tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 8, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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i don't know about a little phil collins before a big game. i may try that, you know, before a big meeting with congress. >> congratulations, new yorkers. that's the way it goes. my guys lost. see you next year. >> say again? >> congratulations. they won the game fair and square and kicked their butts. have a great weekend, mary. you have a safe and great weekend. see you back on monday. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. president obama blames congress for joblessness in america. do his numbers add up? a heart-breaking decision. i'll have another pulled out of the belmont stakes just a day before his chance it to make history with a triple crown. i was at the belmont today. federal investigators zero in on a specific type of drug that may be responsible for zombie-like attacks, a new report, let's go "outfront."
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good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight is the economy, stupid. in a surprise news conference today the president blamed congress for keeping americans out of work. >> they left most of the jobs plan just sitting there, and in light of the head winds that we're facing right now, i urged them to reconsider because there are steps to take right now to put more people back to work. >> the president is angry that congress has not passed his jobs bill, which sat on the shelf since last fall. part of it did pass. the payroll tax cut extension and long-term unemployment insurance, but the president wants to pass the rest immediately and the price tag is $297 billion. his bill summary, which we obtained from the white house, says that money will go to things like preventing teacher layoffs, modernizing schools, building science labs for a total of $297 billion.
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does spending more at up? we did the math on how much money taxpayers have spent on stimulus since it began in 2008 under george w. bush. the first stimulus bill, this was president obama's in the spring of 2009, $840 billion, and $185 billion and the payroll tax cut extension $93 billion, 69 billion had not been paid back and ben bernanke tag, $3.8 trillion. if you add in the $297 billion the cost would be $3.8 trillion. $3.8 trillion. that is a stunning and shocking number, and here we are almost four years exactly after the financial crisis began. according to research first
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b.t.i.g. america has 735,000 fewer jobs than at the peak in 2007. of course, that's just an absolute number. there are more people at working age now, so the hole is significantly bigger than. we're borrowing money now turn it around or is this a case of diminishing returns? 100 billion, 300 billion, and then 3.8 trillion, throwing more money at a problem may or may not help fix it. "outfront" is robert reich and dan mitchell senior fellow at the kato institute. dan, i want to make it clear that given the timing of the financial crisis, most of that money was spent under barack obama, but george bush started it with the t.a.r.p. plan and before the crisis began he did a stimulus plan earlier that year. this is a bipartisan stimulus spending environment, and i'm wondering whether you think it's worth do it anymore? >> i agree with you completely. bush was a big spender,
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interventionist and obama is a big spender. but it's not a question of diminishing returns, it's negative returns. the economics didn't work for hoover and roosevelt in the '30s and jap naaan in the '90s. we should copy countries like singapore and hong kong and switzerland that keep government spending under control. more resources in the productive sector of the economy is the key to long-run sustainable growth. >> should we spend more right now? if you were in the camp to get more money earlier, if you didn't get it, does it make sense to put a few hundred billion here, or that piecemeal way going to do it. >> as long as the private sector continues to hold back in terms of hiring and utilizing resources, as long as we continue to have high unemployment, the question is where the boost going to come from, the growth going to come
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from? unfortunately or fortunately we only have one force left to actually boost the economy and that's called government. over the long term dan is wriri. just like we came coming out of the great depression in the program and i'm not an advocate. that much utilized capacity and unemployme unemployment. >> we're so worried about indebtedness in this country and they batten doubt the hatches even more to open them up. >> the dominant philosophy even though you have high employment and a lot of capacity not used that has got things worse in europe. that means a deeper recession
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and fewer people working and fewer revenues in the government or whether you embrace -- i don't care whether you call it cainism or cottage cheese. it doesn't matter. at least immediately in the short term it has to come from government. i think the president is saying and what he said today is congress, i'm not asking for the moon. i'm asking for common sense, targeted things we need to do with regard to the mortgage crisis that goes on, with with regard to providing tax breaks for businesses that hire people and with regard to simply he creating an environment that is more conducive because of enough stimulus in the economy to get things going. >> dan, i mean specally you can go through these stimulus packages, democrat or republican and make fun of the specific line items and laugh at them. there is a serious point that robert is making, right? when you look at the gap we have in this country, their estimates
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very rational ones that 35% to 45% of the budget gap is because of revenue. you get more people working you get more reeve new. that might make the argument to get people working and get the revenue. >> the question is what gives you so-called stimulus? i don't think that government borrowing aa bunch of money out of the private sector and spending it on a bunch of cronies of the administration is a recipe for growth. robert talked about europe, sxing europe is very instructurive. there's a giant difference between public sector austerity and private sector austerity. in countries like france and england and greece and italy, they're raising taxes. they're squeezing the private sector for their quote-unquote awe te austeri austerity. astonia cut government spending and not the make-believe way you cut spending in washington, in astonia in 2009 and 2010, government was actually smaller. there are now growing.
