tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 4, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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he used it as an opportunity to excel. he's been in combat seven times. twice on one leg and to ride across the canyon with chris self is awe inspiring. he's a great example of what -- of the best of america. it's an honor to call him friend. >> that's all for us tonight. we begin tonight keeping them honest with what the white house and some democrats on capitol hill and continue to insist, that house republicans want to keep student loan rates low by waging war on women's health. before attacking me saying i'm a democratic mouthpiece, i'm not talking about past republican efforts that have been portrayed as hurting women. i'm simply focusing tonight on the effort by republicans to offset the cost of keeping
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student loan rates low by cutting the health care prevention funding. the republicans only grudgingly voted to extend the low rates and funding the preventative health care that's true. you can agree with them or not. that's not what i'm arguing. but they're cutting prevention funding for everyone not just women. those are facts. we've reported on this before. but it didn't stop the group from taking out this full page ad in politico. republicans must think we're stupid, is how it's titled. the republicans will only keep rates low if they cut funding for women's health, it says. it closes with a call to keep stafford loan rates low and do it in a way that doesn't pit students against women. keeping them honest though, it doesn't. what the house bill does do is zero out a billion dollar portion of new health care law devoted to preventative medicine. money for smoking prevention, hiv screening, nutrition programs, hospital infection
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control, immunization, money to hire new doctors. but nothing in the fund for mammograms or pap smears or specific women's health issues with the exception of $7 million for breast-feeding. now, the obama administration wants to include breast and cervical cancer programs in next year's preventive funding. it would be substantial, $260 million but so far it's only a proposal. make no mistake, though eliminating all funding for preventative care as house republicans want, would have a big impact. but it's an impact on men, women and children. but that's not the issue. that's not how is framing it. and democrats. the issue is claims like these. >> the way to pay for this assistance to students is not to shut down health for the women of this country. >> a continuation of their assault on women's health. >> pile on on that assault on women's health care. >> continuing their all-out assault on women's health. >> attack women's health and children's health. >> they now are attacking women's health. >> it's interesting that the
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fund they keep going back to, that particularly benefits the reproductive health care, child bearing health care, preventative health care that is so necessary to women. >> by the way, this is a fund that democrats voted to cut earlier this year. keeping them honest, even as democrats have been pursuing this line of attack, they have been moving the goalpost. a spokesman for house minority leader pelosi said 60% of the billion dollar fund goes to women and children. not women. women and children. that's a huge difference. i think we're on solid ground here but both and the white house own fact checker disagree. the post claims two out of four pinocchios. i talked about it earlier tonight with's justin ruben. so the funding that the republicans want to cut is actually not specific to women's health. it's funding for a lot of different services as you know, tobacco prevention, nutrition programs, immunizations and hiring more doctors, services that benefit men, women and
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children. how can you say that the republicans are targeting women's health? pitting students against women? >> the background here folks should know, you have student loan rates will double on june 1st. it's a huge problem for all the students groaning under the weight of new loans and republicans are blocking efforts to fix that and their latest gamut is to say we're going to cut the health care programs. which predominantly, basically, a big fund for health care funds that benefits women. >> that's not true. >> well, no, it is true. >> how can you say that? >> well, there's two things. first of all, 60% of the funding overall goes to basically programs that benefit women and their children. and then you have -- >> whoa, whoa, wait a minute. now you're including children in on this. but you can't say that 60% of the funding goes for women and children. it's not broken down like that. most funding actually goes for hiring doctors and anti-smoking efforts and anti-obesity
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efforts. >> basically what's happened is the republicans have cut funding for health care programs and the president said i'm going to use this fund to pay for essential cervical and breast cancer screening programs in the 2013 budget. republicans then respond by saying, well, we're going to cut that whole fund, including the funding for those programs. >> it's funding for obesity, funding for hiv, it's funding for a lot of things. you cannot factually say -- agrees, you can't say this is funding specifically for women or overwhelmingly for women. in fact, when the democrats agreed to cut billions of dollars from this a couple of months ago, didn't say the democrats are targeting women's health. it's only now that it fits your agenda that you're saying it targets women. >> that's not true. >> president obama is -- but you
