tv Starting Point CNN May 18, 2012 4:00am-6:00am PDT
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his head bleeding, nose busted up, getting a first look at to what george zimmerman appeared like after he shot and killed strf of interest and martin's surprise autopsy report. new details into the fight to get back the only american soldier ever to be taken alive by the taliban, including the terror group saying it's been waiting years to "hunt down such an important bird." that's how they describe bowebebow bowe bergdahl. good to see you. our "starting point" point, today is the day in a matter of hours the ticker symbol fb will appear on the nasdaq and facebook will be a publicly traded company. price $38 a share, valuing
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facebook for $100 billion. ceo and founder mark zuckerberg expected to make something like $20.3 billion, co-founder eduardo saverin $$2.6 billion. here is a clip from "the social network." >> you signed the papers. >> you set me up? >> you're going to blame me because you were the business head of the company and you made a bad business deal with your own party? >> this will be like i'm not a part of facebook. >> it won't be like. you're not part of facebook. >> a lot of controversy surrounding eduardo saverin, renounced his u.s. citizenship, moved to singapore, a country with no taxes on capital gains. this move estimated to reduce his tax bill by a cool $67 million and that has two senators so, so peeved, so upset they want legislation to make
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people like severin pay. >> sarerin turned his back on the country that welcomed him and kept him safe, educated and helped him become a billionaire. this is a great american success story gone horribly wrong. eduardo saverin wants to defriend the united states of america, just to avoid paying taxes, and we aren't going to let him get away with it. >> democratic senator bob casey of pennsylvania is one of two senators who introduced the ex-patriot act. senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> i know we're talking a lot about eduardo saverin in particular but if there was one catalyst for you all to draft this legislation, this ex-patriot act, what was it? >> well, certainly, this is the most egregious example that we know of, but there are more than 1,700 other people who have done the same thing, and the basic
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thrust of this legislation says that if you expatriate yourself, in other words leave the country, renounce your citizenship, the legislation would provide a 30% tax on the gains that would you get, any kind of future investment gains if, and this is the key thing, if the irs were to determine that the reason you left was for a substantial tax purpose. if they make that finding, and it has to be an objective finding, then the tax would apply. >> you can never return to u.s. soil, that's the other part of the end of that legislation. but so what i'm hearing is really it was saverin's story that caused you to draft the legislation, it was his story, that he's w that's why? correct? >> sure, and that's surely the case with me. we know some people have to leave the country for he wilegie
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reasons. if we allow people the benefit of living in the united states, in this case someone who was educated here and then allow them to go without any consequence when the reason they're leaving is because of taxes to avoid the payment of taxes, in this case tens of millions of dollars just for one individual i think we've got to be much tougher and hold them much more accountable. >> sure and i'm sure a lot of people agree with you. i want to get saverin's perspective. he says "i am obligated to and will pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes to the united states government. it is unfortunate that my personal choice has led to a public debate, based not on the facts, but entirely on speculation and misinformation." i could see the counter argument that the way this legislation is written, one could perceive it as really you're seen as guilty until proven innocent. >> well, i don't agree with that assessment, but i would expect
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him to say what he did say, but here's the key thing. this legislation is focused on future investment earnings, so if when he has a substantial gain because of the success of facebook, in the future, then we'll see what he does with that. and if he pays all his taxes, he doesn't have to be concerned about this legislation, but if he is going to try to avoid paying taxes, i think we've got to have measures in place to hold him accountable. >> "wall street journal" op. ed, "the way we continue to be a magnet for the best and brightest, is not to impose soviet-style exit taxes to punish people who want to leave the country. that is what oppressive and demagogic regimes do. and it's umilliating to see u.s. senators posture in such a fashion." are we hurting ourselves as a country by imposing such rules,
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such legislation? we want people to be here. >> not at all. not at all. i completely disagree with "the wall street journal" and that probably wouldn't surprise them. for this reason. we have lots of people who come into this country and make a lot of money, and they pay their taxes. it's very simple. when you're an american citizen, when you benefit from the united states, the bounty of this country, you ought to pay your taxes and if you leave, this isn't just taking a trip around the world, he's renounced his citizenship. he should pay for that. and we should have the benefit of some measure of support for the priorities here in the united states. so this will not be a disincentive. we have people moving into the united states all the time trying to make money. we're happy about that and we want to welcome them, but when you live in this country for a period of time, make a lot of money and then renounce your citizenship and go to singapore
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to take advantage of their tax laws, i think there should be a consequence for that. >> sure, singapore, no capital gains. >> trying to make ends meet in a tough economy. >> he says he's not alluding the taxes. we'll see if he pays the $67 million. we'll follow it and i know will you as well. thank you, sir, appreciate it. dramatic new details revealed in the trayvon martin shooting as the evidence is now being released in the public. police photos of george zimmerman clearly showing an injury to his nose as well as see this here, very bloody scalp in the hours after his deadly encounter with martin, and the official autopsy on martin showing traces of marijuana in his system. let's go to john zarrella, following the story for us. walk me through a little bit more about this evidence. what are we to glean from this? >> brooke, about 200 pages released and i think a lot of what we're seeing validates things that were leaked out, things that we had heard since the february 26th shooting. other things that are coming
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out, including the 7-eleven video that was released, showing the last moments that trayvon martin was alive, when he was in that 7-eleven buying the skittles and the iced tea before he walks back to the neighborhood, where ultimately he's confronted by the neighborhood watchman, george zimmerman, and is shot. now, we also have an image taken from a cell phone camera, by a police officer at the scene, after the shooting. it's the only image taken of george zimmerman at the scene. the photo that you just showed a moment ago was one of several that were taken later, when zimmerman was at the police station that show his bloody back of his head, his nose that appeared to police officers to have been broken as well. now, one of the interesting things we heard, and read in some of these documents, witness
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statements. in the witness statements, brooke, that i read, all of them indicated that they heard the cries for help. all of them indicated that they heard what they thought was a gunshot, but none of them saw exactly what happened. in fact, one of the witnesses says that he or she saw a man on top of another man punching the man. the witness then runs upstairs to get a better view out of the upstairs window, on the way up, hears the gunshot, looks out and sees the other man, the man who was doing the hitting, on the ground, and that's the man that's dead. so lots of new information that we're still poring over. >> lots of information, 200 pages and a matter of was this self-defense, was it not? john zarrella appreciate it. we go to christine romans, see what else is happening on this friday. >> a lot happening on this friday, brooke. world leaders arife at camp david for the start of the g-8 summit. iran, syria, afghanistan and the european financial crisis all on
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the table. there will be a few new faces including newly elected french president hollande, japanese prime minister noda. security will be very tight when president obama and 50 heads of state arrive in the windy city sunday for a nato summit. today f-16 war planes and other military aircraft will buzz the city as part of a defense exercise ahead of the summit. police expect large anti-nato protests. john edwards' fate is in the hands of a jury. we'll determine whether the former north carolina senator is guilty six counts of campaign fraud and conspiracy. he's adues ccused of using campaign cash to cover up an affair. his lawyer's closing argument urging the jury to separate sin from criminal behavior. ceo jamie dimon agreeing to testify before congress in the wake of the bank's massive $2
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billion trading loss. it has ignited a political debate over whether large u.s. banks should be reined in by regulators or we need new laws. it's not clear when dimon will appear before the senate banking committee. celebrating the life and legacy of donna summer who died yesterday after a battle with cancer. she was 63. summer was the queen of disco. she had 19 number one hits. her music was the soundtrack of a generation. fellow artists say she will be missed. >> we really lost somebody who was great and such an important artist of her time, of a particular type of music that was so important to america's pop cultural history. >> i admire her so much. she's one of the people who i admired growing up, her voice when she'd hit a certain tone, it would just get into your gut and sort of in your heart and just rattle it to make you feel all these different ways. she has that, she had that ability and that gift.