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a big feature in the news about how they're prospering even though they have the euro like greece. the lesson from europe is high taxes, that's the wrong kind of austerity. less government spending, that is the recipe for freeing up resources for the productive sector of the economy. >> thanks to both of you. i only have to hit pause there, but please, everyone, we'll have them back and let us know what you think. we know you feel strongly and not about the same things on that issue. still "outfront," who will be mitt romney's right-hand man. it does appear most likely it will be aman, but who knows. vp poll, we'll tell you who won. an exclusive look at how americans feel about the controversial new immigration law. the results are shocking to many. have federal agents found the drug that's responsible for the string of flesh-eating attacks. we have more information for you tonight. [ male announcer ] this is the at&t network...
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a living breathing intelligence bringing people together to bring new ideas to life. look. it's so simple. [ male announcer ] in here, the right minds from inside and outside the company come together to work on an idea. adding to it from the road, improving it in the cloud all in real time. good idea. ♪ it's the at&t network -- providing new ways to work together, so business works better. ♪
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really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein... ensure! nutrition in charge! our second story "outfront," the vp pageant. a parade of potential romney vps took center stage in illinois. here there are. >> barack obama's leadership is driving this business, the united states of america towards a fiscal cliff. >> we can't afford another four
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more years of this administration. >> let's look at the record. 40 months of unemployment over 8.1%. that may be the best that barack obama can do, but that is not the best that america can do. >> a new poll out from the conservative political action conference shows here it is, drum roll, florida senator marco rubio is the favored vp pick with 30% of the vote. chris christie was second with 14%, rand paul came in as you can see fourth, paul ryan was third at 9%. other notables mentioned are ohio senator rob portman, south dakota's john thune and tim pawlenty. they didn't make the list there for those that voted. that conservative caucus tends to go very conservative. it's the big question isn't who mitt romney will choose but when. "outfront" tomorrow. roll land, everyone is making their choice and they wait until
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the conventions. what's the strategy here? you get a lot of benefit from the speculation game, but when is the right moment to make the dhois? >> the right moment is exactly when they choose it right before the convention, because again, the more time you give folks in the media, that means a lot more stories, a lot more drama. you want to shrink the window, if you will. so the thing about this poll, first of all, what we didn't say, 520 people voted. that's a huge number of folks voting on this choice. look at the people at the bottom, those are the people mitt romney is likely to consider versus those at the top of this actual vote. >> ann, are you surprised? marco rubio is obviously a favorite of conservatives, rick santorum and others on the list. chris christie has the most liberal gun laws in the country. he's considered a liberal by a lot of conservatives. >> he is, but he is also a great name for republicans. he's a fun guy.
