tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 18, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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157 as in west 57th street. not the priceiest. when this is the sign of the times, are there two americas? what the heck do you get for $90 million? s who can afford such a thing? the person to ask is the top new york real estate lawyer who is joining us live from las vegas. this sounds like a gamble to me. set this down for me. is this bizarre to see a $90 million condo in new york or is that just new york? >> for me and you and those sitting at home, this is extremely bizarre. for new york city, it makes sense. it's not surprising. we have two different worlds in real estate. one for people who have to get a mortgage and lending restrictions are tough. the other where there is a lot of money to be invested and there are few places to invest that is safe.
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the most solid, real estate. is where the best place to put your money where you don't have to worry about ups and downs of the stock market? real estate. where do you not have to worry about europe and european woes? american real estate. what is the number one city? new york. new york is the highest, best place to buy real estate. $90 million is not shocking. >> you're amazing. you should work for the new york state real estate bureau. $90 million. i would be hard pressed to find out if they get all that money out of it. adam, great to see you. >> thank you for having me. it is the top of the hour. i'm ashleigh banfield. the countdown is on to the closing of the bell and closing of facebook. we are awaiting to find out where that will end up. president obama and world leaders are meeting at camp david. one of america's cities is
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bracing for big-time trouble. it is time to play reporter rule yet. let's begin with this. ali velshi is in new york on the first day of facebook's big trading. it seems like it started with a whimper. will it end with a whimper? >> looks like it. stock trading $39. first trade was $42.05. people thought that wasn't as big as expected. it went down from there and hit the price almost that it opened at. i suspect the underwriters morgan stanley, they and others got involved in buying. $39.02. barely a cent higher than where it opened up. a couple of problems here. one is what's the problem, why aren't more people buying facebook? what's the concern? the second is there seems to be trading problems across the board at the nasdaq. volume of shares traded on this
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stock is over 450 million. typically apple will trade 25 million a day, microsoft under 50. nobody lost money on it. we were certainly expecting people saying the stock would be $50, $60, some saying $90. $39 is not where i expected to talk about the stock at 3:00 in the afternoon. some people will not buy that fancy apartment you were talking about at 157. >> mark zuckerberg and his executive board will be just fine. >> he's okay. >> before i let you go, they are still on track? >> this company is worth $100 billion. >> more than you and i make combined. looking forward to seeing you in new york next week. ali velshi.
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brianna keilar is near camp david for the g-8 summit. a joke between president obama and president of france. >> cheese burgers go very well with french fries. >> we are back to liking french fries, are we, brianna? >> certainly, i would say we are. president obama is looking toward the new president of france for some good influence or influence on the euro zone crisis which is at this point potentially in danger of spilling over to a global economic crisis having an influence on the u.s. they metaphor about 20 minutes today in the oval office ahead of this g-8 summit here at camp david. they did talk about the euro zone crisis. some common ground in the white house is hoping to find with hollande who talked about not just cutting government programs but talking about trying to figure out a way to get the
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economy growing. that is something the white house likes the sound of to stop the economies in europe from contracting. there is a big issue maybe they don't see eye to cy on. that is afghanistan. hollande campaigned bringing home french combat troops by the end of this year. u.s. troops aren't scheduled to be out until the end of 2014. we heard perhaps of hollande fudging on that commitment or could you read into it that way when he said he made this promise but france will find a way to support afghanistan in a different role beyond the end of this year. >> looks like a lovely day at camp david. you got the key assignment. thank you, my friend. next to chicago where ted rollins is standing by. protestors gathering before a nato set there for sunday. a key question, what is the city doing to make sure they don't
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have repeats of ugly situations at these summits in the past? >> a lot of this. a lot of police officers out in force and will be throughout the weekend. there is a demonstration finishing up in daily plaza across from city hall in chicago. there is a nurses' rally. 2,000 people out here. some folks did go out into the street, blocked traffic. you can see the police presence is large. chicago police is getting a lot of help from the fbi and the secret service. the secret service responsible for the safety of world leaders when they arrive on saturday. chicago police responsible to keep demonstrators in line. >> how are they going to protect the world leaders? i saw something about high fencing. >> yes. they created a security perimeter. they are calling it a red zone of sorts. blocks of streets blocked off.
