the government mandates us to have this plan or that plan.
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>> amy, thank you for being with us today. we appreciate it. your teenager will have new rules to follow when they take their s.a.t.s and a.c.t.s this year. that's up ahead. the ugly side to "the hunger games" craze. >> when you use toys, it demystifies medical technology. we look at devices and think they're a black box. >> you need an expert to take a screwdriver at it. you may not have the courage to hack a thousand dollar device but you have the courage to hack something that's $5 and if you add to it becomes something as powerful as a thousand dollar medical device. [ male announcer ] any technology not moving forward
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a disturbing new development to "the hunger games" craze. a.j. hammer joins us from new york. there's been some offensive comments on twitter from the movie's fans. why? >> it's really disturbing, carol. a few ignorant tweets about "the hunger games" have set off this firestorm. if you haven't seen the film or read the books, one of the more touching moments in the story involves a young girl named roo. several people were job set that the actress playing the character is african-american. a tumbler blog called hunger
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games tweets compiled these messages and fans of the film have been up in arms about it. one tweet says call me racist but when i found out rue was black her death wasn't as sad with hash tag i hate myself. why does rue have to be black? kind of ruined the movie? it's terrible. i have to point out the comments don't just reflect ignorance of people that wrote them but show a poor grasp of the book because the author clearly intended for this to be played by a person of color and most and i can't emphasize this enough, carol, most of the fans are really upset over tweets because rou is one of the more popular and sympathetic characters in the book. the offensive tweets have been removed by authors and accounts have been deleted in some counts. >> a danger of tweeting. you can say anything you want. you don't have to give your name.
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i guess your defenses are down, right? >> exactly. >> probably wasn't the best way to put it. you know what i mean. let's talk about this. 20th century fox is pulling ads for an upcoming movie because of the trayvon martin case. why? >> this is a case of really bad timing for the new film "neighborhood watch" starring ben stiller and vince vaughn. the film will be pulled from a trailer in theaters in florida. the three actors roll around in a suburban neighborhood like want to be tough guys. the film is supposed to be a science fiction comedy. something you don't get from that description. when the studio decided to pull the trailer, here's what they said. we're very sensitive to the trayvon martin case but our film is a broad alien invasion comedy and bears absolutely no relation to the tragic events in florida but the trailer does at one point have jonah hill pretending to shoot at someone. seems like a sensible step for
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the studio to take in this case. >> thank you. jane fonda is about to hit the big screen as nancy reagan. a.j. will be back with us next hour with that story and more in showbiz headlines. megamillions. no one won last night. $476 million now at stake. you're watching "cnn newsroom." new anti-cheating rules for students taking the s.a.t., a.c.t. test. find out why they will need to show a photo i.d. before and during those tests. [ female announcer ] the road is not exactly a place of intelligence.
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for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. after a few days of peace and quiet, booming news were heard again around clintonville, wisconsin. at least 60 people called police saying they were shaken by rumbling last night. some said they heard very loud booms. no reports of damage have been reported and there's been no confirmation of any seismic activity. gas prices continue to rise. 19 days in a row now. the national average is $3.91 a gallon. that's up 17 cents just this month. that's according to aaa. the megamillions lottery jackpot is growing by leaps and bounds. no one won last night estimated $363 million jackpot. it's expected to hit $476 million by friday's drawing making it the largest lottery jackpot in u.s. history.
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from now on it's going to be harder for students to cheat on their s.a.t. and a.c.t. college entrance exams. new sweeping security measures will kick in this fall requiring numerous photo i.d. checks. cnn's mary snow explains why the changes are being made now. >> reporter: it was these arrests tied to a cheating scandal in a wealthy new york city suburb that prompted new security rules for college entrance exams. now everyone will be affected. front and center was 19 year old who told cbs's "60 minutes" that students paid him around $2,500 to take their s.a.t. test for them. nassau county's district attorney says she found 55 kids who either got paid to take the s.a.t. or a.c.t. test or paid others to take it. how easy is it to cheat on the s.a.t.? >> before today it was incredibly easier to cheat. there were a number of loopholes that made it possible for kids
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to pay someone else to take the test for them. >> reporter: a fake i.d. is all that was required. to change that, students will have to upload a photo of themselves when they register for the test and it will be put into a data base. on the day of the database. on the day of the exam a photo i.d. is required to match the registration. scott farber, who runs a prep course for students taking college entrance exams, questions why it took so long. >> it seemed very, very strange a test this important that was tied to billions of dollars of financial aid and ultimately students' futures to not have those things in place before seemed very strange. >> when the cheating first came to light, test administrators said the problem was not widespread. >> the data previously had suggested that impersonation was not a systemic issue. from the onset we said one case is one too many, and that's why we committed from the very beginning to work with the district attorney to further
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enhance the security processes. >> rice is convinced the cheating isn't contained to nassau county. >> i don't think there's any question this is going on across the country. it's not just kids here in new york that come up with this idea. >> nassau county district attorney kathleen rice says another big change is better disclosure about scams. she said the way the system is currently set up, it makes it difficult for administrators to inform colleges, even parents about cheating. mary snow, cnn, new york. a magic deal for the dodgers. magic johnson joins other investors to buy the los angeles dodgers for $2 billion. that would be a record. we'll hear what the laker legend is saying. that's coming your way next. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone.
