tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 4, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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taking advantage of kids. here is the thing with this. many children, they lie about their age. i know shocking. >> yes, they do. >> they already have accounts, right? in fact, there's one research sites that breaks it down and shows 19% of 10-year-olds, 32% of 1 11-year-olds, and 55% of 12-year-olds are already on facebook. shocking. about 7.5 million kids under 13 are on facebook. maybe this is their way of linking parents for sure. who knows. we'll see if it comes to pass, zoraida. >> go check and see if you find your kid's name. i found mine. so heads up. >> they're not. i'm certain. >> alison kosik at the new york stock exchange. thank you very much for that. i'm zoraida sambolin in for suzanne malveaux. it was supposed to be a day of celebrations for the royal family. but 90-year-old prince philip has been taken to the hospital for a bladder infection. according to the press secretary to the queen, he will remain under observation for a few
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days, but this is all simply a precautionary measure, they say. an arrest in a gruesome international murder mystery. german police have captured luca rocco magnotta, a self-described porn star accused of killing and dismembering a student in canada. body parts were mailed to canadian police and to politicians. canadian authorities confirmed the arrest a short time ago. george zimmerman's lawyer says he will file for a new bond hearing. the man accused of murdering trayvon martin had his bail revoked by the judge in the case and was sent back to jail over the weekend. the judge said zimmerman lied about his finances in order to get a lower bond. so right now let's bring in christiane amanpour, host of cnn's international. she has scored a rare interview. that visit by maria castro
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outraged people. was she trying to make inroads and does she speak at all for her father's regime? >> reporter: well, two interesting questions. i don't think she was trying to make inroads except that she did want to come and participate in this great -- this rather large gay and lesbian conference, which she did in san francisco, and she also talked to the new york public library here. whenever a castro comes to the united states, one inevitably needs to ask them not just about those issues, but about the greater issues of whether there will be any more freedoms, what will happen to dissenters, and how the progress is going to be in cuba because we've seen it's already happened to an extent in the economics sphere under her father, the president, raul castro. i also asked her about president obama because he's obviously taken the cuban file a little further than his predecessor has. this is what she had to say about president obama.
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well, i asked her about what he had done in terms of opening up the way the u.s. deals with cuba a little bit. certainly in remittances an other such things. she thought that this was progress. she also said that she appreciated president obama's move on gay issues such as supporting same-sex marriage, and she did volunteer that if she was an american citizen, she might, indeed, even vote for president obama. in fact, she would. beyond that issue on the crucial issue of what might happen, what might change inside cuba, she made some very interesting comments. not only on the gay issue, whether or not there would be an agreement for the first time in history on civil unions in cuba, but also on travel restrictions. she said that's going to be taken up by the parliament sometime this year and she supported that. we talked about allen gross, the american who is in prison in cuba. she said she favored a comprehensive release of him and the cuban five, those who are arrested here, and she talked about a progressive but blow
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movement towards democratic and civil rights inside cuba itself. >> christiane, is this an official visit? does she speak officially on behalf of her father? >> no, she takes great pains to say she doesn't, but, of course, she does talk with obviously with the her hear to the presidency. when questions about democracy and dissent, the embargo and all those kinds of questions are put to her, she does speak at least with somebody who has authority, but it was not an official visit. she was granted a visa by the state department to take part in this conference, and, in fact, it's not her first visit. the bush administration gave her a visa back in 2002 as well. >> so i can't leave you without talking about the situation in syria, especially after the massacre in houla. when will western leaders move onto a plan "b," move in and try to help? >> well, you know, i think the
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most worrying thing is there is no plan "b." it's been said to me by the secretary-general of the united nations. what we know is kofi annan, upon whom right now all hopes rest for the so-called peace plan which as you know is not working, he's going to be meeting, it's just been announced, secretary of state hillary clinton along with arab league members at the end of this week on friday in washington. perhaps something will come out of that, but the truth of the matter is that there seems to be a major vacuum of leadership in the united states and around the world as to what to do next. the alternatives right now seem to be to hope that the annan plan works. it has not worked. to pressure the russians to try to get them to use their good offices with the syrians. that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. russia doesn't seem to want to pressure the syrians anymore than they are being pressured right now. or to take some kind of joint international action amongst
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like-minded nations to put a stop to this, and that is what people certainly inside syria are calling for increasingly now. >> that's a horrific situation to just stand by and continue watching. >> it is. >> we appreciate your thoughts this morning. christiane amanpour, thank you for joining us. this afternoon i should say. i'm still on mornings hear. president obama teams up with president clinton for a trio of ritzy glitzy fund-raiser. a gala celebration at the waldorf-astoria. they end the night with a broadway concert at the new amsterdam theater. bill clinton has emerged as one of president obama's main campaign surrogates, but their past relationship has been rocky at times. the story from brianna keilar. >> reporter: as president obama's campaign tries to make a liability of mitt romney's past experience as the head of a private equity firm, bill clinton talking recently about romney on cnn's piers morgan tonight apparently didn't get the memo. >> and i think he had a good
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business career. there's no question that in terms of getting up and going to the office and, you know, basically performing the essential functions of the office, a man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold. >> reporter: on the same team as obama, but reading from a different playbook. bill clinton's support is key to the president this election, though their relationship, to put it mildly, has had its ups and downs. in 2007 bill clinton took aim at the then-junior senator from illinois. juneau, i'm old-fashioned. i think a president ought to have done something for other people and for his country when you pick a president. >> president clinton questioned obama's inexperience. >> i mean, when is the last time we elected a president based on one year of service in the senate before he started running? >> reporter: in early 2008 obama won iowa and entered into an all had been out feud with the former first couple.
