tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 4, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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but first, doping this hour, mitt romney rips president obama in what suddenly feels like the beginning now of the general election. also, the police officers convicted in shootings after hurricane katrina learn their fate. and a bomb surprises american soldiers. roll it. let's begin now with the presidential election. gloves are off. give me a background of mitt romn romney's speech today. >> reports in washington, d.c. goes directly at president obama, brook, and tries to get the media on his side. kills them with kindness and then asks for them to help them expose president obama and his lies. >> let's listen to this particular comment here. he's referring to the omit mike moment until after the election
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in november. roll it. >> he wasn't want to share his real plans before the election, either with the public or the press. by flexibility, he means what the american public won't know won't hurt him. his intent is on hiding. you and i are going to have to do the seeking. >> what did i count, twice that reference to the speech? >> yes. and in many ways what we saw from mitt romney is he's really trying to go to these journalists and look at his promises and his policies and see what they match up. you know what else is interesting? i'm sure the blog sphere is going to blow up, he took a shot at the blogosphere and says he wish people would go back to the old guard journalism. people would have more than one source, there would be editors and journalists. >> thank you so much.
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let's talk about new orleans. four former new orleans police officers should find out if they will soon be spending the rest of their lives in prison for killing unarmed seivians in the aftermath of hurricane katrina. sentencing is under way. i want to go to jean casarez in new york. remind us what these officers were found guilty of. >> these are civil rights violations. this all took place during the chaos of hurricane katrina. and there was a police radio call at the time that said officers were being shot at on a bridge in new orleans. so officers responded to that call, but what they did was, they just took out their guns and started shooting the civilians. there were six civilians. two died, four were injuried. but you must say maybe the cover-up was what escalated all of this. it could have been determined at that point an accidental shoot position tentially. but one officer to be sentenced today actually planted a gun to
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try to show they were shooting at them. they fabricated evidence, tampered with witness. the state charges were thrown out because of prosecutorial misconduct in and of itself. now it's in federal court. conviction was last year. they're facing 35 to 65 years for one of the officers. >> so you mentioned the convictions since these four officers were convicted of these firearms charges, carrying a mandatory minimum sen fence. they could, you're say, at least one of them could get the maximum, could get life. >> that's right. one of them that did shoot the second individual that died. and you know, when you're talking about federal court york uh ear talking about pretty firm sentences. and there could be downward departure they're going to put on mitigating and aggravating that shows why there should be a minimum allowed. one officer is going to put
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witnesses on the stand to show how he saied lives to try to help him today from the maximum sentencing potential. >> appreciate it. next here on "reporter roulette, the taliban claims it is behind that suicide bombing at a vegetable market in northern afghanistan that killed at least nine people and wounded three american troops. i want to bring in payton walsh in kabul, afghanistan, nick. what happened? >> it appears the suicide bomber, accord to a statement from the palace here was using a vehicle to carry this exceptionally large charge up to a vegetable market where troops were on patrol. you say one after sgan official saying three american soldiers were taken away from the site of that explosion and wounded. brooke? >> there seems to be an up surge of attacks in afghanistan. are there concerns the taliban right now are just getting
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started? you know, as the country ced hing into the spring fighting season. there could be so many more. >> the concern about this is it happened in the north and the north has traditionally not been a hot bed of violence, although recently there's been pockets of 258 been a control there and con conner ises that violence could spread. worsening in that direction. you're absolutely right. some months ahead, traditional fighting season. united nations and other people tallying violence here say violence is on the rise. this is a key, it's all about the withdrawal in the coming months. u.s. troops starting to recover the surge they put in last year and fears how the countkoun is to look with an awful lot less americans here in the next couple of months.
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>> next, a young marine, veteran, a father, behind the wheel of his suv with his girlsen side, his daughters. he does something strange. he goes and crashes through the gates of a school, gets out of his car, a sheriff deputy there opens fire. now the marine is dead. obviously there are all kinds of questions about this one. his family right now, they're demanding justice. you're going to hear what step thiers taking next. [ male announcer ] a car is either luxury or it isn't. if you want a luxury car with a standard power moonroof, your options are going to be limited.
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backseat of an suv. he pulled on to the grounds of a high school early one morning. a security capture at the school captured images of the suv speeding on school property, apparently then crashed through a gate, got of the week and walked to a nearby playing field. early reports are that he was speaking ir rationally. cnn is in the process of getting that surveillance video for you right now so we'll be able to show it to you soon. although we're told it doesn't have any audio. we do have aerial video of the scene after the shooting. you can see the suv. loggins is dead. the deadly weapon deppty who shot him is back on the job. loggins' widow is now suing the county. janing me now is the attorney for the loggins family.