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from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now. demand media expands on the big board. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] from neutrogena® naturals.
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a group including lakers legend magic johnson purchased the los angeles dodgers for $2 billion. that's the highest ever for a pro sports team. the deal must be approved by a federal bankruptcy court. the dodgers filed for bankruptcy protection last year. real estate developer frank mccourt has owned the dodgers since 2004, but mccourt has had financial troubles in recent years including an expensive divorce with his wife, jamie, who was ceo of the team. magic johnson says the sale will start a new chapter for the dodgers. he told epsn i'm thrilled and honored to be one of the owners of the los angeles dodgers. we're very happy for the dodger fans in l.a. and all over the country. major league baseball's regular season began today in tokyo with the mariners beats the oakland a's.
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they traveled to the devastated tsunami zone and put on a clinic for local little leaguers. mlb officials presented a check for half a million dollars for restoring a stadium. the players served lunch to the kids and families struggling one year after the earthquake and tsunami hit. sean payton will decide later this week whether to appeal a year-long suspension for the team's bounty program. payton says he plans to name an interim coach by the end of the month. one name being bantied about is retired coach bill parcells. >> he's a great teacher. certainly i'm biased having worked with him. he's a hall of fame head coach. >> es p pn is reporting payton and the saint's gm mickey loomis met with parcells yesterday. p if parcells takes the job that would push back his likely induction into the pro football hall of fame by five years. we're following a lot of
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developments in the next hour of the cnn newsroom. let's check in first with dan lothian. >> there were tough questions yesterday in the supreme court challenging the individual mandate in the health care law. this is the third and final day of oral arguments. how are things shaming up for the obama administration? i'll have that story at the top of the hour. i'm martin sa vij in sanford, florida where there are reports today that the lead investigator wanted to file charges of manslaughter guns george zimmerman for the shooting death of trayvon martin. why weren't charges filed? i have that story at the top of the hour. we're tracking this far southwest of denver, colorado have has zero containment. 4500 acres burned and dozens of homes destroyed as well. search and rescue crews are on site. the details come up at the top of the hour. carol. we'll talk with passenger sarah straw. she was in the bathroom whether
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>> this morning we know the pilot's name and experience, and we will talk to a passenger who said she feared for her life in the bathroom as the pilot pounded on the door. just minutes ago the supreme court justices began their third and final day of hearings on president obama's health care reform. we're getting a rare listen to the discussion and arguments from inside the courtroom. plus, newt gingrich guts his staff. he lays off one-th hione-third works and kauts back on the schedule. we're learning more about the captain who had a mid-flight meltdown. we have more information about that pilot and the passengers that pounced on him when he unleashed this terrifying rant. >> we got israel, we got iraq. >> relax! >> a federal law enforcement
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official identifies the jetblue pilot as clayton osbon. this morning he remains in the hospital under observation. his linkedin account shows he's flown for jetblue for under a dozen years. it shows he graduates with a bachelor's degree in physics. jetblue's ceo talked about the incident on nbc's "today" show. >> what happened at altitude and the call is we had a medical situation, and that's how we respondsed. clearly in today's media is real time, matt, so we know that it also became a security situation. i think as we know less than 24 hours later, it started medical, but clearly more than that. >> don't know if that makes sarah straw feel any better. she was in the bathroom while the pilot pounded on the door. it's a critical moment for president obama's health care law. right now the supreme court is in the first two sessions. justices are looking at a key
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question. if one part of the law is unconstitutional, and we're talking about the individual mandate is that seemed to flum muck justices yesterday. does the rest of the law belong on the scrap heath as well in dan lothian is at the white house. the mandate requiring most americans to have health insurance or be penalized, it seems to be in trouble based on the court's questions. tell us what the justices are saying and what it might mean. >> reporter: that's right. this is really historic, getting a chance to hear audiotapes because you see which direction these justices are leaning. the liberals are clearly standing behind this health care law. the conservatives asking some very tough questions because they're concerned about the president dents that this would be setting if you're requiring americans to buy something. justice roberts wondering whether or not you could require americans to buy cell phones, for example, in order for them
