tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 11, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PDT
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school and church and what he ate as a kid and who he played with and everything of his life has been investigated and when it comes to mitt romney who bullied someone in a traumatic way but normal that he doesn't even remember it, people say we can't dig into people's past. >> he didn't say it was normal that he doesn't remember it. he says he doesn't remember. >> i find it troubling that everyone else remembers it and it was so traumatic to this kid and he doesn't even recall it. that's problematic to me. >> that's the end point this morning. "cnn newsroom" with carol costello begins right now. have great weekend, everybody. >> thanks, soledad. stories we're watching right now, found alive. the manhunt is over. dramatic moments as s.w.a.t. teams rush in saving two tennessee girls held captive for almost three weeks. mitt romney apologizing for a thank nearly half a century ago but says he doesn't remember what happened. he's known for wild hair and wilder tats but it's what's
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happening off the court that's getting attention. are you mom enough? time magazine wants to know. this cover spurring shock and talk about attachment parenting and it's really the way you should raise your child. good morning to you. i'm carol costello. they are alive. alexandria and kyliyah bain are safe and sound and they have now been released from the hospital. the two tennessee girls turned up in a wooded area in mississippi after a nationwide manhunt. the fbi says their kidnapper adam mayes is dead. he shot and killed himself as police closed in. mayes is suspected of killing the girls' mother and their older sister in a bizarre case of violence and obsession that first exploded three weeks ago. martin savidge is in alpine, mississippi with the latest. good morning, martin. >> reporter: good morning,
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carol. it good news in an otherwise bittersweet tale that two younger girls have been found alive. this played out a hundred yards down the road in a wooded area beginning around 5:30 local time when federal authorities say they got a tip. someone said they saw adam mayes down the road here. there was a heavily armed s.w.a.t. team in the area. they moved into the woods and found one of the young girls laying on the ground and short distance away they saw adam mayes. he took a semiautomatic gun out of his waistband and pulled the trigger and he died a short time later. the girls were undergoing a review to see how to they were doing at the hospital. they were dehydrated and suffering from being in the out of doors but otherwise they were okay and that's wonderful news now. >> so the girls were found in a
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wooded area. were they living in a tent? was it an old cabin? do we know? >> reporter: we don't know at this particular point. the crime scene is considered a crime scene. the investigation is only now really getting under way. authorities say this doesn't end anything. there is still going to be a prosecution and looking to see if there are other people that assisted adam mayes on the run. if they do find additional people, they'll be prosecuted. it appears by the condition of these young girls, that they were living out in the open. they had mosquito bites and poison ivy. they were found deep in a heavily wooded area. it doesn't look like they had a shelter of any kind. >> martin savidge reporting live from mississippi this morning. it's the high school that won't go away. mitt romney apologized but can't move past an incident that haunted his high school classmates for decades dredging up an incident from 1965 when romney was 18 and the governor's
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kid supposedly romney and some of his buddies chased down a fellow teenager, held him down and cut off chunks of his hair. one of his classmates say this was not only bullying but criminal assault. romney's staff dismisses talk that it speaks to his character and the candidate himself will only say that he apologizes for any childhood prank that went too far. >> i don't recall the incident myself. i've seen the reports. i'm not going to argue with that. there's no question but that i did some stupid things when i was in high school. obviously if i hurt anyone by virtue of that, i would be very sorry for it and apologize for it. >> what people really want to hear about is does he care? i can tell you that he cares deeply. he's a deeply compassionate person and that bullying is not something that he has ever knowingly engaged in. >> romney's campaign has been busy batting down the story. they released a statement from other former classmates who says
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romney was never mean spirited and never a bully. the alleged victim in this case died several years ago. president obama scores another first. he starred in the biggest single campaign fund-raiser ever. his co-star, george clooney. the actor known for his political activism hosted this campaign raising event in his hollywood mansion. here's a glimpse of the star studded guest list. actor robert downey, jr., comedian billy crystal, singer barbra streisand and jack black. $15 million was the take for the night. single event record in a presidential campaign fund-raising event. dan lothian is at the white house to tell us more. >> reporter: hollywood always opened its wallet to president obama and this time it was a big one. 150 people ponying up $40,000 each for this event. the bulk of the money came from the sweepstakes that was held by the campaign where anyone for $3
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could enter this contest to win a night rubbing shoulders with the stars eating the fancy dinner there by wolfgang puck. the two winners, a teacher from new jersey and a utility worker from florida. president obama during this star studded event did have a chance to joke with hollywood crowd there but he talked about the decision coming out and making his public feelings known about same-sex marriage saying how he made news on this event but in addition to that, the president also expressed a little bit of reality talking about how this campaign against mitt romney will be much more difficult than it was in 2008 saying "this is going to be harder than it was the last time -- not only because i'm older and grayer and your hope posters are dog eared, 2008 in some ways was lightning in a bottle. that's not going to be replicated." i should point out that this
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fund-raiser was set before the president came out and talked about same-sex marriage but no doubt this is an issue that hollywood has been very sympathetic to and so we can only expect that the money will continue flowing from the west coast because of what the president did. >> dan lothian reporting live from the white house. vice president joe biden has apologized to the president for igniting this week's firestorm over gay rights. senior administration officials tell us biden acknowledged his comments supporting same-sex marriage put his boss in a tough position. during that sunday morning interview, biden said obama's own views were evolving. as you know the president officially came out in support of gay marriage a few days later. more than 200,000 americans will not receive unemployment checks as a federal extension of that benefit expires this week. eight states are affected including california, where more than half of the recipients live. florida, illinois, north carolina, colorado, connecticut, pennsylvania, and texas also on
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the list. to be eligible states must prove their jobless rate is at least 10% higher now than in one of the last three years. those rates have been falling as the unemployed find new jobs or leave the workforce for good. it's a big i told you so from bank reformers as jpmorgan chase discloses a trading loss of $2 billion in just six weeks. alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange. how does this affect the rest of us? >> here's what's interesting in this whole story that's unfolded since last night, carol. $2 billion is a drop in the bucket for jpmorgan chase. this company will get through it and it should not affect customers. no doubt about it. this is a big deal. what jpmorgan did was gamble. it made risky bets and it lost. ironically the bets were meant to protect against possible losses on jpmorgan's other investments but it backfired and the bets produced losses of
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their own. all of this came out last night when ceo jamie dimon had this surprise conference call with analysts saying the losses were caused by what he calls errors, sloppiness and bad judgment. the way dimon sees this is it tarnishes jpmorgan's reputation and tarnishes his own reputation as well because since jpmorgan is regarded as one of the healthiest banks on wall street. this is the bank that weathered the recession better than most. it took over bear stearns and took over washington mutual. dimon is a well respected ceo. been called the king of wall street. dimon says the $2 billion loss you mentioned at the top, that loss could grow. carol? >> there are some democratic lawmakers coming forward saying, see, this proves that we need more regulation of these big financial institutions. will anything happen? >> and this is going to give them more fuel for that fire definitely. it raises a lot more questions
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about oversight. new regulations by the way are expected to go into effect on july 21st. what these regulations look to do are limit how much banks trade with their own money that would eventually affect their customers. now, dimon ironically has spoken out about these regulations so it's interesting. now he's kind of caught with his hand in the cookie jar yet he's speaking out against having these tighter regulations. you know, as wall street sees this, it's a huge shock to wall street. the big players down here are getting hit hard. bank of america, morgan stanley, citigroup, all shares down 2% to to 4%. wall street is also worried about other banks. what kind of bets are they making that if healthiest and regarded as cleanest bank is making these kind of risky bets, a lot of people want to know about the other banks out there. are they doing the same? >> i thought we were supposed to
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solve this problem a long time ago but apparently no. alison kosik live at the new york stock exchange. a republican congressman fighting defense cuts. why he says our national security and economy will be at risk if automatic spending cuts kick in. he's known as the mole and now we're getting new details on why al qaeda picked him to carry out their plan to bomb a u.s. bound plane. a live report from london. got it all. here. have a good day, honey. i love you, ok. bye, mom. [ female announcer ] sam's mom is muddling through her allergies. what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information to help her make informed choices for her allergy needs. like zyrtec -- with the strength of 24-hour rtec, you get relief from your worst allergy symptoms, indoors and out. right now, buy one and get one 50% off. ♪ find answers at walgreens.
