tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 3, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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country will end up spending more on health care and the only reason the government will save any money it won't be on our books is because we shifted to the seniors. they will bear more of the costs themselves. it's a bad idea. it will ultimately end medicare as we know it. now, the proponents of this budget will tell us we have to make all of these draconian cuts because our deficit is so large. this is an exis a sten shall crisis, we have to think about future generations, so on and so on. and that argument might have a shred of credibility were it not for their proposal to also spend $4.6 trillion over the next decade on lower tax rates. we're told that these tax cuts
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will supposedly be paid for by closing loopholes and eliminating wasteful deductions. but the republicans refuse to list a single tax loophole they are willing to close. not one. and by the way, there is no way to get even close to $4.6 trillion in savings without dramatically reducing all kinds of tax breaks that go to middle class families. tax breaks for health care, tax breaks for retirement, tax breaks for homeownership. meanwhile these proposed tax breaks would come on top of more than a trillion dollars in tax giveaways for people making more than $250,000 a year. that's an average of at least
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$150,000 for every millionaire in this country. $150,000. let's step back for a second and look at what $150,000 pays for. a year's worth of prescription drug coverage for a seniors citizen. plus a new school computer lab, plus a year of medical care for a returning veteran, plus a medical research grant for a chronic disease, plus, a year's salary for a firefighter or a police officer. plus, a tax credit to make a year of college more affordable. plus a year's worth of financial aid. $150,000 could pay for all of these things combined. investment in education,
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research that are essential to economic growth that benefits all of us. for $150,000 that would be going to each millionaire and billionaire in this country. this budget says we'd be better off as a country if that's how we spent it. this is supposed to be about paying down our deficit? it's laughable. the bipartisan simpson-bowles commission that i created, which the republicans originally were for until i was for it, that was about paying down the deficit. and i didn't agree with all of the details, i proposed about 600 billion more in revenue, and 600 billion -- sorry, it
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proposed about $600 billion more in revenue and about $600 billion more in defense cuts than i proposed in my own budget. but it was a serious honest balanced effort between democrats and republicans to bring down the deficits. that's why although it differs in some ways my budget takes a similarly balanced approach. cuts in discretionary spending, cuts in mandatory spending, increased revenue. this congressional republican budget is something different altogether. it is a trojan horse disguised as deficit reduction plans, really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. it is thinly veiled social
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darw darwinism. it is an thetical to our land of turnt and upward mobility to everyone willing to work for. a place where prosperity doesn't trickle down from the top but grows outward from the heart of middle class. and by gutting the very things we need to grow an economy that's built to last. education and training, research and development, our infrastructure, it is a prescription for decline. and everybody here should understand that because there's very few people who who haven't benefitted at some point from those investments that were made in the 50s and the 60s. and the 70s. and the 80s. that's part of how we got ahead. and now we're going to be pulling up those ladders up for the next generation.
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so in the months ahead i will be fighting as hard as i know how for this truer vision of what the united states of america is all about. absolutely we have to get -- >> looking at pictures, live in washington, president obama essentially game on here, against his republican rivals taking on his critics as well. also a fiery pitch for his economic policy, i want you to listen to one of the things he just highlighted. >> in this country broad-based prosperity has never trickled down from the success of a wealthy few. it has always come from the success after strong and growing middle class. >> mark preston is joining us. you and i talk about this while this was happening here that this really is a game on kind of campaign speech. what i found really stunning
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here is he not only took on newt gingrich but he also by name mentioned mitt romney. >> yes. actually look, game on. this speech comes at a time when his campaign releases an ad which attacks mitt romney, accuses mitt romney of being tied to big oil, which is not good of course given the fact that fuel prices are rising rising rising. it also comes at a time when mitt romney happens to be with paul ryan who is the architect of this budget as we speak right now in wisconsin. so, as we saw in that comment that the president said, this is a big appeal to the middle class. >> a couple things he mentioned, he talked about medicare, concerns about medicare changing. that's very important, too, because you're talking about older voters, that's a group that's going to come out and vote. he talked about the $150,000 tax break for every millionaire and what that would mean for ordinary folks, like firefighters, educators, that type of thing. what is he trying to do? >> we see this every campaign
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where it comes down to class war fair and i know some of our viewers will get mad at me but that's the fact of the matter. it's a class warfare speech by the president trying to appeal to independent voters who might be on the edge who are concerned whether his economic policies trump the republican policies but at the same time we're going to hear the same thing from mitt romney when he finally becomes the nominee, he is going to deliver a similar speech and it's going to be a class warfare speech. the fact of the matter this election is not going to be won by the die hard republicans and the die hard democrats. it's the independent voters in the middle. >> let's talk about the timing of this. is this late here. you still have the republican field trying to figure out who their nominee is. he's jumping in how to criticize who he believes is going to be the nominee likely mitt romney. kind of late in the game, though, yes? >> late in the game but you know, they have been doing this all along, quietly. the obama campaign has been very tactful in strategic how they are going to attack mitt romney.
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they were a little derailed because of the fact of the matter was this republican race got a little bit after shake-up. we saw newt gingrich come on in december, rick santorum in january and many ways it was probably splart by the obama campaign and president obama to stand back and let republicans attack one another. there is something to be said about trying to disable your opponent before he gets on the field. >> we're watching the primaries, happen all day and throughout the evening. so, i want our viewers to do the same. thanks, mark. you can watch cnn's coverage as voters in wisconsin, maryland, washington, d.c. make their choice. our coverage begins at 7:00 eastern tonight with erin burnett followed by anderson cooper 360 and piers morgan at 9:00 eastern. >> i want to go back to another top story here, the school shooting in oakland. forensic investigators are on the scene now, police are searching for the gun. they say 43-year-old one goh used to kill seven people
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yesterday. that was execution style. thelma gutierrez is there at the scene. i understand you have new information. >> reporter: yes. first of all, suzanne, i'll tell that you we spoke with the hospital spokesperson, there were three people wounded in this rampage, all have been treated and released from the hospital so that is good news to report. for last hour we have seen forensic investigators processing the scene. they have been coming in and out of the university and have been looking for evidence. and the key piece of evidence that they are searching for now suzanne, is the murder weapon. possibly a .45 caliber handgun. they are traveling all of the possible routes between the university and the safeway store which is five miles away where that suspect was apprehended yesterday. so, again, looking for that gun and wondering where it might be between the university and that store. >> and tell me, what are we learning about the suspect's
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motives? >> reporter: well, the police chief told us today that he believes the motive is that one goh was upset at a school administrator, a specific administrator. he was mad because she had dismissed him from this university earlier in the year. the police chief says that mr. goh came to this school yesterday, he was very much centered on his target. he knew who he was looking for, didn't find her and then went after the receptionist, took her to look for the administrator. didn't find her and then goes into the classroom and lines up the students and this receptionist against the wall suzanne, then shoots them one by one execution style. >> we'll be getting more information about the investigation, thank you so much, thelma. here is a rundown of some of the
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stories we're covering. first, the surveillance video of the man who shot trayvon martin has now been enhanced. it may tell a different story than you first thought. and a tractor-trailer tumbles off the road, take as tow truck with it. whoa, check that out. then queen elizabeth is celebrating six decades on the throne. turning out to be a big year. to, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. the chevy cruze eco also offers 42 mpg on the highway. actually, it's cruze e-co, not ec-o. just like e-ither. or ei-ther. or e-conomical. [ chuckling ] or ec-onomical. pa-tato, po-tato, huh? actually, it's to-mato, ta-mato.