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to be able to call in the case of an emergency. so there were really some blunt arguments on both sides. >> everybody has to buy food sooner or later. so you define the market as food. therefore, everybody's in the market, and therein, you can make people buy broccoli. >> the people who don't participate in this market are making it much more expensive for the people who do, that is, they will get a good number of them will get services that they can't afford at the point where they need them, and the result is that everybody else's premiums get raised. >> reporter: many court observers saying this yesterday was not a good dpa for the obama administration, but senior administration officials still remain confident that the individual mandate will be upheld. again, today, as you pointed out earlier is the issue is
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severabili severability, decides whether or not the whole law should be thrown out, that the individual mandate is found to be unconstitutional. carol. >> the final ruling won't come into june. i know what our supreme court observer jeffrey toobin say this isn't going well for the obama administration. what are other analysts saying? how might it go? can we even tell at this point? >> reporter: i think it really is too early to tell which way this will go. you look back at other cases where it looked at if in the early parts of the arguments that it would be a slam dunk, that something would not be upheld, but in the end it was. that's essentially what the administration is saying. look to the past, and don't look to one particular day to determine how it will all turn out. you know how the liberals will come down on this, the conservatives, it's pretty clear, but the one question is justice kennedy who is often the
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swing vote and at times yesterday he was skeptical but also at times he was sympathetic to the government's case as well. we have to wait and not making any predictions at this time. >> dan lothian, live at the white house. thanks. a surprising turn this northern in the trayvon martin case. according to the miami herald and the initial police report charges of manslaughter were considered against the shooter on the night he shot martin, but the florida state attorney's office prohibited police from making an arrest. what is the reaction of the community to this latest twist? >> reporter: well, of course, this is raising, once again, a lot of concern. it's another leak, we should point out, by the way. this is information that would essentially say that on the night that 17-year-old trayvon martin was shot that there was at least one investigating officer who felt that there should be charges of manslaughter that were brought.
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if you look at the initial police report, and we've had this initial police report for some time, this is not really new information. it's just framing the information in a different way. under the headline there of the offense section, it says specifically manslaughter/unnecessary killing to prevent an unlawful act. okay. that's what's on the initial report, but we should point out then that george zimmerman said the reason he shot and killed the 17-year-old was that it was self-defense. he needed to defend himself. he thought his life was in danger. that's what brings up this controversial law in the state of florida, the stand your ground law. under that law he could not then have charges of manslaughter filed against him. that's just the way the law is here. as a result no charges filed as of yet. the investigation continues. if they find he was not acting properly in his own self-defense, then the charges can come. that, all according to the chief of police near sanford.
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carol. >> there's a special prosecutor assigned to the case. they're conducting this investigation. do they have a timetable? >> reporter: no. they don't have a specific timetable. we have that initial report that there would be some sort of grand jury seated on april 10th. a lot of people have been holding stock that was a good date you might finally find out. however, the special prosecutor has said, look, they just started the investigation. they've been on the job about four business days, there was a weekend in between, and they have a lot of ground to cover. they start all over again. we don't know a specific date as to when any outcome may be gin. remember, there are three possible outcomes. charge him, clear him, or send it over to a grand jury. we're still waiting. >> i have a feeling you'll be in florida a long time, martin. back to the jetblue flight that had to make an emergency landing. the pilot went on a rampage and had to be subdued by passengers. sarah straw was on board that flight in the bathroom as the
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pilot was pounding on the door. she joins us now by phone from las vegas. hi, sarah. >> hi. how are you? >> you know, i'm fine. i just can't imagine how you felt in that bathroom. did you realize at first who was pounding on the door? >> yeah. you see what happened was i went to the rest room like anybody else, and all of a sudden towards the end he heard someone pounding on the door. my first initial reaction was it was just somebody who really needed to use the rest room. then i noticed that the door was trying to be forcefully opened, and it was jarred open aa b bit. when i left the pilot was who was standing right there. at that moment he was frantically saying how he needed to get in there. he had to get in there. my initial reaction was maybe he was sick. your mind doesn't go -- well, my mind doesn't go to the worst case sscenario. i went to my seat assuming he
