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tv   Sanjay Gupta MD  CNN  April 21, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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for transporting an illegally killed black bear, in alaska. nugent, an avi didn't hunter, admits to shooting the bear days after he wounded another bear. alaska laws limit one bear per hunting season. a program note here starting next saturday you will be able to catch sanjay gup da at 4:30 p.m. instead 7:30 a.m. i will have more news at the top of the hour when cnn saturday morning continues. first sanjay gupta md begins right now. hey, there thanks for joining us this morning. lots to get to including a new push to end medical research on chimpanzees, a controversial issue. the man behind the music of drake. very own producer on living with ms, what that is like. but first a look under the microscope. as you may have heard the military has long been under fire for ignoring sexual assaults. but this week the pentagon's top
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man, leon panetta announced a new crackdown. the main change as far as we can tell accusations will be investigated by senior officers. not just unit commanders. the pentagon says last year alone, last year, 19,000 sexual assaults in one year, most of them went unreported and unpunished. there is more to that. we spoke with several former service women, and this one story we found was typical. she was a marine, who reported an attack by a fellow marine but instead of finding help, she was drummed out by the military. doing the right thing was in 21-year-old stephanie schroeder's blood. >> i joined after 9-11, i thought it was the right thing to do. i come from a military family and i have a great sense of honor and patriotism toward the country. >> six months she was training at a base in virginia. one saturday she decided to blow off steam with fellow marines. >> we went out to dinner, i got
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up to go to the rest room, and my attacker followed me and forced his way in the bathroom. i went to pull the door shut, and he grabbed it and flung it back as hard as he could and charged in the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. >> back on base, schroeder reported what happened to the officer in charge. >> i told her i need to report an assault, and she looked at me and started laughing, and said "don't come bitching to me because you had sex and changed your mind." >> she took a lie detector test and passed. she was forced to work with her attacker for a year. her rank was redised, pay was docked. she said because of the incident. >> if you want to keep your career you don't say anything.
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you just bear it. you just deal with it. >> but dealing was a struggle. in early 2003, five months pregnant, with her now husband in iraq, schroeder felt suicidal. she went to see an on-base psychiatrist. >> first time he was very nice. second time we got into the assault, and shortly after that, the chain of command said we're starting an administrative discharge against you. >> in 2003 she received her discharge papers. the reason given? personality disorder. a disorder the textbook for psychiatrists defines as a long standing pattern of mal-adaptive behavior, beginning in adolescence or early adulthood. >> makes no sense medically for people to be diagnosed all of a sudden after being sexually assaulted as an adult in the military to say no, youed that all along. >> this is a former marine and
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executive director of service women's action network. a veterans advocacy group. >> also extremely convenient to slap a false diagnosis on a young woman or man and then just get rid of them, right? so you don't have to deal with the problem in your unit. unfortunately, a lot of sexual assault survivors are considering problems. >> schroeder is not the only one. in fact, we spoke to multiple women in all branchs of the u.s. military who tell similar stories. >> my name is penya. >> these women reported sexual assaults they were discharged for psychiatric disorders. for schroeder the discharge was a mixed blessing. >> once i got it at that moment, i was just so relieved and just so happy that i was -- it was over. yeah. >> but it also came with a price. because of her
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roder lost the chance to attend college under the gi bill. she is luckier than other women who lost va benefits. >> the rape was bad but the aftermath was worse. >> today, the 30-year-old mother of two still suffers from anxiety and depression. she is fighting for a ptsd diagnosis from the va. >> when i look back at that, that is just so shocking that they could dehumanize anybody. like that. >> we had a chance to get a question about all this and specifically the diagnosis issue to defense secretary leon panetta, that was at the press conference this week. listen to what he said. >> obviously, our goal here is to try to put in place what we need in order to deal with these cases as we move forward. there are procedures within the department of defense that allow these individuals to raise these concerns and determine whether or not they have not been
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treated fairly. >> the pentagon gave us a statement saying any service member who thinks their discharge status is unfair, such as being diagnosed with personality disorder, should appeal it through a discharge review board. we'll stay on top of this particular story. coming up, the push to end medical research using chimpanzees, the concern is some say it could derail the hunt for cures.
