tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 9, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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much as i can with this crazy life i've got. but i really try to watch the diet. it makes a difference. and, you know, i'm having a good time in life. i'd like to stay around a little longer. >> we'd like to have you around for a little longer. a lot longer, i should say. >> thank you. >> you look great. you're thinner than i've seen you in a long time, but you feel healthy. >> i feel great. >> i'm glad you're doing what you're doing. >> thank you. >> mr. president, thank you very much. >> thank you, wolf. that does it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues next on cnn. -- captions by vitac -- hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. we're going to start with a story we admit is hard to watch. it involves a man hitting a little boy with a belt, but it raises some very important questions about being a dad, about being a nosey neighbor and
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certainly about fair punishment. nick valencia has more now. nick? >> a local official in california is free on bond this weekend after being charged with felony child abuse. video of imperial valley official anthony sanchez allegedly shows him repeatedly hitting his 10-year-old stepson with a belt during a game of catch in their backyard. a neighbor who shot the video alerted police and after they viewed the pictures, charged sanchez with a felony. sanchez's attorney told cnn his client posted a $100,000 bond on friday, shortly after turning himself in, he was released from imperial county jail. the attorney ryan childers tells cnn that the video is "hard to watch", but he says he does not agree his client's actions warranted the felony charge, which is the most serious child abuse charge available to law enforcement. he called sanchez "a model citizen who has served nearly two terms as the elected director of the influential agency that regulates irrigation in california's imperial valley." cnn's san diego affiliates said
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sanchez is also a little league and soccer coach. the felony abuse charge carries a maximum sentence of six years in state prison. the district attorney says he will review the charge. sanchez has not yet entered a plea. don? >> all right, nick. thank you very much. interestingly enough, this comes just a week out from father's day. let's talk about behavior and discipline now with an expert, wendy walsh, a psychologist. you probably recognize her from "the doctors", she talks about these particular issues as well. i have been saying that there is a distinction between beating and whipping, but in this case, you say it is obvious to you what's going on here? >> it's obvious to me that this doesn't even comply with the law that says well, spanking with an open hand on the buttocks is legal in like 50 states. it gets gray area when you're talking about using a belt or a whip. the question is, is it necessary
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and is it excessive? was the kid misbehaving or having trouble catching a ball? did you really think it would help his catch if you hit him? and how excessive? i think using any kind of weapon on a child is excessive. what disturbs me most is the term "stepfather", because in this country a child living in the home with a nonbiological male, mommy's boyfriend or husband, has 11 times the risk of abuse. so this is the piece that bothers me. >> it's old school thinking in this country, dr. wendy, to think that -- corporal punishment. many people still believe that it works. any indication -- and this appears to be corporal punishment, if not beyond. any instance where corporal punishment is okay? >> it sometimes does work depending on the child. and i don't endorse it and would never suggest it. but it's those studies that come
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out and the studies that show it can also be very dangerous and cause a lot of emotional injury on a child. the truth is, don, there's so many other ways to discipline a child. why do you need to hit them? you just take away their ipod or their internet. it's so easy to discipline a child nowadays, especially the one addicted to tech. there's no reason. my favorite saying from the grandfather of psychology sigmund freud once said, the first man to hurl a word instead of a stone had evolved. so come on, people, let's evolve, use our brans and think of other ways to discipline children. >> this video certainly creating quite a stir. thank you, dr. wendy, we appreciate it. attorney general eric holder has appointed two need lead investigators to help the fbi get to the bottom of the intelligence leak os the media. leaked information has included classified details of a cyber attack aimed at iran and classified information on the u.s. drone program. today in czasyria, more str fighting, more death. heavy artillery exploding in
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residential neighborhoods. several people killed including the mayor of this neighborhood. across the country, we are told at least 96 people were killed in street fighting and artillery fire. there was even a street clash in the center of damascus where rebelled reportedly killed 17 troops loyal to assad. 87 french troops have died in afghanistan over the last decade. the new president's plan to bring home combat force by year's end will start next month. big news in europe today. the european union agrees to bail out the banks in spain. it is a drastic measure that economists hope will prevent complete economic chaos for america's biggest trading partner.
