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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  May 2, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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new york area, jfk, and atlanta is number ten. that's pretty good for atlanta because hartsfield i'm talking to you, man, you are a painful airport to navigate around. the worst of the worst. but the magazine also released a list of their best airports. minneapolis, charlotte and detroit all did incredibly well and deservedly well, but i can't believe jacksonville, best airport in the country, didn't make the list. let us know what airports you love or hate. we say this constructively hartfield, you can get better. good evening, everyone. we begin tonight keeping them honest with the question that seems to have no simple answer. how can someone be fatally beaten, kicked and suffocated, allegedly by more than a dozen people, and yet none of those people, not one, face murder or manslaughter charges. that's one key question in the killing of florida a&m band nebras member robert champion. he died from crossing bus c where the victim is made to walk down the aisle of the band bus
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while bandmates hit him. today florida prosecutors charged 11 alleged participants with what's called felony hazing. they charged two others with misdemeanors. if convicted, the maximum anyone could face for beating someone to death would be six years in prison. again, the question is why not murder or manslaughter charges? one answer, say prosecutors, is that it would be tough getting convictions with the evidence that they have. >> the testimony obtained to date does not support a charge of murder in that it does not contain the elements of murder. we can prove participation in hazing and a death. we do not have a blow or a shot or a knife thrust that killed mr. champion. it is an aggregation of things which exactly fit the florida statute as written by the legislature. >> well, that statute was written seven years ago with the best intentions to hold people accountable for hazing deaths. you have to wonder, though, does the very fact that it's on the books allow some people to pay
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lighter penalties for causing someone's death than would otherwise be the case? the attorney for the champion family says so. he calls it a loophole. you'll hear from him and robert champion's own mother in just a moment. the fact is itch the people accused of beating robert champion of beating him to death were charged with manslaughter, they would face more in prison. the hazing statute identify the same offense, the unlawful taking of life whether by negligence or recklessness. then there's the accountability of the university and the elite band. here's what happened late last year when jason carroll tried to get answers from a&m's president. >> do you believe you bear personally any responsibility for what has happened to any of these students here? >> personal responsibility? i have done everything in accordance to the law here in the state of florida. >> five days later a&m's
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trustees deferred a vote on the president's future as well as the band director, julian white. they said they wanted to wait until the champion investigation was complete. we asked the university now that charges have been brought whether they're planning to take any action on the two men. we got no answer. the president is still president. julian white is on administrative leave, but still collecting a paycheck. and robert champion, as you know, is dead. dead at the age of 26. his mother, pam, who joins us shortly, says hazing does not begin to describe what was done to her son. she says the charges today don't fit the crime. first randi kaye with how this nightmare began. >> reporter: in some sort of sick ritual, robert champion, a 26-year-old drum major from florida's a&m university, is beaten as his fellow band members watch. it's november 19th, 2011, in orlando. after a football game that included a halftime performance by the group. on board the bus, members of the marching 100, a band member
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calls 911. >> are you with him right now? >> yes, i am with him, ma'am. he's not breathing. >> days later on november 22nd, it's announced champion's death is the result of a hazing incident. they call it crossing bus c. an initiacdon in which pledges attempt to run down the center aisle to the back while being punched, kicked and assaulted by senior members. >> what was done to my son was wrong. it was brutal. he had nobody that would help him. >> reporter: that same day, november 22nd, the university's president, james ammons, announces the suspensions of any and all performances and engagements for bands and ensembles. he speaks at a memorial vigil in tallahassee. >> we encourage all of you to spread the message that famu has a zero tolerance for hazing, and that any alleged acts of hazing
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will be dealt with as a criminal act. >> reporter: band director julian white is also there. >> i loved that young man. the hundred was better because he was one of us. the community is better because he lived among us. his march has ceased. but his memory will linger on. >> reporter: the next day, november 23rd, band director white is told he's going to be terminated in december. he hires an attorney. later he's put on administrative leave with pay while the case is investigated. his attorney now wants him reinstated. december 1st, four students are dismissed from the university in connection with champion's death. about two weeks later, december 16th, the medical examiner rules robert champion's death a homicide, after finding he collapsed and died within an hour of the hazing incident. the m.e. said champion had excessive internal bleeding due to soft tissue hemorrhage and blunt force trauma. >> no one could have expected