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don't say president obama is targeting women, do you? i haven't heard you say that president obama is targeting women's health, that the democrats are targeting women's health five months ago. now republicans are targeting women's health because they're wanting to do it. >> you know, the fact is, you have -- we have millions -- >> so when -- >> benefit from programs -- >> so when president obama -- >> we fought president obama all the time. >> so where's your ad saying -- >> we run ads against president obama. but the fact is, if you want to look at who is consistently targeting women, who is -- who's the party trying to eliminate funding for planned parenthood, who's the party trying to specifically trying to cut money for cervical cancer and pap smears? that's the republicans. we're going to call that out. of course they're going to try to dodge it. there are over millions of dollars of 2013 funding they're zeroing out -- >> so president obama -- >> we shouldn't be having this conversation. why are we having a conversation to -- >> my job is to report on facts not to meet your agenda. when president obama suggested
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in his 2013 budget cutting billions of dollars from this, i don't see an ad that says president obama is attacking women. you're only saying that republicans do it because it fits your agenda. >> that's not true. >> so when president obama wants to cut money from this that's not targeting women? >> president obama -- look -- >> yes or no? does that target women when president obama wants to take billions of dollars out of this? >> when president obama is taking billions of dollars out of this, it's wrong and it will have a disproportionate -- >> so he's targeting women? >> of course not. >> but republicans are? >> because -- yes. >> in this case? >> you have a bill in virginia that would -- >> i'm not talking about other instances. i'm talking about this specifically. >> look, i feel this isn't rocket science. you have a billion dollars of funding. overall, most of that is going to programs that aren't women-specific, but disproportionately benefit women. much of it -- >> you're saying that also because children -- they benefit
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everybody. i'm not arguing for cutting the program. it benefits everybody. >> but if you actually look at this, the majority of the people who benefit from these programs are women. >> says that's not true. you can't say that. i mean, you look at the line item specific hiring of doctor, anti-obesity, hiv, smoking. >> but if you take the anti-obesity, because you have more women of childbearing age who are obese, that goes to women more disproportionately. >> well, actually what it -- no, what it is mostly it goes to community grants to do things, environmental things like walking paths, which benefit everyone. to say that a walking path benefits women more than men again, it doesn't -- i understand your argument. >> i think we're splitting hairs here. you have a program that disproportionately helps women, hundreds of millions of dollars of that specific funding and earmarked for cervical and breast cancer screenings. this is part and parcel of what republicans have been doing all year.
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they're going to say, again, this isn't part of the war on women but an attack on health care generally. i mean, come on. there's a way to pay for these student loans. and make sure the rates don't double. that's to ask millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share and not go after health care funding. >> it's a separate issue. i appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. let's dig deeper now. the political impact of the debate with ari fleischer and hilary rosen. do you think it's accurate for and even the white house and other democrats on the hill to be saying this specifically, this idea of, you know, the student loan bill by offsetting it by eliminating preventative health services is part of an attack on women specifically? >> no. you know, i look at factcheck d, i think they're right. but i sympathize with because it's hard to get into a discussion about how the republicans are screwing up priorities in the budget these
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days and taking programs for the -- from the needy to serve other programs for the needy. if you've decided that student loans is something that we ought to do to help, then don't do what you did two weeks ago which is pass $45 billion worth of tax cuts for the wealthy. fund student loans. >> but does it help your argument -- but to your point, does it help their argument to be stretching the facts on this particular branch? there's plenty of things you can argue about if you want to argue about assault on women's health or war on women or whatever. this particular one doesn't seem to hold water. >> you know, the preventative health fund is a discretionary fund so in many instances it's kind of up to the secretary for the programs that it will fund. and president obama and the house democrats are hoping that they'll fund certain things and they're hoping those will be programs for women in preventative health, whether it's in obesity or other things. but again, like okay, you're right. you've got them on the specific language. but that doesn't mean that that's like the end of the