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lifelock: relentlessly protecting your identity. call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. 13 minutes past the hour. checking our top stories this morning, john edwards' defense team is expected to ask a north carolina judge to dismiss the corruption case against him. federal prosecutors wrapped up their case by detailing how
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hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on edwards' former mistress and mother of his child. they allege edwards use donor money to cover up the affair. prosecutors did not call rielle hunter, the mistress, to testify. just hours after egypt's first ever presidential debate, they are casting ballots. right now only egyptians living abroad can vote. the election will be held in egypt starting may 23rd. the scientists have discovered the oldest known mayan calendar. they say we're just at the end of one cycle. the mayan calendar will continue for trillions of years. don't worry, the world most likely will not end this year. a battle royal is shaping up
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over deficit reduction again. remember last year when a congressional supercommittee was supposed to find a way to trim $1.2 trillion from the deficit and it failed miserably? because of that failure, automatic spending cuts will kick in next year. hit hard, the military losing billions of tax dollars in general something republicans say will put the country at risk. lawmakers in the republican controlled house of representatives replaced a bill with scheduled defense cuts with cuts to programs like medicaid, food stamps and mortgage programs for struggling homeowners. a bill that will not pass the senate and will most likely be vetoed by the president if it did. and then there's leon panetta's decision. >> there is no free lunch here. every dollar that is added will have to be offset by cuts in
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national security. and if for some reason they do not want to comply with a budget control act, then they would certainly be adding to the deficit, which only puts our national security further at risk. >> that's right. that house backed bill that passed the house of representatives according to "the new york times" would add $8 billion to the defense budget so it would make it bigger so joining us now, congressman randy forbes. a republican. he's also concerned about what kuds cuts in defense spending will mean to national security and our economy. the congressman is embarking on a 20-state tour to promote defense cuts. >> great to be with you this morning. >> what are you planning to tell people? >> just the facts. that is in just a few months we're going to have a trillion dollars the cuts to national
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defense. that puts them on the ragged edge. the navy will have fewer ships than we've had in a hundred years. we'll be giving 200 pink slips to active men and women in the military today and according to secretary of defense, it will cost 1.5 million jobs across the country. the biggest concern is we're moving dangerously close to a point where we'll no longer be able to guarantee the security of the united states or u.s. interest and i think that's something the american people don't want us to do. >> isn't it congress's fault for putting us in this position? >> i don't think so. i think first of all i didn't vote for the bill but the second thing is most people in washington realize the reason we got here is if you look at the stimulus bill that was $825 billion and $347 billion of interest that came from that, that's an exact overlay of what we're taking out of defense. what essentially happened is the administration spent this money in one year on a failed stimulus plan and now they are taking it out of defense over the next ten
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years. we don't think it's right to balance that on the back of men and women in uniform or on our veterans or even on the taxpayers of the united states. >> that was the debt ceiling deal. if congress didn't find a way to find these cuts, these things were going to happen not only to the defense budget but to cuts in social programs and the like. >> remember the president started these cuts. he started with $100 billion of cuts which he said he would reprogram. >> that's not where we are now. let's concentrate where we are now. i think democrats don't want that much cut from defense either. then you have to find a solution. house republicans push through this bill and it's the same old, same old. you offer cuts to social programs like medicaid knowing that democrats will never sign onto this bill and knowing -- why not sit down and negotiate and come up with a solid plan? >> and that would be great. in fact, one of the things you know in washington today when you just reduce the level of increases in spending, people call them cuts but the second
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thing is recognize at least the house has come up with a plan a sent it to the senate. you can't negotiate -- >> according to "the new york times," the budget that the house passed would actually add $8 billion in moneys to the defense department. it wouldn't cut any military spending at all. >> we're looking at capacity reductions. it doesn't matter about the number of terms. you have to ask the american people if they really want a situation where the chinese will outnumber us in two years and do you really want a situation where you lose 1.5 million jobs across the country. do you want a situation where we lose 150,000 to 200,000 people in the military, which would be the equivalent of doing away with the entire marine corps in one fell swoop. i don't think they do, carol. >> there was a survey that was recently conducted in part by the center for public integrity
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knowing that they want less spending at the pentagon. so are they wrong? >> well, there's two different things, carol. what we're talking about is do they really want a reduction in capacity? i think when they hear the president and many in the senate talk about the fact that they can some of these cuts but maintain security of the united states, i think any of us would want those reductions. i think when you ask the american people do they really want to reduce security of the united states of america, that answer comes back they don't. they want to make sure that we're maintaining and guaranteeing that security. if the senate is serious about this, let them pass a budget so we can do what you said. sit down at a conference table and try to negotiate some sort of agreement. if they don't pass a budget, you never get to that table. >> congressman forbes, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you, carol. have a great day. >> you too. new details in the al qaeda plot to bring down a u.s. plane including how ties to the united kingdom made a would be bomber their ideal recruit.
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a british passport and knowledge of arabic made al qaeda think they had the right person to blow up a plane. tell us about this mole, nic robertson. >> he was of saudi origin but had a british passport meaning he would be attractive to al qaeda. anti-terrorism agencies spotted him and they persuaded him to go to yemen and let al qaeda come to you and let them pick you up.
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he was baited if you will. this is sort of a lesson learned from the underpants bomber. that's how he got into al qaeda in yemen by going to an arabic language and islamic study center. this was a really sophisticated effort to have al qaeda think they found this guy because he had the passport they needed and it was a clever trick duped on them. >> i'm amazed when i think of this man how courageous he was. i know he's probably in some safe place. i hope he is. every day of his life he now lives in fear. >> at the moment nobody is talking about his name. we have a vague idea of his nationality and where he may come from. it's now a very well kept secret where he is. we've heard he was spirited out of the country perhaps with a handler through several countries and ultimate
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destination is not entirely clear. it does seem very clear, however, he's not going to be able to go back and penetrate that al qaeda cell. the lessons being learned here with now this information that spilled out are lessons being learned on both sides. al qaeda now knows that it is being baited and that it probably recognizes it may have other people inside its organization who have been similarly put out there to get in and spy on them. so al qaeda is learning from this as we learn from them in the past. this man is probably safe as long as his name doesn't come out but al qaeda will know who he is. he's probably not going to bump into these people. he won't walk the streets of yemen any time soon we can be pretty sure of that. >> nic robertson reporting live for us this morning. now is your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question for you this morning. what does attachment parenting mean for our kids?