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that his college expeerienc would include being pummeled to death. >> reporter: on december 19th, the school's board of trustees rejects a request from florida governor rick scott to suspend university president james ammons, announcing he will stay in office during the hazing investigation. but this isn't the first hazing investigation at florida a&m. cnn has learned since 2001, there have been at least x indes. da befor robert champion's death, 26 band members were suspended for landing a freshman clarinet player in the hospital. her legs had been beaten with fists and a metal ruler. earlier this year, four band members were charged with the beating of five pledges. between 2002 and 2011, according to the "miami herald," more than 100 band members had been kicked out due to hazing. in the case of robert champion, on january 12th, friends speculate champion's sexual orientation was a possible
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factor in the hazing. his parents and their lawyer stress this is not a hate crime, this is a hazing crime. and finally, after six months of interviewing nearly 50 witnesses, on may 2nd, florida state attorney announces not merder, but misdemeanor hazing charges against 13 individuals. of those, 11 are also charged with a felony, hazing to death. whatever happened that awful day, those involved will have to answer for it. as soon as the florida department of law enforcement can track them down. randi kaye, cnn, atlanta. >> questions remain about the charges and accountability. earlier tonight i spoke with robert champion's mom, pam, and their family attorney. mrs. champion, the charges today for felony hazing could bring up to six years in prison. do you feel that these charges go far enough? >> my first reaction is no. i was very disappointed in
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hearing what the charges would be, and i was very disappointed in that, but they did explaino me the reasoning behind that. of course my first reaction was i was very, very disappointed. my husband and i both, we were anticipating something that was a little more harsh. >> something -- were you hoping for some sort of murder or manslaughter charge? >> yes. >> do you feel that there are others who are still accountable who have not been named? >> absolutely. oh, yes, absolutely. >> how so? >> well, we know if we had a bus full of people and you only have 13, you know, absolutely there are some that has not been part of the investigation or interviews or whatever a proper name for it would be. >> the prosecutor today described hazing as a form of
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bullying. he called it, and i quote, bullying with a tradition. do you agree with that? do you think it is a form of bullying? >> well, you know, the term "hazing" in itself is a very light term as to what it is. i don't look at it as being a form of bullying. hazing is a very brutal assault is basically what it is, against another person. >> so you think using that term "hazing" puts a veneer of -- of lessens the horror of it? >> absolutely. i've always said the term "hazing" is not fitting for what is being done ton individual, especially for what happened to my son. hazing is not the term at all. >> you believe he was murdered. you believe he was beaten to death, assaulted, killed? >> according to the coroner,
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that is what happened. >> mr. chestnut, you still have a civil lawsuit pending against the company that owns the bus where the hazing took. isth the only group you can go after? what about going after t school? >> we willabsolutely sue the school. statutorily we're required in florida to wait six months before we sue a government engt t -- entity and so we anticipate filing a lawsuit against the school in the foreseeable future. >> but also against the bus company? >> we have already sued the bus company, correct, and the bus driver. >> do you have a monetary amount that you're looking for? >> no. we're just pro pounding discovery. we're trying to get answers, trying to get people locked down into statements, taking depositions, et cetera. so we're trying to figure out exactly what happened, exactly who is accountable and to what extent they are accountable. >> mrs. champion, how are you and your family getting through this? how do you deal with this?
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>> well, we really have no choice but to try to do the best we can. basically each moment, each minute of the day, each day is . anderin journey that we --yy and i have been on has been a very tough journey, in lieu of everything else that not only just losing my son, and that's my only son, in such a brutal way, but everything that surrounds the whole case has been disappointing as well. so it's hard for the family. >> do you think authorities don't understand the impact of this, given the charges that they filed, or do you think that this is just what they could come up with in a legal framework? >> well, i don't know if i can make a statement towards that, because i'm not a lawyer, so i
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don't know all the legal verbiage around things, but certainly the crime that was done is just -- you definitely expect tot a statement, to set an example, to say that this is no longer accepted. in order to do that, you have to set a real example of what has happened. >> anderson, legally, this is a six-year sentence maximum. robert champion has a lifetime sentence. but there is a legislative loophole here under the statute which allowszingo be charged and precludes the charging of murder or felony murder here. >> christopher chestnut, i appreciate you being with us and pam champion, i'm so sorry for your loss and i appreciate your speaking with us. i want to bring in skref jeffre toobin. you believe the prosecution has the right charge. >> i think this is certainly a justified arge.