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what has sergeant loggins widow told you about what he was doing there that very, very early morning at that high school spp. >> well, thank you for having me, brook brooke. and specifically what we know is pursuant to ritual that the family had, they were going on a prayer walk. they were very religious. mr. loggins was very religious. eely morning hours, it was his practice to go to the playing field of the san clemente high school and walk with his daughters and meditate in a spirit of prayer. that's what they were out 24r doing this morning. >> so this is something that was typical favor of mr. liggins, even though it was 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning. to go on a prayer walk, but also to take his daughters with him? >> abc litely. not only was the prayer walk typical, but the time of day was typical. this was a full-time marine.
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he is on the clock. he had to be very busy. and these particular mornings, those were times when he had special private time with his daughters. >> let me ask you about this video here from the surveillance camera, we geetting it right no, cnn is. we understand it's 31 minutes of tape. have you even this video? >> i have. >> and what does it now? >> well, what we see is what appears to be a traffic accident. we see the suv driven by mr. loggins appear to drive into a gate. the severity of the accident is not clear. the extent of the property damage is not clear. i have had a chance to look at the vehicle. there is some damage to the vehicle. and following that, we see the sheriff's deputy with its lights on, not sirens, follow the police vehicle. i think, brooke, what's
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important with this video is not what it shows but what it doesn't show. this is the case involving the death of a man. it was a man shot and killed in the presence of his two daughters. we know that he wasn't armed. we have no concept as to why the deputy fired. we know the deputy was not in fear of his life. we know that no crime had been commitmented. and at the same time, deadly force was used, specifically force that resulted in the death of this individual. and not only was he killed in his car, but he was killed in the immediate presence of two of his daughters age 14 and 9. so when we start talking about the video, what we're interested in, what the family is interested in is answers regarding why this shooting happened in the way that it did. and so far we've seen nothing whatsoever from the orange county sheriff's department that has given us any information whatsoever that would justify this. >> let me jump in because we, of
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course, doing our due gdiligenc reached out to the orange county sheriff's office. they said the orange county district attorney's office is conducting an independent investigation as per our policy to ensure clarity and transparency. until that investigation is complete, we would not be able to comment. in addition to that statement, we also learned that this deputy has won awards for his service to the department. ironically, he has also served in the u.s. marine corps, a very, very highly trained individual. and mr. loggins i know was a marine sergeant, based not too far away from camp pendleton. had he ever been deployed overseas before? >> no. >> never. what was his position? >> he had not been deployed. >> he had several positions. one, the most -- one of the things that he spent most of his time doing was recruiting other marines. at the time that this incident happened, he was also in nursing school and was studying to
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become a nurse. >> thank you tell me anymore about the family's situation? we mentioned that his now widow gave birth to their fourth daughter. was there anything out of the ordinary going on at home? nothing out of the ordinary. and on that day, there was nothing going on ir rational for mr. loggins. >> forgive me, what about the fact that he was crashing through the gate and these reports that he was acting ir rationally. how does that speak to -- >> again, with regard to crashing through the gate, i dependent see the video that way. what i saw was at most a minor traffic accident. i don't even know if he could see the gate because of the time of day. the concept that he was acting ir rationally prespeezs that he somehow intended to break the law. and we don't have any evidence of that.
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and if he was, the sheriff's department hasn't told us what he was doing. what was he saying that was so ir rational? what was he doing that was so irrational? >> we have reached out to the sheriff's department. hopefully someone, we would love to have them on the show and answer some of those questions. >> i ke k tell you, they know the answers to those questions. >> hopefully we can get those answers on behalf of the widow of this man. but i have to ask about these two daughters. 9, 14 years of age. they were in the car. they witnessed this horrific incident. and i know police questioned them for multiple hours. how involved will they be in this case you're building against the county right now? >> well, they have a dual role, brooke. as heirs, they act in the capacity of plaintiffs in a wrongful death case, but what's
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unusual is not only were they plaintiffs, but they're also e presipient witnesses. they perceived it happening and they remember what happened. and i can tell you with regard to what their position is, we're not hearing anything from those girls saying their father was acting irrational. we know he wasn't armed with any kind of weapon. we we're not hearing anything out of these girls that are leading us to believe that there could even be the remotest justification for the use of deadly force. >> how are they? >> they are going to never be the same. this incident has scarred them and has left a mark that will never be healed. they are going to have problems as a result of this deputy's misconduct for the rest of their lives. >> brian dunn, we appreciate you coming on. we're going to continue this conversation. again, let me reiterate, we would love to speak with someone with the orange county sheriff's office. thank you, sir.
