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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  May 15, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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laughing at me. as for chris on jeopardy, by the end of the game, he was fed up with proper game show procedure. >> keanu reeves was in this capital -- >> what is beirut? >> what is beirut? i had that before chris said it. >> to heck with the buzzer. just start blurting out buzzers. and it's not a true game of jeopardy without a ke ya knew reeves question. chris matt use you are the champion on tonight's ridiculist. we'll see you one hour from now. another edition at 10:00 p.m. eastern. "piers morgan tonight" starts now. tonight, how the mighty have fallen. john edwards corruption trial. can his daughter save him from a prison seasons? i'll talk with gloria allred. plus a primetime exclusive. jane lynch gets personal.
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>> i have a really strong life. we have a child. if we're going to enter into this with a child, i want a piece of paper. >> star of glee opens up on lives and loves. >> sometimes i'm not in the script and i'm bereft. and the homeless man with the golden voice. >> people would remember me from those great days in radio and be like what happened, man? and i would always say smoke damage. >> the story of how he got clean and sober all over again. only in america. trading a mop and pail for a cap and gown. this is "piers morgan tonight." we'll get to the john edwards story in a moment. but i want to start with dramatic developments in the trayvon martin case.
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information that could, i repeat could, support george zimmerman's claims of injuries he received on the night. dan abrams is here. quite dramatic new evidence abc's unearthed. >> matt gutman has seen the medical records now of george zimmerman's own doctor. and the doctor's records indicate that george zimmerman appeared to have a broken nose, had lacerations on his head. just as many of his supporters have been alleging now for many months. the problem, of course, for george zimmerman is this doesn't necessarily clear him. it doesn't necessarily mean he's going to win. because the question still remains who started the altercation? >> isn't that the key question? >> it's absolutely the key. you can't start a fight, start losing the fight, and then use deadly force. that's not the way it works. >> this is george zimmerman's own doctor. >> that's right. >> so he knew him. >> yep. >> when do you think we treated
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him? >> this is the morning after. it was shortly thereafter. the doctor in the records talked about the possibilities there will be black eyes because of the injuries, et cetera. it seems according to this doctor, there clearly were injuries that george zimmerman endured. but, again, i think there's still a lot of questions that are going to have to be answered in connection with this case. >> certainly a fascinating development on that. i'm sure there'll be others. now to the corruption trial of john edwards. the defense could rest as early as tomorrow. the former presidential candidate is accused of using campaign money to hide his mistress and their daughter. joe jones joins us. bring me up to speed where we are right now. >> call this follow the money day, if anything. this was a day where they put an fbi agent on the stand, the defense did. just sort of tracked that $1 million in hush money that went to cover up this affair.
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what we found was a lot more of that money ended up going to the handlers of the mistress as opposed to the mistress herself. but the real action probably was behind the scenes. the talk by the defense is they might throw in the kitchen sink at the end of the trial, put john edwards on the stand. possibly the mistress rielle hunter though we think that's less likely. at the end of the day it keeps the prosecution guessing and whether there's disagreement on the defense team about whether it'd be a good idea to put him on the stand or just to sort of shut this thing down. >> and what about his daughter cate? there is a growing sense she may testify tomorrow. is that likely, do we think? >> we do think that's likely. and for a couple of reasons. first, she could certainly humanize john edwards. he's had his reputation taken through the mud during the prosecution case.
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there's also the substantive piece of that. she could testify about what her late mother was saying about this relationship. whether her late mother was the one who was very concerned about keeping so much information about the affair moving from the tabloids into the mainstream media as has been suggested by some others. because at the end of the day, that takes to the question of whether the intent was with john edwards to maintain his political career or whether the intent was to protect her family. >> fascinating. going to be a gripping day tomorrow. joining me now is attorney gloria allred and still dan abrams. what is your reaction to this whole case now given everywhere we've gone with it? tomorrow obviously may be the day the defense rests. is it likely they're going to chuck a hail mary pass? >> there's no way. they can't do it. in effect john edwards is a scoundrel and a liar, but he's not a criminal.
