tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN May 11, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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their own passions. remember this wipeout, if he of plans on trying that again. ouch. >> understatement of a lifetime. to say ouch on that one. >> i tried once. pretty good balance. snowboard, wakeboard, no. couldn't do it. tried one. >> surfing is so much harder than it looks. so beautiful. beautiful video, but maybe not for me. >> maybe not. kate, thank you. everybody have a great weekend. see you monday. erin burnett with "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next a worldwide shock wave from jpmorgan's massive trading debacle. what the man at the helm of america's biggest bank got so very wrong. dames of the last moments of the manhunt as the fbi closed in on the fugitive wanted for two murders and two kidnappings and you've probably seen her on the cover of "time" magazine breast feeding her 3-year-old son. tonight, she comes "outfront."
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good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, warning signs ignored. the fallout swept around the world today from america's biggest banks, multibillion dollar loss on risky trades. in washington, senator carl levin held a conference call with reporters about jpmorgan's shocking trading losses which 0 could be up to $3 billion and the credit rating agency fitch slapped jp morgue win a drowngrade citing reputational risk. stocks plunged taking other banks down. the boss, america's most well-known banker was taken by surprise. here's jamie dimon one month ago responding to confess about bad trades and his risk management unit. >> it's is a complete tempest in a teapot. sophisticated, complex things. at the end of the day that's our job. envist that portfolio widely and intelligently over a long period of time to earn income and to offset other exposures we have.
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>> well, here he is last night when it turned out that temp it was anything but. >> these were grievous mistake, self-inflicted. we're accountable and what happened violates our own standards and principles how we want to operate the company. this is not how we want to run a business. >> the total about-face scared investors. the bottom line, jamie dine kno dimon that doesn't b.s., swears a lot, known for telling it like it is. his bank the only bank to emerge from the financial crisis stronger than before. according to investment firm fbr, assets have grown 45% at jpmorgan from pre-crisis levels. that's right. the bank is 45% bigger. $2.3 trillion. "newsweek" calmed him the banker who saved wall street september 2009. the "new york times" magazine cover of december 20107 was, jamie dimon, america's least
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hated banker. i remember a conversation at the heat of the crisis with jamie dimon when he told me the pedestal is a terrible place to be, but he was on making the current trading debacle more noticeable and a real black eye. could jpmorgan lose more? could other banks? the answer is, yes. how did jpmorgan get it so wrong? to use a nascar analogy, if the tone stewart of wall street can't keep his car from crashing maybe the engine is too souped up. joining me, manage editor and both of you are with us. thank you. andy, one month ago jamie dimon saying what are you talking about? get out of my face. there's no problem. and here we are. >> a real comeuppance for jamie. points to one thing. no man, no human being is smarter than the markets. even if you're jamie dimon and that respected. number one. number two, an awful lot of people in washington, d.c. chortling, tim geithner and people like him, jamie was
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beating up on saying we don't need more regulation. get off my back. we understand the capital markets. not so much. >> steve, talk about tortaling. what's going on there? >> i think that the truest thing that you said, erin is, when you quoted him saying you don't want to be on that pedestal. he's certaly falling off the pedestal. look, he had a great run. you know. you've interviewed him many times. he's been a good banker. some of these trades were unforgivable and the losses could reach $2 billion to $3 billion. where i disagree with the two of you, erin. i think this rush to more regulation of the banks and u.s. financial services is kind of the wrong remedy. i mean, u.s. financial services are the most overregulated industry not just in the united states but in the world. when you talk about a bank like jpmorgan it is regulated as you know by the fcc, by the federal reserve, by the treasury department, by the fdic. we have -- >> wait.