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>> donna summer's family says she was a woman of many gifts and her greatest gift was her faith, brooke. >> 63, too young. too young. christine, thanks. still ahead this morning, on "starting point," new developments while you were sleeping, police make an arrest after they say a fake cop killed two people on the highway. plus, trading gitmo detainees for our guy, the secret talks to save the only american soldier taken alive by the taliban and what the taliban sources are saying about his capture. we'll leave with you a little bit of donna summer "love to love you baby" you're watching "starting point." ♪ i love to love you, baby
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i'm scared. i'm scared i won't be able to go home. >> that was sergeant bowe bergdahl, that was back in 2009. keep in mind, he is the only american soldier ever to be taken alive and held by the taliban ever since the u.s. war began in afghanistan in october of 2001. now, we learned recently from bergdahl's parents in idaho, these secret negotiations were going on between the u.s. and the taliban to release their son. the deal would have included releasing five men being held at gitmo, returning them back to the taliban but those negotiations have now stalled and there are all these details in this new story detailed in this week's "time" magazine and "time" international's editor
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jim frederick edited the story. good morning to you and welcome. >> good morning. >> it's quite an article. >> thanks. >> in the fact that they came, it seems, so close. >> yes. >> to getting their son back. >> absolutely. >> how close did they get? >> very close. the deal broke down within a couple of days of the release and i think the most interesting part of why the deal broke down, there's a big split. >> the factions. >> the factions. >> the older and the younger. >> there's a generational split. >> explain. >> most interesting about it is, after ten years of war with the united states, the younger generation of the taliban, the up and coming leadership is more radical than the older lead leadership so the current leaders of the taliban or this particular unit of the taliban wanted to do the deal, and the younger leadership who have been radicalized by ten years of war say no deal, threat on it walk out and split the taliban further than it already is and that's why the deal broke down. >> quoting part of this to your point about conflicting views, taliban members talking to your
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reporter there is to the magazine, "we told them we are willing to announce a cease-fire but you should start pulling out all the foreign forces and tell the world invading afghanistan was your mistake, but they did not agree. the u.s. saw it differently, told you all "the taliban refused to agree to the terms to require for a transfer so they walked away." it was a matter of days. >> it was a matter of days and there were points at which the united states did not agree with the taliban demands and a certain aspect of at poll gee the united states was not going to agree to. this is the first time we've learned it's the younger generation that's more radical. >> and also the taliban sees the value in having this bowe bergdahl in their captivity and custody. >> absolutely. >> this is the quote that jumped out at me "we had been waiting for years and years and years to hunt down such an important bird, once he fell into our hands, then we knew how to keep him safe and sound."
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talk a little bit more about the details of the captivity. we were talking during break, i was fascinated by the sense of pastoon hospitality. they want to keep him alive because's's valuable. >> it's more than a trophy. he's one of their most important bargaining chips which is one of its reasons that this whole episode has become so important is, if you think back to the iraq war, it's sort of interesting, soldiers were captured every once in a while, most of them wound up dead within days. taliban is far smarter than al qaeda in iraq or any of the sunni insurgents in iraq and they realize that these guys are way more valuable alive than they are dead, so they've kept him alive for more than three years. >> and part of this hospitality is that bowe bergdahl is eating exactly what his captors are giving themselves. >> they've also released several proof of life videos. and he is a captive, he's a prisoner of war. any american wants him back. at the same time, all things
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considered, he's being treated fairly well. he is being given the same food that his captors eat and as we were talking about, there's this notion of guest friendship and hospitality. >> guest friendship and hospitality with the taliban. >> how strange. >> you have to be kidding me. >> how strange that is, yes. >> interesting in the article, too, talks about the father, bob bergdahl living in the mountains aal gee to the mountains in afghanistan, pakistan, and also the fact that he's learning pashtu, why? >> he's grown out his beard. trying to give indication, it's his son, trying to give any indication whatsoever he's sympathetic to the taliban's plight. not that he necessarily agrees with them but trying to appeal to their humanitity. one of the first lessons of hostage training is that you try to identify with your captor on a very personal level, because you don't want them to kill. it's clear bowe is doing that and his father is, too. >> the question now is where does this stands? 'an election year, bob bergdahl is cognizant of the fact.
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saying this, "we have a window of opportunity in afghanistan, and that window is not going to wait for a national election to come to an end. i don't think we can count on the dynamics on the ground in afghanistan to be the same in november as they necessarily are now. this is a war, and war doesn't wait on politics." we know the administration maintains they don't negotiate with terrorists. where does this go next? these people want their son back. >> they've clearly been negotiating with terrorists. that's bun one of the great not misperceptions but one of the things the united states government says and then something the united states government goes. they've been negotiating with the taliban for months, if not years and mr. bergdahl we have to have sympathy because he has been waiting for three years and only become public recently and "time" has been sitting on this story for three years, we've been in negotiations with state and pentagon and only because of
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a small paper in idaho decided to break this self-imposed -- >> silence. >> -- embargo. it wasn't a secret but hasn't been a major media story until now and mr. bergdahl is frustrated and desperate. >> wouldn't you be? >> of course. >> wouldn't you be? jim frederick, "time" international editor. >> good to be here. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. still ahead here on "starting point," will cain's eye in today's news, bombshell spy, anna chapman, look inside her $3,000 chanel bag, really, will, talking about chanel bags this morning and other goodies you can apparently check out with the rest of our panel. >> that's right. >> the lovely margaret hoover and john avalon. "time marches on" it's friday, perfect. i love cash back.
