tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 13, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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to texas where they scooped up ochoa who is the hacker they say he's known as "w wormer." shows you how dangerous it is to post things on the internet especially if you're wanted by the fbi. jooir i . >> i'm tom foreman. see you next week. "360" starts right now. tom, thanks. we begin with "keeping them honest." a new and troubles chopper in the saga that landed these murderers on the street their records wiped clean free to vote and live where they please and free to buy guns as if their deadly crimes never happened. we're talking about former mississippi governor haley barbour. he repeatedly refused to answer simple questions about his actions. all those killers got their
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first big break when they were chosen to work at se haven'ts at the governor's mansion for the governor and then they were pardoned. two even got car-buying help from the governor's wife. governor barbour disputes that. as we said, "360" has uncovered another facet of the story. more evidence that calls the entire process to question and suggests there was a rush to pardon the people before checking the facts. this one concerns the pardon of harry bostick. for his third dui, he was pardoned ford his third dui even though he was suspected of committing a fourth dui at the time. the governor said it didn't know that fact before they pardoned him on the third dui. tonight we know otherwise and we'll have more on that. another example it seems, the governor or his office, saying one thing and the facts say another. here's how he justified pardoning the killers. >> for decades our government has been served primary live by
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inmates from the state penal system, almost all murderers because the experts say people that committed one crime of passion in their life, after they've served 20 years amd these have served on average, 20 years, are the least likely to ever commit another crime. >> we pointed out before that experts say governor barbour's theory is full of holes but these were hardly crimes of passion. one killer murdered his victim during a holdup. another stalked his estranged wife and shot her to death as she held their child in her arms before you were thing the gun on her friend, randy walker. >> i mean, a crime of passion, to me is if you come home from a business trip or from lunch unexpected and you find your spouse doing something they're not supposed to and you snap and beat them to death with a lamp on the side of the bed table or something. you don't drive nine hours from georgia, stalk us all night long, follow me to my house, find out where i live. sleep on it all night long, get
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up and hunt us down the next morning and then do it. there's plenty of time to stop what you've done here. and that's one of the questions that if governor barbour would ever man-up enough to talk to me that's a question i'd ask him. how is this a crime of passion? show me how this is a crime of passion? >> randy walker said he got 24 hours notice that david gatlin was being set free. he said he never had a chance to fight the transfer to the governor's mass. as for the mother and sister of the victim, this is what governors barbour claimed about keeping them in the loop. >> governor barbour claims his lawyers met with your family two years before david glen gatlin's release. is that true? >> no, that's absolutely false. we have had no contact with the governor or his lawyers, any of his people. no one has made an attempt to contact us. >> nor has the former governor
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shown in the inclination at all to answer any questions about this. >> governor, ed lavender with cnn, can we talk to you? >> let me get my instructions first. >> he wouldn't give us a second and walked right inside the building but not before showing us what he thought of the questions. >> governor, can you talk to us about the pardons? >> we'll wait for you out here then. >> just told me to stay where i'm cold. >> governor, can we get a few minutes to talk about the pardons with you? >> not really. when the supreme court rules it will be time to talk. i'm not so presumptuous to predict what the supreme court is going to do. but when they rule then we can talk. >> well, mississippi supreme court ruled and upthey would pardons but the governor still won't answer our questions but ed kept digging and he found another surprising chapter in the pardon story. watch. >> you have any questions?
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whenever you're ready. >> police dash kachl cameras captured these stumbles. the retired irs investigator was a familiar face to the officer who arrested him twice. >> i know who you are. >> reporter: in all, he was convicted of drunk driving three times between 2008 and 2009. >> have you been drinking today? >> reporter: he was serving a felony sentence in an alcohol abuse program, not in prison, when he asked former mississippi governor, hailey barbour to pardon him. they say his life fell into a destructive course after the tragic death of his teenage son in a tragic house fire and divorce from his wife. influential people including former prosecutors who are friends with top state-elected officials write glowing letters to barbour saying he no longer drinks alcohol and had turned his life around. last september, the mississippi parole board in a 3-2 vote, recommended a pardon for bostick
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but fate had him on a collision course with an 18-year-old girl named charity smith. >> all i think about is my child every day. >> linda smith weeps when she talks about her daughter. about a week after the parole board's vote, charity pulled out on this road, near tupelo, mississippi, o'apparently not seeing his truck coming down the road. he slammed into the side of her car, charity was killed. regardless of who was at fault state police say one thing was clear. bostick was driving drunk again. >> charity was quite the artist. >> i think so. >> reporter: one week after the parole board's recommendation, three months later, governor barbour would par bostick despite his continued drinking. on the day haleigh barbour pardoned him he was sitting in this jail in oxford, mississippi, suspected of driving drunk awe fourth time involved in the accident that killed charity smith.