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there are eight-foot metal barriers put around. there will be a ton of security. protestors are frustrated, but will not get close to world leaders. >> live for us from chicago doing the job for us. that makes up our reporter roulette today. a young woman from georgia and her struggle with flesh-eating bacteria has taken a terrible turn for the worse. her father's anguish when he has to share the doctor's orders with her. also word from the jury in the john edwards trial as they make a specific request. s is ne. yep. i'm sending the dancing chicken to every store in the franchise to get the word out. that could work. or you could use every door direct mail from the postal service. it'll help you and all your franchisees find the customers that matter most: the ones in the neighborhood. you print it or find a local partner. great. keep it moving honey. honey?
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that's my wife. wow. there you go. there you go. [ male announcer ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. is engineered for comfort.
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like parts that create your perfect temperature and humidity or the parts that purify the air. together these parts can cut your heating and cooling bills in half. which is quite comforting. and here's the best part... call now to get up to 1,375 dollars in rebates. or zero percent financing for 18 months on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 15th. plus download our free lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator to show how much you'll save with a lennox system. if your current system is 10 years or older, start planning now. and take advantage of special financing. so call now to get up to 1,375 dollars in rebates. or zero percent financing for 18 months on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 15th. and download our lennox mobil app -- free. ♪ lennox. innovation never felt so good.
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so i brought it to mike at meineke. we gave her car a free road handling check. i like free. free is good. my money. my choice. my meineke. jurors are now deciding john edwards, if he used campaign money to try to hide his mistress and their love child. they xwan deliberations in the former senator's trial about four hours plus ago. a judge denied their request to review transcripts of the trial saying they had to rely on their memory of the entire month of trial. that began april 23rd. think back if you can remember what you had for lunch that day.
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edwards is facing up to 30 years in prison. we are waiting to find out if they get to cut it early this friday and resume deliberations 9:30 monday morning. still haven't heard whether the judge made up her mind to give them that break. this has been a story we've been following. we have a heart-wrenching setback for a young woman fighting off flesh-eating bacteria. her name is aimee copeland. the 24-year-old graduate student is going to lose both her hands and also her remaining foot. elizabeth cohen joining me now. up until now aimee copeland lost her leg, part of her abdomen, trying to remember what else. this has been terrible. judge, that is right. she had several surgeries to clean this bacteria out. for a while they were concerned she was going to lose her life. >> seemed like things were going better. >> they were going better. seems like they have the bacteria under control but it
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did great damage to her hands and to her leg and to that foot. the tissue died. you can't sit around with dead tissue. you need to remove it because it could kill her. this sounds like horrible news. when we talked to her dad on the phone, he is upbeat because she is doing so much better than before. she can talk. she is aware of what's going on around her. >> he had to tell her what's going on. >> he brought her hands up to her face so she could see they were purple. and explained -- right, they were purple because they lost oxygen and explain what they have to do. he said it was hard to understand her but she said, "let's do it." she understands at this point it's a choice between your hands or your life. that choice is very clear. >> he is a remarkable man. every time he takes to the air waves, i wonder how he's
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managing. it sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. >> exactly. she is strong because he is strong. he wrote something that is a long passage. it is so touching. after they heard the news, "a tear rolled down my face as i walked out of her room. i wasn't crying because aimee was going to loews her hands and foot, but i was crying because in all my 53 years of existence, i have never seen such a strong display of courage. aimee shed no tears, she never batted an eyelash. i was crying what you i am a proud father of an incredibly courageous young lady." >> this is unbelievable. >> they were done yesterday or today. it's probably in that time frame. this likely won't be her last surgery. she is a very sick young lady. good news that happened today or recently is she got her breathing tube out. it goes in your mouth and makes it hard to talk.