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i'm not sure either was calling for more reguonstev a in, i ink less regulation doesn't make any sense. you've got people like lloyd blankfine asking for better regulation. maybe that's what jamie dimon is saying. better regulations would make sense. better risk management internally is what's really needed he. >> we agree on that. look, let's look at who are the losers here. thank goodness the losers, erin, are not the taxpayers, because it doesn't look like jpmorgan's going to get a bailout, thank goodness, and actually the losers were not the depositors. the losers were the shareholders. that's the way it should be, when a bank makes bad decision, like any business, the people should lose money, they're the shareholders. >> true. a lot of them are regular people hoop have jp morguen in their 401(k). when people make an argument about don't reg late. i mean, if that made sense to normal people, this wouldn't have happened. i mean, the ceo of this bank said a month ago this was all
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hogwash and then lost $3 billion. i mean, couldn't it have been 30 or more? steve, could 2008 happen again? >> well, it possibly could. by the way, my point is we have these multiple tier of regulations already and they haven't prevented these kinds of meltdowns in terms of the finances of these banks. look, i'm just worried that we just passed as you know what was it, about a year or two ago, the dodd-frank bill, which was supposed to stop this kind of behavior. and dodd-frank imposed a lot of new costs on these financial institutions. >> they haven't put brakes on them. jamie dime sn fighting against it. >> you need the right regulation. you need to streamline all the different entities in washington, put them all together and have one mass reg later. that's not more regulation. the other point. >> i agree on that one. >> the ones that gotten the deepest suit going back to the financial wipeout, which is to say the united states, the uk and iceland. so less regulation is riskier.
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>> i love an iceland mention. they're back, by the way. >> iceland. >> when you've got so many regulators looking at these banks, we agree there. transactions these kinds of things continue, i mean, look. the one thing we have to make sure we don't do is continue to bail out banks when they make bad decisions because i think that's the ultimate safety net and hammock for bad decisions. >> let me just put this as you, then. here in the introduction. jpmorgan is 45% bigger than it was before the crisis. if it was too big to fail then, we sure would have to bail it out now. right, steve? >> no. i don't believe it's too big to fail. i don't believe that big is necessarily bad. the only reason big is bad when it comes to banking is because the impulse is to, to bail them out when they get this big, but, look. are we going to bail out every fortune 500 company if it makes losses? this is the kind of mentality in washington. >> what about breaking up the banks? what do you think about that? what do you think about breaking
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up the big four? >> i'm opposed to it. >> government intervention. >> i don't think big is necessarily bad. as you know, 10, 15 years ago the united states, the top ten banks of the world were not u.s. banks. we were losing competitiveness as a result of that. >> i don't know about the fact that they're not so big makes us being less competitive. i mean, i've never followed that argument, but i don't -- you know, we have zombie banks, citi and bank of america. breaking them up. sdp that a make them better? i don't any anybody knows the answer. >> do you want to break up walmart because it's successful? >> the "wall street journal" may want to break up walmart. i don't want to break walmart up. >> walmart doesn't control so many american people savings. that's the difference. >> erin, these -- that's a very good point, but don't forget, people with savings, that is depositors who put their money in the banks are not at risk when these guys make -- v. to bail ounchts systemic risk. >> chicken and egg. everyone, please let us know
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what you think and thanks to both of you, steve and andy. next, new details about mitt romney and the accusationshe attack add gay classmate in high school and while we're a week april way from that facebook thing going on. the ipo? could you actually get into facebook, though? and the wild ride that's now a wild record. [ male announcer ] this... is the at&t network. a living, breathing intelligence teaching data how to do more for business. [ beeping ] in here, data knows what to do. because the network finds it and tailors it across all the right points, automating all the right actions, to bring all the right results. [ whirring and beeping ] it's the at&t network -- doing more with data to help business do more for customers. ♪ today is gonna be an important day for us.s.