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at the time we first reported the story, the governor spokeswoman said the governor had no idea that this had happened but now we've obtained documents that suggest the governor's office knew all along. bob whitwell, a former federal prosecutor was one of the friends that pushed for his pardon but days after the deadly car accident, and before bostick was pardoned he wrote a much different e-mail to his law school friend, the current secretary of state in mississippi. he writes -- my friend was involved in a motor vehicle accident and he had been drinking. i had no idea he had messed up. therefore, hold up on helping him. all of us are in shock. sorry. the e-mail was for wawarded to governor's office and barbour's chief lawyer said okay, will do. despite the e-mail, the governor helped anyway and pardoned bostick. >> this is the e-mail we wanted you to see. >> it means they knew and they
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still pardoned him! >> reporter: this was four days after charity was killed? >> four days. that's not right. this is not right. >> reporter: in february, we tried to ask governor barbour about bostick's pardon. >> governor can we talk about the pardons with you? >> not really. when the supreme court rules -- >> reporter: we went back to the governor again looking for answers. >> do you regret pardoning -- >> reporter: once again, barbour refused and his spokes wyoming said since this issue could go back before the state supreme court, we do not think that. o'it is appropriate to comment beyond what governor barbour has already stated previously.
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>> i just want to know why he went ahead and done it, knowing? why would you go ahead and do it? >> reporter: do you feel helpless? >> yes. because what can i do? i mean, really, what can i do? it's done. what's so bad is they knew and it still got done. how do you fix that? >> reporter: it can't be fixed and to linda smith, the pardon of harry bostick stinks of corruption. >> again, we keep trying to get haleigh barbour to sit with us any time, any place to give his side of the story and the invitation remains opened. i spoke with linda smith earlier. how are you holding up, linda? >> i take each day the best i
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can. i miss my daughter so very much. >> it doesn't get any easier, does it? >> no, it doesn't. >> the last time we spoke you said you believed the governor's office when they said they were not aware of a fourth dui charge. now you've seen the e-mails and know that they were, in fact, aware of the fourth charge. what went through your mind when you found that out? >> i could not understand why they still did it. knowing and why didn't they stop it? why did he go ahead and do it? i don't understand that. when you have something stating someone is sitting somewhere for the same thing, only a person has died, who does that? i don't understand that. >> it doesn't make any sense
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either that they would go ahead and do that knowing about the fourth dui. >> no. and another thing i don't understand is if all these people wrote letters stating that this person has changed, why didn't more people come forward and -- they had to have known where he was. only one person or is there more and we just don't know about it? >> he was in jail at the time the pardon came through? >> yes. >> has haleigh barbour or anyone from his office contacted you? >> no. no, they haven't. >> and no one has contacted you to try to explain it?
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>> no. no one has called me. >> what do you want to happen to this man? to harry bostick? >> them knowing what they did and still pardoning him, i don't see how they can do that. i don't see how that pardon could stand up. i mean, i don't understand that part. how can that happen? >> what do you want people to remember about your daughter? i mean, to keep in mind about your daughter in all of this? >> that she had a future, a wonderful future. and she's not here to fulfill it anymore. her dreams, she was just saying to me days before that, she said -- mom, i'm not going to lose sight of my dreams. i'm going to get my degree and i'm going to do the things i set
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out to do. and now, she will not. i mean, she will never feel the sun on her face. she'll never grow up. she'll never have a family. >> linda, thank you for talking to us. we're going to keep on this. thank you. stay strong. >> you're welcome. >> let us know what you think. we're on facebook, google plus or twitter @anderson cooper. a new disclosure in the trayvon par tin case. we'll take you inside the courtroom next. if there was a pill to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is.