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cnn's anita desantos is in madrid for us. >> after fraught hours on the telephone, the 17 finance ministers of the countries that use the euroowes, their common currency finally convinced spain that at some point it will have to ask for financial assistance to bail out its banks. although spain has been very reluctant to pitch this as a full on bailout for the country, they have said they're going to be taking the money through their sovereign books and putting into it the banking sector to beef it up. at the moment, spain hasn't actually asked for the money, but what the euro zone finance ministers have done is put aside a maximum of $125 billion to fix the problem. for the moment, we'll wait and see the results of two independent audit reports that will be published in the next couple weeks to find out exactly how much money spain needs, and at that point, spain will ask for it. don? >> thank you very much. up next, they're called swatters. sophisticated prank callers targeting conservative bloggers. we'll talk with the recent
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victim who also happens to be a cnn contributor. shocking medical mistakes that doctors and hospitals make. we're counting them down for you. [ male announcer ] fighting pepperoni heartburn and pepperoni breath? fight both fast with new tums freshers! concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. new tums freshers. ♪ tum...tum...tum...tum... tums! ♪ [ male announcer ] fast relief, fresh breath, all in a pocket sized pack.
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imagine if right now you heard a knock at your door and it was the police, responding to a call that you you had killed someone in cold blood. that nightmare has played out for three swerve bloggers. it is called swatting a play on words if for swat team called to the most dangerous of situations. one contributor is erick erickson, where an imposter claiming to be erickson calls 911 with a chilling tale. >> i just shot my wife. i had a conversation with erik and i started by asking him who it was like to listen to
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that tape. >> it's surreal to hear someone calmly pretending to be me saying they've shot my wife and they're going to shoot someone else. i mean, calmly saying it. i mean, very intentionally doing that. and pretending to be me. it's surreal. >> that upset me and i'm not even involved. it's terrible. after that, what happened? the police show up -- >> the police showed up, came into the driveway, blue lights flashing. my sister's family is in town. my wife is doing some dishes. we're sitting around chatting. the kids are running outside. my 3-year-old is enamored with the police car. >> normal evening. >> we thought the kids must have done something. luckily he actually recognized me from being on cnn. and was wondering -- he comes out and says accidental shooting. the second police officer shows up and comes up the driveway with his hand on his gun as my 3-year-old is in the driveway, keeps his distance behind the trunk of the first police car, and come to find out last night, there were actually police
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surrounding the house as they were investigating. >> when something happens to me even at work, something weird goes on, you go oh, i know who's behind this. do you have your ideas? >> i don't know who did this call, but what's interesting is it's happened now three different people, and the same voice on the 911 call. and all three of these. >> do you think it's a bit premature to start claiming that it's some sort of liberal plot against conservatives? >> i don't think so, in that these are the three public ones. but there's other incidents following similar patterns. the latest is an individual also writing about the same topic, having his mother's home address and pictures put up online. >> you said it's been happening before. it's happened before. but having police officers and swat team show up at your house, that's got to be chilling. you must be relieved. senator saxby chambliss of georgia and texas senator kenny marchand, they're calling for an investigation in this.
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are you glad about that? >> i am. the individual who had it happen in new jersey and the other in los angeles, their police have met dead ends because it's clearly someone doing it over a voiceover i.p. system, so the local police don't have the system to track it. with it being the same voice, you'd got to imagine there's some interstate issues involved. >> just because i disagree with you politically does not mean i should call police -- people take this stuff seriously. should we tone down the rhetoric? should there be more civility? should we realize hey, listen, it's just politics, at the end of the day, nobody died. stop it. >> yes and no. political rhetoric is always going to be heated. it was much more heated in the 1800s than it is today. >> there's a difference between heated political rhetoric and putting someone's life on the line. >> this happens in third world and bannan that republics. this is the united states. it shouldn't happen here. >> we should be a bit more careful. don't you think? i'm talking about liberals and conservatives. most people are snr the middle.