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our second story "outfront" duelling stories about mitt romney's young years. raising questions about timing and accuracy of the "washington post" story that says romney led a gang of boys in attacking a classmate who was gay and cutting off his hair. the article quoted five other students who witnessed the attack or took part in it and said it still haunts them today, but breitbart points to this monthly automobile magazine writing about romney's childhood in detroit quoting one of the say the students who calms it vicious but an automobile magazine says i'm a democrat and won't vote for him but he's probably make a very good president. very smart, very principled. here, republican strategist, and democratic strategist in
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washington. john, pretty interesting quote there. it does seem to fly in the face of -- the "washington post" story in that one individual's case. >> right. and's in that one individual incident. that's the impression of mitt romney's worst moment in high school. none of us are the sum total of our worst moments. fascinating is why this story is rippling so much. it's because romney still doesn't have a character narrative about his development into a man and this sticks because it seems to pull back the curtain a bit in a way that seems horrifically revealing. not that it's indicative of his values now, if it's true -- >> people are starving for romney the man. >> we all do stupid things in high school but not stupid things of this nature. holding down a kid and cutting off his hair because he's different. that's why this is different. >> the "washington post" article came out the day after the president's announcement that he
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supports same-sex marriage. and that reporter says, look, i worked on this for two weeks. so i did all my own reporting, and it's absolutely unfair to say there was nil political in the rollout of the story. wrap do you think? >> i think that there is a genuine idea and belief that there is a political motivation behind this. if you even look to the response that the family has had, the family of john lowber. i oep i'm saying it correctly. the sisters had no knowledge of it. it was factually incorrect. seems like people are tap dancing on the grave of their brother. extraordinarily poor taste to move a political agenda. a lot of people will perceive this. why the timing? very suspicious about the timing. suspicious about the sources and then the family kind of saying, really, enough is enough. ip think all of those elements together make it look quite suspicious. >> before i bring in tim it could be there was a timing link and that all of a sudden the
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president comes out for gay marriage. "washington post" says this is relevant. there's high interest. that's not politically motivated. trying to time for interest. just different. >> exactly right. not a subtle difference, a sing consent difference. of course, leslie is saying, exactly right. republicans want to present this. but five witnesses including one that's been independently reached out to by cnn who says, you know, i do remember that, and it was horrific. it would be, match the definition of assault and the kid is apologizing although he doesn't rep that specific incident. >> tim, how much of an affect might this have? leaking the story of george bush arrested for drunk driving, cost him 4 million votes. sound about right or won't have enough staying power? >> if it's 4 million votes, romney's in a lot of trouble. when you look at the exit polling from november 6th, nobodying going to talk about the issue that iped it them
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towards one candidate or the other. the bigger issue goes to this, look, both campaigns right now are fighting over this small sliver of undecided and independent voters. for those voters, they base bilitydecisions a lot on do i like this guy? is this a guy who can relate to my life? that likability factor is why you see folks like mitt romney or the president go on "saturday night live" or david letterm. they want to tell stories about their childhood, usually it's them about obstacles they overcame. a big challenge for mitt romney and this story isn't helpful. they'll want to move on from it quickly. >> jonathan what can he do? he's tried for feel seep the real mitt romney. his wife has been out more. he's done all the things and it doesn't connect. >> nature and politics abohor a vacuum. the kpin will have to set up a narrative in the same way john mccain's story as inspirational.
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he was a p.o.w. george bush was an alcoholic and found god. this came out the weekend before eease lection. nothing like that. it speaks to how mitt romney has to fill out his oh narrative. >> is that a problem? people don't see the adversity he to overcome? >> a little about getting to know the candidate. i agree with john. exactly right. independent voters are not focused on this are not going to do so in a high demand until you get to those conventions when he's going to introduce same thing barack obama did, same thing any candidate does who they are, their introduction to what the solution is when everyone is paying attention. that's why i think there's a lot of stories about mitt romney's character that are going to come out. for example, when he helped find a missing teenage daughter of a partner at bain capital. a lot of exemplary narrative so to speak to put together that's going to define who he is as a candidate. >> all right. thanks very much to all three of you and ahead "outfront," three
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men accusing actor john travolta of sexual assault. could the allegations bring him financial ruin? and a shocking conquer of "time" magazine. the mother breast feeding her 3-year-old son. why? you'll get the answer, because she's "outfront." ♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter through urban areas all over the world. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. [ all ] shh! [ male announcer ] solutionism. the new optimism. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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goldstream jet he keeps parked at a sprawling 10,000 square foot florida asset. flies that plane to australia, new york, flies around the world on his own. the a-list actor faces allegations of sexual assault. the mega star was said to have accosted him aboard a cruise ship in 2009. two other men filed million dollar lawsuits against trt tava claiming he groped them on a massage table. "outfront" of this case, cnn legal analyst paul, and a.j. hammer from "showbiz tonight." paul, filing a prosecution case a complete load of hogwash but more and more people keep coming out of the woodwork. >> well, he's filing a countersuit because with celebrities you've got to worry about two things.