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he says things as it is. he has that new jersey brashness, if you will. i think i'm not surprised by the result of marco rubio. this is not a people's choice award. it's mitt romney's choice, but these cpac polls have a dear place in his heart. he won the cpac poll back when it was held when it was still in the primaries. i think marco rubio would be a great choice. i think all of those guys on there. he really has a deep bench of great candidates to choose from for vice president. i think, you know, folks like rob portman came in low because they don't have as much name i.d. certainly mitt romney knows them. he's a solid choice, as is tim pawlenty. somebody like rob portman does not have the name i.d. in front of a cpac crowd. >> mitt romney did win the cpac vote in february. i was there for it. trust me, when his name was mentioned it's not like the room was enthusiastic. this is a very conservative crowd here. if you're mitt romney, you
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really want a candidate who can do no harm. frankly, i think out of all the people on here and portman is getting all the attention, i think bock b mcdonald is closer terms of what mitt romney may need, governor from virginia. the story he can tell, i think so much heat has been on portman. i think a lot may go towards mcdonald once the choice is made. >> three of those guys are from very important swing states. >> of course. >> rob portman from ohio, marco rubio is from florida and mcdonald is from virginia. i think the geography may be a factor in this one. >> roland, what about chris christie, though? he's been tireless campaigning on mitt romney's behalf and endorsed him really early. god, the guy's a fighter. he'd be a good debate there. >> first of all, a lot of us in the media love governor chris christie because he's a walking, talking sound bite.
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he would throw a punch at somebody if he could. one of the issues you have to ask yourself, if you get chris christie, what dpu get with athat? >> you have charismatic guy with christie and dry, dull mitt romney. do you want to be in a position where your vp nominee could overshadow you? we know how it went last time for the republicans. it didn't go well. i think mr. boring will choose somebody equally boring. >> you have to admit, though, the thought of biden/christie debate is entertaining and amusing, just the thought of it. >> ain't nobody voting for the vice president, they're voting for the presidential race. >> this is a good one. thanks to both of you, and they'll be back. next, a showdown at the o.k. core ral. we go to tombstone, arizona where there's a fight over one of the most appreciate items on planet. there will not be a triple crown winner this year. just a day before the belmont
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the old west town of tombstone, arizona is again the site of a fierce feud. on one side of the city, on the other the federal government. the two are in a fight over one of the most precious and fought-over commodities on earth, water. we sent martin savidge in the arizona wilderness to find out who will win the water war. >> come on, now. not what i want. >> tombstone loves a good showdown. at the o.k. corral there's one twice a day. each day they come to a town that is the old west. since the 1880s it survived gun slingers, mines that went bust and the desert. but tombstone may have met its match. we're at war with the u.s. forest service. >> it starts with a pipeline that brings water to town. >> the waterline here is pretty long. it runs literally about 26 miles
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from the city of tombstone across to the mountains. >> fires and floods have knocked out the pipes before. what's the problem now? >> well, what's up happened since is the existence of the wilderness act and the national forest. >> in 1984 congress declared the national forest around tombstone springs a federally protected wilderness, preserving it for future generations letting nature take its course and banning anything mechanical. and i mean anything. so it's true that a wheel barrow would be prohibited under the wilderness act? >> correct. >> which made kevin's job of fixing the water system difficult. >> we walk in. we walk in and carry picks and shovels and the materials are up on our shoulders. we access it on foot now. >> it's tough going. you can understand why this seems to be the intersection of bureaucracy and common sense. >> correct.
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>> and that has people scratching their heads? >> right. >> and i say that i don't like bureaucracy and i like to think that i use common sense, but in this case i have to make sure that we comply with the laws and regulations. >> after a few months the forest service relented and let in the machines and people needed to get the water flows again. sx and it is. it rumbles through that. but tombstone wants to do more work that could take years the forest service is willing to consider after it sees the plans and completes the necessary studies. tombstone says it can't afford to wait and shouldn't have to. it filed a lawsuit against the national forest service. tombstone doesn't have the water it needs to protect citizens. >> meanwhile the showdown is popular with some across the country who send the town their support in the form of shovels. >> martin is -- where are you
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right now? you're not near a road or anything. tell me what you are and how long it took you to get there, martin. >> reporter: we're up in the mountains, which are actually outside of tombstone 26 miles away from the city. it was a two-mile hike it to get here up very steep terrain and took over an hour. this is the source of water for tombstone, behind us one of the springs and there is a work crew here. they're coming to the end of the day. it's part protest and part work crew, and they were using only picks and shovels trying to protect the spring. they fear that next month the monsoons could damage them so they're trying to reinforce them. they hope to continue athat protest and work together. >> how about shovels? why not drill well s >> reporter: that's a good question. in tombstone it costs about $1 million to drill a well, and the problem around is here arsenic. two wells are contaminated with
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arsenic. they can't afford to spend a million bucks and run into a well with arsenic. this is the most affordable choice they have. >> reporting from arizona where a lot of out of state volunteers are digging for water. still "outfront" hopes of i'll have another's triple crown is over. the horse was forced to withdraw from the belmont. the horse's owner tells me how he made that heart-breaking decision. do americans think police should stop suspicious people and check their immigration stat status? we have a poll here at cnn, and it could influence federal law. that's next. - ♪ ai, ai, ai - ♪ bum-bum - ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum - ♪ [ ice rattles rhythmically ] ♪ bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum ♪ ♪ [ imitates guitar noise ] ♪ [ vocalizing up-tempo heavy metal song ] ♪ [ vocalizing continues ] ♪ [ all singing ] the redesigned, 8-passenger pilot. smarter thinking. from honda.