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wasn't feeling well or something like that. then after -- while he was in the bathroom, from there one of the flight attendants had grabbed the off-duty pilot sitting in the row behind me, and he took him into the cockpit. meanwhile, the pilot who was in the rest room came out, and they had a conversation with the flight attendants like everything was normal. they proceeded to the back of the plane, and within a good two minutes all of a sudden i see that pilot beelining frantically toward the cockpit door screaming how he had to get in there. he needs to throttle down the plane. there was a bomb on the plane. they're going to take us done. that's when all the gentlemen jumped up and restrained him. >> so at this point are you just praying? >> at this point, i mean, i'm not going to lie. my first initial thought went back to the days of 9/11, and all i kept thinking was is this what they went through? is this how they felt? this sense of not knowing
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where -- your life was in somebody else's hands at this point, and that is the scariest feeling you can possibly imagine to go through. i can't help but think that that's what they all felt like, and their result obviously, as we know, was not as lucky as ours. you think of the what ifs. what if he got in the cockpit and what if that co-pilot didn't recognize something and kick him out? you play these mind games with yourself, and that's where i was headed. i had a little bit of an asthma attack and i had to calm myself down. >> oh, my goodness. initially jetblue was saying, you know, this pilot had a panic atta attack. i don't know if you've had a panic attack. i have. but i have trouble breathing. i had it once in my life maybe. it didn't make me act like that. when you hear he had a panic attack, are you saying to yourself, really? >> yeah.
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i've had panic attacks many times. i'm crying and need water and i'm good. i think there's more involved. i think maybe -- i don't want to make false accusations. this is a man's life. he has a family. i don't want to do that. you never know. maybe he was on medicine that kept his mind at a mental -- at a sound state, and he didn't take it. you just don't know. that's why they're investigating, and i hope they find out what's wrong with him so we can get him help. no one in his right mind does this, so there had to be something more we don't understand yet. i hope it gets taken care of. he can get the proper attention and care he needs so this doesn't happen again. granted, i'm sure he won't fly again. this way he can at least try to get back to living his life without this going on. >> has jetblue contacted you at all? >> excuse ame? >> has jetblue contacted you at all? >> you know, we all -- they did contact us via e-mail with their condolences. they credited back flights.
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we got free flight vouchers. other than that, no one's contacted us after physically seeing them face to face, but the one thing i do have to strongly urge, i knew this was a crew member from jetblue. as an airline as a whole, they were just -- the other flight attendant, the co-pilot, the aftercare of jetblue staff that took up from amarillo to las vegas were so amazing and so calm. we knew we were in good hands, and they really assured us it was going to be okay. they felt horrible about the situation. just like it was out of their control, they had no idea this was going to happen. and so, yeah, they made sure that we all knew we were okay. >> sara straw, we're glad you're okay and you joined us this morning. thank you. >> thank you so much. a deadly fast-moving wildfire is threatening more homes near denver. rob has the latest fire forecast for you after a break.
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a huge deal for the dodgers. the team has sold for a record $2 billion, and laker legend magic johnson is one of the buyers. a live report from l.a. that's later this hour. p ch citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. multi-policy discount. paperless discount. paid-in-full discount.
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the search is under way for a woman missing near denver. the wildfire has killed an elderly couple, scorched 4500 acres. rob marciano is here to tell us. it's still 0% contained, really? >> they do this in order of priority. first is to protect life, and then second is property, and third is containment. the third one is what they're going after today, although there is still one person missing which you mentioned.
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search and rescue teams are on site right now to look for that one person missing. 36 people including six rescue dogs. they have heavy artillery today. they have an extra couple of choppers and they have a tanker that came yesterday. they're dumping fire retardant. there's the end result, 28 homes damaged or completely destroyed. some of these very, very nice homes. this isn't a sush bush of denver but it's darn close. it's about 25 miles as the crow flies. the raet area is what burned, and the blue area is the folks that have had to evacuate including 900 homes. there's 6500 homes on stand-by for potential evacuation. they don't think they will deal with that today hopefully because winds are light. here's a look at the winds there, 5 to 10 miles per hour at the moment. we expect to see maybe gusts later on yesterday.