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♪ oh what can i do, yeah love these guys out of akron, ohio, the black peas, this is off the last album. you're digging this john? >> i dig black peas and ohio. >> that's where my grandmother is. >> there you go. >> john avalon, cnn contributor, senior political columnist, "newsweek" and "the kayly beast" and your other half, we're outing you folks, they are married. >> better half. >> the better half. >> march great hoover. >> i don't know about that. >> cnn contributor, author, american individualism, former bush white house inner governmental affairs associate director.
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>> cute two-shot. >> first time on a cnn panel together on cnn. >> will cain columnist good morning. >> this is the fun part you get to hold up your papers and tell me what you love. mr. avalon? >> i'm kind of into this fallout from the joe rickett story in the "the new york times" the fred davis famed republican ad-man pitching how they take out barack hussein obama by bringing back jeremiah wright. >> did they have in mind some radio -- >> larry elsner, people thought they were electing a metro sexual black abe lincoln but instead got a late '60s radical. the fallout is fascinating. >> hold on honey, i have one more thought. >> take it away. >> the fallout all of a sudden,
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rick, a hard core libertarian republican and interesting guy, successful self-made man is asking the city of chicago for $300 million to help rebuild wrigley because he owns the cubs. i'm a big baseball fan but i got to tell you there will aba lot of interesting fallout because this presentation really pulled the curtain back on this sleazy sub culture we'll see in the superpack economy. >> you would think republicans have access to the best polling out there, swaying independents, women and minorities not going to win them over. >> margaret hoover what do you have? >> one of the great honors was to serve george w. bush in the white house and he has an op. ed in "the wall street journal" about the arab spring reminding people in the middle east, difficult times as people build new democracies we need as the united states to do things to help them strengthen their civil institutions, civic institutions and create societies of
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pluralism. >> good reminder, op. ed. you're shaking your head. >> what is wrong with these people? what got your attention in ten seconds looking through the newspaper. jpmorg jpmorgan's loss got my attention, but you pick up the "new york post" now that got my attention. >> leather pants on ana chapman. >> real live super spy, russian spy. >> you know they make a doll after her. >> bond girl, a chanel bag as you talked about earlier, $2,500 chanel bag with spy gear intact, super computer going to be on display at the discovery times square museum and this, my friends is something that gets your attention. >> let me put my job off the table. that is amazing, the discovery museum. >> if she had been here another six months according to h. keith melton, she would have been the
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most dangerous spy in american history. >> and she has her own barbie doll. >> imagine that on your resume pretty cool/evil. still ahead, financing a terror attack, who is financing al qaeda and how congress plans to cut off the cash. a basket brawl, james harden elbows and revenge, look at it again, hmm, boom! or an accident? you're watching "starting point."
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james willy and intend to charge him with murder. they say willy had a gun which matched the one used in the two separate shootings that left a man and woman dead and terrified drivers across the state. authorities suggest the shooter was impersonating a police officer. supreme court justice stephen breyer robbed for the second time this year. officials say his home in washington was broken into and burglarized earlier this month. no one was home at the time. back in february breyer was robbed by a machine darrying a machete at his vacation home in the caribbean. the plot thickens on the possible ufo sighting in denver. the faa found no evidence of an unidentified aircraft or any other flying object flying over the city. jet pilot radioed a control pilot claiming he almost crashed into a mystery object, possibly remote controlled aircraft. the faa says it didn't show up on radar and no other pilot reported seeing it. counting down to the launch of the first commercial rocket
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on a veioyage to the internatiol space station, set to lift off at 4:55 a.m. eastern time tomorrow morning from the kennedy space center in florida. it's a major first step in nasa's plan to turn over space station missions to commercial enterprises. u.s. stock markets are poised to open higher this morning, something else is going on, i wonder what -- oh, facebook, that's right, the ipo, a little bit of buzz about that. there's concern on wall street about the sovereign debt problems in europe and those worries are pushing european markets lower today. getting payback on world peace, oklahoma city's james harden snuck in an elbow on metta world peace as the thunder beat the lakers in game two of the playoff series. world peace sold it but it wasn't that serious. few weeks ago metta world peace threw an elbow knocked out harden and sent him to the
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sidelines with a concussion. i think the refs will be watching. i don't know what the style book says about that, metta world peace. >> that is not retribution. that is accident and we'll have james lipton i'll go over metta world peace's reaction because that my friends is acting. >> i can't wait for that conversation. we talk to a member of congress because congress is focusing today specifically on the finances of al qaeda, two hours from now the house is holding this hearing looking exactly at where it stands as far as financing from these terrorist organizations, trying to choke off that financing, cutting them off from that cash flow. so pennsylvania congressman patrick meehan is the chairman of the subcommittee on counterterrorism and intelligence. congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning, brooke, great to be with you. >> let's talk about where we are today, the status of the financing. are they crippled by these sanctions? how does that stand? >> well, no, they aren't
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crippled but what has happened it's made it much more difficult for the terrorist networks to move the money so they've become much more creative. in the essence of our hearing, is to talk to the experts, the folks that designed the programs in the first place from treasury and fbi, who found the ways to choke off the money in the first place, to learn how they've changed their tactics and to see what we can do to prevent the money flowing not just to the terrorists but you also use it to identify who the networks are. >> to your point, sir, on creativity, let's look back, 2001, obviously that was 9/11, that cost $400,000 to execute, 2005 london attacks $15,000, totally self-funded and you go to 2010 the cargo plots thwarted, that cost all of $4,200. al qaeda and the arabian peninsula bragged about how cheap that was, given the fact that with the smaller bits of money, i imagine it's tougher for you all to try to track.