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront" on a friday. we start the second half with stories we care about where we if focus on our own reporting from the front lines. we have breaking news tonight. attorney general eric holder is assigning two attorneys to investigate possible leaks of classified information. the attorneys will direct investigations being conducted by the fbi. earlier today the president denied the leaks of state secrets that came from the white house calling the idea offensive. washington became concerned about leaks when classified
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details about a u.s. cyber attack targeting iran were published in a new book. an e kocoli outbreak is in georgia, alabama, florida and tennessee. officials don't know the source of the outbreak but our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen says investigators are focusing on items like meat and produce. according to the cdc people got sick in april. the most recent case was june 4th. the controversial stand your ground laws are going to be reviewed by a government panel to see if they are biased against minorities. the stand your ground law has been linked to george zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who shot and killed trayvon martin. they say they need to know whether all other factors being equal the race of the victim or the perpetrator plays a role in determining the application of these laws. this is significant because 24 states in this country have some form of stand your ground law.
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18 victims of child pornography were rescued in nationwide raids. it was dubbed operation orion. they arrested 190 people for distributing, receiving and producing child pornography. suspects were arrested in 33 states and puerto rico. in a statement obtained by "outfront," immigrations and custom enforcement director warned parents about monitoring their children's internet use saying many child exploitation cases in the operation began with child or teens chatting with people they met online. it's been 309 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? so far bad news today. they said you're not going it back yet. they affirmed our aa plus rating and say we could be in line for another downgrade. > now our fourth story front. i'll have another is owl of the belmont.
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he was the first to win the derby and preeken and scratch out of the belmont. i was at the racetrack today when the news weas broken. attendance an the race tomorrow could be cut in half. i talked to i'll have another's owner and asked him about the day. >> i probably tonight -- well, wait a minute. we're supposed to be getting ready for the belmont. horse racing is a very tough game in that, you know, horses are very delicate creatures, and things can happen to them. unfortunately, fate decided today was the day for i'll have another to end his career. >> how hard was it to make that decision? you're so close to something that's been so elusive? >> making the decision itself was actually easy, because when doug o'neill and i were talking,
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he said that the horse -- he seemed to have a little heat in his leg. he didn't think it was anything. he might have wrapped it, which horses sometimes do which is nothing. it's just a skin, and so they said, well, maybe have the vet look at it. i was thinking that. it will cause such a hoopla if i have the vet come over here. so what? if there's a hoopla and the vet comes over and says the horse is 100%, you did the right thing anyway. he said, okay, that make sense to me. he called vet and called fwhbacn an hour. i can't repeat what he said, because he was swearing. it was unbelievable. he said, paul, he's got the start of a possible tendon, and you know, we could run him but, you know, that might not be the best thing. i said, doug, you're absolutely right. horses, when they have tendons, you can rest them. it's not a bow tendon, but he's
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got a lesion basically, and you know we wouldn't want to make that worse or risk his health or the jockey's health. really, you can give a horse a year off and hope they come back from that, but my experience is they never come back at the level they were. just fate says today was the day. >> you feel like you did the right thing, but do you have a part of that said, this was like 1978 was the last triple crown winner. the last time somebody won two and dropped out was 1936. in your heart it's got to be hard. >> in my heart i was very confident in the horse for tomorrow. he'd been training with very good energy. before the preakness i was really nervous before that race thinking this is the tough one to get over, the preakness. belmont, the way he runs and his pedigree said he would relish the mile and a half. doug got him in great cardiovascular condition, so we were congratulating ourselves
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yesterday afternoon that we made it. he doesn't need serious exercise and we're ready to go and he's 100% there. that came out of nowhere. >> i was talking to seattle slew's trainer, and i said why haven't we had a triple crown winner since the aedz'70s? he think it's because they train them hard when they're young to sell them. maybe it damages the hours and they're more frail and get injured when they're 3-year-olds because they race so hard when they were younger. is that true of a form that could change in the industry? >> when you take a very young horse and exercise them very hard, it's possible some would be injured from that, and others would be hardened from that. in his own case this horse was probably the soundest horse i've ever owned. i don't think that had anything to do with i'll have another. as a breed their roroughbreds a
