tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 19, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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the right move for us, we decided we have to do it. >> their strategy sure paid off. after a successful open house, they received several offers and they accepted one for about 5% less than they paid for their home in 2010. all right. if you have a question you would like to us answer, find us on facebook and twitter, cnn bottomline. mine is @christineromans. back to cnn saturday. have a great weekend. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta this is "cnn saturday morning." a bride stabbed to death in her bathtub, the suspect, her new husband. now an international manhunt as the fbi follows leads to mexico. >> wrr and it's a multimillion dollar business. international baby adoption. a heart-wrenching story sheds light on the struggle of overseas adoptions. we put the baby business in focus. and nearly half of college
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students could be alcoholics. that, according to the newest definitions by psychiatrics. celebrity addiction expert bob forest joins us live. and food revolution day. 58 countries have pledged to work toward a healthier diet. we have the naked chef himself, jamie oliver, live. and good morning, everyone. i'm randi kaye 10:00 on the east coast, 7:00 on the west. a lot to tell you about this morning. first, rolled up sleeves and high stakes diplomacy underway at camp david right now. president obama is hosting world leaders. europe's economic woes sent the u.s. stock market tumbling. mr. obama welcomed leader as a short time ago and says it's all about the global economy. >> this morning, we're going to be spending a lot of time on economic issues. obviously, the eurozone will be
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one topic. and all of us are absolutely committed to making sure that both growth and stability and fiscal consolidation are part of a overall package that all of us have to pursue. >> cnn white house correspondent brianna keilar is at camp david. eurozone pricrisis, now enterin world three. you can see how serious they all agree this problem is. >> reporter: that's right, randi. one moment pretty telling as german chancellor angela merkel walked up to president obama for the presidential greeting moment. he asked her how she is doing, and she kind of shrugged. and he said something to the effect you have a lot on your mind. europe very much at a crossroads this is the third year of this crisis. the 17 nations in the eurozone have done a lot of belt tightening, cutting government
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spending and they are not doing so great. their economies are not growing by and large. they need to do something else. and the solutions are really kind of long term, but as you'll notice looking at the leaders at the summit, there are new faces coming from europe and that's because many leaders in europe have or potentially will pay the political price for governing over such a tough economic situation. and especially, randi, a lot of weight on the shoulders of angela merkel. germany is the largest economy in the eurozone and set the pace for what will be the solution. >> no question about that you mentioned new players on the scene. one leader missing, vladmir putin. is this a snub or what that he's a no-show? >> reporter: this is seen by a lot of people that this is a snub. president vladmir putin, who just came in again as president again here this month says he's not coming, because he's
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formalizing his cabinet. he did send prime minister dimitri medvedev. i liken this tofu were on a date and you said, no, i'm washing my hair, i can't go. this is the snub a lot of people are seeing, and president obama made an announcement in september that he's not going to the apac summit in russia. sort of maybe some mutual snubbery going on there, and a sign of really frosty relations and at a time, randi, when russia is very key to dealing with very important issues. and russia has resisted attempts by the u.s. and other u.n. security council nations to put pressure on governments. really tough things that they really did need to discuss. >> no question. they need a little bonding time. brianna keilar, thank you very much. also this morning, a blind chinese activist is on his way to the u.s. chen quangcheng, his wife and two children, have been cleared by u.s. authorities. their flight out of beijing was
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delayed a couple of hours, but is now headed to newark. last month, chen escaped house arrest and found his way to the u.s. embassy after a lot of diplomatic back and forth. china agreed to let chen to study abroad. he's been invited to study at new york university. the hunt for a man accused of killing his pride on their wedding night has moved to mexico that's where the fbi believes renaldo jiminez has now fled. it's been exactly a week since police say jiminez stabbed his new bride in their illinois apartment she was found to in the bathtub. he is charged with first degree murder. a delay this morning for what was supposed to be a historic launch from cape canaveral. >> four, three, two, one, zero. and liftoff. we've had a cutoff. >> yes, that was a no go.
