tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN April 20, 2012 12:00am-12:59am PDT
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bags to buy with their lover's money in exchange for the cash and gifts they are expected to provide, of course, sex. luxury goods and mobile phone companies even banks market directly to the rni. the past few weeks we've said china's fantastic economic success is great, but corruption is holding the country back. at least it looks like having hundreds of mistresses still over the line. on that note, here's "piers morgan tonight." tonight, could george zimmerman be let out of jail? my exclusive with the man who defended michael jackson, o.j. simpson and scott peterson. i'll ask him about tomorrow's big development in the trayvon martin case. and one of the most shocking missing child mysteries ever. a 6-year-old boy vanished without a trace in the middle of new york city. now after more than 30 years, dramatic new twist. also keeping america great while top motivator tony robins is very bullish on this country. >> there's lots of people out there that are creating the future for us.
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we're known for that. we just need to reveal more of it. >> a revealing interview with the man who has advised everybody. and vanessa williams, from beauty queen to broadway, tv star and a bit of scandal in between. >> everyone makes mistakes. mine was on a grand scale. >> tonight vanessa williams. >> you were a naughty girl. >> plus only in america, welcome to the jungle. my defense of rock 'n' roll wild man axl rose. this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening. two big stories tonight. first breaking news in the case of a new york city 6-year-old boy who left for school one morning and never came home. now after more than 30 years, police say a new individual connected to the case. more on that dramatic twist in a moment. also george zimmerman could go free tomorrow after a hearing. we can also report that zimmerman has asked to meet privately with trayvon martin's parents but they so far declined.
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i talked to the martin family's attorney and trial lawyer mark geragos. plus tony robins, the man who shares his secrets for success with celebrities and world leaders. bill clinton called you the night before, 1998, and said tony, they may be impeaching me in the morning. what should i do. >> if i were you, i would be doing what i know is right and nothing less in that process. new developments in the etan patz case. may the 25th, 1979, the 6-year-old walked two blocks from his home to his bus stop. his parents never saw him again. now almost 33 years later, police and fbi investigators are scouring a nearby basement looking for human remains or other clues. authorities say a new individual has been identified in connection with the case, a carpenter who worked in the building. joining me is the former chief of the sex crimes unit in the manhattan d.a.'s office. she knows this case better than
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most. linda, what a dramatic development this has been. tell me what you know about what has happened here. >> i know that in 2010, cyrus vance, the district attorney in manhattan, reopened the case. i know he's been working with the nypd, commissioner kelly's team and the fbi. leads have developed over the years. there has been a major suspect before now. this development today, not sure how they got back to this carpenter. i assume that they talked to him in the very, very intensive, thorough investigation that began in 1979. hours after etan disappeared. but this has a stunning development of a promising new lead. >> what's extraordinary is this guy is now 75. he's not the main suspect that people have believed may have committed this crime. that is somebody else who's coming out of prison very soon for other offenses. but this guy has been out there all this time and they believe he may be connected. he was with etan the day before
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he died and he is suspected of being involved in some incident with etan in the basement of this block of flats which they're now trailing with dozens and dozens of their operatives. this is an extraordinary development after so long, isn't it? >> absolutely extraordinary. this child walked two blocks, as you said, and was always assumed when the investigation began that the disappearance was not an abduction into a car, taken away, but that it happened somewhere along that path. and the likelihood that it was someone the child knew was always greater than that it was a stranger. so the fact that this story today suggests that etan was with this carpenter the day before, had been in the same basement, had been given a dollar by the man, might have made it far easier for this person of interest to have lured the child off the street. >> if it turns out that this is the answer to what happened and
