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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  June 5, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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your ride haws arrived, a four seater to fit your passengers and cargo. the base price is a mere $300,000. i think we all have to hold off more on that. with that that is all from us tonight. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. breaking news exit polls just out in wisconsin tell us we are in for -- hold on because we have news in seconds. senator paul to tell us why america must make a bold move to prevent a key cia informant's death. and body parts can still be in the mail. let's go outfront. good evening.
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i'm erin burnett. we are getting exit polls from wisconsin where republican governor scott walker is fighting to keep his job in what likely is the most expensive recall election. the results of the election will say a lot about how the state and the country is going to go in november. that, of course, is the $64 trillion question. john king with the exit poll numbers. what is crossing right now? >> could be the $80 million question. the results are fascinating. we are going to be up late tonight. this is a very close race. what started all this? a big fight over efforts to restrict collective bargaining rights to get union members to pay more for health care. our union members dominating the vote today. interesting question. 32% of the vote is in the recall election say someone in their house hold is a union member. it was in the 20s in the 2010 election.
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this tells you the labor unions are getting turnout. we are seeing other data suggesting republican voters are coming out in higher levels than 2010. that has a number that has the democrats happy. here is something you talked about this a lot this week. the enormous amounts of money being spent on this race, a lot of outside money. despite that money to influence people with late tv ads only 3% of the people who turned up today decided today. only 4% decided the last few days. 12% decided shall we say latish. 88%, nearly nine in ten voters decided before the month of may so tens of millions of dollars of tv ads didn't sway people. number one this is a grumpy electerate. 50% of the voters in wisconsin
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today say they have an unfavorable view of the republican party. 47% favorable. you might think that difference bodes well for the democrats. sorry. view of the democratic party 50% unfavorable. in the state that has been polarized by these fights we have a very, very close election. the exit poll data is fascinating. when you look ahead to the presidential election. the one bottom line a lot of money spent and it is very, very close. >> it is amazing. a lot of money spent and only 3% of people decided today. a low rate of return on your money. i know it's not an investment in the traditional sense. thanks for john king keeping watch on the exit polls. a lot of you might say i am not surprised. let's kick all the bones out. one person who has kept a pretty low profile is president obama on this particular case. weeks of radio silence broken
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late last night when he tweeted it's election day in wisconsin tomorrow. and i'm standing by tom barrett he'd make an outstanding governor. bo. the worst initials ever. a bold tweet from the president. should president obama have done more to help the democratic candidate or to stand clear? he has almost always gone democratic. we ask the political strike team to weigh in. our team of political reporters and analysts are going to be breaking down issues for us. 70% said no the president should not have campaigned for barrett in wisconsin. 30% said he made a mistake by staying home. john avalon joins us, paul and david. john, you are the aye on the
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strike team. >> when an election is this close. i think you want to do everything you can. the president could have polarized further. the big question is why the dnc didn't play harder. mayor walker seems to have outraised seven to one. you don't want to leave anything in the locker room. >> and do you think the verdict on the president's side is don't risk the hit. the hit is worse than the benefit? >> my guess is that was the assessment. i think he needed to go in there. i don't think it would have been outcome determinative. it is already polarized when you are spending 50, 60, $80 million in a state it is polarized. for his own good i would have gone in there. wisconsin is not a swing state. he won by 14 last time. even now he is leading by 8 that
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shows walker ahead. that's not the issue. it's that when somebody stands with you you stand with them. this is raw politics 101 so he can look at members of the house and senate and other governors and say when this guy's back was against the wall i stood there for him. this guy tom barrett. barrett when he was mayor of milwaukee endorsed senator obama against sen trp clintator clint. >> what is your take? i'm curious taking a step back this state could never go republican. both of these states laekted republican governors. there is a little confusion on that. why not? >> if this president is to stay in politics he will have opportunities. what happens in wisconsin is ghost of christmas future if and when the economy begins to
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recover. every state has huge reckonings to do with promises made that will be impossible to fulfill. and there are going to be fights like this in state after state over the next decade and next generation. the states are going to face this agony. do they provide services now or pay for the pensions of the people provided services before cannibalizing services now. if the president wants to join that fight there will be opportunities in california and a lot of places. this is coming to a state near you. >> this is why this is such a closely watched fight. whoever comes out ahead it's going to be read as a mandate to embolden more to try to take on the union or a warning shot. the reason we are here at this very rare place where a recall occurs is because governor walker made a classic mistake of overreach and that promotes a back lash.
