tv Starting Point CNN March 30, 2012 4:00am-6:00am PDT
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it's friday, march 30th. "starting point" begins right now. ♪ i love this song "you get what you give" from the new radicals. >> they broke up after this hit. >> i play this song over and over. >> 14 years old, they never released another record. >> don't tell me that. i'm christine romans, soledad o'brien is off, john fugelsang, political comedian and music historian, will cain, columnist from and lou palumbo, former investigator with the nassau police department and marc morial will be in later on, stuck in traffic this morning. lieu pa lumlumbois director of elite intelligence unit. >> offices in washington, d.c.,
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new york and los angeles. >> you've got the area covered. accounts are slowly trickling out of the night trayvon martin was killed. we heard from george zimmerman's father and last night zimmerman's brother. he spoke to piers morgan exclusively and an actual witness spoke to anderson cooper. we put together a play-by-play of their accounts. >> george was trying to get his head off the concrete, trying to move with trayvon on him, into the grass. in doing so, his firearm was shown. trayvon martin said something to the effect of "you're gonna die now now" or "you're gonna die tonight" something to that effect. he continued to beat george and at some point george pulled his pistol. >> where was the gun? >> the gun i believe was in his
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inside tucked inside his pant waist. >> right. >> in a waist hollister. >> has pulled it out and he has fired it. >> well he has taken control of his firearm. he prevented his firearm from being taken from him, and used against him, and that's called saving your life. >> i kind of felt like that -- i couldn't see a lot of movement. it was very dark but i felt like they were scuffling. and then i heard a gunshot. >> lou palumbo, you hear the more detail we get it still is a very murky night. the details layer on new questions, i don't know how much they answer, as an investigator, what are you hearing when you hear all this? >> i heard the audio, the interview with anderson and it's not as murky for me as it is perhaps for others because it's becoming more and more evident what took place this evening. i listened to as i said that interview, and if you listen to that gentleman, he indicates the
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fact that the person who was on top -- >> you're talking about the eyewitness. we don't know if it's a man or a woman. we've obscured their identity. >> absolutely, the individual who witnessed this altercation, on a lawn, i might say, not concrete, and that being further substantiated by the fact the police indicated he had moisture and grass on his back, kind of contradicts the story. he indicates that he observes the bigger person as he referred to him after the gunshot get off the smaller person and at that point had to be obvious trayvon was on the bottom. the whole explanation of having the head banged on the concrete is starting to dilute. there are just some very serious questions about the extent of the injuries that zimmerman sustained, that he felt justified the use of deadly physical force. there's nothing that supports that. and if those injuries existed, a law enforcement agency would have taken photographs of them. they weren't even concerned about touching his clothing because of the possibility of blood as a contaminant.
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they didn't even put rubber gloves on. >> a lot of people made that comment. listen to what george zimmerman's brother said about the extent of the injuries. let's listen to that. >> we're confident the medical records are going to explain all of george's medical history, both how he was treated at the scene and how he was not. to me his nose looks swollen in that video. i'm his brother. >> the fact i've heard all of these people in a variety of different places talk about when your nose is broken how long does it take to swell. this is a conversation people are having around the water cooler. they were parsing video and statements and in the dark of night eyewitness accounts. >> we are privileged to have an investigator sitting next to us but somebody saying more facts, please, until we arrive at conclusions. to me there's two areas i focus on that i would like to know what happened. i would like the facts to contribute to, what happened in the pursuit. is it possible that george zimmerman broke off the pursuit and the pursuer became the
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pursuee. i'm not suggesting that did happen. it's his story. in the scuffle, lou, i didn't gather what you gathered. there is a big question who was on top. i think that would suggest who the aggressor is when the gun went off, and by reading the witness account, we don't know the answer to that right now. i would like to know the answer to that. >> the issue of who was on top and that constituting who might be the aggressor there's no correlation there. the reason i pointed that out is because it identifies an inconsistency in his story, and his account of having his head busted on concrete. >> listen to what the witness said about that in particular, so everyone can hear it. >> it was dark, but after the shots, obviously someone, a man, got up and it was kind of like that period of him, i can't say i actually watch him get up, but maybe only within like a couple seconds or so then he was walking towards where i was
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watching, and i could see him a little bit clear. i could see that it was a hispanic man and that he was, you know, he didn't appear hurt or anything else. >> so he said "after the shots," lou. is it not key? i keep wondering when the shots went off, what were the positions of the two individuals and i know we're getting deep into the facts but i think this is important. >> i don't think there's that much relevance. >> really? >> i don't. the fact of the matter is that for whatever reason we went through a rationalization process, probably driven by fear, driven by the fact that you bit off more than you could chew and hung his hat on that and shot this young man. they referred to the body of trayvon being face down with his hands underneath him. >> i read that. >> that's problematic also. how did this kid who was six foot, 160 pounds get flipped around like this. i think this is far more skewed than everybody realizes. i think mr. zimmerman got into a situation he should have never been involved in, precipitated
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and ended up using excessive force to mitigate it. >> the family is of course going to rush to their defense, they love their brother but a defense where the guy is saying he followed me while i was following him and attacked me and it's the much larger guy with the gun crying help. my question is, ironically, is it possible that mr. zimmerman would be in a better position for trial if the police had arrested him right away, rather than this period where he's sending friends and family out to possibly poison any jury pool and to contradict stories. >> you could tell he's not seeking counsel because the attorneys would not have his father and his brother become his spokesperson. the only thing they're going to do is continue to hurt him. they continue to allude to these real extensive injuries, none of which were supported by any type of medical examination post confrontation. in other words if you sustained these injuries and so extreme and severe and in fear for your life, why didn't you go i got to get to the hospital, i think i
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broke a rib. there's another explanation also. i looked at the photographs and as they continue to come through the tape there's not a drop of blood on the front of this man's clothing, and i say this to you again, standard operating procedure, when we handle you and there's a contaminant involved we put rubber gloves on. the police brought him into their "environment," started to further examine him, never thought it necessary to put gloves on and i think what he touched on his back was the by-product of moisture from the grass and casually wiped it off on his hands. >> let's bring in dave koppel. i want to talk about the florida stand your ground law and sort of the center of the debate. author of the firearms law and second amendment and member of the nra and director of the research institute in denver. nice to see you this morning. you've heard our discussion so far as really a lot of folks are parsing every new development that comes out and at the center
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of this issue is also this florida stand your ground law. does that florida law and others like it, do they go too far? do they allow for this sort of no duty to retreat idea? >> no. i think the things that have been said including by some people on cnn and on other stations saying the florida's self-defense laws had something relevant to this case are just either don't know what they're talking about or have been trying to mislead, as the gun prohibition lobbyists have been doing on this. florida law is clear. on self-defense the florida law, the basic standard is the same as it is in all 50 states, that you can only use when you're in a public place deadly force and self-defense if you are the victim of an eminent attack that could kill you or cause brave bodily injury or if violent forcible felony. those are the only circumstances in which a person in a public place in florida can use deadly
