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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  May 24, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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west broadway and prince street with the promise of a soda. he then led him into the basement of the bod ega, choked him there and disposed of the body by putting it into a plastic bag and placing it into the trash. >> earlier today a law enforcement source was interviewed in connection with the case and his claims were being treated with skepticism, but tonight he is under arrest for the murder 33 years ago. lou pallum bo. what other details are the
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police giving about this desbi how the alleged murder took place? >> you know, anderson, this case just continues to be a really stunner. what we're hearing about this man is that, as you indicated, he worked as a store clerk in this bod ega and that he lured the little boy, he says, with a promise of offering him a soda drink. he brought him to the basement and then strangled him and put him in a trash bag and brought this trash bag out about a block and a half away from that store and apparently then in the ensuing years, as you indicated, i have a law enforcement source telling me that he was briefly interviewed by the fbi. yet police are now saying that he was not interviewed at all at that time. however, the question is, what is happening now? because we just got a statement from the fbi. and drrtion anderson, this is very interesting. he is going to be charge the tomorrow with second-degree murder, the fbi is saying this
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case isn't over. they say the investigation into the disappearance remains active and ongoing. we remain determined to solve this case. does that mean that they don't buy this confession, or that it's simply because he hasn't been formally charge the yet that it's still open? >> lou, what do you make of this? if it's true hernandez did this and left him in a garbage bag on the street, this was a huge case in new york city at the time. i would have thought they would have searched -- if it was only a block and a half or even the garbage routes, they would have checked that? >> that story is problematic. one because of the fact that we do canvass areas and number tworks by the time the that decomposed body was sitting somewhere, even if it was in the back of a garbage truck, the wreak of smell -- the expression su call them dead ones. it's overwhelming. you can't miss it. as far as the fbi and their
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position, you know, i'm a little concerned as to how much pressure the police department is yielding to in trying to resolve this case, number one. and number two, have they taken into account the emotional state of this individual? have they had an opportunity to polygraph him? what is it that suddenly gave them such footing that they have charged him with murder in thing is degree? >> it's really weird. first of all, we both grew up in the city. this case was transfixed the city. it is every parents' nightmare. it's hopeful to think it's resolved, but the question of how he was treated 33 years ago. was he interviewed? if he wasn't, why not? he was right in the area. and a little store would be an obvious place that a little kid mighting interested in. so the question of whether he was interviewed and what his status was -- >> and there's conflicting reports about that. some are saying his family
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contacted police 33 years ago, and that it was his family once again who contacted authorities this time. the question is, what made them believe him this time? another thought they think popped into a lot of heads today, was that lunatic who confessed to the john bein a ramsey. and everyone took him seriously until his story fell apart. is this another crazy person who is attracted -- >> absolutely. people do this. it's a combination of not having a life or having some type of high-level dysfunction where they want to obtain some form of notoriety regardless of how bizarre they might do it. that's why you need to vet these people and just taking this guy on a statement of this nature, i'd really want to do some type of psychiatric profile on him to determine if he's even capable -- >> kelly confirmed that at the news conference that they have
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nothing except for this confession. it may be enough. he may have disclosed some fact that only the killer would know, but if it's just sort of a generic confession -- >> this is obviously happening in the wake of this story making headlines about a month or so ago where there was renewed interest, they cordoned off the block, re-examined the basement of the building. did that attention that the story got, did that have anything to do with hernandez being refocused on? >> you know, that did have something to do with it. according to commissioner kely and other sources that i spoke with, that publicity prompted a tipster and is that person is not being described as a relative. who reached out to police and said that this is someone that you need to talk with because this person has told me that he did something bad, and actually confessed to the crime. that's what prompted police to go out and interview him again,
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and they tracked him down in new jersey, anderson. >> are they suggesting that he confessed to the crime to the individual who was the stipster? >> yes, that's what kelly said. >> and the other part of the dynamic, what if he reicants his story and hinge its on the fact that he's not emotionally stable? >> if his story is true and this boy was put into a bag, left on the street, and picked up by garbage collectors and taken to a dump, there's no way of tracking that. >> nothing. at this point, you couldn't track down a garbage collection from 33 years ago. that's why they were digging up the basement because they thought if he was buried in the basement, then you could find dna evidence in the basement. but at this point, it would be impossible. >> this whole concept that he discarded him on the curb in a plastic bag, we understand the sanitation men, you know, what the demographic is, but if they picked up a child's body, they