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they have sent sniffer dogs down to the basement and they believe the dogs have scented some kind of human remains, we don't know any more than that at this stage, but clearly, potentially, very, very dramatic. this is going to be pretty scandalous, isn't it, if this man, if he is the guy that did this, has been allowed to roam the streets for 33 years? >> scandalous, yes. but also i know what the investigation was at the time. my colleagues participated in it. i'm sure that the police were in this basement. they were everywhere in that two-block stretch. keep in mind 1979 the state of forensic investigation is entirely different than what your viewers are used to now. dna was not even a forensic tool, was not even used for the first time in this city before 1986, anywhere in law enforcement. so whether he had an alibi at the time, whether they talked to him, which i'm assuming they did, whether they looked in that basement. it was such a short amount of property covered and it was such an important police
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investigation. i mean the country stopped and certainly everybody in new york was focused on the fact that this child never made it to his bus stop on that first day he left home. >> it became a worldwide story. etan's face and on milk cartons, the first missing child to do that. many laws in america were changed as a result result of his disappearance. it was a story that moved everybody. you can only begin to imagine how his family must be feeling today. >> they have been on such a roller coaster. there have been no leads, there have been leads. there was this other person of interest, jose ramos, who was the subject of a very intense federal investigation. he's in jail in pennsylvania. he coincidentally had been a friend of a woman who took care of etan so it made sense that he might have been the acquaintance who abducted etan and he's also got psychiatric problems. so whether or not that was a real lead or a prison
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fabrication, we don't know. and suddenly it's shifted back to this man. obviously we're going to learn a lot more in the next couple of days about whether the initial police investigation did include this person. >> but it's not going to bring etan back. i just hope for his family's sake that they can somehow get some kind of closure through at least finding out what happened to him linda, thank you very much. >> thank you, piers. now the other big story of the night, the trayvon martin case. after a week behind bars, could george zimmerman be granted bail tomorrow? what about zimmerman's request for a meeting with trayvon's parents. joining me now is martin family attorney benjamin crump. a very interesting day tomorrow. how does the family feel about the potential for george zimmerman being released on bail tomorrow? >> well, we feel that some crimes are nonbondable offense
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and second-degree murder is one of these, piers. however, every citizen who's accused of a crime based on our united states constitution has a right to a bond hearing. so the judge will listen to both sides and make his decision on whether bond is appropriate at this time. the parents of trayvon are willing to accept the rule of law. >> we know from mark o'mara, george zimmerman's new attorney, that an offer was made to trayvon's parents on behalf of george zimmerman for him to meet with trayvon's parents. that offer so far has been declined. tell me why, and also tell me is it a possibility this meeting could happen in the future do you think? >> well, piers, let me first say that sybrina fulton is a christian woman. her and tracy are good people. so it may happen, but we don't think it's appropriate at this time.
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in fact we think zimmerman's request is very self-serving at this time, 50 days later, the day before he's going to have a bond hearing. it's a situation where you think about it, he never once apologized on his website, on any of the voice mails that he left with his friends and never expressed any remorse during police interviews the several times that they interviewed him. so we question his motive at this time saying he wants to apologize. >> it will be the first time tomorrow that trayvon's parents have come face to face with george zimmerman. how are they feeling about that? >> well, obviously it's going to be very emotional being in the same room with the killer of your child. and it's one of those situations when you asked about them, if he's released tomorrow, they didn't demand and protest an
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arrest just so george zimmerman would give his fingerprints and his mug shot to the police. we had every expectation that an arrest would precipitate that he would be brought to justice and held accountable for killing their son. we stand on public safety and moral grounds in solidifying our position that george zimmerman should be held without bail until these matters are concluded. but again, it's the judge's decision. we have confidence in the special prosecutor and the family, as they have said all along, that they believe in the justice system and they'll accept the rule of law. but it is going to be a very emotional day. >> it certainly will. it will be a fascinating day to see what happens. for now benjamin crump, thank you very much. >> thank you, piers. for more on the big story, i want to bring in a man who's defended everyone, from michael jackson to o.j. simpson, scott