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debate. the worthy debate here i think is, how are the republicans choosing their priorities? they're not choosing the right priorities. >> ari, is it fair when the democrats voted to earlier this year in order to extend the payroll tax cuts to take money from this preventative health care fund and when president obama in his 2013 budget talks about taking mountain from the health care fund, no one argues they're attacking women but when the republicans try to do it they're attacking women. >> good for you, anderson. this is a total case of being absolute double standard by the democrats on this issue. president obama proposed a $4 billion program. in this very program. many democrats voted to cut this very program. you know, the bigger problem here, anderson, when people say you can't cut anything and they turn it into manufactured wars against women, wars against children, this is why the
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government is so big, spends so much and we have trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. hilary decried the republican budgets. the fact of the matter is, there are no budgets in washington. the senate hasn't passed a budget in three years. the house is at least trying. and president obama has given up on even trying to bring the parties together to achieve a consensus this year because it's an election year so he won't even try. >> that's not true. >> washington is broken and this is one of the biggest reasons why. it's picking these fights over issues, war on women, war on children, when people are just trying to make rational decisions in washington. and on the student loan program itself, anderson, i've just got to say i don't know why the federal government is in the student loan business to begin with. this is something the private sector should be in. the government nationalized the student loans. >> the private sector was in the business and they ripped off students and charged them usury rates and people had the federal government come in for very good reason, to regulate an out-of-control greedy business. >> they didn't regulate it. they took it over. >> let's go back to the issue
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that ari raised which is where's the federal budget and how are these priorities being set? because the truth is that actually federal spending is down. when we look at the overall increase in jobs and -- they're increasing in the private sector not in the public sector. so what we have is a necessary choice about priorities to make, and when the republicans push tax cuts instead of helping needy folks in the preventative health or food stamps or day care, just the very things they're going to be voting on, on monday. on monday, the house budget committee is going to vote on a $300 billion bill which will give tax cuts again to people earning over $100 million and cut food stamps and cut day care and education support. you know, this is about priorities. this is not about a bloated budget. if this were about a bloated budget they wouldn't give tax cuts because tax cuts cost money. >> ari? >> you know, anderson, got two pinocchios for their ad, hilary gets four.
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>> no. >> federal spending is down? >> what i said is true. >> the fact of the matter is, spending was $2.7 trillion in 2007, now it's 3$3.5 trillion. revenues are almost at 2.7 rate. federal spending keeps skyrocketing and the reason the spending is down is because the economy under president obama is so weak. of course as a percentage it's come down. the economy is not doing well. government is going broke. the taxpayers are going broke. our children are going broke. >> then stop giving money to rich people, ari. stop giving the money away then. >> and there haven't been any tax cuts passed. i don't know why hilary is saying give it away. president obama extended the tax rates for all americans not just one bracket. all americans. >> hathey haven't been passed because -- >> we're all in deficits, we're all in debt. we're going broke. >> hilary, final note. >> ari is filibustering the
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discussion here. but the republicans' plans and mitt romney's plan is going to increase the tax cuts to give more money away. if the republicans would worry about the federal budget they'd focus on pure spending cuts. but that's not their agenda. their agenda is to eliminate federal programs for the needy while they give their friends a tax cut. >> it's called trying to achieve growth which is something we haven't had for three years. >> ari, hilary, appreciate it. let us know what you think. we're on facebook, google plus. i'll be tweeting tonight. also this -- the showdown with china over this man, a blind dissent who escaped house arrest, left ethe u.s. embassy. he said he was forced out, now he wants to get out of china entirely. the question tonight, what is really going on and is the obama administration hanging him out to dry? mitt romney certainly thinks so. we'll talk to "new york times" and david gergen as well. we'll get the latest from beijing next. "ñfñ