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video of george zimmerman arriving at a police station after he shot the unarmed teenager. one of these new images say, do they help support zimmerman's claim he was being brutally beaten, fired only to save his life. deborah feyerick. >> reporter: i'm here with jason, one of our agreed et ters here at cnn and we're going to show you a surveillance tape. but in a very different way. this is the night of the shooting. so let's look at this now. let's play it down. and you can see george zimmerman is sort of talking to police. the police officer there looks at the back of his head to see if he can see anything. take a look at this. this is something you actually do see what appears to be some sort of a bump. >> there's a few thing is can do to enhance it. i want to put a contrast on it
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now. bring this out a little more. another color correction tool on it. i'm going to oversaturate it, too, so you can see the reds. >> that's interesting. there definitely looks like something is popping out. >> yeah. raise it. you can see his jacket getting redder and that area getting redder. and i'm going to lighten it up a little bit. raise the whites. there you go. >> fascinating. i'm going to bring in martin savidge in florida. what do we suspect this video shows us? what does it say? does it help zimmerman's claim of self defense? >> reporter: it certainly does, though who are behind him have said that here is clear evidence that what george zimmerman told
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the authorities that it was self defense, that his head was being beaten against the sidewalk by trayvon martin he had to shoot to save his life. they would say that backs up his story. there are others, those who support trayvon martin and who are outraged there has not been an arrest, would say all right, but if you had to go to that length to enhance the look to find any indication of injury that does not really say that he was severely injured in the way that he told authorities or at least the danger that he basically said he was in. so, it hasn't really changed much of anything on either side in this case. >> martin, i found it interesting that he was kind of walking calmly, wasn't like he was hunched over or anything like blood gushing or anything but it's interesting to see what is on that tape. there is another development in the story as well. we're hearing from the state attorney who initially handled the case now lashing out at the martin family attorney saying
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they are outright lies in this letter they sent to the justice department. can you tell us about it? >> reporter: right. you know, in the absence of real news coming from the investigation, it is sort of what's going on on the periph y periphery. there is a battle that has broken out between the attorney that represents trayvon martin's family, benjamin crump. he has put a request in to look into the actions of norm wolfinger, the state attorney that oversees this area. the accusation you could say made by the trump or by the trayvon martin family attorney is that wolfinger supposedly met with the chief of police on the night that the young man was shot and they are sort of saying what was that all b. and of course they are pointing out the facts that george zimmerman was never arrested. so their implication, perhaps, some wrong doing there or impropriety. meanwhile, wolfinger immediately fired back after he heard that and normally you don't hear but said i am outraged by the
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outright lies contained in the letter by general ma min crump. i encourage that no such meeting or communication occurred. i have been encouraging those spreading the irresponsible rhetoric to stop. as we say, normally you don't hear from the state attorney and not in that kind of heated language. it is slshows you that people a edge as this moves forward. >> very strong language there, obviously and unanswered questions. thank you, martin. >> truck flips off an icy mountain, take a look at this. unbelievable video.
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>> because there is a sense that unlike most super powers in the past, we try to set out a set of universal rules, a set of principles by which everybody can benefit. and that's true on the economic front as well. we continue to be the world's largest market, an important engine for economic growth. we can't return to a time when by simply borrowing and consuming we end up driving global economic growth. i said this a few months after i was elected at the first g-20 summit. i said the days when americans using their credit cards and home equity loans finance the rest of the world's growth by taking in imports, those days are over. on the other hand we continue to be an extraordinarily important market and foundation for global
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economic growth. we do have to take care of our deficits. i think christine has spoken before and i think most economists would argue as well that the challenge when it comes to our deficits is not short-term discretionary spending which is manageable, as i said before and i want to repeat, as a percentage of our gdp our discretionary spending, all the things that the republicans are proposing cutting is actually lower than it's been since dwight eisenhower. there has not been some massive expansion of social programs, programs that help the poor, environmental programs, education programs, that's not our problem. our problem is that our revenue has dropped down to between 15 and 16%, far lower than it has
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been historically, lower than it was under ronald reagan. at the same time as our health care costs have surged and our demographics mean that there's more and more pressure being placed on financing our immediate i carry, medicaid and social security programs. so, at a time when the recovery is still gaining steam, and unemployment is still very high, the solution should be pretty apparent. and that is even as we continue to make investments in growth today, for example putting some of our construction workers back to work rebuilding schools and roads and bridges or helping states to rehire teachers at a time when schools are having a huge difficulty retaining
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quality teachers in the classroom. all of which would benefit our economy, we focus on a long term plan to stabilize our revenues at a responsible level and to deal with our health care programs in a responsible way. and that's exactly what i'm proposing. what we've proposed is let's go back for folks making more than $250,000 a year, to levels that were in place during the clinton era, when wealthy people were doing just fine and the economy was growing a lot stronger than it did after they were cut. and let's take on medicare and medicaid in a serious way which is not just a matter of taking those costs off the books, off the federal books and pushing
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them onto individual seniors, but let's reduce health care costs because we spend more on health care with not as good outcomes as any other advanced developed nation on earth. and that would seem to be a sensible proposal. the problem right now is not the technical means to solve it. the problem is our politics. and that's part of what this election and what this debate will need to be about. is are we as a country willing to get back to common sense balanced fair solutions that encourage our long term economic growth and stabilize our budget and it can be done. one last point i want to make that i think is important.
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because it goes to the growth issue. if state and local government hiring were basically on par to what our current -- on par to past recoveries, the unemployment rate would probably about a point lower than it is right now. if the construction industry were going through what we normally go through that would be another point lower. the challenge we have right now, part of the challenge in terms of growth, has to do with the very specific issues of huge cuts in state and local government, and the housing market still recovering from this massive bubble. and that, those two things are huge head winds in terms of growth. if we for example put some of the construction workers back to work or put some of those teachers back in the classroom,
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that could actually help create the kind of virtuous cycle that would bring in more revenues just because of economic growth, would benefit the private sector in significant ways and could contribute to deficit reduction in the short-term even as we still have to do these important changes to our health care programs over the long term. >> you said yesterday it would be unprecedented for a supreme court to overturn laws asked by an elected congress. if that is what the court done during its existence. if the court were to overturn individual mandate, what would you do or propose to do for the 30 million people who wouldn't have health care after that ruling? >> first of all, let me be very specific. we have not seen a court
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overturn a law that was passed by congress on a economic issue like health care, that i think most people would clearly consider commerce, a law like that has not been overturned at least since lockner. so we're going back to the 30s, pre-new deal. and the point i was making is that the supreme court is the final say on our constitution and our laws. and all of us have to respect it. but it's precisely because of that extraordinary power that the court has traditionally
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exercised significant restraint and deference to our duly elected legislature or congress, and so the burden is on those who would overturn a law like this. as i said, i expect the supreme court actually to recognize that and to abide by well-established precedence out there. i have enormous confidence that in looking at this law, not only is it constitutional but that the court is going to exercise its juris prudence carefully because of the profound power
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that our supreme court has. as a consequence we're not spending a whole bunch of time planning for contingencies. what i did emphasize yesterday is there is a human element to this that everybody has to remember. it's not an abstract exercise. i get letters every day from people who are affected by the health care law right now even though it's not fully implemented. young people who are 24, 25, say i just got diagnosed with a tumor, first of all i would not have gone to get a checkup if i had not had health n. second i wouldn't have afforded to get it treated had i not been on my parents' plan. thank you and thank congress for getting this done. i get letters from folks who have just lost their job, cobra
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is running out, they are in the middle of treatment for colon cancer. or breast cancer. and they are worried when their cobra runs out if they are still sick what are they going to do because they aren't going to be able to get health insurance. and the point i think that was made very ably before the supreme court but i think most health care economists who looked that the have acknowledged is there are basically two ways to cover people with pre-existing conditions or assure that people can always get coverage even when they have bad illnesses. one way is a single payer plan. everybody is under a single system like medicare. the other way is to set up a system in which you don't have people who are healthy but don't
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bother to get health insurance and then we all have to pay for them in the emergency room, that doesn't work so as a consequence we've got to make sure those folks are taking their responsibility seriously which is what the individual mandate does. so, i don't anticipate the court striking this down. i think they take their responsibilities very seriously. but i think what's more important is for all of us, democrats and republicans, to recognize that in a country like ours, the wealthiest, most powerful country on earth, we shouldn't have a system in which millions of people are at risk of bankruptcy because they get sick.
