tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN June 4, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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nothing. i got nothing. he just moves on. that's bad. he always has something to say. there you have it. the greatest moment in beauty pageant history. nothing tops it including last night's pageant. i'm sorry. maybe before next year organizers will find their inner compass on the ridiculist. that's it for us. see you one hour from now. another edition of "360." "piers morgan tonight" starts now. ♪ good evening. the eyes of the world are on london. pomp, pageantry, and a celebration not like anywhere on earth. here's my colleague sanjay gupta standing in for me at the studio. >> thanks, piers. my guest tonight has been nominated for three oscars. she was the first person to be
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on the first "people" magazine most beautiful people. michelle pfeiffer. she joins me to talk about marriage and good movies. i remember that magazine cover. it was the first one. >> i didn't know that. >> do you remember when they asked you to do this? how did that come about? >> well, i probably thought it was kind of silly at the time. and i -- >> there it is. >> oh, look at me. and i probably, you know, was embarrassed by the whole thing and i had a movie coming out. so you know. >> people must bring it up. is it a hard thing to live up to all these years later? >> the older you get, yes. you're definitely more scrutinized for sure. probably the aging process is
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harder to give into. you know, when you end up on magazines like that. >> you look absolutely fantastic. i don't want to be overly a fan here. but you look really good. >> you're very sweet. >> i want to play a clip of one of my favorite movies of all time in part because it had you. but it's one of these movies. take a quick look at this. >> how dare you talk to me like that! what makes you so much better than me? what do you do? you deal drugs. you kill people. oh, that's wonderful. real contribution to human history. >> go ahead. come on. >> you want a kid? what kind of a father do you think you could be? >> you -- it's very -- you were actually looking away during that. is it hard for you to watch? >> yeah. >> do you watch your own movies? >> usually once. >> is that right? >> just so i know what everyone's talking about.
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whether or not i should do any press. >> is that right? >> yes. pretty much that's it, yeah. >> is it fair to say that movie in some ways put you on the map? that's how it was described. >> well, it sort of altered the course of the map i was on, i guess. i would say that probably "grease 2" put me on the map. that was a different map. and i think obviously doing "scarface" and starring opposite al pacino, people took me a little more seriously a tiny bit. >> i love the movie. >> thank you. >> tell me about the screen test with al pacino. i understand there's a funny story about that. >> i made him bleed. >> literally we're talking about. >> yeah. i -- it was a grueling auditions process and i won't bore you with the details of that. they had actually dismissed me at some point and said it's not going to work for you. then they called me months later
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and said they wanted to test me. and i thought, i don't want to do this again. so i did it. and it was the scene you just showed. you know, i just -- it was just one of those things where it just sort of happened. and cut. and there was blood everywhere. and they were coming over and looking and checking me. they couldn't find any cuts. they looked over at al and it was him. i had broken some dishes and some glass had flown his way. i was oh, my god. i'm so sorry. i cut al pacino. anyway, i think it actually endeared me to him. i think actually he liked me after that. >> the dominick dunn had this to say after the performance. he said you were on the verge of stardom and he said you were hot. that's how dominick dunn described it. did you feel hot? i mean, how does one feel when something like that is written about them? >> did i feel hot? no. actually, i was hungry.
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i was playing a coke addict and i couldn't eat. by the end of it -- and it went long. it was supposed to be probably a four month shoot and it stretched out to six months. and i was really hungry by the end of it. so no, i probably didn't feel -- i wasn't feeling hot. i was feeling hungry. >> just the self-esteem of somebody who you're in the movies, a lot of people are getting used to you ou he's writing this about you. how are you dealing with all this at that time? >> i think it was a lot for me. i think it was a lot at the time. i don't think i fully understood what was happening. and i was away and actually i, of course, didn't like my performance because i never do. and i did get good reviews. and i remember seeing al after that saying to al, i don't get
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it. you know? he was like oh. >> that was his comment. >> it was like i don't either. >> this is hollywood, i guess. >> yeah. >> are there performances that you've had -- i know you've said there were performances you thought you were great and the critics didn't think so and vice versa. >> yeah. i always get it wrong. yeah. i -- see, i don't -- i like scenes. i like sort of, you know, scenes within a film. i don't think i ever really like one whole performance. i -- some performances make me cringe less than others. that's about as good as it gets. i just can't watch myself. i think there are a lot of performers that way. >> you literally turned away as we played that. >> that in particular.
