tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 9, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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>> the patients are marvelous and are so grateful what we're able to do for it. >> big improvement. it's clear. >> no feeling like that. it's just great. grateful for w we're able to do for them. there's no feeling like that. it's just great. tulsa shooting rampage. a painful anniversary. and a possible motive. >> somebody that committed these crimes are very upset with black people. remembering mike wallace. that familiar sound and face. he called himself nosey and insistent. cnn after dark. >> the reason that trayvon
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martin is dead, is not because he was black or wearing a hoodie. >> when it comes to murder in america, does color really matter? the news you need to know, right now, on cnn. good evening, everyone. i'm don lemon. for 48 hours, people in tulsa, oklahoma, were afraid to leave their own homes. someone was driving through neighborhoods, just shooting people. two people died. three others in the hospital. and early this morning, tulsa police tracked down two men and arrested them. tonight, the biggest question now is, why did this happen? >> less than 24 hours after a plea for tips, tulsa police arrested two suspects in the shootings of five people, all black, at four, different locations over the span of a few hours, starting just after 1:00 a.m. saturday. three of the victims died. >> it sickens me.
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>> jake england and alvin watts were charged with murder and intent to kill. police found england's burned pickup truck, according to arre arrest papers. were the victims targeted because of their race? >> it's premature to talk about hate crimes. we have yet to understand the motivations. >> reporter: among the possible mow ti motives, england's father was gunned down by a black man who was never prosecuted. his girlfriend killed herself in front of him and his baby in january. police believe this facebook page belongs to england. on it, he posted these disturbing words. today is two years since my dad is gone. i'm gone in my head. at the suspect's home, searched
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by police, we tried to find out more. maybe you could tell us more about them. >> it doesn't matter. >> leave him alone. >> reporter: as we moved out of the street, we took cover behind our car, and remained there as we coached their car speed down the road. okay. well, they drove their vehicle right up to our car, tried to intimidate us and took off down the road. a neighbor who says she knows england's family, calls the suspect a nice, young man. what do you think will happen to jake now? >> if they can prove he murdered them, he gets the death penalty. >> reporter: the arrests are a relief to a community whose nerves are badly wattled. >> to know it's been brought to
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a conclusion. >> reporter: police correct the quick arrest, less than two days after the shootings to a flood of tips. trying to determine the motivation behind the rampage will take longer. susan candiotti, cnn, tulsa, oklahoma. it takes courage to be a television anchor. and mike wallace had it. he died of 93. in ten minutes, we'll speak with former cnn chairman about wallace. but first, we look at the life of a man whose fearlessness helped him become a legend. >> i'm mike wallace. >> reporter: he was known for his hard-hitting journalistic style and aggressive questioning. >> how many blacks are there on your campaign staff now? >> i couldn't honestly answer you. >> reporter: but decades before, millions of tv viewers watched him on cbs, mike wallace already
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had a colorful career. he was born leon michael wallace. after graduating from the university of michigan, he started his career in radio. his work as a radio host landed him spots in tv, as an actor in a police drama, as a program host and even in commercials. >> that's some apple pie. are you the at least bit afraid? >> reporter: be his love for news made him drop that kind of work in 1963, when cnn hired him as a correspondent. >> i'm wagging my finger at the president of china. >> reporter: his feisty, brazen style made him a good fit for "60 minutes," which debuted in 1968. he said this to ayatollah
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khomeini during the iran hostage crisis. >> president sadat of egypt, a devotely christian man, a muslim, says what you're doing now, a disgrace to iran. and calls you a lunatic. >> reporter: critics say his attack dog style was relentless. >> sometimes he went too far. he pioneered the ambush interview. he used hidden camera investigations. he taught generations of younger journalists how to go get that story. >> reporter: in 2006, he took on a smaller role on "60 minutes." and had bypass surgery and retired from public life. >> you know that sometimes it was like the early days of flying. >> reporter: but his relationship with cbs viewers spanned decades.