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or, end up waiting until they do get sick and then go to the emergency room which involves all of us paying for it. >> very, very generous with your time. we appreciate very much. >> thank you so much everybody. thank you. >> president obama speaking before the news editors in washington. the republican response this from the house pj committee chairman paul ryan. the president criticizing the house budget mentioning the cuts and with the president believes will be the cost to the american people. paul ryan responding here saying like his reckless budgets today's speech by president obama is as revealing as it is disappointing. while others lead by offering real solutions, he has chose tune distort the truth and divide americans in order to distract from his failed record. his empty promises are quickly becoming broken promises, and the american people will hold him accountable for his
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violation of their trust. we should also note as well that mitt romney is going to be atressing the same organization, the same group, tomorrow. we'll also bring that for you live. we'll take a quick break. ♪ ♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter
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>> a tornado watch in dallas. i want to get to chad myers. >> there has been very big hail today already. two, three-inch hail west of dallas, now the potential for some of these storms to ro taxt when that happens you can get a tornado on the ground. that's why they upgraded, really, the severe thunderstorm watch that we had to a tornado watch. we had this yellow box for a while which means that storms could produce hail and wind. the upgrade with the red box, storms could produce tornados and there are big ones, if you are in or near weatherford, texas, a storm is spinning, has been for a while. another notch there making me believe that's very close to i-20. it's about mile marker 392 or so
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there. then a storm here putting down big hail west of jacksboro and there is more to come. more storms will top up across north texas, oklahoma, possibly moving into parts of arkansas as well and louisiana. i want to take you to video, though, because we found it remarkable. of how bad the weather has been across parts of europe. this is a semitruck falling over a cliff, and then the tow truck that was trying to move it also goes with it. here's how the story was written. articulated lori plunged over the cliff as the tow that was trying to move it on its hook went over the cliff. the driver of the first truck, the tow truck, jumped out. the driver of the lorry did not get out, he went down 160 feet to the bottom and is in hospital as they say with broken bones but everyone survived this, unbelievable.
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they tried to -- this truck was going up the hill. didn't make it. suzanne. >> that looks bad there. good that both survived and the tow truck guy jumped out. >> if you look at it again you can see him jump out. he says no, i'm not going down there. >> all right. thanks. it's happened, another deadly school shooting. seven people are dead, some people are saying it is time to let students carry guns on campus to protect themselves. from front to back... and back to front. ♪ giving you exceptional control from left to right... and right to left. ♪ the cadillac cts. ♪ we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs.
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> a kind of tragedy we heard before. deadly shooting on a college campus, this time it happened at a small religious college in oakland, california. now seven people are dead. police say the shooter is a former student who carried out a cold-blooded execution. he is now under arrest and again a lot of people asking, what can be done to stop these acts of violence? even a tucker question here. should students be allowed to have guns on campus to protect
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themselves? law enforcement analyst mike brooks is here, also a former d.c. police detective. mike, you've got this guns on campus movement. it's out of the virginia tech massacre. the judge rules that hey, they did not do their jobs, took too long to actually tell students there was a gunman on campus. is this a good idea? >> well, they corrected that, too. i want to point that out. we've had -- there was another incident where they thought they had a gunman but the notice system worked. this is different. this isn't your traditional college campus. this is one building. so i look at this more as yes, it occurred in a christian school like this but more of a workplace violence shooting if you will. but the question is, should students be allowed to carry guns on campus? i carry a gun all the time. i'm a former law enforcement. i carry a gun here in the city of atlanta.
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i have a permit to carry. and i believe in people's rights to carry weapons, but, do you need to take one to school with you? should the law enforcement agency that's protecting you there on campus, is that enough? this particular campus, it's not a traditional college campus. i think they had minimal security. it's out toward east oakland by the airport. this was, basically, a disgruntled former student that came back and showed no remorse and they call him a cold-blooded killer. >> would it made a difference if any of the students had a gun and able to defend the others? this was lining these guys up and shooting them and killing them. >> right. he came in, took a hostage off the bat and came in to force his way in. and they didn't have much time to react. would it have helped in this case? probably not. but because it happened so quickly. but when you get back to your traditional college campuses like let's say, university of georgia or virginia tech, would
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somebody having a weapon on campus, it may have saved lives. it's hard to say exactly whether or not a weapon, having students armed would save lives or would someone, if a shooting happens, someone loses their temper and they use a gun, could that happen, yeah. it's speculation, pure speculation, but yes, it could save lives. then again it might not. >> i want to show our viewers, 22 states ban guns on college campuses. mississippi is different because they allow with it a special permit though the law is being challenged. then you have 25 states where it's left up to the schools to decide. then you've got last year 18 states introducing legislation to allow guns on campus. two of those bills passed in mississippi and wisconsin. is it a good idea for states to get involved here and make these kinds of decisions for college campuses? >> basically the law. the carry laws are up to each state.
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so they have to work with the college campuses. if you look at a lot of the campuses most aren't circled by a fence or a wall. they are out in an urban setting. so everybody else who is in an urban setting is allowed with the proper cleerns and background checks and permits to carry a gun. so should students who are put in the same environment should they be allowed to have the same rights as everyone else? that's another question that remains, that's up for debate. >> murky situation. >> really is. >> mike, thank you. british queen, she's celebrating 60 years on the throne. we've got a royal expert with the scoop including what is she really like, whether he is a techie, and we've got video of a certain president winking at her. be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids.
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>> because dallas fort worth is such a popular area, i want to get on with it up towards ft. worth and dallas, that would be the next stop for the storm. that's the little red cell right there. it's going to be moving on right into and south of the ft. worth area. it's been brewing over the past couple of minutes. we can take a look at these spotters. they are seeing a low ring in the sky right here.