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more fragile now than 30 years ago. >> is there anything done to change them? you love horses. it's got to be something you think a lot about. >> well, i think that if you're going to change anything with the racing, slow the surfaces down sometimes. a lot of it is in the pedigrees and being bred for speed versus stamina. there's lots of horses that go throughout their whole career and don't get hurt. >> right. did you feel at all -- obviously, i'll have another has no allegations of doping. his trainer, though, has with other horses, and he's got ongoing cases. was that something that affected your decision? you didn't want to risk it at all because -- >> nothing to do with that. he was exonerated from the milk shaking, and their trainer insurer is responsible for the horse. he'll fight that, i suppose. doug has been really great with our horses, and i'm very proud
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of him. >> and he had to run off and see one of his other horses race. seattle slew's trainer was there today. i talked to him. seattle slew's trainer is the only living trainer to train a triple crown winner. he had tough words for the horse racing industry about what happened today. that's coming up. now this country and immigration. a new cnn poll out today showed that 75% of americans support arizona's controversial law that allows police to top and check the immigration status of people that they believe are suspicious. the law, which was passed in 2010, became a lightning rod in the national debate over immigration. the obama administration sued and successfully blocked portions of it saying the state was overreaching federal law. five states in addition to arizona have similar laws on the books, and the case is current fli front of the supreme court. a decision is expected later this month. just the stats. there are more than 11 million immigrants in the united states. they make up 5% of the work force, according to the pugh
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hispanic research center. the latino vote is a key factor in the upcoming presidential election. we're going to break this down. so this is really interesting. it caught my attention, paul, first thing this morning. 75% of americans support the law. it's borne out in other polls. this is not an aberration. does public opinion end up influencing the judicial system over time? >> that's been a great argument that's among political scientists as to whether that's the case or not. alexander hamilton has the sworld nor the power of the purse. they have to rely on public opinion to enforce their decisions. if you look back over supreme court decisions, they tend to be similar and in line with public opinion mostly. but sometimes the court moves slightly ahead of public opinion, as they did in abortion and school desegregation and some other monumental areas. it doesn't line up perfectly at
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all times. >> it is interesting. poll after poll shows this. >> this poll is fascinating in particular. if you look at the support, 62% of nonwhites support arizona's controversial immigration law. >> 62% of nonwhites? >> correct. >> 56% of democrats, so all the outcry that was incredibly pronounced especially among the activist community doesn't reflect american opinion, even in the groups they allegedly represent. so it is very, very striking with regard to this particular law, and i think as people make a distinction between immigration and illegal immigration. one of the ironies is that border crossings are down under the obama administration in part because of increased enforcement. >> also to make it clear, the whole point of this law and obviously the worry that people don't have is racial profiling. i don't look at you and think you're suspicious as an illegal immigrant. you're being arrested or detained for sglts, a crime, and then they can ask ut question? >> absolutely. this argument by the way a lot of people were surprised when the obama justice department was
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arguing this before the supreme court. they didn't even focus on racial profiling and say that that was a big problem. a lot of people said, that's where the strength of their argument is. that this would discriminate against hispanics. they just said it's federal, not state. we should be enforcing immigration laws, not local localities. >> the reason they didn't press that point is that point had been explicitly taken out of the law. this is part of problem. politics is perception, but sometimes when a hot button issue gets really pumped up by an activist community, we have a heated debate about perception rather than facts. one of the things about this poll and other polls like it is they state what the law does, not what people are afraid the law would do. >> right. what's been the view here in other states? they're not the only ones doing this. we had alabama and other states out there trying to do similar sorts of things. >> absolutely. it's an expression of broad frustration of the fact we still don't have control of the
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borders. this is an issues that predates the obama administration. this is a long-standing issue. the obama administration has beefed up security significantly. part of the reason folks don't cross as much is because of the economy, but also because we increased the barriers to entry. in some cases walls and also agents. there's a policy success story here. >> there are at least five other states that have laws on the books that have been upheld by the supreme court. arizona had a law basically requiring and punishing employers who employ illegal aliens, and those provisions have been upheld. similar laws exist in other states and have been upheld. you know, i think we're not talking about the one thing important with the poll. it's the perception of the economy as well. i mean, i think there's a pessimism out there about the economy, and whenever that happens, illegal immigrants get to be the focus of public opinion. if the economy heats up and nobody cares about getting a job, this will fade. >> how do you think what the verdict of the supreme court will be?