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the computers found a problem with in one of the falcon rocket's nine engines just a half second before that launch. the rocket carrying the dragon space draft was supposed to carry cargo to the international space station it would have been the first private mission of its kind. they are now shooting for a tuesday launch. much anticipated facebook ipo couldn't pull the stock market out of its week-long slide. facebook didn't really woe investors at all. after an early jump, the stock firn finished up just 23 cents. all three major indices notched their first week of the year. dow closed down 3.5%. opening your home and your heart. we've been focusing this morning on international adoptions. i'll introduce you to a woman who went the extra 8,000 miles three times. but, first, a very good morning to washington, d.c.. my cut hurt!
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welcome back. all morning, we've been putting international adoption in focus. many stories have involved the enormous obstacles american parents must go through to adopt children overseas. and sometimes with tragic endsings. there are many happy endings, and we don't think you hear enough of those. we are joined by rebecca gray and her three beautiful daughters. first of all, introduce me to your girls here. >> this is gracie jane, she is eight years old, and she has been home with us for one year. this is jasmine. jasmine, we brought home when she was 8 months old, and she's seven now. and then kennedy jean faye, 6 years old and came home when she was 2 years old. >> wow look at them. they are getting a kick of seeing themselves on the monitors in the studio.
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you adopted from china? >> we did. >> why china? >> we had traveled around the world and previously been in india, and at mother teresa's home for the destitute and dying and found some women outside the home and my husband and i were there together, and we saw a woman laying on a mat, and she was teaching her baby to roll, and it was at that moment that we had an epiphany we wanted to adopt internationally. and shortly after that, we were in china, visited two orphanages and when we came back to atlanta, we applied, which we didn't know at the time, for jasmine. >> you just kept going back and getting another one. they are so cute. explain the process, though. it was complicated? i guess -- give me an idea of what's involved? >> first you have to select an agency. and that's probably most important. you really need to connect with the agency, with its mission and culture, because you're going to be working with them for a long period of time. and the second would be to
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determine what country you are interested in adopting through, if you decide to go through internationally. there are different rules and requirements for that. >> i'm watching them. the two of them. >> what do you look for in an agency? we've heard some horror stories, talking about some of them this morning. how do you know it's the right agency and you really will connect with them? >> i think you need to look at their mission, their culture, you need to see what responsiveness is to e-mails, phone calls, to make sure you feel comfortable with that, and the number of adoptions they do from that country, so you understand their level of expertise in working with that country. >> i wanted to -- can i talk to your girls for just a second. i'll start with gracie jane. gracie jane, hello. >> hello. >> so obviously, you've told the girls they are adopted. they understand that. do you understand that you were brought here from china, and what do you think about that? >> what do you think? what do you like about having a mommy and daddy?
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what do you like? what do you like doing together as a family? >> eat. gracie was in an orphanage for seven years, so this is a big transition, as you can imagine. >> she has been here how long? >> one year this month. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> and then we have jasmine. jasmine, i know are you busy watching yourself on tv over there. what do you like about having a mommy and a daddy? >> kisses. >> kisses. oh, that's so nice. do you -- how long have you been here? >> i don't know. >> she doesn't know. >> how long has she been here. she was adopted at eight months and now she's 7. >> okay. do they get strange questions when are you out as a family? have you noticed, do they ask where you are from, where do your parents look that way, and you don't? >> we get a lot of those questions, randi. a lot of questions where are you from? and jasmine has the best answer. she says i'm from atlanta.