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how does that change how we track the terrorist groups and of course stop them? >> well, the use of the small sums makes it much more difficult to be sure, and what they're trying to do is get to us spend large sums to protect against it. we're trying to follow the schemes that are being used, much like organized criminals. you're seeing a lot of laundering that takes place, things that happen in the trade of goods, that we're seeing a lot of activity of money moving through the illegal narcotics trades, so the schemes that are being used are what we need to be able to identify as they have changed their tactics. >> go ahead, john. >> congressman, how has the death of bin laden affected the flow of money to al qaeda and secondarily, what foreign governments are still most involved in getting money to terrorist organizations in your estimation? >> well, the most critical organization of course is iran, and it's the support of its
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proxies like hezbollah, and there is evidence that the sanctions are making it much more difficult for iran to have that excess cash to send around to folks, and bin laden, al qaeda, i think the days of his being a fitnessier were early on but the ability as was identified to move small sums of money or to be able to now place, pre-place individuals in positions and then have them use things like debit cards that now make it much more difficult to see financial transactions are the kinds of things is that allow them to have bootsz on the ground and make it more difficult for to us who they might be. >> they're using cash couriers in and out of the persian gulf country, the value cards, debit cards issued none mussily. if it's harder to track larger sums of money and you mentioned they are getting creative, then i imagine that is part of the biggest challenge, how do you stop them, if money isn't the
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obvious way to do so? >> i think the experts will tell you you're never going to completely stop them but you can make it much more difficult and that's one of the first objectives. the second thing is to make it so there's not quite the resources for them to be able to move and that's part of the iranian sanctions and the third place when they move it to follow the schemes so we can identify who they are. oftentimes that's the critical thing to know who may be potentially participating in a plot following the stream of those not just communications but following the kinds of support that may be part of that conspiracy. it gives us a chance to break it apart before it happens. >> congressman meehan, good luck with the hearing happening two hours from now. >> thank you for having me. he was rescued at sea as a little boy, 6 years old, coming to the u.s. from haiti, talk about this full circle story here because this little boy not so little anymore. he is a young man, just
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♪ "son of a gun" thanks to margaret hoover's playlist, rockin' out on this friday. let's talk about late night tv, conan o'brien a guest actually last night on "the late show with david letterman" for the first time, did you realize n 13 years he's been on the show. bit of a bash fest on jay leno. letterman's long-time rival the man who reclaimed "the tonight show" firing conan in the process. here they were. >> you know jay is watching right now. you know, he's getting a live
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feed in a satellite truck right now. he is watching every second. enh. >> forgive me for making this all about me but that's kind of what i do. i was delighted by everything that happened except you losing your job. >> except for that. that little thing. >> kind of -- >> do you guys watch late night tv? >> no, we get up early for this show. >> come on you're up on the time. sleep is for the dead. >> two possible takeaways, you're looking at two guys who are sore losers, consider that as a possibility. i don't know jay leno or his personality. or two, jay leno really is the unlikeable guy that he's painted as by conan o'brien, david letterman, howard stern, one of those two are true i guess. >> one more sound bite. let's roll it. >> jay was always the guy, the funniest guy, he was the guy.
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he was the guy you'd go to see the guy you wished could you be more like. he was funny, also a bit of a brat. a bit of a brat, and so then when this came along, i said oh, yes, this is the jay i know. and i kind of, i refer to that period as the golden age of television. >> do you think jay leno has been watching? >> if he didn't see it live it's been replayed so many times and that's part of the joke. i think we're bonding over it. they've all triumphed and done much better, moved on, done other things. >> it's fascinating the way this resentiment, leno is like the mariah carey or celine dion of
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carey. conan and letterman will be respected. >> his tweets are fantastic as well. still ahead this is quite the story, rescued by the u.s. coast guard off the coast of florida, 6 years old, trying to leave his home country of haiti. is he 24 now, orlando morale celebrating another moment in his life in full regalia, graduating from the u.s. coast guard academy. his inspiring journey. good morning, hi, nice to meet you. "if i had a boat" going to break. when we got married. i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy.
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rescuing here. just about 20 years ago a 6-year-old haitian refugee was rescued from a packed boat by the u.s. coast guard. now 24 years old graduated from the u.s. coast guard academy in connecticut and will soon be serving out of florida whose mission will include rescuing haitian refugees just like himself. congratulations, grad. rocking the bling on the hand from the big graduation. take me back if you can to remember when you were six. you were on a boat. do you have memories of that time at all? >> i do have a few memories. i remember being on the boat with my mom and being scared and alone even though i had my mom. it's crowded. so just sheer capacity of it all was overwhelming. and then i also remember being hungry and thirsty. >> how long were you on that boat? >> we have no idea.
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>> you end up ultimately rescued by the coast guard and end up in cuba. your mother is at bethesda naval hospital and has cancer. the woman who takes care of her winds up being your adoptive mother. explain. >> well, when my mom was in bethesda, she told my adopted mom about me and where i was and so my mom was in the navy at the time and is now retired 20 years, she pulled a little something-something and was able to send for me. >> she was able to reunite you before your biological mother passed away. >> she passed away two months after i came in. >> how old were you then? >> i was 6 1/2. when i came to the states, i turned 7 a week after i came. >> such an inspiring story. only in america story. and you've said the reason you love the coast guard is that they specialize in saving people's lives. what does it mean to you that
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you're going to be patrolling the waters around haiti and rescuing people potentially just like yourself in another part of your life? >> that means a lot to me. i can see where i was so many years ago. i can empathize with them. they are trying so hard to escape haiti to come here. and even though we have to send them back, we're still rescuing them instead of leaving them out there to die. i think that's what keeps me going, you know, and motivated. >> it was your adopted mother who you call mom, louise jackson, who also is from haiti. she ultimately got you involved and got you interested and ignited a passion for the coast guard. >> yes. and that was my sophomore year of high school. she reminded me because at 6 1/2 i don't really remember who rescued me and then so i went to cliffs weekend which is a weekend where minorities come and see the coast guard and
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that's when i truly fell in love with it. no other research mattered. i experienced it first hand. >> have you ever had an opportunity to meet the people who rescued you so many years ago to say thank you or look where i'm headed now? >> sadly, no. we tried. >> you have tried? >> we have tried. we don't know which boat i was rescued in. i know it was white. >> it was white and you were hungry and that's all you remember. >> yes. >> as you go back now as a graduate headed back around haiti, what exactly will you be doing? >> we'll mainly be doing search and rescue, drug interdiction, migrant interdiction. primary missions. >> how hard was the coast guard training? >> it was brutal. it was mentally challenging because even though you're going for academics, there's a lot of military aspect of it and you have to do a sport and so you also part of the military aspect
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of it you can choose to do stuff within the company. >> i asked you during the break how true to life was the coast guard movie. you said pretty close. >> pretty true to life. >> it's legit. >> it's a pleasure. only in america. i love how you say that. >> thank you for your service. >> thank you very much for having me. >> appreciate it. >> good luck, sir. still ahead this morning, we're talking ipo. initial public offerings. wonder what we're talking about. fb. first day of trading. we'll take you live to the nasdaq. plus, inside the studio. any fans? myself. this guy. host james lipton is getting political and is offering advice on how to act human to mitt romney. we'll see what he's talking about. we're also going to talk about the process. interviewing the celebrities and actors for hours and hours and how did he get to the blue cards. that's what i want to know. don't miss iconic david cassidy is here. you are watching "starting point."