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it is a club that only allows men and despite protests, backlash and protests over the year, the club has all stuck to this rule. but there's a female ceo that causes a dilemma for this club. security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. cubanrom behind closed doors in washington. cajun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at restaurants. it pays to discover.
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years. kauffman sentenced to six years. that was in the aftermath of shooting those four unarmed civilians just after hurricane katrina. i do want to take you back to augusta national golf club. the master starts tomorrow. the nonannouncement today from club chairman billy payne. >> mr. chairman, you began talking about a number of the changes that happened at this course since you've been chairman. all of those changes have been well documented. one of the changes that hasn't happened to the club is the all-male membership. i'm wondering if you ever foresee that changing and why or why not? >> well, as has been the case, mike, whenever they question is asked, the -- all issues of membership are now and have been historically subject to the private deliberations of the members. and that statement remains accurate and remains my statement.
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>> so there you have it, no real change here in the membership policy. at augusta national. at least none announced today. here with me now, veteran sports columnist christine brennan. fellow tall female. i love it. are you surprised? >> no, i'm not. i asked this to billy payne's predecessor. he said it's a club matter, ma'am and all club matters are private. followed up with a number of questions. again, club matter, all club matters are private. now 13 years later, the exact same answer. >> so we're talk act virginia rometty. you know her. does she golf? >> she does play golf. i know that from reading the wire stories. they say she plays a little bit. we went to college together. she was a year ahead of me at
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northwestern university and we both serve on the board of trustees. i saw her a few weebs ago. didn't even think to ask her about this. this has certainly become a huge story after bloomberg broke the story last week. and of course, just with what the masters does not want, to have this issue, which is an achilles heel for them in this country in 2012, they're excl e excluding women members and it's coming new this big way. and knowing billy payne as i do, he was the atlanta olympic chief, it's known as the women's olympics, brooke. billy has been all about equality in the olympics and to think he's in charge of this club -- >> what do you think he's thinking? >> i think he's thinking he's got 300-plus members and he has to listen to a lot of them and there's old school thinking. one point we should make, though, jenny rometty could be a member of the club. and we're talking about this is because ibm, the previous ceos
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have been all members. and ibm is one of the big spon of the masters. >> thank you for pointing that out. i shouldn't assume that people knew that. martha burke, a thorn in the side of augusta national and also ibm. take a listen to what she said creptly. >> this problem is of their own making. they have had nine years to do something about this, and so has the club. why are they coming up two days out from the tournament, a brand-new female ceo that has been in place since january. my goodness, don't these guys think ahead? how do they run the business. >> my goodness she says. you laugh but is this a martha burk thing or a jenny rometty thing now. >> martha burk read my column in 2002. i wrote that it's unacceptable to discriminate against african-american men in golf but it's still fine and accepted to
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discriminate women. she went ahead and did what she did, wrote a private letter to johnson. he then made it public to make a big deal so he could then say we will not be dragged into this at the point of a bayonet. i think augusta wanted the fight frankly. i think martha burk is great. i think calling on corporations to be responsible and look like america in 2012 is exactly what most of us believe in. and so i think it's great. but in this case, this is now not about an outside pemp it's not about me asking a question or my colleagues. to your point, it is about the fact that jenny rometty is one of their own. do they want to discriminate against the ceo of ibm. >> this woman is running a mega corporation. she's the president, the ceo. she's obviously gone toe to toe with women and men in business. do you think she's sitting back listening to us pontificating on this story and getting a good chuckle. do you think if she really
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wanted to be a member, do you think she would be? >> it's possible she's been asked, it's possible she's a member. i'm anxious to get over there and see if i see her and if she's in a green jacket. we always thought we would find out, not by an announcement -- >> but by tossing a green jacket on someone. >> we would be walking around, seeing her in a green jacket. that's not so say maybe she won't be a member. maybe it will take some time before she becomes a member. i don't know. >> we will watch your twitter feed to see if you're tweeting a green jacket. so nice to see you. thank you so much. >> now this. [ bomb explodes ] >> a bomb kills two two sports leaders and police say a woman set it off.