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>> unlike chris christie who we pointed out also took on the unions. >> chris christie did it. didn't need to be so polarizing and paying that price tonight. >> three weeks ago the obama campaign laid out several paths to victory. we love it because we love to talk about whether things add up. here is the thing on wisconsin. does it add up. every plan showed wisconsin in blue. today they released an updated map that showed wisconsin as a tossup. why did they do that? to show we can win anyway or they are getting nervous? >> i think clever expectations adjustment the night before. it noculates them if it doesn't go their way. i would love to hear what paul has been hearing. >> is wisconsin a tossup? >> no. it's not. you pay me to tell the truth. i can pretrend that it is in the
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sense ill or well. it is five months away. the only time -- the last time it went republican was in ronald reagan's land slide. if it goes for mitt romney it may be a land slide. >> anytime someone says with all respect i get scared. >> new jersey has a governor. arkansas has a democratic governor. it is going for mitt romney. these presidential level races in states like wisconsin sort themselves out very early. president obama is going to win wisconsin by at least five. >> with all due respect i have to hit pause on the conversation. senator ran paul wants to make a big change in american policy. and did president clinton going rogue again? just said something about the bush tax cuts and it doesn't add up. what goes through the mind of a
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canble? that story still out front. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network.
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♪ [ vocalizing continues ] ♪ [ all singing ] the redesigned, 8-passenger pilot. smarter thinking. from honda. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. our second story. american officials confirmed that al qaeda's number two
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leader is dead, the most significant kill since osama bin laden. the drone attack killed at least 14 other suspected militants and the latest incident to strain an already antagonistic relationship between the u.s. and pakistan. over the past decade the u.s. government has given pakistan more than $23 billion in aid. has the money added up to anything. the latest slap to american came calling for a death penalty for an informant who helped find bin laden. he is facing 33 years in jail. senator ran paul introduced legislation calling for an end to all. just a few moments ago i asked
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him why left this informant in pakistan. >> i'm a little perplexed by it also. i don't have any inside information on this but i have read reports that say he was offered the ability to leave and didn't take it. sometimes it's complicated if you don't get to go with your family do you go by yourself. do we go through this in egypt where some escape and go back for trial. i don't know the details but i have sympathy for him. i am a physician also. i think it was particularly brave of him to help him get bin laden. we offered a $25 million reward and now giving money to a country keeping him prisoned. >> about the cuts i wanted to understand where you stood on that. obviously you want them to be halted until pakistan changes how it is handling the u.s. the president of the united states is also extremely
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frustrated with pakistan. he cut aid by about 50% because of frustrationwise the government and how it has worked against the united states. why isn't that enough? >> well, you know i think what we need to do and if the president negotiated from a point of strength, if he told the pakistani government you are not getting one more kent more i think he would be released tomorrow. if you tell them you are going to cut 3% of next year's budget and keep spending the 500 million we haven't given you so far i think that looks pretty weak and they laugh at us and say we will cash our welfare check and keep doing what we want. if you want to influence their behavior at the least you should tell them you are not getting more unless you do behave. >> i understand that but what happens in thei interim. the antiamerican sentiment is a bit overwhelming.
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and they have nukes. just abandoning it all don't we put ourselves more at risk. >> i think very little of u.s. taxpayer money helps anyone who is impoverished in the country. the history of foreign aid has been rich autocratic leaders stealing the money. mubarak allegedly stole and was worth billions and billions of u.s. taxpayer dollars that he skimmed off the top. i think the average ordinary pakistani never sees any of that american money. >> do you think we can work this out with pakistan? every example seems to be an example of failure for them to support or work with the country. some of it is america's fault. that seemds to be consistent whether gorge w. bush or barack obama. >> i think both parties. people understand negotiation from strength. if you say you are not giving
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them aid their ears will perk up and we would get results. if you say we cut aid by 3% not this year but next year they will say so what. when i threatened to remove aid from egypt within two weeks 16 americans were released. if you threaten to significantly change policy i think they would sit up and take notice. >> and i want to turn topics tonight because it is a big night tonight at home. with a scott walker victory, the whole recall is based on fighting the unions, does that embolden you in washington to say let's go more for cuts on pensions and medicare and entitlements? is that how you take it as a mandate for you in washington? >> i see none of it that i am jumping up and down to do. social security i don't see it as my mandate to say i want to make everybody wait longer.