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>> that is great. i guess my question is, why wouldn't -- a lot of people wondering, so many babies and so many orphans here in the u.s. do you know why parents like yourself would consider going out of this country instead of adopting here at home? >> i think that's a question i get asked a lot over the course of the past several years, and i haven't really always understood the question, quite frankly, because i think it's such a personal decision to how you want to create a family, and i've never asked a biological mother, well, was that through in vitro or insemination or was there a donor? and so to me, i never understand why domestic versus international, and there is just -- it's a very personal decision. >> you know, are you certainly as we've been saying, one of the lucky families. it went well, and it's gone right. but as you know, you are probably familiar with the hague convention, which is really designed to help prevent babies from being stolen in some of
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these countries and then sold to international agencies who then adopt them out to families here in the u.s. i mean, that's certainly an ugly side of the baby business as well. >> yes, it is. and i think going with an a -- a country that's hague accredited and going with an agency that's hague accredited will help prevent those issues. >> have there been any challenges for you and the girls? >> of course. >> i'm sorry. i think they are so funny. >> u.s. a big transition. a big transition to adopt children. a transition for the child to change their diet, to change the language, to change manners and just culture. so that's very hard on the family to have the patience to work through that and for the child to -- to experience it. >> what do they all like to do together? >> what do you like to do together? >> play with the birds. our parakeets. >> oh, have you parakeets. >> two parakeets. >> and one name is star and the
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other is named sunshine. >> star and sunshine. are you responsible for feeding them? yeah, you take care of them? so when you -- when you continue to adopt, did you talk to them about you are getting a new sister, we're going back to china? >> we did. and jasmine and kennedy were very young when we adopted them. when we decided to adopt grace, we talked with jasmine and kennedy and said mommy and daddy would like another daughter, and another sister, and they requested that we adopt an older child. that wasn't our plan initially, but when the adoption agency called us about a 7-year-old and i thought isn't that interesting, that the other two wanted a big sister. so they got a big sister. >> i think it's wonderful what you've done. thank you for coming in. rebecca gray, thank you very much. >> thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. now to this. sam, a 6-year-old golden
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huntington beach, swells coming in in two sets. going to be nice, especially this afternoon. good for surfers, go long borders. >> hang ten a little bit? >> hang ten a little bit. we want to talk about some of the stories that caught our eye this morning. we have a few. shall we start? a lot to choose from. this one, we showed you a shot of sam. a golden retriever, it really caught our eye, because apparently he decided to get off his leash and he jumped into a -- the current there, a very cold current. a golden retriever, he's 6 years old, and i guess he couldn't get out of the current and his owner didn't know what to do. so -- >> the thing is -- i know how much you love dogs and i know you are an animal lover. would you have jumped in after the dug. >> in a minute. in a second actually. >> you wouldn't have thought twice. >> i wouldn't. probably not the smartest thing
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to do. firefighters came, tried to coax him to shore, but there look. they got him. got him in the boat. he's pretty cute. >> wagging his tail too. you have to like that. >> all is well for sam. so another -- another story that we have, which is actually a pretty good one. getting shipwrecked on an island, can you imagine? probably one of the scariest things. i don't know what i would wish for? >> a cooler full of beer and -- oh, that was the truth. funny how the truth comes out in a situation like that. >> you would save the sinking cooler before anything else probably, wouldn't you? >> we all have our priorities. come on. >> you would do pretty well on the island, and you would know the weather and know when it was safe. three fishermen didn't know the weather as well as you do, reynolds. they had to be resourceful. stranded for ten days after their boat capsized. stuck on banks island off central british columbia, and used their raft as shelter, pretty smart. and you know what they ate?