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the notion they're going to call that scoundrel and liar to the witness stand to try to convince the jurors of something to me seems to be beyond a long shot. it's interesting because many of the facts in this case aren't in dispute. both sides seem to agree about where the money went, that it didn't go through the campaign coffers, who got it, who were the middle people, et cetera. the ultimate question was getting into his head. >> gloria, given everything seen to date, would you be confident of a conviction now? >> well, i would always appear confident whether or not i was confident. obviously there is room for doubt. there are substantial questions that are raised. the issue is what did he know and when did he know it. did he know there was a scheme. did he know that he was violating the law? i agree with dan. i think it's highly unlikely that he's going to testify. i think it's highly unlikely
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also that rielle hunter will testify. but i do think it will be a smart move to call his daughter cate. she has strong bonds and strong feelings about her dad as she did also for her mom. >> and the reason to do that is to try and humanize john edwards, presumably who has taken a hell of a shellacking in the media and getting his daughter on the stand, perhaps getting emotional support for the father who we know was a liar and a cheat but may not have been a crook could be fundamental in swaying opinion of that. >> i do think that that would be important. she also may have been privy to some conversations that she will testify to. but also, it may be that she's going to be able to get in. that john edwards was there for her mother as her mother was dying. and that they are a family. there's still two young children
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at home. 14 and i think 12. this would -- she won't say it, but it would be clear if she went to prison, it would be leaving these two young children without either parent to care for them. >> dan? >> kind of a no lutz situation to call cate. if she knows something she can only help here. when you ask most legal analysts about this case, they don't know what to tell you about the outcome, about which way the jury's going to go. it is a kind of complicated question as to will they be able to demonstrate what was in edwards' head. >> gloria, the stakes are very high here. john edwards faces six criminal charges. if he's convicted on all six, he could get up to 30 years in prison and a heavy fine. it's the prison sentence. this was a man who was potentially going to be president now facing a very
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lengthy, possibly life-ending prison sentence. this couldn't be higher stakes for john edwards, could it? >> couldn't be higher stakes unless of course the death penalty were involved which of course it's not involved in this case. the question is did he violate the law. and that is a significant question. it's interesting the judge didn't think it was a complicated issue of law although the defense argues with that and argued that it would be reversible for the expert not to be able to get all of the testimony about the law and that the fec did not find it was a campaign contribution. and in fact there are other cases in which they also found that a payment to a mistress was not a campaign contribution. so it's going to be interesting. he does have a lot at stake. >> bottom line, this is a really unusual use of the law. it's almost never been used in
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this way as it's being used against john edwards. >> hence the unpredictability. >> yes. and hence, in a way, john edwards' best argument was i never should have been prosecuted at all. but once it gets into the jury's hands, that's why it's tough to know. because once you start saying that private donations can be considered campaign contributions, even if they didn't go through the john edwards for president fund, where does the line get drawn? >> yeah. >> when do you start -- when do you stop that process? this is what makes this such a tough case, such a unique case. and i think so frustrating to the edwards defense team. >> gloria, in terms of edwards himself and how he's come over by his presence in court, there's always been a sense of him appearing to be an arrogant man. they would have read the headlines before regardless of what they say, they have an impression of him. how will that count against him? i mean, you know juries better than most people.
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do they get swayed heavily by a man's misdemeanor? >> i think absolutely. jurors watch every movement of a defendant while he is in court. they even look at what he's wearing as well as what the attorneys are wearing. and is he smiling? is he appropriate in his demeanor as witnesses are testifying? is he making notes? is he not making notes? they look at everything. and who he's relating to. sometimes it's important to them as well. so i know that he as an experienced trial attorney is aware of what jurors may be thinking. even if they should not be taking certain things into account, they will be. and so that's always going to be a factor as far as john edwards is concerned. >> he probably wants to testify too. he probably -- as an experienced trial lawyer the way he is, you can imagine he's thinking to himself i've got to get up there and tell this story myself.