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one, the reputation gets destroyed in a suit like this and secondly, if travolta's making a movie and has to do a deposition or appear in court, they have to close down the set and it costs a lot of money. marty singer, his stone sayiatt saying, we're coming after you. if he doesn't pursue is aggressive there, there will be more. even more than this three. >> a.j., will it do damage to him? you've been covering it. >> they're doing the right thing making a loud and bold statement. sometimes celebrities want to let them work and settle themselves out. sometimes, because there is such a risk of other people globbing on and jumping on the bandwagon you've got to send a loud and clear message like marty singer is doing in this case. in the short came. no. a moncome of truth they won come out so aggressively.
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in the long term if it's left to go on and on it's going to dog travol travolta. people will want to ask about it and perhaps will hurt his reputation, but not right out in. >> talk about copycats and travolta's legal team is coming out aggressively about it. will that stop copycats? the press covering it every day, something they really don't want. >> the threat of countersuits will stop copycats. it you're afraid to get sued but your lawyer if you bring a frivolous kate you may think twice before doing it. the allegations in the first student that involve add beverly hills hotel, that travolta touched the guy's leg. so he's suing for $2 million. i mean, it's ridiculous on its face. of course, marty singer, the attorney, says it didn't even happen. >> getting a lot of publicity. how often does it happen? justin bieber, and a false paternity claim. >> happens all the time.
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it raised eyebrows when justin bieber decided to speak out after a woman claimed he had fathered her child. it sets a precedent. doesn't squash the copycat but you have to believe, you don't know how many, you have to believe it tamps them down. >> how much money does it cost celebrities? i imagine sometimes you end up paying even though you didn't do it. you settle, because you want to have these things go away? >> there's a very substantial cost to celebrities because they're running up legal fees to do an aggressive defense of the case and a lot of the cases result in very quiet, very secret confidential settlements to make the plaintiff go away. even when there's no truth to the allegations. so they do cost money to the celebrities. >> how much will it cost travolta? >> in terms of this, you have three lawsuits now. easily he could be up at over $100,000 in legal fees, if these are aggressively litigated. i'm betting, though, because i've read a couple of these
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complaints, these are really bogus complaints, and i think they may be thrown out of court early on. it might not be that bad. >> the price of celebrity. >> yeah. $100,000 is a lot of money. although, as we said, $200 million for travolta. it's not the money he cares about. it's the reputation. thanks to both of you. in the second half of "outfront" learning how fbi agents tracked downed an cornered a fugitive wanted for a murder/kidnapping, and facebook stock is about to get trading. can you get your hands on it? ah, welcome to
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were back to the second half of "outfront." we start the second half of the show with stories we care about and focus on our own reporting from the front lines. first, jpmorgan's big loss. up to $3 billion is causing washington to question whether there's a need for more regulation for banks. the unit that caused the losses wa actually supposed to help the bank hedge its risk. its risk management division. it create add black eye for the ceo jamie dimon, he was respect bankpep here what he said on the conference call. >> these were grievous mistake, self-inflicted, we accountable and violated our own standards and principles byait we want to operate the company. this is not how we want to run a business. >> the courtroom outburst disrupted the trial of the
