tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 2, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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down and it gets us out of the habit of thinking every meal should revolve around meat. unfortunately, that's going to wrap things up for us this morning. we want you to stay connected all week long at and there's a conversation we want to keep going on twitter. time to get you a check of the st top stories from the cnn newsroom. >> you see it right now, high emotions in egypt. the people's revolution gets results and a longtime president behind bars. >> the dow tanks but more than your wallet gets hit. is the economy also ruining your sex life? the answer is yes and you're not alone. >> one of the most veteran journalists and u.n. of the most iconic moments in his life. >> president kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. central standard time. 2:eastern standard time.
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>> walter cronkite, the anchorman, the apaern people loved him. but did other journalists? an honest look at the life and career of the most trusted man in news. >> hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. thank you so much for joining us. we're going to start the hour with politics. an historic recall election just days away in wisconsin. scott walker in a recall with tom beahr. they drove the efforts angered by walker's push to end collective bargaining rights for workers. we're at the democratic phone bank. first, it's going to be very, very close. >> well, you know, this race really will come down to how many people come out on election day. that's really what both sides are saying here.
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as we mentioned, i'm outside of a democratic field office here. they have been making calls, knocking on doors. that's really been the name of the game for the last several days, weeks, especially, but it will be nonstop from now until tuesday. and the latest polls show governor walker with a very slight single digit lead. a lot of people feel like, there's maybe 80,000 homes out there who are undecided. it will come down to them on election day. >> so this race has attracted national attention, chris, and a lot of party surrogates are showing up. tell us about that. >> they really are. today, i was at a tea party rally and republican national committee shareman showed up there, paul ryan was there, congressman from wisconsin, of course, but yesterday on the democratic side, they had heavy hitter himself former president bill clinton. but that's caused a lot of people to start asking, where is another big name? i spoke to lieutenant governor
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rebecca clayfish, she's also being recalled. here is what she said about bill clinton coming. >> what's more obvious is that the president himself, the current president -- >> lot of folks here even on the democratic side said we really are disappointed that the president himself didn't show up. you could ask other folks and they would say the same thing about governor romney, but a lot of folks on the democratic side haven't had the surrogates that the republicans have. they would like the president to show up. >> we appreciate it. unique look inside the life of the campaign trail. get your questions answered by wolf blitzer and the political team life in a virtual chat,
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tuesday at noon eastern. in other news today, hosni mubarak is going to die in prison. life in prison. a civilian court holding the 84 neerld former egyptian president responsible for the deaths of 834 people in the revolution that forced him out of office. the verdict not terribly surprising. take a look at the scene in cairo. live pictures of tahrir square. it's after 11:00 p.m., and tahrir square is packed with egyptians, both overjoyed and furious. you can see the crowds there, happy that mubarak, that mubarak's egypt strong man for 30 years will never see freedom again. but angry that several of his former aides also charged in the killings were acquitted. let's get there now in cairo. ben wedeman on the phone with us. is that massive crowd going to be there for that long, all night long?
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>> it's unlikely they'll spend the entire night there although it's sort of the hard core group probably will as has been the case. what we have often seen is when you have so many people gathered in tahrir with sort of a unity of message, and in this case, it's more anger than happiness, anger that all these senior officials in the interior minstr ministry are very widely hated by egyptians because of the use of torture and arbitrary arrests, people wanted to see those senior officials punished, punish eed harshly. i was at the court outside of cairo when the verdict was announced, and when people heard that mubarak was getting life in prison, even though many of the people said they wanted him executed, they seemed genuinely satisfied that he was getting a life term. however, they wanted harsher punishment for the others and of
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course, they worried among many that he will and in fact his lawyers have told us president mubarak will appeal this sentence, and his lawyer told cnn he expects the verdict to be overturned. >> so these crowds that we're looking at, are they angry at the acquittals or are they celebrated here? >> they're angry. they're angry. there was brief celebration immediately after the verdict was announced, but when the details of the verdict came out and the fact that hosni m mubarak's two sons were declared innocent of all charges, that really sort of changed the mood completely. people are angry. they want to see hosni mubarak behind bars forever. his sons, his senior officials, people are not satisfied with this verdict at all. >> and we're looking at pictures now of hosni mubarak at his