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she got a tracheotomy. she'll be able to talk more easily. that is huge. >> everyone seems to be so gripped by this story. and the best to aimee's family. it's a terrible story. the obesity epidemic out of control in this country. there is somebody who has a message for us. his name is jamie oliver. you probably heard about him. he'll join me live to talk about this. also, you want to take a look up into the sky this weekend but very carefully. there is a rare event coming your way. you need protection. [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx.
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there is a very rare event for part of this country. look at this back drop, i feel so magical. this is going to happen on sunday. it is a solar eclipse. if you're a geek, this is geek time. if you live in the west, it will be a spectacular show. our meteorologist chad myers who is smart with all things solar and meteorological is here to explain. i thought this looked like a total eclipse. this is not a total eclipse?
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>> very good question. it's not a total eclipse because the moon is too far away to block the sun. watch this. you can see part of my face, right? >> i can. >> if you put that very close, can you see me at all? >> i can't see much anyway. i'm mr. mcgoo. >> the moon would be much closer to us like it can be at times and will block the sun this. time it's far enough away there will be a ring around the moon. that's why you should not look at this. >> when i was a little girl, i remember the total eclipse of the sun. we were issued these protective eye gear at school. look at these images. can you watch with regular sunglasses? >> no. you should have welding goggles or something like that. the best way to look at this, poke a hole in a piece of paper and take that paper and shine it on another one. you'll see the eclipse on the shadow of the next piece of paper. or take a picture and look at the back of the lcd screen of
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your camera. >> apart from that, it will look like these images? >> it will be so amazing. it's only to the west. not in the east. >> chad myers, i adore you. thank you so much. throughout your life, your credit score can go up and down like the stock market, even if you don't know it. if you do know it what about that bad credit rating? how can you fix it? poppy harlow has today's help desk. >> we are talking about how to rebuild your credit. very important issue that affects americans. with me ryan mack, president of optimum capital management and stacey francis. what is the best way to rebuild my credit after filing for bankruptcy? this takes about seven years? >> you can start right away. even though that bankruptcy could still be on your report, that doesn't mean you can't have a 750 fico score.
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getting a secured car. go to a local credit union, smarter, paying your bills on time. go to automatic bill payment. pay down your debts as fast as possible. go to annual credit and taking out all the errors and everything you find and dispute on those. >> i wonder how difficult it is to clean up your credit report. >> it took you a while to hurt your credit score. it's going to take a while to come out of it. you want to make those ontime payments. make sure that you are using credit. definitely open up a credit card or secured card and start to rebuild that credit. they didn't build rome in a day. your credit is not going to be
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fixed in a day. >> appreciate it. >> poppy harlow, thank you for that. up next, one of the world's most famous chefs is going to join me live. you know him. he is jamie oliver. i'm going to ask him about why we are so darn lazy. why we like the heart attack grill? and why he is recruiting major celebrities for one very simple message. there he is. we'll talk live in a moment. people with a machine. what ? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it ?