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you're very conservative and there are people on the left who are very liberal. most americans are somewhere in the middle and they don't care about the extremes. >> it's not an issue of where you are in the political spectrum. it's an issue of the other guy, you may disagree with him, but you shouldn't the trying to summon a swat team to their house. >> they've got some serious issues that goes beyond politics. >> you can hear it in the tone of voice, they're someone with some issues. >> erick erickson, a victim of swatting. next, some of the most horrific mistakes being done to patients by doctors in hospitals. you may be surprised how often they occur. but first this. is your child or your grandchild attending a school that is underperfo underperforming? you can do something to help. here's cnn's education contributor steve perry. >> there are ways that you can improve the school. the first is that you as a parent have to get involved. you have to meet with the principal and the teachers there
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and you have to come and be solution-oriented. coming in and pointing out problems doesn't help anybody. we see the same problems that you do. talk to other parents and see what they think. get your pta together. as a group, but solution-oriented. talk about how you can improve your reading scores and math scores. talk about how you can make it a more comfortable environment. fight the powers that want to maintain the status quo within the school. demand that people stay after school with your children, even if it is outside of the contract. you must be determined to get the best education out of any school that you have to send your child to. you know what's exciting? graduation. when i look up into my students faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor.
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i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. i got it, i'm sorry. these people, huh? you know i've found that anger is the enemy of instruction. you don't know the egos that i have to deal with. you're probably right. thank you! whoever you are. i'm pretty sure that was phil jackson. he's quite famous... million championships... triangle offense innovator... [ male announcer ] the audi a8. named best large luxury sedan. nice wheels zen master. thank you...todd. ♪ thank you...todd. high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students.
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to the hospital. darlene dukes is struggling to breathe. she calls 911 and tells the operator where she is. >> 602 wales drive. >> 602 wales drive? >> yes. >> instead of dispatching an balance to wales drive, the dispatcher sends paramedics to wells street, w-e-l-l-s, 27 miles away from darlene. darlene dies from a blood clot, police say. after an balance takes more than 45 minutes to find her. >> dropping a very, very critical amount of time in terms of the response time necessary to save somebody's life. >> when you call 911, slowly say and spell out the name of the street address. >> okay. that's good advice. but who can really -- when you're in the middle of an
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energy si, are you even going to remember how to spell your street name? are you even going to think about that? >> right. this has to be the hardest time to be an empowered patient. it's very difficult. you have to remember whether you're the person who's sick or prerably if there's someone there to help you, that those details matter. when you're calling an balance and you want them there now, spell it out. be as precise as you can possibly be. >> you actually saw -- it's on tnt, one of our sister networks, a "closer" episode, the killer went to the wrong place and the cop car ended up going to the wrong place and that's how they solved the case. it's actually a pretty easy mistake to do that. so that's good advice. especially someplace like here in atlanta. >> everything is piedmont. >> does that happen very often? >> you better be specific. >> you're going to talk about other things, simple things. washing your hands. and the thing that got me is operating on the wrong part that
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we're going to talk about in your series. you go in and put the x on. they don't do that anymore. there's a different thing that they do. they do it differently. >> and i'll tell you why they do it differently. an x sometimes means no. so you put an x on this knee and you might think that means don't do that, it's the other one. so they've come up with a protocol. and even then, sometimes things go wrong. but we talk about that in our show. >> oh, my gosh. i can't wait to see this. this is going to be great. great that it empowers us, not great that it happens. don't miss elizabeth's special "25 shocking medical mistakes." there are more than 25, but we'll do the top 25 tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. elizabeth will be back the next half-hour to look at what can happen after a toxic transplant. boy, oh, boy. brian banks spent five years locked up for a crime he did not commit. now that he's free, he is hoping to make his mark in the nfl. banks tried out for the seattle
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seahawks this week. it went so well, he's even been invited to the seahawks mini camp next week. he said the tryout was the second best day of his life. number one, the best day, just a few weeks ago when he was cleared of rape charges. the woman who accused him admitted she lied. seattle seahawks coach pete carroll reached out to banks after he was exonerated. their paths first crossed ten years ago when carroll offered banks a football scholarship to the university of southern california. >> to be out here on this field, to work out with the seahawks, to be given an opportunity to have a tryout, i really didn't have words for it. it's a dream come true. >> the washington redskins, kansas city chiefs, miami dolphins all invited him to a tryout. good luck, sir, good luck. he is a businessman, a politician, and even a singer, but certainly someone you don't want to encounter in a fight. i'm talk about manny pacquiao.