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i see it as something i have to do to save the system because we had the huge population of baby boomers. we are living longer. there is about 2 1/2 workers for every retiry. it is not a mandate to get what i want. it is that i see that we have to do this or social security will drown under a mountain of debt. >> you and i talked before and you talked about your support for say means testing of medicare. are you similarly also for closing loopholes in the overall tax system that would end up with the wealthier in this country paying more? it would be an effective tax increase. are you for that? >> i'm for a simple tax code. my budget, my five year balanced budget has one rate, 17% for corporate, 17% for private and has almost no deductions. you fill it out on one page and
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then there wouldn't be special deductions and no individuals paying no taxes and no companies paying no taxes but there would be no companies paying 35% income tax which is twice what the rest of the world is paying. we are losing companies overseas because we are the highest tax rate in the world. that has to come down. >> intellectually you are all right with some people all in may end up paying more than they are paying more. you get a simpler tax code and a simpler rate but they could pay more. >> absolutely. >> thank you so much. good to see you. >> thanks, erin. >> important point there. many coming on saying they are willing on the tea party side to have people pay more. we should be able to get a grand bargain. ahead a reverend in an american church made a bold decision and it has cost himp dearly. we have a special report. more body parts sent through
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the mail. authorities are talking about the possible connection to the man accused of murdering a student with an ice pick.
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the incredible cost. a church leader in minnesota spoke utin support of gay couples. he was ahead of his time in term of a national debate. it was just after massachusetts became the first state in the country to legalize gay marriage. reverend never expected what would happen next. his congregation abandoned him. now he is on the verge of losing his church. we went out front to minnesota to find out if the reverend regrets what he said. ♪ this little light of mine >> the grace community has seen better days, the empty pews signs of a congregation shattered. >> categorically they said i cannot be a part of a church
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that accepts same-sex marriage. >> reporter: white lost 2/3 of his predominantly african american congregation. >> they thought i was a hertic and that i was not leading them to christ. >> reporter: seven years later white's congregation still has not come back. i was invited to watch what could be the last service before the church closes its doors for good. what i saw was a far cry. when services started a few minutes ago there were only about 20 people in the pews. more than half of the people attending today are visitors. the church is now in financial ruin. the few members that still remain say they couldn't overcome a stigma. >> you don't talk about it.
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if you are gay you are wrong. it is very prevalent in the black church that you do not talk about it. >> you pray about this a lot? >> every day. >> reporter: what do you pray for right now? >> $200,000. [ laughter ] >> reporter: $200,000, that's what white says will keep his church afloat but he has just a few days left to raise it. >> $2. >> reporter: little miracles arrive in the mail every day, donations along with words of encouragement and at times temptation. >> reporter: this man was going to pay all of your bills and your worries would be gone. all you had to do was what? >> renounce what i have been saying and come back to god, as he said. >> reporter: did you think about it? >> well, maybe for 1/10 of a second.
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♪ >> reporter: better to be a hertic in the eyes och many christians than to preach what he believes is a lie. >> got to applaud somebody who stands with their convictions. bim clinton afronting some in his own party butting heads with the president. and reports of love letters in jerry sandusky's case in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies.
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we start the second half of our show with stories we care about where we focus with our reporting from the front lines. syria expelling diplomats from 11 countries including this one. lots of countries expelled syrian diplomats. most of these countries had already shut down their embassies or withdrawn their ambassadors. the u.n. officials says the syrian government will let u.n. in to deliver humanitarian aid.