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we have now moved beyond helicopter parenting and onto attachment parenting. if you don't know what that is, look at the cover of "time" magazine. that's a 3 year old breastfeeding causing outrage and confusion but if you are into it, it's understanding. attachment parenting means breastfeeding into toddlerhood, sleeping in the same bed as your child and it means never leaving your child alone. a tall order. >> what are single male parents supposed to do? they can't breastfeed and they say you should sleep with your children. >> that's hard. >> someone like octomom are they supposed to sleep with all their children? what size bed are we talking about here? >> that would be a tall order. according to miami m ing ting t whimper is a plea for health and no baby should be left to cry.
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that appeals to the perfectionism in mothers. >> you need to work harder at what you do and be better at it. women have brought that education and say i'll be the mother of all mothers. especially if i'm giving up my job and whatever. i'm going to mother the heck out of this kid. i think that's part of what it is. >> as for the baby, experts have long hailed the benefits of physical closeness and affection between mother and child but how much is too much? the talk back question for you today, what does attachment parenting mean for our kids? i'll read your comments later this hour. ♪
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i'm michael bazinet, president of creative digital imaging of bangor, maine. we have customers all over the united states. we rely on the postal service for everything that we do. the eastern maine processing facility is vital to our operation and our success. if we lose this processing facility we could lose clientele because of increased mailing times. we would have to consider layoffs as a result of that. closure of this plant will affect all of us. ♪
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happy friday to you. i'm carol costello. it's 30 minutes past the hour. stories we're watching right now in the "newsroom." jpmorgan chase multimillion dollar trading blunder dragged down bank stocks this morning which would set up a rough session for trading today. two young tennessee girls are out of the hospital after a three-week kidnapping ordeal led to a nationwide manhunt. alexandria and kyliyah bain were found in a wooded area in mississippi. their kidnapper is dead. the fbi says adam mayes shot and killed himself as police closed in. mayes is suspected of killing the girl's mother and their older sister. republican presidential
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candidate mitt romney is apologizing for a high school prank that got out of hand. some classmates say the incident was worse than a prank. supposedly romney and some of his buddies chased down a fellow teenager, held him down and cut off chunks of his hair. shock and outrage this morning over the breastfeeding cover on "time" magazine. we talked a little bit about that just a few minutes ago. the topic, attachment parenting. here you see a 26-year-old mother breastfeeding her 3-year-old son. the headline, are you mom enough? "time" chose them to symbolize and mark the 20th anniversary of a book based on attachment parenting. it's actually a growing trend for mothers who keep their kids very close and establish a more prolonged and deeper physical bond but there are many against this type of parenting. an actress tweeted, you should
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make it easier for breastfeeding moms. the cover is exploitive and extreme. we do want to ask this question. is the article in "time" extreme? i mean, does it outline a difference in opinion in parenting? let's talk with deborah feyerick looking into this story. >> it's fascinating when you read the actual article, it's about the man who invented what's called attachment parenting. he wrote the baby book about 20 years ago. let's face it. what sells more magazines, an attractive blonde exposing her breast for a suckling child or a cover with a 72-year-old pediatrician. moms have been debating this for two decades about the philosophy and how far to take it. babies develop a strong emotional bond and feel secure the more they are held and more sensitive parents are to the child's needs that includes
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extended breastfeeding until the child is about four, bringing baby into bed, co-sleeping, wearing the baby in slings so the baby is close and continues to feel the mom's rhythm. we spoke to a mom whose 3 1/2-year-old son continues to nurse. take a listen. >> he still wants to. and, yes, it is a decision -- breastfeeding is a relationship between the mother and a child. and so as long as both are happy doing it, then why not continue? it's only good for the child. >> she makes the point that other cultures have done this for centuries. it's sort of this american ethic that sees it as something worse or sees it as something wrong or sexual. what makes "time" magazine cover so striking is that it throws down the gauntlet saying are you mom enough like proving your personal worth as a mom involves going the distance.
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listen to what a mom blogger has to say. she has five kids under the age of five. >> the one thing that really struck me as being upsetting about it was the notion was that i was not mom enough because i was not an attachment parent. again, it just goes back to the judging one another. >> and it is all about judging. moms can be really harsh to one another. even if they don't mean to be. the question is how far do you have to go to prove you're good enough, carol? >> i'm just thinking back at how my mother raised me. i should be a total complete absolute mess but i'm not. i don't know. >> that's part of it. that's part of it. none of this is necessarily scientific. there's no scientific proof in sense of the holding and there's enough that suggests this really is the way.
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it's just about showing your child love and expressing that love and expressing holding that child and who's to say how long that should last. what you experience is your normal. that's why your normal in your family. >> you're a mother. i'm not a mother. this whole breastfeeding -- i mean, it's controversial, right? some mothers actually can't breastfeed so when they see things like this on the cover of "time" magazine, it must make them feel unbelievably guilty. >> it does. guilt is a big part of it. i think as moms we have to stop feeling guilty about what we're not doing. let's look at the things that we are doing. if you are raising kids that are happy, if you are raising kids that are well balanced, there's no one magic answer. you just have to parent your child really in my opinion the best way you know how. i haven't done this before. it's trial and error. try to do the best so that your child when they walk out of the house is happy and that's the
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bottom line. >> you're okay that you didn't breastfeed your kids until they were three, deb? >> correct. yes. correct. correct. i asked cnn whether i could do it on set, they said no. >> deborah feyerick, thanks so much. that was our talk back topic today. we're asking you the question what does attachment parenting mean for our kids? i'll read your responses later this hour. plus, mitt romney continues his attempts to woo conservatives by taking his pitch to one of the nation's largest christian universities. will students welcome him or walk out? cing coffee-mate natural bliss. made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally.
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she came out to an exhibit of fashion photographs. i first need to point out that she just looked fantastic. look at her. she's been battling weight issues and while she's looking and perhaps more importantly feeling great, she's applauding the recent move by "vogue" to ban models who are just too skinny. she thinks women look good with curves. watch what she told us. >> i like a little meat on the bones. it's nice. we thought that christie and cindy and naomi were small back in the day but gals now are even smaller than that. >> hopefully "vogue" has started a trend, carol, that is going to get some traction and stick around for a while. >> i hope so. let's talk about sasha baron cohen. i understand he showed up at the london premiere of "dictator" in extravagant style but brouft controversy wi brought controversy with him.
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>> don't know that sacha baron cohen wants to do a movie that doesn't involve controversy. compared to some of the controversy that sacha was dealing with from previous movies, this one hasn't gained traction. i would argue that people who are making complaints about the film probably need to see the film first which isn't out. early clips that were released with cohen as this over the top dictator portrayed a different story that some of the later clips i've seen. cohen is playing the same character working in a new york city grocery store. his films always tend to have a fair amount of nuance and characters usually wind out pointing out ridiculous behavior of the rest of society. sacha baron cohen is a bright and creative guy. even he knows that his films aren't everyone's tastes. >> i'm sure he does. a.j., thank you. in the next hour, find out what country music legend is going to
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play on broadway. [ male announcer ] they were born to climb... born to leap, born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born to be cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be? discover your cat's true nature. purina one.
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the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us.