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just ahead, we're going to talk to him about his accomplishments and his distractions in the ring. and we want our viewers to stay connected to cnn even on the go. you do it. make sure you grab your mobile phone and go to you can also go on your desk top and watch cnn live. [ male announcer ] count the number of buttons in your car. now count the number of buttons on your tablet. isn't it time the automobile advanced? introducing cue in the all-new cadillac xts.
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manny pacquiao, he is many things. a businessman, a politician, and a singer. but tonight, he is putting it all aside for his main job, world welterweight boxing champion. he'll take on undefeated challenger timothy bradley in las vegas. i had the chance to speak with the boxer known as pacman and i started by asking him how distractions might have hurt his performance the ring in the past. >> if you have a lot of things to think while you're training
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and a lot of distractions, it can hurt you 100%. if you understand, it's kind of different. this time, really showed me to be in focus for the fight. we did our best in training. >> you've been in the news recently about what you said about gays, about same-sex marriage. and you and your representatives have said that you have been misquoted by saying that gay people were sinners and should be put to death. and you don't believe in gay marriage. what do you say about that? >> what i say, the truth i say is he asked me about what same-sex marriage and i said my position is i'm not in favor for that. i'm against for that. and he said why not? i said against the law of god. but i'm not saying the gay people or anybody -- in fact, my
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favorite verse in the bible is "love one another, love your neighbor as you love yourself." >> can you talk to us about your efforts to fight human trafficking? why is this one of your passions? >> the trafficking is -- we fight that. i'm pushing that, to stop the human trafficking in the philippines. i really thank cnn for helping us and the work on that and internationally, globally. so thank you. i'll continue fighting for that always. >> let's move on now, manny, and talk about the fact that everyone wants to see. you know what i'm talking about. and i asked floyd mayweather this last month when he fought. when are you two going to get in the ring together? when are you going to touch gloves?
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>> i know. i don't know, but i want the fight to happen because that's what people want to see. my kids, my children, they say to me, daddy, i want you to retire soon, but before you retire, i want -- we have one request. what is that, son? and he said you have to fight mayweather. >> so are you saying right here, right now on cnn that you're going to talk to your promoters and you're going to talk to them about a match with you and floyd mayweather and we are going to see that? you can promise that to us? >> yes, but before that, we have to focus first on this fight. >> we're going to keep him to that promise. international boxing icon manny pacquiao defends his welterweight title tonight against timothy bradley. coverage begins on hbo pay-per-view at 9:00 eastern.
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6:00 pacific time. half past the hour now. we want to take a look at your headlines. a major financial crisis tonight in spain. spain's government will ask the european union to bail out its banking system, possibly to tune of up to $125 billion. the cash injex is meant just for the banks. might want to look away from this next video because it's hard to look at. a california man faces a california felony charge for spanking his stepson. an adult neighbor videotaped the incident. the accused man is an official with a central california rotter agentsy. he is now out on bail. we are following that story for you. police in the phoenix area are looking for whoever is responsible for leaving flashlight bombs around the city. five people have been injured in three separate bomb attacks. an explosive is placed inside the flashlights and set to go
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off when the switch is flicked on. it's become such a prork billboards have gone up to warn residents of the danger. alabama police have arrested a man wanted in the deaths of 9-year-old twins and their 73-year-old babysitter. he was arrested this morning in selma. investigators haven't detailed a possible motive or what evidence connected lee to the case. the bodies of twins jordan and taylor and their babysitter were found tuesday on a dirt road. how does a $3.4 million lunch tab sound to you? that's a winning bid to have lunch with legendary investor warren buffett. that total again, 3,468,000 for lunch with the oracle of omaha. all proceeds go to glide. the boy scouts of america
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may start allowing grace and lesbians into their programs after years of strong opposition. a report on what i think thatted their mind next. ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow. here's to good decisions. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there.
