tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN April 10, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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it's the most random reason to drink. if nothing else, next year it's another excuse to drink if you can't hold out to cinco de mayo. you're welcome. and for those with the pussy willow welts today, happy dyngus day from us. breaking news tonight. a bazaar development in the trayvon martin case. george zimmerman's defense team drops him as a client today. also rick santorum suspends his campaign for president. and a florida baseball manager is punished for saying he loves fidell castro. let's go outfront. out front tonight breaking news. the lawyers for george zimmerman, the man who shot and killed trayvon martin say they are no longer communicating with
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their client and in a very bazaar and strange and might i add surprising news conference this afternoon the lawyers say they are dropping george zimmerman. >> i still believe that he was acting in self defense that night. nothing i have said about him or this case has changed in any way. i just can't proceed to represent a client who doesn't stay in contact with me. >> say the last time they spoke to the volunteer neighborhood watchman was this past sunday and he is no longer answering their calls. as of 1:30 eastern today george zimmerman posted a statement that claims his innocence and seeks donations to his defense fund. he is writing i am attempt s to respond to each and everyone of my supporters personally. the support has been overwhelming in volume and strength. he goes on. i thank you all and ask that you
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permit the time to respond to each one of you personally. once again, thank you. george zimmerman hot and killed 17-year-old trayvon martin on february 26th and claims it was in self defense. martin's family says he racially profiled their son and demands his arrest. i want to bring in martin and calen to talk about this shocking, surprising, bazaar news conference held on behalf of the two attorneys. have you ever in your career paul, heard of this happening? they say they haven't been in contact with their client so done. >> it is bazaar. i have heard of it happening. usually the lawyer says there is a missing witness in the case, mr. green. the lawyer hasn't been paid. i'm betting on this case because he started a website and raising money he has never met with these lawyers i don't think they
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are being paid and as a result of that they are dropping out of the case waiting for the big gun to come in to represent zimmerman. i think you'll see somebody well known probably step into the case and assume representation at some point in the very, very near future. that's what it is looking like to me. >> when i was in orlando i talked to different attorneys and they said that major lawyers down there have been waiting and salivating at the opportunity. >> they are salivating. >> absolutely. >> in this case he has never physically met with these lawyers. >> i believe when they said today the last time their communication with george zimmerman was sunday that might have been via text message. >> coming to the studio i called his friend. he hasn't talked to george in two weeks. he said i feel like he is wrongly being advised and he is making bad decisions. he said i am comfortable in saying that the authorities know where he is at if they need to
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get to him and talked about the flight risk. said the family is concerned. joe said he doesn't have the funds to be a flight risk but went on to make it clear that i sent him a text today saying you are making bad decisions and said it is not going to work in your faver. joe said one of the reasons he hasn't been on television is he doesn't want to rehash the same thing and said i can't represent him as a friend if he won't talk to me. he talked to his father a week ago and hasn't talked to george zimmerman in two weeks. >> sent the text. didn't get anything? >> not gotten a response from him. he hasn't talked to him or returned a text in two weeks. >> you are saying that potentially big gun attorneys are about to take over the case. in the meantime we are talking about george zimmerman as a former client of the gentleman. was it unethical for them to come forward and hold this news
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conference about someone they had been representing potentially speaking in a way that wouldn't perhaps put their client in a nice light? >> i have a real problem with the attorneys doing this and i think they may have an ethical problem. look at the tenor of the price conference. why are they holding a press conference to say we are not representing him? when you come away it sounds like zimmerman is a bit of a flake. he doesn't talk to his own attorneys. don't you want to be presenting the defense that zimmerman is a stable human being who made a proper but difficult decision to defend himself. instead they make him look like a flake. lawyers are supposed to act to the benefit of the client. >> even if it is a former client. >> you say i'm out of the case. that is what linda batten did when she with drew from the casey anthony case. bruce cutter said we had strategic decisions and with drew. a lot of high profile cases.