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>> i'm here, he's not. >> i can't tell who i am running against sometimes. >> appointing hillary clinton secretary of state helping heal some wounds and since taking office obama has looked to the popular president for help. hosting him at the white house in 2010. >> i have a general rule which is whatever he asks me about my advice and whatever i say should become public only if he decides to make it public. he can say whatever he wants. >> reporter: obama hopes president clinton can woo voters in the south and some rust belt states. the obama campaign is featuring clinton in ads and hitting up his network of wealthy donors. oak and clinton appeared at a fund-raiser together last month at the home of long-time clinton supporter terry mcauliffe, recognizie recognizing 2. >> you almost forget some of
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those bitter moments. how is their relationship now? >> reporter: right now at this moment it appears that they have been able to smooth over some of those differences. as you know, it was not always the case. in fact, one source close to bill clinton told me that it was really bill clinton, not hillary clinton, who bore a grudge against president obama because of the way he felt his wife was treated, and it was certainly a bitter battle in 2008. the kind of switching point was really the transition, as president obama came into power and appointed hillary clinton and also the fact that bill clinton liked the way that that was handled. he liked the way the obama transition team dealt with him, and certainly now he wants to see president obama re-elected and the obama campaign is very happy to put him out front and center, but you sort of see that, you know, bill clinton speaks his mind and that doesn't necessarily always keep them on the same page. >> no, it certainly doesn't always work in his favor. so how do you think they're going to continue using him
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going forward? >> reporter: they're using him in almost every way that you can use a surrogate on a campaign. as we said, there will be ads. of course, the fund-raising is very key. these three fund-raisers tonight in new york city that president obama and bill clinton will headline together, but president clinton is also key when it comes to the messaging. he's been making tv appearances, as you know. he's also going, and this will continue throughout the campaign up to election day, to a number of battleground states kind of trying to deliver a message not only as a reminder of a better economy under a democrat but also sort of saying i know what needs to be done on the economy, and president obama is doing the right thing and trying to convince voters of that, zoraida. >> all right, brianna keilar live in washington for us. thank you very much. and here is what we're working on for this hour. dozens more shot over the weekend in chicago. why the violence is reaching a boiling point. and drugs, hit men, and roaming gangs. it's just another night in this
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it was supposed to be a day of celebration for the royal family, but queen elizabeth's husband, 90-year-old prince philip, has been taken to the hospital hours before he was to join the queen at a star-studded concert celebrating her diamond jubilee. richard quest joins me from london, and, richard, i understand prince philip was hospitalized for a bladder infection. what more can you tell us? do you know how he's doing right now? >> the palace said that he had been admitted to hospital for what they describe as a bladder infection so that he could be assessed and he could be treated. they are describing it as a precautionary measure, but, remember, prince philip will be 91 years old on june 10th, just next week. so, frankly, anything to do with a 90-year-old you don't take any risks.
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he was in hospital in december when he said heart problems and a stent, a coronary sent was put in because of problems there. the extraordinary thing, of course, was the way the prince along with the queen stood for more than four hours yesterday during the jubilee concert, and questions will certainly be raised and asked about did -- well, did he overdo it yesterday in waiting and standing out in the cold, in the driving rain, and whether that actually has contributed in any shape or form to him having to be hospitalized, but we do know he's in hospital. he will miss the concert today and he will miss tomorrow's service of thanksgiving at st. paul's cathedral and the carriage procession. the queen, however, will go on. >> do we know how long he will stay in the hospital? >> they are saying a few days. now, anyone who knows prince philip knows it will be as little as is humanly possible. he will be a very, very
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disappointed to have been admitted to hospital at the queen's great moment on the great day of celebration. he clearly looked like he was enjoying every second of yesterday, a nautical man, a man from the navy. he loved what was happening. so in the hours ahead we'll get an idea of how this came about, why they thought it was so serious, but i keep coming back to this core fact. 90-year-olds, particularly those who have had a heart problem, you don't take any risks with. if he's got a bladder infection, they're going to want to treat it. >> absolutely not, but he looked well in all the video we were watching from yesterday's festivities. let's get back to that star-studded concert that's happening. how many people are expected to attend that? >> 12,000 will be there in front of the victory memorial outside of the palace, including the royal family.
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there will be tens of thousands watching on screens in hyde park, in green park, along the mall. london has become one big watch a concert, sit and watch the royals. and so that is going to be a magnificent time. we are told that there will be or we're expecting some little gems. for instance, ten years ago brian may played on the rooftop of buckingham palace. this time it's going to be madness we expect, the group, who will play "our house" on the roof of buckingham palace. we know there will be one or two other surprises. >> are you going, richard? you seem to really be into it. >> what do you mean am i into it? of course i'm into it. what a question. a chance -- >> you're playing an air guitar. you're playing an air guitar. >> rather badly. a chance to see cliff richard, elton john, paul mccartney, who
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wouldn't? no, unfortunately, you'll be delighted as indeed will our mutual bosses be delighted to know that i am doing service in the service of the corporation and i will still be doing deep duty service tonight in trafalgar square. >> i think you're going to be bopping along to all the music as well. richard quest, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. so celebrations marking 60 years of queen elizabeth's reign continue on cnn tuesday. you heard him. join piers morgan and brooke baldwin live from london for a royal extravaganza beginning at 9:00 eastern. ♪ we all need it. to move. to keep warm. to keep us fed.
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a chicago pastor is so furious and fed up with deadly violence in his city he is taking to the streets literally. you might remember pastor corey brooks, he spent almost three months on the rooftop of a chicago motel trying to get people to pay attention to the senseless killings in his community. he came down only after media mogul tyler perry gave him a call to help in his cause. now brooks is leaving tomorrow on a cross country walk to raise awareness about the violence not
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just in chicago he says but in cities across the united states. at a church service yesterday, he shared his vision. >> i want to walk across america because too many black boys are dying at the hands of other black boys and ain't nobody saying nothing and somebody has going to face the challenge. >> pastor corey brooks joins me now. we're really happy to have you right before you start this walk. what do you hope to accomplish big picture? >> well, big picture is i'm hoping to accomplish bringing attention and awareness to the gun violence that's so prevalent not just in the city of chicago but across this nation. in intercities across america we face a major issue. we're trying to raise $15 million to build a community and economic development center in place of the hotel where i stayed on for 94 days and we're trying to do something to enhance the lives of young people on the south side of chicago. >> and do you think that will have a big impact? because i want to share some statistics with you here.
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homicides in the city of chicago are up 49% over this time last year. over the memorial day weekend 40 kids were shot, 10 were killed. how do you expect that this will impact that? >> well, it's going to impact it because it takes more than police. it takes parents, it takes pastors, it takes politicians as well. all of us deliberating and working together. at this center we're going to fight four basic ills, social, spiritual, educational, and economic ills and at that center when we do that, we will help curb the tide of violence. >> give us more details on this walk. this community center once you raise some money to build it, it's going to take a lot of money to continue making it work. >> absolutely. >> and, you know, the state of illinois, the city of chicago, in a financial crisis as are all sorts of states across the country. how do you think you will be able to do this long term? >> long term it's all about eni doments, about foundations, government grants, it's about people being concerned and
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compassionate throughout the time to consistently give. i have no doubt that people are going to give when they understand the issues that are at hand because people understand that lives are worth saving and i don't really think you can put a number on the value of a life. >> what do you think the problem is? >> well, it's basic. it's four basic problems that we're facing. we have educational problems in the city of chicago, not just the city of chicago, but inner cities across america. we have economic issues, social issues, and spiritual issues. when you put all of those things into one neighborhood, then it's a powder keg ready to explode and that's what we're seeing every single day on the south side of chicago and that's the reason why we need people to support to go to and see the many ways that they could help us to build this center. >> is your goal to start in the city of chicago and branch out or do you have a goal to start big? >> our goal is to start a prototype, to create a model in the city of chicago, and as we
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create that model, we want to go larger. i met with pastors just this morning in brooklyn. i'm going to be meeting with pastors in philadelphia on saturday. so as i go across the nation, i will be meeting in pastors and not for profits and people who are concerned abo eed handling issues of the inner city. >> how about pastors in your own community and your mayor? i know he held a press conference last week, i believe it was on wednesday, to add more police to the streets. how are you uniting with them in order to try to address this problem? >> well, we have a wonderful program that we do. we call it hood-vasion. we patrol the streets ourselves. it takes community patrolling. it takes community involvement. it takes a lot of dlab ration with a lot of different organizations cohesively working together to strategically create a system and a plan to get rid of violence and that's what we're doing. that's the reason why we need everyone who possibly can to go to the website
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and see the many ways they can help us do all the things we need to do. >> pastor corey brooks, we wish you a lot of luck. >> i appreciate it. a passenger plane goes down in nigeria and americans were on board. including the pilot. and don't forget, you can watch cnn live on your computer while you are at work. head to ♪ i can do anything ♪ i can do anything today ♪ i can go anywhere ♪ i can go anywhere today ♪ la la la la la la la [ male announcer ] dow solutions help millions of people by helping to make gluten free bread that doesn't taste gluten free. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. solutionism. the new optimism. the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore.