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not a cloud to the ground yet. that's the wall cloud of what this storm could do, it's getting stronger minute after minute. if you're in the burleson area, this tornado warning has been issued. >> queen elizabeth is celebrating 60 years on the throne this year. that makes her the longest reigning monarch. the diamond jubilee, you ear the author of the book out "her majesty." this is a big year for the queen, yes? royal wedding, will and kate, and we've also got the olympics coming up in london. is the monarchy back? >> the monarchy is back, you're absolutely right. it's been on a role really in the last few years, but over the last year, we had the royal wedding, an amazing historic
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state visit to ireland. the first time a monarch went to the republic of ireland since its creation. the obamas came to stay. we had all the razzmatazz of of that. it's all building up to this great anniversary. no monarch has done 60 years since queen victoria. but when victoria turned 60 on the throne, what we're seeing this year the queen is going up and down the country. there are all sorts of i maizing events planned. it will be a precursor to the olympics. it will be a festival of royalty. william and kate will be very much to the fore. the whole family is rallying around. we're seeing the hus of windsor back in its strongest position than it's been for very many years.
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>> do we know if the queen is tech savvy. the president gave her an ipod and we found out she already had one. is there tweeting going on? >> i think younger members are very savvy. the queen is certainly up to speed on this. not so long ago, the visited the london headquarters of goog. she realized what ant important role i.t. has to play in national and international life. so she often says to prince phillip when they're out on the road if they meet someone interesting, she says we ought to google that. she know what is it's all about. i don't think we'll expect a text from her anytime soon. >> okay. tell us a little bit about her personally. >> i know you talked to folks and other royals very well. >> i was lucky enough to spend over two years behind the scenes at the ballast, meet everybody who works with her from our praeps to her cooks, even to her
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footmen and foot women. there's been a lot of chang at the palace. behind the scenes it's a different institution than the one she inherited. on the surface, we still see the carriages and people in the frock coats and all the pageantry that we love. but it's a very modern instituti institution. she's really a hands-on boss, every tiny little detail of the pop culture at the palace, she will know what the running order is. who am i going to see, how many photographers will there be? >> tell us about, you have some insight on why she wears those colors. >> i'm sorry, i'm losing her. >> those bright colors, can you hear me. robert, are you still there? >> i'm not hearing anything, i'm
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so sorry. >> that's okay. we're going to let you go there. all things royal that robert is going to be following. we're going to take a quick break. get back to another story. fighn and pepperoni breath? fight both fast with new tums freshers! concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. new tums freshers. ♪ tum...tum...tum...tum... tums! ♪ [ male announcer ] fast relief, fresh breath, all in a pocket sized pack.
10:57 am
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notre dame takes on baylor for the women's ncaa final. >> reporter: when the notre dame women's basketball team takes the floor at home, the arena is usually packed. in fact, the women draw more fans than the notre dame men's team. not bad for a school that's only had women enrolled as students since 1972. >> it's nice to have the fans here every night and know how loyal they are to us. >> according to the men's kwlej basketball, outdraws women by more than a 3 to 1 margin. many fans say they simply don't like watching equipme ining wom basketball.
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>> they're not as much fun to watch, man. they can't dunk. it's that simple. >> reporter: but women's basketball at notre dame draws a different audience. >> our fans tend to come from a different segment of the population. they come from families, senior citizens, the community at large as opposed to more of the student body. >> notre dame's success filling seats is from winning. this year the team had a 30346 overall record heading into the ncaa tournament. but the team actively recruits fans off campus. >> we're out talking at the schools, helping at the food bank, we're really trying to get vo involved. this is our community, too. >> if they can get someone to come to one game, her girls can hook them. she thinks the women's game now is where the nba game was 25 years ago. >> you had larry bird, magic
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johnson. a lot of great passing, a lot of great scoring but not a lot of dunking. >> i think we're becoming more like the guy's game in the sense that you never know who can win a game. everybody is getting better, the teams are involving. anybody can beat anybody on any given night. >> more superstars are also emerging in the women's game, including skylar diggens, the player of the year. she thinks it's only a matter of time before the ladies get the respect she thinks they deserve. >> the three-point arc is the same. our ability to shoot the ball is not different. >> reporter: and notre dame, of course, football is number one. but these women are not jealous. women's basketball was number two behind football at the school last year in average fans. the team made it to the ncaa championship game but lost. this year, the goal is to win it all and bring in even more fans.
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cnn, south bend, indiana. >> we continue right now with brooke baldwin. thank you so much. a lot of news unfolding at this hour. we want to begin with "rapid fire." roll it. >> we want to begin here first with president obama. paul ryan's plan called social darwinism. >> it is a trojan horse disguised as deficit reduction plans is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. it's thinly vailed social darwinism. it's antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who's willing to work for it. >> the spt advocating what he called share responsibility through higher taxes on the wealthy. we want to turn now on chad myers watching some damage here.
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the aftermath now. we're talking a tornado warning around dallas? >> just south offal and ft. worth. two separate warnings and tornadoes. there are two separate tornado warnings for two separate counties. we have this storm over the doppler weather radar. it doesn't show up well because it's right under the radar, but that has a tornado on the ground and moving to the northeast at about 25 miles an hour. this storm here, that storm right there, that's the dallas storm. that's dallas county, moving up just from about 35 e right up 35 e into southern dallas county. that has a tornado signature on it. don't have any confirmation yet that there's damage with this storm, but both storms right now are getting bigger, they both have been rotating and they both have significant foblts of damage on the ground heading into dfw. there's a picture from
11:03 am i had a great view of it earlier. it's almost completely obscured. there's rain, there's mail. some have hail the size of tennis balls today with the storms already and it's just the beginning. >> you and sean are in weather center. send me a tweet if you're in the area. tell me what you see out the window. stay safe. dick cheney out of the hospital. the former vice president had a heart transplant 10 days ago. he thanked the doctors and staff for his care. he also expressed a, quote, deep gratitude to the donor and the donor's family. cheney was on the waiting list for nearly two years. and we are minutes away from hearing from a transgender miss universe contestant who's now being allowed to compete in canada after all.
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donald trump has now explained the reason for this whole about face. take a listen. >> well, we went by the laws of canada and the laws of the united states and those laws say that she southbound allowed to enter the fact, so she will be entering the ms. canada pageant, but we went strictly by the laws. >> she and her attorney, gloria allred are slated to speak about the decision about 25 or so minutes from now. she was originally disqualified because she wasn't considered a naturally born female. and the son of rupert murdoch is now stepping down of bskyb. james mur dog, last summer's huge news, the news of the world phone hacking scandal. murdoch has consistently denied about the scale of spying that went on, which included ee eavesdropping on celebrities, and victims of crimes.
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terrorist experts say five al qaeda discussion and training sites have been down now for 11 days. why? they're not quite sure. but some experts say al qaeda has fallen victim to a siesh attack perhaps by hackers or a government. no one has claimed responsibility for knocking the al qaeda sites offline. but apparently there's still an al qaeda-related site running. take a look at this picture. new york police and the fbi, they're trying to figure out where this came from originally. it shows the city with words qualcomming soon again in new york. there's no specific or credible threat to new york authorities say. the u.s. is offering a huge bounty for the alleged mastermind of this, the 2008 terror attacks in mumbai, india
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at the taj hotel. the award for the man behind the attacks, as much as $10 million. they're looking for a pakistani moon. 166 people died. and if you fly allegiant fare, a new fee of $35 yjust to put you carry-on item in the bins. the new fee goes into effect tomorrow. allegiant is the second carrier to charge a carry-on fee. spirit air has been doing it for two years now. and neal patrick harris will be hosting the tony awards. you know harris, he's a tv sitcom and broadway actor himself. he's also producing this year's tonys for cbs. the show airs june 10. and we have a lot more for you on this tuesday over the course of the next two hours. watch this.
