tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 8, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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the board to move things along. >> reporter: a trthena jones, c upper maryland. thanks, everyone, for joining us right at the top of the hour in just seconds here. people in tulsa, oklahoma are taking a collective but cautious sigh of relief now. they apparently no longer have to worry about being gunned down if they leave their homes. 19-year-old jacob england and 18-year-old ivan watts now face charges. two victims are in the hospital and they expect to survive. a task made up of the task force, the u.s. marshal service were expected to hunt down the people responsible for the shootings. now they believe they have the culprits behind bars. >> at 0700 hours this morning, we did, in fact, develop a
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probable cause to effect an interest with the assistance and support of our special operations team with the two individuals we have in custody at this time. >> a series of tips led investigators to a burned-out truck belonging to jacob england. police went to his home and spoke to one of his neighbors. she said she can't believe he would be capable of murder. >> jake was a very nice, young man, very well mannered. when his dogs turn over my trash cans, he takes the time to clean it up. very nice young man. >> a recent posting by jason england may hint at a motive. tuesday marked two years' anniversary of his father's death. england and watts were arrested early this morning in a small town just north of tulsa. police would not say if they were friends or if they were related, only that they were
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roommates. as the investigation continued, chuck jordan says he wants tulsa to get back to normal. >> it sickens me, it angers me. this is not what tulsa, oklahoma is about. >> but here's what police are warning you. they're saying the two men might not be the only people to be arrested in this case. they say they still have a lot more to investigate. earlier i spoke with tulsa mayor dewey bartlett about how his city responded to this crisis. >> we are also very pleased that the city itself has reacted in such a good, positive way that a request went out for help and information and they responded very quickly and that really helped a lot in the investigation and the arrest. >> it's going to take some people in the community some time to get over this because it was such a traumatic event. i want to talk to you about this. since this happened, since it began, since the suspects were believed to be white in the beginning and they drove into a black neighborhood and all the victims are black, there's been
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talk about a hate crime or that this was racially motivated. then the new findings in one of the suspects' basements. >> and language i can't use here, the n word? >> uh-huh. well, yes. i understand those kinds of things were said. during this portion of the investigation, of course, the focus was to try to get the bad guys. put them in jail, get them to where they're not going to do any more harm. now it's up to the prosecuting arm of the government to make recommendations and decisions about what goes on from here. obviously, when five black
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people appear to have been shot by a white person, then the immediate reaction, of course, is that there is a racial component of it. whatever it is, if that's how the prosecution comes out, and we certainly support and will help them in any manner, shape or form to bring an end to that point of view once it does become a prosecution responsibility. the city of tulsa has never seen such violence in its modern history, and we're so pleased that this has now come to an end, this portion of it, and we will certainly continue to support the prosecution and the eventual going to trial that will result, hopefully, in this thing coming to a very good, swift and justified end. >> also mayor do yewey bartlett
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marching for teen trayvon martin. a group of college students are walking 40 miles across central florida to send a message. they're marching from daytona beach to sanford. that's where the 17-year-old was shot and killed six weeks ago. they want to see his shooter arrested and charged. zimmerman said he shot in self-defense. they said this is not a ballistics test. dan grant was one of those who was granted access. he joins us now live from pyongyang. what did you see, stan? >> reporter: yeah, don, you're right. unreasonable if you think about how secret this country is, it's not called the home of kingdom for nothing.
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we're with crews around the world to visit this site, the site that's been hidden away, kept from view, as they prepare for this satellite launch to take place anywhere from the 12th to 16th this month. we traveled by train, a five-hour journey which took us out of pyongyang which we got to see outside of korea. we saw people working away in the fields, fields that were incredibly barren. we know people just have difficulty feeding themselves. north korea asked for food aid from the rest of the international community, and at the same time is also pouring money into this program, this space technology program, and they took us right up to the base of the rocket itself. it stands just below about 100 feet high. north korea also showed us the satellite, a small satellite, they say, the rocket is going to shoot into ororbit, and that's t what the rest of the world, the united states in particular, think.