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grit and determination. he worked with him as a producer and as an executive vice president of cbs news. he worked as president of cnn from 2004 to 2010. he shared with me some of his best mike wallace memories. >> mike wallace was the most y boyibo boyish 70-year-old or 80-year-old, that you'd ever meet. he had a twinkle in his eye. i was flying ul to washington, on the shuttle. we were walking along, and he spots ahead barbara walters. he turns to me. puts his fingers up to his lips. and he creeps up and grabs her from behind. she is about to slug whoever it was. and he was laughing. this was mike's spirit. i remember the first day as the 36-year-old executive vice president, the theoretical boss
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overseei overseeing "60 minutes." t he had a fight while i was there. they were going to turn to me and asked me to adjudicate it. and who did i want to anger more? and i decided in favor of dan. as i walked out, i'm thinking, i've gotten off on the wrong foot with mike wallace. he walked out, looks at me, winks and smiles. >> john klein, former ceo of cnn. and wallace's life is very different off the air. he battled depression. and it almost cost him his life when he tried to commit suicide. he shared his life with the blues brothers. tom, thank you for joining us. >> don, thank you very much. >> doing okay? >> yeah. >> how are you going to remember
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your friend? >> somebody that saved my life. >> why do you say that? >> he battled depression, as did i. there were several of us at martha's vineyard each summer. all four of us were able to find the right diagnosis, get the right treatment and deal successfully with depression. we went public because we wanted people out there to know that if they, too, can get the right diagnosis, and the right treatment, they can make it. but at the very bottom, all four of us, all four, thought of checking out. >> do you think that affected his work with his depression at all? and if so, how did it? >> i think we felt that it did affect our work in slowing us down. but i don't think i ever saw a single example of mike's work on-air being affected by it. if anything, i think he worked even harder to make certain that
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there was no dimming in the quality of his work. >> what are you going to be remembering? everybody would say tell me a story. what story will you remember about mike wallace? >> i'll never forget a line, that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. that is to say, it's the one decision, if you make it in life, you can never reconsider it. also, that it's a temporary issue. that was my favorite thing about mike. not the great television journalist, which he was, and the tremendous competitive mind when he was here at cnn. and somebody that had another side to him. but there are thousands of people alive because he did go public and did demonstrate we can cope with this illness. >> isn't depression something you deal with your entire life?
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>> i think most of us do. particularly those of us who have a genetic predisposition. some of us that have situations that have chemical changes. but people think about their morning. >> he was what you saw. what you saw behind the scenes and what you saw on camera. the tough guy. called him a number of pit bulls on "60 minutes." but people say offcamera, he may have been abrasive, but it was in a fun way. he was a sweet guy. >> he was a sweet guy. had a great sense of humor. he could go easily with the charm. and so many regret it after they finished the interview. i thought not so much of the attack journalist as the watchdog. he was a watchdog. we need that type of journalist in this society to watch over all of the rights that people have, that watch what's going on in corporate america, what's going on in our government.
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table talk. but what about on the campaign trail? this morning, i'm facing an issue. bob schieffer talked about mixing religion and politics with cardinal timothy dolan. take a look. >> do you think there's too much religion in politics today? >> i don't think so at all. i think politics, just like business, just like education, just like arts, just like culture, only benefits, when religion, when morals, when faith has a place there. i think the american -- the public square in the united states is always enriched when people are inspired by their deepest-held convictions. >> dean, do you feel that most americans feel this way? this is more than the separation of church and state here. >> i don't think people have a problem with faith. that's a good thing.
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when it no longer maybe influences your decisions, but your policy decisions are based on scripture. like rick santorum saying the bible and our goal is comport. there was no longer separation of church and state. he was saying the same things honestly, that the taliban would say. that the religious scripture and the laws of the state must agree. but morals and ethics are what religion is about. and to be a better person, that's a great candidate for us to have. >> it's not just about religion. it's about the right religion. how did you phrase that? >> i think some of the people. some of the leaders in the evangelical community, in the south, it's not about having faith. faith to them is their faith. you must pray like them, kneel like they do. if you don't, faith doesn't matter.
