tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 8, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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constantly losing manufacturing jobs to china. that he's horrible. but something that america has that china doesn't have and that's innovation. the thing that drives innovation of science and technology. i tell people and kids, if you want to change the world, if you want to do something that has abimpact and is really cool, do science. science is what's going to change the world and science is what's going to get in my opinion this country back up on top. >> good work. you're amazing. thank you very much and best of luck to you. and make sure you tune in for more of taylor's story this sunday. on the next list at 2:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. hello, everyone. top of the hour.
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>> president obama hammering congress, telling it to pass long stalled prts of his jobs plan. economic troubles could take a toll in the u.s. economy, but it's five little words that could add up to the gap the republicans have been seeking to use against the if the five months from election date. listen to this closely. >> the private sector is doing fine. >> the private sector is doing fine. >> breanna kieler, the private sector is doing fine, that will come back to bite him? >> it has already. within three hours, the republican national party put
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out an ad. when john kerry was talking about iraq war funding and he said he actually did vote for it before he voted against it. now, kwlou always know that there's more to the statement than just those few little words you might see in an ad. and in this case, what's being used now in an rnc ad and that mitt romney has latched on to is showing the president is the out of touch. you know that president obama was talking about private sector growth increasing month after month for now more than two years. and it's really public sector jobs that have seen -- really been a little more challenging over his term certainly. but it's a misstep and it doesn't really matter in the world of politics. if there's context to it, it doesn't have to be included in the ad and it can be very defining.
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>> is there ed to show that the private sector has recovered back to prerecession level? and my question is -- this is partisanship surely from both sides. >> sure. i think the point is that private sector growth has been sluggishly improving but i think if you were to ask democrats and republicans, none of them would tell you that it's where they want it to be. and that's why something like these five little words can really haunt president obama. >> good answer. good answer. >> it's been a very tough week for the white house. president obama, for instance, having to deal with the stories that we've seen recently involving some leaks as they've been reported to claz fied information that has been put out there. as well as the wisconsin recall where the republican governor
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prevailed and that may have certainly a lot of tea leaf readers. you had the resonating bad jobs numbers from last week. we saw president bill clinton, one of president obama's main surrogates get offmessage for a second time this week and then mitt romney outraised him in money for the month of may which is surprising. it's a pretty long list. . >> one would think a lot of people would get a talking to. hey, listen, shouldn't there be one message coming from this administration? this is an election year. >> you know, and certainly that's something no doubt that the campaign is rerating with the surrogates to be on the same page. a coalition drone attack
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killed 1 me eed 18 men, women a children while targeting a taliban leader. the head of nato was there to speak to the families of the victims. here he is. >> we didn't see the victims as the forces approached the building. they were taken under fire by a number of our forces. and this was a joint aftghan an u.s. forces. a grenade was thrown. three of our people were wounded. we called for the people to come out and the situation became more grave and innocent people were killed. >> live to the pentagon now. mr. chris lawrence. the general also explained how the civilians were killed. >> that's right. basically, don, what happened was the force came to this come pound looking for a local taliban leader. but when they tried to breach the compound, that's when they start the taking fire and that's
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when they called in the air strike. it was unintentional to kel the old people, the women and especially the children that were inside. >> we are very sad. and i have come here today to offer you my condolences and my regrets and importantly to apologize to each of you for this tragedy. i have a family of my own and i see the faces of my own children. and i know that no apology can bring back the life of the children or the people who perished in this tragedy and this accident. >> a lot of discontent among leaders. >> i just got off the phone with
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a command er in kabul. these nighttime raids have been a real point of dissension between the u.s. and afghanistan. afghans would take the leads on these operations and the afghans were part of this raid, but still afghan president hamid karzai laying the blame for the deaths all on nato. >> there was a point where 2014 seemed to be a bit far off. now it is rapidly approaching and that is the withdrawal date for u.s. troops. how does this impact that? >> one incident, probably not going to change a huge strategy. . a big strategic goal like that, but what it does do, don, is it undermines the trust between nato forces and the afghan people. and when that trust gets weakened over time, that's when the u.s. does pull up stakes.
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>> all right, thank you very much, chris lawrence. we want to go to a live event. president obama at the white house. >> the last time the giants were here was in 2008. a lot of folks thought that team didn't have a chance to win a super bowl. they ended up winning with a circus catch in the fourth quarter. a come-from-behind win over the patriot ps . this is all starting to sound like deja vu all over again. but this year is different. and last year's giant was a special bunch. not just because of where they ended up but because of how they got there. every team has to deal with injuries to the players. not many teams have to deal with a late hit on the head coach.