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force in self-defense. now i know we're conducting a trial by television here, but the good thing about the american system is the actual evidence gathered will be done by a grand jury and they'll come up, they'll listen to all the witnesses, look at all the facts, talk to the investigators, and they will make a determination if there's a case that's worth prosecuting here, but if, as your nassau county friend is hypothesizing, that mr. zimmerman was a criminally, killed this young man, then the florida law provides zimmerman with no protection. >> i want to talk about something florida representative richard gl lorioso who voted to are this law, he said "as far as i'm concerned, that neighborhood watch guy was breaking that law as soon as he started following that kid. he was stalking him. that's not standing your ground. if the law is applied right, it's a fine law but we worried about how people would interpret it, and how it would be applied,
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when we were discussing it." >> the law doesn't apply in this situation. the stand your ground law is about when a person who is a victim of a violent attack, under what circumstances do they have a duty to retreat, rather than take action to defend themselves. if zimmerman is the aggressor in this case then he wasn't the victim and since he wasn't the victim, he had no right to self-defense at all, and the issue of whether he should retreat or not wouldn't, has nothing to do with it. >> dave, i have a quick question, this is will cain. i hear you saying that the florida stand your ground law has nothing to do with this case but that's honestly your estimation right now, and it seems that the investigators on the scene did think it had something to do with this case and isn't that kind of a problem with the law, if there is a problem that it can be applied subjectively or it's vague and that the investigators and prosecutors across the state apply it differently. isn't that a potential problem? >> no, because i've read the
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law, you've got it in front of me on the table. it's straightforward one. >> you know what it says, but does everyone across the state of florida know the tenets of the law and apply it uniformly? >> well, if they're properly trained. i represent among other of my clients in the united states supreme court have been the international law enforcement educators and trainers association, the leading organization that trains police trainers, and when rank and file officers on the street are properly trained, they know and understand the laws that they have to apply. >> interesting enough i made a comment on an 8:00 show with soledad that this law did not apply based on my understanding of the law and that's a lot of what my statement about the criminality is attached to. >> dave kopel, thank you so much. author of "firearms law and the second amendment" joining from us colorado this morning. soledad o'brien is going to host a special town hall meeting tonight at cnn, "beyond trayvon:
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race and justice in america" airs on cnn tonight at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern. don't miss it. let's check in with alina cho for other headlines. >> spike le apologizing and now paying for a mistake that forced a sanford, florida, couple from their home. the film director thought he was retweeting the home address of trayvon martin's killer, george zimmerman. turns out to be the address of a home owned by elaine and david mcclain. they said the media and hate mail forced them to check into a hotel. the mcclain's attorney says his clients have been compensated and the matter is closed. greed to work with foxcon to substantially improve conditions for its factory in china. it comes in response to an investigation by the fair labor association that found dozens of labor violations at chinese plants that make apple's products. foxcon defied industry codes of conduct having employees work
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more than 60 hours a week and 11 days straight without a break. apple may have a new competitor in the tablet market. google will sell android tablets by summer, google trying to slow apple's massive market share with the ipad. sources say asus and samsung are potential partners to be co-branded with the google mark and sold in an online store. no one is saying whether they cut any kind of deal but it's been confirmed that mitt romney and newt gingrich had a private meeting last weekend in louisiana, it happened in romney's hotel in new orleans, right before that state's primary. sources tell cnn's john king the meeting was productive and pleasant but no further details. romney and gingrich's camps say the candidates keep in regular touch just to talk. an awkward moment on the campaign trail for mitt romney, he was picking up endorsement from former president george
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h.w. bush, bush 41. reporters wanted to know if romney heard from george w. bush while he was in town and here is romney's response and listen carefully as bush sr. leans in and asks romney a question. >> you know, i haven't met with president george w. bush. we speak from time to time. >> has he endorsed you yet? >> uh, no. >> did you hear what that means? it means good boys all listen to their mommys. >> w. may get a scolding. a disturbing rise in autism, up 20% in two years, a serious look at what could be behind the staggering increase. plus people spending it in their minds already. i certainly have and i would come back to work -- >> but what would you buy? >> rich people grow their money. they don't spend their money.
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i'd start thinking like a rich person. we're in the middle of the ticket buying action for the mega millions and get real, rest in grease, send eternity wrapped in bacon, i'm not kidding. check out the blog on our website you're watching "starting point" this morning. look, every day we're using more and more energy.
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the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪
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[ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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♪ someone's going to win, that's alison kosik's playlist, santa santana's "winning." perfect for the day, alison is live in times square, people are pulling out their dollars and buying mega millions tickets, the largest jackpot ever. $540 million. you could buy companies. you could retire country debt, so many things.
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>> reporter: endless possibilities. and it's that number that amazing when you think about how it's grown. the last time a person won the mega millions was january 24th, so no one's won it, after 18 drawings, and this is why you're seeing the jackpot go up and up and up and continues to rise as you see people line up here at convenience stores and buy these tickets, the jackpot is only estimated at $540 million so expect it to go up higher. that's despite the fact that the odds, ugh, are 1 in, what is it? >> 176 million. >> you just said it. it's flabb ebeflabbergasting, b mind. >> the $540 million jackpot is the only number people care about. they don't care about the odds that your odds almost as high of picking up the winning ticket at a subway grate in new york than picking the number. >> reporter: you know why because we are dreamers and
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going to dream of going to tahiti as one guy said i've got t i've got the winning ticket! >> it's so cool too, the camaraderie at the office. i always tell people that if you have high interest credit card debt you have no business going out and spending money every week on lottery tickets. >> it's being responsible. >> reporter: the camaraderie at the office is a good investment. >> you would fail at washington politics. >> seriously a lot of people waste their money on lottery tickets. >> helps education. you're assuming their purpose is to win $540 million. >> i'd be happy with half that. >> i got bills to pay, i need the whole. >> i'm buying. >> once you get to $500 million it's silly not to be part of the whole movement. marc morial is back, joining the panel. president and ceo of the national urban league. president obama telling
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congress pick big oil or the american people but still losing the fight to cut big breaks or oil companies, talking to the author of the bill that aims to do that. and get real, the latest in the line of bacon-themed goodies, this one literally to die for. and from john's play list "my favorite things."
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like bacon. bacon, bacon, bacon -- >> in is our get real. i get this press release and i thought come on, really? really? everyone was talking about it. you can love bacon to death, literally spending the hereafter laying like a sizzling strip of pork fat. j&d foods a seattle based company that specialize in bacon themed products, that's their job bacon themed products claims it's selling a bacon coffin, painted with what the company calls bacon and pork shading, accented with gold handles. the official press release "you ate bacon, decorated your body with bacon, your car with bacon and your home with bacon and now you can peacefully rest wrapped in bacon." the latest in a long line of bacon products, baconaisse, lip balm, soda, bacon gravy. the coffin is available for $2,999.95 plus shipping.