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i was young. i'm just screeching in the scene and i can't bear to listen to it. >> i want to take another look at the clip here. >> are you going to torture me now? >> i don't mean to torture you. but "fabulous baker boys" you sang. >> i did. >> people remember this. let's take a quick look at it. ♪ sang sweet ♪ think what a year can bring >> and that film roger ebert compared you to marilyn monroe. >> he did? i didn't read anything. >> that's another thing. >> or i don't remember it. >> you don't read reviews or watch your stuff. >> i read a couple that come my way. after one or two really scathing ones, i stop. because they're never all good. there's some good ones and some bad ones. if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones
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too. >> it's tough. is it something that weighs on you at all? how much of your time -- >> not so much. >> there were several roles that you reportedly turned down. i have a list here. the lead in "pretty woman" went to julia roberts. lead in "silence of the lambs" went to jodie foster. "thelma and louise." those were all offered to you. >> correct. >> any regrets not taking those? >> no. not that i wouldn't have liked to have been with them. they're all great films. but, you know, sometimes you choose not to do something not because you don't want to do it. there are extenuating circumstances, there are other bigger priorities at the time. there might be another film that you'd been attached to for a long time that you'd been trying to get made and it's finally getting made. so it's, you know, it's -- it
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isn't usually because you simply don't want to do it. >> at that point were you worried about being typecast or pigeon holed in any way? >> early on i probably was, but that changed pretty quickly. i think really by the time i did "scarface" and "married to the mob," it was pretty early on i stopped worrying about that. >> another movie "up close and personal." i know you hate watching your own movies. if i could get a one word reaction when you watch something like this. >> okay. >> is that okay? >> okay. >> take a quick look. >> get ready to roll it up. >> a pilgrimage spelled death today for raul. >> yes. girl's got chops.
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>> all i can think about is how handsome robert redford is. >> robert redford, handsome. >> handsome. >> you were pretty great in that. part of the reason we played that is there's journalists in this building who have said their careers were started because they watched that and wanted to be a journalist. >> that's nice. >> it's pretty remarkable. my wife and i just celebrated our eighth year anniversary. so when we come back after the break, i want to talk about 19 years of marriage in hollywood. maybe even get some tips. i'm robert shapiro.
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there you are. >> for "bat man," you learned martial arts and kick boxing for the role my understanding. you also became a whip master. and you had the cat suit which was quite a task, my understanding is, to put on every day. what'd you have to do? >> the whole thing was a task. they put me down this assembly line. the makeup was extensive and the sort of mask kind of smashed my face. and then the suit became -- they had to sort of powder me down and put the suit on and then it would become vacuum packed. then they cover me in silicone. then i had these claws that caught on -- would get caught on everything. had these shoes that -- i mean, it was really treacherous. >> how long does a process like that take? >> it took -- i don't know. maybe three hours or something. >> wow. >> that's quite a suit.
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that became an iconic image. just the next year you went on a blind date and you've been married to david e. kelley for years. we were working on a project. but 19 years as i mentioned. rebecca and i have been married eight years now. in hollywood, 19 years seems like a long time. >> in the world 19 years seems like a long time. >> what do you think makes it work? a lot of people look at you and david and wonder that. is there a key, a rule? >> i think we're really compatible and just different enough to keep it interesting. we respect each other a lot. and we have, you know, our morals are really in sync. and we sort of prioritize work and family in the same way. and, you know, i just think
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that -- and i think ultimately we just, you know, really, really respect each other. >> it's that mutual respect. i read a lot of books about this, a lot before i got married. i think it's the genuine mutual respect is the biggest key. i spent a bit of time with both of you now. you have fun together. you're constantly picking on each other. after the documentary he said oh, great, michelle's making me eat, fill in the blank. >> yeah. >> you've also chosen not to live in hollywood. you're private folks. >> we are. i miss a lot about being here. my family's here in los angeles. and i miss, i lived here so long i have a lot of friends here. i know where to get everything. but it's been really nice. >> it's very nice. you adopted claudia rose.