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you saw that jets game. now coach coughlin reminds everybody, he did not go down. all right? that's a tough guy. and you can see that toughness reflected in everybody else on this team. the giants took a whole bunch of hits this season but they never went down. from day one, they followed a motto, finish. finish the play, finish the game, finish the season. and sitting 7-7, they knew every game was a playoff game. the players, the coaches, the staff, the owners, they didn't quit. they believed in each other and they kept winning all the way to indianapolis. the night before the super bowl, they watched a highlight reel set to justin tuck's good luck song "in the hair tonight." i don't know about, you know, a little phil collins before a big game. i may try that before a big meeting with congress.
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but apparently it worked. eli manning earned his second super bowl mvp. so i would advise the reporters out there, next time eli manning says he thinks he's an elite quarterback, you might just want to be quiet. eli wasn't alone, of course. justin tuck got to the qb. victor cruz scored and salsaed. mario manningham kept his feet inbounds for the biggest catch of his life. nobody was perfect but everybody did their job. people for new york and new jersey don't fall for anybody.
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it's a tough crowd, let's face it. you have to earn the respect. they're never completely satisfy. you have to earn it both on and off the field. that's kmaktly what the giants did. from fighting childhood obesity, michelle likes that, to wrapping up leftover food for homeless shelters to working with the make a wish foundation to bring kids to practices and games. big blue supports the folks who support them. they certainly earned the respect of folks like ray ray odineyro is here. he's one of our greatest soldiers because this team is always there for the men and women in uniform. a giants tradition that goes back to world war ii. wellington stefshed in the united states navy. so there's a long tradition. these guys have made it clear no matter who you root for on
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sundays, if you're a veteran, the giants are your team. they never forget the men and women who risk everything to protect our freedom. and i especially want to thank and congratulate coach coughling on he having the army's outstanding civilian service award. that's a great honor. by the way, we have some wound warriors here today. let's give nem all a round of applause. >> this is a reminder of how important sports and football can be, but it's a reminder of how important things are other
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than football. they did it not just on sunday but every week. so again, i want to congratulate the new york giants. good luck this season. looks like we've got somebody singing for you. that's how happy everybody is. give the new york giants a big round of applause. >> giants won the last election year, 2008 as well that's nice to see on a friday that happening. a little light news. it's so much serious stuff all the time. moving on now, we have a lot more coming up. so make sure you watch. >> act now or expect civil war. as world powers meet about syria, u.n. teams get closer to scenes of death. plus they're called swatters.
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sophisticated prank callers, targeting conservative bloggers. now new calls for the obama administration to investigate. and doctors operate on the wrong body parts? even the wrong parts. >> they messed up and did this one and then did this one. >> you're about to hear some shocking mistakes inside the hospital.
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>> i really want you to listen to .this story. it's an ugly prank. there's a way someone can call 911 and make it look like it's coming from your house. next thing you know there's armed police officers at your home. conservative blockers say it's being used to target them. and some law makers are demanding action from the justice department. here's new part of this. senator sax b. chambliss sent eric holder 5 letter saying the use of swatting as an harassment tool is apparently not new, but it's used as a tool targeting political speech appears to be a more recent development. i'm asking you to look into each
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of these cases as well as to determine if any federal laws may have been violated here. eric ericsson is a cnn contributor and he's a victim of swatting. i want dwrou listen to part of the 911 call where someone is claiming to be you, eric. listen. >> i just shot my wife so. >> you shot your wife? >> do you think i can come down there? >> she's dead now. >> you just shot your wife now and she's dead and you don't know where she's located at. >> i know where she's located. >> i'm looking at her. >> what's your phone number, sir? >> i don't know. i guess you're going to have to find out. >> i'm going to shoot someone else soon. >> that's got to be chilling to hear that. >> i get targeted all the time for harassment. this is the first time my wife
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and kids. when the police officer first drove up into the driveway, he said it was an accidental shooting. turns out he actual actually red me from cnn. >> what did you hear? >> it's surreal to hear someone pretending to be me saying i shot my wife and pretending to be me. it's surreal. >> that upset me and i'm not even involved. it's terrible. after that what happened? the police show up? >> the police showed up, they came into the driveway. my sister's family is in town. my wife is doing some dishes. the kids are running outside. my 3-year-old is enamored with the police car. we thought the kids must have done something. the guy .hoes out and he recognized me from being on cnn and was wondering. he said accidental shooting. i didn't know until yesterday