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something salty, sugary. i don't know. something from a vending machine. if that is your plan, hold the phone. you have to explain that choice to my next guest jamie oliver. he is the celebrity chef and food crusader warning the developed world we are getting fat. not just a little fat. dangerously fat. he is here to help promote his cause celeb which is food revolution day tomorrow. great to see you. there was a report just released in oregon, keeping in mind oregon. look at the number according to the oregon health authority, 60% of adults are overweight or obese. this is oregon which is known for the outdoor lifestyle and sports. if oregon is that bad, what state are we in here? >> whether it's the united states of america or britain, we are both doing really well in getting really unwell. the reality is life has changed
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over the last 34 years. the biggest killer in both our countries is not car crashes, not war, not homicide, not even smoking cancer even any more. it's diet-related disease. from my point of view, the last seven, eight years i spent trying to make awareness. i've got so many strands of what i do whether it's telling people how amazing food is, how simple it is and how cheap it can be and having fun to campaigning against government and trying to do documentaries to get big companies to change the things they are doing. tomorrow food revolution day is about trying to get everyone to just have fun with food. >> one of the first times i saw you you were showing a tomato to kids in school asking what it was. a lot of them had no idea. it was earth-shattering to see that. one thing you put out in your press release i couldn't
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believe. people will probably take note. more people die from diet-related diseases every year than from drugs, alcohol and war combined. the majority of the world's population is more likely to die from obesity than from hunger. how are these statistics possible, especially on the global level? >> a lot has happened and changed in the last 40 years. whether it's the types of farming, technology and kinds of processed foods. at the same time many people go to work. 30 years ago only 12% of women worked. now it's 65%. our lives, our world and our priorities changed a lot. it's always a shock. we have a scheme in england where i build kitchens and gardens in schools. we went to the poorest school in london the other day. in the outside area when i walked outside, all these 8-year-old, -year-old kids all
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have mobile phones, all the big brands. you can see how much our lives are changing and our priorities. what i'm trying to make food revolution day celebrate, it's not my day. i realized working in the states now about 14 years, all the answers are here in the states. there are amazing people all around the country doing beautiful things. parents, groups, organizations, companies, businesses. we try to give them all a pat on the back, try to give them more confidence to carry on doing the great work they are doing. >> it's a huge effort and noble. especially in a country where we have a restaurant called the heart attack grill. let's read the menu, shall we? over 350 pounds? you eat free.
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this is a restaurant boasting a quadruple bypass burger that has 8,000 calories if you finish it. people have actually passed out and had to have paramedics called. >> other diets don't deliver results, but i made incredible progress on the heart attack grill diet. a couple of months ago i was wearing these. >> i get it. we are laughing and it's funny, but the reality is this is a marketing ploy people are buying into. there is no shortage of business at the heart attack grill. >> you're absolutely right. i worked in many of america's communities. i spent time in elementary schools, high schools, poor areas, parts of america where there is no clean water, where getting fresh food can be a
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50-minute journey away to get fresh food instead of processed food. reality is whether you're talking about britain or america, our countries are in crisis. the biggest killer is being ignored because it's not very dramatic. there's no bullets. there's no car chases. i guess what food revolution day is all about is trying to get the people that do care -- america is a very diverse country of amazing producers, amazing suppliers, amazing culinary history. it's a melting pot for the world. there is so much to celebrate. >> i want you to look at a picture on your screen. this is honda's newest answer to how we are supposed to be getting around the office. i kid you not. it's just too tough to walk to the elevator. jamie, you have to get me off the ledge when we come back.
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look up. with u.s. bank let's get the wheels turning. use our strength & stability to open new opportunities. to lend, and lift ...every business...every dream... to new heights of prosperity. good things are happening. just look up. with u.s. bank. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪
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like this in our existence? >> i don't think so. the idea of trying to get more physical, even if it's walking to work, up the stairs, they are the things that will help people. not making life easier. >> there was a group of doctors who asked -- bless you. there was a group of doctors that asked our president to stop eating junk food in public. you probably heard about michelle obama's efforts to get this country thinking about fresh foods. she planted a garden at the white house. she is into exercise. other people criticize and say that's nanny nation. is there anything wrong with making these efforts so public? >> no. i don't think so at all. if the obama administration really care about their country, of course, they have to acknowledge the biggest killer. i think mrs. obama has been wanting to do a lot of stuff.
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the way i look at it, over the last eight years i started to realize politics is very, very -- it doesn't have as much control as we think it does. the real key lays with the public. every time the public decides to buy something here or there, they are essentially voting the best vote of their life. for me there is way more power inspiring the public. i'm seeing a change here in the states. back home in the uk i've seen dramatic change just by informing the public about how certain things are made and how certain things aren't made. it's not don't have a burger. we all love a burger, but i think you want to know what's in it. you want to have clear signposting about is it good for you or not? you're indulging, indulge. you don't want to be indulging when you don't think you are. >> you don't want to get the quadruple bypass burger. good luck with food revolution
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day tomorrow. nice to see you. we are back after this. a party? [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge!