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>> seafood. seaweed and clams, which sound like it should be on the menu at a restaurant, especially if you are into sushi. they were seen by a sailor sailing north along the coast. a 70-year-old sailor, who saw them, picked them up. they are very fortunate. could have had a different outcome. >> that diet, might have to check that out. clams for dinner, sounds kind of yummy. some of the great video we thought we'd share with you this morning. this week's cnn hero is bringing this hidden population, under the age of 18, but caring for an aging or ill family member. you will meet a woman for children who are caring for others. but, first, the great wall of china may be one of the places to visit on your bucket list. rob marciano shows us where we can walk the wall on this week's "on the go." >> reporter: the great wall of china, more than 5,500 miles
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long and originally built to keep invaders out. today, it attracts 10 million visitors a year. >> being able to stand on the wall, to look out over the mountains, to realize that parts of this wall were built over 2,000 years ago and still standing. that's -- that's something that will take your breath away. >> reporter: start in beijing, within driving distance to the five main sections of wauthe wa open to the public. >> if you want to say you saw the great wall, go to the juyonguan sections, close toast beijing. badaling one of the best preserved sections, wheel share accessible. very crowded and full of vendors. mutianyu in one of the most beautiful stretches of mountains you can imagine. two other sections, simatai and jinshanling, original, unrestored sections of the wall. >> pick a weekday to climb in
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where they grow america's favorite gins at wpotatoes. idaho, everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they're good for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart association for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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you okay? let me help you. my mom has been sick for as long as i can remember. you need more methadone. helping her out is a bigger priority than going to school. because i don't know what i would do if something happened to her. i wouldn't be able to really live. >> in the united states, there are at least 1.3 million children caring for someone who is ill or injured or elderly or disabled. they can become isolated. there are physical effects, the stresses of it. and the worry. >> thank you, baby. thank you so much. >> but these children suffer silently. people don't know they exist. i'm connie siskowski, i'm bringing this precious population into the light to transform their lives so they can stay in school. >> thank you. >> i offer each child a home
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visit. we look at what we can provide to meet the need. we go into the schools with a peer support group. and we offer out of school activities that give the child a break. >> this is so relaxing, so they know they are not alone. we give them hope for their future. >> nicholas. >> now i'm getting as, and bs. i feel more confident. >> we have a long way to go. so many more children that really need this help and support. >> and, remember, cnn heroes are all chosen from people you tell us about. to nominate someone making a difference if to cnn your nomination could help them help others. well, i am very excited about your next guest. celebrity chef jamie oliver has invited us all to dinner, sort of. he's joining us next to tell us
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about food revolution day and what's on the menu. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this paradeeet, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering honoring america's troops. sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering which is actually in tquite fitting becauseadeeet, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering geico has been serving e military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. sir, can you hear me? two, three. just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse.
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i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, if you made a list of countries from around the world... ...with the best math scores. ...the united states would be on that list. in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation. let's get back to the head of the class. let's solve this.
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welcome back, everyone. i'm randi kaye. bottom hour. let's get straight to the news. time to get you caught up on some of the morning's headlines. world leaders are getting work at camp david as the latest g8 summit under way. on the aendgentleman, syria, iran, and north karrhea, a reko the european debt crisis. engine jet problems forced space x to scrap its space launch. it was supposed to carry cargo to the international space station. the first private mission of its kind. they may try again on tuesday. a blind chinese activist who asked president owe became kra and congress for help is on his way to the u.s.
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the state department confirming chen quangcheng, his wife and two children, due to arrive in new york later today. he hid in the u.s. embassy in beijing several days last month after fleeing house arrest. it is food revolution day. people all over the world are taking steps toward a healthier life-style. 58 countries, a total of 641 cities are signed up and the man who started this whole movement, well, you may recognize him. check it out. >> the solutions if we all do a little bit, we can definitely make a difference. you know what? you are probably going to have a really good time doing it too. so get started. go on, you can do it. this is how it works. you go to an event or host one yourself where you can pass your knowledge to your friends, family, community. >> everyone worked together. >> in cities and schools. >> governments. >> parents. >> and kids.