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here's the forecast as far as the computer models. anytime you see the green area, winds can gust to 20 to 30 miles per hour. there it is in the front rage of the rockies going through today and tomorrow as well. there's a system coming across the northern rockies that could bring winds 30 to 40 miles per hour across wyoming. but across the fire lines south of denver, the forecast from the national weather service and the fire forecast experts predict temperatures in the 60s. it's cool right now and the winds are lying down right now, so this is the best time to hit it. winds could gust to maybe 25 miles per hour later on today. relati relative humidity is very, very close. the entire month of march has been extremely dry for snowpack and rainfall as well. that kind of set the stage for this potential event. >> i know you'll keep an eye on it. thank you, bob. the rhetoric surrounding the trayvon martin case continues to intensify. citizens and celebrities and politicians are speaking out about it.
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fredricka wilson represents sanford, florida, the town where the shooting took place. >> trayvon was hunted down like a rabid dog. he was shot in the street. he was racially profiled. mr. zimmermann should be arrested immediately for his safety. >> congressbom wilson is joining us life now. thanks for joining us, congresswoman. >> thank you for having me. trayvon was my constituent. he lived in my community. i'm not from sanford. i'm from miami, florida where his entire family lives. >> right. we understand. do you really think that george zimmerman should be arrested right now? >> yes, i do. i think he should have been arrested the night of the crime. i mean, that's what law says. that he should be arrested. in fact, it's come out now that
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he was going to be charged with manslaughter, but the state attorney overruled that. >> even though a special prosecutor's investigating this case, the fbi is involved, the justice department is involved. even before those investigations are complete, you still think george zimmerman should be arrested right now? >> i think george zimmerman should have been arrested from the very beginning. i think there was enough evidence to arrest him just from the 911 tapes that i heard. i think that there are many threats against his life. that's why i say it for his own safety. i think that he should be arrested for the crime because of everything i heard on the 911 tapes, and everything he said happened. and everything the girlfriend said up happened. to me, it is enough for an arrest. >> i want to get your reaction to comments from the state-appointed investigator in this florida case.
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let's listen to her. >> the political outcry makes our job harder because anytime there is a misunderstanding of the process based on what we are required to do under florida law, it does make our job more difficult. so we would hope that people would give us a chance to get this task that the governor has given us accomplished. >> so, congresswoman, is your rhetoric making it for difficult for the special prosecutor to do her job? >> carol, let me explain this to you. the naacp of florida has some misgivings about the special prosecutor because of her record with young black boys. so there's not a lot of trust in the justice suppoystem right no sanford, florida. so the call for mr. zimmerman to be arrested, i'll continue to make that call. >> mr. zimmerman is in hiding supposedly in fear for his life. this fringe group is looking to make a citizens arrests, and
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celebrities are tweeting what they think are his address and innocent people have to move out of their homes. there's no doubt this case deserves a lot of attention, but at what point do you as a lawmaker say we have to calm things down a bit? >> i think i have calmed the students down in miami-dade county. they were walking out of school. i don't know any citizens who have had to move out of their homes. i know children have walked out of school, and we have said to them not to walk out of school. i've gone on the radio and television and said that to them, because we're going to give them a forum to express their frustration. you must understand that a young boy is dead. i have a mentoring program in miami, florida for young, black boys. it's 20 years old. this is not something that's new to me. i experience this all the time, and i am tired of burying young, black boys. i am tired of this, and i think
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that mr. zimmerman should be arrested. >> just a last question for you. this special prosecutor has no timetable for when her investigation will be complete, for when or if george zimmerman will be arrested. when is too much time in your mind? >> i think today is too much time. i think that in order to keep her on a timely schedule to make sure that these parents don't continue to grieve, i have a calendar that i take to the floor of the house of representatives every single day, and i'm counting down the days. today will be day number 32. let's see how with all of these justice divisions, all of these different entities and agencies involved in this investigation from the fbi, the fdle, the
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special prosecutor, we also have the justice department there. someone very soon should be able to give the entire nation some peace of mind that justice does exist in this nation. we should not have mr. zimmerman walking free. >> congresswoman wilson, thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. president obama's health care reform law being challenged right now at the u.s. supreme court. at issue today, a provision that would administrator people to the medicaid rolls, so who pays? we'll have details coming up. [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient
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tax day is less than three weeks away. if you're one that has to file, listen you. allisison kosik has detailed to protect yourself from being audited. oh. >> if you don't want the taxman knocking on your door, don't make stupid mistakes. the first big mistake, people don't put down the right social security number. many people are also making simple math mistakes and it's more of an issue because more people are doing their own taxes to save money. also, you have to be careful about what you put down when you make charitable deductions. let's say you make $20,000 a year and you report $10,000 in charity able deductions. that will raise a red flag. when you report the charitable deductions it's the retail value of items that you donate, not the original value.