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peterson. mark geragos. it's going to be a fascinating day tomorrow because the judge has changed. the new judge has a reputation of being pretty tough, pretty used to high-profile cases. what do you think that means for the possibility of george zimmerman being released on bail? >> in some ways, this is the perfect judge, if you're a defense lawyer, to have make this decision. nobody is going to say that he's bending over backwards for the defense. he's not a soft touch for the defense by all accounts. i don't know him and haven't appeared in front of him. by all accounts if he makes a decision under what they call this arthur hearing and he says, well, i think that i'm going to grant bail and put restrictions on it, whether it's electronic monitoring or house arrest or anything else, i don't think he would be second guessed. i think people would say, well, he's following the law or doing what he thinks is right. >> is it likely, do you think, all things considered he'll be released? >> i think all things considered, i think it is likely. the factors they consider a lot
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of times in these kind of cases, is he a flight risk. he's clearly not a flight risk. is he a threat to the community? there's an argument the community is more of a threat to him. >> does that come into play as a factor in such a high-profile case, that not that he's a threat to other people but that his own life might actually be at risk and he's better off being inside not on bail? >> i've never seen a published case that argues that. i'm sure there is. but i've had judges tell me that. look, he's better off in jail, he's safer in jail. he's the subject of all kinds of hatred and vitriol being thrown his way, so that may be the case somebody thinks in the back of their mind, what's the point of putting this guy out there if so many people want to take a shot at him. >> in their effort to keep him inside, can we expect new evidence from the prosecution tomorrow? >> yes. i would almost bet that the prosecution will put out more than they have in that probable cause affidavit. because that affidavit by all accounts is very thin.
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and i think in order to do one of these presumption evidence hearings that they have, these arthur hearings, they're going to have to put out more than they have got in that affidavit, because that affidavit i don't think would beat the burden alone. that's not to say they don't have more, but i think they're going to show it tomorrow. >> based on everything you've seen so far, has george zimmerman been overcharged, do you think? is it more difficult to get a conviction under the second-degree murder charge he's on? >> it's a great question, because i think, no. i think -- in fact i always wondered when they were prosecuting conrad murray here in l.a. why they didn't charge him with second-degree murder. number one, it gives a different an incentive to take a manslaughter because you're facing life. an if they work out a deal where you're offered a manslaughter, you get a fixed term of years and you may take that. there's at least that incentive. number two, generally a prosecutor will charge a murder because they'll say, look, you want to put forward your defense and do the stand your ground,
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that's fine, but that's your defense. we're saying it's murder based on these facts. you have to defend it. >> it's a fascinating case, isn't it? >> it really is. i think it's got an intersection of gun rights here in america, it's got an intersection of defense and whether you have to retreat. there's so many levels. it's got race and everything else. that's why it's resonating with the public. >> it certainly will be a fascinating day tomorrow. mark geragos, thank you very much. coming up, keeping america great with a man who taught oprah to walk on hot coals. he can do anything this guy, tony rob bins.
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you can see him on television and on life class on oprah winfrey's network. tony, welcome. >> thank you. >> i've been looking at the list of people you've helped. never mind the multi national corporations. bill clinton, princess diana, mother teresa, nelson mandela, quincy jones. these are like the icons of my lifetime. all taught by the inspirational hand of tony robbins. >> i don't know about that. i've had a ticket to history. i've been a chance to be around magnificent people and learn from them and in some ways help them as well. >> what is the common theme in their kind of positions where they're hugely famous and the pressures that brings. >> they all have something different. i get the phone call when the athlete is melting down in the middle of a sporting event, you've got to do something right now to turn him around. >> what do you say? when that specific thing is happening, what do you say? >> it's not a say, it's putting him back in state. you look at somebody like tiger woods.