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girl scouts rocked the washington mall today. organizers say 200 thousand girl scouts took part in the celebration which marks girl scout scouts' centennial. but the heat was too much for some of them. organizers cooled people off with water cannons. some girls apparently suffered from heat related illnesses. no reports of serious injuries, thankfully. for years, boy scouts of america has strongly opposed allowing gays and lesbians to parties nate the group's
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programs. but now after a national petition which generated nearly 300 thousand signatures, the scouts may the changing their minds. here's cnn's george howell. >> the boy scouts' ban on openly gay and lesbian members became a national conversation after people came together to support this ousted den leader. >> my biggest concern is that the children will think i abandoned them because they don't understand. >> jennifer tyrell was dismissed as den leader because she's openly gay. she says it started when she filled in as treasury and soon started noticing financial inconsistencies within the local chapter. tyrell says she started asking questions, but shortly there after, she was told by the leadership she had to resign due to the policy on gays and lesbians. >> the mission of the boy scouts of america is to develop character and leadership skills, and the youth of today to become the leaders of tomorrow. and anything that distracts from
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that mission distracts from what our program is. >> i don't want the kids to think that this is okay, because it's not. >> the decision ultimately led tyrell to remove her own 7-year-old son from the scouts. but since losing her leadership role in mid april, her story has generated nearly 300 thousand signatures on a petition through it also sparked the creation of a new group, scouts for equality, co-founder zack walls, who has same-sex parents, travel to the boy scouts' national convention in orlando to meet with members and deliver the petitions. >> i'm unwilling to discard the entire organization just like i'm unwilling to discard this country because of one single policy. >> this statement from the boy scouts of america makes the point, we do not have an agenda on this matter and the boy scouts membership policy not meant to be a blanket statement on any group of people or a social commentary. but recently, the group indicated it would consider a resolution, filed by one of its
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members in april asking that local units be allowed to determine their own standards. a spokesperson says the decision to consider the resolution was not influenced by any of the petitions and does not signal and imminent change of the policy. it's simply part of the process for careful and respectful review. but tyrell is optimistic. >> they're making a huge stride. let's not take that away from them. along with president obama, they're evolving. and hopefully eventually they'll get there. >> an issue that has been debated before within the boy scouts, brought back to the forefront by a former member pushing for change. george howell, cnn, atlanta. >> it is a hot button issue. illegal immigration. thousand keep undocumented immigrants out and what to do with the ones already here. for his new special on how to fix the problem, faried looks for solutions from other countries, including canada, where he found an interesting case study of immigrant harmony. >> if you've never been to
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calgary, you might know it for its annual stampede. ten days of cowboys. rodeos. last year, the royals. and of course, its muslim cowboy hat wearing mayor. what? who? >> the great thing about calgary is nobody thinks it's funny that a guy who looks like me in a cowboy hat is sometimes the image of this city. people just accept that. >> when he became the first muslim mayor of a major canadian city in 2010 -- >> next. yes. >> he shattered calgary's red neck stereotype. >> when i was running for office, it was only people who were not from here who said whoa, is calgary ready for a mayor like that? the people in calgary just said it's a kid from the east end, we know him. >> make sure you watch faried's special, the gps road map for making immigration work. it's tomorrow night, sunday night it a 8:00 eastern here on cnn. what could be considered the last of the wild west, there is
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a showdown of a different kind where we're going to take you there. we're talking "tombstone" here. where some fear the feds are standing in the way of the town's survival. plus, someone get nurse jackie a lightsaber, do it stat. edie falco is answering our questions on what she says makes her a better friend and why she should meet the skywalker. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement.
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turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. in the wild west, water is gold. but the duel over this liquid treasure isn't going to come down to the luck of the draw. martin savidge travels to tombstone, a town in nild of a showdown. >> tombstone loves a good showdown. at the ok corral, there's one twice a day. since the 1880s, it survived gun slingers, mines that went bust and the desert. but tombstone may have met its match. >> we're obviously at war with the u.s. forest service. >> it starts with a 130-year-old pipeline that brings the water to town.
