tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN May 21, 2012 9:00pm-9:59pm PDT
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♪ i want to hide ♪ i want to tear down the walls that hold me inside ♪ ♪ i want to reach out >> i mean, just amazing, right? the future. good evening. our big story tonight, bain. listen to the president today. >> if the main basis for him suggesting he can do a better job is his track record as the head of a private equity firm, then both the upsides and the downsides are worth examining. >> you'd imagine all democrats
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would be on board. but someone forgot to tell cory booker. he's what he said on nbc's "meet the press" on sunday. >> this kind of stuff is nauseating to me on both sides. it's nauseating to the american public. enough is enough. stop attacking private equity. stop attacking jeremiah wright. this has got to stop. >> booker has since dialed it back calling obama's ads on romney reasonable. i'll talk to another man about being reasonable. newt gingrich. plus an interview on marion jones. about the olympic triumph and the doping scandal that sent her to prison. >> i realized laws in prison, in solitary in particular, that being number one and marion jones meant nothing in there. >> and only in america. robin gibb with a moment that changed his and hollywood's history. we begin tonight with our
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big story. joining me now a man with a fascinating view of the campaign, formered the newt gingrich. mr. speaker, welcome back. >> good to be with you. >> i'm gripped in fact by what you're about to tell me of what you make of the bain capital fury given you hammered mitt romney in the ground over this. what do you think of what cory booker said? >> well, i think booker is telling the truth about how the american people feel. i'm very surprised that president obama went down this road for two reasons. first, we found out when we got in a fight with mitt romney over this that it didn't work. that people understand free enterprise. people understand sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail. but they refuse to take a one-sided view of it. i think governor perry will tell you when he tried to use it, it didn't work. when i went head to head with mitt over it, it didn't work. i think what booker is saying is the truth. there's a deeper reason. how can you be the president
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with the worst unemployment record since the great depression? the longest period of deep unemployment since the 1930s, and pick a fight over job creation. i mean, there's a point here where this becomes ludicrous. and in effect what obama's saying is the government investment is smarter than private equity. if you look at their track record of losing billions of dollars on various solar companies. $2.1 billion on one company alone, you'd have to say obama is a bad venture capitalist. he's doing it with your money. for better or worst, romney was taking a risk as a private person with private money in the private sector. obama has been throwing our money as taxpayers away and our children and grandchildren's money in the national debt. i think this is a bad argument for president obama to be in the middle of. >> i must say, i am very touched and moved by your stoic defense of mitt romney and bain capital. let's play first of all what mitt romney has done today. he's turned around cory booker's
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words as you would imagine. watch this. >> have you had enough of president obama's attacks on free enterprise? his own key supporters have. democrat mayor cory booker of new jersey. >> i have to say from a personal level, i'm not about to sit here and indict private equity. >> even obama's own supporters have had enough. >> it's nauseating to the american public. enough is enough. >> now, first of all, i presume you wouldn't dispute this is pretty damaging for barack obama. that one of his top supporters appears to have gone rogue here. whichever way you try and spin it, what cory booker said in terms of it being naseaing and so on was a direct challenge, many people felt, to president obama's challenge on bain capital. >> basically said he agreed with booker. here's a practical reason. you're the mayor of newark.
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you're in the shadow of wall street. you have lots of jobs coming into your city, lots of investments coming into your city. you don't want to see them turned off by the president's attacks. cory booker was described what i think is a big reality for him as the mayor of newark that that free enterprise system has been creating jobs, paying taxes, improving his city. by the way, he is a terrific reform mayor. this is one of the up and coming stars of the democratic committee. but i can report having lived through it, the ad the romney people just released is effective. one thing we discovered we could never make clear an attack on a particular case and romney's ability to say no this is about free enterprise. and the average american looked up and said it's about free enterprise. and it turned out that particular argument simply doesn't work. >> let's take a little trip down memory lane. let's play an ensemble of some of your previous views on romney
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i had two small events in georgia over the weekend. we raised some of the money. we have more events in the future. anybody watching we'd love to have them go to and have them donate. we're getting pledges to help pay it down. we're going to keep working at it. and we'll get it paid off. >> are you hoping that given your stoic defense of bain capital mitt romney may help the debt as a gratitude.