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a former student tells police he was bullied and picked on and now this 43-year-old is accused of shooting his classmates execution style. we'll talk to an eyewitness who was in the middle of the chaos. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. a judge declares a mistrial after a killer says he had an affair with the prosecutor. we're on the case. heads roll after your taxpayer cash paid for a clown, a mind reader and a lavish party in las vegas, all for government workers. plus, if you are in handcuffs, police can now strip search you. for any type of arrest. and carney wilson opens up about her second bypass surgery and a very pregnant jessica simpson reveals her weight gain. is the criticism against them fair? we're talking wait, because it's trending.
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literally both storms right along t along san antonio. for a time, 35 splits. the west portion and the east portion. ironically, these storms are paralleling the interstates perfectly. one moving right up into eastern ft. worth and one on the ground moving into southern dallas. north offal, you need to take cover. make sure you're personally safe with these storms. most homes here don't have basements. the first flow is just fine. get inside into a kitchen, into a ploz et, into a bathroom, somewhere close without too many win dpoeps you don't want to be able to see the outside. if the window breaks, it can cut you. closets are great, bathrooms are late. a lot of people go into the
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bathtub because they're so strong. cover yourself, get out of the way and certainly get inside. >> i want to take you quickly to that horrible situation in oakland, kprap seven people killed by a disgrunted former student at a vocational education school. this was yesterday right around this time. absolute chaos. shots ringing out, people running in all directions. stud we now have more facts about the story beginning with this, a possible motive. >> we do know that he was upset at administrators at the school. we do know that he was upset with several stoopts here because of the way he was treated when he was enroll hooder two months ago. >> tt victim drove five miles to
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this safeway grocery store, walked up to customer service and turned himself in. >> he did look a little distraught and discombobulated. he looked at me and i think he wept directly, when you walk into the safe way, went to the restrooms, right to the left of store entrance. i didn't see him after that. when i was. co-ing out of the store, however, i did see him arrested in front of the store. >> we can't show the gunman's name, but the alleged killer here is 43-year-old one l.goh. described as a korean national. he allegedly went into this school looking for an unidentified administrator. he didn't find that administrator
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but he a secretary and lined up nursing students and said i'm going to kill you all. seven people dead, three wounded in oakland, california. shot some shaky video. forgive me, i want to go to dallas. take a look at this with me. live pictures. take a look at this. this comes from our dallas affiliate. we are looking live at a tornado. do we know specifically where this is? this has moved up along the i-35 corridor.
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there's another on the ground near spinx airport. that's parts of ft. worth right along i-35. it has moved on up into dallas airport. even towards love field in the next 10 to 15 minutes. >> we saw these people passingover are on by a tornado. do they not see this? >> they see it. i lived in oklahoma city for many, many years. you take a look at this, you realize it's not going to hit you and you feel safe. but these storms do, in fact, turn left and right. this has been moving north-northeast at 25 miles an hour. then a storm right now is getting larger. that is at least 120-mile-an-hour tornado on the ground, moving from south dallas
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county right on up into dallas proper. this is going to be -- and the storm is not getting any weaker and the storm has nothing to fight with. this storm can be on the ground far long time. the storm was upgraded to a tornado watch about an hour ago. which means tornadoes could occur. tornadoes are occurring in terrant and dallas county. an amazing shot from dallas. >> what should people be doing? >> get inside, get down, get under something. pets, kids, you, inside. next, get inside, away from windows. a closet is great. make sure there aren't bowling balls above you. you take pillows with you. if you have kids, small children, toddlers, you can put them in car seats.
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they're made to protect toddlers and infants from impact in cars. >> look at the picture, can you tell me what we're looking at? you see this chunk of tornado from the left hand side of the screen. forgive me my lack of technical terms. but on the right side, it seems like something is spinning underit. the real tornado is under "ea" in breaking news. there's a small little something, i think that's just part of the wall cloud that's now above that push or tree. that's not the tornado. the tornado is now moving to the left and off the screen here. now you get a feeling for it. this is now moving up, this is the 35-e corridor, 35 east. i don't want to forget about the
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people in ft. worth. there's a tornado on the ground around 35-w, spinx aur port. interstate 35 sblits as it goes through dallas. the tornado you're seeing on the ground will come out from behind the trees in a moment. it's the i-35 east tornado. it will move right into downtown dallas. this has always been the biggest fear of the putting cities in tornado alley. you always wonder what's going to happen when a tornado finally hits the town. because it will. tornado in cities, they don't get along because there's not that many cities compared to open land, but eventually, tornadoes will hit cities and this one is now moving into dallas.
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>> sorry, chad, i'm having a conversation with somebody in my ear. we went two hours wall to wall with other tornadoes in other states. how does that compare with other tornadoes? we were talking f-4 not too long ago. compare that to the dallas area. >> this is not henryville. >> thank goodness. >> there's rain on the lens now. i don't see a wedge tornadoes on the ground producing 165 mur winds. >> this is 120 urks 125. that's a significant tornado on the ground in a city. if a storm runs through a field, you don't get damage. if you get that same storm into a populated area, people are stuck in cars, their red lights are stuck. you've got gridlock trying to get out of the way.
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you want to be inside your home. don't be any kind of hero. we want you inside and safe. nay ear all by themselves. they're super cellular. i believe the ft. worth tornado is probably bigger than this one. the one just to the east of 35-w on the ground, that's on the ground probably a little larger. that may be approaching the western suburbs of arlington, texas. please take cover right now. this is the storm. i-35 east moving across the highway here. >> you can see the rein really coming down. >> yes. now they are in the backside of the storm. they have missed the hail core north of them. the rotation was there for a while. as soon as we get another picture of something on the grounds, snafs amazing video, amazing footage. there are two accept a --
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separate tornadoes on the ground still. >> we'll talk in just a moment. meantime, oak, california. we talked about what happened at this university. eyewitness to some of this chaos that happened yesterday. artery chards was there at the scene. he shot some shaky video. art, from what i understand, you were going to pick up a friend and we were across the sheet from where theed shooting happened. what was the first thing you heard, what was the first thing you saw? >> well, like i was selling the colleague over here on the ground, i thought it was a car accident. i seen a couple of cop cars. i was early, you know, rubber neck. me and one other guy, no one
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around. we rooked to our left and there was a young lady in the bushes behind the tree. sle looked sketchy like she was scared. we thought she was on drugs and she came out finally and said i've been shot. i was like what are you talking about. she showed us her arm. and a good little chunk of her arm was missing on the lower right arm on her right side. and so i was like what is going on? she told me one of her classmates or former classmates went into the school and started shooting. and she said she seen with her own eyes point blank range one of her classmates get shot in the chest and in the head. >> wow. so she had seen this, you see her in the bushes frightened, a piece of her arm missing. and then you pull out your cell phone video.
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you a you saw the emts putting folks into the back of some ambulances. did you hear gunshots? >> yeah. >> how many? >> about 10 minutes later behind me across the grass about 30 feet. there's an asian guy standing there. i didn't know he was behind us. get down on the ground, put your hands behind the back. he put is the young lady in that got shot. and, you know, for an i.z., it looked like she said that wasn't him. >> it was or was not? >> while that was taking place, gunshots rang out and it sounded like there was a gun battle of 1078 sort and you hear glass breaking. i get down, everybody is getting down. everything is happening so fast i'm like wow, this is real. something big is going on. >> were people screaming? describe what you were hearing outside of the school. a. >> one more time?