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he has the same skills. what he's lost is the state, that certainty. i'm sure you've seen a sporting event, any sporting event and watch the person walk out on the field, go for a free throw, kick, and you know before they do it they are going to miss. that certainty is missing. it's getting them back in that psychological state where their best comes naturally. but then i get a phone call that a child is suicidal or the president calls and says they're going to impeach me. >> bill clinton called you and said, tony, they may be impeaching me in the morning. what should i do? what an extraordinary person of responsibility you had. >> i'm sure i'm not the only person he called. >> just think back for a moment. that moment, how did you feel? despite all these incredible things you've experienced, to have the president of your country call you in his great hour of need? >> well, if you're thinking about yourself in a moment like that, you can't really serve, then it would be all about you. what i felt was a sense of responsibility and also felt i needed to tell him straight what
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i really believed. i knew he was going to get different opinions. i don't talk about what i do with someone unless they speak about it. but i did speak and say, frankly, you're not going to be impeached in the morning. easy for me to say. just politically it's not going to happen. what you have to decide is what your legacy is going to be, what's your outcome. you have to decide what you're going to be able to say that people at home can tell their children about you, look at what you can do legally. i'd be doing what you know is right and nothing else because you want to look yourself in the face. but the point of the matter is people know what's right. i think what happens for us is we get ourselves caught up in an environment where we forget what's right because the environment starts to trigger us. my job is to get them out of the triggers, get them into what's really real and sometimes it's a strategy, sometimes it's changing their psychological state, sometimes it's helping them to break through some limiting belief. >> do you personally ever have crushing moments of self-doubt? >> self-doubt as often as you do. >> that's not often. >> but it's not because i'm so great or brilliant, it's just like an athlete. when you build a muscle over and
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over in your life, you do it. that doesn't mean i'm always right either by any stretch of the imagination. it's not crushing self doubt. have i had failures, challenges? i remember doctors saying you have a tumor in your brain, what are you going to do? you have to make decisions when you have total uncertainty in your life. >> oprah winfrey called you the energizer bunny on steroids. now be honest, when you first heard that, what was your reaction? >> that was pretty horrific. but, you know, she came to my event. for years she's known about me, not had me on for whatever reason. she thought these commercials were not spiritual. she said i'm only coming to two hours and she stayed for 12. she said literally on the air it was one of the most powerful experiences of her life and now we're doing these specials on these mondays, these life classes, which are a lot of fun. >> i've watched you do some of your live performing on television. 15,000 people going crazy. you come in like a rock star, you're up and pumping, you have this big grin on your face and
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you're like, boom! i thought what is the secret? now i've met you. one, you're massive. you're absolutely massive. >> but i'm not in a crowd of 10,000 people. >> you must look massive. it's like he can't be as big as he seems but you are. you're physically very imposing. how helpful is that to exuding the kinds of inner self-belief that you clearly have? >> well, clearly it's not just about inner self-belief it's really about people getting to the truth. i'm not into positive thinking and saying go to your garden and chant there's no weeds, there's no weeds, i'm here to say here's the weeds, here's how to pull them out. but to answer your question deliberately, i was 5'1" my sophomore year in high school, student body president and not a popular kid. i had a drive and hunger to make a difference. i went to each group and said what do you need. i'll come back whether i can do it or not, my belief. i went and interviewed people and i won not as the popular kid but as the kid that raw and real, believed what i could do and i really delivered.
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i was there every single day of the summer. so it started back in high school that i was mr. solution for people, regardless of my size. >> like many people who become very successful, you had a really traumatic upbringing. your father left when you were very young, your mother brought you up, it was really fairly chaotic from all accounts, had a number of substance issues, so on and so on and at 17 she throws you out of the home. what did all that do to you as a young man, when you're coming out in your teens. you've gone through this hideous time. you haven't really experienced, i guess, real love from either parent. >> no, i don't think that's right. i had four fathers. i got to know at different levels. my mother kept changing. my mom made me feel loved. she also was abusive and i never talked about that. >> did she ever tell you she loved you? >> absolutely. she was physical loving but she would also go to the other side because she had substance challenges. it made me a practical psychologist. i had to be able to read her, what was really going on. could i anticipate what was going to happen and that gave me skill sets in life that allowed
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me to read almost anybody in the future. >> and it's so unpredictable. >> exactly right. >> so you had to literally roll in the waves. >> i know what suffering feels like and that gives you a hunger to make sure other people don't suffer. >> let's take a short break. i want you to put your hat on and fix america in about six minutes. >> okay, perfect. >> i don't know of anybody else that could actually do this, but you might be able to. >> okay.