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they believe this is a covert operation for their missile program. in 2008, 2009, they carried out missile tests. they believe they'll be more successful and send out a signal that could not only send a satellite into orbit but can potentially send any object out into the planet. when you see how north korea has been developing and can strike at cities in the heart of the united states, that has the u.s. on edge and also allies in the region. don? >> tell me more about that because pyongyang is such a secretive country, why is the international community so worried about this, in particular, the u.s.? >> well, we know that north korea is still technically at war with the united states and south korea. there was an armistice to bring it into -- one of the conditions for actually winding down its
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nuclear program and its massive military program here. north korea has a military first policy in this country. they see that the power is optional, the size of its military is a deterrent, they believe, in fact, it will keep the regime alive here, the regime of the kim family, which is a third generation in kim jong un. so of course they're very concerned about the motives. they've been looking to china to try to exert more influence, china being the real ally north korea had, that relationship dating back many decades. so north korea here, a lot of suspicion what they are up to, don. they do insist, though, that this is just a satellite launch. interesting as well why they've invited us here, it coincides with the 100th year of the anniversary of the birth of the founder of north korea, kim il sun. there will be a celebration here
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to mark that along with this launch. >> thank you, we appreciate it. a pope celebrates mass before thousands at the vatican, and the first family takes a short walk to sunday services. and mike wallace, one of the most respected journalists of his day, a staple for four decades on the news program "60 minutes" has died, and we're looking at his life and talking to those who knew him about the impact he had on journalism and the world. well, in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. like the transatlantic cable that connected continents. and the panama canal that made our world a smaller place. we supported the marshall plan that helped europe regain its strength. and pioneered the atm, so you can get cash when you want it. it's been our privilege to back ideas like these,
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crammed into st. peter's square to hear it, an appeal for africa and the middle east. afterwards, the pontiff gave his traditional blessing in 16 different languages. in new york city, thousands of parisioners packed st. patrick's cathedral for easter services. it marked the first time the archbishop of new york celebrated the holiday as a cardinal. the first family celebrated the day with a walk to church. they attended services at st. john's episcopal church. along the way, the president wished everybody a happy easter and during the service they received communion. the weather turned a bit chilly, though. his youngest daughter walked out with her sweater on her arm. that's when the first lady went
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into mommy mode and helped her daughter on with her sweater. being a mom. every journalist has a hero, the one they set for the bar of excellence. for many of us that legend was mike wallace. he died thursday at the age of 93, and with every interview he did, wallace proved he was the best. this is the guy who asked thekh crazy. >> how many blacks are there on your staff? >> i couldn't honestly answer you. >> no, that speaks for itself. >> huh? >> i say that speaks for itself. >> no, because i can't tell you how many people are on the staff. >> but you can tell black from white. >> oh, yes. >> that's only one example. there are many more from a long and distinguished career. ali safer worked with him for a
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decade. >> a lot of reporters are insistent, but the fact is he was nosier than anybody else, and more insistent, more successful at being those. i mean, if you think of the watergate interviews he did, which were remarkably revealing, mike, you know, someone -- people like mike have an indefinable quality that makes people at once take to them immediately and then find themselves repelled by him. it's a unique talent. >> and now to dan rather who worked with wallace for years is a contribute tore to "60 minutes." he released a statement saying mike wallace was from the
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beginning and for many years the heart and soul of "60 minutes." in that role he helped change american television news. among the ways that this change was for the better: tv news became more investigative, more agressive and relevant. mike was sharp and quick of mind, a pierce competitor and a master interviewer. he was vice president of cbs news and he also served as president of cnn for 2004 to 2010. i was watching the "60 minutes" celebration of don hewitt just before ks ha beforehand, and everybody had a story. tell me a story about mike wallace. >> mike wallace was the most boyish 90-year-old you would ever want to meet. he had sauch a twinkle in his
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eyes. i can remember going to new york one time on the shuttle, and he got off and saw barbara walters. he creeps up behind her and grabs her from behind. she jumped up ready to slug whoever it was and then burst out laughing. this was mike's spirit. he was always having such a good time. i remember my very first day as the 36-year-old executive vice president, newly installed as the theoretical boss overseeing "60 minutes" -- i say theoretical because who is going to be mike wallace's boss or don hewitt's -- but he and don had a knock-down, drag-out while i was there. i knew they were going to turn to me and ask who i adjudicated, and who did i want to be for? i actually decided in favor of don.