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trial earlier today. i want to go back to the crowd there. anyone lurt in the crowd? >> there were people hurt in clashes at the court itself. we were told by a health ministry official that nine people were hospitalized as a result of stone throwing, rock throwing. but in tahrir itself, it has been blessedly peaceful. people have fainted because it's early in the day it was hot. but no violence so far in tahrir square. >> for hosni mubarak, we saw pictures of him at his trial, where is he right now and where is he going to serve his sentence? >> he's in south of cairo, in a prison. and today was the first day he went there. in fact, over the last ten months, he's been in a hospital in a luxury wing of a hospital outside of cairo. and it was only today that he
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was flown by helicopter from the military or rather the police academy where the trial was being held to the prison, and according to state tv and the ministry of interior officials we spoke to, as he was flying to the prison, he had what was described as a health crisis, no more details than that, and apparently, when he arrived in the helicopter at the prison, he refused to get off. and it was only after some intervention by a senior official was he finally convinced to get out of the helicopter and go to his newly refurbished prison cell. >> ben wedeman, thank you very much for that. we'll be watching tahrir square throughout thenith on cnn. let me remind you of what led up to this. he was president of egypt nearly 30 years. back in 1981, he declared a state of emergency that gave his police force almost complete
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power. that state of emergency went away yesterday. and last year's uprising in egypt, about 840 demonstrators were killed, about 6,000 injured in just 18 days. when the chaos was over, mubarak was out of office. military officers that took over brought him to trial in august and he could have been executed. he could have been set free. ejanuaritions will go to the polls to pick a president two weeks from today. again, live pictures from tahrir square. we'll continue to watch. >> today across syria, 23 people were killed, most of them in the besiejed city of homs. syrian and military tanks rolled through with heavy gun fire. opposition activists said syrian troops burned homes and sent snipers into other areas. arab league foreign minister s met today to talk about who is keeping the fights going. >> the violence in syria, it seems to have burst from the
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borders, now spilling over into lebanon. security forces say clashes between supporters and opponents of the assad regime left at lest six people dead and 30 others injured in trip o tripoli today. >> plans involve more cooperation with china. speaking at a gathering of asia's leader, the united states will enhance military cooperation with china. punet asaid the u.s. will also help bolster the capabilities of the allies in the region. they plan for a larger presence in the pacific ocean than is currently there. also, part of the plan, larger investment in new technologies. in maryland, cleanup is under way after a fierce storm tore through the northeast part of that state. high winds ripped off roofs and overturned cars yesterday. a number of people urfrees after becoming strapped in their cars. in washington, d.c., flooding was the issue. wjla reports that area firefighters performed several
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water rescues, including helping three teenagers trapped on the edge of a bridge. >> so much for spending your golding years relaxing. thanks to the economy, more americans are still at work, hard at work later in life. well, some can't afford to but others refuse to. n 75% of y, listerine cleans virtually your entire mouth. so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerine... power to your mouth.
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turning up the heat. today, president obama ramped up congress to pass bills he said would help the economy grow. it came on the heels of the latest jobs report that showed the unemployment rate going up for the first time since june of last year. >> no other word but disappointing for job creation and the economy. 69,000 jobs created. not something that is robust enough in a healthy economy, and 8.2% unemployment rate. it ticked up just a little bit. mostly because discouraged workers were coming back into the labor market to try to look. you had health care jobs. 34,000 created in the month r for the year so far, 340,000 health care jobs have been created. that, quite frankly, is one of the rare bright spots in the economy. you're losing public sector jobs. another 13,000 public sector
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jobs lost in the period, and private sector jobs. 82,000 created. that's not enough to absorb new people into the work force. this is interesting. zero in on the last three months. this shows a slowdown in hiring in this country. theshows a weak period like we saw a year ago in the spring and early summer when hiring slowed. you have businesses big and slow that are turning cautious. >> thank you very much. because of such a shaky economy, we're now seeing a unique blend of seniors, some who can't afford to retire. and those who refuse to. cnn's athena jones has more now. >> as a real estate agent in florida, life was good for nathan. he had planned to retire and travel the world, but when the real estate bubble burst, so did his retire plans. >> i lost everything. i would love to retire. i would have retired long ago. but to make ends meet, because of recession, i have to work.