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as hard and strong as you can. benefit. benefit. you got it. go! >> yes, yes, yes! >> that was oprah demonstrating the famous fire walk during the multi-day seminar unleashed the power. you could have nearly killed oprah winfrey. she had fallen into your fire, what would you have -- what if she was lying there in flames and you're watching $3 billion of talent going up all because of you. that takes confidence. shoving oprah winfrey. >> no, what takes confidence is our breakthrough show. i wanted to do a show where we'd get people that were facing the worst environments. today you look around and see people, 63% of the people say
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their best days are behind us. the future for their kids will be far less than what they experienced. you can tell people all day long it's going to be better and that's not going to do anything. i thought if i could do a show with people with extreme problems and extreme stress and turn them around, i said give me some examples. we found a woman and his wife who were getting married down in mexico. they jump into a swimming pool and he becomes a quadriplegic instantly. he's now here in l.a. in a little room, he can't move. his wife can never have a child with him and she's his caretaker. what do you do to turn this guy around who says his life is over. i thought i can do this. not just uplifting but be real and have it last. you and i both know people have a great life. >> let's take a clip from that very moment. watch this. >> you okay? >> yeah, i'm great.
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this is amazing! amazing! >> the man is a quadriplegic. physically jumping out of an airplane seems strange but so much of our lives is on automatic pilot. he was able to not only do this but really, really enjoy it. >> you see, that is obviously great television, but it's also a profoundly moving thing to watch. >> it was unbelievable to experience. >> to see that man's face feeling like he was alive again. >> he couldn't -- he said he couldn't leave the house. i took him to fiji. but they dropped him, if you can imagine. i got him skydiving in a few days. i separated him from his wife who said it couldn't happen and for ten days, played murder ball. couldn't when he was able bodied and went with him 100 miles an hour while he drove it with his elbows. all this and rewiring his life. he calls me and he's out camping. his wife got brain cancer. she took charge and made it
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happen. the man changed his life because i always say that talking is wonderful, but an specious is much more powerful than a belief so i give people experiences that help them to change. >> you also give people advice. there are businessmen in this country who are rumored to pay you a million dollars a year to give them advice. >> i have one client who's one of the top ten financial traders in the world. >> why are you worth that kind of money. >> i'm not coming to inspire him. he doesn't need any inspiration. >> what does he need? >> i'm a strategist. i came in when he made a lot of money. he hasn't lost money any year for the 20 i've worked with him so he gives me seven figures plus a piece of the upside. when i come in every single time, three or four times a year, i will come in and figure out how to improve his strategy, because the markets are always changing. what do we need to do. most people think of me as the positive thinking guy. i do believe in passion and energy and believe an inspired life and the other choice is dead life.