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i thought, great, i've really gotten on the wrong foot with mike wallace. he walked out, having been livid for 15 minutes, he winks and moves on. >> that's the way it should be. they're old school iconic journalists. they know what happens at work when you go through all those things, it stays there, and then you go out and have a beer later. my question is, with the death and the passing of these legends, i think it's -- journalism is changing. we learned a lot from them, but do you think it's all good, what's happening with journalism? do you think what they left behind will still happen in this business? >> well, i think that mike was, as a couple of his colleagues just remember, just a fierce investigator, aggressive questioner, restless, and to the extent those qualities continue
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in individuals, i think we're just fine. i mean, don, i hired you at cnn because i thought, well, here's a guy with an authentic voice, and we hired fareed zakaria for that reason, sanjay gupta. there are a lot of people right here on cnn who embodied an aspect of what mike introduced into the equation. it's up to you individuals to keep that going. i know you will, because that's who you really are. i feel good about where things are going, as far as that goes. technology today is enabling even more people to have a voice in covering stories, breaking news, commenting upon news, and i think that also leads to an inflow of influential and authentic and important voices. so i actually think we're entering a golden age of journalism. it's just going to be different than the one we all grew up with. >> thank you for that, john. i wasn't sure if you really wanted to talk about that.
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let's end with mike. everybody saw him as a bulldog, right, a bulldog of a journalist. but in -- he could put anyone at ease. the gray. at the same time, he had his standards. you had to impress him and please him and you had to have your journalism buttoned down. he was correcting the spelling on a piece i had written for him, and i was mortified, and so was he. quick to smile about it later, but yeah, you had to bring your "a" game with mike. >> john klein. appreciate it, good to see you. dp glass you're doing well. >> you, too. >> we're back in a moment. thank you, john. at abc in new york, drew
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the conversation continues now, race in america. this week national review fired a contributing article considered racist. john derbyshire wrote the article called "the top non-black version." this went in the magazine and it got people of every race talking. we're having this conversation again. >> yeah. >> serious article, though. and it was very inflammatory. >> absolutely it was. it was over the line in so many ways, but to say that the national review learned for the first time that derbyshire was racist was unfortunate because they knew he had stated this over several years and his previous writings had certainly indicated it. >> this is just a sample of it. if you are at some public event
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at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible. and there's one that said, i believe, don't move into a neighborhood or something? >> right, wrong side of the tracks. and one said something like five or six white people have a higher iq than the average black person that meet. i think those statements are really beyond the pale. it plays into the same kind of vial and malicious stereotypes we talked about last evening. >> what does this mean for parents, parents reading this? does this trivialize in any way the conversations black parents have with their children? >> i think that really was at the heart of it. he really would not have written such an article if we had not been talking in the national discourse about the rare conversation that black parents have been having with their sons over the course of generations, teaching them how to deal with authority figures and keeping them out of harm's way. he took that conversation, bastardized it and turned it
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into something else that was very vile, and attempted to remove the importance of the human nature of the first conversation. and that is his real crime. >> all right, goldie. how's your trigger feed today? >> it's hot. >> last night it was a great show, no holds barred. you actually said the n word on tv. >> yes. my kids were like, what? >> stand by. the top story, an arrest in tulsa. a murder that left two dead and three wounded. perhaps a motive behind the attacks, straight ahead. bring all the right results. it's the at&t network -- doing more with data to help business do more for customers. ♪ they feel like they have to drink a lot of water. medications seem to be the number 1 cause for dry mouth.