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>> if it's interesting and happening right now, you're about to see it "rapid fire." roll it. big news for yahoo. they're cutting 2,000 jobs in an effort now to streamline the company. that is about 14% of the internet giant's work force. and the new ceo scott thompson says the company will focus more on its core business in an effort to become more profitable and better able to innovate. also this -- [ bomb explodes ] what bomb blast rocks somalia's national theatre. several 350e78 in that crowd were killed including two of the country's top sports officials.
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police blame a female suicide bomber who set off the device while standing in the crowd. four deadly shark attacks in seven months off the coast of australian southern west coast. the latest kill, a 33-year-old father of two. now an effort is under way to insert acoustic tack s -- tagn sharks in this area. millions of genealogy and family history buffs have overwhelmed a website containing detailed information from a 19140 census. a spokeswoman said they had 22 million hits just in the first three hours on monday. the census offered detail information as the country was entering exiting the great depression and come into world war ii. these are students moments after being pepper sprayed by place at
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santa monica college. they were protesting tuition hikes just last night. see some of them wiping their eyes. and that's when the officers sprayed them. two students had to be hospitalized. several others suffered minor injuries as a result of the pepper spray. insider trading in congress is now illegal. i know. you're asking wait, how was it legal in the first place? alison kosik. we know the president signed this bill into law today. >> exactly. you asked how they got around it? congress fell into a gray area. when they go ahead and put together legislation, brooke, law makers and staffers are about to talk about legislation that's allowed to affect firms on wall street. but they say this never applied to them. this legislation the president signed today changes all of that. it makes it illegal for law maker, executive branch employees, people who work for
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them. makes it illegal for them to make trades on wall street based on insider legislation. >> do we know how many lawmakers profited off of inside dmoj? >> here's what's interesting, this gained momentum after a "60 minutes" piece that suggested lawmakers made money after the financial crisis. spencer baucus said he's under investigation for possible insider trading vie plapgs olat. he says he will be cleared. but one foundation says there's plenty of abuses involving improper behavior that has yet to be exposed. >> tyler perry says he was pulled over because he is black. now police make an announcement about per rice traffic stop and the officers who questioned him. plus, someone could be tracking your cell phone. the one you use for personal calls, personal messages.
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they're apparently doing it without a warrant. wait until you hear the new evidence on this one. 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
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>> atlanta police are now investigating the traffic stop involving tyler perry. this all happened last month. this was all brought to life because of this facebook post on sunday. tyler perry called this racial profiling. i want to bring in defense attorney joey jackson on the case with us today. and first, what do you think of the atlanta police department launching this internal investigation? >> i think it's always good. if there's a claim or allegation, you want to have a thorough investigation. to the exat the present time the police are involved, it makes sure the investigation will leave no stone unturned. and if something was done that's amis, it should be addressed and corrected. not only as it relates to tyler perry, but any other motorist who might be stopped for an improper reasoning. >> in terms of final putting the pressure on with regards to the atlanta police department. do you think it was the post itself or the fact that 100,000 people or so liked the post, spread the post around.
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>> i think it has to be that. facebook is a tremendous medium. social medium, i post it now, it goes viral everywhere. particular when you have a celebrity involved in the mix, i think it makes it different. it elevates it and brings attention to it. and ultimately, i think good comes of this. why? because it now has the focus of many people. certainly the people who were carrying out an administering the laws. and therefore, as long as those laws are administered in a fair and even way for everyone, everyone is happy. that's what is hoped to get out of this. but certainly when it concerns tyler perry, people are going to take noticed, brooke. >> when tyler perry says something a lot of people listen. he said this was racial profiling which is a very serious accusation. also in this post he talked about trayvon martin. also mentioned these two still-missing florida men. how hard is it, though, to prove racial profiling? >> well in this case it's somewhat difficult and i'll tell you why. what you have sometimes are pretext stops.
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you're being stopped and there's no basis for it. there's a reason invented why you ear being stopped 37 but in this instance there's been some confirmation by him that he did make some type of illegal turn. when you do engage in activities where it's a violation of the law, sometimes it's criminal, sometimes we speed or go through stop signs, then the police are within their boundaries. what's on their mind while they're doing it is always a very difficult question. that's why you look to statistical analysis to see if that supports any accusation that it's racial profiling and people being stopped should not be. so we'll see. so we'll see. >> i do want to get to this other case. we have a cell phone and my ear certainly perked when i heard about this this morning. so there's an aclu report this morning that the police often track people's cell phones without a warrant?
