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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  May 21, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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"saturday night fever." ♪ >> strutting john travolta made the whole world dance to that scene. it was the bee gees who made it happen, especially this song "stayin' alive." >> the truth about robin gibb, although his death has come way too early, his music will live on for generations to come. when you remember robin gibb, you should be dancing. ♪ >> the late, great robin gibb. that's all for us tonight. "ac 360" starts right now. >> piers, thanks. good evening, everyone, it is 10:00 here on the east coast.
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we begin tonight keeping them honest on the campaign trail. the obama campaign trying to walk a very fine line against mitt romney. the criticism is coming, and as you'll see it's not just from the romney side. the campaign launched a new five minute documentary attack ad. >> i feel in my heart people need to know what romney did to indiana in 1994. >> we had been bought and sold in the past. we never had a problem. >> when bain capital bought us, that was a whole different story. >> mitt romney takes from the poor, the middle class and gives to the rich. he's just the opposite of robinhood. >> today they drew a response from the romney campaign which used obama supporters to make its point, including corey booker. >> have you had enough of
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president obama's attacks on free enterprise? his own key supporters have. cory booker of new jersey. >> i have to say, i'm not here to indict private equity. >> even obama's supporters have had enough. >> enough is enough. >> mayor booker criticized the attacks on bain. but the ad left out what else he said. >> this kind of stuff is it nauseating to me on both sides. it's nauseating to the american public. enough is enough. stop attacking private equity, stop attacking jeremiah wright, this stuff has got to stop. it undermines, to me, what this country should be focused on. >> that was mayor booker sunday morning. by sunday evening, mayor booker was out with a youtube video downplaying his differences with the campaign and towing the the official line. >> mitt romney has made his
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business record a centerpiece of his campaign. he's talked about himself as a job creator. therefore, it's reasonable and i encourage it, for the obama campaign to examine that record and discuss it. i have no problem with that. >> by the way, the obama campaign absolutely insists they had nothing to do with mayor booker making that correction. moving on, david axelrod today echoed cory booker's youtube remarks. >> when with governor romney offers his experience running for office, he never talks about his years as massachusetts governor, i think for a good reason. they weren't stellar years. this is his argument, i was a businessman, i can lead the economy. who are we to ask, what did you do? some of these cases are disturbing and they need to be looked at. >> president obama echoed what axelrod just said.
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>> governor romney's main polling card for why he thinks he should be president is his business experience. he's not going out there tauting his experience in massachusetts, he's saying, i'm a business guy, i know how to fix, and this is his business. and when with you're president as opposed to the head of a private equity firm, your job is not simply to maximize profits. your job is to figure out how everybody in the country has a fair shot. >> president obama essentially double downed on the bain attacks today, saying this is not a distraction of the campaign, it's going to be a centerpiece of the campaign. the attacks on bain are hypocritical others say. the previous bain ad, when it came out, president obama was fund-raising at this man's home. a private equity firm like bain
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that cut payroll and companies. this weekend's events with mayor booker show why many within the president's own party think the obama campaign's bain strategy is a double edged sword. joining me tonight, ben labold. ben, how can president obama attack mitt romney on his time in private equity highlighting times when bain cost company jobs and at the same time, hold high priced fund-raiser with another private equity firm? >> mitt romney hasn't been forthright with the american people about what he did during his tenure as a corporate buyout specialist and what his goals were. he's been campaigning across the country telling people that he was a job creator, he's never been able to sfan shubstantiate number of jobs that were
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created. his partners admitted the goal was wealth creation for themselves. it wasn't a focus on this middle class family across the country. for his wealth creation. >> private equity is about wealth creation for investors. that's not what he's saying, that's what it is about. i don't understand why it's okay for the president's private equities supporters to bankrupt people and put them out of work, but it's not okay for mitt romney's equity firm to do that. >> the president had support from across industries who agree with his vision of building an economy that's built to last. where hard work and 1307bsability are rewarded. where everybody from main street to wall street plays -- >> you said yourself -- >> they believe it was -- you. >> you said that's not what private equity is about, and yet the president is accepting money from private equity firms, isn't that hypocritical. >> to ensure we never have a financial crisis like we did in 2008 and that middle class