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whether they could havedone more strikes me as difficult. i think it would be very difficult to pveanaughter given the fact this is a very chaotic scene on this bus. and they have to prove each person beyond a reasonable doubt committed the crime. and given the difficulty of assembling evidence, i just think it would be very difficult to get manslaughter. >> they say they don't even know who gave a death blow, if there was one blow in particular. they just don't have the evidence. >> i thought that was very interesting what the prosecutor said, they don't have that. the hazing law makes that requirement much less tight, much less difficult for the prosecution. they simply have to show that the defendants were involved in hazing and the death was caused. if it was a manslaughter case, they would have to prove precisely how he died and who killed him. >> is it possible, though, that now that charges have been brought that somebody will turn state's evidence? that somebody will negotiate some sort of a deal and, therefore, a manslaughter charge could be brought if somebody saw
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something? >> when you have a 13 defendant case it is almost always the case someone winds up pleading guilty and cooperating, often more than one person. that could lead to further charges, but again it would depend whether that person could put such specific evidence in front of a grand jury to say, look, this individual caused the injury that caused his death, that strikes me as a difficult thing. >> the civil case that they have already filed against the bus company, the driver, also they're going to file against the school, do you have any doubt that that will be successful? >> well, it seems like certainly against the university it seems like a slam dunk civil case. when you look at how much hazing has gone on at the university for so long and the university, r whever reason, failed to stop it, that looks like a very -- a lawsuit that's very likely to produce a very large damage award. >> and the jury willome up with the damages? >> yes, in florida it is but they get some guidance from the judge and from the law but this could be an enormous verdict
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given how much warning this university had that hazing was a problem, particularly with the band. >> jeffrey toobin, thanks very much. let us know what you think about these charges. are they the right charges? we're on facebook, google plus. follow me on twitter. up next, the apnt suicide of an nfl great, junior seau, and questions about whether it was connected to brain injuries he may have sustained on the field or something else. dr. sanjay gupta joins us. (female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at
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the death of another nfl star is once again raising serious concerns about life-altering and sometimes life-ending brain injuries some players suffer. this morning at his home north of san diego, police say the 12-time pro bowl linebacker junior seau put a gun to his chest and then pulled the trigger. his death, they say, is being investigated as a suicide. the loss is sending shock waves through the teams he played on, especially in the san diego area, where he was a community icon. this afternoon his mother tried to speak to reporters, but was understandably overcome by loss. >> he never say something to me. junior, why you never telling me. i pray to god, take me. take me. leave my son alone.
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thank you. thank you so much for everybody. god bless you. >> as we mentioned, the apparent suicide is only the latest in a string of retired players taking their own lives, some of whom showed signs of dementia that many experts now suspect could be career related. in a moment we'll talk to dr. sanjay gupta but first the very latest from paul vercammen. >> reporter: well, anderson, just a short time ago i did talk to a police lieutenant about that, was there a note left that indicated he might have killed himself with a gunshot to the chest and was there a note that might have said i'm doing so, so there can be research done on my brain. they have not heard that yet but there was certainly a lot of buzz around here about that possibility. you can see behind me this is the home of junior seau. so many people along this stretch known as the strand in oceanside have come up and left flowers.
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you can see a gentleman down there right now kneeling in front of junior seau's house. this is where he had this idyllic life. he lived in this home. he would walk across the strand every day, not more than just a few yards and go off to the ocean. they all knew around here as someone who really enjoyed surfing. so this is where junior seau had spent his life in the last few years. i don't know if you can tell because the tide is high but they put together a makeshift cross out of rocks here to honor junior seau. when you talk to people in the neighborhood, they talk about how friendly he was, that he seemed to have everything. he would stop and talk to people here about the surf, about, you know, just enjoying life in oceanside. he was from oceanside. he played his high school football here, anderson. and this whole community today has been absolutely rocked. they're all wondering why, anderson. >> yeah, it's a question everyone asks in the wake of a suicide. it's hard to know if it was related to anything he experienced because of playing football, but he had had struggles in recent years n 2010
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i understand he drove himself off a california cliff. is there much known about that incident? >> reporter: yes, there is. what happened was is junior at the time had a 25-year-old live-in girlfriend. there was an arrest of junior for spousal battery, as they put it here in oceanside. he bailed himself out and then later, nearby in carlsbad, he did drive off a cliff. there's two versions of this. his former teammates will say, well, we talked to junior and he said he fell asleep at the wheel. the other side of that is did he do so deliberately and was he trying to commit suicide. when authorities found him, he was conscious and talking and he made no mention of an intent to kill himself at that point, anderson. >> all right, paul, appreciate the latest. because of the possibilities in this tragedy, we want to dig deeper and bring in neuron surgeon dr. sanjay gupta. sanjay, several nfl players have committed suicide and brain-related injuries they sustained bhiwhile playing have been blamed.