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>> how you have a father who is a judge, a mother who was a clerk in the court. you come from a legal family and so you have to be asking the question, where is his family in this? you would think they would be saying george, sit down and shutup. we know the law. listen to us and talking to joe oliver and listening to attorneys sounds like he is freelancing out there. so it is certainly making for a crazy development. >> what do you make of his attorneys at one point saying maybe he is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. he said he is losing weight and perhaps very instable. >> when you think about this you have these attorneys who have never actually met with him. he -- >> still marveling at that. >> he zimmerman said they are not my attorneys but have given me council. that's sort of a mixed message. this is the outline of a defense in a criminal case, particularly a murder case.
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you don't do this. >> said he has worked with him personally. so you are saying you are hearing these stories. are you getting them all on the phone. if i'm somebody's that close friend and i'm an attorney i'm having a face to face. >> perhaps you can come back and say we called big dog attorneyed and still so many questions. >> if they can find him. >> which is the crazy thing getting back to the father thing. you know what a judge would say to his son? sit down with an attorney right now. you are in the middle of this fire storm. >> we are getting ben crump, the attorney representing trayvon martin's family. i was speaking with them a short time ago. he joins us now. let me begin with the family here who you have been very closely in touch with. were they watching today's news
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conference? what was their reaction? >> as the lead attorney for the parents of trayvon martin we have all watched the press conference. as i told roland earlier it was just surprising to us. after the press conference his parents turned to me and said they don't know where this guy is at. and that is the issue. they don't know where the killer of trayvon martin is at. he is unaccounted for and they are really concerned about that because they do worry about him being a flight risk. they worry about if he is ever going to be brought to justice for killing their son. >> we hear from sanford police. they say they do know where george zimmerman even though he is apparently not in contact with anybody else. do they buy that or are they fearful that he can flee? >> with this sporadic conduct on behalf of george zimmerman, we
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think he is a flight risk. we found out today he is not in the state of florida. the lawyers say they don't think he will leave the country. they haven't met him. as we were telling roland martin we are concerned about this because how does this impact the prosecution going forward? if he is charged, is he going to face the charges or is he going to flee? >> am i hearing you correctly that you are hearing that he is not in florida? is that what you just said? >> we heard he is not in the state of florida. >> where are you getting that from? >> we picked that up from the press conference. they know where they are thinking but they are not sure. >> if he is out of the state of florida or if it is a danger that he is going to leave the country this would cause the prosecutor to move quickly.
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she has to go to court and get an arrest warrant and you want to grab him while he is grabable. this is an important that prosecutor would be looking at if he is available. >> remember he has not been arrested so it is not like he has to be in contact with authorities. he is not under any watch. >> not wearing an ankle bracelet. >> until a warrant is issued by the court he is flee to go where he wants. >> if george zimmerman, wherever he is, if he is watching tonight what message would trayvon martin parents have for him? >> the same message all along, why did he shoot and kill their son. their son was unarmed trying to get home. they always asked that question of george zimmerman. the only thing they asked for the police and the state attorney is arrest him so the wheels of justice can start going forward and a judge and jury will decide this matter.
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they only want simple justice. nothing more or nothing less. >> thank you. meantime, what a day it has been. rick santorum suspending his presidential campaign. and canter is in damage control mode today. we are outfront on that one last week. also a woman lied to the world about being in the world trade center on 9/11, all false and her lies didn't stop there. this is $100,000.
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what a day it has been. huge political news. rick santorum suspending his campaign for the republican presidential nomination. here it was. >> we made a decision at our kitchen table against all the odds and we made a decision over the weekend that while this presidential race for us is over for me and we will suspend our campaign effective today, we are not done fighting.
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>> cnn has learned that final decision was made last night and what it does is it now clears the way for mitt romney pretty much all but certain candidacy. >> he will continue to have a major role in the republican party and i look forward to his work in helping assure victories for republicans across the country in november. >> a couple of big questions, one being who gets santorum's supporters? and will he endorse romney and help him campaign as we look forward to november. gentleman, welcome tonight. timing-wise we know he was in and out of the hospital with his daughter, bella. also you have the primary coming up in his home state.