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no more junk food ads on disney networks. the policy will be fully in effect by 2015. abc spokes woman told cnn she couldn't say how much advertising could be effected by the ban. california's proposition 8 might be headed to the supreme court. back in february a panel of three judges ruled that prop 8 was unconstitutional. so supporters of the measure might have a larger panel to hear the case. that request denied. the parties in the case have 90 days to appeal to the supreme court. our legal analyst says the supreme court will not review it. and a senior u.s. official told the iaea that there is an
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apparent cleanup. we have been telling you about this. this is a site denied entry to. it caused robert wood to pose this question. if iran has nothing to hide why would you deny access to par parchin. in an excerpt from his book "iranian nuclear crisis" said i had the opportunity to hear directly about the foreign policy strategy which was the most radical position i had ever heard from an iranian politician since the revolution. he told me in clear terms that he did not care about iaea sosi the u.s. lost its top credit
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has been 306 days since rating. what are we doing to get it back? here is a real rain on your optimistic parade. the ceo of the budget office says the debt will be twice the size of the economy inars cior of keepingaxr no. prclton dropping what is fair to say is a bomb on president obama saying the u.s. economy is in a recession and predicting that congress should renew the bush era tax cuts. he said i don't have any problem with extending all of it now including the current spending level. paul, let me start with you. this is a real shot across the w. su wt on toayh line w need to gis a week ago. he wants the tax rates for everyone to go back to his old rates. to say that they should be extended for everyone including
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the wealthiest americans at the end of this year is impossible to spend that in line with president obama. >> it is impossible to spend it. he would say this is his position we don't want to have the huge fiscal cliff to fall off of in december. let's kick the can as washington does, push it to 2013 and put a reasonable deal together. what president clinton has said for 21 years that wealthy people should pay more and wants to go back to the rates that wealthy people paid 39% when america was a socialist paradise. it's all the same position he has had. the slight difference in tactics from the white house is i think the white house wants to stand firm in december. the president is saying -- former saying let's kick this to 2013. to me it is not a big difference. >> you make a very good case there. i have to say given what i have
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heard about the position here and the president saying the wealthiest need to pay more this president has not seemed to indicate in any way that any period of time it would be acceptable for the tax cuts to be extended for the wealthy. >> this is a central method of the campaign. i think that there is another interesting wrinkle to this. so president clinton wants to restore the tax rates for all house holds. president obama has pledged extend middle rate tax rates. the interesting question is will president obama stick with that pledge to extend the middle income tax cuts if he is reelected or will he do what peter orzag and what president clinton want him to do which is to return to clinton levels for everyone. my guess is his views are more in line with president clinton's on that front. >> john avalon it is not what he
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says. it is not with surrogates. it is not what he says. >> the worst president clinton can be accused of is under cutting big time. we are talking about this because it feeds into a narrative based on statements where there seems to be day light. there is a bit of a media attraction. the point clinton is trying to make is there are economic storm clouds and now is not the time. and still a focus on a grand bargain. it is fascinating that we are having this massive debate about the top tax rate because there is broad agreement at least between the obama administration on the majority of the bush tax cuts. >> paul, let me ask you this question. at least rhetorically the president has not been saying what bill clinton is saying especially when it comes to the middle class tax cuts and the wealthy. it has been clear that they not go up right away.
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what is the strategy for bill clinton to say this? >> it's what he believes. he's not a wind up doll. he supports president obama. >> he is talk ag lot lately saying things that don't really go along with the president's message. >> he is a citizen of the united states. he supports president obama. i think the republicans make a mistake if they keep elevating president clinton. the same guying tries to impeach him are saying he is the greatest president ever. as you elevate president clinton you watch the hammer will drop in the fall. he will stand up there as he says to his friends that president obama has the right ideas. he's got the ideas to get the economy moving and mitt romney does not. i think it is great as a clinton guy and an obama guy to elevate more and more. >> most americans taxes are crucial. the bush tax cuts and your position on that are central to who you are, how you govern and
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how to get out of the mess. >> i definitely take paul's point. i think president clinton is making a number of statements that seem awkward. he keeps taing things like mitt romney is pretty well qualified. let me take speaker john boehner's position. >> he is probably qualified for the job. >> you can driecve a wedge betwn them. a lot of republicans voted for clinton. it is important for republicans to win some of the voters back. clinton is going to say other things -- >> the republican love affair is a hammer waiting to drop. you don't have to demonize people personally. >> you won it with the impeachment. the same people who wanted to impeach him are now for him.