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obviously elena kagan recused herself because she worked for the administration to lobby for it. >> you have a court essentially equally split with a swing vote in the middle. when she disqualifies herself, the conservatives that support the law are most likely going to prevail. i will say one other thing. sonia was hostile during the argument saying a lot of your arguments don't hold water. i have a feeling the court will upheld the arizona law. >> i love hearing that about her. no matter what side you're on, everyone makes a point that she's doing what the right law is and not what people think her politics more and that's what people want out of the supreme court. >> her point there's not an idea that partisanship determines their judgment. >> thanks so much. "outfront" next, investigators may have found the drug to blame for the string of zombie-like attacks. the only living trainer of a host that won the triple crown. he was helping to train i'll
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today president obama urged europe to fix its economies. it's for everyone's best interest for greece to stay in the euro. i came up with ways for america to help greece out and sovm the economic crisis. here's a suggestion. you could buy greek olive oim. i buy olive oil by helping out countries and look at this. grocery story, two kind of greek olive oil available right now. >> some of you on twitter gave me a hard time. you didn't believe me and you were mad. it's true. olives are a crucial commodity, not just for greece but italy and spain. about 70% of the world's olive oil comes from these three countries. it's incredible. there's a big problem. there's an olive oil glut causing prices to fall. they're now at a decade low. in fact, prices are so low that the european union has had to step in and take some supply out of the market. it's paying for 100,000 tons of olive oil to be stored for 180
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days. it's the third time they had to do this in eight months, which bringing me to the number tonight 1.1 million, as p in tons. that's the forecasted size of the olive oil glut. to give you an idea how big that is, it's a equivalent of a third of global annual olive oil consumption. i use a lot of it, so i get a sense that's big. for those of you that doubt american kansas city make a difference when it comes to olive oil, let me say this. the head of the international olive council was quoted by the olive oil times -- there is an olive oil times, and there's a website. they say, quote, the u.s. has been for many years the driver of the olive oil sector. thanks to the u.s. the sector has grown without drowning in a sea of olives. fl you go. proved my point. go buy the greek olive oil. now our outer circle where we reach out to sources around the world. we go to austria where they reported no progress in nuclear
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talks in iran. china came out with a at the same time urgingen to refrain from actions to oppose the use of force in iran. matthew chance was following the story. i skwed how influential china and russia are. >> it's not the unflinching response for them. most countries are worried about iran's achieving nuclear weapons. china's president call odd rye ran to be flexible and pragmatic during nuclear talks. bo they want to avoid military intervention in iran. they have deep economic interests at stake, and they don't want to see their billions of dollars worth of contract put at risk. erin. >> all right. thanks very much. our fifth story "outfront." drug enforcement officials zero in tonight on a drug called cloud nine. as the brand of bath salt that
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could, i emphasize could because we don't know yet, be behind cannib cannibalistic behavior in attacks. this was in miami last month when rudy pinned down a homeless man and chewed off homeless man off his case. and to a separate case. he mashed his teeth and tried to bite the officer while under the influence of a cocktail of drugs, including cloud nine. what exactly is cloud nine? so out front with the poison control center. good to see you, doctor. i appreciate you taking the time. can you just explain what is cloud nine. >> cloud nine is just really one of the number of types of bath salts that are available out there. they go by names like white rush, white lightning, ivory wave. all contain mdpv, methadone and -- cloud nine is unique in