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i also want to thank her face-to-face. so the thing i most concern right now is the safety of my mother, my brothers, and i really want to know what's going on with them. >> we're going to put on the left-hand side of our screen a look at our signal being broadcast in china. last night when we broadcast this story in china, we were taken off the air on cnn international, just a clear example of censorship by the chinese regime. while we give this report, we'll be monitoring to see if we're taken off the air yet again in china. chen says he's hoping the u.s. will assure the legal rights of his relative and he wants his freedom of travel guaranteed. the 40-year-old blind activist is staying at a beijing hospital after leaving the u.s. embassy yesterday under a deal negotiated by u.s. and chinese
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officials. you'll remember he took refuge at the embassy just days before secretary of state hillary clinton was scheduled to arrive in beijing for trade talks. the timing was awkward. the situation has only gotten more complicated. the state department has said that chen left the embassy willingly and never told them he wanted to leave china. but chen says he was pressured to leave the embassy and he hopes to get on a plane with secretary clinton when she leaves. mark toner was asked what the u.s. plans to do. >> we're not sure what his intentions are, what his goals are now that he's had a change of heart. >> i think he's made it pretty clear what his goals are. he said that he wants hillary clinton to take him back on the plane with her. it seems perfectly clear. >> he's had a change of heart. we are having conversations with him. i'm not going to prejudge the conversations and i'm not going to speculate from this podium, again, in washington on how this -- on any possible outcome. >> well, as we said this is a high-stakes issue for china and the u.s.
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last night, chinese state television blacked out our signal and it was restored after the story ended. you can see it go back to the program once our report on the story ended. as we mentioned we'll keep a picture from cnn china in the bottom of the screen. we think it's worth noting since this is world press freedom day. stan grant joins me now. it just went to black, as ayou saw. we've just now been censored in china. you spoke to chen again today. what did he tell you, stan? >> reporter: yeah. he's very resolute, anderson. there's one message here and that is he wants to get out of china. there's no debate about that. there's no doubt about that. there's no confusion about that. he has said that time and time again. when we first spoke to him at 3:00 a.m. thursday morning, through us he made an appeal direct to mr. obama. please, mr. president, get me and my family out of this country and to the united states. he has reiterated that time and time again. he's in fear for his life. when he met his wife, his wife
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told him how she had been tied to a chair and beaten with sticks for two days after guards found out he had fled from house detention. there's no doubt about what he wants. is he going to achieve it? that's the question here. he's appealing directly to hillary clinton. he wants to meet the secretary of state face-to-face. his appeal to president obama as of right now he's in the hands of the government that considers him an enemy of the state. >> so he's in the hospital still right now? >> he's in the hospital and surrounded by guards. first of all, his health is not good. over the past 18 months of being under house arrest, he says he's been beaten repeatedly. he has not had full medical treatment that he's required. friends talk about internal bleeding. he damaged his leg in that extraordinary getaway. so he needs medical treatment. he can't move around. there's a very strong presence
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outside. yesterday, there were two extraordinary images. the first is of a supporter of chen who came to speak out in front of cameras he was dragged away forcibly. that shows the guards don't care what the rest of the world see. the other extraordinary image, a very senior official from the u.s. embassy standing outside the hospital because he couldn't get in, anderson. >> you also spoke to the u.s. ambassador to china, gary locke. did he leave the door open to the u.s. further helping chen out? is the u.s. trying to negotiate on his behalf? >> reporter: absolutely. he maintains throughout that chen had said to him explicitly time and time again, i want to stay in china. i want to fight for freedom in this country. and i want to leave the embassy and be reunited with my family. dethat -- he did that, and you saw the images. he was shimiling and hugging officials when they took him to the hospital. everything changed after he went to the hospital. then he said, no. i don't trust the chinese government. threats have been made. we need to get out of here. i put that to ambassador locke. he said they're going to