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>> i would not object to anybody who believes in free enterprise donating to help us pay it off. but i also don't do anything to get that done. i'm happy to take care of my own problems and work on the campaign. i believe and i said this aggressively. if your choice is barack obama or mitt romney, if you're a conservative you have no choice. you're for mitt romney. period. end of story. the choice is so decisive i can't imagine any conservative that won't vote for romney in november because the alternative is to unacceptable. >> it's been a delight having you back. i've missed you. looking in fine form. >> good to be with you. when we come back, is anybody playing fair in this campaign? a top republican and democrat face off. d@
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rosen and margaret hoover. welcome. let my start with you hilary. is this the obama strategy, you think? >> it's certainly one of them. first and foremost, president obama has to campaign on his vision for america going forward. but there's no question that mitt romney is kind of walking away from his governor of massachusetts and telling the -- based of his experience. i think the obama campaign is completely fair game. >> hang on a second. how does it look for someone like cory booker who has been one of obama's staunchest supporters, a leading democratic figure, a hot rising star as newt gingrich put it. for him to turn on barack obama in this way. and he definitely did. whether he tries to back pedal now. i'm a big fan of his, to say it
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was nauseating and to really take him head on on what is clearly going to be one of the bigger obama attack weapons against mitt romney was a fascinating split, i felt, in the democratic hierarchy. what did you make of that? >> it was but i have empathy with cory booker and misspeaking the first time he talked about it. >> hilary, it's me you're talking about it. he didn't misspeak, did he? >> well he explained further in his video what he meant. here's where i think it comes down. i don't think either one of them are wrong. both the obama campaign or cory booker for this fact. what private equity has done, yes as a function and the president talked about it today. it's an important economic engine in this country. but there's absolutely no question that private equity and its successes have contributed to the disparity and wealth in the country. >> let me turn to margaret.
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the problem for the republicans is that while that's great cory booker did what he did, when you see me interview newt gingrich there's a local issue. newt hammered mitt romney exactly on this point week in and week out often on this show. now has to sit there with a straight face trying not to laugh saying actually it's all great. i lot it wrong. >> and the truth is. the numbers wore out. he did get it wrong. because the electorate really backlashed at him. it didn't pay off. if anything, we had a moment of honesty from gingrich. >> the real, was a result of good capitalism. mitt romney had more money to spend than gingrich. $4.8 million in debt, romney bursting with cash. >> and when they went into florida, mitt romney trounced him with the dollars because he had ads on the air. newt gingrich started those attacks in south carolina, won south carolina but got pummelled
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in florida by mitt romney because of that argument about private equity. >> but that's not who the appeal is. >> hang on a second. what will -- which i'm sure he's already doing. barack obama starts preparing all these ads throwing back newt gingrich straight in romney's face. bain capital ruined people's lives. >> that would be a terrible tactic. that didn't work with the republican electorate and it's not going to work with the american electorate if the american electorate is looking for the guy who knows the economy and knows how you have -- what will it take for the government to create an environment where businesses are thriving and succeeding in america. >> let me ask you one thing. on the point if it's a mistake for barack obama to do that, i don't think he'll see it as a mistake. i think he'll see it as an opportunity to take the heat off cory booker. he'll say look what newt
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gingrich said. >> well, margaret's right. it backfired with the conservative intelligence. but the independents who do not feel the current system is is on their side. and they're looking for politicians who understand what they're going through and are thinking in the big picture about how to make their lives better. and the point that i'm making about private equity isn't a damning indict of private equity as president obama explained today. >> hilary, let me let margaret have the last word. >> this is the real point about this argument and what's shock k about it. the private equity argument was introduced into the debate as a character assassination against mitt romney. he's the guy who made these poor workers lose their jobs because of the vulture capitalist system he participated in. now democrats are going to walk back their argument to qualify
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that. >> the bottom line surely is it doesn't actually matter. the bottom of equity is some is good and some is bad. what matters is cory booker taking on barack obama. thank you both very much. we'll be back to debate this over the next few days. coming up, from olympic hero to inmate. marion jones talks about the doping scandal. it's an emotional interview. look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at
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with london gearing up for the summer olympics in ten weeks, vowing to make these the cleanest games ever. one person who knows how difficult that will be is marion jones. she won five medals at the 2000 games in sydney only to lose them all in the wake of a steroid scandal that put her behind bars in 2008. this is her first primetime interview since she came out of prison. welcome, marion. >> thank you. >> does that sound weird to you even now? even having your name associated with the word prison. it does to me because i remember the sydney olympics. you running like the wind.