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and the publicity for the press release is priceless. >> it's inspiring to finally find something that can unite all of the jews and muslims together in complete disgust. they're marketing this just to lady gaga. >> you think bacon is at its zeni zenith, height of popularity. bacon sales have got to be at their highest point in years. >> the prices are, prices are up, here we'll talk about commodities. >> i think it's great because the only demographic that can't be hurt by bacon is corpses so it works out perfectly with the coffin. >> how about a chicken coffin, broccoli. >> i was going to go with chocolate. kids were inside this bus, just minutes before, and they have the bus driver to thank for saving their lives. plus a serious look at an alarming rise of autism in our children. new numbers revealing an epidemic and a staggering rise
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in just a couple of years. with president obama feeling the gas price pressure he turns the heat on congress to end the big oil tax breaks but it's blocked. we'll talk to the author of the repeal big oil tax subsidiesubs. [ heather ] my first car by heather a. my first car was shared between my siblings and myself.
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the door handle fell off, we taped it back on. the mirror fell off, we glued that back on. the hula girl on the dashboard melted, we left that alone. that was priceless. it took me where i needed to go and i loved it. duct tape and all. [ quacks ] [ male announcer ] animate and share your first car story at courtesy of the 2012 subaru impreza. experience love that lasts. ♪ i worked at the colorado springs mail processing plant for 22 years. we processed on a given day about a million pieces of mail. checks, newspapers, bills. a lot of people get their medications only through the mail. small businesses depend on this processing plant. they want to shut down 3000 post offices, cut 100,000 jobs. they're gonna be putting people out of work everywhere. the american people depend on the postal service.
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first to alina cho for breaking headlines. >> french police arrested 20 suspected islamic militants during early morning raids today. most of the arrests taking place in toulouse, that's where gunman mohammed merah killed seven people in three separate attacks earlier this month. not clear if there's any connection between the killings and this morning's arrests. colorado firefighters are counting on another day of light winds and cooler temperatures as they try to contain a deadly wildfire. two people already died in the western foothills of denver. a rescue team of 32 people and six dogs is searching for a woman who is still missing. 200 acres have been covered but they haven't found her. more than 41 acres burned and more than two dozen homes destroyed. take a look at this heart-stopping video of three firefighters in dearborn, michigan, look at that, battling a fire at a dry cleaning business, barely escaping with their lives. the men were trying to poke a hole in the roof to ventilate
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the building when it caved in. two firefighters pull their partner to safety, thankfully everyone is all right. chilling new video of one of the deadly tornados that tore through the midwest earlier this month. the storms killed 14 people in the state of indiana. that number could have been a lot higher if not for a fast thinking school bus driver in the city of henryville. massive f4 tornado platened henryville march 2nd, struck just after 3:00 p.m. school bus driver angel perry was taking 11 of her students home from school when the skies began to darken. she radioed dispatch, machine. >> this is 211, i'm about a minute and a half from the school. >> this is 210 i'm on the road and seen a tornado touch down one mile from me. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh my gosh is right. make a keep decision, keep
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driving or head back to the school? she decided to turn around and that was smart, when she got back to the school she had to get the kids off the bus fast and listen to how she did it. >> everybody stay together, our group together right now, go, go, go, go, go, go! one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine -- come on! 10, 11, go, go, go! >> she did it just in time. look at this video from the school bus security camera, three minutes after the kids got off the bus, hail, 175-mile-per-hour winds, ripping through the bus, and have a look at where it ended up, the 1-ton vehic 18-ton vehicle launched across the street into a diner. luckily the diner evacuated moments early. the final four in men's college basketball square off tomorrow night in new orleans, louis silver success kentucky and ohio state versus kansas.
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the winner also play on monday night for the national championship. you've been following this one, christine? >> no, i'm going to be honest, i can't say i have. my husband is rolling his eyes. have you been following it? >> what do you think? >>. >> we have been following it. >> all of our panelists are reacting. >> kentucky is a favorite. >> you think so? >> but go with kansas. >> always with the big 12. >> you guys are speaking another language. >> i avoid it because women like that. >> do they or they just tell you that. let's talk about gas prices that, will make you laugh. you're looking at another increase in gas price, the national average for a gallon of regular $3.93 and in the thick of the national debate over the increases at the pump president obama losing a fight to repeal tax breaks for big oil companies. senator robert menendez was the author of repeal big tax subsidies act. thank you for coming on this morning. >> great to be.
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>> senate republicans blocked the move, 51-47 and one of the things here that really was resonating with democrats was that total profits for the big oil last year, $132 billion, with a "b" and people at home are paying record prices at the pump. this is a political moment for democrats and the president to say that's just not fair. >> well it's that and also an opportunity to change our energy paradigm. we would would have taken the $24 billion in tax breaks we give the big five oil companies who don't need it, when they made $137 billion in profits just last year and taken half of that and put it into renewable energy sources, biodiesel, electric cars and the other half into deficit reduction. i don't think that as people go to the pump and pay at the pump they also have to pay another $24 billion of their money. >> i want to say with the energy industry the energy industry is pretty clear, there are other
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industries in this country that get bigger breaks, we have national security interest and they say there is a legitimate manufacturing deducks. he's smiling wryly. >> i've heard the crocodile tears. >> to call big oil profits or big oil subsidies corporate welfare is like saying the average homeowner is taking welfare for getting the mortgage income deductions. i know it's a stretch but these are deductions congress has given them to incentivize different industries over another and national national security is one of the reasons. >> first of all last year they ma had a 75% increase in profits, so the marketplace has determined they're going to make huge profits without the american taxpayer giving them $24 billion of their money. we're better off using that
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money to create a new generation of reducing the deficit than giving to them and to suggest the extraction of oil is manufacturing or to suggest you go abroad -- >> if they can't get tax breaks for digging holes in the middle of the ocean that cost tens of millions of dollars a year. >> they will foregoe making the $137 billion. please, $2 billion a year over the next ten years they'll make $1 trillion over the next few years. >> senate democrats asked us all to come out here and now we can make an actual difference in the lives of working families struggling to fill the gas tax so we can watch them stage votes for show. for some reason they thought they'd put political points on the board if the american people saw them voting for a tax hike we knew ahead of time didn't have the votes to pass.
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>> they're saying it's political. you guys are sensing a political -- >> i understand senator mcconnell saying that, he is the largest recipient of oil contributions in the united states senate, over 85% of all oil contributions go to republican members of the congress. so look, this is about whose side are you on? do you want to say that big oil that will make $1 trillion over the next ten years in profits should get an additional $24 billion from us or do you think that's better used to create renewable energy sources and pay down the debt. most americans feel it's the latter. >> isn't this in direct contradiction to the president's message, the democratic party message your energy policy is an all the above policy. in the past week alone you suggested you're going to put caps on coal plants, ending coal, 40% of our electricity generation as an energy source in the future and now doing this, it seems you're all of the above strategies, all of the above except for carbon emitting dead dinosaurs that we burn for the majority of our energy.