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here are some of the stories we're following. almost 40 years after the war with vietnam, there was a dramatic exchange this week in hanoi. defense secretary leon panetta received personal letters taken from an american army sergeant killed in action in 1966. in exchange panetta raurned the diary of a vietnamese soldier killed that same year. mitt romney's favorable ratings are up, but he still trails president obama in popularity. in a new cnn/orc poll, 56% 6
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americans say they have a favorable. of the president compared to 48% who have a positive view of romney. 42% have an unfavorable opinion of both. facebook is considering letting younger children onto its website. that is right. kids younger than 13 may soon be allowed to logon to the social media site with the rest of us with, of course, parental supervision. some say facebook is just trying to profit off our children. but according to a study from the online journal first monday, a lot of kids are already on facebook. 69% of 13-year-olds and 55% of 12-year-olds. so check their accounts. nigerian officials say an american was piloting the plane that crashed yesterday in lagos and the state department confirms that u.s. citizens were on board. let's go live now to va loladimn lagos. do we have any updated numbers on that fatal flight, including how many americans were on
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board? >> reporter: zoraida, just recently we heard from the state department and they have confirmed that there were american citizens on board this flight. however, they have not given us a number. what we did confirm earlier this morning was that the pilot of this aircraft was an american citizen. we do know that this airplane was rolled off the assembly line in 1990 for alaska airways. donna air in nigeria purchased that aircraft several years ago, and the airline itself has only been in existence for about 4 1/2 years. as far as other citizens, most of the passengers were nigerian although we're told there were also some chinese citizens, some indians, and some lebanese, zoraida. >> vladimir, what are airline officials saying about the minutes before the plane went down? do we have any information? >> reporter: so the chief pilot, i spoke to him earlier this morning, he said that right before -- the plane was about 11
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miles away from the runway when emergency. he said there was some kind of emergency on the aircraft. that was the last they heard from him. witnesses on the ground say the plane was coming in what they call low and slow. the plane hit fail first into a densely populated neighborhood. some of the homes are so close together you could actually just stand in between the two homes and touch both of them at the same time. so far we don't have a number of casualties on the ground yet, but it's a miracle that many more people were not killed. we were literally standing just across the street from the crash site in a home that was standing, you know, perfectly rock solid talking to some of the people that survived the crash and essentially they were saying they were very, very lucky because the plane seemed to only hit about three buildings in this neighborhood where houses are literally packed on top of each other. >> i know that it's really difficulty stage of the game. we are talking earlier about perhaps ten people dead on the ground. what do we know about the search
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operation as it continues? as we were watching this fire as it was out of control in that densely populated rezal area that you had mentioned, it was a really difficult fire to put out. >> reporter: yeah. when we arrived on the scene last night, it was pandemonium, chaotic. there were no lights and it's pitch dark normally in lagos. very few homes have running electricity, everybody powers up with a generator. we get out there, it's pitch dark. there are a few fire brigades trying to put some water on there. for a city of almost 16 million people has very few fire brigades. there were some people using pails of water to try to put the fire out. today a much different scenario. the first responders have blocked off, cordoned off the area, around the crash site. what we saw was a smooth operation going. when we spoke to the head of the agencies that were responding to the crash, they had already pulled 53 bodies from the wreckage. they were pulling many more out
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when we were there. much different scenario from what we witnessed last night. >> all right. live for us in lagos for us. thank you very much for that report. hit men, kidnappers, and roaming gangs. it's just another night inside one of pakistan's fastest growing cities. we'll tell you why the violence there matters to us here. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like a lot of things, the market has changed, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and your plans probably have too. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so those old investments might not sound so hot today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we'll give you personalized recommendations tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 on how to reinvest that old 401(k) tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and help you handle all of the rollover details. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and bring your old 401(k) into the 21st century. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients.
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it is hard to underestimate the importance of pakistan right now. it is a nuclear power critical to the fight in afghanistan, and the country where osama bin laden was finally gunned down. but what's life actually like inside pakistan? the co-founder of vice took a trip to the country's most volatile city, karachi. >> reporter: karachi is the biggest and fastest growing city in pakistan. with a population of around 18 million people, it's one of the
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biggest in the world. it is also the country's financial capital and is considered the most educated and diverse city in pakistan. however, it is also the most violent. it's true, we hear about violence in pakistan all the time. at least when it comes to the seemingly never ending war against the taliban and al qaeda. but in 2011 more than three times as many people were killed in karachi than the number of people killed in american drug strikes in the tribal areas. why does that matter? because pakistan matters. whether you're an american worried about the extremists, an indian worried about the nukes, or of a afghan worried about pakistan's ambitions, basically pakistan is a powder keg and karachi is the detonator that could set it all off. >> you depict karachi as almost
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a war zone in itself. how unstable are things there? >> well, we've been filming in pakistan for the last seven years. this is our first time in karachi. we felt like this country was turning into a powder keg. after going to karachi we fement like this is a city that could be the detonator to set it all off. the violence between the political parties, the fact that you can hire hit men on the ground for $700, 600 of these guys roaming around the city. and the influx of the taliban is creating -- they're like the new gang in town in karachi now and it's also growing so fast that all these factors together are creating an incredibly volatile situation, and the big fear is like if karachi goes, you know, e rurupts erupts" into civil war.