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mitt romney, i think people think is a good person. a moral man. a good husband. but never unscrupulous or embezzlement. but he's attacked. reverend jeffries said in a mormonism is a cult. that's saying it has no validity as a religion. you hear that from some people. it doesn't matter if he's good guy, he's not our faith. so, we can't trust them. same thing with muslims. they attack obama. the whisper campaign continues. people still think he's muslim. >> we've talked about this in the past, don. i think something people describe as fundamental, at the core of who they are. we've seen presidents use this quote over and over. it informs every decision i make. we're talking about religion here. something that fundamental,
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asking to be put in a leadership position, deserves scrutiny. do i think it should be the single driving factor? no. we have assumed that religion shouldn't be part of that judgment process. >> just quickly here. will first. do you think religious organizations should push issues or support a candidate? >> i think -- yes. the answer is yes. obviously, religious organizations have issues that are deep, part of their ideology. >> i agree with will. freedom of speech. why should it be limited to a religious group not having that same right. >> dean, you brought up romney. "saturday night live" took some digs at romney last night. watch. >> that afternoon, before the start of passover, governor romney appeared at a meeting of the united jewish appeal.
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>> we don't believe you. >> all right. okay. >> that was just one of them. does it appear that he is the pro-everything candidate? >> his campaign should be me, too. and the hardest thing for romney, when the comedians begin to put their comedic take on a candidate, it gets traction. that's when americans learn a lot about candidates. he's the me, too, guy. it could be policy or it might not be. you would get into issues like, my wife has two cadillacs. i like grits. i'm a big-game hunter. there are issues out there. will's going to disagree on this. >> he's shaking his head. go ahead. >> we can overdo this quickly. romney has given plenty to suggest that he's unprincipled. we can overdo this quickly.
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we're looking at candidates and politicians that are unprincipled. a guy that gives up 10% of his income and gives away two years of his wife to a purpose that he sees greater than his wealth or anything else. that's a principled human being. the city of tulsa terrorized. people wondered who would be next to be shot by a driving gunman. two people are under arrest. and a social media posting could help investigators determine a motive. first, it was the best first quarter for the s&p 500 in 14 years. but is now the time to buy stocks? or have you missed your chance? ali velshi takes a look. >> jim awad is managering director at zephyr management. jim, you say the easy money is gone.
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>> well, after the last six months, the big gains will be tough to replicate that. we're going to go down the line. you can have a correction after a 30% gain. don't expect another 30% over the next six months. that's what i was saying. >> these gains don't come without risks. kim, you say the data points to the kind of volatility we saw last year. i'd like to remind our viewers. what everybody thinks they want gains. what most people sleep better with, is the slower gains without the volatility. tell me your thoughts. >> there's a couple of factors that haven't been solved between this year and last year. first and foremost is europe. europe is still not solved. greece is taken care of. but spain and italy are still out there with very large debts and a very unsteady banking system that the e.u. has to step up and fix.
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we don't believe that the actions they've taken lately has fundamentally nailed what's going on over there. that's going to blow up and make investors nervous. there's the big misunderstanding about what's happening in china. it's very difficult to get good data out of china. and we're depending on china having a soft landing. i don't know if we can count on that. but we're looking to china to see what they're doing. and that affects the global stock market of ours. >> great conversation. i'm ali velshi. with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk.
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time, now, for your week ahead cliff notes. the stories that we and you will be talking about. >> i'm dan lothian at the white house. on friday, the president heads overseas to attend the summit of the americas in cartagena, colombia. before departing, the president will host some 30,000 mostly kids here at the white house for the annual easter egg roll. then, on tuesday, the president will fly to florida for the buffett rule. it's a proposal for those making more than $1 million to pay more in taxes. first-quarter earnings season will be coming this week. alcoa will kick things off on
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tuesday with their earnings. google, jpmorgan chase will also follow. analysts have been downgrading their expectations. and with good reason. gas prices have been high. europe's debt crisis is a concern and growth in china is slowing. this can put a strain on u.s. companies. we'll keep an eye on it for you. >> i'm a.j. hammer. with folks joining us, i'll speak with warnny wilson about her stomach surgery. and will "hunger games" beat "titanic" at the box office? in tulsa, oklahoma, two men have been arrested. jacob england and alvin watts face first-degree murder charges. the recent facebook post by
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jacob england, may be a possible motive. using a racial slur, he says his dad was killed by an african-american. all of the victims killed in the shootings were black. >> bubba watson won the 76th masters tournament. watson defeated south african louis oosthuizen. he started in fourth place. but shot a 68 to force the playoff. oosthuizen, he bogeyed the second playoff hole, giving watson the green jacket. one of the greatest television journalism died. mike wallace passed away peacefully saturday night in new haven, connecticut, where he spent the past few years. wallace made his name with his fearless interview style in a career in a spanned four decades on "60 minute."