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32-year-old alvin watts. three victims survive and are still in the hospital. a recent post big jacob england may point to a possible motive. it was the anniversary of his father's death. he said his dad was killed by an african-american. all the victims in the shootings were black. college students marched 40 miles from daytona beach to sanford. trayvon martin was shot and killed there six weeks ago. they said they wanted to see zimmerman arrested and sent to court. he says he shot martin in self-defense. i thought it was interesting today when i heard from newt gingrich. it sounds like newt had resigned himself, in fact, that's not going to happen. it almost sounded like it was an i'm getting out of the race
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speech. >> it was very different from the newt we heard several weeks ago who said, i am in this until i get to the convention. same with rick santorum. both campaigns are in disarray. they're not going near the direction they were going several weeks ago, so there are clear signals both campaigns are breaking down. >> it's so interesting, i saw this morning labrador saying, mitt romney is a great guy, but i'm not endorsing him. everyone -- go ahead. >> that will be a real problem this fall if you can't get people enthusiastically in your corner today when you are the presumptive nominee, how are you then going to get them this fall? >> one person that's been enthusiastic is paul ryan, right? we had a little fun with him last time, we said there was a budding romance. it was true, they were out everywhere, two guys together, hanging out, smiling. you think it's going to be a
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ra romney-ryan ticket? >> there are mixed blessings. you have a youthful person with ryan on your ticket. the first is the ryan budget. when you talk about ending medicare-medicaid as we know it, when we talk about putting more money in the pockets of the very wealthy and less in the pockets of the middle class and hoping that wealth will trickle down, that plan won't fly this fall. >> okay. interesting. as you said, mid western, youth, values, that sort of thing, good old midwest. what mark rubio? >> mark has some values. he's the sensible choice. if you want to balance a ticket and put a hispanic on your ticket. he's sensible in that he does not carry an awful lot of favor with hispanics and latinos
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broadly. >> you know what's interesting, when we talked about that in depth last week, i got a lot of people saying rubio's appeal mostly south florida, not broadly among latinos and hispanics. >> hispanic and latino communities are not a monolith. they are not broken up by their home country. they tend to stick together, and to the extent their values and voting preferences cross is really a misnomer. >> and it would be cynicism at its best. >> chris christie? >> he said too much. >> that would be interesting. >> i don't know how interesting it would really be, because again, he's got a problem of saying too much about too much. alan west certainly does, and he, too, would be the choice for
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vp. >> rob portman? >> i think he is not well known enough to enough voters to attract this ticket. all these people said mitt romney has real problems in terms of picking a viable, vice presidential running mate who both has the experience and the exposure, the ability to attract new votes to the ticket, the ability to really consolidate the part of the today. it is very difficult. >> let's talk some girl power here and talk about nicki haley. she as a woman may not be a bad choice. >> she may not be a bad choice, but she was a candidate in south carolina, and she does not have a very trusting relationship. she's had some issue with saying that contraception doesn't matter to women. those kind of statements will come back to haunt her.
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if republicans aren't doing well with women voters today, how could you then go and choose a woman as your running mate who has those kinds of statements to say about contraception? >> i want to thank you for your candor last night. we did something different last week, we had a wonderful conversation, a wonderful no holds barred chill. if you missed the 10:00 news last night, you really missed a good one. >> it really sparked some interesting and deep conversations over the social networks today, and i hope it's a conversation that will continue. >> absolutely. thank you, goldie taylor. see you next week. at first glance, you might think it's a movie poster, but look again. it's actually a threat to new yorkers that al-qaeda is coming back. it's incredible. but first, he plays such an important role in educating our children and shaping their lives that it raises a question, what should schools be looking for in a teacher? ed indicator steve perry has
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some advice. >> the first thing i look for is a winner. i want something who will really, really win. they need to make sure a child is going to do something. and also that a teacher is attractive. i'm not talking about attractive as in cute but that they have a way about them that makes you want to listen to what they have to say. there is a certain swagger they have about them that commands attention. because children's attention needs to be commanded, and if this person is a shrinking violet in front of the classroom, bad things will happen in that classroom. so i'm looking for the total package. i'm looking for somebody who loves kids, i'm looking for somebody who wants to win, and that they're attractive. >> perry's principles brought to you by the university of phoenix, an educated world is a better world. ccomplish.
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al-qaeda, vowing to return to new york. it's posted on a web site and definitely has the attention of the nypd and the fbi. but who is behind it? here's cnn's mary snow. >> reporter: at first glance, it could be mistaken for a movie ad. al-qaeda, coming soon again in new york. it's used by terrorists and ji addists.