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the strategy is what makes it work. >> let me give you a scenario. i am the patient and i am america, incorporated. now clearly there are fundamental problems in america right now and yet i like to call this segment keeping america great because it remains a great country. >> i would agree. >> and i would imagine plays to your constant air of positivity. what is the solution to the american common malaise. >> i think there's five areas i look at personally. i look at how to make a difference in my time, money and investments. i look at energy because right now we continue to pollute the environment and send money overseas and wars are funded to a yaet extent to try to protect our oil. it's an old technology and it's out. we know there's other technology available. so when there's guys like people that build tesla and 250-mile range, you know something can be done. t. boone pickens is a friend of mine. he's got a plan that can take
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eight million trucks and wipe out 60% of our use of foreign oil just by getting us to convert like we did from gasoline to diesel, making that conversion now to natural gas, which we have plenty of. he lost by six votes in the senate and he's going to get it done. energy is one place. cheap, natural energy and energy that gets us away from polluting. the second piece for me really is education. we all know it's antiquated, it's insane. there are lots of great people creating breakthroughs but the institution keeps stopping it. there are a few people doing breakthroughs like the kahn institute. but teachers are starting to do the homework with kids in class, having them watch the class at home. be in class where i can teach you and see dramatic changes in that area. third to me i look at employment. we have to retool. if you look at the last -- since 1960, there have been eight recessions. every time we spend unemployment and the most we've done on average is 52 weeks. i totally believe in supporting. personally my foundation, we feed two million people.
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i was fed when i was a kid. i fed 250,000 people in new york as a gift at one of my events. so i agree with that. when you give people 99 weeks and you which retool them, where they're literally for two years not working and we operate from a belief that these low skill, low knowledge jobs are ever going to come back, even if apple like you talk about brought it back, it's like saying bring farming back from a century ago. we were 80% farmers, now we're 2%. we have to retool. i say give them the money they need, but they have got to do something for it and be retooled for it to match where the economy is going in reality. >> what's the last one of your five points? >> it's the health side. it's the human energy. the look at five es, the human energy side. if you look at the diseases that eat up our time, energy, money and health bills, the trillions of dollars we're looking at, they're mostly lifestyle diseases. there's a man named david feinberg who runs ucla there. he turned hospitals around from
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a place 33% said was a good place to go and now it's 99%. he's taught people, for example, four people out of a thousand who have an intravenous form of transfusion would get ill and one of the four would die. now none do. so we can make behavioral changes culturally to reduce those bills. >> tony, it's been a real pleasure. >> thank you for having me. >> thanks for coming in. tony robbins. his show is on the own network on mondays. monday is tony robbins night on the own network with oprah. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. from tarnished beauty queen to superstardom. vanessa williams tells all. nonsense! you book at travelocity, your reservation's guaranteed.
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♪ and now we're standing face to face ♪ ♪ isn't this world a crazy place ♪ ♪ just when i thought our chance had passed ♪ ♪ you saved the best for last >> the signature song from a multi talented superstar, vanessa williams. actress, singer and of course a former beauty queen. she's written a candid, moving and revealing memoir titled "you have no idea."
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vanessa williams joins me now. tell me what i have no idea about. >> that's right. >> i love the introduction. talking of sales pitches for a book. throughout my life, mum's lessons have helped me survive it all. scandal, love, marriages, divorces, disappointments, children, death, failure, success. wow! >> yeah, yeah. >> that's a lot to talk about. >> we have a lot to talk about. but you have no idea it came from one i had won miss syracuse my sophomore year at syracuse. and when they crowned me, all my friends who were watching and in the audience cheering me on, they said they have no idea who i just chose because i was a normal kid. you know, i was not this archtypal beauty queen who had been groomed her whole lifelong. i was a new york chick in her sophomore year studying theater and i had lived my life and it's in the books. >> you certainly have and we'll come to some of that. let's come to september, 1983, when you were crowned the
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first-ever miss black america. did you have any concept in that moment of just what was going to happen with your life, your career? because you went crazy after that. >> no idea. i was 20 years old, about to start my junior year abroad actually in london. syracuse, their musical theater department has a junior year option and i was really excited about starting my year. i thought i would, you know, get some scholarship money and be able to get back. i had no idea what would happen to my life. >> there you are, you're the winner. you immediately start getting attacked by everybody. you get racist whites who threaten to show acid on you. >> kill me. >> unbelievable. you also get the black community saying you're too white. they have used lighting to make you look whiter, that's why you won. you're getting it from everybody. there you are, fresh-faced, beautiful young woman. you should be having the great
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moment of your life and it's like hell. what are you thinking when it all started erupting like this? >> well, there was a large part that was fantastic and positive and overwhelming. and, you know, at 20 years old, again, this wasn't my dream to be a beauty queen. my dream was to finish school, go to yale for graduate work and be on broadway. so the fact that i was side tracked and became this symbol overnight, every comment that i mae was going to be scrutinized and every comment that i made was going to be the symbol of an entire race, it was a lot of pressure. >> huge pressure. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. so that's when i started getting my battle wounds, when i wasn't black enough when, people didn't think i had the black experience. >> nine months after you win, you're engulfed in scandal. >> engulfed. >> i love that phrase. nude pictures published in "penthouse" magazine. let's look at you resigning. >> i must relinquish my title as miss america.