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david told me this whole story. i wrote some details down. it was before you and david got married. and then you -- >> did you use him as research? >> i did. but this was 1993, right? when you did this? a single mom at that point unmarried? >> yes. >> nowadays it seems chon. you hear about this quite a bit. but at the time it was a more radical, if you will, idea. was it a hard decision for you to adopt? >> not at all. there was a point where i said to myself this could get complicated. with relationships and men. and they could maybe have issues about this. i realized, i thought this is going to separate the men from the boys rather quickly and it could be a blessing. save med a lot of time. and it did. and i met david.
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and i remember telling him thinking okay, well. and he was like, okay. and he, you know, he actually i think fell in love with her before he sort of knew that he was in love with me. >> is that right? >> yeah. >> that's a quite a thing to say. >> i think it's true, actually. i think he was a little unsure about me. i think he liked me. >> how could anybody be unsure about michelle pfeiffer? >> i mean, i think he was attracted to me. in terms of was he ready to make that commitment when she came along? probably not quite ready. >> and this next thing i did not get this from david. but you got pregnant with your son john henry on your wedding night. >> who'd you get that from? >> we have our sources. >> one can't be sure, but i'm pretty sure that it was. >> and john is -- >> that's what i tell everybody. >> turn off your tv.
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>> that's what the children think. >> that's funny. your daughter is now in college. saw a picture of her recently. she's stunning. >> she's here. >> your son is applying to college. >> next year. >> you are going to be an empty nester. >> is i am. >> is that scary for you? >> it is scary for me. it's really scary for me. i've gotten a lot out of, you know, having kids. parenting. i mean, you sort of never really stop parenting, but it changes, you know. i -- it just really changes everything, you know? >> yeah. >> in a way i didn't expect. >> i have three daughters. i think about that all the time. just a life at some point where they're not in the home. get some sense of what you're going through. as you know, david and i are working on a tv project together which leads me to ask would you ever work on a tv project of
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his? >> he asked me to ask you about how you feel about the tv people are ruining the book? >> did he? you do have to take shortcuts in tv. >> the good work is happening in tv. >> it's amazing. you look at the scripted dramas and they are incredibly high caliber. would you work with your husband? >> i would be so lucky to have him be writing for me. it's -- i actually say to him when we watch his show. i say do these actors know how lucky they are to have these words? i just feel like i cherish our marriage so much and i've seen a lot of relationships in the past kind of be -- people who had been together for years and then they work together and it's over. you're like what happened? and i feel like -- it's like church and state for me. i sort of don't want to mix the two. i sort of don't want to jinx it. doesn't mean we won't at some point.
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>> it's interesting. when we sat down and talked, you guys didn't talk about work at all. current events, talking about diets, health. >> we don't talk about work that much. people tell me what he's doing. it's a little irritating actually. >> i know. he's always busy. >> sometimes i'm like can you read this for me and he puts it off. >> he's a busy guy. coming up, i want to talk about aging on the big screen. and also how to stay healthy and looking younger as well. do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is.
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what's different about you? >> really different. i was married to someone else. and a really lovely man. but i was young. i was so young. i think i'm -- i mean, i'm definitely stronger, more independent and not so afraid to speak up. you know, i'm healthier than i was then. i smoked two to three packs a day. i was horrible. i never exercised. >> is that true? >> yeah. >> people would say were you one of those naturally thin people? you've always looked like you've been in fantastic shape. were you working at it? >> then? no. i didn't eat.
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no, i smoked cigarettes and drank coca-cola. i lived on coke, coca-cola, not cocaine. and cigarettes and every now and then i ate a bagel or something. >> just didn't eat. >> yeah. and i quit smoking in my early 30s. >> how did you quit? >> i quit cold turkey. i did some acupuncture. i don't know if it helped me at all. i had tried -- i mean, i quit a number of times for actually years at a time before that. but the last time was in my early 30s. >> when you look at the person now, again, i'm noting that you're having a hard time watching yourself sometimes. just these clips. but now, i mean, do you like the way you look on camera? is it something you think about? >> sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. it depends on how well i'm lit. >> fantastic lighting in here.