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mitt romney's bid to court conservatives will take him to liberty university this weekend where he'll deliver the school's commencement speech. the appearance is not without controversy. as some argue romney who is a mormon is not the right person to speak at one of the nation's largest evangelical christian universities. joining me now are cody may, liberty university student body president and thomas turner, the senior class president. welcome to both of you. >> thank you, carol. >> thank you, carol. >> it's great you're here. thomas, congratulations. you'll be in the audience on saturday. what do you want to hear from governor romney? >> what i want to hear is a message how we enter into the new world, into the real world and just talk about business experience and how we can become successful and how he worked hard and what were his struggles that he had. >> cody, you realize that some
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of his speech will involve some political themes. do you think it should? >> i think it may. he's a presidential candidate for the gop nomination. if he does, that's fine by me. it's a big stage. if not, as thomas was saying just his success as a businessman and as governor i think would be good enough for every graduate here. >> a few weeks ago your school paper published opinions both for and against mr. romney's appearance. i want to read an exert from your paper. if liberty were a secular institution, this would not be a big deal. it's not. romans 12:2 says don't conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. liberty is conforming to the pattern of the world. it is academic to have a future presidential candidate speak at commencement but is it christ
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honoring? do you think romney's selection goes against biblical principles, thomas? >> no, i don't. we are electing a commander in chief and not a pastor in chief. we are looking to see who is going to be the right leader for our nation. as the bible says, we're supposed to choose able men first and that's supposed to be above all. i don't see this as conforming to the way of the world. we have an opportunity to look at both governor romney and president obama and let the american people decide who they want as their leader. >> i did hear some comments posted on facebook a couple weeks ago that some students planned to get up and walk out during governor romney's speech. do you think that will happen? >> no, ma'am. i do not. i think the majority of students are very excited to have governor romney speak. like i said earlier, he's a very established individual, very well known. i think the majority of students will enjoy his speech and those
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that maybe don't like this idea probably won't even show up. i believe there won't be any problems, no, ma'am. >> thomas, as a school leader, did you have any conversations with your fellow students about romney speaking at commencement? >> yes, i do. many students have come to me and say they are honored to have potential next president of the united states come to their campus and speak. the student government association went a step farther and wrote a resolution supporting the chancellor's decision to bring romney to campus and we passed that at our last senate meeting of the year. >> did you talk at all about governor romney being mormon? some students objected because they think mormonism is a cult. >> like i said earlier, of course there's those few individuals that don't agree with the decision but majority of the students do. as far as that, there's a lot of different opinions out there as to what's a cult and what's not.
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i'm not a theology major so i can't answer that question for you, but i think the majority of students are very excited for this atmosphere. >> cody and thomas, thank you so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you, carol. >> thomas, again, congratulations. going out into the real world. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. prince charles got an invitation to read the weather forecast at a tv station but imagine how the writer must have felt when the prince said this. >> the potential for a few flurries -- who the hell wrote this script -- as the afternoon goes on. >> we'll show you the rest of the royal weather report.
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one of the stories of the day, the question for you that morning, what does attachment parenting mean for our kids? this from paul, there's no reason there needs to be a difference between holding your child and showing affection and also teaching them responsibility and independence. i think we can achieve both. this from jill. this is more for the mother than the child. no child would want to be told this as they get older. where in history did they feed children for this long? another case of parents who feel guilty. this from andy. it means trophies for everyone it at the end of every competition. 4 or 5-year-olds that don't know how to calm themselves down, and children with huge separation anxiety due to overbearing parents. also, really, really tired parents. this from nicole, everyone is so gosh darned sensitive and spoiled. just because something isn't the society norm doesn't mean it's wrong. attachment parenting has its right and wrongs just like any parenting. and this from crystal. it's one thing to meet the needs of your child and to love your child but never leave your child
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alone is doing more harm than good because it doesn't let the child learn independence. keep the conversation going. i'll read more of your comments in the next hour. we're following a lot of developments in the next hour of the "cnn newsroom." first with martin savidge. >> reporter: i'm in mississippi, carol, where a murder and kidnapping drama came to an end last night just down this dirt road. we'll tell you how the rescue happened coming up. i'm barbara starr at the pentagon. a soldier coming up on three years in captivity. his parents want him home. we'll have details at the top of the hour. and i'm alison kosik at the new york stock exchange. do you own an ipad? well, ipod actually. there's a good chance you may be suing apple because you own one. i'm going to explain why in the next hour. >> all righty. also a study out says 42% of americans will be obese by 2030. an upcoming hbo documentary,
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weight of the nation, is declaring war on obesity. in 20 minutes i'll talk with the former president of pepsi, one of the many people speaking out about the issue. to roll over my old 401(k) into a fidelity ira. man: okay, no problem. it's easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. um...this green line just appeared on my floor. yeah, that's fidelity helping you reach your financial goals. could you hold on a second? it's your money. roll over your old 401(k) into a fidelity ira and take control of your personal economy. this is going to be helpful. call or come in today. fidelity investments. turn here. all of these friends swapped their imports for a ford. the escape definitely fits my lifestyle. it is 28 miles a gallon. that's pretty awesome. park assist? no hands. i didn't think that was possible. make me want the fusion. it's pretty. it's fun to drive. and the fuel-efficiency... up to 33 miles per gallon. pretty awesome. it's the swap your ride sales event.
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star. garnett scored 28 points including this turnaround jumper. there it goes. now that happened at the end of the game. he scorned up 14 rebounds. the celtics win in the first-round series. garnett thanked the hawks owner for, quote, giving me some extra gas tonight. the 76ers iguadala against the bulls, misses but gets fouled. he's been struggling. a teammate told him to think of something he loves, he thought of his son and sunk both shots. the bulls could not respond. philly knocks out chicago. the sixers advance to play boston in the next round. britain's prince charles is getting a lot of attention after stepping in front of the camera, but it wasn't for a royal speech. he was giving the weather forecast. and it was anything but dry. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: it was anything but low pressure when the anchor tossed to the weatherman by saying, your highness. >> your highness?