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and hurtle us all into space. which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd, and you still need to retire. td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans? new developments in the trayvon martin case starting with the moment of the courtroom drama. the judge called a brief hearing to make a disclosure involving her ties to cnns newest legal analyst, who referred to defendant goreorge zimmerman.
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>> it's my understanding that mr. zimmerman called make mejai to represent you prior to you. my husband works with mark. he only practices civil law and he does not practice criminal law at this time. i wanted to make both parties aware purr subt to the judicial cannons and under my obligations i wanted to disclose this to you as soon it was possible. that's why i set this hearing first thing this morning. you all can decide how you wish to proceed. >> neither side has asked the judge to recuse herself but mark sid he might file a motion next week. a bond hearing is set for next friday. the formal arraignment is may 29th. the actual trial may not begin for months. in the meantime we're learning about zimmerman's prison. he has no access to tv or tobacco.
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he can get reading material from the jail library or by mail order and can purchasing items from the commissary. his first order which is toiletries, clothing, puzzle books, playing cards and snack food and he gets three meals a day and three hours of recreation each week. that's a quick rundown of george zimmerman's physical circumstances. his mental state and his case going forward i talked with it to his new attorney, mark rom o romero. >> you spoke with your client, how is he doing? >> i think he's stressed. >> he is certainly nervous. mark omara. it's been a long process for him including the imposed isolation of the last several weeks and now he's facing second-degree murder charges and if nothing else, the dress of having been involved in an event where someone passed away. >> what are his thoughts about the charges against him in the proceedings thus far? >> neither he nor i have seen the evidence presented by the state. it's hard to really say whether or not the charges of
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second-degree were appropriate or overcharges. we'll have to wait to see. he's frustrated. he was charged at all. but i think he's at least -- there's some solace in the reality that we now have some proceed in your place that he knows what will happen next rather than constantly guessing. >> you decide to hold off on pursuing bail for your client, why? >> couple reasons. i'm not certain the county court judge that was handling this would address it anyway, even if i pushed him. probably more importantly, truly trying to get a handle on the case and to try to turn down the heat. and were i to demand a bond, then that would put the state in a position of having to bring forth evidence to argue against the bond. which would have been just more public presentation of evidence, firstly, without me having had an opportunity to review it and i just made the decision with george that we wouldn't push the issue. we have a bond motion filed and i think it's set for hearing the
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end of next week. i would like to have continued discussions with the state attorney's office to see if there's a way to come to some resolution to that. we'll see. >> the two gentlemen who previously were identified as his attorneys, whether or not there was any actual documents signed, it seems there wasn't, they seem to characterize him as suffering from ptsd, joe oliver, a friend of george zimmerman said the same thing. do you think that's a fair characterization? >> if he's diagnosed with something that will come after consultation and expert? like a psychologist or psychiatrist will make that determination. having done this for many, many years you get a feel for these things. i was able to interact with him very well. he's rational, certainly. and he understands what's going on. he is extraordinarily stressed, as anyone would be if they were in george zimmer man.
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>> you're waiting to talk to prosecution. >> i will have a conversation and i don't like having it in the jail but we'll talk about more particulars in this case. i'd love to have that conversation with him at my office when he's out on bond. i'm not just going to wait to see what the state says before i talk to him. we're building our trust level and it's already at a good point where i'll have those conversations with him soon. >> in terms of timeline, you're looking at a long time before trial, no? >> i would imagine a case like this, the fact that it's a second-degree with these elements, it's not an enormous amount of facts specific to the occasion. a limited number of witnesses. it happened over a limited period of time. we'll look into it but i have to be realistic that the focus of the case is going to slow down some, so i can't imagine this case being tried within a year. >> and finally, do you know when you will start to see the evidence that the prosecution
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has? >> i talked to the prosecutors who were involved in the case, miss corey and her assistant and we're already beginning the process of getting the discovery. under the rules i don't deserve it or get it until 15 days after the arraignment but we're not going to wait that long. the state will work with me on that. >> mr. o'mara, thank you. last night trayvon martin's brother broke his silence and talked about the brother he lost. he talks about the below he knew and whether he was capable of attack george zimmer man. that's next. c'mon dad!