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is it possible that past head traumas could have played a role in seau's taking his own life? >> i think we have enough evidence to say yes, because you're starting to see a pattern of exactly what you're describing here, anderson, this idea that the previous blows to the head, trauma, for example, sustained on a football field can accumulate over time and lead to something known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy. they may have memory loss, depression, anger, those are the cardinal symptoms. what's so striking here, you alluded like this, just like dave duerson, we talked about him in 2011, he shot himself in the chest as well. it's a very unusual way, a rare way for one to commit suicide and it's hard to talk about. but in duerson's case that paul was alluding to saying i shot myself in the chest, i'd like my
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brain to be studied. his brn was studied and he did have exactly what he was concerned about, e, that was confirmed when they studied his brain. so there's a lot of parallels here with what happened with junior seau and dave duerson and lots of othe players as well. >> it is a rare way to kill str do unless you do want somebody to be studying your brain, i guess, to try to preserve your brain. how many concussions does someone have to sustain before getting some kind of permanent damage to the brain? >> well, let me preface by saying, look, what we're talking about is very new science, so it's being sort of studied right now, so there's not an exact answer to that. there's two beats that i should point out. one is there are some people who appear to be much more susceptible to concussions. we're not entirely sure why in the scientific community, but people who have multiple concussions from hits to the head that wouldn't cause concussions in other players. but even more to the point, i did a little bit of homework on
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junior seau's career today. he wasn't known as someone who had a lot of concussions. he had a lot of leg injuries and other injuries. but what is concerning is subconcussive hits. those subconcussive hits can accumulate and that's what they are worried about in terms of its link to this chronic traumatic e ncephalopathy. we get a question, how chronic are chronic traumatic neurological illnesses in the nfl? >> i visited the lab where they have been doing this research. they examined brains of lots of different people, different athletes, but specifically with regard to nfl players. there have been 19 brains examined. 18 of them had evidence of this chronic traumatic encephalopathy, so it's virtually all of them. in fact one more thing, anderson, the youngest person
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they have seen that had chronic traumatic encephalopathy was a 17-year-old by the name of nathan styles. but it starts very early as a result of those head blows. >> depression, how common is that in former nfl players? and it could be depression caused by other things, stopping your career that you've been focused on your whole life, trying to come up with a new way of living, but how common is depression? >> well, it's hard to know because so many people don't talk about it, as is often the case with so much mental illness generally speaking. but with regard to cte, what we're talking about here, it is one of the cardinal symptoms, anderson. so depression, anger, memory loss. it's a triad of symptoms. doctors have seen that triad so convincingly that they can almost, you know, guess with pretty consistent reliability that that person has cte. you can only diagnose cte upon
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someone's death, but it's a cardinal symptom of this. >> obviously more investigation will be done on his death. sanjay, appreciate the reporting, thanks. stunning allegations tonight from the chinese activist who left the u.s. embassy in beijing today. he had taken refuge there after escaping house arrest. he says u.s. officials pressured him to leave the embassy and that he now fears for his life and his family's life. details ahead. to that car insurance alone just last year. mmm, it's got a nice bouquet. our second car insurance, y. mmmmm, oh, i can see by your face they just lost another customer. you chose geico over the competitor. calm down, calm down. you're getting carried away. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis,
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tonight a 360 world view.
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conflicting reports about how and why a chinese activist, chen guangcheng left the u.s. embassy in beijing today. he said he was coerced to leave. u.s. and chinese diplomats had been negotiating several days to work out a deal. chen took refuge at the embassy arrest in eastern china just days before secretary of state hillary clinton was due to visit beijing for scheduled talks. she arrived last night. u.s. officials say chinese officials assured them chen would be treated you mainly while he remains in china but chen says he left the embassy only after u.s. officialsim t lobbnge to leave anpt promised to have people stay with me in the hospital. this afternoon as soon as i checked into the hospital room, i noticed they were all gone. he is being treated for injuries he sustained during his escape from home confinement. he told cnn he felt his life and his family's lives would be in danger if they stayed in china.