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this incredible athlete. and you were just so inspiring and brilliant. and when i have to even read those words, i feel bad. you know? never mind how you must feel. >> how do you even put it into words. it has been now three years since i left prison, and it's still not easy to comprehend. i search for the right adjective to describe who -- i certainly never would have thought ten years ago that my life would have taken the turn that it had. and that it has. and so, yeah, it's still hard when people describe my history and my situation. it seems like it's somebody else. like you're not talking about me. you're talking about some other person. >> there's such an extreme that you've had to endure. you've gone from champion, olympic champion, multiple olympic champion to felon. and the gap between those two
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positions in the public estimation and your estimation is massive. >> and it's hard for people to grasp the -- everything that happened. i think when people saw me on television and then they meet me, they're like how in the world can this all happen? but i try to tell people that anybody can make a mistake. and certainly mine was massive. and it was in the public eye. and i've been blessed with this ability to community and connect with people. so people feel like they know me. so when they have to talk about the situation, it's hard for them. when i travel, i'll be honest. when i travel people come up to me and say i just want to give you a hug. we feel bad for you. they don't know why, but they feel bad for me. so the journey has been a rough one.
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but i am happy to say that i'm finally at a place where i'm at peace, if you understand that. i made some horrible choices in my past. >> what was the single worst moment for you of the whole thing? >> the single worst moment was sitting in solitary confinement on my boys' birthdays and not getting a chance to talk to them or hold them or hug them. and knowing people might be surprised by that. it wasn't having to give back my medals. it wasn't the scandal. it wasn't all that. it was not -- it was, i think, disappointing the ones that loved me and cared for my and supported me and cheered me on knowing that i hurt them. that, to me, was the single -- and it's what i deal with every day. that doesn't go away. and, you know -- >> how have you dealt with that? you had two kids young at the time. >> one was turning one and one was turning four.
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>> too young to really understand. >> uh-huh. >> so even now, are they aware of what happened to you? >> no, they're not aware. we've been pretty open with my oldest who's eight years old. sharing with him certain things. but they don't really understand. we plan to certainly be -- when we feel they're ready, share certain things with them and share the story with them. but in my household, we teach our kids that we all make mistakes. like mommy makes mistakes. i'm not -- and i'm not an exception. but it's what you do after the mistake. do you try and cover it up? i made the unfortunate choice to try and cover it up and i made things a lot worse. do you cover it up and then get mom and dad really upset with you or do you come and tell us what you did we deal with it and we move on. so when i talk with young people now, that's what i tell them. you're going to make a mistake.
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be prepared. but do the right thing afterwards. >> i guess my attitude towards it -- i've never met you before today -- it's probably like most people's. is that having theired your dream and this amazing olympic dream you had. and to find for want of a better phrase you cheated in some way, what i'm curious about is what your emotional journey has been with yourself through that process. just tell me. >> wow. it has been a complete 360. i certainly think that i got caught in a wave. that's how i describe all this. i got caught up in the wave of fame and fortune and people telling me, patting me on the back and telling me how great i was. and ignoring red flags. >> how intoxicating is it if you -- i watch so sublimely
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arrogant. and you know he's loving every second. but you know that in itself can be dangerous. you've been in that position. how intoxicating is that? >> incredibly. incredibly. the mistake that i made is that i surrounded myself with people that would only pat me on the back and tell me that everything i was doing and saying was right. i distanced myself from people who would give it to me straight. like for example, my relationship with my mom, the one person who was going to give it to me straight. i knew she would so i distanced myself. >> you didn't want to hear it. >> right. you don't really want to hear that things don't look right. you want to go with the wave. it's big mistakes i made. i tell young people, when you get advice make sure it's from people who will give it to you straight. >> you were how old when you won those medals? 23?
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>> yeah. even before then, at the age of 15 i made my first olympic team. and you realize that when you're number one, more people want to talk to you. when you're number one, you make more money. and you become important. and that's who you become. and i realize in prison that being number one and being marion jones meant nothing in there. >> yeah. i mean, it's the reality check of all reality checks. >> it's an understatement to say it was a humbling experience. but in the same breath i have to say that it was a blessing. it was a blessing for me. >> what did you learn about yourself? >> well, i realized that my priorities were totally out of whack. and that i had to figure out who i was. not marion jones the superstar athlete, the pretty smile, the charm and all that.
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who am i? why did i make certain choices? and now more importantly how do i move forward? and force me to figure out, you know, i made bad choices but it's not over. things can and will get better if i don't just sit on my tail. >> though it's been a catastrophic episode for you the last few years, listening to you, in a funny way finding yourself might be something you never did if you had just carried on being marion jones superstar. >> you're so right. i can agree with you 100% that it wouldn't have happened. it wouldn't have happened. and i possibly could have gotten caught up in the wave that took me so far out that i couldn't get back. >> let's take a short break. i want to come back and talk to you about when you were on the crest of the wave and what happened when that wave broke. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in communities across the country.