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families are not held hostage by risky financial deals. governor romney would with take a different approach. the fact is -- >> you're not answering any of the questions. i'm trying to figure out what is different between bain and governor romney's experience in private equity and the experience of private equity firms that the president is taking money from. here are the facts. governor romney has based his candidacy for the oval office on his corporate buyout specialist. that's the record we should evaluate. that's the type of philosophy he would bring into the oval office. and we took a look at the record. took a look at the fact that he loaded up companies with debt across the country. 250 workers lost their jobs. romney and his partners came in. they loaded the company up with debt laid off all the workers. security guards bolted the
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doors, they went through -- >> i get it, people were laid off. >> the benefits were stripped down. >> and romney -- >> romney supporters walked away. >> cory booker said, if you look at the totality of bain capital's record, they've done a lot to support businesses, to grow businesses. do you not agree with that? >> you know what he also said. >> do you not agree with that? you're picking and choosing what companies -- >> we're not questioning romney's right to run a business as he saw fit. and we're not questioning that the private equity of the street generally. what -- >> but you are. you're -- >> the lessons -- are the lessons and values the less sons and values and experiences that governor romney took from that, and whether he would apply the same lessons and values to the oval office. and it's not focused on resto restoring economic security for the middle class. >> cory booker stated the attack
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5ds on both sides are nauseating. don't these ads that you're running, attacking romney's. don't they attack his personal values? you have people saying he's the opposite of robinhood. you can tell by the way he acts, he talks, he doesn't care about the middle class or the lower class people. isn't that personal? >> well, you know what? mayor booker also said it was a discussion of milt romney's tenure in the private sector was legitimate. >> that's what he said in the 35 second edited version you tweeted out. but in the longer version, that's what he said. isn't -- do you deny that you're engaging in any kind of personal attacks on mitt romney? or is it okay to do that? >> governor romney believes that any discussion of his record is automatically negative campaigning, which i think tells you something about his record. he's put this forward as his
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economic record. we'll talk about the president's economic record. we're with losing 750,000 jobs a month when he came into office. manufacturing was in decline, the auto industry was on the brink. we'll talk about the president's record and governor romney's record. >> appreciate you being on, thanks. >> thanks for having me. let's try to get some more answers, raw politics with david gergen. the president's campaign doubling down and making mitt romney's record a central part of the campaign. is that a mistake? >> it's a surprise. the president enters this fray with a lot of evidence that shows that bain is a respected company. and the president himself as you pointed out, he has people on his staff, a wonderful man who
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has helped to direct a private equity firm. he has people in his reigns of fund-raising. president obama's auto bailout czar, the guy who does an excellent job with that he said, he's written that bain capital is a very respectable, even imminent private equity firm, he went on to say that bain capital has created an incalculable number of jobs. >> which is what cory booker said. >> exactly. let's remember who these investors are. many of them are foundations, pension funds. university endowments, they're not just a lot of fat cats, this is the way capitalism works. i'm surprised the president -- it's fair game to go and talk about whether being at a private equity firm is good background to be a president or not. just as it's fair game to ask
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about a community organizer. to make it a centerpiece of his campaign was a big surprise. >> do you think it gets interpreted as him attacking private equity? >> no, i think he gets it interpreted as something more than that. there has been an anxiety of fear, anger on the part of many in the business community by what they regard as a hostility toward private enterprise and the job creation that ceo's do, that's part of what their job is. they helped create the jobs. it's worth remembering how many democrats in the past have supported private enterprise. a strong democrat. he once said, you cannot love employees and hate employer p.m. the message that many are taking away from the president's campaign right now is not just about bain capital, it's about people who are in the private sector.