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was this move just to save a little face? >> i think there is a lot to it. i think this was an exhausting campaign for him and took him away from his family. on top of that he had a very, very big mountain to climb in terms of winning pennsylvania. i think those things taken together make it a very sensible decision. >> both family and political. >> absolutely. >> we know that santorum called romney before his announcement and also learned that romney has asked for the face to face meeting and santorum said yes to that. once it happens, looking in the tea leaves what will happen afterwards? smelling an endorsement potentially? >> almost definitely at some point. but it was striking that rick santorum found time to mention the sweater vest but not to mention mitt romney by name. this was about saving face and not potentially losing his home state. losing your home state that is devastating but would really hurt him going forward.
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this way he gets out with grace and says he can represent the conservative wing going forward. in that face to face meeting it is not just a conversation about an endorsement but negotiating for speaking slots at the convention and that sort of thing. santorum comes out of this very surprising campaign. if you told us six months ago he would be the last serious candidate standing people wouldn't believe you. >> sweater vest aside and i know people will miss that, john makes a point he did with grace. his presence on the trail has been a gift for the obama administration the way he has pointed out mitt romney's weaknesses. >> president clinton used to quote ben franklin saying we should thank our foes because they point out our flaws. the biggest flaw that santorum pointed out in romney is the inability to appeal to blue collar people. romney has not been able tool
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reach out to them. santorum has given plenty for the democrats to use against romney. week of april 15th santorum was killing romney on this issue. >> you are saying that was also a gift for romney? i hear you laughing. how is that a gift for romney? >> romney knows what he has to correct and still seems unable to do it. he is noma dumb man but knows he can't get blue collar votes. rick santorum who lost his own state by 18 points even he was beating him among blue collar republicans. how do you think romney is going to do against independents? >> that was less so in wisconsin than earlier primaries. it seemed as though mitt romney was improving his stance. i think you are going to see a general refocusing on the message. >> let's talk about the message. when you look at the numbers, the washington post poll and
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president obama does well when it comes to women but when you look at jobs and the economy it is neck and neck. obama at 43%, romney 47%. how is romney, it is a little bit of a lead but not enough. >> absolutely and the other issue is that recently third way released a survey as they referred to as swing independents. these voters favor obama slightly over romney. they are actually much more responsive to an opportunity oriented economic message than a fairness oriented economic message. with the president focusing on the buft rule -- it is not necessarily true that romney is going to press an opportunity oriented message but if you manage to figure that out it suggests that he might learn from santorum by appealing more blue collar voters then he has a real advantage.
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>> there is someone out there who would like to get the voters and that is former speak of the house, newt gingrich. he said today he is still staying in. he is going to get the santorum voters. sending out an e-mail saying let me get some money and hoping to get a lot of supporters. when you look at the recent nationwide poll half would go to romney? why is newt gingrich staying in this thing? >> well, he is sort of jumping up and down saying i'm still here. i think newt gingrich is playing a bit of poker. he is reading history books and hoping maybe he will get lucky. hoping there is an opportunity to ride this thing to tampa. i think those folks who have been hard core, i think you will see newt gingrich's numbers get a slight bump in the state contests going forward because he is the last man standing along with ron paul.
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i think effectively the nomination is done today with rick santorum dropping out. and that, mitt romney is going to have time to coalesce the support and refocus the message to the general election. in these past four months he has lost dramatic support among women and independent voters. that is significant. >> we'll see how that poker game and poker face turns out. you should have seen these guys snickering when you made that comment. thank you all so much. appreciate it. outfront next the manager of the florida marlins is suspended for his controversial comments he made. he said how he respects and loves fidell castro. and a rileant argument on new york subway escalates. an unlikely hero steps spenders.
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184,841, that's how many people have visited miami now we are guessing visitors are trying to get to the site located at miami.marlins.calm. a if you visit miami this is what you get. speaking of the marlins their manager is in some trouble today for controversial comments he recently made. we are going to play some of those comments and his punishment coming up. also ahead eric canter on defense after donating to a super pac targeting members of his own party. [ male announcer ] nature valley sweet & salty nut bars.