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he said i would like to say to president obama please do everything you can to get our whole family out. the state department says chen never sought political asylum while at the embassy. joining me is stan grant and jill dougherty. stan, you spoke to chen and he said he was disappointed in the u.s. government. why? what did he say went on? >> reporter: this has been an extraordinary story. on the one hand you have the u.s. and on the other china and in the middle you have this blind activist chen guangcheng. when he walked out he was all smiles, hugging officials, he wanted to go to the hospital. he was telling officials that he wanted to stay in china. between leaving the embassy and speaking to us at 3:00 a.m. thursday morning here in beijing, a lot had happened. he contacted his wife. his wife had told him about threats that had been made to her and their family. he said after officials discovered that he fled house arrest, they came and took her. they tied her up for two days of interrogation. they beat her with sticks and threatened to beat her to death. they said to her if your husband
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doesn't leave the embassy, then you are going to suffer the consequences. we are waiting for you with weons back home. that soured his view. he now doesn't believe that the u.s. had given him the full picture. he said he was being urged to leave. he felt secure in the deal the u.s. and china had wording out. he also says, though, anderson, he was cut off from information and wasn't being told the full story about what the consequences may be. right now he feels stranded, no longer with the protection of the united states and alone in a hospital bed and fearing for his life. >> but jill, the u.s. is saying he never talked about leaving china, that he was always talking about staying in china and continuing his studies there and continuing his work there, right? >> reporter: precisely. in fact that's the main point that they made, which is when he came to the embassy, he said i want to continue my work. i am not interested in coming to the united states. i want to stay here. and that in fact in an interview
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i did with a senior ministrationofcial, he pointed out that they had asked him several times, at least three times, do yout leave of your own volition? look, we have this deal, are you comfortable? and he said yes. and also they point out that he never actually asked for asylum. so their point is, he left. there was a deal and the main question, anderson, is they are, the united states, is really throwing its faith on the chinese government that they will carry out this agreement between the government and mr. chen. and that is a big if. they are probably holding their breath hoping that this will turn out. >> just an interesting side note, we're viewed right now on cnn international which is seen around the world, cnn china. china just blocked us out on china right now as we were speaking. so clearly this is a very sensitive issue. they don't want people there to
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know about. stan, you've been reporting this and were able to meet with chen. how has the government been treating you? how difficult was it for you to get in and meet with him? >> reporter: very, very difficult. anderson, we managed to speak to him over the phone because he's holed up in this hospital bed with his wife as well sitting by his side. each time we have tried to meet him in his village, each time we have tried to drive down there to verify a lot of the accusations about the way that he's been treated, we have been attacked. we have been followed by vehicles. our phones have been tapped. they have checked into our e-mails. our drivers have been contacted to ask questions about where we're going, who we're going to be speaking to. just over the past couple of days, anderson, we have spoken to friends and supporters of chen guangcheng, and after speaking with them within a matter of hours they have been detained by police, questioned, and some of them still detained or under house arrest. there's a lot of sensitivity here during a leadership transition here.
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and any question of human rights exposes china to the rest of the world and they do not like being exposed, anderson. >> our broadcast has just now been blocked in china while we have been discussing this. of jill, where does this go next? he's in the hospital, his wife is there. he can't leave china, i assume. what's going to happen? >> reporter: well, i guess he'd have to in a way ask him would he want to officially ask to be allowed to leave, ask for asylum. ask for some way of getting out to the united states. that would be one thing. but look at the other picture. here you have secretary of state hillary clinton in china, in beijing at this very important meeting. it's really like a summit. it's a strategic and economic dialogue on all aspects of the relationship between the united states and china. and the united states needs chinese help, needs to work on things like trade, economics, iran, north korea, syria, you
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name it. so this timing is really bad for the administration. >> right. jill dougherty, stan grant, appreciate the reporting. not easy circumstances to be reporting on. stay safe and we'll continue to follow the story. coming up, a pastor in north carolina, i don't know if you all heard this, delivers a message in a sermon saying that if -- to fathers if their little boys show signs of in his words having a limp wrist, that their dads should crack those wrists, those dads should punch them. now he's apologizing sort of saying he didn't mean t offend anyone. we'll play the sermon, you can decide for yourself. we're keeping him honest next. [♪...] >> announcer: with nothing but his computer, an identity thief is able to use your information to open a bank account in order to make your money his money.