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a lot of it we weren't expecting. it just happened. we go into a neighborhood and the next thing we know we're in the middle of the riot between the police and the kids protecting the gangsters in that neighborhood or going to the police station, next thing we know we're embedded with them hunting taliban in the neighborhoods or driving down the street and seeing these heroin addicts shooting up, getting heroin for 80 cents a gram. it's just a charged environment and there's a lot going on there. and, you know, karachi is the economic engine of the country. it's the most educated city in the country. >> i was shocked to see that when i was watching your video, how educated that country actually is. talk about the drone strikes. a lot of pakistanis have lost their lives because of that. >> and the net effect is that it's radicalizing the country. it was radicalizing the region in the tribal areas and it's been this process -- it's kind
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of like this cockroach effect. you stamp down on them and then they go to the left and the right and the next thing you know they're in the whole country. slowly but surely -- you had be hard pressed to find anyone in pakistan, i didn't come across anyone that supported the drone strikes. they have been effective in killing the militants but the kind of collateral damage in the country as a whole is really intense. >> one of the things i believe you mention in your uour film i wouldn't have been surprised if osama bin laden wouldn't have been found there. >> within the government, within the civilian government, within the army and within the isi, the pakistani equivalent of the cia, this powerful shadow government, there are a lot of forces within those organizations that are empathizing or harboring taliban over the last ten years. so there's kind of a lack of unity within the government, and so it's been, you know -- should come as no surprise that he was
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there. >> if karachi is as lawless as you say it is and we have to work with them and have a relationship with them, how do you see that happening? >> well, i think, the relationship between pakistan and america has been kind of a dysfunctional partnership over the last ten years. it doesn't seem to be getting any better. so i'm not -- i don't have the answers. i'm not that hopeful or optimistic but it's a simple analogy is kind of like this, you know, pakistan has been america's girlfriend for the last ten years and she's been cheating on us. >> i know you said that if the military in pakistan would have been responsible for finding osama bin laden, that that would have never happened. it's one of those moments in your film that i thought was really impressive. also, when you walk around with the military and what they're incapable of doing. >> that was the police force, and they were -- >> i'm sorry, yes, the police force. >> there's a difference. the army hasn't been in the mix here. that's a whole other conversation, but we were with 300 police officers and they were just overwhelmed, inept,
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under paid, and they are in over their heads. but the interesting thing about them is that they're just, you know, like the media is everywhere filming all of it and they're more concerned about what network is this going to air on tonight as opposed to who are these guys? >> it's a fascinating look. i encourage ev to take a look. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. you can see the rest of the vice guide to karachi online at so the first lady says only 2% of schools have physical education. does that number sound a little suspect? i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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with all the political rhetoric flying back and forth, sometimes it can be tough to separate fact from fiction. so we're putting some of those political claims to the test. bill adair is the washington bureau chief for "the tampa bay times" and editor of let's start with this from crossroads gps. the group says president obama broke his promise to help homeowners facing foreclosure. true or false? >> that got a mostly true on our truth-o-meter. this is one where we spent several days working on this talking to experts about what obama had done and also reviewing our obama-oter. crossroads is pretty accurate on this. obama made some progress with up a canal small promises involving
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foreclosure, but the big ones, the ones like to have a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners and to allow during bankruptcy allow judges to change the terms of a mortgage, just haven't met obama's own goals for this. so overall mostly true on the truth-o-meter for the ad. >> what about this statement from racing star dale earnhardt, area. he's talking about the republican from georgia, referring to jack kingston, he hasn't even been to a nascar race. how does that statement rate? >> that one gets a true on the truth-o-meter and the background here is that kingston's amendment, as you mentioned, would prohibit the defense department from sponsoring nascar teams such as dale junior's national guard car and there are a couple others that are sponsored by the military,
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and the national car drivers obviously not happy about that, but dale junior is right, kingston has not been to a nascar race so he gets a true. >> let's take a look at this from first lady michelle obama. she said, quote, only 2% of public high schools in the country offer physical education classes. is that true or false? >> no, that one -- that gets a false. this was in an interview on npr, and a listener heard it and wonder fd it was true. she's just way off on that one. it's actually the number is more like 95% require p.e. in high school. what she should have said is daily. is the 2% offer daily pe. her office acknowledged she misspoke on this one. she earns a false. >> you kind of understand that one. at least she didn't get a pants on fire. >> exactly. >> thank you for joining us.
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cells in a whole new way. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins us. sounds very exciting. the drug is called tdm-1. how does it work? >> the way it works, we've all heard about chemotherapy and chemotherapy attacks everything, good and bad. it's not the greatest way to fight cancer. but this drug has the power of chemotherapy but it's like a heat-seeking missile. it only targets the cancer cells. so to give you a few more details, the "t" in the name of the drug is herceptin and it targets -- that's the target part. and dm1 is the chemotherapy drug. >> obviously they've tested it. how well does it work against the cancer? >> when they tested it in women
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with advanced stage cancer, they lived three months longer than those who didn't. >> three months doesn't sound like a long time. why are they so excited? >> it isn't that long of a time. two reasons they've excited, one, this study is proof of principle that using these targeted therapies in this particular way works. so that's exciting. also, i was talking to the chief medical officer for the american cancer society and he said, we were using it in advanced cancer for this study. but if we try using it earlier in women before they get really sick, we'll get even more than three months improved survival. there's a lot of excitement about the future, not just about this one study. >> and when will they actually be doing that? studying it further to see if it affects women who aren't that far advances? >> that's not immediately. but he says that's the future of
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this drug. sometimes when there's excitement about a cancer drug, people start talking about a cure. but this is not a cure for breast cancer. it's hopefully a better treatment compared to what's already out there. >> we certainly hope so. thank you, elizabeth cohen, live for us in atlanta. elizabeth has a special report you'll want to see, thousands of people die every year because of blunders their doctors make. find out how you can protect yourself. 25 shocking medical mistakes, this saturday night at 8:00 eastern, only on cnn. it is a state race with massive implications for the rest of the country. we'll have the latest on the wisconsin recall. ...the united states would be on that list. in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation. let's get back to the head of the class.
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get help paying for what medicare doesn't... and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. in wisconsin, republican governor scott walker finds out tomorrow whether he will keep his job or be replaced by democratic challenger, tom barrett. walker is the focus of a recall campaign, and the race turned into a very bitter fight. in our in-depth report, tom foreman looks as the ad wars and how the claims from both sides add up. >> reporter: in the heated environment of democrats trying to toss out wisconsin's republican governor, challenger tom barrett's camp use an abysmal jobs report to furiously attack governor scott walker. >> scott walker promised -- >> 250,000 new jobs. >> and scott walker delivered nothing. in fact, last year, wisconsin lost more jobs than any state in the country. >> reporter: that first claim is
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true. governor walker did promise 250,000 new jobs. it's a bit misleading. he said he'd get that done by 2015. but let's let that stand for a moment. is it really possible that he has delivered nothing and wisconsin has lost more jobs than any other state? it is if you look at what is called the current employment statistics. this is a monthly report, a snapshot of a small percentage of businesses. sure enough, it shows that wisconsin lost almost 34,000 jobs in 2011. worse in the nation. but hold on. the wisconsin department of workforce development working with the u.s. bureau of labor says much more reliable, comprehensive numbers have just been released. and this quarterly census of employment and wages shows wisconsin actually gained 24,000 jobs last year. so our verdict is that this ad was true when it was made based on these numbers. but with these new information
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sources out there, you have to say now it is false. nothing delights a political incumbent these days like the whiff of a challenger wasting tax money. so now let's look at what the governor said about his democratic foe. >> tom barrett wants to spend more than $100 million on a trolley for milwaukee. that's the kind of reckless spending that left wisconsin with more than a $3 billion deficit. >> reporter: $100 million for a trolley? that sounds expensive. it also sounds misleading when you talk to the milwaukee department of city development, the folks overseeing this project. they say this trolley idea has really been around since the 1990s and construction is finally supposed to start this fall. phase one starts $64 million. $55 million will come from the government. milwaukee voters only has to pay about $10 million. the local contribution would be much, much smaller.