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>> mclaughlin moved to washington to live with his daughter after suffering a stroke, and now the 68-year-old grandfather works at the city's employment services department as part of a training program for seniors. >> i need to contribute to my upkeep. this offers me not much, but a little. >> nearly 1 in 5 people 65 and older are working. the highest percentage since 1964. that includes nearly 40% of men and more than a quarter of women age 65 to 69. numbers that illustrate the effect the recession has had on many seniors' savings. >> a lotf people haven't saved enough. therefore, they need to work longer in order to save more and/or need an additional income for as long as possible to supplement what they could possibly get from social security wrrch. >> not everyone working past the traditional working age does so out of need. some like this 68-year-old are
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eager to keep working. >> i like people. >> this woman whose husband died in 1999 said she can afford to retire, but she doesn't want to. >> i can't picture myself not working. i do entertain it a little bit in my head, but it's too final. to retire. and i am excited about coming in. i really am. i was off for a whole year and you get in a slump. you go to bed at 2:00, you're lucky to get dressed in the morning. >> a small recovery from back surgery makes it hard for her to get around, but she's not going to let that stop her from working long into her golden years. >> as long as i can get here, i'm come here. athena jones, cnn, washington. >> thanks, athena. remember that massacre in afghanistan back in march? allegedly at the hands of an american soldier. 16 were killed. we'll look at how steroids may have been to blame. first, the may jobs report
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disappointed many, but it didn't discourage job seekers at a career fair for recent and future job graduates in new jersey. here is christine romans. >> job growth slowed in may, and job seekers at this career fair are more focused than ever. >> today i see all of the things i need to work on and tweak for my next career fair. >> approaching someone and having to spiel about yourself for one minute is nerve-racking. >> for mark and nicky, they plan is simple, meet people and start a conversation. >> when it's competitive like this and there are a lot of job seekers out there, the best moves are the most basic ones. >> maria, recently added an mba to her resume. she has been looking for a marketing job in the battered travel and leisure sector for three months. she hired a career coach to help. >> it's a process you have to keep at the top of it. meaning that you have to work and do something for your search almost every day. >> her job coach said it's important to keep evolving with
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the job market, build contacts, use social media, and don't just pursue one type of position. keep your options open. >> people looking for the magic bullet, the one thing to do, will spend a lot of time on something like a resume where they really should be doing multipet things where. >> for mark and nicky, they hope to meet enough employers to get their search going. christine romans, cnn, new york. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one.
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it's been a lingering question for mukt. what caused army staff sergeant richard baels to gun down 16 civilians. the answer may be steroids. >> cnn has been investigating the possibility that robert bales abused steroids and now comes confirmation from the army that in addition to murder, assault, and alcohol related charges, bales faced two counts of unlawful steroid possession. his attorney john henry brown
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tells cnn, i am so relieved that prosecutors finally came out publicly about the steroid use. steroid use is going to be an issue in this case. especially where sergeant bales got steroids and how he got steroids. bales war stationed near tacoma washington at lewis mcchord when has been the target of previous steroid investigations. one former army sergeant said he saw wide spread abuse of steroids in 2004. >> it was fairly acceptable for people to use steroids. there was a time when we had raided a pharmacy and the guys came out with a bunch of, arm load of anabolic steroids. that seems to have started them off on this course of buying steroids from either through the internet or through the military contractors. >> he said solars used steroids to bulk up in preparation for combat. a survey by the defense department in 2008 showed 2.5%
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of army personnel had illegally used steroids within the past 12 months. medical experts tell cnn in some cases, steroid abuse can lead to jekyll and hyde like behavior. over the past 12 years, bales who last lived in this house with his wife and two children had several brushes with the law. faced a criminal assault charge in tacoma in 2002. the case was dismissed after he completed anger management classes. in 2008, police responded to a fight involving bales outside a bowling alley. but no charges resulted. and in the same year, bales crashed his mustang rounding this curve near his home. and fled into the woods. he was on the cell phone saying something like, man, i really screwed up, whoever he was talking to, i really screwed up. he said, do do you need help? it appears he had blood on his face, he was ignoring us and walking away from us, up the hill. >> no charges were brought
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falloying that accident. in march, cnn filed a freedom of information request with the army for details about steroid abuse by bales or at lewis mcchord. that request was denied. >> how was last night? maybe you had a romantic evening planned but everything fizzled or maybe it wasn't you. is a troubled economy causing troubles in the bedroom? we're going to ask dr. wendy walsh straight ahead. and we want viewers to stay connected to cnn even on the go. make sure you grab your mobile phone, go to and you can also watch cnn live. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. [ male announcer ] when diarrhea hits, kaopectate stops it fast. powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. fast. [ male announcer ] stop the uh-oh fast with kaopectate. all right, almost half past the hour. we're going to get you caught up on the headlines right now. you're about to look at liesk pictures from tahrir square. it's packed with people. earlier in the day, they were celebrating the conviction and life sentence handed down to hosni mubarak, but it turned angry when severaloffs his aides were acquitted.