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would know. >> also, you can't underestimate how big a story this was 33 years ago. i remember this. it was everywhere. >> everybody was interviewed on that entire area. >> and it went on for months and months and months. he was the first child put on a milk carton which is standard now. you know, his father was and is a professional photographer. so there were all these beautiful photographs of him that were everywhere, it was before the internet. but you could not be unaware of this case if you lived in this part of the country. >> the other dynamic with this case is that children being taken off the streets of new york, this is an anomly. this happens in california, and florida. it doesn't happen in new york. >> because there's no many people watching and so many people around. >> absolutely. we weren't even into the camera systems. the notion that a child would be taken off the street and in areas as densely populated and
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congested as we are is tough to take in. it's not like california where they snatch these kids or florida. >> so what happens tomorrow? >> tomorrow it's expected this man will make his first appearance in court and maybe formally charged by the district attorney's office because it's really up to the prosecutors in this case to file the formal charges. that would likely prompt a grand jury to get involved as investigators continue to work through this case to see whether it finds up with an indictment. i mean, remember what has happened in other high profile cases such as dominique strauss-kahn where he was arrested and prosecutors backed away from the case. some people are saying this is a very solid case and yet i have others who are saying they are approaching this with a high degree of skepticism. >> the other thing, i understand this man has been mir an diesed. the other question, has he lawyered up? through this whole process. because that will have some
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impact on admissibility of statements. so this is far from out of the woods. >> susan, i appreciate the reporting. jeff and lou, thank you very let us know what you think. follow me on facebook and tweet me on twitter. the massachusetts senate took a step today at outlawing a treatment for special needs students, teenagers with severe development disorders, violent outbursts. a center that uses electric shocks against these young people. it's the only place in the country we know that do this. and to many people, to some people who are opposed to the center t looks like torture. >> no, no! >> this teenage was shocked 31 times over seven hours. the school that shocked him as damaged repeated efforts to shut it down. it down. we'll have the latest tonight.
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repeated efrtss to shut it down, it continues to use electric shocks to control its students. many of whom are severely mentally handicapped, autistic, some keantd even talk. some have had disturbing behaviors in other center. they come from more than half a dozen states at a cost of quarter million dollars a year. i want to show you a video that the school tried hard to keep out of the public record. it's disturbing to watch. there's no doubt about it. but we think it's important to see. it was evidence in a case that was recently settled by the young man in the video who was shocked multiple times. [ screaming ] >> his name is andre mccolin. he was shocked 31 times on that day, stropped down at one point.
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andre's mom said he was punished for not taking his coat off when asked. she said he was cata tonic afterwards. these pictures were taken at a hospital where his lawyers say he was treated for post-traumatic stress and burned from the shocks. some of the students at the center do in fact have histories of hurting themselves or other people. there families who support the center say the skin shocks are the only treatment that's helped their children, but andre isn't one of them. his mom says he's never hurt himself and isn't aggressive. school officials say otherwise. in 2006 inspectors report the skin shocks on stubds f. behaviors that are not aggressive, healthy, dangerous, or destructive, such as nagging, swearing and failing to maintain a neat appearance. they would be shocked. the report also said the skin shocks raised health and safety concerns. about half the school stuntds mayor eelectrodes, attached to transmitters in backpacks.
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when they misbehave or the school staff delivers the shock, by remote control. the school claims this device is fda plauffed. it's not ap as recently as two days ago t use the word approved on its website. we called the fda and they said they cleerld an early version of the device, but they never actually approved it. in 2010, they found the school was using a much more powerful version of that device. they were concerned about the risk of burns and the fda told the schools the device of no longer clear under the earlier ruling. the school would have to reapply for new clearance. we can't tell if they have. we asked the fda if they stopped the school from claiming it's approved or whether the school has applied for new application for clearance. fda says it can't comment on an ongoing case. in the meantime, the fda approved claim has been removed from the website.