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>> that's a big problem. there's a problem in b general and here's what it is. there's an inherent intention in the law enforcement in the fourth amendment. we want police to detect and deter crime because we want to all feel safe. at the same time, we want police to leave us alone, okay? so what law enforcement argues is that we need the tools, we need the vehicle weshs need to find out who the criminals are. and what we argue is we're criminals, leave us alone. certainly there's a constitutional in this country, things have to be dpoen accordably. they have to be done right and pursuant to protocol. it just can't be because there's technology that allows you to, brooke, be tapping into people's cell phones and tracking them all over where they go. if you want to do it, get a warrant. >> some got warrants, others did not. does suspicion trump prooif sni.
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>> well, what happens is -- here's the question. suspicion and probable cause always trump prooif spip you have to have the probable cause to detect criminal active tirk right? that's what gives the police a basis to stop a person, frisk a person and tap into cell phones. the bigger issue is when there's no cause, no suspicion. it's being done just because the fact that somebody may be a criminal. you have to be really careful .i know we all want to feel safe and we support our law enforcement. but at the same time, you can't invade and trample on people's individual liberties. there's a procedure. it needs to be followed. >> my goodness, a personal cell phone? yeesh. joey jackson on the case. and this thyme yesterday, pretty much two hours, chad myers and i were talking about this. this whole thing was break on our watch. tornadoes rocking texas. one woman captured the frightening moments from her home. you're going to hear from her and see this incredible before and after video next.
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it's churning its way through this community. what's really stunning, all the tornadoes that broke out yesterday, no one was killed. let me say that again. no one was killed. i do want you to look at this. listen to this. ireporter eric gould was onboard a blane plane sitting on the runway. needless to say, the flight was delayed. i'm assuming that was a lot of hail pelting that plane. now here's another ireport. it's huge. pay attention. which way is it going? >> no, stay there. i think it's disappearing. holy crap. >> is it coming this way?
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>> i would be asking that, put down the camera and run. i talked to kelly carrasco. we talked about what it is she saw and why she didn't run for cover. >> and we put the kids and the dogs in the shelter, well, in the closet. and before we knew it, i mean, our right side was completely clear. and when we went to the backyard, we could see the clouds on the right hand side, clear blue sky coming in and gathering with the dark clouds. and there was very little wind. it wasn't raining. you can see in the video it was really clear. we weren't sure what was happening. >> she did tell me next go around, she will be get into the shelter along with her kids. not standing with the brother taking video. you and i this time yesterday watching the destruction of these twisters, now you have pictures of the before and the after. >> i think we were just standing there in awe.
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we were trying to fight for words. we didn't need words. the video was so unbelievable. here's a still picture from some of the video, some of the areas we've been getting in. this is where an ef-3 hit. and that's the top of a house. it was the top of a house. you can see what that house really should look like. oob obviously the grass wasn't green yet in this picture, but there is the before and the after. here's the second one now. we'll get rid of that one. we'll take a look and spin it around. take a look at the next graphic, the next picture. the same home that way coming through here. here's the first home and if you take a look. that's what that first home should actually look like. completely there. that house now completely gone. and so when you go and take a look at what people now are picking up, the damage people are picking up, you can look right inside the house.
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you can see right inside the clos closets. you can see why you shouldn't be on the top four. the top floors are gone where the bottom floors are still there. they were survivable tornadoes. they were 125 to 150. that will not knock a whole building away. you will be able to survive that inside your home. even if you don't have a basement. these are all slaps. everybody survived. >> thank goodness. chad myers, thank you. just in here, homes here, look at this. these are pictures, this is out of philadelphia. this is a fire that broke out about an hour ago, i'm told. this is in radner township. if you know this area. this is a mansion, a massive, massive home. look at this. flames shooting out. plumes of black smoke. we don't know who owns the mansion. we don't know if anyone was home when this sfierted. but the fire department tells
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cnn no injuries no reports of any injuries. all firefighters were ordered out of the structure. so they could attack this thing from the outside. stunning pictures. someone's mansion up in flame in the philadelphia area. keeping you in the loop here. a man accused of lining up classmate, shooting them execution style, about to make his first court appearance. we're live in oakland, california, coming up. grows wi. to keep big winter jobs on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time. you can't live under a dome in minnesota, that's why there's guys like me. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years...
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years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say.