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norwegian mass killer. a victim shouted you killed my brother, go to hell and then threw a shoe at him. it missed and hit one of his attorneys. he's convicted of tilling eight people at a summer camp. the court is trying to determine if he is sane. and former governor gary johnson at its candidate for president. schae ports the right to choose, same-sex marriage and thinks he were convince voters to abandon traditional parties for his campaign. a lot of republicans in this country who would define themself as socially liberal and physic fiscally conservative. >> i think the majority in this country define themselves that way. the libertarian party. fiscally responsible. socially toltolerant. i full into that category. it's one thing to fall in that category and another to have a
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resume saying you could do the job. one thing to point out the problems the country's facing. do you need a resume to run for the president of the united states and i think i have that resume. >> watch my full interview with governor gary johnson. a 44-year-old surfer officially caught the ride of a lifetime. in november, george mcnamara caught this 78-foot wave. gosh. are you kidding? 78-foot wave off the coast of portugal and today guinness world records certifiered it is indeed the biggest wave of surfed. while it's on a loop, i'm going slow. it beat the previous record in 2008 by a foot. in addition to the record, mcnamara wased $15,000 for the big ride. the one and two-foot thing on vacation. wow. that was glorious. all right. it's been 281 days since this country lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it
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back? good news today. consumer sentiment rose to its highest level since january of 2008. all right. facebook. analysis and advice coming up. we're in the countdown noor. the fourth story frnt, the ha manhunt is over. what led authorities to adam mayes. three people in custody in connection with the kidnappings and murder of jo ann bain and her oldest daughter adrienne. mayes was on the run with alexandra bain and her sister ka kyliyah. >> what's the latest? >> reporter: even after the death of the alleged suspect the investigation is continuing. three people pulled in for aiding ting one giving false statements to
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the police and the other for providing the weapon adam mayes would news to take his own life. standing in his small town in albein, mississippi is where this ordale ca deal came to an . where the fbi was led by a tip last night and when they went down that trail with a s.w.a.t. team of about 31 people, they came a april cross one of the girls lying on the ground. they asked mayes to put his hands in the air. instead he showed a gun, pulled it out and shot himself in the head. the girls still had to witness one more tragedy. >> did the police have a sense as to a motive? >> reporter: you know, it's difficult to say and, of course, that's still being investigated. what people locally when you talk about why this happened they say that apparently adam mayes felt that he was really close to these two young girls. some said he thought he was there biological father.
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that's never been proven. this family was getting ready to move to arizona. apparently he couldn't stand that separation and that's why he acted when he did and why he killed their mother and older sister, because he was fixated on the two young girls that were 12 and 8. >> do you know anything more, martin, about their condition? we're aware they were released. we know too whom and what condition they're in? or -- >> reporter: right. they're released to close family. we understand actually their father was at the hospital when they were handed over, and as you point ourt, physically, they must be doing okay. we understand they suffered from being exposed. dehydration was a problem. hunger. insect bites and poison ivy. physically they seem to be okay, because they were released in manner of hours. mentally, that's another question. we won't know that for a long time. many people feel it's a miracle, they're prayers answered, although no one's saying they wanted to see adam mayes die, but in court. >> a miracle those girls are