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he was responsible for the deaths of 850 people in the revolution last year. >> more fighting and more deaths across syria today. at least 27 people killed today. and witnesses say syrian military tanks raided the city of homs, rolling through with heavy gun fire. opposition activists said syrian troops burned homes and sent snipers into otherrential areas. they met today to talk about who is keeping the conflict going and how to prevent an all-out civil war. >> in maryland, cleanup is under way after a fierce storm tore through the northeast part of the state. high winds ripped off roofs and overturned cars late yesterday. a number of people were freed after becoming trapped in their cars. bad weather also hit virginia, north carolina, and washington, d.c. today kicked off four days of a grand party only fit for a queen. brits are marking the diamond jubilee, quine elizabeth's skithth year on the throne. today's events included the epson derby featuring the
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nation's top horses. tomorrow, cnn will have special coverage of the celebration starting at 11:00 eastern. make sure you tune in. join piers morgan and brooke baldwin live from london for the royal extravaganza. >> okay, so probably going to be some potty mouth going on here, so just a word of warning. is this hurting your sex life? that's the dow. down. a lot of things are down when the dow is down. with the recent bad economic news, like the worst month for stocks in two years, some mental health professionals warn of health. i heard you giggling. >> down when the dow is down. >> when the economy is down, the jobs are down, a lot of things are down. okay, so dr. wendy, she is a psychologist, and she joins us now. can a bad economy hurt your sex life? >> well, it can and it can't. it all depends.
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we know that fertility rates go way down in a recession because 100 years ago, children were an asset and helped to make money on the farm or in the bakery. but today, they're luxury consumer goods. married couples often tebd to have less sex and it's associated with anxiety about reprupgz because it's an expensive thing. some evolutionary psychologists think men have a crazy yearning for uncommitted sex in a recession. it would be like after a harsh season back when we were hunters and gathers because they didn't drop their seed and they might be dying soon so the genetic line may be dying out. it's different for different people. >> why are you blushing? >> you're making me blush. so men are just cheaters, so when the economy is down, they don't have a job, they just want to have random, as they say, and strange. >> that could be single men pursuing uncommitted sex rather
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than expensive, committed marital sex. for some men, trying to procure sex costs some money. dinners and nice cars and that kind of thing. >> okay. let's talk specifically now about the jobs numbers. you see here the downhill slope in job creation. but jobs are so personal, wendy, not like i'm not in the mood. my 401(k) took a beating, but unemployment could affect your relationships with other people, right? >> absolutely. for both genders, but in particular, men, we self-identify with our jobs and who we are. and so when men become unemployed, they are more likely to drink more, become more depressed, and be less interested in sex. that's a bottom line. >> men, we need some major therapy, don't we? it's always the men, always the men. >> no, women, too. the genders are becoming a lot closer together.