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continue to talk, to leave the door open, to try to negotiate something albeit when they can actually get to see him face-to-face. but here's the problem. to actually get asylum, he needs to be on u.s. ground. it could be the embassy, ironically the one he walked away from 24 hours ago. >> be careful, stan. it's already friday in china. the screen there, you can see we're still blacked out, being censored right now in china. the screens went to black when stan started his live report. secretary of state hillary clinton arrives in bangladesh on saturday. i spoke earlier about this. david, you said the honor of the united states is at stake with the handling of mr. chen. how so? >> well, the united states has long been one of the foremost advocates for human rights in the world. we've stood up on those issues with regard to the soviet union. we've stood up with regard to china. we tried to do that with tiananmen square and the united states' relationships are taking place with china in a broad array of issues. but this one is so simple and
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straightforward. it is about the life of a hero who is blind, who escaped from chinese authorities. and i think most americans would say, when he comes into the u.s. embassy his protection is a matter of national honor for us. >> nick, you believe if he disappears again so to speak the obama administration will be humiliated? >> absolutely. yeah. i mean, obama administration had him under their protection, and he left the extracting promises from the chinese foreign ministry which is a more dovish element of the chinese government. now he's in the hands of the security forces. >> do you think the u.s. is being up front when they say chen changed his mind? >> as far as i can tell that's what happened. gary cohen a lawyer who was brought in by chen guangcheng confirms that account and today chen guangcheng confirms that
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account today. he thanked the embassy for the support. i think that he did indeed leave voluntarily. i think that he got shaken up when he talked to his wife and his lawyer. >> david, i mean, a lot of analysts say u.s. and china on the collision course for conflict. what's the potential fallout here? >> the fallout can be very significant. i think we all remember in tiananmen square that young man stood up to the tank. the symbolic value was enormous. it was enormous for the american people and tiananmen square, this is not tiananmen square but it could damage relations. i think it's a question -- i think nick christophe is right. we'll be humiliated if we lose this guy. kurt campbell, i have known him a long time he's a very tough, very competent person. i would trust him to handle something like this. i do think somehow signals got mixed up or something like that because chen also had assurances, he says, that americans would be in the hospital, he would have americans there with him. and right now there are no
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americans with him by all our reports. >> right. he said suddenly he looked around and there weren't any left. nick, he said he'd like to leave on secretary clinton's plane with his family. would that even be possible? >> i don't think there's any possibility the chinese will let him leave on secretary clinton's plane because that would be a loss of face of the them. i think they'll allow him to leave as a student, to study at new york university. he's a huge headache and their experience has been when you get dissidents out of the country, then that tends to move them out of the picture a little bit. as long as they let his family go with him but keep his mother there as leverage, i think that is conceivably a deal that could be worked out. >> david, obviously, mitt romney weighed in on this story. i want to play some of that for our viewers. >> the reports are if they're accurate that our administration willingly or unwittingly communicated to chen an implicit threat to his family and also probably sped up or may have sped up the process of his
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decision to leave the embassy. if these reports are true, this is a dark day for freedom. and it's day of shame for the obama administration. >> do you think this is something that resonates with voters or will resonate? >> absolutely. this can come out two ways. if he stays in china under the custody of the chinese and his future is very much in doubt, i think it will be a political blow for the obama administration. if he comes out, they will get a lot of credit for that. it's so interesting how just two days ago, as you know, the president had almost what was a triumph by going to afghanistan on the anniversary, and now it's so flipped. so suddenly he's on the knife edge of a very difficult problem that could hurt him politically. it's not easy being president. it goes with the job, but i think he has to find an answer to this. i think it's very important for the president to find a way to have mr. chen and his family come out safely. >> i appreciate it. thanks. >> thank you.
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as we mentioned it's world market freedom day and we asked the students to submit videos on why freedom is important. you can watch it tonight. tonight, the syrian's regime campaign, it's spread to the university. at least seven were reportedly killed. details ahead. with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™.