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but he's also got to know how dangerous that would be and all the reasons why it doesn't make sense for him to do it. >> they may even as we speak be locked in a room deciding. >> i don't believe that. if they're locked in a room they locked edwards in a room and said you cannot testify, you cannot leave. if you're his lawyer -- if he's insisting on testifying, lock him in that room. do not let him testify. in my view. >> i agree. i'm sure that abby lowell knows better than to let edwards testify. >> yes. keep john edwards quiet. thank you very much. going to be a gripping day tomorrow. next, i don't know what you know about jane lynch or what you think you know about her. i discovered a lot i find surprising. hey dad.
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when i was a little girl, i developed early. by the time i was 14 i had this body you're looking at. can you imagine that? >> i don't want to, no. >> well, needless to say, lot of male attention. >> yes. >> especially from our gardener havier.
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>> jane lynch stealing the show in "the 40-year-old virgin" she's also the hilarious sue sylvester in "glee." i'm going to get the real secrets out of jane lynch. she's got a book out, it's a paperback called happy accidents. you're now in the right chair. we invited you to come and replace me in a week off i had earlier and you were waringly good. i needed to send you straight back. >> i'm in my place. and thank you very having me. >> my staff said you behaved like a diva. ring familiar? >> it's my style, yes. it is. and thank you for matching your tie to my book. >> i thought it was going to be a purple gleeful fest. and our set is a little gleeful. >> i love your set. i think it's the best talk show
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set on television. >> i like that. is that a compliment? >> it is. >> doesn't mean i'm good, just means the set is wonderful. >> i think you're very good. >> tell me about the big story at the moment that's very relevant to your life. the whole issue of gay marriage. president obama coming out last week to endorse same-sex marriage. almost as significantly today jay-z has today done the same thing to an audience that perhaps wouldn't be overly receptive to that, his fan base. what do you think of what's going on with this whole issue right now? >> well, this is the first time i've taken it personally. i kind of view it as the issue. and when my president stood up and said that he believes that i and my family should have the same rights, it blew me away. >> where were you when you knew he'd done it? >> i was in the car and my wife texted me. she said he did it.
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wow. it was a visceral thing. >> emotional? >> a very emotional moment. nothing's going to happen because he said this, really. most politics are calculus anyway. but just the fact that he said it and there was a risk in his saying it -- i don't know. it's just -- it's just nice to hear that the guy who's sitting in the big chair in the big white house believes -- supports me and my family. >> there are various critics of this. there are the -- let's be honest, the homophobes. then there are the critics that i have sympathy with. i was born a catholic like you. intds people who have strong religious beliefs and have been taught a certain way, they feel uneasy. and the president himself said he'd been on a journey about this. we'll get to your own
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experience. but what do you say to the people who aren't bigots but who have been brought up to believe in a religious matter this is fundamentally not what the bible says is right. >> well, i don't -- i personally don't look to the bible as an authority document. it's a flawed document and it's also an inspired beautiful document. i think that if your dogma, and i call it dogma if it's getting in the way of the golden rule. treat others the way you want to be treated. and i think when you get to know more gay people and you're sitting in the presence of them and you realize there's really -- if there's anything wrong with me, it has nothing to do with my orientation. i have a lot of flaws but being gay isn't one of them. it's not a flaw. >> how much of bigotry is basically ignorance, do you think? >> there are a lot of smart people that are bigoted. but you can be really smart in
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areas. if you hang on to a religious belief or a dogma and start separating people because of that dogma, i think it's a waste of time. it doesn't help anybody. >> people say why does it matter so much to you to have the same rights with marriage as a straight couple, what would you say to people who say that? >> why shouldn't i, i would ask the question back to them. why should i be different? i used to not care about marriage until i fell in love and wanted to get married. i said that's for straight people. also my own internalized homophobia. saying that's for the straight people, not nor me. i have a strong wife saying no it's for us too. we have a child and if we're going to enter into this with a child, i want a piece of paper. and that made sense to me. >> in the book you talk about your life. i was fascinated by -- one of the arguments i've had about this issue, and i have strong