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certainly the governor can call that reckless spending if he wishes. but to suggest, as this ad does, that his opponent put the state taxpayers or the local taxpayers on the hook for $100 million, is at least misleading and we're going to call it flat-out false. "cnn newsroom" continues right now with ashleigh banfield. a man dubbed the canadian psycho has been spotted in public and now he is under arrest. canadian police are confirming that they have a man in custody they believe is luka rocco magnotta. the cafe manager fifded him at an internet cafe and pointed him out to the police. detectives in montreal say they think he stabbed, mutilated and mailed out body parts of his boyfriend, lin jun.
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you'll hear from the suspect in just a moment. cnn has just uncovered this 2007 interview with magnotta talking about being an escort and a stripper. and wait till you hear what else he has to say. first, let's go to the scene live in berlin where the arrest went down. cnn's diana magnet is there. walk us through how they closed in on this suspect. >> reporter: it was an employee here, actually the manager himself. he was behind the desk and this man came in at about 11:30 this morning. i've seen tv footage of him. he just walked into the desk. and we'll just show you. walked in down there. apparently took his glasses off and said, internet? and the employee said he recognized him. and he show him over to this space here, number 25.
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sat him down. and then decided to sort of check to see whether it was the man whose picture has obviously been all over the national press here in germany. realized was and tried to flag down police cars that were outside. and eventually did. they came in. all of that process took about an hour, though, apparently. flagged down this car, they came in. talked to the man who initially denied that he was who police were looking for. gave a false name. but then finally when they pressed him, he said, okay, you've got me, in english. and is now in police custody here in berlin. >> diana, is there any truth to this idea that he was actually surfing websites of this crime -- essentially surfing websites of himself when he was spotted? >> reporter: this the what the cafe worker told me he was doing, yes. if you look at this spot, it's a very open space.
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anybody could walk past and look at what he was looking at. and i asked him, did this man seem nervous? was he worried that people might be looking at what he was surfi surfing? but apparently he wasn't, he was cool, calm and collected, ice cold was the word that the man used to describe him. >> if you could stand by for a moment, diana, i want to throw in the latest comments from the police in montreal who are saying that it was magnotta's own vanity that ended up leading to his capture. have a listen to this. >> we said from the beginning, the web had been used for him to glorify himself and we believe it's the web that brought him down. >> diana, what do we know about the process from here? whe where is he being held? when will extradition be started and when does canada get him back and start the process of a first-degree murder case?
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>> reporter: well, apparently that extradition process is probably going to take around a week, police said. they're now discussing with the canadian authorities how that will proceed. they're still waiting for the fingerprints to be double-checked to make sure that it is that man that they say they believe without any doubt at all that it is. and it's interesting that you should play that sound bite because as i said, this man was making no pretense. he was not disguised in any way. he wasn't worried who might be looking at him. and it really does appear as though it was his sort of lack of guise that did lead to his down facility. this is a man who was keen for attention, had a huge footprint that was putting that video of the killing online. and it is no real surprise he was caught in this public in this internet cafe. the police have just returned again. i'll be finding out what it is
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they want here in a second. >> as you're waiting on that, i want to ask you about the mood. as i understand, where you are right now is an area that's frequented by students, popular among students in berlin. as we know, the victim alleged in this crime is a student of concordia university back in montreal. how are people dealing with what's happened in their community? >> reporter: there's a huge amount of surprise. you wouldn't expect this man who is searched for internationally, police issuing that arrest warrant to 190 countries last week, that he should end up here. so people are amazed. this is a predominantly turkish neighborhood. the owners of this cafe are both turkish, and they're obviously extremely surprised that this should be happening in their midst. that is story that everybody in this country knows about. that's the word the cafe
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employee said when he stopped the police in the police car, he said, there is somebody in here what i think you should speak to, the porno killer. apparently the police initially were doubtful. then they showed them a picture. and they came in and made the arrest. >> just remarkable. probably a testament to the 190 countries that were on the alert when interpol sent that alert out that they were looking for this suspect. i know you're busy, diana, and people are still processing the scene. i want to give you time to collect more information. but thank you, diana, live for us in berylen this afternoon. the french press has been calli calling him the butcher of montreal. he says he's more of a people person, though. cnn uncover add 2007 interview that magnotta did with naked news. take a listen to this. >> i really do enjoy my work. i get to meet new people all the time. i'm a people person. >> i'm a people person.
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that was magnotta talking about his work as an escort. he said that he danced fully nude as a stripper but didn't enjoy that work. so he went into the escort business. he also said, don't call him a hooker. >> i'm not standing on a street corner soliciting in any way -- i'm not a hooker. a car drives by, $20, something like that. i'm really high end, high-class clientele who i cater to. i don't really tell a lot of family and friends because stereotype that's associated with it -- it's not acceptable in our culture basically. >> well, later on, you're going to hear a lot more of this interview with magnotta. what he says about his clients and why the man who's being dubbed the canadian psycho says, everybody likes me. moving on, in london, the british are celebrating the
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queen's diamond jubilee but her beloved companion is not feeling very well. prince philip is in the hospital. we'll have an update on his condition. and facebook wants younger users and suggests parental regulations. but are your kids already on the website and should they be? [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the all-new f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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there is a whole lot more happening right now. it is rapid fire. let's go. the talk master is quieting down. >> don't forget to listen to herman cain tonight to get an opportunity to take -- >> you heard right. veteran conservative radio host neal boortz is retiring and passing the torch to his colleague, herman cain, who recently made a republican run for president. mr. boortz is not doing quietly, though -- >> my last day on the air is january 21st of next year, which is the day we inaugurate a new president. if it's barack obama, then i'm going to disappear into the mountains somewhere and come out
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after he has completely destr destroyed this country. >> boortz has 6 million listeners every week. wisconsin voters about to decide whether or not to keep or dump their governor. republican scott walker is facing a recall election after stripping away a whole lot of the collective bargaining rights for public workers in that state. he faces milwaukee mayor tom barrett in tomorrow's special election. survey said? ♪ >> iconic sounds, remember richard dawson, the longtime host and the original host of "family feud? his son just announced he passed away on saturday in los angeles after a battle with cancer. dawson hosted "family feud" from 1976 until 1985. and then again in 1994 and 1995. he is also remembered as corporal newkirk in "hogan's
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heroes." my favorite of his roles. richard dawson was 79 years old. queen elizabeth's husband has been taken to the hospital with a bladder infection. 90-year-old prince philip will miss the rest of the queen's diamond jubilee celebrations. he's going to be in the hospital for a couple of days under observation. in the meantime, the party's going strong along london. stevie wonder, elton john and others performing for her majesty. she will take the stage and light the national beacon. facebook looking to legitimize something that's probably been going on anyway for a long time, allowing children under the age of 13 to become members. right? didn't you think they were already on there? cnn's dan symonds joins me. am i a bozo or is facebook doing
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something to make this legit? >> reporter: a lot of them do already, huge shocker, right? the bottom line is facebook needs to grow its user base. it has 900 million users right now. it has a lofty valuation based upon the ipo we saw a couple of weeks ago. so it has to grow its user base and as you mentioned, there are a lot of kids already on facebook. how do you tap into that in a legal way, if you will, and make some money off them? they need to make some money off of advertising. and how do you do so in a way that's sensitive to parents and to the children in this cyberbullying era that we live in? >> is there anything to gain other than the monetizing part, like goodwill? >> reporter: i think there is some goodwill involved. there are a lot of very good things on the internet for children right now. there are a lot of educational apps for toddlers, tweens and teenagers.