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it has never been and it is not my desire to injure in any way the miss america title or pageant. i feel at this time i should expend my energies in launching what i hope will be a successful career in the entertainment business. i feel my new career will be the greatest challenge in my life. >> a dramatic moment for you. probably pretty sad and awful moment in many ways. you write you have no idea who i am and what i can do. this is what you're thinking at the time. one day the dust will settle, ul see what i'm made of. you'll accept me for who i really am. do you feel that's happened? do you feel that you achieved that goal? >> yeah, partly. i think it's always a constant challenge to prove who you are. my whole career. when i first got a claim on broadway, oh, i didn't know she could sing and dance and act. when i first had a recording hit, oh, i didn't know she could sing. so i've always had to prove myself. right now i'm in my six years i've been on television, it's been fantastic. i've gotten three emmy
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nominations. oh, i didn't know she could act, i didn't know she was funny. so i'm used to it. >> do you think you would have achieved all this if it hadn't been for the notoriety and the fame of the scandal, the miss america scandal? do you think you would have had the platform to realize your dreams? >> absolutely. i don't think i would have had the initial platform at age 21 or, you know, 20. but it didn't take away my talent. it was actually -- it kind of negated a lot of talent or any kind of hope that i had to be taken seriously for a long time. people who had performed with me knew what i could do, but people that did not just thought i was a pageant girl and one-dimensional and i was lucky, a one-hit wonder. i mean it took a long time to have longevity. >> what a loved about you is that your school teachers clearly had no idea who they were teaching because they described you as a kid who obeyed rules and followed directions. in fact you smoked pot and inhaled, drank beer, had
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you are fired. >> vanessa williams in "ugly betty." she was nominated for three emmys. that was a great part, wasn't it? >> i loved it. >> stuff you dream of, isn't it? >> wearing fabulous clothing and bossing people around. it doesn't get better than that. >> it's a very rich book in terms of the con tent and details. it's very inspiring in many ways and actually sad in many ways as well. it's very moving to read it. you had this awful experience when you were molested. you were 10 years old. it was another woman, she was 18, a young woman. tell me what happened. >> well, you know, i was on a summer vacation with a family friend, and the people that we were visiting with our family friend's friends so we really didn't know them but we knew our family friends. and this particular -- there was a sister and brother that we were visiting. and the girl, who was 18, was kind of our tour guide and took us to disneyland and, you know, all the sights out here in california.
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we were in new york. and one particular night she snuck into where myself and my friend were sleeping. and she told me to get down on the floor and she went down on me and i was 10 years old. and i knew i shouldn't be doing -- or she shouldn't be doing it and i didn't say anything. i knew that it was wrong and i really didn't reflect on it until i was in college, you know, with my boyfriend and i don't know how it came up. i said you know what, i think i was molested. i mean i shouldn't have had that happen to me at such a young age by somebody who was 18. i was taken advantage of. so, you know, i didn't really think about how wrong it was until i was an adult. >> you mentioned your father. he clearly was a hugely influential figure in your life. i mean so much so that your mother believes that this pedestal that you put him on made it very difficult, i think, for other men because no one ever lived up to your dad who
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was clearly this strong, independent-minded, proud -- >> talented, smart, could do anything. >> hard act to follow. >> it's a hard act to follow. but, you know, i did marry lovely men. >> unusually, i'd say. you've managed to go through two divorces but stayed good friends with both of the men. >> because i have children. >> i've been through the same. so i know that in the end is th glue, isn't it? >> yes, and i have to co-parent. decisions have to be made. no matter who's making more money, it's a joint decision. my first husband, i had three wonderful kids with and we just were together for easter the past couple week, and you know, we're great friends. we talk about the kids a lot but also he congratulates me on achievements and i do for him, too. >> how many times did you say you've been properly in love? >> oh, boy.