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we start the second half of our show with stories we care about where we focus on our own reporting. we found the outfront five. up first george zimmerman's attorneys say they lost contact with the client and thus will no longer be representing the man who killed florida teenager trayvon martin. the attorneys announcing this afternoon that they are dropping zimmerman because they have not heard from him in days and his lawyers say zimmerman called this special prosecutor today to talk about the case. angela corey refused to meet with him without his lawyers. attorneys say zimmerman is no longer in florida but doesn't say where he is.
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the death of a british businessman in china has officially been ruled a murder. neil hayward was foun dead in a hotel room in november but authorities said he accidently drank himself to death. in the months that followed his relationship with high ranking communist official's wife came to light urged to take a look at how he died. today reports his wife and a family aid have been arrested in connection with haywood's death. number three. three public school employees in maryland are now millionaires. the self declared three amigos have come forward kind of hiding behind the check there to claim their winning mega millions ticket. each will get $35 million after taxes.
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here is what we do know about them. the winners are an elementary school teacher, a special education teacher and an administrative worker. and they all say they are going to keep working. they don't want to retire. there is one unclaimed winning ticket out there somewhere in illinois. number four tonight best buy ceo brian dunn resigned admitted to personal misconduct. certain issues were brought to the board's attention regarding his personal conduct unrelated to the company's operations or financial controls. prior to the completion of the investigation mr. dunn chose to resign. best buy has struggled recently announcing the loss of $1.7 billion during the first quarter of this year. analysts told outfront that best buy will likely benefit. it has been 250 days since
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the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? the stock market not helping. the down down 214 points. all three major indexes lost more than 1.5%. now to a story we have been outfront on. sources close to eric canter say a staff error led to his donation of $25,000 to the supe pac dedicated to unseeding incumbent members of congress including members of cantor's own party. this is raising a few eyebrows and cantorissen damage control. spoke to the founders who did nothing to tear down the controversy. watch. >> you received money from a pac associated with republican house
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majority leader eric cantor. you are taking on members of his conference and presumably backing newer tea party members. that is definitely taking aside with an ideological and faction fight with the republican party. >> we are delighted that the house leadership of the gop shares our vision of creating real competition for entrenched incumbents. that's so forward thinking of them. committee chairs and house leadership ought to have to compete for the support of their district. we applaud their foresight. >> they applaud their foresight but many house republicans are certainly not applauding this move. i want to bring in dana bash joining me live from washington. a staff error? are the republicans buying that one? >> eric cantorhas angry republicans on his hand because
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he is picking sides and pitting one house republican against another. one told me this is dangerous ground and not what our leadership should be doing. to be fair some republicans i talk to say they would give cantora pass because he is picking sides in a republican race where he is particularly close to one of them and that is the person who won, congressman allen out of illinois. targeting more than half a dozen other republicans are not okay as far as many colleagues are concerned and that is why he has been making calls to many members. >> i know that the week before eric cantor's pac made this donation, a front paged article about the campaign aspeared smack dab on the cover of the washington post. check it out yourself. got to imagine this is the paper that lands on the house majority
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leader's front door step at least on capitol hill. how could they have not known what this super pac was up to? >> it's perplexing. here is what i believe they mean. politicians, especially someone as high ranking as eric cantoris asked to do things all the time. one house republican asked him to please give to the superpac. he said i will and authorized the staff to do it. it seems like the staff may not have done what they intend to do. they get these requests and sometimes they say i'll do it but their staff puts the cubosh on it. in this case the staff should have seen that the super pac is also trying to take out some of the republicans he doesn't want to take out and they should have not done it but it happened. >> thank you. want to bring in john avalon. this one on friday, on friday
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eric cantor's office told outfront that the money he donated was meant for one specific race only. let's listen to part of your interview here. >> eric cantor's office responded and said his pac did give the $25,000 to your super pac with the understanding that that money was only supposed to go to support adam. seems like that is news to you. you said it is one general fund. >> it is news to me. i don't know what their expectation was but i never talked to anyone in their office. i don't know what their expectations were. for us it came in and went into our super pac and we spent it on the activity that was underway. >> and john that's very different from what sources close to cantorare saying now which at the tip top are saying this was a staff error.