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>> it depends on my makeup and all kinds of things. >> you're 54 years old, you've talked about. people on my staff have asked and wondered have you had any work done and how do you feel about that? people getting plastic surgery. >> i mean, i think that -- i'm not saying that i won't at some point. i think it's harder and harder the older you get to say never. especially being in the public eye. i also don't think i don't really -- i don't think it really -- it doesn't really matter. i think if people want to go do something here or there, who cares? if it makes them feel a bit better about themselves. what i object to is too much and really bad plastic surgery. when i think it becomes a distraction and when people don't look like themselves
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anymore. >> so a little bit whether it be plastic surgery or fillers or botox. >> as long as they're not hurting themselves, i guess. and as long as it doesn't overtake them. i guess. i mean, who cares, right? >> i'm just curious. i honestly don't know. because i think in hollywood there's this huge -- >> as long as someone's face still moves and you can show exexpression. >> which isn't always the case. is there a double standard? >> men are doing it too. oh, yeah. >> but women have it harder, i would imagine. the double standard that you hear about is -- >> definitely women have it harder for sure. but i think increasingly men are because we're such an age of obsessed society. youth-obsessed society. in terms of the work place and we're working longer and we want to live longer. and sometimes it doesn't matter
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if you're still at the top of your game or you're fit and you look great for your age and you still have a lot to contribute. it's there's something younger and newer and fresher. i think there's a lot of pressure, you know, to -- >> we certainly hear about that even in tv news which is different than being a movie star. but as a woman in her 50s, is it -- how hard is it? you seem like you're very busy. >> i am very busy. and it's really hard. i mean, and i've got through periods where, you know, i don't take care of myself as well as i'd like to. >> is that right? >> i mean, i'm still -- i'm never really a glutton relative in terms to other people. >> would you gain weight? >> yeah. if left to my own devices, yeah. i love food. i truth be known hate to exercise. but i do it.
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i do it religiously. i feel better after. i feel better physically and mentally. literally physically not just in terms of having more energy. my body starts to hurt if i don't exercise. it's like, you know -- >> you crave it. >> you can feel your joints get a little rusty, you know? i -- you know, i eat really well. and when i'm working i'm really strict. >> it's interesting. i was looking at some of your more recent movies. your leading men have been about half your age. ashton kutcher. >> it's the yin and yang. then what happened is there's no sort of middle ground. it's like all of a sudden it switches. and they're half your age. >> how is that? is i mean, you hear zac efron
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was just glowing to be able to do this movie with you. >> isn't he cute? he's so cute. >> he's a good looking guy. >> he's adorable. >> do you enjoy that? >> i mean, it's good for the ego, i guess. i mean, i'm not complaining. i'll take it. >> right. and there was that -- he was especially delighted with the last scene in the movie where he got to kiss you. >> yeah. i think he was delighted about that. i think. >> all this sort of makes me come full circle in terms of the things that have guided your life in terms of your diet now. and especially being a vegan which i think a lot of people don't know about you. i want to talk about that. and how a president in this documentary is part of why you drastically changed your diet. as a culinary manager i make sure our guests
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have an over the top experience. being hands on is key! i make sure every plate looks just right. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast, just $14.99. start with soup, salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits followed by your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp or shrimp and scallops alfredo. then finish with something sweet. all four courses just $14.99. [ reza ] it's so much food for such a good value. i'm reza, culinary manager. and i sea food differently.
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decided to make changes in his diet. this time around, he decided to get much more strict. radical even in his approach. no more meat. no more eggs. no more dairy. almost no oil. the mantra is eat nothing that has a mother or a face. >> you know, that's a clip from any documentary "the last heart attack." which you watched. i was excited to do it to know now that we can prevent disease and reverse it as well. i've talked to you since then. you said in particular a story about bill clinton really resonated with you. >> well, the entire documentary did. i was finishing up working on, i think it was "dark shadows" and i was watching cnn. "the last heart attack" came on. i'm watching it and really
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clinton comes on -- and you know clinton ask a foodie. >> famous for that. >> yeah. and smart. so i'm thinking, okay. bill clinton loves food. so there must be something to it that's making him stick to it. and also he's smart. so he's not going to, you know, do something unless he really thinks there's science behind it. then i got the book on how to prevent heart disease. and i felt there was science behind it. and, you know, it was sort of irrefutable. i couldn't not listen to it. and i think that my father died from cancer. the older you get, you know, there's a lot of disease around you. and you see people struggling with chronic disease. you see people dying with terminal illnesses. and if, you know, if in any way
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and science is always changing. if in any way this is true, then you have to listen to it. >> and it's within your own power. it's not easy. when we had had lunch it was a vegan lunch which is fantastic. when people think vegan, they think there's no way. >> i actually really love the vegan diet because i love carbs. and i don't really -- i've never really loved animal protein in terms of animal meat. i ate it because i thought it was good for me. and i thought i needed to eat the protein and vegetables to stay lean. it was all about vanity, really. the older i've gotten it is still about vanity but it's really become more primarily it's switched a little bit.