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told we have just been put back on the ware in china, no longer being censored since we have moved on from the report about the chinese activist, chen. a grand jury makes a decision in the case of a policeman who shot and killed a retired veteran. audio and videotapes of the incident have just been released. we will play them for you. you can decide for yourself and decide what happened. but first, here's isha. security forces in syria stormed a university early this morning. opponents say it's an attempt to clamp down on growing student dissent. some were killed. protests have been popping up on university campuses across syria. today a florida court denied a new trial for marissa alexander. she faces 20 years in prison for conviction of assault with a deadly weapon. she claims self-defense on the florida stand your ground law when her abusive husband came after her. the court did not agree. more than 100 former football players are suing the
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nfl, claiming the league downplayed the dangers of concussions and brain injury. the nfl claims the allegations have no merit. and anderson, look at this. lucky for this little boy that the lion was behind protective glass, given what the child was wearing as you see clearly, maybe the lion there at a zoo in oregon mistook him for a baby zebra, maybe? i'm not sure. >> oh, my lord. >> i mean, look at that. >> wow! >> in lionspeak, i think he might have been lunch. >> thank goodness for glass. >> thank goodness for glass. tonight a grand jury's decision not to indict the police officer who shot and killed an elderly marine. up next, audio and video of the incident. you can decide for yourself what you think if the police acted appropriately when they went to the man's door.
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a "360" follow newspaper on the death of a new york area retired marine, kenneth chamberlain sr. he was shot and killed by police. a grand jury decided to not indict the officer who killed him. tonight, you'll hear and see what they saw as the incident unfolded, unraveled. we have videotape recorded by police taser guns and audiotape captured by mr. chamberlain's medical alert pendant. this happened last november. mr. chamberlain signalled the alert system that called police.
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but when officers arrived at his door, he made it clear he didn't want them coming in. >> i'm okay. >> i need to see that you're okay and we'll go. >> you leave. >> can't leave. you called. >> i'm okay. >> all right. i need to see you. >> i'm okay. did you hear me? i'm okay. i'm okay. >> he said that again over and over. several more minutes of tape that he just wants police to go away. his son said he feared for his life. when he finally opened the door a crack, police officers say he was holding a knife. they burst in, tasered the 68-year-old man, fired nonlethal bean bags at him and then officer anthony chiarelli shot and killed him had. the grand jury failed to indict. we'll talk to kenneth chamberlain, jr., his son shortly. but first, soledad with more. >> anderson, the white plains district attorney said this
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incident was tragic from all sides. i've seen mr. chamberlain's medical records. ken chamberlain is a man who couldn't even walk up a flight of stairs without having respiratory issues, that's why he wore that pendant around his neck in case he needed medical attention. it went off on november 19, an ambulance was dispatched. a security camera captured the police arriving there and kenneth chamberlain is called by the medical alert company who talks to him over a speakerphone. you can hear him telling them he's okay, he wants the police to go away. at one point he says, they're going to kill me or beat me up. another point, you hear the medical alert dispatcher calling the police saying he doesn't need them anymore and she tells mr. chamberlain they won't go away unless he talks to them. now i want to play some video that was shot from a camera that's mounted on the taser gun. take a look. >> okay. what are we going to do now? >> leave! >> open up. >> leave!
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leave! >> open the door just so i can check you out. then we'll leave. >> i'm okay. i'm fine. >> yeah, but -- >> i am fine. >> not going to do that. >> i'm fine. >> so how long does this go on for? >> it goes on for about 20 minutes. you can hear he's getting -- mr. chamberlain is getting agitated. the police are not that agitated, but you hear him refusing very firmly, go away. you can hear kenneth chamberlain talking at the same time to the life alert people on the videotape. you see the police try to force their way in as well, and you see that mr. chamberlain does have some kind of metal object that he brandishes through the doorway, by now partly open. police say that was a butcher knife. let's take a look. >> they're getting ready to come in. shoot me. go on. shoot me. shoot me.