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get one-on-one help from america's retirement leader. where we switched their steaks for walmart's choice premium steak. let's see what people think. it's a steak-over. it's juicy. it's tender. it seems like it just melts in my mouth. that's a nice steak. only one in five steaks is good enough to be called walmart choice premium beef. you are eating walmart steaks. really? this is fabulous. the steak is excellent. i'm gonna go to walmart and bring it here. [ laughter ] walmart choice premium steak. try it, tell us what you think on facebook. by the way, it's 100% money back guaranteed. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide.
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one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. good morning. i'm brooke baldwin in for soledad o'brien. she is back monday. happy friday. our ticker symbol, fb as in facebook. in a couple hours, facebook becomes a publicly traded company. millions hoping the price is right for them to get in on it and make a little money. also, how to act human. advice for mitt romney from all people inside the actor's studio. this is going to be good. james lipton joining us in studio live. we know we love him. heartthrob david cassidy is here. it is friday, may 18th. that song has been stuck in my head all morning long. "starting point" begins right now.
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♪ >> finally she says. christine romans finally gets her steely dan in the playlist. our panel this morning, hello. good morning. you have john avalon here. senior political columnist at "newsweek" and "the daily beast." his wife, margaret hoover. worked in the bush white house and author of american individualism. hi, guys. >> good morning. >> so cute. and will cain columnist of good to see you all. and our "starting point" today, today is the day we've been talking about for days. it's happening. the ticker symbol fb will appear on the nasdaq this morning. facebook will be a publicly traded company. the social network setting ipo price at $38 a share which would
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value facebook at $100 billion. the most valuable company ever at the time of the ipo. initial public offering. more valuable than citi or mcdonald's. christine romans is so excited about this story she was talking about it as we were getting made up this morning. so jazzed about facebook. first, we're going to go -- >> we didn't get made up this morning. we wake up like this. we wake up like this. >> don't tell our secrets. >> the secret is out. first alison kosik is gorgeous as well at the nasdaq. alison, good morning. >> good morning, brooke. this is the super bowl of market events happening today as you said facebook going public today here at the nasdaq where i am today. if we can go back on the screen here, we'll push out a little bit. facebook right now says it's going to start at $38. it says unchanged. you see unchanged. that's going to change once facebook shares actually start trading. here's what's going to happen.
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facebook executives won't be there. facebook shares won't necessarily start trading at 9:30. what's really going to happen here is that there's going to be a delay that these shares will actually most likely be delayed at least an hour and maybe more while it gives the underwriter, morgan stanley, time to feel the demand for these shares and come up with an average price before morgan stanley hits the green button and shares hit the market for the average invoeftor. >> there's a financial part of this story. the hack-a-thon. >> you think everyone is getting a good night sleep in menlo park? they are writing code. warm beer. like button was invented at a
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hack-a-thon and also the time line. it's pretty interesting hero status there with his hoodie on. i wanted to show you kind of what the hoodie is and why he wears it. listen to this exchange. >> it's a company hoodie. we print our mission on the inside. >> what? my god. the inside of the hoodie, everybody. what is it? >> making the world more connected. >> it's a company issued hoodie. everybody gets them and inside is the mission statement. >> it's like the crest. >> at the hack-a-thon last night that is still going on, all these people wearing hoodies like pounding away on the keyboard coming up with new stuff. you can see the pictures. hacker square is the middle of the facility in hackers square this rousing pep talk before the hack-a-thon and got a big round of applause and standing
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ovation. many people you look at are about to become millionaires and megamillionaires. in their hoodies and laptops last night. and right now. >> is there a chance when mark zuckerberg is no longer 28 years old they don't do midnight late night crazed hack-a-thons. >> i compare him to thomas edison. the first wizard by the way. huge periods of productivity in your 20s in the middle of the night working around the clock. there's a whole campus of people doing that. >> i just love giving inspirational speech, we're all about to get really, really rich. that's an easy inspirational speech. >> you'll pay a lot of taxes too so everyone hire an accountant. >> and move to singapore. >> ceo, 28, let's all remember happy birthday this past monday, mark zuckerberg, richest in america and this morning he stands to gain -- i can't even
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wrap my head around this -- $20 billion. not too bad when you consider facebook's reach. by this summer the company is projected to sign up a billion people. that means just to put in perspective for you, one out of sev every seven people on the planet is on facebook. david kirkpatrick, i was reading something like 900 million for now? >> that's what they said most recently. it's probably quite a bit higher. a few million a week added at least. >> third most populous country in the entire world. talking about the hoodie. let's just begin there. do you think because of this ipo that he'll ever sort of ditch the hoodie and be dressed up in a suit and be more professional? he's caught a lot of flak this past week. >> it's ridiculous. he won't. >> he'll stay true to the hoodie. >> if he does that, he'll want to leave the company. the hoodie is not -- it wasn't even a deliberate decision on his part.
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i think he was saying in effect i am not going to change. i've done a pretty good job so far. 900 million in eig$900 million . hundred billion valuation. not bad. i think he believes he will not continue to succeed. >> speaks to the culture in silicon valley. fascinating article in "the new york times" this morning that it's not cool to flaunt your wealth there. peer pressure dictates that consumption be kept on the down low. it is understood say facebook employees and their friends that mr. zuckerberg would find it uncool for one of his underlings to drive a lamborghini to the office. he's not taking cash out of the ipo. he's not really a money orientated guy. i'm sure he'll be one of the
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world's great at some point and buy a jet -- >> like bill gates. >> he was not a money orientated guy either. >> now a ceo of publicly held company, don't you have to become a money guy. you have to have earnings. what changes? does mark zuckerberg change wall street or does wall street now change mark zuckerberg? >> good question. >> he hopes that they change. i don't know what really happens. i will say that he really does believe that he cannot, not do what he's been doing all along. he's a man of his generation and era. he looks at business differently than the baby boomers who are basically still in charge of cnn and everything else, right? he doesn't think money is the main thing. he thinks change making the world better matters more. he thinks the world needs change. he's trying to change the world. there are a lot of people sympathetic to that attitude. >> classic characteristics of the generation.