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>> then nothing would stop us. >> it is a huge movement. joining me now to get us motivated this morning is the man himself. celebrity chef jamie oliver. good morning to you. >> how you doing? >> i'm doing well, thank you. i went to your website this morning, got signed on for the food revolution petition. >> bless you, that's what we want. >> i want to talk to you about your passion about this. for the last eight or nine years, you've been such a passionate advocate for schools and really trying to raise awareness about obesity which say huge problem. what is the goal for food revolution day? >> food revolution day is really to celebrate the joy of cooking, farm farmers, producers, getting people in the communities to what is already beautiful and on their doorstep. that's why it's a global event. why it's relevant in my country and in america and some incredible countries that i never thought would get involved. really, i think part of the problem has to be about, you
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know, these occasions whether they are at school or at home or, food revolution day, just getting kids enthused about food and everything around it, really. the hope, we get a lot of people involved today and thinking a bit differently. >> how do you go about getting kids passionate about food? what is the problem with kids and even with adults today? >> well, it's very, very simple. i mean, life has changed a lot in the last 40 years. priorities have changed a lot in the last 40 years, regardless of whether people are wealthy or poor, and really it's about exposure. i've never, ever met a child from any community, whether poor or rich, that doesn't love food and gets excited about it when they are involved in planting it, growing it, and of course, eating it. and they are willing to if they get involved in the other bits. it's a reminder, personally, we've been very separated from food. when we did food revolution in the uk and usa over the past few
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years, the amount of children, would you hold a tomato or tomato, and they wouldn't know what it was. what's that? they would say french fries. and what's that? it got so bad, my passion is that we bring it all up a little bit. and, of course, let's not forget, the biggest killer in this country today is not homicide, not car crashes or anything like that. not war. it's actually diet-related disease. >> that's amazing. incredible some kids don't know what a tomato is, a vegetable is. i want to talk to you about how do you get kids interested in cooking? i think that would help. you struggled young in terms of academics and just developed this natural talent for cooking? >> well, my belief, whether it's england or america, that our governments today, owe it to us to make sure that schools, whether it's elementary or high school, are teaching young people, kids, about food, where
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it comes from and how it affects their body. and the great thing about cooking, it can wrap around any subject. if you are a math teacher, the most dynamic way to teach math, certainly in the beginning, is subtracting, piecharts and making a cake or beautiful dish. i have only ever found that schools benefit from teaching food, because it allows many other things, whether it's science, biology, art. it allows it to really come to life. >> what do you think the biggest problem is in terms of obstacles that you faced in dealing with school's food systems? >> i think the reality is you've got 40 years of noninvestment in the school service and in education in school. once you have had that, it's going to be easily pushed aside. even though the biggest issue for america right now is health. the cost of health and how bad health is getting, but i think -- i guess food revolution day is kind of admitting that i
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really think government is disempowered and not that powerful in the first place. you saw what happened at the beginning of the year, the reauthorization of the child nutrition bill and within months, the frozen food industry, got french fries back on the list as a vegetable and frozen pizza as a vegetable and that's how powerful those kind of elements can be. so for me, really, what i'm focusing on now is the public, the kids and i'm hoping that businesses will follow and then probably way behind that, government might do something. >> what about schools, though? even if you want the schools. we hear so much about school lunches that aren't healthy. schools are facing huge budget issues. what is the answer? the answer to get parents to start making healthy lunches? >> well, you know, school see this very differently. of course you can send your kids to school with lunch. but to be honest, i've seen more problems in packed lunches than in schools. to be honest. the things i've seen regularly
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in past lunches around the globe is phenomenal. >> what are some of the mistakes? >> cans of energy drinks, we're talking about some of the most famous cold fast food burgers, nugge nuggets. all carbyhydrates, no veggies, no fruit and time and time and time again. the one thing to remember, american kids go to school 180 days a year from 5 to 18. half of the whole nutrition happens at school. so the government is incredibly responsible for how that kid looks, feels, and physically is after that time. so, you know, i'm really passionate about it. i think when you see a school that's really beautifully run, i mean, funny enough, i was in soweto in south africa not so long ago, and i saw one of the very best school lunches i've seen in a long, long time in an orphanage in a shanty town looking after aids kids. and so my point is, is they are
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in a shanty town, no electric, but they manage to feed the kids beautifully. so i think it comes down to priorities. i mean, we've had harvards and all of the big universities tell us that food, you know, allows your brain to grow and operate 10% more efficiently, even more slightly. so i just think that the problem is that food and food education isn't at the heart of schools. and i believe that right now, it should be, because the statistics of bad health, sort of command that. in 2012, this is the first generation of young americans that are expected to live a shorter life than their parents. >> yeah, it's heartbreaking really. jamie oliver, i love what are you doing about food and trying to get everybody to eat healthier, bringing the fork to us it. i'm a big supporter to that. happy food revolution day. and if you'd like to get involved, create an event, sign jamie oliver's petition, go to
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his website, visit jamie' it is being called a powerful documentary, one that tackles bullying and something that parents and students are encouraged to see. i'll talk with the man behind it. bored with your one trick lipstick? then lead a double life! with new blast flipstick from covergirl. creamy color on one end, shimmery color on the other. so you can flip your look from demure, to daring. new blast flipstick from covergirl. you know you could just use bengay zero degrees. medicated pain relief you store in the freezer. brrr...see ya boys. [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on.