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>> well, it's an unsettled picture as we head towards the end of the week. >> reporter: the weather got the royal treatment. >> cold, wet across most of scotland. >> reporter: as prince charles delivered the lunch forecast during a tour of bbc scotland. instead of someone holding the umbrella for the royals, the prince was holding the button to control the weather map. >> you just press it once. >> reporter: the princely meet yol gist read smoothly off a teleprompter with the occasional ad-lib. >> aha. >> reporter: as he read, he realized places where the conditions were highlighted were once frequented by the royals. >> the potential for a few flurries -- who the hell wrote the script? >> reporter: at least the prince know as high from a low. >> is "h" hot or humid? both. >> reporter: the prince didn't knock over any cold fronts. >> what does that mean? what did that mean? >> reporter: as late comedian paul linde did back in the late
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'70s. >> 26% centigrade, 79 fahrenheit, 41% chance of twisters. >> reporter: nor did prince charles adjust his bosom. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: as snooki did when she -- >> some light snow with some p.m. flurries. >> reporter: at a new york city station. at least the prince knew not to wear green. >> it's the one color that we can't wear. there we go. see? >> reporter: color wrecks havoc with green screen tech nolg. when ellen barged into a chicago newscast, she was sort of a miming meteorologist. >> look at this area of low pressure that's behind ellen. she's cloaking it very well. >> reporter: the weather dog resorted to his usual insults. >> clouds are coming into the sky. oh, poor hawaii. you might have a cloud or two. screw you, hawaii. >> reporter: these two playboy
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bunnies tried to pin a tail on the regular weather man. >> you've already helped me more than you know. >> reporter: how do you expect english speaking tom hanks to do the weather in spanish speaking univision? they're rising and falling faster than the barometer. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> aha. the next hour of "cnn newsroom" starts right now. forries we're watching right now in the newsroom, they are found alive. the man hunt is over. the dramatic moment as s.w.a.t. teams rush in saving two tennessee girls held captive for almost three weeks. high school hijinks, mitt romney apologizing for a prank nearly half a century ago but says he doesn't even clearly remember what happened. he's known for his wild hair, even wilder tats and his antics on the court. it's what's happening off the
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court that's getting attention this morning. the bird man's bird's nest is being combed through by cops from the internet child porn unit. good morning to you. i'm carol costello. we start this morning with the man at the center of a "time" magazine article that sparked a lot of controversy over the cover. the article is about attachment parenting. here you see a 26-year-old mother breast-feeding her 3-year-old son. "time" says it shows this image to symbolize and mark the 20th anniversary of a book based on the subject, the baby book was written by dr. william sears. it focuses on breast-feeding into toddler hood, sleeping in the same bed as your child, and other means of attachment parent i ing. it's a very popular book. it sold 1.5 million copies. but many are against this type of parenting. so joining me now is dr. william sears. doctor, welcome. >> good morning, carol. good to be with you. >> it's nice to have you here.
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let's first take on the cover of "time" magazine. i'm sure you've seen it by now. they didn't feature you on the cover, but they featured this blond mother with her 3-year-old child breast-feeding. so as you look at this cover, what do you think? >> well, it got a lot of attention, carol. i want to make a point that attachment parenting is not extreme. it's a very natural, instinctual can, beautiful way of mothering and fathering your baby. it is not indulgent. it's not extreme n. fact, how i explain it to parents, if you are on an island and there were no experts around to advise you how to parent your baby, attachment parenting is what you would naturally do. >> well, i have to say, dr. sears,looking at the cover of "time" magazine, breast-feeding a 3-year-old seems extreme to many parents. >> well, actually it does, but the world health organization recommends breast-feeding for at least two to three years, not months, but years. and in my 30 years in pediatric
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practice, some of the healthiest, most well behaved, brightest children i have ever seen are those who are breast-fed well up until the second or third year. >> okay, so i'm thinking that older parents who have grown children are watching you and saying, are you crazy? because we didn't even breast-feed our children. they are happy, for the most part, well adjusted adults so, come on, you're just making mothers feel guilty about either not being able to breast-feed because some mothers can't or forcing mothers to breast-feed well beyond what they're comfortable with. >> you do the best you can with the tools you have. attachment parenting is a list of tools, not rules. i call it the seven bbbs, birth bonding, breast-feeding, when you can, as long as you can, baby wearing, in the sling, carry your baby as much as you can. bedding close to baby. belief in baby's cry. avoiding the cry it out crowd. beware of baby trainer. and finally a bit of balance,
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knowing when to say yes to your baby, when to say no, when to give to yourself and when to give to baby. >> okay. so other parents might say, because i know you said you should sleep with your child. until what age? >> until -- until baby and child are ready to leave close to your bed. now you can sleep in the with bed, next to the bed, in a bedside co-sleeper, but the best arrangement, the best sleeping arrangement for every family is the one that gives every family member the best night's sleep. >> i don't know it if that's possible with the baby in your bed, but maybe i'm wrong. >> actually it's much easier. >> what if the child doesn't want to leave the parental bed? >> they always leave. they always leave. again, i've been seeing this for 40 years and, in fact, the other day a schoolteacher, a mother told me -- a schoolteacher said to her, whatever you're doing, tell me what you're doing with your child? he's so happy and healthy and
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connected. and, in fact, i have never seen a school bully who has been attachment parented. they are empathetic. they care. >> come on, how do you know that? >> i've been studying it for 40 years, carol. they have empathy. they are connected kids, and i tell parents, raise kids who care, and those are attachment parents. >> okay. so some might say you're really not teaching your child independence. you're not teaching them to tackle things on their own. if if you're constantly attached to your parent through the age of 5 or 6, how do you ever learn independence? >> and i get this criticism a lot. this has been well studied, carol, really, that the kids who are most attached early on, who learn the concept of trust, these kids actually grew up to be the most independent and naturally secure children. >> you know, i've talked to a lot of educators who have a terrible problem with parents who are overly involved in their
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child's life. they just will not let go. if a parent raises their child in this manner where they're always with the child, doesn't it affect the parent as well? isn't it difficult for the parent to let go? doesn't it -- isn't there a danger that this kind of parental behavior will continue through adulthood? >> that extra "b" for balance. knowing when to let go. the good news is, see, attachment parenting is an exercise in child rearing -- >> i want to talk about being able to let go, because it's a big problem. >> you should let go, yes. >> in our schools right now, parents simply can not let go. not only that, they can't -- they can't determine when their child is in the wrong. they just can't believe their child would do something wrong because they've raised this child and they've been with them so closely. >> yes, you're correct. you have to know when to let go. and that's why i added balance. knowing when to pull in.
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knowing when to let go. but when you do attachment parenting ride, you read your baby and you instinctively know it's time to let out the line a bit and let go. >> i would argue some educators say there are many parents who never come to that conclusion, who never know when to let go, and it's a big problem in our culture right now. >> well, in some respects they're right. i see as a pediatrician, and most of my colleagues do, we see problems of under attachment a lot more than we do over attachment. and over attachment is a lot easier to correct. in fact, i think if all babies were attachment parented, we'd put a lot of psychotherapists out of business. >> dr. sears, thank you so much for coming on today. we appreciate it. >> thank you. this is the high school hijinks that won't go away. mitt romney has apologized, but he can't quite move past an incident that has haunted some
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of his high school classmates for decades. they're dredging up an incident from 1965 when romney was 18 and the governor's kid. supposedly romney and another chased down a fellow teenager, held him down and cut off chunks of his hair. one former classmate, now an attorney, says the boy was terrified and this was not only bullying but criminal assault. romney's staff dismisses any talk that the incident speaks to his kashg it ter and the candidate him seven will only say that he apologizes for any childhood prank that went too far. >> i don't recall the incident myself, but i've seen the reports. i'm not going to argue with that. there's no question but that i did some stupid things when i was in high school and obviously if i hurt anyone by virtue of that, i would be very sorry for it and apologize for it. >> what people really want to hear about is does he care? and i can tell you that he cares deeply. he's a deeply compassionate person and bullying is not
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something that he has ever knowingly engaged in. >> former classmates say romney was never mean-spirited, never a bully. the alleged victim in the case died several years ago. now to that kidnapping story out of tennessee. this morning alexandria and kyliyah bain are safe and sound and out of the hospital. the girls turned up in a wooded area in mississippi after a nationwide manhunt. the fbi says their kidnapper, that man, adam mayes, is dead. he shot and killed himself as police closed in. he is suspected of killing the girls' mother and older sister in a bizarre case of violence and obsession that first exploded three weeks ago. martin s martin savidge is in alpine, mississippi, to tell us more. where are the girls now, martin? >> reporter: good morning, carol. we've been told they've been reunited with family members. that is good news. it means, one, that they've been to the hospital. they've been checked out and at
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least physically they are all right and they have now been released. let me tell you how this all happen happened. it really started around 5:30 local time about 100 yards down the dirt road that you can see behind me here, and it all came about because of a tip. somebody in the public notified the authorities that there was a cabin up here. now they didn't necessarily say they'd seen adam mayes, it was just that they thought that could be a good place to hide for a person on the run. now federal authorities said they had been through the area a couple of times before but it's extremely rural and heavily wooded. so this time they had another s.w.a.t. team come in, 31 members, divided into two teams. they began focusing on a specific part of the wooded a area. they came across one of the young girls laying on the ground and shortly spotted adam mayes, he spotted them, pulled a gun out from the waistband and shot himself once in the head so, again, these poor, young girls, witnessed another tragedy. they were immediately rescued. two federal female agents were
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there and drove the girls off to safety. they were dehydrated, suffering from exposure. but as we know they're alive and safe now. car carol? >> that's the best news of all. martin savidge, live in mississippi this morning. there are new details on the only known u.s. soldier being held captive by the taliban. his parents are speaking out about the government's failed efforts to rescue him. was check. i wasn't eating well. she's a dietitian, and she suggests that i try boost complete nutritional drink to help get the nutrition i was missing. now i drink it every day and i love the great taste. [ female announcer ] boost has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to help keep bones strong and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. and our great taste is guaranteed or your money back. learn more at [ dad ] i choose great taste. i choose boost.