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quick question. i think i might be stealing my husband's question. all you know about facebook especially since you first went there and you did your article for "forbes" and then mark zuckerberg invites you -- >> "fortune." >> sorry. would you buy facebook stock? >> would i buy it at the opening? i'm not doing it because i'm a journalist. it will go up over time. i'm convinced. is it justified financially at this valuation? probably not. that doesn't mean it won't go up. >> do you think it will be like google where it's a steady climb or amazon like a roller coaster. >> i think today it will pop a lot. when it opens, it will be surprisingly high. it might go down by the end of the day. there are a lot of people who think it could double today. even at this valuation. when "the new york times" reported the other day that it is 25 x over subscribed in asia, there's a lot of rich people in asia. think of that. 25 x. how many of those people would
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buy it at any price? some. therefore they're going to put market orders in. >> we're trying to guess the collective decision of thousands and maybe millions of people buying stock which is an impossible task to do. the real question is what is facebook really worth? what does facebook really make? >> there is no really worth for anything. >> no objective worth. >> there is none. everything is worth what people are willing to pay for it. >> i disagree with you at the most fundamental level possible. >> with all due respect. >> call street has its conventions of valuation. when you estimate future earnings, it's a guessing game. some people pay more and some people pay less. >> as a financial journalist, the question is earnings. does facebook, should it be valued more than a mcdonald's? >> well, i think facebook's long-term prognosis is probably as good as any company i can think of in terms of its impact. but then you have this odd question. even if it grows to many billions and has huge impact, how does that convert to earning
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power? everyone, including certainly mark zuckerberg who is believing in this high price, assumes there will be many ways to monetize. i think there will be. >> two key words. long-term. >> if you don't look at it long-term, don't buy the stock. that would be my feeling. >> they say you should believe in it. if you believe, you should buy. >> there are a lot of believers. >> good to see you. thank you very much. have a good rest of your weekend. >> good conversation. >> we try to be fun when we can. christine romans got a look at the other day's top stories. >> world leaders will arrive at camp david for start of the g-8 summit. there will be a few new face this is time around including the italian prime minister and the japanese prime minister. parts of chicago are shut down this morning and security will be very tight when president obama and 50 heads of state arrive in the windy city sunday for a nato summit.
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today f-16 warplanes and other military aircraft will buzz the city as part of a defense exercise ahead of the weekend. police estimate large anti-nato protests. new evidence made public by the state of florida in the trayvon martin case including police photos of shooter george zimmerman with an injury to his nose and lacerations on the back of his head. this in the hours after his deadly confrontation with the florida teen. there is surveillance video of martin in moments before he died buying skittles and a drink at a nearby 7-eleven. autopsy reports show he had thc in his system. the estranged wife of robert kennedy jr. was found dead in her home on wednesday. struggles over the last two years were public. arrested for dui twice in 2010 after her husband announced he was filing for divorce.
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remembering the one and only donna summer who died at 63 after her battle with cancer. the queen of disco had a string of number one hits in the '70s and '80s and helped define a generation. friends and fellow artists say she will be missed. >> we lost someone who is great an an important artist of her time and of a particular type of music that was so important to america's pop cultural history. >> all right. there's no buzzing in baseball, right? tell that to the swarm of bees that invaded coors field in denver yesterday bringing the game to a halt. they took over a camera bay next to the rockies dugout. eventually the home team had to call in its closer. a beekeeper actually to vacuum up the bees into a bag. there you go. >> what's going on with bees lately? >> what's going on with denver
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and ufos and bees. >> it's spring, baby. >> i don't know. "starting point" continues. we bet you wouldn't want to miss this one. how good could a $35,000 shower be? 35,000 bucks. horizontal, power shower. don't know what's going on. that's our get real this morning. teaching mitt romney to act like a human inside the actor studio zone. james lipton coaching the candidate. he's here on set next in honor of donna summer, want to leave you with "hot stuff." you're watching "starting point." [ sneezes ] ♪ got it all. here. have a good day, honey. i love you, ok. bye, mom. [ female announcer ] sam's mom is muddling through her allergies. what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information
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i can't punch this away. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to you doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and nowadays i don't have that fear. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. presidential campaigns involve a lot of stage craft even a bit of performance art from the candidates themselves. and now mitt romney's campaign
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getting a little advice on exactly how to do that from the master of stage craft himself, mr. james lipton. >> let's start with your laugh. >> i live for laughter. >> it isn't working. it just doesn't come across as genuine. worst of all, while you expect us to be amused, you're not the least bit amused yourself. >> james lipton is the host and executive producer of an amazing show. bravo's inside the actor's studio. truly a pleasure to have you sitting at the table this morning. not genuine. talk to me about this laugh. >> look, the humor is based on shared perception. what you say when you hear a joke, i get it. i understand it. so there has to be shared perception.
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there's very little sharing going on. he's too busy working. he's working the crowd. and i remember once a director said to an actor on the stage and the actor was working hard and director said, hey, relax. you got the job. and now that he's almost got the nomination sealed, signed and delivered, i would advise him, relax. relax. >> you don't like his wardrobe. >> well, it's bowling alley and country club. he's got -- >> so is this. is that the same thing? jeans and -- >> we'll speak after the show. >> you haven't seen his teal boots yet. >> blue jeans are carefully creased. on top is a jacket that cost him a fortune. it doesn't match. it doesn't match. it isn't just that it's not mitt romney, it's not anybody. and he's clearly been instructed
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and told to give a performance which he's doing. leaving politics aside whether one loves him or does not, that's not working. it's like for me watching a bad acting performance is like a fingernail on a black board. >> does every actor that you worked with have the ability to connect with people or is it learned? the question comes to americans as well, what's most important, the personality of the guy you're electing or can really good acting and connecting with people the way you're describing be learned? >> our show in its 18th and going into 19th year is nothing more than a master class in that school. of course we believe that acting can be learned. >> connectability factor. >> you know what you have to connect with when you're acting? want to guess?