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>> the reality is the president's opened more federal land and water to oil drilling. the reality is we have more oil production domestically than the last eight years. the reality is that there's a huge part of federal land and water that the oil companies have and don't produce on, and the reality is that for the first time ever, we are actually exporting, when i tell new jersey residents that 78 million gallons of oil -- i mean gasoline are being exported daily to other countries in the world they say what? that's ridiculous. >> so this bill got 51 votes. >> um-hum. >> but didn't pass. so this another example of the filibuster in the senate being used ad infinitum on the up and down vote on the merits of the legislation. people of the nation say why can't you have an up or down
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vote on the merits of any piece of legislation introduced in the united states. >> as you know, mark, the filibuster are a procedure which republicans used it excessively to insist a majority is half plus one that no in the senate it has to be 60, and so the reality is, even though a majority yesterday of the united states senate supported repealing the subsidies, the republicans insisted on the 60-vote threshold, therefore it didn't pass. >> the whole conversation resonates. people are saying a couple grand more a year to, for their gasoline, so it becomes not because of him or in spite of him, just the way it is, it makes it a story of the political moment. senator robert menendez, have a nice weekend. ahead on "starting point" don't blame the kids, blame the parents. kids behave so long badly a plane makes a detour, a story that will steam you or frighten you. and running for a viral
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♪ a little more conversation for right now. >> the original version of elvis. >> i like the oceans 11 version but i do like this one. this one is very good but a little elvis every morning will get you going. another midair meltdown, this time it's kids forcing an emergency landing an alaska airlines crew asked police to meet their plane in portland, oregon, after two young children ages 3 and 8 refused to stay in their seats and buckle their seat belts and the parents were right there with him. apparently met at the gate by police and official from the airport who said it is federal aviation law you must have your seatbelt on and the children would not remain in their seats and would not have their seat belt fastened. one thing, couldn't the parents, why weren't the parents holding them down. you can hold a 3-year-old,
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screaming or not and keep them buckled in. i don't know what the parents were doing. >> we have an epidemic in this country of a lack of -- >> here we go. >> i have young children, you have young children, john entered the parenting department. >> i have young children. >> we have an epidemic of parents unwilling to discipline their children. i know that's conservative of me but that's true. >> when you go on an airplane putting a tornado in a jar, and it's very difficult. >> it's a 20, 30-pound tornado and you're 130-pound something tornado. >> you have to think whether or not your children can travel. think about every child, they're not a traveling. >> i agree with will about it and i don't want to have a knee-jerk blame the parents response but give me a break when the entire plane is diverted that's the time to assert your authority. >> it is the responsibility of the parents. >> this is the second case we've seen recently. there was another case where the parents were kicked off the
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flight because they couldn't keep a 2-year-old under control. >> sometimes a 2-year-old, some 2-year-olds may not be suitable for travel. you're in a contained space and parents have to exercise good judgment. it's tough to say. >> that's what's missing there. >> someday these kids will be in congress explaining why we have to defund medicare. >> i will say i drive to chicago now, after the last flight with three kids under the age of 5, because if a tree falls in the forest and the parents aren't listening, so now it's for us. >> driving power, i don't know how you do that. >> driving with kids is great with the dvd player. >> remember the worst things in the old days was a movie. >> check out our live blog on our website ahead, former senator arlen spector dishing dirt about his decades in washington. guess which vice presidential candidate he thought radiated
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sensuality? senator arlen specter joins us now and the numbers are shocking. 1 in 88 american children diagnosed with autism according to a new study and the statistics are worse for little boys. we're looking into these numbers next. you're watching "starting point." think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain. two pills can last all day. ♪ demand media expands on the big board.
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a new debate about the cause of autism is building this morning. it's being fueled by new numbers from the cdc that show a significant increase in how many kids are now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder up 80% in the last decade. in 2000 and 2003 about 1 in 150 children were diagnosed with in autism. in 2006, that number was 1 in 110. the latest data from 2008 suggest that 1 in every 88 children has autism. joining me now is the chief scientific officer for autism speaks and along with her is the author of "next stop" which chronicles her experience of raising her son david with ou autism. this is something every family is talking about. i want to talk about the
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increase in numbers. is it because of awareness? is it because it's happening more? is it because spectrum is better defined so people understand where they fit in the autism spectrum? is it all of these things? >> autism prevalence has increased tenfold over the last four decades. it's a public health crisis. we see an epidemic of autism at this point. why is this happening? it's true that better diagnosis and broadening of the criteria explain part of the increase but only part. there's a large portion of the increase that's unexplained. that's why we think it's so important to investigate environmental risk factors. >> you mention environmental because other mothers and fathers i know who have kids who are on the spectrum or in a school district where they have a lot of integration of kids so we're very aware of all of this in the community and there's massive discussion about environmental causes but also how to mitigate the symptoms of autism or the characteristics of
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autism through environmental diet for example and keeping kids away from certain chemicals. that's a big part of the research right now too. >> that's right. we know that genes play a large role in terms of the cause of autism. we also know that environment plays a role. we're beginning to identify some of those environmental risk factors. >> like what? >> some of them are older parents are at higher risk for having a child with autism. but also other things that would affect the other brain development of baby during the prenatal period. the mother's nutrition. whether the baby was born prematurely. certain birth difficulties and even exposure to toxins like pesticides and air pollution during pregnancy can increase the risk. >> i want to bring in glen who wrote this book. her son, david, is 24 now. i'm guessing the awareness among pediatricians and parents especially of boys is much different today than it was when your son was just a toddler.
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>> yes. the numbers have changed but this diagnosis makes sense to me because of the greater public awareness about autism and early screening and intervention but the real question is what is our government going to do to confront this public health crisis? >> for you also, a son who is now 24, tell me how he's doing. a long-distance runner and now using the subway and even now is making great strides. >> yes, he is. one of the themes in my book has been moving forward because david is a young adult now and he's entitled to a private life of his own. so how do we make that happen? how do we as parents help launch these young adults into independent adulthood? david was able to learn to ride the metro and that just became a terrific metaphor in my book for moving forward and finding a life that he could call his own. >> the challenge here really is
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you talk about how you call him a neuro typical child. when a neuro typical child steps out into the world they are surrounded by co-worker and friends and girlfriends and boyfriends and circle gets bigger and bigger. when david steps out into the world, his circle is quite small. that's something as a parent with a child with autism it's something that whether the child is an infant or a toddler or a teenager or an adult, you never really can let go. >> yes. the growing isolation i would say is one of the top concerns for parents of young autistic adults because when david steps out of the nest, then his circle of support will shrink and when his brothers, his older brothers stepped out of the nest, theirs broadened because they took on new friends and lovers and social network and business associates all things that are natural and normal. what parent doesn't want to see their child step out into the world. it's the natural order of things. and it's private life that they are entitled to.