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so might facebook do the same thing? but that's not really what's in facebook's strike zone. they're about connecting with your friends and already there are, as we've talked about, a number of kids already doing that. so how do you do so in a way that's legit and one thing that facebook is reportedly talking about doing is connecting these kids to their parents' account so there are adequate privacy controls in terms of who you can friend and who you can't. >> but how good is it? the technology they're talking about and the parental controls, is it good enough to silence the critics? >> reporter: i don't know. in terms of the critics. i think there will be some who will say in no way should a child under 13 years of age be on facebook. what good can come of it? wait till you're 13 and just get on. i think the bottom line is, let's look at reality. already there are millions of kids who are using this. so how do you do so in a
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straightforward way? i think that will be the ultimate challenge for them. they don't want to have a situation like you had with myspace where you had predators going after some of these teenagers and you had a lot of ugly press. so what can facebook do? i think that's a big challenge for them. and, plus, looking over their shoulders at the next earnings report, they have to figure out how to grow that user sais base. this is one way of looking at doing that. >> dan simon live for us in san francisco, thanks so much. good to see you. so he is back in jail but george zimmerman's attorneys are vowing to get him out. and a quick note for those of you heading out the door, continue watching cnn, take me with you. why not? on your foemobile phone. it's a great opportunity for you, go to all you need to know about it is right there. you don't have to leave home without us.
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yesterday, that would be round two after a judge revoked his bond. prosecutors say zimmerman lied about being broke at that first bond hearing when he actually had raised $135,000 online. our martin savidge is in sanford, florida, where the shooting happened. so many questions and so many have to do with the legalities and whether this is a miscommunication, whether it was flat-out lying, whether there's evidence to prove it. so why don't you start? >> reporter: it sort of comes down to the watergate test, which is the question of, what did george zimmerman know about the money and when did he know it? and it's becoming quite clear now, as a result of the transcripts of that phone conversation, actually a couple of them between him and his wife, recorded before the original bond hearing, that george zimmerman did know he had money and he was talking about it even though he told the judge later he didn't. and today we had this posting that came up on the george zimmerman legal website. it says that -- it was quite clear that mr. zimmerman knew of
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a significant sum that had been raised by his original fund-raising website. as to why he didn't discount it? we feel the failure to disclose these funds was caused by fear, mistrust and confusion. now, you can't underestimate the gravity of this because already trayvon martin's family, through their attorney, has been stressing over and over, you cannot trust george. if he lied about the money, what else is he lying about? this is ben crump talking earlier today. >> it focuses everybody's attention to george zimmerman's credibility. and, remember, his credibility is the main thing here because it is only his version of the facts that say trayvon martin attacked hip. all the objective evidence suggest that is he pursued and shot trayvon martin in the heart, and this is going to be a crucial, crucial issue, credibility, credibility, credibility. >> reporter: and they're already working on damage control from
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the defense side, again, referring to the website, it says, mr. zimmerman understands this mistake has undermined his credibility which he will have to try to work to repair. a lot of back and forth already. and we haven't had george zimmerman returning to court for the bond hearing. when it happens, it's going to be pretty big. >> and i can't stress enough this credibility issue because as benjamin crump suggested, it's really only mr. zimmerman's version because only one of them is alive. but what i find critical in this and correct me if i'm wrong, before you even get to trial, you have to have a hearing on the "stand your ground" law, right? and that's bench, bench only, judge, no jury? so credibility is everything in trying to get these chance, thrown out. >> reporter: right. and that's why i think many people are thinking, if this was just an oversight on the part of george zimmerman, it's an extremely unfortunate one for his defense team. they had an extremely bad day on friday when this all came down
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the way it did, especially when you've got it on tape, as the state does, and they are going to release that tape later today, we believe, to the media. and you'll hear george and his wife apparently talking about the money that just -- that's what got the judge so angry. he heard it in their own words. >> and there's been little snippets of that, but not the whole transcript. essentially is that what this boils down to -- jailhouse conversations that everybody should know are recorded because there's a big sign right there in the jail for both sides saying, everything you say is recorded? but the two of them were talking about, what about the money, that sort of thing? >> reporter: right. and mark o'mara says he warned his client when he original turned himself in, don't say anything on the telephone you don't want to have recorded and the public to know about. but apparently the family did not believe this was criminal in any way. they felt they had a right to talk about the money, but they apparently, according to the defense, didn't think the money was really theirs because it was raised for his defense. that's the explanation his
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lawyer gives. >> it's always in the details, isn't it? if that website was being run by someone else and they didn't have access to it, maybe that wasn't actual perjury, maybe it wasn't a lie in court. but what i find fascinating, if they're filing that motion today, that opens the door for another set of folks walking up to the stand, putting their hand on the bible and swearing to tell the truth under oath. and that means mr. zimmerman and his wife could make another appearance, right? >> reporter: exactly right. the last time she appeared via the telephone. i don't think the judge is going to settle for her phoning it in this time. by the way, the judge is out of town and unavailable for any hearing at least through thursday. it's probably not going to happen until at least next week at the earliest. >> martin, great reporting, thank you. a mrpolitical showdown in wisconsin as the governor there tries to keep his job. how the underlying message could
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wisconsin governor sot scott walker is fighting for his political life. tomorrow, the republican will either stay in charge of the state or suffer one of the worst indignities for an elected official -- losing in a recall election. as our ted rowlands explains, it all goes back to a bitter clash over union rights. >> reporter: michelle and john are teachers in madison. craig is a teacher in milwaukee. they are on opposite sides of the political showdown in wisconsin. we met michelle and john 16 months ago protesting at the state capitol they were. they were furious with then new governor scott walker and his new bill to cut education and unions' collective bargaining rights. >> our lives were turned upside down.