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>> were people screaming, as you're sde scribing was it just sheer panic at this point in time? >> yeah, there was panic, there was chaos. police was running, hiding behind cars, going towards the school. you know, i just -- me and the other individual got on the ground. hid behind an area by a tree. >> can you describe -- how much dop you know about this particular university or even this part of oakland, the community? is this something you would ever expect top see, to happen here? >> well, oakland is known, you know, for high crime rate. you know, it's soa rough city. nothing horrific has happened that i've seen. it was not good at all.
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>> i thank you for sharing your video. unbelievable what happened there yesterday. the shooter is in custody. you might have missed this one. you need to know you can be strip searched if for any reason at all you go to jail. you don't need to be suspected of doing drugs or being armed. anthony kennedy writing for this 5-4 ruling. every detainee admitted to the general jail population may be required to undergo a close visual inspection trial undr undresed. anyone heading to jail can be strip searched for any reason. jeffrey toobin. so i have this correct. anyone headed to jail can be
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strip searched for any reason at all snp. >> that's absolute right. the supreme court doesn't require this. they don't say every person must be strip searched, but basically the theme of the decision is it's up to the police department. they have to be responsible for their own safety, for the safety of the other inmates. so they have a free hand to take this extreme step, even if someone is arrested for a traffic violation or something really, really minor. >> so to to hit the point home. >> i'm out walking my pug. maybe he's offleash. maybe a cop comes to me and i get mouthy. maybe i get strip searched because my dog is off the leash. is that possible? >> that's absolutely right. the point is not the nature of
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the offense. the point is the risk of people in prison. it's been determined historically that lots of people arrested for minor offenses turn out to be guilty of very dprus things. probably not you and your pug, but they don't want to create a rule that limits is the police in any way. it's important to emphasize that there are four decenting justice here. stephen breyer wrote the defense. he said in essence, this is crazy. we have to have some rule of reason here that some crimes are too minor to merit this kind of treatment. but they lost. >> again, this is justice breyer. he called it a serious affront to human dignity and individual privacy. there's even a suggestion this could violate international law. is that true? >> does it violate people's dignity? a lot would say yes.
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some people would say no. international law is a controversial issue whether that should even supply in the supreme court. stephen breyer says yes. ant anyone scalia thinks no. in any case, the bottom line is very clear that this is now in the soul discretion of the police. justice kennedy left a little -- >> forgive me, i've got to interrupt you. we've got to jump back to this tornado coverage. who is it, wfaa coverage here? >> i would guess a pretty good distance away. yet these wires are being storn off these transformers, even with the storm not being right snex to it. >> i have chief mike moon, the chief in lan kster, what are you seei seeing there right now.
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>> i know we're going to try that in just a moment. we continue to watch a large tornado on the ground. let's put on viper if we can. i want to look at this. i want to have a few more locations for this dallas county storm. this arlington storm, a large tornado -- so that was faa. this is wdfw. here's another shot. we're just going to go with this back and forth here. i'm just seeing a lot of gray. >> here's the deal. we have two tornadoes on the ground, one going into arlington, texas, a large tornado move into lake
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arlingtonington, western arlingtonington. maybe eventually 20 minutes from now into euliss, texas. you need to take cover now. a large and dangerous tornado is on the ground. this is hutchins towards piedmont and eventually towards miskeet, texas. this is dallas county, not fort worth county. we have two simultaneously rotating storms side by side rolling up 35-e and 35-w slightly east now of both of those highways. this storm has been on the ground for a very long time, as it has moved up through hutchins. it will eventually kind of run on up through the river there. every time you see a flash, i just saw one there to the right of the tornado, that's a power line being ripped from its pole or it's a transformer exploding. because we know that this is on the ground doing damage, tearing things up, people need to take cover in dallas county and also in terrant county.
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dallas county, hutchins, piedmont edition and up towards mesqui mesqui mesquite. that was 35-e, that's the 35-e storm. on the west side, not even in this picture, but another major tornado on the ground near lake arlingtonington and also into arlingtonington, texas, itself. you need to be taking cover immediately. >> you can see a couple of homes, it looks like homes in the area. i know it's tough to see. i'm squinting along with you. but there's most definitely a twister here. i'm just told we have a skoorz correspondent out of sdals. debris in the funnel cloud, you mentioned seeing a power source flickering. is this the same twister you were talking about earlier? 125 miles an hour, been on the ground 10 or 15 minutes? >> yes. >> goodness.
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>> this is the storm that moved on up. for a time we had a storm that moved into terrant county. it had damage reported, homes destroyed and it's moved up into the arlington, texas, area. this storm, which now you can really begin to see this picture. this is the dallas county storm. in a little bit of a ruralish area, eventually it will get into the piedmont edition area, which is much more populated than what you see right now. when you're into eastern dallas county, i-35 e, i-20 area, you need to be in your basement if you have one. if you need to be inside your home you do not have a basement on your first floor. >> look at this, one, two, trailer homes. three, four. power. power, power. unbelievable.
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live picture, watching a tornado wr ripping apart rvs in dallas county, texas. >> you can see the swirl, the rotation. what's closest to us is going left to right, picking up the trees, the homes. they may have been semitrailers. >> tractor trailer, thank goodness. hopefully there's no one in them. sitting in a field. >> this is not henryville. this is not the stuff that rolled through indiana, kentucky, tennessee two weeks ago. but this is still very dangerous. >> look at that -- >> it just picked those things uh. that has to be 130-mile-an-hour storm to do something like that. and here's the rub, brooke, these storms have nothing to get in their way. they are literally by themselves, they are super cell. >> look at that. >> this is a track and trailer
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in the air. >> how heavy a tractor trailer would you guess? >> in the neighborhood of 15,000 pounds empty. look how high that went in the air. and you have to imagine the potential. now this is going into homes. this is going into areas where people are actual living. this is why you need to be on the first floor. if you're living in an apartment, start knocking on doors. you do not want to be on the top floor of anything at this point in time in dallas or in terrant county. >> look at those cars precari s precariousprecariou precariously close to the tornado. >> i have never seen a tractor trailer picked up before. >> i have certainly never seen this. 10,000, 15,000 pounds in the air. before we talk about anything you're seeing, please tell me that you are in a safe location. >> i'm actually fine, brooke, thanks for saying that.
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trying to make my way or start heading down towards that area as best as we can. it's interesting, i'm closer to the downtown dallas area, which is probably about 20 miles or so from the images that you're seeing there live on television. and the rain has just started to fall here in the area where i'm at. so it seems to be rather isolated, although from the radar images that i'm seeing on my phone, the storm and the heaviest of it is definitely beginning to move through. they've been sending out warnings throughout the day that this line of severe weather was going to head through the dallas ft. worth area. a lot of people getting the word that was happening or to be prepared for it. but the rain now starting to come down heavier and it kind of makes being able to seen on the roadways more difficult.