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everything that we can do to make this happen including government intervention is very necessary so that's what i'm working for. >> the different states actually have early intervention programs and pediatricians are watching. is your child pointing. running on tiptoes. not meeting eye contact. you have a 16-day old baby boy. you're going to be hearing about this as he grows up. >> i do indeed. as someone whose family has been touched by this, i have a question for dr. dawson. is one of the reasons for these increased numbers inclusion of high functioning autism such as asperguer's. >> we find that broadening accounts for some of the increase but does not account for all of the increase. there's a portion that's
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unexplained. >> do you have an opinion on vaccination controversy? >> the vaccines do not explain this increase in prevalence that we're seeing. >> i had a comedian on tv in a game show tell me that it did. >> there you go. >> there's varying opinions. it does not suggest explaining this increase. >> so nice to meet you this morning. thank you for telling us your story. "next stop" a memoir of family. ahead next hour, a witness to the trayvon martin shooting speaks out. what he heard and how it matches up with what we've heard so far. plus osama bin laden getting busy during his time in hiding in pakistan. one of his wives now saying a pakistani hospital delivered his children. and drunk karaoke in the back of a cop car. viral video you'll watch a hundred times this weekend while waiting to win the megamillions. you're watching "starting point."
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our "starting point" this morning, witness to the shooting. >> and then i heard the gunshot which to me were more like pops. >> this person heard an altercation. heard someone yell for help. heard a pained scream. a detailed account of the night trayvon martin was killed. harlyn specter dishing dirt in d.c. he'll join us live. they were selling a million dollars in tickets every hour in new york. people in a frenzy over a world record lotto hall stands right now $540 million. cop car karaoke. ♪ so you think you can sell me >> an allegedly drunk man belts
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out the bohemian raps oddy. he's an energetic and perfectly sober young man. "starting point" begins right now. ♪ >> there you go. this is from marc's playlist. a little frank sinatra in the morning. i'm christine romans. soledad o'brien is off this morning. marc is here. will cain and john fugelsang. what happened the night trayvon martin was shot and killed? cnn is taking an in depth look. we have heard from george
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zimmerman's father. last night we heard from zimmerman's brother who spoke to piers morgan exclusively and a witness the shooting talked to anderson cooper. >> george was trying to get his head off the concrete. trying to move with trayvon on him into the grass. in doing so, his firearm was shown. trayvon martin said something to the effect of you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight. something to that effect. he continued to beat george. at some point george pulled his pistol. >> where was the gun? >> the gun, i believe, was in his inside tucked inside his pant waist in a waist holster. >> he has pulled it out and he has fired it. >> he has taken control of his
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firearm. he prevented his firearm from being taken from him and used against him. that's called saving your life. >> i couldn't see a lot of movement. it was very dark. i felt like they were scuffling. and then i heard the gunshot. >> lou joins our panel. a former investigator with the nassau county police department. now director of elite intelligence and protection agency. let's talk about what we know now. what do these accounts tell you about that night? >> just that it appears to be more problematic for mr. zimmerman. at the top of the last hour, a gentleman who understands, reads, interprets this law and made a definitive statement that the law does not apply. he'll make a marvelous witness for prosecution. based on his knowledge of this, i would think that someone in the investigative arm of the state of florida would be speaking to him among other people who may have been the architects of this law to get their opinions and based on his
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statement, if the law doesn't apply you have a homicide, you have a murder. this is just continuing to unravel as people continue to speak. >> they looked at this case when it happened and they decided they would not be able to win a case. they decided not to make an arrest. >> prosecutors office stepped in and told investigators we don't think we have enough evidence to press charges. seems to me, lou, there are two moments in time which we need evidence to shed light on. the moment where trayvon and george zimmerman met face to face and confronted each other. who was pursuer and who was pursuee in that situation and what happened during that scuffle that the witness gave us some information on but we need to know who was on top. who was aggressor in the scuffle? these are important details. >> this is interesting to me. the procedures where the investigating officer wanted to book and arrest and somehow the state's attorney got involved at
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that point to me is a deviation from standard procedure. he should have been booked and arrested and then the state's attorney can conduct an investigation and determine whether charges should be brought. >> i don't want to taint this for you any further. zimmerman's father is also a judge. if you look at the van der sloot case in aruba where we had influence with the father. you may have the same thing going on here. >> those are totally different. >> it's not. >> two different countries. two different legal systems. >> the fact that his father is a judge -- you cannot draw a comparison. >> what would be so surprising? i can tell you this right now. i'm a little reluctant but i'll tell you that. every time we run into people in our law enforcement community, you show difrence.
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>> you are drawing a parallel between two antidotal situations. >> trayvon may have had weed in his bag once and that's relevant but the fact that a shooter's father is a judge, that's not relevant? >> did i suggest to you that -- >> we're talking about logic. it's a debate worthy of discussion. >> when you draw something in like that, it suggests a weakness in your argument. >> curious how this case left the radar scene for two weeks until someone breathed more life into it. i'm telling you that this is a very strong possibility. don't tell me that judges -- i spent 39 years in law enforcement community. i know the influence judges have. clerks of the court. i hate to break the news to you, i've exercised some influence myself. i shouldn't really say that but i'm going to tell you that. that's the fact of our life. we do it every day. i hate to break it everyone to. >> in an effort to identify where we agree and disagree.
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>> it's clear where you disagree. >> the mayor pointed out we know one thing happened at the prosecutor's office. either they saw a lack of evidence or there's a conspiracy. >> the prosecutor should not have stepped in at that point is my contention, number one, because at that point what information did the prosecutor have? they didn't have anything other than what george zimmerman told them in an interview. >> i want to bring it back -- >> how much evidence was gathered? how much forensics were examined? a cumulative product butterfefo made a decision that was spontaneous to kick a case that an investigator who i believe was a detective saw enough merit in charging him. maybe he understood the stand your ground law and superiors didn't. wouldn't be the first time it happened. >> what lou is describing with the judge and prosecutor is called home cooking. it happens. it may have happened here. >> let me reel it back in here. i want to listen to what the witness said on anderson cooper.