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>> and the waterline here, as you'll see, is pretty long. it runs literally about 26 miles from the city of tombstone all the way across to the mountains. >> fires and bloods have knocked out the pipes before. >> what's the problem now? >> well, what's happened since is the existence of the wilderness act and the national forest. >> in 1984, congress declared the national forest around tombstone springs a federally protected wilderness, preserving it for future generation, letting nature take its course and banning anything mechanical. and i mean anything. >> so it's true that a wheelbarrow would be prohibited under the wilderness act. >> correct. >> which has made kevin rudd's job of fixing the water system difficult. >> we walk in now. we walk in. we carry picks and shovels and the materials are up on our shoulders and we access it on foot now. >> it's tough going. >> you can understand why this
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seems to be the intersection of bureaucracy and common sense. >> right. and that has people scratching their heads. >> and i say that i don't like bureaucracy and i like to think that i use common sense. but in this case, i have to make sure that we comply with the laws and regulations. >> after a few months, the forest service relented and let in the machines and people needed to get the water flowing again, and it is. >> it rumbles through there. >> but tombstone wants to do a lot more work that could take years. the forest service says it's willing to consider after it sees the plans and completes the necessary impact studies. tombstone says it can't afford wait and it shouldn't have to. it's filed a lawsuit against the national forest service. >> we're at risk. tombstone doesn't have the water it needs to protect its citizens. >> meanwhile, tombstone's showdown with the federal government is popular with some of across the country who send the town their support in the
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form of shovels. martin savidge, cnn, tombstone, arizona. all right, they're off and racing, but if you haven't heard, the heavy favorite missed today's belmont stakes. a live report from the track next here on cnn. and we want you to stay connected to cnn even on the go. make sure you grab your mobile phone, go to go it on your desk top, your laptop as well and watch us live. no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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since i'll have another ended his quest for the triple crown due to injury this week. cnn's richard roth was at the track for today's race. so, richard, other than the lack of a triple crown contender, how was the race? >> reporter: it was a pretty good race. let's take a look at how it ended, as nbc covered the race, watching union rags, a top three-year-old who had traffic problems in the kentucky derby when he was soundly defeated by i'll have another. union rags roared up the rail to defeat painter, trained by bob bafford. earlier in the winners circle, i'll have another appeared along with the swollen tendon. it was a retirement ceremony. he was accompanied again by his veteran stable pony lava man who seemed to act up a bit and didn't like all the attention for i'll have another, constantly blocking our cameras. the crowds cheered, though i thought it would be more of a thunderous ovation. you could hardly hear the
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announcement about what was happening. doug o'neal said he was, of course, still disappointed that he couldn't watch i'll have another run. now he's headed off to breeding duty. but i talked to him after the race. >> it was a bummer yesterday when this race happens and he's unbelievable run, and he's in a once-in-a-lifetime horse. we're just focused on the great part of this journey that he took us through. >> thank you very much. say hello to your mother. >> i will. thank you. >> reporter: cnn talked to mike smith, who finished second on paynter. asked was the race still the same even without i'll have another, mike smith in effect saying, well, you could ask the crowd but he felt it. some new york pizzazz. smith of course deeply disappointed. tomorrow i'll have another leaves new york city. going home, and he's got another career waiting. don, back to you from here at belmont park. >> hey, rich, i've got to say, we have to reiterate, union rags won. because this was such a fairy tale for i'll have another, even
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though i'll have another wasn't there, that's who everyone is talking about. they're not really talking about the winner. >> reporter: i know. that's what happens. but there is an interesting note. the trainer of union rags, michael matz, who trained barbaro, who broke down in the preakness and could have won the triple crown perhaps. so it doesn't make up to it completely, but probably pretty sweet for michael matz after suffering through barbaro's long illness and then eventual death. victory in the belmont stakes here in new york. >> i've got to tell you, richard roth, not a bad assignment for you to have on a beautiful day like today. congratulations and congratulations to union rags as well. appreciate it, richard. so you know her as carm, carmela, you know, from "the sopranos," but many people know edie falco in her new role as nurse jackie. tonight she answers questions from our ireporters including what makes her a better mother and what hugely popular movie she's never seen. >> i hear nurses and doctors say if you ever want more stories -- which is thrilling, also. because i mean, just when you think you've done the weirdest thing you can do storiwise they're like oh, you have no
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idea how weird things really get. >> hi. i'm edie falco from showtime's "nurse jackie," and i'm answering your ireporter questions. >> you as an actress are quite busy in your career of acting. so i'm curious, when if ever are you ever to take a break or do you want to take a break from acting for a time? >> well, william, i don't take a lot of breaks. frankly, i really love to work. i am happiest when i'm working. i think i'm a better friend to my friends, better mother to my kids. i imagine there may be a time when i don't want to work as much, and for that reason i'm working a lot now. >> i've seen the first three episodes now of "nurse jackie" on showtime, and i was wondering, are you happy with the way that they're handling your character's rehab? >> i actually have never been in rehab. so i don't know what that experience is really like. there are some things about it i really sort of get. the fact that she's not being treated specially at all. which on some level she's always used to. she's being treated a little bit like a child.