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i'm not sure that's with a they mean to communicate, but it's what's coming across. >> is it surprising that they're not focusing more on mitt romney. mitt romney is saying, my experience at bain helps me as a leader, i know how to create jobs. they could point to his job creation when he was governor in massachusetts. >> that's right. >> they ranged very low in job creation. you heard axelrod say it a little bit. you don't hear that as the drum beat. >> that's right. and i assume they'll get there. i think this is -- the bain capital is a beginning of a longer narrative that the obama campaign is trying to paint mitt romney as someone who's rich, all he cares about is enhancing his rich friends, he doesn't care about suffering of middle class americans. they run this ad with this person calling romney a vampire. that's a personal attack. they can say all they want about
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it not being negative. i think the point is this, when cory booker spoke yesterday, he gave an expression to what a lot of americans are thinking. there are too many distractions in this campaign, we need both candidates to face the hard issues about spending, about taxes, about how we create jobs in this country. immigration. we're not hearing all of that, we're hearing all these marginal issues and we need to get to the heart what the presidency is about. >> let us know what you think, we're on facebook, follow me on twitter @andersoncooper. i'll be tweeting tonight. a lot of people tweeting about the light sentence dharun ravi got after his roommate committed suicide. why he only got 30 days not ten years. and the message this sends about
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bullying if any. [ male announcer ] at home, you play a lot of roles.
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crime and punishment tonight, 30 days dharun ravi sentenced today for crimes that could have sent him to prison for ten years after his roommate tyler clementi committed suicide. ravi wept at the hearing but the judge said quote, i haven't heard you apologize once. he used a web cam to spy on his roommate who was meeting in his room with a man. days later he took his own life. he was accused of bias and intimidation and other charges invasion of privacy and tampering with witnesses and evidence. the jury did not say he intimidated tyler clemente, they say he felt intimidated by ravi's actions. that's the distinction. he also was convicted of invading his privacy. sentenced to 30 days in jail. three years probation, 300 hours of community service. in addition, he's going to have
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to undergo counseling. >> dharun's dreams are shattered. and he has been living in hell for the past 20 months. it is hard for me to say but my son is sitting here physically alive in front of everyone's eyes. while i'm shouting his pain. i need you. he knows that. i love you. as a mother i feel that dharun has rf really suffered enough. >> tyler clementi's mother was also moved to tears. >> he never really knew tyler. not the kind, smart, articulate, humble, funny, talented can be caring, thoughtful, generous, trustworthy, and dependable tyler was. all he found out was that tyler was gay. >> late today prosecutors said they'll be appealing the sentence.
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we want to talk about it with former new jersey governor jim mcgreevey who stepped down after announcing he was gay. and marcia clark. you wrote saying he did not think he should get a ten year sentence. is the sentence he got, you think, appropriate? >> anderson, these circumstances are so tragic. and james clementi wrote a piece talking about his pain. and to hear ravi's mother and tyler's mother. the entirety of the circumstance is there's so much pain and tragedy. i think the point i was making is that a jail sentence per se, a long jail sentence wouldn't serve the purposes of retribution. wouldn't educate society as to homophobia. and would simply make ravi a scapegoat for which there was
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with little benefit. so in all of this, the raw emotions, the pain, such that no one feels good. perhaps no one ought to feel good about what happened. i think what the judge tried to do who i know to be a very decent, thoughtful man, is to say you need to spend some time in jail. you need to have community service and the stay through probation we'll watch for you for a three year period. and i think ironically the prosecution was so effective in this cases in securing the indictments. ravi obviously went through this maelstrom of raw anger. and in a tragic way, the system workeded, in so far as we have brought through the judicial process a bright, glaring light as to the problems of homophobia and bullying.