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we're not telling you anything about this witness. we're shielding their voice and even their gender. >> it was dark but after the shots obviously someone, a man, got up and it was kind of like that period of him -- i can't say i actually watched him get up. maybe only within a couple seconds or so that he was walking towards where i was watching. i could see him a little bit clearer. it was an hispanic man and he didn't appear hurt or anything else. >> it's interesting that the family and i totally why the family would do everything they can to help george zimmerman. it makes perfect sense. we're being asked to believe the guy who is bigger and has a gun is the one screaming help. if this is the argument they're taking that the gun was in play that mr. martin was going for mr. zimmerman's gun, is there a
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possibility that stand your ground is irrelevant to this whole case? >> i think we're starting to establish that. i made that comment last night. the gentleman who was very well versed and probably better versed than all of us put together made a comment today the law doesn't apply. to address this issue about who did what first, you cannot ignore the fact that trayvon was on the phone with his girlfriend for approximately four minutes as you're subscribing to the notion that maybe he was stalking him at the same time. that's the problem you have. if you look at the time line of phone calls here, when they were made, this whole thing happened between about 7:11 p.m. with 12 seconds and about 7:19. that's how quick this window was. we're looking for one minute. i'm telling you, this man, this young man, mr. martin, was not out there chasing him around. he was on the phone with his girlfriend. >> two people know what happened. one of them is alive. >> i'm not subscribing to any notion. just asking questions. >> the best evidence that 911
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tapes that lou mentioned when george zimmerman was on the phone. he was the instigator and the aggressor. >> if he stayed in the car, the kid is still alive. >> everything is consistent with that. over and above that, there's a basic fundamental concept here that should never be ignored. he had no authority to approach this young man. and somehow through divine intervention, he ended up in a physical conflict with him. if you're telling me that trayvon approached him, i'm suspect of that based on the fact we had a phone call going on at that time. we already have the groundwork laid by zimmerman who appears to have been in the mode of contacting him. >> we have to leave it there. stick around, guys. we'll talk more about this in a minute and we'll talk about soledad's special a town hall meeting tonight on cnn that's beyond trayvon race and justice in america. you can watch that at 8:00 and
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10:00 p.m. eastern. alina cho has other headlines for us this morning. >> filmmaker spike lee doing the right thing after re-tweeting an address claiming to be the home of trayvon martin shooter george zimmerman. lee agreed to pay for the couple's expenses after they had to move out. elaine and david mcclain's attorney said the couple received hate mail and feared for their lives so they moved out and checked into a hotel. no word on how much lee paid the mcclains. fbi investigators are looking at the tapes on this week's jetblue flight. the plane headed from new york to las vegas made an emergency landing in amarillo, texas. osama bin laden fathered four children and had five safe houses during his nine years on the run in pakistan. that's according to a report today in "the new york times." at least two of those children were born in a pakistani
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government hospital. the information coming from one of bin laden's widows in testimony to pakistani investigators. and call it drunk karaoke. everybody does it. guy picked up by the royal canadian mountain police for having one too many drinks. what does he do? in the back of the police car he rants for a bit and then starts singing queen's bohemian rhapsody. the entire song. listen. ♪ mama just killed a man ♪ i see a little silhouette of a man ♪ >> here's his defense, christine. how would i know all of those words and be able to sing them if i was that drunk? >> it's a logical defense. it's a logical defense. >> something to consider. >> he's auditioning.
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>> we really need a metal queen cover band. >> thank you. all right. ahead on "starting point," a republican and a democrat and he's an equal opportunity offender in his new book. arlen specter joins us live. dreaming of getting that oversized check in the middle of megamillions madness. my playlist, the cave. you're watching "starting point." coffee doesn't have vitamins... unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™.
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do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say.
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[ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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♪ >> sensing a theme from alison kos kosik's playlist. alison is live in times square. the number is $540 million. the largest jackpot ever. wow. >> reporter: yeah. it's amazing. here's what's really funny. it's friday. everybody going to work. usually friday is a happy day because the weekend is coming up. today there's an extra spring in
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everybody's step as they buy a little coffee, buy a few lotto tickets. people are pretty hopeful that they will win despite the odds. the odds are 176 million to 1. >> that means there's still a chance. there's still a chance. >> reporter: there's no chance. whatever. they'll go ahead and plunk down their money. we are here in new york. this is just one state out of 41 others. take a look at where else you can play the megamillions and try to win that 540 million including washington, d.c. and virgin islands. few states don't have this going on. florida, hawaii. find someone else in the states where the game is happening and give them a couple dollars and say we'll split it. speaking of splitting, i was talking to my cameraman. he says there's a big pool of cameramen at cnn that are playing. if they win, take a look at what
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you'll see on cnn if they win? >> they asked me to be their financial adviser. i'm already involved. i'm completely involved in all of that. >> skimming 1% off the top. >> i want to bring in president and ceo of connecticut lottery. when you watched this happen as the jackpot got bigger and bigger. what were you talking about in your office? you must not believe the magnitude of this. >> we can't play but we're focused 0en how happy our players are. this jackpot is really big because people are excited and they're happy about playing. it's just a great story. it's money for our players. it's money for our retailers. it's money right back to the state of connecticut and all of the other participating states. >> for every dollar spent with 36 cents going back to the state? >> about 38 cents in connecticut. it varies from state to state. >> that goes for education in the general fund. >> it goes into the general fund. it can be for education. it can be to provide funds for municipalities. it can be for all of the social services that are so important.
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it goes to our retailers. most importantly it goes to the winner. a little bit goes to run the lottery. really to retailers and players. >> yesterday i tweeted out are you a lump sum or annuity kind of person. do you know what's the most involved conversation people have had in a really long time. most people run through this money in ten years. >> they need a good financial adviser. >> i would spend it all on scratchoff games. >> double up. >> $540 million. what's your advice as a lottery official when we win, what's the first thing we're supposed to do? >> you should make sure you keep that ticket in a safe and secure place. that's really, really important. you have to have that ticket to win. don't come and see me without the ticket, please. >> don't run to the bar and forget it somewhere. >> you want to sign the back of the ticket and reach out to trusted advisers, financial planners, lawyers, people who
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can help you deal with that kind of fun but life altering event. >> let's just all dream for a minute. >> how many people play? >> you know what we know is people who are playing and getting into the game that don't normally do that. that's great for the other players. >> all right. >> megamillions is not available in nevada. is that because they don't like gambling? >> you know, nevada just has chosen not to have a lottery. >> ann, thank you for joining us. ahead on "starting point," naked senators and martinis. former senator arlen specter talking about living among the cannibals in d.c. from my playlist and will cain's, lyle lovett. you're not from texas but texas loves you any way. you're watching "starting point."
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welcome back. just into cnn representative paul ryan of wisconsin has endorsed mitt romney for president. just happening within moments. we thought that would happen any day now. let's bring in senator arlen specter. his new book is life among cannibals. we'll talk about that book in a moment. i want to start with this endorsement quite frankly. mitt romney has been sort of consolidating both delegates and endorsements over the past couple of months and listen to the most recent. >> barbara and i are very proud to fully and enthusiastically
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endorse and support our old friend mitt romney. >> mitt romney we have a candidate, an alternative and he's been successful in the private sector and offers clear alternative to the direction this president will take the country. >> and now congressman wall ryan adding his voice here. does it sound like the republican party, sir, which you were a part for a long time, does it sound like the republican party is getting behind mitt romney? can you hear me? i'm afraid senator arlen specter couldn't hear us. >> i honestly want to hear -- >> or that's silence. >> as a senator who has been both a democrat and republican. i'm curious what is arlen specter's endorsement? has he said the president? >> he said so far he's not happy with anybody quite yet.