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before you and tell you that i have betrayed your trust. i want you to know that i have been dishonest. and you have the right to be angry with me. >> an emotional marion jones admitting to steroid use. she's back with me now. that was some moment. yet in itself it must be cathartic to be able to say, okay, hands up america. i cheated. appallingly painful though it is, that's the beginning of the moving on process, isn't it? >> it was. and it is. every time i have to speak about it, it is a form of healing. and you get to a point and i think a lot of people can relate to this. when you carry such a burden for so long whatever it might be, a lie, a secret. when you're finally able to let it all out. regardless of what the consequences may be. and in my case they were certainly severe. and we knew that they were going to be not as severe as they
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were. but it's a total release. and i knew that i couldn't carry it any longer. i was married. i had a child. i was about to have another one. i found myself telling my kid, telling my oldest son when you do certain things you make a mistake and move on. then i turn around and i wasn't living it. i was being a hypocrite. when you have kids, you realize everything you say and do affects them. and in my case it was what i didn't say. >> how difficult was the conversation with your mother when you had to finally have it and look her in the eye and say it's true? >> truly painful. she was and still is my biggest support.
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to know that you let somebody down that loves you regardless. who loves me regardless of the fact i turned my back. it was hard. >> did you turn to her having rejected her in the way you did, what was the moment you turned back to her? >> not too long after i pled guilty. it was simple. it wasn't anything complicated. just the simple embrace. and the whispered sound of my mom saying, i love you. no matter what. it was hard. it was painful. even when i still talk to her and i see her and my family and my close friends, i feel this sense of guilt. for disappointing.
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>> because your mother, i guess, had lived the great highs and had been like any mother would be. your daughter's this supreme olympic champion. it's the american dream at its finest. and then it becomes a total nightmare. >> and as a mom, it's tough because she can't do anything about it. i'm her baby. her baby's an adult and makes certain choices. all she can do from a distance is pray and love on me as much as she can. but she can't do anything about it. so i can only imagine as a mother myself that feeling. >> was she angry with you? >> no. i mean, i think throughout the journey and throughout everything, there are moments she was angry because she could
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see me making poor choices and would share with me. and that's, i think, why i became more distant. >> what was the most angry she got with you? what was the poorest choice your mother thinks you ever made? >> certainly my decision in men, my relationships. >> it's not been great. >> it hasn't. the third time's a charm. third time's a charm. >> why were you attracted to the bad guys? >> i think i saw -- i saw something in them that perhaps i was lacking in my childhood. as i mentioned my mom was a single mom. and so my biological father was never part of my life. >> did you have any relationship with him at all? >> no. >> so you were craving a kind of father substitute possibly? >> possibly. possibly. yeah, i think that's safe to say that. >> you know your biological father? >> no. he's passed. >> did you have any feelings when you heard?
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>> i did. it was a very emotional time for me simply because i got a call from a friend of his saying that he had passed. and i he hadn't been in contact with me for 15 years. then this friend tells me that he kept an album of all my accomplishments. i went to the funeral and sat on the front row of the church because i was his only offspring. yet i saw young people getting up speaking about him saying he was such a father to them. and i couldn't say that. so it was just really, really, really, really difficult for me to deal with all that. so i'm not saying that's the reason, poor choice in relationships. but possibly it contributed. >> not having a strong male presence in your life and all the pressure on your mom to bring you up, it can't help, can
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it? it's not going to help. >> no. and i certainly know that from a young age, we realize i was blessed with talent. and even my mom shares with me. she likes to call them the pariahs started come t of the woodwork when they saw me. >> it's like a shark pool isn't it? >> yeah. >> you are the best bait in town. and it's the shark pool. and they're all nibbling. they all want a piece of the action. >> and it's easy to protect when the child is at home. by the time the child is old enough and go off to college, how much protecting can you do? >> let's take another break. i want to come back and talk to you about the moment the door shuts in prison on that first night. how you were feeling. and then i want to go to happier times. >> can we get there quick
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to this prison. and you get dropped off and you walk in and they take you to a cell. and the door shuts. what are you thinking? >> how did this happen? how in the world is my worst nightmare actually happening? >> you'd gone from $80,000 a race -- i don't know what that is per inch but it's a lot, right? and suddenly you're in this tiny cell. you're a felon. >> i think to put things in perspective, when i was a child i used to always want to bad for my name to be written in the paper for my accomplishments, of course. my reality now is sometimes i don't want it written in the paper. and sometimes it's tough being a celebrity.