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another keeping them honest report. a fayetteville, north carolina, pastor sermon has gone viral
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online triggering a lot of outrage and forcing him to iss a retraction of sorts. shawn harris is the senior pastor and gave a fiery 55-minute sermon denouncing same-sex marriage ahead of next week's vote in north carolina to outlaw such marriages and all civil unions. now, in the course of his sermon he told fathers in his congregation if their young sons acted efem natalie he should give them a good punch. if they have a limp wrist, they should crack that wrist. if girls are butch, they should be reinned in as well. here's some of what he said during his sermon. >> so your little son starts to act a little girlish when he's 4 years old and instead of squashing that like a cockroach and saying man up, son, get that dress off you and get outside and dig a ditch, because that's what boys do -- [ laughter ] you get out the camera and start
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taking pictures of johnny acting like a female and then you upload it to youtube and everybody laughs about it. the next thing you know, this dude, this kid is acting out childhood fantasies that should have been squashed. can i make it any clearer? dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. man up. give him a good punch. okay? you are not going to act like that. you are made by god to be a male and you are going to be a male. and when your daughter starts acting too butch, you rein her in, and you say oh, no. oh, no, sweetheart. you can play sports. play 'em, play 'em to the glory of god. but sometimes you're gonna act like a girl and walk like a girl, talk like a girl and smell like a girl and that means you're going to be beautiful, you're going to be attractive, you're gonna dress yourself up.
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say can i take charge like this as a parent? yeah, you can. you're authorized. i just gave you a special dispensation this morning to do that. >> well, pastor harris has now issued a retraction of sorts on. listen. >> the purpose of this document is to issue an official statement of retraction of any and all words that suggest that child abuse is appropriate for any and all types of behaviors, including but not limited to effeminacy and sexual immorality of all types. i should not have said what i said about cracking or punching and a particular bias toward outward attraction of girls. nor should i have used the words "special dispensation." i did not say that children should be squashed. i have never suggested children or those in the lgbt lifestyle should be beaten, punched, abused either physically or psychologically in any form or fashion.
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i apologize to anyone i have unintentionally offended. >> well, harris also says he does not apologize for saying homosexuality is an abomination to god. as for the punching and cracking wrists, he said he was not being literal. keeping him honest, though, he said that he has, quote, never suggested children or those in the lbgt lifetime should be beaten or abused in any form or fashion. that, however, is frankly not true. you just heard him in his sermon say they should be punched. fathers should punch -- give their kids -- boys a good punch. that they should crack their limp wrists. his church's teaching does condone punishment of children. there's a section on disciplining section which reads, quote, parents should consider their responsibility to be the instrument of discipline in their child's life. at times this may include appropriate and reasonable physical means employed upon the fleshy portion of the child's
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buttocks. this is to be viewed as correction rather than punishment and this correction will result in the child's physical and spiritual betterment. the church's website makes no mention of punching children or cracking their limp wrists. i want to talk about this with jeffy to rey toobin and cindy a group that advocates for lbgt acceptance in the religious community. jeff, legally is he in any peril of -- if some fathers punches his son or cracks his son's wrist, is he in any way liable? >> i don't think so. we've dealt with this in many different contexts. if someone does something bad after hearing something or seeing a movie, remember "natural born killers," people went out and did bad things, in all those cases, civil or criminally, it's been -- the cases have been tossed out. >> even if he says you have a special religious dispensation
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to do this? >> i don't think a civil case -- or a criminal case based on that would succeed. obviously as far as we know it hasn't happened yet and we certainly hope it hasn't happened. but i think the chain of causation is simply too tenuous. it's too difficult to prove that that really would be the cause that any court would allow a civil or criminal judgment in that case. >> reverend, when you hear a pastor saying something like this during a fiery 55-minute sermon and he says he was speaking extemporaneously and didn't really mean it, what do you think? >> i think those of us who are ministers are called to really high ethical standard of what we speak to and about in our congregations. i was just listening to that as you played it back and i was thinking if i had heard those words and i were a young child, i would have felt that the perceived authority of my church, someone like my dad was saying it was okay to punch or
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crack the wrist of another child who appeared to be effeminate. >> does it surprise you that people were saying amen and seemed to be following along? >> yeah. i thought we focused a lot on the minister in this case, and in fact what was chilling to me was hearing the members of the congregation laugh and say "amen" and really sort of be in concert with what the minister was saying. >> the pastor has cited numerous biblical passages to back up his beliefs. i mean, reverend, how do you square that with your understanding of the gospel? >> i don't. i think that the thing that i would say is jesus wouldn't have preached that sermon. jesus has to be the lens through which we view scripture if we call ourselves followers of jesus christ. and i think what he was