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that it was actually someone who said i shot and killed my wife. >> well, they know who's calling but not really. it says this is eric ericsson's house. because some fraudulent way they got around the system. >> i'm not sure if my address came up or not. he gave it to them for sure. then a second police officer shows up and comes up the driveway with his hand on his gun as my 3-year-old is in his driveway. he keeps his distance behind the trunk of the first police car. come to find out last night there were police around the house as they're investigating. >> when something happens to me even at work, something weird goes on, you say i know who's behind this. do you have your ideas? >> i don't know who did this call, but what's interesting it's happened three times now on the 911 call. and the fact pattern is three of us have written about brit kim berland. after we wrote about them, these
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calls happen 37d. >> there's no concrete evidence. >> i don't actually thit's him. but -- >> so is all over. it's been reported. you' seen it on conservative blogs. there are a number of of people out there. >> well, the fact pattern is it all came about after writing about this individual. someone who, i guess, likes him. decided to do it. which is a real problem that he's apparently got a fan club out there of some odd individuals. but all of us within weeks of writing ability the individual happens. it's the same voice on all the 911 calls. >> i have to reiterate. that's what's out there in the blogosphere that has not been corroborated. do you think it's a bit premature to start claiming it's some sort of liberal plot against conservatives? >> i don't think so. these are the three public ones, but there are other incidents
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following the similar fact patterns. >> you said it's happened before. vk police officers and sometimes s.w. tavmt teams .showing up at your house, sax b. chambliss wants an investigation. are you glad about that? >> i am. the individual who had it happen in new jersey and in los angeles, their police have met dead ends because it's clearly somebody doing it over a voiceover i.p. system. the local police don't have the resources to track it. >> i'm being serious here. not because we can't always be partisan and some of us call it political hacks, right? when something like this happens, is this a call for
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people to understand that politics can sometimes, depending on the rhetoric and civility can be life or death situations when it shouldn't be. just because i disagree with you politically doesn't mean i should call police. should we tone down the rhetoric and become more civil? should there be more civility and realize hey, listen, it's just politics at the end of the day. nobody died. stop it. >> yes and no. political rhetoric is always going to be heat popped. >> there's difference between heated political rhetoric and putting someone's life on the line. >> it shouldn't happen here. >> we should be a bit more careful. come on, eric, don't you think? i'm talking about liberals and conservatives. most people are somewhere in the middle. you're very conservative. don't you agree? and there are people on the left who are very liberal. most americans are somewhere in
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the middle. >> it's not an issue of where you are on the political spectrum. the other guy, you may disagree with them but rushdn't try to send a s.w.a.t. team to their house. >> and they have issues beyond politics. >> you can hear it with the voice, this person has somish shoo shoes. >> my thoughts are with your family. i'm glad you guys are okay. six states, at least 14 cases. a deadly e. coli strain breaking out across the south. crews are hunting down the source before it spirals out of control. it's scary stuff. you're going to hear from the cdc and how it's racing to control it. coming pup ons on your tablet. isn't it time the automobile advanced? introducing cue in the all-new cadillac xts.
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they know what it can do. it has killed this toddler last month. she was from new orleans. but they do not know how people are getting it. how sick are the other 13 people? soo. >> some of them have been hospitalized and some of them haven't. and so it really depends to a large degree on age. that toddler who we just saw, older people, they're much more vulnerable to the effects of this bacteria. now, what's interesting is that for these sick people, they took a strain of the bacteria that they had and they put it under a microscope and they saw an identical molecular fingerprint. so what that means is they're linked. there's likely some common source and they just don't know what it is right now. >> linked but do they know where this particular bacteria is coming from. >> they don't. and what they need to do is serious detective work so an
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especially deemologist will sit down with each person and say what did you eat, when did you eat, where did you buy this? did they all get the same kind of beef? did they all eat the same kind of produce. did they shop at the same chain of stores since these are spread out across six states. we just don't know. >> six states, 14 cases. we said louisiana, alabama, georgia. two states that we don't know. two more states. and we're told it's six but they won't tell us what the other two states are yet. and this warning, they were talking about 11 cases. now they're talking about 14. i mean, we're suspecting this number is going to go up before it goes down. >> you always talk about being an empowered patient. before you become a patient of this, what do you do? >> there's certain nings you can do, cooking your hamburger until it's immediate yul. also washing your produce. you should always be washing your hands before you cook.