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actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. 13 minutes paps the hour. how do you tackle an epidemic so big it attacks more than a million adults. we're talking about obesity. researchers said a whopping 42% of the u.s. population will be obese by the year 2030.
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compare that to today, 35% of adults and 17% of children are considered obese. a new hbo documentary, weight of the nation, is part of an aggressive campaign to stop the expanding waist lines with information like this. >> it's not so difficult to convince a family that soda has no nutritional benefits. it's harder to try to convince families that juice can have almost exactly the same sugar content as a glass of soda. >> joining us is someone who know as lot about sugary drinks, philip marineau, the former president of pepsi-cola north america and now part of the institute of medicine, and he is featured in this hbo documentary. welcome. >> thank you, carol.
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very nice to be here. >> great to have you here. so hbo is declaring war on obesity. many others declared war on obesity and lost. what makes you think this could be success ifful? >> well, i think the hbo documentary in combination with the institute of medicine report provides a blueprint, i would say, a systemic way that as individuals, family and community groups and society we can begin to change behavior and our attitudes towards obesity but how we deal with it as well. it's a systemic approach that is not just individual initiatives but one that's coordinated and synchronized that i think can make a big impact on the problem. >> okay. let's talk about sugary soda and changing people's behavior. i have heard people say i love sugary soda. if i drink the diet stuff, it's terrible. my kids won't drink anything else. how can you convince people it's
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harmful to drink sugary soda? >> you do two things. number one, you start to make people understand how many c calories they're consuming and begin to focus on controlling their calories. the institute of medicine report just really recommends trying to deal with overconsumption of sugary beverages and juices so people understand what good looks like in terms of how much they should consume but, also, as people become aware of that and concerned about that, have the beverage can companies then provide healthier alternatives. >> see, there you go. >> many of these diet drinks today taste better than what people expect them to taste like. so i do think a combination of education, awareness, and then the market will respond to that and change. >> you talk about companies providing alternatives to sugary soda, but every time any government out there, whether it's city government or a state government or the federal government tries to tax sugary soda, let's say, there's a big
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political wave of lobbyist that is come in and stop it. they do ads like it's taking your right as an american to take sugary soda away to add this tax, so people get a lot of conflicting messages. >> well, there are people who believe in a tax. the institute of medicine report says there is not conclusive evidence that it will reduce consumption. it's something that you can consider and examine, and you don't want to get into a battle of the nanny state versus the individual's responsibility. you want everybody to say we have a problem with obesity. let's begin to educate people with what good looks like in terms of calorie consumption and as they become aware and start to change their behavior, let's offer different alternatives rather than into a battle or an ideological battle between those two points of view. >> so it comes down to convincing people that drinking too much sugary soda is the wrong move but, again -- >> well, it's more than that, though. the report is less than 20% of
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the people in the united states get the recommended amount of physical activity a week which is a half hour a day for five days a week. we need to get people and enable people to really become much more physically active. we need to educate them. we also need to have the health insurers help us deal with obesity. all the people in the work place and have a healthy work place in the documentary, we'll talk about that. it's really much more than just dealing with sugary beverages. if you make it the enemy, we missed the point. >> well, it's great to hear your thoughts on this topic because something has to happen. something needs to be done. thank you so much for sharing. >> this is a terrific docume documentary that people should watch. it's very compelling. >> i will be watching it myself. philip marineau, thank you for being here. >> thank you. nice to be here. >> there's more "weight of the nation" this weekend.
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sanjay gupta md will air tomorrow morning and sunday morning. mitt romney back to the f future. his presidential campaign faces questions over some high school hijinks nearly half a century ago. we ask our political buzz panel, is that really fair? [ male announcer ] fighting pepperoni heartburn and pepperoni breath? fight both fast with new tums freshers! concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. new tums freshers. ♪ tum...tum...tum...tum... tums! ♪ [ male announcer ] fast relief, fresh breath, all in a pocket sized pack.
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21 minutes past the hour, there are new details on the only known u.s. soldier being held captive by the taliban. the parents have broken their silence for the first time in over a year. they reveal their son is it at the center of secret negotiations between the united states and the taliban, and a possible prisoner swap with a guantanamo bay detainee. the taliban captured the
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sergeant in june of 2009. barbara starr is at the pentagon to tell us more. hi, barbara. >> reporter: good morning, carol. well, the parents are speaking out. his father first in an interview with "the new york times" talk ing about the secret negotiations for the first time in public. what we do know, now that he is talking about it, the administration is acknowledging that they did have conversations with the taliban, that administration officials spoke to the taliban about a possible prisoner exchange, five taliban detainees in return for sergeant birdall. all in the confidence building discussions with the taliban aimed towards reconciliation. the talks fell apart. the birdall parents very us f m frustrated about what has happened to their son and what they believe is not enough
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action. not enough remembering by the administration to get him back. the chief of staff spoke about this yesterday. >> i can assure you that we are doing everything in our power using our intelligence resources across the government to try to find and locate them. and that -- i'll give you one vignette. if you go to the centcom command center, their conference room, there's a 4x6 foot poster sitting in front of the podium to remind them and, therefore, us every day that he remains missing in action. i can assure you of that. >> reporter: but the facts remain sargt bergdahl is coming up on his third year in captivity. they believe he is in pakistan
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being held by terrorist operatives that act on both sides of the afghan/pakistan border and his parents want him home. carol? >> barbara starr reporting live for us from the pentagon, thank you. now is your chance to talk back on one of the stories of the day. the question this morning, what does attachment parenting mean for our kids? we have now moved beyond helicopter parenting and on to a attachment parenting. if you don't know what that is, take a look at the cover of "time" magazine. you'll see it in a bit. here it is. yes, that is a 3-year-old breast-feeding. it's an image that's caused outrage, confusion and, if you're into attachment parenting, understanding. attachment parenting means breast-feeding into toddlerhood and sleeping in the same bed as your kid, never leaving your child alone, a tall order. >> a single male parent supposed to do? they can't breast-feed?