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yourself. we teach our actors to be in touch with the marrow of their bones and inner souls and when you see a great actor doing it well, what's happening is they really are in touch -- they are living in the moment. >> you point to things like his laughter and his wardrobe. you also point to something about his arms which you said sarah palin was the master of this. >> other people are guilty of it. generations of especially political commentators and 11:00 anchors and so fort have been taught this is the way you talk. watch them. up and down and right and left. >> elbows in. >> i think they are telling the director i'm going to go next. maybe that's the signal. they're doing this. it doesn't look good. sarah palin is comfortable unless she's being asked a question. she's comfortable in front of
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the public and it's beautiful to watch. >> i have to ask you about inside the actors studio. i see these infamous blue cards. may i? will you share? james lipton. i am holding the blue cards. here's my question. if heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates, james lipton? >> you see, jim, you were wrong. i exist. but, but, you may come in any way. >> let's watch. this is so funny. will ferrell does a nice version of you with you as well. roll it. >> you played the child who when she screamed at e.t. sent a message out to the world i am, i
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am here, i am now. >> your interviewing is so distinctive. do you love it? >> i love it. it's very flattering. besides he came on my show and did it. he better viewinterviewed me as. we're good friends. i think he's got me cold. >> people don't realize that you work. i read about this. i do my homework. i learned from you. 12 hours a day, seven days a week, you mentioned 18th season. >> that's correct of our show. >> you must love what you do. >> we hold a lot of records. you know what it is? the thing that impresses me about it, not me obviously, but i'm not impressive but the fact is impressive. it is nothing more or less and never has been or will be than a master class of the actor studio drama school of pace university. those are masters degree
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candidates out there learning the craft of acting, writing and directing. that's what it's all about. and imagine that we would have come to this. 14 emmy nominations which is also a record. >> congratulations. truly. >> thank you. the thing is that it's a class. and that is where we are. >> bradley cooper a graduate of the school. >> we looked at each other and burst into tears. >> amazing. would you take us to break and read the tease. look at that camera. >> this? >> yes. >> ahead on "starting point," a delight, a marvelle technology destined to alter the very course of human history. the horizontal shower for the sum of $35,000 the bathing experience of your dreams can be yours. you're watching "starting point." [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac
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♪ >> i know you want to sing. beautiful picture outside. john avalon's playlist. stevie wonder. are you singing this to one another? the married couple on set. we know you love our music picks. check this out. inin >> the get real moment of the world. the world's first digital horizontal shower. it's the best of both worlds. you can lie down, relax, see the fancy faucets. six of them. >> risque on "starting point" here. >> it's friday morning. >> we're having fun. whatever. what else?
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you can also preset apparently how much water flows along with the speed that comes out. it will cost you $35,000. >> i wonder how many square feet it takes up. >> you can see how long she is. >> you can't do that in a montana apartment. >> i'm a girl who loves a good shower. i do my best thinking in there. maybe i'll sing a little bit. >> if we're lucky we get brooke baldwin singing in the morning. >> $35,000. you're kidding me. >> show us that singing you're talking about. >> i did it this morning. you missed it. >> we're listening right now. >> would you do this? $35,000 shower. >> no. no. $35,000 shower no. there are things that becomes insulting. >> if it was free? >> absolutely. >> lay down. >> horizontal shower, why not. what do you think? >> yeah. >> friday morning. keep it clean, you two. still ahead on "starting point," newly discovered documents from ann frank and her family.
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(female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at
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those two highway shootings last week. they plan to charge him with two counts of murder. they say willie's gun matched the one used in both shootings which occurred 55 miles apart. he had been taken into custody authorities suggested he was a shooter and posing as a police officer. that appears not to be the case. in the next hour, jurors could begin deliberating the fate of former north carolina senator john edwards. they'll have to decide if he's guilty of six counts of campaign fraud and conspiracy. prosecutors say he used nearly a million dollars in illegal campaign contributions to cover up an extramarital affair. edwards' lawyers urging them to separate sin from criminal behavior. expect to see fewer postal offices this morning. the postal service announced it's moving forward with cost cutting plan. 48 plants will be closed in july and august and 5,000 employees will lose their jobs. even with these cuts, the postal service says you should get 80%
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of first class mail delivered on time this year. forget high gas prices. people buying up suvs more than ever before. one in three vehicles sold today is an suv. that's up from one in five in the '90s and early 2000. gas prices down to $3.71 for national average right now but still high. expecting them to keep dropping over the next few weeks because oil has been dropping. oil prices down more than 10% this month alone. so who had june in the betting pool? coming as a shock to no one, van halen postponed the reunion tour. a rep wouldn't say why. a source tells "rolling stone" these guys hate each other and the band is arguing like mad. the band's last attempt to reunite with david lee roth was also called off. >> there's nothing worse than going to a show and seeing people on stage sniping back and
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forth at one another. >> they are sniping so much they're not even getting to stage. >> wow. okay. game off for them for now. thank you. a anne frank, you know who she is. in a concentration camp portraying a strong willed young girl who still believed in the good of people despite all of the evil that surrounded her and now thousands of newly discovered letters and poems and postcards, photographs, found by her closest living relative, her cousin. it's all documented in this new book called anne frank's family and buddy joins me along with his wife who helped organize and edit all of the papers. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> just for transparency stake, buddy is hard of hearing we may have to repeat questions. my first question to you, buddy, what do you remember of anne frank when you two were just young, young kids running around
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together? >> well, anne was a normal girl like any other girl as long as we were together in freedom. of course in the secret she developed to be a fantastic author. it's incredible. it just happened. as long as we were together, as long as we were kids, we were playing games like all of the other kids. we played hide-and-seek and she loved the theater and we wanted to get dressed up all the time and play acting. >> you called her the rascal. let me quote what you describe in the book. when anne gets something into her head, she doesn't let go of the idea very easily. the fact is he did lose the bet. she dared to clamor up the tree and get a bird's agency fr ae's defendant and come down with the egg in the pocket of her skirt without breaking it. when we talk about the thousands of postcards found in buddy's mother's attic, you are the one that found them and climbed up
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there. what possessed you to go up there and how did you find them? >> i had the idea to clean up a little bit upstairs. to clean. that's i went up. and then i was interested to know what is in the closet and i opened it and there was a box and i opened it and in this box there were a lot of letters and i took one and started to read it. it was written in old german but i could read it. i learned it once in school. and then i realized that all of these letters were from the family, from his family. children's letters from the father of anne frank and his brothers and sister. his mother and so on.
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it was amazing. >> so in that moment you realized the significance and value of what you were staring at. >> yes. >> go ahead. i want to ask buddy a question. i'm a father. i read something you said here that really resonated with me. you said shortly after anne's father came home from concentration camps, he found her diary and read them and said i didn't know my daughter until i read the diary. you felt similarly. what did you learn about your cousin that you didn't know? >> she wrote so many humanistic passages. when i knew when she was a kid playful kid and then i'm reading about why is there always enough money for arms and never enough for the arts and for the poor? why is there always a talk about the strength of man and aboneve about the power of women. i read these humanistic passages, that was not the anne i knew. that was a complete new anne.
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>> i wonder if you could tell the audience what's going to happen now with all of the documents you have discovered? my understanding is they are going to frankfurt. anne frank's hometown. will they be available to the public to be able to review the materials? how are they going to be displayed and preserved? >> they're going to construct a new building for this archive. it's tremendous amount of furniture and objects of art and letters and documents. it's kind of returning to the roots. >> imagine a young anne frank include this letter january '41. dear everyone, i'm at the rink every spare minute. up until now i always had the old skates. she loved to ice skate. old skates that margo had. you had to screw them on with key. my friends on the rink had realize skates attached to the shoe with nails so they don't come off.