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it may be worthwhile to keep your receipts, take photos of those items, too. finally, if you own a business, expect this. expect the irs is going to take a closer look at you, because the irs actually targets small businesses and cash industries because there's more wiggle room there. they're more room for fudging like pizza places and coin laundromats take in cash. if you want a full list of red flags, go to >> quick check on the markets before you go. >> markets are flat. the dow is right now down about 10 points. carol. >> thanks. the gingrich machine is getting more lean. pink slips, fewer appearances. does he have santorum, romney and obama right where he wants them? we'll put that to our political buzz panel, next. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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we're learning more information about the jetblue pilot whose rant forced passengers to subdue him. linkedin account shows he flew with them for four dwreerz. the plane made an emergency landing nochl one was hurt. earlier this morning i talked to a passenger in the bathroom when that pilot pounded on the door. >> all of a sudden i see that pilot beelining frantically towards the cockpit doors screaming how he had to get in
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there. he needed to throttle down the plane. there was a bomb on the plane. they're going to take us down. then that's when all the gentlemen jumped up and restrained him. also right now the u.s. supreme court begins their third and final day of hearings on president obama's health care reform. justices are looking at a key question. p if one part of the law is found to be unconstitutional, does that mean the rest of the law heads to the scrap heap as well? the megamillions lottery jackpot could reach a new record. no one won last night's jackpot so it's expected to grow to $476 million by friday's drawing. it would make it the largest lottery jackpot in u.s. history. political buzz is your rapid fire look at the best political topics of the day. three questions and 60 seconds on the clock. on the right is crystal wright,
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she's a conservative blogger in d.c. welcome to all of you. >> first question, the newt getting a lot more lean. it's can you tell a third of the staff and his schedule, but he's not dropping out. guys, what good could he possibly be doing for his party? crystal? >> newt is newt, and he will stick in this thing as long as he sees an opportunity for himself. so i say more power to newt. i mean, it's not necessarily a good sign he's cutting back staff. may look like he's running out of cash, and raises a lot of questions. at the end of the day, there's no rules -- there are no rules on how long you can stay in a presidential race. so more power to newt is what i say. it will take away votes from santorum, and it's a good thing. >> maria. >> absolutely zero benefit to
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his party, carol. should this surprise anybody? anyone who looks at newt's career throughout his whole political life knows it's about the gloerification of newt. he already destroyed the republican brand in the 1990s and is now clearly out to do it again. he might be the smartest guy in the room and with the biggest ideas, but when it comes to actually doing what's best for his party, newt is not your guy. newt is all about newt. >> dean. >> carol, there's a simple answer, newt gingrich is a scorned, bitter candidate like glenn close in "fatal attraction." he's not going down quietly. in south carolina he won the primary and top of the polls. mainstream republicans turned on him. romney's ads destroyed him. what else does he have to do? his wife is 22 years younger. she doesn't want to stay home. he has to keep his wife happy. >> onto the second question.
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the health care law being debated right now before the u.s. supreme court as the centerpiece of barack obama's presidency. it could be in trouble. mr. democrat himself, james carville, says striking the law down could be a great thing for the president and his party. listen. >> what the democrats will say and it's completely justified. we tried and did something. the public has these guys figured out. half think the whole thing is political. they overturn an election, and just as a professional democrat, did nothing better for me than overturn this thing 5-4. then the republican party will own the health care system for the foreseeable future. i believe that. that's not spin. >> so is that spin? could there be a political advantage if the court kills the law? maria. >> well, certainly there could be, carol. i think that james is right, that this could be a rallying call for liberals, but look.
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i think what has been lost in all the posturing the policy and politics are the actual people that benefitted from the law already. 180 million americans who have benefitted from all the provisions that have come into place. cnn has done a heart-wrenching piece on this will little girl named violet whose life was saved by the provisions in the current health care law. whether it's a benefit for democrats i don't think james or myself or any other democrat wants to be a party to something that puts children at death's door. >> crystal. >> i think maria and james carville must live in an alternate universe. if the supreme court strikes down obama care, which is president obama's signature initiative, his trophy initiative, obama -- it would be a great thing for obama if he wants to lose in 2012, because that's exactly what -- that will be a sure shot for republicans and reduce this president's administration to one huge, embarrassment for barreling forward with something that
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violates the u.s. constitution. that is the individual mandate. so yeah, i think it's a great thing because it will insure that the republican nominee will get in the white house in 2012. >> dean. >> carol, i cannot disagree more with the last statement. monday i was on political buzz, and before james carville said that, i said the same thing. show james carville my tape. the fact is this is the biggest issue the republicans have to run against president obama. the economy is better so that issue is gone. just this week mitt romney had a big campaign slogan, obama care. repeal obama care. that's gone. what does romney have left? good hair? rich friends? this is the greatest blow to the republican party ever. it shows that the president -- we have a balance of powers. no more overreaching. >> get on your medication, dean. >> i don't take medication. >> the economy isn't getting better. >> this is the third question. the buzzer beater. 20 seconds reach.