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why are they saying that? why back track? >> well, the back tracking is a bad sign. blaming something on staff error is the equivalent of saying the dog ate my homework. whenever you have a more detailed explanation that we made this donation with full knowledge but earmarked for this specific race and now saying we don't know anything about it that is a bad sign in the elm of credibility. this super pac is notorious on capitol hill. it is not credible to say they were unaware of it. this is really going to create problems for eric cantor. >> why would the majority leader in the u.s. house of representatives get involved in a race between two members of his own party? >> it is a great question. and that is the question a lot of members of the republican conference are asking right now. obviously there is bad blood against congressman targeted and
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a loyalty he had committed apparently to support adam in this ridistricting primary that was done. but what is really creating bad blood around this revelation isn't just the donation was made. it wasn't just that when this news was coming out there wasn't a head's up. instead of supporting adam this went to negative ads and that really will leave a bad taste in people's mouths. that can form a lot of negative stereotypes about eric cantor. >> and at a time when republicans are calling on unity i imagine that has a ripple effect in capitol hill. a florida baseball manager punished for comments about fidel castro and the woman who wasn't there. don't miss this. this woman totally lied about
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game suspension. he tried to explain. here he was. >> what i mean in spanish when they ask me in spanish i was thinking in spanish and i say i cannot believe somebody hurt so many people over the years is still alive. >> a columnist at the herald. tapping into the outrage i know i have seen in south florida and the community there in the last 24 hours or so. how strong is it and will this be enough? >> let me give you some perspective on the outrage. the outrage is a kin to someone walking into vatican city and in the middle of a million catholics saying i don't not only believe in god, i love the
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devil, i respect the devil because the guy has been around for so many years. that is the perspective that the cuban americans and cubans and americans of cuban dissent have down here because to them fidel castro is the devil incarnate. he is not the benign figure that passes out cigars to national leaders around the globe. this is a guy that to them and, in fact, was a terrorist leader, was a guerilla, a murderer and to them was a guy who broke up millions of families including my own and so it frayed nerves. it's a big deal down here and it's a big deal. >> i think you did put it in perspective. given that analogy you gave is this five game suspension enough? >> well, obviously he showed a lot of contrition. he not only apologized in one
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language, he apologized in two languages. i have never seen that in my entire career. he said i'm sorry, i apologize, i'm embarrassed at least 62 times during that 46 minute press conference. i buy it. i think that is going to be enough. we won't know for sure until people buy the tickets or don't buy the tickets. >> we know he is certainly no stranger to controversial comments. in 2006 he was ordered to take sensitivity training after using a homosexual slur to describe a columnist. in 2008 he said fidel castro is a [ bleep ] dictator. in 2010 he praised illegal immigrants saying there are a lot of people from this country who are lazy. we are not. prove me wrong. a lot of people want to be on
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the computer and send e-mails we go out to make the country better. last week talking about his post game ritual i have my routine. game is over, stay in the lobby of the hotel, hotel bar, get drunk and go to sleep. in '05 he was seen after the game waving a venzuwailen flag. how does this current controversy, these most recent words about fidel castro. how does that stack up, you think? >> ozzie's dropped a lot of bombs. this one's one of the nuclear explosions, i would say. i would tell you that because he has a history that you just went through, people are wary. people are worried about the next bomb that he drops. you know, so again the contrition, the sincerity,
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that's all and good. but i think people are wary of what's going to happen down the road. >> here's hoping he works well, i guess, with the florida marlins and can bring them the series win as he did the white sox. and hopefully people won't care. thank you. let's check in with anderson after being badly burned tonya witnessed the decapitation before coming along a dying man to deliver the wedding ring. the thoughts of the white dress she'd wear on their wedding day. soon after this woman learned that dave didn't make it. >> met outside the world trade center when he stole my cab. every year i got to the site, i take a new york city cab with me and i put it in the reflection
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pool so that he knows that i remember. >> despite that devastating loss, tania became a beacon of hope. she had them represented in the 9/11 museum. even game michael bloomberg a tour of ground zero. tania, you see, had a dark secret. she wasn't even in the united states on september 11th. it was all a lie. robin fisher and angelo wrote about the deception. the new book is entitled "the woman who wasn't there." angelo told me about how they first met. >> the second we met, she told me her story. i cried. >> you cried? >> yeah. and she only had really like 70 seconds to tell me the story. it was barely a minute. and, you know, we became friends right after that. then she asked me to do a documentary based on her group.