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it was shocking. >> reporter: craig thought walker's plan had merit. >> i think in the long term, it will be good for the state and for our education. >> reporter: despite weeks of protests, walker's budget bill, known now as act 10, passed. craig says he's one of only a handful of teachers that supported it. >> i'm scared. but i think fundamentally what scott walker's doing is going to improve the state of wisconsin in the long term and improve education in the long term. >> i don't know of any teachers in madison or anywhere who would want larger class sizes, who would want less resources being poured into the classrooms. >> the difference is jobs. >> reporter: governor walker is in a recall election against milwaukee mayor tom barrett. people in wisconsin have been bombarded with political ads, largely funded by out-of-state interests, both pro and
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anti-uni anti-union. >> so glad to have you with us. >> reporter: milwaukee talk radio host jeff wagner says the last 16 months have divided the state like never before. he says there sunt doesn't seem to be any myth middle ground. >> people are down to their last nerve. everybody is so intense about this. you hear it from the callers. the anger out is there on both sides. >> reporter: wagner says at times, the rhetoric has been ugly. listen to how teachers blame the other side. >> i've heard him referred to as a nazi. >> it's governor walker's side who does taunting and poking and trying to incite fights. >> colleagues of mine make reference to republicans and tea party types as barbarians at the gates. >> using the word nazis, yelling at my children, you're nazis, communists, socialists. >> reporter: the recall election is lose. but whether or not walker keeps
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his job or not, the fight is far from over and people in other states are keeping a close eye on what happens in wisconsin. >> those pictures are so memorable. ted rowlands joins us now from the capital in madison, wisconsin. it's been a while since we saw that kind of uproar in the state capitol building. what's going on now? it seems quiet. >> reporter: yeah, very quiet. there was a gathering here about an hour ago, a few dozen people. but it may be quiet in specific spots here. but i tell you, ashleigh, everybody in this state has had 16 months of ads. and they're divided. people are either for walker or against him. they're expecting record turnout tomorrow at the polls. >> i think walker leads barrett by 52% to 45% in the latest poll. i guess the conventional wisdom would be, why not bring in the big guns? this is the badger state, it's a swing state. why hasn't president obama shown up, or will he? >> reporter: well, we don't expect him to. that's a good question.
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bill clinton was here over the weekend. but if you're the president, do you really want to enter into this? this is an issue that's going on in a specific state and you bring up the poll numbers, does he want to come here and then eventually have his candidate, tom barrett, lose? we don't know exactly the reasoning. but there's no indication the president's getting into this at all. >> and i'm sort of curious about that because as i was looking back in the history of that state, wisconsin hasn't backed a republican for president since ronald reagan, in the '80s. and the polling now, ted, suggests that obama's doing pretty well in that state, despite sort of the flip story for the governor. the governor is a republican, he's doing well. but the president is a democrat and he's doing well. >> reporter: right. but then the question is, what's the impact of the last 16 months of this recall campaigning and more importantly, the $60 million that's come into this state, the bulk of it for walker, opposing the recall. and the bulk of it coming in from out of state, republicans
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are hoping that walker wins and wins big. they think that the groundwork that's been laid during this process will actually help turn this state red from where it is now, a big pinkish to blue. >> and in terms of the money because, listen, we follow the money for a living. and a lot of the fund-raising, you have to notch that into walker's camp because he's really been able to raise the most money for this campaign, hasn't he? >> reporter: absolutely. $30 million compared to about $4 million to $5 million from barrett's side. and walker's getting the bulk of that money from out-of-state donors. out-of-state folks don't care about the general lives of wisconsinites. they want to set the precedent here in wisconsin and transform this model into other states. that is to basically destabilize unions. what they've done here in wisconsin, it caused an uproar. but you look at the polls. it may be working. if walker is elected again f he
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keeps his job and does it by a significant margin, this will be a huge win for those folks that pumped all of those millions of dollars into this state. >> isn't that exactly why they say all politics is local, ted? that's why people come in from the outside. real quick question, you did mention that bill clinton was there. there have been some really big hitters on the republican side that have come in, too, right? >> reporter: yeah, chris christie was here. and bobby jindal was here last week. it's another indication of how the rest of the country is watching this and how the stakes are high. the battle is going on in wisconsin, but this is all a part of the overall nationwide war between the parties and between the union supporters and those who folks that believe the unions have too much power. >> well, it looks quiet and pretty behind you. but i can hear the people already in your backdrop. so get out your proverbial flak jacket if you're going to stick around those parts.
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ted roulwlands, thank you. it's the purging of voter names. and, yes, it has been happening in florida. but it's just stopped, for now. apparently elections officials have been going through names and eliminating those that they say are not u.s. citizens. just days after the department of justice got involved, though, we learned today that both broward county and miami-dade county have stopped purging the names from the voter rolls until further notice. you want to know what life is really like on the campaign trail? it stinks. but tomorrow, tough join the cnn election roundtable with wolf blitzer and cnn's best political team in the universe. submit your questions and get answers in realtime. don't miss it, that's tomorrow at noon eastern. it's blitzer, just logon to
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it is the largest wildfire in new mexico's history. it is a monster. and it is far from being contained. hundreds of firefighters are working the fire lines, trying to stop the flames that have already scorched nearly 250,000 acres. it was also a terrible weekend for crews who are flying over a series of different fires. two pilots were killed after their water tankers crashed while fighting a fire in western utah. right on the nevada and utah border. and then in nevada, look at these pictures, another air tanker having to make a dramatic
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landing after the left side of the landing gear wouldn't extend. those guys inside are okay, thank god for that. chad myers is in the cnn weather center. he's been tracking the progress of those who have been fighting the monster in new mexico. how bad is this and what's the prognosis for the winds? >> i flew from vegas to atlanta on wednesday and we could see the smoke and the fire from the airplane, just looking down. a tremendously large fire and so much is already scorched. the problem today, the wind has shifted, direction is blowing from the east. and at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, even in the fire lines. now there's some benefit from the winds shifting direction. and then you have a fire line that's almost blowing back on itself. but that's a very dangerous condition for the firefighters where think they the fire's going one way. then all of a sudden the fire's blown back on them. that's when you have to get the firefighters out of the way. the wind direction change can be
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a little bit of help. and the pilots that lost their lives in the plane this weekend, the key is to get that plane as close to the ground as you can before you put that flame retardant down on the ground. sometimes mountains come up and it was a deadly weekend. they pulled all the firefighters off the line after that crash because they said, we can't let women and men work the fire lines after two men have just died. it's going to be a windy day from vegas, north of vegas on the utah/nevada border. the fire that i could see here in parts of arizona and also into new mexico was all blowing off to the east, the smoke was clear. it's evident on satellite. today it's not going to get any better with winds blowing 50 miles per hour at times, probably some of these firefighters will probably actually get pulled off the lines. there's nothing you can do with the winds going 50, the embers
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hyperspread from one acre, another fire gets started as the ashes get blown. it's a very dangerous condition. >> and you can't control the lightning that may be coming in the next storm, too. these were started by lightning. >> it's so very dry. somebody just kind of test-firing a gun, the bullet ricocheted off a rock. that started a 15-acre blaze. they put it out. but that's how dry it is. just that one little spark started another blaze. >> unbelievable. it tells you just how dangerous that is. people have to be very careful. throwing a cigarette out the window, no way. chad, appreciate that. an american pilot and also passengers were on board that jet that crashed in nigeria. we're learning more about the final minutes of the flight. people with a machine.