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and then they say in the article, you should sleep with your children. >> it's really hard. >> what about somebody like the octo mom or the duggars? are they supposed to sleep with all their children? >> okay, so they're joking with about it, but "time" magazine says the dogma is every baby's whimper is a plea for help. no baby should be left to cry. this mom breast-feeding her 3-year-old son says there's no harm in this. >> he still wants to. and, yes, it is a decision -- breast-feeding is a relationship between the mother and child. and so as long as both are happy doing it, then why not continue? it's only good for the child. >> as for the baby, experts have long held that the benefits of physical closeness and affection between mother and child, but how much is too much? the talk back question today, what does attachment parenting mean for our kids?
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300 minutes past the hour. two young tennessee girls are out of the hospital after a three-week kidnapping ordeal that led to a nationwide manhunt. alexandria and kyliyah bain were found in the woods in mississippi. the kidnapper dead. adam mayes shot and killed himself as police closed in. mayes is suspected of killing the girls' mother and older sister. your bank stocks are probably taking a hit reacting to jpmorgan chase's $2 billion blunder. the firm announced it had lost that much money in trading in
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over six weeks blaming bad strategy badly executed. the big losses make increased call for greater federal regulation on banks' investments. detectives in colorado are investigating chris anderson. the team says the investigation deals with internet crimes against children. authorities searched anderson's home and took certain items out of it. anderson has not been arrested or charged. he is cooperating in the investigation. political buzz is your rapid fire look at the topics of the day. 30 seconds on the clock. pete dominick on the left. host of stand up with pete dominick, a political show on xm radio. he's also a comedian. >> hi, carol. >> hi. >> and on the right crystal wright. hi, crystal. >> hey, carol. hey, pete. >> hi, crystal. >> hi, everyone. >> this is going to be a good
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o one. >> i can feel it. >> it is. >> first question, mitt romney is apologizing for a high school prank nearly half a century ago. witnesses say he and a buddy pinned down another student and forcibly cut his hair. >> i don't recall the incident myself, but i've seen the reports. i'm not going to argue with that. there's no question but that i did some stupid things when i was in high school, and obviously if i hurt anyone by virtue of that, i would be very sorry for it and apologize pour it. >> is it fair to judge someone by what they did in high school? i mean, he was 18 years old. cryst crystal? >> no, it's not fair. i mean, going back 50 years, we all -- and i'm sure pete, being the comedian he is today, probably was a prankster in high school, i would venture to guess. and i'm sure we all did things that we're not proud of in high school. but i think what's really interesting about "the washington post's" expose on mitt romney's high school years at a boarding school is that it
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came out a day after the president said, oh, yeah, after evolving, i support same sex marriage. it's a coordinated smear campaign. and i guess the next thing is go back to mitt romney's mom when he was in utero and see what he was thinking then. >> pete? >> it's not fair for him to be judged on this. we should only judge presidential candidates on, you know, whether or not they are perhaps a citizen of america. we should judge them on where they lived or who they maybe hugged at what point, what they ate or said when they were 6 or 7, who their neighbors were. we should judge them on the relationship with their parent that they really never knew. i mean, it's ridiculous. the whole thing is ridiculous. i mean, what i take from this is maybe, whether or not this is true, the bullies might forget but the bullied really never do. >> that's true.
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>> on to the second question. a hollywood blockbuster, a george clooney fund-raiser starring president obama, raised $15 million in a single night. that's a record. republicans scoffed that this proves obama is really the celebrity in chief. is that true? pete? >> yeah. he's definitely a celebrity. he's the most famous man in the world. he's the first black president. he's going to absolutely take the endorsements of wealthy, high-profile celebrities that people like. republicans do the same thing. sadly they get endorsed by actors who haven't worked since "texas walker ranger." they do the exact same thing. everybody does this. he is a celebrity to some extent. he's also the president. it's a weird strategy for any critic to take. i can't wait to hear how crystal attacks him on this. >> go, crystal. >> i agree with pete. he's more of a celebrity, president obama, than he is a
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president. and right before he went to l.a. to clooney's house where people paid $40,000 a ticket, which is more than most middle class people make in a year, he was in seattle. and you know what he told the crowd, guys? sometimes i forget how bad the economy is because i'm so busy fund-raising and doing late-night tv appearances because i think i'm the celebrity in chief rather than the president in chief. i think if he spent more time trying not to be the celebrity, that pete said, the economy would probably be a little better. >> good luck with that. good luck with that attack. nobody cares. >> okay. okay. calm down, people. we have to move on to your buzzer beat er. 20 seconds each. we already had a political fight over stay-at-home moms, but this is a 3-year-old nuzzled up to mom and breast-feeding. >> oh! >> it's called attachment parenting. think any first lady-to-be will touch this one, crystal? >> as mc hammer famously said,
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if i were michelle obama or any first lady, can't touch this, and won't touch it. it's gross. what are you going to do, nurse your kid in kindergarten between classes? mommy is like, here, baby, let me whip it out. come on. pete? >> well, we know ann romney said being a stay-at-home mom was difficult but not this difficult. this is -- i can't -- >> i'm with you. >> i have a 4-year-old daughter and i know she has a full set of teeth. >> there you go. >> we know why the woman believes this is good but some day this kid's buddies are going to look to his mom, who is beautiful, and say, hey, let's go over to your house and have a glass of mommy's milk. that's what's going to happen to this kid. this poor kid. >> mommy is too attached to baby is what that is. parental attachment. >> mommy put baby on the front of "time" magazine and mommy is
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smoking hot. >> we must end this although i am enjoying it. thanks for playing today. >> thanks. >> romney 2012, giving america the haircut they didn't want. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> that was a cheap shot. >> it was good. >> thanks, crystal. remember the performance featuring the late tupac shakur? now janet jackson says she supports that act.
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janet jackson seems to think so. with a.j. hammer, host of "showbiz tonight," what did she say? >> "showbiz tonight" caught up with janet jackson last night. she came out to an exhibit of fashion photographs in new york city and we wanted her take on the use of who wiholograms. here is what she told us about that. >> i guess if the people like it and they want an audience who is craving for it, do it. i did it back in 2010, but i did it with myself, just of myself, i should say, on a concert that i did, one night only. so if the people are clamoring for it, then why not? >> why not indeed? obvious question here is would somebody bring back michael jackson as a hologram, we wonder if the jacksons might consider that down the road. it would be interesting to see, carol, and something that came up a lot when the tupac who whom was first released and revealed
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to us. maybe would be a michael jackson kind of a thing. >> yeah. it would be interesting and eerie, but interesting. let's talk about country star loretta lynn. they're going to do a play on broadway about her? >> yeah, they are. the coal miner's daughter is on broadway and now we have a new star. it's going to be zoe dashanel. she brought deschanel up on concert during her concert and the two performed together. they did the song as a duet. in 1979 loretta lynn announced sissy spacek would play her in the movie in the same way and she went on to win an oscar in the role. it isn't is supposed to interfere with zooey's work on "new girl." you may not know this about zooey deschanel, she has released three albums as part of
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a folk/rock duo, she and him, and she has appeared on some movie soundtracks, so she has the credentials to appear on broadway. i think she would be great in this role. >> i do, too. that's great. a.j. hammer, thank you. want everything breaking in the entertainment world, 11:00 p.m. on hln. clarence otis jr. has a lot on his plate. he is the ceo of darden restaurants which owns red lobster, olive garden, longhorn steak house and seasons 52. since the first red lobster opened in 1968 darden has grown to become one of the largest full service restaurant companies in the world. otis stepped into the ceo role in 2004 with no previous restaurant experience. his background is in law and
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theater. he is one of only five african-american ceos on the fortune 500 list. for three hours a week, i'm a coach. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. ♪ [ acou[ sighs ]ar: slow ] [ announcer ] all work and no play...