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this is a part of town where people heed the words of caution to be as safe as they possibly can at this point. hopefully these storms won't stay on the ground far terribor terribly long time, brooke. >> wfaa has the signal up. chad myers and i are sitting here watching live pictures along with you. two tornadoes in the dallas county and fort ort area. we've been watching it traveling along the ground, just picking up, like a teeny little toy, these different pieces of tractor trailers. and just tossing them in circles in the air. we're going to work on reracking that video for you and play it again. if you missed it. roll it, guys. we'll watch this as we saw the tornado move through moments ago.
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this is the beginning. the first two start to go. this is power. power sources. and in a moment, you will see several of these fly through the air. do 360s before landing back on the ground. >> hundreds of feet in the sky, brook brooke. and this is the storm that's moving into the eastern parts of dallas. dallas county. eventually mesquite. if you're in this area, you need to take cover now. there's a bigger storm on the ground, something called a debris ball. a ball on the radar created by debris in the sky. and that storm is moving into arlington, texas. we've all heard of arlington. we know the texas raengers. >> look at this. hundreds of feet. stay with this. these trailers get picked up again, if not the same ones, different ones and lifted in the sky. they're about 80 feet long in
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themselves. so there you go. >> unreal. >> there it goes. >> it's like a train that someone threw across the room. >> light as a feather, it seems. instead 10,000 pounds likely tossed around in the tornado. this is just one tornado. as we look at these unbelievable pictures here, where pactly is the tornado? obviously that's the wind carrying it? >> the tornado is in the background, spinning in its direction, picking up things. it's almost -- it's obscured because of how gray it is there. sfiems people want to go out and look for these texas-type tornadoes. sometimes you can not see them coming. arlington, texas, i'm very concerned for you. if you know someone if arlington, texas, make sure they're safe. >> live pictures now. back to live.
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>> do you see how there's a bit of farm land here.? the bottom left of the screen is the bridge where the river runs down belo e. there's not many people living in the river valley as there will be. if it is, pab if it's not on the ground anymore. as it gives up towards mesquite, a much more populated densely populated area here. >> you would see the flashes, i don't know if that's lightning or not. we don't appear to see a twister, a funnel in this picture. but it's somewhere. >> it's hard to know what the helicopter pilot could do and what he couldn't do. obviously you have a very fragile flying instrument in the air. you can't b always be at the right place to see the funnel there. >> johnson county sheriff's department, sir, tell me where you are and what you're seeing.
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>> we are located southwest of the dallas ft. worth metro plex. and we have in our area just a couple of homes that have been damaged. a lot of outbuildings that have been damaged. we have no injuries to humans. we do have some livestock injuries. we have a lot of trees and items like that down, but that's it. >> okay, so you're seeing trees, some homes, livestock damage. in your neck of the woods, has this thing totally passed through? >> i'm sorry, i missed that. >> has the storm -- and again, we're looking back at these pictures at this trailer kol plex where you're going to see some of these tossed around in the air. sir, has the storm passed through where you are in johnson county? >> yes, it has. it's passed our area, going up towards ft. worth, towards dallas. >> are you in communication with your counterparts in dallas, ft.
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worth. what kind of damage are they reporting, doourn? >> i'm not sure. we're just taking care of our area at this point. >> is this the kind of thing that you're all accustomed to. do you have warnings or sirens? >> we do have sirens and they were activated. >> what message do you want to get out here for folks who do still have power here on national stel vision. what would you like to communicate to them. >> i would like people to fully understand if their sirens go off to seek cover immediately. don't assume it's just another one that's going to pass you by. take appropriate action to save your lives and loved ones. >> we appreciate you calling in and let us know. if you have any update as far as damage goes, but we really appreciate it, sir. this is tape from a moment ago.
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go ahead, chad. >> i think it's very important what he just said. this may not be the last cell. >> there is more weather to the west of what just caused this. there are more storms to the west, mainly hail makers to the west. but being outside in the two-inch hailstone will do an awful lot of damage to you, your loved ones, your car and your pets. so make sure everyone is i side. >> so i'm beingled to, these pictures we now see crystal clear in the light, this is what we're looking at a matter of minutes ago when we saw trailers tossed about. it looks like to be some massive facility. these are thousands and thousands of pounds in weight and they weres toed around in this massive, what looks like some sort of parking lot for these trailers. just unreal. i'm almost speechless looking at this. >> this was down here hutchins. as the storm came up 35-e, as it's coming out of johnson
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county. we're talking to the person there in johnson county. this storm was on the ground for 10 miles. you know there were men and women working in this facility because it's still only the 1:30 hour there local time. there are people there, buildings that are damaged. and clearly, this is a parking lot, not people sitting there waiting for gas. and that's great news, but the damage that can be done, if you see that, you saw that truck, that 80-foot container, that thing was up in the air at least 100, 200 feet. . >> and look at the traffic, is this presumably i-35, do we know? >> that's going to be probably -- well, i don't know. that could be just an access road. and it could be. it certainly could be, but i can't tell from the left and right sides where that possibly is. but the damage you just saw there, those are people driving. those weren't people that were -- those were people driving a vehicle that was
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flipped. this is probably more the debris that came out of that parking lot. >> it's tough to tell with the different pictures, but we don't know how far some of these tractors were tossed. i would presume based on the picture we saw, that gives you a better idea. they could have hopped to the interstate from this parking lot, landing in someone else's land there. and it almost looks like something is underneath that tractor. >> that is the spare tire of a pickup truck or suburban as this thing is upside down. you put it under the vehicle and that's the bottom of the vehicle turned upside down. and the trailer is now on top of that vehicle. they don't seem to be working too hard. people are looking to see if anyone was in that car at the time and i don't see any rush. >> you see the guy under, looking into the car as we were looking. i'm assuming these again are live pictures here. we're work on getting someone from this particular trucking company.
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obviously they're in urgent mode right now, but as soon as we do, perhaps they can give us a little bit of context as far as, you know, if anyone was in or around any of these tractors when that storm whipped these things up in the air and tossed them. these were the ones that were tossed. you can see people with their cell phones taking pictures. >> this is aluminum, sheet metal flying around in the air. this is why you can not be outside. things will hurt you. debris that's picked up by the tornado, it will fly for feet, for miles. in the henryville tornado, people found checks from that community over 60 miles away. they found addressed envelopes 50 miles away, picked up in the storm, sucked up in the lyingest elevations of the clouds and
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spit out later. the power mother nature has at 120, 130 miles an hour. arlington, texas, you are not out of the woods. the tornado for you, the other tornado is still on the ground, still be taking cover. a second tornado warning is going on. the sirens are sounding. again, those sirens are not the all-clear sirens. they don't blow sirens all clear. the sirens you're saying right now say take cover again. the storm is still on the ground. >> you mentioned, we're talking two tornadoes. we're talking i-35 east, i-35 west. we're talking dallas county and also ft. worth. so i want to go on the phone, we have aaron barth. have you seen the tornado come through as you are in the ft. worth area? >> we did. we did. we saw it approximately 1:10, 1:15 local triem. we saw brief tornadic activity just east of the airport,
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probably two to three miles. it was coming away from the airport, going approximately north-northeast. an we saw the rotation and it just slowly descended, touched down for maybe 10 seconds or so and then gradually just listed and went back up. but, you know, the rotation was still there as it moved away from the airport to the north-northeast. >> how big is the spinx airport and was there any damage at all? >> the airport is not very large when you consider commercial-sized airports like dfw, things like that nature. our airport has 180, 190 based aircraft, most of which are smaller-type airplanes where you go to flight training or recreati recreational-type flying. >> any damage? >> no damage here. no damage here. i can't speak to the folks that
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had the tornado fall right on top of them. but no damage here. plenty of sustained winds. i couldn't tell you what the top peak reported wind were on the field, but certainly strong and some debris. you know, primarily just foliage, shrubs, bushes, small leaves blowing around. >> it's chad myers. i heard on the national service chat that there was a large and dangerous tornado on the ground in kenneddale is just southwest of arlington. we're probably approximately 10 to 12 miles southwest of kennondale. and so that would probably jibe with what we saw here at the airport.