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>> robin, to you, tania was a well known name within the 9/11 survivors community. she wasn't just a survivor. she was the president of the survivors network. what else? >> she was. she was everything. she was the ultimate survivor. she was a widow. she was a victim. she was the leader. she was everything on 9/11. >> when you hear the details of her story and her fiance and the ring that she brought to the man after she got out of the south tower, did you ever stop and question any of the story and her personality? describe it. >> well, you know, she had a personality that was not unlike a movie star. it was magnetic. she had a magnetism. she didn't have physical beauty, but what she did have was this light around her that connected you to her immediately. so she was able to walk into a room and just command presence. all eyes were on her. and, i mean, we connected to her
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right away. and so did the press, so did the people in the 9/11 community. it was very hard. because as robin said, she represented a widow and a hero and almost everything that 9/11 came to represent. >> so never at any point in time you said tania, i'm not so sure about you. >> well, you know, it's a strange thing. you know, she's sitting in front of your camera and you're interviewing her and she's baring her soul and not for a second did i believe she was anything but an authentic 9/11 survivor. her story changed. she had a fiance then a husband. then back to fiance. >> some holes in the resume? >> sure. merrill lynch, back to morgan stanley. you say she was so traumatized she couldn't keep the story straight. that was common of survivors. so every type of detection you had of her, you overruled because of her trauma. >> you talk about interviewing her for the documentary.
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you would never think for a story to question it. you questioned it, did fact checking, the new york times did. this piece comes out. you realize this good friend who i'm sure she bared her soul to you and vice versa, you find out this is a ruse. are you in shock? do you think it's a joke? >> it's hard to believe and hard to wrap your head around at first. you have to keep reminding yourself she was lying. ironically it was the deception that didn't seem real. and then after you sort of come out of that shock, it sort of starts to make sense. the canceled appointments. the disappearances. the inconsistencies in stories and emotions. the emotional outbreaks. you start to say, wow. all that mystery we couldn't figure out is now adding up. >> did you ever have a chance to see her once this all came out and say who are you and why? >> well, you know, against all odds in a city of 8 million people i ran into her on the
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street just days after the tenth anniversary. and the survivors really were still suffering at what she had done. i mean, the shock waves sent through the survivor community for years to come. and i asked her how could you come to new york after the tenth anniversary? >> how dare you? >> yeah. how dare you? and don't you feel a thing for the people that you've hurt? because it just boggled my mind that there was no contrition, no apology. >> no apology? >> no. >> not once? >> there was no effort to ease their suffering which they were clearly so doing. so it was incredible. >> who is she and where is she now? >> she is -- she's a very wealthy woman from -- her family's very wealthy from barcelona. she travels all over europe. she pops into manhattan. seems to be living the high life. i believe at least her therapist told me if she's not scamming
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someone right now, she will definitely do it again. and she fooled her own therapist. so she's out there. >> and she's not facing any kind of charges because she never profited from any of this. did she give her own money? >> she gave her own money. she didn't sign any documents. she didn't hurt anyone physically. she did not do anything in the confines of our law that is considered illegal. >> unreal. right? you can catch the premiere of "the woman who wasn't there" at 8:00 eastern on investigation discovery. you can also buy the book as well. a violent altercation on a subway. an unlikely hero takes a bite out of crime. [ an ] may ford. hi, yeah. do you guys have any crossovers that offer better highway fuel economy than the chevy equinox? no, sorry, sir. we don't. oh, well, that's too bad. [ man ] kyle, is that you? [ laughs ] [ man ] still here, kyle.
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visit today. earlier this week a woman on a subway thought a man was following her. so she confronted him leading to this. >> whoa whoa whoa. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> yikes, right? could have ended worse. but things didn't get too crazy because this happened. >> don't follow me! >> no, no. >> another passenger steps into the middle. doesn't raise his voice. doesn't get physical. doesn't even break his chip-eating stride. not a lot is known about this guy. he's been dubbed the snack man on the internet.
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