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feelings about it very in line with what you've been saying. was i accept there are various levels of tolerance i have for the critics for the reasons i discussed with you. -- different and you were probably gay. tell me about that emotional experience. >> the first time i heard the word gay and what it meant, two of my friends were twins and they were talking about how they go to south florida and sometimes guys walk on the beach holding hands and their gay. they say they're gay together. immediately my stomach dropped. i said i have that. i have the girl version of that. i felt like i was given the diagnosis of a disease. and then i go on to find that indeed in psychiatric manuals at that time, it was considered a mental and emotional affliction. that made me feel different,
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broken. i didn't know -- >> like you were sick? >> like i was sick. and i couldn't tell anybody because there was so much shame around it. i didn't know anybody else who was gay. and this was all through high school. nobody talked about it. no one would admit to it. so i felt completely alone in it. so i really understand kids who don't live in los angeles or chicago or new york who feel so alone in their own shame and can't say anything about it. i feel for them. >> and the moment this came to you with your parents, you were in your early 20s? >> i was in my 30s. i was 32. >> you waited a long time. >> yes. i sent the later. my mom read it to the dad and
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said jany's gay. and he said is that bad? no. they loved each other very much and they never talked about this, but they both said later on after the smoke cleared that they both suspected but they never talked about it. they were afraid for me. they were afraid for the choices i would have, the life i would have to live. one of the things i say in the book is living a normal life was up there with food and shelter for my mother. you want to live a normal life. like when i found out i was deaf in one ear and i heard her whisper to the doctor, will she lead a normal life? i always had that in my mind. >> one thing parents of that generation would do is worry about my daughter can never get marry or have children. you have both. >> i have both. >> that's another great reason, i believe, this debate is wonderful. it removes that fear from parents parents' lives.
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they don't have to worry about their children being deprived. >> who wants their kid to grow up in a world where they're not accepted for who they are? that's a horrible thing to be worried about for your kids. and i think that that was the biggest thing for my parents. you know, when they finally realized that they were afraid for me. at this point i was 32 years old and i was living a wonderful life. i had a nice little career going. they weren't so worried about it. had i come out at 18, different story. >> let's take a short break. i want to come back and talk about "glee" and talk about best in show which is one of my all time favorite movies. i loved that film. >> oh, good. >> it was brilliantly dark. >> dark. good. you saw the dark. you got the undertones. >> love the darkside. >> announcer: this is the day. the day that we say to the world of identity thieves "enough." we're lifelock, and we believe you have the right to live free from the fear of identity theft. our pledge to you? as long as there are identity thieves, we'll be there. we're lifelock.
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oh, becky. commercials aren't real life. advertisers are manipulative alcoholics. haven't you seen madmen? >> no. >> neither have i. be realistic. you just didn't have the votes. for starters, your poster sent a bit of a mixed message. zb but this paint brush doesn't
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have spell check, coach. >> and second, i mean this as a compliment. you're a bitch, becky. >> jane lynch in her role on "glee." you've got the best lines on television. >> i do. i'm so lucky. >> you lucked out with this role. >> ian brennan, thank you so much. >> just brilliant lines. that was a classic. >> yeah. good stuff. >> do you like the role? >> i do. i adore getting the script every week. sometimes i'm not in the script and i'm bereft. i adore it. ian brennan is just the best writer in the world. >> many look at you and see "glee." i look at you scene think "best in show" which was one of me top favorites. i often watch it just to make myself laugh. it brings this sort of dark comedy, it's weird. it's hilarious. but it's just a great movie. >> it is. it's a well made comedy. it's spontaneous.