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come on up, guys. >> you're watching a clip from a new documentary "chimpanzee" the profits will go do the jane goodall center. chimps are at the center of a controversy, should they be part of the medical research? 900 chimps in research centers, 99% the same as people. doctors thought disease and medicine would affect them the same way, that is not entirely true. one research field they play a big role is hunting for a vaccine for hepatitis c. but even that is controversial. now the united states is on the verge of banning all chimp research. cnn's john zarella has the story. >> reporter: champ pan zees, for decades, researchers used them to test everything from the
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toxicity of pesticides and hair sprays, to finding cures for cancer, aids and hepatitis. they are poked and prodded, given dangerous drugs, researchers take tissue samples from their livers, kidneys and bone marrow. now, there is an intensifying debate over whether the era of chimp research should end. depending on who you ask it would either be disasterous for public health or no big deal. >> i just think that at the end of the day, when you start looking at the dollars, the ethics and the science, the answer here chim pan zees are no longer valid. >> i think we have a moral obligation, i think we have an ethical obligation, to use every tool that we can in order to advance medicines in order to advance vaccines for the benefit of the public. >> legislation sitting in congress would end all invasive research using chimps.
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and a pivotal study by the institute of medicine concluded the use of chimps is "largely unnecessary." in response the national institutes of health, nih, asked a panel of experts to tell it how to proceed. it doesn't have to follow the recommendations but it's expected they will. there are approximately 1000 chimps in research institutions. a change in the law could require the retirement of all of them. with no crystal ball in the future, the nih thinks retiring all of them would be a very bad idea. >> we don't know the future, there may be a reemergence of new disease, epidemic for which it's necessary to do research on chimps to save human lives. >> one of the questions that was addressed was do we need them in cases of bioterror threats experts say there are not
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enough, it would take far too long, they are too difficult to use. >> no time table for congress to put through the pact but the panel should make recommendations by the end of the year. that could spend the end of most chimp research. john zarella, cnn washington. while chimp research be replaced by other experiments like stem cells before the expert panel makes their recommendations. tune in to cnn presents sunday night to see the rest of the report. still ahead this morning, right here on sgmd, the man behind the music of drake. alicia keys, lil wayne. struck with a disease that could take away his ability to make music. up next, sightless, killed by cars, one mother says police are simply looking the other way.
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we're back with sgmd. most of you may know i'm training for a triathlon. i tell everyone to be active, getting on a bike is a great way to do it. it can be skinnkind of scary. a person killed by a 21-year-old driver, six prior traffic convictions. the driver got two traffic summons. another person killed by a driver who was reportedly texting and speeding. that driver got community service. then matthew lafave, killed by a car, his mother told me she doesn't buy the official story. >> the surveillance video shows the waning moments of a young man's life. just before midnight on october 18th, 2011, a crane truck pulls up to an intersection in
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brooklyn. moments later, so does 30-year-old matthew lafave, shown here. within seconds, lafave is dead. >> we were devastated when we heard the news, and we are still devastated. >> erica says it's not just her son's death, it's the battle she is waging against the new york city police department. >> after this awful task of having to identify your son, you go to the police precinct and are you looking for answers? >> we just wanted to know what happened. >> what did they tell you? >> we waited at the precinct for hours, we were just brushed off, it wasn't important. >> the sense a cycling death is not important is a common sentiment and source of outrage here. in 2010 in new york city there were more than 6,000 traffic
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accidents involving cyclists. 36 died. but, as in this case, virtually no criminal charges against the drivers. >> navigating new york city is an urban jousting match. pedestrians jay walk, cars speeding. even through red lights. a lot of people out there breaking the law. but advocates say they are angered by what they perceive to be a bias against bcyclists. >> the nypd gave three times court summons to bike riders to truck drivers frnl. >> there may be some law breaking amo mocmong the cyclis >> we know right over there, that is where he was hit, and then his bicycle was dragged down another 171 feet. >> according to her when information trickled out, it
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showed stunning gaps in the investigation. the nypd claimed matthew ran a red light that was disproven by surveillance video. >> it's frustrating beyond description to be handed videotape that shows the death of our son, to watch it over and over and over, and yet never see the events the authorities claim it shows. >> there were vital clues that could have implicated the truck differ for a hit and run that were missing from the police report. >> the truck had this blood and paint evidence on the front bumper, but the camera stopped working. >> steve vaccaro is the family attorney. >> they did not document that evidence anywhere in their investigation of the case. >> nypd has not taken crash investigation seriously is not prosecuting motorists even when the evidence clearly shows they were violating a traffic law. >> we repeatedly tried asking the nypd about the case. and the policies recording cycling investigations.