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but the web site is being analyzed by the fbi and the nypd. >> is this significant at all? >> well, this is a major forum. it's been in existence for a while. we believe it's used for inspiration but also it's been used for operational messages. it exists in several different languages, and it's been a concern of ours for a while. >> the commissioner says it's based on the language that's used. he was struck by the sophistication of the graphic and the expensive software used to create it. but whether there is a credible threat, terrorism analyst peter bergen is skeptical. >> this is a propaganda that isn't associated with any plot. that seems to be not clear at all, and my guess is there's really nothing to this. if there was a real attack about to happen, i guess al-qaeda wouldn't advertise it on their
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web site. >> reporter: this isn't the first time threatening messages have appeared on gihadi sites. but the police department says any threat must be taken seriously. >> it's sort of direct confrontation, trying to get our attention. >> reporter: but the posting didn't seem to faze new yorkers who have become accustomed tori. >> you can't be worried about your life. go on about your business. >> the new afghanistan says it's used for radicalization and training. that's why he says these sites are so closely monitored. from science fiction to science fact, alerts that just pop up right in front of your face while you're just out walking around. who else could tell us about
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bubba watson, masters golf champion, 2012. congratulations. what if you could walk around and get alerts that normally come on your cell phone but instead they pop up right in front of your face. katy joins me again. you have great stuff. you have a lot of glasses yourself. you change them every day, i think, a couple times. these new glasses, they come from google. are we all going to look like that guy from the star trek films with that big thing on our eyes? >> maybe. you know, it's a google the last few weeks. last week we were talking about the google self-driving car and now we're talking about google augmented glasses dubbed project glass. google released photo and video of the glasses, but also two days ago, google spokesman was
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actually spotted wearing the glasses. google has a secret laboratory where they take future-forward ideas, they try to bra them down to scale. under that umbrella is that self-driving car, also an elevator to space and now these augmented glasses. you see what they look like. they're actually no lenses inside there, but there's a small video camera on the one side. that is taking in information in realtime, and then there is a little glass rectangle. that's where those alerts are going to pop up. the alerts popping up in that little rectangle, you can check the weather, you can play music, you can video chat with somebody. you can get information just on the building right in front of you. so talk about, again, future forward technologies. it doesn't get any better than this. i spoke to google this week and i was asking them a thousand questions. how is this going to be powered? and they said, we don't know if it's going to be a standalone product or if it's also going to be powered off android.
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it would probably be smart for them to do. it's still in a testing phase, so probably a long time before we see this on the market, but an interesting concept. >> what i find interesting here is the periphery because that little thing is there on the right side, and it will probably get smaller as time goes on, all technology gets tinier and tinier. but walking in traffic like that, i mean, you know what i'm talking about? >> yeah, i totally know what you're talking about. one of the perks of this would be the turn-by-turn directions you would get popping up in your peripheral. google only released this concept photo and video to get user feedback. in less than 400 hours, there are over 500 comments on the google page. they want to know what people think. a lot of people are saying, this is way over the top, but for people excited about technology, they're saying, could this be the next thing? >> can you wear glasses under them? >> that's a good question. one individual was tweeting back and forth and he said, i'm blind
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in one eye. i still need to wear my glasses. these aren't glasses, there is no lens inside there, and google said they're experimenting with a lot of different designs and technological capabilities that would help glasses wearers. they're also talking about how there's a problem focusing, and they say right now it's only the google spokesmen able to wear them. these should be out at the end of the year, and we're looking at a price tag of 2 to $600, which is actually less expensive than i thought, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. >> who is the character -- jordy was the trekkie i'm thinking of. quickly, aren't they migraine inducing? isn't that a criticism? >> say again? >> can they induce migraines?
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has that been part of the criticism. >> this isn't something i don't think you would keep on all day. how annoying would it be to keep seeing ads pop up, and talk about jumping the shark. i don't know. i think it's a very interesting dialogue, and it's interesting to see these comments on the google plus page already. do i think it could cause a migraine? yeah, i think it could annoy the heck out of somebody, but it just takes time to see how it plays out. >> i think it's great technology, though. they'll perfect it. no worries. thank you, katy. always a treat. always educating. educational. thank you. appreciate it. see you next week. don't hate me because i'm beautiful. those are not my words. that comment comes from a british woman, and as you can imagine, that got people talking. here's a chance to create jobs in america. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy
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a columnist nor britain's daily mail newspaper took up the subject of the advantages of being, in her words, so beautiful. that set off a blizzard of e-mail and twitter comments that quickly turned ugly. samantha brick talked about the positive attention she gets from men. free drinks, cab fare, flowers. >> the very fact that you're asking is she pretty shows how objectified women are based on their looks. i could agree with her certainly that there are far more advantages to being an attractive woman than disadvantages. but the disadvantages are aren't so much about the female to female competition, don, that you might experience. it's more ominous. it's stuff that happens in early life. that young attractive girls are
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more susceptible to predators. to sexual abuse. that young girls are often steered away from educational opportunities and steered toward runways and hollywood sets. so they're not living to their full intelligence or intellectual potential. those kinds of things are the more dangers of being beautiful. you know, this woman represents what the media, the western media would call a standard of beauty. she's tall, thin and blond. is she more beautiful than beyonce? this is not the point of what she was saying. she's saying there are down sides to being pretty. >> there's nothing wrong with a healthy self-confidence, right? we're always talking about how to give young women the confidence to feel good about themselves. then she does and we bash her. i want you to look at some of the responses. some of them are from twitter. this one is from heidi. samantha brick baited both genders into making violent, sexist, bile fueled remarks. it worked.