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we don't have any script. christopher geist had it come together. >> looking back, how lucky were you that fame came to you late? >> late. >> the problem with fame is when it hits you at 21 and you suddenly have all the money you need, all the drugs available, all the booze, all the rest of it and you're only 21. very different. >> when you have all the drugs you want when you're 51, yeah. >> you went through problems but not when you were famous. >> no. >> there's a difference. >> there sure is. >> what do you think? >> if i had gotten famous at 21 or 31, i guess i was starting to get famous at 41. i would have been blown by this winds of public opinion. twitter and facebook and the internet were around, i would probably be scouring it for people's opinions about me and i would be lifted when they love me and absolutely destroyed if they didn't love me.
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and, you know, that doesn't happen for me now. >> do you not read that stuff? >> every once in awhile i'll look at it. i'm not affected by it. yeah, i kind of know who i am at the end of the day. i think when i was younger i did not. >> you have been sober how long now? >> 20 years. >> do you ever miss it? >> not at all. >> partying, drinking? >> no. i didn't like partying when i was partying. i'm not a party person, but i was a drinking person. i liked that one on one in a tavern. i'm from the south side of chicago and going to the neighborhood tavern and getting loaded. >> you felt you were drinking too much. >> i was addicted. no, i was addicted. i'm drinking coffee right now. i'm an addictive person. i know that about myself. and that's why i can't have a glass of wine and can't pick up a cigarette and every once in awhile i do and i'm always sorry. it kind of wakes up the monster. >> is it incredibly hard? is it a constant battle? not at all.
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i'm now sober longer than i drank. it's a habit. being sober is a habit. i love being sober. i had terrible hangovers. everybody got loaded at our house and everybody had horrible hangovers the next day and i was like i remember that. i completely remember being poisoned from booze and i don't need that anymore. but it's not hard, not at all. >> what do you think of fame? >> that's a good question and a big question. i'll try to answer it simply. i think that people project things on to other people. sometimes it makes them feel good for that. i love it when people come up to me because they love the show. they love "glee." i love it when it makes a 14-year-old girl feel good about herself or a gay kid feel good about themselves.
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does all this make up for the loss of anonymity? >> i'm still pretty anonymous. i still go out and do my errands. i'm not that famous. >> you're keen on your politics. there's an election coming. >> yes. >> what is your view of the way the battle has been fought so far? >> we have this super pac thing, i could almost cry. it was an awful decision by the supreme court. >> president obama having said he was totally against it then -- >> he has the play the game. >> does he have to? >> yes. he does. he does. >> i'm not convinced. >> you're not convinced, tell me why. >> if president obama stood back and said i'm not playing this game. you can spend hundreds of millions -- billions if you want, chucking nonsense at me on television. i'm telling the american people i will not play that game. i think he would get a lot of respect for that. >> i think he's maybe the one
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politician in history who may have the power to do that. i guess i just don't have as much faith in the electorate to not buy into the terrible ads that would be run. >> scale of 1 to 100 how has he done? >> i don't know to grade him. i've not sat in the oval office. i do not know what he has to deal with on a daily basis. i will say this. i think he's wicked smart. i think he's sane and wants what's best for the country. and he probably makes mistakes. i know he's done some great things. i have great faith in him, but i think our system is deeply flawed and deeply broken. you know, he's kind of presiding over a sad state of affairs, i guess. >> terribly depressing way to end an interview with something from "glee." it's been lovely to meet you. and come back here and sit in
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this chair. >> i would love to. >> the staff loved you. preferred was one of the words. lovely to meet you. >> lovely to meet you. coming up, my exclusive with the man with the golden voice. ted williams. his dark days as a homeless crack addict. those surprising little things she does still make you take notice. there are a million reasons why. but your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready.