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in addition to that, ravi has been held accountable for his actions. and the judge did what he believed to be appropriate and fair. glen doesn't react. either way i think he examined his conscience and did what he thought was appropriate. >> marcia, i think a lot of people don't understand the bias intimidation charge. it was that tyler clementi felt intimidated. you think this was too lenient, marcia? >> i do. and here's why. i understand that there's no sentence that could possibly cure ravi of any homophobia he may have. i'm not necessarily saying he was homophobic. i don't even know how we with prove that. however, we do know that he first found out the victim was gay and then planted the web spy cam in the dorm room. where this victim had a right to feel that he was in a private
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area. and i think my point is that there needs to be a message sent regarding personal responsibility. we have these powerful technological tools today that we are not -- we need to get up to speed with what these tools can do. and the kind of bullying impact they create. this is a situation very similar to someone going into a crowded theater and yelling fire. someone's going to get hurt. and obviously someone did. and the fact that this defendant didn't play it out accurately or didn't necessarily -- was not able to foretell that the victim would commit suicide doesn't absolve him of the responsibility for a hideous act, for which he was convicted, the invasion of privacy. he did do that. and i think 30 days is not enough to show he's being punished for the lack of responsibility. >> one of ravi's lawyers said he believes ravi was being demonized by the gay community. those were his words. do you think that's true? >> no, i don't think that's true. i think the gay community is justifiably frustrated with a legacy of homophobia. and the criminal justice system not always being responsive.
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here actually the criminal justice system and the prosecution and judge mcclure did an excellent job and the system worked. it's very frustrating because what happened in this case is that ravi's actions -- i work with women in jail. and there are people in jail that received much less time than ten years. so what's difficult is that many of us are so frustrated by what happened to tyler clementi that i think people are attempting to draw a causal link between what ravi did originally and the tragedy. i think what judge burrman was trying to do is look at the instances and examine what he believed was appropriate to address ravi. >> we got to leave it there. governor mcgreevey, we appreciate you being on. marcia clark as well. up next, why a government
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task force is now saying a cancer screening test does more harm than good. what you need to know about this kind of a cancer and whether or not you should be screened at all. new guidelines. we'll be back. [ tires squeal, engine revs ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] not everything powerful has to guzzle fuel. the 2012 e-class bluetec from mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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breaking news tonight about a widely used prostate cancer screening test. it's the psa test. a government task force today recommended against routine psa testing for men of any age. they say the procedures following may be more harmful. for years the community has been concerned the process was hurting more men than it was helping. we should point out the urological association does not agree with today's recommendation. i spoke with dr. mukurji author of a biography of cancer. doctor, the task force that put out these guidelines said the tests do more harm than good. how so? >> well, the problem is that it's an in-exact and inefficient
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test. there are men who will have prostate cancer who don't get picked up by this test. more importantly, there are men who don't have prostate cancer who do get picked up by this test. then these men will have biopsies and surgery all of which are invasive and this will cause more harm than good for these men in which the cancer wouldn't kill them. they would just short of live with the prostate cancer. >> hasn't the death rate from prostate cancer fallen since this test was first introduced in 1989? >> that's correct. it's absolutely correct that it's fallen. that's a correlation. that still doesn't prove the test itself is responsible for the fall in the death rates. we think -- we suppose that some of it is actually indeed due to psa screening. what's happened is it's like a mandate. what it's telling us is go back and do the science and find the men at risk. i am 100% confident if you focus on the science we would find out
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which men are at risk. what the task force is saying go back and do the science and add that to the test. now you get a real test that works. >> in the meantime, should men stop getting prostate cancer screenings altogether? >> my recommendation is if you have any high risk features like a family history of prostate cancer or you're in ask discussion with your oncologist or urologist, then that's the right group to screen. once again, the task force is saying we need a slightly more refined way of screening men for prostate cancer. just asking every person to undergo the screening is likely to do more harm than good. >> there are some who say without testing, people won't know they have prostate cancer until they have symptoms and at that point the cancer is too far advanced. >> in certain cases, this is the case. but again, the problem with the
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testing, as i've said before, is that it's picking up too many men in whom the prostate cancer is harmless. you've got to find a more scientific and more refined way of predicting if you have a positive psa, can we do more to make sure you are in a high risk group or not. >> that's interesting. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. thank you very much. >> there's a lot more happening. isha is here with a "360" news bulletin. anderson, a new sex scandal involving federal agent the. a congressional source telling cnn that three agents from the drug enforcement administration are under investigation, accused of hiring prostitute in c colombia. the nato summit's closing day. president obama accepting an exit strategy for afghanistan,
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which calls for the withdrawal of troops by the end of 2014. there were more demonstrations in chicago today. police say they were mostly peaceful. dozens were injured yesterday. a rebound on wall street today. the dow posted its biggest gain in more than a month surging 135 points to close at 12,504. the s&p adding 21, the nasdaq gaining 68. ♪ [ male announcer ] you plant.