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they told us they realized it was inaccurate claim part of a link to an old paper. in 2010 under from the united nations and dozens of disability rights group the department of justice launched an investigation into the center. two years later, no word on their findings. we asked for an update today. they declined to comment other than to say it's ongoing. massachusetts officials have repeatedly tried, failed to shut down the school, which clearly has friends in powerful places or at least powerful lobbyists. last year the state adopted regulations banning the use of skin shocks and other therapies, but they carved out an exemption for students enrolled before 2011. today the state center took the first step in extending the ban. the bill passed. joining me tonight, the bill's sponsor and a professor of child and adolescent psychology who serve ots board of the american
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academy of child and adolescent psychology. a lot of people when they hear about the center, don't understand why in 2012 a school in the united states is allowed to shock disabled students when prisoners aren't able to be shocked who are murderers? how do you explain this? >> i can't understand it either. it's 2012. we're a progressive state, and this would not be allowed to the most han us of criminals. if osama bin laden had been caught alive, under international law, we could not apply the same torture that we're applying to children in massachusetts. it's a disgrace. >> i've talked to children who are against the center, but i've talked to parents who say, this has saved my child's life. they were rejected from all other places. my child was banging their head against the floor and was going to wind up dead and this has
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allowed my child to live. to them, what do you say? >> every apparent that has an aut strk spectrum child looks for a magic way to try to help them. they'll find somebody and they'll believe in them. whether there's any scientific basis behind it or not. i find it difficult to believe that these kids can't be helped in other programs. i worked in a residential program, a day school that has lower functioning autistic children. i spent most of my professional career with these kids. the concept of using aversive therapy and these poor kids that have essentially no voice, is simply barbaric. these types of adverse types of treatment approaches, they were used before medications existed, before a lot of other treatments existed, before occupational therapy worked with these kids. at this point in time, with all that we have available to us to
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help these children, this is just wrong. the center says, doctors, that shocking these kids is better than doping them up where they gain weight and they're at health risk long-term. >> you know, they can use any justification that they want. first of all, it's not just medication. when you work with these children, it's working with intensive speech and language services, occupational therapy, behavioralists work out positive plans, trying to find ways for this these children to express themselves. it's one of the most frustrating things for them, not being able to express yourself. imagine having that happen and then instead of somebody trying to help you, they shock you. the concept simply doesn't make any sense to me. we use medications, any type of
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medication that has a potential side effect but these are medication that are fda approved with specific purposes in helping kids. some of them do have weight gain, but not all of them. >> if i could add, the doctor is exactly correct. this is based largely on a discredited suedo science from 70 or 80 years ago. it was used to cure homosexuality in the 1930s, to deaden hogs prior to slaughter. tas barbaric practice that has not been approved by any entity with credibility. it's a barbaric outdated practice that hasn't changed since the center opened in 1971. your initial question was a good one, how this practice can continue in the united states in 2012 simply defies logic.
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we've passed the ban in the massachusetts senator. my hope and prayer is that folks will contact the house of representatives and ask them to join us in this ban. >> i've asked multiple times, but if this works so well, why are they the only one who is use this? i mean, it doesn't seem like anybody else has adopted this technique. >> there are no other programs that i'm aware of that use this. i think if you took you a thousand people off the street, everybody would look and say it's barbaric, how can you do this? what i can tell you is that when you look at really good programs that work with autistic kids, when you have kids that are behaviorally disrupted, hitting somebody, hitting a teacher, the first reaction even in my own program at easter seals in chaulg, why didn't i pick up the anxie anxiety? what can we do potentially to help the child so they'll get
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less anxious, be less disruptive? what coping strategies can we teach the child? the reason most autistic children has behavioral outbursts are because of some level of anxiety. something as they perceive it -- >> does the shocking make it worse, in your opinion? >> exactly. the base problem is anxiety. then they shock them. if anything, how can this not cause some type of traumatic reaction? >> the other thing is, they have multiple eelectrodes on them and they don't know what part of the body they're going to get shocked on at any one time. which adds to the anxiety. >> that sounds absolutely frightening to me. >> it's truly a house of horrors. it's incomprehensible. i'm delighted that you're giving it some well deserved attention. >> i appreciate you both being
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on, thank you very much. up next, chen gaung cheng's first interview since his departure from china. what he told me about his detention and his future here in america. for $12.99 try any two shrimp creations like new barbeque glazed shrimp. offer ends soon. we're servers at red lobster. and we sea food differently. ♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter through urban areas all over the world. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. [ all ] shh! [ male announcer ] solutionism. the new optimism.