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last night on the program we spoke with trayvon martin's mom and the first time, his older brother, a soft-spoken young man and he's going through a lot and that's clear. he has a lot to say softly and quietly about what his younger brother meant to him. what kind of person he was and whether he was capable of doing what george zimmerman claims. >> to javaaris, trayvon martin was the little brother that shared his room growing up. a little brother that loved to make jokes, was good at sports and wanted to follow his older brother to college. >> he was smart. he was in, you know, honor's classes. you know? he wanted to go off to college
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like i did. and i think it was my sophomore year he came up with me on his spring break and he had a good time. i showed him around. showed him the campus. you know, so, he was set on going to school. >> reporter: one of his last happy memories of his brother is a horseback riding trip they took together in february to celebrate their mother's birthday. trayvon's first time on a horse. >> his horse had like, some problems and it was -- it wanted to be a bully to everybody else's horse. >> how did he handle that? >> he handled it. he was the first one to learn how to, like, control them. they tell you little instructions how to make them turn left and right. he, like the first five minutes, you know, it was doing whatever he wanted. >> just eight days after the trip, trayvon martin was shot and killed. >> tell me what about when you first heard about what happened to trayvon? >> i looked at my phone and i saw i had some missed calls, one
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of them was my mother. so i, you know, i gave her a call. i could tell that something wasn't right. she told me that the tre passed away. and i paused. because i didn't believe it, and i didn't understand it either. >> reporter: he says he didn't understand it because the story that developed about that night kint sound like the brother he knew. when you found out what happened, how did you feel? >> confused. everything i heard was in zimmerm zimmerman's perspective. it didn't sound like my brother at all. you know? my brother, attacked him and did all this stuff. it doesn't sound like him at all. he wasn't confrontational or violent. >> let's talk about that.
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george zimmerman's brother has been giving a lot of interviews. and he says that trayvon, your brother, attacked his brother from behind. you just said that didn't make sense to you, why is that? >> based on what i heard with the 911 tapes and everything and all the evidence, he tried to get away from the situation. he wasn't violent. for him to actually, you know, jump on someone, he doesn't even know, to me, that's not him. that's not the brother you know. >> yeah. he's smarter than that. >> though he says he's relieved george zimmerman was arrested he wants changes to florida's "stand your ground" law. >> there shouldn't be any more trayvons. not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, not next year. you know?
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someone shouldn't be able to murder someone and walk away. >> what do you want people to know about your brother? >> i would like them to remember him as a happy teenager. he was always smiling. i would like them to think of him that way. you know? someone who's positive, happy, bright future ahead of him. and, you know -- he was probably going to be someone. >> sunny hostin, cnn welcome new york 1kw4r50ish isha is here with a bull ten. >> the cease-fire is holding. the proponents put it to the test taking to the streets in various protest. there was sporadic violence. opposition groups report seven people were killed today.
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residents of a small town in greenland, new hampshire, mourn the death of their police chief shot and killed last night in a day-long standoff and shoot. it outside a home. chief michaeloh he suffered second degree burns on his right hand and his neighbor was hospitalized also, with second degree burns. and a bit of a breather for those that haven't filed their tabses. two extra days. tax day is next tuesday, april 17th, because april 15th falls on a sunday and the 16th is a holiday in washington, d.c. the law says tax day cannot fall on weekends or holidays. ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do
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another "keeping them honest" report. guns and politics. no matter where you stand on guns and gun control it's an important issue in elections. the national rifle association convention today mitt romney gave his first big speech. he painted himself as the nra jez best friend and president obama as its enemy. >> this administration's attack on predoom extends to rights explicitly guaranteed by the constitution. the right to bear arms is so plainly stated, so unambiguous, the liberals have a hard time challenging it directly. instead, they've been employing every imaginable ruse and ploy to restrict it. we need a president that will enforce current laws and not create new ones that only serve to burden lawful gun owners. president obama has not. i will.