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vanity's right under there but i have to say it's a close second with wanting to live long. >> has it made a difference? do you know you're healthier now as a result of being a vegan. do you get your blood work? >> i sound like such an old fart now. i did get my blood work done. >> i'm a doctor i can ask these questions. >> yes, doctor. i had unusually high cholesterol. >> is that right? >> for somebody who ate well and exercised well and did all the right things. but it wasn't enough to sort of where i -- maybe some doctors would have put me on medication but i have a thing about medication so i didn't. so i go on this diet and i'm curious now because of his claims. two months later i check my cholesterol, it has gone down 83 points. >> is that right? wow. >> 83 points. >> i am delighted to hear that.
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you're going to live forever. >> stunning, right? >> it's remarkable. >> i was pretty excited. >> i think i know the answer to this question. how is your family about the vegan diet? does david -- >> david's been pretty good. david tries. >> that was one step short of patting him on the head. >> and he's trying even harder now. but he really -- he loves his desserts. that's his thing. he doesn't miss anything other than the sugar part of it. >> there's a story just this past week as you know about sugar and sugary drinks in new york and banning a large product sales. >> i heard something about that. >> do you have any thoughts about that? this is the idea sugar is also part of the problem here looking at our country as a whole. and let's just ban as mayor bloomberg has done. what do you think of that? >> well, the thing is, look.
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i'm not an expert on any of this. but from the little bit that i've read and that i know, you know, it's like there's no free ticket. everything you put no your mouth there's an effect. and it's somebody's got to really, you know, paying attention and sort of taking control of the situation. just the fact that people are talking about it. just the fact that whether or not they ultimately ban it or not, i don't know that they can really do that. but the fact that, you know, people are going to sort of now who wouldn't have paid attention before are going to sit up and go why would he want to do that? is it really that bad for me? maybe they'll start reading more about it and taking it a bit more seriously. >> some people have said sugar is toxic. that's a conversation we can have another time. any tips on anyone that wants to start a vegan diet now watching
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you? >> well, i would say what i did was i just said i'm just going to do -- i'm going to give myself eight weeks and just not commit to this for a lifetime. because psychologically it's huge for people. to wrap their minds around. and just to see. i'm going to see how i feel. i'm going to test my blood again, see if there's anything. and giving it that long, you sort of get over the hump of it kind of being difficult in the beginning yet give yourself a long enough period of time to really start to feel differently and sort of see the benefits. >> you got to call ahead at restaurants. >> you got to call ahead. >> keel with the eye rolls from your friends and husband. >> and your children. >> but you make it work. >> and also, it makes room for really interesting conversations now. because they take me on. >> they challenge you a little bit. >> yeah. >> it's an absolute delight to
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sit down and talk to you. i love this. i love my job to do this. >> your first celebrity. >> you don't do much tv so i appreciate you sitting down with us. >> my pleasure. coming up, piers is in london as you may know with a preview of tomorrow's jubilee activities. we're at the exclusive el chorro lodge in paradise valley, arizona, where tonight we switched their steaks with walmart's choice premium steak. it's a steakover! this is perfect. the meat is really good. one of the best filets i've had. see look how easy that is to cut. these are perfectly aged for flavor and tenderness. you're eating walmart steaks. shut up... is that right? the best steak i'd ever had... i would definitely go to walmart and buy steaks. walmart choice premium steak in the black package. try it. it's one hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed.