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from the street corner to a youtube superstar. ted williams went from homeless to a household name because of the voice of his. he is now an author of "a golden voice." welcome. >> thank you so much for having me, mr. morgan. >> do you feel slightly surreal that your life has brought you now to a show like this? cnn, primetime talking about your life. given where you've come from. >> i think the overwhelming part of it all has lessened, but yes it still is like my god, when it is going to stop. i feel so grateful. >> you feel like you got a second chance. >> yes, a second chance is definitely what i've gotten. >> you've written this book "a
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golden voice." obvious title. i remember when i first heard that, you have mixed feelings about it when you watch it yourself. i want to set the scene really for what happened before that. because your life for a long time was pretty good. you know, you grew up in new york. you were born in brooklyn, happy childhood. you spent three years in the u.s. army. >> that's correct. >> you went to school for acting, voice acting. you fell in love with broadcasting. you got a job in radio. you worked your way up to the number one deejay in columbus, ohio. you become a husband and a father. everything's good. then it all goes horribly wrong. why? >> i would like to say i didn't have god in my life. i knew he blessed me with the golden voice but i didn't appreciate it as a god given
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gift. so i took everything for granted. i thought i had it coming to me. the success and everything. i just didn't take it seriously enough. i lost the -- i lost hope. really i did at that point. >> what was the trigger for the downward spiral? when did it start going down for you? >> i had taken on a relationship with someone else, i had more children while still married to my first wife. and i had children. so that was the turning point. i just left one woman holding the bag, so to speak with other children then took on another life and had some more children. >> and what? that created just a sort of, an unbearable pressure? >> more or less, yeah. people were coming to me from time to time, ted how could you leave this situation and take on another situation? you hadn't even resolved this situation. then people just didn't look at me in a very respectful manner. like oh, he's just a playboy now. taking the family aspect of it
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all out. >> you got into drugs. what was the first time for you? >> in 1988. as a congratulatory offer, my friends congratulated me for having my first son. i had four daughters previously. as being the father of a newborn boy, that was a happy moment. but it was laced with crack cocaine. they referred to them as primos. marijuana and crack cocaine. i kind of liked it. i thought it could be recreational. i didn't think i was that weak of a person to fall victim to an intense addiction. >> but it became that. >> yes, it did. very much so. i no longer cared about my career or anything. >> ruined your career. >> yeah. >> it ruined your relationship with the woman you were with. >> yes. >> you'd already ruined the marriage that was already there but hadn't been formally ended. and you end up homeless.
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>> 1993. >> the first time that you began to walk the streets as a homeless man -- >> in 1993. >> right. for somebody that had been to such hieleights, how did that f? >> it was terrible. i would go into soup kitchens, so to speak, and people would remember me from those great days in radio. and it would be like what happened, man? and i would always say smoke damage. >> broke your mother's heart. you tell the story in the book. she sends you money to go to your father's funeral and you spend it on drugs and don't go. >> yeah. >> when you look back on that, was that the lowest points? >> it's one of them. the one that sticks out the most was when i was getting ready to feed my kids. after three weeks of not having a balanced home cooked meal, we had just gotten food stamps and we went to the grocery stores
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and the kids sat in the cart and they were so happy to get this food. and they're watching all of the various items we were putting in. they were even picking items. my son grabbed some grapes. back to the house to unpack the grapes and everything, my son was eating them liberally because he was happy to get these grapes. he hadn't seen grapes for awhile. and on my way in the door i ran into a dope dealer that said i got heart white. i did the craving issue. i went back to the house and repacked all the groceries to put them back in the bag to take them back to the store. and as my son's seeing us take these items back, he's stuffing his mouth full of grapes like they're not going to get these few and we took the food back and got the dope. they ate a baa lloney sandwich. >> what's fascinating about this and why it resonated with people
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is i guess people have a view of a conventional homeless person. they're not like you. you know? they're not as articulate, perhaps, well educated. they haven't been as successful normally. i don't want to generalize too much. but you don't fit the bill of a classic homeless person. if i say that, am i wrong? the people that you met on the streets, did you meet other people with similar stories to you? >> sure. >> does it no any class, homelessness? >> none whatsoever. with the housing market the way it is today, somebody's just a step away from being in that position. there were a lot of people, very talented, very gifted. but the acknowledgment of god along with that, you lose this sense of spirituality. >> you had how many children
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through this? >> nine. even girls and two boys. >> many would argue that the path you chose was incredibly selfish. would you agree with that? >> at times, yes, sir. i didn't think about it then, but i look back now, yes, i was very selfish. i just felt that since i wasn't able to be the father that they wanted or dreamed of having or like their friends in school had or whatever, that, you know, i might as well let god take care of it. let the mothers take care of it. >> let's take a short break. when we come back, i want to play the video that captured everybody's hearts and talk about how your life has been since that exploded to that around the world. this is an rc robotic claw.