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>> "keeping them honest", there's been very little gun-related legislation on the federal level in the last four years. and romney's own record on gun control has put him at odds with the nra in the past. running for governor of massachusetts he positioned himself as strong on gun control. >> we do have tough gun laws in massachusetts. i support them. i won't chip away at them. i believe they help to protect us and provide for our safety but i want our law-abiding citizens to have the right to purchase a weapon to use for hunting and other purposes. >> that was romney in 2002. his tough stance helped getting him elected. then he signed a ban on assault rifles and then, governor romney said deadly assault weapons have no place in massachusetts. they are instruments of destruction with the esole purpose of hunting down and kimming people. governor romney increased gun licensing fees. just before leaving office he signed up for a lifetime membership to the nra and as his first presidential run got under
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way he began courting the nra while still trying to distance himself from some of its positions. >> my position on guns is the same position i've had for a long, long time. and that position is -- i don't line up 100% with the nra. i don't see eye to eye with the nra. i was also pleased to have the support of the nra when i ran for governor. i sought it. i seek it now. i'd love to have their support and i believe in the right of americans to bear arms. >> "keeping them honest", the nra didn't officially endorse the candidate when romney was running for governor. in the 2007 primaries romney talked more about his love for hunting. that january he told the boston globe, i have a gun of my own. i'm a member in the nra and believe firmly in the right to bear arms. romney later admitted he didn't own the guns. the gun he used belonged to his son. he put his unhunting kims? perspective in indiana. >> i'm not a big game hunter.
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i'm a rodent and rabbit hunter. small varmints if you will. i began when i was 15 and have hunted those kinds of varmints more than two times. i also hunted quail in georgia. it's not really big-game hunting if you will, not deer and large animals. >> we're not telling anybody what to think about guns or hunting, that's up to you to decide. today mitt romney is hunting for votes and he needs the nra support. we have eric erikkson and democratic strategist and political contributor, donna brazile. >> last time, mitt romney got a lot of grief after he said he hunted varmints, so called. he didn't make one personal comment in the whole speech. do you think that's a better approach? >> i think he probably wants to keep the personal out of it. every time he's tried to relate anecdotes about himself and guns it hadn't come off very well for
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him. he has these issues. barack obama has the national security issues from when he campaigned to close guantanamo bay and it's still opened. they are both going bob held accountable and that's what's going to make this campaign so found for both sides. >> romney only mentioned guns one time but mentioned president obama's name at least 25 times. is it safe to say romney's team is basically on the offensive now? >> absolutely not. mitt romney is running as fast as he possibly can from his previous record. not only on guns, but just about, you name the topic and i can show you clips as you just showed us. mitt romney prooechgs support for planed parenthood. no longer supports planned parenthood. support for civil unions. no longer supports civil unions. the problem is that mitt romney is running for president and he wants to be all things to all team and president obama in hits re-election campaign makes it clear to voters when it comes to
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gun ownership he supports the second amendment and he'll continue to enforce the constitutional amendment but for mitt romney, put it this way, we don't know where he'll stand next week on many of these issueless. >> despite the claims, the irony is that president obama hasn't been as supportive on new gin kroul as they would like him to be? he's not out there misleading voters. >> he's the president of the united states and the second amendment is enshrined in our constitution and he's taken the oath of office to support the second amendment. he firmly supports the second amendment and this notion that democrats -- we have democrats that are responsible gun owners and support the second amendment and we have some democrats, like myself, who believe that we need to make sure that guns are in the hands of responsible people and we need responsible common sense gun laws but the president's been clear. >> one of the big problems is the president also seems to support the second amendment for mexican drug owners and mexican drug cartels and that can be a big issue in the campaign.