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45 minutes past the hour. this just in to cnn. an update on the kidnapping case of those two girls. just hours after alexandria and kyliyah bain were found safe in mississippi, police made three more arrests connected to the accused captor adam mayes. two people are now charged with giving mayes the handgun that he used in the suicide last night. the third for lying to investigators. also new today a law enforcement source says his other apparent victims, the girls' mother and older sister, died by strangulation. also this morning john edwards' defense team is to ask for the case to be dismissed against him. they detailed how hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on edwards' former mistress and the moerp of his child. they allege he used donor money to cover up the affair. prosecutors did not call the mistress, rielle hunter, to testify. turns out the mayan calendar
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does not predict the end of the world in 2012. i know you must be feeling relieved. si scientists in guatemala discovered the oldest known mayan calendar. they measured time in cycles of 13 parts, each representing 400 years -- got that? we're just at the end of one of those cycles. and the mayan calendar will continue for trillions of years. if you own an ipod, you might be suing apple and not even know it. allison co-sic is it at the new york stock exchange. so does this mean money? >> reporter: it could, so, yes. a big surprise if you do have an ipod. you could be part after class action lawsuit against apple. this is if you have an ipod you bought between september 2006 and march 2009. how are you going to know? you're going to get an e-mail from real networks about this lawsuit. what this lawsuit is all about, carol, it's all about competition. you know the little guy going
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after the big guy. this goes back to 2004. they create this had service that let people down low from real player music store and then you could play it on your ipod. once apple caught wind of it, it created a block for that because they only wanted ipods to play music downloaded from itunes with you real network said, apple, you unfairly blocked competition. we are going to sue you. carol? >> i think i bought three ipods within that time because they change them -- >> reporter: they're like door stops now, right? >> i know. but what if you don't get the e-mail? >> reporter: if you don't get the e-mail, that means you're not a part of it. if you do get the e-mail, that means you're part of the lawsuit but you can opt out of it. you can send in a letter by july 30th. once again, real networksing ou week. some are already out. my producer, amanda, got hers. she gleefully e-mailed it to me
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earliey if you opt out, you wil not get any of the award money if apple loses. carol? >> i know but you're only going to get $2.50 anyway. still, it's worth it. you never know. >> reporter: go buy a pack of gum. an aids treatment drug is a step closer to being approved for preventing the deadly disease. an fda advisory panel has recommended the agency approve truvada. it is effective in preventing hiv infection. the decision came after more than 40 people argued against approval. they worried about possible side effects and this approving the drug would lead to less condom use. the fda does not have to follow the panel's recommendations, though it often does. in just about an hour the first lady, michelle obama, will given the commencement address at virginia tech. she'll speak to the first graduating class that applied to the school after the 2007
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shooting massacre. we'll hear what motivated these students to go there. [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] and she's looking directly at your new lumia, thank you at&t. first, why don't you show her the curved edge... now move on to the slick navigation tiles -- bam, right into the people hub. see megan, colin has lots of friends. hey, colin, what kind of phone is that? whaaa -- oh megan -- when did you get here? [ clears throat ] ohh yea no, let's... [ male announcer ] introducing the beautifully different nokia lumia 900. only from at&t. rethink possible.
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in just about an hour the first lady, michelle obama, will given the commencement address to a very special class. it is the first graduating class that applied to virginia tech after the april 2007 shooting there. a gunman shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others on campus. >> reporter: hi there, carol. as far as commencement speakers go, it's a pretty big deal to have a first lady. lane stadium behind me packed with people, members of the community and of course students as they await the commencement
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ceremony. so what's on their minds, these graduating seniors? well, for the most part, it's what's on the mind of graduating seniors all over the country. it's time to graduate at virginia tech. >> i'm going to throw this, and it's going to be great. >> reporter: kathleen was a high school junior when the shootings shocked this campus and the nation. now they're part of the first graduating class that applied after the tragedy. >> the shooting does not reflect any part of my four years here. >> it could have happened anywhere. >> reporter: for these graduates there's distance from the event that has become synonymous with their school. >> i feel like every year there's a little bit less connection for every class. >> how are you. >> good. >> reporter: rachel webb had second thoughts about applying, but ultimately decided to follow in the stood steps of her brother and sister. >> we do flag football. >> reporter: and come to tech. she did not know the victims but, like many students told us,
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she remembers them often. >> it's a reason to come out to school every day and be excited to come to school because 0 others can't. >> virtually no student that's here today was here on april 16th, 2007, but it's still a powerful memory. >> reporter: and it had a surprising effect on the students now graduating. >> actually our enrollments went up. it was quite amazing. >> reporter: really? >> at the stage where you needed to make up your mind. >> reporter: alex, an engineering student, is one of only a few still here who five years ago had already been accepted to virginia tech. he committed to going in the days following the shootings. now he's graduating. >> we have a little bit to pack but not too much. it's bittersweet but we're excited for the next chapter of our lives. >> reporter: alex will spend the next six months in the philippines volunteering with his wife candace before he starts an engineering job but, first, it's time to move. >> can you get the newspaper?
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>> reporter: and here in blacksburg, virginia, it's also time to move on. you know, carol, we're expecting first lady michelle obama here at virginia tech in a little over an hour to address members of the community and, of course, students and their family here for the big day. the white house says she was touched by the resilience of the community so no doubt she'll be talking about that in her remarks but, as you know, virginia is also a battleground state so there's also certainly a political element to her appearance here. >> i'm sure. politics aside, i covered the shooting in 2007, and i wasn't surprised by your story because i've never seen students come together like they did after that shooting. they had candlelight vigils, they still had pride in their school. none of them went home. their parents probably wanted them to go home, but all of those students stayed, drew together, and said this is not what this university is about. >> reporter: that's right, carol. and i think virginia tech is a
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pretty amazing place. i think it has a lot of school spirit if you compare it to other schools and certainly that was on overdrive following the shootings. and it's something that especially in april and spring comes around here students remember. they had a vigil this last month for the fifth and verse niversa. >> brianna keilar, live at virginia tech, thanks. we asked to you talk back on one of the big stories of the day. what does attachment parenting mean for our kids? weigh in. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world
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try it. tell us what you think about it on facebook. it's 100% guaranteed. we asked you to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question for you, what does attachment parenting mean for our can kids? it works for my daughter who has experienced divorce and multiple moves. she feels secure and can haonfi because of the strong bopped with both parents that developed through attachment parenting. >> i both breast-fed and co-slept with all three boys. when they turned 1-year-old and started walking and talking, they got a sippy couple and their own bed. if we do everything for our chi children, they will never learn how to deal with issues in the world. when they need a hug, my arms are always open. i just graduated from college. i've been back for one week and i think i'm experiencing some attachment parenting. jobs, please find
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