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>> i didn't choose a life-style where i know i'm going to get ridiculed, i know i'm going to be discriminated against, i know there will be a lot of prejudice against me. i didn't choose that. it's just who i am. >> it is a powerful new documentary about bullying in our nation's schools, it's called "teach your children well" and it's getting a lot of praise. the film focuses specifically on anti gay bullying, the director calls it the worst form of bullying. lilyly to lin ftomlin march rat. joining me now is the director. >> good to be with you. >> you say anti gay bullying is the worst of its kind. why is that? >> well, you know, if a young person is bullied because of a racial issue or because of an ethnic issue, they can go home to their family and they can talk about it and they will get support, but if you're gay, and your family happens to be
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homophobic, you run into a situation where you don't have anywhere to turn. have you no support, and these are the situations where we see so often where when the person has nowhere to turn, they become very lonely and these are when suicides happen. an incredible issue, and it's so needed to bring the awareness up on this. >> and you say bullying is the effect of bullying and homophobia. can you tell us how that fits into the title of your documentary, "teach our children well." >> the original focus was to bring the issue of homophobia to the screen. and our feeling is nobody is born with prejudice, nobody is born with those preconceived notions. those are learned behaviors, and so our feeling is that if they are learned, they can be unlearned, and the goal of our film is to raise the awareness of people so that those kinds of situations don't happen. because it really is the adults
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that are around the children that create the environment for the kid to thrive or to fail. and those -- those beliefs are passed on through all of the different adults who deal with these kids. so really our film is aimed at the adults who teach their children. and we're really hoping they teach them well and that they -- this whole thing of homophobia can be eradicated. >> i do want to share some statistics with lgbt, the gay lesbian straight network, 84.6% of lgbt students reported being verbally harassed, 40.1% physically harassed, and 18.8% report being physically assaulted in the past year because of sexual orientation. in the film, you actually use the word bullycide. what do you mean by that? >> where i first heard that term
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was when anderson cooper held his town hall meetings in september. that was following the suicides of tyler clemente and seth walsh, whose mother wendy walsh is in our film. he used that term and i thought this is a great term to describe it. when are you talking about somebody who is bullied to the point where they can't take it anymore, it is not -- you can't look at that as a simple, ordinary suicide this is somebody who was tortured to the point where they saw no other way out. and when you get to that point, i thought the word bullycide so succinctally describes what is going on. >> there needs to be so much education and help for these
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children. what made you want to make this documentary? why is this such an issue near and dear to you? >> i think part of the comes from the fact that i'm also a licensed science and mind practitioner, and part of our belief is that we create our own lives and in that process, we know that we can change the outcomes of our lives by simply changing what we believe. so we wanted to get this particular message out to change -- the overall conversation around homophobia, and, of course, the manifestation of that, which is bullying. >> it's important to not only change the conversation, but just to have the conversation about it. it gets some attention. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. glad to do it, randi. thank you for taking on this subject. >> thank you. if you'd like to sound off on stories about bully, i'd love to know what you think. tweet me now, use #bullyingstopshere.