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in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. [ female announcer ] the sun powers life. ♪ and now it powers our latest innovation. ♪ introducing the world's only solar-powered home energy system, which can cut your heating and cooling bills in half. call now to get up to 1,375 dollars in rebates. or zero percent financing for 18 months on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 15th. plus download our free
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lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator to show how much you'll save with a lennox system. if your current system is 10 years or older, start planning now and take advantage of special financing. so call now to get up to 1,375 dollars in rebates. or zero percent financing for 18 months on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 15th. and download our lennox mobile app -- free. lennox. innovation never felt so good. we are just minutes away from the closing bell and facebook's biggest moment of the day. that's the results of ipo day. i'm ash le banfield. our special coverage from new york with ali velshi begins right after this. ♪
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where the costs to both repair your home and replace your possessions are covered. and we don't just cut a check for the depreciated value -- we can actually replace your stuff with an exact or near match. plus, if your home is unfit to live in after an incident, we pay for you to stay somewhere else while it's being repaired. home protector plus, from liberty mutual insurance. because you never know what lies around the corner. to get a free quote, call... visit a local office, or go to today. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? welcome to our special coverage of facebook. i'm ali velshi.
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>> i'm christine romans. facebook the most anticipated tech stock in history. represents nut paradigm shift on the web. for all the hype and anticipation, facebook's stock came out with a bang before retreating with a fizzle. >> the next 20 minutes of trading we'll cover the story of facebook's first trading day as only krfrp nn can. only cnn can. alison kosik at the nasdaq. it is now a few cents higher than its debut. all the other social media stocks are down with it. felicia taylor is live on the floor of the new york stock exchange talking to traders all day. dan simon at facebook headquarters in menlo park, california. thousands turned out to see mark zuckerberg remotely ring nasdaq's bell. ned riley who was nervous from
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the start of all the attention facebook is getting. it's not impossible a stock doesn't go up on the first day of the ipo. one of the most talked-about stocks and ipos of all time. >> it is a surprise. there was concern small investors would jump in here then get in the way of a run away freight train. you could almost argue maybe it's been priced perfectly because the stock came out, debuted at $38. right now it's unchanged $38.01. we'll see what happens. there are 400 million shares of stock trading today that wasn't available the day before. >> it's accelerating right now. microsoft on a given day might trade 50 million shares. apple might trade 25 million. we are probably at about 500 million shares trading hands. that caused a major problem at the start of trade and all through the trading day. alison kosik is at the nasdaq market site where the stock is listed. nothing but trouble when it came
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to trading. >> a messy debut for facebook. shares are flat. we end the day before we began. that "unchanged" word on the board behind me. it was a mix of technical difficulties and lackluster demand. that bled over to other social networking stocks including zynga. zynga shares were halted today because so many people sold those shares so fast. zynga shares down 13%. others shares down. yelp down 10%, pandora down 5%, groupon down 8%. linkedin down 6%. this is when a strong company in one of these sectors doesn't do as good as planned. you see these other shares in the same realm fall like that. one analyst says the overall long-term trend for social networking sites is positive. people are using social media.