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but we got no response. at the corner where matthew died, a ghost bike, a haunting reminder of life lost. does it hurt to talk about it? >> when you lose a loved one you want to talk about them all the time. >> i'm so sorry. >> because that's one of the ways that he stays with you. but on the other hand, it is difficult to talk about it, because of the pain that you feel. >> erica hopes the truth, some semblance of resolution about matthew's case might ease that pain. coming up for anyone in new york or anywhere, if you ride, you do need to ride safely it can be done, we'll show you how. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life.
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riding a bike in the city can be intimidating if you are a first time bike rider or you feel wobbling on a bike. i decided a ask a former firefighter questions. there are things people should be doing when they get on a bike as a starting point, right? >> absolutely. first and foremost is your helmet. too many times people are riding in the roads without a helmet. >> i see helmets cracked and you know what their circuit would have looked like. what else? >> make your bike visible. if you are going to ride before the sun comes up or after it
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goes down have a light on front and a red bike in the back. i usually put a light on my helmet as well. >> good idea. >> visibility high and low. >> what does it mean to be mindful on a bike? >> be clear of what is around you. if you are not familiar with the area around you, you are going 15 to 20 miles an hour. you can assume you have the right of way. don't assume they know you are coming. >> a lot of things people don't know are the rules of the road, interacting with cars and other folks on the road. what do you tell them? >> if the road narrows, the cyclist has the right to the lane. that is the law. the cyclist has the right of way. pull into the lane. if they beep their horn, you are visible. you can get over.
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exactly. >> thanks a lot. appreciate it. the chevy cruze eco also offers 42 mpg on the highway. actually, it's cruze e-co, not ec-o. just like e-ither. or ei-ther. or e-conomical. [ chuckling ] or ec-onomical. pa-tato, po-tato, huh? actually, it's to-mato, ta-mato. oh, that's right. [ laughs ] [ car door shuts ] [ male announcer ] visit your local chevy dealer today. now very well qualified lessees can get a 2012 chevy cruze ls for around $159 per month. e.p.a. estimated 36 miles per gallon highway.
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multiple scler row sis, ms is a disease of the nervous system. it's most commonly diagnosed in middle-aged women. this morning, i want to share the story of a young man diagnosed in his 20s and wants to encourage a younger generation. >> noah doesn't miss a beat. or a chance to perform. >> i'm your best friend, remember? >> his life in showbiz began on tv and on "goose bumps." >> told you she had a capped
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tooth. >> by teenage years, it was music that was his true calling. >> everyone would fall asleep and i would still be awake in front of the computer. they called me 40 days and 40 nights because i never slept. >> 40 was a member of drake. now, a grammy nominated recording artist. >> we worked together for a couple days in the studio. i charged him a little bit of money. by the third day, we agreed we were going take over the world together. >> then a setback. 40 found himself celebrating his 22nd birthday in the hospital. >> i woke up and my temperature was messed up. it was confusing. your body goes into shock. >> the diagnosis? ms.
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40 spent the next two years trying to get back on his feet. >> one of the biggest struggles anybody with ms has is describing it to people and how it manifests its. this morning, i had to lie down to get my socks on. i couldn't bend over. >> he used to carry sofas on his back to not being able to walk. >> his mom remembers the advice she gave him. >> you can be a person with ms who doesn't fulfill his dreams or you can have ms and fulfill your dreams. >> his mom was also diagnosed with ms. it is not directly inherited. >> i got this disease. i'm going live with it and win with it. my story is going to be that much better. >> today, he is there. right there on an electronic billboard. he's in a campaign for the ms
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society. ms kills connections, connections kill ms. that's the point. all we can do is connect and create a network and community to help each other. we don't have the answers to the cures or how it's going to get better. >> that's why 40 is sharing his story. >> these are things i enjoy. i like these challenges. they maybe get more difficult because of my disease. as long as i'm on my feet, i'll continue to run until somebody stops me. >> such an inspiring young guy. by the way, if you thought his mom looked familiar, you are right. ralphy's teacher in "a christmas story." >> red rider b.b. gun. >> don't shoot your eye out, kid. remember that? che


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