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again, it was loving north-northeast of us, which would probably track it towards that vicinitity. >> that's exactly what happened. >> we appreciate it. stay safe, sir. we are sitting here, what, first or second of april now looking in the midst of the tornado season, looking at these live pictures. a parking lot full of tractor trailers. you will see one after another. thousands and thousands of pounds of weight just tossed up into the sky and deposited hundreds of feet away.
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example right there, boom. back on the ground. flashes of light. obviously that's power. power snapping going out, i presume. we're work on talking to folks on the ground. look at that, another one slamming back on the ground. then in the broad daylight, minutes later, the aftermath. chad myers, how far into tornado season are we? >> we have just started. >> we have just started. >> in fact, mr. wolf blitzer asked me that the other day. he said well, you, are we -- aren't we about done? no, sir, we just started. tornado season happens in america when the cold air from the winter gets pushed back by the warm air of summer. and sometimes the cold air pushes back and says hey, not so fast. this is what we had today. we had cold air mixing with warm air. they mix like vinegar and oil. they don't want to be together. as the warm, moist air goes up, storms are created. thunderstorms that go up can sometimes begin to spin.
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those storms that spin can put down toerpds, almost like an ice skater, a figure skater going slowly in the middle. will do a very quick spin on the one leg with the arm against her body. it brings the tornado down to one point. that happens all the way from about february in the southern sfiets all the way into may and june in nebraska. it can even happen as late as july and august up into calgary and alberta and even into saskatchewan. thisst a phenomenon kind of unique to the united states and canada. we get over 1,000 tornadoes a year, more than any place else on earth. >> i want to bring in the public information officer for dallas county. and let's just first begin, we've been showing the tractor
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trailer complex. can you talk to me, obviously it's a tremendous amount of damage. >> hi, am i on the air? >> yes. you're speaking with brooke baldw baldwin. >> sorry, hi, brooke. >> fill us in as far as damage, and specifically this tracker to trailer parking lot. do we know of injuries? >> we just ourselves received the information and we're watching the news coverage just like you about this tractor trailer facility. it's one of the things i want going to tell you about. in term of damage, we're beginning to get reports of different instances of damage. we've got a lot of cloud formation and rotation. several reports of tornadic activity that ha have h it the ground in various counties around the region. dallas county, reports of several tornadoes on the ground and in east terrant county, the arlington area around i-20,
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i-30, that area. and the tractor trailer park that you're talking about there happens to be in southeast dallas county. so obviously tons of concrete there. you know, this is something that we're going to be working on assessing if for the next few hours. we don't have any numbers for you right now or anything to tell you specifically. i won't go there yet. . >> okay, okay. again, we're looking at these pictures as you and i continue this conversation of this tractor trailer company. looks like a mass i parking lot. many of these have just been thrown through the air. you're telling me this is southeast dallas county. you do not know yet as far as numbers, injuries, this is just too fresh? >> no, i don't. this is breaking, this just happened literally just minutes ago. and so we are pulling together crews obviously, you know, heading into are that direction to assess what the situation is. we have to be mindful of what the crews are as well.
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if they have this kind of rotation, they could re-emerge and surface at any moment. for folks in the hutchins area, that's one area of dallas county that we've seen rotation. even though in many of these areas they haven't surfaced. this cloud rotation could mean activity coming in that direction. mesquite, rockwall, those areas, with ewant to get the word out to people when you have flying debris and imminent danger like this, we were just really asking that people stay home inside. we're hering reports of other thingsing but i don't want to be too specific right now. we're also providing information on our twitter.
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so you can go to dallascountyts. and, you know, we'll provide up to the minute information there as well. i'm sorry, that's the best we can do right now. it's happening very quickly. >> i appreciate it. i know your hands are full. i think that's an kplept point. if the skies are clear in your neighborhood, that does not mean you are necessary in the clear. these storms could pop back up and roll back through your neighborhood. please, please take caution. let me ask you this, this is something i almost marvel at. for the people who have cnn who may be listening to us live on the air right now, what advice do you have for the people on the highways? >> to find shelter immediately. rein and, you know, i think one of the big warning signs when you see hail. co-ing your way, you hear the warning sirens. do not take it lightly.
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and don't try to outrun it. you very rarely will be able to outrun a tornado. the best thing to do is to try to find cover as quickly as possible. if you are in a safe place when you hear a siren, then stay where you are and find an inside location away from windows in that facility. i'll give you a story. one time last year i myself did not follow my good advice and i heard the sirens. i was in the middle of a meeting, but i only lived a few miles away. and i was near the airport and decided to get on the road and try to get there just as quickly as possible and got stuck in a huge hailstorm that knocked out all the windows in my car. and we ended up, you know, with literally dozens and dozens of people trying to sort of take cover, all these cars at once under an overpass, running into each other. everybody loses their sense of
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geography or even of reality. they panic. and all the reason they normally have, their skills just go out the window and fear takes over. the best thing to do is listen to the cautionary warnings sch say this is not a joke. these are imminent dangers. there is debris flying around in the air. you can see what happens if the tru tru truck, the trailer park. that's why we emphasize things like this. you saw a warning coming from the water service. a particular kind of tornado warning that they're thinking of putting into place in states like kansas and missouri. we just want people to be -- we just want to emphasize the dangers and to be acutely aware of this. >> do not try to outrun the tornado, so says maria arita. she speaks from her own advice,
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public information officer there in dallas county. maria, do you have anything more or let her go? >> let her go. >> as soon as you get more information, specifically on the tractor trailer facility, please call back. we would love an update as we' been watching that play out. she mentioned, chad, multiple twisters. >> yes, there were two. >> and now we're down to one. the arlington storm is on the ground moving towards erving. this is going to be a storm that regenerated itself. i think it was off the ground for a while, now it's regenerated its power and putting a tornado back down on the ground to the north of north arlington. we're going to find -- i know faa is flying as fast as they can. i can see them in the side of my eye here. they're trying to get towards the ft. worth area. ironically, we've had tornadoes simultaneously going up 35 e and 35 w.
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. you don't understand dallas, the i-35 interstate goes all the way from snoont and farther south all the way up even into oklahoma city. but at dallas ft. worth, this interstate splits into two. part of it, 35 e in both directions will go to dallas, 35 w in both directions will go to ft. worth. we had tornadoes following both interstates for at least 20 minutes on the ground. and the one to the left, i believe the one on the west side was the bigger tornado. and this -- now here, there you go. this is what i've been watching out of the corner of my eye, waiting to see how long it takes him to get there. when he aroofs a the this damage, i think you're going to be significantly more impressed than the buildings and the trailers that were flying around. we won't have the video it live, but we'll have video of the damage very soon. >> brooke, very ominous skies north of i-30 in arlington.
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