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i can't say don't eat this, because we don't know what this is. >> as my mom said, cleanliness is next to godliness. >> and she's right. it can save lives. >> if it's a child or older person, if someone has diarrhea, fever, the other signs of e e. coli, get yourself checked out. chances are it's just a virus. but especially if you see blood in diarrhea, that's a huge, huge problem. you definitely want to go get that checked out. >> this is a hot button issue with many sides. how to keep undocumented immigrants out and what to do with the ones already here. for a new special on how to fix the problem, fareed zakaria sat down with mayor michael bloomberg who had strong words about the fight. >> if you look at the undocumented immigrants, i'll immigrants, call them what you
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will, whatle lessons have you drawn? >> they have a very low crime rate. they're scared to death they're going to get arrested and deported. >> michael bloomberg has a unique perspective on the situation. as a chief executive on a city with an estimated half after million undocumented residents. >> up documented are not unemployed. they take jobs. they may be in the cash economy off the books, but they work. america is not a place to come put your feet up and take welfare. it's a very competitive place. if that's what you want to do, you should stay home wherever home is. >> bloomberg says the undocumented don't use public schools because they usually leave their kids in their home country enthey don't use health care much because they tend to be young and healthy and he notes about 75% of new york city's undocumented immigrants pay taxes. >> employers withhold and then the government said well, this guy didn't earn enough so we have to send a refund.
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to where? the documentation doesn't exist or is fraudulent. >> that certainly defies conventional wisdom. >> make sure you watch the special, the gps road map for making immigration work sunday night, 8:00 eastern only on sunday cnn. act now or expect civil war as world powers meet about syria, u.n. teams get closer to scenes of death. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours.
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the plan. >> jill doughty, what have we learned about the meeting with secretary of state hillary clinton? >> what they talked about is this so-called contact group. don't worry about the words. just think about what they're trying to do. nothing is happening at the united nations because these countries can veto and it gets very, very complicated. what they want to do is in effect take it offline. they would try to work on the idea of the political transition. even though they say they want the violence to stop, many countries, russia included said if assad is out, it's going to get worse. kofi annan's idea and discussing with clinton is you lay out how
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it would be, what could happen to make it better? if assad, and it's a big if, were to step aside, that's the plan, he steps aside, there's a transitional government that comes in, then they move to elections, then they move to democracy. and it sounds almost like a pipe dream at this point, but the idea is, put this out there, and maybe some of the people who support assad who think that it's going to be game over if he's gone would be able to see some possibility. it's a long shot, but at this point, don, it's about all they've got. >> all right, jill dougherty, we appreciate it. so listen up, just a short time ago, the president said the private sector is doing just fine. this is for people in the social media saying wait a minute, the president said more than that. the republicans have already pounced. we know that. and you guessed it, the president has just responded. so now here's his response to the response coming up next. tap... pinch...
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>> you heard the president this morning say the private sector is doing fine. republicans bounced on that saying wait a minute, what's he talking about? we had someone on from "the wall street journal" saying the president misspoke. the president said he didn't misspeak and he has a response to their response. let's listen to it. >> the there are too many people
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out of work, the housing market is still weak and too many homes underwater. and that's precisely why i asked congress to start taking some stepping that can make a difference. now, i think if you look at what i said this morning and what i've been saying consistently over the last year, we've actually seen some good momentum in the private sector. >> stay tuned fsh the response to the response to the response. why do people get so bent out of shape about politics? let's go to shannon travis at the conservative political action committee gathering at suburban chicago. so shannon, it's been a big day for rick santorum there. >> that's right. it's been a big day. he's emerged from a little bit of a private stretch out of the public eye. but he made some news. he announced the political action committee where he's
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going to promote some of his pet issues. but he had an interview with a local radio station here in chicago, just outside of chicago, wls, and he talked about mitt romney, holding mitt rom dmee's feet to the fire on conservative issues. obviously you know that rick an store rum has stressed that being staunchly conservative is the way to win in this 2012 election. sop that raised a few eye crows that he would say he needs to hold mitt romney's feet to the fire on conservatism. he eveid he's going to campaign for him. here at the cpac conference, there's going to be cpac straw poll. i have it right here in my hand. take a look at the very first name. senator kelly. and it's a little bit of a misspelling aynotte. i suspect they mean kelly
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ayotte. >> who el has a similar name. shannon travis, thank you very much. i say people get out of shape about republicans, i mean democrats and republicans. >> a marine down on the battlefield. do shoulders leave him there or risk their own lives to save him, knowing the grenade will probably explode. you're about to hear what happened in a fascinating cnn report.