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go on. mother [ bleep ], shoot me. shoot me. >> did the police have reason to believe he was dangerous? >> i think that question is best answered by going forward to the end of the tape. at the end of the tape they fired the taser gun. you can see mr. chamberlain standing there. angd this is the portion of the tape that i think is going to cause a lot of discussion. we're going to take a look at the end of the tape one more time in slow motion, you can see he's standing there. he's half dressed. remember it's 5:00 in the morning. you can see that only one arm is down by his side. he's yelling "shoot me" in this portion of the video. he's already been tasered. he's not coming at them, but also he's not backing down. he's getting more and more agitated. the police actually, while they're calm, they have now shot the bean bags at him. tasering him. the taser rolls the videotape and eventually the videotape ends. the taser is shut off. and that's when officer
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chiarelli shoots him twice. >> you'll have more on this tomorrow morning. joining me is randolph mclaughlin, attorney for mr. chamberlain jr., also, mr. chamberlain jr. joins us by phone. kenneth, you feel that the justice was not done today. why? >> well, viewing the audio and the video, it's very clear that there was misconduct at minimum. even if they don't want to say something was criminally done, there was still some sort of misconduct. >> misconduct how? >> just using expletives which you guys haven't played on there, using the "n" word. those things right there, right from the very beginning, simply tells you that that was just inappropriate of the police officers from the very beginning. and then they knocked down the door and they just immediately fire a taser at my father. why?
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he told you he was okay and police go away. the door was cracked. you saw he was okay so there was no reason for you to enter his home. >> you say your father was not a threat to the police but instead feared for his life. >> yes, that's correct. at that time in the morning, someone banging on your door, demanding entry into your home, of course he feared for his life. he was 68 years old. he suffered from a heart condition. and why would the police fire a taser at someone that has a heart condition? >> we should point out the police and the d.a. have confirmed that the "n" word was used. we got it this tape so late and it's long, we have not had the chance to actually isolate that portion of it. but there is confirmation that was used. randy, what do you make of the grand jury's decision? >> i think it's easier to indict a vigilante in florida than it is to indict a cop in new york. this is a tragedy from start to finish. mr. chamberlain was in his home at 5:00 a.m., committing no crimes, threatening no one.
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the clip that you're showing us, that clip comes at the end of almost an hour and a half of confrontation where they're yelling at him, taunting him, mocking him. and this was an individual, if you read the police reports, that they believed he might have been emotionally disturbed. well, they did absolutely nothing to calm him down and everything to agitate him. at no point in this entire confrontation does mr. chamberlain ever leave his apartment. i have looked at the police records and the final incident shows that two police officers at least entered mr. chamberlain's apartment after this video went off. so he presented a threat to no one in his apartment. it's just like trayvon martin where zimmerman is following him around and putting the young man in fear of his life. mr. chamberlain was in fear for his life and legitimately so. >> mr. mclaughlin, appreciate
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you being on. mr. chamberlain, our condolences on your loss. i'm so sorry. let's dig deeper into obligations that the police had to go into the apartment. joining us now is paul callan, former new york city homicide prosecutor, he has extensive experience presenting cases to grand juries. if a life alert has been signaled, are the police under some obligation to make sure he's okay? >> most prosecutors would you tell you this is a gray area, if the police can force their way into the home. we hear about the cassell doctrine, that you need a warrant to enter somebody's home. the police will say they were confronted with a mentally disturbed person who they subsequently find out is armed with a knife and that they had an obligation to enter to make sure he wasn't going to hurt himself. i'm sure that was the claim they probably made in front of the grand jury. >> could there vs also have been a case, had they left, taken his
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word that he was okay, and it turns out that he had a heart attack or something, they would have been liable or held responsible by his family saying look, the police were at his door, they didn't bother to check on him, they left? >> i have to believe that's something they'd worry about. i don't know about his medical background, but and he hurt himself, he stabbed himself, they certainly would be subject to great criticism. so the police were in a terrible position in trying to decide what to do. however, the one thing that troubles me looking at it is you did have mr. chamberlain's own family members apparently standing outside the door. so it's not like they were not accompanied by family members who were in a position to say to them, don't worry about it, back off. >> also the use of the "n" word, according to mr. chamberlain's afamily attorney, police were taunting him, kind of mocking him, that doesn't seem to be the right way to deal with a disturbed person. >> no. and if that happened it made the situation much worse, and it seems to me it would put the
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police in a situation where they would be criticized for handling the situation wrongly. but of course what happens here, this goes on over an extensive period of time, there are different snapshots we have to look at. one is did they have the right to enter at all? maybe they didn't. but once they're inside, you have an entirely new situation now. if he attacked them with a knife after being hit with a taser and with other benign objects then maybe they had the right to act in self-defense. we don't know because we don't know what the testimony before the grand jury was. that's all secret in new york. >> paul callan, appreciate you being on. we'll continue to follow this. coming up, 175 pages of letters written by osama bin laden just released. it showed plans for attacks and habits he had in his day to day life. details ahead. imply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk.