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wing's renovation hit a water line causing this enormous geyser. it looks like it's raining, it's not. the contractor was soaked and the white house was soaked and the leak was eventa you willy fixed and not a bad day to kick off spring cleaning right around the white house. >> we are ten minute away from the wolf blitzer. wolf blitzer, i feel like we haven't talked in a while. how are you? >> what am i supposed to do, just sit around and wait? >> i'm crying tears every night, but it's been so long. >> all right. >> how are you, and what do you have coming up? >> you've been off a little bit, too, right? you haven't worked every day? >> a monday here and there. >> you deserve some time off. >> thank you. >> you are doing an excellent job. i was going to tweet @brooke, and doing an excellent job and i got tied up with something else. >> thanks a lot, blitz perp. >> you're doing an excellent job. >> what we have coming up, the chairman of the republican national committee will join me
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live in "the situation room" during the 4:00 p.m. eastern hour. dan pfeiffer, the white house communications director, he's joining us in the 5:00 p.m. eastern hour as is michaelen of politico. he's got a new ebook entitled "inside the circus," what's going on in the republican race for the white house. we have a lot of news and fallout from the tornadoes yesterday. we were all over it 24 hours ago as i know you were, as well. so we've got a full network of coverage coming up in "the situation room." thank you, wolf. we will see you in a couple of minutes. until then, i have to tell you about this real-life fight club revealed. dozens of teens get together to watch kids beat up on one another. you're go about to see this violent video and why one adult apparently brought a gun to the brawl. a real-life fight club. don't miss it.
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up, you just smashed through the first two rules of fight club. >> first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. the second rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. >> well, these young guys didn't just talk about fight club, they put it on youtube and now police and school officials are working to match faces to the fighters. watch this from jerry richudi of our affiliate wkbn.
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>> as more and more see these images the outrage is grespeciay where the youtube videos originated. >> i think it's a shame just because it happened in boardman park, we don't know that it's boardman kids and that's disparaging to boardman as a whole. >> reporter: police say the most recent incident happened behind the shops of boardman park gathering 100 teens and young adults to watch others fight. some of those at a meeting of the local pta says it comes down to a lack of parental responsibility. >> you need to keep track of your kids and you need to know your kids' friends. if my daughter starts talking about someone i don't know, i ask yes, who is this person? i need to know their parents. >> they're offering their assistance in determining if any of their students were shown in the videos and what roles any of them may have played. >> we have as many as 25 officers that work in the schools on any given day.
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so the chances are great that they would be able to identify not only the current student, but former students. >> with police calling saturday's incident only the latest in these local brawls, some wonder if the people involved here aren't simply copying what they've been seeing elsewhere. >> they watch, you know, "fight club" and all sort of movies that are out there, and i think in some cases we have life imitating art. >> reporter: at this point, police have not filed any charges. in boardman, jerry richudi, 33 news. >> we just had this also. police say one adult brought a gun to referee the fighting there. the suspect in the tech school slayings in oakland, california, from this past monday is about to make his very first court appearance. he is one l. goh described as a student who had money problems and held a grudge. dan simon is standing by.
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when is this expected to start and what should we expect from it? >> reporter: it will start in about an hour, brooke. from what we understand it will be a short hearing. one goh will be explained of the charges against him. seven murder charges and three attempted murder charges and a special circumstances provision which means prosecutors have the option of pursuing the death penalty if they decide to do that. at this point, from what we understand, the suspect does not have an attorney so he'll be referred to the public d defender's office for representation. brooke? >> as more and more details have been coming out since 48 hours, the police are still looking for the murder weapon, correct? >> reporter: they are. they've actually been searching an estuary where they believe the suspect goh threw the weapon into this body of water. there have been divers over there. it's interesting to note that goh purchased this weapon legally in the gun store in the
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state of california. they haven't disclosed what kind of weapon this is, but there is an active search for that. >> remind us how many victims and what we know about these victims, 60 seconds. >> seven total victims, three people wounded. they've been released from the hospital. six women and one men who died, their ages ranging from one to 63 years of age and some of them were young mothers. that is what's heartbreaking. the fact that you have a guy that shoots up a school and you have children who aren't going have their moms for the rest of their lives. >> i read somewhere that it was reported that he had grudges, grudge with women. are you hearing that? >> reporter: well, he certainly seemed to have anger management issues. he was targeting, allegedly, a specific female administrator and when he realized that she wasn't there the rampage begins, and went into ass
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