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alive. thanks to martin savidge. and the company selling 337 million shares. once it goes public the market value of the company could be about $100 billion. yeah. facebook. that's why i said, monster. the initial price range between $28 and $30 to buy a single share. over the past months the one question asked randomly, should i buy facebook? that's a tough one because facebook's doing a traditional ipo. what i mean is, most of the shares are going to big institutions. now, they may have your 401(k), that they're investing as well. these are the big guys. usually 85% of the shares goes to those big investors and sources close to the ipo tell me facebook considered another option. i don't know if you remember the online option that google tried to set a price. fatebook decided not to go that way. a traditional ipo means regular small orcan' share, unless your broker is a favorite h shot at a lead
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investor manager like morgan stanley. they're likely gone. or are they? before you get fruft traded and angry, it may not add up. why facebook may not be all it's cracked up to be. look at the other hot ones. groupon, closed at $26 a share. went up to $31. now it's at $9. linkedin closed its first day, $94 a share. up to $122. now at about $111. above the offer price but far from the high. facebook likely -- likely -- it's probably going to be priced to go up on its first day soar, but will it then drop down to earth? just as regular small investors finally get a chance to buy it. you're left catching the proverbial falling knife. so facebook has an incredible energy and focus on it. right jt i mean, you know, movies, we all deal with in our daily life. one of the most high-interest
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ipo's of all-time? >> no yes. one of the largest of all-time. the hype is unrivaled. in recent memory i can't remember. you mentioned groupon, linkedin. not in the same league, in terms of capital raised on people's consciousness of what the brand represents. >> right. so it's really hard to get the stock right now. obviously. if you're a regular investor. is it impossible? >> it's not impossible, but with most ipos, as you accurately pointed out, all or in most cases, most shares go to the investment bankers and to who they represent. >> uh-huh. >> so oftentimes individual investors can't get in or have a very, very, very difficult time getting in. which there's a reason for that. very often times in an ipo, if institutions are the, the primary holders initially, what will happen is, if the retail book can't get involved in an
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ipo, you have a bid for the stock. >> right. so the big guys buy it. tend to not sell it right away. it stabilizes and everyone else can come in. >> right. >> what about the fear we see often in tech ipos where they surge on the first day. all the people lucky to be insiders get that big pop. >> uh-huh. >> and then everybody else bis and loses money. >> that's why it's so important to be unattached to it on an emotional level. special about facebook, sowell billions of users know how to use it, understand it, connect with it. there's something very personal about that experience with facebook. some people are attached to it want to own it. but it's important not to be emotional about it, because. >> right. >> really, what's going to drive the direction of the price of the stock is going to be earnings. yes, and anticipated earnings, earnings growth, but it's going to be earnings. it's going to be a numerically based value. >> not your passion. so what's the bottom line? putting you on the spot. would you try to get shares if
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you didn't have one right now? >> i -- i would not. why? >> yes, why. >> i would rather see a stock opened. see how it beharvbehaves. take some of the early volatility out of it and make a prudent decision based on earnings, rate of growth, user experience. i want data when i mike an ain investment. don't make investment decisions based on emotion. >> maybe than will maybe somebody feel better. can't get it, peter said, good riddance. wait. a big week as we count down facebook, which we'll be doing "outfront." up next, the mother still breast feeding her 3-year-old son. you probably have seen her. i have it here. hold on. i have it here. yep. cover of "time" mag sooeng. you see her? jamie lynne grumet. guess what? she's "outfront" next. ♪ one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin, designed for many of women's health concerns as we age.