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and lesley stahl said that wallace was more than just a colleague. he impacted her life personally. >> he was the first -- i think it's right. he came out at a time when no one did. and that's a man in america who said i have depression. and allowed his name to be associated with a disease widely. at that point was so courageous. and it was spectacular. >> he is spectacular. >> and being part of the "60 minutes" family. you're like ships passing in the night. did you ever connect in him that he was dealing with depression
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long before he revealed it to everyone? >> i wasn't at "60 minutes" yet when he revealed it. i hadn't gotten there. i can't answer that question. but i can tell you my own husband had depression. and he basically saved my husband's life. no kidding. >> how did he do that? >> because i told mike that my husband had depression and wouldn't see a doctor. and mike forced him. >> lesley stahl on mike wallace. does ra [ male announcer ] break the grip of back or arthritis pain
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it has been 42 days since trayvon martin was shot and killed. the admitted shooting, a neighborhood watch volunteer. >> no justice, no peace. >> you know, it's adding up to more than a month of outrage. protests and weeks of media coverage. but people are asking what about black-on-black crime? what about how often black people kill white people? and what about brown-on-brown crime? why don't you talk about all that? well, earlier, i assembled a panel and we shared some
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sobering crime statistics. and then we did talk about all that and more. listen. i want to -- want you guys to look at this, some stats on black-on-black crime, department of justice. figures in 2005. the murder victim rate was six-times higher for black community than the white community. and in that same year comparing rates where people committing murder, seven-times higher for blacks than whites. this is crucial. from 1976 to 2005, 94% of black murder victims were murdered by black people, and as we said, they are usually murdered. people are usually murdered by people of their own race, including white people. it's like 84% for white people. my guests are remarkable people. and i'm looking to them for their unique insight. buck davis is a diversity expert and goldie taylor, you know she's here as much as i am. you hear about the what about chorus, you and i talked about that last week. doing all this coverage. the media is doing all this coverage on the trayvon martin case. but what about black-on-black
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crime? or white-on-white, that's not the trayvon martin story, those are legitimate stories and now we're here to talk about. what do you garner from the numbers and what you saw in our first block? >> well, first of all, the numbers are very personal to me. black-on-black crime hit our house in a spe specific way. there isn't a man in our family older than 28 years old. so, when you look towards hiv, sickle cell, stroke, heart disease and murder, those men aren't there by their own choice but because someone or something took them away. my fathers and brothers were both murdered. all of those crimes run solved. so, that's very specific to me but what i make of the coverage is all of these are very relevant and very important stories to cover. so much real estate on a newscast. but if you want to find black-on-black crime or white-on-white crime, tune into your news every night. it gets covered every day. what isn't getting the coverage
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i think deserves are the sheer number of protests and people coming together talking about what's happening in their communities. it happened in my hometown of east st. louis, happened in philadelphia. dozens and dozens of marches that happen in chicago every year. people are really fighting to combat these issues in a real significant way. >> you were shaking your head. you watch the news and all you see is the mug shots. it used to be the perp walk. they've outlawed them in most places now. >> i'm really excited about the attention white people have placed on the black-on-black crime. never heard white people bring up black-on-black crime to this extent. and i think it's an important issue. most murders occur intraracially. black people killing black people and white people killing white people. rich black people are killing rich black people. rich white people aren't killing rich white people. it's people struggling in this
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country having a problem. people on drugs who have the issue. i feel like in the last couple of weeks that white folks have tossed in this black-on-black notion to divert the true issue of racism in this country. i feel like this conversation is so hard for us to have. it is filled with such poison in this country that we have created that it makes the conversation almost unbearable. to the point where if i can say you people are harder on your people than our people are harder on your people, it removes me from the equation. >> buck davis and goldie taylor, thank you very much. north korea and a long-range rocket. there's fear tonight that it can be a prelude to war. a report from the launch site straight ahead. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to.
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big stories around the world now. pope benedict xvi celebrated mass in front of tens of thousands of worshippers who packed st. peters square today. the pontiff appealed for peace in africa and the middle east. he focused on syria in particular and called for an immediate end to the violence. judging from this video, that may not happen anytime soon. a cease-fire is supposed to take effect on tuesday. that's when the syrian government has agreed to withdraw from major cities.