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revenge is best served cold. it's been a long time since that happened. we have breaking news. abc news is reporting on what could be bomb shell evidence in the jerry sandusky trial. abc reporting that victim number four will testify and provide what's described as hand written love letters that he received from jerry sandusky. the network also reports that the victim who is now 28 years old will testify about expensive gifts like golf clubs that were given to him. nine jurors have been seated for the trial. our legal contributor is out front tonight. how surprised are you at these revelations? the whole case is disturbing and upsetting to anybody who hears about the allegations but the fact that there are actual love letters is even more so. >> it is disturbing because everything that he is charged with is sort of this creepy
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behavior that makes everybody uncomfortable just talking about it. i'm not surprised because if prosecutors are correct in saying that he abused as many as ten young boys and they say they have supporting evidence this is exactly the kind of evidence we are going to see throughout the trial. you will see letters. you may hear about telephone calls. there will be all kinds of things that are going to come out that we don't know about at this point in time. >> do you get the feeling if this is the case and there were love letters to victim four you dealt with these sorts of cases would this be something you assumed in multiple of these? >> you would think so because a grown man sending a hand written love letter to a teenager is highly unusual behavior. i would think if he did it with one he might have done it with others. what i really find to be odd is this victim, victim number four in the indictment who is now
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well into his 20s, he saved the letter apparently. how does he still have the letter and how many other alleged victims would still have letters? these are questions that will have to be answered. you'll see an aggressive defense saying maybe it is a forgery or doesn't make sense that somebody would save such a letter. >> i could see wanting to get rid of it or keeping it for the same reasons that some might get rid of it. how easy is it to prove whether a letter like that is real? >> if they have a letter in jerry sandusky's handwriting it will be difficult to prove it is a fraud. you will have handwriting experts to date the ink that was used. that would leave them then with the only defense which is kind of the defense they started with in the bizarre television interviews we saw which is that this is how jerry sandusky acts
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around boys horsing around in the shower and it is normal and will try to say sending a letter like this is normal. i have my doubts that a jury will buy it but we have to see. >> it's not normal what else might have happened is for the court. canadian authorities just announced a couple of moments ago that they have confirmed more body parts were sent through the mail. does this have anything to do with the man accused of murdering a man with an ice pick and sending pieces to people including the prime minister. a piers morgan queen elizabeth siting on outfront. the curved edge... rsr now move on to the slick navigation tiles -- bam, right into the people hub. see megan, colin has lots of friends. hey, colin, what kind of phone is that? aaa -- on --et d [ clrshroat ] ohh yea no, let's... [ male announcer ] introducing the beautifully different
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can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. in paradise valley, arizona, where tonight we switched their steaks with walmart's choice premium steak. it's a steakover! this is perfect. the meat is really good. one of the best filets i've had. see look how easy that is to cut. these are perfectly aged for flavor and tenderness. you're eating walmart steaks. shut up... is that right?