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the delightful thing for political consultants and strategists this time around the president has said as many things as mitt romney has on issues and flipped. both sides can hold the other side accountable for the flipping and we can, i guess, ignore that the economy doesn't seem to be doing well and joebs aren't coming back as quickly as they are and 75% of americans are upset about the direction of the country which, i think by november, all these other flip-flopping and ancillary issues from guantanamo bay and warrantiless wiretaps who want matter. it will matter if the president came up with a economic plan and passed a budget to get something happening on the economy. >> and we welcome that debate because mitt romney's record, as governor of massachusetts, his record at baer capital is also fair game. ask the american people if they want to take what i kyle a
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bye-bby pass on this election, they're ready to have this conversation. i think we have been talking about it. it's just that the republicans won't come to the table because as you well know from the cnn debate, 10-1. ten spending cuts to $1 in tax revenue. the republicans said "no." this is a debate that -- this is what the election is about. not about personalities. it's about what your plan is for the future. if we talk plans i think president obama will win. >> what do you men about the mexican drug cartel thing? >> the operation "fast and furious" there was a report today that -- >> you're referring to "fast and curous?" >> yeah. i think that's going to be a problem. mitt romney mentioned that in his sbiech today but as more comes out, that's a question we've got to answer and there's a bigger national issue there. what did the government do? not barack obama per se, but what did the american government do running guns across the
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border to mexico? i think there are a lot of democrats and republicans and independent who is still want answers in that investigation. >> we're looking into that on this show a lot. >> appreciate both of you. a fascinating look at a experimental surgery to treat severe depression with electrodes implanted into the brain to get deep brain stimulation. we'll beat a woman that says the dread she had her entire life started to lift right there on the operating table. dr. is sanjay gupta has the story right now. >> announcer: this is the day. the day that we say to the world of identity thieves "enough."
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administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ male announcer ] four seats, 4-wheel drive, fully independent suspension. the gator xuv 550 s4. own the off-road. a fascinating way to treat depression with eelectrodes
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planted in the brain. they're not sure how or why it works but one woman who struggled with depression for her whole life says it saved her life. after trying everything else, including shock treatment, she now has the capacity to feel joy. dr. sanjay gupta has the story. >> for as long as edy can remember, she couldn't get the sad thoughts out of her head. >> my mother eyesed to say to me -- smile, why don't you smile? i would give something like that, maybe, or just think, what is there to smile about? >> at 19, the first of three suicide attempts. >> for reasons that are inexplicable to me, even now, got up and started playing with a razor. and -- >> you cut your wrists? >> yeah. >> did you cut both your wrists? >> yeah. >> over the next 40 years, she tried counseling, psychiatric
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drugs and electroconvechlt ulsivi. >> the despair is the woers push. there feels like there's no hope. >> but if you could look inside edie's head today, this is what you'd see. two electrodes, the thickness of angel hair pasta, powered by a battery pack under her collarbone. >> i don't think about it but i have electrodes in my brain. >> it's an experimental use of deep brain stimulation. >> so what are we looking at? >> pioneered by this neurologist, the target is called area 25. a junction box for the brain circuits, that control our moods. here at emory, where i'm on staff, my colleagues have been
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using deep brain stimulation for more than 15 years to treat movement disorders like parkinson disease and in that case they target the brain's motor system. this doctor wanted to target area 25 for patients with severe depression. it was a procedure, just like this, done on edy. in surgery patients are slightly sedated as the neurois your joined drills two holes. with an instrument to guide him, he then inserts the electrodes. >> is it on? >> as a benchmark, the damage tors ask edy rate her feels on 1 to 10 with a sense of dread. >> the sense of dread is getting worse? rate it. okay. >> two minutes later, they turned on one of the four
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contacts. >> how does it feel now? is it still high? >> no. >> what's the dread now? >> three. >> a drop from eight to three. doctors would soon get an even better result. >> we're going to make some changes zblooir up until this time, she could not connect emotionally. not even with her baby grand niece, susan. >> and somebody handed her to me and i held her but i was going through the motions and i felt, really, nothing. >> nothing? >> nothing. nothing. >> that changed in the operating room. when they tried contact number two. >> let me know if anything changes give a shout. >> i just almost smiled. >> you just almost smiled? >> describe that for us, would you please? >> i haven't smiled before, like, in a long time. or laughed.