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but in the last week there's been a dramatic spike in violence. and on sunday, damascus said it won't commit to the agreement unless so-called armed terror groups turned in their weapons. the rules of war are changing in afghanistan. washington and kabul have reached a key agreement giving afghan authorities veto power over controversial night raids. and puts american special forces in training and support roles instead of the lead. the u.s. raids are critical for capturing terrorists. but they have been a major source of tension between the two countries. a desperate search operation is taking place in the remote area of the himalayas, but hopes for finding any survivors are fading fast. 139 people were at a military outpost yesterday when it was buried under an avalanche of rock and snow. most of the victims are pakistani soldiers. the area has been a point of conflict between india and pakistan for decades. north korea has the international community on edge tonight. pyongyang has moved a long-range
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rocket into position triggering fears of a ballistic missile test. north korea insists it just wants to put a satellite into orbit. even invited foreign journalists to take a look at its top-secret launch site. and our stan grant was there. >> reporter: well, this is indeed a rare opportunity to get this close to an actual satellite launch site, especially year in north korea. this area has been kept very much under wraps away from the eyes of the world. but today, of course, this has changed. can you see the media around here. the number of people who have been invited here to tour this site. this, north korea says is part of its transparency, is to say that this is not a hostile act. there is nothing sinister about this. they say that this satellite launch is for scientific purposes. >> translator: this is a spiritual moment, as the north korean people struggle to open the gate to a prosperous and powerful future. >> reporter: launch is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the birth of the
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father of the country, kim il sung. many people were on the streets today preparing for the celebration. and many couldn't help it felt choreographed even to those cleaning the windows at their apartments at the same time. this is about as far as we're going to get and it's pretty close. standing here right at the base of the launch site. that's the rocket you can see behind me which stands 30 meters tall. traveling around here today you really get a sense of what this means to the north korean people. speaking to our guide, he was saying that this is about north korean pride, about their right to launch a satellite, and also refuting any claims that this is not in fact a satellite launch, but in fact a covert missile operation. >> translator: i am very disturbed. >> reporter: he can deny that? >> translator: look for
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yourselves with your own eyes, then you can judge whether it's a ballistic missile or whether it's a launch of a -- to show that that's why we've -- we've invited to you this launch site. >> reporter: despite north korea's assurances the skepticism, of course, is going to remain particularly from the united states, always wary about the intentions of an unpredictable country. stan grant, cnn. >> great report, stan grant. thank you for that. your neighborhood drug store, a target of a drug enforcement agency. we'll tell you why after the break. [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze...
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is the neighborhood drug store actually an illicit drug supplier? federal investigators crunched the numbers and found walgreens and other chain drug stores have suspiciously higher pain killer sales. cnn's mary snow has more on how the black market for prescription drugs is impacting the entire industry. >> reporter: citing a major jump in sales of painkillers, the drug enforcement agency moved in on walgreens, removing records and other documents from six pharmacies in florida and a distribution center looking for suspicious sales of oxycodone. in warrants, the dea states that in just the first 2 months of
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2012, there are 53 walgreens pharmacies listed in the agency's top 100 purchasers of oxycodone. that's half of them in florida. that's compared to zero wall green pharmacies being on that list in 2009. a spokesman for the drug store chain said in a statement, we are working with and cooperating with the dea on this matter. it comes two months after the dea in florida moved in on two cvs stores and a cardinal health distributor. cardinal health is challenging the action. cvs said it was disappointed but cooperating. >> can you look from the dea and state and local partners a continued and vigorous effort in this regard. as pill mills are no longer dispensing, a lot of our focus is on pharmacies now >> reporter: dea says it looks for red flags, things like unusually large orders in an effort to prevent prescription painkillers from being sold illegally. the national association of chain drug stores says it has zero tolerance for prescription drugs being diverted to the black market. but it's also working with law enforcement on another problem. the rise in prescription drug abuse has led to pharmacies around the country being robbed. in new york's suffolk county,
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four people were killed in a pharmacy robbery last june. >> unfortunately, it's a very serious problem in the fact that the price on the black market of prescription drugs, mainly painkillers is so high, and that they can actually buy heroin at 25% less than prescription drugs. and we are seeing that. we are seeing people that are very desperate and that are willing to rob pharmacies. >> reporter: pharmacies are beefing up security in their stores with extra surveillance. some are even arming themselves for protection. mary snow, cnn, new york. >> all right. check it out. this is not an eye glass commercial. you're looking at science fiction come to life. straight ahead we'll tell you why these glasses are making people so happy.