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mitt romney offered jay leno his thoughts on an unexpected vice presidential option. listen. >> really, it's never come up? i'm not even running, and i discuss it with my wife. so you haven't thought of -- i'll tell you what. >> i'll tell you what. i can do you a favor with this. i'll choose david letterman. i'll help us both out. >> there you go. >> okay. so what comedian is the best running mate for each candidate? dean. >> i think romney should pick jeff dunham that works with a ven tril gist doll that makes romney look like a human being. rick santorum with rosie o'donnell. just the fighting. newt gingrich should run with the geico lizard. they're both reptiles. president obama should pick me for the '12 ticket. >> crystal. >> i think romney has it right. picking david letterman would
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add a little fun to his campaign and shake things up. i want to focus on president obama. i think obama should dump vice president biden, and i think he should either pick eddie murphy or somebody -- bill maher. bill maher has donated a million dollars to the president's pac and he would shake it up. that's your guy, guys. bill maher. >> romney should go with jeff foxworthy. he already supports him, and it will give him appeal to southern volters and giz foxworthy a whole new line of jokes. you know you're a romney if your cadillac needs elevators. santorum should go for roseanne barr. >> thanks for reminding us of roseanne barr's candidacy, maria. expanding medicaid
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a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ weso to save money, services can get kind of expensive. so, where to next? i've found a new way to get my profile out there. check me out. everybody says i've got a friendly disposition and they love my spinach dip. five foot ten... still doing a little exploring. but... my sign is sagittarius, i'm into spanish cheese, my hairline is receding but i'm getting a weave. getting a weave.
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medicaid costs. i know it's complicated. elizabeth cohen is here to tell us exactly what this means. >> what it means bottom line is p if health care reform goes through, there will be a lot more people on medicaid than there are now. i'm going to introduce you to some of my imaginary friends because they will help illustrate who is on medicaid. let's look at the fast food fosters. this is the foster family. mom and dad woman in fast food, and they have two kids. in order for mom and dad to get on medicaid now, they have to earn about $23,000 or less. after health care reform, if it still stands, they can make as much as 31 now, $809. so you can see, carol, that is a huge difference. there's a big difference between earning 23,000 and between earning 31,000. >> that's true. so that's the income portion of this. are there other people who would qualify who don't now? >> yes, and that would be single
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people. right now if you're single you can't automatically get on medicaid because you're low income. health care reform changes that. seamstress sally right now earnings $15,415. she cannot get on medicaid. they won't even take her. she doesn't have kids and she's not pregnant and can't do it. if health care reform does go through, she can get on medicaid at that income, even though she's single. >> so we're talking about a lot of people. >> we're talking about a 44% increase, so we add 17 million to the ranks of medicaid. >> wow. >> that's a lot of people. >> wow. so the u.s. skout is looking into -- >> that's the congressional budget on office, i should say. everyone has different numbers. >> that is important to get in, because this is a highly contentious law, i know. let's say the u.s. supreme court strikes down the law and this medicaid provision. does that mean that automatically those who are now newly qualified will be kicked
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out? >> the medicaid part hasn't gone through yet so it's not like seem stress sally is getting medicaid and she won't. that won't happen. the big question is we've talked about the individual mandate all week. that's the law that says you must have health insurance. we're going to force you to buy health insurance. if the supreme court gets rid of that, it might mean that this medicaid part goes away as well. >> gotcha. elizabeth cohen. thank you. new dash cam video shows a dramatic ending of a high-speed bus chase in new mexico. we'll look at that story in "cross country" coming up. p i'm always looking out for small ways to be more healthy. like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to.
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a disturbing new development to "the hunger games" craze. a.j. hammer joins us from new york. some offensive comments on twitter. it's pretty disgusting, actually. >> yeah. not just disgusting, carol. these are some really ignorant and racist comments coming online. pretty upsetting. a lot of the fans of "hunger games" are up in arms over the story. there's a very poignant moment in the sfoer involving a kwung girl played ruth. the character is played by an african-american actress, and stunningly that fact upset some people enough to spew about their feelings online. there's a tumble belong calmed "hunger games" tweets and it compiled a few messages. two of them for you. one says, k.k. call me racist when i found out ru was black her death wasn't as sad. #ihatemyself. why does rue have to be black. not ghana lie.