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take control of your portfolio today. trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up to $600 when you open an account. hey, want to make your work for your dollar. say something with that great radio voice. >> when you're listening to nothing but the best of oldies you're listening to magic 8.9. thank you so much. god bless you. thank you. we'll be back with more right after these words. >> that's the remarkable video that went viral that made ted williams an overnight sensation. it was an amazing thing to watch. it was so surprising. there's this homeless guy and you have that voice. a voice that had brought you great commercial success and all the stuff that went with the
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success and had become a talent that was completely underused, not used at all. did you have any idea when you did that little video for that guy how your life may possibly change? >> none whatsoever. none whatsoever. i stood there on that corner a long time before that gentleman, doral chenoweth. i had been on that corner every single day -- no one even asked me to to it for camera phones. i thought it was a way to get some quick money for the little snippet. i had no idea about youtube. >> when did you first realize it was beginning to take off? >> well, actually on january 4th of last year, i got a call. i had a little cell phone and i got a call on that corner. dave and jimmy of a local raid year station, syndicated program. somebody called and said dave and jimmy are looking for the homeless guy with the great
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voice. and i -- you know, maybe somebody else, traffic director or somebody like that. there are some guys who use hey, how are you? but it was me and i identified myself when i called the radio station and the rest is history. >> owhat are the challenges for you do you think? >> i'm still -- the obsessions and the desires. they come and go. you know, i surround myself by -- with great people. great people. unfortunately last year i had a few situations where i wasn't. but this time around my second chance -- other second chance i've been able to be around great people. i have a great attorney, brett adams out of columbus, ohio. and my sober companion, eric harding. these are people -- i don't have a big camp of people. those three people. >> what is your message to the homeless people you met along the way or those you never met?
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let's be honest through an amazing stroke of luck, this guy comes around and happens to video you. goes out on youtube and the rest is history. to those who haven't had that stroke of luck, what is your message to them? >> keeping the faith that there is still a chance for a second chance or maintaining hope and a desire to do better at some point. when i was standing there on that corner, i didn't have no idea that anything like this would have happened, but i still had a smile to give. i still had this god-given golden voice. i had those things. i lost hope with having them, so i prayed about it. every day the prayers got more and more abundant. and then eventually, the stealing became less. the crack smoking became less. as i was standing there, i was used to spoking $250 a day worth of crack.
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i could make that money insta instantly. but god said you stand on that corner and give me reverence right there. sometimes i wouldn't make more than $30, but it wasn't the $250 that i could really make. but every day is a challenge. keep the faith. keep the hope and keep the initiative to do better. >> well, ted, it's a great book. great to have you back. what i want you to do, i would normally read the next bit, but i think i want you to turn around, look into the -- >> okay. >> which one? okay, ted, i would like you to do the next phrase, please. in the inititable ted style. >> coming up next, "only in america." >> this could only have happened in america. ted, great to you meet you. best of luck.
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for tonal tonight's only in america, trading in a pail for a cap and gown. the promise of a better life here is not only impossible these days, but let one reef's
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journey put those doubts to rest. he didn't speak a word of english, he took high school classes and hoped to graduate from college. he asked a best friend what's the best university in new york? and he was told it was columbia. so he went to the campus and applied for a job as a custodian. he was hired. that was in 1993. seven years later, he was enrolled a as a student, got to scrub the floors all day and he studied on the way home on the train. ancient greek was tough. and this week he graduated with honors from the ivy league school, celebrated with a brandy and a pledge to keep on working and learning. >> i had all the clean bathrooms, two or three more years and get the master's, then get a lot of more money and