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advertisers are spending money even though gm pulled out of its advertising on facebook. there are advertisements. people are spending money. not every social networking site does as good as the next. one day of trading for facebook doesn't mean this is how it's going to be long term. >> that is a very important point. we've been talking about whether this is bad for facebook. this might be the best deal a retail investor got. big ipo, the retail investor can't get in on the ipo price. look at that price. 38 bucks is exactly the ipo price. >> it is the first day of trading. this is the beginning of the new chapter for facebook. let's go to felicia taylor at the new york stock exchange. traders there watching what's happening. >> you have no idea how much attention there is on this stock. i want to tell you something interesting that is keeping the price of this stock around $38
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where it was the ipo price. that is day traders getting in at the last minute trading it up and down. just a fraction. a few pennies here and there. that is hampering the stock right now. the underwriter comes in at that $38 price range and keeps that price. the expectation or speculation right now is that it could possibly trade even lower than the ipo price next week. next week is going to be a focal point for facebook stock. right now it's the day trade others keeping it in a tight range. probably in the next 20 minutes you'll see this stock close exactly where it opened. although there is the one speculation this is exactly what the underwriters wanted, a little pop at the open, up about 5%, 10%, that is out there. p frankly, this stock is being traded and traded heavily. >> thank you, felicia. >> dan simon is at facebook headquarters. this is amazing, regardless of what's going on with the stock, it was an amazing day at
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facebook. >> lots of new millionaires, no matter what happens today. >> thousands of people came out to kick it off on the first trading day. dan, does this matter the stock price thing out there? does this matter to them? are they not following the stock all that closely? >> they are watching it. i spoke with a facebook executive and i asked him about the stock price. he didn't have much reaction. it's the first day. this is a marathon they are running here. i can tell you he told me the energy level in that courtyard when they rang the bell was tremendous. all night when they had the hack-a-thon when people get together and come up with new ideas. said it felt like a rock concert. that said, right now it's a bit more subdued. these guys pulled an all-neither. a lot of them went home. they are taking a break. some did go back to work.
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earlier today as mark zuckerberg rang that bell, obviously, so much enthusiasm in there. they are watching the stock price closely, but at this point, obviously, not much concern. >> dan, thank you very much on that. dan makes a good point. they are tired. you're seeing the price at $38.01. that is not necessarily a natural place. it's not that it all of a sudden came to $38. my suspicion is the underwriters morgan stanley, looks bad for a company that advises a company that is going for an ipo to price the stock incorrectly. the fact that it gets to around $38, i wouldn't be surprised if there is intervention in the market. that morgan stanley and its friends are buying the stock so it does not close below $38. >> a lot of people thought they never had a shot and suddenly they are day trading. one man not surprised is ned riley, ceo and founder of reilly asset management investment company. you told people not to touch it.
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you were not buying into the hype. we talked about the failure to launch today. was the hype unjustified? >> yes. >> just yes. so many people thought it was going to go up. they thought this was a company everybody understands, $ 00 billion, mark zuckerberg is a genius. are you surprised it's only $38 a share right now? >> i am surprised it's $38. there are several reasons for it. ali hit it on the head there. the syndicate has to keep that price at $38 a share for the end of the day. they are buying stock other people are selling. nobody wants to carry a long position over the weekend. the second thing i'm encouraged about, people paid attention to some fundamentals, i hope. that was the fact the company itself said it could not convert to the mobile concept successfully at the moment. it's hurting short-term
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earnings. you've got to come up with a big platform that is going to figure out how to put advertising on the ipads and rest of the devices out there. third thing i had a problem with, too, what they call in the business oversubscribing. if you don't think you're going to this morning was, an insurantitutional manager pu for a million shares. >> so what happened, we're trying to piece this together -- what happened between maybe 10:30 when this was supposed to open for trading and 11:30 whether it did, traders were trying to cancel orders which is very suspicious on a brand-new ipo. but here's the thing, ned. people said it was going to be $90, $60. you were talking about $50 maybe? so does that mean that you think -- >> may open at $50. >> you think it's got some space to ride? if you are the average joe watching us and can you actually buy a stock at the ipo price of
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a major company, should you? >> yeah, see $50 i threw out was purely on the hype and speculation. remember, between the time we met before and now, they increased the size of the offering by the selling shareholders so you actually provided more supply for that demand out there. the second is that, after the initial hoopla of the whole thing, people decided the demand wasn't as great as it looked before so they're all selling in. that $38 price that hit this morning, that too, the send cat coming in there and saying, whoa, we can't break that price so we're going to support it until the stocks go back up again. >> we'll go back to the new york stock exchange right now. felicia taylor is there. with her, someone who understands very well the trading problems. i said earlier, it was like an anaconda trying to swallow a goat. 400 million shares into the stock market. there were some problems. >> that's a great analogy,