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americans were on board that plane that crashed into a neighborhood in lagos, nigeria. the pilot, who was american, radioed in that the plane was having trouble just minutes earlier. all 153 people on board that plane were killed and at least ten people on the ground were, too. >> the consulate in lagos is working both to notify the next of kin and also provide any appropriate consular assistance. >> the death toll could rise,
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too, as rescue crews continue to search through the mess that's been left behind from this wreckage. the airplane was purchased from alaska airlines 22 years ago. a team of boeing engineers is now on the way to nigeria to help investigate this crash. jury selection set to get under way tomorrow in the child rape case against jerry sandusky. the former assistant football coach at penn state is accused of sexually abusing ten boys. the judge ruled today that the accusers who testify must use their real names. the judge also said reporters will not be able to tweet or use any other electronic communication during this trial. curious to find out if you have seen this guy before. the roll so it might be someone you recognize. i'll give you a hint, his name is tiger woods. and he's back, baby. it was the memorial tournament in ohio. he not only won with a
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sensational chip from off the green late in the final round, he also tied the golden bear, jack nicklaus, awesome. and he also got a nice record of 73 point guar 3 pga victories. i'm going to look for that video and bring to it you as soon as i can. in the meantime, guess what? prince philip, you probably saw him yesterday. he was in great form. now he's not going to be escorting the queen to her jubilee celebrations tonight. he's gone to the hospital. thousands of revellers are gearing up for a huge star-studded event. i'll give you the lowdown on where he is, why he's not going to be there and how it might change.
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♪ london's big party, queen elizabeth's diamond jubilee is officially under way. but the event is missing one very important consort, prince philip. the queen's 90-year-old husband has been take ton the hospital to be checked out for a bladder infection. according to buckingham palace, he's going to stay there for a couple of days for observation. in the meantime, the band will play on in a huge way. thousands of people gathering for one heck of a star-studded concert celebrating her majesty's 60-year reign. imagine being in the same job for 60 years.
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at the end of the concert, the queen is going to take to the stage to light the national beacon. atika schubert joins me from london. the prince is in the hospital for the next couple of days. does that change anything? are they tailoring the event for the queen at all now that prince philip isn't able to be with her? >> reporter: it doesn't change any of the schedule but it will have an emotional impact. and his presence will be missed. he's clearly disappointed. that's what a statement from the palace said earlier. keeping that in mind, however, the scheduled events will go ahead. we don't expect to see any major changes. >> one heck of a lineup, this is an awesome concert. the words don't even lend the proper -- how do i say it -- ticket value to what these people are going to be able to see tonight. how many people are they
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expecting at this thing? >> reporter: there are going to be 10,000 people attending just with the tickets. those people who did not have tickets which are going to be thousands more are sort of outside of the buckingham palace grounds there in the park area. so it's going to be absolutely massive. and you know those ticketholders were ol' all chosen by national lottery. so it is going to be an amazing event. the artists were each selected for a decade of the queen's reign. we have shirley bassy coming in, tom jones. we have, of course, sir paul mccartney and sir elton john. and some american imports as well, stevie wonder is going to be at the concert. >> first of all, i knew about stevie wonder and elton john and paul marticcartney. but i did not know about tom jones. i would have gotten on a plane for that one. any other way to get the tickets other than the lottery? flor, that's it.
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but you can try and get through the massive crowds to at least hear the concert. but there's no other way to do it, unfortunately. but they did try to get as many people as they could inside. the fact that you could get it by national lottery is pretty cool. but obviously only a few people could get those tickets. >> it's nice in a royal state. what's the story about the beacons being lit, not just there but elsewhere around the world, right? >> reporter: that's right. there are more than 4,000 beacons. it started in tonga. we saw some in south africa and kenya, in new zealand. through all the commonwealth countries throughout the world will see the beacons being lit. the last one that will be lit will be the queen. she'll drop a crystal cut diamond into the pod and that will light the national beacon here in front of buckingham
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palace. it will be a special event. one of the beacons is going to be lit in kenya. that's important because that's where the queen was told that her father, george vi has died and that she was now the monarch. it will have special significance in each place the beacon is lit. >> and it was the moment where she pledged her life to the service of that empire. that's the signature moment of her reign. so interesting to know and it does sort of seem a little bit, atika, like the olympics with the torch and also the royal wedding all rolled into one. people must be having a blast. i'm going to let you go. thanks for your work. appreciate it, atika. by the way, the celebration is marking 60 years of queen elizabeth. tomorrow on cnn, join our own brooke baldwin who is fabulous with piers morgan in the flotilla govrnlg yesterday. she'll be live in london for a royal extravaganza.
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that's tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern. the mtv music award was where president obama decided to target hollywood and young people. and his target tool, sarah jessica parker. she was inviting you and anybody else to join her and the president for dinner. we'll explain how it works. and at the top of on hour, an international manhunt ending for a canadian porn star who's wanted for a gruesome killing. and then a dismemberment of the body. we asked the furlow family to bring in their favorite dvds cause we want to show them something new. you ready? let's go. walmart can now convert your favorite dvds from disc to digital. no way. if hulk smash disc... it's no big deal. now you'll never break them, scratch them or lose them. we can use that. you'll never break them. so what do you guys think? we love it. it's only two bucks per disc. that's cool. that's the walmart entertainment disc to digital service.
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good news for mitt romney. more and more people say they like him, they really like him. but apparently still not as much as they like president barack obama. our joe johns has got the polls. what are the new numbers? >> reporter: the good news for the romney campaign, yes, he is doing better now that his rough, tough primary race is over. but romney still has a ways to go, according to the latest cnn/orc poll. romney's actually gone up from 34% during the primaries to 48% now. that is an increase of 14 points since february. the problem is romney's still trailing president obama who has a 56% favorable rating. apparently the biggest gap
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between these two guys is among younger americans. more than two-thirds of respondents under the age of 30 have a favorable view of the president. while only four in ten feel the same way about romney. overall, president obama is leading romney by just three percentage points in the race for the white house, and that is within the margin of error, by the way. >> so let's talk about how that translates to money, if it does at all. i know that we had george clooney on the left coast with a big fund-raising dinner for the president and now we have sar va jessica parker, big ad going out during the mtv awards, saying, have dinner with me and the president for three bucks. a big auction there. >> reporter: the obama people are saying, maybe this business model actually works. now it is sarah jessica parker who's not only throwing a fund-raiser at her house on june 14th, she's also holding
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