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because when i walked into prison, i'm like most people that go to prison. i'll tell you because i don't think you have any history of that. most people go unknown. i walked in and everybody knew who i was. there were helicopters circling. there were photographers trying to jump the fence to get that picture. i walked past the tv room where the inmates watched television and my story is being played. i was there for almost six months. and there were nights that were extremely hard missing my family -- >> your kids went to stay with your family in barbados. >> correct. >> so they were protected in a sense, i guess. but you weren't. you're on your own there. >> right. some of these women would come up -- they'd been in there ten, fifteen years and hadn't had a visit from a family member. sometimes at night i would cry. i'd be in this deep, deep place. why are you acting like this when with the woman down the
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hall has been here over a decade and she has no family that's interested in her. if she can wake up every day with this sense of hope and faith, can i certainly do it. >> do you think you hadn't taken, would you have still wouldn't gold? >> yes -- >> that must be difficult for you? >> yes. from early on, when i made my first olympic team. to me, the biggest issue was not asking certain questions and not asking the cope, well, what are you giving me? i certainly felt and will feel to this day that my god given ability would have taken me -- >> can i play devil's advocate with you? >> sure. >> i watched the oprah interview when it came out. you appeared to be in some
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slight denial about ever knowing anything might be slightly dodgy. i don't think people bought that. you knew, even if you weren't asking questions, you knew enough about what was going on, your husband at the time was caught. everyone was getting -- you knew something was going on. was it more a case, i'm not going to ask any questions here, but in the back of my head this is a dangerous situation i'm in? is that the honest truth? >> i'm not going to agree with you in that regard. i think that because i know i had -- people would with say, you had to have known something was going on, because you were just beating people by so much, you were just annihilating people. to me, that's what i've been doing ever since i was young. this is nothing -- nothing happened during that time to tell me that i was giving -- had been given something that was
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going to make me that much better. when i was sentenced the judge said certain things during the two-hour proceeding saying that a topical better athlete has to know. has to know certain changes in their body. i had to sit there and listen. the reality in my world, in my life, i didn't see any changes that would have alerted me to certain things. yeah, i should have asked more questions, but i trusted my circle. i surrounded myself with -- i was in this bubble. i felt in my heart, these people are not going to do anything to harm me. >> the president of the inner national association said marion jones will be remembered as one of the biggest frauds in sporting history. that was an incredibly harsh thing for him to say.
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but many people agreed with him at the time. you were forced to hand back the medals. that moment, when you hear this guy say that about you, how did that make you feel? >> i didn't -- it was tough to hand back the medals, certainly. but i think that a lot of people overestimate the hardware. i'll be honest. to me, it's the memory. >> when the olympics start this summer, how will your emotions be dealing with that? are you able to deal with it in a measured way, or do you get an awful sense of what might have been? >> no, i have good memories from my olympic experience. i'm a fan of sports. i sit in front of the television with my kids, we cheer on our favorites. it's not a time that i -- a somber time for me. >> to any young american athlete
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who is in the squad, who may be either abusing drugs, keeping it secret or tempted to or believes it's the only way they can win a gold medal. there's nobody better to ask. what advice would you with give them? >> first of all, think about the consequences of your choices. before they make those type of decisions, take a step back and develop this message, take a break. take a break before you -- >> i was going to ask you about that. you're very involved with educating young kids who may get a break, about how to take it. >> the big part is, it's not just young people. anybody you see all the time, ceo's of companies who make the wrong choice. if they had just taken a break, taken a step back and thought about this, got proper advice from people who will give it to them straight. if they take a break and think about the consequences of their choices then they'll be able to
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make better choices in their own lives. >> fortunately i've never made a mistake in my life, so this doesn't apply to me. >> it's been fascinating talking to you. in the weeks leading up do the olympics, some of the top men in america's team michael phelps. and coming up, my tribute to robin gibb how he made hollywood history. ♪
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tonight's only in america, tribute to a singer/songwriter born in britain, raised in australia and with his brothers became one of the most successful music acts ever. robin gibb died on sunday at the age of 62 after a long battle with cancer. he was with one third of the bee gees along with morris and barry gibb. they sold over 200 million records worldwide, including "how deep is your love" and this "saturday night fever." ♪ >> strutting john travolta made the whole world dance to that scene. it was the bee gees who made it happen, especially this song "stayin' alive." >> the truth about robin gibb, although his death has come way too early, his music will live f
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