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suggesting to his congregation and to parents doesn't resemble anything that i see in scripture ever spoken to or modelled by jesus christ. we're called to an ethical standard as members of the body of christ to project jesus, not our own particular biases around things that we find distasteful. >> the backdrop is the ballot drive in north carolina to ban same-sex marriage, also civil unions, also any kind of domestic partnership benefits for partners or children. >> right. and it's a very -- it's a very big referendum because, as you say, it's not just about same-sex marriage, which has lost in every state that it has been on the ballot. even, of course, as we know proposition 8 in california. but this goes much farther than that and, as you say, would eliminate any kind of state recognition of same-sex relationships, even civil unions. so it would be a big step
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backward for the gay community and people who support the gay community. so this is -- they are very high stakes. it looks like the anty position is winning in the lls, although it is somewhat close. >> it's interesting, reverend love, your organization tries to work within the community of faith -- >> yes. >> -- to change minds. do you feel like -- i'm sure at times you feel like it is an uphill battle. do you feel progress is being made for your position or do you feel that things are getting worse? >> i think we're going through a period of time right now in some parts of the country where there's sort of a backlash. there's an enormous investment on the parts of the most conservative and fundamentalist denominations to roll back on marriage equality, for example, and to sort of, to use the minister's words, to man up inside the fundamentalist church on the issues of same-sex
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marriage. but what is true is that the american public in majority now have moved to a place of if we don't want to say blessing, at least saying that they are going to be accepting of civil unions and same-sex relationships being sank fied. >> well, we're all called to be accountable for our actions and i appreciate that he apologized, but what is real is that we are called to reconciliation and i believe that whether he intended to or not, he has now done harm within his own congregation into the broader community even with the implication that very young children who have what appear to be effeninate behaviors shur
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physically punished. he has his work set out to restore that in his own congregation. >> reverend, thank you. new testimony in the john edwards' trial. we'll be right back. man: okay, no problem. it's easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. um...this green line just appeared on my floor. yeah, that's fidelity helping you reach your financial goals. could you hold on a second? it's your money. roll over your old 401(k) into a fidelity ira and take control of your personal economy. this is going to be helpful. call or come in today. fidelity investments. turn here.
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her daughter, kate, walked out reportedly wiping away tears. the head of house financial services committee has been cleared of insider trading accusations. the congressional ethics office has dismissed all potential charges against alabama congressman spencer ba krchlbac one of the four versions of the painting "the scream" was sold at auction tonight at sotheby's in new york and the record-breaking sale price, anderson, i hear you ask, $119.9 million. >> wow. thanks. ridiculist is next.
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time now for the ridiculist. we're adding burning questions about a story from nutley, new jersey. a woman was in court to plead not guilty to charges that she let her 6-year-old daughter get in a tanning booth n new jersey you cannot artificially tan if you're under the age of 14 which is why they don't have a junior high version of "jersey shore." the little girl is fine. she apparently had a sunburn a while back which her mom comes from playing outside but the girl told the school nurse she went tanning with mommy and that's when the whole thing blew up. the mom says it's all a big misunderstanding. >> i tan. she doesn't tan. it's called a tanning booth. a tanning room. i'm in the booth. she's in the room. that's all there is to it. she doesn't go in there. you know, she's my little girl, i'm not going to bring my little daughter into a 90-degree bed. nothing is wrong with her. and this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. >> how is that real?
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i mean i'm not even that concerned about the little girl, i'm concerned about the mom. i mean i know i'm so pale i'm almost see-through, but there is no way she can be that tan. there must have been something going on with the lighting in that shot, right? let's take a look from a different interview. >> i've been tanning my whole life, going to the beach, tanning salons, so forth. >> she's been tanning her whole life? wow! that surprises me. all right, i'm going to say it. somebody power up the starship enterprise because that lady is boldly going where no tan has gone before. >> there's no room, a. b, i would never permit it. c, it didn't happen. she's 6 years old. yes, she does go tanning with mommy, but not in the booth. the whole thing is preposterous. >> she's talking about her daughter. i don't care. i can't even pay attention to what she's saying. it's like the tanning olympics. she took the