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it was soon after with the nazis that no jews were involved in public entertainment areas and wouldn't be allowed to skate on those rinks. how human she was as a young girl. from this treasure-trove, was there one item that really surprised you, struck you the most? >> yes. well, i skated with margo, her sister. who was anne who always dreamed of going skating with me. i was a good skater when i was young. i was even professional. i was 14 years with holiday on ice. i toured the whole world with them. quite a few american tours. i started to love this country. and, yes, it never happened with anne. that made me so sad.
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>> the letters, the photos, anne frank's family, the extraordinary story of where she came from. thank you. it's so nice to meet you. >> thank you very much for your invitation. >> still ahead this morning on "starting point," this guy. ♪ here he is from classic tv show "the partridge family." teen idol david cassidy is stopping by opening up for the first time about a personal struggle. it involves his mom. you're watching "starting point." let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no.
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across the country and behind closed doors, children are caring for aged, disabled or ill family members and many are under the age of 12. this week's cnn hero bringing this hidden population out of the shadows. >> are you okay? let me help you. my mom has been sick for as long as i can remember. we need more methadone. helping her out is a bigger priority than going to school because i don't know what i would do if something happened to her. i wouldn't be able to really live. >> in the united states there are at least 1.3 million children caring for someone who is ill or injured or elderly or disabled. they can become isolated.
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there are fill effects, the stresses of it and the worry. >> thank you, baby. thank you so much. >> these children suffer silently. people don't know they exist. >> i'm connie. i'm bringing this precious population into the light to transform their lives to stay in school. >> good to see you. >> we offer each child a home visit. has the ramp been helpful? we look at what we can provide to meet the need. we go into the schools with a peer support group and we offer out of school activities that give the child a break. >> this is so relaxing. >> they know they're not alone. we give them hope for their future. >> now i'm getting as and bs. i feel more confident. >> we have a long way to go. there are so many more children
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that really need this help and support. >> still ahead on "starting point," this guy. ♪ he needs no more introduction. two words. david cassidy is here. good morning! >> good to see you. >> we'll be right back. have you ever partaken in a car insurance taste test before? by taste? yes, never heard of it. well, that's what we're doing today. car insurance x has been perfected over the past 75 years. it's tasty. our second car insurance... they've not been around very long. mmmm...
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call me -- but not while you're driving. ♪ [ dad ] we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. ♪ a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ >> how many times has he heard and sung this song? >> one of the best pop songs
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ever written. >> of course we think this. this is david cassidy here on the set. we know him and love him from "the partridge family" in the '70s. icon of the '70s. joining us this morning. welcome. it's a pleasure. >> it's a pleasure to be here and talk to you all. spe >> speaking of that song, i think i love you so what am i so afraid of. were you singing that to someone at the time? >> no, not a soul. i was 19 when i recorded it. it was recorded -- it was a month before i was 20 years old. the pilot had been picked up. it was the first recording i ever made. i cut over 300 with "the partridge family." what's a problem for me when i see bits and pieces of me, i had a lot of hair. one thing that does happen as we
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get older which i'm going to talk to you about, you lose your hair. and it's really embarrassing to get compared to yourself 35 years later. i'm, like, you know, please don't -- yeah. god i did have good hair, didn't i. >> how about the screaming girls? >> they still scream. it's a beautiful thing. i'm still touring. screaming women. their voices have dropped an octave. >> i was reading soccer stories. a woman crawled into your air conditioning duct at your home to meet you. >> more than a month. >> she was in your air ducts to more than a month? >> right next to my bathroom. i was married at the time. >> that's all kinds of awkward. >> all kinds of awkward. one of the reasons i'm here in new york is the alzheimer's foundation of america, i have become someone who has
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experienced what now many, many millions of people are starting to experience as baby boomers get older. what you're seeing is me from the '70s and shirley jones who played my mother on it is actually my stepmother. i do have brothers. we're very close. sean, patrick and ryan. however, i'm the sole son and living blood relative close enough -- there is one other cousin still alive -- but hasn't seen my mom in many, many decades. i'm the sole son of a woman who had a vibrant, fantastic career. she was on broadway. did over 20 shows. was a very wonderful mom to me and always felt rejected because everybody assumed shirley jones was my mom and because she was married to my dad and when my mother had a companion who she married toward the end of her
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life with him passed away in 2003, 2004, and they had been together for many, many years after my mom had kind of retired. the companionship they had was really important because his physical health was very poor but his mind was good. i didn't realize this but my mother's mind began to disappear. >> how long ago? >> well, it began about ten years ago. in three days my mom will be 89 years old. what a lot of people don't realize is that it is a very difficult thing for us as families and me particularly because i'm her only son and i had to make the choice of how to deal with my mother who has severe dementia.
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what happened is her husband died, therefore she didn't have somebody to protect her and a companion. companionship is very important. the alzheimer's foundation is celebrating and i'll speak on behalf of free today lunch and everything else for care givers and health care and i can tell you now how important it is but my mother has slowly in the beginning past and i defined and it's important largest percentage of our population are baby boomers. they started retiring in 2011 at the age of 65. it's essential. we're about to face an epidemic of the greatest proportion. i know it's one of those dark, deadly secrets. your mom is losing her mind. to watch someone that raised you and was so vibrant start to lose
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their mind and disappear is arguably the most painful thing i've ever experienced. for almost six months, my mother wouldn't speak to me because i was trying to get her to move. >> she didn't want to move. >> she didn't want to go. i asked her to come and live with me and my son and wife in florida. she wouldn't do so. she lived in l.a. since 1962. >> does she have any present days today? does she know who you are? >> she knows who i am. this is terribly important for someone experiencing it with a family member or friends, companionship is essential. keeping them present and being -- my mother was alone and she was actually found and you can imagine how painful this is. she was found in the middle of the night in her night gown about 100 yards from her apartment lost and they called the police and they took her to
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an alzheimer's -- basically an elderly care hospital and they called me the next day. i haven't lived in the same town as my mother, 3,000 miles away. >> thank goodness she has you. i could sit here and listen. >> the alzheimer's foundation of america, you need to find a way and go to the website today. please do that. it's about to become an epidemic. i want to make everyone aware of it. we need as much attention to it and god bless you. i hope your children don't go through and experience what i've gone through. >> end point is next. thank you, sir. ♪ [ piano chords ]
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