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are you telling me he's ready? senator arlen specter so nice to see you. sorry we had audio flub at the top. i was asking you, congressman paul ryan has now endorsed mitt romney. a couple other key endorsements from the first former president bush and also marco rubio this week. do you think your former party, which you were a member for a long time, is now getting behind mitt romney? >> well, it appears so. in the long run i don't know that endorsements are all that significant. whoever is elected president without a congress which is functioning there can't be much done to run the government and right now we have a congress which is partisan, dysfunctional, caused by the fact that a very able senator like bob bennett in utah with a 93% conservative rating is defeated in a primary.
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my book goes behind the scenes and talks about cannibals devouring senators. >> who are those cannibals? is it all of washington or a certain strain? >> they are the extremists. the tea party insists on having purity and on the democratic side a strong senator like joe lieberman can't win a primary but my book goes into detail as to what happens behind the scenes and provides a suggestion for how to make washington work again. that is the example of senator lisa in alaska. she was beaten in the primary. she came back and she won on a write-in virtually unprecedented in american political history. if you acquaint the people about the nature of the problem and
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you motivate the people, you can even win on the extraordinary circumstance of a write-in. do you know how hard it is to spell her last name? >> you mentioned an alaskan politician. i want to get to serious matters. the book is good. you are getting press and attention for some of the more personal things you say about your former colleagues. for example, sarah palin who you say radiated sensuality. and you talked about ted kennedy being naked in the gym. that's what's getting a lot of press too. some of these more colorful remembrances of your colleagues. >> i like to use humor. if you can get people to laugh, you can get people to listen. if you take the situation with ted kennedy, i was in the
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whirlpool. the hot tub. and in comes teddy 285 pounds in his birthday suit. he plops into the hot tub and the old theory about a rising tide lifts all boats, my head hit the ceiling. i also talk about president reagan when i was with him alone in the presidential limousine coming to philadelphia for the 200th anniversary of the signing of the constitution. the president talked about a joke, about sending condoms to the soviets and i don't want to tell you the whole story and this may not be -- >> you want us to buy the book, i understand. >> i do. i'll finish the story. sending condoms to the soviets. 16 inches long.
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marked medium. >> oh my. >> a lot goes on behind the scenes. this book is really basically serious about the destruction of the political system where you have the extremists on both sides. members are afraid to vote against the party line for fear that one vote may lead to a primary. bob bennett, senator from utah backed president bush's help for the banking industry and automotive industry and that one vote knocked him out of the senate. you have now bob kerry in nebraska being hit by the far left and the answer is found in the constitution. we, the paeople. if the people are informed, if the people are motivated -- >> that's right. all right. senator arlen specter, thank you for joining us this morning. >> it's been enlightening.
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>> pulling back the curtain. >> a book to buy. >> the humor sells the big ideas. the new idea is called "life among cannibals." thank you, sir. hail, twister, overturned trailer and a couple drives through it with the camera on. president obama tells people to choose. this is from marc's playlist. lee armstrong. do you know what it means? ♪ what's this? [ male announcer ] quaker oatmeal squares
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alina cho has the headlines for us. a raid by french police pickses up 20 suspected islamics. mara was killed last week. police not saying if there's any connection between that case and these latest arrests. take a look at this rare sight. a tornado south of the border in northeast mexico. the video shot by two women driving on a freeway in monterey yesterday. they say in all of the years they lived in mexico, never seen or heard about a tornado forming. it's pretty incredible. the women said their car was hit by hail and large rock. thankfully though they are okay. we have chilling new video of a deadly tornado that flattened the city of henryville, indiana, earlier this month. nearly killed 11 children on a school bus. look at the tornado. massive f-4 hit the city on march 2nd just after 3:00 p.m.
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school bus driver angel perry was taking those 11 students hope when she noticed the skies darkening and decided to radio dispatch. >> angel had to make a split second decision and decided to turn around and head back to the school. when she got there, she got those kids off the bus and fast. listen to how she did it. >> everybody stay together. right now. go. go. go. go. go. and look at what happened just three minutes later. this is video from the school bus security camera. hail and 175-mile-an-hour winds ripping that bus apart. in fact, the 36,000 pound bus flew in the air and land aed
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across the street through the front of a local diner. fortunately the diner had been evacuated moments earlier. that's a close call and a smart bus driver. >> very smarts but driver. thank you. the senate shooting down a bill from president obama to cut off tax breaks to big oil. gas prices up 22 cents since last month. today's average for a gallon of regular, 3.93 fueling record profits for oil companies. what now? frank is the energy and national security program director at the center for strategic international studies, a nonpartisan think tank. welcome to the program this morning. >> glad to be here. >> let's talk about what's driving these oil prices up. when i talk to people, they say demand for gasoline in the u.s. is down. domestic production of oil is the highest it's been in ten years in this country. we have gas prices and oil prices that continue to move higher. is it the rest of the world is moving the needle and this is not an american story anymore? >> that's the point. this is a global market. domestic demand is down in terms of gasoline in this country and supply is up.
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it's a global market of 89 or 90 million barrels of oil a day. >> when we look at the short-term and you hear people talking about i'll lower gas prices or do this to stabilize gas prices, is that political hyperbole when you look at the global supply and demand picture? >> in longer term there's a bunch of things you can do. in terms of refinery configurations, new production, cafe standards and alternative fuels. >> this is the number one talking point at american kitchen tables because this is what they feel the most. they look at record prices and say it doesn't feel fairs but when their profits go up, what i'm paying goes up. 71% of people polled said that this is causing them financial hardship. only 29% said no. this makes it continuing to be a political story. you see gas prices getting any
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better and political rhetoric cooling off? >> i think it stays high. historically gasoline prices in this country tend to go down after july. after the fourth of july. driving season starts in may. we're starting the system about 30 cents a gallon higher than we should be at this time of year. that's what's causing pain. both for the economy and the individual consumer. >> if you took away tax deductions for big oil companies like democrats want to, would that help or hurt gas prices or have no effect at all? >> so your point earlier about the political rhetoric, the messaging on both sides is the richness of the profits on the one side, which is true. and then the impact of gasoline prices on the other side, which is also true. i can't imagine that $2 billion would affect gasoline prices one way or another. this is a long-term investment scenario and actually companies are looking to benefit their shareholders. >> all right.
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frank, thank you so much. nice to see you testified yesterday on the hill. ahead on "starting point," mitt romney picked up another endorsement. representative paul ryan of wisconsin. we'll talk to someone who is predicting the gop race will be over tuesday. you're watching "starting point." multi-policy discount. paperless discount. paid-in-full discount. [yawning] homeowner's discount. safe driver discount. chipmunk family reunion. someone stole the nuts. squirrel jail. justice! countless discounts. now that's progressive. call or click today.