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>> for the first time since arriving in this country, chinese dissident, chen guangcheng is speaking out on 360. you'll recall he's blind and made a daring escape from house arrest. he calls it illegal detention in his village. this is how authorities reacted when christian bale tried to visit him last year accompanied by cnn's stan grant. hollywood actor christian bale
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is used to action, but this is no movie set. >> we're being stopped. >> plain-clothes chinese security who would not identify themselves, determined to stop him and our crew, contacting a detained human rights activist. >> watch, watch, watch! >> once again we've been stopped right here. and as you can see, they're pushing christian here. we're just trying to leave peacefully. >> i just want to explain what you're going to see in the bottom of your screen. you're looking at chinese state tv. we're showing it to you in the past because when we have reported in the past, they've censored us. so as you watch this interview, you can look to see if china will censor or broadcast again. there we are again. mr. cheng arrived in new york this weekend, but he's worried about his relatives left behind.
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one of his brothers also managed to slip out of the heavily guarded village, as we understand. the chinese government is very sensitive about all this and as you watch this interview watch that little box at the bottom of the screen to see if the chinese government decides to censor so that their people don't hear what mr. chen is going to say. here's the interview i had with their chen guangcheng earlier today. >> on the night of april 22nd, a blind activist in china, makes a daring escape. chen guangcheng, a self--thought advocate and lawyer for the poor had been a prisoner for more than 18 months. he and his wife were beaten by their chinese guards. chen says he needed to find a way out. you were under house arrest. what was that like? >> i want to correct one thing here. when we talk about my situation in the future, let's not use the word house arrest, but instead
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let's use the word illegal detention. it's hard to describe what it was like during the time, but my suffering was beyond imagination. >> did you feel like there was an end to it? did it feel like it was just going to go on and on? >> i didn't see much hope. >> chen is known as the barefoot lawyer in china, an activist who became a target after he filed a class-action lawsuit in 2005 on behalf of poor women who were subjected to forced abortions and sterilizations as part of china's one-child policy. soon after filing the lawsuit, chen was arrested and jailed for more than four years. >> you filed a class-action suit on behalf of these women. do you know that the state would arrest you? did you know that you would get in trouble? >> it would be dishonest of me to say i'd never thought of it, but i didn't imagine they would disregard the law so blatantly. >> why did you begin to speak out? >> it was very natural for me.
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i feel it's in people's nature to want to stop evil and embrace good. so it was nothing special there, how i reacted naturally. >> you say it's natural to want to speak out against evil, but many people remain silent. >> i only feel it's a natural reaction from my heart. my nature wouldn't allow me to sit by and disregard what was going on. i think everybody should act that way. >> after his release, he was detained in his home. activists, friends and journalists tried to virgin islands him over the years, only to be violently repelled by the guards outside. christian bale was with a cnn crew in 2011 when he tried to go to chen's house to talk to him. >> why can i not go visit this man? why can i not go visit this man? he's a free man. >> after months of planning, chen scaled the wall around his house, slipped past his guards and wandered through the countryside for more than 20
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hours, falling down some # 00 times, he says, injuroring his foot. >> after evading danger i was able to get out of the village and then i called my good friend in beijing. he quickly led a team to find me and drove me to beijing. while in beijing he found me a safe place to stay temporarily, but then we started to worry about my safety because of my experience in 2005. >> worried for his safety, chen's friends helped him seek refuge in the u.s. embassy. when a group of people come together and accomplish something, they often fight for credit but in my case, the people who went to pick me up, they were fighting for risk instead of credit. they were all trying to claim responsibility to make others safer. this shows me hope in the greeting of vifl society in china. >> after negotiations, chen was
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allowed to leave beijing, flying to america on a one-year student visa. i understand on sunday you spent time out in the sun and it was the first time you'd been able to sit in the sun for a long time. >> i hadn't been able to feel nature for a long time. on that day, i had some time to soak in the sun and feel the breeze. i have missed out for too long. >> chen has not sought asylum, though he's enjoying his temporary freedom, he worries for his friends and family back home. your nephew has been charged for defending himself against the people who broke into his house, as they were severing for you. what will happen to him? are they trying to punish you through him? >> you can already see what's happened to him. it's clear they want to convict him. >> your mother is still in china. there's reports your brother escaped illegal detention in his home village. do you worry about them as well? >> of course, i'm very worried.