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hmm. one two -- probably four. >> you married two of them? >> uh-huh. >> or am i making an assumption there? >> well i do mention in the book that the two marriages that i -- i ended up getting married to i was pregnant both times that i got married. the first time i was with my husband at the time, my fiance for two year, knew each other well, planned on getting married but melanie sped up the process. with rick, we had dated for about a year, and, again, you know, sasha was a surprise, and that definitely -- we got married -- three weeks. that was the speediest one. >> you were a naughty girl. >> i have nothing to be naughty about. >> you say that with a sense of
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regret in your voice. >> i would love to be in a relationship. >> would you? >> yeah. i'm a romantic. i love having a partner. i'm one of those girls that loves to cook and bake and provide and make -- my home is my sanctuary and i love making my home and my family, my dog, everything, you know, part of my life. >> if i could find for you now the perfect man, based on all you've learned about love, romance, divorce, heartbreak -- what would he be like? >> available, and available for a relationship and not afraid of a relationship. accomplished and not afraid of a woman who is accomplished as well. there's nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong with being accomplished. there's nothing to be afraid about. there's no competition necessary. >> i want to talk "desperate housewives." tough quite character. aren't you? lots of rumors. simmering tensions. >> not at all. >> catfights adorn.
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>> not at all. the women welcome me with open arms. they're all really different and different from their characters. i've had such a wonderful ride for two years to be part of an iconic show like that. >> must be a strange moment. something so iconic comes to an end. >> yeah. what are they going to do with wisteria lane? what's going to happen to these houses? but, you know, every -- i've been to felicity's house for game night. fantastic. teri hatch hear an annual halloween party i go to eva had a masquerade birthday party last year. everyone has their own thing and own styl marsha, i love her. she's a rock.
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it's 9:30 in america. in defense of axl rose. let me lay my cards firmly on the table right from the top. i love axl rose. greatest performer i've of seen any rock singer give was by mr. rose in copenhagen, denmark in 1981. strummed and smashed his way through two hours of guns and roses hysteria. the most stunning thing i've of seen anybody doing on any stage of. axel, in the same way, snorting, womanizing, feuding his way into rock 'n' roll folklore until the
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band broke up until so unsolvable, not even a regular $250 million payday offers can persuade him to reform. the chuck norris of rock. a bad ass renegade, angry as he was 25 years ago. why is anybody surprised he rejected the chance to be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame? what part of axl rose did people with to embrace becoming an officially old, respectable music industry legend? axl shredded the invitation to pieces and threw it out of the hotel room along with the tv and a rambling of the letter, refusing to accept it making it quite here, if hell froze over, nothing to do with a guns an roses reunion or the hall of fame.
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he called it the limitless supply of wannabes and irresponsible media types. for me, obviously. this week followed that up with a tweet to his fans snarling, i still don't exactly know or understand what the or where the money goes, who chooses the voters and why anyone out of all the artists in the world contributing to a genre is rock enough to be in the hall? his beliver widely criticized as disrespectful. it came from the hall of fame chiefs assuming axl rose would want anything do with their organization or their so-called honor. in an era where even mick jagger of all people accepted being knighted from the queen, an official rock 'n' roll fo did daddy.
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