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we take you behind the scenes of jeopardy. cheech marin coming up. they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart association for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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a north carolina pastor recently made news when he advocated, quote, cracking the wrist of your son if he displayed feminine behavior and also said fathers should give a son a good punch. after confronted about those, john harris said he was joking. said he was misunderstood. today another pastor is making headlines for comments he made. charles worley is the pastor's name. that's him making the sermon. in the sermon, he blasted president obama for supporting same-sex marriage. he didn't stop there. he told his parishioners what he would do to quote, get rid of anyone who isn't heterosexual in this country. >> our president getting up and saying, it's all right for two women to marry or two men to marry. i'll tell you right now, i was disappointed bad.
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i'll tell you right there. it's as sorry as you can get. the bible's against it. god's against it. if you got any sense, you're against it. i had a way -- i figured a way out -- a way to get rid of all the lesbians and queers. but i couldn't get it past the congress. build a great, big, large fence. 150 or 100 miles long. put all the lesbians in there. fly over and drop food. do the same thing with the queers and homosexuals and have the fence electrified so they can't get out. feed 'em and you know what, in a few years they'll die out. do you know why? they can't reproduce. >> he did not stop there. he went on to say this. >> i tell you right now. somebody said who you going to vote for? i ain't going to vote for a baby killer and a homosexual lover.
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you said did you mean to say that? you better believe i did. god have mercy. it makes me puking sick. >> clearly he is against it. his church has now removed the sermon from the website. though during the sermon you could hear people shouting amen. putting aside for a seconded message he's preaching, he might have put himself in some legal jeopardy with that sermon. more than half a century ago, congress banned charities and churches from endorsing political candidates. they are to follow that law to keep their tax exempt. we also don't know if worley knows about this exposure. when we called to invite him by phone, the phone rang busy. our e-mails went unanswered. to join me is reverend welton gaddy.
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also attorney ariva martin. does this kind of rhetoric about imprisoning gays, electrifying fences, waiting four them to die, is there anything christian about that? >> i see nothing christian about it. nothing american about it. in fact, anderson, it is about as contradictory to a religion based on acceptance and love as you can imagine. and it violates everything we understand about the constitution and its affirmation of diversity and freedom for people to live out their identity. >> from a religious standpoint, there are passages in the old testament that clearly seem to be against same-sex relationships. how do you square that with your understanding of the bible and christianity? >> well, anderson, you're asking a question that would take the rest of your program to answer. it gets into biblical
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interpretation. and i don't think that's what you want right now. but let me put it this way. there are texts in all sacred scriptures that if you rip out of their context and let them stand alone give out a message that is contradictory to the whole sweep of truth in the bible. that's what happens with many of these texts, they are lifted out of context, lifted out of a culture completely different from ours, and then preached on with a hateful message and repulsive kind of exclusivism. and in reality, they are a part of a book the whole purpose of which is to reveal the love of god who wants us to love each other and not attempt to -- but
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to judge each other, but show mutual respect for every individual. and to learn to get along with each other and cooperate with each other. that's also what our government is about. so in one fell swoop, this angry minister managed to discredit from his pulpit both the constitution of the united states and the compassion that we find in the bible. and additionally, he did a very dangerous thing by planting seeds of hatred in sick minds that in the right circumstances can act on them and do the kind of violence that has no place in our world. >> areva, he's advocating about voting or talks about what he plans to do and vote against. is this a violation of the church's tax exempt status? >> you raise a good point. you're absolutely correct in order to enjoy the tax exempt status, they are prohibited for
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advocated for or against any political candidate. we heard clearly this pastor make a statement about his opposition to president obama. so i think he's on thin ice here. and, you know, this whole hate crime issue or hate speech that we're listening to, reprehensible, inflammatory, and clearly as reverend gaddy said, just has the ability to plant the seeds of hate that could lead to violence against homosexuals and violence even against the president. really dangerous language from this minister in a pulpit. and using that pulpit to incite hate is dangerous. >> we've seen in the wake of the vote there in north carolina make these kind of comments. do you feel, though -- do you feel the arc in history is moving toward equality or backsliding? >> no.