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when haiti suffered a massive earthquake two years ago, many people responded by giving money. jake wood responded by a facebook post saying i'm going to haiti, who's in? >> in the military everyone is taught how to lead and how to follow and how to solve problems. we pride ourselves on being ready and willing to go anywhere. i started in the marine corps
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deployed to iraq and afghanistan. when i first saw the earthquake that hit haiti, a lot of the images i felt like i had seen them before driving through the streets of fallujah or afghanistan. i realized i could actually help out. i went on facebook. i'm going to haiti, who's in? 72 hours after that we were on our way to port-au-prince. we got to work setting up a triage clinic. we realized veterans are really useful in these types of situations. i'm jake wood and i want to help veterans transition to civilian life and help others in need. it started as a disaster relief organization and then we realized he could help the veteran community as well. we bring veterans together to be a part of a team once again. they are almost recharged. >> when you get out you have that feeling of what are you really doing that's important in the world? this provided a great opportunity to help people in need. >> most of the work we do internationally is emergency
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medical tremendousa atriage cli. we've gone to chile. we have done debris clearing operations, search and rescue. we have 1,400 volunteers and 80% of them are military veterans helping other people is part of the healing process. >> i can't thank you all enough. >> there's no limit to what veterans can do. we have the ability to help and we want to serve. it's a win-win situation. >> all right. ahead on "starting point," just in, another endorsement in for mitt romney. does this change anything? the gop race could be over by tuesday some say. from ryan's play list, cat power "living proof." you're watching "starting point." ♪ ♪
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just in moments ago, a key endorsement for mitt romney from paul ryan. >> who is the best person to be president? who will make the best president and who has the best chance of defeating barack obama? in my opinion, mitt romney is clearly that person. >> this comes after endorsements from president george h.w. bush and marco rubio this week. jo so he's consolidating endorsements. >> slowly they're coming along. there are 47 republican senators. how many have endorsed mitt romney? 18. and so still if you look historically at the pace of endorsements for the front runner for the person we agree will be the nominee of the republican party, it's still
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grudging and it's still slow and he's behind the pace of mccain, bob dole and previous gop nominees. >> it's not just numbers. it's who and what senators. we're talking about marco rubio, leader of the tea party movement. mike lee. paul ryan, conservative. these are interesting endorsements. >> i think demint is the true leader of the tea party movement. he has said something positive about romney but he didn't endorse. everyone is getting more comfortable with mitt romney. this thing will -- we'll have this conversation ten more times between now and june. >> tepid is the new black. >> paul ryan says the primary race is becoming counterproductive it runs much longer. a lot of people agree to that. >> i think this moves on and as santorum weakens and fades and romney strengthens could be the exact opposite. you could see romney consolidating support and looking stronger. when romney is losing, he looks weak. >> do all endorsements translate to support among social
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conservatives or consolidation of the main street crowd? >> that's the fundamental dynamic that will play out. we know demographics that support romney and demographics that support santorum. i think at the end of that these voters voting for santorum have no place to go. they don't like barack obama. they will come home to romney. >> what do you think john king learned that romney and gingrich had this weekend meeting. what do you think that was all about? >> newt gingrich is the mystery man in this delegates. perhaps he's negotiating for something. >> he's cutting staff. he's clearly running on fumes. >> he's basically dropped out. he's presented this as cutting staff and he's going to focus on the convention but he's dropped out of the race. he's not campaigning anymore. >> if anybody understands his leverage, newt does. >> newt's money man, let's listen to what he said. >> it appears as though he's at
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the end of his line. he can't get anywhere near the numbers. >> if anybody knows -- >> being dumped by someone else in case you're just tuning in. >> he knows the math because he's the money. >> my favorite newt fact is that he's reading this book about brokered conventions. there's a book about five historic conventions from 1900 to 1956. newt does have this idea that you can deny and maybe santorum will deny romney the 1,144. get to the convention and everything will be up in the air. >> where does this leave santorum? is he running for president now? is he running for president in 2016? he's running for president next time around. >> 2016 will be the gop heavy hitter year. >> as to this race, we've had a disagreement about where we are. this is over for me. mitt romney is the republican nominee for president. ryan recognizes there's a chance that rick santorum can deny
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romney the nomination but highly improbable in my opinion. >> you can still win the megamillions or santorum can deny mitt romney -- >> i think the latter is a better chance. >> as an observer, i think what's going on is who is the standard bear and negotiator and carries for social conservatives in a broader discussion. maybe rick santorum is thinking that. >> i disagree about santorum's prospects next time around. he's a place holder candidate for a social conservatives for whatever reason that don't like romney. their only place to go in this race is santorum. i don't think it's about a lot of rick santorum. >> lesser reflection on rick santorum. >> didn't marco rubio this week say i will not be the vice president with a smile on his face. he said it a lot. >> you say that until you don't say it. >> presumptuous to say, yes, i would. >> in two years it will be rubio. i want to see debate of joe
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biden versus marco rubio combover versus the plugs. >> do we have resolution on tuesday or we don't? >> we have this conversation a dozen more times before the end of the race. >> i can't wait. >> all states in april romney will win. there's a boat load of states in may that santorum is going to win. it will revive talk of why can't romney put this away. >> what if he wins wisconsin? >> he's not going to win wisconsin. we know the demographics of wisconsin and that these two win over, he won't win wisconsin. it's predictable right now. >> stephen colbert cannot put away his countdown to loving romney clock? >> not until the convention in august. >> it will be interesting. >> thanks so much. the end point with our panel is next. [ kyle ] my bad.
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[ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent.
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five-mile run and ready to go to work to end the week. black keys, "everlasting life." we'll start with john since you had the song. >> i'm doing a personal end point. i had offbroadway solo show which is beginning its tour this coming tuesday in seattle at the neptune theater. and tickets for ft. lauderdale go on today. >> all right. sounds great. >> some may adjust back to trayvon martin for a minute. i think we should watch very closely to see what the next developments are going to be. i think there should be an arrest. i think when there's an arrest, it's going to be a punctuation point with respect to this case. the second thing, there's a longer story and that is a new awareness about the efforts to
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pass these kill at will stand your ground laws in the states, which have arisen only in the last five or six years. these laws are new and what's behind them are the same forces that are behind voter i.d. laws. i think that's going to be a continuing conversation as to why all of a sudden you have this effort to change the laws of states being orchestrated from behind the scenes. >> yours? >> i'll repeat two points that arlen specter made on this program moments ago. when he said and described a naked 285-pound ted kennedy getting into the senate whirlpool and raising the water level and in my favorite one is when he said he was sitting in a limousine with president reagan who wanted to send 16-inch condoms to the soviets marked medium. >> my end point is about the megamillions. buzz kill first saying if you have high interest credit card
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