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the sense it's been indicated in a number of deaths across the country and recently possibly implicated in miami. >> how do they get the names? white flash, cloud nine. is this referred to the euphoria that you get when you take them, or am i reading too much into it? >> no, i mean, i think that's a great idea. it's a great question. with synthetic marijuana, they have k2 spice that refer to the second highest mountain peak. when it comes to the bath salt products, a lot is meant to convey the sense that you really want to be on the drug. white rush, white lightning, hurricane charlie. it's very attractive for young people looking for pizazz and excitement in their life. >> so you're talking about the key ingredients in the various bath salts. is there something in cloud nine not in other bath salts that makes it worse or different? >> historically cloud nine has contained mdp. as that chemical has become
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illegal across certain states, you know, all the drug dealers have to do is add a molecule here or a molecule there and you have a drug that's now legal and that they hadn't tested for safety or efficacy. on top of that, as i always say a general rule of thumb when it comes to street drugs is they're never 100% pure. so there could be a number of contaminants. other chemicals in there that could really affect not only the pharmacology, but how the patients present to the emergency room. it's definitely very scary. >> but there could be an ingredient that caused this cannibalistic behavior that we've seen several behaviors of? >> well, i think probably what we're seeing is that there's probably an ingredient in there, which we don't unfortunately really know yet at this time, but somehow interacts with the chemicals in the brain to increase dope mean, seratonin or neurotransmitters in the brain. people respond differently to the different chemicals. not everybody is insane.
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it could be based on genetics. we don't know why some people behave as cannibals and other people who used the same batch really have no problem at all. and that's part of the problem, is we don't have studies. we don't have trials. a lot of what we know about these products are from the patients that come into the e.r. and that are having adverse effects. >> well, thank you very much. appreciate it. now why so many injuries? allegations of doping dm horse racing. the most accomplished horse trainer alive says -- you'll hear it when you come back. in your car. now count the number of buttons on your tablet. isn't it time the automobile advanced? introducing cue in the all-new cadillac xts. the simplicity of a tablet has come to your car. ♪ the all-new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward.
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well, now that i'll have another has been scratched from tomorrow's race, no horse will win the triple crown this year. there have only been 11 triple crown winners in history. the last in 1978. we're in the midst of the longest triple crown drought in history. 22 horses have won the kentucky derby and the preakness and failed at the belmont since the 1978 affirmed win. when i was at belmont, i spoke with billy turner. he trained the undefeated triple crown winner in 1977, and he was at the belmont helping train
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i'll have another. i asked him about the shocking news and about what does it add up in the big business of horse racing. what's your reaction to today's news? >> real surprised. real surprised. it's a shocking thick. but as a horse trainer, i just know that you can never get too confident. every single day when you go out, in the morning, you go out to look at that horse, you're just hoping that everything looks the same as it did the day before. i think he had a very good chance of doing it. there were three horses in the race that were going to make it a legitimate race. to beat them, he was going to stamp himself as a really good, really good horse. >> why is it in the '70s there was all these triple crown winners. seattle slew, last undefeated, affirmed the year after and that's it. >> seattle slew probably changed
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the game because people learned if you did your home work and went down to training sales, you could buy the best horse in the world. more people that got into the business, and the price of young horses started going up. the people that prepare those horses don't have a dog in the fight. so if they do all kinds of things to do the top dollar, you get a race or two good races, then the problems pop up. >> what's the big reform we should do to change that? >> i think change the whole idea for the training race. the truth is if it stands up, it doesn't work. it's a failed system. >> it doesn't add up. >> it doesn't add up. >> it doesn't add up. something that obviously our monitor for this show. the bottom line of what he was trying to say is back in the day, you would buy a horse, bet on the breeding lines and train the horse and see if you had a
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