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i absolutely feel that it's moving towards equality. and i think that's one reason that you see such a spike in the hyper kind of rhetoric we're hearing from them. for a long time, people believed in the religious freedom clauses to the constitution because if they were christians they felt kind of winking at each other, yeah, we can believe that. we're always going to be in the majority and this is about us anyway. now we live in the most pluralistic nation in the world, the kind of world and nation which our founders thankfully envisioned. and people who want to -- you know, most theocrats want to be theo. and these guys do. when they see they're living in a world where they word doesn't carry the weight they want it to carry, and they can't stir up
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all of the opposition enough to defeat issues they don't want defeated, they panic and they begin to want with a world in which the only people allowed to live -- live much less have freedom, are people just like them. >> reverend gaddy i appreciate you being on. areva martin as well. we'll be right back. (female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at
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called the trevor project, they got $50,000, which is nice. i got one step closer to living down the fact the last time i was on jeopardy i got annihilated by cheech marin. here's a look from behind the scenes of my appearance. backstage a few minutes before the show, i admit i'm a little nervous. >> that i need to work on my fruits and vegetables? oh, really? that might be a tip. wow. the bad thing is i don't eat fruit or vegetables. i eat the same thing every day. so i'm going to do terribly at that. >> i never quite recovered from my crushing defeat of a cinematic stoner. >> do you feel that you have a slight advantage because you're now making your third appearance as a contestant on jeopardy? >> normally i would think that. but i did so badly with the buzzer last time against cheech marin that after the first one i thought i knew the secret. but now i have no idea. >> cheech clued me in.
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after my loss to his secrets weapon. hitting the button with the index finger. see, i was doing the thumb. i think i peaked at you and you were doing the index finger. >> that's right. >> i learned that from a track coach when i was in high school. the stopwatch timer. it's a faster reflex with the index finger. >> this time i decide to use his method. >> i'm going with cheech marin's finger opposed to thumb. alex trebek gives me final tips. >> the secret is the categories. if you know the categories you'll do well. >> it's not that easy. it's this. it's this. >> you and the signaling device and the clue must be one. then the game will be won. >> good luck. >> it's alex trebek. i'm so excited. alex trebek. i'm very excited. could not be more thrilled. now i don't care if i win or lose. i had a moment with alex trebek.
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>> my competition is nbc's kelly o'donnell and new york times columnist thomas friedman. sure they're smart, but are they jeopardy smart? >> i say relax. have a fun time. but i want to destroy them. i want to destroy my competition. i'm very competitive. >> once the game starts -- >> warm rhyming term for a place with a strong wi-fi connection. >> it call goes quickly. >> what is a hot spot? >> anderson? >> who is eliot spitzer? >> who is thomas jefferson? >> who is the mayflower madam. >> you're the only one on the plus side. enjoy that while we pause. >> after the first round, i was feeling good. but then i stumble. >> anderson? >> what is ibm? >> no. tom? >> what is halliburton? >> i was searching for the daily doubles but one stumped me. >> life on a honolulu army post just before the pearl harbor
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attack. >> i don't even know what it means. >> i'm not ashamed to admit i want to win. my face shows the pressure. i get nervous when tom friedman starts to get some questions right. >> tom? >> who is alexander calder. >> but i quickly find my rhythm again until finally victory. >> and it brings you up to $50,000 and your charity claimed for the trevor project. >> so, yeah, i won. i won jeopardy. yep. i'm again a jeopardy champion. i'm going to reprint it on my business cards. after i lost to cheech marin i had to take it off the business cards. now it's back on. cheech, thanks for being back. i have to thank you. i feel i was only able to win because i used the technique you passed down to me after you clearly destroyed me. the index finger. how do you learn better to do
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the index finger rather than the thumb on the buzzer? >> from a track coach with the stopwatch. he said that was faster. i always remembered that. >> i tested it. i did both during the game. and i ended up with the index finger and i think you were right. i feel somewhat vindicated because i beat tom friedman, three time pulitzer prize winner. but it will forever be a stain that i lost so badly to you. >> sometimes you get shutout, you know what i mean? you come back the next day. >> i know, but i have to say, and no offense, every time i tell people that i lost to you, they seem surprised. probably as surprised i was because i think having watched some of your movies in the past, they maybe think you wouldn't be so fast. they don't realize how smart you are and how quick you are. >> well, thank you. i'm not as quick as i used to be. you do lose a step. i noticed that last time i played.