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and we're back with tonight's outer circumstance's. we reach out to our sources around the world and tonight we focus on molly. in the past two months this west african country has seen a coup overthrow the government and a separatist rebellion take control of the country. rebel groups linked to al qaeda and since the coup stepped up activity including kidnapping seven diplomats. the presidential candidate in elections that were supposed to take place two weekation but now who knows when they're going to happen. he's here in the u.s. meeting with potential donors and i asked how his country is dealing with the threat of al qaeda. >> it's a big challenge. it's a big challenge for the
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whole country. alone right now will not be able to kick al qaeda out of mali. we need support from nigeria or kenya. but they're rising because it's such a bbig territory in the no and they're finding safe haven, but this is happening because of the collaboration of the people living in the north including the rebels. they're working together, making an alliance and making sure that they strengthen each other in this region. >> a lot of people try to understand, you know, an organization like al qaeda. it used to be obviously be -- in afghanistan. talking about pakistan. now you talk about yemen and the arabian pennsylvaneninsula and africa. as the world tries to understand what's happening to al qaeda, is
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mali an important part of that? >> al qaeda in the islamic jere a bran area is a branch of al qaeda. it's because they are finding a safe haven. they have not committed, per se, crime mali, but eroding freedoms in mali. if we let them breathe in mali, they are going to take over our freedom, and that is very scary for malian people. we need to regain that and make sure that mali participates in the effort of kicking al qaeda out of the country. we need regional support, but we also need the support of all those that stand against islamic movement, like the extremist islamic movement. >> our fifth "outfront" story tonight. this. the cover of "time" magazine. that's 26-year-old mom jamie lynne grumet with her 3-year-old son. the cover story looks at 20
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ars since dr. william serious wrote "the baby book" that lays out his attachment parenting theory. attachment parenty includes breast feeding sometimes into toddlerhood, sleeping in the baby's bed. baby wearing, literally attaching the baby to the mother. you may have seen mothers wearing slings and not allowing an infant to cry. and jamie lynne is with us and jeffrey krueger the editor of the story. great to have you with us. jamie, let me start with you. i don't know when you made the decision to do this. did you know you would be on the cover or did all of a sudden you wake up and say, whoa. >> no. i definitely "time" contacted me. it was basically going to be possibly just for the article heading, and not for the cover story. so i didn't know basically until the day before. and i didn't know the photo until everybody else saw it for the first time too. so i didn't know which one would be selected. >> so are you p,su
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how do you feel? >> i know. i'm definitely -- i understand why "time" chose the photo they did, but i have seen a lot of backlash in, you know, breast feeding advocates saying it doesn't represent how real extended breast feeding is really perceived and it's true. that's not how we breast field at home. >> is he really breast feeding in the picture? >> yes. he's really breast feeding in the picture, but i think they just wanted to try out artistic poses and give a literal and artistic view of extending breast feeding. obviously, to start, you know, to make it controversial and start a dialogue, which i think they did. >> you're an editor. you want controversy. >> right. >> you got it. >> we got controversy. but i think it's important to remember, as jamie mentions, that the point of generating controversy is so that people will read the story. so that people will talk about the story. >> yes. >> attachment parenting can be
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very controversial. it does have issues associated with it. there are parents who say this is simply not what i am temperamentally equipped to do. it's not what my job will permit me to do. does this somehow make me a deficient parents? other parents committed to it say this is exhausting and a whole third group sap this is the greatest thing i ever could have imagined for my child. we want to present those sides. and the only way to get that into, to get people to do that is to get them to read the y,hi was written by one of our it kate pickard an ee okxhstnto this, and really got down into what the pros and cons of all of it are. >> so jamie, what are your thoughts of attachment parenting? i mean, are you doing all parts of it? is it fair to represent you they wa? >> doing most of it. definitely i think we do it to fit our lifestyle and every parent is different, every child is different. thapts the most important thing that is should -- my hope for doing this is to create the
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dialogue and perhaps take the stigma away from attachment parenting that, you know, it's clearly mothers are feeling stressed from all of the attacks that they're getting from it. so that's what i'm hoping, is that this will create enough dialogue to maybe educate people on why this is normal. >> now, it is interesting, there has been obviously incredible conversation on twitter. some defended you. deborah guerra said a mother knows what's best. paula wrote this, though, when he's1m lik this pre >> tnk that is a really -- it is a great thing to talk about, you know, the repercussions of what this will do to my child when he's older. but i was breast-fed by my mother until i was 6 years of feeding advocate and public about it. >> it is part of your childhood. do you remember it? >> yes, i do. she had public photos, never made it a dirty or secret act for me. by doing that and she stood up for what she believed in, caught