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right there in the middle of brain surgery, i felt feelings that i thought were gone. >> when you say you almost smiled, does that strike you as funny or just spontaneous? >> it was, well, actually, i was thinking of playing with susan. >> i started thinking about little susan and i thought, i was holding her with her face to me. >> what was that like to think that a machine and electricity could transform your emotions like that? >> it felt fantastic. i didn't care what was doing it. it just felt great. >> sanjay joins me now. this is incredible. do we know how this works? >> we don't. it's one of those things in medicine where i'll tell you, some of the original research was trying to figure out is there a seed of depression in the brain?
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that's a big first step to see images, anderson where you'll find this area 25, the area that's it's called, that bright green spot that's where depression lives in the brain but they didn't know what to do about that so that's why they decided to stimulate that area with the deep brain stimulation and i don't know if you can see it. i'll show you this quickly. it's basically, a power pack. a battery knack sits underneath 'someone's clavicle. and this probe goes into the brain. on either side. that's what she has inside of her right now. this was done a few years ago and you saw how well she's been doing. >> how after it does it stimulate? >> that can be changed. you know, there's settings that you put on there. there's four different leads on there and you can program it to stimulate not only how often, but how much at these different leads and they play with that. they say, we turned on lead two welcome not much response. lets turn on lead one with a higher electricity. so it's trial and error when they get in there but they find
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the right formula. >> is it always this successful and can anyone have this procedure done or is this a expirmtal. >> i've been following this. it started in toronto and now there's 37 patients. about two-thirds of patients got better. i'm preface this by saying these patients were patients with no other options. that's what qualified them to be in the trial. even things like this therapy had limited benefits. they were really out of options so these were the worst of the worst patients. two-thirds of them got better. a do you did not get better at all. but there were really no significant side effects. a couple of patients had wound infections with you they tried to figure out, is it safe? and it appears to be. >> but at this point it's still experimental? >> i think it's a few years before we get possible fda approval for wider use of this. 37 patients still in a krin cal
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trial but that was pretty remarkable what you saw and they're looking at eyesing deep brain stimulation for ocd and anxiety. these disorders that were thought of as mood disorder tsz or psychiatric disorders, ever treated this way in the future sfwhoo "battery powered brains" a new treatment for depression, that's on saturday and sunday. and don't miss the full report on "cnn presents" sunday night at 8:00 and 11:00 eastern. the dangers of texting while walking and the most random example of why you shouldn't do it at all. the "rediculist" is next. hi, i just switched jobs, and i want to roll over my old 401(k) into a fidelity ira.
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man: okay, no problem. it's easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. um...this green line just appeared on my floor. yeah, that's fidelity helping you reach your financial goals. could you hold on a second? it's your money. roll over your old 401(k) into a fidelity ira and take control of your personal economy. this is going to be helpful. call or come in today. fidelity investments. turn here. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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of texting while walking. let me tell you something about living here in the big apple as we call it, new york city. you walk everywhere and it's a challenge. you have to navigate through the throngs of tourists who walk incredibly slowly. cross the streets without getting hit by a taxi. dodge random puddles of urine, canine and human. and 8 of 10 people don't leak where they're going, drifting to and fro while texting. the answer comes from a suburb of los angeles and it's brilliant in its simplicity. bears. >> he came down the driveway, down mayfield and now he's on briggs and he looks like he's turning into another driveway. we'll maneuver around to see if he can get another shot of him. he would definitely -- we got a resident -- >> i guarantee you that guy will think long and hard while walking again. you know on account of the 400-pound bear on the lies factor. he's what he had to say, the
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guy, not the bear. >> i was texting my boss i would be late for work, something is going on. i'm coming down the stairs and i see the bear coming up the stairs towards me. so i turned back and ran for my life. >> i can see now, texting the bear, only you can prevent sidewalk collisions. we should just spring him on the texters. that's the only way people are going to learn. they haven't been deterred by videos of texting and walking into poles on canadian television or deterred by the cautionary tale of the woman we like to call "fountain lady." she's literally a waking psa for the pitfalls of texting in motion. she's walking through a mall, texting and waking and om gechlt, falls right into the fountain. the fountain lady was not hurt but she got a lawyer and went on "good morning america" with a message to us all. >> do not text and wake. the fountain could have been empty.
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