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the answer's there somewhere. but it's all reaction. everybody knows most of the answers, it's who gets in there first. >> there is a zen thing with, like, getting in the rhythm of the buzzer and trebek finishes saying something, and then wait a beat and try to buzz in. it's all about the buzzer to me. >> it's all about a the buzzer. you got to get in first. and it's also trusting that -- go with your first instinct. you don't really have time for a second instinct. >> i would maybe like a rematch against you some day. >> i'd love to. i need the community service hours knocked off. >> well, listen. maybe we'll try to set it up through jeopardy. maybe they'll -- i still think they should have all the people who won in the dumbed down celebrity version play against each other to be the ultimate winner. i hope to play against you some day. >> i would love to do it. next time you're in l.a. come see me. we'll spar. >> thank you so much, cheech.
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>> my pleasure, man. coming up, her long national nightmare is over. finally there are candles just for men. the ridiculist is next. last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years.
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in florida we had more sun tans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records
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down here on the gulf. more people more good times. this year we're out to do even better... and now's a great time to start. the sun's out and the beaches are even more relaxing. you can go deep sea fishing or enjoy our world-class restaurants... our hotels and rentals have special deals for the whole family. go golfing, kite boarding, or build the worlds biggest sand sculpture... with the world's best sand. so come on down to mississippi... get yourself down to louisiana... we'll see you in florida... you know you want to come to alabama. the gulf is america's get-a-way... and we're 100 percent ready to see you. come on down and help make 2012 an even better year for the gulf. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. time now for the ridiculist. now we're dipping into the why didn't i think of that file in
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with an idea that is so brilliant and at the same time an idea that solves one of the biggest dilemmas in history. how do i get my basement to smell like a two by four without filling it with two by fours? ladies and gentlemen, especially gentlemen, i give you man candles. yankee candles has a line created just for men. men don't give a crap about candles, you're thinking. maybe you have a point. maybe that's because no one thought of men's specific needs. taking a pictures of candles next to a football. makes a lot of sense. actually it's just for scents. you thought i was kidding about the 2x4, but, yes, that's one of them. it's described like this. the scent of freshly plained wood evokes the sense of confidence and quality. i'm more confident thinking of sawdust. i think we're on to something here. then we have riding mower. the aroma of freshly cut grass.
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that soundses pretty good. first down, a combination of orange, leather, pachulli and vediver. the long roots of east indian grass. and mantown. quote, escape to the man cave with this masculine blend of spices, woods, and musk. judging by the label it smells like someone maybe watching tv? not sure i get that one. yankee candles say men make up 30% of its customer base. as far as i know, they haven't broken it down to see how many of those 30% are men buying lazy last-minute gifts for women. that seems to be besides the point. the response has been awesome. and by that our affiliate found an awesome guy to wax poetic. take it away. >> yeah. guy going to the office type, you know, not working out in a construction field type thing. >> but wait. i have to know. which is his favorite? will it be 2