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she was one of princess diana's bridesmaids. thank you for joining me. a big day tomorrow. talk me through what to expect. >> if you can expect more pomp and pageantry, that's what you're going to get. the morning celebrations will kick off with a celebration of thanksgiving. that will be the most serious and poignant part for the queen. this is a woman who takes they are faith seriously. she'll be accompanied by the senior members of the royal family. after the service there's going to be a wonderful carriage procession. we had a taste of that for the royal wedding. this time we'll see the queen from westminster back to buckingham palace. and we'll be treated to the spectacle we couldn't have after the pageant. we're going to have a fly past. of course that famous balcony appearance. a chance to really just say once more to the queen, thank you ma'am. >> let's bring in india. you have been part of these ceremonies. princess diana's bridesmaid. you've been on the balcony, on
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the carriages. all this stuff we'll see tomorrow. talk me through what it feels like to be part of this. >> an enormous sense of pride obviously. when i was in the carriage as a bridesmaid to diana, i was much younger and unaware of the magnitude of the event. clearly of the event. it was only afterwards i thought, i went down the mall in a horse drawn carriage. i was conscious of being in the carriage. one of the little girls i was with was allergic to horses and had tears streaming down her face. my mother had said to me, waive darling, waive. how do you waive? i mean, feels rather ridiculous. i wonder thinking, i wonder how kate feels at the moment, you learn to do that. you feel awkward. >> wheeze we've had this
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extraordinary big weekend. we had the darby, the big horse race. the incredible flotilla on sunday with all the boats. the pop concert tonight. and tomorrow we have the real pomp and pageantry that people expect. which of all these do you think the queen will be most excited by. >> she was probably most excited by the pageant, because in her lifetime as in ours, she would never have seen anything like that. despite the weather and it being a washout. it really was the most amazing scene on the river. a first for the queen in 60 years. it's pretty wonderful. i expect thanksgiving service on tuesday will be very important to her. as i said, she is an incredibly religious woman. her faith is important to her. that ceremony will be taken seriously. >> people said after princess diana it could be the beginning of the end of the monarchy, the lights have gone out. she was then the biggest royal star we had ever seen.
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i sense a real resurgence and felt it keenly on sunday with the flotilla watching the way the public came out in such big numbers. it felt like there was a real excitement. i'm sure part driven by the queen and his wonderful bride. what do you think? >> i think absolutely. the monarchy has modernized and certainly the fame and the uncertainty and the status of william & kate has reinvigorated the monarchy. i do not think we can contest that it is her imagine industry that's held us, she's in our backbone, our dna. 60 years of being a celebrity is very, very hard to achieve and maintain. and my god has she done it. >> the reason she's achieved better than most is that we're with both journalists. she hasn't given an interview in 60 years. >> for a woman who's so familiar
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to us. she is such an icon, and yet actually we do know so little about the private woman behind the public persona. >> i remember the queen mother had this great life, never complain, never explain, never be heard speaking in public. >> it's a mentor the queen has followed literally. she's never given too much away. i think that mystique is her win withing formula. >> this is a great debate. kate & william are accessible, they do give interviews. we can relate to them. it's again a balance. it's going to be extraordinary to see how this moves forward. and as we've seen, the prince of wales has given more interviews. i saw him in gq. can you imagine? >> no. >> president obama is a man of the people. it a balance. >> something about changing,
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adapting. she does it slowly and deliberately with much thought. she's realized her power comes from constancy and stability. she's always here and she's always a stable leader for our country. >> everything that changes in the world with, she is the one with constant. she is the one unmovable thing. >> and she's very aware that she's not appointed. she's anointed. >> it's going to be a great day tomorrow, the culmination of four days in celebrations. next we'll go back to sanjay in the studios. put down your cell phones, doctors orders. [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up.
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first a few questions, and i may sound like one of those tv ads you often see, but i'm a doctor, so bear with me. do you spend a lot of time using your mobile phone. do you ever think you received a message but you didn't? you could be suffering from phantom vibration syndrome. it's when you believe your phone is vibrating with a new alert when it's not. this is not a freak occurrence. i'm talking to the majority of you out there. 70% of those who use a mobile phone suffer from it. it gets worse. do you have trouble sleeping at night? you can blame your addiction to your phone or compute he for that. these devices keep your brain stimulated even as your body is trying to shut down. checking your twitter feed excessively. i'm talking to you @piersmorgan can be to blame for your restless night's sleep. for the tech obsessed
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