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christine. i couldn't have come one it myself but i love it. this was a $420 million offering. valuation of $100 billion, that's the first company ever to go public like that. >> from that point of view you can't compare it to anything else that's out there so it is difficult. beware -- this morning the opening was not 400 million shares -- it was 78 million shares. that caused some of the nervousness in that whole social media group. >> the fact they couldn't fill some of these orders, how concerning is that? >> the issue about that is the technological failure. that's what caused part of the problem. system got overwhelmed and when they went to open it, what happened was the reports were not going back automatically so people who had orders in to buy or to sell did not know whether their order was represented, was it executed, did they get a completion or not. in fact it took nasdaq almost four hours to get the reports out. in fact, it is interesting but
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they were going out giving manual reports. >> which is not what they normally do. >> clearly not. they're the technological exchange. >> not like the new york stock exchange. there was a little humor here. >> as the day closes, we're seeing a lot of day traders jumping in right now. are you surprised? this is heavily traded. >> i'm not. but it won't nearly have this vl um next week twuns settles down. ned and ali made a good point. $38 bid is a send cat bid. this stock is not trading below $38 today. monday or tuesday might be a different issue. probably not monday, maybe tuesday they'll let it go on its own. >> that's a brilliant point, kenny and felicia. send c the stock is underwritten. when you want to go public you find a bunch of bankers. morgan stanley in this case was the lead banker. they get other banks. these are the people who advise the company on what the price should be and they want there to be enough demand. it is bad for business for morgan stanley and the send cat
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if this thing sells for less than $38 so they are supporting it, they're getting in and buying it. you a at some point this gets old. >> that's right. watch what happens next week. see, everybody clapping down here on the floor? they're watching this stock hitting $38 and even dipping below it. they're surprised. >> listen. it won't dip below today. no matter what happens with the market i would be very surprised if morgan stanley, goldman sachs would let this thing trade below $38 no matter what the broader market does. monday or tuesday will be a very different story. it's got to jump, and run on its own two feet. >> you can hear the whooping on the floor. they are watching every single trade that happens. you can literally do that on some of these monitors because of electronic trading. it is highly traded right now. >> good see you, as always. we're watching this thing, $38,
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$38.01. >> there's excitement around facebook, something that 900 million people around the world use. we us a say buy or invest in what you understand but this is the first day of the next chapter for facebook. right? facebook as an investment. we'll learn more about how this company earns money and what it is going to do next. what, ned, does facebook have to prove right now to hold on to $38 a share in the stock market? >> well, i'm not sure they're going to prove it right away because the platform, new business platform that they have to work on is going to be very difficult. i am shocked that facebook hasn't already thought about this and developed it. they pointed it out in the second quarter report that the revenue was not coming along with the conversion of people from laptops and desk tops over to the mobile devices. if you hadn't thought about it before, i'm a little nervous that they're going to suddenly develop the idea and here we put the advertising on that mobile app. >> so many people are excited
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and inspired about stock market investing all of a sudden, people who don't even know how to log on to their 401(k) are asking how to get facebook shares. is this a moment when you should know how to be invested? >> christine, i thank you for that question. i have had a problem with these social media stocks for a while now and sell at multiples that are ridiculous and the frenzy around them. everybody saying look, this is it, this is the new generation. the new technology of the decade that comes. i heard that about 15 years ago. the problem we've got right now is one that they've created such a size of an audience and yet they are living off the ad revenue that's generated from it. these are going to be great companies and they still are great companies, but you know, it's duplicated, it can be represent katepli kated. >> we'll keep talking about this for the next hour. short break now. when we come back, the closing bell with wolf blitzer.
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that's the power of all of us. that's the power of all of us. that's the membership effect of american express. happening now -- the company that started in a dorm room finally makes a big debut on wall street. hype about its high-priced initial offering. facebook has a sort of bumpy first day. the markets are about to close. ali velshi, erin burnett, alison kosik are all standing by live. her uncle, and to you her father, have ruled cuba for half a century. anything wrong with giving another visa toeo
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