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you can see their retribution against my family since my escape, has continued and been intensified. >> do you regret speaking out, given all you've been through, illegally detained in your home, you and your wife? >> no, i have no regrets. but i also want to thank all the friends who helped me, including my family members and supporters. i'm very concerned about the safety of some of them. >> chen and his wife and two children have been in the u.s. for less than a week. whether he'll ever be able to return to china is unclear. he vows he will continue to speak out. >> i don't feel much pressure. it's just a matter of time. i've only been here for a short time. if the pressure there couldn't silence me, i don't think any other pressure will be able to silence me. >> very interesting to see we were not censored this time in china. >> anderson, a u.n. panel says
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the vilinence syria has become increasingly militarized with killings and torture by government security forces and anti-government fighters. however it says that regime forces are to blame for most of the most serious human rights violations. syria will be front and center tomorrow night at 8 and 10:00 eastern. we'll be bringing you a special report, arab spring, revolution interrupted. off the coast of mexico, a hurricane has strengthened to category two, but is not expected to make landfall in mexico. instead the outer bands could dump six inches of rain on the country's southwest coast. noah is forecasting a near normal athletic hurricane season this year. of the named storms t expects four to eight to develop into hurricanes and one to three major hurricanes. moving next to australia's bond iowa beaches, a hungry great
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white shark is caught on camera, stealing a smaller shark has they were reeling it in. it was recently posted on line, but reportedly happened last year. the fishermen are more excited than scared. >> pretty incredible. thank you very much. >> new signs on the presidential race. john king will run the numbers and we're on politics next.
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are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. >> raw politics tonight. a fresh look at three state obama won last time. probably needs to win two out of the three to stay in office. new polling out of virginia, florida, and ohio, the results giving president obama a four-point edge in virginia, with a three-point margin of error. the same narrow lead in florida, two points below the 50%
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incumbents like to see. in ohio it's a six-point edge, but that's half his advantage back in march in the same poll. though ps job approval numbers on the plus side, only by a few percentage points. a majority telling pollsters they still believe that things in the country are on the wrong track. we'll talk more on where the race is playing out. we'll check in with john king with the magic ball. >> i handful of new polls tell us how close the race in terms of the electoral chej. slide advantage obama. one poll in battleground wisconsin. it's a close race, but slight advantage for the president who is up in the wisconsin public radio poll. another one in the battleground state of ohio, mitt romney needs to win ohio to win the white house, no question about that right now. president obama with a slight lead there. zooming to the east now in a
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state the president turned from red to blue, virginia, it's a toss-up right now. it's within the margin of error, but perhaps a slight advantage tr president obama. dropping down to florida, you a mixed picture here. a poll we received just yesterday had romney with a slight lead. today the president leading in the nbc maris poll. o florida is as to-up. why do we look at these? they factor big. the president has 217, the blue states, solid obama or leaning obama. mitt romney has 206, solid republican or leaning republican. the yellow are the battleground. the wisconsin poll is right, the ohio poll is right, puts the president in striking distance. then you have florida, new hampshire, pennsylvania, colorado, and nevada. a lot of people say this one should lean blue. let's leave it as to-up for now.
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what it shows you, this is a very tight race, 160 days left and it will come down to these six or eight states. >> wow, john, thank you very much. >> joining us is bill burneden, also former george w. bush press secretary ari fleischer. so obviously all poll numbers a snapshot in time. plenty of movement between now and november. but romney has closed the gap significantly in some states. how concerned are you about the numbers? >> i would say very concerned. we're on what you would call the poehler coaster, right now. they'll go up and down. but for the most part, very, very tight. republicans have consolidated behinds romney pretty quickly and i think what you're seeing is the makings of a very close race. so i look at the polls and i think, it's going to be a very close race and it's going to come down to a very tough fight on the economy. the president does seem to have had the majority in most of the
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balthss ground states. >> kudos to bill, that's a frank acknowledgement. i think he's reading it right. but you don't folkous today's polls. you look ahead to the long-term trend. the long-term trend is we're locked in on a close race. what you look at is the challenger is that the incumbent, president obama is below 50. a point of vulnerability. for mitt romney, can he decrease the gap. with the registered voters, there's a slight bias toward the democrats. once they switch to likely voters, it's going to boost mitt romney's numbers. >> the majority of voters still think things are on the wrong track according to today's polls. how much of an issue is it?