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from tv illusionist darren brown, he says hilarious. i wish i had such an inflated view of my looks. someone please tell me it's a spoof. yet another one says i've heard of beer goggles. samantha brick would appear to possess a beer mirror. >> that's terrible. >> that is terrible. it is funny. >> that's terrible, don. >> hey, it's funny. >> no. the point is, we don't accept good, healthy self-pride. >> all right. >> this woman thinks she looks just fine. somehow we interpret that as to being arrogant. and her point is, she was just using it as a crutch to try to explain some of the challenges to attractive people. but we both know, don, since you're so hot and i used to be, that being beautiful is more positive than negative. >> right. listen, i can see the joke in that. but i completely understand when it comes to the self-confidence thing. like, people often ask, like, oh, you know, you're on tv.
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do you think you're good looking. no, i go i think i'm attractive. there's nothing wrong with it. people send me outrageous things. oh, my gosh, you're so conceited. okay. stop it. but, i understand that. it's nothing wrong with a healthy self-confidence. but i don't know. i think that she's maybe going out a little bit. because is she really beautiful? you have to be realistic about being attractive. >> you know where she lives? she lives in a tiny farming community in the country side in france. yeah, she's probably a 10 around there. trust me. >> okay. all right. >> it's all relative. >> i do want to have this conversation with you. because a lot of my friends, a lot of my friends are not that great of looking guys. but they always get the girl. we'll go out to a bar some place and right away, boom, and how does that happen? is it all about -- >> because -- >> -- what they portray or how they feel? >> well, because mates look for -- genders look for different things in partners. of course, men are very visually wired.
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they look for more attraction in females. women look for much more. we look for personality. we look for income. we look for who's got a good a-game. >> confidence. >> sometimes maybe they just have a good a-game. self-confidence. all that is sexy to women. >> is this a healthy conversation to be having or is this damaging to women? >> i think when you ask is she pretty enough, that's not very healthy. the point is every woman is beautiful in her own way no matter her race, no matter how fall she is or how much body fat she has. every woman is beautiful and we want every woman to know they're beautiful. >> thank you, dr. wendy. with more people identifying as multiracial, can there ever be an all-american beauty? you can check out that story on go to golf fans are still catching their breath from one of the best finishes ever at the masters. two golfers battle through extra holes at augusta for the green jacket. next, we'll tell you who is
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what a finish at the masters. patrick snell is in augusta now. patrick, amazing. >> reporter: truly amazing. it just got done over there to my right, don. bubba watson, jerry bubba watson, 33 years of age from baghdad, florida, winning his first major just a moments ago. his first green jacket. the raw emotion of it all, don, is what struck me.
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he was on the green. let's just say he let it all fall out. the tears just came down like bucket loads. his mom ran on to the green. his fellow professionals and close friends, ricky fowler was there. ben crane. hunter mahan. aaron baggily. you may know that bubba watson and some of those guys are in a group called the golf boys. a music video that came out last month. those fellow band members there just supporting him. this is a huge, huge moment in the life of jer ra bubba watson. the amiable popular left-handed player. his first evergreen jacket, don. >> second playoff hole to win. does this happen very often? >> reporter: it doesn't. this was only the 15th playoff in masters history. and such impressive for me was the resilience of him. he put his drive on the second playoff hole, which is the tenth. he put it into -- then a superb hook into the heart of the
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