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so i brought it to mike at meineke. we gave her car a free road handling check. i like free. free is good. my money. my choice. my meineke. i'm isha sesay with a "360" news and business bulletin. a new glimpse into osama bin laden's plans revealed in letters he wrote that have just been released. the letters were among documents seized in the raid on the bin laden compound. it showed he wanted another major terrorist attack in the united states and ordered that units be established in afghanistan and pakistan to target planes carrying president obama or general david petraeus. the letters also include odd tidbits like the fact that osama bin laden was using just for men hair dye and taking viagra. the death of football star
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junior seau has been confirmed as a suicide. the medical examiner's office said he died yesterday from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest. he was 43. spirit airlines is raising the fee for carry-on bags to $100, the highest in the country. the airline now charges $45. the price goes up in november. the new $100 fee will apply to carry-ons registered at the gate. if you pay at the kiosk it will be $50. and keep your eye on the sky this weekend. the biggest full moon of the year will be this saturday night. anderson? isha, thanks. coming up, rush limbaugh attacks me for going to the gym. the ridiculist is next.
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time for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding -- i don't know if you've heard of this person before -- rush limbaugh. he's a broadcaster of the highest caliber known for taking a carefully measured, well-thought out approach to every topic that he tackles. his show is really the last bastion of calm, arrow indict reasoning and he clearly has a noble desire to bring the national discourse to civility and minding one's own beeswax. i was surprised to hear he said this -- >> in prime time, cnn was down to a two-year low. and that's with the silver fox. anderson cooper is his name. silver fox. anderson cooper. i swear that guy is reported
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more in gossip columns to be at the gym or that bar or restaurant than he is in the studio. i hear more stuff about anderson cooper at a bar or a gym or a health club than i do about what he's doing in the studio. and cnn probably thinks that's great. yeah, that'll help the demo. anderson out there dog all this stuff. people will tune in to watch. it isn't working. >> i don't know if you noticed, but he spoke for quite a while therend he didn't call me a slut even one time. i don't have my clear rush dictionary, but i think it means we're best friends. he was talking about cnn's ratings and ratings go up and down. but can we just play that part again where he's supposedly reading about me in all the gossip columns. >> i swear, that guy is reported more in gossip columns to be at that gym or bar or restaurant than he is in the studio. >> first of all, is there a place called "that bar"? i don't know where that is. but look, i have no control over what some gossip columnists
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write about me, but i can tell you that i count on one hand the number of bars that i've been to the last year. i think rush limbaugh is pretty talented, i've never tried to pick a fight with this guy, i have no interest in doing that now. but because i'm sure mr. limbaugh cares about accuracy, i want to point out to him that i have three jobs. those jobs, they do kind of keep me busy. i work some long hours, i'm not complaining, i love it. but the idea i'm hanging out in bars and health clubs is sadly not true. i eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in my office. the funny thing is i had no idea that rush limbaugh was an avid gossip enthusiastic. i don't believe gossip columns, apparently rush limbaugh does. i have heard a lot about him over the years but i have no idea what's true or what's not. i wouldn't spread gossip on my show. i will grant the following point though and i agree this is some fantastically juicy gossip so listen close, stop the presses. i do go to the gym. i'm concerned about heart disease. i've raised money to fight heart disease, my dad died of it, ye
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