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the best steak i'd ever had... i would definitely go to walmart and buy steaks. walmart choice premium steak in the black package. try it. it's one hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed. we're back tonight's outer circle where we reach out to sources around the world. tonight we go to great britain. president obama sent his congratulations to queen elizabeth ii today. >> it's been an amazing day here in london. you can see from the back drop it has been a very special moment for the queen and for her subjects. for 60 years this woman has
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reigned in great britain. she has been a global figure, one of the most famous people in the whole of the world. only one diamond jubilee before, queen victoria. it was really living up to every expectation. we had extraordinary flight pass by world war ii planes, the procession led by the house hold cavalry. the rain held off enough for us to see the queen in all her glory and up here on the balcony with a small number of the royals. it was a stream lined rock star royal celebration following four days of great events. i felt very proud and excited to be here. i hope you enjoyed it, too. >> i did enjoy it and i loved watching piers so much in his element. let's check in with john king in for anderson koorp. a little more than an hour
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waiting for wisconsin voters to decide whether to recall governor walker. keeping them honest tonight jobs and the economy easily the top issue for voters this november. the romney campaign is calling out the president for results or lack of them for his watch. what about governor romney's record in massachusetts? we'll talk numbers. a few forgotten lyrics in a concert sheryl crow joked about it. turns out she had a brain tumor. looking forward to seeing a few moments. a few moments ago vancouver police investigating whether two new packages containing human body parts are connected to the dismemberment killing of a montreal college student. authorities say the packages were received at two separate
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schools today. >> the first package containing what appeared to be a human hand was opened by staff at falls creek elementary school. another package containing what appeared to be a human foot was found by staff at st. george cease school this afternoon. >> luke magnotta is suspected of murdering the student with an ice pick. he could be extradited to canada within the week. he was captured yesterday in berlin where he spent an hour online googling and reading stories about himself. magnotta is suspected of mailing body parts to officials also of videotaping the murder and posting it on the web. what goes on in the mind of someone who even considers doing such a thing. developed the depravity scale. you're outfront tonight. good to see you. appreciate it. what does go through the mind of
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somebody who could do this. >> i think what divisions this crime from another dismemberment is the aim is shock. targeting a political entity knowing that the media would jump all over that, give it attention. uploading a horrible, grisly, shocking, painful torture so that others could view the spectacle of somebody being tortured. it's carrying out a crime. it's criminal exhibitionism in order to gather an audience. so the motivation of attention seeking is consistent with somebody who's been carrying himself out as a public figure and who wants to be seen. as luke when that's not even his given name. it's a persona he's after. what he's after is shocking and having us talk about him. that's an important thing to keep in mind. how should we be talking about him? should we talk about him as a porn star? or should we talk about him as a
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sexual deviant? >> it is a factual description. it sounds like we're throwing in adjectives just because but all of this is what we saw and alleged this man did. is this something that given what we've seen would be consistent with somebody who had done this only once. is he linked to the parts we don't know. this is not something you would have done many times, you could be a serial killer. >> if he was uploading animal cruelty, it was to gain attention. >> like the kittens torturing. >> dhis is a fascination. there's some level of fantasy and practice and some fixation on violence. but again, the idea of trying to escalate for shock value his own persona into something that could become a man we talk about, that's really what he has organized himself around. and that tied into his
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fascination and violence makes him very much similar to people who carry out crimes for seeking notoriety. the mass shooters, the people like the waters who target the congressmen. it's because it's a celebrity next year like andrew cananen who would target versace. we would be talking about him on the news. he should be remembered as a pervert without flattering pictures. otherwise people inspired by that won't emulate. >> obviously he was a porn star. haefs paid escort. people described him as odd. he was raised by a domineering grandmother. what's the profile you can pull together about this person? >> there are many who were raised by domineering parents but they don't do this. this is a social nom phenomenon where shock and violence yields
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attention and notoriety. until it gets extinguished you get people like this character who figures a way to do something no one's done before. >> to get attention. >> why would you send a hand to the elementary school? because if you send it to the corner store, nobody will be talking about it all over the world. it's a violence exhibitionism the same way a person might. expose themselves to view the shock and the reaction of others. and that's what he's after. it's a different kind of perversion. >> on the depravity scale, what is he as bad as it is? >> it's the grotesque suffering he caused this very tragic victim. at the same time the idea of carrying out a crime in order to show off. if we don't repulse this by remembering him the way we did khalid muhammad with the image he just got out of bed, then he
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gets to be glorified and others follow in his footsteps. we have to distinguish it. >> thank you very much. still ahead, something that will never happen again while you're alive. but it's outfront of course. all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us.
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something historic has begun. around 6:00 p.m. eastern time the planet venus started going past the sun. you can see it on the sun. a little dot. it's a big deal because it's so rare. they come in pairs. the last pair in the 1800s. the next not until 2117. for the next 200 years scientists studied these intently. captain cook in 1769 went to tahiti to see the transit. it was an epic journey at the time which is why historians have called transit spotting the apollo programming of the 18th century. continues today in a different way. venus