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thousands of people around the world may be sleeping tonight without a pillow. why is that? here you go. it's 15 minutes of pure fun. the international pillow fight day attracted thousands of people in more than 100 cities. this battle was in washington, d.c., the one that you're looking at. other pillow fights were held in the u.k., in germany and brazil and at least 24 other countries. all right. so, they may look like
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glasses, but i'm told technically, they are eyewear. either way they are making a spectacle of themselves. just take it from tech guru katie linendoll. >> reporter: concept behind these video and glasses and two days ago the co-founder was actually spot wearing the glasses and this comes under the google labs, has a secret laboratory where they took future-forward ideas and try to bring them down to scale. under that umbrella is the self-driving car and also the elevator and now the augmented reality glasses. kind of stole the tech buzz this week. you see what they look like. no lenses inside there, but what you're looking at, there's a small video camera on the one side. that is taking in information in realtime, and then there's a little glass rectangle. that's where the alerts are going to pop you. now the alerts that are popping up in that little rectangle. you can check the weather, play music and video chat with somebody. can you get information just on the building right in front of you so talk about future forward
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technologies. doesn't get any better than this and i spoke to google asking them a now questions. how is this going to be powered? don't know if it's going to be it a stand-alone product or powered off android or something, in a prototype phase. it will probably be a while before we see these pop on market but a very interesting concept. >> what i find interesting here is the periphery because that little thing is like right on the right side there. it will probably get smaller as time gets on, all technology, right, gets tinier and tine ier. i'm wondering what it does like for a distraction, walking in traffic like that. you know what i'm talking about? >> yeah. i totally know what you're talking about. one of the pecks of this would be the turn-by-turn directions you could get popping up in your peripheral. google released this get user feedback. and in less than 48 hours, there
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were 5,000 comments on their google plus page. and people are saying what they think, yeah, it's way over the top but for people excited about technology it could be the next best thing. >> can you wear glasses under them? >> that's a good question. interesting today, one individual is tweeting you and i said i'm blind in one eye, i need to wear my glasses. these aren't glasses. google is experimenting with a lot of different designs and technological capabilities that can accommodate different vision requirements. and they're are considering people who wear glasses and have difficulty focuses. it's only google xp, that is allowed to wear the prototype. a lot of people are in the rumor mill saying these will be out by the end of the year and guessing a price tag of $200 to $600 which is less than i thought so it's interesting to see how it plays out. >> wow, what was the character that had the glasses, lavar burton's character had glasses that looked -- jordy, someone's
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a trekkie in my ear. i've got to ask you this just quickly. aren't they migraine-inducing, has that been a criticism? >> this isn't something i think you would keep on all day. if you had ads popping up there in as well. talk about jumping the shark. i don't know, like i think it's a very interesting dialogue and interesting to see that these comments on the google plus page already. do i think it could cause a migraine? yeah, i think it could annoy the heck out of somebody. let's get to the headlines right now. tulsa, oklahoma, two men accused of killing three people has been arrested. 33-year-old alvin watts faces murder charges. two other shooting victims survived. they are still in the hospital now, a recent facebook posting from jacob england may hint at a motive. thursday marked the two-year anniversary of his father's death. using a racial slur, he said his
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dad was killed by an african-american. all victims in the shooting were black. journalism has lost a legend. mike wallace died saturday night. he was 93 years old. he died in new haven, connecticut where he spent the last few years. wallace became known as a fearless and dedicated reporter during the last four decades at "60 minutes." ♪ ♪ he's the king forever and ever ♪ ♪ hallelujah, hallelujah >> despite the chilly weather hundreds of people came out to celebrate easter at sunrise service at arlington national cemetery. the u.s. army corps and its band provided music for the service at the amphitheater. more than 14,000 veterans are buried at arlington. the first family also celebrated easter today. they started their day with a stroll to st. john's episcopal church. the president wished everyone a happy easter as he went by. and during the service the obamas received communion along with other worshippers in the congregation. happy easter to everyone. happy passover, asl.
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