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we're seeing a lot of cross over in what we would traditionally call male or female behavior. >> there's a new app that says it can determine mood disorders. sounds like a bad idea, right? >> i played around with it today. it's called what's my m-3. it's a very simple schematic 27 questions to tell how you're feeling and if you may have s n signs of depression or anxiety or post traumatic stress disorder or bipolar disorder. when people are in those mental states, they're probably not downloading an app on their iphone and not reaching out for help. that's the other thing. now, another study this week came out from missouri university of sienls and technology, and they were able to show that more frequent iphone checking, facebook checking, e-mail checking, was linked to depression. maybe its the future, we'll see something different, that we'll sit down and our laptop will say, hello, did you know you have checked your e-mail 104
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times this week. you may be depressed. >> everyone in this business, everyone is depressed. we get so many e-mails, we can't keep up. were you here last week? i was away. i missed you. >> no, i was in napa valley. i took my kids and we drank and ate our way through nappy valley. >> i had the best vacation. i caught a huge white marlin, and i drank so many margaritas with sought i was bloated. my ankles were swollen. >> where were you? >> key west. a deep sea fishing expedition. nappy valley and the beach. good for you, too. welcome back. good to see you. >> thanks. >> there are only winners in the susan g. komen race for the cure in washington, d.c. this morning. >> you all for giving me more time with my husband. >> 26,000 people took part in the fund-raiser for breast cancer research, but the komen
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foundation said that's 10,000 fewer than last year. not clear why there was a drop in turnout, but this was the first global race since february's controversy when the komen foundation reversed its foundation to cut funting to planned parenthood. >> he may be the most powerful leader in the cathroom church in america, but there are new concerns he may have paid off abusive priests to get them out of the church. lord, you got no♪ ♪ you got no right ♪ ♪ i find myself at the wrong place ♪ [ male announcer ] the ram 1500 express. ♪ it says a lot about you. ♪ in a deep, hemi-rumble sort of way. guts. glory. ram.
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his previous assignment in mockery. they stem from the allegation of documents, part of a bankruptcy finding by the milwaukee archdiocese. susan candiotti joins us. were these priests really being paid off as these victims claimed? >> well, don, that's what one victim's group is calling it. in a statement, the archdiocese of milwaukee acknowledges it did pay priests accused of being pedophiles to leave the priestho priesthood. it's called be leicized. back in 2003, then archbishop timothy dolan was part of a meeting that proposed paying priests up to $23 million in addition to a monthly check to help ease them into the outside world. >> any idea how many alleged pedophile priests gault payouts? >> no, don, we have been trying to find that out. the archdiocese of milwaukee is only issued written statements sxrk they say it's a handful of
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priests. we also don't know how long it went on. the archdiocese says it's no longer paying accused abusive prie priests, though. >> what about cardinal dolan, is she saying anything about it? >> not right now. we have tried to reach him. back in 2006, don, he issued a statement about one priest who faced a lot of sex abuse allegations, and back then, archbishop dolan said calling the money a payoff to one priest was preposterous. in his words, it was an act of charity that allowed him to buy health insurance. now, cardinal dolan's spokesman in new york these days has no comment about any of this. the cardinal's former wisconsin archdiocese called the payments a faster and cheaper way to get accused pedophiles out of the priesthood instead of a religious trial at the vatican which they said could traumatize victims, but we don't know what the victims felt about all this or if they played a role. >> what happens next? will we get more answers here?
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>> we'll certainly try to. snap, that's a victim support group, they have sent a letter to the archdiocese of milwaukee asking how many priests got this money and where that money came from. and by the way, don, we don't know whether this is a common practice of the catholic church here, and the u.s. cathric conference of bishops which dolan heads up, it has not responded to our questions either. >> susan reporting from new york, thank you very much. meantime, jurors in philadelphia hold the fate of the highest ranking cathrolic cleric for covering up sexual abuse. jurors got the case on friday. he's accused of knowingly allowing dangerous priests to remain in ministry roles with access to children. benjamin brennan is also on trial with him. he's accused of the attempted rape of a 14-year-old boy. both men have pleaded not guilty. >> federal benefits like tax credits and long-term health
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care reserved only for heterosexual couples, now a u.s. appeals court is calling that unconstitutional. from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn... financing industries that are creating jobs in boston... providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community... and lending to ensure a north texas hospital continues to deliver quality care. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived.
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and it's bringing the future forward. have an over the top experience. being hands on is key! i make sure every plate looks just right. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast, just $14.99. start with soup, salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits followed by your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp or shrimp and scallops alfredo. then finish with something sweet. all four courses just $14.99. [ reza ] it's so much food for such a good value. i'm reza, culinary manager.