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kind dharuned the movie. the author describes rue with dark brown skin and eyes. the majority of the fans are upset over the tweets because rue is one of the more popular and sympathetic characters in the story. i'm happy to report these tweets have been removed by authors and in some cases the accounts have been deleted. i hate doing this story in 2012. it still astounds me. >> it really is hard to believe. onto another topic now. jane fonda set to play nancy reagan. seriously? >> yeah, yeah. >> wow. >> a lot of people were taken aback by this. "showbiz tonight" has confirmed jane fonda is in talks to play nancy reagan for the upcoming film "butler." eugene allen worked on the white house staff from 1952 to 1986. fonda, of course, is very active with a lot of liberal causes, so that makes conservatives upset about the casting saying hanoi
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jane has no business playing nancy reagan. on the other hand if you need a fantastic actress, fonda is it perfect. when you consider the other names attached to the project, forest whitaker as allen, john could y cusak has nixon. shouldn't matter what her politics are. she's an actress. >> it does, a.j. everything is political these days. it's a sad thing, actually, in many respects. a.j. hammer, thanks so much. if you want information on everything breaking in the entertainment world, a.j. has it tonight on "showbiz tonight" at 11:00 p.m. eastern on hln.
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baseball season is upon us. all it right with the world. game one is in the books. the oakland a's take on the seattle mariners before a full house in the tokyo dome, and that mets a homecoming for ichiro. he was welcomed with a flurry of flashbulbs. he went 4 for 5 as the mariners beat the a's 3-1 in 11 innings. maybe the magic will come back for the los angeles dodgers. it's true. a group that includes former lakers star magic johnson bought the troubled team for a record $2 billion. wow. cnn's casey wian is in los angeles. $2 billion? >> reporter: it's an incredible amount of money, carol. the most ever paid if this deal is approved by major league baseball and the bankruptcy court for a sports franchise in north america. a lot of dodger fans and full
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disclosure here including this one are very, very happy this morning. of course, magic johnson, the former los angeles laker legend and very successful los angeles businessman is part of the group, the face of an investment group that has agreed to acquire the los angeles dodgers, as you mentioned, for $2 billion. of course, this purchase is because of the financial troubles by the current owner of the team, frank mccourt. he bought the dodgers in 2004 with very little of his own money. he promised a new era of family ownership for the team. that quickly fell apart once he and his wife, jamie mccourt, who is also an executive of the los angeles dodgers, had marital problems, ultimately filing for divorce. the dodgers went into bankruptcy and were very, very mediocre on the field. one of the best known los angeles dodgers, former dodger manager tommy lasorda is
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very happy about this deal. here's what he had to say. >> i've known magic since the first time he came to los angeles. a great basketball star, and getting involved with baseball, i'm happy for them. i just feel that they're going to do everything they can to bring the championship time to los angeles. >> now, the dodgers message board that's run by major league baseball was full of messages as you can imagine this morning mostly from fans very happy about this deal. some, though, also very concerned about the fact that frank mccourt will retain partial ownership of some of the land surrounding dodgers stadium in a $150 million deal with the new owners, carol. >> casey wian reporting live from los angeles. a high-speed bus chase caught on a cop's dashcam. i can't say that right. it was caught on a cop's
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dashcam. we'll have the dramatic ending, next. ♪ i can do anything ♪ i can do anything today ♪ i can do anything ♪ i can do anything today ♪ i can go anywhere ♪ i can go anywhere today ♪ i can go anywhere ♪ i can go anywhere today ♪ i can be anyone ♪ i can be anyone today ♪ i can be anyone ♪ i can be anyone today [ male announcer ] dow solutions help millions of people by helping to make gluten free bread that doesn't taste gluten free. and that makes this bread the first bread we can all enjoy. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. solutionism. the new optimism.
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you sue the officer ram and stop the bus. it was it stolen earlier this month actually. you see it here this morning. cops laid spikes on the road and that didn't stop the bus. they ram the bus with the car leading to a dramatic ending. this is just unbelievable. officers also shot the suspect who now faces three criminal charges. he survived. in california a woman racing to reach her elderly mother who she says fell gets not one but three speeding tickets. >> i was concentrating on my mom being hurt. >> i think based on the circumstances it was blatant
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