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a lot of flack in the '80s when she was doing this and i'm proud of her. and i'm doing it myself. so, you know, i think our family is, you know, out of all families, we can handle this and we knew it was coming so i understand and i appreciate the concern from other people, but our family is now a little bit -- a little bit different than the average family and we're going to -- >> very gracious in the way you address it. which is a very important point to make. >> may i add one thing to that. we heard that issue as well and we have seen it on our facebook posts and on twitter responses. and my response is how will it affect the child? well, i don't know. and the people asking the question don't know. but there is no human in the world who knows that boy better than his mama. and she would not let something bad happen to him. so my assumption is that she would not -- jamie would not have posed for this picture if she weren't confident there would be no negative
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repercussions. >> we weren't doing it for publicity because we knew the majority of it would be negative and nobody really wants to put that on their family. we were really doing this to hopefully educate people on how this should be -- i mean, other parenting practices should be accepted as well, but this one should be and there is no reason that people should be saying the things that they are and it is complete ignorance. >> you talked about being breast-fed until you 6. is that what you plan to do with your children as well? you have two children, right? >> i do. my adopted son is basically weaned himself. it is very natural process. my 3-year-old has started the process of self-weaning, i don't think we'll go past the fourth year with him. i self-weaned when i was 6 with my mother, and i don't necessarily remember weaning. so it was a very natural -- >> just happened. >> just happened, yeah. and then there is a great resources like dr. catherine debt weiler talks about the normal age of human weaning and that's a great resource for
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people to look at to see why it is biologically normal. >> another question a lot of people had, and obviously these are personal questions, but obviously a highly personal topic, but people say does it affect your intimacy, your personal life with your husband? >> no. i think it is funny that people say that about co-sleeping. it is -- >> the baby in the bed. >> right. it is like, well, i mean, this is a personal thing to say, but, i mean, if that's the only place you're doing it, i feel sorry for the people assuming that's, you know, that that's only place that that can happen. so not at all. and i think intimacy is extremely important in a marriage. and i think a strong marriage is going to be a great foundation to show your children how to be raised confident and happy and i had that with my family too. so my parents were great role models for me and that's why i'm confident in doing this. >> it is an amazing story. i have to say, it is courageous to put it on the cover, because you're right, you get a lot more hate than you get like. no question about it.
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and i'm sure you knew that going in as it sounds like you did, but you do certainly have a topic out there. so thanks so much to both of you. we appreciate it. so nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. thank you. and russian president vladimir putin flew off the g-8 summit. we found out what he's doing instead of meeting with the president. we'll tell you about it next. this is the smith family. we asked them to bring in their favorite dvds because want show them something new. you guys ready? yea! let's go go go! walmart can now convert your favorite dvds from disc to digital. no kidding. cool. ♪ now you can watch them on your laptop, tablet, phone... any time, anywhere.
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chicago. putin says he's too busy to attend the summit and go to camp david. and he'll be sending prime minister dmitry medvedev in his place. now, first we wondered what could be more important than, you know, the g-8. then we figured it out. hockey. putin is crazy about it. he picked the game up last year and since then it has become his latest obsession. according to the afp, putin is coached by top ex-players and when the first protests against his rule broke out in december, he was playing ice hockey. that's right. instead of dealing with civil unrest, putin was playing hockey and he's so into it that earlier this week he rented the moscow megasports stadium for a game of shinny between him, his friends and some of the greatest russian hockey players of all time. he even invited his long time friend silvio berlusconi to the game, who, yeah, you see that, he brought along a blonde translator, we're told. putin didn't disappoint. during the shootout, he scored
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the game winning goal to lead his team of amateurs over the russian legends. now, he skates a heck of a lot better than i do, but still i don't think that that would be kind of, you know, the kind of skating that would get the puck past the best goalie in the world. but it did. and do you really think he would want to talk policy with a bunch of stiffs at camp david when he can be doing that. it will take the promise of hockey to get putin there. we know our president and basketball, but it is important to get the g-8 in one room. maybe it is time for president obama to show putin he's a hockey fan too. how aboutoi to game. washington capitals play game seven tomorrow. you could be there. i'm sure you could get seats. the captain of the capitals is a russian, that's right. he is a russian. i believe he's a very popular jersey. my nephew thinks so. thanks so much for joining us. we're back monday at 7:00. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening, everyone. we begin tonight
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