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and i sea food differently. do you really think brushing is enough to keep it clean? while brushing misses germs in 75% of your mouth, listerine® cleans virtually your entire mouth. so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerine®... power to your mouth™. the key part of the law banning federal recognition of same sex marriage has been struck down, called unconstitutional by a u.s. appeals court. the defense of marriage act defines marriage as unions exclusively between a man and a woman. the issue at the center of the debate is whether the federal government can deny benefits to
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same-sex couples. let's talk about it more with holly hughes here. holly, the law is likely on its way to the supreme court. what are supporters or opponents, i should say, of doma going to argue here? >> what they're going to say is that the federal government cannot deny benefits when the state has said your marriage is legal here. this is a difference between federal rights and state's rights. and they don't want fralg government to be able to define a marriage when their own state has said, yes, you are a married couple to a same-sex couple. then the federal government steps in and says, yeah, but because we don't like that under this doma act, which was enacted around 1996, therefore, we're going to deny you benefits, so you can't have retirement benefits of your long-term partner or now your spouse, your legal spouse. the opponents are saying that's not fair. the states have always been able to it fine marriage and the whole history of the legal system in the country, if they
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say we're married, we need to get the same benefits as everyone else. >> any idea how this is going to end up legally? is it constitutional or unconstitutional. >> i think the supreme court is going to appeal with the appeals court. it's going to be a narrow issue because there's a couple components they didn't challenge. they didn't say do we have the constitutional right? they didn't challenge that. they just went after the benefits part. >> we saw president obama support same sex marriage. gallup poll conducted said half americans legalize same-sex unions. will that impact the supreme court or do they look at the constitution, at the law, and make their rule sng. >> they're going to look at the law, the history of the law, the precedence in the country, public opinion is not going to sway the united states supreme court, and i think legally speaking, i think they're going to agree with the appeals court. >> this court only ruled on benefits. not the more controversial
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provision asking whether gay couples have a constitutional rights to marry. >> right. >> more to follow? >> there will be more challenges because don't forget, there's a third component here that talks about can a state, if you're married say in vermont and you move back to your own state, which does not recognize same-sex, can the federal government make the state who doesn't recognize the legal union or the real marriage, because you were married somewhere else, can they force the states to give you the benefits? so that's the third component. so there's a lot of different challenges, but i think the skourlt is going to be very narrow. they're going to look at specifically what they're asked to review. they're going to be asked to review this portion of it, but we'll see other challenges. >> just the beginning. good stuff. all of our men and women in uniform deserve recognition for what they do. but there's one unit that may stand above the rest. they're the first to deploy and the last to come home, and we
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all. >> we had a team in afghanistan working with army ranger fors up close and personal with the taliban, feeding down linked imagery to fin, those adversaries out there. >> that team is known as the mom. they're the first to deploy and the tloos leave. >> we're always first, first ones out the door. >> when we go out, we're building up to install additional communications so make it so that we can actually get up within just a few days and have communications with the outside world. >> this is really the first step to base building. >> this is it. >> to get a better understanding of what the mob does, i was made an honorary member for a day. from communications to shelter and air traffic control and supplying troops in the field, the mob does it all. >> you guys make the complex look easy.
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it's not easy at all. >> training. that's all it is. just training. >> there's a lot to this. >> but their mission doesn't come without risk. >> our business is a life-and-death business for soldiers, airmen and marines. >> these are guy who is are going to deal with electronics, deal with engineering but they also are soldiers. >> they may be in an environment where bad guys want to do them harm. they need to be prepared to face that. >> right behind you. right behind you. >> back up against the door. >> roger that. >> this aspect of the training brings it home. >> ready! >> move! >> shouldering a weapon in, well, let's say adverse circumstances. >> that was intense. how can you not respect these airmen out here doing this stuff?
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seriously, from the high tech gadgetry, to the day-to-day tactics to this stuff, it's amazing. a lot of respect for them. >> we pick up and go someplace where we've never been before potentially, it requires us to operate as a team, depend on each other and rely on each other's expertise to get us through potentially hazardous situations. >> we're basically a plane ticket away. >> always ready? >> always. everybody loves the mob. >> reynolds world, cnn. >> reynolds wolf, if you're listening and your agent is listening, you are the next micro, mark my words. >> when walter cronkite removed his glasses while reporting the jfk assassination, it became one of the most iconic moments in
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history. >> president kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. central standard time. >> this is a new book by douglas brinkley. i spoke to him and talked about that moment and more. >> everybody knows that clip. he came in that day, it was a normal friday. a lot of people had cut out for the weekend and others were having long lunches in new york. he brought cottage cheese and pineapple, iand he got a shootig in dallas and he ran with it. >> it's a fascinating book, very long, very easy to read, and as you know, these are my cronkite glasses, my team calls them the breaking news glasses.
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