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or @randikaye. donna summers died of lung cancer this week. did the 9/11 attack play a role in her death? licious! [ male announcer ] it's festival of shrimp! for $12.99 try any two shrimp creations like new barbeque glazed shrimp. offer ends soon. we're servers at red lobster. and we sea food differently. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] >> announcer: meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card, and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts and stole her hard-earned money. now meet jack. after 40 years, he finally saved enough to enjoy retirement. angie, the waitress at jack's favorite diner, is also enjoying his retirement. with just a little information, she's opened up a credit line,
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lung cancer, but not from smoking. sources tell tmz that the five-time grammy winner believes she became ill after inhaling dust particles from the 9/11 attacks. our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta, takes a closer look. >> randi, donna summer wouldn't be the only one who was concerned about a potential link between all that air, all that toxic air as some have called it at ground zero and cancer down the line. there has been -- we've been doing a lot of reporting on this as you may know, randi, one of the more significant reports came out right around the ten-year mark of 9/11. came out last year, looking at fire department workers in new york, first responders, finding a 19% increase in all types of cancers among that specific population. so this was obviously of great interest to a lot of people trying to figure out if it did cause cancer, how it was causing cancer and should there be health care benefits as a result
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of all of that? with lung cancer in particular and this is important, randi, you have to look at what is known as the late tency. there was an exposure, someone developed cancer, how long in between? typically, latency is 20 years. we don't know when donna summer specifically developed lung cancer, but that is something that people will look at from a scientific perspective. all sorts of different chemicals in the air, randi, at that point. an amalgamation of chemicals that very few people had seen before. mercury, bromine, lead, a plume of smoke over ground zero for quite some time after those may what caused the lung cancer in donna summer and others, but this is where a lot of research specifically is headed.
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randi, back to you. >> sanjay, thank you very much. on a lighter note. shoes that tone or claim they did, kim kardashian famously wore them. bill santiago will weigh in. to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today.
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it is not necessarily the contestants, but the new judge on nbc's "america's got talent" has people talking. not surprising considering that judge is shock jock howard stern. >> that's what it's all about. >> thank you for that. thank you to that. i'm afraid to be myself. every time i'm myself i get in trouble. so thank you for that. >> for this, i have to bring in comedian and huffington post blogger bill santiago. good morning to you.
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>> good morning. how are you? >> i'm good. who had their hand closer to that "x" buzzer, stern or the ftc? >> i watched it. i think howard stern totally pulled it only another person. like family friendly raunchy, you know, and i think he wants to take out this family friendly thing all the way. like the next mr. rogers, which is really going to be a switch. like imagine him taking off his shoes instead of asking guests to take off their clothes. >> speaking of celebrity judges, forbes named jennifer lopez the most powerful woman in the world, beating out oprah. i don't know, but what exactly do you have to do to claim that top spot? >> at the top of the pinnacle. i think all she had to do is stop referring to herself as jenny from the block. that was sort of a mental thing for her. once she got over that and embraced, and allowed her to be jenny the power-hungry diva that
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can get any song on the radio, no matter how bad it is, that really freed her up. >> another pretty powerful celebrity, kim kardashian, number seven on the list. i know you remember her, her sketchers shapeup commercial. let's play a little bit. >> stand straight with -- >> i found something else. bye-bye, trainer. hello shapeups. >> yeah, hello shapeups, good-bye shapeups. the ftc did not like that ad and finding those shoes won't give you the famous kardashian backside apparently. so, now, bill, sketchers has agreed to pay out like $40 million or something like that in refunds. what do you think? is this fair? >> i have to tell you, personally, i have a pair of these shoes and they work for me. i use them in conjunction with a pogo stick.
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vary aerobic, the benefits are amazing, i'm ready for the beach. >> i don't think that's how they are supposed to be used. >> well, the name of the company is sketchers. ith kind of sketchy. if you are dumb enough to fall for it, you don't get your money back. they shouldn't get their money back. these people are so gullible, they will give it to the first nigerian banker they hear from. >> i don't get it. why would a company go out and do that and say, yeah this is going to work for you, give you the kardashian backside? >>'s a class action suit. what is this class? very sedent tear people who believe you can do nothing and get that body that they are looking for. preying on the idiots. pt barn yum says there is a sucker born every minute, and i think he underestimated the
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rate. >> you bought them, so i'll leave it at that. >> but should see me it's fantastic. >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you, bye-bye. >> my newsroom blog is now up and running for you to see, for you to visit, for you to spend some time at. go to for stories and guests you may have missed or they were that good you want to see them again. you've got to see it anyway, a scientists tries to capture a 300-pound gator. take a look.
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