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you have to kind of sleep in your certain bed, and there's a time that you have to go to bed and chores you have to do and all that stuff. and it remains to be seen whether or not it will actually take. >> my mother-in-law keeps recommending that we should watch a movie you were in called "judy berlin." i keep saying we should just watch "star wars" again. help me settle this. >> well, andy, i hate to say it, but your mother-in-law's right. having never seen "star wars," i really can't tell you whether or not it's something you should see. but i do know you absolutely should see "judy berlin." because i'm in it. >> i'm judy berlin from high school! >> hi. >> oh, my god. david gold. this is so freaky. >> it's a quirky movie about long island, about a bunch of real people, you know, real-seeming people. and i'm very proud of it. you can watch "star wars" anytime. >> pretty cool there, edie falco. you can see more fascinating interviews like this one online at our website,
4:54 pm you have heard the horror stories. an operation on the wrong leg. a medical tool left inside a patient after an operation. and so on and so on. it's terrible. a live report is next on some of the worst medical mistakes. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. not in this economy. we also have zero free time, and my dad moving in. so we went to fidelity. we looked at our family's goals and some ways to help us get there. they helped me fix my economy, the one in my house. now they're managing my investments for me. and with fidelity, getting back on track was easier than i thought.
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man, as he says. but it's just about feeling good. it's about making money here. could weed help produce more green to help out our burnout economy? we're talking about it tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. we are going to go there when it comes to this conversation about pot. plus, little people with big problems over snow white's dwarfs. we're talking to matt and amy roloff from the hit tlc show "little people, big world." that's tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. don't miss that. we're going to talk about health now. but i have to tell you, elizabeth cohen is here. elizabeth, we're not going to say who it is. but a hollywood star makes an announcement on our air tonight at 10:00 p.m. regarding i won't say his or her, their health tonight. >> wow. >> yeah. has a health issue. and it's going to be interesting. >> i will be watching. >> all right. so listen, the last thing you expect to hear after a big surgery is to find out something went wrong during your procedure. and as you saw, i'm sitting here with our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. your special tonight looks at
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many things. many things. one of which is toxic transplants. right? >> that's right. and we're going to actually be giving a sneak preview right now. i'll be counting down my list of 25 shocking medical mistakes. here's an early look at one of them, where a young man lost his life. joshua hightower needs a new kidney. he's on a list waiting his turn for the life-saving organ. a potential donor dies. joshua gets one of the man's kidneys. and then suddenly, instead of getting better, he gets sicker. >> he was throwing up, headaches, had the shakes real bad, sleeping a lot. >> reporter: within months, joshua is dead. at age 18. a doctor tells his mother he died of rabies. >> and i said, what do you mean rabies? like some foreign branch of rabies or some kind that is, you know, uncommon or rare? and i said or the kind you that vaccinate your dog every year for? and he said jennifer, the kind you vaccinate your dog every
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year for. >> reporter: and just how does this teenager get rabies? a virus that's spread by animals. that new kidney he gets is infected with rabies before it even gets inside his body. here's how it happens. the organ donor has been bitten by a bat, but no one knows it. the virus spreads through the bloodstream. >> no one suspected that this person had rabies. all the organs were transplanted. and all the recipients contracted rabies. >> reporter: only later did doctors realize the donor had all the symptoms of rabies from the beginning and they never should have used his organs. >> there's thousands and thousands of potential pathogens out there that organ donors could be infected with. rabies is so uncommon, the screening test for rabies are not universally available. >> reporter: in the u.s. more than 100 people have been victims of similar toxic transplants. after a transplant if you get sicker instead
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