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o. s doctors race to remove a grenade stuck in a soldier's legs. this shows perez on a gurney and navy nurses fighting to pull out the foot-long live grenade. he's at risk of blowing up at any opinion. and so is anyone around him. but finally luckily, they manage to safely remove the grenade. and during all of this, corp rap perez maintained his high spirits. barbara star sat down and spoke with perez. >> you know, it is -- what can you say, your jaw just drops. you hear so many stories of courage and valor on the battlefield. this young man hit by a foot
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long live rocket-propelled grenade embedded from his left thigh into his back, basically suffering immediate life threatening injuries. yet his own marines, knowing it's a love munition in him, pick him up off the battlefield. the medevac helicopter crew knowing it could blow up on him at any minute transport him to a field popt hospital. that navy nurse and eod explosive specialist lean over him knowing at any minute could all blow up. we finally were able to sit down with corporal perez, talk to him about it and hear firsthand about his experience. i want you to have a listen. >> i was hit, my boys knew exactly what to do. and they came down. no hesitation, no nothing.
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they picked me up, got me to safety. i tried to call in my own med evac. the rpg struck the battery in my radio. >> so, you know, this 23-year-old young marine tried to even call in his own medevac. this happened in january, but the video has just emerged in the last few days. and we were finally able to sit down and talk to him. yesterday he had his final surgery. and believe me, when i opened the e-mail this morning and saw a note that he was doing okay, i couldn't believe it. that's what being 23 years old is about. you're having surgery and you're still on your e-mail account. this young man is truly remarkable and the others who were with him were going to bring everybody his full story this weekend on sanjay gupta's show, 4:30 in the amp on saturday and 7:30 sunday morning. >> the epitome of what heroes are right there. thank you very much, barbara starr, appreciate it.
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>> for answers for your financial questions, what do you have? >> they there, thanks for joining pups today on the help desk, we were talking about student loans. joining me to explain all of it is a personal finance author we got this question on the street from someone who just garagite yaitded. >> i'm a teacher and i have quite a bit of student loan debt. what programs are available to help me pay down that debt. >> how much debt do you have? >> quite a bit. enough to buy a bmw. >> let's say he has $30,000, $50,000 in student loan debts. what's your advice? >> depending on the type of school or institution he's working for, there may be programs there they may forgive some of the debt. but if that's. >> not the case, he should probably focus on paying the
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highest interest debt. many of those debts may be tax deductible as well as at a fairly low interest rate. so if he sets up a repayment schedule that's reasonable, he should be able to pay that off. >> and the highest interest first, obviously. a lot of student debt isn't forgivable even through bankruptcy. >> it doesn't matter if you have private loans or federal loans you can't discharge that through bankruptcy court. another strategy is to for the 6 lowest repayment plan. pick the income based repayment option and you can pay 15% of your discretionary income. >> he's a teacher and not making that much money, but if you want us to talkle a 30-second video to >> poppy harlow, thank you very
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this is a triple shocker. the horse favored to take horse racing's rarest honor is out of the belmont stakes. >> don, a stunner at the track. i'll have another, first withdrawn from the belmont on the cusp of racing glory. and then retired. he was walked before media cameras. his trainer, doug o'neill saying it was an injury to the left tendon, the onset of tendonitis.
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>> it's just a freakish thing. he has been showing a lit bit of a -- you know, he's been a little quiet the last few days of galloping, but his legs have been great. he galloped great, but in the afternoon we noticed some loss of definition in his left front leg. >> i'll have another will be on the track moments before the belmont stakes but he'll be in the post parade with the jockey, walking the contenders that he won't face to the gate for this historic race, now diminished by the withdrawn of the triple crown contender. >> now that's a report. just the facts. appreciate it. doctors operating on the wrong body parts, even the wrong patients. you're about to hear some shocking mistakes inside the hospital.
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so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? >> you go to hospital to get better, right? but each year, more than 250,000 people a year died from medical errors and many others have to live with the aftermath of medical mistakes. our elizabeth cohen has been dig into the problem here's her excerpt from 25 medical mistakes. >> jesse matlock has a wondering right eye. the 3-year-old needs surgery to have it fantasticed. he goes into the operation and the surgeon cuts into the left eye instead of the right. >> my husband and i were in awe. can you repeat that again?
12:59 pm
she said frankly, i lost sense of direction. >> they messed up and did this eye and then did this eye. >> surgeons are supposed to initial or mark the correct side like they did with jesse. but here's one way they can still get confused. >> we place drapes over the entire area to make it sterile. mistakes can be made rarely when you have draping that obscures the mark. >> reporter: in the u.s., seven patients every day suffer body part mix-ups. just before surgery, make sure you confirm with the nurse and the surgeon the correct body part and side of your operation. and don't be shy about doing it. >> what the? how is he doing? >> his vision is still impaired in the good eye, the one that shouldn't be impaired, but his parent says he's beginning to adjust, it's getting is better. >> and it happens all the time. first we're going to hearn't a the issues and the we're going to
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