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>> i think it's an issue. i think that the environment in which this race is happening is going to matter a lot to the outcome. >> the economy, whether or not it gets better. >> the economy, the jobs number, gas prices, all those things will affect the race, but people will go into the voting booth, not voting on how they feel about this moment, but what's the difference between the visions of mitt romney and barack obama and who is best to lead our country right now. regardless of the situation, people won't go in there and say thank you to any elected official. i think they say, what's next? so that's the big question voters are asking. what's the difference between the president and governor romney? >> can obama avoid this being a research endum on his term? can they make it picking between these two guys? >> he can't avoid it, but that's what good campaigning comes down to. we'll have to see who puts together a better campaign.
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if you're the president, you want to make it all about mitt romney. that's why they're going after bain. if your governor romney, you want to make it about how bad the economy is it's a throw of bums out type of election. we saw that with jimmy carter and in 1990 and 2006 and 2008 with my old boss, george bush and the republicans. saw it against in 2010, against president obama. the other thing to look for, outside the campaign, six more unemployment reports coming out and two gdp reports about growth and the economy. those are the biggest external factors that are going to drive this election. >> bill, you're going to be looking to put ads on the air in swing states, where do you think you need to put your money? where's the tightest race? >> i'd say two things. first just a quick point on what ari just said. it's interesting to have ari fleischer on because his former
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boss, president bush ran a race in 2004 that was very much about who the challenger was and how important it was to define senator kerry and make that what the race was all about. on the map overall -- >> and they did a pretty good job of that. >> i mean, they won. so you can't deny they made some good decisions. i was on senator kerry's campaign. he's an awesome guy, but it was a tough race to lose. on the map, the map is big, but it's getting smaller. i think you look at the states that president obama won that senator kerry didn't win in 2004. that's where you start with those states. then you watch wisconsin, and pennsylvania and michigan as states that could get competitive. right now we're up in colorado. colorado, ohio, pennsylvania, florida, and virginia. we think those are close states. we think there are other states that are close as well. iowa and new hampshire will be tough as well.
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it's early and people are just starting to engage. so as people get more information about the race, we're going to see where those swing voters go in those states and see if those states really do stay competitive? >> appreciate you being on. thanks. >> thank you. >> there's no video in the trayvon martin case and word tonight of a confrontation last year with police. that's next. wow. yeah, right ? it's got a million more pixels than hdtv. and with six times more coverage, this ipad with verizon 4g lte can really take you places--- yea... ♪ mac and cheese, mac mac and cheese, ♪ ♪ can i have some please ♪ is that my cat... ? noo...
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>> a lot happening tonight. >> new video tonight in the trayvon martin case. it shows george zimmerman at police headquarters in sanford florida, three days after the killing. also today we learned in january 2011, zimmerman spoke out at a hearing and accused the police chief at the time of engaging in a cover-up in the case of a black homeless man who was beaten by an officer's son. the public is getting its first account of robert champion's death. the florida a&m drum major who died after enduring a broughtal hazing. maj after page of witness interviews detailed the beating. done by bandmates with their fists, drum sticks and per
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cushion mallets. mortgage interest rates have hit a record slow. 3% on a 30-year loan. and hines may be able to change his tune to slipping and sliding away. an mitt engineer has come up with a slippery, non-toxic coating called lick wi glide. here it is. it makes kech-up and other slow foods slide out of the bottle. >> it's so cool. i can't believe it hasn't been invented up until now. >> kind of looks unappetizing. >> but the guy who is invented it will make a gazillion dollars. >> and you and i will be here. >> with our old ketchup bottles. >> as you know, we're obsessed with animals sleeping on this program. we've had a sleeping baby bear,
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which i love. who could forget the snoring dormouse? that's what my cameraman sounds like when we're on trips together. >> nice. he'll appreciate that. >> and we all have to sleep in one room and that's how he snors. tonight we bring you the chick falling asleep on the cat. we had to speed up the video a bit because it took 45 seconds for the chick to fall asleep. the cat doesn't seem to care the tasty meal falls asleep right on him. >> the cat is a vegetarian. >> i don't know what the point of the video. i just think it's cute. coming up where computers will never replace copy editors. those surprising little things she does
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>> time now for the ridiculous. tonight we are adding a texas size of typeo that's a true reminder spelling counts. at the university of austin there was a lovely program distributed for one of the graduate schools. the program entitle the unlimited possibilities. as we take a closer look at the become of the program, it says lyndon b. johnson school of pubic affairs. i guess no one is a big fan of pubic speaking because they did it on twitter. our deepest apologies for the egregious typeo in our commencement program. we are working on distribute